okay…i know everyone knows how to make chocolate chip cookies.

okay…i know everyone knows how to make chocolate chip cookies. but these are really good.
my favorites.
my friend jonelle gave me a book of handwritten recipes for my wedding.
this recipe was in it.
she called them the best ever…and i do too.
first thing to do is cream together crisco and sugars.
i like butter flavor crisco.
(there is so much wrong with that sentence – i like butter flavor crisco.)
but to make these delicious cookies…you need it.
or regular shortening is fine too.
then you add your eggs and vanilla.
this is what i think is the key to the yumminess of these cookies –
you add 1 and 1/4 tsp. baking soda dissolved in 1/4 c. water.
kind of seperated…
i think it's hard to see.
maybe this.
then you add the flour salt and baking powder.
then the very best part….
the chocolate!
make sure you sneak plenty of dough while you bake.
![]() and if i am feeling nice…i save a little for lauren…her favorite part.
now to bake them.
if i am feeling lazy i put all the dough in a sheet cake pan and make bars.
(i don't know why my blog is double spacing! it's making me crazy!)
but i didn't have sheet cake until last year.
it's just something i never bought. weird right?
so for the past 13 years i just make regular old cookies.
i like them just as much but i tend to burn things (ADD) so the bars are easier.
now just sit back and wait for someone to ring your doorbell
with 50 balloons, a tiara and a plaque that says Mother-of-the-Year.
surely it will happen one of these days right?
recipe is on the sidebar.
*edited: the family thing by the cookies is a sweet gift from my MIL.
it says "family is born out of the laughter of Heaven.
why else would we delight in wiping runny noses
and birthdays that aren't our own."
i am grateful for craig's job. for many many reasons.
one of the reasons is the family employee party every year!
this year's party was at The Alley.
we love this place but as a family of 7 we don't get to come.
we just can't afford it.
but once a year we get to do something really fun with craig's co-workers.
it's so cool to get to say "Yes" to everything for one afternoon.
go-karts? YES! more tokens? YES! more pop? YES! more go-karts? YES!
when sean wasn't bowling, eating pizza, getting refills on dr.pepper
or begging to go to the arcade….
he was spinning upside down in the chairs.
even the chairs are fun here!
daddy the go-kart racing rock star.
"high five me! high five me!" they screamed every single lap.
these are his groupies.
big winner on the skee ball game!
even an alarm went off…and tickets just kept pouring out.
look what 170 tickets can get ya.
just what every 3 year old needs.
a dollar sign keychain covered in bling.
lauren used all her tickets on plastic necklaces.
(yes she was fully participating with us and we really enjoyed it!)
she was pretending to be gangsta'.
it was a great time!
can't wait to see what we get to do next time.
i will say again how grateful i am for craig's office
and how well they treat their families.
them's good people.
(that's my kansas hick grammer)
Loving those necklaces! Well, I’m not sure if my last comment posted or not…looks like you all had fun! Yeya gangsta! J/K! It looks like all of you were having a blast! Fun party! OMG….the look on your older daughters face is SO TEENAGER!!! i love it! love the bling! and just an idea…save it for halloween. my daughter was a “candy rapper/wrapper” for halloween last year. she wore a sweatshirt with candy glued to it, a hat and all that bling! it was great! Love the pictures and LOOVVEE the Bling!
Oh, what FUN! These are the times I miss dh working for a big company. He won trips and cruises and dinners everywhere fine!
Hi Meg, it’s been a while since I checked in on your blog and I’ve missed it…(computer still down). I love seeing all the great pictures and pure joy on your kids faces, it so makes me miss home. You would never see that kind of energy in the middle of Paris. I also love that you are going to try photography! You will do great! Keep up the good work. That looks like fun! Is it in Wichita? I’ve never heard of it. What a fun day!!! I’m jealous 🙂 what an awesome day for everyone!! it looks like you all had a great time. love all lauren’s bling. and skee ball is my all time favorite. great pix! I love the picture of Annie bowling in a skirt!! Too cute. Looks like such a fun time. And congrats to Craig.
sean said: "When you get a baby out….
(i thought….oh no where is this leading?')
can it cry so much that it would run out of breath?"
after sean came home from a play date i asked "did you say thank you?"
he said "Oh no! i was having such a good time i just forgot!"
annie asked:
"does food go into your throat, down to your tummy
and into your toes and that's how we get energy?!"
i answered "ummmm….yes!" to make it easy.
sean said "hey!….that's NOT what happens to food!"
annie asked last night "why does bread have sugar in it?"
she was eating cinnamon sugared toast.
and before i could say that it didn't she shouted……
"Cause the chicken wanted to get to the other side!"
while walking the dog annie remembers something:
"Oh mom…you forgot to get me to ride a unicorn!"
me: "i did? was i supposed to do that?"
annie "yes. don't worry we'll do it in…..6 years."
sean did not want to ride go carts yesterday.
then he finally got brave and did it.
while walking to the car he said
"i wish i wouldn't have not wanted to do that before. it was great."
me: "well, next time you are nervous about something you can tell yourself –
remember the go-karts"
he answers seriously "yeah well i am never going to be a doctor.
you have to touch feet AND privates….gross!"
for some reason my kids think it's hilarious to see a man in a suit riding a bike.
they laugh and laugh.
the other night the conversation over ice cream went like this:
sean: wouldn't it be funny to see a man in suit on a bike?
scott: or on a bike in a diaper?
talby: or in a diaper on tricycle?
scott: with a beanie hat with a propeller?
annie: yeah!! a diaper! hahahahahahahahahha!!!!"
that would be pretty funny.
at bible study i served sloppy joes.
sean asks "did you make these mom?"
me: yes sean. you'll like them. they are the same that i always make.
sean: are the same as dad makes?
(craig makes sloppy joes occasionally when he has to cook)
me: yes, they are the same as dads…it's our secret man-wich recipe.
sean realizes i am kidding about the secret and says:
"well it should be a secret because it's so good!"
funny stuff.
I love the way a child’s mind works. It’s sooooo — free form! In the head — out the mouth!:)
Gotta love my neighbor kids! Those are wonderful! When my kids say hilarious things, I tell myself that I’m going to remember them and write them down later . . . and I rarely do or I don’t remember entirely and lose some of the kid-flair. Sweet! Oh that had me laughing out loud!! Aren’t kids HILARIOUS?!! Mine have been saying some pretty funny things lately too! Gotta write ’em down so we don’t forget those sweet moments! Thanks for sharing!!
Those are so good! Glad you wrote them down. We had one of those never ending conversations in the car last night that had something to do with the moon, who made God, stores, roads, and ice cream all in one converstation. Their little minds are so funny.
Too cute! Aren’t they just hilarious?!? My favorite most recent cute quote was from one of my 6 year old twins… She told a friend of mine “I go to private school”. My friend said “You do?… what school do you go to?!” (knowing that she goes to public school). My 6 year old tells her the name of the school. My friend asks “XXX School is private?” She replies.. “Oh yes… it’s VERY private… there’s harldly ANY neighbors around.” Very cute!! My 18 year old had 2 friends over Saturday and they were in our front room watching a movie. My 15 year old son came home and then disappeared. I asked my husband if he was in his room or was he watching the movie with the girls. My 8 year old said, “Why? Are you worried that he is making love?” My husband and I looked at each other with big eyes. I asked him if he knew that meant having se** and he said “No” and turned red. I guess he thought it meant flirting with the girls. He doesn’t really know what se** is but I have tried to be open with the word and say things like it is what men and women do when they are married to make babies.
people often shake their heads at me because I love working with kids….but they say and do the funniest things EVER!!!! I LOVE IT!! I really need to write some things down too…I will TOTALLY forget…and it will be gone forever. Never a dull moment around your place 🙂 Don’t ya love that…for the most part anyway!? cute! kids are so funny and they don’t even really know it. wish i would have written down some of the things my kids said. how precious! not ballet. annie and talby started taking creative movement class.
it is the best!
of course….they love the leotard and tights thing.
they love ms. jeanne.
they are loving getting to move and run and be creative with their little bodies.
really…what is cuter than 3 year olds in pink leotards?
they were butterflies.
tasting flowers (hula hoops) with their feet.
love this.
and now i will be a sappy emotional girl:
when i saw talby at her first class i had to fight the tears.
to see her joy so visibly was wonderful and sad at the same time.
to see her so happy made me happy to my core that she was there & loving it.
seeing her that happy made me sad i hadn't brought her
into something like this sooner.
i realized how safe she felt here to be a silly, active, happy, wiggly girl.
and how she loved that a grown up would dance silly too!
i was sad that i haven't made a place for this at our house.
at home there are the older kids
who would (most likely) laugh at her if she was rolling around to music.
here she was safe to feel the music and move her body any way she wants.
naturally annie has a great time too.
any place she gets to run wild is a happy place for her.
i was in dance for about 15 years.
this was feeling very familiar…
the music in the studios, teachers voices, the mirrors and bars.
if you like to dance it never goes away.
so maybe we'll do this kind of thing more at home.
away from any windows so we won't embarrass any 13 year olds.
in case someone may drive by and see us.
FUN!! I am so happy to have a “blogger” to look up to! I just started reading your blog yesterday and I am already hooked! Too cute! Anyway…I also took dance all of my life and cannot stop now…my ladies (daughters) and I dance in the car, in the house…basically where there is music we are dancing. This post reminded me of the other day when we were jamming out to some incredible HSM3 song on Radio Disney and my 6 year old asked if I was embarressed when folks looked into our car and thought I was nuts because I was doing jazz hands (you absolutely cannot sing “I Want It All” without jazz hands) and I responded, “Never my dear!!” I then pondered if there were other mothers doing jazz hands while driving down the road in full on Sharpay mode…and thought…well who cares maybe I really am just nuts, but at least my girls love it and we’re having fun! So I say DANCE!! I just started reading your blog today, and you made me cry on this one. I too was in dance as a kid, and up to about 5 years ago. I have a daughter a one year old and just hearing your words made me cry, and I am so excited to get my little girl started in dance. Thank you for this one. We do lots of dancing in our house. The kitchen is the dance floor/center stage. I love music and dancing. Hubby and I did a lot of dancing when we were dating. Now our girls dance with us and we love it. Lots of smiles, laughing and silliness going on. Maybe I should consider a disco ball in the kitchen? Crank up the tunes and start moving.
Don’t be sad you didn’t think of this sooner, Mommy. They might not have enjoyed it as much earlier. Everything has it’s own time.
I think we all need some creative movement in our daily lives:) Looks like such a fun and free spirited class. I was a dancer growing up so it takes me back.
we have what we call “dance party usa” in our front room (totally unused superfluous living room). right there in front of the world to see we let loose and dance our booties off. well, me and the boys get crazy, my husband only changes the music depending on our whimsy. our favorite songs are “starry eyed surprise” by oakenfold and “last dollar” by tim mcgraw. dancing is the best mood lifter and energy burner for the little ones! music to this dancin’ queen’s ears!! i took dance for 15 years too, and it is still the one thing that can turn my mood from gray to bright in seconds…given the right tune of course! annie just started her 5th year of dance thursday, and i love it! at our house, family talent night often finds all of us acting crazy, dancin’ on top of the coffee table and bringing out our inner creative sides…it is truly one of our kid’s favorite things we do together! i hope even as they grow older, we’ll still cherish it!
You could always be a “Hoofin’ Mama” with Kristi and GB. 🙂 Oh, little pink leotards! How precious is that? Those little girls look like they are having the time of their lives. Thanks for sharing.
They are all so stinkin’ cute! Love the idea. Good reminder to just be silly with them. I could NEVER dance. But….my girls don’t know that. They think I can and they love it when we do that. We’ll have to do that more. Great post.
the little leotards! precious.
hey, do they have that class for grown up moms who really need to dance around and giggle and laugh. sign me up.
Oh how cute : ) Love the pink leotards and tights. Very precious. And I danced for a long time, too, and everytime I drive downtown past the old masonic building where we had classes I get that anticipatory feeling in my heart… : ) Oh, too cute! I’m really looking forward to this in a couple of years!!! And, you’re right, there’s nothing cuter than a little girl in a pink leotard! this is what i did while annie was at school.
it's for my sunday school classroom.
(see kristin i told you i was going to copy everything you do)
i am going to be teaching 3 year olds.
all 3 year olds like rainbows right?
color was catching my eye all day.
i hope i notice it tomorrow too.
You are my favorite eye-candy photographer 🙂 I LOVE color so, of course, I LOVE these photos! I noticed the brightly colored gumballs in your kitchen too. Great pictures. Lucky 3 year olds! You are so crafty, my friend. Oh how I love rainbows!! I taught first grade for ten years and every year we did a rainbow painting!! It was always so much fun for the kiddos and ME!! I miss those days… ~Jill 🙂 I LOVE your blog!!! Your photography is amazing and I love all the fun things you do w/ your kids!!!! Happiness to you!!! love your color shots – PRETTY! hopefully i will notice some color today – kind of grey here all day yesterday. hope you hae a great weekend!
Very pretty! Your 3 yr olds will love it! LOVE your kitchen 🙂
Love it! And so will your 3 year olds!
gorgeous! love the bunting too? Happy rainbow day to you. YOu’ve got such a great eye! Hope your anniversary was wonderful! What service? Will you be Lawson’s teacher?! PRETTY! 🙂 today is our anniversary.
craig told to go back to sleep and he'd walk the dog, feed the kids
and take them to school.
he gets more romantic everyday.
i can't express my love and respect enough….
happy anniversary sweetheart.
our trip was our way of celebrating big and a date will be the small.
a date!
can't wait for that.
also today was annie's first day back to preschool.
she picked out a perfect annie outfit.
and added her sparkly shoes.
every single time she puts these on she says sweetly
"thank you so much for buying 'dees mama.
i always wanted 'dees for my birthday."
and i say, "i know. you're welcome"
and her shirt is a size 24 month dress.
i heard them say "i'm the mama. i'm working"
what do you think of that kristin?
pretty cute.
my small taste of freedom begins again today.
You’re a good mama for letting Annie wear what SHE picked out! That was always the hardest thing for me, still is sometimes. I always tell the girls that they are a reflection of the family and vice versa. Congratulations! Kelly HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! what a sweet man you have. so hope you enjoyed your day. annie, annie – she makes me smile. what a little doll!! i love her sense of style. enjoy your bits of free time – they are like heaven. I KNEW today was something, but I couldn’t put my finger on it! Happy Anniversary. You’re putting all those cynics to shame, sister!
Happy Anniversary to two very special people! Thanks so much for the dinner – it was not expected – Russ and I really appreciate it. Hope you have your own party tonight – those are the best 🙂 Happy Anniversary Meg! Clink! Glug Glug! Smooch! ha ha.
Happy Anniversary! I love Annie’s little face! Too cute! My Jake’s first day was today and he SCREAMED and CRIED! HELLO? WHAT??? This is the child who could care a less if I leave—EVER! I don’t know WHAT his deal was! Seriously…I didn’t know how to act…neither of my boys have EVER acted like this! Evidently, he calmed down and when I picked him up…he said, “It was GREAT MOMMY!” ????????? Enjoy your date!
Happy Anniversary to you both. Have fun on your date.
Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys have a sweet day!
Happy Anniversary, we were married in September, too! The 12th will be our 16th anniversary. your craig needs to give my craig some anniversary lessons. 🙂 don’t forget to send me over your ikea list!! annie looks very happy to be back with eliza. Yes, indeed. Happy anniversary!
our little caesar's has this guy
and a kid who dances with a sandwich board that says $5 pizzas.
and my kids looooove them.
pizza at the park.
girl time after dance class…
don't tell the boys.
i want this so badly.
it is perfect for me….other than the price.
my girls got a kick out of our anitque shop (that we rarely go in.)
they played with a rotary phone.
talby dialed then said "hello. you must be an old person!" into the receiver.
this store….man it's got issues.
so many great great things but too costly for me.
and i don't like being followed the entire time i shop.
but there is so much i want inside.
i'd even get that huge moose head!(in front of talby)
i'd hang it in the upstairs hallway…just for fun.
(on in a bathroom as a towel hanger?)
cutest dog toy ever.
it has an empty water bottle inside so it's loud and crinkly.
you can find one here.
ok… i am off to relax in my bath.
(and make lists and think about too much stuff)
I have visited your blog a few times…first time commenting. Just saw your photos…love love your home…such a cozy feeling. It’s so beautiful here!
Okay. I only skimmed your post, but I totally know the antique store of which you speak. Chris and I ADORE this store, but rarely go in there because of the non-negotiable prices and the lurking/following. that sign is great!! would look fantastic in your kitchen. your puppy is just the cutest. i want him.
What’s up with only 1 comment? How much is that sign? Maybe you need it for your birthday?
Wendy Hagen - If pictures were edible, I would eat that last one. Please ship them to me. Thanks.
McGee - My two year old and I made these cookies last night – complete with the butter flavored Crisco. OMG – they are amazing! You weren’t kidding when you said they were the best thing ever!
My husband, btw, refers to you as “the chicken enchilada lady in Kansas.” I made your chicken enchiladas two weeks ago, using fresh tortillas from a local grocer here in Texas and homemade tomatillo sauce. He was in heaven! I have a feeling we’ll be making them quite frequently. 🙂
Queenie Bee - Thanks so much for the edit! I love that quote and will put it on our chalkboard in the kitchen. 🙂
carissa - dad gum it… i need these… supposed to be on a “diet”!
looks yummy… hmmmmmm
Sharla - We made these last night and my 4-year-old couldn’t stop sneaking them out of the container this morning! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!
Rachel - Yummmmmmmmy…..thanks for sharing that; they look awesome…can’t wait to taste them. You both look soooo happy cooking together…you make me want to leave work right now and bake!
julie - Okay, so butter flavor Crisco is just about the creepiest ingredient in the world. But you know what, I use it every single time I make cookies. I have to pretend that I am not…. but the taste makes it so worth it. Even if it might make me die.
jennifer - I love the idea of making them into bars. I know what I’m doing this weekend.
And like Queenie Bee, I’d love to know what that quote is that you’ve gotten written on the index card. It looks like a good one.
that girl - Thanks! It’s been a rough week, I may make these this weekend.
kara - You have evoked a serious craving within my soul, delicious cookie dough.
Ashlie - Hi! I have been a “lurker” for quite awhile now and finally decided that I just HAD to tell you how GREAT you are!! I love the realness (is that a word?) of your blog. Whenever I click over to your page, I immediately feel calmed. And your pictures are amazing!! What kind of camera do you use, if you don’t mind me asking? My blog is private, so you can e-mail me the answer at ash_kat81@yahoo.com. If you have a minute, that is. I know you’ve got your hands full! Take care and keep up the wonderful posts!!
Laura - Oh my . . .that was mean 😉 Just mean! I want cookies sooo bad!!!
mallory Heffronm - They look so yummy, I will have to make me some
lee ann - Anna just asked this morning if we could make cookies after school today. I’m always on the hunt for the BEST choc chip cookies…..even though I can’t eat them 🙁 I think today will be a bar day. She loses interest by the time we start the baking any way.
Kelly - Sounds yummy! We have those spin and saver containers too. My favorite. Happy Mothering! Kelly
Jill - Oh yum!! Your T.V. alter ego is simple… Rachel Ray mixed in with a little Marlo Thomas in That Girl. 🙂 You’ll have to go to Melissa Ellen’s website and check out her alter ego!! It’s a good one. 🙂
Queenie Bee - Cute post! We’ll have to try them…especially in bar form as those look delish!
Okay, and you’ve just GOT to share that quote that is sneeking in that last photo. I can already tell that I’ll like it. 🙂
traci - yummmmmmmy. i need to make some of those. but first i need to go get one of those mixers. can you believe i don’t have one. probably because i don’t bake hardly at all because if i bake it, I EAT IT. so my poor family suffers. but you have inspired me. plus, i’m with lauren, love the dough!!!
Diana Cornielle - Yum! Thanks so much for the recipe! I just started reading your blog and bookmarked it with a link on my blog so I won’t loose you! Lol. I also want to say that I love your house (with all the laundry and everything!) Great photos! Happy Thursaday!
PamperingBeki - I’ll be right over with those balloons. Hopefully you still have cookies to share.
I do love me some chocolate. We can sit and have coffee and chocolate while our kids wreck the house. Sounds fun, right?
Toni - I have to try these it’s starting to get cool here so great time to bake….Your blog is such a great read…thanks ,Toni
southernseven - Do they mail well? My address is……
crystal - i’m definitely going to try that recipe one day soon. my family loves chocolate chip cookies.
Suzanne - yay!! you never disappoint! sounds like a perfect something to do with the hurricane coming our way…that is if we still have electricity:)
can’t wait to try ’em!
shelli - your blog is so entertaining! i love to read..i also love that you love photography!!
Jenny - I WILL make these.
Christy - Meg, First have to say I love your blog! You & your family are a very entertaining read. I often relate, even tho I only have one munchkin, but sometimes he feels like 5. 🙂
I know I am in the minority here, but I am not a choc fan, but I wil try these! They look yummy!
PS. If you haven’t tried a baking stone yet, they are almost impossible to burn cookies on. I use Pampered Chef, but any would work.
Trish - YUMmmmmMYYYYY!!!
I have never used butter FLAVORED crisco before. I actually didn;t even know there was such a thing. I am a REAL butter girl. But I do love me some good cookies, so I’ll give this a try.
Amen to bars……
foreverfoldinglaundry - I, too, am a chocolate chip bar kind of girl. I wish I hadn’t seen these. I’m now craving them! Now I have a project for tomorrow.
Beth - They look really yummy, but I’m partial to real butter. I have to say I’ve never used butter flavored crisco (or crisco at all) in cookies, but I’ve heard cookies made with it are really good . . . but real butter, mmmmmmmmm. Yours look worth trying though, maybe right now!
mom - Since I also make Jonelle’s cookies, I’m waiting for that award too! These are the best.