my friend amanda organized a very cool event to raise money for joel and jess.

it was called Jewels for Cora.
she used her premiere jewelry business to bring women together from our church and community
that all love the mcclenahan's.
all of amanda's profits went straight to joel and jess.
so….we had a jewelry party….but it was much much more.
we were blessed to hear stories of jess and joel before cora came in to their life.
i didn't know them then so this was very touching.
and hopeful.
to hear some stories of their dating and early marriage…
that joel is funny and jess is a wonderful wife.
i cried…
then we heard of the excitement of when cora was coming
and the fun that was had over the 11 months of her life.
i loved hearing those stories.
10 women read 10 different comments recently left on the macs blog that talked of their strong faith
and how cora is changing lives all over the world.
it was comforting to be in room full of women who all had the same heart for cora's parents….
broken….wishing it hadn't happened.
after the stories, we had a jewelry show….with models.
i think i was "the old lady model" but that's ok…i had on cute jewelry. :)
(no photo…but it's the truth…i promise)
after the show it was time to shop.
i am looking forward to wearing my necklace.
(i got that turquoise one right in the middle of that table above.)
each time i put it on will be a beautiful reminder to pray for jess and joel.
amanda….great job pulling this night together.
i know you had tons of help but you got this all going and kept it so organized.
it was lovely.
you made it so special.
i promised annie we'd go for a walk on wednesday morning before preschool. so that afternoon we did.
she rode in her stroller with her sippy cup and a bag of sliced apples to snack on.
i had my camera.
both happy.
it was so bright and sunny.
the squint-your-eyes kind of sunny.
the nice weather came back…no longer being rude.
on our walk we were trying to pay attention to the small details….textures…colors.
good times.
the sun makes so many things better and hopeful.
also making things better…..argyle tights.
I very much enjoy your blog – especially the photos – especially the close-ups of your kids – and the ones you take in front of walls. You have quite an eye. I love your blog, so glad to have found it. We live on the East coast and I like seeing the old Newton area where I went to school. Maybe you could wander a couple blocks over and take a photo of my dad’s shop – Just Like New Shoe Repair, I keep wondering what it looks like these days. I haven’t been back to Newton since 2002. Great photos.
finding all the A’s along the way so neat!!! You make an ordinary day in our lil ‘ole town seem “so much more.” Thats so kewl you have a fox theatre as well, we have one here in Atlanta,Ga
Hey girly! Love your photography!! Also I must tell you…I love looking through your fun links that you find! I always check to see if you have added any fun ones!! Thanks!!
LOVE those tights! Too bad I’m too old to wear something like that and still look cute. 🙂 these are gorgeous! fascinating for me culturally… i am in london and kansas seems like another world! i love the bright colours and big spaces and the fact you can see so much of the sky… wanna swap?? please?!
Your town looks SO much like my town! Also, you need to make a coat rack with all of those faucet handle thingys.
What fun! We too got a taste of nice weather today. Yes. To live again. 🙂 I love the pics – what could you do with all of those valves? Something fun… I love your pictures! It’s amazing how much beauty there is in the small things. Argyle tights rock! 🙂 What a fun time together! She’s such a cutie! that annie is so stinking cute! and i love the pics!!! the faucet handles make me smile.
Besides the photos of Annie having a great time on your walk, my favorite is the tail light. Something about the color combo makes me happy. Thanks for the photos! I love sunny days…they just make me happier! What a fun morning. I love that lime green and blue truck. Such great colors. And yes those tights are too cute! Thanks for sharing a bit of your happy morning.
Great photos…love the tights! wonderful photos, as always. i absolutely love the old, distressed, and weathered things. i feel like often times people are so quick to disregard and build new without appreciating the “love” that goes into a weathered building, chipped paint, rusted hardware, etc. The sun DOES make everything better. I’ve been cooped up with a sick one all week, and I was so glad we could go outside for a couple afternoons. 🙂 I love the the photos and I love the Argyle tights! Adorable! i love seeing the world through your eyes and camera lens. your blog blesses me daily.
Really, really great photos. You inspire me to stop and take the time to do such a thing. I’ve been carrying my camera around with me more. Thank you for that. love the argyle tights! gorgeous pics!! the “a” one is fabulous!! agreed! Looks like a fantastic outing! And I ADORE those tights. If I could have them in my size, I’d probably wear them every single day. You are a great photographer. You have inspired me. I love the picture of Annie with the ‘A’ next to here. GREAT picures Meg…as always! Annie’s argyle tights make me happy too 🙂 I really would like a pair 🙂
Looks like a great time!
I really have to tell you how happy I am to have discovered your blog. I have four kids…and one is an Annie, too. Your color, pictures, and faith are something I look forward to each day…a quick little check in to your newest post, and I am renewed! Thank you. I know you are a busy woman, but I nominated you for something on my blog if you have a sec to check it out. Love the new pics!!! Love the pictures. The last one was the best! ok….as of 3:00 the Etsy Cora Playground Project has raised
How great is our God.
What a MIRACLE!!!! Beyond words! Awesome!!!!! FANTASTIC!!! Praise the Lord! Wow, I am impressed! I continue to be so so so moved by this story…What is it about Cora that hits you so hard, causes such a PAIN in the heart?? As another poster said somewhere, there is SOMETHING about that little angelic face…I have no idea, but I am following all this and crying over it daily…And tried to do a little bit of good by buying some pinafores for my own daughter on etsy. I look forward to hearing how it went when the donation was given to Joel and Jess…I know they can’t possibly be feeling joyful, but I do hope there is some way that they can feel a bit less PAIN from this…My oh my but that baby of theirs was, and IS, loved!!!! Awesome! I wasn’t able to make a purchase, but this project has been in my prayers. God is so good! Amazing!!! YIPPEE! God is an awesome God! And it will be an amazing playground not just because it has the funding behind it, but because it will be built with love. Great job!!! Yes, indeed, how awesome is God. Wouldn’t it be awesome if people could always work together to accomplish something? It’s sad that someone has to die before some people open their hearts and wallets when there is a need. There are many people in this world that need metaphoric playgrounds to be built. Let’s build them before the child dies that would have liked to play on that playground. I know, I know, that does sound socialist. that is just amazing! i’m glad i had a chance to be a part of all this, and got some adorable handmade stuff to boot! YEA! Thank you for sharing the total! I’m all goosebumpy and teary! WOW!!! WOW!!! that is amazing, awesome, wonderful, a true blessing!
awesome! Kelly oh my.. amazing I kept praying today that the amount would be evidence of the Lord working in and through the life and death of precious little Cora. To HIM be the glory! Such an awesome praise!! So Amazing, Praise God! I’ve been waiting to hear that total. How exciting! How exciting to know that it will continue to grow to. Thanks for sharing the total… I have goosebumps — and tears in my eyes! That’s fabulous. They lost so much — but hopefully they can see too, what an impact that lovely little girl made… 🙂 Praise God! AWESOME!!!! ALL PRAISE BE TO GOD!!
He is good. Oh is He good. Bless you all for your time and talent in such a beautiful work! wow!! awesome!!!! i am so in awe…god has definitely revealed himself in all of this. amazing! That is amazing. I think you should add how great are the people that helped raise that money though! It is so amazing! And to think there’s still tons of sellers left to report! Whoohoo! Praise the Good Lord!!!!!!!! A W E S O M E!!!!! Ya’ll all ROCK!!! That is so GREAT!!! Our God is AMAZING!!! I can’t wait to see the playground. What a great way to honor beautiful, sweet Cora!! That is fantastic news!!! I hope that the money will go a long way toward the wonderful playground.
That is incredible!!!
Our GOD IS GREAT! Hooray! That is JUST AWESOME! How amazing & wonderful.
That is AWESOME! Praise God! Can’t wait to see the playground come to life to honor this sweet angel! i have no words….just praise. amazing truly….
Tears! What a wonderful thing. Thank you for keeping us in the know. 🙂 Oh. My. Goodness. I am soooo excited!!
ohmygoodness, that made me burst into tears! congratulations, you all must be so proud! 🙂 PreTTy GREAT!! There are no words…amazing…just amazing 🙂
that is AMAZING!! go Cora!! All I know is he had plans when he brought little Cora home and obviously he has other big plans in store!! God is so good! Congratulations! How Great are all of you! Such Inspiration.. absolutely beautiful & amazing!!! This past weekend, our pastor preached on God’s ability to take our meager offerings (in terms of service in the Body) and transform it for His purpose and multiply those efforts – – as with the fishes and the loaves where he fed thousands with a boy’s meager meal. All each of us had was a humble desire to take part in something to bless this precious family – God has moved and is continuing to work. Blessed be His Holy Name! I WANT TO JUMP UP AND DOWN AND SCREAM!!!!! This is INCREDIBLE!!! Absolutely incredible! I am so happy I could be a part of it! You seem to be an amazing group of people that have inspired so many of us. Awesome!!! Oh my! I read your previous post and headed over to the site today to make a straight up birthday donation in her memory and I wondered what the total was. How WONDERFUL that it has all added up so quickly. God is great.
Congratulations! What an inspiring story in memory of a precious angel. monday night i could not sleep. my mind was swirling…thinking…making lists as i laid in the dark.
ideas of projects to make…planning the weeks events….
all while craig snored next to me.
thursday is the day the etsy shops are going to give our donations.
all 194 shops on the same day so the account will show one big jump from etsy.
that is so exciting.
exciting because i can't wait to see the number.
exciting because it will show jess and joel's more love.
exciting because it's humbling to be a part of seeing God's hand in action in many ways each day!
to God be the Glory.
God knew when he whispered to julie "make something for her" what was to come.
God knew that over 50 of us would want to make something too.
God KneW that we were planning to end the fundraiser last friday…
so He had the etsy article run on that day…adding over 144 more sellers to the cause!
God knew that Cora's first birthday would have been on thursday and THAT was the day we should give.
God knew that joel & jess would be meeting with the playground builders that day.
And our gift would be there to welcome them.
HE KNEW. (do you have goosbumps?)
so…back to the idea that came in the dark.
i have one day left.
everything i made has sold and shipped out (yay!)
i have nothing more made and ready to sell.
so i am filling the shop with possible orders.
fabrics that will be made in to pillows.
t-shirts and hoodies that will be all cute after YOU decide what i should put on them just for you.
there is one more day.
order a birthday gift….for next month or this summer.
order something for your best friend or your sister.
order a christmas gift!
it may not work….and that's okay.
i will be alright if you don't like this idea.
but it was worth a shot to raise the bar one last time.
and i will faithfully keep sewing till every order is filled.
contact me through etsy with your questions.
(click contact cdduekrsen a bit under annie's glasses picture)
If you already have a custom order…you are good.
if you need to change any of it…that is fine too.
i am going to attempt to send invoices for those orders…when i figure out how to do that.
thank you for being so patient with me.
i feel like i have all these cheerleaders behind me cheering
"SEW SEW SEW! Come on megan you can do it!!"
thank you so much.
now….hit the shop! – might be perfect for invoicing? Might not, but hey, thought I’d share. I am SO happy for you! You, and all the other Etsy peeps are amazing! And today I found this:I ordered a pillow today! Yay! I am glad it will be counted towards the total. I also bought an 8×10 Silhouette Print a few weeks ago, also for Cora. I can’t even begin to imagine how much money has been raised. Goosebumps indeed! Bless you for all your hard work and creativity! You’re a SUPERSTAR! I, too, had goosebumps just before you asked,”Do you have goosebumps?”. What a wonderful thing to read, all the “behind-the-scenes” stuff. Thank you for taking the time to put it down like that. I made a purchase last week, but I have been praying for this sweet family every day for over a month. What an amazing community of friends they have! God bless you! The Lord is AWESOME…and you were obedient to HIS voice. right before I read (do you have goosebumps) I was covered in them! This made me smile. Thank you! I have spread the work everywhere I know for the last day of buying stuff for Cora. I feel so honored that I got to be a part of this…can’t wait to see that number tomorrow! Thanks for doing this! I ordered two pillows this morning, hope it wasn’t too late to be added to the total? The check to the playground fund is what I call a REAL stimulus plan! Look at all the love and business it stimulated! Can’t wait to see what the total is.
OH and SEW! SEW! SEW! You can do it! 🙂 Have a wonderful day! I feel like crying I’ve had such a tough time with school this semester and I’ve got two more months of it before I get a break but God KNOWS and he knows how to handle it even if I don’t thank you for uplifting me and refreshing my mind its like I hit that little button on my mind browser haha I think I’m good for another two months now, thank you so much! Wow!!! You are all simply amazing!!! And…I finally got the pillow I was waiting for!!! Can’t wait to see it and hear about the amount for Cora’s Playground! you’re awesome. Goosebumps for sure. Amazing. I ordered a, sew, sew! 🙂
goodness…He knew that i was on the fence about buying something for kailyn too…and now i will….and when i blogged this a.m. about the super cute shirt i had already got for meg…i had no idea it was the last day, but He did and so hopefully now that will encourage my friends and family over to the etsy shops and give on this last day as well!!! thank you meg for your blog, your etsy, and your devotion to Him!
I am too late, I missed this yesterday! I started a conversation with you on Etsy. I would love to order something – even though I am one day late. : ( Goosbumpin’ all the way here in TX! I do have goosebumps 🙂 I’m so excited to see what God is continuing to do here! I can hardly wait to find out how much money has been raised! Thank you for being such a sweet friend to them. It gives us unknown and far-away “friends” such comfort to know that Jess and Joel have so many great people in their community supporting them 🙂 perfect meg. i just ordered a pillow that is going to look great on my chair in the studio. i am so excited. God also Knew to place you in joel and jess’ life!!!! i have goosebumps…you are an inspiration! i am placing my order right now! i had to get a hoodie for my little one. more importatly i had to help Cora’s memory live on.
you DO have cheerleaders! they’re cora’s angels! God bless you for all you’re doing and for glorifying Him in all of this! Keep up the great work! You make amazing crafts!
Thank you. Thank you for letting me know that the money will be posted to the account tomorrow. I placed my order tonight so that it could get in on time. Just sent you a convo! for every comment left on her blog today up to $250
toward Neuroblastoma Research.
Neuroblastoma is what took Cora McClenahan and Danyele's friend Tuesday all too soon.
go leave her a comment! :)
way to go danyele!
You have been busy my friend! It’s incredible to see the outpouring of support, love, and creativity that this heartbreaking event inspired in so many people!!! Its so amazing… Amazing! This is a great idea! Thanks for pointing us in this direction!! DONE! With all the gloom and doom on the news and in the papers, it is a blessing to see and hear that peole are interested in each other, and that they are willing to roll up their sleeves and get involved! God is good…
fabulous. This is heartbreaking news! I would love to help support Neuroblastoma Research!! Count me in! Such a fantastic way to honor their lives. Awesome! Tuesday’s mom actually purchased an apron from me for the Cora benefit, and told me her story. She passed away the same week as Cora. What a great way to honor her! oh my goodness.
that bathroom is pretty rad! swoon!! Wow! So very cool! Yeah.. you! How fun and fabulous…. that bathroom is one of my fav’s…in fact I was just showing it to my husbands grandma yesterday!!!!!! You ARE a rock star! Work it, girl! Yeah, but aren’t you Hannah Montana?
I LOVE your bathroom. Congrats on the whole rock star thing :). Hey, would you mind sharing what the tanish/greyish wall color is? I’ve been dying to know. I saw it this morning and was so excited for you! How are you liking the floor tile? I’ve been considering a white tile with dark grout for years now. I have 2 small bathrooms that needs some character. Do you suggest it now that you’ve lived with it for a while? I love it. And the rest of your house too. How fun! how cool is that!! and we can all say “we knew you back when you were just a mere blogger!!” 😉 What a G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S bathroom! I think I fell in love!! hehe. Also, thanks for pointing me towards the “Thorn among Roses” blog. I love your blog, read it on a daily basis..:) Yes, you are seriously a rockstar. Very cool and very deserved. I really don’t know how you finish all those projects…I’ve been working on one room for months now. If only my boys didn’t love to get into paint! What a great room and what a great honor to be on that renovation website!! I got my hoodie I ordered off your etsy for Cora site. WAAAAYYY cute!! BTW, where did you get your chandiler (sp) in your bathroom…I want one for my closet!
Girl, you are a rock star! Congratulations! WOW!!! You ARE a rockstar!!! But didn’t we all know that already??? 🙂 I’m so glad I’ll be able to say, when you make it big….”yea, I “know” her…I read her blog every day!!!” hee hee! so so cool!!! Lovely, lovely, lovely. Kudos to you. You have fabulous taste. wow, what a fun write up of your most amazing bathroom! actually i think there should be a write up of your whole house! it’s dreamy and i love how the crisp white is contrasted with all those bright colors 🙂
That is awesome!!! I love your bathroom! Did you do it yourself? That is awesome!!! I love your bathroom, very fancy!! hey rock star…i totally got my shirt today from your etsy store and it’s more than fab!!! oh yeah! and i’m doing a little neuroblastoma research donation in honor of cora and tuesday today…$1 for every comment made. so head on over..i’ll donate up to $250!! That’s cause you decorate like a rock star!! Can you come live in my house for just a week?? I promise i’ll cook for you, rub your feet, do anything, all you have to do is give me your decorating advice!!! LOL!! how exciting!! congrats! Way to go! Love the view from the craft room with the new chalkboard wall. You’re famous! I can’t believe that before picture – I thought your bathroom was original to the house!
Awesome! Congrats…you guys definitely have talent. Now, did you and Craig do the entire bathroom by yourselves? You are our rockstar….well, in blog land and without the band part…so I guess that makes you a BLOGSTAR>..but I say ROCK ON MEG!!!! because Rock star sounds better than blog star. Fancy lady! Very cool. And boy howdy do I ever love that bathroom. our weather is being so rude. we get these beautiful warm days…full of sunshine…the plants start to bud…we all open our windows.
and then we wake up to 14 degrees the next day.
and on top of that…NO SNOW. at all. all year!
how rude!
last week when it was nice the girls got all their jumps out on the trampoline.
no coat.
no socks!
a little healthy sister wrestling….
with gigging and screaming.
and static.
i just think that if it's going to be 14 degrees….there should be some snow.
we want to go sledding.
we want to build a snowman.
i want the hot cocoa moments with the red cheeks and sweaty hair from a good hour of snow play!
unfortunately….i don't always get what i want.
so how about a different approach?
thank you for that break from the cold.
thank you God for sending some sunshine into february.
You must have known how much our hearts needed that sunshine.
thank you.
Hi! I just stumbled here tonight & am absolutely loving your photography & use of colour. and your composition rocks! Wow. I’m sure you’ve been asked a million times but what camera are you using? Thanks for the fun – I’ve really enjoyed looking around & will be sure to visit again soon 🙂 Really no snow??? It’s amazing how just a few hundred miles can make such a difference. KC got a bit of a dumping on Saturday. It will be gone soon though… we who get snow would gladly trade with you who do not. love the static pictures!!
I feel your pain about no snow… we only have about 4-6″ still in our field – we should have at least 2′ left still! It’s going to be dry summer with no snowpack, that’s for sure. Glad you all got out to enjoy the sunshine though – doesn’t it just improve your spirit and make you feel good?! God knows when we need a little boost.
Love your happy things list! Haven’t ssen the last ten, yes 10 things until today! Paper hearts… perfect for teachers!!!
Your photos are so amazing. You really know how to catch a moment. Thanks for sharing. I’m ready for Spring too. We live in Minnesota and it really doesn’t get warm until June!! I’m with ya! If it’s going to be freakin cold, might as well be snowin. Our morning shows in Oz were reporting huge snow fall in the US – hope it found you too. By the way, I went on that rockerbaby etsy site and fell in love with those dresses. I’m trying to think of someone I can buy one for! Beautiful, beautiful. Have a great day, whatever the weather. What happy, joyful, photos. I could almost hear the giggling. Have I mentioned how much I like you? You are so funny and charming and likable and relatable to. You rock. The waether has been the same here, it will be 50 and nice outside and the next day we wake up to snow which I guess is better than 14 degrees and no snow. 🙂 little static heads… a gift for sure! great attitude! love it! Thanks! Kelly We are in Kansas also, but we did get snow (about 2 inches). My daughter is too young to play in it though, I did take her out for a picture. I posted on Wednesday and we are in short sleeves in the park then on Saturday the poor girl is bundle up in her snow suit!! Love Kansas!!
You know, I’d try to be sympathetic, but it’s below -20C here today with the windchill, so I’m having a hard time. 😉 oh yeah–you have not met fickle weather until you’ve lived in utah. sometimes we get big snowstorms in JUNE. i’m not exaggerating.
Seriously – No snow…all year? I agree, if it’s going to be frigid, it might as well be snowy. Unless it’s March, and then I prefer the sunshine, so I can at least look outside and pretend that it’s not 10 degrees! Oh please take some of our snow!!! We are so tired of it! Though … spring is right around the corner here in Chicagoland! Can’t wait.
The static pictures is priceless! Static…..we live with static…’s everywhere and drives me crazy! We got 2-3 inches of snow Saturday. However, we couldn’t go out and play! We got snow in ALABAMA yesterday – not just a dusting, but 4 inches!!!! WE slid down hills in baby pools and on boogy boards and cookie sheets – ya’ll would have laughed at us, but you make the most of it with what you’ve got! and by Wednesday it will be 75 degrees – gotta love it! oh i love the static picture!!! I KNOW!!!! WE WANT SOME SNOW TOO!!! My kids are dying to build a snowman…I don’t think it’s gonna be in the cards for this Winter 🙁 Although…here in OK…we’ve had some really great snow in March 🙂 If it’s not gonna snow….let’s move on in to Spring!!!! My poor little tulips are super confused :0
Way to change your outlook. I’m hoping for spring soon. If it isn’t gonna snow, it might as well warm up, right? |
Sandy - Will Amanda let us place online orders to add to the jewels for Cora party? I am so jealous of you and all of your very cool women friends! Who knew Kansas was so cool?! (don’t take that the wrong way) 🙂
carissa... brown eyed fox - a place bursting with beautiful women inside & out!
wow !!!
so glad to be able to share… see… the pics!
princess lasertron - you live in such an amazing place
jackie chappell - how could you have had any idea that you would be moving to such a community ??
thank you for the brite spot you add to my day..
jackie from sunny florida…says thank you … =)
katy - Awesome! What a wonderful idea. You all did a great thing by getting together and doing this. Thank you for sharing.
traci - what a special event. how fun to be a jewelry mode. you wouldn’t have been the old lady model – crazy girl!!
kathy b - Thank you for sharing this event. Your photos captured the loving spiritof comfort that was obviously present.
2 Corinthians 1:4-7
Kathy b
shelia - What a wonderful idea and thanks for sharing. Its amazing what God’s people can do when we do what he in community and love each other. Thanks for the encouragement. What a lovely testimony!!!
Ashley - What a wonderful event. What wonderful friends! My family is continually praying for baby Cora’s family.
sandy toe - How wonderful….this family I am sure is blessed by everything.
sandy toe
Christy Lewis - That was such a wonderful idea! The story of Cora has touched me so deeply and I think and pray for her family everyday. I love reading your blog! You are such a wonderful and inspiring woman! Thank you for everything you do on your blog!
alyssa - It was a very nice evening. And I’m pretty sure you weren’t the ‘old’ model. I don’t think we are that far in age.
Lazy Mom Leslie - What a fantastic idea! It sounds like you live an in amazing community!
Sara - Thanks for sharing. I am always curious about how these things unfold when I read about them happening, and as usual, like with the etsy shop, your community is amazing. There is such love for Joel and Jess and it makes me feel less anxious for them. They will get through this with people like you surrounding them. It is still horrible and awful and I can’t imagine the pain, but they will get through it in time and with much love around them.
Laura Phelps - beautiful.
I live far from you all…and I don’t know any of you,really…
but I pray for Cora every day with my children
your friendship and faith is so inspiring
Karina - Thank you SO much for posting about this. I have been pacing the floors up here in Canada wondering and waiting…for what? I’m not sure…But after buying some pinafores on etsy to help raise money for the playground, then your announcement of the staggering sum raised, there has been a sense of void, almost disappointment that the collective effort did not restore sweet Cora to her parents’ arms.
I, too, am touched by the love and support in your community as I sit here feeling lonely in mine…there are many of us who admire from afar via the web, and have been inspired by recent events in Newton – if only it weren’t at such a terribly high price! Cora continues to reach far and wide, thanks to bloggers like you. I guess we now wait to see the playground built…
Tess S. - my heart is deeply touched by the kindness, and strength of your community. it’s beautiful.
Kate - Meg
I can’t tell you how much I Love your blog. I am an avid follower/fan. I can tell you are such a beautiful Christian woman/wife/mother/crafter/photographer. My husband says you are my BFF I’ve never met. There is an old big historic home we are hoping to buy from an older couple in this next year or two. And your home is absolutely stunning. We share the same taste. All of your pictures of your house have me so excited, dreaming and brainstorming for what I hope will be our “future home”. Thanks so much for sharing everything including your Christian Faith.
Your blog friend in South Cental KS, Kate
Heather - Each and every time I read your posts about events like this I am in complete awe over the women you know. How on earth did you get such an amazing circle of friends? You are truly, truly blessed.
Lately I have been feeling an immense void in this area of my life. It’s difficult to make new friends when you’re not in high school anymore. 😉
Jennifer - such a beautiful tribute….
susanne p. - that was amazing. what a sweet thing for the community to pull together for this family.
danyele - oh my goodness…what a great evening. it was honoring to joel, jess and cora and fun too…then there’s the fundraising! great idea. i love how many creative and heart warming things are continuing in honor of a great fam.
kasey - what a beautiful story.
Kristin - Hello! I found your blog through Julie at Joyshope. Your photos are amazing and your pillows are adorable! I too, have been touched by Cora’s story even though I am all the way in California. I bought a bracelet from the etsy site and think of little Cora every time I wear it. This event looks amazing – wish I could have been there!
Starnes Fam - Things like this remind of how genuinely good people are. Out of tragedy, people are bonding, growing stronger, finding a new and refreshed love for those close to them. I must think God intends for us to do this.
Beautiful party and lovely post.
MMW - I thought it was amazing how help from blogland supported the Nie Nie Dialogues author. And now this is the next most amazing work God has blessed with via blogging and the internet. Praise Him! I cry with emotion love and gratitude each time I read about sweet baby Cora and all the love going into her memory. It really is witnessing, isn’t it?
Deputy's Wife - What a wonderful thing everyone is doing for this family.