well i am home from a really good weekend at Hope Spoken in Dallas.
i have been trying to write this post for three days but life is busy!
appointments and carpool and dinner and groceries and puppies and chickens and everything!
take me back to Dallas!!!
kimberlee and i drove down together and talked our heads off every. single. minute.
when we got to dallas we ate at Lyfe Kitchen for lunch.
hummus on a salad? quinoa and cucumbers? avocado AND hot sauce?!
and i tried my first radish!
this salad was not only photo worthy but memorable.
i wish i could eat it every week!
over this meal kimberlee said “i always forget how good it feels to get away and do something out of the norm”
YAY for leaving the routine behind and having fun outside our everyday lives!
the first place i went for the conference was the Speaker Dinner.
the other Hope Spoken speakers were there and i met them for the first time.
We met at Neighbor’s Table with Sarah hosting us in her back yard.
(go read about her Love Mission!).jpg)

the table setting was beautiful and made us each feel so special.
i loved hearing Sarah’s heart in what she does… how she serves.
she made me want to be more intentional about sharing and gathering!
it was a relaxing way to start the weekend.
not hope spoken related but still weekend related:
we ate lunch on friday at the Rusty Taco.
the #2 Roasted Pork Taco with cotija cheese and pickled red onions was something i can’t stop craving!
we tried to go back twice but it was closed on the weekends!
Hope Spoken opened on friday night with Jen Hatmaker.
now… i knew she would be good.
but she blew me away.
i have read her books but i’ve never heard her speak… it was the best thing i have heard in possibly years!
she’s the real deal.
this is a terrible picture of her… but i wanted you to see the stage and the set up… SO lovely.
i don’t think it was recorded but if it was you have got to hear it! i will keep you posted.
these were my roommates.
i mean, they were ok i guess…
ha ha ha.
ashley, shannan and kimberlee are so nice to room with me.
they make me so happy.
i wish we all lived in the same state… in the same town…. on same block… with adjoining backyards where we can hang out every night! 🙂
this is my small group i got to be in.
i always feel anxious when joining a group of women… (will this feeling last forever?)
and as usual… the group was totally lovely full of sweet women with stories that matter & big hearts.
Crystal was our leader and i have been wanting to meet her in person for a long time.
our group even had a smiley baby mascot.
i spoke on saturday morning.
i was a sweaty mess but i made it through!
and i did cry… but not out of control.
they did not record the break outs so literally “i guess you had to be there”

(thanks for picture kimberlee)
i felt like i needed a nap when i was done!
but i am so glad i did it!!!
at 10:55 i tried to get the other break out speakers to go out for coffee with me.
(we spoke at 11:00)
ha ha ha
i shared about how Jesus wants us right where we are, no matter what we have done in our past.
there is no one “qualified” to be used by Him… none of us are and He uses us anyway!
i shared that it’s O K and even good to DREAM with God & the setbacks we encounter when we do.
about how it’s really hard to see ourselves the way God does – we focus on our sins but God sees us clean.
and about how all the stories & events in our past are about God changing us for His good.
i also told them i was super worried that my spanx were showing since i was on the stage instead of the floor.
Stephanie (Honey) Holden spoke on sunday as our closer.
it just couldn’t have been better.
i had never met stephanie but i think she & i should have been friends forever.
she has the best accent!
i loved her stories, the way she read the bible and how she walked us through the verses.
and yes… i had been the crying just before this picture.
it’s not like i just walk around and burst into tears but when someone says something that touches my heart or hugs me when i need it or tells me good news (or sad news too)… the tears come. it’s just me. it started in seventh grade and i don’t think its stopping anytime soon.

jeanne and i have been friends for a LONG time. 🙂
she’s super cool. i always enjoy my time talking and laughing so much with her.
you should take her online art classes!
at the very least you should take part int the Becoming Class – it’s free and awesome!
we ate across the street by default at the Rodeo Goat.
it looks like a 4H building and i was very skeptical.
but like with most fun places… it looked weird but it was really GREAT!
i was wrong.
once i saw this wall… it was my new favorite place in the whole world.
isn’t this a funny picture?! we all had such a good time together!
i got to meet Paige for the first time after ‘knowing” each other online forever!
blogging rocks.
so many online friends are every where! it’s so fun to meet in real life!
paige i loved our meals together. 🙂
i follow Ruth on Instagram but we had never met until thursday.
she was F U N! i loved her from the second we met!
(partly because she walked up and said “oh my gosh you are so beautiful!” or something like that)
if you don’t follow her you are missing out! her shop is RAD too.
she has 6 boys! (with a body like that) (inside joke)
just now i went to the #hopespoken on IG and stole all these pictures!
i wish i had thought to take each of them… and about 100 more.
the speakers each were given “gift bags” which was kinda dreamy.
better life bags… katygirl designs… persimmon prints… intentional home… lovishly… 25:40 Love… eclectic joy… the lovely words
i felt spoiled! thanks to all the sponsors and to the Hope Spoken crew!
Danielle, Casey & Emily – THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
so dear readers… you should go to hope spoken next year.
be brave!
meet new people!
get away from the everyday routine!
have FUN!
worship together.. grow… hear… experience!
i had heard how good it was and i was still skeptical… and it was SO GOOD!!!
i am so glad i went!
tickets go on sale May 1 for Hope Spoken 2016.
Melia - My favorite blogger blogging about two of my absolute favs! Love chip, Jo, and Jen. Fun post!,
amy jupin - joanna and chip. obsessed.
jen hatmaker. listening to this tomorrow on my walk. can you even?
you kitchen looks cray. i LOVE all the green! when did that become your color? because it SO is!
i miss you. i can’t wait to see you. soon. can’t wait. i’m packing all the bracelets because craft weekend. duh.
Kimberlee Jost - Your kitchen is beautiful.
I think I’ve said it before.
But in case I haven’t.
Heather - Boo! I built a book and the code won’t work.
Tracy - I looooove Fixer Upper and love Chip & JoJo 🙂 Favorite show right now!
Just ordered my first Chatbook! Thanks for the tip. Can’t wait to get it and make more!
btw it wouldn’t accept your code 🙁
Amber - Your random posts are some of my very favorite things. Just thought I’d tell you. 🙂
jennibell - THANK YOU for linking to Jen Hatmaker’s podcast — excellent x3!!! I re-listened to it with my daughter because she came in halfway through it. . .
I always appreciate the links that my favorite bloggers share 🙂
Ruth Umney - Meg, that was the perfect preach for me right now…I’ve felt under such a heavy yolk the last few weeks, with leading in my church, and Jesus has been speaking and guiding me so much, showing me that I need him, I need to let go of all of the lies and thoughts I had about what I needed to do…
Thanks for posting it, God really spoke to me about what I need to do next, and where I can go from here!!!
Keep going with your blog, it reaches so many and encourages so many!!!
Thanks, Ruth
Lisa Perry - TOTALLY with you on Fixer Upper, I became obsessed several months ago when I first found it and watched all the episodes that had aired prior. I love those two so much, and I want to visit their new Store/Market when it’s all done. I also love Rehab Addict w/ Nicole Curtis, if you haven’t seen that one yet it’s awesome too. Those are practically the only two shows I watch now that Parenthood is gone 🙁
Love your kitchen too…thinking you should do a big chalkboard like in the Craft House…..
Stephanie - We just started watching Fixer Upper OnDemand too! We love Chip & Joanna! My nine year old son has been watching it with me & always says, “watch, I bet she’s going to say ‘lets blow this wall out right here’…” He’s usually right!
Also, Chatbooks…LOVE!! They are the best!
Lisa - I met a lady who went to high school with Chip. I got a little over excited. Haha! I love that show!
Stephanie Wilson - I LOVE Chip and Jojo! I’m sad that the season is over. They are so much cuter than the Property Brothers. Thanks for the tip on Chatbooks. Your IG account is one of my favs 🙂
Kelly Sites - Thanks a MILLION for telling about the Jen Hatmaker podcast….I listened today while on the treadmill. FANTASTIC in every way. Man, that will keep me thinking for a long time. Not only was it hilarious, but it was SO INFORMATIVE. Never ever will I think of the Mary/Martha story in the same way. Never knew that about the levels of training-education for children. Super awesome. And LOVED the part about looking like the Rabi you were following….wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tara L - I have an antique stained glass window suspended in my kitchen window. It’s gorgeous when the sun shines through and doesn’t distract from the mountain views from my kitchen. We have so many windows and absolutely no window treatments in our home, there’s so much natural light we rarely turn any lights on at all. Just an idea! I love your blog, by the way.
sharon / theprincipledtype.blogspot.com - coughed up a giggle thrill, seeing chip and jojo! love them (wish i had a little more jojo in me, and hubby an little more chip . . but than again, let’s not compare, right??! lol)
also, have the same kitchen window dilemma you do. it may just stay plain forever. Error on the side of letting the sun in, i always say! 🙂
thanks as always M!
Kathi - I’ve been watching Fixer Upper from the beginning, I love Joanna’s style. Both decorating and wardrobe. Your kitchen is lovely and your instagram pics are inspirational!
Alice H - Since you do a lot of vintage/antique shopping, I think it would be really cute if you used old pictures of recipes/cookbooks, kitchen utensils, anything kitchen-y to decorate around that window. That’s just my idea.
Love that song. While I get ready in the morning I listen to Praise & Worship on Spotify. Helps me to start the day on the right foot.
Heather - LOVE Joanna and Chip and their show!! I want to move to Texas just to have them “fix up” a home for me! As for the window treatment, I think this would look fabulous in your kitchen! I did this exact thing, but put a curtain (with pom pom fringe on the bottom) behind it to help diffuse some of the light if needed.
kerri - in love with fixer upper at our house too! ship lap is my newest addiction. and for the kitchen… old shutters on each side of the window with a “grocery” sign above 🙂
Bethany - I just watched Fixer Upper for the first time last month and was hooked. I’ve been binge watching it too. My six-year-old son loves it too. He wants us to buy an old house now and fix it up. I wish.
Su - LOVE Fixer Upper!! Have you seen Joanna’s The Gathering testimony video. Here is the link. Worth watching. It is short.
And my friend makes these colorful “Thankful” signs. They remind me that a thankful heart is the key to a joyful heart. May be the perfect piece for above your kitchen window. Here is the link to the sign in her etsy shop:
Happy Day!!
Jenny B. - Fun stuff! We have fallen in love with Fixer Upper lately too. My boys love to watch it with me, and actually ask me to record the new episodes! My husband will even sit down and watch it with us. They all think Chip is hilarious… especially that episode where he eats the cockroach. Crazy. 🙂
Deb Graber - Do you have to have instagram for those books? I really would like my pictures in a book, but I only blog or have Picasa too and Google plus. Just wondering… I have thought about doing a blog book but it seems overwhelming!
Stephanie - My mom and I LOVE love love Fixer Upper and the Gaines’. They love so well! And she can decorate my house any ol’ time.
I just signed up for Chatbooks AND Instagram. I hate social media. Truly. But I realize this is the only way my seven kids will have photo books to look through because I am 5 years behind and horrible at making them. :/
Bri - I LOVE reno shows.. Pretty much all Australian tv is people crying over cooking or renovating. So I’m all over it!
I’m sad though, because chatbooks doesn’t ship to Australia 🙁 so i’ll have to wait.
Kristin S - I don’t know how I was able to be but I’m on the launch team for Jen’s new book. With 499 other amazing people. You will LOVE her upcoming book. Love it. Put it on your “must order from Amazon” list. Like, now.
Chip and Joanna? I just keep hoping he has a single brother hiding in the wings. Being 44 and single is rough when none of your friends have single friends! Know anyone? I’ll move to Kansas. I digress.
Lisa Adams - We love fixer upper too and have binge watched. Love how Jojo and Chip love and respect each other. Current fav show.