annie's preschool ends tomorrow.

so sad.
she will miss all the wonderful creative love and joy that
she gets walking in that door 3 times a week.
even though she hides behind me every single day as we go in…
she can't wait to get there…then she hides and gets shy and nervous.
she participated in half of the 5 songs they sang.
and not the other half.
and that's O-K.
she will miss her teachers.
so much.
but….she gets to come back next year so we will focus on that.
she will probably talk about it everyday…all summer.
these are annie's bff's
micah and lizzie.
glued at the hip…tackle each other in hugs…share their snacks…play together constantly.
after the singing we enjoyed some juice and cookies and playtime at the park.
what a nice way to end the school year.
thanks kristin…this year has been awesome for annie!
september won't come fast enough.
at least for us anyway.
i wasn't expecting anything because usually things go better with low expectations…at least for me. craig made an awesome decision to take me, the family and his mother to Sugar Sisters for their first ever brunch buffet. Sugar Sisters is a small locally owned bakery. you must go when you are in wichita…on central near oliver. it is very cute inside…that's what sucked me in…chandeliers, chocolate brown walls and cupcakes. the food was I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E. i don't usually like buffets because they taste like….a buffet. this was so good…like they knew we were coming and made it just for us. we had quiche and waffles and scones and the best hash browns i have ever had. EVER. i made craig go back and get some on his plate…he agreed. the food and coffee were fabulous but the kids were wired. i looked at craig in the middle of the meal and said "this meal would be perfect if the kids weren't here." (just being completely honest) there was crying because we weren't buying giant cupcakes. sean picked up his french toast with his hand & announced "this is disgusting!" lauren gave me the stink eye ALL year day….i wish i had gotten a picture. scott kept saying things like "i can't believe you won't let me do this…it's my birthday!" BUT it was still good. we ate till we were stuffed. we headed home and i got to take a nap. short but sweet. craig made scott's birthday dinner of lasagna while i frosted his cake. the younger three set the table all fancy (definition…we used napkins) we hung a banner…they made chalkboard greetings…we lit candles and played his favorite song. we tried our best to have a good birthday dinner. i am not sure if this was accomplised. but we tried. cake and singing. it was sweet of him to let annie help him blow out his candles. a game of Disney's Scene It before bed…scott's team won. then goodnight. one hour later he comes into the craft room….."mom…how come you didn't give me my present?' "OH NO SCOTT! we just forgot i guess!" duh. again. it was only money but still…we forgot! but so did he. two events i one day is just too much? maybe. (these posts are getting very long recently….i must have a lot on my mind!) Happy Mother’s Day to one of the best mom’s I “know” (blog knowing counts!)! can we get the recipe for the yummy cake? it looks fabulous!
You looked lovely! That place is too darn cute! I want some cupcakes! Stink eye…well it gets better with age-we’re at 18 and I still get it, but only once in a while. Thanks for keeping it real and I recommend you take a much deserved VACATION day! You crack me up. great day meg. even if you did get the stink eye. that cracked me up. ok, i might have cried to if i didn’t get to go home with a giant cupcake.
I love looking at the pictures you take. You are such a wonderful photographer!
That looks like a great place to celebrate Mother’s Day! Just found your blog. It’s awesome! What a sweet boy to forget about his present. Seriously, some kids are so worried about gifts… you have good kids 🙂
What a fabulous bakery. We don’t have things like that here (my theory: girls aren’t supposed to eat in SoFla in public). I told my husband and kids that for Mother’s Day I wanted to go to the beach by myself. My son told me “how about if we all go to the beach but we’ll sit 10 ft from you and not talk to you.” We did go to the beach and my husband took the kids on a long walk…without me. Don’t worry about your post being long, I could read pages from you. It’s very comforting to know that you are just a real mom. We all have memory lapses(as i like to call them) and our kids are not perfect! Thanks for keeping it real and your great photography is a huge bonus!
Great day and a great post. Glad you shared it. And happy bday to your sweet boy too.
This was sooo much fun to read! I don’t think that you could be too wordy but I am a little sad that you didn’t get a picture of the “stink” eye. That one made water shoot out of my nose!
Super cute picture of you. Will recommend this place to a friend in Wichita and will go when we visit!
Lil dives are always the best. I would much rather eat at a ‘mom and pop’ owned restaurant than a chain any day. I love how you kept your day real. Very sweet.
great sweetness batman! i love it…and i want to go tothe fab cupcake place! wooo hoo! these pictures may look like it was a great day at our house….
but i don't think it was.
there was a principal's office visit,
a very moody teenager,
a very whiny family,
an argument over playing on a baseball team this summer,
and a super crabby mommy.
the pictures sure don't look like that.
i see a refocus is needed in myself when i look at these.
there are so many good things here…ladybug catching,
flowers for planting,
a repentant child,
hugs and kisses,
sun shining on us bright and warm,
pizza in the park,
children getting along and playing together as the sun sets.
i went to a few garage sales on friday morning with a car full of mamas…that was fun!
and i brought home this HUGE chalkboard from a school (said the home owner).
for FIVE dollars!
i love it so much.
it is 8 feet by 4 feet!
now i guess i am all set to begin homeschooling, right?
i am so funny.
homeschooling and ME will never happen…for my children's sake.
we'd have art all day.
with extra long recess and coffee shop studies.
and long naps after that.
it would resemble School of Rock but with crafts.
a scene like this can only mean one thing at our house…
there is a birthday coming up.
scott turns 11 tomorrow.
i tried to skip his birthday instead of share mother's day with him but he didn't like that idea.
LOVE that chalkboard! And for only $5? What a steal! And don’t underestimate your potential to home school. We did it for a year and LOVED the heck out of it. The kids are back in school now but that was one of our very favorite experiences of all time! I’ll just leave it at that. 🙂
The great thing about school is that they can go away, and you get a chance to miss them, and then they come back. Perfect. speaking of focusing… what camera and lens did you use for these shots… they are BEAUTIFUL!! makes me want to jump through the screen and into your yard with you!
i love how your family twinkles. 🙂
i feel the same way about homeschooling my kids. school of rock but with crafts. so funny! you are a beautiful mom. i hope your mother’s day was amazing. actually i’m sure it was 🙂 another reason I am thankful for my blog, when I look back over it, I see so many good things and so few not so good. helps to keep things in perspective! I have to re-focus every day it seems 🙂 This moving stuff makes me VERY grumpy and very short with my kiddoes these days 🙁 I know once we get settled (will we EVER?) I won’t feel like yelling so much 🙂 My red stove makes me very happy though 🙂 Hope your Mother’s Day was good and that Scott has a very happy 11th birthday!!!! Thanks again for always keepin’ it real Meg!!!!! beautiful photos and GREAT chalkboard find!
Happy Mother’s Day!! May it be as wonderfully chaotic as every other day with a bundle of kids. 🙂 so glad i’m not the only mom out there who needs to refocus. happy mother’s day to you! I am with you on the whole situation that is going in your house! My youngest turned 13 today and I have 3, 14 year olds…attitude. I think I will go have a nap now. Hope you have a good mom’s day.
It’s the “end of school” crabbies…it’s happening at my house too…so don’t despair! Love the pics anyways, deceiving or not…sometimes it’s nice to deceive ourselves!!! 🙂
i love your posts. they are always so honest. beautiful photos meg – it does look like it was a wonderful day. and it was, when you refocused. i need to refocus. i have a very moody teenager here to, yet she is almost 19 so you’d think she would be way over that stage. no such luck. happy mothers day!!
Happy Mother’s Day to one crafty mama. You are blessed. Seriously. You crack me up. You rock the big blue sky.
My birthday is tomorrow, I don’t look at it as either one of us is missing out. I see it as taking care of two birds with one stone. I’d be with my family anyhow, might as well take care of two things at once!
I totally hear you about refocusing. Had a mess of plans today and instead we were all house-bound and both kids were sick. Tomorrow is another day. Love the chalkboard find! what is the name of your etsy shop????? 🙂 You sure would have had us fooled. Those pictures look so beautiful and we would have never known that you didn’t have a happy household. I hope you have a great Mother’s Day and a good birthday for the birthday boy. Thanks for keeping it real! We all need to refocus now and then. My kids are teenagers now, and I look back at pictures when they were little and get all teary-eyed…forgetting the hard days when nothing seemed to go right and I felt like a bad mom. AND I feel much better that other people recognize that homeschooling wouldn’t work for them. I have always said I would love for my children to be homeschooled, just not in my home by me! ha ha. Happy Mother’s Day! Ha! My brother’s birthday is the 10th, as well, so we’ve had to deal with the occasional holiday overlap for a while now (he’ll be 21 tomorrow). Think of it this way: if he’s anything like Casey, he’ll reach an age when birthdays mean a special day AWAY from parents. So that’ll be a treat! :oD
Sounds like a Regular old day in the life of many families! Im with you..No Way would this Mom ever be a Home Schooler.. We would Kill each other after a week! Happy Mothers Day.. I always Enjoy your Posts and Pictures are Amazing.. Jamie So jealous of the chalkboard…$5??? That is a crazy GREAT deal! you make me laugh. i love it! that’s exactly what our homeschooling would be like! ha! happy mother’s day!!
thank you for the encouragement to refocus. i, too, needed that this week. and i understand you having to share a holiday w/ a kids birthday- my oldest son was born on my anniversary! if something gets skipped, it’s usually our anniversary (to a later date lol)
Is Talby playing “Guess the Missing Word,” by any chance? 🙂
it went down like this….. thursday may 7, 7:20 PM
Me: hello
my Mother-in-Law: Sooooo…i take it you aren't coming?
Me: coming to what?
MIL: 5th grade promotion?
Me: what are you talking about?
MIL: i am here watching the 5th grade promotion
and you aren't here.
Me: where?
MIL: the kids' school.
Me: what are you talking about?!
MIL: i talked to craig…i saw it on the school calendar…
it is half over.
Scott: deer in the headlights…frozen…speechless
Me: UGH! sorry…do you want to come over?
MIL: yada…yada…yada
i walk outside to craig mowing the lawn.
Me: did you know about scott's promotion?
your mom just called…she's sitting at it!!!
Craig: oh no! did we miss it?
i guess she did say something once.
Me: Well that's just GREAT!
Craig: "i'm not that mom."
craig and i crack up laughing.
all a complete accident on scott's part.
i had honestly not heard or thought one second about it.
i do recall lauren having one of those…but never thought of it for scott.
such a perfect example of what kind of mom i am.
This story only makes me love you all the more. 🙂 I was sitting right in front of your mil, as she looked around in confusion…hee hee hee…it was the best part of my evening! I received an e-mail from my son’s teacher and at the end she asked if I will make it to the banquet. I’ve never received the invitation, Seth hasn’t mentioned it, and I knew nothing about it. My guess is Seth doesn’t want to go or he would have made sure I had it. She was happy to fill me in on the details though so … I guess I’ll be there. My point is – it must not have been a big deal to Scott or he wouldn’t have let you (or Craig) forget. 🙂 That’ll be a memory you laugh about for years to come. 🙂 At least you laughed about it! I love that about you. they have promotions for kindergarden, promotions for fifth grade, promotions for 8th grade, then FINALLY….Graduation!!! If it wasnt a biggy for scott then nothing lost. Sad that your MIL was sitting there waiting but if Scott wasnt sad then no biggy. what is a promotion? and you KNOW that you are not alone, right? I missed pizza day, bake sale, and book fair…all in one week. I am just thankful that I fed all four kids this week, not to mention, didn’t lose any of them. Ha ha ha! That’s awesome! Seriously. Thank you. Thank you for being honest and making me know that I am not alone in my duh-ness! 🙂 Turns out I had a DUH moment today , I FORGOT TO FEED MY KIDS, I told them I would bring a hot lunch to school at lunch , well I got a call from my dear daughter , she didn’t even have to say a word , I was busy working away at a design plan and making sure I had time to get to another and I completely forgot I needed to bring my children their food , BAD MOTHER … so luckily I was home and drove over and took them for McD’s , even better than the mac and cheese I was going to make , shining moment huh! PS – I love your blog, your photos, your house…Happy Mother’s Day – I think you deserve to wear the crown this year for being the most honest, real, and hilarious mom around! Love it! And I love Julia’s comment – you both made me snort laughing!! Now, if Scott had been there, it would be different, but he was in a much better place, at home with the two of you. Did your MIL come over? Ha!
Hey, don’t sweat it. We are all that kind of mom at one point or another. Heck I left mine at the little league field. I thought his dad had him until I got a call from my husband saying, “Is Sam with you?” “Uh, no.” About that time call waiting kicks in and it is another mom from the team who is standing at the concession stand with him. He was in 6th grade at the time. I’ve raised 3 boys. They don’t tend mention these things. Have a great summer.
Don’t worry, I’m worse. I’m mean to my kids like a bad baby-sitter. And am hopping mad that I’m having ANOTHER boy when he is clearly supposed to be a girl. You ARE a real model of what a mom should be!!!!! If it makes you feel any better…last year I missed Connor’s KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!!!! I didn’t forget it really…in my mind I had 10:00 and it was at 9:00 🙁 Can you say big.old.loser!!!!! (He didn’t even care…and that is what saddens me the most 🙁 Glad he still loves me! And doesn’t (and won’t) remember it!!!! Just me…beating myself up, even a year later 🙂 I’m glad we can all laugh about it!! Have a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too funny! Thanks for sharing. I one time dropped off my oldest son at Pre~school all dressed up for Halloween. His little friend was waiting at the door for him not dressed up at all. I drove home feeling bad that his Mom forgot about the Party! When I went back to pick Seth up all the other kids came out and none of them had costumes either! I had the wrong day!!Duh! Thankfully Seth didn’t mind at all and he just said he needed to wear a differnt costume for the real party!LOL! Happy Mother’s Day! Oh my! I’m so glad someone else does things like this. Laughing here. I LOVE IT.
that is brilliant. seriously. a lot like me completely missing picture day. I am so not that mom either. This is sooo something that would happen to me! I forget so many things from day to dayl; dont’ feel bad. You didn’t even know about it! I think you’re a wonderful mom. hilarious! i have done it…and i’ve been “that mom”. oh well, hug him, smile and give him some love and he’ll be just fine. you, on the other hand, that’s another story! have hubs pamper you a little since he was “that dad” You are a wonderful mom! My kids are 17 and almost 14 and I know that I have missed recognition assemblies for both of them. Not to mention an appointment with the speech therapist and her county boss (I was painting!). And I only have 2 kids! So you have plenty of company.
you are a great mom. if your son is anything like mine. he won’t want to go to any of that stuff. so it probably won’t be the first of his ceremonies that you will be missing. boys are so different than girls. they would rather be at home playing then at the school for anything else after the bell rings. Oh Meg, that is too much! Obviously Scott didn’t care if he went. SO all’s good. Now, Lauren’s is the 20th, right?? Oh, I’m laughing out loud. Not at you though. With you. If you’re laughing too, that is. 🙂 you are so real. that’s why i love to read your blog. no one is perfect. i forget so many things….i worry about how bad i’ll be when i really am old!!!! You are a perfectly wonderful mom! 🙂 Totally one of my daily inspiration. 🙂 And yours is the only other blog my husband reads. 🙂 “that mom”, the perfect mom is a figment of our imagination. “that mom” that we see at every school function, is in charge of the PTA, organizes drivers for school field trips, sends out emails for the end of the year teacher gift (just got mine)….that mom is secretly staggering into the closet of her bedroom sobbing her eyes out because she really needs to have a nervous breakdown but she doesn’t have the time. Yikes , no guilt given there , that sounds so like something I would miss , you’re not alone just a few pictures of my sweetie pie neighbor baby. she is so easy to photograph…so smiley and those sparkly blue eyes.
i told you she was sweet.
the curls and the eyelashes are to die for! love them!
The second picture is my favorite. It just makes me melt! Such a cutie! Great shots…she is adorable in all that green outside goodness. Also – WOW I made Meg’s list of “happy things”?! Great way to end a night 🙂 You’re not kidding. She’s precious!
That is the cutest name ever. Love it.
so i’ve been a “follower” or blog stalker, as I prefer to call it, for several months now. my question is how in the world do you get the amazingly large photo as a header? is that something that only typepad blogs can do? she’s gorgeous. just like her momma. 🙂 (sorry russ, i think she gets all the cuteness from jenn) OH! She’s a cutie! Kelly
I “follow” your blog and love it! (always thought “follow” sounded stalkerish) anyway oh woman who owns the best house ever… I will be sweetly jealous until I am living in a character myself! That house should have a name! Anyway, I’m a SAHM in Texas who has been inspired by you! I have now started (last night) my typepad blog for just ME! I have a kid blog;)… thanks for showing us your best! Question: I’m waiting for supports’ response but does typepad let you type on your pics like you did on the 3rd floor post? If not what software are you using? I am the college graduate who took computer science twice… not too in the know about tech stuff! Also, what kind of camera do you use? Ciao~ Hi! I’m a follower of your blog and love your pictures! I’m looking for someone to take one year pics of my daughter. Do you run a photography business or just do it on the side for friends and family? BTW…we live in Wichita. Her mommy made her shirt. Jenn is much more talented than me on her sewing machine. she can make real quilts and bags AND even knows how to read patterns!! 🙂 Ooooh. my uterus has pangs. Oh, that curly hair!!
i see pom-pom trim and zig zag stitch so i’m also wondering if you made that cute shirt! what a gorgeous girly. Did you make her shirt?? One more reason I would love to be your neighbor!! That would be native Kansan. For the record, I’m not a state living oh so far away. Proofreading, smoofreading.
She’s a cutie pie! Did you make her shirt? i haven't been on a field trip in many many years…and this year i went on TWO. i realized long ago that i am not a field trip kind of mom.
i am also not a PTO kind of mom.
or a room mom or a fundraiser president kind of mom.
it's just not me.
i can't even go to meetings at church.
i can't stand that kind of stuff…i can't sit still…i can't listen.
i would skip all kids' programs if i could.
but i can't.
what was i talking about…oh yes…the second field trip.
i went on sean's field trip this year too.
he looked right at me and asked me to go.
"please mom…i really want you to…we'll have lots of fun."
how can i say no to that?
as they were walking to the the bus his teacher said "sean said you'd be riding with him"
"HA! sorry charlie…no way. see ya there!"
the bus? that's taking it too far.
i rode with my friend….and then we were late because we were searching for starbucks.
that's the kind of mom i am.
the field trip was actually really good.
Exploration Place is a very cool place.
i have never been since we'd moved here so i was happy to go for only $3.50.
it was the perfect place for sean.
lots of hands on but also lots of of thinking involved.
and a paper airplane exhibit?
that's heaven for sean.
they are inside a wind machine.
there is a big weather area…tornados and wind…erosion…
my favorite part was the real tornado made of smoke (?) that the kids could try to break up.
there was a maze exhibit…another challenge sean enjoys.
this room was an entire miniature town.
we stayed in here the longest…studying the details.
it must have taken a thousand hours to build this.
each little person is like half an inch tall?
that merry-go-round was maybe 3 inches?
the giant bubble maker is always fun.
he stuck with it until it worked.
other kids ran up and tried it once or twice and then left but he stayed till he got it.
that is just SO sean.
i'm glad i went.
doesn't mean i will go again….but i AM glad i went this time.
it's nice to feel wanted by your kids.
because i am now aware of quickly it can change.
but maybe…just maybe…for sean it won't change?
he'll always want me to go places with him?
hey…i can dream.
You captured the day perfectly. Looked like so much fun. I love your honesty. Oh, hell, I think I just love you. 😉 I’m not that kind of mom either. No wonder I like you. I am going on a field trip though in a couple of weeks. Luckily, I can drive my own car. I am definitely not a ride in the back of the bus field because I am the room mom kind of mom. 🙂
i’m not that kinda mom either. i just don’t enjoy stuff like that. and meetings?! i dread them, our son has ARD meetings anytime anything changes with him…you would think i would be used to them by now, but no. anyways, love the blog and pics as usual! Whoa, awesome pics. One day your children will appreciate all of the wonderful memories you have captured. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your honesty! I am not that mom- nor was I that kid– never stuck with group activities, especially those that involved meetings (think: Girl Scouts). Looks like you had a fun time though- gives me hope for when the field trips start in the next few years. My oldest is in kindergarten so we don’t do many field trips yet, although we did go see a performance of Pinnocchio in December. That story seriously creeps me, but I went because she wanted me to… not a great time, but not unbearable either. 🙂 Have a good day! I am really bad at all that stuff too – glad to know I am not alone! The Starbucks thing cracks me up – totally would happen to me too. I bet Sean will want you to do lots of things with him always. Very cool. I wanted to build tiny cities when I grew up You nailed it!!! I’ve been a teacher for 15 years and mom for 11. I totally dread field trips and PTO meetings. When I would attend field trips as a “mom”, I ended up with the rowdiest kids in the class. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone!!! This place does look awesome. Is it in Wichita? I’ve done two field trips this year too. I had to ride on the bus for the one this week. I’m glad I went, but I don’t like them either.
looks like fun. i giggled when you said you were late cause of Starbucks 🙂 That would be me too! nice to spend time with just one child- full attention I agree, field trips aren’t my cup of tea either. And I’m a teacher, so that’s really bad. LOL! I am so, so, so glad I am not the only mom like that. Whew. And not the only one obsessed w/ Starbucks! Love your pics – rock on.
Hello Megan, I am new to your blog and enjoy it very much. Does Sean want to fly airplanes?
Hi Meg…I am writing to you here b/c I couldn’t find where your email was. I had purchased (at least I think I paid) a rainbow shirt (5t) for Cora’s playground. I know you just got some things sent out but I have been gone for a week and haven’t received it. I just wanted to make sure I DID pay for it. I would not put it past myself to mean to and then not. I was buying up difft things for Cora and thought I had them all paid for…if not please let me know. Thanks so much~and I love your work!!Michelle You are funny! If someone asks me to do something at school, I say, “Only if you absolutely promise me there will be NO meetings about it.” I can’t stand girls + meetings. I don’t have time for it, and I can get it done without gabbing on and on about it forever. Field trips remind me of warm fruit punch and hot bologna sandwiches on a bus…which = barf. But looks like you had fun…what a neat place.
So funny you blogged about this. I went on a kindergarten field trip yesterday. The place was called Imagine That and it was great. I was responsible for my son and 3 other boys. 2 of the boys were a set of twins who looked identical and I kept messing up their names. I’m not so sure I’m the field trip kind of mom either. I was glad I went but it was madness for 3 hours and the bus trip? Yea glad you missed that. Full of 45 excited 5-6 year olds. Glad I usually have an excuse of younger siblings and can’t normally do things like this. Teachers are grossly underpaid!! Thank you!!! I thought something was wrong with me. Now I know that there are moms out there that I admire (um…YOU!) who feel the same way I do! Phew…
I hope your Sean always wants you there too 🙂 Although, I stalk your blog, I don’t always comment, and not because I don’t want to either… just that kind of person, it takes time you know… 🙂 the REASON I HAD to comment on this one is simply put, I wanted to be THAT kind of mom, PTO, fundraiser, feild trip, you know what I mean… but recently found out that I am not THAT kind of mom either. SO happy for your honesty… REALLY! you made my day… I think secretly there are more moms like us though! OH, and since I am commenting and taking the time to do so, I thought I would tell you that I LOVE your blog, LOVE your pictures, LOVE your idea…ALL of it truly you make my day… I use to think my youngest would build us a log cabin and we would all live in it together…because that’s what he always told us. He’s married. Has a house of his own. 🙁 Go on field trips. Thanks for being truthful about the whole field trip, program and PTO thing. I feel the same and feel so guilty about it. I am new reader and love your honesty !! This place looks SO cool! Kelly Glad to know there are other moms out there who are just like me! I prefer to be left alone to my creativity and enjoy my children at home. Not at school, not on field trips. However, I do love bringing in baked goods for the class for special occasions!
I’m not that mom either….even though I was a first grade teacher back in the day before kids….awesome you were looking for starbucks-now I don’t feel so guilty. I am not alone. Hey, check your spam folder…there may be an email from me…about dogs.
That place looks like a blast! I love stuff like that. I’d go to places like that before I had a kiddo and people would look at me like I was weird. Yeah, it’s good to have a little one to go with now. Congrats on having a son who wants you around! That’s the best. That place looks awesome! I’m the same way though, the whole PTV and school party thing, not for me. Good to know I’m not alone 🙂
Did you see Carlos and Dana’s house in the little miniature town? It’s there! that place looks amazing! and it looks like sean had an awesome time…and i loved that he asked you to go…so cute.
that a lot times when i reply to your comments it goes into your SPAM folder?
it does.
don't want you to think i am that rude.
i can't reply to all of you…but often when you ask me a question i answer.
but then hear from you again because you think i didn't answer.
AND…to the commenter named j.o.…your mail always comes back to me.
i know you are local and i try to answer your comments.
but it says the email is wrong.
oops! that was an old email address that just kept getting filled in automatically for me, so i went with it. i didn’t necessarily expect responses, but you are so great for responding!! if you still have the emails, you can forward them to the address i leave this comment with. i absolutely never wondered why i hadn’t heard from you — hearing from you would just be an extra bonus!!
Can you give me the scoop on your photography? I’m a local wanting to get pictures done. Thanks!
so cute! and i get questions sometimes that i can’t reply to because there’s no email set up and that makes me sad. 🙁
I guess i will go check my spam folder….. whatever… still love you and your posts. your photos and days look fab from here, spam and all. I’ve gotten your comments as well 🙂 I feel like someone famous has just emailed me… I feel special! Thanks 🙂
Kathy - You take the most amazing pictures, really inspiring.
heather lea - seriously the most adorable children! my little brother is 5 (i’m 24..yikes!) and his kindergarten graduation is in two weeks. he keeps insisting that he’s going to stay in kindergarten forever because he loves his teacher and friends so much!
missanne - … i love the views children have.
they know the meaning of true friendships.
🙂 sharing snack, hugs and lots of smiles.
Dawn - I understand how you could forget a program. I only have 2 daughters can’t imagine how you keep up with everyone. My oldest is graduating from high school and there is something every other night it seems. Drive ya crazy but so much fun to be a part of. Hope you all have a good summer.
Whitni - This preschool looks like an amazing blessing to have around. Makes me wish I lived in Kansas so I could send my future kids there. Also, you’re blog is so colorful! It makes me soo happy to come over and have a look everyday. Sigh…
kristin - amazing, eh?
yes, september will be good.
thanks for being a part of this joy.
Mary Beth - I need to find a picture of my PrincessLasertron’s preschool show…she STEPPED FORWARD during all the songs.
And then took a bow.
Yep. She was born this way!!!!
Meg, I love your honest life.
Aubrey - Ooh–and she’s wearing her cute rainbow dress–it’s so perfect for the occasion, right?
chas at the wild raspberry - annie and lizzie look like two peas in a pod!
Joni - Awww….it’s hard to believe it’s the end of the school year already.
Lazy Mom Leslie - Your title cracked me up!
pve - so I guess home schooling is out. he he.
Lori Danelle - So cute! I’m looking forward to when my girls have friends. Right now Charlie, my oldest, plays beside other kids, but she doesn’t really interact a whole lot yet when she plays. I think that aspect of their childhood is one of the parts I’m most looking forward to!
Darby - Go Annie!
We have that little dress and love it!!
Michelle - My baby girl’s preschool program is tonight. She’s off to kindergarten next year. Sigh.
brooke - i always love whatever annie picks out for the day to wear…her style is awesome!
it is funny how you know they love school but they act like it is just pure torture for you to leave them there…meghan does this to me in the morning…i have to peel her flesh from mine and run…and then when i go to pick her up it takes us ten minutes to say our goodbyes and actually leave…silly silly girls…
Laura - and I just finished my post about how I can not wait for school to end!!!!
I am a crappy mom.
Wendy - Hooray! You made it to something! I hope that you had some juice and cookies as a reward. :o)
Melissa - Annie’s school looks like so much fun! The pictures actually make me miss teaching, but after the day I had I guess it’s to be expected! So glad you were able to make this one! I also have a little one who can be very shy at first. Enjoy the summer fun with Annie!
CherryTreeLane - I love this dress she wears! And she is so happy to be there–you can see it! Delightful!
dawn - This is sort of embarrassing — but I decided to sign my daughter up for some summer “preschool” (field trips to the park, movies, that sort of “preschool”). I love my child to the moon and back (and I AM a stay at home mom) — but she loves preschool — and my sanity is worth pulling together a little extra money for a summer session!
Shannan - Please tell me that you made Annie’s dress – and that you’ll be making more to sell. 🙂
We had Calvin’s program last week, too. He had been singing the songs at home all week, then walked out furiously itching his head with both hands – the truest sign that he is stressed and anxious – and hardly sang at all. Still, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him!
maribeth - as a preschool teacher and mommy, i love your view on children and play. it is rare to find parents that understand the value of a good preschool and a play based curriculum. what a blessing for annie!
amy d - phew, i was starting to think we neighbor girls were gonna have to do a “program intervention” on you 🙂 FYI…8th grade rec is the 20th 😀