i am surrounded by piles.

in every single room of my house.
this is my least favorite pile.
i promised i would build the gingerbread house today so the kids could decorate it after school.
why do i promise stuff like that?
annie has been begging all morning to get started (since 7 AM)
i have my pounding monthly mega-headache that i always get
and i just can't wake up.
but christmas projects are moving right along.
i can't wait to show you some of the house and my new craft obsession.
i am addicted.
ready? OK!!
have a super great thursday……(said my best cheerleader voice)
waffle and i are just stopping in today to say a quick hello.
my list is crazy long and i don't feel like anything is getting done!
how can that be?
so i must "step away from the computer" and get christmas moving right along.
see ya!
Hello there, I just came across your site and I am really enjoyng looking at your photos. Especially this one – very cute!
You are so stinkin’ cute! That’s an awesome picture! I love your hat and I hope you got everything done. Love your house. I dream of one day renovating an old house with character. Your “floating” stairs are my favorite part! And as for the bathroom walls where your kids are allowed to draw? I used to draw all over my furniture in high school. My mom bought me an old desk just for that purpose, so I’m going to definitely carry on that tradition!
you’re adorable! have a great day! Kelly
Good luck with the Christmas ready-ness. I am in the middle of mine, Christmas is coming a bit early here since Jeff has to work on the real day so I am blasting on to full speed ahead! what an adorable picture of you two! waffle’s expressions are just too cute! what did he think of the snow? Your adorable, and I just want to smother Waffle with love!! I’m with ya!!! I haven’t posted anything new on my blog in over a week ;( LOSER I am! Hope you are able to get all you need to get done π I love all of your decorations! So pretty! I found your blog a few months ago and have been so inspired by so many different things here! I really loved the stockings that you made last year and it inspired me to make some for my family. I just posted them up today on my blog, so thank you for sharing your ideas and talents!
Fun reminder to get to work
I hear you girl. I can’t believe that its almost here. We leave for Delaware (my mom’s) on the 20th so I want to have everything done by then so we don’t have to rush around once we get there. Looking forward to that 12 hour ride with the kids. π And we are traveling on Sunday so Chick fil A is closed…drat. I thought of you as I decorated the tree saying”listen to Meg, don’t stress about the decorations. you can hand 3 heavy ornaments on one branch, right?
I love your hats and you look so cute in them. Good luck on your list, or should I say, good luck to me on my list. That I still need to write. Woo-hoo for Annie writing words and her outfit ensemble is so cute. At least her colors coordinate–which is more than I can say for my 6-yr-old. She’s into monochromatic outfits–imagine a curly blonde kindergartener in all BLACK. It was kind of funny. my sis-in-law introduced me to your blog. she just knew that i’d love it!!! so i thought i’d introduce myself. i’ll be stopping by from time to time… hope your day is fantastic! evan
That is a fabulous picture! Now, get along and get your stuff done. My list is a mile long too! Meg this is a VERY CUTE photo of you! I wish I could think to take pictures like that, but sadly, I don’t have that kind of creativity! That’s why YOU are the photographer! HA! Have fun today and I hope you get a lot accomplished. Hugs, Trac~ :o) Meg – love this picture. As I looked at it I thought, she looks like a young Sally Fields …. beautiful! Have fun. Your blog continues to inspire me. CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! Step away and run! Hope you get things accomplished and that your list gets shorter. Thanks for stopping to say hi. Fun picture! I’m attempting homemade marshmallows right now. We’ll see…… she can write.
words like flamingo.
and elephant.
all my kids (probably ALL kids) have entered this stage where they know their abc's
and they realize that letters spell words.
then they want to spell everything that they can think of.
but this is annie!
she's my baby.
my last baby.
the last one to say "how do spell lion again mom?"
it's just so bittersweet.
she was putting together her train alphabet puzzle and decided to stop
and write out the word that was on each piece.
26 words.
"YES!" she shouted.
and then ripped all the sheets from her little notebook and said they were "tickets for lizzie".
my baby.
is so not a baby anymore…..
aww sweet annie. i am excited for her. that is quite the accomplishment. but i feel your pain. it’s so hard when the youngest reaches milestones or leaves phases behind. enjoy every moment of her. i know i do. she’s just a doll!
She looks so happy with herself. That must be amazing to watch and then slink off into the kitchen with a box of tissues and wonder where your baby went. I am looking forward to that moment with my daughter with fondness and fear.
Hi Meg…I was heartbroken for you too. Then I scrolled down just enough for the previous post to peek out…she’s still a baby! Look at that face: precious. Thanks for sharing your life with us. The good, the sometimes bad, but never ugly. How do you take such amazing pictures??
Awww!!! My youngest is 6 and i feel that time is going so fast!!!! I love all your photos!!!!!
I am in love with the first photo. It is so cute. She is adorable and I agree she looks way TOO young to be spelling words like flamingo and elephant. π The blog rocks, like always.
Oh I love her arms of accomplishment picture π She’s brilliant…and cute too!
SO cute , she is so pleased isn’t that great , I love all the growing up stuff , it is so fun to see them growing and learning , amazing , its always amazing .
Aw Meg. This makes me wish I could give you a big hug. But on a more positive note… I’m amazed at how clean your floor is in that first shot. I notice things like that b/c my floors are, well, horrendous right now. π
it happens. darn it. they grow up and then, well, they won’t let us take pics! booo. she is so precious! we crammed 37 preschoolers into one sunday school room with nothing to do but wait.
we waited.
and sang…ate a snack…played a few non-talking games…
then waited some more.
then we waited in the hallway…
then finally after 4 weeks of practicing….
and 45 minutes of waiting…
they sang for 1 minute and it was over.
but it was the best jingle bells and go tell it on the mountain i have ever heard.
but maybe i am a little biased.
even though it was very cute i am glad it's done.
and i am glad i put on extra deodorant before i went.
we had a program much the same sunday…and my #3 ran off the stage screaming. yep, it’s true! love the pics!
so cute and I am not a grandma either….adorable
Wow, girl you must have an extra helping of patience from above but I’m sure that extra deodorant helped out π cute pictures! I borrowed your idea for putting the ornaments in seperate boxes for the kids….awesome idea! great for my 2 and 4 year olds who went a little ballistic when they saw the huge box of decorations….they went right to work with their own!!! I am so there with you- ours is next week…thank goodness they are cute! Those are so great. The deodorant comment cracked me up! And – yes – I’ll still be posting pictures just not crazy amounts of sessions like I was. I love photography, but the stress related to the juggling act with kids just isn’t worth it. Also, I am SO JEALOUS of the ornaments you posted earlier. Our tree is all non-breakables. It is really ugly, but the boys are proud of it so I guess that is what matters right? At least that is what I tell myself!
π I occasionally lead in the children’s division at our church and let me tell you — shorts and t-shirt (to say nothing of the extra deodorant) would be sooooo much more appropriate than heels! My kindergarten boy has his Christmas program tomorrow night. Should be entertaining! My kids are 17 and 13, and I sooo miss that sweetness! What cuties! that’s the best!!!!!!! nothing better!!! Lawson was so disappointed he wasn’t there! But I’m sure those 37 pre-school parents appreciate that he was gone. Darn yucky germs at our house!
So precious! And I’m still stunned over the second picture of the doe-eyed, curly topped beauty. She reminds me SO MUCH of my Ruby. If you know her mom, could you please ask her what products she uses on her hair? It looks like the exact texture of Ruby’s, and what can I say, I’m getting a little desperate here. π Thanks for sharing that with us grandmas. So wish we could have been there. I am very proud of Annie – tell her that, please!
nothing like adorable kids singing christmas carols to get you in the christmas spirit. cute!! I know exactly what you were going through. I am an x-preschool teacher and have done that routine many times. In the end it is all worth it and you are so proud of each of them. Looks like fun.
π Sweet and precious
on the list of things to do today:
1. put laundry away 2. finish decorating the house for christmas
3. bake something yummy to make the house smell good
4. sweep the floors (so when we baby-sit london she isn't totally covered in dog hair)
5. make felt chain garland
6. take a short nap (or a long nap….whatever…i'm not picky)
the craft room is piled up with crafty things….
and presents that need to get wrapped…
presents that need to get made…
and stuff that was moved out from the rest of the house to make room for christmas decorations.
but once i go in i don't want to leave.
i better stay out of there today.
or my list will be worthless.
I am SO envious of your vintage ornaments!! I have an aluminum tree that they would look perfect on… hehe!! i love that you have people BEGGING to come over to your studio! lol i just bought some felt. can’t wait to see your garland cause i can’t decide what i’m going to do with the felt. you’re pictures and how you take them are inspiring. how do you do that?! what is that in your hot cocoa? how in the world you can stay OUT of your craft room… what a gem of place! GOODNESS in it’s purest form! I so enjoy your posts and pics! Truly inspiring. How did the felt garland project go? Once I read that on your to-do list, I went searching for pics/ideas and now I can’t let the idea go! And I am not uber-crafty and talented so the results should be entertaining:) sounds like a fun day!…yeah I’m not picky about my nap times either! it is easy to get sucked in there. but some days you need that. I too have a craft room and it is totally covered in everything that I took down to put up our christmas!!! Yikes… I feel like I could just find a corner in there and go to sleep though… I love your craft room and I love mine too!! Wow,I love that you have a craft room!!! My to do list is to long to post,LOL!!!! Good luck!!!! girl, you are getting so much love from ohdeedoh! my summer pic was featured on there once…i love them! xoxo I just want you to know that you inspire me! Everything you do is so full of bright, colorful, sweet joy! It’s so fun to look at your photos because it’s all so cheerful! It brightens my day! Thanks! I want to hide in your craft room. My Saturday sounds very similar! too much to do and wanting to play with crafts!! Your pictures are beautiful. I want to hide in your craft room. My Saturday sounds very similar! too much to do and wanting to play with crafts!! Your pictures are beautiful.
That hot chocolate looks yum!! pass the recipe please?? And what project are you doing with the grosgrain ribbon? looks so cute. I love your blog. Your family reminds me of ours. We have 5 kiddos also. I know the feeling of being sidetracked. Happens to me all the time. I swear I was supposed to vacuum today and I got caught up making a wine label for a newly engaged friend of mine. The carpets can wait, eh? Photos are just beautiful, makes one feel you could step right into them. What an Aladdin’s cave your craft room is. Maybe your kids could give you a “gift voucher” from them that entitles you to an interruption free weekend in there! Hope you’re having fun today.
love all the colors as usual…i did get a chance to get a few little bulby treats today! so much fun. now, pass the hot chocolate! Lovely vintage decorations. Oh.. good luck with the list.. I’m trying to make a list so I don’t feel like I HAVE to do certain things today although there is always a list going on in my head (BTW I was cracking up at the comment you left me). I love those ornament balls.. wish I could buy ones that looked aged like that! I’m about to do some baking too, it’s cold and snowy today (perfect for baking). Chocolate chip pie for us! xx Trina
How do you make felt garland????? Please do tell?????
Your decorations and craft room make me happy! Can I come over to get lost in the craft room with you? π
london was not happy to see me.
when i opened the car door to ride with them she was already crying.
her little cheeks were all red and tears rolling down her face.
i looked at jenn and said "should we do this another day?"
we decided to try it anyway.
russ was passing london some smarties and that got some smiles.
after the terror of the shoulder ride was over….
we got some good shots.
pretty pretty girls.
she warmed up a little but not her usual smiley self.
and she was not liking the shoulder ride….AT ALL!
but we thought it was kind of funny anyway.
she was being a little dramatic….
she is my favorite baby.
(i can say that because i don't have any more babies….boo hoo for me)
thanks russ and jenn.
i can't wait to see how we can upset miss london next time.
we made her cry on the hay bales…on the piano bench and now with those scary shoulder rides….
maybe we could put her on waffle next time?
Gorgeous photos and that is one adorable baby- even screaming. π brilliant! simply brilliant work! i love the sepia toned ones best, every single one of ’em! and she really is adorable isn’t she..when she smiles i mean π Meg these shots are great as usual and TOO CUTE/FUNNY of little London crying – the last is my favorite and I agree, I think the Jenn could VERY easily pass as your sister – I wouldn’t have known any different had I not been reading your blog all this time. lol Thanks for sharing the great photos and I can’t wait to see the next ones! Hugs, Trac~ :o)
Cute shots…LOVE the first one even if she is crying. Ya know, Jen looks like she could be your sister! The two crying shots are my favorites. So REAL and they have so much humor in them as well. π Wonderful photography, Meg. i love this set of shots…the screaming baby while mom and dad r kissing crack me up. i would blow it up and put it on the wall! so fun! so how in the world is it still pretty where you live? it stinks here…snow and nasty wind! adorable shots meg. even the crying ones are cute. love the one of her crying while her parents are kissing. The look on the Dad’s face in the first pic is PRICELESS! Thanks for sharing, needed a good giggle today! π
what a nice looking family. in the last picture it looks like she’s crying because she’s jealous daddy’s kissing mommy instead of her. π That is an adorably pose though…I love it with her on the shoulders and them kissing….she could have at least acted happy. π
put her on waffle! ha! Kelly
this family made me smile today…. You got a lot of cute shots – love all of them. The last one cracks me up! my girlfriends in my bible study group decided to do a food swap. it took us awhile to get it organized but we did it!
i was so excited about it.
some of us are kind of picky and i love that we were honest about that too.
i have a bunch of picky eaters here so it wouldn't save me anytime if i did this
and all the meals were yucky to my kids.
my meal was lasagna.
that's really is MY meal.
i make it for anyone who has a baby…family in the hospital….lost a loved one….company coming…
and everyone tells me it's so good.
so i believe them.
i made seven.
all in my jammies, slippers and apron.
with christmas music on and all the kids at school and an entire pot of coffee by my side.
it really was such a nice morning.
it took me 3 hours exactly.
that was twice as long as i thought it would take but all the stirring and layering takes time.
after you make your meal you cover them with plenty of foil
("no air in there"….name that line)
label it with instructions and freeze them.
then you bring them to the swap already frozen.
we all opened our trunks and swapped out our casseroles for five different ones.
the different meals were:
chicken enchiladas
turkey tetrazzini
chicken and stuffing
bierock casserole (small town german favorite)
and my lasgana
my freezer is so happy. i think it smiled and winked at me….
now for december…the busiest month…i have six meals already made!
i think all of you should do this with your girlfriends.
(or with your co-workers or neighbors?)
set your rules of money, ingredients, recipes and GO FOR IT!
it was so fun.
that is the most clever thing i have ever heard of LOVE IT that is the most clever thing i have ever heard of LOVE IT THE BEST idea… too neat… and YUMMY too! Okay, that sounds so fun – smart, too! Questions abound…how did the money work out? And I’d be curious about the lasagna recipe you use – I usually use cottage cheese, but last time used ricotta and I think that’s why it was kind of dry. I need to remember to use more sauce, too. Thanks for your constant inspiration – and congrats on the ohdeedoh gig! This is a wonderful idea! Specially for someone like me who doesn’t have that much time to cook. Thanks. Hi Meg – great concept! Wish I had people close by that would be willing to do this but all of my friends and family are back home in Arkansas – lol. However, I would LOVE to have your Lasagna recipe – care to share?! Hugs, Trac~:o) Megan, could I trouble you to get that Bierock casserole recipe for me? I LOoOoOvE!! bierocks, and casseroles are right up my alley!!!!
That is some serious cooking!!!! Looks like fun though! Jammies, cooking, coffee, music, quiet! And then getting all those meals in December, you’re right that is a good thing! Great idea. okay, I LOVE that y’all swapped out of your trunks! GREATNESS! I don’t use eggs or “yellow” cheese in my lasagna so I’m intrigued! Looks yummy. Where do the eggs go? Kelly Wow! This is really kewl!!!! What a great idea! I am SO going to do this! Love it! I did this all last year, but it sort of fizzled out. Everyone should try it. My group even had wheat AND dairy allergies and we still made it work. Doesn’t it just make you so happy? i did this a few years ago…and now, i want in on it again!!! good reminder for me…i’m making some calls. π
Great idea. I think I may try
Mmmmmm. Yummy! I did this one time about a year ago and was such a great thing. Don’t ya just love it when you know there is a meal already ready??!! Much less…SIX! It’s the best feeling! I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I stared at that first freezer picture for awhile… trying to figure out what meal was in the bucket. Duh. π
Meg – this has nothing to do with your current post but here is a compliment to you. At noon I ran to WalMart to print some pictures quickly (ones you took for us). I am going to make my own christmas cards tomorrow evening. So I print off 65 of them – (one of the family, London in the milo field and me holding her while she is sleeping) okay. She I give the lady the receipt and she starts looking through my pictures and asks (snotty) “did you take these?” I said no, my friend did. “well is she is professional?” No, just a friend. “Well, they are questionable, they look professional” Yes, she enjoys taking pictures and is very good at it. “Well, next time you come in to print pictures she has taken, you need a form from her stating that she is not a professional – these are very questionable. That won’t be necessary, next time I will be ordering them online where the customer service is more friendly. Hats off to you Meg – they questioned my prints about being professional. Whoot Whew Are you going to put the recipe on the side? My last few attempts at lasagna were not so tasty and I have resorted to Stauffers, but should figure out how to make it good on my own and save us the money and extra preservatives, since it hasn’t yet been proven that they preserve against wrinkles or pregnancy weight gain, and I suppose I don’t need them. That is actually a super, fun idea!!! One ?…how much did it set you back? I realize you save because you dont have to spend on the other dinners but I bet making lasagna set you back A LOT. my stomach is growling now. lasagna sounds wonderful. actually all the meals are great. what a wonderful idea!! what are you having tonight?
Sarah @ Thriftydecorchick - Oh good Lord, I am with you. I am the Pile Queen — especially mail…paper, coupons, whatever. And the pile moves about five times till I finally deal with it. Love your site!
Sarah @ Thriftydecorchick - Oh good Lord, I am with you. I am the Pile Queen — especially mail…paper, coupons, whatever. And the pile moves about five times till I finally deal with it. Love your site!
Jamie Sampson - I am not alone, said with a huge sigh of relief.
a thorn among roses - so my hubs is the king of piles…no horizontal space for him bc he will fill it up! laundry…does it ever ever get done???
Trina - Well I have to say.. your piles are quite pretty!!!!! Can’t wait to see the craft.. I haven’t been very crafty lately!! Looking for some inspiration π
michelle allen - how can you make your piles even look good!
did you build your gingerbread house from scratch? i can’t wait to see the pictures! that is one of the projects i promised my kids this year too. it’s a good way to get rid of all the old candy sitting around : )
are those teacher gifts with the marshmellows? hope your headache disappeared. from the looks of the time i will probably be having one in the morning myself!
Ashley - I think you must be SuperMom with all you accomplish in one day. I feel like I do alot, then I visit your blog and am tired (and jealous) looking at your day! I am curious what the tins are being used for?
traci - only you could make all those piles look so inviting. love the magazines – i have piles of those here too. and lemonheads are my all time favorite. yum!!
Gini - I like pile number 3….oh, wait, I mean pile number 4…no make that pile number 5. I hear ya’, girl!
carissa - my laundry pile is BIGGER than your laundry pile!
wait a minute… that’s not good! π
you are doing GREAT…
well on your way to the finish line!
regina - I see piles but I see very pretty and fun piles!!!!
jennifer - The colors in your piles are so pretty. Even the laundry pile. There’s way too much brown and black in my mountain of a laundry pile.
I’m another one that really wants to know the how to on the cocoa baggies. They look too cute but I’m craft impaired so there’s no way I can figure out on my own what you’ve got going on there.
Can’t wait to see the rest of crafting addictions!
Lee Ann - But your piles are so pretty! π Does your craft obesession involve the bottle caps?
Rach - Are you sure you aren’t the Energizer Bunny because you continue to amaze me with your daily projects. Maybe there are 30 hours in your day instead of 24. π
Aubrey - You make piles look pretty. I love those little tins. I’ve never seen them before (why am I so ignorant?) but I bet you’re doing something fun with them. We did gingerbread houses from kits I bought after christmas on sale. Lazy, I know–but they don’t eat the gingerbread anyway.
I have the same laundry basket–only less full. Only because I haven’t washed it all yet and my husband folded some of it already. Maybe he’ll do all the Christams baking, too.
Tami - Wow r u kiddin me lol. I havent even put the tree up yet! Yikes!
sarah - At lest they are pretty piles, right?!
kasey - what happened to you taking a breaK?
adrienneK - i recently discovered your blog(through ohdeedoh, i was recently featured on the site as well) and i am in love with all your color!! i too would like to know more about the neat coa coa kits, they seem like a great idea:)
Laura - I, too, would like to know about the packages with the hot cocoa mix. I need Sunday School teacher gifts. I was thinking about baking; but, maybe you have a better idea there. If you get a chance, please share. And thanks for always making me smile and for being real. Gotta love that!
Queenie Bee - Looks like piles of FUN to me!…except that last one, of course. And you must (!) show us a better photo of what all is inside those hot chocolate bags! I think I need to steal that idea. π
Hey, any cute ideas for small gifts for 13 year-old cheerleaders? I just know you’re the right person tho ask!
Mary-Liz Shaw - Hi! I’m working on a Milwaukee newspaper story about designing and decorating children’s rooms. I saw your guest room/play room featured on Ohdeedoh and thought you might be willing to discuss your style for my article? Please email me. Thanks.
sara's art house - even your piles are cute!
Alyssa - if my piles looked like your beautiful piles, I would kiss the ground. Your piles kick my piles butt in a beauty contest.
The laundry piles is the kind of piles I have ALL over my house.
Can not wait to see your new project.
Jess - my washer and dryer are humming as I type….you MUST tell us about all those piles….now that you have teased us with this post…they do look fun! -jess
Shannan - Those piles (well, most) look mighty fun! Reminds me that I do actually need to go wrap the presents. It probably wouldn’t be as fun if I led the kids into our closet on Christmas morning and let them have a free-for-all with the giant Target bag of goodies.
Can’t wait to see those Christmas crafts!
Ali - Ditto, you have such pretty, pretty piles of stuff. π
ForeverFoldingLaundry - Oh, bless you for posting that picture of your laundry pile…it is the identical twin of mine. And I don’t want to touch it. I’m hoping some magical Christmas elf will come and make it all go away. It could happen, right?
April - Meg….what magazine says Come Home To Comfort on its spine ??
Oooh I love Mary’s Home Companion !!!
Good luck with your piles…..
have a happy day
julie - Okay, so it sort of doesn’t count if your piles are so pretty. Well, I suppose the last pic counts…. less pretty.
Looks like fun things are happening at your house!
I am mean and always send the gingerbread house kit over to the grandparents….
Fun memory for them. Less mess for me.
Jenn Thomas - I feel the same way but I don’t have as many piles as you do. Some of those piles look awful yummy and crafty. I guess many of us will be burning the midnight oil in the
next couple weeks. Hey my mom is coming maybe I could send her down to help π but I think I will keep her for myself. Hang in there Meg!
meaghan easterhaus - oohhh…laundry for that many people…ouch!
Jen - I am right there with ya! Thanks for the laundry pic, just reminds us we are all in the same boat!
Hilarious on the cheer voice. I could hear you without even ever meeting you!
Liz - Yes, but your piles are pretty piles. π
Mandi - Christmas presents…wrapped…already?
I haven’t even begun shopping. shesh.
traci - Normally, Im not a big “piles” kinda gal, but I even LOVE your piles..lol…well, except for the last one…LOL
PLEASE, dont tease us with telling us about your latest craft addiction and then showing us NIPPO!!!!