changing it up with the new season.

ok….annnnnnnnd that's enough of spring.
i am ready for summer!
bbq…watermelon…ice cream…
watching the kids swim.
annie changes her clothes at least once in the day. she wears something to school and by mid-afternoon….she's in another outfit.
usually something lovely like this one.
complete with headband!
and she has no problem changing later after that.
things match if they are her favorites…that's WHY they match.
i love that thought.
honestly though…i don't care how she dresses at all.
it just makes me smile when i come into a room and see what she's come up with.
she is in a drawing phase…with markers.
in less than a month she has gone through an entire pack of computer paper.
500 sheets!
i think 400 of them are houses.
she is working on the perfect house….
where does she get that?
I have always loved seeing Annie’s outfits too. I’ve been reading and watching a year now and am glad she hasn’t lost her ‘style’ yet 🙂 Precious! I LOVE that she changes clothes more than once a day… my 4 yr. old does the same thing! 🙂 Be sure to post a picture of her house drawing -perfected! 🙂 i absolutely love annies sense of style. she will be a designer of some sort in her lifetime – clothes or houses. she’s a doll. Ahhh! she reminds me of my daughter’s little friend…always in sequins and over-accessorized. I say I’d love to see her at 80, walking a poodle, with a feather boa…
I wanted to add that I LOVE what you said about things matching because she loves them…that’s my decorating philosophy. Nothing in my house “matches” except that it’s all stuff I love, so somehow it all goes together because it’s all stuff I love. …the OCD in me gets really irritated when they “waste” paper…I need to ease up and let my boys create!!! Thank you for showing me this! so so sweet. Love all the clothes, hate all the laundry.
I am obsessed with her outfit. She is a DIVA!
darling! and i totally get that “match because they’re her favorites.” love it. good for her! and good for YOU to not make that a battle! She is too cute.. we have that tank.. and now I’m thinking a funky headband like that might be necessary 🙂 meg, i bought 2 of those headbands & they have been my saving grace. when halle looks a mess, i just throw the headband on!! fixed!! she wore it this morning dying easter eggs in pjs. totally made the pictures 🙂 Calvin has been in a similar phase for over a year now! It cracks me up. He will only wear something that is sports-themed and reluctantly allows me to help him find something a little nicer for church on Sunday. He looks ridiculously cute nearly every day, and I love it, too!
so cute!! my zoe (3 years old) is really into picking her own clothes now,lots of very uh…ahem “neat” combos 😉 We call that stuff “printer paper” and next time I buy it I’m getting two reams bc my girls go through it soooooo fast too! I love to see them create… what a treasure!
She’s so fashion forward! But only two outfits a day? I don’t think she’s living up to her full potential there… ;o) cute cute cute Ohhh, Precious Annie 🙂 Both the wardrobe changes and marker obsession remind me SO much of my daughter right now! I posted the first pictures of my room re-do on my blog earlier, which was inspired by your awesome READ room… you’ll notice some familiar Target sheets in there 🙂
How adorable! I think the headband is my fav. 🙂 She is so cute. My son will also change after school, for no reason, just because. He has his favorite pieces too. don’t you just love how children see beauty?? and, what a great momma to let her express it her way!
I love preschoolers! Such a fun age.
talby got to be a flower girl in craig's cousin's wedding.
she was nervous and excited and happy all at the same time.
there was only a tiny bit of whispering and giggling.
(check out those bouquets…gorgeous!)
she wore her dress and tiara to church the next day too.
thank you Mr & Mrs Duerksen for asking our little talby.
she felt like a princess.
how sweet. she looks beautiful. she will never forget that. i bet she wants to wear the dress this sunday too. i would, it’s adorable. have a great Easter. Oh so sweet! My daughter was a “flower girl” in my sister’s wedding…at 1 1/2…yeah, not so much. She looks at pictures and can’t believe it’s her. NO memory. This is great, Talby will so remember this forever 🙂 Okay, I know it sounds a little stalker-ish, but I have checked your blog THREE times today to see if you posted. I should get a hobby!
What a beautiful wedding- and it looks like the flower girl did a lovely job! Awww, she looks so sweet and inocent. The color of the dresses and her sash are yummy. Every girl likes to practice putting on her princess. Glad Talby had the chance too. My advice…let her WEAR THAT DRESS OUT! How sweet. Weddings are so FuN!
So cute! What a beautiful wedding. Love that you got a photo catching them whispering!
How cute is she!?!?
so pretty! i loved being a flower girl when I was about her age. Happy Easter! Kelly Lovely. She looks simply precious! Do you know where the bridesmaids got their shoes? ADORABLE! (so is talby :)) Fun! I like how in the kissing picture she looks uninterested!! That’s good! hehe! Meg – catching up on your blog – been away from it for too long. Whenever I got to this post…I just started giggling. I LOVE THIS CLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother watched this movie a hundred times and find this part the best part ever…each and every time. Too funny. Oh man… that is some good stuff! Thanks for the laugh… it’s one of our favorites too! I loved that part — and the gas station scene with the door falling off… One of the best movies EVER — no doubt. Chris Farley rocked. A classic, for sure. My husband and I just pulled that DVD out last weekend! Can’t beat it for a great laugh. Just saw your comment on my blog and had to say you can totally pull off the pink hair. Who cares what they think?! Go for it, just send me some pictures if you do! This is totally unrelated but am having a hard time finding your shop on etsy-can you help me out?
I love that movie. My fiance hadn’t seen it until a few months ago and now he understands why when I’m shopping and things are too small I dance around singing “Fat guy in a little coat!” My husband has a rotation of about 7 movies he watches (and quotes) regularly. Tommy Boy is one of them. Thank goodness he and I have the same sense of humor.
My husband and I love this movie – I think I can quote the whole thing! I could watch this movie 100 times a week. Love.
Love, love, LOVE me some C.F. I still remember the day he died, I was in the car and heard it on the radio. No one can make me laugh to tears like Chris did! The “In a van down by the river” SNL skit…classic!!
i kicked monday in the behind. i asked my friends to pray for me to be able to focus on my etsy orders.
focus and finish this week.
and yesterday rocked.
not only was i focused on my orders (7 pillows in one day…)
i made dinner by 1:00 and an extra for the freezer.
i did many loads of laundry
and washed two dishwasher loads by hand.
(my dishwasher BROKE)
prayer is awesome.
thank you friends for praying.
"i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me….Philippians 4:13."
and i can still use that prayer today and tomorrow also. :)
now annie & i have to shop because i am out of stuffing, pom pom trim and some fabrics.
There is a post about you on my blog…what is your Etsy address? Love your blog. There is a little post about you on my blog…love your blog! What is your Etsy shop name? Where can we find you? I love these!!!! Gorgeous pillows! You do rock. I’m that way when I have a project started. I don’t know adrenaline kicks in and God’s grace helps push me through. It’s just the best feeling…one of accomplishment:) I’m SO excited to find your blog – I am re-doing our office/nursery/reading room after my very favorite EVER room on Apartment Therapy… when I saw that pile of pillows on your sidebar I KNEW they were from THAT room – now I can read your WHOLE BLOG and get EVEN MORE AWESOME IDEAS! I love your style! I slaved over making pillows for our new room… I wish I’d known you had an Etsy store where I could have just bought them 😉
I’ve been missing your blog 🙁 My computer got a really bad virus and I have been without one (I am using Brian’s laptop tonight!) since last FRIDAY!!! Anyway, I’m glad you got a lot accomplished 🙂 YAY! That’s such a great feeling! And I am soooo making your baked french toast this weekend 🙂 great job girl. my pillow arrived yesterday – I LOVE IT!!! it’s perfect in my studio. thanks so much meg! good job energizer bunny. 😉
Wow! It’s SO nice to hit the pillow (your bed pillow, not your Etsy pillows, at night, with your head) knowing that you had a productive day. Congrats! Rock on, Sistah!
What a great feeling to get so much done. I am praying that the extra frozen meal in the freezer is for my family.
Great work!! Love those pom-poms and the pink chenille (if that’s what it is?) – love all of it actually, you’ll be putting many smiles on faces with those pretties! Holy Super Mommy!!! That is awesome! All those loads of laundry and two dinners plus making 7 pillows on top of it, fabulous!!! I am so excited for my pillow, I can hardly stand it. I am patiently waiting because you really have a heart of gold to make and ship all these wonderful goodies for an even more incredible cause. Way to go!!! I spy my pillow in that pile of goodness. Happy happy happy. How FUN are those pillows; you are SUPER talented! I’m going to learn how to sew; am inheriting my husband’s grandmother’s machine. 🙂
You rocked it! With just a “little” help of course! Send some of that energy my way. I could use it. Great job! what the busy!!! a m a z i n g!!! That stack of pillows reminds me of the Princess and the Pea. Beautiful. You rock! Not only for getting those orders out, but also because I received MY order yesterday (a tshirt for my daughter) and it is absolutely adorable! Her face just lit up when she saw it and it looks so cute on her! Thanks so much!
You WORKED IT! GO GIRL!!!!! Wowza! Great job! pillows look great and i’m pleased to see someone’s workspace looks as chaotic as mine does!! good work and press on!! They look great!!! Keep up the great work! You can do it! 🙂 Amazing what God and adrenaline can do!!!! Love the pom pom ball pillows!!! you will love this. i made it for bible study and they went ga-ga over it.
i made it for my family this weekend and craig said "THIS is blog-worthy"
so you need to make it too.
melt 1 stick of butter then add in 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 t. cinnamon and stir together.
pour into a 9×13 pan covering the bottom.
then layer slices of bread on the sugar mixture with the crusts removed.
(it would probably just as good with the crusts on….)
i used 15 pieces of bread.
fill in the holes with smaller pieces.
in a mixing bowl whisk together 2 cups of milk and 6 eggs.
pour over the bread.
that's it.
put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
when it looks baked and golden, pull it out and drizzle syrup over the top.
put it back in the oven under the broiler until brown and bubbly.
NOTE: this step takes very little time.
i set my timer for two minutes and let it ding twice. (i was putting on my make-up…..)
i opened my oven to a huge cloud of smoke and set off my fire alarm.
i had to pick off the burnt parts before i could take it to bible study.
so be careful with the broiler step.
this one is kind of burnt too…but it'd too good to matter.
when you serve it, flip it over so the sugar on the bottom (heaven….)
is on the top.
oh my.
definitely blog worthy.
it would be a very good easter treat.
with a big cup of coffee…
i am drooling.
(recipe is in the sidebar…..with lots of other easy to make duerksen favorites)
There are churches that do have bible studies for adults along with devotions and one church even did the love dare from the fireproof movie. So its not just a childrens thing anymore. And some people want to learn more about the bible so they can enrich their lives. 11/11/11 and i’m makin it for breakfast with a side of bacon, hot coffee, too bad i just ran out of apples…. they would have been scrumptious choped and scattered between the pieces. something to add for next time 😉 Made it once for the family last month, now I am making it again for a girlfriend get together! Just gotta say again: LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! This looks so delicious!! Just added everything to my grocery list 🙂 I just made this….AMAZING!!! it’s my hubby’s bday and he is now obsessed! As am I! Thank you!!! The recipe is great, thanks for sharing. But I have to make a comment; Bible Study? Really? At your age? Really? Hmmmph, always thought of that as an activity just for kids so that as a responsible parent you could introduce them to religion and let them make up their own minds about it. Never dreamed adults went to Bible Study. What a monumental waste of one’s time. That time would be better spent feeding the homeless, or spending time with people in the nursing home, or being a Big Brother or Big Sister, etc. Because I can guarantee you, THAT is the type of activity Jesus would do, not chit-chatting about what a wonderful person he was because he was ‘christian’… oh my God oh my God oh my God!!!! this is like my favorite food ever, i love to eat french toast, anywhere, any time, they’re just amazing!! I worry about what so much sugar is doing to your family and, of course, to mine as I recently read some research about sugar poisoning our cells. Wonder how we can make this with less. I’ll experiment and keep you in the loop if you like 🙂
This was so so yummy! I recently made it and have passed the recipe on to a few friends and they love it too. It was so easy! Thanks! Okay EEERYBODY, THIS WAS GREAT. Mine tasted almost like cinnamon rolls. Turns out that i melted the butter and added brown sugr, (it was hard but got soft so i guessed at measurement). I poured it on bottom of pan and then put bread on top.Oops no milk and too late to make before kids leave for school, I let it set there all day. Covered of course. Then finished making it at like 5 pm. My son Larry who said he was full had some. He’s 17. YOU CAN PLAY with this recipe people. It’s delish and BIG fun Making your recipe yet again, I used a thick crusted bread to give it some more substance, and have it for breakfast days after! It is most excellent! Just wanted to thank you for this recipe. I made it Easter morning and it was a hit! My normally non-breakfast non-sweets husband ate it all up. Thanks again!
I’m making this today for breakfast – it look so good! Looks so yummy! I’ll have to try it. We make one that uses dried out french bread and sits overnight… I love variation. Totally going to save the recipe. 🙂 i just printed this out to make tomorrow morning. i usually make a to-die-for french toast with challah bread. it’s the hit of our easter brunch. but i’m branching out this year. i hope i don’t smear the ink on the print out from all the drool. I must have done something wrong. This was just a big mess. The bread also didn’t taste like anything but egg mush. The only thing I ended up with is a hungry family and a dish that is going to have to soak for a week. Oh my GOSH I’m going to make this for the brunch crowd here tomorrow. So amazing. Thanks for sharing! YUMO! I am not sure if I should try this or not. Really. It looks so good and so bad at the same time!!
thought… do you think it matters what type of bread… you know… white… whole grain… wheat! i am SO making this! 🙂 my fam is gonna love me!
now i want ft… thanks 😉 Thanks for the recipe! I had no plan for dinner last night so I tried it. It was very yummy!! Adam thought it was more like a dessert than dinner but he liked it too. Next time he wants me to add bacon… 😉 hi meg! I’ve been following your blog for several months now. It’s one of my absolute favorites. I’m currently teaching in China, so I’m always on the lookout for simple recipes I can make here. this one looks amazing. thanks for sharing! Yum- O OK, if I can figure out how to make it with a newborn in one arm I am all over it! Thank for sharing!
Yum! I can’t wait to test it. I can’t wait to try this. Thank you for sharing. Your blog is awesome! I’m a Wichitan so maybe we’ll run into one another one day! That recipe is one of our faves. Don’t forget to save the bread ends for crumbs or homemade stuffing
Yum! I can’t wait to try this! I’ve tried your chicken enchiladas and chicken and biscuits and they are both SOOOOO delicious! My husband keeps requesting them both and I am happy to oblige! looks so gooey and delicious.
I made something similar one time but your version sounds so easy … might be whipping that up for breakfast tomorrow. Thanks!
always love your recipes.. thanks 🙂 I’ve been looking for a good recipe for baked french toast…so glad you posted this. Sounds like something to try this weekend! That actually does sound simple. SO many people say simple but it’s not. Looks good! I’ll have to try it! 🙂 I’ll give you the props if they approve. 🙂 I haven’t had this since college years! I had forgotten how good it tastes. I will have to make it next time we have the kids or company. We do a baked french toast on christmas morning. I make it the night before and it super yummy on chroistmas morn. I love visiting your blog. It makes me want to get creative. Your home is amazing and belongs in a magazine. Your photography is awesome too! Thanks for sharing your recipes – chicken enchiladas are on the menu for tomorrow night (your recipe), I will be trying this one soon. That looks delish! Thanks for sharing! Looks so yummy! I may have to try that for Easter morning!!! Thanks for all the yummy recipes! You’re so good about posting them!! Sounds sooooooooooo yummy!! We will definately make this weekend! Whenever Olivia sees your blog up, she says, “Ohhhh Mommy, I want some of those rainbow licorice!!!” I just found some for her Easter basket at Walmart 🙂 We love reading your blog and LOVED seeing the pics of the Hills. I bet you all had a blast! perfect for all the company i have coming in for my sons graduation next month(sob, my baby is moving out!) gonna try it! Wow..just got a great cheesecake recipe on another blog, and now this…great morning! you have just CHANGED MY LIFE with this. I love recipes and especially easy ones. THANK YOU. I’m going to have to do this! Yum-O! As Rachel Ray and my daugher would say! My hips are expanding just reading this. YUM! I was thinking…hmmm…maybe I should make this for Easter brunch! Thanks! Yum-O! I think we’ll definitely have to try this Easter morning. Can’t wait!! LOVE your recipes!! Woohoo!!!! I think I have made them all!!! Now this! Yaya! This looks SO yummy! And I don’t even like french toast! 🙂 oh wow. picked a bad day to start dieting. i am saving this recipe, however, to make for the day i decide to kill the diet. amazing!! 🙂
This sounds yummilicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe. perfect for easter morning!!! thanks for sharing meg. and it looks really easy. that’s the best part. i love that craig said it was “blog-worthy”. you have pulled him into the blogging world, like it or not. have a great day!!
I make that on special holidays, but I use real french bread… it’s so good!!! yum. who needs the bread? I would have stopped with the butter, cinnamon, and sugar, LOL! YUM! Thanks….:)
I am loving that I’ve found your blog…..not too sure what my wasteline will be thinking since I’ve just printed out about 5 of your yummy looking recipes! Mmmmm. I will have to add that to my repertoire. I love that you still served the burnt one to your Bible study. It’s nice that you serve it upside down so that they can’t see where you scrapped off the black bits. 🙂 I have been making this for years…………isn’t it the best?? It is a tradition for me to make it each Christmas morning, along with an egg and sausage casserole. I make them the evening before – in the morning I simply put them in the oven – we open gifts and then have breakfast just coming out of the oven!!! Hi! I think I’ve been a lurker for a while, but I love your blog! Just curious about the syrup though…did you use real maple syrup or just “pancake” syrup? I can’t wait to try this!! Oooooh my is right. I am so trying it!!!
my mouth is watering! and i thought my challah french toast was to die for. this looks insanely good! can’t wait to try it! thanks for sharing!! MMMMMmmmmm yummy. Will have to try it. the second my no sugar nonsense is over you better bet I am making a big old dish of this! Not sure if I will share a single bite.
on the last day of spring break 3 of my kids had a friend over. so the house had 8 kids.
but i realized something….it was so quiet.
so i went from room to room with my camera.
everyone was completely occupied and had no need to bother anyone else.
Room #1 – barbie play
Room #2 – NCAA basketball tournaments
Room #3 – playing house
Room #4 – playing basketball
the boys' room is being redone…KU blue…it's very….blue?
Room #5 – important phone conversations
and i was busy unpacking from utah, preparing for jenny's visit and everything else that moms do.
now it's friday again.
i am so glad.
do you think we will have a big snowstorm that will keep us all cuddled up in side this weekend?
highly doubtful.
OK, ummmmm, my husband wants to move into the blue room!! If we had the room for a basketball net inside our house, he would be all over it! LOVE IT!
When the house is usually that quiet it means something BAD is going down in MY house:-) I’ve been dying to ask…what color is your foyer??? It says Pea Soup, is that the name? Who is it by? I need that color bad! I’m loving it! Love your blog, too.
Like Holly, I had noticed Lauren talking on a “retro” phone. I was surprised she wasn’t on a cell phone. As always, love you, your family and your house!
Love your blog and everything within it! Reading about your house bustling with activity (as quiet as it may have been today) makes my life with 2 toddlers seem boring. 😉 Gotta add that you and your husband must be the coolest parents with that gigantic basketball hoop in the bedroom! I think I’m gonna have to replicate that idea some day!
Playdates are the best (most of the time). Happy Weekending! Love the indoor basketball idea. Lauren is Stunning. I can’t get over it. And I love that a previous commenter referred to her being on an “old time” phone. I had to scroll back up to take a look, sure that I would find her on a avocado green rotary wall-mount! I promise, I’m not 95 years old… Your house looks so fun! Oh and that beach car you linked to in your sidebar – love it. Life would be pretty sweet riding around in one of those beauties!
See you have as many rooms as you do kids so that work out for you. Love the pictures. My fav is the “playing house” how sweet is that. A goody to pull out when they are in high school.
love the indoor basketball goal!!! It’s true!!! Sometimes, even though there are more “bodies”…and if they ALLLL get along…it’s almost…dare I say this???? Easier??? I LOVE the KU blue room 🙂 Glad everyone had fun…and you got to get some stuff done 😉 Yes, playdates are the best! Makes mommy’s life so much easier!
Your daughter is on an old tyme phone:) i loved it when the kids were younger and had friends over. kept them busy and really kept me entertained. i loved seeing what their imaginations would come up with. and hearing all their laughter. priceless. usually they weren’t in the house though. they only came in for lunch. imagine that. I’m at that point too. I love that the kids can entertain themselves and have fun doing it! Can’t wait to see the boys room all done. sooo scary when all you hear is quiet… so awesome that they were all occupied. and the only thing scarier than UK blue in a room is UT orange. nuff said!
robin bird - back to my favorite header missy 🙂 i don’t know why it seems that the sun is shining there for you eery single day. but you do make wonderful use of it with your camera 🙂 i’ve missed you!
Aubrey - I wish Spring would come over here. You guys should come back for more skiing. I here spring skiing is the best and we keep getting plenty of fresh powder. I think the farmer’s almanac said it would warm up in July. No kidding.
Anna - Love the new header, love it all!
mom - I love the photo of my rabbit-eaten tulip. Those dang guys! Beautiful photos.
Shannan - Man oh man, do I ever love flower photos.
Nina - you and me both……bring on summer!
chas at the wild raspberry - love your photos and your new header….
{i love spring…the freshness, the green, the rain}
Lazy Mom Leslie - I’m loving the spring weather but I want it to be summer so we don’t have to stick to a schedule. Shocker! I want the best of both worlds. Just call me Hannah.
Heather - My thoughts exactly! Lovely pics — recently had some sweet dandelion moments with my tots.
traci - we haven’t really had any spring yet so i will be happy with just a bit of that. we don’t even have any blooms yet. hopefully by the end of the week.
adrienneK - ha ha funny post! pretty post but funny 😉
Kellie - I’m ready for Summer too – we’ve had too much rain this spring!!!! It’s funny – our daffodils were blooming Jan 4th this year – they are long gone – it’s fun to see the seasons at different times across the country!!!!
Jess - Yes, I am a summer girl too! Lovein’ the new header also!!!!
Julia - Anytime you feel like perpetual summer, head down to South Florida and I’ll meet you at the beach!
sandy toe - Oh..I am so ready too!
sandy toe
Alyssa - ditto!
Lori - Love the new header! Perfect. Loving my new pillows too, hope you got my pictures of them in their new home? Ready for summer too…
Lanny Stanard - Oh I’m with you! and also loving the new banner! Happy Monday 🙂
Ruth - yes yes yes!! come on sun!
love the new header… frogs totally freak me out but you managed to make it look cute!
Wendy - I still feel like I’m waiting for Spring to get here…
Love the pics!
Stephanie Howell - ooh!
happy happy happy! xo
Keri - Ooh, love that tulip!! Great new header. The dichotomy between the chipped nail polish & the frog is priceless!!
Kate - i see you’ve got a new header, and i’d just like to say that it’s perfect. and totally appropriate for spring.
great photos as well. as always.
Starnes Fam - Lovely photography as always. And, the header is precious….chipped fingernail polish is the cutest part!
Ashley - That is a great header pic, but I am going to have to scroll down fast now each time I open your blog. I HATE FROGS. I mean hate as in they are worse than snakes, mice, roaches…pretty much anything. Creeps me out a bit just seeing those cute chipped-nail polished hands holding that horrid thing!
Rachel Berry - I’d give anything just to have spring here to stay. We are supposed to get snow on Tuesday. So I’m say bring on spring where ever it is. 🙂
MMW - seriously, I love the dandelions … they may be weeds, but they are certainly bright and sunny in our cloudy overcast landscaping here in the pacific northwest.
and I second your call for summertime. bring it on!
Whitni - SUN! I agree. This whole spring rainy season is getting me down. I love the flowers in full bloom and I know the rain is all part of God’s big canvas but coommee onnn already, it’s time for summer!
Oh! I know you’re busy busy busy but I teach a first and second grade sunday school class and I’d love to see some good crafts I can do with them, maybe even a link to a good site? Just whenever you have time!
Hope your week is wonderful!