last week we got miss london for the entire weekend!

she was positively delightful.
no crying.
loves to cuddle…even with craig.
slept 11 hours the second night….too long…made me nervous.
she likes to go on walks and catch bubbles in our driveway.
and waffle loves having her here.
more snacks for him.
london learned very quickly that if she threw food on the floor…he'd come get it.
it was a constant flurry of people and action during her visit.
but we loved it.
anytime you need us russ and jenn…we are ready for london.
it's a lot easier than actually having another baby.
we'll just borrow yours.
the cora playground project is underway.
thank you for all your etsy shop suggestions.
my mind is going 100 miles an hour.
i hope my hands can keep up with all the wonderful ideas you gave me.
i can't wait to get busy in the craft room…i cleaned it….that's a start.
did you hear julie's great idea? (click) julie has a tender heart for mommies who have lost their babies much too soon.
she has never even met jess and joel.
but she took action…followed her heart.
after selling MANY of her messy flower headbands for cora paige
realizing how much we all want to give
she decided to ask us for help.
she came up with a super duper plan.
there are lots of crafty ladies are out here in blogland.
many have Etsy shops already…
we can do our own cora paige items and each give to the playground.
what do you think?
i am ready!
i want to craft my heart out for cora, jess and joel.
i want to open an etsy shop for cora, jess and joel.
sooooooo……what should i make?
what do YOU want to see in my brand new etsy shop?!
i need your help.
speak up blog readers.
(can you tell i am excited?!)
if you'd like to hear cora's service you can find it on our church's website. (click)
it was such a beautiful and emotional service.
everyone loved cora so much…and those chubby cheeks.
the entire family is such a gentle example of faith.
I would love to see you make some cute t-shirts, like the ones you made at christmastime. Maybe some with playground equipment sewn on; like a swing, or teeter-totter….
I am excited to see what you make!! I am already selling things on my etsy to help baby Cora!! I am so excited to see people really care & are purchasing things!!
BIG QUESTION: Once we make the money, where would Jess & Joel request that we send it? Directly to the church at the address already given? (I think I saw that on their blog somewhere?)
just thought of another. your polka dot camera strap!!! i would definitely buy one.
Oh my goodness…you are truly great! I would love to see anything…the skirts you make for your girls..I would love to buy for my ladies..the shirts..the bottlecap magnets..anything! I can’t wait to shop! OH YAY!!! I want some of those little shirts you made for Annie and Talby…but the male gender kind!!!! Oh I’m doin’ a little dance right now…at home, by myself because Meg is opening an Etsy shop AND I get to help Joel and Jess π Oh heck Meg, I’d buy anything you made π
The super craft shirts you make for the girls!!
What if you picked a few things to put in your shop, like the pillows, bottle caps and crayons, but took orders to make them personalized? That way you wouldn’t have to invest too much in something that doesn’t end up selling well. I have a friend who makes stitch markers, she has a couple of samples in her shop but will custom make whatever you want (within reason, of course.) Meg, Anything you come up with would be awesome, seriously. I love all of the ideas folks have already suggested, the crayons, tees, magents & the cute notebooks! Love them all. Oh & your photography (as someone sugegsted) is amazing, I bet some stills of things you shoot would totally sell!
Any of your prints on colorful objects. They are all beautiful and I’d love to frame some in my house π
Count me in- how can I help? well, after attempting to make your cool letter crayons and failing miserably (they all turned out one yucky color) I would buy those. or your bottle cap magnets! I love them and don’t have the patience to make them! I would love to have some of the adorable pillows you designed around Christmas time. The ones that look like little houses. I would love to be your neighbor in one of those little houses. Bottle cap magnets – I would buy hundreds of ’em!!! How about bottle cap necklaces – the tweens (and their moms) seem to love them.
I’d purchase just about anything from you! π But….I would special order two little, short sleeved t’s. Size 3 and 6 please! I keep meaning to give them a try, but would love to support the Cora playground at the same time. I vote for the embellished tees. But from what everyone else is posting, it sounds like you could fill a store with all of your crafty-ness!
I think others have mentioned it…but I really like you bottle cap magnets! The abc crayons – maybe in Cora’s initials and favorite colors? I am going to start making some doll quilts tomorrow to sell in my etsy shop (need to start an etsy shop too π
pillows! like the ones in your playroom. anything you make out of all of that beautiful material would be great! i would also take 5 of your christmas stockings!!!!
pillows! like the ones in your playroom. anything you make out of all of that beautiful material would be great! i would also take 5 of your christmas stockings!!!! what a great idea! i have been wanting to start an etsy shop. i have a six week old, but if i can get my act together, i would love to contribute. as for you, i definitely think you could sell anything you sew and the magnets that you had so much fun making at christmas. i can’t wait to see what you come up with! This idea excites me and Im thrilled you are doing it!!!!! Im miss this baby and I dont even know her…I just KNOW I would have loved her and her family looks precous. You are very talented…whatever you make will be a HIT and ALL FOR CORA!!!!
I have been considering opening an etsy shop for some time now. I have never met Jess or Joel but was so moved by their story like so many! I would love to make a few special dresses in honor of precious Cora’s life! I believe I have some pics somewhere on my blog of my designs! what a great idea!!! i loved those bottlecap magnets you made. and the cute little tshirts you made for your girls. heck meg, everything you create is awesome!!! Oh boy…I have wanted you to create an Etsy shop for awhile! And now for little Cora…perfect! There are so many things you have made – your etsy could just be a bunch of different things…pillows…bottlecap things…lots of fun stuff! I would love to have some of your fun and bright pillow cases!! Anything with fun and funky fabric for my home, I will purchase! I loved your tshirts and hand towels (that you showed off at Christmas). I think my FAVE are the bottle cap magnets though. I would purchase any (or all) of those. i would love to help support cora’s playground! i’m a big fan of your pillows so i request those! and aprons! i love the idea of a playground in her memory, what an awesome way to honor such a strong little spirit that touched so many people who never even met her or her family…
oooh, those adorable notebooks with the fabric fringe. i can’t stop thinking about those and would buy one for sure! or two or ten. The t-shirts! YES! Do you do girls hair bows? They are hard to find that are super cute!
I’d love a chance to buy one of the cute aprons you made last year at Christmas- and I’m sure others would, too! I’d buy anything to help Cora, and also anything you make (you’re so crafty) – so this is a GREAT IDEA!!!!
you have made so many cute things. but I would love to see some of your photos (prints) up for sale. you take such vibrant beautiful photos. Oh and I’d love to see your adorable bottle cap magnets in YOUR etsy shop!!! they are too cute! xo
I posted on my blog earlier today…I’ve come up with a Cora Paige tee!
Am I really the first to comment? Wow… I think should you sell your ABC crayons… they’re so fun and since it doesn’t require a sewing maching you could even get the kids in on it!! especially to the screaming part.
i feel like that today.
in honor of cora's life…
if you want to look back at sweet baby cora's photo shoot
keep praying for them.
it's going to be a very hard day.
and will continue to be….
they are precious.
the proceeds will go to build the Cora Playground.
this is SO COOL!
go get one in honor of cora.
what a beautiful way to honor her life…
bringing joy those around them.
Are you aware that they are going to be showing David’s video on Inside Edition today? David’s video is on cnn and on’s homepage. wow. It’s funny. love the headbands – they are beautiful. on a side note: i’ll be thinking of a little girl i never knew as we raise money again for the annual st. baldrick’s event. my husband is shaving his head again this year to raise awareness for children’s cancer research.
After several days of murky and wet weather, the sun is finally shining! It kind of put a bounce in my step this morning and that made pancakes seem possible! So, I tried out the blender pancakes. I added a little bit of ripe banana since I had one and got a big thumbs up from my kids! Best of all, it wasn’t a big deal to clean up. Thanks for the great idea!
I was thinking about you today…thinking about Cora and Jess and Joel…thinking how incredibly priceless those pictures you took of her back in September must be to them. God bless.
I am so so sad for Cora’s parents. Somedays it would be nice to understand these kinds of things. It’s hard when we dont know the ‘why’ of it all.
Thanks for the link to the shop, I just bought a pin and am going to put up a link on my site tomorrow. I have had the extreme honor of photographing little ones that are now are in heaven – the gift you gave Cora’s parents is something that they will treasure from here to eternity. It is a humbling experience to be able to give parent’s a gift like that. Your pictures of Cora beautifully capture a spirited baby girl and her adoring parents…
Meg – I posted links to your blog and Cora’s family and wrote a quick little tribute post for them. I hope that’s ok, since we are strangers, really. But all of my “people” are praying and praying hard. Thank you for bringing this to the forefront of our minds. We seem to forget how precious life is and take it for granted within all of our busy-ness. Thank you so much for posting the link to Julie’s shop. Just purchased a headband…what a magnificent way to honor such a sweet baby girl. My daughter will wear it and cherish it as the headband has such a special meaning. My thoughts and prayers are with Cora’s family.
that video is hilarious! – had me rolling… Just picked up a headband and a pin. They are lovely and we will remember her life when we wear them. Isn’t it amazing how God can impact our lives through people we have never even met? Still praying for everyone… What a great video! And a smart dad for capturing that moment.
oops, wrong link. here it is
haha that video is too funny. did you see the remix? his dad made it into a rap song. it was funny too! check it out
haha! That video is the FUNNEST thing I have ever seen! Bless his heart:) My favorite part is, “Dad…. you have four eyes.” ha! too cute! Still praying for Cora and her family. Thanks for sharing hte video, very funny!
"Mom….pleeeeeeeeeeeease will you tell me how to spell poop?"
"For my birthday i hope i get a REAL baby.
oh wait….i don't want the pee and poop stuff."
"Mom…did you know….when i stand on my tippy tippy toes…
(stands up up up on her toes reaching high in the air)
i can reach my light!?
i can't when i'm thwweee…but i'm four now."
"for my birthday will you make me a wedding cake?
with purple frosting?
that tastes like grapes?"
what a goofball.
such sweetness! I love the wedding cake with purple frosting that taste like grapes, too cute winning photos of this silly, silly sweet girl π You brought back memories for me with your photos. My daughter (now almost 20) had a wicker basket she always carried around with her. It was full of her “peoples” – little play figures that she would line up and create playtimes with. I hadn’t thought of that in quite a while – thank you for the smile. I do love a goofball. How cute. My son lines up his trains like that. I love your stories…………I have 6 kids (four teenagers) and I miss all the “funny” little things they say and do. I wish I would have had a journal back then. Now I am trying hard to capture the funny things that my 8 year old does………….I just posted a funny little story on my blog……….just in case I forget. she is so funny. what are you going to do when she is in school all day. you can get her some of those apples that taste like grapes. not sure if you can fulfill the wedding cake tasting like grapes. well actually, you probably could. GREAT photos! Not to mention such a cute, witty young lady you’ve got yourself Oh man…sweet Annie π You needed that cuteness today. And I’m sure you will do your very best to make that purple wedding cake for her next bd π
grape cake… hey… could work! π SOOOO cute! Love all the pictures you take of your kids! You inspire me to be better about that!
Considering the situation the McClenahans are in, I too have been soaking up my children and loving all their craziness and sweetness and beauty. She is adorable…I love the things she says! She’s so cute! I love hearing the things little ones say! How cute, and so funny! Aww, that is adorable! When I was young I also thought “wedding cake” was the Best. Thing. EVER. so I totally agree with her there! Priceless! What a cute post. Wouldn’t it be great if we kept the contentment and hope of a child’s heart through our entire lives? Love her comments!! Sounds like my 5 year-old! By the way, made your cheesy potato soup…..oh my gosh it was GREAT!!! I think I had seconds…no i had thirds!! Hubby just called and asked if I could bring some of it to him for lunch!! Thanks for the recipe! Keeping Cora’s family in my prayers. precious…absolutely precious.
so cute!!and look at all those little pet shop friends!!! Love those comments! So glad you’re writing them down. Praying for all of you as the tears are flowing! She’s a doll Meg. You’re such a good mom. I’m so sorry about Cora. What a little angel… literally. Keeping you and her family in my thoughts and prayers…
she is one year older…. her birthday was much anticipated (by her).
thinking about it constantly.
(annie is four and talks about her birthday everyday…not much changes in 10 years)
she only wanted money….for shopping of course.
she got a bonus gift of goofy stuff like face paint, care bear underwear and skull earrings.
she took cupcakes to school.
i didn't know that kids still did that in middle school…
she had a basketball game that evening and played the best she's ever played.
it was so fun to watch her hustle.
her coach even said "she was on fire!"
she requested pizza hut pizza for dinner.
then it was time for cake.
yeah…..she's 14 alright.
the irritated look on her face gave it away.
even cake and candles is not cool at 14.
well…you are looking at one smart girl.
i can see a glimpse into her future and see a strong woman there.
i have high hopes for her and big dreams.
i hope she does too.
being honest here…..even birthdays can't produce perfect days or behavior.
but hopefully when we remember this time in her life…we won't remember the drama as much
as we remember the silliness and love that is there deep down.
because it IS there.
deep and wide….forever crazy love for our big girl.
whether she likes it or not.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!! she is a beautiful girl. deep down she loves all the commotion. even the rabbit ears from talby. sounds like she had a wonderful day!!
Happy Birthday Lauren! Love you girl!
She likes it. She would miss it if it was gone. Crazy love is what they all need and your kids are lucky to have you for a mom!
I can already feel that feeling. The feeling of pride for my child. Happy Birthday to your baby girl…. Dang! Wasn’t that just us? I have to admit, I see her mama in that irritated bunny ear photo.
Your daughter is so beautiful! Your pictures truly capture her personality… you are very talented! I must say… I look forward to reading this blog every day! I have one of those at home too (a boy)!. OK, seriously….could you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do a post on photography!? Your pics are AWESOME!! Do you set your camera on auto or manual? and what lens?? help a sista, out!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of you daughter blowing out the candles! you are such a neat person π
Happy 14th Birthday Lauren!!!! She’s just so beautiful Meg π One day…I am sure that the attitude will just blow away in the wind…I know it won’t be any too soon for you π Until then, enjoy the beauty π
I love this celebration. You did well combining some fun for the family and a great time for your teenager. My oldest just turned 8, but I’m paying attention. Big Happy Birthday! My almost 14 YO still talks and talks up her Birthday like it is the Big One! LOL.. It’s nice to see my Teen isn’t the only one that asks for cold hard cash! Kills my family members that want to buy her something to give cash.. Must be a Teen thing. Hope she has a wonderful Year. Jamie My daughter turned 14 on Thursday – so many things I can relate to this post. She too, wanted money for shopping………and the moods – oh the moods!!!
I remember being that age. I can now look back and say that it was never enough. My mom tried, and I was an ungrateful teenager. Nothing was perfect for me, yet I expected it to be..even at 15 or 14, or whatever. Keep being the best mom that you are….someday they will thank you for it. Someday they will actually learn the “life lesson” you are trying to teach them at the delicate age of fourteen. Even if it’s when they are 25. Do you mind me asking what lens you normally use?? you’ve said before, but i forgot…. Good luck!!!! I only say that because my daughter is seventeen (almost 18) The attitude started at 14 and there is still a hint of it!!!! Sixteen was the worst!!!! Love the heart cake!!!! Love all you photos!!!! I have to have your camera( and house) !!!!!! Sara
I completely understand! My sister-in-law is 13 about to be 14 and she is definitely going through the dramatic stage of hating her family! I’m 25 now, but I completely remember how harsh I was at that age. Just know it will get better…..and keep praying for her! π love it! my brooke (5) just said, “what a beautiful bday cake”!! my p turns 14 in two months…ahhhh. i love the goody bag! great idea for me to steal! I LOVE how you do things! I can bet that there is always something going on in your house and that it is never boring. Love the Bucket of stuff
Oh I wish I lived at your house, birthdays look fun , tomorrow is my birthday and I will be lucky if I even get a cake , I’m betting no cake , truly all I want is to go out to my favorite diner with my family , that will make me happy , but a pink bucket of goodies well that would be the best.
I love the pictures. She is a beautiful girl. My youngest daughter will be 15 in April. I know the looks and I also know the love! It is a challenging age. It does get better. My oldest daughter(21) and middle daughter(18) were home from college this weekend and I listened to the chattering over breakfast. They have grown into beautiful young women. You will cherish these moments. I know I do! my eyes are always drawn to red. i changed a tiny bit in the entryway.
you probably can't even notice.
and that floor…i don't like….especially when i see it in a big photo…yuck.
i wish it were wood or covered in a rug.
i made curtains at my girls weekend when i made the matching lampshades.
i cut them and sewed them there.
came home to hang them….they were WAY short!
i even said quite few times how they looked wrong but just kept sewing.
so….a half a yard of red velvet later….problem solved.
the entry way feels like a room now.
and my sister gave me the little bird hooks for my birthday.
yes…that was 5 months ago.
but i finally hung it up.
i love it lorel!
red makes me happy.
oh yeah….keepin' it real…one more time.
here is what it looks like when the kids are home.
Thanks for keeping it real Meg! Love love love what you did. So pretty!! I was very delighted upon going through your article that ponders me with bucket of productive and essential information. And I just admire your creatively personal touch for your home designs. Wow! Oustanding job. It looks like a happy home. Came over from Kimba’s – I LOVE your mudroom!!! How great is that? (and how jealous am I? a lot) Red is one of my most favorite colors – it just makes me happy. Great job on those curtains too – so cute!
I love the last picture, which brings your awesome entryway to life. The red looks awesome, great work on the entryway, you’ve definitely got style.
I love red too. Just the littlest burst of it tucked in somewhere makes me feel happy. =) Oh YAY for “new red thing”. Love them all!
I love the red too…. that is how my house looks every day! Your entry is so crisp and bright and WOW it’s lived in, too! Thank you for the organizing inspiration, but mostly for sharing that last photo! Have a nice night! 55 comments? Holy Moses. I am way behind here… I guess we are all loving the red. I am only recently learning to truly appreciate red, now that my Shabby Chic phase is finally fading into oblivion. Oh, I’m love little bits of black, too. Is that a little cubby-hole curtain I spy? Makes me wonder what’s behind it! Beautiful entry way for a beautiful home. My mom loves red too- she tends to buy a lot of red. I love your birds and your entryway. (And the keeping it real photo! It is nice to know that we are not the only messy ones around.) Ohhh I would be so happy walking into that entryway every day. π It’s beautiful and happy! you made me snort my soda with that last photo! Looks just like my entryway at 3:32. (minus all the cute details)
Love red! And love those curtains!! Beautiful mudroom! I love your mud room!!!! Where did you find your fabric?It is gorgeous,also love your door. Red is my favorite color – I’m thinking about painting our kitchen island red. Still trying to talk my husband into it!
Oh and where did you get those red buckets? I think I have a weakness for buckets. And I think I’m too weird.
Can you please tell us where you got the red boots? I really want them…you know how I like red and white polka dots :o)
Thanks for a glimpse into your reality! I feel better now! But I LOVE the red as well!!! And the curtains look lovely! love the red, it’s gorgeous. and I love that you “keep it real” because I only have two kids and my house is a mess like that a lot!! my eyes are drawn to your house. Can we move in? ooooooooo….eye candy! i LOVE red too! it just makes me happy! =) love your entry, too. that fabric is fabulous.
Love your curtains…especially with the red velvet on the bottom. Kind of a happy accident! OH man do I love red too!!! You would LOVE my new stove that we are putting in our new house…it’s old, from England, old….and it is all garnet red and I think I’m naming her Ruby π I mean, seriously, do people really name their stoves?? I do. I really must have that fabric for something!!!! And oh yea…I love it when you keep it real π You make me smile so much! Love it all! I want a red laudnry/mud room. I saw a red and black one years ago and fell in love! Love it all! I want my new laundry/mud room to be red! I saw a red and black one years ago and fell in love. You make me laugh (thank you!) I love the red and beauty in your entry way – and even more I love your keeping it real pictures. Thanks for helping us to know we aren’t alone. π I just found your blog this week and I am loving it! I have 4 kids so I love the keeping it real — instead of all those “fake” blogs who make their lives look perfect. Your red curtains are so gorgeous and I think they are better with the velvet!
Hi, I just found your blog – I love, love, love the pictures of your house. I’ve been wanting to get something from Tanya Whelan’s new line (I thought I recognized the red fabric as being from “Darla” – if not, it sure looks like it!). The curtains are wonderful. I just got a new red accent for my kitchen – red is really growing on me –
Love, love, LOVE your entry way! I fantasize about turning the laundry room into a kid-friendly entry with a bench and hooks . . . your “keeping real” photo reminds me that likely it’ll still be a bit of a disaster:)
Red is my favorite color and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your curtains – the Red velvet just made the curtains PERFECT! See… you were supposed to mess up that way and make them too short so you could add the “real” finishing touches! Great job! :o) And I LOVE the fact that you “kept it real” as always – that’s what my foyer looks like always too between the kids and the dog! LOL Thanks again for sharing! Hugs, Trac~ :o) You know it’s “wear red” day for women’s heart issue awareness?? How appropriate! I so LOOOOVE the color red! Your house is awesome. I like the keeping real picture too!!
thanks for the real life shot. I feel better now! You’ll love brown eyed fox’s blog today then!!! Anyhoo – I have a fabulous blue handbag that is lined with a lovely red….love love love it!!! I love your blog and I appreciate your βkeeping it real photosβ so much! Itβs incredible important to be inspired by the small things in everyday. When you show us your mess after weβve been looking at the rest of your fantastic photos, we can take that inspiration and leave the behind the all the pressure to live a βMartha Stewart Lifestyleβ. Thanks. I found my way to your blog by way of the Sticklers blog. I LOVE the fabric you used for the curtains…just what I have been looking for for my kitchen. Could you tell me what the name of the fabric is??? Thanks so much for sharing a picture of your life.
I love all the little touches of red and the bird hooks, anything with birds really. I laughed when I saw the brown suede boats, because my daughter has the same pair and they are laying on the floor in my mudroom as I type. Glad you kept it real!
The curtains are gorgeous and I love the keeping it real photos. love the red!!! so cheerful. cute curtains, i so wish i could sew!! that’s what my front porch looks like all the time, shoes and bags everywhere!!! This gives meaning to “a mother’s work is never done”…love the pics…especially the “real” one! Thanks so much for posting the “keeping it real” pictures. I LOVE blogland for all of the incredible inspiration it can provide, but it can also suck me into this distorted world where I start to think that messes don’t happen in other people’s houses and if I just worked a little harder my house would look like a page in a magazine all the time. I appreciate that you can blend insipration with reality. It’s more than inspiring, it’s downright encouraging! I LOVE that red purse!!!! And lovin’ the keeping it real photo . . nice to know I’m not alone π
LOL I adore the keepin’ it real pictures. Awesome. The red is so fresh. that last pic still has me laughing. soooo true! very valentinesyish! do you get tired of hearing how inspiring you are? i sat up and read some of your old blogs for hours last night! wierdo alert! kidding. really, you should have your own magazine. i love the lamb or donkey or whatever he was & the look on his face! i would never thought to put that into words, bravo! keep it coming! |
renee - i love your blog iam tryin to get started. and waffle is to cute…
leigh - I love this blog. Are your countertops zinc? Waffle is sooo cute!
Susan - Your dog looks exactly like my dog; I think they are twins.
Becky at Farmgirl Paints - I just stumbled onto your site from a recommendation from Lanny at Simply ME. I love it!!! Your house is absolutely beautiful… I look forward to following along with your blog. Beautiful family too:)
The Rauths - that wicker high chair is awesome!
Blanca - London is too cute. I am amazed at the size of Waffle. I know everytime I comment I have to say something about him. He is just BIG and FLUFFY. I want one!
Have a great weekend and I am looking forward to your etsy shop.
My First Kitchen - Love your floors. I mean the kids are cute too, but wow. LOVE those floors. Okay, that sounds incredibly insensitive. I promise I love children. And that video of your son with the tooth drugs… that’s the best blackmail material I’ve ever seen.
danyele - look at that precious little girlie! and waffle looks like there’s a little more weight in the middle! ha!
so fun! anxious to see how all the etsy sales go for cora’s playground. i’m thinking. still. maybe i should clean my craft place too for a start. hmmm
Kellie - LOVE your blog- I’ve been a stalker for a while – your family is beautiful and you have a way with words and pictures- and I just love reading it everyday!
Sharla - I didn’t know Waffle was THAT big – love him! And he’s so stylish with a little turquoise hanging around his neck. π Sounds like a fun time with Miss London.
Robin Laws - it’s like she was the ~star~ of the day for everyone! waffle looks so goofy big π
gosh meg i am so sorry about your friends and cora. i know sorry doesn’t really cover anything when it comes to losing your child but i am thinking about you, praying for you, your family, your friends and all those hurting people who loved little cora. unimaginable. truly if i could i would hug you and listen to everythnng you had to say for days. just listen and nod and say yes, uh huh. oh. sad. i hear you meg.
Cynthia - How cute? Love your blog and your family.
Penny - Borrowing babies is fun. We do that with the nieces and nephews often. Love them and then send them home! I absolutely love Waffle. We have two Golden Retrievers. We will be breeding our female with a standard poodle very soon. So we may have a bunch of little waffles too!
I love your blog, thank you for sharing glimpses into your world.
Laura - Lauren looks so peaceful/in a good mood/loving in the picture of her and London…that sweet little baby should come around more often, might do wonders for Lauren…
God Bless,
sandy toe - I am coming over from Simply Me…what a fun blog…I think I may be here to stay:)!
-sandy toe
Lazy Mom Leslie - London is adorable! Waffle is almost as cute! He looks like a huge muppet. This Lazy Mom loved getting a dog when my kids were toddlers. Tootsie ate up all the crumbs off the floor. And with toddlers there are tons!
traci - she is getting so big. her blue eyes are beautiful. i bet you all had a great time. that’s the best way to have a child, for the weekend, they you can send her home.
Shannan - I thought for sure I’d be the only one to fully appreciate that high chair…wrong again. What a find! And it’s true, Waffle is ginormous! And it’s also true that London is a gem. I love her name.
Brittany - I love your house. When we buy a house, I plan on it being a combo of your house and Nie Nie and Mr. Nielson’s house. Love them both.
Cherry Tree Lane - Um…the post was so sweet, but the only thing I could concentrate on was the highchair! WHERE?!?! Did you get that?!?!?!?!
erica - That last pic with Talby looks like YOU!!!
She’s a cutie!
Sometimes I think about baby #4, but I agree, borrowing is a lot easier! π
Suzanne - wow! 6 kiddos in the house…you’re incredible!! we’re really seriously thinking of trying for #4 here before long & i just need to keep reading your blog & see how you handle it all…the good/bad & ugly & even host other’s children:)
ooh…i wanna buy some of your bottle cap magnets…so, so cute! could you “sell” your house for a weekend too?? i’d love to see it in person & would pay for that for sure:)
Kraesc - Meg,
I’ve been a lurker for a while. I LOVE your blog. You inspire me so much! Also… I’m in love with your dog!!! What kind is he? And I hope you answer the shedding question because I want one and if he’s a shedder, I won’t be allowed.
I also just wanted to thank you for having such a big heart and for helping people out… you don’t see that often enough anymore.
chris - That dog is huge , wow , and a wicker high chair come on where do you get this stuff .
Allikayes Mama - Waffle is a B-I-G dog!! hehehe!
Darby - Meg.. I know you get a million questions a day… but that Waffle… he’s really something. I must know… does he shed? I got really close to the computer screen and looked at your floors and I can’t see any hair… either
a. you just swept
b. he doesn’t shed
c. you “photoshopped” all the hair out
Which is it?
And London… she’s an angel too! Yes, borrowing is much easier! π
traci - London is precious!! You have the BIGGEST HONKIN DOG I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW…is he going to stop growing?????? Seriously, he is HUGE!!!!! Its good he is a sweet dog or you would clearly be in
WOW, he is huge!!!
Christy - Cannot wait to see what you come up with for Etsy!
London is precious! Love that wicker highchair!