she just turned one year old.

and she was busy busy busy….a very quick crawler.
when cars would drive by she'd wave…it was so funny.
she like a little star waving to her fans.
little stinker…over half the pictures had her eyes like this…a happy squint.
at least you can tell she's really happy!
we had to work to get her to show those bright blue beautiful eyes.
diana…it was very fun getting together, annie loved playing at kierra's house.
let's get them together again soon.
brynlee is such a sweetheart.
i bet she took a good nap after i left….we made her work. it. out.
thanks again for asking me.
jon…are you ready for your close-up?
it's taken me all week to write this because part of me wishes i could forget. it was the trip to end all trips.
(it's a long story but if you read it all you will be laughing (or crying) with me.)
there are pictures at the end…i promise.
*********************************************************************************************** we went to my parents' this past weekend for an early Thanksgiving.
My grandma needed her car there also so she rode with me and craig drove her car.
20 minutes later than scheduled we wrangled everyone into the 2 vehicles.
all the girls (me, my girls, my grandma) in my Suburban.
craig and the boys in grandma's car.
oh yes…and waffle in the kennel in the back with me.
craig and i both get out of our cars twice to run back inside for forgotten things.
we pull out of the driveway…finally.
craig is leading.
we get to the last gas station at the edge of town.
craig pulls over…needs to fix sean's seat belt.
annie says "i have to go to the bath-frroom"
i park and take her inside the lovely gas station bathroom. talby shows up too.
ok…on the road again. 30 minutes late.
grandma and i chit chat while being constantly interrupted by annie.
craig hits his brakes. i look for deer.
he comes to a stop and pulls over….i almost hit him from the back.
his back door flies open and we get a side view of scott's projectile vomit.
i am shocked.
and of course…like i always do at inappropriate times…i start to laugh.
bad mother.
craig throws his hand up, smiles and shouts "first puke of the day!"
(when someone spills at dinner we (try to) say "first spill of the day!" instead of yell)
i get out and help craig clean things up…as best we can.
the wind was so strong everything was blowing around.
scott changed his clothes and calmed down.
i gave craig my package of baby wipes…just in case.
sean announced "i'm going in mom's car!"
we get back on the road.
veggie tales is crankin' and grandma and i are talking again.
about 10 minutes has gone by…
i smell something.
i ask sean to look at the dog….and oh yes…
he has pooped in his kennel and is sliding around in it.
i call craig's cell & he says "i'm going to the station up the road…i'll meet you there."
i am on my own…in the wind…with the poop.
i pulled out his rug and blanket and toss it in the ditch.
goodbye forever winnie the pooh sleeping bag.
lauren is supposed to have waffle and she lets go…
now we have a dog running in the ditch of the highway,
a nicely dressed woman in leopard shoes cleaning up dog poop with notebook paper
and 3 kids shouting "ewwwwwwwww!!!!"
i get it semi-clean and we get back in….
sean announces "i wish i was with Dad now"
and talby shouts "first POOP of the day!"
we meet back up with craig and get the wipes back!
i think for the first time grandma was happy she'd lost her sense of smell.
lauren is dousing our car with her pineapple perfume and it's even worse than before.
i had to just put my nose into my shirt.
we drove onto lawrence (another 1.5 hours) with no more problems.
it felt like a never ending candid camera episode.
i told my grandma "i dare you to have that much fun on your way home!"
aren't you glad i had no pictures to go with that story?
here are some sweet pictures after all the insanity ended.
my mom put on a big spread for 20+ family members.
it was all very yummy.
my cousin came with husband and children all the way from minnesota.
that is so nice of them to make the trip. i love spending time with them!
the kids made glove turkeys…very cute.
aren't annie's twin cousins just as cute as can be?
she sure loved h
aving TWO four year olds to play with. grandma turned 91 this week and talby helped her blow our her candles. thank you for hosting mom and dad. my uncles, my father, my husband, my sons, my brother-in-law, my cousin dave….all the men were here also but for some reason there are only girls in these pictures? i guess i should have gone in by the football….
i just met your blog today… i’m loving it! thank you for this wonderful laugh… and the tip on not yelling:) i have four boys and this post made me feel not alone in the occasional chaos. Megan you crack me up…isn’t life one big crazy adventure???? I’m sorry, but I did laugh. Sadly I can totally see myself in your shoes. Oh I had to come out of lurkdom to say you tell the best stories, but that one, that one takes the cake. If I’d have been driving the poopy car, I’d have been the “second puke of the day!” I can’t tolerate dog doo. Simply not. Lol. Even in leopard shoes. I’m laughing with you. I don’t know what was best, you laughing at the sideways vomit (I would too), Talby’s ‘first poop pf the day!’, or the alliterate pineapple perfume making everything worse. At least you can laugh at it right? Makes things so much better. I hope I remember to laugh next weekend.
OMG! That’s so funny…yet not! π Talby’s “first poop of the day!” cracked me up! I wasn’t expecting that. Although I can’t say that I was expecting anything that happened on your way to Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing and letting us laugh with you. We love you. (Remember National Lampoon’s Vacation and other movies???….ha ha) That is quite an entertaining story.LOL I think most of us can relate to those kind of stories because when you have kids and pets it is bound to happen. Looks like you got it from both ends though(grin) pun intended and yet still kept your sense of humor. I’m sure it was fun telling the story at the dinner table with your family, those are the best stories and only get better with time. thank you for helping me laugh out loud today!!! my favorite line: i am on my own…in the wind…with the poop. you are super-mom!!!!!
Ha. Ha. Only funny when it’s someone else’s story!!!! oh meg…my favorite neighbor! π love your stories as always! π watch your mail box!! π no. way.
yep, you’re right i am laughing. that sounds like it should have been an episode on some sitcom. the deserts looks wonderful. happy birthday grandma!
I love that this was all done in leopard shoes! You’re all class Meg. Has the smell come out of the car yet? I think this calls for one of my favourite movie quotes: “There’s a smell in here that’s going to outlast religion”. I laughed until I cried; sorry. I too laugh at inappropriate times…. Next time you can give the dog benedryl or dramamine….check with your vet but we were able to give that to our last dog. Oh My!!! Sounds like the holiday trips we take. We general stay with my BIL and SIL. They are saints becuase I swear we have an average of 3 out of 4 trips one of my children throws up at their house. I have no idea but my kids get sick whenever we travel home.
Oh. My. Goodness. I laughed like crazy at this! Sometimes doesn’t your life just feel like a sitcom!?!?!
that is by far the funniest thing i have read in a long time. and yes, i laughed as well when you mentioned your son puking out the car door…..oh well. beautiful ending to an interesting start to your day!
What a terrific story — well told. I know it couldn’t have been fun to live it, but it’s realllly fun to hear about it afterwards! Great pictures, as usual. Only you! PLEASE, PLEASE never let this happen to me! I like you so much!
OHHHHH!!! I am CRACKING. UP. I can just see it. Gotta love traveling with kids….and dogs π Looks like it was alllll worth it π
Hilarious! I love the cleaning of poop with notebook paper! A classic mom move! Ahhh yes Meg. The ‘sliding in poop’ dog/crate occurance is not unknown in our little family. You have my sympathies. π Wow that was some trip , we can laugh from a distance huh! oh you poor thing, hey I warned you about adding a dog to the mix , you are officially the super woman , I am still ready to send you my two dogs.
OH gosh! what a story, at least you can joke about it now and look at it this way… it’s a great story to tell the kids when they get older! Great memories! lol. I love your wonderful stories…. lol….I think I would have gone crazy by now! lol. Have a nice day! Tooooo Funny. Thank goodness there was no pictures with the story.
he wasn't into me at all.
not in any way.
no way jose.
tears came bursting out right after this shot.
susan let's try again soon….on his terms.
maybe at your house?
or with your boys there to help him like me more.
he is still the cutest little guy….even with the lip.
Oh my goodness! He is absolutely adorable!!
aww – what a cute picture that is though. The lip just makes him all the cuter. Adorable.
Oh my goodness… I’m a lip sticker outer lover!! Great photo!! ~Jill he is still very cute, even with the pouty face. that’s ok meg, i don’t think he likes me either….may have something to do with the purple hair and crazy outfit on halloween. when i have seen him smile though, it is the cutest thing EVER! J & K can get him super giggly, it’s just too cute. This sadness was felt. he is still the cutest little guy….ESPECIALLY with the lip. (and his curly hair!!) π I’ve seen that look and it breaks my heart. But when he smiles, you feel that your heart could burst. He is adorable. That is a timeless picture. Love it. Oma
hysterical…and what can you do except pinch those cheeks and let his mamma make him happy. poor little dude. the lip is priceless! I love it! And even though he’s not smiling, something tells me Susan will love this picture, too. Those curls… he fits into their family perfectly! π okay that is the cutest little boy ever!!!!!
Awww…. what a face!!!!
His best face comes when he’s snuggling into his mommy’s neck. I’ve seen it so many times and my heart melts! Bless his heart! He is adorable! The pouty lip makes the picture!
annie and i ran some errands yesterday but ended up at the thrift shop. i always grab vintage christmas ornaments when i find them.
i love how the finish is all crackle-y and gone in some parts.
pink is always a big find that makes me happy.
then on our way out we spotted this in the window display.
we had to have it.
as we paid the $3 i said "look…i bet your pet shops will fit inside there."
talby was so excited about it when she got home from school.
it is such a cozy little box all lined in pink velvet and satin.
she doesn't even realize there had been a mirror inside before.
it even has a shallow drawer at the bottom for other teeny tiny pieces.
and it's so much cuter than the big plastic turquoise tackle box thing i almost bought
for the same purpose at target for $19.99.
big smiles around here yesterday.
My mom had a jewelry box just like that one in the 60’s. It’s so nice to see one like it being used for a little girl’s treasures.
Awesome finds. And 3 bucks for that lovely little box, super deal.
Aww Meg – I had a bunch of old ornament balls and I think I gave them away last year. If I find them later next week ….I will send them down the street. I enjoy boxes of such to put things in – they are all over upstairs with stuff. great finds. the little jewelry box is perfect for the girls. love the vintage ornaments. i have started picking those up as well. they are so pretty.
you are awesome Meg! i wish we lived closer together. i know we’d be “real life” friends! : ) although we’d probably go junking together and fight over the same treasures : ) Love all of the pink. Such cute ornaments and a fabulous little box. Love it!
great finds!!! That box is great! Each year, my mom buys me a vintage (generally really fun 1950s) ornament. So that when I have my own place someday my tree won’t be empty. I agree, older ornaments are works of art!
What fabulous finds!! Love them both!! dang cute.
I have one almost exactly like that sitting in my closet right this very second π It belonged to Brian’s mom…and although I don’t put my pet shoppe stuff in it…I do love it so very much π LOVE the pink ornaments!!…my fav by far! Aw!! That is EXACTLY like my Grandma’s jewelry box. π
Perfect! I love it. Well done for 3$. I love when things have it’s place.
Yay for that! My grandma gave me a little box just like that when I was little! Memories!! Also – those ornaments remind me of a roommate I had in college that brought antique ornaments to hang in our dorm…freshman year! Was she crazy?! Some of the boy actually filled them with water as a prank…needless to say I think she learned that antiques don’t belong in a freshman dorm!! hehehe What a great use for that old jewelry box! I still remember an old suitcase my mom gave me to keep my Barbies in, I wonder what happened to that old thing?
That is just perfect! Maybe you could add a mirror in it?
i am trying to get the craft room cleaned to get some counter space cleared.
i was going through my boxes of craft supplies from my great aunt.
it's mostly organized by color and everything is in old pill bottles….i love that.
my new favorite pandora station is Adele. (just type in Adele…after you register) fun music and mostly all clean…..groovin' while i am blogging or cooking. my new jammie pants from target (of course) are making me happy today.
they match my lampshade and curtains on the armoire in the playroom.
don't you try to match your furniture?
are you feeling christmas pressure already like me?
are you talking about black friday at your house?
did you start your christmas shopping?
wal-mart started playing christmas music on november 1st. 24 hours a day till january.
our local pop station already switched to all christmas music.
it's all just so weird to me.
how much time do we really need to shop for gifts?
how much can one person buy?!
i am still going to acknowledge november.
and all it has to offer…turkeys and leaves and crisp cool days.
just trying not to rush through the year you know?
we should make our thankful chain again.
have I mentioned lately that your blog is my favorite?
prettiness all around! Hello I loove your blog page,its so colorful and fun to visit! Keep up the good work! smile!
i caved to the christmas pressure. your pj’s are cute – love target pj’s. that quite a treasure chest of goodies from your aunt.
I am TOTALLY feeling the Christmas crunch. I was on bed rest for 2 weeks and am still “taking it easy” and figured this would be the perfect time to start our Christmas lists. I was ready to be ambitious and organized and get a jump on things and when I tired to start, the whole thing overwhelmed me. Maybe all the Christmas decorations at the local craft stores will help re-motivate me. Maybe I should just enjoy Thanksgiving first. π
Adele is awesome! And I agree it seems it’s all about the shopping; Halloween over and let’s roll in the Christmas stuff…let us relish in Thanksgiving…being with family, laughing, having great food…great memories! have you ever thought about selling some of the things you make on etsy? Lovely post! And yes this year I have already started shopping in little bits. In fact I think that is going to be the theme for all my gifts this year – “little bits.” Love the jammies that match the curtain – too cute!
Love the pillbox idea… have been thinking about downloading Adele… road trip coming up so it is a must on my list now! and WHATEVER to Christmas already is all I have to say!
LOVE the thankful paper chain idea! and as I am typing this, I am shamefully wearing reindeer pj bottoms…oh well! I discovered your blog this weekend and proceeded to spend WAY too much time reading it from beginning to end. Your beautiful photos and stories about everyday life captured my attention! I love your home and I’m feeling totally inspired to start a million projects (anything but the school work I should be doing!)Keep up the great work.
I know exactly how you feel. I think they cram all of the holidays together and Thanksgiving is getting lost in the shuffle. I don’t want to even think about Christmas until I am full and fat with Turkey!! I’m totally with you on that one Meg! I love Christmas but Im waiting till the day after thanksgiving to pull out the decorations. I still want to celebrate Thanksgiving for goodness sakes. P.S. Since I didn’t know how to edit my original post, I have to make another one – but I agree with you – let’s not rush November – I LOVE the family time on Turkey Day and all of the preparations, Macy’s Day Parade, etc… I did manage to get all 80 of my Christmas cards handmade over the last 2 weekends though, so I have decided to start “slowly” easing into Christmas on my end. :o)
kerry and i are in bible study together.
she is the one i sneak off to movies with in the middle of the afternoon on school days.
(ok…it was only once…but we should do it much more often kerry!)
she is training to be a midwife.
i would love to have another baby so she could deliver it….at home.
(what do you think craig? don't laugh like that….)
dan is the hero who showed up just in time to save me from insulating the attic!
i had never met her family until this day.
i left quite embarrassed for her meet mine.
her children were so polite and happy and they seemed like they really liked each other!
what's that like?
![]() they each have beautiful eyes…sparkley blue and green.
for the older girls just mentioning high school musical or any boys names…big embarrassed smiles.
kerry and dan….your family is just plain lovely.
your children were each so sweet and adorable.
the girls kissing on kenton? it was too cute….and he let them!
i loved it.
my kids are dying to come out to your farm and see a real dairy cow.
let's put them to work…
BEAUTIFUL. as always. your black and whites are fabulous. I love the pictures…they turned out great! I didn’t expect anything less though…you always have great shots!
Wow Meg!! Beautiful family… beautiful photography!! Love the “Leaf” pictures best. So cool!! ~Jill π I am tempted to pack up my toddler and drive out to KS…just to have you take our pics! It looks like so much fun! And they are so great!! ooooooh! LOVE that last picture! They are all great…but that last one…LOVE it! ooooooh! LOVE that last picture! They are all great…but that last one…LOVE it! love the fam shots…and ur right, they really look like they love each other. ok, so did the momma sneak them some candy or something? and, i want a sneak to the movie friend! i guess i need to get all the kids out during the day first. ok…good job on the pics! love them!
Thanks for sharing, Meg & Kerry!! Your pictures are beautiful, as always. GORGEOUS, as usual!! Wish you lived here.
They *are* a pretty neat family. So glad to know them! My husband is about to be informed that we are saving money for a road trip to Kansas for family pictures, and to see a real flea market. I’m such a dork, but I’ve never been to one and am so intrigued by them from all I’ve heard about them. Okay, obsessed. How cool your friend Kerry is training to become a midwife! I delivered my son with a midwife! And delivering at home…wow…a woman after my own heart! That is so my desire…and will happen with the next baby! this is my favorite photo shoot so far…LOVE IT!!!! I would love for you to blog sometime about how you go about each photo shoot… Several times, I have wanted to compliment you on your blog, and thank you for all your efforts- this one moved me to actually do it! I don’t remember who posted it but I found your blog from a link to your bathroom! I have enjoyed reading it all so much (I’m a mom of 4, a dog-owner, but a New Jersey girl- ) and have tried several of your decorating ideas and recipes- and get inspiration from your very real attitudes. This whole week has been very nice to read. I wonder if you would mind at some point to talk about your photography- you get quite a lot of wonderful shots from your camera- do you use different lenses, how do you get that wonderful color we see- it all makes me want to never leave your blog! Thanks for sharing it all! Patty
check out the playroom…. it's thinking it's "all that and a bag of potato chips."
wish me luck!
and check out their very fun colorful site.
(it's just fun to say….)
*edited to add….I got SECOND place!!!
very exciting.
big smiles around here.
very very big.
WTG, Meg! That is AWESOME! Great job and of course, the judges (if they have a good eye) would have seen that and they DID! Keep us posted and I hope you win the BIG prize! Hugs, Trac~ :o) How cool is that? Good work girl! Congrats Meg! I hope you win a great prize. I think your whole house should be in one of my favorite magazines so I can keep the pics for viewing all the time!
Congratulations! I love all the colors in your home, your photos and your life!
That is so cool! Remember when I said magazines were contact you about that amazing room?! Oh, i am so smart! heeheh! You are just so great! Congratulations! That’s awesome! Some fabulous spaces, and yours is the cutest! you came in second! yay! i still think you should have won though. you did a great job! I was hoping I could vote for it and couldn’t see where–still love it. And I think yours is the best because the ones with intense colored walls burn my eyes out (but they’re still fun). Congratulations! When my house is finished I’ll have a spare room for you to come spend a month and decorate my house! Oh Seriously!!! Hands down…you HAVE to be the winner!! Maybe I’m a little biased π Best of luck!!!! Can’t wait to hear WHEN you win!!! Awesome Meg! Your room is fantastic. I just love that R E A D! Hope you win. Get outta town Meg…..that is GRAND ….. my goodness….fingers crossed here too. Yay!! Congratulations & good luck!! Your room is DEFINATELY the best and most colorful of all!! Congratulations! Are you for hire? π oh, check out how your playroom looks!! Right up there with the competition, well done! I love your colour combinations, awesome, so good luck! π
Tracy - Absolutely a beautiful little girl with gorgeous eyes! Great pictures as usual, Meg!
Hugs, Trac~ :O)
traci - what a doll. she is a very happy baby. great photos meg!!
Linda - I love your blog–you are so real! I love your photographs too–very cute and also very real.
kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu - aren’t you sweet……’re one of my favs too.
Mel - I am soooo blessed to get to see this little precious girl Monday thru Friday!
emily - Meg, I am so sad it has taken me this long to comment on your blog! I have been so busy lately, and trying to take care of sick kids, start up an etsy, and just LIVE! FORGIVE ME!
cecilia lΓΆfholm - She is so cute! I love your pictures! Especially the one where she waves at the cars!
traci - She is just too cute for her own good!!! Love the pictures…you wanted her to open her eyes more so we could see the ‘blue’ which shows up in the first pic but I lOVE her squinty eye smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie Sampson - super cute. I love your black and whitew.
a thorn among roses - i have 2 kiddos with squinty grins…and such sweet pics! she is precious!
Staci - Oh my word what a cutie! Love the stripes and polka dots! Isn’t it just a cryin’ shame there were no girls in my plan?? boo hoo. (I do love my boys π
Amanda - Is it me or does that child look very….
…wise. Like. Wise. Hum. I dont know how else to describe it.
And adorable. And is this a busniess for you? LOTS of fun pics for us… LOTS of work for you! Well. Unless you are one of those naturally gifted photographers who takes the perfect shot and doesn’t need to spend hours editing like me… just to find the one good shot I took out of 100.
Many blessings-
carissa - waving at all her fans… she is too cute!
squinty eyes means a true smile! π
great job
Trina - these are so cute.. love the last picture.. how did you do that? Looks vintage or poloraidish!!!
Sarah - What a precious little girl! I love all the squinty smiles!!
I bet this photo shoot was a blast for you all, and I love that she was waving at cars driving by. SO CUTE.
Rachel - What a cutie she is! I love her squinty eyes when she smiles! I just want to gobble her up!! Great pics!