my favorite song for the past three months.
my kids love to listen to it on the way to school…LOUD.
driving into the bright rising sun…
ready for a new day…
i look back and sean is playing "air violin"
annie says "this is my favorite part mom"…the violin solo.
my favorite line is "kiss me like a final meal…"
"it's looking like a beautiful day"
(even if you did have to make two of your kids walk to school for being disrespectful to their mother)
i have been on a cleaning binge. while the little girls were gone i did a complete overhaul in their room.
4 bags to goodwill and 2 bags of trash.
that's gross.
and last week i cleaned the craft room.
it is so much happier now.
happy to sit.
happy to dream up new projects.
happy to let the sun shine in.
this pile of fabric…will soon become a tent for the pink bedroom…i promised it would be next.
i'll show you what i mean at the end of this post.
i found the black tool holder at a garage sale a few weeks back…i plan to fill-it-up!
they had bunches of good stuff there.
it was hard to hold back.
and it turned out she was a blog reader…and she recognized me…HA!
hi jennie. :)
it was crazy.
my friend and i laughed about it all day!
that chicken lamp? my friend Chicago Jen trashpicked it for me.
it's special because
1. she thought of me while trash picking and
2. she was brave enough to give me something picked from someone's trash.
so i have always loved it.
and the tall cabinet with chippy green paint is my favorite flea market find.
do you remember that julie k.?
do you still have your yellow cabinet you bought that day?
the other white cabinet was in my IL neighbor's basement…he was going to throw it away…GASP!
and my sign to inspire me…thank you julie.
those scrapbooks look sad and lonely…neglected…ignored…poor babies.
a handmade gift that i love.
special stuff…
squares cut for more quilted pillows.
so the tent….
i want to make a tent like in The Holiday.
here's a clip…but it's long…the tent is at 5:47 of the 8 minutes.
you'll understand why i want to make it.
but i just don't know how….
(i love this whole movie so you should rent it anyway if you haven't seen it)
http://www.blogster.com/biapamerun/effexor-discount-card-effexor-equivalent-generic-pristiq-cost-effexor%5Dliving without effexor[/url] http://championshipmanagcec.typepad.com/%5DChampionship Manager: Season 01/02[/url] As you can see this website is full of [url=I am trying to make that tent for my two girls too! I can’t wait to see how yours turns out. I have been trying to decide whether to use PVC-type pipe to do the rectangular frame at the top, or to just do all cloth…what are your plans? Your craft room is absolutely joyful. So glad I found this blog today 🙂
I haven’t seen The Holiday. I just watched that clip and bawled. How sweet. I think I’ll rent it to watch tonight! good luck with the tent! that is such a great scene and tent and movie. lovin’ the craft room pics. very happy! i want that tent in my dorm room!
making the tent in the holiday is a magical idea 🙂 I absolutely LOVE your craftroom!! (And your blog, for that matter.) I also love The Holiday. It is currently my favorite movie. That tent is amazing! I hope you can re-create one 🙂 Oh your craft room is so much fun. I think for your tent, you could make a frame for the top any shape and size out of 1×2’s and then upholster that from the bottom. Then make a small tent peak from the frame to the top where it will hang (maybe leave an opening for a light to hang through. Then you can attach fabric from the hoop down that can fan out to make the room. Basically making it like one of those net tent you can buy, but making your own frame so it’s larger at the top. Hope this helps, I am not always the best at putting the pictures in my head into words. : ) http://weightwhat.blogspot.com/2009/05/tell-me-again-why-coveting-is-wrong.html Okay, I linked to this post in my post today about craft room envy. Because I’ve totally got it. Want to come make over my craft room? Pretty please with sugar on top?
I love your craft room… If I was there for real I would probably just stand and stare for awhile…. at all the colors and ribbons, fabric and scraps… and little knick knacks…..so inspiring… oh my goodness meg. love all the photos. i looked long and hard at them. love all your little treasures.
I love love love all of your fabric!! If you figure out the tent, PLEASE share!!! You are so crafty I know you can do it!! 🙂
http://musingsofanightowl.blogspot.com/ LOOK AT HER HEADER PICTURE. IT IS A LARGE OUTDOOR UMBRELLA. WHY NOT START “THE HOLIDAY TENT” WITH THAT AS THE TOP. WATCHING THE CLIP, IT ALMOST LOOKS LIKE IT IS FRAMED OUT LIKE AN UMBRELLA. FIND ONE FROM A LAWN SALE, GOODWILL, ETC… HEY YOU MIGHT ALREADY HAVE ONE YOUR NOT USING. WHAT DO YOU THINK. DITTO on that movie, and I love your Craft/creating space…it’s so bright and cheerful and your crafting items are even fun to look at! I so love the items you create! I know you’ll do a great job on the tent and I betcha you’ll even show us your project, right? Can I come and live in your craft room? I want to stay in there with all the colorful happy fabrics and letters and buttons and make things until I fall asleep in piles of pillows. K, thanks. the tent!!! i loooooooove the tent. i’ve watched that movie zillions of times just for the tent scene! Can I come over and make something? Please. Your room just screams! A HAPPY AND CREATIVE WONDERFUL WOMAN LIVES HERE! I want to be your friend just looking at the pictures. Thank you for always providing inspiration!
thanks for the happy tour… Okay hands down my favorite movie EVER! YOU will be able to do the tent perfectly. You are so incredibly talented! I can’t wait to see it! I have read your blog for a very long time and love every word and picture!
Hi Meg…good to meet you at the garage sale…thanks for the “hi”…your toolbox looks awesome!!! My friend and I laughed about you showing up at my garage sale too…I had turned her onto your blog! What fun! Maybe I’ll see you around again someday! Jenny I HEART your craft room, all the colors and supplies make me SMILE…
I love your craft room. The pictures make me happy, and feel like I am crafty (which I am not, sad to say) and that I can sew (which I don’t). My mom made a lot of my clothes when I was young, and ALL of my Barbie clothes. Yet, I can barely sew on a button! Anyway, I look forward to seeing your tent – I have no doubt that you can fashion a super cool one. And I haven’t seen The Holiday but after that adorable clip, am putting it on our netflix list. I will have to squeeze it in somewhere among our current obsession, 24. what a delicious bunch of stuff!! love the pink flowers… and i have that french fry print! such a treasure.
Cleaning is the best!
We are linked up!! Love your blog Meg!!
that will be perfect for the girls! When they are done with it can London have it 🙂 I will just send her over to play in it with them this summer. very special. oh YES! The tent!! How could one forget that tent?! You can do it, girl! Kelly I LOVE that movie! I LOVE that tent! That would be SO COOL!!!!! Make sure you take lots of pictures to blog… if you get around to making it!!! :o)
Do you want to switch craft rooms? I love that Jenn and Russ’s family is on your “special stuff” board. They all are pretty special. And from what they say of you….so are you. Enjoy the sunshine in your craft room. i am fairly certain i have said it before. but it bears repeating after this post. i want to waller in the floor of your craft room. i have never been so completely covetous in my entire life. and i LOVE the holiday and that tent. i would totally live in iris’ cottage. Your craft room always makes me want to run home and sew something RIGHT NOW!! I love it! why is that a jar of buttons and a spool of ribbon makes me so darn happy?
Your craft room & your photography continually inspire me. Thank you!
Loved the movie – thanks for the reminder to get it back from my mom! Would love to make a tent like that, for each of my kids. I spent the first hour of my morning, taking down my son’s fort that he built in their playroom/my office. He would just about die if I could make him an uber-cool, more permanent one.
love the movie…love the tent idea…and definitely love your craft room… Love your craft area. It’s too cute to touch. Thanks for sharing:) Oh, that is the best part of the movie! Second only to the part where Kate Winslet finds the button that closes the blinds and the room becomes pitch black. That’s my dream. 🙂
love all the craft room goodness! and i have never seen this movie! what an awesome tent!!! cant wait to see yours!!! i love that movie! and if i had a tent like that as a little girl, i would have been happy forever! i so seriously love your house! oh, and the craft room! so much crafty goodness just waiting to be made into something special . . .
Great pics of the craft room…love the colors! I have not seen the movie, I MUST it looks like a wonderful movie. Loved the tent, now I want one too! My screened in porch is crying out for something cool.
Your craft room is heaven! Oh, that tent will be so neat for your girls–I watched the clip and I just want to eat up those little girls with their accents. Precious. Thank you for the beautiful photos.
Not The Holiday tent, but another amazing tent.
I would like to live in your craft room, please. i want your craft room! i love the holiday, and i adore the tent. i really wish i had some girls around here, so i could make somethig that pretty. BUT God gave me 3 boys, so i guess He knows something i don’t lol.
WOW!!!!! YOU!!! YOU are somethin’!!!!! I wish I was crafty like you!! Glad you got a little time to yourself! Even if it was to clean. That always makes me feel better! I’ve never seen The Holiday…guess I’ll be renting that today!!! It always feels SO nice to have a clean fresh space to start to mess up again, nice job! Can’t wait to see what you’ll make next. I just love your blog! The colors, your kind words, your creativity…it’s all very inspiring, really. Thanks for brightening my day. annie said:
"mom…this is me.
and my head is HUGE.
i am wearing a green shirt and i am smiling.
and i just drank a whole bunch of water.
i just wanted to squeeze her little face.
sometimes you feel something stronger than you can put into words…swelling from deep down.
my husband is coming home from his man weekend.
my girls are coming back from their grandmother's.
the house will be full again.
it was nice to have the quiet and it will be just as nice to have them back again.
happy sunday.
so sweet. your little annie makes me want to have another little one around here. just for a minute though. i’ll just come down and borrow her for the day. awww!! i love the water on the bottom half of her face 🙂 so cute
I always enjoy your blog. Makes me smile every time! Priceless. I love that picture and her explanation of it. Truly adorable and precious! I love it! I have read your blog for awhile, and just wanted to tell you that I truly enjoy it. It makes me feel at peace. 🙂
love this so much!! Your life and your family and your house and your dog–everything just seems so cool! I know having all those kids and a dog can be chaos, but you guys just seem so relaxed, laid back. Its really nice. That says it all, I love Annie’s art so fun and full of COLOR, the best part is that she just drank a bunch of water, thats so cute. Oh, please say that you are going to frame that picture and put the caption underneath! It’s just perfect!
Aren’t kids the cutest! I love her drawing and best of all the description. so sweet…. I LOVELOVELOVE this too! Perfection in tiny little words. You’re daughter is an Einstein. So colorful. what better time for art? ![]() annie was waiting the last hour before we left to go see nana.
and it seemed like it was taking forever (for us both).
we'd already played candyland and memory.
she asked "can i paint?"
i answered "sure…why not."
she seemed shocked.
but thrilled.
she said "these are blocks"
and as she put each new color on…the excitement built.
adding the white paint to the colors added a whole new level to her art.
eventually she was shouting.
then a big squeal of delight and a little jumpy dance.
i know how she feels.
That expression is priceless-how wonderful that you, too, know that delight!
oh, fresh paints! that’s the best! I can’t tell you how much I love that your home is beautiful AND Annie is allowed to paint at the coffee table right in front of the couch. Homes that kids aren’t allowed to be kids in really bother me. Congratulations on being a great mom!! Fun! I love her hair, btw. I love moms who will cut their girls’ hair short b/c it contradicts what most expect out of girls, it seems. I have 2 boys and then a 19 month old baby girl….lots to learn…..but I do know now that I love little girls with short hair. I’m sure I will do the same. LOVE what that one mom commented…carpe diem for real! Beautiful! Calvin always just mixes all of the colors together until he gets brown. 🙁 Love that you share something so special with her.
Yes I know know how she feels too!!! OK…she has A LOT of paint on that papaer and her clothes look CLEEEEEAN!!!! HOW??? Love that you let her do that right before leaving I just cant figure how she stayed clean for grandma? lolol LOOOOOVE it!! thats a big water color pallet! where did you get it? we only have the single row one s she definately has her mama’s creativity gene. so cute.
Oh, she has the expression of my preschoolers when they mix a new color! I love it! Looks like a fun day. Join my challenge if you want 🙂 we have a 3rd floor on our house. i love going up there because my creativity gets swirling.
i dream up all kinds of things we could do with it.
would you like to see it?
i thought so.
to get there we have to through lauren's bedroom…no easy task most days.
on this day talby was in search of her summer clothes. (click on any pictures if the words are too small)
when you get up the stairs it opens into a small room
and on the left there's a doorway to a big room.
there is a roughed in…something. could be a closet or a bathroom someday.
this is the view looking into the big room.
four years ago when we came through this house i WAS IMMEDIATELY IN LOVE!!!
i kept my composure all the way though…until the third floor.
our realtor wasn't with in the room us and i looked at craig and said "I LOVE THIS HOUSE!"
the third floor sealed the deal.
i was too scared to open that box.
when craig did…i ran to other side of the room.
i've seen The Money Pit where the raccoon jumps out…i was not going there.
i walked across the room and took this picture looking back towards the stairs.
this room has been so many things in my day dreams.
so my question to YOU is….
what would you do with this space?
i am sure i could find a BIG prize for someone that can
find a way to get a design show or magazine to come here
and renovate this for us!!
come one ladies…who do you know?
Looks like 3 options here…..first you could make this your photography studio/craft room. You could get all sorts of cool backdrops, props & lighting! second option would be to make it a playroom/hangout room for the kids. Lots of storage for toys and bean bags, big comfy chairs, tv with video games….just think of the quiet you would have in the kitchen if all the kids were on the 3rd floor! third option would be to make this Lauren’s room if she doesn’t want traffic coming thru her bedroom to get here. Then you could turn her room into either the craft room or playroom, and turn your current craft room into a guest room. Oh, I wish I had as much space as you!
Can I move in? I love love love your house! I have always dreamed of a home with a third floor… that’s magical! WOWZA!! i didn’t think your house could get any better!! OH MY goodness…I have dreams about finding a room just like this hidden in our house and I find it and I SQUEAL. I’m not kidding. Those are some of my best dreams. Oh, I would looooove to have this space. Looks like it has great light too. I would make it a total kid hang.
Your home is completely lovely. You have a wonderful style so fun, yet comfy and relaxing too. You extra room is so much fun. I think that the imagining of what a space can be is almost as fun as the finished project. I would think some sort of family hangout theater are would be wonderful with cozy nooks by the windows, and comfy chairs. I can’t wait to see what you end up doing with the space in the future. Thanks so much for sharing.
I know noone… but that space would be so cool turned into a treehouse-type hideout. that’s my idea. 😀 I would either make it an awesome guest suite and turn the smaller room into a bathroom or make it a media/theater room. I think those floors would look cool painted black. 🙂 i love this room, boy would that be fun. how old is your house. it could make a great guest room.
hmm I’m not sure what you could do. But one thing is for sure, you’ll have to give Lauren a new room. I doubt she’d be too happy about people going through her room and up into the third floor :X Craft room. OH. I Love It So! I would love, love (oh I already said that) to have Candice Olsen from Divine Design to do my basement but since she’s in Canada, well…but maybe if she has two jobs here in the States, yours and mine, she would come!! Oh the possibilities for the 3rd floor!! A girl can dream. I was envious of your house before, but now it is beyond coveting. So jealous…so much you could do. I love it. Could you fit a family of 6 up there? We’ll move in. Ah! Am I a big nerd for feeling excited jitters for when you will share what you do?! Yeah…I have loved your house from the time I found ya in blog world…and now the 3rd floor…I will continue to live through you…while living in my townhouse! hehe! Hurry and finish it all pretty like you do!!
I LOVE looking at this site. I visit it almost every day. I went to preschool in this house. I remember the inside quite vividly. Although it looks so much better now than back in the day. The basement was too scary back then and I was convinced the 3rd floor was haunted. I still have dreams about it. It looks much more pleasant in the pictures, excpet for the mouse pee. HA Got no ideas but defiantly want to see the finished project.
wow! talk about room to grow!!! Ooooh! The possibilities! I canNOT wait to see what you do with it!!!! LOVE IT! OMG!!! What an AMAZING space!! I’m so jealous!!!! I’ve always loved, loved, loved your house… now I can’t even put into words how much I LOVE it!!!! What I wouldn’t do to have one like it!!! Too many ideas swirling through my head for what to do up there… I wouldn’t even know where to begin!!! You could always turn it into a place for me!!!! I’m ready to move in!!!
Okay, We lived in a victorian with a 3rd floor for about 4 years and then we sold it. KICKING MYSELF! :0( Anyways, I have 4 kids and we had so much extra junk up there……where is all of your JUNK?? Or am I the only one who won’t part with my junk? Anyways, We always wanted to put our 2 girls up there with there own bathroom, to get them away from their little brothers! I never could think of being up there (master suite) without knowing what is going on with the kids downstairs!! I would DIE for a 3rd floor. I would do almost NOTHING with it…clear out the junk, paint the floor with a white enamel, or carpet them?, paint the walls anything, and just let it be fun, free space..maybe a comfy chair. Then you could use it for anything…a playroom, guest room, craft room, kids home from college with their friends room…I AM JEALOUS!
This is one of my favorite posts ever. What great spaces you have. I’m green with envy right now. This would be the ultimate play space for kids. I can see a craft corner with a huge table, cork and chalk board walls, and tons of storage. And, oh the plays that will be acted out in the theater section, with a trunk full of costumes to spark imagination. A reading nook with built-in shelves full of books and a big comfy chair to curl up in on rainy days. I can even cut out a little section for my easel and paint supplies. Hmmm, that sounds nice….maybe the space would be my ultimate art studio, and I could stick the kids’ playroom downstairs. Sigh.
If that was my house, it would be MY place. I’d have my stuff eveyrwhere and I’d be able to decorate and furnish it however I wanted.
man that’s a lot of space up there. oh the possibilities. you have my mind spinning now. i would probably claim a good chunk of it for myself – i’m kind of selfish that way. big comfy reading chair with a vintage floor lamp and lots of books. or your studio – creative or photography. so many options.
Wow, I continue to be amazed with how beautiful your house is! It almost makes me want to move away from the land of million dollar dual properties in San Diego to beautiful homeland Kansas!
After seeing what you’ve done with the rest of the house, and especially your master bath I don’t think you need any help. You have done an amazing job with that house. I want you to come help me with mine!
I don’t have any new ideas, the ones posted here all sound good! Just wanted to say thanks for posting the pics. I love your house, and have always wanted to see the inside, so thanks for showing it off! Have fun deciding! I’m sure whatever you choose will turn out fabulous!
You’ve been holding out on us! Your house was amazing before the third floor and now….it’s…super amazing! I see why you fell in love with it!
clearly if you made this into your master suite, you’d have to give lauren your current suite. then you could make her bedroom your sitting room of sorts…a place where mom & dad meet the kiddos. that makes your bedroom a real sanctuary…kid free. of course you could go selfless and make it a hang out room, but really–a teen hang out room needs to be a leeeeeetle bit more open. can you say makeout room? i am sure that’s not what you’d be going for. 🙂 perhaps a family library. i am a reading teacher, and i’m in favor of family libraries. 🙂 your house rules. that whole space should be your studio. you have the MOST amazing house……….i just adore it. The master suite sounds like the perfect thing, however what about a space created for the kids. I have 6 kids and we had our basement finished so that they can hang out down there with friends. Your kids are still kind of young – except Lauren, but when they start reaching the teen years, you will want them to have their own space………….Have so much fun with that.
Hmmm…I dont know what you should do with that room. Do you have a guest room? I’ll see what I can do regarding the decorating show thing…as if I have any connections. Ha! I think your in the same boat as me tho…we dont live in CA where most of the decorating shows are. Maybe Candice could come down from Canada? One last thing…ok…is Lauren not at all freaked out by the stairwell leading out of her room and into the scary third floor? I would pee my pants at night!
i have noticed that you are into photography- how about a studio? looking at those big windows you must get great light!
Hmmmm? I’m thinking AMAZING Master Suite (but off Lauren’s room?? not sure that would work….play room/hang out room like the Pottery Barn magazines, with fun decor or big huge canvas poster-sized pictures…..OR your studio for a photography business!! I like my last idea the best!!
someone said master suite…all the way! i’m so selfish! what a GORGEOUS space though!!! family room came to mind first, but you’d proabably hear a lot of noise downstairs, hmmm….another problem if it’s a master… ;-0
Thanks for the tour! I love love love old houses and have always been curious what your third floor looks like. It’s much bigger than I imagined! So much potential.
Oh, the luxury of space! I’d just turn it into a chill-out space with lots of bean bags and squashy chairs, books, boardgames etc. Whether it be for you or the kids, it’s such a luxury to have an ‘escape hatch’ in a large family. How much fun you will have deciding what to do! OH! I so wish I knew someone! Okay, what about a picnic room. Each momth, a different kiddo gets rule of the room? They get to post their art, play their music and on Friday nights you and the hubby spend 1 hour with JUST them after the other kids have gone to bed – or maybe Sat mornings – whatever works…. Ha! Whatever 🙂 didn’t even plan thta pun. LOL.
Studio, studio, studio! That space is begging for creativity. {LOVE the floors!} Your house is unbelievably awesome. Loved the tour! 🙂 OMG- You hit the Jack Pot with this house. I am an interior designer/architect and I could do a million things with this space it is insane! You are truly lucky you have an amazing old home with some awesome history I am sure. You have done a great job re-doing each room!
twirl. oh boy was he busy. and very UNinterested in me.
but i had fun squatting down and chasing him around.
those eyelashes!
he will melt some hearts with those in about 15 years.
do you love those little teeth that one year olds have as much as i do?
his sister jumped in for a few pictures…with the bribe of ice cream after.
i would jump in a picture for ice cream too.
cappuccino chocolate chip in a waffle cone preferably.
"ok…ok…we're all done mason.
but wait.
go climb those stairs..maybe we can get a few more while he plays."
amanda…it was worth the last few minutes.
and this one.
oh my….he is too sweet…he should model for GAP…
he did a great job.
thanks for asking again amanda & dave.
i hope you got ice cream for yourselves…you earned it.
it's hard work getting pictures of a one year old!
Love his little flip-flops!
Love the pics!! I just wish you could take some of my little guy! Are you coming to Florida anytime soon?? Those flip flops are great – may idea where they are from? Thought of you today when I went to Sonic to get myself some Cherry Limeade to BOOST my afternoon cleaning power. And now I have spent all kinds of time here instead of cleaning! BTW, Any idea how to get thee white slipcover on my couch clean? I am washing the “dog’s” cushion cover for the SECOND time now… Oh my goodness what a cutie!! I LOVE the ones on the stairs 🙂 Great job as usual Meg!!!
meg, you did a fantastic job. he is adorable. i agree with you the last one is awesome. i envision a big canvas of that one!!! great pics meg! you’re awesome! I want to hire you to take pictures of my beautiful something to be. . . I have a gorgeous husband that has just agreed that maybe, just maybe we should have one or two of our own…..mostly just concerned that at least one could be photoged by your majesty! YOUR ARE AWESOWE! whether or not I can properly spell with two Great Danes sniffing my keyboard. You are so inspiring! Thank you so much!!! esp Those are fantastic shots and I totally agree with the Gap model idea. I can’t wait to see my one year old walking in flip flops…oh wait, I can’t wait to see my one year old walking in general. Love the pictures! I also love that he’s wearing flip flops! Who knew a 1 year old could walk in flip flops?! 🙂
i wish you could do a shoot w/ my boys…i just love your pics. man…why don’t i live in kansas? you’ve always wanted to fly to alabama for a photo shoot, right? The flip lops just kill me. I love it. I can not believe he leaves them on.
Absolutely precious! He is seriously one adorable little dude! sweet sweet sweet….what a doll…can you call a little guy doll? maybe if you add handsome…anyway…what a cutie! The last one is IT!!! Great job – now go get some ice-cream. I love his curious little smile. What a sweetheart. Very cute! My sister is having a baby in September and we loved your pics of Jackson. Can you email me with details of what you charge? water works wonders with little boys Those eyelashes…that smile…those little flipflop toes! That last one is just precious, I love your skills, you make the babies look even cuter in your pics! love that last one! I wish I had pictures like that of my boys when they were little. so many things in my head and on my list today. i found this picture in my car today…
![]() we hopped in a photobooth while the kids were playing when we were in utah.
what a great memory to start my day.
i am having a great day….for reals.
how about you?
i have sewage backed up in my basement.
my house smells lovely….if you like the smell of sewers.
but it will soon be fixed by a professional…so it's all good.
i got to go to a brunch this morning with my tuesday morning bible study.
we had a really nice time…lots of laughing…coffee…fellowship.
i got a call from the bank today.
she sweetly told me my account was $2 in the negative and was worried i didn't know.
and she said "don't worry, i won't charge you any fees, i just wanted to let you know."
i LOVE small towns.
(i just had money in the wrong place..my fault…duh)
but how cool to get a nice reminder instead of a big fine?
i have (FINALLY) finished my etsy orders!
i shipped my last box today.
you ladies are more than patient…THANK YOU.
and now this room needs a serious cleaning…i lost my tv remote a week ago in this mess!
ok…check this out.
raising money for the cora playground…my etsy shop made
64 pillows and 75 t-shirts…
139 items handmade in my little ol' craftroom….in 69 days.
what an honor it was making each and every one of those crafts.
the playground is in the works…paperwork for now…but they will start the real building work soon.
but now…who did i forget?
i feel pretty sure that i overlooked an order somewhere along the way.
please leave a comment to tell me if i forgot to make you something you ordered!!
i saw this shirt at julie's and i had to have it.
can you read backwards?
i promise i was not going to kiss waffle.
but it sure looks like it.
he wanted to say hello too.
well…i am going to turn on Arthur for the kids
and go clean the craft room.
and my bathroom if they let me.
hi – i love following your blog – your crafts and everything are always so fun to see. i notice you have a lot of scraps and i’m looking to make a colorwheel quilt- i was wondering if you’d be interested in parting with some scraps for a donation to cora’s playground? contact me if that would be possible (the scrap size i’m looking for is roughly 4″ x 12″. thanks for sharing with us!
Love the tshirt! I recently read something saying to never pass a photo booth without going in…I think that is good advice. Love the pics. i love your blog. i ‘m here ALL the time it seems lol. you inspire me. keep rockin lady! God bless.
Hooray for you! Congrats on being done. Was your machine smoking by the end of it all? LOVE that shirt! Excellent job on all the projects! We loooove our little rainbow shirt. I love your blog. It’s become a daily ritual to see if you’ve updated. I also love my bank — that isn’t in a small town BUT — only charges me $5 for my “oops” and hands out coffee daily and freshly baked cookies on Fridays. Its the little things — isn’t it?!? I got my pillow today! It is so beautiful. It goes in my whatever inspired game room! Thank you for all you do. You are amazing and a huge inspiration to me! You are seriously amazing. I can’t believe you made all those amazing things in such a short time! Truly incredible. My pillow totally rocks! Please let us know when you open up your Etsy shop again!!! Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind and encouraging words about my cancer battle. I must say, yours is probably my favorite blog. I just love the way that you take pictures. I’ve never left a comment, but I follow you daily. Thanks, again, for your kindness. Can’t tell you what a Joy your Blog is to read! Thanx, Jamie i totally love that shirt. and i’m not sure why you didn’t kiss waffle. i probably would. that is a stinkin cute pup. and i would waller in your craft room. the fabrics are delicious.
Love you stuff, love your blog– So glad you take the time to post!
cute! is that shirt for sale over there or just a gift for you? i only clean the bathroom when my son misses. hope that makes you feel better… Sigh. Every day you inspire me. Now I just need you to move here and put firecrackers under my butt. 😀
Love your Blog!!! Whats your etsy shops name? How can I find you?
Love the shirt. and love the stool. I love your shirt and WISH I was a sewing machine! no- don’t clean the bathroom. Because then I feel like I should go clean the bathroom. And I really don’t want to. wow, that’s a lot of pillows and tshirts. so great of you. i love my pillow!!! brunch with the girls – that would make even sewage in the basement good. gotta love girlfriends!! |
sildenafil citrate 100mg - What pitch is the violin chromatic tuner supposed to be on when I tune my violin?
I’m trying to tune my violin and I don’t know what pitch, I’m supposed to set my chromatic tuner on….. 440, 435, 460. Please advise.
Jen - I’m SO HAPPY to have refound your blog!! I got a new computer and couldn’t remember the web address. Anyhoo, LOVE THAT SONG (and thanks for helping me “refind” that too. Goin on my IPod tomorrow!). I love how everyone looks in the video–normal, talented people, having fun with what they’re doing. Nice.
Jodi - Thanks for introducing me to a new group! Love em. ooxx`jodi
Susan - What a beautiful song!! I’ve never heard of the band but I’m spreading the word now. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing!!
Julia - downloaded it…can now not get it out of my head!!!
patti - ok, i’ve listened to it 3 times in a row and i’m loving it! thank you so much for sharing a new song and introducing me to a new band. gotta go check them out!
pve - Lost track of how many days of rain here, so that song will be played in order to bring on the sun….and make some of the best meals.
love your punishment.
Chad Gifford - Hey, I wanna play a violin solo!
Meg, its Chad and Kay!
How are you?
Your pictures are amazing. We love you guys and really miss you..
Lori Quicke - Love this band! My husband interviewed Guy Garvey, the lead singer, a few years ago for his British music show. If you like this kind of music you should listen to his show – Britsound.com!
sara - what a beautiful song. thanks for sharing it!
Ruth - Hooray for Elbow! Such nice blokes too.
Kelly - This has absolutely nothing to do with this post but after months of visitng your great blog I just noticed your “Our House” album on your sidebar. Oh my word! You have the best house in the world! I am absolutely in love with every single nook & cranny of it. It’s fantastic! I am especially jealous – in the most Christian sense of the word of course 🙂 – of your awesome kitchen. Wow! I’ve always liked the idea of the couch and chair thing in the kitchen. It looks like a great place to grow a family! Thanks for sharing!
Wendy - Meg! I love this! I’ve never heard it before. Thank you. xox
gina entz - never heard it. now i love it.
i like the walk to school idea. if only it wasn’t just a walk through our backyard to get to school. my kids would probably think it was a punishment if i drove them to school. hmmm…now you got me thinking…nope, never mind, there’s no way i’m driving them. that’s too much work!
Susan - I’m so glad I took the time to listen!
Loved it.
MGF - I agree the rain would be perfect. Cloudy here so close.
Ryanne Toland - HI Meg, Found your blog from the Mcclenahans, and I love it. Your photos and posts always make me so happy. Thank you.
Julia - Great song – thanks for the tip. I needed to remind myself about the beautiful day this morning – I was getting grumpy carrying two tote bags, a beach umbrella and a 3 year old across the biggest sand dune ever to get to the beach. I should have been telling myself “it’s a beautiful day. you’re at the beach” but I wasn’t.
Michelle - Too funny that your kids had to walk to school. Good for you.
Great song. Thanks for sharing the video.
Chasity - great song….may have to throw that one onto my playlist.
have a super day.
oops, i mean a beautiful day.
Laura - yes. a beautiful day indeed.
a thorn among roses - i like it…i like it a lot!!! and you know, sometimes having a beautiful day starts with just a simple reminder. 🙂
Joni - BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for posting. I made my kids walk home once for disobeying and quarreling in the car. It’s a memory they still laugh and talk about today, now that they’re all grown up, that is!
Lori Danelle - I didn’t know anyone else listened to Elbow!!!
This is getting scary! I’ve been listening to them since their Asleep In the Back album that came out in 2002.
Love this song!!
Jill Adkins - LOVE that song!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Off to buy it for the car ride home with the kiddos….
Love the “walk to school”…
mom - Love this. Thanks for the new song.
Mindy Harris - This song is precious; perfect way to start the day.
The first thing I do in the morning (besides brush my teeth) is draw open all the curtains in the main areas (all, as in 2–my house is small!)
Jess - Great song….wishing that it wasn’t raining here.
Walking to school…just had to make the oldest do that the other day, for being late all week! Miss your ride. You must walk. Lucky for her we are a hop, skip and a jump from school! They should be walking anyway!
traci - LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! AND im shocked you made them walk for being disrespecful….I didnt think you did that kind of thing. Thats more my thing and Im alot meaner than you are BY FAR 🙂
Thanks for sharing that song…Im gonna post it on my facebook right now