i am the room tour today on ohdeedoh!!!
i am feeling quite happy.
thank you for such a nice write up alex.
craig put the (artificial) tree up this weekend. then the kids had begged for three days straight to decorate it.
i was finally ready (as i could be) to do it.
it was (and always is) chaos.
this year they each had their special ornaments in their own box.
it made a difference in the amount of fighting & grabbing ornaments from each other.
i decided something this year….
the way the tree looks is not a big deal.
the ornaments can go wherever the kids want.
they CAN hang them….by themselves….they don't need my help.
and they WANT to do it.
we did it together and i didn't un-do all the work they just did when they weren't looking.
maybe everyone reading this has already had this AHA! moment
but i think so many mommies still want a perfect tree that is not for touching.
why does it have to be matchy-matchy and perfectly decorated?
i have decided that ours will be just how the kids want it to be…however they decorate it.
and i can't wait to see what they come up with.
ahhhhh…..now i will get off my soapbox.
we finished and it was time for pie.
i will admit that i was crabby during all this "family time" but i tried my best to control it.
the chaos gets to be a bit much sometimes…even for me.
but in the end they will remember the decorating and not my mood.
i hope.
and only 2 ornaments got broken….by ME! want to play find-the-teenager-who-can't-stand-her-family again…..
I can totally relate to you in so many ways! The-teenager-who-can’t-stand-her-family, the chaos during “family times”, the moodiness of a mom who just wants peace and quiet, the urge to fix things up after the kids decorate their own tree but most of all the fun and memories these times bring to us, as well!! Great photos!
My hubby wants more kids…yes he wants to have another baby…because of times like these…Christmas and the laughter and chaos. You have a beautiful family…that pie looks yummy!
Too funny. I just read this post and laughed with great empathy. I did a post yesterday which is so similar, even down to the three days to get the energy to trim the tree and the individual portions of decorations to alleviate arguments. I didn’t write it, but I was also thinking how I can be a fun vacuum at this time of year, wanting everything to be perfect and why do I do that? Thanks for the reminder. great pics as always…but now i’m in trouble because my youngest wants to know all about your furball dog in the pictures….we already have one!
Oh yeah–the ‘can i wipe my nose on your shirt?’ so so funny–that annie.
I FOUND HER!!!! She is participating- all bundle up. I so understand the strong desire to rearrange and tweek yo tree. I also have given up. I don’t think I have had an AHA moment but I just ran out of steam and totally gave up. I used to put up a full size tree in our family room, dining room, sunroom, Master bedroom, and then the kids had a 4 ft tree in their rooms. I don’t have it in me anymore. That is part of adapting- allowing myself to let it go and not stress out over trying to do too much.
Looks great… the tree and the pie!! You’ve got an award over at my blog. 🙂 that waffle! such a helper. CUTENESS ALL AROUND! good for you! the pic of the car ornament and your sweet girl below is really good and I love that waffle’s in on the game. Kelly
pie after tree trimming…what a good idea. now, i want some pie! Ahhh. So glad to hear that it’s chaotic at other people’s homes too! Yet another reason why I love to blog 🙂 Makes me feel…normal! Actually, I must admit, this year was not so bad 🙂 I had my AHA moment this year as well. I generally am an “all white light” kinda girl…this year, Brian and Connor wanted multicolored…and you know what…it’s really kinda pretty! Sometimes, it’s just not worth the fuss 🙂 AHAAAAA!!!!! (in the biggest vibrato voice I have!)
love your new banner too!
Way to go Meg! I was crabby too. I think I always am. No matter how much I tell myself I’m not going to be. My 5 and 2 year olds decorated the tree….minus 4 ornaments I did taller than 3.5 feet. But….they were very happy, no arguing, so I let them do it. And that’s just the way it is! No perfect tree in our house. Just happy kids. Well, unfortunately, I seem to be one of “those” moms who prefer the matchy/color coordinated tree – *lol* My kids are 15 now but still don’t help out much. I think I ruined them when they were little and wouldn’t let them help so that nothing got broke and/or didn’t match – much to my husband’s disappointment. But, I can’t turn back time to let them have the freedom of the casual family tree – although, I honestly can’t say I would IF I could either – I guess I am a “mom tree snob” – lol – oh well. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the pie looks Delicious! :o) How many oraments has waffle eaten? So far only 1 by marley. That I know of. Half a gingerbread something. I couldn’t tell what was left. -Corey (not Amy)
from a week ago…. (sidenote: it is so much easier photographing older kids than babies and toddlers!) thanks kristi and eric for asking me to take your family pictures.
i had a really good time….i promise.
sorry we didn't get more of abby.
and i thought tyler was fun. he cracks me up.
hope your day is good today kristi….back to work.
i will be thinking about you.
What a sweet looking family! They look like they’re having so much fun!
These are really good Meg.
Cute Family sooooo great! i can’t wait to see what happens over at your place this christmas!!!!
meg those are beautiful. they are going to love them. you can tell they are a lively, fun, loving family. your black and whites are really stunning. how do you edit those? i am struggling with that. any tips? great new blog header too. Oh… love the new blog header. super cute and super fun and super fabulous! 🙂 you rocked it! Way to go! I love subjects that listen instead of just run away! 🙂 The 18 month to 2 year olds are always a challenge for me! i love how happy they are…and kissing pics always make me blush, but in a good way.
Beautiful photos! Love the one of the brother and sister together. His face is priceless. Your blog headers always BLOW ME AWAY!! Kelly Perfect representation of that family! Tyler funny…Abby cute…Kristi & Eric – GET A ROOM! I’ve always loved the obvious connection between the two of them. Sweet! Wow – gorgeous photos. Abby looks like Phoebe Cates — lucky girl!! so how was it? did you shop before the sun came up?
did you get what you waited for?
we slept in.
then my sister and i shopped local.
at the thrift shop….everything was 50% off….wow!
i got this chair for .50 cents.
my sister got an artificial christmas tree for $10.
we went to the antique store and the fabric store.
princess lasertron…you were discussed at the antique store. :)
we did go out to the mall in the evening (when the the crazy shoppers were done)
talby got to go to build-a-bear with her cousin….finally!
and now it's snowing.
we are going upstairs to craft in the craft room.
and listen christmas music.
and drink coffee.
I recently started reading your blog, love it! I noticed the cups you had up top… when I was a little girl my grandpa would visit and stay at his families “old farm” a few weeks and weekends. Cups of all colors just like these were there 🙂 Every time I would visit I would go out to the pump and get myself a glass of fresh well water in one of these beauties! I have to get mine out of my hope chest. So many memories! Thanks for the reminder 🙂
love the photos! Meg- Thanks for asking! Tom Burke and I went to Wal-Mart at 4:20 a.m.!!!! Only the finest folks were there! We did get a great deal on a TV so it was worth it!!! Hey- Did the houses in your neighborhood sell?? Where are the pics? LOL!
Thank you for your lovely comment. I have loved your blog for a long time through my sister! Keep writing, photographing, loving, enjoying, creating and making life colorful! We stayed home and decorated the house and listened to Christmas music…it was great! I love your new header!
What a lovely day…..
Meg. Can I just be related to you for ONE day so maybe you could share some of your inherent craftiness with me? You rock, and you inspire. Awesome.
nope, no shopping for me. i think i am kind of a scrooge that way. i should go later in the day. maybe next year. looks like you had a good shopping day. good for you? i need to get going. Absolutely DELIGHTFUL… all of it- the chair, the fabric, the glasses, the buttons… and I’m jealous of time in the craft room with carols & coffee! 🙂
We slept in too- but now that I hear there was 50% off at your thrift store I am kicking myself that I did not check out our thrift stores around here. Love your pictures, as always. Sounds like the perfect day. Sisters and thrifting are always a good mix. i think i’ll go shopping tonight. I never get up that early for anything! Not even a great bargain. BUT, my dear husband does! It’s a “family tradition” of sorts…started back when Connor (6 now) was 3. They get up at 3:30 and go to JC Penney’s (opens at 4:00) to get their yearly snowglobe. While I sleep in after all the feasting and festivities from the day before! This year…little brother (Jake-3) got to get his first snowglobe! And whoa! How exciting it was for them! Me, I was snuggled in bed…until the newest addition (Mac–our 9 week old little Westie) needed to go do some business! I’m so glad you got to go shopping with your sister and that Talby got to Build-A-Bear! Don’t you wish you would’ve thought of that!??!! Can’t wait to see what you do with that fabulous fabric!
my friend amy told me about this organization called
charity: water.
i think it's awesome.
the statistics will make you feel sick.
you will feel sad, selfish and disgusted.
but we can do something.
we can't all go to africa or liberia.
but we probably can all give $20 for clean water for a whole village.
can you even BEGIN to imagine this?
we wouldn't let our kids touch that water…let alone use it.
or DRINK IT?!!
the founder is scott harrison.
he is 33….like me.
he changed everything and went to serve the poor…totally UN-like me.
you can give through their site….badge in the sidebar.
you can give through jody's site (i think….)
you can get cool merchandise to encourage others to give.
but just give.
if you have any extra this christmas…
just give water.
and if you have the time you can watch this. What a great cause. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for posting this Meg!! i can’t tell you how much I appreciate you getting the word out. I might just HUG you next time I see you. 🙂 (ha ha) thanks meg. something we all take for granted. I feel so guilty–and so glad we have fresh, clean, running water all the time.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m going to look into it more…I have a September birthday, and so does my son, two brothers, my dad, and two sisters-in-law. We could raise a bunch of money! Great post…crazy how much we take for granted and how little it takes to make a life saving difference in someone’s life. Seriously, when are you coming to Okla. so we can grab a Starbucks and roam through a craft store together? Thanks Megan, this is a great cause. I’ve put the information on my blog (and linked to yours). Tears on my face, too… because I know how many people read Jody’s blog, and I know how many people read your blog, and now, all those people together, knowing about this… wow. Only $20. Or even $10. (Look for info on Jody’s blog about $10 Fridays) What a huge difference a few moms can make in the world. Thank you, thank you, for sharing this.
I have had dreams about this since I went on the website a few weeks ago. It is now “one of my favorite things”. I may not be Oprah, but I think everyone needs to know about this.
i don't think that i am actually busy…but i feel a busy-ness in me. feeling full of thoughts, lists, ideas and projects.
and knowing so much needs to (and i want to) get done in the next few weeks.
i have been getting crafty.
and it makes me so happy!
what i dread is my poor planning that (may) turn into nasty angry crying crafting….
because i waited too long to get get too much done.
so i have lists going of what i need to do and by when.
i am checking things off little by little.
just trying to avoid my usual christmas eve meltdown.
and now i am headed out to get some shopping done before black friday.
my husband is a genius!
he is so smart.
he found what black friday things he wanted in the preview online.
he went to the store and bought it already.
then he will go back on black friday with his receipt and get the money back for the sale price.
the store (target….) told him they honor that…even on black friday.
i never thought of that but why would i?
i like the thrill of the hunt. I like to shop.
but i am not going into that wild mess this year.
my sister is coming and we are going to just hang out with the kiddos.
these crayons are the start of one project…but i can't share what.
but i will say it has me all smiles while i work on it.
color + art + crafting = happy megan
and one more thing…
annie wanted aunt shannon and uncle todd to see her in her fancy new birthday shirt.
she loves it!
girl… WHAT you do with those crayons… i can only imagine… you’re the best! only you can make a bunch of crayons look so beautiful, fun, inviting….can’t wait to see the project.
so-what are you going to craft!!! I must know. I too have a lot of ideas spinning around in my head-making me feel more busy than I really am!! I think that it’s a holiday thing. I have great ideas of wanting to make christmas a homemade one–I am just not too sure where to start!! So, I want to see your ideas, you know so I can copy!!!
oohhhh! such fun! Have a good time! Kelly i think i know your very clever idea. but i can’t wait to see it. annie looks so cute in her christmas shirt.
My husband does the same thing Craig did. He already bought me a new washer and dryer for the new house. Last year he did it with a TV. Just make sure you go to the store during the hours the item is on sale! I think I know what you’re doing…. Looks like so much fun but I’ve never done it before. Annie is just cute as a button! You cannot leave us hanging like that with those gorgeous crayons. I have the same tension of so many ideas so little time. I’m going back to the handmade christmas this year. Last year I got all my shopping done on black friday then felt like I missed out on the whole – ‘joy of making christmas’ feeling. But I’m overwhelmed with all my own ideas! Yikes! Best of luck on your list. Maybe you can post a ‘Christmas Craft Organization’ post and help the rest of us out! :o)
I think I have a mental illness. It’s where I’m busy in my mind, but my body doesn’t respond, so I only THINK I’m getting so much done, when really things aren’t happening. Then I am so shocked when I discover all this stuff I have do and wonder why I didn’t do it before when it was on the list. I always forget all the little details too. Ironically, I always try to keep it simple, and I never do. Can’t wait to see your project–are you making big crayons like Emily (little momma) did with her boys? i can’t wait! i love making big crayons…i hope to see them soon! can’t wait to see what you are up to. i decided it is going to be a homemade christmas. me sitting fireside, lit tree, stitching ornaments…hahahahahahahah…..NOT!! i feel your sense of impending busyness.
I love these pictures of the crayons. Are you going to melt them down? That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw them paperless and naked, in a baking pan. or is it? lol
we raked and raked today, clearing the flower beds and the lawn.
there was (is) a mountain of leaves in our driveway…perfect for jumping in.
i guess annie got too hot and stripped down to her tank top?
meanwhile the rest of us had on coats and gloves…
she's a big goofball.
i am smitten by these photos! by your whole entire glorious blog actually! wow! I wanna do this too. Awesome photos Meg. Makes me wish I had $1000 just lying around for a new awesome, FASTER MOVING camera, and then knew how to use it. I take such lame pictures of my kids. Seriously. They’ll think all they did throughout their childhood was sleep in weird places or get into messes or have birthdays where there were cakes, but no proof they blew out the candles, and no proof anyone came to the party. I’ve got to go find a class…and get a job…
That looks so fun and crunchy , that must be so fun , my kids don’t feel the cold much either , my 10 yr old is outside shoelling snow with bare legs , what a nut
Amazing photos! I love your blog. We had the exact same day on Sunday afternoon, complete with hot chocolate … but we did marshmallows. :o) darling.
GREAT GREAT FUN FUN photos….too cute !!!! What a great time that looks like…and hot chocolate??? Can I move in? So cute and what fun!! I love the one of Waffle looking out the door. I love him!! (I almost called him Bisquit! He looks like that new interactive dog named Bisquit).
Makes me want to join in!! my first thought was, it’s that warm where you live? then i noticed talby in the background with her coat on. “Well I’m Hot Blooded” – annies theme song.
So glad I found your blog via kirtsy. Your photographs are gorgeous. I love this series! My kids get hot too when playing outside—I’ll be shivering and they’re in t-shirts. Haha! Her tank is even inside out. 😉 Totally off topic, but I saw one of your comments on another blog about liking “St. Joe” and I assume you are talking about St. Joe, Florida (not Missouri 🙂 I’m already looking for vacation ideas and wanted to see if you knew of good places to stay there (so I could look online)? We went to Sanibel Island 2 years ago with our young boys and had a great time. Ahhhhhhh… I miss Fall. And by that, I mean a TRUE Fall, not the weather that Southern California brings us which is more of a hiccup before the skies open and dump rain on us and Winter is here. Looks like you guys had a perfect day.
Yes… the perfect fall day!! 🙂 ~Jill Yes!! The perfect fall day!! Hot cocoa is the perfect ending… 🙂
awesome day for you and your family!! |
comidademama - Grazie mille Megan! Thanks a lot Megan!
i will write as soon as possible and will send a link.
comidademama - Really amazing! I love the colors and the picture is beautifull! I’m an Italian blogger and I’d love to publish this picture in my blog writing about you and your talent to chanhe 4 walls in somethis really special.
Please, please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please allow me.
Robin Laws - awwww…you so deserve that! this is one wonderful room and you did it all by yourself too!
carissa - you ARE famous… you rock… so glad they featured you!
let that sun shine on your face… wow! 🙂
Kelly - VERY nice! Kelly
Diana Cornielle - Congrats! Hard job always pays off somehow….!
princess lasertron - I like that room a lot, and that’s a really nice write-up. you’re a great inspiration to me, meg 🙂
sara's art house - I LOVE that room!!!!! Gorgeousness in red and white!!!
a thorn among roses - now that, is super fun! great job…congrats!
Jamie Sampson - Congrats! Whoo Hoo for you! I am just so proud I want to squeeze your cheeks and feed you chocolate chips cookies! 🙂
Rachel - I gotta say again I love this room!
MGF - Congrats. That’s awesome to feel famous.
Got any more projects working??? or always…..
alyssa - from the amount of comments you recieve on this blog, I’d say you are definitely famous. But I do love that room. I believe I will be making a trip to hobby lobby soon for some letters…
Taddie Tales - You go girl!
sandi - Hi Meg
I LOVE that playroom! Everything about it just so happy and cheerful. Did you use vintage fabric on the pillows?
I know it is hard to reply to all who comment on your blog but I would love for you to visit my blog and say Hi. I got inspired by your polka dot lamp and did something simular to a lampshade of mine but the dots are gold on a barn red color with white fringe on the bottom. Not exactly the same but you inspired me. I will be posting a pic very soon. Come visit me.. Sandi
callie grayson - fun, playful and cosy! love this room!!!!
Melanie - Congrats on the photos on that website. That room makes me so happy! I love all the colors and it looks just like you:)
Darby - You are famous and I love that ROOM!!
maribeth - i have been following your blog for almost a year now. i am in love with your house and the way you have chosen to decorate it. this room is no different. how cool! i hope you win! thank you for the inspiration in decorating and child rearing (we are expecting number 3 in about a month)!
Jenny - That is fantastic.
The room looks great – I love it.
Holly - So very proud of you!!!!!
All of the rooms in your home could win prizes. I admire the way you decorate with a great eye for colors….and lots of love. That guest/play room is spectacular. Your talent is inspiring.
Congrats, Meg. I was hoping you’d win…..your room was the most beautiful and clever!!!!! =-)
Staci - YAY! Does this mean you won?? I do hope so!! Coolest room around!
Michelle - Congratulations! Love your room, love your photos, love it all!
Amanda - Rock on Designer Momma! Obviously you are now not only feeling famous, but you ARE famous!
Now, if you could just let me come and liv in your kitchen, I would be happy.
God bless-
diana g - Congrats Meg!!! The recognition is well deserved – love the room and your photos!
PS. You should have won the ohdeedoh contest!
Deb - Hello, I found you via ohdeedoh. I love your outlook (I am exactly the same re the Christmas tree) – chaos usually reigns here too as I have five. The playroom looks cool too!
I wanted to ask – how do you get your pics on typepad so big? Mine come out smaller than I’d like despite me fiddling with the custom settings.
chris - Your famous to me , always love everything you do , you are amazing , its nice to see you recognized .
kristin at prairie daze - oh! hooray for you!
it is wonderful, wonderful.
traci - congrats meg. very exciting!!
Aubrey - Seriously so fabulous. Hmm, duh aubrey moment, let your kids have input on how to decorate their rooms. So smart. Except, what do I do when I’m constantly switching my kids in between the two rooms we have to try and make them fit better (which they never do).
Ali - That is so cool!
I actually saw your entry into the color contest and I emailed it to my mom cause I just loved it so much.
And another cool thing, I’m in Kansas too! 🙂
kasey - wonderful write-up!