we had a huge rain last week in the morning.
after everyone slept in because of the dark clouds (thank you dark clouds)
the kids got dressed and headed out to the puddles.
this one in our neighbors' driveway by their garage.
it's always there after a big rain.
water in her kitty boots.
talby didn't last too long…
she got too wet too quick.
and then it began to rain again.
back inside for more arthur and magic school bus.
(thank you arthur and magic school bus).
as annie calls it.
i’m going to target today! i hoooopeee they still have one! love your photos meg and your inspiration to have fun : )
OK, you have to tell me what state you live in! Everything is so green and beautiful. That game looks like a blast.. good old family fun in the sun. Nothing better. hey 🙂 I enjoyed browsing through your space here. enjoyable. and your family is beautiful. Looks fun, I am going to look for that! We just bought a beanbag toss from Target and the girls both love it. So much fun for all. That looks like such fun. I may have my dad whip me up one of those (he’s a woodshop teacher.) and send it to Texas. I love it! That looks fun and easy for my 6-year-old son. Did you get it recently at Target?? Should I bring the croquet set over the 4th?
games? oh you mean we are supposed to play with our kids?? ha, so kidding. but seriously we have not done much playing this summer, just been to baseball/softball games…playing catch in the front yard is the extent of what we have done. we need to get with it and be good parents too
that one is cool. i have never seen one with that many holes – ours only has one. the kids love to play that. it’s a huge thing with karlies friends right now. they have “bag” tournaments (as they call it).
the one inside game that is ALWAYS a hit with everyone from the moody 12 yr. old to the too cool 18 yr. old is TWISTER!! Outside games we have an ol crochet set…BIG HIT. last summer we started a junk collection. inspired by this.
little pieces of trash on the ground during walks or in the yard.
then it was forgotten about in the bottom cabinet behind the pans.
for months.
until wednesday.
talby found it again and made this.
all by herself.
she made it on the table just playing around.
then said "look mommy! i made a junk man!"
i was so proud of her personal creativity
so we hot glued it to cardboard (a LIFE cereal box from the recycle box).
the boys were impressed and a bit jelaous.
and now all the junk was gone.
we are on the hunt to fill the box again with tiny trinkets
so the boys can make something junky too.
thanks for the great idea kristin.
talby couldn't wait for you to see it.
Absolutely creative! I wonder what your daughter will be when she grows up! Her junk man is a keeper for sure!
what a great idea, way to cute, Meg, that is awesome! I showed Enzo and he got all excited about doing something like that. Now if I can just find my glue gun in my messy house…
very, very cool!!!
This is absolutely the perfect craft project for the boys! I LOVE THIS! Not surprising that you have creative kids!! I love that! How cool! That is fabulous! Tell Talby that grandma is very proud of her too, for being so creative. I love the pumpkin head! What are the pieces across the bottom? Wow! What an incredible imagination from your sweet little girl! I don’t think my oldest (6) would EVER come up with that 🙁 Not a great imagination…now my 3 yr old, watch out! That is awesome! You have very cool kids! 🙂 this is how i feel today. mostly just the ax part.
and the kicking and punching part.
craig already made me cry over a shower enclosure choice this morning.
(why can't i have everything i want?)
and lauren made me cry over clothes.
and use the words turd and pissed in the same ranting paragraph.
lorel…maybe there is something wrong with me?
then i did what my mom always did…clean.
i cleaned the refrigerator.
craig did crack me up on the phone…through my tears.
he quoted Dwight from the Office….
"so you're PMS-ing pretty bad huh?"
i got some caffine chocolate therapy.
with an extra shot of espresso.
deep cleansing breaths.
counting to 10….
sorry to bring you down.
go look at the puppies again to cheer you up.
Oh, I laughed! Too funny! For real though – I do not have to take a pill. The last time I had a period was 22 months ago. Sounds crazy, huh? Everyone of my children are a miracle. I am lucky to have 3 periods a year. It’s great when you are not trying to have kids! Not so great when you want to get pregnant. Oh Meg. Me too. Last week, very bad. Even when I know it’s coming… somehow that doesnt help. I’m surprised, depressed, pissy and crying anyway. So sorry.
oh that link made me larf! thanks for that!! hope your feeling better 🙂 At least you got a clean fridge out of a crappy day. Sending soothing vibes your way! so glad your day got better. i hate those days. i think i had one this week too and i usually don’t. everyone of my family members were bothering me and they really didn’t do anything wrong. so i just took a long walk down and old gravel road, past a couple of calves who escaped from their farmyard and a billion wildflowers in the ditches and when i got back i felt so much better.
That clip says it all! Russ even got a laugh out of it. He also wanted you to know that after seeing that clip he won’t complain about me again and my once of month issues. Sounds like something my husbands would say. He is away on a business trip at the moment…when he was about to hang up with me yesterday he said “Holla at you lata girl” in his best playa voice. THAT is my husband. (as I shake my head) Meg, just checked in with you and if you talk to Lorel she’ll tell you I’ve had (and still have) lots of moments like those…mostly feeling like I- just – can’t-take-it -any-more and I just want to get in the car and drive far far away – maybe all the way to the ocean or something. Not quite Thelma and Louise style, but almost. I used to go shopping when I felt like that but its kind of hard with kids…so M&M’s are my friend, my little green,red,brown,blue and yellow friends. I just pray each time that it will pass, that I will wake up the next day and find that a big cup of coffee really is enough to get me through. PS. I think its the summertime thing too. Kids, lots of time to fill, constant battle over the tv. Ok, enough! I love you! 🙂
I am SOOO with you. It was one of those lonely, incredibly frustrating days for me too!!! Let’s hope the rest of the weekend is better.
Just went through this. I get to a point where I almost can’t even be around myself. Then I think…hmmm…it’s almost that time! Then I feel so much better knowing it’s almost PMS time and it’s not that I’m a mean person. LOL
Sorry you are having such a rough day. I know how you feel. But I have to say you blog is brilliant! I think I know what your talking about! I had a nervous breakdown yesterday from buying a bed on craigslist that I ended up hating and it smelled like smoke! Thankfully, God blessed me with a great husband who held me as a cried (most of the night) and got the guy to take the bed back today. By the way… my tiny house is clean now too;)
For me, it’s usually a steak and a glass of wine that gets me through. Hang in there. pmsing stinks!!! Speaking of “The Office”, never watched it or cared to until my husband brought it home and begged me to just give it a try…I did and now we are HOOKED!!! I guess since our other show “Everybody Loves Raymond” is just reruns we now have our “new bonding show” The Office…who would have thunk it..lol
we got to go visit miss shana's puppies.
seven sweet beautiful soft perfect golden-doodle puppies.
and we all fell in love.
even sean was smitten.
he was also quite interested in the doggie door.
he asked if we could get a girl dog & boy dog so we could have puppies.
funny that he didn't just ask for a puppy??
but she did…
and they did.
and when we got home…i did.
how could you not want to keep a puppy named waffle?
this is kate in the background.
she is such a good little mama to these babies.
she kept annie from dropping them.
and tried to answer all her questions.
she helped name them:
waffle, hawk, lilly, jet, jessica, stripey, and jack black.
sean couldn't believe she called them poopers.
it was his new favorite thought…calling puppies…poopies.
it's official.
we all want one.
but daddy (the logical sane one) is saying no.
does he have no heart?
is it made of stone?
who could say no to this?
thanks shana.
we'll be back.
maybe we'll bring craig along.
oh yeah…i forgot to mention…we have a horrible history with owning dogs.
we are not good at it.
but maybe
if it's not a mutt…
or previously abused…
or very old with bowel problems….
maybe it would work?
I know from bad experiences with dogs. What I learned is to research, research and research some more to find out what breed of dog is best suited to your lifestyle. Some dogs are bred to work, and they will need lots of discipline and exercise. Some are bred for companionship and need less exercise. That’s why we chose the Boston Terrier. Also because they are marvelous with people of all ages.
We just got a hamster. Eek. Not as cute as these pups! You’re welcome! And…they loved you guys too. Bring Craig – B can talk him into it – just look at our yard! we have a 9 month old goldendoodle and we are not dog people. we have had bad dog experiences before, so i worked my butt off for the first 5 months raising this baby and we would not trade it for anything! he is fabulous and adorable and amazing! everywhere we go people love him!!
Oh my. I vote for Waffle. 🙂 Oh my goodness….how adorable…..How could he say no? I agree, take him with you and let him hold them and see the munchkins holding them….if that doesn’t soften him up….then he is surely related to my heartless husband who continues to say no to puppies!!!!! Good luck. I am pulling for you!
Heart well and truly melted! I smell poo in your future. I am not even a big animal lover and I want one!! SUPER CUTE!!
OH!!! I DID NOT need to see this post today! After 1 year of being dogless (a shih tzu of 16 years and a yellow lab of 12 who both died) I’m wanting a dog soooo badly! How’s the shedding? Maybe, just maybe…THIS could be THE dog for your family! When you have the right one…it completes a family 🙂 Good luck! We have a labradoodle and she is the most amazing dog! I have pictures of me holding her when she was that size. You would never regret bringing one home.
they are adorable!!!! We actually did the animal shelter thing, got a great 3 yr. old dog named boomer with some “issues” but we still love him beyond words. I personally think your kids are old enough they should be able to handle it….my goodness, if you can handle a RABBIT of all things. My sister had a rabbit and said hers was HIGH maintenaince!!! Im for kids with pets…but I understand if you have had bad experiences with dogs Craig would be VERY LEARY…and puppies are HARD WORK!!! Good luck and keep us posted 🙂 my sister came back to visit. twice in one month…we are so lucky. our orignal plans were cancelled due to weather. we decided that taking 7 children to an outdoor concert in a tornado watch wouldn't be the best idea. we managed to find plenty to keep all these kids busy. annie dressed herself.
it was very unique.
after the storms passed the weather was beautiful.
look at those cute pants!!
hand-me-downs ROCK.
the rabbit hated the trampoline…imagine that.
check out macy's toothless grin.
love it.
keeping maya busy while we cooked and cleaned.
we added cocoa puffs too.
mmm…stale goldfish and cocoa puffs.
who needs toys?
just sort old food in muffin tins.
oh oh oh those puppies are tooooo cute. i love it. we are picking up a puppy in the next week on our way back from a road trip. sooo cute. how wonderful to be able to spend some more time with your sister and her girls. they are adorable – just like your kids!! your father’s day posts to your husband and dad were very sweet. great pictures added too. i bet annie used to fall asleep in her high chair too. so cute. Your little Annie is the funniest kid!! My youngest son could sleep like that…anywhere, anytime!! Did I mention she is scrumptious??
Lorel — you look so great and your girls are so beautiful!! (Megan — you know you always look great and your girls are gorgeous too — and your boys are so handsome!) I love the photos!
I thought your comment on Annie dressing herself and it was unique was funny because Annie is always unique and just as cute as a bug. The toothless grin niece looks like Lauren in that photo with her coloring. I wish I could tell the story with photos like you. I always have them smiling at the camera, I am trying to study you to see the angles and way you capture them so I can be like you when I grow up. They say the best pictures are taken when people are sleeping…..I agree. I LOVE the picture of Annie! Those photos were too precious, I feel like I was there! So glad you and your sister had fun… what fabulous moms and aunts you two must make! That last photo is priceless. That last photo is priceless. all the pictures are great but the last one of annie is just crazy funny and sooooo sweet!! My kids have fallen asleep in some odd places but never standing up. I have a sister and I agree…they are the best. Woooo….Annie done fell out…that is Great !! my dad. i love you dad.
you encouraged us to be creative.
i am so glad you did.
here are a few things i thought you'd like dad.
and some of your famous sayings to go along with them.
"you don't see that everyday."
"that's kind of arsty."
"who dyed her hair?" other DAD-isms…. "save your money." "look at that guy!" "turn the volume down" "meg…it's 10:00. time for craig to go home"
"you call that news?!"
"what a bonehead."
"i mean..COME ON!!" butterfly gardens…you love those.
you love live music.
and headphones.
i have so many memories of you wearing headphones.
now that i hear all the noise at my own house…i understand.
you love and respect nature.
you are the king of garage salers.
whenever lorel and i are together…you take a picture like this.
and i am so glad you do.
you think sean is funny like i do.
and he looks just like you.
you like craig.
or loverboy as he's affectionately called.
loverboy is a better nickname than poodle or eddie haskell.
thank you for liking craig (but really who wouldn't like craig?)
you love those jayhawks!
rock chalk.
Who is Fat Cowboy? Ah that was special….What an oustanding DAD !! wow, lauren looks just like lorel in that first picture. great post! very sweet.
such a cute tribute. I love love vintage photos. They are so fun to look at. This is better than any present! your two younger girls look JUST LIKE YOU…amazing. What a super neat tribute to your dad. He sounds and looks like a really neat guy!!! I have a really great dad too…I think girls who have really great dads end up marrying great men. Soooo our girls are going to end up just fine even though they give us some grey now..lol What a sweet little tribute! You are waaayy creative! I’m sure he enjoyed this much better than any old card!!! I’m sure your Dad was a very happy man this past college football season! His Jayhawks ROCKED! (We are in Oklahoma, so we were pullin’ for Mark Mangino’s boys!!) And then again in basketball! It’s been a good year for him!! This is a great post. I just love that first photo of your family back in the day. They were a cute couple back then and they are still a cute couple today. That is one rockin’ dad… I mean, come on!! ~Jill 🙂 Annie looks just like you in the first picture! How thoughtful! What a great dad! I do love the one of you and Lorel…your dad always has a way of not letting the moment go without a picture to remember it by. Gotta love him for that.
In the first picture, it is unbelievable how much you look like your mom and laurel like lauren. WOW! i don’t mean to intrude on this really personal post about your dad, but i just wanted to say that the words were so beautiful. there is so much joy to be had everyday and it’s a blessing that you can share that with your dad. i lost my dad just about a month ago. he knew how i felt, but i will forever wish he could just hear it one more time… Please tell me that if I ask you nicely you will send me a copy of that nest print. Please. 🙂 |
Linda - Your blog is like my happy place! I love seeing all the pictures and the love you have for your family is palpable…!
chris - Hey hey , thanks for stopping by as always I love to hear from you , did I talk you out of getting a puppy , if not today’s dog dilema was that my dogs anal sac is absessed , yes that right clogged and infected but it burst through the skin and is now oozing constantly , a slow ooze , the vet came by and tried to empty it and treadted $240.00 later he should be able to get better now , if you want I dog I will mail you one of mine, kidding of course, but wow what a crazy life I lead in part to those two dogs I have .
Yes that show is a show , it is Canadian show , you would be great , I do believe they go everywhere , you should sign up , they allow you to makeover a room , then the designer does it his way , they go to the street and ask people to choose which one they like than the home owner gets to keep which ever one they want , not bad huh. Heck I should sign up too.
Jillian - Hi,
I was looking for an email and could not fidn one on your site. Anyways, I work for a game company called Gamewright. We were hoping that you and your family would try out a few of our games. Let me know what you think. The website is http://www.gamewright.com.
thanks, Jillian
PS your pictures are great.
PamperingBeki - How fun! My kids don’t even bother with the rainboots, just splash in their bare feet. 🙂 (the boots are much cuter though)
Liz - You have, hands down, the most fantastic photos. Really. How do you do it?
Nancy - Wish I had me some kitty boots to go outside and play in the puddles. What fun. The photos are great!
Joni - I love your pictures. Every time I look at your site I feel like I’m flipping through a beautiful magazine thinking, “I wanna do that too!” You are very inspiring.
Staci - We had a day just like that last week…except, we weren’t able to take advantage of the dark clouds and sleeping in because of ZOO CAMP! Darn it! Dark clouds…if you are out there, please come back on a day when we really can sleep in! Great Pics by the way!
Dayna - Great photos! What kind of camera do you use, if you don’t mind my asking? I love your photos. Looks like they had a blast! Send some of that rain out my way, we could use it!
traci - fun in the puddles – i remember those days. i so love how you capture your kids doing all the fun stuff. i use to love to ride my bike in/and after a big rain.
Bethany - Ahhh…I miss the Kansas rains! Although – you have had one crazy spring and summer (all my family is still there!)!!
Cute pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Shanan - What great pictures! We haven’t had rain in months and I miss it.. the smell, how green it makes everything, and the kids playing in the puddles.
Leslie - You really do take fantastic pictures of everyday normal things. I love seeing your world through your lens. Great!