(photo by annie d.)
i am playing catch up today (and the next day and the next).
lauren is home sick.
i am having the best time sewing all this stuff for you.
now the post office….not excited about that but you are going to be patient with me right?
here are a bunch of random shots from our past week.
(can you tell i spend the most time with annie?)
hope your day is calming.
if not….maybe you could string some rainbow beads on ribbon…it's very calming.
i am behind on email.
my house looks like a tornado hit (and stayed).
the dog just threw up in the living room.
i need a shower.
but it's all good.
so very good.
new stuff in the shop as of last night. (see my etsy link? i love linkies!)
my neighbors made and donated some things for the cora playground that you can purchase.
thanks girls!
and……….i'm off!
see ya.
i will keep listing things in the shop but it just takes time. time to make it….
time to photo and list it.
by the way….YOU ROCK!!!
you bought everything!
you are so awesome.
WAY to GO!
Congrats on being such a success with your shop items! It’s so cool that you’re using it to donate to Cora’s Playground. I think that playground will be built in no time! Keep it up! I came to your blog thru the Macs blog. I don’t know them either but have been in prayer for Jess and Joel. I am amazed at the community that you bloggers have…very neat. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I admire your talent for photography. You are truly gifted! Wow! YOU are awesome!! I continue to be wowed by you! I hope you are getting some sleep…or you have a major stock pile of coffee somewhere! Good luck! Just wanted to say hi! I found your blog through a friend who lost her little boy way too soon…she recently blogged about sweet Cora. I have had fun reading your posts and looking at your amazing photography and cute kids. Can I live on your street and come over for dinner (I live in IL)? Haha. Your block parties remind me of my childhood. Lots and lots of wonderful ideas for activities and meals with my family. Thanks for sharing your life and your talent! –Liana
Awesome, now you are really gonna be bUsYYYYY. no you rock! 😀
Hi Meg – was looking for an email address for you, but couldn’t find one – anyhow I just bought the same camera that you have. I bought it last week and was looking at your site and saw you have the same one. I am so happy I bought it now, because your pics are incredible!! I know nothing about photography and I am having a heck of a time figuring this contraption out……….LOL. If you have any helpful hints – let me know. Thanks and I love your site………..Donna i missed out on your pillows 🙁 great job on your shop…just super! xo That is awesome. By the time I got over there almost everything was gone. I will keep checking for new stuff. By the way I showed my husband the picture of waffle and he said “That’s not a dog that’s a sheep”. wow! are you getting any sleep these days?! what did you do with all those kids of yours! really?! I am so impressed with all you do….love the photography….love your new etsy shop! Cora’s family is blessed to have you. i went to check out your listings and everything was gone. my high school friend brought her sweet baby Daisy over for some photos. she was just a perfect little doll.
so pink and soft.
her mommy has the exact same picture with her two older sisters, Violet and Iris…
with the lamb's wool and naked booty at 4 months old.
she was a little rolly polly…just so sweet.
i wanted to hold her all day.
after we got the photo to match her sisters'
i brought out the pink!
scrumptiously sweet!
it looks like a old vintage card for a baby shower….without a stork.
i love taking pictures of babies!
you get to squeeze and snuggle them when you're done.
thanks for sharing your daisy with me.
I love the first pink basket photo the most – so great! Great pictures!!! You have some fantastic props, and such a sweet model.
She is SO precious! she’s adorable. love chunky babies!!! that’s how my karlie was – quite round until she was about 4. now look at her. great job on the photos meg. love the fabric and bassinet – perfect props.
so precious! I love the fabric! love love it! Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute!!! I miss having a baby… We love the pictures. Can’t wait to see the rest. Thanks for making our baby famous! great job on the pics Meg! and that baby girl is sooooo sweet 🙂 What a cutie! Love the name and the fabric!!! Love them! You did a fantastic job with them. The fabric background is so cute too…coming to a SnapShop? Really? What for?! Roxi told me she had Daisy’s pics taken, I was very anxious to see them. CUTE. That is Art Suderman if I ever saw it…only much cuter of course.
oh. my. goodness!!! this is the sweetest…definitely doesn’t help settle the baby fever. just adorable… love that sweet baby…nothing cuter.
You have such a great eye, and the lighting is wonderful! Great job! Helps to have such a sweet little subject too, I am sure! so so adorable! just love those little baby cheeks! =) Can’t believe how much Daisy looks like her mommy! Beautiful baby, beautiful job. I love the pics with the pink background and basket! So so so cute! How much yardage did you use for the backdrop? BTW, awesome thing you are doing with your new etsy shop for the Cora Paige playground! 🙂 She is so precious and I just LOVE the pink. Every time I see new pictures of other babies, it makes me want to have you take more of London but I won’t “hog” your time from others. I know her parents will appreciate those pictures. Too cute – she is just precious and I LOVE the pink. Everytime you take pictures I just want you to take more of London, but I won’t “hog” your time from others. I know they will greatly appreciate these pictures! I love that pink basket – I stare at it every time you give us a glimpse 🙂 Love the fabric too! OMG! She is so adorable! Beautiful pictures!! Oh my goodness – the pink pictures are fabulous! I love the fabric! Where is it from and/or can I buy it from you? 🙂
What a cutie! Love the pink pictures! You have such a good eye! Cute!!! and it wasn't so bad either. (click on the picture)
it's not that full and i am not done yet but it's after 1 AM.
so for now….it's done.
i'm sure i did stuff wrong and there will be kinks to work out for awhile.
i am more than HAPPY to make custom orders for you.
i can make the t-shirts in any size…any design you see (or think up),
any letter (upper or lower case)
lots of color choices
and even for grown up Hot Mamas like yourself.
And LOCAL's…you can just order through email? (cdduerksen @ yahoo .com) no spaces
and i will deliver it myself…no shipping of course.
tell me what you want and i will get to work. :)
it is awesome to see what is going on.
God's plans are so much bigger than ours…thankfully.
After you see my shop click on the pink square up top and see the other goodies.
Jess and Joel…i know that none of this can make any of your pain go away.
i love you both.
your blog makes me smile. i dont remember how the heck i came across it. but i’m oh so glad i did. your optimism is contagious. love your optimism. love love love it.
You are one talented lady….these look like little Boden shirts… LOVE them!
I love reading your blog! I was checking in every few hours as i waited for your etsy shop. Can I ask for a BIG Favor??? Next time before u post more items, Let ME know before everyone else. PLEASEEE!!!! I went to shop and every is almost sold. Congratulations!!!!! It’s going to be a wonderful playground!
Wow. So i went to your store and was like “…Theres only two things.” But after I read these comments I realize there was tons more and you sold all of it. Why? Because you’re the coolest person ever. Ha ha way to go! Meg this is wonderful. God bless you as I’m sure He already has. Your items are beautiful. Ok, almost everything in your store has sold!!! That’s incredible! Everything looked amazing. so cute meg! i love the pillow. well actually, love it all!!! Very cool idea! This is so great of you to do! I hope that it surpasses all of your expectations. I know Cora’s parents are beyond appreciative! So awesome! Congrats!
Just finished placing my order!!! And I’d love to order Christmas stockings, aprons, & bottle top magnets— if you decide to sell them, too!!! Yipee!!!
About time you started a shop! Love it! Holding out for the bottle cap magnets! YIPPEE!! Goin’ over RIGHT now! you must run on double C batteries. Amazing what you kick out in a day. great items! keep up the great work! 🙂
I love what you have listed so far. I love your style so full of color! Great job Meg! I’ll go take a look at all the wonderful creations.
Thanks for everything you do. I love reading your blog daily & I think what you are doing for your friends is amazing. Our very dear friends’ daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma last Thursday and after following Cora’s story all these weeks it really hit home. We are trying to surround them with as much love as you have to Jess & Joel. Thank you for leading by example. Meg…the shop look FABULOUS….your goodies are stunning as I knew they would be. Try to relax…..you did it!!!! I got up at 5:30 this morning and went straight to the computer to check your shop for items. I am so thankful that I did because your stuff went fast. I can’t wait to get my pillow! But I am not done yet…waiting for more 😉 I got up at 5:30 this morning and went straight to the computer to check your shop for items. I am so thankful that I did because your stuff went fast. I can’t wait to get my pillow! But I am not done yet…waiting for more 😉 Good for you!!!!!!! Looks awesome!
Looks like you’re in business! Start sewing up some more of those pillows – it’s only 9:30 ET and they’re already snatched up! I’m loving the Amy Butler ones (at least I think it’s her?) and the vintagey rose one. All of it is gorgeous! Hope all this crafting is helping to heal you up a tiny bit. 🙂 Oh my word! Love all of it, especially the pillows! Looks like something you would find at Anthropologie, but for WAY more money. You are very talented! (and generous for doing this for the Cora Playground!) congrats to you!!! so happy you got it all listed…i am so amazed at this whole project. congrats!!! the site looks great. i love those tshirts!!! should i have another baby so i could by one? sorry – hell no!! i am searching my brain for a little girl to buy one for. love the picture of annie in the store sidebar. such a doll.
You have been working so hard! It’s looks great!
Your things look beautiful! It’s very late here, though, so I will revisit soon. Love your blog… so i have all this stuff for my shop…. but i haven't listed any of it into my new shop because
it looks like a lot of work to do all at once…for a newbie.
i was supposed to have it done today for the big launch.
and i am not ready.
but i am trying.
i hope you still like me.
i will be working all day to get my items listed.
i have the kids all taken care of….
ha ha ha
haha. that picture is too funny. i kept your blog minimized on my screen for like 2 weeks & read it like a magazine in the mornings. yall are cool. i think you COULD have a magazine! & your new shop is great! could i borrrow waffle’s crate! hahahahaha!
i love your blog! and i can’t wait to see your etsy shop! i just started putting items in my shop over the weekend and i have to agree with you…listing is definitely a process that takes time! good luck! You are still LOVE-ED!!!! Can’t wait to see, but take your time… ‘if you want to do things well, take your time go slowly!’ Hi Megan. I have thought many times about posting a comment, and I’m finally doing it! Your mom is such a dear friend to me, and I so enjoy your blog. My daughter, Emily, is a senior in high school and was looking at your photography. She would love for you to take her senior pictures this spring. Maybe a road trip to Newton for a photo shoot? Good luck getting your craft things listed on etsy. Ann Good luck! We will always love you no matter how long it takes 🙂 My kids LOVE to play in Mac’s cage too 🙂 Like that poster “Keep Calm and Carry On”. You’ll get there. In the meantime, if it all gets too much, I’d be tempted to climb into the dog crate myself with a bunch of magazines and a thermos of coffee. If you throw a quilt over the crate, you could potentially have hours before the kids find you! Hope you have a happy day.
waiting patiently……….hope your day was not a disaster!! Looking forward to the launch. In the meantime, I am laughing my butt off – Do you know how many pictures of my littlest one I have in the dog crate??? So funny. I have pictures like that of my boys. They have big fat grins on their faces all the while being in the dog cage!!! Too funny! I have pictures like that of my boys. They have big fat grins on their faces all the while being in the dog cage!!! Too funny! I’m so excited to see all the cute things in your new etsy shop. Good luck getting it up and running. hahahahahha. Laughing so hard! hahahahha. Laughing so hard right now…. I’m excited to see all the cute things that will be in your etsy shop. Good luck getting it up and running. are you going to name your etsy store after your blog? i think it would be perfect if you’re selling whatever floats your boat to make. but then you probably already have your own brilliant idea and i’m turning into my grandma, giving the unwanted two cents. 😉
Good luck Meg. 🙂
I love this! Can’t wait…. you’ll have to post your store name when you get all your stuff up! i CAN’T WAIT!!
Ha ha funny! Can I get one of those for my kids? Can’t wait to see what you’ve listed. Hope you get it all figured out. not a bad idea…i might have to try that. bbbbaaawwwaaaaahhh! bwahahahahaha…thanks for laugh out loud moment…that photo is hilarious! Hurry! Hurry! I’m ready to shop!!!
I would love to know what Waffle is thinking?!
EEEEEEEEEEK….HURRY!!!!!! YOUR DOG, CRACKS ME UP!!!!! Can’t wait to see your stuff. What’s your etsy shop name? I’m inspired to make some things for Cora too. I have just come across your blog in the last couple of weeks and I must confess that I have fallen in love with it (not at all in a creepy way, of course!)…thank you for sharing all of your creativity…it has been a real inspiration to me…much love and thanks from Mesa, Az!
I am excited to see what you have!!! I have new things to my shop!!
Can’t wait to see either…please post a link to your shop there lady! xo
Oh Meg, you know we will all wait for you and of course we still like you 😛 Silly girl! I have been checking your shop about every 15 minutes…just waiting. I am ready when you are 😉
Yay!!! I can’t wait to see! And you are right…it IS a lot of work to list a bunch at once but you can do it!! ok…. isn't it so beautiful?
i heard that cora's family absolutely loves it.
doesn't that just make you smile from your soul?
then go here to see all the etsy goodies with profits going towards
the cora paige project.
peace out.
(that is annie btw…not me)
What a great picture! I love how you captured the sunlight, and even some prismatic (is that a word?) color. I love that someone else says peace out!!!!! I thought I was the only one on the planet that still says that…and “word”!! Do you say word to???? LOL I’m so glad you clarified that wasn’t you! I was cracking up! cute picture. i though it was you for sure – you replaced bath candles with bath toys. i am headed to etsy now. can’t wait to see all the goodies. cora’s family has to feel so blessed with all the love that everyone is showing. SO I know you have your own crafty things to make in all your crafty coolness but I was just wondering if perhaps you could make a camera bag for Cora Paige along with all the other things, then the first thing I ever buy on Etsy would be: A. Something you made so I know its going to be totally cool and B. Something to help out someone else. Soo..Yep thats all. Oh also, I’m 18 years old and you may quite possibly be one of the coolest people I have ever not met, including a bunch of celebrities. Ok, have a good day! I would love to add my etsy shop to donate to cora’s playground. how do i sign up? Oh my gosh, how do you ever stop laughing? That Annie is so funny. And I wonder where she learned her peace out? That is the BEST picture! awesome! i’m preaching tomorrow and using cora’s story on how god uses the ordinary to do extraordinary things…i can’t wait to see how many more kids are touched and reached by cora paige, joel and jess. That has to be my favorite photo ever. 🙂 can’t get the playground blinkie to work! driving me nuts. I can get it..but with no blinking…and when I try to cut and paste the code, it won’t paste. I want to poke my eyes out. help! I’m terrible with bloggie blinky button stuff…but I will try my darndest to get this button on my blog 🙂 That Annie…she is THE funniest kid 🙂 I’m terrible with bloggie blinky button stuff…but I will try my darndest to get this button on my blog 🙂 That Annie…she is THE funniest kid 🙂
i have a stomach virus today…..so, i’m all curled up in front of my gas logs. i just found your blog this morning.at 6:30a.m. as of now, i have read your entire blog. the entire thing. it took me five hours. no, i’m not a stalker. i love, love your decorating style, your parenting style, your photography and your precious children….even lauren in her 14 year old glory. so glad i found you. not glad for a virus on valenhearts day!
Holy Crafts, Batman! You do realise of course that due to the overwhelming popularity and gorgeousness of all the Etsy merchandise, you will have enough money to install a “Cora’s Playground” in churches all over your country. Isn’t it amazing what a company of women can do – look what you’ve pulled together in the space of a week. Bravo! LOVE that pic…it made me laugh out loud! xoxo
I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now. And I just have to tell you that Annie is the funniest kid ever. She just cracks me up. She has such a great spirit.
These pictures are so, so inspiring. My crafty life has been dormant recently, and these photos are just what I needed to get back on track.
That all looks luscious! I linked to you today. 🙂 Happy Sunday. Kelly Wish I was there!!! Pure love….craft on your Craftiness (a title reserved for only the craftiest of crafty people!) holy moses! why did i go to hobby lobby today when i could of just wandered across the street to shop the craft room 🙂 you go girl. Lanny sent me over from her blog. I am glad she did. I am in love with Waffle. YOU my dear are INCREDIBLE!!! I just can’t WAIT to see what emerges from that crafty craftroom 🙂 you always have the most beautiful, colorful photos. i am always so happy when i see them. happy crafting!! Don’t you just love having a place to create?! I’m drooling over the fabric you have~
I can’t wait to see what you make for Cora!! I will be first in line to buy it! Your colorful pictures have brightened my day! how do you keep your head from EXPLODING from all the crafty possibilities??? don’t know what you’re making, but it must be lovely!
Ohmygoodness… you and your LOVELY depth of field… SUMPTIOUS photos as ever, sending big love over the pond, soooo sorry to hear about Cora, it broke my heart. The crafting idea is amazing! Good luck, here’s to many happy playdays in Cora’s Playground xx Nice and colorful lol. Have a great Valentines Day! can’t wait to see what you make!!! xo I’m swooning over all of that fabric. Crafting is so cathartic. Oh my gosh! Look at all that amazing, delicious fabric (I think fabric is delicious). I’m so jealous. I can’t wait to see what you make. Is there any room left for you?? Next time I need a little something extra, I think I might have to walk down the street and look at your stash. Can’t wait to see what comes out of there! i ADORE that scrap of Amy Butler fabric in the 8th picture down! I can’t wait to see what you craft, i’m SO excited! 😀
i am salivating….cannot wait to see more!
looks great, and cant wait…
oh my gosh – my heart is racing after looking at those pictures!!!
so fun! Kelly
i see super fun shirts and fun crafty things happening in there…super fun! I can’t wait to see what you will make. Your craft things look like a candy store! 🙂 I want to buy whatever you make! Everything will be beautiful.
Wow! Can’t wait to see what you make. I think I’d buy just about anything you made. I was looking through the pictures of your house yesterday (love it!) and wondered where you get all your bamboo blinds on the windows? Are they custom, or off the shelf? I was out of town when you posted asking for questions about you or I would have asked then. Sorry about the double comment! You better post when all that crafty is for sale!! I want to buy!! Yay!! You better post when you get those crafty things up for sale!!! I am wanting to buy!!! Yay!
Good for you. That is what I should be doing….Instead I am going to sit on my toosh and watch a movie in the rain…. When I was scrolling through the pictures, I saw the second one and my first thought was – OMGOSH, that shopping cart is full of fabric to buy??? Then I realized it must be just a wire basket. You always make me feel like being crafty. I just need to add a couple 2, 3 hours to my day! Oh my, all those delightful prints and patterns just make me want to dive in and be crafty too! My creativity is in high gear…I must make time! I wish I could get my hand on that fabric and ribbon!!!! |
sara - I have to tell you… I just recently added you to my google reader and I think that you are absolutely adorable. What made me comment today, though, is the little people. (Yeah, I’m a little behind on my EIGHT HUNDRED+ unread items!) It just made my heart smile to see all those people… my son (3) is so very in love with them. he sleeps with them, eats with them, the x-ray fish is his beloved. we actually had to get 4 more fish off ebay for backup.
the really sick thing is that it’s become an obsession for ME, too! I am constantly looking for more, more, more… Oy!
Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us!
Jamie Sampson - LOVE the bathtub photos. They made me smile and feel happy. Thanks! You rock! 🙂
Shawn Chen - Hey Meg–
You don’t know me. I am Jess’s second cousin once removed–sounds distant but you probably met my kids and husband. The girls were in Jess and Joel’s wedding–I stayed home and accidentally had a baby while they were gone.
Anyways…I love your blog; you know the cupcakes you made the day you drew on your bathroom walls? What kind of frosting did you use? I can never get my frosting just right–yours looks so luscious. I keep wondering…
Shawn Chen
Staci - We have those same animals Annie is playing with in the tub 🙂 I MUST learn how to sew dang it!!! Have a great weekend…hope you don’t have to sew the ENTIRE time 🙂
traci - i can feel the happiness in that post. a tornado in the house doesn’t even rattle you. love the beads!! have a great weekend.
Nicole Quiring - I’ve been following your blog for almost a year . . . I’m friends with Lynette Jost – we moved out to Utah at the same time – my husband (Jason Quiring) knows your husband from church camp or something. He’s a youth pastor. Anyways, Lynette told me about your blog and I’m loving it, you are so talented and so REAL!! Love it!
Nicole Quiring
Jenn - Oooh, dog barf in the living room… nice. Better than other things I suppose! Nice work on the Etsy shop – Love seeing your creations.
kasey - Meg, I’m so happy that all your things sold and now you are on your second batch.
good things.
Angie Seaman - Hey girl. You have a tag award over on my blog. Go check it out.
Big hugs, Angie
Angie Seaman - Hey girl. You have a tag award over on my blog. Go check it out.
Big hugs, Angie
tami - You look great how fun!
Laura Phelps - love your pictures, smile and energy…and the rainbow beads. How can you not smile at THAT?
Becky Vogt - Hi Megan! I just had to tell you how much I’m enjoying your blog. You are very talented and creative! And thanks for posting pics of your home, I’ve always been so curious to see the inside, the outside looks amazing!
Jennifer P. - Love to hear the happiness in your voice!
Now I am off to check out this shop—if you’re making it, I need to have it 🙂
Julia - The underwater picture is so neat – one day your kids are going to love that you took such wonderful pictures of their lives.
Michelle - Make your life a little easier by preprinting your shipping lables (thank you, paypal!) and signing up right there to have your postal carrier pick up the packages at your house. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that feature in paypal. Who has time to go to the post office? 🙂
Lazy Mom Leslie - Love all your pictures. But I say that every single time!
Dana D @BoysMyJoys - I am in NO rush for my order. And if it helps, you can just wait on sending out my package! Who knows, I’m sure I’ll be buying more! You could just mail it all out in one big box… whenever! I’m loving your pillows! But they keep selling before I see them! I’ve subscribed to your shop’s feed now, so hopefully there will be a pillow in my future!
sarah - Wonderful pictures. I love how you give us peeks into your everyday life!
danyele - i love all your shots of annie. i have lots of sofie because she’s with me all the time.
i hope you have a fabulous-o day! i wanted to give you a little linky to one of the ways we have honored little cora paige with the help of tabitha…
off to look at your new things on etsy…i have a bday for jada coming up soon and i know you will hve something fab that will help build the playground too!!!
adrienne - Strawberry Fields…. MY FAVORITE!!! I looooove vintage linens.
Trish - I just found your blog through another blog 🙂 I love yours and I am here to stay! So glad you sold out of your Cora items. Love the bathtub shots. it reminds me of my little girl “the fish” 🙂
traci - Love the pics as always, the shop is fabulous. Make funky tees for size 10 girls. LOVE the glitter letters. Bought some before they were taken and would love MORE!!!!!!!!!
Anna - MEG! That glass tray with the beads on it…is that a tray from a “snack” set? I found 3 of those with the little cups at Goodwill. I have been looking for more. Where did you find yours?
I am still holding out for more red 😉 Cute stuff added last night!
Jeanne - To be small again in a BIG tub full of toy!
sandy toe - I just love your pictures…I am not a bath person…but that water and all those toys seem dreamy for a child…my girls would be in heaven!
-sandy toe
** I am new to your blog and I am loving it!
Rachel Reeves - First off….you’re pretty! I don’t think that I had seen another picture of you (Aside from the glasses on the sidebar).
Secondly, I love bathtime pics. Too cute!
Have a faboo day!