my friend had brain surgery on thursday.

YES…brain surgery!
like what McDreamy does…but for real….on her own head!
and i felt sick in my stomach all morning…full of worry.
we were getting updates through email from her husband about every hour.
and then emails began between my girlfriends.
diana suggested we all get together
and shave part of the back of our heads kind of like jana had to
for solidarity and love and support.
a reminder to pray.
everyone jumped right on board!
thank goodness amy (my neighbor) has a hair salon in her house!
how convenient!
oh we crack ourselves up.
we laughed and laughed.
if there was audio with this….it would be all laughter.
what a fun way to ease our nerves on this scary day.
we really love you a lot jana!
she's out of surgery….doing well…getting better…in recovery…
being missed very much by her family and friends.
praise GOD.
i can't wait to see you again jana.
and give you a big big BIG hug.
i wish i could do that right now.
soon enough my friend.
get better.
you are deeply loved.
this is my new favorite. craig's sister Sherri made this over christmas and i fell in love.
we called her for the recipe and i made it the next week.
it got many compliments….which makes me happy…so i have to share!
it looks like a lot of ingredients
but it's just open and dump it out so it's a quick prep meal.
browning the onion is the hardest step in this recipe.
while the onions are browning you add everything else (except the chicken)
into a big pot.
but clearly you should use a bigger pot than i did.
it was so close to bubbling over!
after it simmers for awhile….40- 60 minutes…you can add you chicken.
and enjoy!
add chips, sour cream and cheese to make it extra yummy ( = fattening)
it is so good.
and spicy…it's got a kick.
i am eating some right now and my lips are burning!
my kids will not even begin to try this so more for craig and i…woo-hoo.
good luck with your kids!
recipe is in the sidebar album.
Wow, I love Peking duck and never thought to make it myself, but you are always a source of inspiration. Can I just say that when I first saw that picture, I thought had a 6 pack, and was ripped! Regardless of the athletic inclinations of the duck, the final results look amazing. This gets my vote especially because I am from the Caribbean where cooking veggies in coconut milk is quite popular.
I love your blog so much, and there are just some differences with others’. Hope there will be more wonderful things in your blog. Happy every day!
This looks like something we would love. Soup is on the menu most days around here in the winter and I can always use a new one to try. Thanks for sharing Meg.
Im making this today!
Looks like a delicious soup; I’ll have to try that in place of taco soup (hubbys favorite) sometime. I love spicy stuff, but you can hold the onions.
I’m glad you posted this so I don’t have to call and get the recipe. When you made it at Christmas it was super. Thanks for sharing it.
OMG….I can’t beleive this…my husband and I were just talking about this last night and were going to look up a recipe for this soup to make on Sunday! Wohoo!!!!!! You rock!
This looks very tasty on my way to the store now lol!
Hi Meg. I’ve been reading your blog for about a week now. I got hooked, and I read every entry! I love learning about your family, and it excites me that you are super crafty. There is a band that I think you’d enjoy, and it’s safe for everyone’s ears. The band is called Enter The Worship Circle, and they sing beautiful songs to the Lord. It’s not cheesy in any sense. I bought Chair and a Microphone, Vol. 3 on iTunes, and have had some of the songs on repeat throughout these past few months. Hope you like. That looks delightful! I will def. try this with my family…I might lesson the spice, so the kids might eat it. I LOVE spicy though. Thanks for the recipe. you know how i love, love your recipes! thanks for sharing another! it may be on the menu next week:)
Last week I made your enchiladas , they were a HUGE HIT!! So today I had just turned to your blog and you had posted this recipe , I needed to make something for dinner. I checked and I had everything to make it. I had to let you know it’s another success for our family – they loved it. Thank you!! Lisa
that looks delicious. have to try that soon. thanks!
Yum, that looks fantastic! Will definitely try! so funny you posted this…mine is redy to go up next week! ha! we love this meal for the same reason…dump and run…and it’s delicious-o!!
Look yummy! Will try this. I also wasnt to try your potato soup recipe. that is how i feel. ready but not really ready for a new year.
feeling defeated…exhausted…worn down.
i watched 2 oprah's last night…not good when you are having a pity party.
i felt worse than when i started.
i know in my head what i need to do.
but getting myself to actually do them is so tiring.
i will.
i have to.
besides….even waffle is getting fat because of my laziness.
taking down the christmas decorations will help.
clean table tops.
cleared out rooms.
getting a few drawers cleared out.
that will help.
bottom line….i must get moving so i can feel better so i can BE better for my family.
if i am exhausted all they get is crazy mommy.
tired yelling mommy.
and even i don't like her.
God gave me this perfectly healthy body and here it sits…wasting it's potential.
that is so wrong.
this verse struck me today:
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty Power.
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand
against the devil's schemes." Ephesians 6:10
the devil's schemes? my desire to sit around and eat mint brownies for a month.
my desire to watch tv instead of read my bible.
my desire to stay up late and not give my body the rest it needs.
my desire to sit at this computer and not get things done.
so i am putting on the full armor this morning.
and i going out for a walk in the cold sunshine…for exercise and vitamin D.
i am sick of feeling like this.
this helps too.
![]() friends are awesome.
thank you.
ok oprah….i'm off to live my best life!
Thank you GOD (not oprah) for these thoughts. this mind.
this body.
the Holy Spirit inside me moving me to be what God wants.
not oprah.
Amen, Sister. I need it too.
I love, love, love your blog, your style, your house, recipes, your crafts, everything!! Meg, you’re truly an amazing lady! And then today’s blog . . . Wow! I was reading and could not believe it was EXACTLY what I was feeling!! I had the same reaction after watching Oprah. And reading all the comments let me know I’m not alone. Thank you for your honestly. God bless you and your family! I pray He grants you the strength to tackle your goals and dreams for 2009! Discovered your blog and love your style. I feel the same, so I can relate. Love your honesty. I made your mint brownies tonight. I should have doubled the recipe because they will be gone in no time. Sooo delis!
AMEN SISTER!!! To all of it. Your original and post and what you added in the comments. You are so real and that’s why I keep coming back. I’m feeling the same way and it’s so good to know I’m not alone and to at the same time be reminded that I have a Lord and Savior that not only loves me anyway, but will give me the strength to get through it. the blahs are going around i think. god bless you & hope you get to feeling better. your blog always brings a smile to my face. thank you. Thanks for explaining Meg. :o)
all that needs to be said ……. AMEN!!!
a good friend always does the right food. it’s a tough time…after christmas and the weather stinks and well, i’ve been in the blah’s for a few days. i’m climbing out…prayers for you and yours.
WOW~~even though I lOVE this entry and needed this entry who would have guessed the response???? WOW!!! AMEN SISTER! I’ve read your blog for quite a while now, never commented, but just had to on this wonderful thought! I, too, have felt this way….exhausted and weary before even starting…I, too, have found that getting closer to God has been the only answer to that problem. And THANK YOU for not singing the praises of Oprah (has some interesting topics from time to time, but she is NOT the goddess of America like some treat her), but of the One who truly deserves it! Thanks for your honesty, it’s a comfort not to feel alone in the new year BLAH. Keep fighting, His grace is sufficient for all our needs.
Re my earlier post: I’m not an American, I don’t “follow” Oprah – so if she’s offended Christians, I’m sorry if my post was offenive.
I’ve been trying to log on to my internet all day and it hasn’t worked. Then out of nowhere it hooks up and your blog is what I decided to look at first. I needed this! I am sooooo glad I am not the only one that feels like this! My devil’s schemes are just like yours with exception to the mint brownies, mine is peanut m&m’s. And on top of this I just got done watching Barbara Walters interview with Patrick Swayze and his fight with cancer. I’m not even sick & I don’t have the umph to live that he does. I am ashamed of myself! Now that I’ve come to a realization, I’m going to get off this computer & go to bed at a decent time so my body can have the rest it needs & I will feel rejuvinated and fresh in the morning for the beautiful day God has in store for me tomorrow. Thanks Meg and God! Been trying to LIVE Col. 3:23 this week (specifically). May encourage you too…
oh Meg I couldn’t agree more. I started up exercise routine AGAIN today too. Besides Annie’s cute face could motivate anyone. If only I had such cute pictures of my three girls 19,16,10!! Only four more days until she goes back to college. Still not sure good news or sad. I know sad. Anyway thanks.
It is so comforting to know that it is not just me feeling this way! I have felt uninspired, cranky, tired, and just plain down in the dumps lately. Thanks for the verse and for putting your ick out there! Oh I am right there with you. I have felt so horribly lazy/sluggish ever since Christmas. That verse was just what I needed to read tonight. Thank you so much for sharing it!
buy some fresh flowers and get some exercise. those always help! i often feel a little down this time of the year too and it is so gloomy out.
Thanks for being honest, it helps to know it’s not just me. Watching TV instead of reading my Bible, worrying instead of praying, not getting enough sleep or exercise. I wonder if it’s a “mom” thing right after the holidays. Okay I’ll go make dinner now.
Very well said Meg! Very inspirational! We Love you! This is actually one of my FAVORITE post you have ever done!!!!!!! I love that scripture…Im going to copy it and paste it everywhere, I truly am!! I love that its NOT Oprah…she makes me feel BLAH and some other things…it IS ALL ABOUT GOD and giving Him our best!!! LOVE THIS POST!!!!!
Hi Meg, I’m a longtime fan of your blog and first-time commenter! I just wanted to say that I know how you feel (as so many of us do). Sometimes when you are feeling really burnt out and exhausted you really have to take some luxurious time for yourself before you feel like you have the energy to start overhauling everything and living Your Best Life. At the very least, you should try to go up that gorgeous bathroom of yours and have a nice long soak in the tub with a magazine or frothy book, and then put on your softest pajamas, and see if you can take the rest of the night off. Then, maybe you will feel more like starting fresh tomorrow and doing what “needs” to be done. I hope you find your energy and inspiration — it’s around here somewhere!
Hang in there, Meg. The enemy can’t stand a woman of fortitude and conviction – it ruins all his plans. Hope you have a good night sleep and a better day today. Abuelos is calling us girls – we need a night out together
what encouragement! and said so perfectly and honestly. thank you. THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!! My new year is starting off trying to center my life around His expectations for me and not my own (as always), but also about really being in this world but not of it! 2009 will be a big challenge year for me!! Thank you for being so open about your love of Christ, it is definitely encouraging to know you can reach so many with just one little post!
Exactly what many of us are thinking you’re just brave enough to admit it for us all! Go out in to the SUN and praise HIM for our many blessings! I love to be in HIS wonder! By the way…I made your YUMMO chicken enchiladas…FANTASTIC…and a couple of shirts with my girls initials on them. You just never know who is watching us and being inspired!!! Keep On! Love from Texas!
Oh my goodness, me too, right down to the Oprah. It’s been a tough January so far. I keep thinking that it’s almost spring to help me keep positive.
Amen and Amen! I often get the January blahs, but not this year! God had empowered and created me for a specific purpose and this is the year that I will seek his guidance more than ever to fulfill that purpose!!!!!
Amen to God not Oprah and I too shall put on the full armor of God! Great way to apply that verse. I too have been falling into the wanting to sit at the computer/stay up late/eat sweets temptations. I need to get in gear when I get home and do some laundry so my sweet husband will have some clean clothes to wear! Kelly My muffin top has suddening escalated into a huge donut ring. How did I let this happen? My clothes are tight and I’m leaning toward sweats. I don’t want to be that person. Thanks for the feeling that I am not alone and I WILL take care of myself better. Starting NOW! I can TOTALLY relate. Maybe this will make you feel better – your blog motivates ME…………it makes me want to get my house in order and do the things you do. I have 6 kids, so I can relate to you ~ and especially the photo of your laundry, mine looks like that ALL OF THE TIME. Keep blogging, you are INSPIRING. I am going to start a post on my blog of before and after photos of all the rooms in my house that are getting a RE org very soon – Thanks for the push and the good reminders. I am blah today too but have no reason to be. Time to wake up and appreciate it all!
Great post….I hate the crazy mommy that comes out from exhaustion and wasting time too.
I totatly agree with you…nope Oprah can’t help with it…but God surely can. I am feeling the same way when I get home from work…just tired and lazy…but I am starting on my exercise program..figured I would walk on the gezelle when I am watching my favorite show…so that should be easy.
thanks meg.
I am in the same slump! So thank you for that…I really needed it!
Amen! Thanks for posting this. I’m going to put on the full armor today and march right out of this pity party I’ve been in! Sending you hugs from Florida. You do need to get your rest because it always makes things better. You have a clearer head and you’re not so ‘fuzzy’. I struggle with insomnia and after about 3 days of being up in the middle of the night and not sleeping, you kinda break down. I have been very busy since Thanksgiving and after Christmas, I rested. My husband had hurt his leg and when he got home from work we would sit and watch football and just didn’t DO anything. It helped. I got my list made, cleaned up Christmas decorations, and got myself organized for the New Year. I feel much better. Rest your body & your mind and you WILL feel better:) I have enjoyed you blog for months! I don’t think you could possibly be a lazy person….look at your posts! They are amazing and put people like me to shame. Don’t listen to Oprah. She is really good at preying on insecurities and in the end she somehow makes money from that! NOT COOL! Read your Bible it is much more inspiring!
I feel the same way.My mind is tired. I feel like my wheels are spinning all the time. I need money, but have small kids that need me. Hubbys money not enough now in this crazy world!If I work spend more money(gas,lunch,clothing,sitters)its very hard, I feel trapped! Im miserable behind a desk or in a cubicle!
this is my nephew Hunter.
he is showing me the stain on his shirt.
he really wanted to be on the blog.
he could recite the address and everything.
every picture i took over christmas he would say "that's going on the blog!"
so here you go hunter.
love you bud.
i really enjoyed being with you and your family this christmas.
hope we get to visit your new house this year!
and maybe even see you race.
he's a swimmer.
when he was in kansas he raced and beat his old uncle craig….pretty easily i hear.
i was sorry to have missed seeing that.
keep working hard hunter…we are really proud of you.
and by the way….
her code was her graduating year.
just like you thought. :)
It fires one type of shot right? then it swaps the type of ammo used. Then fires a diff shot. Then swaps the ammo back again and repeats.This is for those who use two types of ammo cause they are poor and cant afrofd to buy the top stuff and try to use crap ammo on crap shots and good ammo on good shots lol. Smart but rly quite useless Hahaha. Nice work Hunter- you got on the blog…looking not too bad if I say so myself. Oops, okay so that’s a little embarrassing :$
thanks for sharing the pic. it reminds me of my son and what his shirt always looks like.
Hes a cutie!!! This is Hunter’s mom and Craig’s big sister. Hunter will be excited to see himself. In anwsers to your questions about the hat — yes, it is extremely cool to leave the barcode on the hat AND the big sticker that is on top of the hat as well. Go figure. Megan, we also had a great time this break (even though I dreaded coming). Thanks for posting “the Hunter” –he will get a big charge out of it — and will tell you “told you so on the graduating year” how funny! hi Hunter! I agree that it’s cute that he wants to be on your blog. Hope i’m that cool of an auntie someday too!
Hunter is a cutie! Then again…I haven’t seen any of your family that wasn’t!!!!! By the way Hunter…I am always dropping food on my shirt too!!!!!! Can’t take us anywhere, can they? Swim fast!!!!! hi hunter – welcome to the blogging world. now your famous. hi hunter! you finally made it! welcome to star town!
He sounds like my family…asking the same thing. Funny. Hi Hunter…glad you got to be featured w/ your big ‘ol pic. on the current post!! yay for you! What a cutie. And I love the tag on his hat.
i made a few more crafts this year that i haven't shared yet. i know….i was kind of a craft maniac this year.
this isn't normal for me.
i had such a good time making all these things.
but some years i don't feel like making anything….enjoy it when it comes i guess.
my 2 little nieces were given these shirts.
i really love making these.
i don't need much to make me happy….
a shape on at-shirt…that's all i need!
i made a couple of these pillows.
it's pretty big…like a throw pillow.
very fun.
i could see myself making a bunch of these too…
just because i like piecing them together.
my sister thought they looked a little mushroom-y with the red polka dot roof.
this one is hers.
and then there are these hand towels.
i made bunches of these.
crystal…i said i was copying you.
literally i was looking at your shop and trying to make what you made.
you have such great ideas!
i want to live in this subdivision.
wouldn't that be the coolest place ever?!
i showed these towels to craig saying "look at these!!!!" so proud of myself and he said
"those are just darling!" in a very sarcastic tone.
i don't care what he says….they are cute!
if you want one go to crystal's etsy shop. (click here)
hers are much nicer than mine…appliqued and everything.
she has fabulous shop full of creative goodies.
now i am out of ideas.
and energy.
hello! ok silly question here…what type of towels did you sew the adorable houses onto? i just love love love them. i know this is so random to ask but i’ve never done it and have all my pieces ready to go, except the towels. those i keep debating! thanks for your constant creativity and inspiration. i tell my husband i want to be you when i grow up and we have kids. I love the stuff you make! Those toss pillows and towels are great!
I love the stuff you make! It all has such a bright, fun, whimsical feel to it. I am really loving the pillow! I bet it would be too cute in your playroom. Great job!
Now these are just simply cute! All of them! Thanks for sharing…I might try the daisy looking one and just maybe I can handle it. We will see! Now these are just simply cute! All of them! Thanks for sharing…I might try the daisy looking one and just maybe I can handle it. We will see!
i love all of the applique ideas you do! and how you do the stitching. love the towels too! definitely going to have to copy you!
It is official, you are great at everything. I am in awe. Hope you are having a lovely 2009.
Seriously I have no idea how you do all that with 5 kids. I have 3 and am lucky to wash my dishtowels…nonetheless make so many incredible ones. I actually posted some I made today…I think I might need to delete my post and just put a link to these. Very nicely done!
I haven’t had a chance to read how everyone commented on this post of your’s…my guess is they are all saying what I’m fixin to….YOU SHOULD TOTALLY HAVE AN ETSY SHOP GIRLFRIEND!!!!! I’d keep you in business for sure! (Except…I just have boys, but man I can just imagine what you’d come up with to put on simple shirts!!!) You are simple amazing! they are cute…no matter what craig says….you are my muse. wishing I lived in your (read in italics) neighborhood.
i love your blog! you are inspiring me to get off my computer & get back to sewing! keep up the great crafts! I recently found your blog off of Ashley Ann’s site and I am sooooooo inspired! You are one talented woman! I am speechless. Seriously, I am going to come back to your blog all of the time now because it makes me so happy and creatively regenerated. Thank you for posting your life..I love it! This year, in my haste, I barely decorated the tree, I only used those white crochet snowflakes. When the cards started coming in, I had no place for them. Then, VIOLA! I began tucking them in the tree. It solved two problems :the card display, and the under-decorated tree. Easy-peasy, got lots of compliments and I might do it every year. You should ABSOLUTELY open your own Etsy shop!! I will be your first customer! so cute!!! i used your crayon idea over christmas it was a big hit!! Your things are always so cute, I love it & tried those marshmallow pops for my kids winter parties, it was a huge hit, thanks so much! Cute!!!! Love the rainbow shirt! These are extremely fabulous… I would move to the neighborhood with you and I’m glad your husband has the same type of responses as mine! You should be designing and selling… that is what I say! Love love love! Oh yes, indeedy! These are CUTE! I love everything you do. And thanks for the link to her etsy shop. I checked it out. Her stuff is so cool, like yours! By the way I don’t know if you’re willing to play but TAG! YOUR IT! I tagged you. Check out my blog for more details.
i am such in the mood to sew…and now i need to get on the move! i hvae 3 shirts that need fun sewing on…and i love that rainbow…can i steal it? love all that fun stuff…ur so fun
I’ll tell you, I am gonna make one for my boys this year with their letters. I think you said you made them with left over fabric. Each time I have seen these I just love them.
um, I meant to put an !!! instead of a ? after “darling”. i would have left it alone, but it looks like i was being sarcastic.
Those are AMAZING! I let you make me a couple shirts and hand towels…you know since your in the crafting mood!
i wanted to buy this wire card holder.
i really wanted it last year.
then i saw it agin this year and wanted it even more.
but i just couldn't do it.
i love it though.
so i made my own card display.
i showed it a few posts back.
it is nothing more than a roll of grosgrain ribbon, 6 thumbtacks. and 2 packs of mini clothes pins.
(all found at wal-mart or hobby lobby)
it is right inside our kitchen sitting area.
quite a conversation piece…everyone looking to see if they recognize anyone.
so take that pottery barn!
(please don't be mad at me PB….i will always love you…i just can't afford you…call me)
LOVE your fall porch! You did a really great job! If I ever went trick or treiatng with my kids or walked by your porch I’d ooh and aaah to my kids about how cute it was. Great job!~Robin I get MSL (I think after blueprint got cleaeclnd? or maybe it was something more recent…) and I’m always amazed at her craft ideas. I always tag them but unfortunately never seem to get around to doing any of them….Maybe in my next life?! Love it. If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter. Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly. Found this web-site and card display while searching for the pb curly wire card holder. Hard to justify the pb cost but for my college bound daughter I thought it would make a great gift. I am thrilled to have found this alternative! So cute!! I am running to the craft store right now to pick out ribbon and get the mini clothes pins. Thank you so much for this economical and darling alternative.
I love it. For another good alternative try
oops….the below comment was for the “just a couple more” post….i do love this card display idea though! <---This site is the closest thing I could find that sells clothes as cute as you make...however it is way too pricey for kids clothes...still fun to get ideas from though! I absolutely love your crafts!!! Everything you create…too cute!! Especially all the clothes…I think 2009 will be the year I finally get a sewing machine and I will teach myself to sew if it kills me!darn it, i wish i would have seen this post a few weeks ago! oh well, i am so using this idea next year. thanks for sharing! So beautiful and far better than what I tried this year, just taping them to the coat closet door. Now they are all covered in double stick tape and impossible to save the cards. I don’t know what I was thinking. Next year I’ll know better. LOVE IT – I had this scary looking snowman thing someone gave me as a wedding gift, but it only held about 10 cards. I ended up just keeping them in a dish on the coffee table. I’ll try your idea next year! PB gets me too. All of their adorable little this and thats. I’ve done this same thing over my desk to hang pictures and other happy things. I think it looks very cute. That’s a great way to display Christmas cards…who needs Pottery Barn? Love all your crafty items you shared too. I saw that and thought what a great idea you had. I will try and remember it and do a version of it here. Thanks for sharing! You always have adorable creations. It looks really great! I was privileged to be visiting in a home on Christmas Eve full of great style. They strung ribbon or twine or something from the corners of each dining room wall and the cards were hung over it right up by the ceiling. It was like lovely banners around the room. Kelly Too funny. I really liked the idea when I saw a couple of post back. Thanks for letting us know how you did it.
Pottery Barn should be jealous! Yours is so cute!
Hi Meg! I love this card idea…just like all your ideas…they are lovely! Can you refresh my memory? Did you have a post once with little bottle caps that you made with Christmas papers inside them and glitter and embelishments? I would love to make some and I really thought it was your idea…but I can not find that post. Was it you? Take care! Shann
I think that’s the whole purpose of a PB catalog…to steal ideas…..and to look at Target for the cheaper version. Love yours. I didn’t even hang mine this year. So sad. Next year though. that is so cute. much cuter than the pottery barn one. you are so creative.
love when that happens! good on..and now, i will steal it for next year! thanks!
The cards look great in your display. If you have your heart on that Pottery Barn card holder, just wait until February. Last year I got it for 7.99 even after it left the site and then returned at a low price. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE yours, but I must admit that I got that curly wire photo holder from Pottery Barn on clearance last year. Even though I LOVE my PB one, I’m reconsidering now that I’ve seen yours.
love it i don't do really well with lots of children in the kitchen wanting to "help". i wish i was better about it. this year…my kids came through the kitchen in shifts.
i didn't plan it that way they just showed up one at a time.
scott came through first and made these cookies into ball shapes for me.
and then he headed back to his video game.
then sean came through about 5 minutes later.
he unwrapped ALL the hershey kisses and placed them on the cookies.
tably came through just after i got the jumbo refrigerated gingerbread dough out of the fridge.
oh yes…i used the pre-made pillsbury dough and it was really good this year!
she made bunches of cookie shapes and then left.
annie came through many times to eat the cookies.
she would say "can i just have one more mama….pleeeeeeese?"
and i made waaaaay too many chocolate mint brownies this year.
oh man…they are pure sin.
but you should make them anyway.
even if it's january.
oh I am baaaaad with kids. I try to come off as nice on the internet but I am so easily annoyed.
I am always so glad to read you admit that kitchen “help” isn’t. I feel like so much of a loser mom in that area. I HATE making cookies with the kids. It is my own particular hang-up. Great new header photo! Happy New Year! Glad you had helpers in manageable #s. Kelly
go ahead and send those cookies my way girl…
Perfect! I wish mine would work in shifts and I only have two. They both have attention spans of about 6 minutes though. I can do anything for 6 minutes! i suppose shifts is better than all at once. you had many little helpers. the cookies look very yummy. HAPPY NEW YEAR MEG!! shifts…that’s what we tend to do too. u know what they say about too many chefs in the kitchen!
I just stumbled upon your blog and have been looking at it for quite some time tonight. My resolution for 2009 is to be more crafty and it seems perfect to have found your site… it is the perfect inspiration I needed! Everything is so cute and you’re home is beautiful! I’m a sucker for brownies. Those look amazing. Any thing that says “Mom’s” in the recipe, I’ve learned, is a pretty good bet. Happy New Year! Those mint brownies look exactly like the one I just had at Starbucks two days ago with a mocha…the brownie was gone BEFORE I left the parking lot…ummmmmm, mmmm, good! I am not sure how I found your blog, but I love it! Love the cookies! I wish I had more patience in the kitchen too… its so much easier with one kid at a time I divide up task so they each get a turn one at a time…hugs,Lisa Oh joy! Another recipe from you! I think I have made EVERYTHING you have given me recipes for…seriously! And Happy New Year to you! You rock! And have blessed my ’08 with your honesty and fun-ness! Bring it on ’09! |
Melissa - I totally teared up reading this! What a beautiful gesture. Jana must have feel so loved by her girlfriends. Praying for her recovery and good health!
Cindy - What an incredible group of women you are! You’re so blessed to have each other.
Thanks for the cry.
I hope Jana is doing well.
Amanda Rettke - Well, this made me bawl of course. What a blessing. You guys gave her such a gift… I am so thankful for generous and loving souls like you guys… who make the world a better place!
Much love to you!
danyele - bless jana’s heart…and what fab friends! i love it! and i know she does too! and, for what it is worth, i think it’s fun too!
Suzanne - how amazing are you all?!?
that is just absolutely INCREDIBLE!!
Jana, how can you not recover quickly with such supportive friends as these?? No more surgeries…who knows what they’ll do next;) Sending you prayers & best wishes…
Ginny - You guys are amazing. You are all so lucky to have each other. I wish I had friends like that!
Good thoughts sent to your friend, hoping for a quick a recovery!
Trina - Wow …what a group of friends.. how blessed are you all! The fun and silly makes it all the better.. I’m sure your friend feels loved and supported beyond words!
callie grayson - praying for a speedy recovery for your friend Jana, and strength for her family and friends.
what a great bonding and loving thing you all did for her!! She is much loved!!
Elena Rego - First time here. This post brought tears to my eyes… Sisterhood is just the best thing in the world!
Musing - Found you thru StumbleUpon and had to tell you that this just made my day.
Chrince - What a beautiful thing to do for your friend! Hope she has a speedy recovery.
sara - i hope your friend is doing ok. that is so sweet what you ladies did. a great group of friends!
Liz - You are an awesome group of friends. I’m sure she felt very loved by your actions. You are all lucky to have each other.
Aubrey - Oh man, I was totally waiting to see pictures of bald women and was wondering what you’d say you all said to your husbands. You’re smarter than I am–what awesoem friends you are. She must have felt your vibes and that’s why she’s doing well!
bethany actually - One of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen. God bless you all, and especially Jana!
Alaina - Okay…that made me cry! Friends are such blessings! You guys are awesome! God is faithful!!!
MGF - Way to support your friend. She is lucky to have ladies like you in her life.
Patty - Oh. My. Goodness. What friends. What support. What tears. God bless you all and Jana.
rachel - What a great support system; she is very blessed to have family and friends like you. I wish her a speedy recovery!
deb - What amazing friends you are. I wish her a quick recovery.
carissa - what an amazing group of women!
you can feel the love!
lots of love & prayers for Jana!
jennifer - Friends are AWESOME! What would we do without them?! She is very blessed to have a group of girlfriends like you.
robin bird - y’all are amazing girlfriends!! you made me cry. i am sending my own hair care to jana, her family and her lovely freinds!!
Mary Ann - How great is that!!! So happy your friend is doing well… Love the Bud Light bottle on the table next to all the hair pieces !!!!
Sherri - Kaysville Momma - What great friends you are!!!
Heidi Jo - This is so very sweet. How lucky she is to have friends like you guys!
clgarrett - that was so sweet it made me cry!
i know that sick feeling, 12 years ago my best friend had brain surgery too. she’s 12 years post brain cancer!
fun photos!
i can imagine all the laughter!
Harper - Way to go ladies! I love that you all got on board! I am sure this will be such a kind and loving gesture to Jana, how hard it must have been for her to have to shave her hair, but with all of her friends doing the same thing, she not only fits in, but started the trend!
Sharla - Okay, tears here too. You are so blessed to have such a great group of friends and Jana is so blessed to have your support. I hope she’s doing well.
Staci - What GREAT friends! I’m so glad to hear she is doing well! Keep us updated
I’ll say an extra prayer for her too!
northernmichiganmom - I have read your blog for quite some time now but never leave a comment. I had to comment this time to let you know that this touched my heart. What a great group of friends. I also have a close knit group of friends and I know we would do the same if ever in the position. Thanks for sharing and a speedy recovery to your friend Jana.
3 Peas in a Pod - I’ve never commented before but this post hit close to home. One of my very dear friends had brain cancer. I love that you all shaved your heads to support your friend. She’s lucky to have you.
Much love from NJ,
sarah - That was so sweet of you all! I was in tears by the end.
Jennifer - YOU GO GIRLY GIRLS! That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!
Smiles (and hugs to your friend),
Queenie Bee - Oh man, girl! No wonder you were feeling so blah the other day! My prayers are with your friend. What a blessing to have such a caring group to encourage her healing. I’m so glad you shared this!
Shannan - What a fantastic idea! What a blessing to have a group of girls like that. Keep us posted on your dear friend.
chris - Your friend is so lucky to have wonderful and caring friends like you guys are .
Well done,
traci - first of all, my prayers to your friend jana. hope she is 100% really soon. you girls rock!!! what an awesome way to show you care. so sweet. i love the bud light bottle on the counter. perfect!
katie - tears. Thank God for friends.
susanne - what a sweet thing you have done. you and your friends are very special and supportive.
i hope she is feeling better and things went the way they were hoping for.
susanne - what a wonderful and supportive thing you and your friends have done.
i hope she is feeling better and things went the way they were hopeful for.
Christine - i just found your blog. I love your style, your faith and your heart. This post really
touched me. You are all such wonderful friends. God’s blessings on you.
Thanks for sharing your story through this blog.
Erin - Way to tell your friend, “We’ve got your back!” This is so sweet and cute— she is going to CRACK UP when she sees it. And I think cry too… like I am.
Michelle - You brought tears to my eyes! Anyone would feel incredibly lucky to have you girls in their lives!
jesse Peak - Oh my Gosh that makes me cry! What a wonderful group of ladies you are! What great friends! I will keep her in my prayers!
Beth - that has got to be one of the coolest things that i have ever seen. what fantastic friends!
Marla @ Stolen Bon Bons - I think that is the sweetest story I’ve ever heard. Sending prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery to Jana!
traci - ok…you guys were laughing but this made me CRY!!! Sooooo thankful this friend is ok. What fabulous friends you guys are!!
Heidi Jo the Artist - This is incredible! Such awesome friends you guys all are! I will keep Jana and her family in our prayers.
Heidi Jo the Artist
kristin at prairie daze - you are wonderful friends.
you’re like a good book i would read.
lee ann - That just brought on chills and tears.
Everyone should have friends like you guys!
Darby - I can hear the laughter! Seriously. Y’all are the best friend’s a girl could have. Now, the lady with the really long, dark curly hair will have to wait years and years before her shaved part grows out!
What a wonderful reminder to pray!!!!! Y’all are WONDERFUL!
Andrea - Ok, those last few photos made me cry. What is better than girl friends!
Margaert - This is a wonderful thing to do for a friend. I’ve been following your blog for a short while now. Found it through a friend of a friend. I will pray for your friend Jana. Thanks for blogging….
– M.
Lanny Stanard - OMGosh, how wonderful to have friends like you guys! I have tears running down my cheek… WOW…
Rosemarie - Wow – that is just amazing. Awesome.
Crystal - You are awesome friends!
Cecilia Löfholm - I’m almost crying in front of my computer! I think the support you showed your friend really showed how much you love her! And when she sees it, I think she will laugh a lot, just like you did. You seem like very nice friends!
Cissi from sweden
Beth - WOW SUPER WOW! What amazing friends, you all have bonded together! Best of luck to Jana!
pumpkinpinkcottage - what a bunch of amazing and beautiful friends you are…that is so beautiful..I’m glad to hear she is doing well, hugs, lisa
Rach - That is the sweetest thing ever. You guys define true friendship. Makes my heart smile.
Melissa Mae - What wonderful friends she has! My mom has breast cancer, and I know that any kind of support shown by her loved ones means so much, whether big or small.
missanne - this post brought tears to my eyes.
you guys are amazing.
Praise God for your friend being out of surgery and doing well.
Many prayers for a healthy and happy healing.
p.s. i LOVE the shaved spots!
missanne - this post brought tears to my eyes.
you guys are amazing.
Praise God for your friend being out of surgery and doing well.
Many prayers for a healthy and happy healing.
p.s. i LOVE the shaved spots!
amie - ohhhh this made me cry so much! you are such an amazing group of friends!! jana is so lucky and so are you, and so are they! i want this…
Jane - You are amazing! I had brain surgery several years ago. This kind of support would have really helped me. Jana is so blessed to have all of you.