what a big day.
she opened grandma and great grandma's gifts in the morning.
she couldn't believe she got her own CD player….the hannah montana marathon can now begin!
annie and i picked her up for lunch.
we ate her favorite dinner….stuffed shells.
and they got to drink POP at dinner!
she opened her presents from us (webkinz, littlest pet shop, hannah montana…what else?)
we sang happy birthday in the dark…always everyone's favorite job – turning off the lights.
we ate cake and ice cream.
then the 4 youngest kids climbed into the playroom bed
and watched Journey to the Center of the Earth all cuddled up together….the whole time!
it was the cutest thing.
happy birthday talby-loo.
are you sure you seven already?
this weekend a friend challenged me to live differently. they are struggling through the hardest time in their life with a child who is sick.
he pointed out their new way of thinking.
he said they are greeting every morning with a huge smile and saying
"you're ALIVE today!!!"
they are so grateful for each and everyday they have with him.
i just keep thinking of how much of every single part of my day is routine.
and everyone and everything could be feeling very UNspecial most of the time.
why do we wait till our child or spouse is sick to live this way?
why don't we think this everyday….I AM ALIVE!
and YOU are ALIVE!!
i am reminding myself to be grateful….for everything.
to give my love without conditions.
and you know what?
it's HARD. (just keepin' it real here people)
these are cupcakes for talby's class.
nothing to do with my thoughts other than i am so grateful to be a mother.
i GET to celebrate her special day with her.
i GET to make cupcakes and birthday cakes.
and i GET to eat lunch at Braum's with a birthday girl on a wednesday afternoon.
it is a privilege.
a true honor.
go hug your kids real tight and shout "YOU"RE ALIVE!"
i have a feeling a certain 13 year old will push me away….but i still have to try right?
It’s a wonderful attitude to have. My father is battling advanced neuroendocrine cancer. It’s very rare, and it is incurable. So far, he’s beaten the odds. When he was diagnosed just over three years ago, no one thought he’d live this long. Yet he’s still here. And still going strong. He joined us for Halloween to watch his only grandchild go trick-or-treating as a Pirate Princess. Every day that he’s here, we’re here, our child is here – every day is a blessing. π
Keep hugging that 13 year old…I went thru those days with my last child who didn’t want hugs in his teens. Now at 19, he comes home from college and give me hugs. Thanks for your encouragement to LIVE and rejoice in it! I just found your blog and love your photography. What kind of camera do you have? Connie great post. thanks for the reminder! cute cupcakes too. No matter what happens – he will continue to touch so many of us in so many ways.
Beautiful, faithful girl. Lauren won’t always pull away.
Thanks for posting this and sharing it with us. A reminder that our loved ones are alive, well and loved. And don’t worry….I will also get a hug rejection by my 16 year old! Lol….that’s ok, though because she’s know I still love her and I am thankful for her!
I have been reading your blog for awhile. I love it. Today I was moved to share my thoughts about your beautiful words. My husband & I lost our 17 year old son James, almost 2 1/2 years ago in an accident—just 12 days after we returned home with our adopted daughter from China. He was the second of our four sons. Handsome, smart, kind, incredibly funny, and so very loved.Any parent would be grateful to call him their own. I sometimes imagine what it would be like to see him round the corner of my kitchen. I sometimes see him in my dreams. We were just crazy about him. I can, with all of my heart, vouch for your words. I also believe in heaven. I know that the undying love of our adored children, our parents, our husbands, can find it’s way back to us from there…
i am and i am sooo grateful. i too have friends whose daughter is sturggling (actually w a terminal illness) and i am reminded how blessed i am to have 4 of my own kiddos…thanks for the reminder. and honestly, i thought the cupcakes were perfect…
thanks, really…xoxo
Such an awesome post Meg. So true…about deciding to actually “live” once something tragic happens π Last February my sweet husband was diagnosed with cancer. Hearing those words…our life was swept up in a whirlwind and I could NOT gain control. And then, I just let go…I had a peace that God would just handle everything. And he did. I get goosebumps just thinkin about it again. EVERYDAY before my feet hit the floor I am whispering an extra prayer that he is still with me…us…our family. I know this is a long post, and I am sorry…one last thing…when we were going through all of this last February…I went to turn the page on the calendar and it hit me like a ton of bricks…we may not be guaranteed tomorrow. I have just always turned those calendar pages or marked off dates so nonchalantly. BUT, to keep it real…it IS VERY hard to not get caught up in the mundane. Okay, I should just stop…I could go on and on…let’s just say…I needed to be reminded and your post was just the kick in the pants I needed π THANKS! Yummy cupcakes π
I’m not sure how I stumbled on your blog, but what a wonderful post! Thank you for that. π Just catching up on your CUTE pics and happiness going on at your house! I love your blog π
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today…I really needed this kind of optimism to lift my spirits. You are AWESOME! simply beautiful, the words and the cupcakes.
As a Peds RN I get a reminder twice a week every week to be thankful as a mother. But still reading your post,makes me want to be better. I use to be part of a MOPS group which uplifted me twice a month. I need to re-find that thing in my life to be a constant reminder. what a wonderful post meg. you are so right!! i am so sorry for that family though. it is hard to live that way – to love without conditions. i am going to work on that too. and everytime i think of that i will also picture those wonderful cupcakes. hey, hug lauren hard and don’t stop!!!! Our church just read the Shooks’ book One Month To Live and did its own study to go along with it. The concept of grabbing each morning is so renewing. Just today I was almost grumbling about taking out the trash, when I thought, “Lord, THANK YOU that I have the strength to do this!” It’s such a paradigm shift.
Thanks, Megan for that reminder. I just got so angry at one of mine today and that was perfect for me to read today. I need to let go of the “small stuff” and love my kiddos unconditionally…like God does me. Oh,Meg, how true! I am reminded often because I came home one day at age 17 and my mom was lying in the kitchen floor. I saw her struggle for breath. The paramedics wouldn’t let me ride along so I followed. I sat an hour and a half waiting for family to arrive. It ended up she passed away in the ambulance and they could not revive her at the hospital- they couldn’t tell me because I was underage. How precious each moment is. My mom told me daily she loved me. She hugged me when she saw me and was met by a stiff board. Lauren wants it even if she can’t show it- trust me, I KNOW! Great post — great reminder. Thanks! I hope Talby has a wonderful day π
Oh Meg! I’ve been having similar thoughts!! What a FABULOUS post. If your cuppies taste as good as they look you’ll have a lot of little people who will be thankful they’re alive to eat them! I know I’d like one!! Or two! Or maybe even three! Thanks for reminding me that tomorrow is never guaranteed!! Everyone around here will get extra hugs and smooches from ME.
thank you amanda and david for asking me to take your family pictures.
your babies are adorable!
i kept saying to myself that day "i POP out!" like taylor did.
his face is so funny in this one.
Will you come out to the NW anytime soon? I’d LOVE you to take my son’s photo. Pretty please? π {sulking} hi! i’m jennifer’s sister. we live in waldo/brookside, MO. where are you? made your stuffed shells the other night and my dh loved it! is it weird having strangers write? hi! i’m jennifer’s sister. we live in waldo/brookside, MO. where are you? made your stuffed shells the other night and my dh loved it! is it weird having strangers write? Darling family. That little boy reminds me of an old farmer man in that first photo. Wonderful pictures of a darling family. Well done. I love these pictures! They are such a beautiful family and the looks on the little boy’s face are priceless. So funny! You really should set up shop, ya know! You’ve got mad skills, girl!
Great photos as always, Meg! Wish I were local to have you take ours too but oh well. Have a great day and thanks for sharing! :o) Wow! I just found your blog and its great. Such awesome photos and fun stuff to read. Meg, those are great. I love the little guy’s face in the second picture. I am warning you if you keep offering to do pictures for people, laundry will will take over that awesome house of yours – I speak from experience. Really, you did a fantastic job with those I am sure they LOVED them! Aw Meg! These pictures are wonderful! Can you come take pictures of Mabel? π Great pics! LOVE THEM!! That first one is amazing…I would love to have someone as talented as you take our family photo!! Sadness is we have never even had a family photo taken!! Ridiculous…and you should see on our blog some photos I took of the ladies this weekend…I need a new camera! If we ever get out to Kansas I will definitely be begging for you to use your genius talents on my family!!
I wish I were local so you could take our pictures. But then, I might end up so embarrassed because my kids tend to be naughty for picture-taking. I can’t even bribe them.
seriously…those eyes!!! great shots….love how plyful they are!!! The first pic is my FAV! I have 2 of those chairs {from my great-grandmother’s porch} in our barn waiting to be sandblasted and painted… what am I waiting for!? You’ve inspired me! Great pics… so glad you shared them with us!!
meg those are awesome!!! the color is beautiful. they have got to be so happy with them. what an adorable family. I wish I lived in Kansas!!! Awesome pictures of a very sweet family π (Or at least your pictures make them look very sweet…I’m sure they are!)
You really should do an iPhoto (or whatever program you use) “How-To”. You’re pictures always look amazing!
i have so much to post about…. but i have to help craig insulate the attic.
i am trying to not be a total brat but i am not sure if i am succeeding.
i know i should help willingly….so what is my problem?
i better try harder.
back tomorrow with some great family pics i got to take this weekend.
amanda they were great!
the three big kids were so embarrassed to walk the dog this weekend.
Waffle looks he everything is fine….The is too funny Just when I had convinced the kids that they didn’t need a dog, they looked up your blog and have fallen in love with Waffle. Even my 2 year old has been yelling “Gog, Gog, mine?” If the Halloween costume wasn’t adorable enough, the cone has clinched the deal. Hope the insulating wasn’t too burdensome in the end. Maybe you could have an attic picnic when it’s done?
I have tears rolling down my face I’m laughing so hard. I can picture the fight at your house to get them to walk the dog. Oh my gosh this is soooo funny!!!!!!!!
guess that was really four questions… π
why is it *so* hard to die to ourselves? It’s like once bratty feelings settle in, it is SO hard to kick them out. It feels impossible. I feel like I don’t know what to do except keep feeling them. And whatever I’m being bratty about is never as bad as I think it is. I’m trying to grow in this too. Kelly love that sweet baby and her helping!!! Aw!! Poor Waffle!! She is tooo cute! And Waffle…awwww! poor waffle. it is funny when they have those cones on. but then you feel bad laughing at them, but you can’t help it. that’s a lot of leaves for the kids to play in and rake up. cute pictures. i know what you mean, one day last week when roger wanted me to jump in the tractor and chisel, i was very cranky to him. didn’t want to at all, had other things i wanted to do.
we thought he was clumsy before the cone.
oh my goodness, he has cracked me up.
i do feel a bit sorry for him but it's just too funny.
and he gets 4 more days of it!
That dog is adorable… even with the waffle cone. π Waffle is so stinkin’ cute…what kind of dog is he? okay… that is a waffle cone with REALLY cute sprinkles on top!
That has to be one of the cutest dogs ever… is it some sort of doodle? What breed, might I ask?
aaawww poor guy. that first picture is great you can see him pleading for you to take off the cone. Pooooooooooooooooooooor Waffle!!!! Gosh hes getting BIG!!! What a cutie. He needs that thing just because he got fixed??? Im confused? sooo cute! what a sweet pup…and the cutest waffle cone i’ve ever seen! I feel so bad,,,,because I am laughing so hard at the I’ll have a waffle cone… While this cracks me up, it also answers the question I had before…”Did you take him to the vet still pink?” I want your dog! Seriously, y’all named your dog SUCH a cute name! Kelly poor baby, tell him to pack his cone and come stay across the street with auntie amy, so you meanies won’t laugh at him! he is very cute though, with or without that awful plastic contraption. hang in there little guy π
HAHA…good one! I would like sprinkles with my waffle cone – too funny – makes me giggle.
Poor Waffle, neutered AND a cone. He’s so cute, even with the appendage.
Oh the poor things when they have to wear those! I agree it is funny though. The best part was the title. How perfect that you named him that.
That first picture of him is the cutest thing ever! I love him! I think he’s still so cute! He’s a cutie patooty!
waffle is at the vet getting neutered. right now as i write this.
poor waffle.
driving 5 kid & a big nervous dog to school in our horrible school traffic while listening to the Annie
soundtrack is kind of like driving to a bus to CrAzyViLle.
oh my goodness.
it felt a bit like Sixteen Candles….
all we needed was kazoos.
i am full of randomness this morning.
check out this little goofball.
my sweet silly girl.
man i miss having that color hair.
when i was little i looked exactly like this…isn't that right mom?
she is Mini-Me.
i really miss my naturally blond hair.
forgot to show this last week…
micah shared his extra tigger costume with annie for preschool!
it was big time excitement around here.
ms. kristin made pumpkin pie playdoh.
it smelled exactly like pumpkin. it uses an entire container of pumpkin pie spice!
it was so cool. it tastes terrible…because it's playdoh.
i am sure many kids tried it just in case.
they pretended to make muffins and cookies. it's so much fun in there!
big plans for today:
cutting out a bunch of paper turkeys for my 3 year old sunday schoolers
having coffee with a friend.
sewing another curtain.
cleaning up my kitchen (how does it get so gross so fast?)
and sorting all the laundry i folded.
watching some DVR-ed shows (i am 3 weeks behind on 3 shows!)
many of you asked about the chandelier in the girls' room.
it's from IKEA.
you can find it here but it's not available online.
you have to get a cord kit also….super duper cheap.
i love this lamp.
oh how i miss IKEA.
i wish i could walk through an IKEA today with naturally blond hair.
happy friday.
I don’t know if it is “electrically” (i made that up) safe… but I have that same lamp and all I did was put the chandelier up to the socket and then screwed the bulb in under it to hold it in place… No cord kit! I posted a picture of it in my hallway re-do post a while ago… I LOVE that thing and totally need to buy more… at only 17 bucks how can you go wrong?
He is so stinking cute I just want to eat him up. Is that how you chose his name? Lol. love the twins tigger! sooo cute. and ikea…well, you my issue with loving almost everything from there…and 16 candles is a must watch for everyone on the planet. i am introducing my small group of hs girls to it in a few weeks…i think that’s ok…maybe i should rewatch again first.
Yes, she is definitely a mini-you! It’s too bad that I don’t have some beautiful pictures like these of you at this age. Your dad just seemed to take the funny ones – which are great, but no beautiful ones like these. i love randomness!! cute pictures of talby. especially the last one with the sun flare – beautiful. i can definately see the resemblance.
That Pumpkin Pie Play Dough is the bomb…. haha (I always wanted to say that).
16 Candles is the best! Thanks for sharing all the Halloween festivities – just gorgeous. You’re SO fun! Our family has ‘relocated’ many times for my husband’s job-career- whatever… Next time we move, I think I should insist that we move to wherever it is that you live… we would be great friends! π Happy Weekend!
You are an inspiration.. sometimes I feel crazy just driving 2 kids to school… and look at all of the other things you can accomplish – wow! Inspiration. We have that same chandelier from Ikea and I have to admit, not to make you jealous or anything, but I did wander around there yesterday but without perfect blonde hair, I assure you that!
yessss, your daughter looks just like you…you’re right, she’s a mini-you! Lol… Enjoy your day!
I feel you in IKEA! I used to live near 3 of them and now the closest one is an hour away. I could get lost for days in that store! Have a happy Friday!
You had me at your pumpkin pic! We both got an award from the blogger behind jumpinginpuddlesoflife.blogspot.com and so I wanted to check out everybody’s blog that SHE likes and I just wanted to say that you have a wonderful eye and beautiful subjects and what seems to be an amazingly wonderful family!! The pics of your 4 year old storming the hood with her birthday ballons are stunning! Kinda makes me want to head out right now… though not being four, I may bet more confusion than smiles!! the first annual FALL block party. perfect weather…good food…way fun.
i enjoy so much how we all combine ideas and work together to make it a great day for everybody.
there was bobbing for apples. these kids had no fear!
amy is the queen of face painting with so much detail but we should have done it after apple bobbing!
since it was after halloween we had a DOG costume contest instead of people.
(it's too much work to costume up after the 31st…in my opinion)
Contestant #1 – MARLEY as a skeleton. (she's waffle's sister…can you see the resemblance?)
Contestant #2 – EMMIE as a hula dancer. her curly tail held her grass skirt & she wiggled non-stop.
Contestant #3 – ?????? as a priate. (not pictured)
Contestant #4 – MILEY as a Chiefs cheerleader.
Contestant #5 – WAFFLE as Clifford….who was the worst behaved dog in the contest. ugh!
we had a little runway in front of the judges.
Waffle was the big winner!
he won a bag of chewy treats…thanks amy.
poor baby was so humiliated all painted up. he just pouted in his kennel all embarrassed.
it was spray hair color the washes out (he's still pink…but don't tell him that)
next activity – Pumpkin Launching.
we used a water balloon launcher to catapult mini pumpkins down the block. this was my personal favorite activity of the day…i tried it and loved it.
Alexandra's went the farthest of all.
we came close to hitting a car and a roof but mostly just knocked branches off the dead tree.
i love this one of everyone watching or taking pictures (click on it…)
the big kids tried to catch them in baskets and buckets at the other end of the block…it was HARD!
craig had an interesting technique for distance….
they would just FLY down the street. can you see craig's pumpkin in top of the right picture?
and of course there was lots of yummy food!
each family made a different soup in a crock pot – seriously…it was so good!
and do you see…there is a pumpkin spice cake there…jenn made it. Mmmmm.
(and that HAS to be one of MY children's plates at the bottom with all the healthy stuff…HA!)
our last activity was pumpkin bowling.
it was dark so all my pictures look like this. but you can get the idea of why the kids loved it!
after this it lead into a "Smash-all-the-pumpkins-you-see" Game.
i mean really…what are you going to do with a rotten jack-o-lantern anyway?
might as well have fun before you throw it out.
we had 2 fire pits going and everyone just hung out talking getting warm the rest of the night.
so cozy and comfy…lots of hot cocoa and hot spiked cider.
i am so grateful for our block. such a fun group of friends.
there is a house (actually 2 houses)for sale on our block – anyone interested?
Come on! just look at all the fun we have!
move to our block – but only if you are fun and like to party like rock stars.
Yeah, I want to move there too. Are there enough people in town to support a pizza place? π Love the punkin’ chunkin’ idea. They do that on a large scale in my mom and dads town each year in some farmers field. Yours looks way fun. Can I please move into your neighborhood??!! We have a sling-shot already so we come ready to launch. π Looks like such a great place to raise kids and what great weather you had for October. Thanks for sharing.
this is my first time checking you blog, and i’m LOVING it!!!!
oh my goodness gracious! i want to be your neighbor. your friend needs to list her house and make it public so we can all have a snowball fight this winter…..does it snow in kansas? hmmmm….
You have the best block parties! I want to implement them in my neighborhood. Maybe in the spring.
I gave you an award. The post will post later today. Check it out this afternoon. Yes, I would love to move to your block. Looks like a grand time was had by all.
I love that party! i wish my neighborhood had parties. maybe I should organize that. or maybe I’ll move to your neighborhood. π Don’t temp me MEG!! I didnt even know their were people out there that still had block parties! Must be such a blessing to be friends with neighbors! man, when i see our block in pictures, it truly does look like the best block in the world!! (that’s cause it is!) that party was soooo much fun, can’t wait for the next one. the pix of the big kids at the end of the block is my favorite, the colors of the trees in the background is so beautiful, reminds me of the show “october road” who wouldn’t want to live here? suz, if your reading this, COME BACK!!!!
I’m guessing your hubby took too long since I never got a call back. Or maybe it was you? Loved the block party pictures – have you worn your t-shirt yet? jen
LOVE THIS!!! These pictures are like my daydreams come true. I grew up in Brooklyn and we had block parties but I haven’t seen one since I moved from there many years ago, they don’t even have them there anymore. This just brought back SO many memories. And those homes, that street!!! My dream home is an early 1900’s home on a lovely tree lined street in a neighborhood like yours where all the neighbors are friends and enjoy spending time with each other like this. Just fantastic! as i was reading your post, i kept thinking, if i had to live in town, i would want to live on a street like yours. then i got to the bottom and you said there were 2 houses for sale in your neighborhood. here i come. do you think my family would realize i was gone.
I want to live in your block!!! lol. seriously! your block rocks!!!! Great idea!
Clifford! That. Is. Hilarious! Is he still that color? What on earth did you use? SO FUNNY! Love your new pumpkin header too!!!!!
We do have the best neighborhood. Hands down. Tim and Mary and Weibe’s should give their relators your blog address! I have a picture of you launching a pumpkin that I’ll send you. So, so, so much fun! PUMPKIN EATER! That is what is missing…fun like that with fun neighbors. I love to party like Rock Stars!!!! What a great idea and that food looked delicious…how was the cake? What a fun fall party! Love all the fun activities you guys did! What perfect weather too! Love Clifford! Man, count me in as being one of the jealous ones too! Looks like you had a great time and great pictures. Loved the one of all the yummy looking food! With all of this kind of fun going on – I can’t imagine WHY anyone would want to move from there! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Trac~ :o)
I love all of this. Perfect for this time of year. But I am dying for the red cake plate.(the one with the chocolate covered strawerries on it) Please find out where it is from. I need this!!! Have fun.
sign me up for one of the houses on sale! how fun! I’ll be there right away!! How far is the commute to Iowa? Hmmm…maybe I could talk my husband into getting his pilot’s license! Wow! That’s awesome! I wish our neighborhood was like that. It’s a bunch of older people around here.
Jamie Sampson - She is adorable! Love the cupcakes and the candles on the cake! What a fabulous day.
amy j. - Such a sweet birthday girl! Her outfit was the best! I’m still a little bummed that you didn’t bring me something back from Braum’s… but at least I got a cupcake. π She even left one on my desk for Sophie to have after school. Sweet, sweet girl.
Wendy - what a fun mom you are! i love the outfit and the cake! i hope you win the playroom contest. i think yours was the best! π
sara - happy birthday talby! love her outfit too!
thanks for sharing the fun! you inspire me to try & be a better mom everyday.
carissa - Talby is too too cute… AND that outfit MOM… really GREAT!
sounds like a PERFECT day!
have a super weekend!
Sandy - Your kids have the COOLEST birthday outfits! I’m jealous! Happy Birthday Talby – from Troy, Ohio!
Trina - Can I celebrate my birthday at your house? I am 31 and this sounds totally perfect to me… and love the marshmallows on the cake.. brilliant. . happy weekend!
Ashley - I just love that shirt! Too cute! Happy Birthday, Talby!!!
Rachel - What a great birthday…and Journey to the Center of the Earth…cool movie.
May I ask where did you get that outfit…I must have for my little LOVE!!!
milly {elephants & redwoods} - Those candles are SO SO SO COOL. How awesome are you? Love it!
milly {elephants & redwoods} - Those candles are SO SO SO COOL. How awesome are you? Love it!
Lisa - Happy Birthday Talby!
Funny just last night I was thinking about what it would be like to be a mom. Then the image of Annie in her birthday outfit came to my mind and I smiled. I vow to let my kids wear such fun and special outfits on their birthdays too. I love the cupcakes.
take care,
traci - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALBY!!! what an adorable birthday outfit on a beautiful young lady.
Sara Ito - I LOVE her outfit!!!
Jessica - Tell Talby “happy birthday” from me. I LOVE her birthday outfit. So cute! You are going to have to teach me how to make me for Cora some day.
art cant hurt - Love, love, LOVE her outfit!!!
My daughters are going to be so jealous when they see this post!
Now I’ll have to become a Meg-a-mom too!!!
MGF - What a fun cake, full of only the good stuff for kids: chocolate chips, marshmallows and sprinkles.
PamperingBeki - Awww Happy Birthday to her!!
(and she lost a tooth recently, no?)
Candy - Your kids are the cutest and it seems like someone is always having a bday! π
princess lasertron - awww! happy birthday talby!
I want to commission a skirt from you! I dont even care what colors you use. It’s so awesome π
Aubrey - Oh, and where do we find those “Happy Birthday” candles?
Aubrey - Did you do a tutorial on those shirts that I missed? How do you come up with those awesome birthday outfits? They are so stinking cute. (Does Lauren have one? π ) ANd that cake? So fun. And easy-looking. Can I say again you have to be the coolest mom ever? How do you keep up with 5? I can barely handle it with 3!
Sharla - Great pics – love her outfit! You’ve inspired me to make a “2” shirt for my nephew’s bday next week and I’m going to make “B” shirts for my boys.