have i mentioned how much i love babies?

maybe it's just obvious since i had five.
but some people have kids but aren't thrilled with the baby stages.
that is not me.
i could look at a baby all day.
when i see a baby i have to restrain myself from picking it up.
i like each stage of that first year.
this 10 month stage that ben is in….
LOVE it.
they start to walk. they smile at everything with toothy grins.
they have such big personalities.
thank you kim for another adorable baby to practice my photography.
kim's favorite.
he is the happiest baby!
my favorite.
those big blue eyes are going to get him in trouble someday….
annie asks me 10 times a day "is it time to pick up the kids?" the last hour is the longest for her.
she watches the clock (but does not know how to tell time)
then shouts "IT"S TIME! it's been four minutes."
making no sense.
today this is how we spent that last hour.
working on Cubbies book.
it said to draw someone that God made.
she painted our neighbor simon – her best friend who is a boy.
(eliza is her best friend that is a girl)
the 5th kid gets to paint in her church book…why not?!
worked on figuring out how a pinwheel spins.
jumped on the trampoline.
then i got under the trampoline.
(i know i know it's terribly unsafe…but she's little..it was fine)
she thought it was so funny to jump on me.
and finally it was time to go "pick up the kids".
other than preschool…it's her favorite thing to do.
What a doll! Too cute. Oh, how sweet! Two year old Breanna can’t stand when her big sister is away. For her whole life, we’ve all been together nearly all the time. Sweet girl. awesome pics!
that’s it–I’m turning you in to the fun police! These pictures put a lump in my throat, makes me wish I were a kid again. 🙂 Ahhh! She misses them 🙂 So sweet! Looks like that last hour was a lot of fun 🙂 That is sooo cute! Great pics…especially the pin wheel pic! Kids have no concept of time and it’s the greatest thing…no cares just wanting their siblings to come home from school!! She is beautiful! awesome pix under the trampoline. who needs to photoshop with textures. just place a trampoline in front of your subjects. very cool!! The trampoline pics are A-mazing. Wow. I love them. The trampoline pics turned out awesome! Like a homemade filter!
Love those pics through the trampoline. Cool! So glad to be back in our house with electricity. Hurricane Ike has kicked our booty here in the Houston area. Arrgghhh!! Hope all is well with you and your precious family. Hugs~ Jill 🙂
Hey Meg, just wanted to say HI! and of course, cute pics. Annie is getting SO big.
Cute photos as usual! She looks like she had fun killin’ time! What great pictures. Looks like you spent the last hour very busy
getting more practice. my favorite.
looking up at mom.
thank you thank you thank you jessica and joel.
i loved practicing on your sweet sweet baby.
talby was so happy to tag along to see you.
both she and annie want me to tell you that we want to baby-sit.
we do.
we need more babies around here.
call us anytime!
what a cutie.
I am soooo glad that they were able to catch some good and happy memories before she went to the angels!! i love how her mouth is open in so many of these!! honest. you are a natural. as someone already stated you have “IT” !!! it is so fun that you are sharing all of this with us! Meg, you are just amazing. I’m catching up on your posts and they are all just delightful. You have such a gift for capturing expressions and action and fun. You go girl! You have got IT. I want to EAT her, she is so stinking cute! Almost (ALMOST) makes me a little baby hungry. almost. These photos are a.w.e.s.o.m.e. I love that you are doing this for others!! It is a gift. That last picture! Oh…ah! You did such a great job with these pics! So sweet! oh my adorable! these are fabulous photos of a super cutie. 🙂 Beautiful photos! Just wanted to let you know that I love visiting your blog, hope you don’t mind me snooping about! Love the photos of your house and all your creative ideas. Thanks for sharing all that you do. These are beautiful! You should be very proud of the great job you did. And if for some reason you can’t babysit I’d be more than happy too. I miss having a baby in the house. Beautiful pictures. Love the black and white. That last photo is absolutely precious!
what a beautiful little one. very easy subject to photograph. and you did a fantastic job. her parents are going to be so happy with them. i especially love the second to the last one – the way you captured the sun. great job meg. Beautiful pictures as always! I think it is time for London to have some new pictures taken. Don’t forget I have that rocker you can always borrow for babies. those are beautiful photos! adorable, precious, beautiful photos. I love the last two. What a cute family. I wish I lived nearby so you could practice with my little guy 🙂
Oh that last one was definitely my favorite as well. Beautiful baby and beautiful photos Meg!
so cute! thanks for letting us know what kind of camera you use!!! i love the pics on your blog. What a doll! That last picture is amazing but they are all great. (we have a Cora too) I love the pictures Megan! I knew they would be awesome. Thanks so much for “practicing” your photography on Cora (although I don’t think you need to practice). It was great to see Talby too! Tell the girls that we will let you babysit Cora sometime. Thanks again! Thanks so much for all that you share. Where do you get your energy? Have really been inspired by your “can do” attitude and cheerfulness. Your photography is beautiful also. Hope you have a great week. They turned out wonderfully, and I agree, the last one is my favorite! She sure likes to give that big open mouthed grin 🙂
Wow, these are fantastic!! Your photog is always awesome, but I think that little cutie could steal anyones heart! What an adorable little one. So sweet. I want you to take my babies’ pictures!! You did great! And then I’d like to take that baby home with me 🙂 I need a girl.
Soooooo beautiful. I love her shirt color. no matter which party you are….
It is so funny. I agree the part where Hillary says I should have wanted it more was so funny. Not a Hilary lover, but do agree she got raw deal from media. They fawn all over Barack Obama & softball all their questions to him, meanwhile, Gibson at ABC did the hardest interview I’ve ever seen him do of Palin. I hope all these media types keep up their sexist behavior, they’ll tick off every woman in America! hahahahahhahahaha! i love SNL!!
Oh, I loved the part where “Hillary” said she’d won had she just “wanted it more.” I saw the white knuckles. Lol Wasn’t it GREAT!!! Still cracking up 🙂 Loved it, how could you not love it? The accent and mannerisms were perfect! Visiting…Traci sent me over. Great blog. Your pictures are amazing. I loved the whole Tina Fey thing. The first time I saw Palin I knew Tina had to do her on SNL! that is so funny! they both so nail them, too funny! I knew it! I saw that skit coming the minute I saw Palin – she and Fey look just alike!… and I knew you would love it being the SNL lover you are. We even let Jace stay up since Phelps was on. He now thinks SNL is the “funniest show ever!” Hmmm…what kind of parents are we!?!? that was hilarious. they were awesome. i missed it that night. We saw that Tina was going to be doing Palin on SNL and we had to watch. This was hilarious. I haven’t watched SNL for a long time and I’ve decided we’re just too old, because not much else was funny to us. Tina Fey nailed Palins voice but she didnt nail her looks (imo). Palin is prettier than Fey pulled off. Anyhow, it was funny
our church had an end of summer party a few weeks ago. the bouncy house moonwalk company didn't show up.
they just bailed on 500 people!
can you imagine doing that? to a church?
thank goodness there were some pinatas.
really strong very full pinatas.
patti i thought you'd like that one.
you can just imagine the screaming and chaos going in these pictures!
i wish there was audio to go along.
they were all loaded up with smarties and gum….mmmmmm!
the party was on a beautiful august evening.
so good to see and talk to people we hadn't seen most of the summer.
it was a perfect weather.
i think everyone there had a really good time.
even without a bouncy house.
Dang. I thought I was the only one who noticed the little girl pulling up her dress. 🙂 Apparently not. She stole the show in that shot. She’s like a toddler at a PGA tournament or something…standing there in utter suspense, just waiting to see if he’ll pull it off.
I came across your blog cause I saw someone else post the pics of your bathroom. I loved it so I came on over. I love your blog. You are such a good mom! Your home is beautiful! You definately have a knack! I love your old, beautiful home and the fact that you kept is authentic as possible. Beautiful details! Please, Come and say hello! I will be back to see what else you come up with! Looks like you guys had lots of fun, even without the moon bounce.
pinatas are so fun. i can’t believe that company bailed. what goes around comes around. tell talby i’ll be over for some of those smarties – those are my favorite – i did i see a little roll of sprees in there too. yum!!!
pizza first. ![]() then it was time for a game.
board games are fun but a constant check of our patience.
playing games with kids can be really fun (laughing and happy and learning)
or go very badly (crying, fighting, pouting, sent to your room)
at least that's how it is at our house.
tonight was mostly the fun happy part.
lorel – i was wishing you were here so you'd say "who knew?!"
i kept saying it like you did the whole time.
C3PO has nothing to do with Whoonu.
he was just there which i thought was so typical.
everyone chooses a card from their 4 with a word they think you'd like.
these were the words for me.
shopping i like the best.
jelly donuts i like the least.
scott was the winner.
craig i know what are thinking….give him a haircut.
i say we just leave it.
with the messy long hair people may not notice the missing teeth.
Wow that looked like fun…it’s soo fun and simple when the family gathers around for a good ol game..and pizza…was that homemade pizza? I tried doing that last week and my 3 year old replied “can I have sometin else…I dunt wike it” must have been pretty bad, I ate it anyway so I didn’t hurt my own feelings. i think every girl in america, young and old, should throw caution to the wind and dress like your little annie. look how happy she is. i think it has something to do with her fabulous fashion sense. where what you like, when you like, no matter what. go annie!!! I sometimes get verklempt when I look at your blog. Who knew? Let’s discuss…call 555-4444. Give a call..we’ll talk…no big whoop.
That looks like a great game! And let me just say…that girl knows how to pick put an outfit! Priceless!! hehehe! Oh…how’s life with the new puppy going?/ Any “Meg” type funny stories?? :0) I love C3PO.
My older kids just discovered “Clue” and that was a fun game to teach them. Game nights are our favorite over here. I’m so glad to hear that board games are frustrating for other people too 🙂 We TRY…we REALLY try…but it so does try your patience, doesn’t it!!! Thanks for keeping it real! We’ll have to give Whoonu a try 🙂 I say leave his hair too 🙂 What a cutie! sorry about your Jayhawks last night…BUMMER! We love games too!!! I hope you guys are participating in “THe Million Minute Family Game Challenge”. (millionminute.com) It’s really fun. Our entire cub scout pack is playing along! How stinkin cute. Your family looks so much fun. Can you adopt me? How stinkin cute. Your family looks so much fun. Can you adopt me? Looks like loads of fun. I’m with you though… any type of “planned fun” around our house always seems to go terribly wrong.. I usually end up feeling like Mommy Dearest when it’s all over.. I think my expectations are always too high.. I’m picturing “Norman Rockwell”.. I usually get “Married with Children”. Unplanned always seems to work better for us… it just happens naturally when we’re ALL in the right frame of mind. oh yes! it's friday.
that feels good to me.
i don't know why since i don't go to work anywhere.
i am just happy for it.
other than the down pour of rain here this morning.
it's quite exciting getting kids to school in pouring rain.
here is a series of randomness for friday.
![]() happy friday.
yep, you gotta love fridays. waffle is so cute. love that quilt. i just want to snuggle up in it. so pretty. have a great weekend!! we had rain all day today and it’s still coming down. I love your photos Meg. The first one is awesome! Happy Friday! Oh yeah, Friday ROCKS!
just PRETTY!
Meg, that camera of yours makes me drool! Fantastic photos. I always love your posts filled with pictures. I would take photography lessons from you if I could. The pictures of everyday life are the best! I usually love Fridays but today I am watching the news and waiting for Ike to hit. I am in a suburb of Houston so we are going to get a direct hit. Say a prayer for all of us here on the Gulf Coast.
Great shots, I love the puppy having a bath one the best!!
Friday IS the best, isn’t it? It heralds the start of the weekend, when I always plan to do so much and then on Sunday night realise I haven’t done half of it! Have a good weekend.
kayla - O my gosh what a cutie pie. He is so sweet and precious. Thank you for sharing the pictures just looking at a happy healthy child makes me smile!
robin bird - oh! isn’t that great! all these positive comments and encouragement from your friends! i LOVE the first one and i also am very impressed with what you chose to capture and the perfect use of light! really good meg!
Jen - Whoooosh! What a doll!
Staci - Kim’s favorite is my fav too 🙂 What a cute little guy! I LOVE those striped pants, toooo cute 🙂 Great job!
Lanny Stanard - I could eat him all up! what a cutie…
Have a great week-end.
Julie K. - Love them. I’m curious … did you get a new lens? These are great!! And do you do any editing for color? Either way, these are so fabulous, you have such a natural eye for this stuff. You are going to make it as a p.r.o.f.e.s.s.i.o.n.a.l photographer … that is for sure!
Carla Proctor - Hey there I finally decided to get in touch this way. i’m not so good with writing on blogs but i look at yours everyday so i thought why not:) love all the pictures of the babies, i should have you do abby’s 2yr pics. i’m not sure what we’re doing yet, i had my sister do her 9mo and loved them more than any of the others. did you ever get the email i wrote you? i did write ya and wanted you to know that! anyway hopefully i’ll be in touch with you soon. can’t believe kim’s little guy is so big already… time really does fly! keep taking those pictures and we’ll come that way so you can practice on us to sometime!
Sandy - I’m with Kim, 4th is my favorite too. But, I have to add that they are all adorable – thanks to the cute boy and the photographer! Good job Megan!
Troy, OH
Kim Disberger - I might have to buy a poster size of the 4th one for my bedroom! I love them, Thanks Megan. You’re very talented and I think you could make a business out of this easily. David said it, “She’s good, and that’s coming from a guy whose worked with $5000./a day photographers!”
traci - your doing great!!! he’s a doll!
One Wired Woman - Love these photos… he’s a cutie. ~Jill 🙂
One Wired Woman - Love these photos… he’s a cutie. ~Jill 🙂
Rachel - How adorable…and great shots…your a great photographer!
tausha - I love babies too. Maybe not as much as you do-but I so love that new baby smell-and watching them scrunch and stretch and groan! My sis is having a baby is Jan-so excited-can’t wait!
I just have a quick question? Every stage? What about the one where you turn around for 3 seconds and they manage to dump the entire bottle of ketchup all over the brand new carpet? Then they do that dang giggle and smile through the pain-but continue yelling anyway! Maybe I am just a freak-after all I do have 17 pillows on my bed! (see latest post)
PamperingBeki - Okay, I scrolled down… different basket. 😉 I need sleep.
PamperingBeki - Awwww, what a doll!!
You had a great subject and you did a fabulous job, as always.
Where were you a year ago when my own baby was that age and I could’ve used pictures? Oh, that’s right – a few blocks away. But I didn’t know that.
Wasn’t that basket pink the other day with Cora? Or did I make that up? You just paint it for every photo shoot, don’t you. Haha!
Jennalee - I see Kim in him way more so then the other two boys. Beautiful pictures Megan!!!
Sandra - I love babies too. And they seem to know when you are a “baby person” — I seldom have a baby refuse to come to me. And they are babies such a short time — you have to enjoy them “quick!”
Kara - My favorite is the third picture. It is just absolutely adorable.
chris - You are so talented , really you capture such wonderful shots.
Lorilee - What a cute child! The photos are wonderful. I would have to say the 4th is my favorite!
lee ann - I love his face in the second one. And what awesome “catch lights” in his eyes on every one of them! (Did I just make you think I know what I’m talking about? 🙂
Heidi - More great baby shots! You keep this up girl and you’ll be making appointments with eager moms and dads for baby photo shoots. Poor you, getting paid for something you love to do. ;o)