we are staying home and doing nothing much this new year's eve.
i am packing for a quick girls-only-getaway for diana's 40th.
craig and scott are watching football.
chicken enchiladas are in the oven.
hope your night is safe, fun and just what you want.
i hope i am still awake when the ball drops!
maybe a midnight bath?
happy new year!
thanks for reading this life journal of mine this year.
i love all the comments and new friends i have made.
thank you for all the support and encouragement in the previous post.
please share if you haven't yet.
i have read all of them and think they are all so good!
so many great ideas that all of us could incorporate into our family christmas'.
i love christmas morning. i prefer the very relaxed ones…with no where to go for the whole day.
but this one was good too.
we gathered in the living room this year.
i hid their "stockings" so they wouldn't peek in to them before we were ready.
we don't put anything in the actual stockings because i think they'd fall off the mantle.
so i just use gift bags or baskets.
each was filled with candy, socks, a notebook, thank you cards and chapstick.
then different things for each personality.
like eyeball glasses.
or a PSP case.
or make-up.
on christmas eve they each got new pajamas….like everyone seems to do.
but what a fun tradition! i love new pj's.
on christmas morning they get to open a family gift.
it's something for everyone.
this year it was a sled, dvd's and a portable DVD player for the car (to replace our broken one)
last year we started giving only ONE gift.
i was nervous about how it would go but it was perfect.
so we stuck with it.
it is so fun to see their eyes light up.
and be so excited about their gift.
one of them was not happy.
i will let you decide who that was….
i just ignored it as best i could.
someday i hope that person will feel very embarrassed about their behavior.
but everyone else was so happy.
and we were too.
craig made us a yummy breakfast.
i had my coffee.
and my gift to play with….a 50mm f1.8 lens.
love it already.
what do you do for your family for gifts?
how do you keep the consumption to a minimum?
what would you do if someone was very upset about their gift?
i would love to hear your thoughts.
next year i want to work in some way of them giving gifts to each other.
handmade or with their own money or an allowance or something?
i am glad i have a year to think about it.
I am reading through your blog archives, I am a new reader. This is what my family does for christmas: My mom fills stalkings and places them on the ground in front of the fireplace the night before. We give on big family gift from my mom to everyone. This past year it was a set of board games, the year before that it was a new tv. And then we are trying something new this year, you can spend a collective of $50 per person. For example, I spend $50 on my sister, $50 on my mom, $50 on my brother and $50 on my dad. We tried it out last year with $100 per person but it was just too much. This keeps gifts limited and makes it more fun to shop because you are looking for good buys! I know this message is in response to an outdated post, but I just discovered your blog (via AT) and was reading through the archives. At twenty years old I am just beginning to apologize to my mom for all my brattiness during my teen years. I think that when we are young we don’t realize that our parents have emotions just like us, that they can be sensitive and have their feelings hurt, too. I can’t imagine how many times I must have made my mom feel so small by saying that something she did for me was “stupid” or not up to my perfect, selfish standards. I don’t think we realize how exceptionally hard our parents try to give us not only what we need, but what we want. I hope that your daughter will soon realize that material things aren’t important, but the love and memories your family share are, and that she tries to let you know how much she loves and appreciates you. I work as a dance instructor and when I see my teenage students being snippy with their moms or complaining about them in class I always try to impart this sentiment to them, so that maybe they change their ways and start their apologies even earlier than I did. God bless. I stumbledupon your blog and love it because I look at all your pretty crafts and wish I was nearly that good but I do have to say in defense for your daughter, I am 18 years old and every year my mom asks me what I want for Christmas and I tell her and then she never gets me what I actually wanted. Its incredibly disappointing just because I know that while I have a job I am not making enough to pay for gas, car insurance, school and other little things I need plus whatever I have had my eye on and have been wanting all year long. So cut her some slack. I never understood why my mom wanted to get me something that I didnt really want over something that I flat out told her I wanted. We give each child 3 presents…the same number of gifts Jesus got at birth.
Congrats on the new lens, so exciting! I love your Christmas, I think we all get so wrapped up in materialism, I am currently turning an unbecoming shade of scarlet because I am very guilty of doing such. Christmas should be about spending time with each other and putting thought into one or two really special presents. Love it. Super cute stockings by the way. Hi there! I just “Stumbledupon” your blog and have spent the last hour or so ignoring laundry to check out all the great crafts, photos, etc on your blog. I am totally inspired, so for that, I thank you! Keep up the great work! I will definitely be returning.
I just found this post (something hinky with my feeds, sorry…) and I want to pat you on the back. No one ever promised us that doing the right thing would made us happy all the time. You are molding your daughter into the woman you know she can be, even as she is being influenced by the conspicuous consumption of the world around her. We teach most by example, so I’d keep it up and not feel too guilty… whoa! what comments, can’t wait to read them all! the 50mm lens is my FAVORITE! i had the same gift wrap this year only reverse – black houndstooth and red polka dots! silly!
i am so sorry that you had one child not happy. i’m sure that has tugged at your heart all week. {{HUGS}} my kids have always gotten each other 1 item for christmas – but that’s easy because i only have 2 kids. you could put a dollar limit on their gifts to each other or have them make things. with all the creativity in your house, i think that’s the way to go.
meg i thank god for you today thanks for sharing
Hi Meg! Thanks for sharing your Christmas day with us along with the days leading up to it. I hope you and your family have a Very Happy New Year! Hugs, Trac~ :o) It looks like a lovely Christmas. I still love your one gift idea. As you know, we do three each kid. And I had the boys go to the dollar store to buy gifts for each family member. I like the idea of the budget though – good financial lesson for them as they get older – probably wouldn’t work for a 4 or 5 year old. And congrats on your 50mm lens!! You are going to LOVE it. I miss being able to zoom in and out, but the higher f/stop makes up for it. Mine is at the Canon Repair place … I had to mail it off before Christmas :o( It stopped autofocusing ( I think Kiana touched something …). But … I don’t have to pay a dime since I’ve owned it for under a year. Whew! I can’t wait to get it back next week. Enjoy! And Happy New Year!! I think we are doing the one gift this coming year. I have 4 kids~5,7,13 and 14. I mentioned it to all of them.. my little ones were great with the idea… my 13 and 14 year olds… OMG.. total devastation!! My question, do you set a price limit on the one gift? BTW… your house is absolutely beautiful… I wish we had houses that pretty in Florida! My hubby gave us a trip to Disney World. I was trying to leave the next day after we got it, but they are still booked up lol. We going to try again for spring break. That was a great family gift.
oh, and btw, I’m jealous of the new lens.
We did three gifts for each child. I asked my husband that we not give each other anything but he still got me something. Which I will be using pretty soon. My one child (hormonal teenager) said I don’t want three gifts I just want one but that one thing was a $400 phone. I don’t thinks so missy! Needless to say she was somewhat unhappy too. She will just have to get over it. We are also big on pjs everyone got one or two. I love your site! Your house is amazing. I was looking back at your page and I cant find your picture of the journal with the ribbon. What part was that under? i asked for that lens…but alas, i got a fab new speedlite flash! great pics…and ur stockings are making me blush! i’m def thinking of stealing the idea…is that okay?? I LOVE the idea of thank you cards in each stocking. I just sat mine out…didn’t even THINK about buying a set for each for their stockings! Thanks, yet again! We kept it simple this year too. And man, let me tell you…sooo much easier to clean up huh?! Our little Mac dog was an “early Santa” present. So, throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas…we kept reminding the boys of that. I’m glad we have a year to think about things too. I think we’ll keep with the simplicity of it all. It was a great Christmas. (And yes, I do think the child who didn’t love her present will some day feel bad about how she acted…bummer for now though!) Wishing your dear family the HAPPIEST and HEALTHIEST of New Year’s!!!! God bless you, Meg!
I went nuts this year…my son is only two and was just getting the whole season and had a BLAST!! I may scale back next year…we’ll see. His birthday is in Dec too so he will have to wait a full year for anything new. The stepdaughter is 18 and only got a few things but they were more expensive, for sure. We are already teaching my son the Reason for all of this, so I hope that we can keep that in the forefront through all of the presents every year. I have three girls and I would love to scale back on the gifts but feel guilty if I do because they don’t get much through out the year except on their birthdays. Definitely something for me to work on this year. But anyway the two younger ones have “santa shop” at their school so I give each of them $20 and they are to only buy for the people in our house (dad, mom, sister #1 and sister #2) so they can spend up to $5 for each person. The oldest doesn’t have that at her school so the same rules apply only I take her to the nearest dollar store. They all love it and love to see the persons reaction when they open their gift. Granted the stuff isn’t the best quality from either place but it’s fun to see how the girls perceive us and each other with what gift they give.
It is so hard when they expect so much – over the last five years I have experienced a child being disappointed over their gifts. It wasn’t enough, the best, top of the line or whatever. I have chosen to ignore it instead of letting it spoil my happpiness on that day. For us at first it was feeling that you had to compete with the other parent – but we soon scrapped that out of our lives. I love the idea of one big gift – I told Russ that next year lets just do stockings and take a family trip somewhere and that would be their present (I don’t think that would even be enough). I can do with less – but it is hard to talk Russ into that. He seems to think they need lots of presents to open. They are now at the age I don’t think that really matters anymore. I have a new idea for next year. One of my coworkers told me that her niece gives each of their children 3 gifts – just like baby Jesus received 3 – one from each of the wisemen. I have one year to work on Russ for doing that next year. I am tired of being stressed out whether they will like their gifts or not. It really takes the joy out of Christmas.
I noticed that you all were gone fairly early on Christmas Day. Were you jealous that I got to stay at home in my pajamas all day? 🙂 Tell Talby that she and Sophie have matching pajamas! Several of my friends do only ONE gift for each child. I must say that for my family we spoil our girls a bit. It is really only us. My Dh parents get them some things and his aunt and Grandmother. My children got two really big gifts and clothes and stuff for their stocking like toothpaste, hair stuff, chapstick..things I would buy anyways. Some clothes for the winter. My children get an allowance and they need to save up, one does well the other not. Then they go to buy a gift for the Toys for Tots and deliver it to the Fire Stations. They each buy a gift for each other too. I think we should incorporate them going to a place where they can serve the Homeless or something. Maybe when they are a little older, they are 9 and 11. I think having them create something for one another would be perfect for your family. I think if your DD doesn’t like the gift….I’d say…take her to the Homeless camp and have her give it away to one of the girls there and I bet she’ll change her tune….I bet that may snap her out of it. I dont’ know..I don’t have teenagers yet…..hopefully shell out grow it soon.
Okay, I love the minimalist idea, but I would have to talk my husband into it 🙂 The one question I have is – does Santa bring them gifts too? Thanks for sharing your Christmas! Okay, I love the minimalist idea, but I would have to talk my husband into it 🙂 The one question I have is – does Santa bring them gifts too? Thanks for sharing your Christmas! We often do a family gift and this year we started a new tradition. All four kids got stockings as usual but they got one gift from us – a trip they’ll take with a parent (we gave them certificates with the details of where and when). We have a child who had some disappointment (he didn’t get a Wii as the family gift) and we talked about it a little and then ignored it. Sometimes their own conscience needs to convict them. 🙂
Ok, I am dying to know what her gift was? 🙂
i have that lens too. it is awesome for portraits! Great Gift!
hiya! i read your blog all the time but i think this is the first time i’ve commented! i just want to give you an idea for next year, an easy way of how the kids can give each other presents. this year my family (7 of us) only gave each other 5 dollar presents. it was fun and challenging to think up unique presents that were still personal for each family member. a few of us went to the toy store and got funny toys while the rest made presents. there was homemade christmas tree ornaments and salsa and paper airplanes and 2nd hand books and burned cds of favorite songs, knitted mittens and sicks, etc etc. it was so fun to see what everyone came up with and kept things cheap and easy. well kind of easy, i wont tell you how many glue gun burns i had by the end of my crafting haha!
we have had lots of family here the past week. lots and lots.
craig's sisters and their families came.
my sister and her family was here.
my parents, craig's mom, my grandmothers,
craig's uncle and aunt and cousins.
LOTS of family.
and so much food.
exercise is in my future….no matter how hard i fight it.
i will have to pay for this christmas.
craig's mom has a december birthday.
we put 64 (or was it 63?) candles on her cake.
and she blew them all out in one breath.
the duerksen grandkids.
and the other duerksen grandkids.
the ranney grandkids.
with one trying to escape….
my mom made excellent cosmopolitans.
i tried quite a few to make sure they were all good.
it was fun.
really……it was.
everyone is home now…by plane and by car.
the parties are over.
we have another week yet to relax before the kids go back to school.
it's a really long break this year.
some of my kids went home to grandmas too.
thanks mom.
i think i can actually catch up on things now.
i am on hour 6 of laundry…..and i am making a serious dent.
i am so grateful for all the family time we had.
grateful to have family we love and who love us back.
thankful for forgiveness of the past.
thankful for unconditional love.
grateful for all the helpfulness from our mothers and grandmothers.
i feel blessed today.
Ohhh! Those little people bring back such memories! I always loved that old lady with the white hair and yellow dress! So much fun! Kelly
What a great blog — I love your photos!!! You have such great photos!!! Looks like lots of fun!! You have such great photos!!! Looks like lots of fun!!
i love all the family photos meg. such wonderful memories. family is the best. did they all stay with you? like a huge slumber party. good luck getting all your laundry done. the house probably seems too quiet now. thanks for sharing you family with us! Alllll the work…it’s most worth it though!!! Looks like it was so much fun! Glad you can get a little rest 🙂
amazing & beautiful. Glad tidings of great joy indeed!
It seemed every time I looked down the street there was a different car parked in your driveway. Glad you had a great time. It was nice to see a picture of your sister’s husband. Great looking family!
Hi! I love checking in on your blog. I have a random question. Where can I find those cool people toys that the kids have on their fingers, in picture #6???? I love them, especially the cowboy ones. 🙂
just busy. family is still visiting.
games being played, meals being prepared, cleaning up and staring all over again.
all good times.
i have so many pictures to share.
but for now just a few of the house at christmas…
i hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
it's been full and happy and sweet here.
many memories were made (mostly good).
i am missing my friends
and my sister already….it was too short lorel!
I am so thankful that God sent his Son to earth.
Thankful that Mary said yes.
thankful for that tiny baby King born in a manger.
merry christmas.
Our Christmas Eve Mass was so good…talked about how very thankful that Mary said yes and can you just imagine how she felt…travelling so far…on a donkey…then, have The King Baby…and this little boy just wants to bang on a drum for him and smelly animals and sheep baaing????!!! Oh, man…I’m so glad I wasn’t Mary…but I’m so glad she was obedient 🙂 We need to be reminded of that more often 🙂 Thanks! Our Christmas Eve Mass was so good…talked about how very thankful that Mary said yes and can you just imagine how she felt…travelling so far…on a donkey…then, have The King Baby…and this little boy just wants to bang on a drum for him and smelly animals and sheep baaing????!!! Oh, man…I’m so glad I wasn’t Mary…but I’m so glad she was obedient 🙂 We need to be reminded of that more often 🙂 Thanks! and life goes back to normal….
Wow your a busy mom lol, love how you display your holiday cards great technique! So glad to see I wasn’t the only one with Whatever withdrawals!!! Love the pics! Glad you are having a great Christmas! Can’t wait to see all the new pics! Wow, your photos are beautiful. I also love your Christmas card display and those cookies in those jars look so nice!
love your array of photos … happy new year! such fun and joy in the pics…have fun with fam!
Merry Christmas! Love the Christmas card display – mind if I post the picture and a link on my blog? And how did you do it? It’s perfect. Also love the cookies in jars. Those are great because people can reuse them. I was in ‘whatever’ withdrawals! So glad to see that all is well and that you’ve had a wonderful Christmas! Lovely Pictures! Yay meg! Love the pics…good to see you again…hope you continue to enjoy the season. Lovely! Glad you had a merry Christmas. well….almost done. done shopping.
done baking.
school is done.
this was annie's loot from her last day of school.
i still have to finish a few sewing projects.
said at midnight on the 23rd.
but i am so close.
we have one party done.
but three coming up….and much looking forward to.
our special christmas dinner is done.
and it did not go well.
although we should get an A for effort.
notice 2 seats are empty….sent away for attitude adjustments.
it was just a crappy dinner altogether.
i almost cried.
sometimes i just want to scream…"is it so hard to sit together as a family and have conversation?!!"
that's the christmas spirit!
let's think a bit happier…
i got these in the mail.
very fun.
i think i will make a garland with them next year (or something?)
and happy fabric that i have been looking for for a long time.
i knew it had to be out there somewhere but had never seen it.
it's by joel dewberry and i found it on ebay.
i see curtains, lampshades and pillows in it's future.
in january.
or maybe spring.
ok…back to work.
oh yaay! cari kraft is my next-door neighbor in nebraska! I just found your blog via stumble! I love it!! Happy Holiday’s and can’t wait to see what you make with that fabulous fabric!
Ironically, “peace toward all men” is so elusive this time of year isn’t it? Why is it that tears of frustration are so often partnered with our highest hopes and best intentions? Thanks for sharing so beautifully throughout the year. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that the kids can give you a Christmas miracle at the dinner table at least once;) God Bless, Meredith.
There’s always those little (and big) last minute things to do. Good luck completing your projects. Enjoy this time with your family even if you do have to send some of them away for attitude adjustments. That comment brought back memories of my family growing up. I remember fights over Martinelli’s (there might not be enough) and siblings running away from home in the middle of dinner…it’s all part of the joys of family. Making memories, right? Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! i am so sorry that your special christmas dinner didn’t end well. that’s very hard. especially for the mom that wants to make everything special and memorable. well actually, you’ll all probably remember this one for a long time. take care. have a wonderful christmas meg! Hey Meg – sorry to hear about the spoiled dinner – I had that at Thanksgiving with my husband and daughter and son and that made for a very frustrating “Thankful” day, so I understand completely! On another note, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Annie’s face in the first picture. I saw that and just cracked up at her innocence and happiness that she puts off with that gorgeous smile and how I’m sure she lights up a room like she does the photos. Every time I see that smile I just want to sqeeze her (HUG)the cuteness out of her! HA! The fabric is beautiful and I can’t wait to see what you do with it as well. I hope you and your family have a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas holiday and Happy New Year. Big Hugs to all, Trac~ :o)
family meals at the holidays can be especially difficult for some reason…and i am in fabric heaven looking at the possibilities of that fine fabric! can’t wait to see the pics! merry christmas to you and yours!
Do we have to guess the two that were sent away for the attitude adjustments:)? I had fixed a nice meal a few weeks ago and I thought that I would light the candles,have my two boys (husband & son), and it would be nice. Well, having a 14 year old that is a picky eater and a husband that loves to pick with said son, it didn’t go so well. I was like you, just about to have a breakdown. I just said yall have ruined my nice idea and I blew all the candles out and they apologized. It was too late then girlfriend:) Merry Christmas. Enjoy your holiday and save a breakdown for after Christmas. That is my plan:) Merry Christmas, Meg & family!! Thanks for sharing your lives with those of us that don’t have it together 1/4 as much as you do!! I’m sorry two were sent away for attitude adjustments, but its always good to know that others go through the same thing, right?
yeah…i know it was 4 days before christmas…. but we got it done.
with minimal bribes.
i cleared a spot in the playroom for good light.
i dusted off the tripod.
it was almost enjoyable.
then they just got goofy.
so nice to see that smile….
good stuff.
christmas/new year's cards will go out late this week.
i hope.
I am also wondering what kind of dog you have. Such a cute family.
Your family is beautiful, but I have a crush on Waffle. :o) What kind of dog is he? Merry Christmas to all! What a darling family you have Meg. I especially love the “silly” shots. Those are always my fave. Merry Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas Meg!! I love your family photos!!! I don’t know what part of Kansas you live in, but my family and I did a 2000 mile trek from Alabama to Utah to surprise my dad for a Christmas visit and we briefly drove through Kansas City, KS and I loved it!! The weather will be too bad to head back that way so we will be traveling through the Southern part this weekend, but it was definitely one of the more eye appealing states to travel through!
Great photos and what a beautiful family!! (I really must figure out how to use the timer on my camera.) Merry Christmas to you! I love the b&w one of the fam. The ones of Lauren, esp. the last one…wow…it takes my breath away.
You have such a beautiful family. Love the photos. I cannot believe you have a teenage daughter. You look so young and youthful to have 5 kids. I have 3 and I do not look half as good as you.
love the pics…and ur still a few days ahead of us! i don’t have ours done yet. why is it that pics are so hard of ur own fam?? anyway, silly is the best…love ur fam pics! merry christmas HOLY MOLY….HOW did you get Lauren to not just smile but she was actually clowning for the camera???? I almost got teary eyed! The pics just kept getting better and better…LOVE THEM. I dont know how you got them to all coooperate but you must have bribed well..lol
Your photographs are, as always, fabulous. Sending you and your family merry Christmas wishes from England. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family! I started reading your blog last summer when I was searching for “photography” on google. I now check in a couple of times a week! I am so inspired by your fun stories and creativity. I am a middle school art teacher in Indiana and I am thinking about the same age as you. Thanks for allowing me to read about your life awesome pictures. Love the goofy ones the most. Hope you have a very merry christmas.
What a beautiful family!!! I can’t get OVER how big Waffle is….those tall legs! I can’t stand it! I love ’em! I also loved Lauren’s smile 🙂 Your family is just beautiful…and even the dog posed!?!
They are all so beautiful! I love all of the pictures!! What a great family. Can I come live with you?
these are sooooo great! i adore the goofy pics! It is so fun to see pictures of your entire family. Your oldest is gorgeous! Those are really some great family shots – I love big families, there is always personality in every shot. Enjoy your week…I know you’ll be busy!
Can you guys get any cuter?? I love the one of the three girls together…Annie is so sassy in it!
Love them all! I don’t think I’ve ever seen pictures of your oldest before. She’s lovely. Your whole family is beautiful – nice pictures, they turned out great!! You have a truly adorable family! Merry Christmas! hi, i’m a new reader to your blog. i found you via “confessions of a sometimes serendipitous girl” we’re snowed in up here in seattle so i have been spending some time getting caught up on blog reading. i am enjoying reading through yours…you have had me laughing out loud on many occasions! Anyways, just wanted to tell you that i love your blog and your pictures. you are a great photographer! you have an adorable family too. happy holidays to you all
Cute family pics!This is ours:
First of all – Lauren is just beautiful! Not a cute little girl anymore but a beautiful young lady! Whoot whoo and the rest of the family – they also look great. Waffle he just completes the “All American Family” look. I’m all about the New Year’s card! And what great shots. They look like you were having fun….even Lauren! So nice of you to have those photos to cherish. oh meg – those are fantastic. everyone looks so cute. it’s so nice to see lauren having fun with you all. such a beautiful young lady. i love the goofy ones!! they are so fun.
Your family is so beautiful. You are so blessed. I love the laundry floor, great news that you found it. Hope you find the missing couch soon.
looks like you got some wonderful shots!!! And is it just me or did Lauren maybe,almost enjoy herself? 🙂 hope your week is good neighbor!!! I get to be the first to comment! They turned out very good. Love Waffle being squished in the 2nd photo! i have found it! the floor in the laundry has been found!!
i have heard tales that it existed….but i just didn't believe it.
i do now.
i was so happy i even vacuumed the concrete!
oh it was such a happy moment.
but in other sad news in the duerksen home….
our couch has gone missing.
it's been missing for many days and no one seems to have noticed.
no one sees this sitting in the living room.
they sit near it.
they walk by it.
the even climbed on it.
but no one offered to start folding.
so we bribed them with ice cream.
that's just good parenting.
So funny! Great blog! my grandma used to pay me a nickel for each thing I ironed…that was big motivation for me. sometimes it ended up being like five dollars!! LOL! You are tooooooo funny! I think I’d resort to being dirty all the time! That is a crazy amount of laundry.
Hey Meg! I was so excited to get a comment from you! We dont call it slitching…just sledding…but we might need to start. I call it scary! Do you do it? I finally got caught up on your posts coming back from our trip…what I love most is the little boxes you have of your kids homemade ornaments. So sweet! Thats a sign of a good mom;) Merry Christmas! Gosh! I thought you were going to say you were pregnant! 🙂 Hi there, I feel your pain I really do! lol! How funny! I just posted a similar post on my blog. Crazy how much laundry consumes your life when you have five kids! Love your blog!
Lol…Oh, I can relate!!!! Good luck finding the couch! Lol! If my front(?)door was as gorgeous as yours, I wouldn’t notice the piles of laundry on the couch, either. I’m sure that’s why the kids walk right by…they are transfixed by the gorgeous, leaded-glass door!
At least you’ve narrowed down the laundry mountain to one location. My heartfelt congratulations on finding your laundry floor – I’m sure there’s not a better Christmas present you could be given. If the kids can free the couch your Christmas miracle will be complete. Ice cream, by the way, is not a bribe – it is an essential parenting resource.
I can’t wait to have my very own laundry room so I can have these wonderful discoveries for myself. I’m excited to have a family someday, but I can’t lie- the laundry thing scares me. I hate laundry, and it’s hard enough for one person. You need an army to fold all that! But way to go on getting the floor cleaned up : ) i have that problem too…could you send over your detective??
Oh my goodness you are funny! I can’t imagine the neverending laundry you encounter! I hope the ice cream bribe at least helped a little :0 isn’t that why we have kids? it’s a Christmas miracle! Now if only I could find mine… I often wonder if I should have two couches. One to keep the laundry comfy and one for the rest of us to sit on! LOL! OMG! I was scared for a moment that you know where I live! Then I realized your couch is a different color and I knew my secret laundry lair’s location is still safe! i always feel like laundry is all i ever do, but just at those low moments, you post about your laundry and i feel much better. the laundry room floor looks great but that poor couch. good parents use whatever methods that bring results!! what a feeling! I L*O*V*E the feeling of all the laundry done! We are iced in our home today. Probably tomorrow too. That’s when I’m going to wash every article of washable material in this house. And then I will pack…..and hope the airport thaws so we can get out of here! Oh, and a bribe that leads to the end result, is always good parenting 🙂
Congrats on finding of the floor. 🙂 Love the post. 🙂 ROFLOL!!!!!!! Oh mannn… that happens at MY house too!! My couch dissapears for the same reason, and all the little people think it’s a new jungle gym! Just HOW is that possible??? LOL Hoping your awesome family helps you out Meg! If not, me thinks you should hide the Christmas presents under and IN that pile! They’d never find them!! 😀 Now that’s what I call a Christmas miracle! Way to go!
I would SO come over and do your laundry for you. I actually enjoy it.
You are TOO funny!
wow – i am the first to leave a comment on a post! that sounds like fabulous parenting to me!! love your concrete floors – but your couch does look oh, so sad. |
Jamie Sampson - happy new year.
Christy - I love your blog Meg. It is one of my top 3 favs. I am glad to have found it. While I only have one kid, I often find myself relating to your adventures & trials with the kids.
anne - happiest new year!
Rachel - Happy New Year; I have so enjoyed reading your blog; it’s always so colorful in so many ways.
All the best to you and your family!
cecilia löfholm - This new years we decided to stay home (we have a little son that just turned one). So we spent it in our pyjamases, eating american pancakes, toasting in soda. And then, when the fireworks started, our son woke up, and the three of us sat on our bed, looking out the window on all the beautiful fireworks. It was nice to be home, just us.
Have a wonderful 2009!
Cissi from sweden
Jennifer - Hi Meg…your blog rocks!! I found it through a link on a friend’s blog and boy am I glad I did! I love all your wonderful, creative, practical ideas about everything. I made the mint brownies…thanks for sharing that amazing recipe! 🙂 Thanks also for being real and for sharing a little bit of yourself and your sweet family.
shelley - Happy New Year! I have been inspired by your beautiful colors and crafts. We are moving this year and I can’t wait to use some of your ideas to make our new house a home. From one mom of 5 to another 🙂
Jess - I am new in blogland and came across your blog today via mysweetsavannah. I already love your blog. You have a beautiful family. I was wondering you would mind sharing how you get your photos so large on your blog? I was surprised by my hubby with a canon xsi (with a similar lens to yours) for Christmas. Your photos are very impressive. I am still trying to learn how to use mine. Thank you.
Katie - Happy New Year! Hope this one is the best!
Dawn - Happy New Year!!! I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past year. Great pictures and very colorful…I understand how you feel about the teenager but it really does get better. I have found that my oldest daughter (18, a senior) has a 3 question limit before she starts getting annoyed, so I pick my questions carefully. You just have to trust and pray that she has really been listening to you and makes good choices. You look like you have a happy family. Look forward to seeing more of your blog throughout the year.
Jennifer - Happy, Happy New Year!
Have a super good time on your trip!
Diana Cornielle - Have a blessed and prosperous new year!
curlywurlygurly - happy 2009 to you! i found your blog through ‘stumble upon’ earlier in the week and have been enjoying a peek into your midwestern life with your big family–it’s the antithesis of my life and that’s what makes it so captivating! 🙂 love all your pictures–and i can’t believe you have so much laundry!
Traci Thorson - happy new year meg. love the photo. hope you enjoyed your night in. sounds like a beautiful place to be.
lee ann - 55 comments on the last post?! I’d better get my word in on this one before there’s so many 🙂
I think I was asleep on the couch before 10 last night. Lame I know. I would just rather sleep than wait for a ball to drop. Hope your night was all that you wanted it to be. Did you get that bath?
I have no advice for the ungrateful one. Mine are not there yet. I will tell you that it makes me pray even harder. Not just this situation, but all the situations parents of teens go through. It sends me to my knees. As someone posted about a mentor…..I really pray hard that God will place people in my girls’ lives that they will listen too when they’re sure that I’m stupid. Keep praying!
Looking forward to another year of reading your blog!
Kelly - Happy New Year!
MGF - I was sound asleep when that ball dropped. Cuz my kiddos are always up at 6am, no matter what. Sleep is more important than ringing in the New Year these days.
Donna - I love the new banner! I get excited when I open my Google Reader and see you have a new post.
Liz - It’s been great getting to know you through your blog. A very Happy New Year to you and yours.
Aubrey - I hope you have a happy new year. your new header is awesome, except it leaves me with a craving (even if it does leave nasty aftertaste–it’s good while it lasts, right?).
how did you get that tree to stay in the pot without it falling over? I want to put my big tree in a big tub next year but my husband and I have racked our brains and still aren’t sure how it would work and be secure against our overambitious monster children. Maybe our brains are too tired and we’ll have to figure it out next year.
Lorilee - I look forward to following your blog in 2009! We are at home with our 13 and 23 year old. No he is not a partier either! We ate Pizza and played UNO. Now we are watching the 2nd in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Have a Blessed New Year!
amy j. - The giant van is in our driveway. Feel free to bring your stuff over anytime tomorrow morning. We’re shooting for noon at Di’s house. 🙂
Beth - I have really enjoyed reading your blog this year! I love our house..you have a great family… great ideas. Thanks! Oh- and you keep it real…I really love that.
Jenna B - I am so thankful for finding your blog. I’ve been down on my luck lately and reading your simple pleasures has brought a bit of peace to my life. I don’t mean to get too philosophical, but I did want to thank you for letting me close 2008 with a smile in my heart. Wishing you many blessings filled with laughter and harmony.
Amanda - Boy, and have I enjoyed getting to know you! I really like that black and white polka dot wrapping paper BTW. And the one gift rule. And all the smiles.
I hae a feeling I might stay up to watch the ball drop, but its always so anti-climatic for me in my bed, with a snoozing baby next to me (usually). I dont sit and reflect on my year. I just scna the crowd for drunk people making fools of themselves. Cause I have *never* done that before.
Many blessings and heres to a great 2009 for us all!
Heather S - Happy New Year, Meg! I am so glad I found your blog 🙂