dance class today was happy, happy, happy!

flowy fabric laid out to roll up into worms….
and then unraveling!
today they were working on learning curved, straight or angled body shapes.
takng turns under the parachute the other girls had to feel if the one
underneath was making a curvy, straight or angle shape with her body.
talby was straight.
annie was curvy.
then a goodbye dance out the door.
it's usually an individual thing but today they came charging all at once.
we all left with happy hearts today.
it was worth it just for this one jenn. my grandma gave me this high chair from when my dad was a baby.
you are doin’ it. plain and simple. you make up your mind and then you just GO. i do so admire that in you meg. these are very good. i love the first of course and also 7, 9 and 10. the sun just off to the right, how it skims over her hair on 5, her reaching out on 6 and the one of her and her momma is very nice. you made use of that bright backdrop very well. good work! Great photos and that baby is gorgeous, too! You Did A Great Job!!!
Those are gorgeous! What a great location and you came up with so many different creative shots….awesome work. You didn’t think he would go for a dog either. 🙂 meg – they are gorgeous. you did a beautiful job. they have to be over the moon happy with them. i love the photo with the sun flare – AWESOME!!! keep up the great work. you’re a natural! Those are great pictures. I love the ones in the milo field. You do a wonderful job with the little babies!! Thanks for the CD. All the pictures are wonderful, but I think the ones you picked are the best! What a gorgeous backdrop for your photos. Of course, the model is pretty dang cute too! Great photos. You really are very talented! I wish you the best of luck with your photography. I have enjoyed how colorful your posts are and how you manage to find interesting images in the most everyday items. Thanks for sharing.
You did a great job and I LOVE the first one! And that highchair is beautiful. Those are great. she is adorable.
Oh, oh, oh. You really caught some excellent moments. How can Mom choose which one to blow up and frame? Amazing, really! Wish you lived closer.
Nah – you can’t trade pets in. You need Waffle AND another baby! 😛 I do APPRECIATE having Meg as a neighbor and wanting to take pictures of London. The pictures just warm my heart – I have looked at the CD 10 times already. A moment in time caught forever – thanks again and she is availble anytime.
Absolutely gorgeous photographs. They are all fabulous but I LOVE the first one, the one with mom and the one with her in the basket in front of the haystack that is black and white. You really do have a gift!!!! So, are you getting paid for your time and effort or do you just do it for fun and because you love the family…and of course to build a portfolio?
Those are fantastic! It helps when you have such a cute subject, too! Beautiful shots! I think you just found yourself a new baby…a new job. You are great!
Awwwwwwww, what a DOLL!! here is my schedule for tonight:
1. sean's flag football game (last week it was super cute) he's the one in the hat. his dad wasn't there…so i let him wear the hat. 2. photo shoot with london (taking her out in the country)
3. lauren's volleyball game out of town (go lauren!)
4. the office (1 full HOUR!!) 🙂
5. grey's anatomy (it's tonight? right?)
6. ER (i have watched every season…i can't stop at the last one!)
the dvr is going to be working overtime!
i am making yummy snacks and drinks for the big night. i plan on cuddling up with craigers on the couch for the office and then kicking him out for grey's and ER. he has too many comments like "don't they ever work at that hospital?"
such an exciting life i lead…..
(again with the stupid double spacing? typepad what is the problem?)
(i am sure it's me not them)
loved the office.
cried with jim and pam. LOVE that ryan is the new temp.
watched ER (shorter) and cried waaaaay too much. like a 10 kleenex cry.
saving grey's for tomorrow…too sleepy.
but it DID record. barely.
so glad i checked it because it wasn't starting.
phineus and ferb was recording instead. it's a disney cartoon!!
last year it started and then a child in my home
stopped it halfway through to watch fresh prince of bell air.
and now phineus!
shouldn't dvr just know that kids shows never override grey's?!
i should hide the remote.
i was sooo right there with ya with ER and needing tissues, the closest thing i could find near the TV was arby’s napkins and now i have a big fat red raw nose!! i stayed up til 2 watching grey’s. ya should of come over, (since ya had snacks and all!)
I KNOW! I was so excited after The Office I had a hard time going to sleep! 🙂
have never watched the office. must be good though – everyone loves it. can’t wait to hear what you thought of greys.
I know what you mean! I’m constantly having to check the “priority” feature on the DVR to make sure that my boys haven’t added some new recording to the schedule. (New recording automatically go to #1 priority if you have Direct TV.) Grey’s was so good!!!
i’m just wondering what those yummy snacks are…??!! you always inspire me – love your blog; it’s my version of a good tv night. thanks so much.
I’ll be right there with ya for Grey’s! I can’t wait!! Everytime I think of Grey’s I think of one of my twins last year (they were five).. I overheard them playing “grownups”. Of course you have to have imaginary names for that game… One said to the other.. “My name is Grace. Grace Anatomy.” It still cracks me up!!! just started watching THE OFFICE and LOVE IT!!!! Im sooooo excited about tonight I cant see straight. Its the one show my husband and I love together and laugh our heads off over. My evenings not as fun as yours though. I have parent conferences before hand so I will be listening to the teachers but THINKING about THE OFFICE..tee hee..not really. I am so excited for the office!!! By the way… I’m really impressed by your devotion to ER! Hope you have a great busy day. I am totally counting the minutes until the office…i can’t remember the last time i was so excited for a tv show…maybe the episode where jim was supposed to propose… 🙂 numbers 4,5 and 6 sound like my night! Yes, my DVR will be working hard tonight!! this puppy is getting big.
he is also smelly.
but i love him.
he's my baby….isn't that right craig?
i'm not going to buy him a stroller or anything…
i saw a woman crossing the street yesterday with a tiny dog
in a stroller made for dogs!
that was a bit much for me.
but i do love this stinky dog.
i thought i'd show some of the acorns we collected.
same picture different focal point…
even after that big bucket full of acorns
we still have that many on the driveway.
amy…can i borrow the vacuum again?
That is a GREAT yellow bucket! Kelly wow those are some big acorns. waffle is getting big. he’s such a cute little guy. yeah, putting him in a stroller is a bit much.
I love your acorns!! I have never seen ones that look like that…a little jealous! just wanted to say i love the name ‘Waffle’…it’s perfect for your new baby! This comment doesn’t have anything to do with the post above but I have been coming to this site often and LOVE your style! I saw pictures of your craft room and just KNOW that you would be able to tell me (or link me) how to make a fabric covered magnet board. you have to know! Please help! All the way from the emerald coast of Florida I enjoy your blog every day! Thanks!
I have been pretty “hands distance” from loving our year old puppy. I guess I try not to get too emotionally vested. BUt we just got back from a 2 week trip, where he stayed behind, and I can’t stop telling him, “I love you”…and I really do. Waffle is SO freaking cute! I absolutely adore labradoodles! We’ve been debating getting one as well, but we’re not done having children, we want to wait until the kids are older, blah, blah, blah. I’ll have to just enjoy Waffle’s pictures and live vicariously… I LOVE YOUR STINKY PUPPY 🙂 (I love the different focal points of the bucket too!) But mostly, I love that puppy 🙂 (Can you tell I want one!!!???)
Loooove the puppy pictures. He is adorable. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but those are gorgeous acorns! REALLY! We don’t have any like that here in the south…not that I’ve ever witnessed anyway. I love their foofy little edges. Send a bucket my way! 😉
He is the cutest, cute like those acorns would look in a big jar. My Chloe was looking at your blog with me today and ooooing and ahhhing over Waffle…then we got the the acorn photos….never in my life have I seen an acorn with that fuzzy look….Chloe said mom…those look like hedgehogs….well yea…I can see it.
Oh he’s just soooo cute (said in baby talk tone). Precious!
Those are my favorite kind of acorns! I always put mine in an apothicary jar for fall. I also made a wreath out of them ala Marth style. that picture is really great…I love the feel of it… Sweet puppy! Your neighborhood always looks so peaceful and cozy…makes me want to pack up and move back to the south! Seattle is wonderful…but just doesnt have the same feel. Hope you have a great day!
What a cute puppy! Our HUGE black lab is stinky too but we love him anyway! Love the pics of the acorns…both ways! And, the bucket is so cool, it looks very vintage! Ya know..I don’t know if I have ever seen a real-life acorn…in the “wild”! Ha! And that cute waffle is soo cute! Redundant?! every year in the town where i grew up there is an arts & crafts fair. and it's a big deal.
hillsboro has a population of about 3000 and on this day
i am happy i have grown up and no longer
have to sell pork burgers all day with my cheerleading squad.
(i still don't know even know what a pork burger actually is!)
my family comes in for the fair to shop and see old friends.
my sister didn't make it this year and i missed her.
(lorel i thought of you many times…I LOVE BASKETS!)
i used to be a big buyer but my tastes have changed.
there were a few booths i loved but that was it.
i loved this one.
she was so much fun.
her booth was my favorite.
but i didn't buy because it was so crowded and i felt overwhelmed.
i wanted it all so i bought none.
but i intend to study her website and shop in peace & quiet right here at home.
really really good stuff.
and there was so much more.
my grandma bought a sassy new sun visor.
what? no WAFFLE?
what kind of dog place doesn't have a WAFFLE collar on display?
GB…do you see what i see?
princess lasertron please translate.
my mom bought me one of these switchplates for my craft room.
super cute.
this was a great booth also but she has no website!
how can that be in 2008?!
then there were these girls.
i know them and i had no idea they made these cute things!
if i had a baby…i'd be buying it all up.
sooooo cute.
if craig would ever set foot in town on craft fair day….
this is what he would buy.
he loves Grannie's mustard.
a lot.
and now even grannie has a website.
go grannie.
i love molly's antiques…a store in town…not a booth.
that wire basket thing was already sold.
that was good for my budget.
i would have had to have it.
i have wanted this display cabinet since they opened this store.
i don't know where i'd put it but it would find a place.
oh the possibilites….
(it's not for sale)
i bought this rusty turquoise wire basket.
after we'd shopped for 6 hours and seen every booth and
stuffed ourselves with pie, noodle soup and cinnamon nuts
we called it a day.
oh wait…just one more stop.
this chicken coop thing was also sold.
how cool would that be as cubbies?
any farmers reading this have a chicken coop thing to sell me?
yes i am serious.
there's my mom peeking over my shoulder.
we were ready for dinner and meeting up with the kids.
the kids begged mike to go fishing again.
he's the best.
this is me yelling at one of my kids.
most likely i am yelling "BE CAREFUL!! You'll get a hook in someone's EYE!"
another year of successfully conquering the fair.
last year kicked my butt.
mom…i am glad you came.
you know that you & nancy & carolyn are influential women in my life….
even without the pictures!
I am looking back over some of your old posts to get inspiration for planning out my crafty space in our new house and as I looked at this post I realized that I *just* saw that lemonade stand lemon driving down the highway the other day! I wonder if it’s the same one or if there are a million bazillion of them in the world. Kelly
Can you post some more pics of this craft fair… I would love to see more..
Looks like so much fun at the craft fair! I would love to do something like that! You are the cutest mom with your glitter shoes!!! From Target, yes? :]
important post today on my blog…PLEASE come check it out!
WAAAY too much fun! Hillsboro, KS? My High School sweetheart went to Tabor…I believe that was in Hillsboro…ahh, good times 🙁 What a great fair! And isn’t your Grandma so cute in her snazzy visor! I so want to try to make one of those tin/bucket holder thingies that had the pretty paper around it! A little modge podge please! And it looks like your kids missed you oh so much :O
Oh, yay! That was a fun fair. And I SO would have bought that turquoise basket. 🙂 Sounds like a perfect day to me!!!!! Thanks for taking us a long.
That is sooo special! You and your mom had a great day it seemed by your pics and your post…awesome! I told Russ on Saturday that it was craft fair day – he said we should of gone – yeah right with a baby and 3 other kids – what is he thinking?? Probably of the food. Great pictures and what a perfect day! beats those days when it has been rainy and freezing cold. Glad you had a great time with everyone. Acorns . . . . I will be over to get some.
Oh whoa. Craft fair = money shortage at end of month. I always get in trouble. I had a nice time at my friend’s wedding – her boyfriend’s family is some branch of Mennonite (about half the women there were wearing bonnets, and I overheard someone introducing someone else as ‘so-and-so who works with Mennonite Central Committee’, etc.). So anyway, it has probably been since you guys got married that I went to a wedding with nothing but cake and punch! No alcohol and no dancing (awww, my favorite part!) but it was very sweet and touching, and I was glad I was there for my friend. But I missed the fair, and seeing everyone. Next year I hope to be back. I [heart] baskets! I was at the craft fair too – like you, I didn’t buy very much but the good food and weather was worth the 2 hour drive. Too bad I didn’t know about Molly’s antiques, that looked great. Next year!
that looks like sooo much fun! jealous. i could use some hometown tradition right about now… 🙁 What fun!! Can I go next year? I’ll bring you a chicken coop thingy!!!! I don’t have one personally, but there’s a place down around me that sells them.. they have TONS of them. I have no idea where they got so many… but there’s a lot!! My sister uses one in her laundry room above her washer and dryer to hold all of her laundry supplies… it’s really cute. what an awesome day. i would have jumped at the turquoise basket too. great buy!! we are farmers, but sorry we don’t have one of those chicken coop things for ya. wish we did, then i could deliver it to you. have a great day. Eeeeek, so much eye-candy!!! I wish I could jump into the pics with fistfuls of money in my hands! What fun! We have Alameda Antiques here in my neck of the woods, very similar! Thanks for reminding me it’s about time to get over there!
it sounds like you restrained yourself pretty well, i hope craig appreciated that!! glad u had fun, maybe one of these years i will try it again, i just got so overwhelmed the first time i went that i haven’t been back, i think canton has conditioned me enough to try it again though! oh, and i cannot for the life of me believe they didn’t have a “waffle” bling collar on display…shame on them! BTW, i think your acorn problem has returned. 🙂 All I can say is I am jealous. What an awesome craft fair. The pictures were too much. Next year, I want to place an order 🙂
ok…i am sooo jealous! where in the world do you get to see such awesome things at a fair? it is super fabulous! i love the pics..and the green cage is fab! i have a hen crate i got a garage sale…the lady laughed when i asked to buy it…so she gave it to me!!! i use it as a coffee table in the great room!
Oh, I LOVE fairs like this! Looks like you had a great time. And I really dig that turquoise basket. I could go CRAZY there! I wish we had something like that close to where I live. What fun pictures. my neighbor bought this driveway sweeper and i am jealous!
she is willing to share with us though.
i think it would be worth buying our own for sure.
you see…we have two old oak trees over our driveway.
yes they are beautiful but they are a year round mess!
literally thousands of acorns fall in september.
big acorns.
dent your car sized acorns.
and amy's sweeper just sucks them right up
without me (or talby) even breaking a sweat.
no more sweeping with the big broom for 20 minutes…
scooping up the huge piles with snow shovels…
and repeating the next day.
it's so much fun to use your kids will even smile while they work!
thank you for sharing amy.
looks like you have two camps here…the acorn wannabes and the acorn wanna-not-bes. i am simply going to say: “Talby you are adorable! that is a great smile girl!! have fun with your acorns!” your welcome!! those pix are just too funny, talby looks so cute pushing it, i on the other hand ‘am sure i look like a total dork doing it! i love the comment about how someone has NEVER seen an acorn!!!!!!!!! i totally think u need to send her some!!
What WILL they think of next? That is so neat. It almost makes me wish we had a nut tree or any tree close to the driveway so that we would have an excuse to get one! We have a “vacuum” – blower combo, but it is LOUD and you have to carry it, so my kids can’t use it. How loud is this one? Looks great. That is so cool, I had no idea! You definitely should get one, it looks like you need it! Love the pics! that is great. have never seen anything like it. i wouldn’t mind that chore if i got to use that bad boy. Omgosh! That is super cool!!!! I had no idea they even made a driveway sweeper!! I have no idea what trees we have around here, but they are a royal pain with all of their droppings! I might have to tell hubby about this one!!! =] Holy Cow!!! Now THAT is my style when it comes to yard work!! Send me one of those bad boys and I would offer to do the neighbors yard just for fun!! I agree very scary. The fact that my daughter says she wants a computer with email but with out the internet at 5 years old is very scary. Wow. SNL is really getting gritty this season, addressing what’s right before our eyes. Ouch!
whoa! there’s always truth in sarcasm…
I don’t know much about it, but the commercial I’ve seen on TV about the young girl who suddenly has all kinds of boys and MEN calling her by name and commenting on her postings, I find chilling.
my 13 year old thinks I’m horrid because I won’t let her have a myspace… I am fine with that!
Ditto …… scares me to death. Too bad we can’t micro chip our kids with a GPS and a “good choices” device. This subject scares me more than drugs ….. I don’t even know where to start on this one…..Best thing to do is start talking about these things to them as soon as possible. |
robin bird - you captured that pure happiness perfectly! love annie’s whooshing by smile at the end. radiant!
carissa - I want to roll up in the fun fabric & twirl loose!
you canalmost feel their happiness!
Rachel - That looks like sooo much fun and theraputic…do they have it for adults? LOL
Alyssa - The dance class looks like fun.
princess lasertron - this makes me tear up a little bit.
I wish I had a dance class like this.
I think even as an adult, if I COULD find a class like this in my area, it would take me along time to shake off my inhibitions and self-consciousness.
your girls are learning such awesome skills. and having so much fun.
mallory Heffronm - I love the first picture….I wish we could do that as adults….Well maybe not, I probably could not walk in the morning,
debi - Yes! Adults need this too. Sign me up!
PS – I’ve linked this to my blog. Hope that’s okay. Just look for the Peeking Elsewhere button on the left sidebar. I figured everyone could use a bit of this happiness today!
🙂 Debi
traci - do they have that class for adults? i really think it would do me some good.
Natalie - Dance class looks like great fun – and such great colours – Natalie x
Liz - I could do with some of that energy! Lovely photographs.
Sandra - This reminds me of the gymnastics class I watched practice today because my granddaughter, Lulu, is a member. It is so much fun to see small children using all those little muscles and minds to make their bodies do things that even surprise themselves sometimes!
jamie - that would be a Fun class for many of we Adults! Gorgeous photos on your blog too. Jamie
Jenn Thomas - I need this class – what fun and joy they have in their faces.
Jenny - Beautiful fabric.
The girls certainly look like they enjoyed the class.