for all the happiness, self esteem strengthening, brain building memories you provide.

such goodness comes from playing games.
i will admit to being terribly bored while we play…my mind races with things i could be doing.
but you watch them play and SEE them get it.
the counting and remembering.
spinning the spinner and moving the piece.
she got it!
she just learned a new skill…right before my eyes.
she'll never NOT know how to play chutes & ladders again.
how cool is that?!
(* i took all those photos with the camera on the table and clicking.
not looking through the lens…because i was playing the game too.
it's fun to see what you get that way…give it a shot.)
and just for the sake of keepin' it real…..
(click on the picture)
see why my mind had "things to do" racing through it?
50 of those things were right next to me.
but dishes will still be there after the chutes & ladders or memory.
there should always be time for play.
she is struggling. will you continue to prayfor cora and for her family?
their hearts are heavy.
it must be so discouraging day after day of this.
how Great is our God.
sing with me…how Great is our God
and ALL will see how Great…how Great is our God.
i cried all the way home today.
seeing jess's mother makes it all so real again…real pain and sorrow.
in your face.
my heart just aches for joel and jessica and their family.
Name above all Names.
Worthy of Our Praise.
My heart will sing How great is our God.
they are hurting so much.
they are sad and scared and just want to bring their baby home.
when the darkness closes in Lord…
still i will say Blessed be the name of the lord.
Blessed be your Glorious Name.
My heart will choose to say
Lord Blessed Be Your Name.
(the red words were two of the songs i was listening to today…singing through tears.)
jess and joel –
the women at Mom to Mom last night want you to know that
![]() all of us.
we are thinking of you.
praying for you.
missing you.
That song. The Holy Spirit is moving. That song has been stuck in my head all week. It has been my anthem for the last two weeks (as I pray for a husbands job) and tonight, I join you in singing this song for Cora. How great is our God? When all we can do is obey and praise.
Still thinking about baby Cora. I hope she is well & home soon. I’m praying Meg! It just sucks doesn’t it! I just lost a friend (24) to CA. Then yesterday evening at work I took a little baby off life support to die in his parents’ arms. Then I came home and read your blog. Too much! Just balled in my husbands arms. It just doesn’t seem right. I sing those words all the time. How Great is our God! We must not forget that.
me too. prayers coming….
Meg, I just posted about Cora on my blog. I want as many people as we can get to pray for her. Let me know if I can do anything to help with her family. Sincerely, Katy I will pray, I hate hearing this. I will ask my readers to pray for her and her family as well. Meg, I have been reading your blog for awhile now (which I LOVE). I am not one to comment, but have been so touched by the story of Cora and wanted to thank you for sharing it. I passed along Cora’s story to my Bible Study here in McPherson…this group of mommas are praying and feeling right along with you. We also had some friends that had a 5 month old son diagnosed with Neuroblastoma several years ago. He had a tough battle, highs and lows just like Cora, but he is now a happy, healthy 5 year old. There is SO much power in prayer. His Mom is also a Kansas teacher, so I passed along Cora’s info to her…she then contacted Cora’s parents through their blog letting them know she was available for any questions they might have. I know we dont have to beg but I have found myself begging with God for this precious child. I dont understand. I continue to pray. I cant even fathom…I really cant!! i have been and will continue to pray for sweet little cora. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family too meg. I have been praying for little Cora and her family since you first posted. It just breaks my heart. “We will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony” I’ve been playing this song over and over crying out for healing for Cora. It’s called Overcome by Desperation Band.
I have been checking their updates so many times a day since you first posted. Is there anything more that those of us who don’t know them personally can do? Are they still taking donations? I would love to send money to you to provide food or something. She is just a precious little thing. Thanks for your update, I know it must be so hard on all of you who are their friends. I don’t even know this family and this really is making me hurt so much inside for them…I had a button made for her and since you have a big amount of bloggers please pass this on…I actually have done tow post since hearing about this baby…She just makes me smile everytime I see her beautiful face. Please send my love and prayers to this family since you know them. I have been praying so hard for her little body to be healed. God is Good! I know he is with her. Meg, I’m praying and commenting on their blog… please, Lord Jesus, have mercy on and heal this little child. My friend and I were just wondering about baby Cora. We are both praying for her and her family! What wonderful friends she has. i found out about sweet little Cara via Angie’s twiter from Bring the Rain. My heart is breaking as I read about her struggles. I just wanted to let you know I am also keeping Cara and family in my prayers. I too have been following the story of sweet, beautiful Cora. My heart is breaking right along side of everyone else’s. Thanks for sharing Meg. Still hard to believe that that sweet baby girl is lying as sick as can be in a hospital bed… My heart aches for Cora and her parents. I will include them in my prayers…
Prayers from NC. Amen.
i've got super bowl fever. (elaine on seinfeld) we partied like rock stars.
or at least we we ATE like rock stars.
mid-westerners know what to bring to a super bowl party.
and i am so irritated i didn't get a good picture of just the food!
but here is shot with NOTES.
click on it if the words are too small.
it was ALL very yummy.
everyone brought such good stuff.
annie fell asleep about 30 minutes before the party.
and slept right there in the middle of everything….surround sound blaring…
over 50 people around her….
out cold.
she slept until half time!
she must have really needed a nap.
we covered the dining room table with paper and set out the playdoh
and markers, crayons, stickers and pipe cleaners.
it was a big hit.
sean won this game….he was very proud of himself.
the barbies were out in full force. later i found sean and beth….the only ones upstairs quietly watching sponge bob.
that is so like sean.
crazy party going on…people everywhere….sean somewhere quiet away from it all.
waffle got to come out of the kennel when their were about 10 people still here.
he went NUTS.
goofy dog.
i think i saw 3 commercials and i watched the last minute of the game.
we had over 30 kids here and no fights or trips to the ER.
that was cool.
and no left overs.
gotta love that.
although…some of those hot wings would be really good right now.
I love the pic of Annie asleep on the couch. Cracks me up that kids can just fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Wait, isn’t there an affliction like that?
So fun! And your house looks gorgeous too! Somehow when I get a bunch of people in our house, it starts to look like something exploded. But not yours! And sweet Annie. That’s a girl after my own heart. π i’m now fully addicted to your blog. LOVE IT! π question, is there a way to search for things on your blog? like if I’m trying to go back and find a specific idea or something I remember reading? I know how to search on blogspot blogs but not on typepad. Thanks. Kelly Meg, Did I tell you yet to come check out my giveaway? If I didn’t…come on over, I think you’ll like it for your home. π
Dang, now that is the kind of party I want to be invited to! I love the kid friendly idea. Your house looks like so much fun. I wanna come to a party at your house! π
Yes, I think I might need an invite to your party next year! Okay, when can you come to my house and help me EDIT? I need someone to help me get rid of the stuff I don’t need (decor wise). Let me know when you are up for a trip to Cincinnati, kids and dog are welcome too, they will blend right in here. Been reading your blog for awhile, but I think this is my first comment. Your pictures are worth as much as your words. π I was just going to mention that I don’t think you missed much with the commercials this time. Some were entirely inappropriate….
you’re amazing. what a party! the paper on the table with crafts. brilliant! Love it all……..the house, the kids, all the food making me hungry now and of course, Waffle is in my book of cool dogs. Life wouldn’t be complete without our Doodles! This morning ours got stuck under our bed……..she’s big!
Love this. And I love all the kids there! I spent the weekend with 20 high school girls, so I came home on Sunday, got in my pjs, cooked some pizza, and watched the game with my husband who was equally pj’d. It was nice. And I think we might have eaten as much food as your whole party did. No joke.
Looks Like a Perfect Super Bowl Sunday to me. How fun…
I just love Waffle! What a big lump! He almost looks like a stuffed animal or a rug in that picture! What a party! And what a GREAT person you are for hosting…I’m sure you are still cleaning PlayDoh today π oh well…it was alllll worth it I’m sure π terrific post. always love the photos. any tips on getting nice pretty pictures in the night time lighting??? yours are so crisp and clear. I can’t throw big parties like that because then I worry about who the heck is going to clean up aftewards, but wow that looked like everyone had FUN! And the food – wowowow.
I just love your blog… your personality shines through in your words and photos! I aspire to have a blog half as good as yours!
Now this is a party I’ld like to come to!!! I just gave you an award over at my blog π Happy Monday! Once again you amaza me. Your house loooks super huge. The pool table looks small and you have a fooozball table too and your house is so cute and cozy. Can you find me a huge house like that under 300,000? and my husband a good job?
I also threw a big superbowl party…and made your cream puff dessert for the first time. It was the HIT of the party!! My husband won’t stop talking about it (and still eating it). My next dessert to try is your Mom’s mint brownies…those look yummy too! Houston, we have a problem. It’s double posting. Sorry:( I can’t believe how big Waffle is. He is huge. I think Sean belongs to me. He’s off doing his own thing in the peace & quiet:) I can’t believe how big Waffle is. He’s huge! I think Sean belongs to me. The one that is off doing his own thing in the quiet:) you know how to throw a party. lots of fun stuff for the kids too. love that. looks like you all had a great time. i can’t believe annie fell asleep like that – adorable. I love the pic where the young girl is reading a book amid a sea of sports fans. That is so me.
Annie is SO stinkin cute!!!! How sweet that she just slept through all of that…looks like a party that even I would love and I HATE sports!! π Could you please photoshop my smiling face into your party. I’d like of each of those dishes… Mmmm! Looks like a fantastic time! wow, you sure can give a party. looks like your guest had a great time. i would freak with 30 and play dough out, eek.
Looks like a lot of fun. Okay, can Waffle get any bigger I want one of those dogs. i have loved macgruber all year.
mcgruber is a family affair. he’s quoted regularly around our house. Love it! I posted this as my favorite Superbowl commercial. too funny! u have to love it!
Stinkin’ hilarious! Every. single. time!
Yeah, I was on the only one laughing at that commercial at our party! So funny. HAHA!!! I was SO excited to see this commercial last night. The people at my church’s “Souper Bowl” party, I’m sure, think I’m a HUGE dork because of how excited I was! I have loved it too! ” call me Pepsuber!” this is art therapy.
i had planned on cleaning but suddenly painting this bathroom (after a year….click)
was THE thing i had to do.
right that minute!
it was absolutely therapeutic.
this is talby's dinosaur bus…i love it so much.
looks like fisher price little people.
annie drew the emily cat yesterday while i was painting.
and i think sean made the tiger scratching the tree.
lauren's OLIVIA is just perfect.
she drew that free hand…amazing.
while i painted i thought about all my friends who are hurting…
and i prayed for them.
it felt good to use my hands while i did it.
then today…some more therapy of a different kind.
cleaning, coffee and cupcakes.
i cleaned that bathroom….and it just felt good.
not good to start but so good to finish and have it sparkle and smell fresh?
maybe i am crazy?
coffee with a friend.
that's always good therapy.
and then i made cupcakes.
not to eat them….just to enjoy decorating them.
i really didn't eat them. and happy mail.
that's a kind of therapy too right?
all this has come this week.
i have no idea what to do
with this right now.
so it sits.
and this package of goodies
from princess lazertron.
just to be nice.
i really love it all.
a blog reader/friend melanie sent me her hot cocoa machine!
(the same one i said i was wanting.)
she said she hardly ever used it
and thought my kids would like it.
how cool is she?
thanks melanie…it rocks.
from jcaroline creative.
i found her through
today's creative blog.
(or TCB as i call it)
she had heather bailey
fabric for $6 a yard!
it is just
i want to wrap up
and roll around in it.
or make a cape for my self…as Super Mama?
Queen of the Laundry?
The Caped Dishwasher?
i could wear knee high pink go-go boots too.
yes…i like that image.
*************thank you for praying for all my friends.**********************
Ok, I didn’t read through these comments. But I hope someone awarded you the “coolest mom ever” award for that bathroom! You are so inspiring!!!!
For that Olivia picture alone, I am soooo adding you to my feeds!
You must be such a relaxed mother to let your kids draw all over the walls. Love it! I love the polka dot curtains too. They are perfect! What kind of paint do you use?
I have been following and praying for The Macs due to you putting them on your blog. Thank you!! I can barely read or look at the pictures…it literally just rips your heart out and I find myself bawling at the computer. Then I have parents show up to pick their kids up (I have a sm. daycare) and I have to explain why I am bawling. Soooo, I just check the headline to get a brief update and PRAY!!! Sometimes God does not answer our way but I am believing and trusting that the Mac’s will have many more yrs with this piece of heaven!! Again…Thank you for sharing!!!!!
Your creativity has inspired me. This is my second comment for you today… i hope you can stop by to see my “valen-tinys”.
I’m going to check out that fabric site π How cool is that girl (can’t remember her name…Melanie?) who sent you that hot cocoa machine! I love bloggy friends π And that wall….how awesome! Am praying for sweet baby Cora and your neighbor’s son. Happy Saturday…I’m glad painting, and baking…and coffee with a friend lifted you up!
Prayer makes the world go round. Most people just don’t realize yet. That’s OK I pray for them too! Love seeing the bathroom get painted! Your kids are going to remember that room for a lifetime!
You got it. Prayers. Now.
I awarded you a Kreativ blogger award. Come check out my post for details.
The bathroom is so neat … I love that you let the kids do that.
I really think you need to use fabric and make a quilt for Waffle and set it up for him on the Toddler bed a/k/a furry child bed.
Paint is such therapy, just seems like it give you time to reflect and think and pray! Or at least that is always what I end up doing! God Bless you! Hey Meg, could you please email me, I have a prayer blanket I made that I would like to get to Cora, can you get me an address to send it to? Thank you so much, you are a very inspiring person, thank you for encouraging me to be more. God Bless You! Amy The curious george is pretty good too. Please make a super cape, I just got done making 16 capes for birthday party. Please make a super mama cape, i would love it, since I just got done making 16 capes for a birthday party coming up.
This bathroom is amazing. Great vision! What did they draw the pics with? I LOVE all the color on your blog. Every day. It is always so cheerful, even when you are asking for prayers, which are easily and readily given, because you always ask so nicely.
wow meg, that bathroom is fantastic. what an awesome mom you are. the kids had to love that. they did such a great job. how fun!!! the goodies from princess lasertron look fun. have a great weekend.
well, this post answered my question. i’m thoroughly impressed. love the art and it just pops now that it’s painted. well done! Any time Meg that you don’t feel like you are a good mom, you go into that bathroom and look around:) I am NOT the fun mom like you and would never let my son paint on the walls. It is so cute and Lauren did a great job on Olivia. I also love all the fabric even though I can’t sew a thing. I am glad that you like the hot chocolate machine. It made me happy to send it to you because I knew it would make you smile. (and you would use it:) lol
Wow! So many cool things here. I’ve never loved a bathroom so much. You’re such a cool mom. PS – I haven’t ever heard of reading my comment before I push “Post”, so…sorry. That fabrick could make some ROCKIN aprons That is seriously one artsy brood you have! I love it! You should consider sending them out to bring home some bacon. Like a crafty Partridge Family. Or paintbrush wiedling Osmonds paint brushes.
this sweet precious girl is fighting for her life. i wasn't going to blog about this.
i thought it was just too sad….too much for me…not my place.
but then i visited her and her mother and grandmother yesterday.
it's just the worst place you want to be as a mother.
it was almost more than my heart can take this week.
i decided to blog it because she needs our prayers more than i can worry about making you sad.
will you pray for her?
and for all of her family.
she is so tiny.
so fragile.
please Pray.
Cora is one strong little gal. I am praying for her and her family. Yes I found her blog last week and just cried over this little baby…Today I asked one of my blogging friends to make a button for her and she did so if you would like this button and feel free to pass this along to others…please do so. Beth
I said a prayer for sweet little Cora and her family last night after reading this and will continue to keep them in my prayers. It just makes my heart ache. I realize how much I have to be grateful for.
Of course I will pray!! How can I not lift that sweet face up to our Lord?! Thank you for blogging about this so we all have the oppurtunity to pray for her.
I’m not sure if I already commented, but I posted this on my blog so that even more people can pray! Praying the Lord heals this little life.
meg, i am so sorry. thank you for sharing this. the power of prayer is bigger than us. so all of us praying for her has got to help. {{{HUGS}}}
I went to your friend’s blog & it made me cry. She’s such a cutie. You sure do hug your kids a little harder after you read a story like that. Thanks for sharing. They are in my prayers. poor sweet little girl…i keep coming back to your blog to look at her sweet face. i am praying for her and her family, and your sanity. take care π
thank you for sharing this! we will be praying and following the blog. Oh, Meg. I could not even read their blog. I will lose control….I could barely look at the pictures. But whatever has come to that family, I will surely pray…I am so sorry for what they are dealing with…so so sorry… She is so adorable. I can’t believe that is happen to her. She and her family are in my prayers. I’ll pray! She’s beautiful! I’ve just cried and cried. My shirt is wet from tears. As a mother this hits all too real and painful. This little girl is so precious. I will pray. Hard. We are praying, we are praying, we are praying. You’ve had waaaaay too much sadness in your life lately. We’ll be praying for you and everyone surrounding this beautiful child as well. … and it all happened so recently! It’s just terrible. No child should have to suffer the way that sweet baby is suffering. I will most definitely pray for her! … and it all happened so recently! It’s just terrible. No child should have to suffer the way that sweet baby is suffering. I will most definitely pray for her! Thank you for giving us a way to help AND a list of prayers. She’ll be in my prayers. This brings back all kinds of memories – we went through a very similar situation 2 years ago with our 22 month old son. God is sovereign and he gave Cora to her mommy and daddy for a reason. He is mighty to save, and I will be praying. Those prayers pulled us through. Oh Meg, thanks for sharing. I remember when you posted those adorable pictures that you took of her. We’ll be praying…
God. Yes. I’ll pray for this darling child and her parents. God bless them. xo Thanks for giving us the opportunity to pray for this beautiful baby and those who love her. It is an honor. I agree with you – cancer sucks. Thanks for sharing about this Meg – if this is not the best use of your blogging friends who care for you and yours, I don’t know what is. I’ve been to her parents blog and have taken note of their prayer points. Me and my family are on to it. Let’s rally. Thanks for letting us know, Meg – I have added sweet baby Cora and her family to my prayer list. Big Hugs, Trac~
Oh, my word! Praying, praying, and praying some more.
praying for sure! Praying for Cora!
Oh she is so precious. Yes, we will pray for her and her family.
Praying here! It’s not a bad thing to feel sad, it’s good to be thankful for what you have and to pray for others! Praying! Thank you for sharing this with us. You were absolutely right to ask us to pray. I am praying for her now, and for her parents, doctors, nurses and everyone else involved. I am praying that the Holy Spirit fill and sustain them all, and that Cora is healed completely of this disease. Please keep us posted.
checking out her blog and absolutely yes…I will pray for her….and I am now!! Thank you for sharing, we NEED to pray for each others burdens and there is power in prayer and the number who pray and believe!!!! God is Good!!
Oh Meg…so terribly sad. I cannot even imagine what they are going through?? I am adding little baby Cora to my prayer list. Please keep us updated…and I will be looking forward to another post with lots of color π The sadness is too much sometimes isn’t it?! God is good though…it doesn’t mean I still don’t wonder why?
My prayers are with them.
I’ve been praying for Cora since yesterday when I heard. Oh my goodness, she’s gorgeous!! praying for that precious little pea… Bless this child and her family…I will keep them in my thoughts.
OK – I am going to read about this on her parents blog but I just know I will end up in tears. Thanks for sharing though, it makes us all feel thankful when we have healthy children. well let's get to a few of these 300+ questions. i tried to break them apart into some catagories like
spiritual, creativity, funny, random, family, scrapbooking…
today i will answer some fun and random ones.
do you have a favorite pair of pajamas?
yes. these are my current favorites.
nick & nora jammies from target with united states snowglobes all over.
(just to mention….these are not craig's favorite jammies of mine…too much fabric…wink)
of the green paint
in your foyer?
it's Behr paint
called Salted Ash.
it looks like pea soup…
p.s. our hamster thing ATE the bottom of my green curtains. totally ruined them! where did you get that ornate molding holding the photos in your foyer?
at a craft fair…7 or 8 years ago. it's made from tin molding and wood.
it used to hang above our bed in IL.
one night we came into our room and it was on the bed and all the things on the shelf were there too…broken.
we were VERY thankful it didn't fall on us in our sleep!
it's heavy.
do pick out your girls' outfits?
not very often.
i try to make sure what they have in their drawers fits and is cute
and after that they can choose what they want.
i think it helps their self esteem…making choices.
they are cute in anything.
and color is happy to see for everyone.
where do you get your kids' clothes?
walmart, target, garage sales and the thrift shop.
and occasionally the sale rack at children's place.
lauren does not agree with this…i understand that…she's 13.
when i was 13 all i could think about was GUESS and Express and The Limited.
all day long.
are you an american idol fan?
NO. i despise that show. i really dislike watching people sing on tv.
and fighting/bickering on tv.
but the office? 30 Rock? Lost? Brothers & Sisters? Grey's? ER?
yes….big fan.
what is your favorite family photo?
do you mean besides the
Olan Mills 1988 portrait?
here are a couple of favorites of mine.
2005 church directory portrait.
love lauren's braids
(and innocenct smile)
this IS sean.
all the time…
and i love that he has a bit of a mo-hawk.
sweet little talbers.
baby annie.
this is a dorky posed picture
but sweet at the same time.
![]() this is my favorite of just the kids.
lauren has a real frog on her knee…annie is looking up to her with that belly sticking out.
the boys' hair.
the suntan…the michigan beach.
talby's polka dot swimsuit.
i love this photo. (and that trip)
and this one too.
with our IL. friends dave, jenny, jake and abby.
love these.
would you like to have a reality show about your life?
i don't think it would be very interesting to be honest.
adventures in walmart….folding laundry….sitting at the computer…cleaning up dog poop…
changing wet beds…taking away iPods, PSP's and Nintendo DS…making mac and cheese.
oh yeah…i'd watch that! exciting.
craig and i thought we'd be good on amazing race.
unless i had to eat raw baby ducks or climb something really high or bungee jump.
or run…or have endurance….
then we'd lose.
do you find david duchovny sexy?
not really.
i am more of mcdreamy or george kind of gal.
i mean…..COME ON!
and last question for the day….
have you ever been in a home magazine?
do you know someone?
send me in.
spread the word…i would LOVE to be in a magazine…a Home magazine…just to be clear.
(even though they all seem to be going out of business!)
now…must watch LOST with that hottie up there.
The pic of the kids on the beach is breathtaking! I can see why it is your f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e. I loved the Q&A, it was a fun read! I was the pajama questioner, I LOVE pj’s…I have a couple of favorites. I love the ones you’re wearing, I love flannel. Very interesting, I liked seeing what people asked and your answers. Neat I have those jammies! Love ’em.
I love the photo shelves on the green paint. And your kids at the beach is one of the cutest kids shots i’ve seen. I love your blog – always fun and inspiring. You asked the sexy men -agree on all-but about D.D. – used to kind of like him but since his recent weird stuff which came at the cost of losing the beautiful TeΓ₯ – I think he’s a little nuts and not quite so attractive. Sad how it works that way. Wow! I just discovered your blog & what a great one! This was a great post for “getting to know you” I loved your description of what your reality show would be like! Mine would be the same exact show! Wal-Mart, laundry, & make your own mac & cheese. HA! I shop exactly like you! Target, Wal-Mart, Thrift, garage sales and sometimes Children’s place sales. You are so smart π Great post!
love all the family photos. they are great. you are right on in your hot guy picks. george clooney makes me knees week. he is my alltime favorite. well maybe behind paul newman. and mcdreamy is good too. i wish i knew someone at a magazine, because i would send then your info!! This has been my fave posting to date on your blog. It was great to learn a little more about you. Hope you have a great day. This posting made mine. π
I think I love this blog more now that I know you are a LOST fan!! Hilarious. Very entertaining. Thank you! great post…great pictures-thanks for sharing!
So fun Meg! Thanks for sharing. I love the pic of the kids on the beach. Looks like a wonderful trip. Love those cute jammies! And I think you should have your own decorating show on HGTV, I LOVE your style! If you don’t mind me asking–what color is that deep brown on the walls in the master bedroom photos? I’ve been looking for a rich chocolate color like that but they’re all either too dark or too meh. Thanks so much! Just letting you know that I love your blog!! The way it’s layed out, your photography, what you write about-just love it! Thank you for the time and effort you put into it. I really look forward to each post! That was funny. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it after reading another blog update. You are a crack up!! So fun to hear your answers. Have a great day. Thanks for sharing your life with us! π Lots of fun tidbits and pictures. I love that jammie picture with Annie peeking in the corner.
What a great ending to my endless-day-with-husband-out-of-town-all-week-and-two-toddler-and-snow-up-to-my-boobs. π oh, and i agree 1000000000% about American Idol.
Heather - This post makes me smile! I’m inspired to get Chutes & Ladders down tonight with my kiddos.
yolanda - hi there! i came across your blog through a friend and her suggestion was to grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy your blog. so, that’s what i’ve been doing! i love seeing all the colors your incorporate into your life. anyway, i noticed your cool gumball machine in some of your pictures. my son LOVES gumballs and i wanted to get him a gumball machine for his birthday, so i thought i’d ask you what the make/model of your machine is. it looks old/vintage, so i don’t know if i’d even find one out there but i like a good hunt. thanks for your time!
Kate - i don’t think i’ve ever played chutes and ladders.
i was a clue kid.
which, when i was annie’s age, i’m sure was just be whining until i won somehow.
i was such a brat.
and i love taking photos like that, it’s so much fun to see what different perspectives are.
Amber - These are such happy pictures. What a sweet little face, bed head and all. Good for you…making time to play games and doing dishes later:)
MGF - Crazy that we both posted things about family games. Our was Zingo. But we also like Apples to Apples.
Casey Starnes - Yay….a new read! Love your blog. Just found it and will be checking back.
traci - annie beat you huh? cute little thing. love the way your counter looks – just like mine. that makes me feel so much better!!
Gini - I agree! My favorite part with my three year old is when he raises him arms up in the air and yells “I WIN”! I love that.
Christine - Yes I also say thanks for keeping it real-thats probably why I like your blog so much!!
You have a beautiful house, and a great eye for decorating but what strikes me the most is the love that shines through. NO child grows up healthy in a house thats perfectly, spick and span 24 hours a day!!! Gotta let things go…(at least that’s what I tell myself).
cheers from chilly canada….
carissa - you maka-a-me smile!
xo hugs!
i sure love her bed head!
liz - Hi Meg,
I found you on Ohdeedoh. Can you please tell me the wall color you used in the READ room? I am painting a nursery and that seems just right.
Thanks so much!
adrienneK - oh joy! we spent a few hours the other day playing this very game lol
sarah - I love the cute pictures of her having so much fun playing.
I love games, especially kid games, and look forward to playing them with McKenzie.
But, I’m sure like you, my mind will wander to all the things I need to be doing.
I know I’m going to have to remind myself that all those things can wait while I enjoy watching my daughter learn and play.
I also like the keeping it real photo. π
3 Peas in a Pod - My boys love chutes and ladders too. Next time we play I’ll put the camera on the table and see how the pictures come out. Thanks for the tip. Glad to know I’m not the only one whose mind wanders onto the list of chores I should be doing.
Thanks for sharing.
Amanda - Megan: To me she looks in that third picture like Audrey Tautou in Amelie! She’s grown bunches since I was last at your house for Bible study. Cute cute.
Rachel - She looks so cute playing the game…makes me want to play a game!
Love the angles of the pics too!
CathyC - You are an amazing photographer!!! I love playing board games with my kids, even if sometimes I am bored, too. And since when did Hershey Kisses come in a box?
Trina - Thanks for keeping it real.. I have such a hard time ignoring the mess..but lately I just feel like I need to or I’m losing precious time. I clean and then try to play and by then there is little time and I’m tired and crabby – you know. Ps- thanks for the comment and I love that you came home and got right into bed….good for you!! You deserve to do that….I just might have to give it a try sometime soon!
x Trina
Trina - Thanks for keeping it real.. I have such a hard time ignoring the mess..but lately I just feel like I need to or I’m losing precious time. I clean and then try to play and by then there is little time and I’m tired and crabby – you know. Ps- thanks for the comment and I love that you came home and got right into bed….good for you!! You deserve to do that….I just might have to give it a try sometime soon!
x Trina
Patti - i love it! my daughter anya absolutely loves chutes and ladders. i play out of love because i think it’s quite possibly my least favorite – well, right there next to hungry hungry hipppos – boy that’s a loud game! come to think of it, i still owe those parents a pay back gift for buying such a loud toy for my daughter! π anyway – i agree – to see their face light up over simple pleasures is priceless. i also love the “shooting from the hip” or table as it were idea. i do that sometimes when i’m walking outside where there are lots of people. you get amazing photos that way. have a great day!
mom - Hey- she was fooling you – because we played Chutes and Ladders many times when she last visited and she beat me everytime!! Cute pics.
Ashley - I love you blog! I’ve been reading it everyday for months now! Thanks for all your thoughts and time you spend sharing them!
Shannan - I agree wholeheartedly with all of these sentiments about games! I loved nothing more than playing board games when I was a kid. Remember how fun it was to load up the Life car with all of those babies??! Calvin and I played Candyland last week and I felt guilty for being secretly glad that he chose the ice cream cone right off the bat. It certainly sped things up!
Amy - A little off topic: but Candy Land is going to be a movie sometime in the near future. Not sure how good it is going to be…should be interesting.
ruth - Love your blog. Game times, what great memories. Thanks for posting the link to MacGruber! Ha.
Staci - I am so sad to say…we don’t even own CHutes and Ladders…I think I’ll get it today though! And this is why you are such a great mom….even though there are a zillion things that you know NEED to done…you can always put things in perspective and realize…it will all still be there…Annie learning AND WANTING YOU TO PLAY WITH HER won’t. I am praying for sweet Cora and her family.
Darby - Ummm… why don’t we have chutes and ladders? Adding it to my Walmart list now. THanks for sharing! Love seeing your messy kitchen… looks a lot like mine! π
Michelle - I’ve been reading your blog for the last week or so and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy it. It is always genuine – from your own days with your kids to your tears for your friends. You seem to stay true to yourself. Kudos.
traci - I agree, a lovely post. I have learned something from you that I am currently working on. Letting them dress themselves no matter HOW CRAZY they look!! By the way, your kids always look cute but they do sometimes/often look BUT I love that you let them and Im not so good at that. THIS week I let my crazy dresser do it all week and said NOTHING but ok, you may. Next week, Im going to say, You may and you look FANTASTIC!! Im trying!!!!!!!!
Gwyn - We are a family of game players too. Sometimes you have to keep the work for later….
Anna - I like the “keepin’ it real” picture. So fun!
I tried to leave a comment yesterday but I don’t think it went through. Anyway, I recently posted a ton of red and white polka dotted items from either Etsy, Ebay or The Feathered Nest. I know you like color so I thought I’d let ya in on that π
Here is the link:
erika - Thanks for keeping it real… love the labels on the photo. I should take a picture of my desk and label everything… however it might scare people away.
Alyssa - I am so glad to see that your kitchen doesn’t always look like the “our house” photos! I love your blog & your daughters haircut? By the way, do you work from home?
Leigh Ann - What a lovely post! Good for you, you let the mess go. Annie will remeber you having time for her, not that things were messy! Have a great day!
Lazy Mom Leslie - I want to take a photography class from you! I smile every single time I look at your pictures. Any chance of you coming to TX anytime soon? She’ll never not know how to play Chutes and Ladders again! That brings tears to my eyes, every single day there is something my kids will not know how to do again!
PamperingBeki - Ha! You’re silly.
I think I’m first to comment.