up early to walk the puppy.
late church service.
subway for lunch.
craig packed all the kids up and went to see his dad.
i put on my iPod and danced and sang and sewed.
(thanks for the inspiration crystal)
how good it feels to have a quiet house.
(notice i didn't say a clean house?)
and just for laughs.
i think it's funny…maybe you don't.
here's the real lazy sunday.
then on a totally different subject…
the summer list was almost completed.
no horse, no teaching lauren to drive, no new recipes…
but summer is over.
so i made a new list.
it's all mine.
every room has it's own color
and each project i want to finish.
with room at the bottom to add stuff i think of later.
with the kids at school i am trying to be productive and creative.
and this list has already helped me so much!
and i can never say "i have nothing to do"
not that i have said that in the past 5 years…but if i thought of saying it.
i can't.
it's all here in rainbow color.
now i am going to make some pillows.
You go girl! Man, that looks ambitious but I do the same thing. Make a list and have it accessible so I know what I need to do. Making Talby a tent!? Yes! Please show how you do this – I am thinking a tent for Allikaye is in y future!! i enjoy your blog a lot…very FUN & inspiring! thanks for sharing so much of your talent. Oh, I made a list similar to this, but more out of Autumn Nesting than free time. See, this is the time of year I get busy, teaching 4 children. WooHOo! That is about the cutest dog EVER! love your list idea. i need to do that. seeing it everyday, might make me work on things more. good luck with yours. you’ll be crossing things off before you know it.
I planned to make a list like this for the school year and Brent nixed it. I KNEW it wasn’t a dumb idea! (Though I will admit yours is MUCH more creative that mine would have been.)
Whew! I’m tired just reading your list! But I can’t wait to see pictures of your completed projects! In fact, I first stumbled upon your blog when someone linked to your post of curtains made out of an old bedspread and some other material! Love your decorating ideas!!! lol. thats like my cleaning list! I have to list everything I need to do room by room or I get scatter brain and just stay in one room!!! Great list! Good luck!!! =] thanks for another grEAT idea!! We loved having a summer list…i am SURE that doug will equally love a to-do list. 🙂 but quickly for those of you who asked – waffle is a golden doodle – half golden retriever half poodle.
he is a boy.
he is wonderful.
i love him.
i have a new baby to take care of!
since i can't have a real baby….
believe me i have asked for that too.
but craig is really ice cold on that….frozen you could say.
but enough about puppies for now.
let me tell about my new adventure that i may take.
i told some friends recently
that i was thinking about photography more seriously.
like as a J.O.B.
(scary scary thought)
they said "yes yes yes DO IT!"
then i asked if i could practice on them.
they said "yes yes yes DO IT!"
(also very scary)
they made me feel so good and warm and fuzzy.
i have good friends.
so here are my first guinea pigs…(so to speak)
he left for college 2 days later.
they should be in a band and use this for their album cover.
(or whatever people call them now that we don't have records.)
my favorite.
it was fun.
i learned a lot just from my first try.
thank you gb and roger and kids.
one last thing…look what claire almost touched during pictures!
i was uncomfortable knowing this spider was in the same town as me.
it was the biggest spider i have ever seen.
it looked like what you see in museums.
and i think that's where it should go.
far far away….and dead.
That huge black and yellow spider? We have those in our area too (northern IL). Believe it or not, it is just a common “garden spider”. But they sure are huge and gross, aren’t they?! *shudder*
I did photography as a job for years – weddings, senior portraits, family portraits, etc. Do you know it took all the joy away and I stopped taking pictures of my family for years. I just recently took it up again and that is when I started blogging. You have a beautiful talent, but do pray seriously before you make the final plunge! Fabulous job! You can literally SEE the love….we would be happy to be practice subjects sometime!
GO FOR IT!! you will be, ‘cuz you already are, FABuLOUS!! I think it is pretty obvious that you are fabulous at it…when Doug and I buy the house that’s for sale on your street and we can be friends in real life, you can be our official family photographer. 🙂 your favorite shot is my favorite of them too! So wonderful! Kelly That spider looks scary!
No question about it. Do it. But PLEASE don’t ditch the blog!
hee hee. We aren’t keen on spiders here at my house either especially after knowing that black widows are extremely common. The only type of spider we look forward to watching is the kind in your photo which is a writing spider like Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web. They eat their web every night and re-spin a new one, always with an amazing Z formation through the middle of it. We have them all around our yard. We had one build her web on our back french door a few years ago and the girls insisted on getting up in the middle of the night every night so they could watch her weave her new masterpiece. It was amazing to watch. Unfortunately, a bird saw her and she disappeared. But normally, we prefer spiders as far away from us as possible.
yes, yes, yes – YOU SHOULD DO IT!!! you have a wonderful eye and would make so many families extremely happy!! go for it meg. i have been thinking the same thing lately – in answer to that “what do i want to be when i grow up” question.
i think you should also do pet photography as well, put miley on your list please 🙂 GO FOR IT! i love that spider! we had one like that last year that stayed for a while and she was so much fun to photograph!
You know that we are behind you. Your photography is fabulous. You CAN do it!
Yes, your photography is beautiful! You even make the spider look good – scary good. Or just scary. Eek!
Fabulous photos! I realize good subjects are important but the photographer is more important. You did a great job! Keep practicing. Maybe I’ll have to book an appointment with you for our family. I have been wanting to do family photos (it’s been 6+ years since our last ones) and I’d be more than willing to be subjects for you. Maybe we could meet half-way; Chase Co.??? Seriously, we could make this work for both of us. Let me know what you think and give me some pricing info.
Great pictures — especially the laughing couple. And the spider — icky but BEAUTIFUL! Incredible colors on him. GREAT pics! Like always! I wish we were closer.. I’d hire you!! Good luck with your new J.O.B. You’re going to R.O.C.K.!
Totally go for it Meg! You take great pictures (part of why your blog is so fun)! When you get famous just dont forget all of us that love your blog! I’m getting my own blog soon and will link you to it! Hope your having a great day!
he said "okay" and now waffle lives with us!
what have i gotten myself into?!
and now i am a little scared.
but i have a big support group…shana, gb, amy, carrie, amy to begin with.
and a kennel….thanks seth.
craig is the best.
such an awesome husband and daddy.
my friends even thought it was romantic to hear he brought home a kennel
after the ice cold post.
not the flowers and candle kind of romantic…but still sweet.
talby said it perfectly in her card to her daddy tonight.
and this picture!
do you get it?
waffle's body is a box of "homestile" waffles.
this is so awesome!!!
thank you shana, brian, jase and kate.
thank you craig.
wish me luck.
i have clearly lost my mind.
I was considering getting a dog just yesterday. Now I know I’m not ready. I forgot about the destructive phase. So couldn’t handle that.
Oh, he is so adorable!!! Congrats.
You melted mr ice! oh man, look at that FACE! thank you, thank you, thank you, to my “new daddy” for letting me come live with all of you. were gonna have so much FUN!!! i will try my hardest not to chew or pee on anything important, but accidents do happen 🙂 I LOVE my new family and am so glad that my sissy Marley lives across the street, so i can go play with her and her BFF Miley. DOGS RULE, CATS DROOL!! woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof. Waffle is one cute pup! What kind of dog is s/he? Good luck with the dog training. You need something to keep you busy while the kids are at school anyway, right?
He’s gorgeous. Those photos made my day 🙂 Girl, you’ve got your hands full. Five kids and now a new dog:) I hope you can get him house broken quickly and I hope the newness (as far as the kids) doesn’t wear off quickly either. They are a joy and bring so much pleasure and comfort for families. I have had an indoor dog since my grandmother died (1978) and I am now 40 and my 14 yr. old son has grown up with one. We have a maltipoo that is the smartest dog we have ever had. (he is not my most loved dog that I have ever had, that was a maltese, and she came along before the kid) I got lucky with our dog. He came to us at 7 months old and had been rescued from a puppy mill. I bought him for $300.00 from a guy online (he rescues them) and he was not hard to house break, has never chewed up a thing in our house and I can leave him at home for 8 or 10 hrs. a day and he doesn’t have an accident. (that is only when I have to drive to town and do a lot of shopping etc.)(I am a sahm) The only thing is that they get very attacted to one person and become a ninny baby. I know Waffle got a great home that is full of love and full of fun. You will do fine. (and so will he)
I’m right there with you Meg…we’ve just got ourselves a puppy too (about three weeks ago) and I’m seriously wondering what I was thinking. BUT, they are gorgeous and I love the idea of this dog growing up with my children…just need to sort out the toilet training issues!!!!!!!!! What a precious dog! I just love puppies.. You have to tell us what kind Waffle is.
so sweet and so fun!! 🙂 you are going to have so much fun with a new puppy. He is way too cute…
OOoooh, he is so cute! I just wanna kiss him up!
Absolutely darling. There is NOTHING cuter than a puppy! What a perfect name! Wish my name was Waffles… or Diet Pepsi Your husband is so adorable and sweet…..Waffle is, well, simply cute as he can be……You will be fine….and so will Waffle. Craig, he will love Waffle more than anyone in your home….just wait. yeah!!! your family will be so glad you did it. If you do all the hard work now very diligently it will pay off. we have a 11 month old goldendoodle who is amazing! i cannot imagine my life without him – he is a gift from God. Waffle is adorable! YAY! It will be great for your kids to have a dog! What a nice husband… I knew he couldnt resist forever! Sorry about the double post. It seemed to take forever to post my first one so I thought I did something wrong 🙂 He is adorable! If you have a chance you should read The Monks of New Skete: The Art of Raising a Puppy. It’s a great book and helped us with our german shepherd puppy. Good luck.
Oh. My. God. That is the CUTEST dog ever!! There’s nothing quite like the unconditional love and devotion of a pet. We could all take lessons! Enjoy!! OH YAY!!! I think?? You are excited right?? Oh…I just love him…Waffle…not Craig…although he seems like quite a guy 🙂 I love that he brought home the crate 🙂 I guess he does read your blog 🙂 I love Talby’s piture! What a creative little girl. I can’t wait to hear about all the future “tails” of Waffle. Such a lucky little guy 🙂 Good luck!
I love Waffle! What a happy puppy dog for an amazing family. Hooray for Mr. Ice Cold. But he has such a cute face and will keep your kitchen floor so clean… Congratulations Mrs. Convincing!!! Now we’re dying to know all about Waffle! Boy? Girl? What breed? Congratulations! Waffle is so adorable and with 5 kids, let’s hope all the work won’t be put on you. Just remember “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” ~ Josh Billings Congratulations! I hope, with 5 kids, that they will help you out with the dog. What a cute name, btw, Waffle is so adorable. Remember, “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” ~ Josh Billings oh good luck! How fun, exciting and scary. Your kids will always remember this. Glad he warmed up a bit 🙂
Oh, yay!!! I am so excited for you! I went through a struggle to convince my husband to get a dog but now he loves him more than he ever thought he would. It sounds like ‘Mr. Ice Cold’ came around! So the ice man melteth! Pooches and families are the perfect combination. You’ll see. Well Gosh-Golly, you finally got him! WAFFLE is such an adorable name! Very soon in life, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without him. He needs his own scrapbook though, and today’s art needs to be the first things in there. Just precious! That dog is SO precious! What kind of dog is he? she? Your husband is a sweet guy! I love Talby’s drawings, those aer so cute! Meg, I just had to laugh at this story because in my family, it is ME who takes the most convincing when it comes to getting a dog – as it’s usually ME who ends up taking care of it in the end. *lol* Like the previous poster above said, I’m not sure how I stumbled upon your site, but am so happy that I did. I have enjoyed getting to know you and your family and being included in all of your adventures along the way – makes me feel like I’m there with you as I read the stories behind it. I’ve tried actually subscribing to your blog or RSS feed (not sure why it won’t let me though), so I just come back and check it daily. I even went back and read through every single blog you have posted since day 1 and lol at alot of them. Thanks for sharing your day to day life with us – it makes my morning each day I get to work and check out your website first thing just to see what your latest family adventures were the day before. :o) Big Hugs to you and your family!
What a cute dog. And Talby’s card with the ‘homestile’ box o’waffles body was the cutest ever. I bet Waffle & Craig will be best buddies before long. It always happens that way it seems — the one who took the most convincing is the one the pet is the tightest with. Omgosh! Waffle is soooo cute!!!! Thats kind of like a dog I would like to get!!!! =] So sweet of your hubby to say yes!!! =] And, Oh, Talby’s letter/pictures could make you melt!!! =] Soooo sweet!!! =]
oh meg – i am so excited for you and your family. waffle is so cute. he’s going to make a wonderful addition to your family. you’re kids have to be in heaven right now. way to go mr. ice cold!!
are you really really really sure that you want to say no to this?
how can you?
what is inside your heart that makes you not love these puppies?
i am happy to report that during our day of puppy sitting…
this puppy has done nothing.
she's eaten a little.
played a little.
gone potty outside only.
and slept 90% of the time.
just thought those facts may interest you mr. ice.
oh and one more fact.
there are still two left…a golden one even!
(i love you mr. ice cold.)
How gorgeous are that puppy’s eyes? My five kids are desperate for a dog – they are wearing my hubby down by shear repetitiveness. At least they are now willing to comprise on just having one or two…at first they all wanted one each! Even i couldn’t handle that. You crack me up! OH MY! He is . . . beyond adorable!!!
too funny! good luck with this one!!! what is it with men and their unwavering decisions!? I would melt in a minute with one puppy kiss! Thanks for the games!!! A great “pick me up” when we were running low on things to do this week…..we are still going strong with summer vacation here in the NorthEast. Glad to see that you are enjoying “back to school” days! When our beloved Akela died last year, we promised ourselves NO MORE PETS! We’re retired now, and want to do some traveling and it’s verrrry expensive to board a dog for a week or two. But, when I saw this face, I thought I could adopt him! So, I’m still a sucker for big puppy-dog eyes and sloppy kisses — good thing I’M not there!
that puppy (and that sweet little cupcake) are toooooo cute! how brave of you! Don’t tell Mr. Ice Cold that the sleeping all the time phase ends and they become rambunctious little puppies. Because that phase is fun, too, but will definitely take some getting used to. That is an adorable little puppy! You need one! you probably don’t put these on your blog, but i couldn’t resist giving you a blog award. i love your blog so much!! xoxo
how can you say no to that face. has he thawed at all? what a cute little puppy. how about majority rules? And … that dog is so smiling!
Oh surely there must be signs of a thaw by now?! aww! that puppy is adorable! I had a mr. ice cold for a while on me getting a kitten…. after playing around with the idea, and coming across a very malnurished kitten, I have one! lol She’s been mine for almost a year now!!!! Good luck on the puppy!!!! Thats my next adventure after we move!! I hope Mr. Ice Cold reads your blog 🙂 NO WAY can he say no to that!! Good luck!
You are just brutal. No mercy! You are hilarious. i live with a mr. ice cold too… I think I am going to make your chicken and biscuits tonight. It looks nice and easy and I think the kids will eat it 🙂
AWWW-He looks like Seton. Hey Mr. Ice Man – good luck! Meg, that is hilarious! I hope it works! HAHA…love it! How can he resist all of you girls?
That’s just not even fair. Conniving women (and girls). This post was WAY too funny!! You have me laughing out loud!! Good luck with your powers of persuasion!!!
i can get annie to "an-tick" with me… because of these.
the best suckers in town are at the antique store we love.
i should have bought this chair.
it was half off even!
sometimes i go and i find too many good things in one day.
like an old school kitchen aid mixer.
or a holder for aluminum foil. i hadn't seen one of these before.
a place for everything…?
jenn – i think miss london needs this vintage metal baby bed for her dollies.
it was so sweet and only $20! (metcalf sisters store on the right side)
after 4 suckers…we settled on this bowl
and this typewriter.
i love this typewriter.
annie thought it was a cash register.
when we got home she started playing store with it…
"that will be five dollars please."
then she started hitting the keys.
when i heard that click click click i was taken right back to being 5 years old.
my memory was of the sun register newspaper where my parents worked.
i remember the whole office.
and sitting with sharon hudson.
don't you love when you have one of those moments?
it was such a nice memory.
my big kids thought the typewriter was so funny.
"how did this do what computers do?"
close but not quite.
How cute! I love an-ticks!!! I wish my little girls would get into it with me!!! lol You are so inspiring! I found your blog earlier this summer on theinspiredroom and love it. Great house, I love your craft room! I love all these finds but that bowl makes the watermelon look even more tempting. I have some at home I may have to go slice up for lunch. I need a cute little bowl like this!
i love that step stool. you’re right – you should have got it. that looks like an awesome shop. i might have to visit a couple around here in the next couple of days. see what i can find. Exquisite, truly. your life is seriously beautiful. I am so glad That Girl linked you. Your blog is beautiful! I linked to you from “That Girl Blogs.” I’ll be back! Ack! I received that antiquing bug from my mother. But my fav was the books. They smelled like of history. Good stuff! And I love you bowl!
Love it! My kids love the bank for the same reason…..:) Jen r
Neat stuff! The typewriter—wow…very good find! Love it, but if not for the computer…I’d never “know” a Meg Duerkson 🙂 Russ said I need to check out that bed for London’s dollies. I have a wood cradle that my uncle made for my dollies for her to use. I want that foil wrap dispenser – Stopping by the store tomorrow. I also love that store – it seems to be the only one I buy things at. There is an antique store in Wichita that we need to check out per my sister-in-laws – they spent over three hours there on Saturday – too bad I was at Mushroom State Park with the kids. A place you need to visit with the kids – pretty cool – giant rocks that look like mushrooms.
My grandmother had the exact same holder for her foil! I hadn’t thought about that in years. It sat on her counter where I would sit and watch her cook! Smile………… now I want to move to kansas. “Foil Wrap” — I love the wrap dispenser and the terminology on it.
this has been a good week.
very good.
nothing in particular has happened…i just feel relaxed.
i am sure it has nothing to do with my 4 big kids in school all day.
eighth grade.
oh the memories that come with eighth grade.
i hope she has wonderful ones.
she found out today she made the volleyball team – woo hoo!
she was super happy and we are proud of her.
they aren't used to this out-the-door-early stuff.
check out those puffy eyes.
i was so spaced on the first day of school.
like in a foggy haze.
i didn't take a single picture.
i didn't walk them in.
i didn't do anything.
bad mama.
so i got some the next day or two.
love those silver shoes!
here is my view on the way to "meet your teacher" night.
post meltdown from scott.
i think he was nervous but didn't want to be so….
he freaked out on me.
but by the time he got to school he was calm and collected.
we went to the drive-in.
it was a cool night and we were even kind of chilly.
the movie was Wall-E.
we decided that we will be going back – we loved it.
annie and i have been social butterflies this week.
coffee with ms. kristin.
lunch with isaiah and elizabeth.
mcdonalds with great grandma.
oh and we rode a zip line!
all the kids had a turn or two and me too.
fun for all ages.
i still think our yard needs a mini one from one end to the other…
and i think it's perfectly fine to eat strawberries with cool whip for lunch.
just thought you'd like to know that.
and i have lots of projects going on.
at least…they are going on in my head.
more on that later.
so…how was your week?
good or bad i would love to hear about it.
my house is a huge mess.
gotta get to that.
I like Lauren’s “l” magnet in her locker. Target dollar spot, right? I still have my “k” one. 🙂 Kelly
Still love your blog! My week has been awesome. My son started Kindergarten last week and my daughter started preschool this past Monday. I never realized how precious this free time is.. I’m loving it. I got a haircut, had Starbuck’s with a friend and had lunch with another friend. I digg it!
Where, oh where, did you go to the drive-in at? I had no idea there was still one in existence. If it’s in KS, please tell. I loved the drive-in as a kid and teen; would love to take my girls to one. Hubby & I haven’t been to one in ages. I may have to make it a destination! Those flowers…I sort of wanted to kiss them, right on the computer screen. They are divine! The kids are pretty cute, too. How did you manage that shot of your oldest at her locker? Zac Efron is the new Luke Perry, huh? only one more week until my kids go back…thanks for the preview, i can’t wait! I love your flowers in the vase. Did you really do this? Such an eye… Lets see, firstly I LOVE the flower picture. It has happiness written all over it. Our week back to school was jam packed – Enzo started 2nd grade and I am getting used to this crazy 7 day rotating schedule…plus I am SHARING my art room with another teacher and our classes overlap so while she is talking to highschoolers, I am teaching 6th graders…CRAZY. Its only for one year, but its gonna be a long one! Next year I get a brand new, corner top floor room with skylights and it will overlook a roof top garden. I think it will be worth the wait. Enough blabbing! Enjoy your new daily routine. 🙂 Gorgeous flowers! The important thing is that you got pictures the first few days into school. Congratulations on the relaxation. I’m looking forward to hearing about your projects. Congratulations to Lauren. i love weeks like that. we love the drive in too and every time we go i swear we will return more often…then time gets in the way and we end up not going for a long time again.
Your flowers made me smile today. They are just amazing. tell lauren congrats!! how exciting for her. great pics – as always. so love your shots. you did have a good, full week. my week has been kind of uneventful – i need to spice it up huh? have a great weekend. As always, I LOVE all your pictures!!! Glad ya’ll had a great week back to school! We had a great one too. Ethan started 1st grade and loves his new teacher! 🙂 My only problem being the 2 year old who doesn’t understand why she can’t go to school too! :0 Have a great weekend! 🙂
http://www.timeoutforme.blogspot.com for my week in review. Some good, some bad. I really love your shots, especially the first and second one! Check out my blogMy week was busy and tiring but mostly good, parts of it really, really good. Great pictures! The flowers are beautiful. I saw a similar fan at our local thrift store -($8, a steal!) I almost got it – your picture made me wish I had! 🙂 I enjoy your blog …
i’m so jealous about the drive in. they just tore ours down to put up a housing development. i have such great memories of going there when i was a kid. we would pop our own popcorn and show up in jammies. i was so hoping to take my little guys (mostly so i could get a movie in). the only other drive in i know of is by the in-laws house in victor, id. it’s called the spud.
Had a pretty miserable week, but enjoyed hearing about (and as always seeing pictures of) your week. We went through major layoffs at work and several of my friends lost jobs. I am counting my blessings, and am working on shedding the dreariness for the weekend!
We’ve had a great week too! Connor started 1st grade on Wednesday and Jake and I have been all over this city…poor little guy! Tonight (after IHOP for dinner, YUM) I needed to stop by Target and get some stuff for our church festival tomorrow night…we pulled up and Jake said, “Ar we ad Targed agin?” Brian just laughed and said, “You guys go here waaay too often!” Yep, we do and I love it! I’m lovin’ this all day school stuff! Jake starts after Labor Day for a few hours/a few days a week…I’ll take it! Glad your Lauren made the volleyball team! Love those flowers! I’ve talked too much, sorry! It IS all good 🙂 i want to be your friend, and i want your camera way to go lauren……your locker looks way cool, they must have put in different lockers since i was there…ours were a little square box and that’s it, no place for fun stuff. can’t wait to see you play vball, that is, if i can come 🙂
susan - Pretty much my favorite clip from recent years!
Mr. Pibb and Red Vines equals crazy delicious
You can call us Aaron Burr from the way we’re dropping Hamiltons
Amanda Jo - I LOOOOVE Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell! I am a H.U.G.E. SNL fan! I really wish Chris were still on there, he was one of the best cast members of the last 10 years. I say that in all seriousness.
I’m glad you had a nice, relaxing Sunday!!
princess lasertron - let’s hit up yahoo maps to find the dopest route!
I prefer mapquest–
that’s a good one too–
google maps is the best.
true that.
every time we get directions online to go somewhere, my husband and I have this interchange.
totally cute pillow!!
Chaos-Jamie - How about:
mallory Heffronm - Enjoy you day of quite,,,, I had that yesterday, too. Hubby took the boys to our high school game and then drove to Austin to the UT game. Love it, they got home at 11:30…
How is that puppy
lorel - Hey, I never noticed Mr. Grumpy in that photo before Queenie. Very funny!
I have been missing you too. I am going to call right now…
traci - i love lazy sundays, but yesterday wasn’t one of them for me. great snl clip – hadn’t seen that one. i can’t wait for the new season to begin.
Michelle - my goodness girl you are good! love those pillows… i can’t wait to see them all put together. i also love your list and how motivated you always are. thanks for another inspiring morning! : )
Lanny Stanard - Good Morning! Thanks for sharing, hope all is well, enjoy you Monday!
cjs - the killers rock.
so do your pillows.
Mamazboyz - Oh..You and your sister so sweet together!!! Nothing better than a love of a sister…I love your sewing projects..You’re so amazingly talented, you’re an inspiration to many!!! I love Sundays!! I think my favorite day of the week and today is like we get an “extra” Sunday…yeah!!!
crystal - I’m assuming those are the pillows for the playroom – I love them !!!! I keep saying the I’m going to learn to sew. I’ve even asked for a sewing machine a few times for like Christmas or my birthday but backed out at the last minute. Afraid I’ll break it. Maybe this will be year I’ll get it for Christmas.
Sandra - The video was hilarious! And darling picture and quotes regarding your sister.
Jenn Thomas - Even though you litterly just left my house I had to check out the blog since I have been gone. Waffle is cuter than cute (can’t wait to meet him) talby is the sweetest with that card and I just love those pillows. . . . very creative idea – actually I would love some for London and Kassade’s room. If you need another photo opportunity – London is taking swimming lessons and would love to have some pictures of that. Great pictures of the Jost family!!
Staci - Ohhhh! I can’t wait to see what you’ve been a sewin’! That is one of my New Year’s Resolutions (every year!)…to learn to sew! I love it that you love your sister so much! Hope you had a happy day lovin on your new puppy!
Queenie Bee - Cute shot of you and your sister. I especially love the face on “mr grumpy” in the background. (white t-shirt) Yea, he seemed to have been having a great day, huh?
Crystal - Those are so cute!!!! Way cuter than my pillows…now you can check them off the list. 🙂 I love lazy sundays…we had subway for lunch too…I’ll keep you posted on that Target. 🙂