santa and his friends came to craig's office again this year.
annie has been talking about since last december.
all summer when we would go to visit craig…we'd be in the parking lot and annie would say
"do you 'Fink Santa is don-na be derr?"
she was not as nervous as last year.
but still a little bit.
i think the crowd made her more nervous than santa.
because when he said (in his big santa voice) "Is there an ANNIE in here?"
she raised her hand and climbed right up in his lap.
(santa is collin….craig's co-worker…sees annie all the time…but annie doesn't know)
"i want a Lillllieeest Pet Shops for Christmas"
it's just so good.
so good for your heart to be around little kids at christmas.
even mommy and daddy sat with santa.
good job santa and helpers…they built that whole set from scratch.
annie and i had lunch with craig
and went to target just ONE last time before christmas….mostly for the starbucks. :)
i hosted my second annual craft night with girlfriends.
click HERE to see last year's craft night.
we made a martha stewart craft….who else?
it was easy, inexpensive and cute.
the perfect craft.
i was also having a brunch here the next morning with my bible study group.
(i scheduled it all together so i only needed it clean once)
i left out all the supplies for this craft to give us something to do while we chatted.
then we woke up to a bunch of snow!
so we canceled the brunch.
but then slowly everyone showed up to the canceled brunch.
no one had gotten the message!
it was so funny….and spontaneous and fun.
i had dirty dishes in the sink.
i hadn't prepared any of the food i was going to (they each brought food though)
we made and drank 2 full pots of coffee and had a blast.
it was hours and hours of complete relaxed girl time.
between 2 craft sessions i made my family's initials and a few extras.
easy craft to do in front of the tv too.
go check it out on martha's site….HERE.
you DO want the 20 gauge wire and the bigger seed beads.
all can be found at a craft store in the jewelry isle (or maybe even wal-mart?)
it takes a bit of practice to get the letters just right but i know you can do it.
one week till christmas!
UPS don't fail me now.
What a gorgeous group of girls! 🙂 So glad we have a crafty friend like you… who buys all the supplies and tells us what to do. You’re the best! Lovely! I saw Kristi’s and I was so jealous! I have to try them! I’m in total denial that Christmas is in a week (or less)!!! This is a great craft, and I love the idea of an annual craft night with girlfriends. Fun!
love those! love the funky hodgepodge tree. just what it’s supposed to be!
When all the craziness comes together and we actually get to enjoy it-love that christmas part!! Just love it! Wish I could have come to craft night. I love the little initials. Great for topping gifts. Or a neighbor gift topped on a plate of treats. too bad I still have a list that is longer than the amound of sense I have left in my brain!!1 🙂
Hi there. Jennifer Peterson sent me over here to see your house. WOW! I LOVE it! I love everything about it. And your blog is wonderful. Your photography is beautiful. All the colors you use are inspiring. We have a goldendoodle so I can appreciate your cute Waffle. Do you mind if I link you on my blogroll? You have inspired me to be a little more crafty.
looks like so much fun! I just may have to give it a try. Yahhhh, is what I would of thought if they all showed up. At least everyone knows what dirty dishes look like. fun bead letters meg. i love them. looks like you ladies had a great time. aren’t you glad no one got the message. Those are cute–where are yours and Waffle’s? I’d like to make some for my family, but I don’t think I’m brave or patient enough–there would be far too many serenity nows! going on.
super funny…i love mongrams and initials so i think this is fab! So fun! I love how they all were willing to brave the snow and wintry weather for brunch with the girls!!! Sounds like my kind of group! Those letters do look super fun! Gotta love Martha. I just discovered her craft kits at Michael’s over the weekend. I’m going to snap some up when they go on sale!
I think I can do that!! Whoa!
The craft is cute. I did the exact same thing for place cards at my wedding for the family. We made their initial and put their name below it on a name tent. How funny.
i am feeling the pressure now.
feeling the christmas eve meltdown coming on…..
i have been saying to myself all day long –
"keep calm and carry on"
"serenity now"
"deep cleansing breaths"
there is just so much yet to do.
i have been so busy crafting that i am behind on everything else.
but i am thinking everyone is feeling this way….right?
i think a hot bath is necessary for me tonight.
(with a special grown up drink just for me.)
Here is what I told myself just yesterday: when we look back at our memories, we tend to only remember the good, positive stuff (example-childbirth) so next year I won’t remember the urrrrrrrrrg, and will blissfully remember the ahhhhhhhhh in my memories! So even though I have fabric, beads and other projects strewn all over and covering every flat surface in my house…all I will remember is the glow of the tree, the roar of the fire, and homemade cookies. Good luck my friend!
hee hee a grown up drink
Well, if you are feeling pressure, you apparently work well under pressure! All of this looks fantastic! I love your bowl full of Santa mugs … I may have to copy that although I think I need to collect a few more mugs first! I love that in the States you celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving so joyously, but it must place alot of pressure on all you Mums. I think you deserve a medal for 1. still being on speaking terms with your family 2. having a smile on your face and 3. being able to string a sentence together. Well done Meg – enjoy your grown-up drink (or three).
I think I need a ‘special grown up drink’ tonight, too! Love all your Christmas photos! It looks like you’ve got everything under control!
Do you throw your hands in the air and yell, “serenity now!” like George’s dad on Seinfeld?
your whole santa table thing got me really inspired to get this show on the road! i am so with ya on the crafting thing. i have yet to get my christmas cards out the door….yikes! let alone plan the christmas meal!
cherishedroses@hotmail.com Thanks, Jodi Looks lovely to me!! when it is all over…..you will wonder “what was I so worried about?” :0) On a different note I LOVE, LOVE those red striped bowls….could you tell me who made them please?i have Santa love now…love those mugs!
Yes! I feel it too…and I haven’t crafted anything! Okay, maybe helped with kid things, but otherwise…PHEW! So who is coming for dinner? It looks wonderful. Is there anything I can do for you? My stuff is almost done. But then, I didn’t craft anything this year! all your serving pieces are great. love those santas. i think my mom had a couple of those when we were young – but she didn’t save them. i am starting to feel the pressure too. few gifts left to get, all the wrapping yet to do, and no menu planned for christmas eve or christmas morning. better get a move on. but it feels good to know that i am not the only one. I hear you. Last night I divvied up all that’s left for the days that are remaining. I hope it all works out!
Oh MEG!! Those SANTAS…. Mmmmmm! I love ’em! FABULOUS just fabulous! Keep taking those deep breaths… you’ll be just fine! I love visiting you each day. You are real and take the most amazing pictures!! I have this new thing I have been trying…it seems to work better than anything else I’ve tried. I go to a very quiet place and sing/song in my head, “The joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord is my strength” You should probably know that sometimes it takes 30 seconds, sometimes it takes 2 days! (I have a 15 year old son)
Love your santa collection! the table settings are perfect with the santas and the red and white dishes!!! our second gingerbread house!
made by GB again….worth every penny….no pressure on me that i will burn or break it.
my only job is to build it with the pieces she baked and cut for me.
and to provide the artists all their supplies.
annie was using her wal-mart gift card as a reference….
sean worked the longest…very detailed.
talby's side was symmetrical and pretty.
scott's side was full and beautifully messy and overflowing with candy.
annie's side was just focusing on yellow.
lauren chose not to decorate a side.
thank you GB for helping me make memories with my kids.
i would be perfectly happy decorating my own personal gingerbread house sometime.
it's very calming.
maybe i could make a gingerbread craft room?!
or a gingerbread starbucks?
mmmmm……now i am thirsty for a spiced gingerbread latte.
If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone.
I *do* love decorating a gingerbread house! Kelly Is it wrong that I want to lick the computer screen. ha.. looks so pretty and yummy!
Your kids are so creative : ) And I love the magnet idea, I’ll have to try that sometime.
Your cute ideas are just killing me!!! Wanted you to know I linked back to your site after posting my version of your hot chocolate gifts. And, I think I’ll make the alphabet crayons for my daughter’s 5th birthday as a favor. You are so clever and creative. I love it. This looks like so much fun! I saw they have pre-made kits at Walmart. I think I will have to go buy one! What fun! Great idea to let each kid do his/her own side. Annie with her handy pocket reference is a hoot. 🙂 what a fun project. love the colors of all the candy. such sweet memories for the kids. isn’t it amazing how you can give the kids the same candy and their sides are all so different. i have never made a gingerbread house. Looks like great fun and wonderful memories!! Too bad about the missing teen – again. She wishes she had participated, but she ‘couldn’t’ allow herself; I’m sure of it! sooo cute! it’s amazing how a little age and more girls make a house look better. my three yr old and hubby didn’t do so hot So fun! We are going to do our’s over Christmas Break!!! I hope I don’t get frustrated 🙂 Deep breath! And, I missed your post yesterday! That’s some craftin’ you’ve been doin girl! LOVE.IT…ALL! Before I left this comment, I got sidetracked at Amazon and bought some of your bottle caps and silicone ABC’s!!! Ya know, cause the kids will be out of school for 2 weeks…gotta have somethin’ fun to do 🙂 Here’s to hoping mine turn out at least half as cute as your’s !
lovely pictures and what fun kids must have had Perfect! I am curious how you get those over the counter pictures…the first one? Are you in some crazy position to get perfectly above the counter?! I am laughing thinking of that! Perfect! I am curious how you get those over the counter pictures…the first one? Are you in some crazy position to get perfectly above the counter?! I am laughing thinking of that!
love it! now i want to eat it!
Are those gum drops fruit-flavored? They look fruity and I can’t find fruit-flavored ones ANYWHERE. I’ve looked in so many places! I love it–I never thought to wrap the base with wrapping paper instead of foil! Smart and sassy and styling–and so obvious, why didn’t I think of it too? You’re so clever. And cool. A very cool mom you are. The force is with you. I’m a total dork. Good think I’M not Lauren’s mom. She’d go around with a paper bag over her head.
ginger bread goodness in deed! LOVE IT!!! Im so sad that Lauren didnt contribute 🙁 just a notebook
but it's all hopped up on cuteness.
simple fun notebooks from wal-mart….with many many ribbons tied to the side.
that's it.
this is the mysterious crayon project!
using old crayons…i made new ones.
i bought these silicon letter trays.
(you can make ice or bake in them too.)
first break the crayons up and put the pieces into the shapes on the trays.
set the silicone trays on a cookie sheet for stability.
preheat your oven to 250-ish.
put sheet of trays into the warm oven and check at 10 minutes.
when all the crayons pieces have become liquid….they are done!
remove the sheet from the oven and let cool for at least an hour…or 3 or 4.
the liquid wax was beautiful! it was such bright colors.
i was loving it!
i wanted to pour it all over something and paint with it.
maybe another time….
each letter crayon is about 2 inches tall.
they are still crayons….
just now instead of being dull shaped old crayons in the bottom of the box
they are adorable bright alphabet shapes.
i love them.
i saw this on someone's blog in september and can't find it again…so props to you – whoever you are!
and now for the new obsession.
who knew i would love this craft so much?
these are mega bottle caps…2 inches across.
fill the bottle cap with whatever you want….
then pour glossy accents (also found in your scrapbook isle near stamping stuff)
over the entire little scene you've created.
then when you come in the next morning….
the sun shines on all your little creations.
the "glue" has dried and made a clear seal over your scene.
glue magnets to the back of each bottle cap.
and voila!
a new addiction is born.
a few things i have learned….
* everything red turns orange – so avoid red papers.
* keep the bottle upside down all the time and don't shake it (to avoid air bubbles.)
* adhesive magnets probably still need to be glued on.
i could make little scenes for hours!
this idea came straight from ali edwards.
she rocks.
i am still crazy busy.
i bet you are too.
but first….a quick nap.
need sleepy.
Wow! I never knew bottle caps can be that useful. It was a nice gift idea. Thanks for sharing this one. 🙂 [url=”http://www.nfljerseysleague.com/specials”]wholesale nfl jerseys[/url] the bottle caps are really cool
awesome post. DG3 gel and Diamond Glaze work great in the bottle caps too and will not bubble as much. Love the way your turned out .. they are the best gifts for folks. My kids are always playing with the ones I make on the fridge LOL.
Giving gifts is a way of expressing your feelings towards your loved one. All above gifts are looking beautiful.
There are some great ideas here. I like the bottle cap the most. beautigul!! 🙂 perfect!!! thanks Thanks for the information…I bookmarked your site, and I appreciate your time and effort to make your blog a success! I love your ideas especially the one with the notebook, I am so glad I stumbled upon your website That’s awesome! Where do you get the giant bottlecaps from? Awesome job! 🙂 I’m so in love the bottle caps and I have bunches I may have to head to my craft room tonight…Happy Holidays, Lisa Oh, you caught me! Thank you for the inspiration and directions to make those cute marshmallow hot cocoa packets. My neighbors really loved them and they were so easy to make. Just what I was looking for. I love, love, love those darling bottlecap magnets too. I was all gung-ho to tackle that project but I haven’t been able to find the bottlecaps anywhere! I tried Mayan Road but wasn’t able to order any. Do you have to be a retailer to order? Any tips on how to get my hands on them? Love both those ideas … the magnets are fantastic! I love the ABC crayons!! that is great idea
You take the most beautiful photos. I can’t believe how beautiful you make “normal” life look. love, love, love the bottlecaps… I am so finding time to make these. Thanks! 🙂
TRIPLE LOVE THE NOTEBOOK….how stinkin easy to get such a cute look. I adore the lettter crayons also but you need to share where you get the letter forms??? The bottle caps are just too cute for words. You seriously need to sell those on etsy! I want some!!! THE BOTTLECAPS ARE FANTASTIC!! so cute and clever.
love your little ideas. may I ask, who do you give these creative gifts too, your kids friends (crayons), relatives, teachers?? Just curious. Love the magnets. I’m too cheap to buy those online, but maybe I’ll have to scrounge up some regular sized ones!
I agree, can you tell us where you found the big bottle caps?? I would love to make those!!
You are so brilliant! You rock! You are so brilliant! You rock!
your hot coa coa kit and re made crayons are being done in my home this week!!thanks for the great ideas!!
Crazy crafting going on at your casa, how to do you have time for sleep??????
Is there anything better than great projects…that are DONE!!! That craft room must be smok’n hot right now!
OMG! You are so good. I feel so inspired!!! You are simply amazing. Just want you to know that your blog is my favorite on my list. I always save it to read last. Love the ideas, love all the colors, love the pictures. I feel like I am hearing about my friend’s day as I read it and I always enjoy it….even if you are having a grumpy day. Because even our friends are grumpy sometimes and that’s OK. Hope you got some rest, can’t wait to try the alphabet crayons!
How cute and crafty are you!!! LOVE the crayons! What a good Christmas/Birthday present. I will have to try that for my nieces. GET OUT!!!!!! sooooo cute and fun and fabulous and…
Do you know if the bottlecaps are available at any stores?? What a sweet idea! I luv your cute little scenes!
Meg~ Thanks for answering my question about the crayons! I’m excited to try some of these wonderfully creative and bright, happy projects! You rock, too! Wow. You HAVE been busy–makes me feel lazy. Everything is so dang cute. And you’re quickly converting me from dull, muted colors to bright and fun ones. All I can say is that you put Martha Stewart to shame – You rock Megan. I wish I had more time. Great fun ideas. great ideas, thanks Meg 🙂 I also melt crayons and use molds. Peeling the paper off is a good tv watching activity. The bottle caps are a great idea. I have some, not that big, but could see using them in a scrapbook. Thanks for sharing. oops…nevermind, i found the answer to my question within your post….duh! 🙂
so this is the hot cocoa gift you were asking about.
it's not much but just a little something.
it's all about the packaging ladies!
i melted chocolate and dipped big marshmallows in it using toothpicks.
then sprinkles are added immediately.
i laid them out onto wax paper to cool.
(it took about 30 minutes start to finish)
i packaged chocolate dipped and regular marshmallows,
tied the treat bag closed with a ribbon, a tag and a candy cane.
the tag says thank you.
i stapled 2 hot cocoa packs right to the treat bag.
super easy.
very pretty.
a little something to show your appreciation.
more to come……
Thanks for the information…I bookmarked your site, and I appreciate your time and effort to make your blog a success!
Ok this looks like something I could tackle…the melted chocolate part may be a task for me…and messy but it’s too cute not to try! Cute way to spice up a traditional =)
I did this very same thing last year for my kid’s teachers… they LOVED them!!! they are so fun to make 🙂 i htought i saw these in a prior post you did this week. they are sooo pretty…good ribbon goes a long way! Oh I love this! This would be perfect for Connor’s RE teachers at church…since there are quite a few of them 🙂 Thanks for sharing Meg!
Adorable! Just started reading your blog recently and really love it! such a great idea! i might need to give it a try. that would require learning how to melt chocolate, but it’s never too late to learn… very cute idea! i am so doing this.
Great idea!
lovely super cute That is very cute! The packaging is awesome! very cute. makes me want to trade the cup of jo for a hot chocolate. have a great weekend meg. i took talby to see the nutcracker this year.
she was so excited to do something fancy with mom….alone.
i think the alone part was the most exciting for her.
she wore her beautiful black gown with sparkles (from our neighbors at the garage sale)
and dressed her build-a-bear up too.
craig walked in from work and she said "hi daddy! i'm beautiful!"
hmmm…we must say that often.
we had balcony seats but it is such a great theater…no bad seats anywhere.
the lights went down and the music began.
the dancing couples came out and she gasped "OH….i am going to LOVE this!"
it made me start to cry.
she also said "mom…he's not really a doll. he's a man pretending to be a doll."
so precious and innocent.
(lorel…i know what you are thinking….)
there was a woman in our row with a 1 year old baby.
i kept thinking "who would bring a baby to this?" before it started.
and when it did…that baby sat there as if she was completely hypnotized…it was crazy.
and sitting right next to me was a young couple probably 18 or 19.
i felt SO BAD for him.
he was tall and so cramped in the little seats and AT THE BALLET!
i just wanted to grab his girlfriend and say "why did you make him come here?"
he was keeping his cool but i just knew he was dying to get out of there.
i like ballet.
i liked being in ballet.
every ballet i went to as a child i would think to myself "that's what i will be when i grow up"
in all the nutcrackers that i have seen….
i have never seen a Fritz played by a man with a hairdo similar to Side Show Bob.
(very big poufy naturally curly hair…an Afro on a white guy)
it was very distracting.
and for that matter…all the men in this ballet had odd hair…it must be a moscow thing?
anyway…we made it through most of it and when she whispered "how much longer?"
i knew it was time to go.
so we did.
straight to krispy kreme.
it was nice.
besides alone time with talby….i hadn't been inside a krispy kreme since we'd moved to kansas!
i was feeling a bit homesick for IL.
we had a KK about 5 minutes from our house there and we'd meet friends there often.
what a good night!
but any night that ends in donuts has to be a good night.
it's a fact.
These pics are gorgeous! Do you remember what the camera settings were? And were you sitting fairly close to the stage or did you just have an awesome zoom?
what a perfect night. I love krispy kreme, but I totally don’t like super sweet stuff so I always go for the apple filled ones that are just delightful but when ever I get them everyone always says oh gross. And the surprising thing, those apple one which one would think would be a little healthier actually have more calories than all of the other donuts consumed at Krispy Kreme.
oh to have girls! i can’t believe how much you guys look alike! Oh I love going to the Nutcracker. Next year I want to take my boys, but I bet once is all they will want to go. Then I will have to find a girl to borrow and take.. What a great night to do something alone with Talby. I try and do something sweet like that around Christmas with my 2 also.
What fun! I just wrote a heart-felt ode to Krispy Kreme not even a month ago. Must be in the air. 🙂
I’m going to my very first Nutcracker ballet this weekend with my daughter…Daddy and I are taking her and I couldn’t be more giggly about it…I’ll probably cry too! 😉 Great pictures!! what a wonderful evening. talby had to be in heaven. a night out with mom and krispy kremes – does it get any better than that?? don’t think so. Oh what a great idea. I wonder if my 16 yr old would like to do something like this with me? hum….? maybe NOT! Lol. I’m glad you had a nice night out with your little girl. Did I mention it’s crazy how much you both look a like! Teehe-hee!! Have a nice weekend.
Oh what a night it looks like the two of you had! I had bought tickets for The Nutcracker 2years ago…and it turned out to be the same night as the Big 12 Championship Game…so Brian bailed on me (I would’ve too, but my good friend’s three daughters were dancing and I wanted to see it worse than he did!) Anyway, I let Connor choose a friend (he chose a sweet little girl because he knew she’d like it, ahhh!) to go with us. We bought her a hand corsage and I bought one for Connor’s lapel (sp?) I will never forget that night. They were so sweet…they made it past intermission, and then they kept asking, “how much longer?” So, we left and made a late night Sonic run! I think that was their favorite part 🙂 I need to have date nights with my kids more often. Thanks for reminding me! Can’t wait to see your craft that you are addicted too! What a very special memory for you and Talby that she will carry with her forever. It’s so nice that you had that mommy/daughter alone time together. The pictures are great! And KK is a wonderful place to end on a high note for the evening! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Trac~ :o)
princess lasertron - annie has the BEST clothes
Rachel - What a great pic of you, Annie and hubby.
I love the outfit Annie has on; she is adorable!
Jamie Sampson - so cute and sweet. BTW- you are gorgeous, love the photo of you on Santa’s lap. Love Annie’s cute little clothing ensemble.
kasey - darn cute.
Lorelei - How sweet these photos are! I love how candid they are.
I love the necklace you’re wearing!! Wish I could get a better glimpse! It’s a nice style. One I’d like to try out in my own designs.
Alice - I love the picture with the three of you in it with Santa. You three are adorable. I love Annie’s outfit. Did you color your hair? It looks amazing!
Alice - You three, are adorable. Did you color your hair? It looks amazing!
Christy - How fun! They went all out! My company does a kid party too, we love it!
Love Annie’s little outfit! Do you have favorite stores to get her clothes or just wherever & whatever is colorful? She has the cutest wardrobe EVER!
Lorilee - I love Annie’s outfits too! They just look so HAPPY!
meaghan easterhaus - noooo! hubby’s cute!
Aubrey - That backdrop was so big and impressive, I almost couldn’t find Annie or Santa. Luckily she had one of her signature outfits–I love those.
traci - that is so special. those are the memories that last a lifetime. annie looks so sweet with santa.
Meaghan - never seen hubs before! cute! what did he think of you sitting on his friends’ lap?
a thorn among roses - impressive backdrop…colorful and fun! love that the grinch was there too!
Erica - I’m impressed she would sit with him, even I’m scared of Santa. Something about beards….
katie moreland - awww… she is so cute!! I love Christmas with kids!! Have a great weekend. 🙂
Chrince - Annie wears the cutest clothes! I wish they came in my size!
carissa - Craig’s company ROCKS! They “get it”… get the importance of family life too! VERY cool!
her precious face… telling santa what she wants!
and speaking of Target… i was so happy to see they had restocked… got more LPS! 🙂 yippee!
our girls will be so happy!
the BEST Friday to you!
jerusalem - that is too cute. neither of our kids have asked to see Santa this year, but they have written letters and Miles has even “sent” Mrs. Claus a present. Too cute.
Kim - So cute! It reminds me of all those trips to the mall to see Santa when I was little. Good memories. I love Annie’s outfit! Such style. I want some tights like that!
Tammi - How sweet. I came across your blog and am so impressed by your home, and the fact that you have 5 kids and can manage to have a “girls craft night”…Kudos to your decorating and crafting abilities-great ideas!!
Also, I noticed in the Santa pic it looks like you colored your hair darker, no? It looks pretty….
Shannan - So precious! And the one of all three of you is great – you look bee-utiful! Oh, and Annie’s outfit made my day. I’m loving little girls in crazy combos.
Sharla - She looks so cute on his lap – she BELIEVES which is so awesome.
My 4-year-old has seen so many Santa’s this year he’s been asking how he will know the real one (“Mom, all the Santa’s have different beards. How will I know the REAL one?”). I tell him Santa has many helpers and the real one comes only on Christmas – the only response I could think of.