she is so funny.
the things she says and the things she does…all day long.
i am so glad we accidently had five kids.
technically they were all accidents.
but she was a royal surprise.
i took a test in february 2004 at my obgyn.
went back in april.
positive…since january.
i knew i wasn’t just getting fat!
i was 14 weeks when i found out for sure.
i was in denial.
big time.
oh what a joy she is.
an exhausting, loud, silly, loving, creative, super special JOY!
God is too good to me.
taken out my kitchen window.
my favorite step in making blueberry buckle…folding in the berries.
sean’s bling. Â (not k-state colors…they are NU Wildcats colors) helping daddy wash the truck…
talby was trying to wash off the huge scrape i made from hitting a light post.
(i swear that post wasn’t there when i went IN that driveway)
jr. golf program…all the kids’ clubs.
sonic happy hour. 6 drinks for $5.31.
it really IS a happy hour.
great pictures, as usual. when i have been away for a few days and get back to my computer, i can’t wait to click on your link. i know that i have great things to see and read when i visit you. That picture of the Sonic outing is priceless, it truly captures the moment- the ipod, expressions- I LOVE it. My favorite thing about your blog is the talent you have for photography. You really make everyday things look magical!
Random but lovely. Just have to save that I’m pretty new to your blog – your photos are outstanding! HEY! I am trying that sidewalk chalk paint tomorrow, do you think that the texas sun will bake the color into the cement?? 😉 I always love your photos (as does everyone else it seems!), but this zinnia one is absolutely “gawjus”! I LOVE the way you clarified the colors….NOT K State! I’d think you were a Jayhawk fan or somethin’ ??!! Happy weekend to ya!
I LOVE the zinnia picture! amazing! Oh. That. Is. A. Mazing. Truly spectacular! Ah… I love Sonic happy hour and blueberries… i know i have talked about this before but… for 13 years pancakes from scratch have been craig’s specialty. his helpers have changed over the years. annie can’t wait to get started and she calls them pam-Takes. they fight every week over who gets to turn the blender on and off.
one turns it on and one gets to turn it off.
they alternate pouring the ingredients.
(crystal…notice my jars…i’m loving the flour and sugar in here!)
occasionally they do a pancake dance….
almost done…the blender is full now.
the best part.
pouring it out…trying their best to make shapes that are legible.
then adding the chocolate chips or blueberries on top before you flip them.
this red spatula was the only christmas gift i gave craig this year.
it was the perfect gift for him.
you can get one here.
i am usually asleep for all this fun daddy/kid stuff.
then a child comes up to my bed and saysÂ
“mommy your pancakes are done.”
the sweetest words….
there is more to life than bisquick.
no pressure bisquick mommies….
but they are really really good.
craig you are the king of pancakes.
i should make you a crown. Â
recipe is in the sidebar.
happy breakfast.
or dinner?
http://sundrenchedmoments.blogspot.com/2008/04/update-pantry-progress.html 🙂 heart them! Kelly I’m reading in your archives. 🙂 My husband is the pancake maker in our family too. 🙂 I’ll bet when we have kids it will look something like this. I use the same jars for my flour, sugar, etc. as seen here:wow…what a great idea…dad gets some special time with the kids and you get to sleep in! (a few extra minutes anyway right?!) we’ll be trying this recipe…and while i was snooping in your recipes i found the apple puff pancake….yum…i might try that one this weekend! -jess
Have GOT to give that recipe a try. We’re stuck in the toast and Marmite breakfast rut!
Mmm they look delicious. I can’t wait to try the recipe. My 13 yr. old son was on pancake duty while camping with grandparents and now thinks he’s the expert! He seldom enters the kitchen here except to heat up frozen pizza or hot pockets! He’s my baby, and looking at your family photos makes me miss my little ones! Your home is beautiful and spacious. I love older houses. Ours in 10 years old and small, but it is home for us! Of, course there are just 3 of us most of the time. My husband says it feels like Grand Central Station with all the people coming and going some days!haha! This is so sweet. My dad made biscuits every Sunday morning from scratch… with butter and honey. I’m almost 30 years old, and oh how I miss that.
Mmmm…I love to make pancakes. I’ve never used a blender though?? Must be the “guy” way to get ’em mixed good and thorough, you know?
Our Daddy is the Pam Take maker in this house too! I don’t even know how!! Is THAT ridiculous!? So, I’m thinkin’ Daddy’s makin’ these tonight for dinner! Thanks for getting me out of making dinner tonight! I just bough fresh blueberries at the market yesterday 🙂 Once again, Meg saves the day!
My husband is also the pam-take maker, I will definitely hand him this recipe! I’m liking the blender tip as well, great idea…thanks!
What a great tradition. One that I bet will be shared with the next generation of your family. My husband’s dad makes waffles for the grandkids everytime we’re there…they expect it now. i am a bisquik mom – but i am going to give craig’s pam-takes a try. i might be tossing the box to the curb. hey, i made your mexican chicken tuesday night – YUM – my family loved it. we made our own.
i wanted to do it all together but annie was the only one i could pry awayÂ
from webkinz.com….which is so annoying to me.
but annie and i had great fun.
the other kids did come out to use the paint
i was reminded of the little red hen…
(i can hear my dad’s voice reading it to me right now)
and afterwards our driveway looked like we’d been vandalized.
it rained two days later and it was gone.
that’s the best kind of mess.
*paint is equal parts cornstarch and water…then add food coloring.
it’s very hard to stir in the beginning but keep trying till it is like watery paint.
it dries very bright.
i’d love to be a kid at your house!!! bought cornstarch and food color today at the store! Love this idea. Enjoy reading your blog.
oh that looks like so much fun. My kids are to old for chalk, but I would love to make that…what a great idea. I’m making a mental note of this recipe for when I have grandchildren here for a week mid-August. Thanks! I’m putting this on my list of fun before school starts! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for icluding the recipe…cause you know we bloggers would’ve been askin for it!!! We are sooo doing it this weekend!!! I’m impressed you kept all those ice cream buckets!!! As sure as I throw a bucket out like that..I’m kickin myself for uses just like this 🙂
What a great idea. Thanks for the recipe! What a great idea! I love how Annie is so into getting it done. She is having a blast. I think it worked for her to have everyone else diverted. Very cute. I want to try this – I know you said it was gone after the rain, but can you confirm it doesn’t “stain”? Thanks! I LOVE this idea for sidewalk paint – I can’t wait to use it!!
Thanks for including the “recipe” at the bottom! I am going to have to try this, even though my daughter is a bit young yet I think she will love it. I’ll add it to our summer list. You are a great inspiration! you, my friend, are the martha stewart of kids activities. i am so impressed. when i think back to the activities i did with my kids when they were young – what a bad mom i was. I am definitely going to try this when it warms up again.
OK…so you really are too cool!!! I may have to try this one too! What fun! I’m so glad I found you…this will end our summer off well!! Does it wash off well? Very cool.My kids will love this! Thanks for sharing! while lauren was sweating it out at basketball practice we cooled off at the sprinkler park down the street.
this is why i’ve started to keep a box of cheap bandaids in my purse.
it puts a very quick end to the tears over “bleeding”.
it’s worth the 97 cents per box.
and then our neighbors showed up!
we were even in different town.
annie was screaming with excitement.
(it was great to see you amy)
we were here an hour and it was just right.
not too long and not too short.
and we probably won’t get there again all summer.
but it’s checked off the list….
we are kicking a nasty bug today by reading your blog archives! my husband just leaned over and said “find out where in kansas they live … we need to move there.” in no creapy way (since you don’t know us) where abouts in kansas are ya’ll? we have several opportunities we are looking at that include different areas in kansas … we want a small town. any insight? thank you so much for all the inspiration! What fun!!! Once again, your pics are AMAZING!!! You are just checkin’ those things off that list right and left! Now, I THOUGHT I saw get a puppy on there…can’t wait to see THAT pic 🙂
Great pictures! Bandaids are a must when you travel with little girls! Too cute! Okay we need something like that around, my neighbor kids would love that! Have a great day… Lanny:)
What a fun surpise play date! Those little ones are precious! I just love that little red swimsuit!! We have one of those downtown in the park. Maybe we should investigate it when they are here. Love Talby’s new suit. What fun!! Water, water everywhere!! ~Jill 🙂 nope, no spraygrounds here either…kansas just keeps lookin’ better & better!
So fun to run into you guys there, too! And together, our two little scared-of-strange-things girls were brave enough to stand under the buckets. Yay for them! 🙂 So fun – I love our city’s spraygrounds!! Especially the ones that are located adjacent to playgrounds, so the kids can go back and forth between the wet/dry play areas. 🙂 how fun!! we don’t have cool things like that around here. i would have even played there. after a swim on a hot day a craft is the perfect thing to do.
we’ve been meaning to make these for weeksÂ
and today was the day!
glue and glitter and clothespins = FUN.
(it was no one’s birthday…just using up old plates from the party drawer) talby’s were in a pattern but not neat…glitter everywhere.
annie’s definitely were not either one.
juice break.
also while they worked…very intently…really concentrating…
they all 3 hummed “spirit in the sky”
(we have it on the evan almighty soundtrack)
and then i heard sean singing “smoke on the water”
thanks guitar hero.
after these dried they put them on yarn for very bling-y necklaces.
they were cute.
they looked a little gangster…needed a gold tooth to match.
You are always doing the best crafts! Where do you get your ideas? Oh, and what kind of camera do you use, if you don’t mind saying? You are always doing such fun crafts and activities with your kids!! You are an awesome MOM!!
I’d like to see pictures of the bling-y necklaces!
Now that looks FUN!! What a neat idea!!! I would have to be doing a craft of that nature outside myself! I do love glitter, but not all over my kitchen!!! how fun!!! what a good mom you are. at least you did it outside so you didn’t have a huge mess inside. 7:45 AM. i can hear annie is awake and coming downstairs…
she slowly pushes open the kitchen door.
i quietly say “good morning”
she looks so sleepy.
and then her crackley raspy morning voice saysÂ
“where’s the candy”
she had gone to a parade with her nana the night before.
she slept in her clothes.
and she began her morning with 2 suckers.
it’s not worth the fight…
Oh, insert the name “LUKE” for “ANNIE” and I’ve lived this same event at my house. More than once. 🙂 TOO funny! One morning near Christmas last year I heard my 7yo tell my dh (on the phone), “We’re eating cookies for breakfast.” There was a break in which dh presumably asked if I knew what they were doing. Then, “Yes, she is, too!” Lol This made me laugh. (I’ve been known to have dessert foods for breakfast so I can relate.) What a cutie! i’m ok with candy before breakfast once in awhile as long as the day doesn’t have to start at 5:45am. how do you get your kids to sleep so late? Too cute! I love your Annie stories!
hello, just found your blog and i love it. i am in LOVE with your beautiful old house. you have really made it a beautiful home. it’s my new dream house. 🙂 can i ask what paint colors you’ve used in your kitchen and living room? i need help in every aspect of decorating and you are my new inspiration. 🙂 hello, just found your blog and i love it. i am in LOVE with your beautiful old house. you have really made it a beautiful home. it’s my new dream house. 🙂 can i ask what paint colors you’ve used in your kitchen and living room? i need help in every aspect of decorating and you are my new inspiration. 🙂 yep, you’re so right. you have to pick your battles and that really isn’t worth picking. besides, she’s so darn cute – how can you say no to her. i can totally see that right now, but she was cute doing it. Oh yes, every morning my Elleanna comes to the side of my bed and says, “I’m hungry.” We walk downstairs and turn on the TV. As I get her cereal, she asks if she can have ice cream yet. “Not until lunch,” I say. Sometimes I give in and say, “OK, you can have the ice cream now or later. But only ONE today!” We sound like a broken record! So I love your story and can relate.
You’re a good mamma! So funny that she has an ice cream queen shirt on too 🙂 I’m a definite believer in picking your battles. And they vary from day to day! So sweet, literally! Ummm…I have not been able to get your bathroom floor out of my head. I am obsessing a little about it! 🙂
yes, it’s better than hearing the candy “mantra” all day! Besides, look how cute she is! That;s a great thing for me to remember..”not worth the fight!” Love it!
candy once in awhile before breakfast is just fine and dandy. Fights should be over safety and respect…not sugar (unless they eat it all the time and no healthy food..lol) This is great! It’s exactly what goes on at my house every now and then too.. and I agree… sometimes it just is NOT worth the fight…. |
Jenn Thomas - Gotta love our Annie on the block – she definitely has sense of style and love of fun she can teach London.
eryn - oh boy…I LOVED these pics, and your post is super sweet!
Sarah Keith - so sweet!
Nancy - The goggles make me laugh. I bet she’s got a lot of spunk.
Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - How super-precious-adorable!!
traci - she is just too cute!!!! see, God knows what he is doing.
Pattie - I always have to check in and see the pictures of your cute family. Everything about Annie just cracks me up and I’m so glad that you include the “way she talks” it makes it even better. Each one of your children seems different but then so much alike. They are incredibly lucky to have a mom like you!
Staci - She’s an “oops” you’ll truly never regret!!! Could she BE any cuter?? My Jake, who just turned 3, calls goggles…”gobbles”! Don’t you just love it! Can we pre-arrange a wedding right now!?
Allikayes Mama - That is hilarious! I am always intrigued at the outfits that cute girl has on! She should have her own blog! haha!
Lorilee - The photos are soooo cute. The goggles are the final touch! It reminds me of when my now 13 year old would ride his bike with his roller blades on!
chris - She is too cute, you are blessed , the kids we have are the ones we are meant to have and know and love.
Melanie - That is so sweet, Meg! Love the story. I only have one child so I can’t understand 5 but I love reading about all of your kids:)
Lanny Stanard - Okay, get this, my Dad had the clip job LOL, once and my brother came along, he had another clip clip job and 6 yrs later I came along… now mined you this was 44 years ago! but my Mom always said she was so glad they had me because I now for the last 8 yrs have been taking care of her and many more to come I hope she’s 82… Lanny:)
robin bird - it makes me laugh and feel happy to see her in those goggles meg! and your happiness shines right out from that rainbow tie dye dress…shirt,,,jumper…’whatever 🙂
traci - OMGOSH…love the story, love the first photo to pieces, love the goggles, love that funky outfit…where did you get that??? That child OOOOOOOZES personality!!! Maybe you will have an oooops child number SIX? What fun would that be???
Peggy Rice - That’s one cute kid!
kristin at praire daze - i love this story!
carissa - oh i love it! too funny!
those dadgum pics are the best!
what a true gift she is!
southernfriedgirl - I don’t know how in the world I found your blog but I’m so glad I did. Your daughter is adorable.
And I may have just spent 20 minutes literally drooling over your home photos. Your taste is exquisite. I just love it.
Dayna - Love the goggles! She is precious.
PamperingBeki - Haha!! She’s too funny!
And 14 weeks? My goodness!! I’d have been puking 12 times a day by that point.