i have been working on etsy orders but feel like i am getting no where.

i have been working on etsy orders but feel like i am getting no where. don't give up on me.
yes…you placed your order a month ago…but i am still working.
the quilted pillows are my favorite to make but take twice as long to complete.
so keep waiting for your lovely pillows.
total randomness….
these are some of my favorite pics from the past 12 months.
i have had to delete a bunch of photos off the computer and just love these pics.
![]() ![]() so many are summer photos…coincidence? i think not.
and so many are annie, i know, but she is the youngest…what can i say?
———————————————————————————————————————- julie….you rock!
i love my matching flower for my purse.
you are so nice to me. thank you.
kathy b….you rock too!
that fabric you sent me was SO COOL!
i never see that kind of chenille for sale anymore.
i absolutely love it…thank you.
———————————————————————————————————————- in bible study yesterday we were talking about proverbs 31.
have you read it?
reading it before has always caused me feel to guilty….
feeling there is so much i lack in the way of running my home.
but thankfully yesterday i saw it differently.
i saw the things i am providing and teaching my children.
i saw ways that i am pleasing to my husband.
if i am trying than i am headed in the right direction.
God knows my heart.
He knows i want to be more like this woman everyday…even when i fail.
read it again yourself and see what you hear God telling you.
i know i say it all the time but it's true….
"back to the craft room"
on friday we were in a snow storm… today annie wore flip flops to preschool because it was warm enough.
changes very quickly.
friday morning i went to the grocery store, the video store (7 videos to be snow bound)
the post office and walmart…i was preparing for the worst.
i did not want to leave again.
i was ready for a blizzard (and hoping for one)…even though it IS spring.
we got snow but no blizzard.
the kids' soccer games, dance classes and ball tournaments were cancelled.
our weekend went from packed with activities to calm and cozy.
it was one of those very pretty, big big flakes, blowing and snowing for hours kind of day on saturday.
then craig took them all sledding and i got some real piece and quiet.
these pics are from saturday evening while dinner was cooking inside.
no longer cold or blowing.
they worked almost an hour on this "snow fort".
that's big vision.
it never got taller than 18 inches but they didn't seem to notice.
it was one of the most relaxing weekends we have had in a long time.
i like that we were all here together with no plans and no need to go anywhere.
basketball…videos…sewing…sledding…cuddling…that's it.
now…lets get back to spring.
There’s that cute shirt I so loved..I made a copy cat although not as cute as yours. My flowers were poufs instead. Thanks for daily inspiration.
Meg, I am SOOO happy to see that Hanna coat on Annie. My girls (11 and 9) are this very year in their last Hanna, both are at the big 160 size and the oldest is tired of people telling her how much they like her coat. How did you deal when your oldest tired of the Hanna?
This is just “mid-West” weather! I love being at home and having a low key weekend, so I can totally relate! how superbly delightful!!! Hi there…I actually live in Wichita and went to Berean, you and your husband look so familiar…I graduated in 1993…it is funny because every now and then I see someone I know on your blog! Anyway…a question…do you have the recipe for the playdoh cookies you did a while ago…I went to the site you got them from and it has changed…I’d really love it! Thanks so much – Jenny Wilson Wenzel
We were supposed to get at least 6 inches of snow….turned out to just be rain 🙁 We were sad 🙁 Ah well, I’m movin’ on to Spring!!!! Your right…those days when there’s not ten bazillion things on the schedule is SUPER nice 😉 Great pictures Megan! I love Annie’s sense of style. :o) I have a photography question for you … how did you get your snow to look white? Maybe it helped that the sun was out … I was taking snow pictures this weekend under cloudy skys and they kept coming out grey or blue! I finally converted one to black and white but even that doesn’t look totally white … what’s your trick? Cute leggings on Annie! Great pics. I was wondering how you guys were doing when I heard about the storm. I knew there’d be snowy pictures at some points so thanks for posting them. They make me smile and realize how much I miss the snow some days. Damn this blasted sun all the time. 🙂 It was fun to not be expected to do much this past weekend. London and I stayed in our pj’s ALL day on Saturday except when we went out to play in the snow – when we came back in we put them on again. Great pictures.
Am thinking we are due for a picture of Waffle!
Ditto sister! (okay, we only rented 5 movies!) The perfect weekend in my opinion. Love the pics-love the shirt and coat your daughter has on-do yo make those? So Cute. That’s why I love severe weather down south (as long as no damage is done) It’s a good excuse to hunker down and be still and enjoy the simple life!!!!! Glad to know ya’ll cancel things there when it snows too – I thought they only did that down south here where it only snows once every 5 years and everything shuts down for a little dusting!!!!
even though snow in the spring can be a real mood killer, i think what’s great about a spring snow is just like you said. big chunky flakes, good packable snow, not bitter cold, and it’s gone. and you don’t have to look forward to 4 more months of that. it is really a recipe to stop and enjoy. loved the pix.
i couldn't help myself…the title was too fitting. so CHECK IT OUT!
elisa of ElisaLou designs hooked me up with the prettiest purse!
i get compliments everywhere i go.
yesterday someone said "i was coveting your bag when i saw you walk by…i had to see it."
while in the stall in the bathroom someone saw it on the chair and said "whose cute bag?!"
and at a party it was not near me and someone said "look at that bag…i love it!"
i have given out many of her business cards.
i absolutely love this bag elisa.
look at those polka dots!
her bags are handmade and so well done.
i love the long strap…the coordinating lining….the pockets inside.
what a nice burst of spring it's bringing (trying to…snow boots go away) to the entryway.
the birdie hooks are happily holding it for me.
here are some of my favorites from her website….
but the BEST part is….you pick your fabrics!
first you pick the shape and size…
then you pick from her MANY choices of fabric.
you get to be a designer.
and then she makes it for you! just for you…a one of a kind…YOUR purse.
you will love it.
and she has a great blog too…beautiful big pictures that make you happy.
now get over there and find the purse of your dreams.
thanks again elisa.
hey, i have that same birdie hook! 🙂 Hey nice jean jacket with the rag pin! Looks like mine! 🙂 love that bag!!! love love love it. love it! What a cute bag! I love it! I’m off to check out her site! i have a few of her bags. i love them. i use them all the time as purses, camera bags, totes, you name it. she is great!! I HOPE YOU GET COMMISSION FROM ALL THE BAGS YOU HAVE SOLD FOR ELISE. I JUST BOUGHT ONE AND A WRISTLET AND A CAMERA STRAP………….TOO DARN CUTE. DID YOU MAKE THAT FLOWER PIN ON YOUR JEAN JACKET? I LOVE THAT TOO AND THINK I NEED ONE OF THEM!
Do you pick the fabric for the inside too? last week i told craig that’s what i want for my birthday!! (ok so maybe i said..this is what your getting me for my birthday 🙂 i am having a hard time deciding which fabric though, their all very cute. Soooo cute!!! Everyone needs a cute, springy bag and that one is perfect!
I love those so fun so bright! gotta check her out That is the cutest thing ever! Hmmm… I’ve got a birthday coming up… I HAVE to have a bag like that! SOOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing. I adore your blog (you) & wish you were my next door neighbor! 🙂 Have a SUPER day! Jaime Oh cute! I really like that pink and orange polka dot one. That would make a cute toddler bag! Wow love that! I’m heading over to her site right now. Thanks for sharing. Gorgeous! You are too cool! Love it!! The bag looks so great, that I had to get one. Thanks oh my. i officially have bag envy!
I love it! My mom says I arrived in the world carrying a purse. I am going to have to check those out. i would know that messy flower anywhere…bc i have one! and i lvoe the bag! so fab! What style is yours? The large bucket bag?
Precious. When I graduate from my diaper bag, I’m going to check them out. Great idea! Ooooh I am so headed straight over to her site 🙂 THANKS! so funny….i have been reading her blog and watching her etsy shop & website for about a month trying to pick out just the right bag. you gave me the push i needed,thanks! Swoony bag. 🙂
awesome! love all the fabric choices. love the birdie hooks!
It is gorgeous! Great pick on the fabric. so cute!! i am thinkin about getting a camera bag from her…oh, the camera i decided on was nikon s630 – i am having a little trouble with it…delayed photos, and really blurry shots…but hopefully once i read more of the manual i will get it down. definitely still want a dslr..maybe in another year or so… Love it!!! I’m also loving your mud room. Too cute! The colors are great! Lovely! It is so funny that you posted about this blog because I have been reading her & looking at her purses and I just can’t decide which to buy but I have to have one:) The bag is adorable. However, I am also currently drooling over your birdie hook set in pic #3. Please tell me it’s available somewhere online… I almost said something to you yesterday at church, as I was walking by. I noticed your bag first thing. So cute. I coveted…at church. i needed a pick me up today. thanks for the heads up. in fact i’m heading right over to her blog. your’re the best! we had such a good time with the hill's. i am so glad they made the 12 hour drive to visit us.
"what is there to do in kansas?" you may wonder.
take a look at all we did in five days.
*gave waffle lots of treats
*jumped on the trampoline
*threw the football over the house
*drank lots of coffee
*driving range within the first two hours
*watched NCAA basketball
*played the Wii (they brought their Wii from chicago)
*went on a date…with steak AND a movie
*played Whoonu..abby won
*walked to a german buffet
*played pool
*played foozball
*looked at photo albums of the good ol' days
*went antique/thrift shopping
*played memory, pretty pretty pincess, chutes & ladders, guess who and zingo
*did lots of dishes (dave)
*golfed in the wind
*drove in a very severe rain storm with hail at 12:30 AM
*passed a storm chaser truck in the middle of a storm
*got drubers donuts hot after midnight
*played littlest pet shops
*shot baskets
*went to sonic and saw the waiter on roller skates
*ate classic duerksen meals (stuffed shells, chicken enchiladas, apple pancake, cream puff)
*went for ice cream
*played Sequence two different nights (and the girls WON again)
*had a fashion show
*stayed up really late every night
*watched the office, 30 rock and casino royale
see….just some of the amazingly awesome things you could do in kansas.
i got a little collage crazy over at picnik….
picnik is addictive!
jenny and dave you are deeply missed.
you can never be replaced.
you can make us laugh like no one else.
you get our humor and we get yours.
you complete us.
What a great time you guys had! How fun! You girls look beautiful in the dresses. 🙂 Looks like you had a great time! I love spending time with best friends – it never seems long enough. I have nominated you for an award, though you are not required to participate, I just appreciate getting to read your great blog! Whoonu is one of my favorite games. The fact that “making lists” is in that pile means that these people know me better than I know myself.
you should get crazy with the collage more often, that was cool! So nice to see people enjoy each other. Friendships are sooo special and you obviously realize and value your dear friends. Looks like you had lots of fun…and in Kansas of all places:) If it weren’t for the martini glasses in your hands you would look like sisterwives. So great! Thank you for telling my about picnik! I think I lost my morning, but I am GREAT with that! what a blast!! love the photos. i am going to have to try picnik for that. sequence is a great game. one of my favorites. how fun………….Now I am calling our bff’s in Peoria and telling them to bring their 5 kids to visit us and our 6 kids…………isn’t it fun??? Well, you certainly know how to make a girl’s day!!! My little fish quilt is one of your happy things???? Thank you so very much!!!! i want to thrift/antique with you! you always seem to find such fun stuff! and, i love, love, love your home! and, you have a sonic, so i could totally survive!
I bet you would choose that over IKEA any day!!!! y’all are too cute!!
I am a picnick loser. couldn’t get it to work. tried last night til mid night. gave up. I think I’m going to start using Picnik. Love your collages! Great friends are a treasure! I’ve seen your house. You threw a football OVER it?! Amazing. Waaaay fun!!! I love Talby’s “poker face”! Friends that get your humor are THE BEST! You’re right, there’s no replacing them once they get you!!! Oh yea…and those mini eggs….from your last post…oh man…I can one up you on those…you’ve GOT TO TRY Miniature cadbury eggs….OH.MY.GOODNESS!!!! It’s a good thing they are only around at Easter. (But not so good when you buy 8 bags to stock up to get you through the year and only make it halfway! 😮 ) They don’t have that yucky filling inside…it’s just chocolate and oh my, please promise me you’ll get a bag…or four 🙂 If I knew your address, I’d send you some!!! Have a great weekend…sounds like you might be snowbound!!!! Wow! Can I come visit too? It looks like you had a wonderful and hilarious time together. There is nothing like spending time with great friends!
I just realized that apron says “diet” not “dishes”! LOL!! Works for me either way!!!
Hey Meg – looks like you guys had a BLAST! I live so far from home and friends/family now that I live in NYC that I LOVE it when people come to visit! Speaking of which – when are you coming? :o) We have plenty of room for you and your family! Come anytime! I’d love to meet you in person and show you the “big apple”! Hugs, Trac~ :o)
Nothing like great friends! Good friends are worth more than their weight in gold. Especially “couple friends”. Love your pigtails. I wonder if I could pull that off. Hmmm…
oh my goodness…those dress up photos are hilarious! too fun! good friends are the best….and speaking of the best…kailyn LOVES her green flower shirt…posted photos…it is so cute…thank you. you make kansas look so fun!!! my mother and father in law would be thrilled if we moved there (they too live in newton!!) but i dont think they have as much fun as you do lol
looks like a total blast 🙂 i want to have a weekend like that… need to have some friends over 🙂 Sequence iS addicting too. Sounds like ya’ll had great times! Looks like too much fun!! Can I be your BFF from Texas?!? Loved the fashion show!! And the “to hell with the dishes” apron! I really, really NEED that!!! I ADORE friends that “get” you…they are the best and few and far between! 🙂 Looks like you had lots of fun! 🙂 It’s official, I would like to move in. moving right along.
watching shows on the dvr to keep me company.
i have watched 2 weeks of desperate housewives…
one brothers & sisters with 3 more to go…
two grey's anatomys…
one ER…
it's been fabulous.
and i have one of my weaknesses right next to me.
robin's eggs minis.
i just love these yummy little guys.
it's okay…..because they only make them at easter…that's my rationale.
(if that's not true don't tell me because i don't want to know.
i like thinking they only sell them in march.)
back to work.
Robin’s Eggs are my fave!!! I’m on bag #4 in three weeks! I SO want some cute things for my girl! When will you post it all on ETSY? I can’t see your button – are you closed up for now? OMG, Robin’s Eggs… YUM!!
A fun craft room AND Robin’s Eggs? Some girls have just got it made! Now, did you bring enough Robin’s Eggs for everyone? I can’t even begin to tell you how jealous I am of your craft room. I know you’re not supposed to covet your neighbor’s wife, but is it ok if I covet my neighbor’s craft room? I want it! Robin’s eggs – yum! I found out today my co-worker has a jar of them in her office. After I found out, I couldn’t walk past without stopping in to say hi (and get a handful, of course!). Enjoy the crafts, the dvr, the shows, AND the eggs! You deserve them! oh happy craft room scene!:) yeah, I love it when you eat so many of those eggs that the roof of your mouth is like sandpaper. Thats when I know have consumed like 12,000 calories worth. ha ha. Those little eggs are evil, you cannot eat just a few. Once that bag is open look out…thank goodness it is only once a year or I would be as big as a house.
candy corn. don’t make me share.
I have kept those Robin Eggs out of my home so far this season. I can’t control myself!
It’s SO true! In fact, it’s so true that I’m going to tell myself that and go buy a bag! Meg – do you think if I brought my projects to your craft room that they may magically finish themselves? Your craft room puts out a lot of finished products. 🙂
those fabric colors are so yummy 🙂 just ordered a bunch of new fabric for some new goodies for my shop too. can’t wait 🙂
How much fun!- I keep dark chocolate m&m’s beside me while I “craft”- and of coarse in the color of the season…am loving the pastel easter ones right now! that’s like me and cadbury mini eggs. i have a SERIOUS addiction. i’m a new blog reader, and i’m in love w/ your blog and your beautiful home. Thanks for sharing so much inspiration. xo That’s how I feel about candy corn! I eat them once a year at Halloween. Usually in one sitting, until I actually feel sick, then no more til next year! AHHHH- heaven! To craft and watch and eat 🙂 Did you watch Nacho Libre?
how about sweethearts? Thank goodness they take them off the shelves after Valentine’s. i love those stinking candies!!!! I love stopping by to read your blog. You seem like such a happy, cheerful and interesting person. And if you are not, I don’t want to know 🙂 Oh and I love Robin’s Eggs. Thanks for brining them up, I need to put them on my list right now. 🙂 Oh My. robin’s eggs and Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Oh La La
Oh, those are my favorite!!! Sounds like you’re having fun, can I come craft with you?
they have been here since saturday… with their two kids.
we had a great time just hanging out.
they left this morning….even though i tried to convince them to just move in with us.
i miss them already.
now that they are gone i guess i have some work to do.
i shipped a bunch of t-shirts on monday.
i will ship a bunch more things tomorrow.
thanks again for your patience with the etsy shop.
i will be hunkered down in the craft room till all the orders are finished.
i will only come out for coffee.
and laundry.
It was such a nice visit, just like the good old days. It made me miss you more when we left. Why did you have to move so darn far again? It must have been so nice to have your BFFs staying with you. It’s so hard when they have to go. Have fun crafting! 🙂
Okay, this is becoming quite humorous….I guess my first comment got lost in blog heaven. I misspelled crafting…and said crating…so I went back to correct it..and realized it never even posted! Sheesh! Sorry about all these comments 🙁 yea. um, obviously, I meant “crafting” and not “crating” :0 So thankful for friends like that too 🙂 Good luck with the crating…and the laundry 🙁 What a fun picture! It’s hard having friends leave. Can’t they just uproot their lives to make us happy? I don’t think that’s asking too much, do you? Glad you got to spend time with friends though! i can’t believe you don’t have a coffee pot in the toy room! as fab as it is, you should get a dispenser!
Great photo!!
awww cute pic Hills! Meg, you sound swamped! Good luck! (although, I would Love to be stuck in a craft room! but I do realize shipping things doesn’t sound so appealing!) I’d help if I could! 🙂 Good luck! If you need a break from crafting, you and annie should come over for some coffee. Well, you coffee, annie play.
that just sucks (that they have to leave, not that you have such great friends….)….. well i had big plans for the time i had while the five were skiing. i was going to go here.
tara whitney even gave me the address.
the family was skiing….annie was in her car seat…star mill was typed into the GPS.
i buckled my seat belt and then said to annie
"you know….i should call and make sure they are open on mondays."
i called
and the answering machine message said
"happy holidays! we are open through dec 27 and will not reopen until march 21."
noooooooooooo! i shouted out in the car.
it was march 16.
now what?
how about a dinosaur museum?
annie was much more excited about this than the antique store.
we wandered the museum…taking as long as she wanted.
she wouldn't touch this sand digging exhibit.
that was frustrating.
but we did see the entire place and got a dinosaur drink when we were done.
on our way to the car i spied a store i wanted to see.
we opened the door and i was so happy.
it was my kind of store.
umm….yes. i will have that please.
all of that.
that blue cabinet! that polka dot blanket! that turquoise angel!
annie found these babies shoes and shouted "MOM! they match!"
mine cost fives times LESS that those.
(yay for wal-mart!)
i was in chandelier heaven.
we settled on that pink star…it's covered with glitter (right side of photo).
i really wanted to crawl into these beds for a cuddly nap.
i can promise that it would be good for sleeping….all 15 pillows.
"mama…i want this for my birthday"
all of it.
she's just like me.
wow, that looks like a wonderful store. i would have walked around it for hours. every lap you see something different. Awh, I’d love to visit that store. Grab a cup of coffee and just enjoy the store :O) That store looks like so much fun,very whimsical I would have wanted everything in there lol I forgot to add that I hadn’t even heard of the Star Mill and am now hopping mad because I was in American Fork yesterday all day with NO KIDS. I guess that’s what I get for taking a blogging hiatus. Next time I’m that way, that place is my #1 priority. Did I mention how sad it is I haven’t known about these places? Then again I live farther north and don’t trek down there often.
oh my gosh that store is amazing!!!!! Two great stops! That store was just divine! i want to live in that store and frolic.
Oh my goodness….that shop..I could live in there!!!!
every town needs a store just like it. and how you settled on just that star is beyond me. i think i might have taken one of those pillows, too.
amazing!!!!!!!!!!! love it all! i was looking at your pictures and fell in love with the pink star, then saw you purchased it. wahoo..great find! What a beautiful shop! Can’t wait to see where you put the pink star.
I am drooling!!! I immediately went to google to see if that shop has a website…no such luck. You know how I love those polka dots AND all the red :o)
Mmmm! That’s what Heaven is going to look like for me! 🙂
You and Annie have the cutest clothes and shoes! And that shop is just gorgeous. Definitely a good call over skiing! that looks like heaven. That store looks totally amaaaaazing!!! Just wish it was a little closer to the middle of Nebraska! oh me too! what a pretty store & the musuem looks like it was a lot of fun! glad you had a great spring break! oh, i forgot to ask….did you ever find Nacho Libre and watch it? we watched it for the third weekend in a row–it is hilarious!!! we finally found it at a used dvd/cd store called vintage stock…
the first photo of that lovely boutique literally took my breath away!!! What a neat neat store!!! I love and want that angel shown in the cabinet. Looks like you all had a nice time. So sad your store wasn’t open – just means you have to return to Utah again. You were right by our place. We live right by the museum, just a minute away – sometimes I feel that I LIVE AT the museum with three boys. Glad you found that fun store . . . I like walking through it to dream!
I just love how Annie dresses…..so cute! i can definitely tell you two places i now will be hitting up when i pick up the ladies from grandpa’s in july….better start saving my pennies and ups boxes now! This is much better than skiing! I would love all those chenille pillows. when I go to places like dino museums or ZOOS – I’m sending thought waves to my kids “you so owe me…the things I do…wait til I’m 85 then payback!
I could kiss that store.
You’re making me so homesick for Utah! I love Thanksgiving Point, and the Dino museum is awesome.
i’m freakin out
that store is very yummy!! You should open your own shop….I can see you having your own place. How much fun would that be??? You must have went to Thanksgiving Point. Am I right? Skiing at Brighton is also awesome. More for snowboarders, but good none the less. Glad you came to visit and liked. |
Rebecca - don’t forget the bit in Prov. 31 where “she girds her loins with strength”! i always loved that part–that this ideal of a godly woman is also incredibly strong–tough, even! And that that strength comes from the Lord. 🙂
Alyssa - i totally think of you as a proverbs 31 woman!!!!
Kate - Hi! Please, please, please don’t stress about the Etsy order. You better promise to put me on the bottom of the list!
Stephanie Howell - what happy photos, thanks for brightening my day~!
Ashley Ann - As if I wasn’t already aching for summer, you go and post so many of the things I love! One of these days I have to figure out how to add a craft room to the house, your “back to the craft room” comments make me want to do the same!
Elisa - the picture of waffle in the frame- see you could totally be a dog photographer!! Love it!
Jill Adkins - Always working towards the Proverbs 31 woman…thanks for the new “insight”…LOVE the picture with the “dog and frame!”…
gina - Beautiful photos!
Sometimes I feel like based on the photos I take you’d think I only have two daughters (the younger two) but the older ones a) no longer humor me by letting me take a million pictures of them… and b) are VERY picky about which photos I delete and which ones I’m allowed to save- and post on my blog. 🙂
Aubrey - You know I love all your pictures. I keep trying to take better ones, but I think I lack the eye, and shutter speed, oh and good camera. Maybe I can convince my husband we NEED one before the accident comes in September.
And I have two packs of Zinnia seeds waiting to be planted. I haven’t planted this kind before, and I’m excited. If it would just stop SNOWING.
Brooke - hhhmmm…wow…i really needed to read that right now…very convicting for some thoughts i have been battling…thank for you that…or rather Him leading me to what i needed through your blog…
photos…amazing as always…colors just reach out and grab you…i love it!
danyele - proverbs 31 is a great reminder of how i am continuing to attain…ahhh.
and the pics, girl, the pics! love them!
adrienneK - proverbs 31 is my favorite passage from the bible. our preacher did a mothers day sermon on it and it truly touched my heart. i go to it often.:)
these pictures are why i fell in love with your blog so much color so many smiles love it!!
kristi rediske - I sure do enjoy your blog-you sure have alot going on. I love all your pics-I know what camera you have but your pictures are so crisp and clear-I have a canon and my pics seem to come out blurred alot-do you have any suggestions? I have a grandaughter and sure would like to take some really good pics of her. She is on the run alot-she is 15 months. I would appreciate suggestions. Thanks
Christina - Your pictures are beautiful! “They” used to say that the baby got his or her picture taken much less than the first child/children…but I think digital photography makes it so easy to take so many pics that the babies these days (or youngest, when they’re not babies anymore) get more taken than the older ones did.
Aren’t you glad someone left such brilliant commentary on the state of photography in the 21st century? Glad to help.
I always enjoy reading your blog, and it’s so cheerful to look at-thanks for a bright ending to a long day.
Marie - my favorite verse and the first verse i learned after becoming a Christian is Proverbs 31:30…it’s awesome and never loses its value and intensity when I read it. Great reminder for women.
Jess - Proverbs 31 has been my goal for as long as I have been a mother. I too feel that I’ve been slacking in more than one area. Glad that you are able to see it differently now. Hopefully our spring break will help me get back on track.
I just love all the wonderful colors in your photos. One of my fav’s is Annie in the tutu holding balloons!
Shannan - Thank you for sharing the verses with all of us ladies. We can never be reminded too much! And seriously – try not to worry about the orders. Take your time. Create with love and joy, as I know you do, and not stress and worry.
maribeth - i love that proverb and belief God gave it to me as my life verse. it is such an inspiration to read. i think you can’t focus on all the things she accomplished physically but spiritually,
“charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” as women, we focus on how we look and what all we can accomplish, but God wants us to put him first. i love that he included these verses to remind us to place our focus on Him.
karol - Oh my goodness, I can’t believe you mentioned Proverbs 31. I had never read this passage until a month ago when the minister for my mother’s funeral suggested she read it at my mom’s service. It truly captured my mother and I think about it frequently since the 5th of March. She was the sort of woman who was a great mom, wife, and homemaker. I miss her so. Thank you for mentioning it and once again reminding me of the type of woman I would like to be.
And by the way, it sounds as if you are doing a beautiful job of creating a warm and loving home for your husband and children.
Julia - What wonderful family photos – I think the one with your son leaning on your shoulder is fantastic.
Don’t worry too much about getting things done super fast – I’ve gone through those phases (too many times) and it never feels worth it.
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love Proverbs 31. She seems so perfect. I love that her children call her blessed. The pictures you posted were gorgeous. I’m in love with all of the color. You really are a talented photographer and from what I can see with your gifts and relationships you are very much like the Porverbs 31 woman.
Lori - I would recommend proverbs31.org. And their monthly magazine is short and to the point with great articles. I need reminders to keep on the P31 path so I also get the daily devotional by email.
Loved reviewing the pictures. You really brighten my day whenever “Whatever” pops up in my Google reader!
Don’t stress out about the etsy orders – I doubt any of us ordered something that is an emergency! Although, my mail lady stopped her van by my mailbox yesterday and rooted around in the back where she keeps the packages. I was sooo excited, then she just hopped back in and drove away! Cruel…:)
Keri - Being patient over here…. =)
Love the photos, I’m very ready for those type of shots as well. I try to enjoy each day for what it is, but sometimes it’s hard.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Heather Mattos - love, love, love that proverb.
robyn Beckley Vining - another encouragement on prov 31 is that it was written by a mother as a poem for her son and as advice as to what kind of woman he should look for- and she used an alphabet to come up with what she said (the woman didn’t exist at the time- she was a mother’s dream for her son)…i imagine you could go through our alphabet and find ways that you care for your family & fun things about yourself and your marriage that can correspond with each letter.
i imagine your endeared readers could also probably do that for you 🙂
robyn Beckley Vining - another encouragement on prov 31 is that it was written by a mother as a poem for her son and as advice as to what kind of woman he should look for- and she used an alphabet to come up with what she said (the woman didn’t exist at the time- she was a mother’s dream for her son)…i imagine you could go through our alphabet and find ways that you care for your family & fun things about yourself and your marriage that can correspond with each letter.
i imagine your endeared readers could also probably do that for you 🙂
Sharla - I love that picture of waffle in the frame and your little one walking with the balloons in her too funky outfit. I had never seen the one with your girl holding the bubble or the frog – so awesome. I can tell your son smiling on (your?) shoulder is a great captured moment. Thanks for sharing!
Kim - Thanks for sharing your insight on the Proverbs 31 Woman! Especially as we are at that busy season of life, with “younger kids”!
Anna - That zinnia picture was the very first picture/post that I ever read on your blog. I have been hooked ever since 😉 Thanks for a great year of color and happiness. Even though I don’t know you personally you are a blessing to my life…you bring joy to my day when I stop by 😀