i thought we could all use a good laugh today.

oh 1988 my love for you will never die.
yay for really high side pony tails…..when are they coming back?
and how about the little house on the prairie look i am sporting?
it's precious.
hope it made you smile.
Someone recommended your blog for “color”. They were right! I love bright colors and these photos are great antidote for winter blahs. 🙂
love love LOVE these! Thanks for making my day even happier. 🙂 I love these pics!
Where, oh where, oh where……did you find those adorable red shoes?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh…. sorry…didn’t mean to post twice (now three times….)-yikes!!
That does feel good.. this is why I love your blog so much.. it is just like a big drink of cheer!
You are in my thoughts sweet girl…you are loved, you are special, you brighten so many of OUR days by your honesty and open-hearted entries. I am so sorry for the heartbreak of loss in your life. Love always, Sara
i feel better already. great photos meg. love talby with no teeth. and the one of lauren and waffle – that’s adorable!!!
Im happy now! Yippy! aw, meg…. praying for you and your neighbors. I have the same sunset picture! and I love the picture of your puppy in the frame, and your beautiful teen! great way to capture both! it sounds like you are going through a rough time…my prayers are with you….keep focusing on the little things, like sunsets and toothless smiles!
the cupcakes did it for me 😛 LOVE all the color!!! And want to know something sooo funny…or at least I think it’s funny…I have THREE of the same rolls of wrapping paper that you have in that picture 🙂 Great minds like the same wrapping paper I guess 🙂 Have a great Monday…I am saying extra prayers for your neighbor’s son. God bless them.
Ah, thanks! Love the one of your dog! Not to change the subject, but I was going to make your recipe for Chicken Tortilla soup this week and I was hoping you could tell me about how much (1) ‘jar’ of enchilada sauce is? LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of Lauren and Waffle! Priceless!
You’re totally right. That DID make me feel good!
pretty darn colorful to me…made me smile and get hungry to…those cupcakes look so yummy…can i have one or two, heck all of them?
thank you for the colorful images <3
Amazing pictures little lady! Cheers to you. Happy Monday!
So sorry for your loss. My condolences to his family. On a brighter note all of your pictures are great. My favorite has to be the one of Waffle and his red bow.
Love those red shoes not to mention those cupcakes YUMMY! Beautiful pictures. So sorry for your loss.
I meant door not board. Is that a chalkboard on your board? Is that where you leave notes before you go out the door so you don’t forget? Pretty neat idea….I may have to steal that idea from you but yet I am sure if I tell my hubby I am going to buy chalkboard paint and put it on our door he will think I ma crazy. Maybe I can work on him!
Love, love, love the photo of Lauren and Waffle! Thank you for the color. I’ll probably be back for another dose later today.
Thanks Meg….I can’t even sleep my heart is so heavy. Your pics are always so cheerful. I hope you are finding peace in all of this sadness, I know you are feeling it from several directions.
*********************************************************************************** dear cancer, you suck.
i hate everything about you.
you ruin everything.
go away.
i wish i could punch you in the face.
worst regards,
our dear friends and neighbors lost their 10 year old son to cancer today.
he was a sweetheart.
i am so sad.
it's all so hard to understand.
this verse has been like a broken record in my head….
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways"
declares the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8
please pray for my friends.
umm….sorry i asked. i felt sick to my stomach yesterday.
you guys have it all wrong.
i don't have it ALL together.
my house is a MESS.
my kids ate ramen noodles and canned peaches for dinner.
annie bawled on the floor the entire time.
there are four baskets of laundry sitting in my living room.
i never get it ALL done…
who is that woman you are all describing?
i promise it's not me.
this is going to give me lots and lots of good post ideas though.
now what you really want to know first
the winner…..
JULIE LEAK from atlanta.
leave me a comment here and i will contact you from that.
congrats julie.
ok…now about all those questions….
you don't really want to know all that stuff about me.
i am sure of that.
i will answer most of them in a few posts…over a month or so.
thanks for such good prompts.
have a great friday!
if it makes you feel any better…we had corn dogs and boxed mac and cheese for dinner last week. 🙂 we are all fabulous in our own way and you are no exception. 🙂 to your cancer post…they are in my prayers…my mom has lupus. i feel that way every single day. it sucks. big time. hugs to them.
Meg, I got on your blog for some scrapbooking inspiration and just wanted to tell you I’m praying for your neighbors that lost their son…I’m so sorry..We had 2 deaths this week..one a great friend’s brother, 42, with 5 children had a blood clot that went to his brain, and our really cool “pool guy” whom has become a good freind, his first grandson was to be born and as his daughter waited in the waiting area at a VA hospital (husband serves our country) she had placenta privia and lost the baby at 8 1/2 months, he could of survied if they would of admitted her right away, they almost lost her too..Life seems so unfair at times..someday we’ll understand. Again, I’m praying for strengh for them and hope God will comfort them with his love. Angelia
now i need to read on to the last post….i’ve been out of it.
You are so stinkin’ cute! I finally figured out who you remind me of. We were watching Lost last night and you remind me of Kate. i missed the giveaway, but i can’t wait to see what everyone is dying to know about you and what you decide to share with us. you are just too fun for words… can’t even find the words!
WHOA!!! Look at all those comments!!! You my friend are a CELEBRITY!!! Congrats to Julie…I’m so jealous 🙂 See Meg, this is why I love your blog soooo much! You are just soooo real! I know that you don’t have it all together…WHO IN THIS WORLD DOES??!! But I love the fact you admit it and you just go on with life and still create great things and know that whatever is happening RIGHT now…will pass…and then, I’m sure there’ll be something else! But you can soak in your tub in your beautiful bathroom and are able to forget about it for a minute (or two!) I can’t wait to read in the upcoming months 🙂 I think it’s great that there were so many comments. I bet you flipped when you saw the total. Looking forward to future posts answering all those questions.
You are so funny. You like to talk, and I am nosey, you left it open and we ran with it.
love the pics…and i’m excited to see the posts that come from the ?’s Too funny! I’d be feeling sick to my stomach if I had to answer all those questions! Enjoy them and all the praise and encouragement that came along with them. You are loved, Meg!
You don’t have to do it all:) Quit being so hard on yourself! Oh Megan I think/know your the best, I love to visit and your a great Mom that’s for sure… Have a Happy week-end 😉 Lanny.
it's been a long time since i have had a give away so…let's have one today!
here are the goodies:
one of the ribbon notebooks that is just so fun to look at.
glittered letters
a big "life is good" rub-on transfer
and a pack of making memories Valentine/Romance word stickers
a cute make-up bag from old navy
a happy bottle cap magnet
a set of miniature alphabet stamps
and a brand new huge container of white martha stewart glitter.
![]() it's a major award!
now to win this package of happiness….
you must leave me a question in the comments.
since i like to talk…
ask me a question and i will try to answer it in another post.
feel free to ask me anything you want.
i am ready.
i will draw a random winner on thursday night.
i am very curious to see what you will ask….
************comments are closed *********************************
contest is over.
thanks for all the great questions!
What’s your favorite family photo? Would you like to have a reality tv show about your wonderful life as a blogger and family?
Hello. I am new to your blog and love reading it. I was wondering, what does your title (‘whatever’) refer to? Life in general?
You are so slender, especially for having five kids. Do you exercise on top of all your other accomplishments?
‘I am.’ is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that ‘I Do.’ is the longest sentence?
What’s your secret for living with a moody 13-year-old? Mine is the other variety (boy!), but equally moody….. Okay … here’s my pressing question – I have to know how you find the time to surf the internet for inspiration (all your cool ‘happy things’ links), blog almost daily, take more pictures for your blog and get them edited and uploaded, make your great recipes (also linked to on your blog), craft for your own personal pleasure, AND parent 5 children and maintain your lovely marriage? You are a modern day Martha Stewart … and will you remember me when you’re famous? :o) You’re amazing. Love you and your blog! I’m just feeling pretty good that you have Ben on your page! He’s a keeper!
Great Loot! Thought I would ask a silly question… Do you find David Duchovny (circa X-Files) sexy? Told you it was silly. Dang, that’s a lot of comments, girl! How do you get such a following? (I know, that wasn’t a real question.) And HA! to Erin in Indiana. Do you listen to music. Snort. Though I guess things could have changed in the 15(!) years since we hung out regularly enough to know your mood by the music you played. (I’m missing me some Garth and Cheeseburger Pizza (no onion, no cheese two slices…).
Can you come to my house and decorate our play room?? It’s very boring with grey walls and nothing on them!! It needs some major help. What kinds of things does your family eat for breakfast? i love looking at your projects for inspiration. what projects have you made/done that are your least favorites? or maybe just didn’t turn out the way you were planning?
I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now. I’m back in the swing of being a stay at home Mom again. But I have to know…How do you and other Moms find the time to blog daily–and more importantly to be creative doing it?? I’m SO inconsistent—and trying to find my balance again…
I love how your girls mix and match different patterns and colors with their clothes. Do you pick out their outfits or do they? I love the bright colors and various patterns!
Love some of the items I see in the photos of your home. Since I live in KS, where would you suggest I spend a day antiquing/thrifting? Town & store(s) please. Love some of the items I see in your photos of your home. Since I live in KS, where would you suggest I spend a day antiqueing/thrifting? Town & store(s) please? What’s your most cherished possession? How are you getting your oldest to “tow the line”? I am in the same boat as you are with the teenager hormonal issues, I would love to know how you are handling it. Can we ask 2? Because I would really like to know how much sleep you get……it can’t be a full night’s. You get too much done. What has been your most favorite family vacation (so far)??? Can I go furniture shopping with you? I love your blog! Reading your blog is like a private, behind the scenes, look at the perfect family. You have a wonderful family, a great sense of humor, an absolutely adorable husband. If you could change something ‘unperfect’ about your life what would it be?
A couple things, I am enjoying getting to know your oldest. I really feel like we are beginning to see her more and more. Anyway…where do you shop? How did you and Craig meet? I want the whole gushy story! 🙂 Hi Meg! I know you are an avid scrapbooker as myself, but my question is this: do you do any digital scrapbooking and if so, how did you get started in it? I am having a hard time trying to do any type of digital scrapbooking, and still can’t figure it out! HA! Oh well. Thanks for the chance for the goodies – I could have a lot of fun with those! Hugs, Trac~ :o)
I would like to know the story of your house? Really I love house stories…only the old ones you see. How did you acqure it? Do you know who lived there before you? I hope this isn’t a repeat..at you are an inspiration to me. I’m interested in how you schedule your day…do you have a set schedule or do things just happen? For housework, crafting, tending to the kids, etc. If you had a Saturday out of the house (without the kids) and $100 to spend, where would you go and what would you do?
It seems that you’re a Christian… do you mind sharing your testimony? I only recently found your blog and I am IN LOVE with your HOME!!!! I drool over it daily! 🙂
Just recently found your blog and I love it!!! You have inspired me to be more crafty and now I want a craft room(in the process of making one)!!! Do you have a degree in home interior? I love your house and your decorating style. The playroom is awesome!!! I just started reading and I love your blog! I was wondering what year your house was built and if you’ve done a lot of work to it since you bought it? I want to know when you are going to come see me and have a scrapbook weekend and go dancing? February? March? Love you! So glad I got to see you last weekend. Thanks for letting me stay with you. Love, Lorel As a small-town Kansas (born and raised) girl myself, I love your blog. I feel such a connection with your charming house and adorable family! I want to know how you find the time to DO all this stuff… I’ve only got two little ones and I can’t get anything done. 🙂 Tell us how you met your man and fell in love! And then, tell us when you fell in love with taking pictures!
You have wonderful crafts, where do you find all your ideas?
What are your secrets to having an organized craft room?? I just started crafting (thank you for being my crafty muse) and it is already getting out of control!! Being a military wife for the last 8 years I have sort of felt like a “transient” and feel like I don’t have place to claim as home. Although my husband and I have been blessed so far to not have had to move as much as an average military family I often wonder if when we are once again “civilians” I will ever find the perfect: house/town/church that I have built up in my mind, and so my question to you is (since I just adore your house, crafting abilities, and great neighborhood photos)….if you feel like you have landed in that place in your life that you always wanted and expected to be?
hmn hard to think of a question for you as I see so many interesting ones. How about are you an American Idol fan. Havent been on your blog very long but sure like it. I think it is very colorful? So glad I found you. The giveaway would sure be fun. Thanks for the chance.
You are so amazing. I love your blog and am so inspired by your creativity, your loving large family and your committment to God and to them. What is an average day like for you?
how is there enough time in your day to get everythig done? I only have one baby but it seems like I have no time already. I could not imagine 5 AND being crafty! How do you do it all? Do your kids ever help fold laundry or do chores? hi! i also love your blog! you seem like the type of mother i aspire to be. silly question, how many hours a night do you sleep? Will you come to Paris and go to the flea market with me and decorate my apartment? Pretty please.
this was actually kind of hard! I feel like i know you so well because you’ve shared so much of yourself and your beautiful family. When a question popped in my head i felt like i knew what your answer would be! So, my question is how did you come up with the name Talby? I’ts a bit different from your other children. And if i could ask one more, do you belong to a Church?
Megan–how has having 5 children shaped who you are? oh my that stuff is so amazingly cute! my question for you is : what was your favorite design item of 2008 (if you have one)? I’m thinking along the lines of a decorative item, a piece of artwork, furniture, etc. oh my that stuff is so amazingly cute! my question for you is : what was your favorite design item of 2008 (if you have one)? I’m thinking along the lines of a decorative item, a piece of artwork, furniture, etc.
How did you and Craig meet? Did you always want a big family? Any camera suggestions for someone wanting to get their first digital SLR?
I love your blog! =) i just wanted you to answer what is your favorite craft project to make and why? What does inspiration mean to you ?
Wow, that’s a lot of comments! Sorry if my question is a repeat…Did you always know that you wanted a big family? I think it’s great and I’m very impressed by all that you do. So what’s your thoughts on our new president? I always love and agree with your opinion, so we’ll see if this is the same . . . 🙂
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don’t lay eggs.
love your blog. what is your favorite saying…..my bff and mine is “hot mess” or “i’m just sayin'”…..:) Word on the street is that Craig is gay. Is that true? I’ve been on a little “bloggy vacation”….so I’m so excited that I made it back in time for your big giveaway!!! YAY! Now, let’s see…a question, hmmmm…how do you keep it (LIFE) all together and create such a happy environment??? I know that may be a rather vague question…are you able to just go craft and let things roll if something is driving you crazy??? I think you are so stinkin’ awesome however and whatever you do 🙂 what was the most difficult decision you ever take? I love your blog. Regards from Mexico
How did you get into photography and whose work are you inspired by?
I just recently found your blog. I love all your creative ideas. What is your favorite creative thing to do?
i LOVE reading your blog every day. every time a friend comes over to my camper (we’re living in a 5th wheel right now) i force them to look at your “reading” room. it’s my inspiration for a room in our new house. so my question is — do your kids’ names have special meanings? i have never heard talby before but i love it! oh but i just saw a question above that i want to know the answer to more — what websites do YOU check out first when you only have a few minutes?! everyone has asked you like EVERYTHING…………ummmmmm, I want to win – i never win anything, really I don’t. Since I love your dog’s name, how did u come up with it? What part of the day is your most favorite?
Has there ever been a “most awkward” photography session/shoot thingy? Has there ever been a “most awkward” photography session/shoot thingy?
Hi,I love your blog!!!! I want to know what made you start your blog? I love all the goodies your giving away!!!!!!
Did you grow up in a Christian home? Who is your favorite neighbor to sleep with? 🙂 You look like you have so many creative interests, what’s your favorite outlet and why? I just discovered your blog like a week ago and I couldn’t stop reading/looking at all of your great pictures. So…maybe I haven’t read all of your old posts, but why did you move to Kansas? And where in Chicago did you guys live? I only ask because we just moved from western chicagoland last year and I’m curious if you’re from there? *LOVE your blog* How old were you when you got married? You look so young! Awesome giveaway, awesome blog – you’re always so real! And since I love the green walls in your foyer, now I can ask the name and brand! Thanks Meg
Hmmm…just for fun and because I’m nosy…I love the charm and craftsmanship of your home. I know it’s an old home and was wondering what price range a home like that goes for where you live. How much did you have to put into remodeling it and what is the history behind it? Did you really get 195 comments? Can you answer all these questions in ONE post? 😉 Did you really get 195 comments? Can you answer all these questions in ONE post? 😉
I love Talby’s name – what was the inspiration for it?
What a fun giveaway! I am curious about your camera and how you make every picture look so awesome. But my real question is where is the field of sunflowers you posted about back in July? My sister lives in KS and we want to go there next year.
Ummm…since we’re in the middle of college aps…did you go to college? where? degree? memories?
Don’t you just love your doodle. I know that is not a question but I wanted an excuse to say how gorgeous he is. Check out my guy here..
What a Great Idea for a Give Away! I’ve just started reading your blog and love your Photography. Do you use a editing program for your photos, if so which program do you use? Thank you for the chance, Jamie This is such and interesting idea. I would love to know when it is over what God has taught you about the people that read your blog. I love how open and honest you are with daily life events. You are a great talent and inspire many.
Oops, I think I was allowed only one question. So just pick your favorite of the three. 🙂
The economy got so bad that every paint store had to conform to making only one color of paint – which you had to use in EVERY room in your house. What color would you choose?
What is the best gift you’ve ever received or given? Wow! You are popular! I love reading your blog! I am looking forward to reading all your answers to all these questions. I am wondering what kind of work your husband does. Also, I would like to know more about meals at your house. What kinds of food your family eats for different meals. I have really enjoyed your recipes. One of our favorite desserts is Cream Puff Dessert. Thanks!
I am a 22-year-old fan of your blog! Lauren will understand what a wonderful mother she has, don’t worry. I’m just now realizing how lucky I am. Everyone has asked such great questions, it’s hard to think of unique prompts…but I think I’ll settle with this…What one object in your home are you most embarrassed about owning? My question is “How do you find balance between being a wife, mother ,friend, crafter and time for yourself? I feel that balance is hard to find!
What is your social security number? Totally kidding. I made a quick skim through the comments and saw 2 that I wanted to ask, how did you decide on 5 kids, and where did the name Talby come from. Hopefully this one hasn’t been asked, Do you let the kids pick out their own clothes?
LOVE your blog! It is a “must read” for me every day. My question is – when did “find the teenager” game start for you? I have a 12 year old daughter and I’m just waiting for those moments to start with her. Somehow reading your experiences is making me feel better prepared for when it happens!
Do you really “keep it all together” as you seem to, or do you have days that you look at your blog and go “who is this lady”? We all want to be like you and are inspired to come check on you often – but for real, I could NEVER keep up with you. You Rock! i love love love your blog and all of your great photos. your family seems very close-knit and it looks like you guys have a lot of fun together! my question for you is — are there any unique or special traditions that you and your family have? Man that is one major prize. I want it bad so I’m trying to think of the best question ever. Oh, you’re picking randomly though, right, so a super-duper question won’t increase my chances. Ok, well . . . .I want it to be a good one anyway. But I haven’t read all of them, so someone might have already asked my best question ever. Hmmm. Ok, well, here it is, I’m thinking about jobs lately so I wonder, if you could have any job, what would your dream job be?
What inspires you most each day? Because you are just, well, one pretty cool Mama. Whatever… I love your blog. You have a lot of energy that comes through. What I’ve enjoyed most, though, is your photos. Where did you learn to take such beautiful shots? Did you go to school for photography, is it a natural talent, or a bit of both? I lurk on your blog, but love it! Where did you learn to take such great pictures? And what kind of camera do you use? Hello there I have a question and a fun suggestion…Question: Where or How did you come up with the name Talby? Suggestion: You should do “16 Things” like Ali Edwards did! I would love to see your 16 things, she said she got the idea from a couple other bloggers doing it 🙂
What was your job before kids? You are so creative and productive I am curious where it all started. Hi! Great blog! I would like to know how you always get the light to look so perfect in all your pictures? Thanks! Dawn
I’ve been a reader for a while but never commented. I love your blog!! You are so inspirational and creative. My question is….if there was going to be a movie about your life, what celebrity would you choose to play YOU??? 🙂
I will be comment #140 unless someone quickly beats me to it. My question is…Did you ever think you’d get this many comments??? It’s amazing…way to go girl! xo
I am new to your blog, but already a huge Waffle fan! My question is what’s your favorite season? Hi, my question is…did you always know you wanted 5 kiddos? I mean, did you plan on having a big family like that? I have one child and love the idea of a big family, but I really dont think I could handle it.. I love looking at blogs. It seems like everyone have a blog now a days, especially young women. I want one, but dont have anything to write about! I feel so boring. Anyway, my question is: What made you start your blog? How did you think up your first entry?
What type of church do you attend? I hope that’s not too personal…
is hammy still breathing? i don’t believe i have seen him make a blog appearance yet! he might fall under the category “naughty hammy”
I just love everything about your blog. Makes me smile everytime! I’m 51 and about to become a grandma for the 1st time so I’m gathering ideas for fun things to do w/kids…I wasn’t very fun when I was a mom! So thanks for all the inspiration. Love your photos too…great ideas for baby/kid/family shots that I can’t wait to try. I don’t have your imagination…do these things just come to you? Have you always had such a creative imagination and skill or is it “learned”..in other words is there still a chance for me??? How did you decide what your craft room was going to look like and how do you keep it organized? It is so cute! I just want to say that I am incredibly jealous of you having such a nice room. Slowly my craft area is growing (I think it strives to be a room one day!) Love, love, love your blog…I got so many cool ideas for the holidays from your blog! Wondering…have you always been ‘crafty’? I know you mention your mom from time to time…was she also a crafty, creative mom when you were growing up?
Besides your children, what is your favorite thing to photograph? I am always mesmerized by your eye- your pictures- and love to read your stream of thinking. Oh what fun, what fun!! If you were left on a deserted island (like Nim’s Island if you’ve seen that movie), what would be the one and only item you would take with you? Your family and Waffle would go too, so you can’t say them.
Hmm…fun! My question is: How will you dress Waffle next Halloween?
Are you going to go back to work when Annie goes to school full time? By the way, your hot chocolate machine is in the mail:)
Considering we’re on baby #7 and you’ve had your fair of precious little ones, were you crafty during your pregnancies? Do your kids have special keepsakes you’ve made them? I love your blog. I read it all the time,but for some reason I never comment.:) So today is a new day & I’ll start to comment. We arethe same age and I have 3 kids. Their ages are 12,9 and 6 (boy,girl,boy). My question to you as a fellow believer is : How are you teaching your kids to be completely sold out for Christ? Being a parent is such a hard job and as believers we are told to teach our kids about God ALL the time. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on training kids up to be Daniels in the midst of our everyday life. Have a wonderful day!!
What is your favorite thing about Waffle?
What are the things in your life which make you feel rich, blessed beyond belief? Beautiful giveaway…my question:- how do you go preparing meals for 7 people every day??? I struggle to come up with a variety of dinners for my little family of 4!!! Do you plan your meals ahead or just on a day-to-day basis?
Love your blog! How do you find the time to do it all? I recently discovered your blog and love it. I love your style, creativity, and inspirational posts. Since all my questions have been taken, is that a picture of you in the fun glasses? Okay, so I’ve been reading your blog since I first looked at it to see pictures of your house. I love it, because it reminds me so much of my family (I have 4 kids, somewhat close in age to yours)! It makes me smile. Anyway, I know you’ve talked about Hillsboro before, did you go to Tabor? That’s the “official” college for my church (First Mennonite Brethren in Wichita)? I didn’t go there but alot of my friends did. Which leads to another question, which may or may not apply. What is your favorite German food?
How do you drink your coffee? Even though I live in Australia, if our paths ever cross (perhaps in a Starbucks) I would love to buy you one. I have already had loads of coffee on my side while reading your blog, it would be delightful to return the favour. How do you find time for each of your children (let alone your hubby and yourself!?!). Do you try to plan time with each child individually or just go with what time pops up with them??
Hello! What ya fixin for supper tonight?
What is your favorite crafting tool?
Mine is frivolous, but I really need to know (just in case I don’t win)….where did you get that notebook?? I’m working on a project at work, and I need that kind of design for it! hello 🙂 my name is heather, and i’ve been reading your blog for quite some time, but have been sort of a silent observer. my question is: you have said you moved to your current place from illinois. where in illinois? i lived in chicago for four years, and have recently moved down to champaign-urbana. also, why did you move? Good heavens…I want to win that sweet package for the cute magnet alone! I saw your post on that project a while ago and have been dying to make some! Ok…so the big question. I want to know how you and Craig met! Were you highschool sweethearts…blind date (hehe)…etc. what’s been the most impacting and life-changing moment in your life?
What is your favorite thing about being a mom? I’m expecting my first and am getting nervous about it! What or who inspired you to start “whatever”?
where’d ya go to college? what was your degree in?
What did you do before you became a full time mom–the hardest job in the whole world (but, also the most rewarding)?? OR do you have any advice about getting started in the blogging world? I read tons of blogs, but am chicken to start my own!
Where do you find the time to make and explore all of these wonderful crafts???? You are like super mom.lol
Thank you for your inspiring blog! I am in awe of all of your crafty/artistic abilities. My question to you is….what is your favorite creative outlet? (photography, scrap booking, decorating or whatever else you love to do) Thanks again!
If you could live your life differently, what would you be doing? Who would you be married to? How many kids would you have? Where would you live?
Hi, My question is: When you were younger what did you dream you would be or was there something that you really wanted to do or see? I know it’s only one question but were you able to see that dream come true or as life will have it is it unfulfilled??I have to tell you I really enjoy your blog . It makes me smile! I love the pictures that you take.
wow, awesome giveaway! hmmm my question is: what is your 1 favorite chacteristic of each of your kids and your husband?? what is your one least favorite characteristic of them? and of you, too!
I just love your home and blog. Your family is so beautiful. I only have 2 children–my son is 9 and my daughter is 7. My question is how do you handle the teen/preteen years? I’m terrified!!! Thank you for sharing your life with us!
what made you decide to do this give away and why did you choose these particular items to give?
I absolutely adore your blog. I truly am inspired by your ideas and thoughts. I want to know your decorating influences…you mix new and vintage and it SO works. Thanx:)
Meg, why did you move from IL to Kansas? How do you like it? Is your family closer to Kansas or IL? What are some of the differences in cultures in the two places? For example, I have found people on the East Coast (where I used to live) to be vastly different than the midwest (where I live now) in dressing style, decor taste and even the way they socialize.
I found your blog a few days ago and have been very inspired by your photography! My question to you is: have you taken any photography courses?
I linked to your “Blah” post a few weeks ago from my blog. One of my friends said she looked at your pictures and it looks like everything is perfect. How many hours per day/week do you devote to working on your house? Do you try to do it on a budget, or simply based on style? It looks so wonderful and homey.
Did you always know that you wanted more than the super typical 2.5 kids? My husband and I have been married for just over a year and I think that I want multiple children, but I’m not sure if I could handle it. I suppose what I’m asking is, did you stumble upon having a good amount of children by deciding multiple times that you could handle one more or did you set out to have many?
Perfect giveaway! I want to know how you learned to be such an awesome photographer and what tips you can pass along to us underlings. 🙂
How did you find that wonderful house of yours??? I always look for an old house like that & never find them… for sale anyways!! I would LOVE to win!!
I LOVE your blog. Sometimes as a mother to two young girls (2 1/2 and 1) I am EXHAUSTED and feel like I have no time to do the fun things that you seem to do with your kids. You are truly inspiring~ you make me want to be a better mother and spend more quality time doing the things they will remember (dancing around, crafting, baking, decorating, etc.). My question is, how do you do it all? I feel so drained and out of it. Where do you get your energy? Thanks for your blog and all of your ideas! One of my favorite blogs!!! I visit “you” daily and love allll your crafty stuff. My question for you is what are some of you favorite internet places to visit for creative ideas?
What a cute giveaway, I would love, love, love to win this. Wow, what a perfect day to discover your blog!
What’s your favorite thing that you have made and why? What is your best tip for other moms? Something to help us get it all done during the day?
Where did you find the awesome gift for giveaway?
so many people ask when waffle makes a blog appearance "what kind of dog is that?" he's a goldendoodle.
he is 7 months old now.
he is gianormous and naughty.
but so darn cute you can't help but love him.
we have bible study at our house every sunday night.
this past sunday craig took waffle and the kids out to the country for some running around.
when they came back….waffle drank a ton of water…then fell asleep by the door.
an hour later our bible study group shows up.
i point to his kennel…he goes right in….like an angel.
bible study proceeds to go on about 5 feet away from his kennel.
i was upstairs dealing with a dvd for the kids and i hear craig yelling for me downstairs…and laughing.
i come down and walk right into a puddle of dog pee!
in my socks.
in front of everyone.
he pee-ed in his kennel because he had waited so long.
and it was everywhere.
you know….even bible study is exciting at our house.
naughty dog.
(i know i know….it's my fault and he's not naughty…he's sweet and lovely)
to remind me of the cute stuff….let's look back at when he was a precious baby!
it's obvious why we love him.
even if i step in his pee in my socks…..
OMG! my dog is a labradoodle and waffle is a spitting image of him! my puppy does the same thing but when he is excited. they are really smart too. he learned how to open the cabinet where his treats are kept with his nose and he knocks on the door when he wants to come inside! i love my doggie he is soooo cuddly!!!! I love our goldendoodle. I’m convinced they are the best breed ever! Our Remy is such a stinker but I love him anyways. My goodness Waffle is adorable! I had never seen a goldendoodle before, I want one!!!
oh yes, pee socks. I have some of those. I got them when I dared to take a shower before letting the dogs out one morning. Bad, Bad me! One of them peed right outside my bathroom door. (That’ll show me!) Love that dog you’ve got there! So cute!
what an adorable pup! Meg, love your blog, check it with a frequency that would completely diminish laundry piles here if my attention was diverted to the washer/dryer instead. Have started my own blog web.me.com/idealwife and wonder…would you mind if I post a link to you there? Thanks for all the inspiration! Waffle is a killer cute dog! That last puppy shot of him all fluffy and running around made my heart explode. I have to go love on my own cute pups now, have to fix the doggy itch. 😀 love that dog! my friend has one! girl, you’re on ohdeedoh AGAIN! they love you over there! our friends had a goldendoodle that was the most gentle dog in the world…i love how cute they are! Waffle is such a cutie pie and I love the name. Sooo adorable. I have a yellow lab and although she’s very sweet and cute, she’s a handful. Always causing some kind of trouble. She’s my fourth child. Look at Jett’s little gimpy leg…so easy to pick him out. They were so tiny…boy were we fooled! Get ready to submit pictures of Waffle on iheartfaces.blogspot next week…I think it’s “pet” week. You should also enter the other contests. You have some great pictures! Waffle is so darn cute. How can you not smile when looking at that sweet face? (even if your socks are wet with his pee…ok, that is gross) He is for sure one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen……….and the name “Waffle” is the CUTEST dog name to ever exist. Oh my gosh! I had completely forgotten how small he was when you got him!!! He seems to be a great dog and I still love his name! Very creative – just like you and your family! BIG LOVES for waffle from auntie amy d & miley We are getting a Golden doodle puppy in Feb. It will be a medium sized. We are so excited but a little nervous too! Waffle is so cute!
He’s absolutely adorable! I just want to give him a squeeze! I’m excited because we’re getting a golden retriever in a couple weeks! I can’t wait til we can pick her up! Thanks for posting these wonderful photos! And waffle…what a cute name!
yuck. It’s bad enough when it’s because of your child…not the dog!!! But, I’d be lying to say I haven’t been there! The bright side is that you have a shiny new washer to throw those stinky socks into.
Adorable puppy pictures! And don’t you just love pee pee surprises? I brought home our new puppy right after we got brand new carpet… No, I’m not the brightest! Our goldendoodle was naughty too. Up until she was about a year and a half old. Then she calmed down considerably and was completely housebroken. They are high energy but SO loving and sweet. Love any Waffle appearances on your blog. You can’t even scare me away from wanting one of those with the dog pee story 🙂 that is pretty nasty, but he is just too cute. you can’t stay mad at him. don’t you wonder what you ever did without him now?
My Roscoe is a poodle… and just as naughty and also just as lovable. 🙂 Aren’t you so thankful to have him?!?! 🙂 I love seeing pictures of him on your blog. Just such a happy sweet face… 🙂
I just love Waffle and all pets for that matter. Thanks for sharing him with us.
LOL… Great start to my morning.
Waffle is so adorable! I’m not big into dogs (I know, right?), but the other day, our neighbor was walking hers and we couldn’t get over how cute he was…well, it was a goldendoodle-first time I had ever seen or heard of one (prior to yours now that I know what it is). So so cute!
I am laughing because guess what I stepped in tonight too?!? Our “puppy” is naughty too, but is house trained very well. Until the rare occasion I forget to let him out. HA! What a beautiful dog. I’m incredibly jealous… I want a goldendoodle soo bad… hubby says No. 🙁 Aw, your puppy is so cute!
and this one too.
with her other MLK project over her shoulder.
i would love to have heard the conversation leading up to this.
what a lovely world annie's would be.
she came home from preschool and told me
"mom….mart luth McCain was a special man who helped people.
and he got shot-ed by a mean man and he died.
why was that man so mean?"
i answered "well…he must not have had jesus in his heart or love God?"
and she has been telling everyone that
"mart luth McCain got shot because he didn't have jesus in his heart."
we cleared it up.
i am so happy they are learning about him even in preschool.
what a great great man.
annie also said ms. kristin showed them on her laptop MLKs speech.
that made me well up with tears.
here's a link to his famous speech (just in case you've never actually heard it all.) i hadn't listened to more than the very famous few minutes until a few years ago.
and i cried and cried.
i can't imagine that time in our nation.
or before.
thank you Dr. King.
The project is priceless! I hope you save it forever! i sure do love annie’s dreamy cloud! precious little heart! I can’t imagine that time either although there are still glimpses today of that insanity. My daughter is studying slavery now and it eats at my heart to know that people lived through such misery. Love Annie’s project.
http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/king.htm I was captured by the part about Sonic, a personal favorite.
Annie did a great job on her Martin Luther King artwork! What an awesome Pre-school! I would love to live in a world like the one she describes! that is so stinking precious i can’t even say! so sweet!! we too listened to that speech via you tube and did a few coloring sheets!! may i also say that your blog is so very inspiring !<3
So cute! I would love to live in Annie’s world. Love the comment about Sonic. How cute. I love it! Sonic. You can’t make that stuff up. Thanks for the link to his speech. I’ll use it tonight for family night. We’re talking about the inauguration and MLK Jr. Day.
“I wish everyone could go to Sonic”…priceless! I think she should gain advertising money for that one! 🙂 That speech always makes me cry. Of course, I’ve always related it especially to my own kids, and I worry so much about how the world will treat them. I know all parents do. I love the world annie envisions and wish for it too. Treating each other and all living things with respect and going to sonic! It can’t get any better than that 🙂 aawww, sweet annie always makes me smile. i agree with the sonic idea too. we don’t have one around here, but when we go to the cabin, we visit often. yum!! annie’s world sounds absolutely beautiful. I wish everyone could go to Sonic, too! I think that would be one step towards world peace! Bravo Annie! I love Annie’s sweet school projects. It’s always interesting to hear things from a child’s perspective. I teach 1st grade so we read all kinds of books last week and did a few projects too. I showed my class 2 minutes of the “I have a dream” speech which they loved. It’s hard to imagine that time which really wasn’t that long ago. I don’t agree with the monkey part, but I do wish everyone could go to sonic. You ain’t livin till youv’e had a vanilla coke. |
Ashlie - Oh my. Thank you so much, it’s good to laugh.!
princess lasertron - you look like the young girl from 13 going on 30
tell me you’ve seen that
deb meyers - Oh man, what a great laugh this morning : D
Thanks for brightening the day,
deb meyers
danyele - side ponies rock my face off!
jen - Please Please Please tell me where you found that lovely headboard…and your bed skirt….you’re so incredibly crafty, I’m sure you made it right???? Will you post more pics of it??? I’m in the thinking stage of a bedroom makeover and I need all the help I can get!
3 Peas in a Pod - My family has one of those photos too along with the Little House on the Prairie shirt. Mine was teal though and my hair was so high I was 4″ taller!!
Alyssa - Too cute…Love it. Who would have guessed you would grow up to be the mom of 5?
Thanks for the smirk today.
amy bell - side pony…i miss you. along with aussie hair spray and my little tiny curing iron. oh, and my pink comb to tease the hair……
it really is amazing we have hair after living through the 80s.
Jenn Thomas - I can’t find the right words to describe what I am thinking about that picture – I just love you Meg!
elizabeth - Awesome. I remember our family having Olan Mills pics taken at church, and afterwards their salesman was really pushing us to order a set. My dad looked at the awful pictures we’d just taken and asked the salesman if he could order pictures of the “sample family” instead!
By the way, I think your oldest daughter looks like your sister! (Though I’m sure wouldn’t be caught dead in those fab square earrings … unless it was 80’s day at school?)
julie - You’re brave. All of the proof that I lived in the 80’s is hidden forever. ANd ever. And ever.
hqm - Howling over here…I know with some searching we have an Olan Mills family portrait very similar. Love your sisters earrings!
PamperingBeki - Niiiiice.
Talby looks JUST like you.
And to whomever is asking to be your new stalker, ummm *I* was your stalker first! Just you remember that! I’ve already staked my claim.
jamie - Thanks for that! Loving the side pony, I wore mine like that too and thought I was all that. Jamie
elisa - How is it that your sister looks so normal (non-80’s-ish)?? Well besides the earrings. And the wacky shirt.
Oh and I still need your address!
Diane - I don’t think there was a picture taken in the 80’s that didn’t have that lovely blue background. It’s just the perfect backdrop for everything.
Traci Thorson - that is great. good old olan mills photography. we all have some of those in our albums. thanks for sharing and the laughter!!
Deb - Love it! I’m going to get a gradutate bob. I think I had one in 1988. Only one side was shorter than the other. Is that back in?! Lol.
Kat - I love it. I was an 80’s girl. Don’t you love how they painted the eyelashes so thick. Must have been Photoshop version 1.
gina - Your family could be my family!! We have one so similar from that same time from Olan Mills also! Too funny. Thanks for the laugh.
Katie - I think we all have pictures like this. The older I get, the funnier they are.
Jill J - Hi Meg, I’ve been reading for a while, but have never commented. I just couldn’t help myself with those square earrings. It’s an overlooked 80’s fad. Everyone remembers the scrunched socks and keds, the biker shorts, the side pony, the acid wash jeans. But nobody ever remembers the square earring. TOO FUNNY! Thanks for the laugh. And p.s. I totally agree with other commenters…Talby!
Jennifer - Made me smile and giggle 🙂
Wendy - Oh, the side ponytail… It’s like a long lost love… I used to wear mine like that, but mine wasn’t as fluffy as yours – drat my straight hair!
Hmmm… I wonder if I can dig up any of my old prairie skirts…
My First Kitchen - Okay, can I be your friend? Because I’m ready. I make a really good one. I’m not that clingy, I won’t stretch out your shoes (assuming we have the same sized feet), I’m great at keeping secrets, and I’ll beat up any girls who say nasty things about you. Okay, scrap that last one. I’d probably just run. But in my head I’d totally go to bat for you. So can we? Please? Can we be friends?
And I just realized since you don’t know me, you now might think I’m a crazy stalker. I am not. I am normal. I just love your blog. And because your blog seems to be a great representation of you, you seem pretty awesome, too. Can’t wait to come back.
And I’m heating up the crimper for our slumber party since we’re friends now.
Serendipitous Girl - Oh. My. Olan Mills was a family favorite of ours too! We sported the “fall leaves” look … despite living in Southern California where there were no fall leaves to be found!
Kate - that, is amazing. pure and simple.
Courtney - and Olan Mills!!! are they even still around?!?
Dawn - And the bangs. I had the bangs that were lacquered into place. You could have bounced quarters off my bangs and they would not have budged.
Staci - Can you say “Talby”!!!! Oh my goodness…it’s her!! I had a shirt very similar to that 🙂 And high side ponies…I might just have to try one today 🙂 Brian will CRACK up when he gets home 🙂 Oh, I do miss the 80’s.
Hope @ Monkey Giggles - yes indeed, You mean side ponytails are not IN style. Drats, I need to go redo my hair.
Kendall Smith - Wow–Talby looks SO much like you!!! I really notice it in this picture!!!
mom - These church photos are just great, aren’t they!
Thanks for the laugh.
kitchendoor - Oh man. Meg, your blog is where I go whenever I need a smile. Thanks for sharing all your gorgeous photos–and all your silly ones, too.
Amy - I swear I had your sister’s same earings! Oh the 80’s. Only those who lived it would understand.
Nina - it did……haha
have a great day
traci - You’ve come a LOOOOONG way baby!!!!!
sara's art house - Love that ponytail!!!
Beth - Meg, I needed that smile (actually I laughed out loud) this morning. Love the pony tail (my 9 year old likes to wear her hair like that and thinks it’s veeeeery fashionable) and the little house look. Beth
Blanca - Hey I just used the side pony tail a week ago. The company I work for always does a post holiday party for us in January and the theme this year was the eighties. What’s funnier is that its and Olan Mills portrait.
lorel - hee hee. Very funny! I think you have been saving this up for just such an occasion, when we all need a laugh. As Sara – say this in your Nanny’s voice – nice blouse, nice dress, nice skirt, and nice earrings. Also, for dad, nice blazer and nice handsome glasses! Love you!
Rachel - I am loving the side pony tail!!! I think we all had dresses like this or very similair; thanks for sharing!
lee ann - Oh Hilarious! I think we have the same family picture…in ’88……by Olan Mills! Except, I’m sporting some very fine Normandy Rose jeans. Oh how I loved them…..with the little rose embroidered on the pocket.
Jess - Awww. I was right there with ya. Hair, dress and all! (I’m just not brave enough to scan them into my computer!!) I am seeing the side ponytail here too. At church on Sunday and at the gym last night! Thanks for making me smile.
Lanny Stanard - Okay ! That is soooo cute I’m smiling right now 🙂 Thanks for sharing! you rock…
Lanny 🙂
Rosemarie - Classic – I would have looked at your hair and told my mom I wanted a side-pony, too!
Gwyn - Cyndi Lauper, we love you for making the side-ponytail soooo fashionable. How did we live without it?
Kameron - I love that we all have that Olan Mills picture. My dad used to take us there and we’ve got a few doosies through the years. I kinda miss my “catch a wave” bangs!!
Brooke - uummm…this is hilarious!! my favorite is huge bangs with the sprial perm…that is awesome!
Melly - By the stamp on the photo, I’d say 1988. Classic. Doesn’t everyone have an embarrassing Olan Mills photo? Now I feel old…I was 24 and starting my career and just a year from meeting my fantastic husband. My hair was almost to my waist and the perfectly fluffed bangs made me “closer to heaven”, as big hair and Texas are synonymous. I sported a side pony on occasion. I miss big hair…
Lazy Mom Leslie - Love it! Hate to break it to you, but side pontytails are back. All the girls in middle school wear them here in TX. It is so important for us take family pictures, even just a snapshot taken by a friend. In 20-30 years your own kids will look back at themselves and laught just as we do now! Thanks for sharing.
Sandy - I LOVE it! Your sister looks a lot like your mom.
Shannan - I am pretty sure that a contestant on the Bachelor was wearing a side ponytail a couple of weeks ago and it caused me threw me into all kinds of flashbacks.
This photo rocks! I love the high-waisted yoked skirts. I had some jeans that were similar, although they were of the “envelope” variety, where you button them up and then fold them down. 🙂
Darby - Thank YOU! Stinkin’ hilarious!