ali edwards is working on a week in the life project.

i thought i'd give it a try.
this is some of my monday.
making lunches.
grabbing bags, shoes, jackets.
"i can do it by all by myself!"
littlest pet shop parade before pre-school.
driving to pre-school. D is for dump truck.
rainy day.
hello fall.
vacuuming the craft room (like magda on something about mary.)
walk the dog.
pick up annie and micah from preschool.
D is also for Dinosaur egg.
bloggy break.
laundry. laundry. laundry.
kids cuddle up and get warm after getting soaked
while waiting on their mom to pick them in the pouring rain.
daddy throws kids around.
kids scream with delight.
mommy checks out daddy's muscles.
catch up on some dvr.
planet earth all together with the family.
brothers & sisters and desperate housewives by myself.
sleeping at my feet.
and that's that.
what did YOU do on monday?
that's what i have today. phone calls
our friday was not boring.
we got to baby-sit.
her mommy went to texas with my friend amy.
(i hope they brought me back a 7 ft scrap metal chicken from the flea market.)
and then her daddy had the nerve to show up and take london home!
i told him over and over we'd keep her all weekend.
but they seem to like her and want to have her around.
we never get her for too long.
but it was fun for a while.
we sat around the fire after she had gone home.
sean cooked marshmallows for us.
i told him they were the best marshmallows i had ever had.
and i meant it.
they were melted all the way through but not burnt on any part.
he has rotisserie skills.
ok….back to my list.
she’s getting so big. i bet you enjoyed every minute of it. the girls are probably great babysitters. hope you got lots done with your list. i crossed a few things off today – there’s always tomorrow. What a cute baby! So glad y’all had fun with her! Hmmm…flea market…wish I had one to go to right now!! Metal chickens in Texas – only at First Mondays in Canton – yes we spent two days there again this weekend. They have it all. We missed having you Meg. Got some things to share with you. I can’t believe Russ did not take you up on keeping London longer. She looks liked she had fun with the kids. Hmmmmmmmmmmm he is leaving nx week maybe we need a date night before he goes. Smores………. the weather is perfect and if we smell a fire burning just might have to pop by the house. She’s adorable – how fun! And I am craving smores. I need to get to the store this afternoon and have some tonight. This has been going on too long! =)
I love the giant metal chickens! We live in Texas and I actually just saw some yesterday at First Monday in Canton. They even have little baby chicks! I would have a whole family in my yard if I could but my husband won’t go for it! π me: annie did you eat all your lunch? annie: YES! there so much food in me
Jesus is going to choke in there!
I have been looking through your blog all morning! I absolutely love you, your family, and your entire life (minus the laundry!) But you have inspired me a lot for whenever I have a house of my own (I’m stuck in an apartment at college). Anyway, thanks for the inspiration. I think Annie is my favorite! What an adorable picture! And quote!
there is no cuter child!
Oh. my. stars! This is LAUGH-OUT-LOUD funny! That photo is absolutely your cutest E-V-E-R!!!
That should definitely be blown up – she will love that someday (if she doesn’t now) π I love it!!! too cute! Oh my gosh! THAT is the cutest picture EVER!!! I love it!!!
THat girl is so dang funny! Love the pic too.
Oh my gosh! She’s too cute! lol…. it made me smile! God bless her! Well, at least she’ll be able to SEE Him. oh my! How sweet!
That is one little girl with a HUGE personality! Absolutely love the pic; it’s the best one I’ve seen on your blog yet.
Hi there, I don’t honestly know or remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but goodness it is enjoyable. Just had to say hello, my name is Vicki, I felt something stir when reading your “special day” post. I have two kiddos and the parenting has not come easy this past week. I so long for the “correct” way to parent my kids. I would do whatever needed heart and soul. I feel like I am just out here winging it. Thanks for the honesty in your blog. Have a happy day, Vic I. love. that. picture. SO CUTE! LoVe! that picture is just too cute!!! xo Oh I am lovin’ your little Annie π She already knows Jesus lives within her??!!! How very deep for a 3 yr old?! Or is she 4? Whatever she is…I’m certain that’s what she meant by that!! π !! That is just too cute. I am making your apple puff pancake for breakfast for my husband and me tomorrow morning. Can’t wait to try it! aha…didn’t make it til Christmas, did ya? The boys have been having fun with their pair. Matt is still debating about them – he informed me they were kinda silly and Jack’s are actually red. Annie pulls them off wonderfully!!!
that is so precious. you should rent her out. people would pay big money for a couple hours of her adorableness and her humor. that has got to be THE BEST picture yet that you have shared with us on your blog. I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!! That picture is awesome! She will love you for it someday. π That is soooo sweet! I told you the other day that I could just eat her up! She is adorable. She is so stinkin’ cute! Love the quote and the pic. Hey, Jesus needs to eat too. She is something else! What are those glasses? Its so funny, what a ham. LOVE it! π HAHA…thats awesome! Bahahaha!!!! Now that’s good stuff! π Oh my goodness, I laughed out loud! The photo is hilarious and the quote is precious.
after my loooong post on wednesday i am kind of out of words. so this may make you laugh.
happy friday!
I was wondering too. How do they do all that without laughing. In fact, HOW DO THEY DO ALL THAT. PERIOD. It certainly doesn’t look rehearsed, so I assume it is just two crazy guys’ stream of thought. And it is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. That was so funny! I just big huge heart them!! Tanks for sharing that funniness!!
Will Farrell = awesomeness. Those are some of the funniest guys around. I love John C. Riley…great actor!!! how on earth do they do that and not laugh? oh my sneaky husband. i was really surprised!
thank you for all those birthday wishes!
i loved reading them all.
it was an interesting day.
i felt so many different things over the course of one day
i was exhausted by bedtime.
i will give you a play by play.
6:15 i woke up from a nightmare
(in my dream…craig was marrying a young girl but we were still married
and i had to do all the wedding plans. it seemed real and i was so sad)
6:20 after i'd gotten dressed he pulled me back in bed to tell me
happy birthday (i hadn't remembered yet)
i started to cry because of my stupid bad dream.
6:25 walked the dog and did my bible study lesson
(i was behind so i had to catch up this morning)
7:00 craig offers to get donuts but i send him out for
a giant coffee for me since i was completely out.
he is awesome.
7:45 HE took the kids to school for me.
he is really winning big big points with me. speaks right to my heart
when i don't have to mess with school drop off.
8:00 bake apple puff pancake (see recipes on the side bar…you must try it!)
for bible study with my apples from diana.
8:15 in the shower the sun was so bright i was squinting
it made me so happy. i kept thinking Thank You God!
9:15 show up late to bible study. DUH.
i am pathetically late and i am sick of myself.
then realize my friends there have a cake for me with candles.
i began to cry again.
God was speaking so clearly today. I was hearing and feeling His grace.
I just kept thinking God is so good!
my friend becky pointed out how God loves all his children the same.
he doesn't love one more than the other.
we love our children all the same amount but in different ways for
what their strengths and weaknesses are. i just loved that.
He loves me for just what i am….today at 33.
and we also talked a lot about going through struggles in life.
our attitude shouldn't be Why Me God? but instead…
Why Not ME?
i hope that i could say that when big struggles come.
11:30 – open some birthday cards. π
check my email for the first time today.
realize craig has posted on my blog!
(here is how i look sitting at the computer…always have my head on my hand
and i was sooooooo happy with the blog comments…you are each so nice!
i couldn't stop smiling.)
i love my husband.
this is my pajama shirt.
and my giant bruise on my arm from slipping on water on the floor.
i am a cheap date.
2:00 run through target quickly with annie who was a dream to shop with today.
used some birthday money to buy a few hoodies for me!
and of course…starbucks. even treated myself to a new mug.
2:30 annie fell asleep in the parking lot on our way back home.
silence the entire drive…..heaven!
3:00 pick up the kids from school.
3:02 pull over and make scott walk home because of his disrespectfull talk.
(keep thinking of micheal scott line on the way to Jan's depostion
"my friend Des-Ray got new Specs. My friend Pat took a turn")
4:00 listen to voice mail from jenny, dave, jake and abby.
cry for a minute.
missed them so much at that very moment. (and always)
5:00 start making dinner (again my choice)
5:30 lauren comes home and is unusually extra nice.
(could it be she wants to be ungrounded?
how dumb do i look?)
5:35 craig comes home.
(best part of everyday)
5:39 craig confronts lauren on something….
she flips out. i get mad. she is sent upstairs.
6:30 eat a yummy dinner of stuffed shells.
7:15 try to play a game with all the kids.
can't wait for game to be over.
game finally ends with one strand of patience left.
8:00 start the bedtime drama.
scott ends up getting spankings and everyone is yelling.
8:05 read a book to the little girls…Micawber…i love that book.
we go through all the really big words and discuss their meanings.
annie grabs my head and kisses me at least 20 times in a row
while i continue reading.
8:10 scott apologizes with a big tearfull hug
"i'm sorry i ruined your birthday mom." and i assured him he did not.
8:15 tell everyone "goodnight! do not come down.
i am all done for the day. do not come out of your rooms at all.
8:17 craig installs locks on doors to deter sneaky children.
long story….
9:00 i am relaxing at the computer
enjoying all my happy mail i'd gotten for my birthday!
this is my look of disbelief that i have such nice friends who really care about me.
9:10 i hear footsteps….
the boys jump out from the living room and scare me.
then break into an interpretive dance version of happy birthday.
it was loud and silly.
it was great.
i wish i had it on video.
9:30 listen to phone conversation craig is having concerning one of the kids.
have serious worry while listening.
take a deep breath and try to give God control again.
wish there was one right way to parent that worked.
10:00 craig turns on the season premiere of The Office again.
i turn off the computer and cuddle up with him.
and laugh.
"andrew bernard does not lose contests.
he wins them.
or he quits them because they are unfair"
11:00 walk the dog one last time.
climb into bed seriously tired from a full day of feelings.
pray for answers.
pray with gratitude.
pray for grace.
praise all He has done in my life….thank Him for his plan for me.
Thank God for my 33 years -every detail.
tell him again i am ready for whatever He has for me this year.
bring it on God.
and i slept.
pretty good day i would say.
very emotional in every way.
but that's still a good day.
thank you again for reading this ridiculously long, wordy journal-ish post.
thank you for liking me.
thank you for encouraging me.
i think year 33 is going to ROCK!
Hey Megan! I usually stay updated on your blog daily, but just found this post in my google reader today from a few weeks ago. I just wanted to let you know that even though you don’t know me all that well, you encourage and inspire me regularly in big ways! I love reading about how you balance life, your passions, your family, your feelings, etc and it’s just so encouraging to me how you handle this imperfect life by relying on God’s strength and seeking His purpose for your life. You may or may not know it, but you have an incredible ministry with your blog and I’m sure I’m only one of the MANY people benefiting from it. π THANK YOU! and Praise the Lord. This is my first time leaving a comment, although I visit your blog periodically. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. We have the same birthday. I thought that was cool. Except I am 34 this year. Anyway sounds like you had a good day over all.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEG!!! so sorry i missed it. 33 – what a young pup you are. i’ve got 9 years on you – ouch! sounds like you hit every emotion possible on your day. but it looks like it was the perfect birthday anyway!!!
this is exactly the kind of post that makes me love to come here to visit you meg. you give the best peeks into your life, the challenges, the love, the questions that are in your heart. thanks meg Happy Birthday Meg! Thank you for the reminder of how much we are loved by God and that we have so much to be thankful for. Sounds like a fantastically full day of perfection : ) Man oh man! You are oozing awesomeness in this post! I loved…EVERY…SINGLE…WORD of it! Awesome, I tell ya…just plain awesome! I’m sorry your day was somewhat exhausting in some respects…but still so amazing in others. God IS good! (You are a pup!) De-lurking to say: I knew there was a reason I loved you blog so much. Not only do I have serious house envy, but I have the same birthday!! Only I turned 34 this year (grumble grumble). Happy Birthday (belated)!
i don’t even know you. but i want to wish you a happy birthday. and tell you i loved this post. so sweet. and you’re a GREAT mom and friend and wife! it shines through all you do! This is my favorite post of yours. I sit here at my desk working and when I can’t take another minute, I say to myself, “I need some Whatever”. And almost always there is a post there that lifts me out of my mini-funk. Thank you for bringing me those bits of joy…and you don’t even know me! π Happy Birthday. I’m all about the thirties. We women are in our prime in our thirties! (Until we turn forty, and then I’ll change my line…)
Thanks for sharing your day with us! Great post (as usual)…and with great photos too (ditto)! Again, happy birthday! It’s worth celebrating for days on in!
Happy Belated Birthday, Meg! Tell that hubby of yours to continue taking such great care of you and treating you like the Queen you are! :o) I continue to enjoy your blogs every day and am sad when they are not already up when I get to the office every day (not like you don’t have ANYTHING to do every morning as it is- *lol*) I just really look forward to reading about yours and your family’s previous days. I only wish I were as talented and funny as you are when it comes to writing as well as the great pictures you capture about your life. Have a great rest of the week and weekend, Meg and thanks for the great recipes and great laughs! Hugs, Trac~ :o)
meg…you are hilarious!!! Happy Birthday to you!!! I love this post….completely! I would love to hear the locks on the door story….we have been threatening our 4 year old who gets out of bed 20 times at bedtime (i am not looking forward to putting my son in a “big boy bed” any time soon)…this parenting thing is not easy! Thanks for sharing your day and for making the rest of us smile…..-jess I just left you a message… but I left on the post that your hubby did my mistake! Happy Birthday Meg!!
Nothing like a teenage daughter to put the house in an uproar. I’ve been where you are and know that “I am not as stupid as you seem to think” feeling. Hang in there, they are like yo-yos….out-they hate you, in-they love you, back and forth, back and forth. I used to make her go out to eat with me every couple of months just to connect. It actually worked!!
Oh! Happy birthday! I loved reading your whole day! Also loved your self -portraits! So cute! Whew! I was tired after just reading about your day! I love that you allowed us to be a part of it. Thank you!
I love your blog. Love your pictures and writing and appreciate how you keep it real. Thank you for giving us a snip of your life! It’s a beautiful one!
I don’t know you..I know your blog you. But I just adore the blog version of you. You are so fun to read…and I love that you are REAL…and this post is so real. In one moment you are ecstatic and the next upset….and you get tired of games with the kids…so glad I am not the only one…lol. Happy Belated Birthday!
happy late birthday – love reading your blog – my birthday was the day before yours – and i too hope this year is filled with awesome, wonderful adventures. thanks for sharing your family with us, wish i were your neighbor
Thanks for sharing your day with us. It sounds like you had a great birthday. I feel like you are my friend even though we have never met. I read your blog everyday and laugh out loud most of the time. You make me smile with your stories and with all your great pictures. I am an only child and I have an only child who is 14 yrs. old and I enjoy your crazy hectic life with your big family. You are a great parent and don’t forget it. Melanie
You are loved by me, your family, and many friends, a lot of whom have never even met you. Most of all you are loved by God, who made you "extra-super special", to quote one of our favorite movie lines. Hope you have a great day today. Craig
Oh Meg!! Happy Birthday!! I started a new job on Monday π no more stay at home mom.. the budget demanded it!!! So… today is the first day I’ve been able to catch up on your blog. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I love the post from you sweet husband! That was so cool! And today’s post actually made me tear up!! You’re just awesome! I’m so glad I found you!! Happy Birthday!!! π Happy Happy Birthday!!
happy birthday Meg!!! enjoy your week! (Megan, I hope you don’t hate me but I’m tagging you. You can see my blog to find out why…)
Happiest Birthday Blessings to YOU!!!! Hope it was a fantastically awesome day in every way! Happy Birthday!! That is such a sweet picture of you and your hubby! And it was so sweet of him to hi-jack your blog on your birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy (late) Birthday! What a sweet post! Happy Birthday! Hope your day was great. Hope you had a super relaxing day! Happy Birthday! you are absolutely loved, Happy Birthday happy birthday, meg!
Happy Birthday, Meg. What a great birthday wish from your husband. Hope you have a great day! Sweet words, from a sweet guy, for a sweet gal! happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Meg!! Hope your day is blessed!! π Happy Birthday, Meg! I’m sure your gorgeous family will spoil you beautifully. Thank you for your inspiring, delightful, generous blog. My youngest daughter is also named Meg, and I often show her how “Meg in the States” celebrates her life – she just loves your style! I hope you have a lovely day. Apple cake perhaps?
HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU MEG!!! Hope you have a great day π Happy Birthday, Meg! A great picture of genuine emotion. Happy Birthday!!!
Herzlichen GlΓΌckwunsch zum Geburtstag from Germany! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! happy birthday meg…we’ve never met, nor spoken, however because of your blog, I feel that I have know you for years. have a WONDERFUL day with your WONDERFUL family.
joyeux anniversaire…happy birthday from Paris! Aww…happy birthday, Meg!
happy birthday!! Meg- Happy Happy Birthday!!! Tom and I can’t wait to hear how Annie will help you celebrate! LOL Happy Happy Birthday to you Meg! Hope you do something fun today!
Happy, Happy Birthday to You! Hope you have a great day! Happy Birthday Meg! Hope you and your sweet family celebrate in a big way!
Happy Birthday! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Meg! What a loving and thoughtful hubby. Have a great day. Γ
Happy Birthday!!! I know you will have a super fun birthday with such a super fun family! What a great husband you have! I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday! π How cute! Happy Birthday Meg!! Aw…. that was sweet. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, friend. He is right, we don’t even know you and we love you. Hope you have a good day. Happy Birthday, Meg! I came on hoping to get it right, and there Craig was to confirm! Thirty-three is even better than 17 (thank goodness). AWWWWWW! Happy Birthday!! oh yeah!!! Happy birthday Meg!!
Oh how sweet!!! Happy Birthday Meg!!!! Now blow out your candles and come sign my yearbook!!!! π ~Jill
Amen! we were invited to come pick apples at diana and lee's house. micah is annie's buddy at school and church. talby was loving this assignment.
(one of the best inventions ever made)
diana and i cut them and put them in tupperware.
she whipped up a quick apple crisp for munching.
craig ran out to get carmel.
it was such a fun yummy afternoon.
sean really enjoyed using the apple picker they had.
well…i have a recipe for YOU.
go to the store and get some apples.
find a bunch of sticks and put the apples on them.
get some carmel and put it over the apple…
BOOM you've got carmel apples!
he just cracks me up.
i had never seen that before.
they pretended it was a boat in a storm….loved to see them imagine.
megan, i’m addicted to your blog. i’m lynette in utah’s sister. she turned me on to your blog. remember how we made the corsages at jenna’s wedding together? i wish i knew how to blog like you do. i miss coming to the arts and crafts fair with lynette in hillsboro. what a wonderful day. the perfect fall activity. sean is the typical guy – gotta be using a tool. great photos meg!! What a fabulous time!! We have apple pickers like that, way cool and much better than getting on a ladder. Sean is too cute, both in pictures and in print – love his recipe! what a nice fall memory for your family. Great photos, thanks for sharing.
i may have more fall decorations at my house, but YOU my friend, take the cake w/the actual fall activities! my family & I will live vicariously through you:)
Is that your little boy? (the one in red, in the first photo?) He has beautiful eyes! And the rest of the pictures are great, I could see how much fun it was through them. Nice.
Those are some great pictures… I love the last one Oh! How. Much. Fun! That looks like such a fun day!
Ok’ where are the apple picking farms in Florida…or people who have apple trees…I am living through your photos…looked relaxing and so much fun! thanks for sharing! oh I love fall….and I love crisp apples! My Anna has Annie’s butterfly skirt and the sparkly pink Target shoes. The way they dress…..they could be sisters.
Looks like a great day! Ours was similar…friends have an annual cider squeeze. They’ve re-furbished an antique cider press and invite a large group over for the event each year. The cider is so good that it’s addictive but you can’t have too much or you’ll spend your evening in the bathroom (or so I hear). And I wasn’t even thinking when I went to it as I left my camera at home and missed a prime opportunity for blogging.
Deb - LOVE the getting dressed by myself photos. Where did you get that piece of furniture you store her clothes in? I hate drawers, but like the closed-door look.
Linda@ Restyled Home - i feel bad…
’cause i missed your birthday
i am sorry
i love it here
course, you know that…
i am writing this “meg style”
you have that effect on me!
no caps is so much easier, but would take some getting used to. i can’t pull it off!
i think i will leave it to you!!
happy belated birthday!!
jennifer - Love, love, love the strawberry tote!
Monday… that was a long time ago. The days all blur together, but I can guarantee I was in the car, ALOT! π
Ashley - What a great idea! I am going to have to do that one of these weeks…thanks for sharing.
Lorilee - More lovely photos. WOW, I grabbed a yellow toaster cart from the curb on trash day–just like the one in your craft room! It had been used in a storage shed and had some pretty yucky stains on it. I sanded it, and spray painted it black. It fits perfectly in between my washer and dryer in my laundry room!
Staci - I love it! My Monday was spent RUNNING around like a mad woman. I gotta ask…WHERE is that red purse from ???? I’m dying for a new red purse!! I still want your dog π Oh how I miss one curling up on my feet π
traci - great job – i keep thinking i should do that with ali but never do. monday, let see…
6:35 wake up
make lunches
do dishes
get kids off
blog check
more laundry
clean bathroom
check on campaign yard signs
move things in back room for insulation guys tomorrow
more blog hopping
took a walk
more laundry
make dinner
feed kids who are out in shop
watch dancing with the stars
talk to my sister
read a little
nothing too exciting!
mallory Heffronm - I’m tired just reading about your day. I think if I put my day on paper I might just pass out. LOL
holly - Hey Megan!
How amazing to catch up & see
how you’re doing in vivid color!
Fantastic…something truly 2008 and
so alive!
God bless you!
Holly (from Henry π )
carissa - how neat… like we were right there with you! what an idea… that was FUN! thanks for the peek! π
kristin at prairie daze - thanks for making me smile.
: )
Nancy - up at 5:50
kiddos to school, off to work
birthday lunch w/co-workers (not my bday)
met friend for quick visit after work
pick up kids
youngest to piano
pouring rain
oldest to babysitting job
make dinner
clean up kitchen
do homework — math & research paper (again, not mine)
help youngest get volleyball gear together for game day
bed at 11:00
Steph @ Problem Solvin Mom - I just love your house, I can’t count how many times I’ve thought that since I visited your blog the first time! I needed a fun break, thanks for the peak into your day!
Amanda - your monday looks a lot like mine did . . .
lunches, taking kiddos to and from school, cleaning, pta chores, business responsibilities, etc . . . the good news? “fall” has finally arrived here. it is under 100 degrees today!
Christy - 5 yo wakes me up at 4am, wants to watch Rubber Dubbers
Back to sleep, hit snooze several times
Get outa bed, feed hungry hounds (2 labs)
Take my up since 4 am 5 yo to Kinder
Finish getting ready for work
Nice lunch at work w/co-workers
Get home from work, rush dinner for us
Then my son & I walked to PTO night at school (the kids get to read & do crafts)
Walked home with our moo-cow flashlight
Read story to munchkin, tucked him into bed
Watched Heroes then Jon & Kate while doing crafts
Put pups to bed
Off to bed at 10 sumthin
chris - Monday is a blurr , lets see
_ rush to get kids to school on time
-work out 3 miles
-bring lunches to school
-spend many hours watching hundreds of kids run cross country in the country while enjoying the changing leaves
-rush like mad to pick up kids late from school because of late start at Cross country
-make dinner
-make sure kids get clean
-watch Heros with Husband
not a whole lot
Meg … do you make all your slipcovers?
Amanda - I would tell you if it wasn’t so boring but it is so I won’t.
I STILL love your kitchen. LOVE the solid surface countertops that (forgive my assumption) are NOT granite. If they are, well, never mind. I love silestone. Is it that?
And white. And girly. Yet not too girly. I have two buys and a husband. (Preggers with a girl though..tell me, whats it going to be like?)
I need to restrain.
Many blessings-
Lauren - What a great project! Love your photos.
Rachel - Worked
Drove Home
Picked up Pizza
Helped Hubby Clean
Cleaned some more
Watched our Tivo Shows
Hubby and son played rock band…son stayed up way to late for a Monday night…
Watched some Tivo shows by my lonesome in bed
Hubby came to bed…I love you so much! Went to sleep!