i don't like change in my routine….

so no-school days throw me off.
but i was happy to get one extra hour of sleep this morning…to the minute.
waffle came into my room exactly one hour later than i usually get up.
annie still had preschool and the two new creation preschool graduates
came along for the drop off.
they noticed right away that ms. kristin was wearing the hoodie we made her for rainbow week.
talby whispered "MOM! she's wearing it!!" with a big smile to me.
sean wanted her to zip it up…so he did it for her!
for sean to feel that comfortable, it makes my heart happy. (thank you kristin)
i told talby before we left the house "if you come with me…we'll get D, O, N, U, T, S."
she looked confused….ran and got a piece of paper and a pen and said "spell it again."
i did and when she wrote the S she gasped out loud!
it was the cutest.
i got the peanut butter donut.
sean brought his crazy straw from home. he's been saving it for a special occasion. :)
after donuts, sewing and preschool pick up….
we hit the pool.
with friends…for mommy and for the kids.
boys love splashing.
i hate being splashed…freaks me out…always has.
annie had so much fun.
it was the first time she swam without me IN the water with her.
it's a tiny pool so she just floated around the big kids…going from group to group…in her floaty.
seriously shana and pam….this time at the pool made my whole day good.
we all had such a good time.
and now they are getting ready for bed and i am packing up more etsy stuff.
i should have it all mailed out soon.
thanks for your patience…that part of the shop is so new to me…and overwhelming.
then i will get right back to the fun part…CREATING!!
it's true. as crazy as messes can make you feel (after awhile) they can also be so pretty too.
the craft room is a major huge mess.
and it feels good and happy.
pillows stacked over my head.
fabric piled everywhere.
scraps all over the place.
i am sure these pictures will make some of you cringe from all the mess…but it's just me.
my friend susan dropped off these boxes of ribbon just to be nice.
she thought i could use them on a cora project.
they are so happy just to look at and i can't wait for the perfect project.
i have stacks of shirts and hoodies to keep me busy yet.
i have been through many big boxes of stuffing.
my scrapbook supplies are buried back there somewhere…i will get back to that someday.
as i sew and cut i just let it fall on the floor.
i have only slipped on it once….
we've have been able to have the windows open even….so refreshing and sunny.
just after the funerals….i decided to paint the craft room.
it was something i could control.
nothing sad would come of me painting a wall.
i did the whole wall in chalkboard paint.
the little girls have been busy while i sew so it's win/win.
and are you wondering where the craft room is?
remember the new bathroom?
you have to go through my bedroom, through the new bathroom to get to it….
like a secret room just for me.
if i had a computer up there….i may never come out!
ok…..time for some shop talk.
i have lots more items to list.
my neighbor made a bunch of things for me to list.
i made many more pillows and shirts.
my PLAN is to list it all today.
then ship everything that sold last week tomorrow and friday.
and then start making things again.
but that was my plan yesterday too.
i screwed up my pictures…i was very crabby…so were my kids….and i had a headache.
in effort to be proactive, today i MADE myself go for a walk for sunshine and exercise and health.
and i feel much better.
check tonight for the new stuff in the shop.
just so you know…i am LOVING the shop.
LOVING that you like it.
LOVING that the playground project is going so well.
it is beautiful.
she's beautiful….oh those cheeks and blue blue eyes!
I have to confess that I am obsessed with your blog! You are SOOOOOO inspiring! I dream of having a craft room like this one day! This is the only place I can come and look at a mess that actually makes me happy. For one thing – it is a colorful, happy mess. and secondly – it’s not mine and that makes it fantastic. WOW!
the pic above the chalkboard picture just screams happiness to me. i love it!! I love it love it love it! Mine is even messier, but not nearly as colorful, so it just looks like a junk room. And I’m in the basement with not a lot of light. I envy your window! The chalkboard wall is awesome. I may have to just do that…
holy cannoli hey there! i’m not sure if i should request a custom order here or on your shop, but my daughter’s bday is march 16. i would really like to have her an outfit like you did for annie. i already have the tutu. halle will be 5. mostly just pinks, white & black. would love for the 5 to be black & white polka dot.. but whatever you come up with will be great. in a size 5. and would you like for me to prepay??? Meg… I wish we lived in the same town. I would so be your friend. π
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!! It’s so happy! Where did you get the large letter M in your craft/sewing room? I’m searching for a large letter HI Meg, great mess!! Do you think you might could make some of your super cool and funky bottle-cap magnet thingies for your Etsy store??…love those things!! Um, possibly some with pics of cupcakes in them?? You are SO creative… Can’t wait to see what is new in the shop. That room is so happy and fun! It reminds me of my mom’s sewing room which is always a beautiful mess too! PS. I told my hubby we need a new room and I need a craft room….LOL, I am not sure if I will get a new house just so I can have a craft room. Love the “mess” I would welcome that creative mess anytime at my house. I just adore your stuff. LOVE IT. I ordered something. I think your mess is beautiful and colorfully happy! I love the chalkboard wall and am very jealous of your craft room. I want one! π Love the pillows and the chalkboard wall!!! I have chalkboard walls in my kitchen and LOVE it. Oh Meg it is all so perfect. And your mess looks very familiar! man how i wish i had your craft room and your talent. i’ve always wanted to sew but have a fear of it.
I love the mess. I’m glad it’s not just me. Thank you for being beautiful. I loove all the colors some of your fabrics looks like Lily Pulitzer my favorite! I love the craft room! I love the color in the pictures! and I love the mess!!!! My craft room is neglected and it is messy too! I love that you are creating! I wish I had it in me to do that right now!
I don’t think you can be creative without a bit of a mess π That looks like crazy fun…and majorly theraputic (I know I spelled that wrong!). I have my eye on ones of those pillows…off to your shop to see if I can score it! i look about 25 times a day at the etsy–cora stuff. there were like 625 items still for sale…i’m so happy! and your stuff is uber fab! Love your messes, love your craftiness! Have got to get some of those pillows!!!!! Keep up the amazing work!! that’s the most beautiful mess i’ve ever seen! what a wonderful, creative mess it is. i think creative messes are the only good kind of messes. you are on a roll. good for you. they are so lucky to have you on their team. cora’s playground is going to be the best ever. i am headed to the shop now. keep up the good work. Umm, any comment would be superfluous, but…. well done on balancing beauty, mayhem and joy so deliciously! All of the colors and patterns, the things that make us girls happy! I love looking at it!
I love it all Megan! Those pictures bring some brightness to these days. Do you think it’s okay if I just go broke buying all this cute stuff…oh wait, NO! That is the one thing Jess’s mom said…”now you girls don’t go broke!” You inspire me to be crafty….haha, that makes me laugh. If only I could get my sewing machine out of the box and set up! I AM getting Mason’s shirt for his bday done, hooray for me…but I think I’ll be running to gma’s to borrow the machine! I think it’s pretty π What a wonderful mess! You are so talented and you have inspired me to get my sewing machine out and create something. What a beautiful mess! My messes never look that colorful and bright! Mine are more like husbands dirty socks and lots of cereal bowls. Maybe I should invest in some colorful dishes π I would love to have enough stuff and space to have a mess like that! I love your site, your house and pictures. You are an inspiration to me. I don’t know how you find time to do ALL that you do! Keep up the good work. I want your craft room… mess and all!
craft room envy! love it. i work best like that!
Now THAT is a beautiful mess. I wish my messes looked like that. And your photography is inspirational.
Oh I wish I lived closer – organization is my thing. I’d bee-oop on over and get everything boxed up & out the door, and help get items listed (but would not touch the supplies, it seems like an methodical organized mess).
love all the color splashing out of these photos!!! honestly i would love to have that mess….all of it…oh and that chalkboard paint looks awesome! I have been wanting to do the crayola pink and purple in the playroom…but better save that for a house we’ll get to stay in for more than a year or two.
Messy? It all looks normal to me! I only wish I had as terrific a space to contain my mess! And I LOVE the chalkboard wall! I love that mess! It is beautiful! BTW…yours is my favorite blog EVER. Love the chalkboard wall!!! We’ve been wanting to do that to the toy room for a while now…not sure if I should do the bottom half of the wall or all of it. Loving the items in your shop too!! You’re inspiring me to try to make some of those flower shirts! I bought my sewing machine back in October and finally got it out last week and have been practicing.
What a fun, colorful mess! I’d love to have a messy craft room like that!
I am hoping in our next bigger house I will get a craft room!!!! I love all the material you are using!!! Love the colors!!!! Sara Just what I needed to see on this closed-window day! Bring on the pillows! And, ps, your yellow metal table on casters? I have the exact one in green. π every single picture makes me so happy!!! i love all the colors, I LOVE the fabric! can’t wait to see what else you put in your shop! i made my mom buy the brown/orange polka dot pillow!!
i so need that room. and all the wonderful, colorful, perfect mess in it. when you’re finished, please let me have it.
Love the craft room and everything you are doing for the Cora Paige Project! Just curious where you bought the hex tile in your bathroom? Love it!
I wish I had a room like that too–I need a place to be messy that no one sees as soon as they walk in the front door! My messes aren’t pretty though. I sonder what that tells me about my creations. yeesh. What a wonderful “mess”! Love your shop, looking forward to tonight’s additions. i am loving that mess! it’s gorgeous!! and i love that your craft room is in such a cool, hard to get to place! how fun! i haven’t bought anything from the shop yet b/c every time i check it you are cleared out!! but i’m glad it’s going so well!! Looks like an inspiring mess to me! I’m the same way. They say ‘creatives’ are like this… our brains just don’t organize the way other people’s do. at least, that’s what I tell myself when things get out of control. lol
Such a fun place! I love the “give more hugs” sign – who made it?! I just love it – I wish I had a sewing room to make a mess like that. I am still working on a few more things to add to the shop – Russ is gone this week – soooo we will see what I can get done with London’s help. I have seen you light on in the craft a night when I am on my way up the stairs to bed. buring the midnight oil?? on saturday we were invited to a surprise 40th birthday party for my friend kerry. she was.
very surprised.
it was so fun to see her shock
and then scanning the room at all the people there….lots of family and friends.
then she saw her mom was there!
so much fun.
she started to cry happy tears as she made the rounds and gave hugs.
her husband dan threw her a great party…really good BBQ and comfort food…yummy cake.
those coconut cupcakes were divine and the chocolate cake had coffee frosting!
i wanted seconds but i had seconds on the pasta and potato salad already.
her family is good at cookin'!
we watched a slideshow of her life in photos.
she was a teenager in the 80's…..need i say more?
she was given lovely gifts….
this her youngest daughter…sweetie poo-pie as kerry would say.
kerry has sweet nick names for everyone.
they had a time of sharing your favorite memories of kerry.
and i wanted share….but i didn't…for two reasons.
1. i have been extra emotional lately and knew if i stood in front of everyone i would cry.
2. everyone was telling wild crazy stories and mine didn't fit.
so kerry….i'd like give my speech now…where i won't cry in front of all your family and friends.
here goes…
pretend i have a microphone…clear my throat..check that it's on…testing tesing….
"i am a fairly new friend of kerry's. we go to tuesday morning bible study together.
i think that she is one of the kindest women i know. she is compassionate of others.
she cares about her friends deeply. she calls and checks on me when i miss our study.
she calls to go for coffee.
she offered to help (offered dan to help) insulate our attic when they had a rain day on the farm.
she loves her family so dearly…her kids are respectful and kind. they always give me big hugs.
bottom line kerry….i really like you.
you are fun and funny and crack me up.
and all these crazy stories of you make me want to know you more.
i am excited for our friendship that is to come….we could get in some real trouble.
i feel blessed to be your friend.
and i promise never to give you a snake or make you look at a snake or talk about snakes.
happy birthday."
good job dan.
holy cow i loved that “facebook in reality” clip. i think i’m the only person i know not on facebook! ha! This is a sweet reminder to let my dear girlfriends know how much I love and appreciate them! Thanks. Awe. Your speech reminds me of how blessed I am to have the fantastic friends I do in my life. And how fun surprise parties are!!! π Goof reminder to be thankful to great friends in LIFe. I love posts that remind me of what a blessing it is to be a girl and have girlfriends. And if they talk about coconut cupcakes, then all the better.
Meg…this is totally off subject. But…do you have any money saving tips; groceries, entertainment,etc? With all those kids I would guess you have learned some things! Thanks!
In the second photo with three women (the one on the left has an argyle sweater) if the woman on the right is KrisAnn let me know. She looks just like a relative of ours!
What a great speech! Now I want to be Kerry’s friend too! i turn 40 this year. i hope to be as lucky as kerry to have a wonderful day and not wallow in “ugh…i’m 40” π
Really sweet of her husband to throw her such a nice party w/ lots of friends and family! The food pics. and descriptions are making me so hungry. Looks like she was truly surprised π How fun and how sweet of her hubby! Brian threw a surprise party for me when I was 7 months pregnant…he told everyone not to yell too loud when I walked in for fear of shocking me into childbirth π Your little speech to her was so sweet…I can tell, you are such a sweet friend to your “real” friends too! yeah, i was a teenager in the 80’s too. i completely understand. she sounds like a wonderful person. and it looks like you all had a great time. i haven't watched them yet.
i haven't seen any of the movies.
it's on the dvr so while i sew i may have it on in the background.
but this is what i like to see on my oscars.
"del tacooooo!"
looking forward to seeing what was funny tonight.
I just watched my DVR’d Oscars yesterday. REEEEALLY good. Surprisingly. And, yes, they cut to Brad and Angelina when Jennifer Aniston presents an award. TWICE.
That’s some good funny right there! Thanks!
I was at the Oscars!!!! It was fantastic! Go and watch! Too bad it’s not always that funny! thanks for a laugh! we don’t have cable, so I miss out on this stuff! i just wanted to let you know, i was at old navy this weekend, and there is a red and white polka dotted hooddie there with your name on it! you cannot be 19.50! That’s why I didn’t bother with watching the Oscars – how can I get excited for a movie if I haven’t seen it? Once they come out on DVD then I’ll be excited for them! just got through commenting on MY blog about what i thought was funny on the oscars…they were really good this year, even though i hadn’t seen any of the movies either…come share whether you & i thought the same thing:) Likewise – I haven’t seen any of the movies and I rarely get to watch the Oscars. I’ll catch up on what everyone wore by looking at the Today Show! I love love love your blog. it’s so colorful and warm, and always brings a smile to my face. you make me want to be more crafty and spontaneous than I actually am… and I have the urge to have many more children… I think that’s a good thing too!:-) thanks for sharing. Okay, those were really funny clips… Why can’t the Oscars always be so fun? happy birthday to my big sister.
you are so smart.
you are so caring.
your laugh makes me laugh.
i miss you.
you are so creative.
you are a deep thinker (you are always thinking things i never have).
you love music and going dancing.
and i miss you.
hope your day is great.
eat a piece of cake for me….i mean it! you must eat 2 pieces!!
(she won't…she's good like that)
i love you so much lorel!
you have been the best sister anyone could want for 33 years.
i am so glad we are sisters.
Thanks for such a great post. I love you so much!
I made cupcakes today and I am just waiting on them to cool so I can make “real” frosting and my little girl cant wait to sprinkle them…thanks for the inspiration..we get so busy day to day that we forget that it is really worth the time to make things from scratch…I also made the “icebox cake” today too..you need to post that recipe..(so easy and WONDERFUL!) I have always wondered what it would be like to have a sister I was close with. What a blessing….
Happy Birthday Lorel! What a great present to give to her, a personal note detailing your love. That’s the best! Meg, great picture the of the fabulous Lorel and sweet Macy. Are you giving her a copy for her bday? π i have always wanted a sister…i do have super fab SIL’s now, though. happy bday to your sis! Reading this makes me miss my little Sis – she’s all the way in Africa! π Happy Birthday Lorel!!!!! ( I love that name by the way!) And we are soooo making cupcakes today…thanks for posting your recipe π Hi Meg, I read your post on PVE. I was really stirred by your comments’ and just wanted to say, go for it! Take a painting class, or start with some inexpensive supplies. Visit my site as I am giving away a painiting so I hope you enter, today is the last day! Hey Aunt Megan this is Morgan!!!!! The frosting looks good!!
i think most of you will think "you can buy frosting." "i know how to make frosting"
or "everyone knows how to make frosting"
if so….then i guess don't read this and come back tomorrow.
i have had several people ask me how i make my frosting so i thought i would share.
like every good food in life….
you start with butter.
i always use real butter.
it needs to be room temperture….this is very important.
it should smoosh when you touch it.
if it's not room temp your frosting will have little clumps of butter in it….not pretty.
then i use the mixer to cream the butter till it's smooth…no clumps.
then i dump in half or 3/4 of the bag of powdered sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla.
turn you mixer on the very lowest setting and start to mix this in.
but it still may fly out and hit your shoe….even if you are careful.
it should be very thick…too thick but mostly mixed together after a minute.
then you add milk.
just a tiny bit at a time….about a tablsespoon.
then mix.
if it seems really thick then add another TBS. and mix again.
that should be enough but you your own good judgement to see if you need more milk.
in this semi-blurry picture you can see that the frosting is thick enough to stand on the knife.
but thin enough to easily spread on the cake.
no drippiness.
then the FUN begins.
one other thing…..
when i make this frosting (shown below…not the same as above)
i do all the steps above and then i fold in a container of cool whip.
then i pour it all into a gallon ziploc bag…close it up…
cut a small hole in the corner and squeeze the frosting on in a spiral motion.
have fun.
and maybe if your lucky a little first grader will ask you
"is this homemade?"
ME – "yes it is"
"well…….it tastes disgusting."
Thanks a lot for blogging this, it was unbelieveably informative and helped me tons. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation youβve ever had. http://slotscasinogamblingbonus.info/casino/starlite-casino-hannibal las vegas casino firee [url=http://slotscasinogamblingbonus.info/lottery/how-to-win-instant-lottery-tickets%5Dbelowabove poker player[/url] I usually donοΏ½t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful οΏ½ Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks! I donοΏ½t usually reply to posts but I will in this case. WoW π i wanted you to know that I just made the tie dye cupcakes and my kids are FREAKING out thinking I am the coolest mom EVER:-) I just made this frosting and it is soooo good. Please, can you PM me and tell me few more thinks about this, I am really fan of your blog…gets solved properly asap. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation youβve ever had. just reading off your frosting recipe to a friend whose little girl is having a baking b-day party. theyll decorate the cupcakes themselves. fun! thanks π Funny I tried this cool whip trick for Shaye’s party in March and the grownups liked it but not the kids. Hmm…
I saw this and immediately thought of you… π
so, so funny — you gotta love them, right? Gotta love those 1 st graders and their thoughful comments. it doesn’t look like it tastes disgusting. lol! don’t ya just love ’em. thanks for the instructions. i don’t make homemade frosting. but it looks easy enough. i just need one of those fancy mixers.
I have those shoes :o) Gotta love kids, huh? Thanks for the recipe & for making me laugh out loud. π
Oh. Yummy.mmmmmmmmm. Can I lick the bowl or the spoon? Please. Oooh thanks for this – it’s different from my recipe..and sounds way better! you are def my icing hero!
Why, oh why, would someone ruin HOMEMADE frosting by adding Cool Whip to it?!!! And, that first grader was probably used to Cool Whip-type stuff! I have wanted to know forever how to make that fluffier looking frosting I see on everyone’s cupcakes- thanks for sharing the cool whip tip! I always love homemade frosting the best! Especially cream cheese frosting on carrot cake! Looks delicious. I love your first grader’s comments. I’ve heard that more than once from my two boys.
Thanks–I’m glad I’m not the only one who wanted to know. I think I will squeeze a little lemon juice in too. In California you have to do something besides make Limoncello with those lemons.
This looks so yummy and I must try it! Thanks for sharing…a lot of us don’t know how to make it…me being one of them! I love it when you fold in the cool whip! I always enjoy the pictures of cupcakes!
I’ve always wondered if it’s hard to pipe it out of a ziploc like that…I can get intimidated by the strangest things! You make it look easy and delicious (never thought about adding Cool Whip). I think I may just give it a try… π Looks very yummy! I have one question. What size bag of powdered sugar to you use? I need an approximate amount. Otherwise I might mess this up. Thanks for sharing. xoxo Delicious! you cannot go wrong with butter, sugar, vanilla, and some Cool Whip! π Haha…poor thing. What a little butthead! Kids! I just made my own frosting recently and it’s so worth the effort. I will try your version, too. Thanks! Ha! I had a first grader ask me the exact same thing!! Loved it, Thank you.. Gotta Love the Honesty of Kids. They look Delicious.. Love these directions, I am going to try it soon! And I actually snorted when I read your 1st grader’s comment. As you know, the occasional condescending comments only get worse when they are teenagers! Thanks for the laugh (again). So THAT’s the key to the fluffiness! Thanks for sharing!
I love you!!!!! I have been wanting to know about his secret frosting of yours (in the last photo).. the frosting that looks like fluffy clouds!!! Cool Whip!! Lovely. And I almost spit out my tea when I read the list bit about the first grader asking if it was home made and then saying it tastes disgusting! That would happen to me.. probably by my own daughter! Happy weekend!
Oh, so milk is the secret ingredient! I kept doing it without the milk and it NEVER looked right..thank you! Would you show us how to make chocolate too…please? gotta love children.
Wow – I love your explanation! I don’t have a cooking bone in my body (seriously…I messed up mac ‘n cheese the other day), but this almost makes me want to try. Yum! love the idea of adding cool whip!! very cool write up about the McClenahans.
and sending more people to the Cora Paige etsy items.
God is so BIG.
he Steens have also provide valuable information on earthen plasters, wall finishes, moisture, and ways to retrofit a home with straw bales in this delightful gem of a book. I can’t tell you how amazed I am at how far & wide Cora’s story has spread. There is a soaper friend of mine who has recently heard the story and is donating to the cause because it has touched her heart. I hope Jesus touches her heart as well. She needs him – bad.
Oh, I’m so excited about this!! I’ve been scratching my head this week trying to figure out what I could sell and finally listed something this morning – YAY! Your stuff is darling and I am thrilled to see such a great reception for this benefit! I can’t wait to see what God is going to do!
Watching a movie with my own little one & I popped on the computer for a sec. Glad I did. This is just amazing. The power of the people. Simply amazing, may Cora’s memory live on forever. Thats Wonderful! Thanks so much for coming up with the Cora Paige Etsy project! I feel so honored to participate and am having a fabulous time coming up with items that truly celebrate the time little Cora had here on this earth. I can’t wait to see the outcome and what God’s plans are for this project. I know they will be BIG (and already are) because he is BIG!! God Bless!!
Lori - I LOVE DRUBER’S PEANUT BUTTER KNOTS!!!!!!! You have no idea how jealous you’ve just made me.
I now live in Nashville, TN and every time I’m back in town I drag my husband there for my fix.
I’ve wanted to say “hi” for awhile now and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. You seem familiar, but I’m not sure we’ve actually ever metβhowever, we do know a lot of the same people. In fact, I believe you know my MomβDiane Walter. She says she failed your valentine’s day craft at Mom-to-Mom. . .??? Just be glad you didn’t give her a hot glue gun.
I wanted to say thanks for you showing off your messy, fun creative spirit. I’m a graphic designer in a job I don’t love wishing I could do more fun, creative things. You’ve inspired me to quit wishing and just start doing. I’m not picky about what area I’m creating in, so I’ve just got to make time and do the things that are going to make me happy.
Thanks for letting all of us into you beautiful, bright and warm world!!!
Sheryl - Meg, I have an idea for you. Maybe one of your friends who is not as creative as you are but willing to help with the Cora project could organize, pack up and mail your stuff for you. It’s that whole hands and feet thing that the Bible talks about. Romans 12, 4-6. I love your site and feel like you guys are part of my real life not just my blog-hopping life. π
katy - Fun day! Donuts, LOVE ‘EM lots…I want one right now and I even ate one this morning at my parents house, but I still want one.
The rainbow sweatshirt is fabulous!
amy - hi meg! i chose to give you an award on my blog. please head over to one day at a time (jupinfamily.blogspot.com) to see what it’s all about! π
sandy toe - Okay..I love this post…each water picture is so fun…Have a great day.
sandy toe
jodi - hey, if you ever want to make your etsy shop a regular business, you could add a shipping center to your studio.
check this out: http://makingitlovely.com/2008/10/27/studio-tour/
i thought of you right away–
great pictures, meg!
Julia - I love the photo of your older daughter with her “hair roll”. I remember doing that!
Amanda - do you have any plans of selling hoodies for adults like the rainbow one on etsy? I am in love with it!
angela - That’s funny….I hate splashing too. It only causes fights in the end! What a fun day. Those pool days usually wear the kids out and they sleep good! Hope it worked for YOU!
callie grayson - what a fantastic day you had with your kids!!!
katie - great pics!
i want to see more of that classroom, i love all the art work. looks like such a fun room!
Gini - I just love sitting back and watching kids in a pool. Even though my kids swim competitively and workout 6 days a week for 2 hours – they never tire of it. They could stay in another hour just to fool around with their friends! Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. Your’s looked to be in their glory!
Lazy Mom Leslie - What a great hoodie you made! That almost makes me want to be a pre-school teacher. Almost! But then I realize it would also make me pull my hair out. So, I guess I won’t be a pre-school teacher. But I sure am thankful that some people are!
Aubrey - You’re such a good mom–our days off from school turn into PBS marathons. Yeah, I’m totally lame. whatever.
Talby’s so cute–my daughter asks me what I spelled when I spell something I don’t want her to hear. It’s fun watching them learn.
Next school day, I’ll consider swimming. Except I have to get in because I have a 2-yr-old.
Stephanie Loitz - What a fun day Meg! I’m a new reader as well, and just LOVE your blog. You inspired me to start my own. lol
I love your photos and your kids are so cute! It looks like a day of no school turned out to be a wonderful day. That art preschool looks AMAZING!
Suzanne - what a great way to kick off the weekend!!
hoping you got my e-mail about 3 custom tees??? i know you’re super, crazy busy so i just wanted to double check…
enjoy the weekend!
Jill - What a fun day!! I love the pictures. And your son is so sweet to help his sister swim.
I am a new reader of your blog and I love it!
Have a great weekend!
Jill - What a fun day!! I love the pictures. And your son is so sweet to help his sister swim.
I am a new reader of your blog and I love it!
Have a great weekend!
ang - Please tell me you were eating donuts at Drubers!!! I haven’t eaten those donuts since my bethel days and haven’t found any that taste quite as good! Nothing like a good chocolate/peanut butter donut at 11:30 p.m.!!! Looks like a fun day!
MGF - A good trip to the pool. Did you even have to get in? If not that is even better.
sara's art house - Adorable hoodie!!! And that preschool classroom is great.
Michelle - Very cool way to spend a no-school day. My kids would totally love it. π
Karli - I really love your photography. Really. A LOT!!!
kasey - do you know what i noticed? you are not in the pool, but holding the camera.
bet you didn’t even have to put a suit on.
Amber - Sounds like a fun Friday…especially the donut part π I love the look of that rainbow color chart. Those pool pictures are great too. Splashing, pool hair, bathing suit bums and pruney hands…all too funny.
Heather Mattos - Don’t worry, I have sent out absolutely nothing!
That classroom SO reminds me of my old room {the one I had before kiddos, when work involved kids other than my own. i miss it. boo-hoo.}
Ashley Ann - A pool?! I am so jealous. I want a pool to drop in at right now. The picture you took over Annie’s head looking down at the steps and floatie…I LOVE THAT SHOT. I think I am going to have to copy it this summer, so cute and tells such a great story. I just love it! All the pool pictures are fun, you did a great job telling the story of your time there without the need for words.
Starnes Fam - Love the swim pictures. Reminds me of my childhood. So fun!
lee ann - As always, great/fun pictures. Love the one of Talby and her friend…..she just looks beautiful, missing teeth and all π
kristin - hee hee hee
my heart was warmed being with sean again.
a sweet soul, he is.
jimaiemarie - i love the pruney hand pic!!! π it made me smile
sarah - LOL. I love that she ran and got paper so she could see it spelled out…and love how excited she was once she realized what it said. Awesome!
and yeah. I don’t understand the splashing. Freaks me out too for some reason. I was the kid who HATED water in her face.
vicki - My most favorite thing when I was growing up was staying in the pool till I turned into a prune….I always craved orange juice after swimming….no idea why!
Staci - Wow! So many things to comment in on this post!!! I LOVE that Sean brought his own crazy straw from home π How cute! I LOVE Talby’s hair in the one picture at the pool! I LOVE Annie’s strong face in another π Oh yea…and I don’t get why boys love splashing either π Makes me very angry to get splashed…maybe it’s because I have naturally curly hair…and I spend waaaay too much time straightening it…to only get it wet (I know, then why should I be in the pool anyway?) UGGH! You are such an amazing person Meg! Have a great weekend!