these aren't my peonies.

they are at the house next door.
these peonies have to be very old…the bush is huge and it has so many blooms.
they are the perfect shade of pink.
i want to paint a wall this color.
or my nails.
definitely my most favorite flower.
we invited ourselves out to uncle gary and aunt janet's farm again. and they even cooked us dinner.
they are always so good to us.
we brought waffle…not a good idea.
their dog Ray is trained to fight off other dogs or stray animals on the farm…to keep it safe.
why didn't we think about that?
there was a minor dog fight…waffle was very confused about what the heck was going on.
but we got everyone settled and split up and everything was fine.
totally our fault.
we are still such babies at this dog owner thing.
anyway…the farm rocked.
like always.
lauren took off with my camera and explored the space.
(it was killing me…)
but look at all these awesome pictures she got….
gary has this very cool weenie roaster…cooks an entire package with one stick.
the corn was perfect.
and janet made a dessert that will probably make a blog appearance very soon.
sean was full of questions about planting, tractors and harvesting.
there were two baby kitties.
annie held (choked) them the entire time we were there.
i love the little meow of a tiny kitten…but not the claws.
janet had a scavenger hunt for the kids!
seriously….it was a page long and they ran from one end of the farm to the next over and over.
brilliant idea.
they were so into it.
janet you are too cool.
it is so calm out here.
green all around.
quiet…except the birds chirping…or an occasional rooster.
kansas is at it's most beautiful right now.
the wheat is up and swaying in the wind…the temps are low…everything is green.
i love it here.
Now I’ve got a serious case of missing home! I grew up in Kansas too! But left when I graduated from high school. It truly is beautiful! aw, reminds me of grandma’s on the edge of lehigh (haha, isn’t everything in lehigh on the edge of town?!). sigh.
Lovin’ Lauren’s pictures. She’s a natural! Let her borrow her camera more! omg, love the kitten chokehold picture – too funny. its posts like these that make me miss Kansas. And the peony flowers were lovely.
sounds like the perfect day! I think all kids need to experience farm freedom. People who make fun of Kansas or the midwest clearly dont have a clue!! I spent MANY fun summers on my aunt and uncles farm and LUUUUUUVED it. Isnt it GREAT to send your kids out and NOT worry about them????? Lauren did an awesome job of taking pictures. You guys are CA-RAZY for taking…we are taking a vacation soon and our fabulous boomer will stay home with a I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the choking kitty picture. What a great angle to match with a great story and expression. Incredible photograph… Oh, thanks for the pictures and reminders of home. I grew up in KS and left 6 years ago and now all I want to do is go back. You’re right, there is something about this time of year, before it gets so blazing hot. March through June are probably when I miss KS the most. (oh wait, when I’m driving in 2 feet of snow, THAT’s when I miss KS the most. 😉 Good to see the pics of rural Lehigh. Some of my best times as a kid are at hot dog roasts just like this one. We try to do several of these a year at my parent’s farm for the grandkids. Small events like this can leave lasting memories.
those kitten pictures are the cutest thing i’ve seen all day! Nothing like being out in the open like that! Looks like you all had fun. do the whack-a-kitty, whack-a-kitty. 😉
I want one of those kittens!
Still laughing about the kitten choke hold… Looks like everyone had a great time! I need a farm… Looks beautiful and peaceful there. I love the picture of your daughter holding I mean choking the kitten. Amazing pictures as always you are a talented Photographer. Have a wonderful weekend.
I found you on CoCo’s site and yes.. so fun! what a fun idea for the kiddos too to have a scavenger hunt!
that spells r-e-l-a-x-a-t-i-o-n! Good for you for taking the time to sit and visit with family like that! Simple, good.
It looks like such a great time! Lauren done an awesome job.
Awesome pictures! Made me feel like I was there. Agree that Kansas is at her best this time of year! We had “summer snow” from the cottonwood trees last week and it was kinda pretty! I’m originally from Kansas and spent my summers there with my grandparents. This post seems like a scene right out of one of those summers. It’s awesome to see how some of the best things never change.
oh my…….
so funny.
omigoodness…thanks so much for the laugh! that was my favorite part too! hehehehehehehe….. 😉 That was a great skit! I love it when JT hosts SNL. that must have been the one SNL skit in the past year that was funny – it was a great way to start the morning. thanks. I have a not so secret crush on JT…not even that he’s that cute…but my gosh, he is hysterical. Funny thing, I think my husband has a bit of a “man crush” on him as well. How can you not? thanks for sharing! i hardly ever get to watch SNL and that just made my morning!!! So funny!
funny 🙂 Those are my favorite SNL when JT is on! Hope you’re having fun! 🙂 this entire episode was my most favorite…i’ve already made many mentions at my place…and yes i am horrible and let my ladies watch the ‘turget lady’ and now every time we go to turget my ladies shake their shoulders and say “classic peg”…and the barry gibb talk show…pure amazingness! That whole show with JT was hilarious. Love him! that is great. i have never really been a justin timberlake fan, but i am now. he is hilarious when he is on SNL!! that's what these kids call me. i'm their sunday school teacher.
they are always so happy to come in and play.
we had a good time taking these pictures…they showed me the turtles…i gave them candy.
win – win.
i am friends with their parents too.
so i think it wasn't too bad for them taking pictures…even though i didn't bring them candy.
we were at the arboretum for the rest of our time.
the weather was so beautiful.
everything was blooming.
it was gorgeous…i don't know why i don't come here more often.
that hair is my favorite.
oh yeah…her smile too.
and her big big eyes.
but oh that hair!
good times.
thanks eric and elizabeth…your kids are always fun for me.
i especially liked reading them books during wardrobe changes.
i am going to bring annie back to play there soon…i'll call ya!
sooooo cute. And yes you need one. That is one BEEEEEAUTIFUL family…dripping with love! What a sweet family!! You take fantastic photos. Precious beyond words. Those kids are so adorable!! Great shots! Love her hair! adorable! the picture with the yellow flowers…sooo cute!
what a cute family! the little girls hair looks like my three year olds hair 🙂 Gosh they are GORGEOUS. What a lovely little family.
so sweet. Beautiful! I also love the “hair” shot, but then, I’m a bit biased. 🙂 The Arboretum is a great place to take pictures. You really captured the fun of the day. Excellent photo shoot! Beautiful family!!! Beautiful photos. What a gorgeous family. great photos meg. love the sun shining behind the little girls hair. good shot. they are adorable. CHECK!
california here we come!
(don't worry….i have the bloggy all set to auto-post so you won't miss even miss me.)
and thanks for the suggestions about what to pack to entertain the kids.
i got them all stocked up.
i am a little jealous…but i know i’ll get to see some super fab pics!!! have fun! Have fun!!!!
Oh I just know you’ll have a ball. Take lots of pictures.
Have a great holiday Meg! Look forward to hearing all about it when you are back! Hope you have a marvelous time! Cant wait to see your fabulous pictures! Have a wonderful vacation! That is awesome to get all those things checked off! You are ready, girl! Have fun!!! Well come on over then! We’ll be waiting for you in sunny Cali. Have a great trip! dude…you are a rockstar (not to be confused with the afore mentioned dude.) have fun!! Have fun!!! I don’t have to tell you to take lots of pics!! Haha!
have fun!! Have great time! Can’t wait to see all the pictures of your fun! Prayers for safe & sane travel! Where in Cali are you visiting? I am a huge fan of your blog and live in California…just wondering! Have a great trip!
Still in the process of moving 🙁 or it it 🙂 ???? Been missing reading your blog! Have a great time in Cali!!!!!! sounds like fun…
Safe travels and enjoy!
Probably won’t see you out and about on this wet, rainy day, so… HAVE FUN!!! Can’t wait to hear about the trip, plane ride and everything when you get back! We need a neighborhood night soon! (Oh. wait. I guess you just had one didn’t you? Bummer for us. We were at Corey’s sister’s that night. Let’s just do a girl’s night, then!) Be safe! have a wonderful trip!! Have a great time. Have a great trip! Can’t wait to see/hear about all your adventures and misadventures and precious moments and all that good stuff…
so we are here. summer break.
the kids are already telling me "it's too hot to go outside."
we are two days in.
oh my.
we had a full week…in a good way.
full of friends, achievements and good old fashioned hard work.
lauren was promoted from 8th grade.
they had to wear those shirts…lauren was so embarrassed.
we were proud of her for making it through.
jr. high is over.
she made it….it was bitter sweet to watch another milestone pass for her.
four more years is all we get with her.
strange feeling.
wasn't she just born?
wasn't i just feeding her a bottle?
didn't she just learn to walk?
when did this woman appear in our home?
scott had a birthday party.
and he is offically at the stage where birthdays and parties are a bit of a let down.
he had some friends over to go swimming and eat pizza.
but really ALL they did was play basketball.
for hours.
they didn't even come in for rainbow cake!
man….they are cute.
peter from chicago came to visit us.
he travels to kansas for his work and sometimes we get to spend some time with him.
the kids were so happy.
and he brought "specials" for everyone.
(peter…annie has used all her band-aids up already. :)
we took him out for some local yumminess.
this is why we go to breadbasket for ice cream cones instead of dairy queen…
self serve and craig makes them giant!
ahhh….small town.
and there were campfires, gardening, photo sessions, cleaning, weeding, neighborhood parties,
bike rides, crafts, sleepovers, sprinklers and games too.
craig just walked out the door with all the kids for the whole day.
i am in charge of laundry and packing for california.
big job.
can you think of anything that is a MUST HAVE for traveling with your family?
or for surviving an airport with five children?
tell me so i don't forget anything.
the suitcases await.
Kim Smith – So cute! I LOVE the hugging one! I bet their Mom loved that one! And the one of the litlte girl sliding down the slide is precious! Great captures! Katherine Huff – Your children are aultsboely gorgeous, Arianna’s hair is getting so long and Easton looks adorable with his missing teeth. Michael lost his but watch out girl you are going to have to do a lot of editing to help him out this summer. You definitely have to do the bubble pics with my kids I love them. Yeah your coming home soon! Can’t wait and wait until you see what Brandi and I have in store for you. hehe TOO STINKING CUTE!!!! What cute kids and just a beautiful faimly altogether. One of your BEST faimly shoots ever!! Love the Little Princess . congratulations to the graduate! hope you have a great trip! PS: i love the pictures. lauren is beautiful. scott is TOUGH and cool. your kids are having an awesome childhood. miss you!
The above all have good suggestions but don’t forget to check the guidelines of what you can take aboard the plane and sizes of liquids, etc. Would be a shame to have to throw out surprises because they don’t pass muster. Believe me, I have learned the hard and expensive way!
i always bought the kids a new magazine and gave it to them on the plane. actually i still do this and now that they are young adults the magazines are interesting to roger and i too and we get them for the ride home. hope you got all your stuff done. Any QUIET activity, a change of clothes in your carry-on for everyone, and good snacks are a must for our family. Annie isn’t super young, but I highly recommend an umbrella stroller anyway. You can gate check them and it saves you from listening to whining if you have a huge airport to get through or worse a close connection where you have to run for your next plane. Not to mention the fact that it isn’t easy to wander when you’re strapped into a stroller.
Just finished up my first semester of college, meaning I graduated from high school last year, and if there is ONE THING I could tell anyone getting ready to begin high school is: Don’t take it all so seriously. It doesn’t matter if you’re the coolest, or the prettiest, or the smartest, or if you have the coolest, cutest or smartest boyfriend. All that matters is that you be yourself and stand up for yourself. Don’t let anyone put you down. High school doesn’t last forever. OH, and if she doesn’t believe any of that. Tell her she just has to make it to college, college is amazing. Sorry for the long comment, have a nice trip! Looks like fun! We are headed to Cali this summer, too, but driving cross country like the Griswolds. We’re a bit obsessed with that fictional family. So, I’m tempted to quote Vacation, but will hold back! Enjoy! DVD player. Enough said. :o) Go buy a few, small, new toys/books/markers…and snacks. One thing for each of them, hide them in your bag until you take off in the airplane. Wait for a bit and see if the settle in, then break out the goods. Take snacks too, those itty bags of peanuts aren’t worth a darn. In the end, let them take turns going to the bathroom, that is always a thriller and time killer. Enjoy your time! Pipecleaners! Kept my three busy crafting and then pretending with their little creations….have a great trip and love your blog! 🙂 Your words about Lauren were just perfect tonight…put a lot in perspective after what has been 5 very long days! I’m still trying to figure out what Lauren found so embarrassing about the shirts they wore at graduation. Is there something on it that my monitor isn’t picking up? I don’t see anything odd about any of the kids shirts. But, I also understand that it could very well be that the shirt is embarrassingly ugly and a teenager would never wear it unless forced to do so. 🙂 I think she looks beautiful! Is she still playing volleyball? I miss my daughter playing volleyball (she’s in college now and doesn’t play anymore). Snacks. When is your trip?
We’ve got six children and I’ve always thought as long as you have an enormous pair of sunglasses to hide behind and a favourite lipstick that makes you feel fab, you can cope with anything. Baby wipes are good too.:-) Hope you have a great time. HI THere, if you can, I would fit a set of daily essentials in your carry-on in case your bags get lost. I couldnt live without a fresh pair of undergarments and my face powder…just a suggestion
Have you taken the kids to see Night at the Museum 2? Even the 14 year old liked it. We are a well traveled family of 7 (hooray for five kids!) and my advice to you would be keep it simple. I am queen of “we might need this” and forever this has turned out bad for me. Something will lose a piece, a noisy handheld game is irritating…they never feel like doing the stuff we pile up beforehand. The simple stuff works best…a small notebook and pencil, deck of cards, a treat that won’t get melty. The older kids bring their stuff (ipods, etc). It never fails that they buy gotta-have-it-stuff during the trip. Less is more, eh? But you probably know all this junk already–I have been reading your blog for a few months–you’re so inspiring! And your photos are stunning.
Valium for you for sure and lots of treats! I learned (very quickly) this weekend, to bring a change of clothes for everyone. You never know when you will need it. A towel and extra water. And change. And a cell phone charger. Hi, I’m new to your blog (well, been lurking for about 6mo or so now). My husband is an airline pilot so we do a lot of flying in the summer with the kids (I have 4). I agree with the posts so far. We do personalized treat bags (containing gum, starbursts, chewy stuff and lollypops) for each child with their name on it, portable dvd player, ipods for the older ones (ours are 17,15,10 and 8). When they were younger we enjoyed pre-boarding if any of the kids were under 5. Doesn’t hurt to ask. I’m not sure what airline you’re taking but I know my husbands has activity books for the kids and sometimes if you ask the FA, they’ll let the kids get up and help hand out pretzels and such (seat belt sign not illuminated of course). And the pilots like to see the kids. My husband has fun showing the wide eyed kids all of the stuff that is in the cockpit and it helps the kids with any anxiety if they meet the pilot I think. 🙂 Good luck and enjoy your trip.
Where are yall going in California? It is my favorite place. It is beautiful. My 3 year old wants an iPod – crazy – for plane trips, I have found that LOTS of FOOD is the ticket. Everybody’s favorites. The 3 yr old used her own money to buy a Disney Princess book at Barnes and Noble about 3 weeks ago – she’s still obsessed with it – so maybe something like that for your 4 yr old. Wow I’m in scotland and our kids aren’t off until end of June – thank god! Its a rare occasion here when “its too hot to got outside” and thats in the summer ha! p.s love your blog pack a surprise for for each kid that you give them on the plane….something fun and small for california. like sunglasses for the girls and maybe some sort of little water/beach toy for the boys. it takes their mind off the long flight and it’s a nice surprise. 🙂 don’t forget to pack lots of snacks! the weather is gorgeous in california right now. i’m taking a break from my gardening to write this. have a great time! eating the rainbow. to ease my guilt of how honestly UNhappy i was that it was the last day of school…
i made a cake to help them celebrate.
i had seen versions of the rainbow cake and decided "today's the day!" to make my own.
it's not too difficult.
but it does take some time.
i just used TWO white cake mixes.
following the instructions on the box.
then i divided it up into 6 bowls evenly which turned out to be 1.5 cups in each bowl.
i had all these Wilton Icing colors already…from all the other birthday cakes i have done in the past.
(find them at walmart, hobby lobby, micheals in the cake decorator isle but not the CAKE MIX isle)
also you could use the gel colors in the cake mix isle…i think it's the same thing.
the drop kind of food coloring will NOT work for these bright colors…your rainbow would be pastels. and if you only have five eggs…you can call your neighbor for one more.
even if you JUST went to the store to buy the cake mix ten minutes before.
add a teaspoon of color into each bowl and stir.
it's so easy a four year old can do it.
i used 9" round cake pans.
make sure you grease them well with shortening or baking spray.
this is a crucial step in making fancy cakes that i think some skimp and then you are
my cakes were done in 12 minutes.
flip them out on to cooling racks and let them sit till they are completely cool.
it is pure happiness to make.
even the dishes are happy.
just keep baking & don't think about the kids will be home for three whole months in two more hours…
i made the cool whip frosting i have shared before to frost this.
when you make a layer cake you have to cut your cakes to make them flat….but you knew that.
i don't have a picture though.
you take a big knife (or even a tool that is made just for flattening cakes)
and you cut off the round part of the top of the cake that rises in the oven.
you can let your kids or husband eat that so they leave you alone while you frost the cake.
(you stay away from that turkey…you'll get worms!….name that movie)
then you layer it up…rainbow style.
spread frosting in between each layer.
then around the whole thing.
(do you know the trick about putting a skim layer of frosting first to seal in all the crumbs…
stick it in the refridgerator to harden…
then another coat after that of thick frosting? yes, you did? ok…sorry)
i didn't show the other kids so when we cut it they were so surprised.
the lighting makes my purple layer look weird.
but it was purple…i promise.
we had lots of other kids here playing and it was a hit.
i heard sean say "do you want some cake? my mom made it for the end of school!"
cake can solve the world's problems.
[…] been wanting to make a rainbow layer cake for the longest time, ever since I first laid eyes on Meg Duerksen’s beauty way back in 2009. I can’t imagine that anybody could look at these happy colours […]
I love this rainbow cake! Awesome and perfect for the kids! I really like the ingredients used and how the color appears. We did a Raibow Cake just like this. You should check it out! 🙂
Happy birthday!In lieu of cake I was thinikng of getting you something else. But your blog will probably filter out comments with links in them. So do a YouTube search of walrus and fellatio. (Although I’d be shocked if you haven’t already seen this one.) You know, maybe cake would have been a better idea Congratulations! Since Jesica doesn’t have a facebook page, and I know that you know her, plesae post a comment on her blog and give her a call. I can give you her number if you need it:) Congratulations!! This would be PERFECT for your little girl’s 1st Birthday coming up!! i think that one of the smath guys was going to put his seatbelt on and tha suns rays hit the meteal making the rainbow aperre on the car.did you know that the suns rays are white its just that the rainbow colors alltogether makes a white color But Mom I am reading! NOT But mom just five more meintus of this tv show! By the way I agree why do people have to socialize so much? Urgh tiresome. Look the week has been enough do we really have to do something else we are obligated to on our day off? I want to chill with my family. I completely share your extenimect! I love these stands. I actually saw something similar at an Anthropologie and have been admiring it every time I visit the store. I particularly like these — they look like they’ve made from plates and cups that have been found and pieced together. Actually, that’s not such a bad idea for a project… [url=””]football jerseys wholesale[/url] The colorful cake with rainbow color, that’s great! Teaching our children to make this kind of cake is really happiness. I am sure that our children will be pleasurable making this rainbow cake.
cake is a nice dessert, but it’s easy to get fat, so try to eat less… I love Rainbow cake. this is great recipe. I tried it on Monday evening. I hope my daughter will enjoy this recipe. thank you so much.
woe…you just blew me away….those lucky lucky children! It doesn’t matter is the rainbow is on a poem, a cake , a draw in the wall, in our hair , in the sky or in any other place is always beautiful to see all those colors. My almost two year old is obsesses – OBSESSED – with the Muppet Movie, and Kermit’s Rainbow song. So this is the PERFECT cake for him – thank you!! I promise to send pics whn it’s done (if i can do a not-completely-embarassing job). Would this cake freeze well, or do I haev to make it the day before? (Can you tell I’ve never – ever – baked?)
this is so awesome! I’m going to try and make one this weekend!! 🙂 thanks! thanks so much for sharing! i just did a post on rainbow cakes and linked to you..hope that’s ok!
Fantastic cake! It sure looks yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I will try making one next week. Btw, I like your “whatever” … its one of my favorite verse..
This cake is fabulous I plan to have it for my 50th birthday party with some ruby slippers on the top. Thank you for being so kind and sharingthe recipe. Joolsx 5 months later and you have comments, I LOVE THIS. You’re some sort of genius or whatnot, what an idea.
this is so beautiful! this cake looks excellent and i could imagine it was a great time making and eating. This cake would bring a smile to anyone’s face I think. I really need to buy 4 more 9″ cake pans and make this for somebody… this is the most awesome cake ive seen! what a wonderful and fun thing to do for the kids. 🙂 I want to try this now. Loooooooved the cake, already made it myself! Congrats on such a great blog 🙂 yummy! I am definately gonna try and make this today! Thank you so much for such a wonderful idea! I really love this, I’ve got to make it one of these days! Just saw this linked and linked again from a friend’s blog. I made it today for my family- thanks for the inspiration!!! I am SO in love with this cake. I hope you don’t mind that I featured your pic on my blog. Thanks! Haven’t made this cake yet, and already I feel happier! Thanks for sharing! I love this! My daughter is having her 5th birthday soon and while looking for ideas I came across this! Now I don’t have to look any more! Thank you so much for the great idea. I am going to do this. When I have finished and post it, I will definetly link back to your site! Thanks so much!
I AM making this for my daughter’s birthday! Thanks for the idea. I linked to it at I love this cake. I need to find a reason to make it. Oh My Goodness! I must have this cake!! What an awesome cake!!!! I just made this for my sons robot party and it was a hit! I am going to link to you blog on my post later tonight 🙂 I have a few major events coming up. 3 birthdays, an Anniversary and a Baby Shower. I’m making this cake for all of them! I made a rainbow cake several years ago for my daughter’e Wizard of Oz birthday party. The outside of the cake was vanilla frosting with chocolate swirled through it to signify how the movie started out black and white and the tornado came through. The inside of the cake was rainbow layers. The colors were achieved using KoolAid mixes of different flavors. It was pretty cool – even Grandpa liked it! Hmmm, I think a cake might be in order for the last day of school here, too! I made it…with the kids help…GREAT SUCCESS!!! 😉 This cake is AWESOME! My sister has the funniest story about making this! You TRULY inspire me!! This is my first comment ever but this cake is totally comment worthy. You inspired me to make this for my girls last day of school,which was today. I have NEVER made a cake before but thought this would be fun. MY GIRLS WERE IN HEAVEN and it looked good too! I feel so domesticated today and the thanks goes to you. Thanks for the step by step directions and hints and pics!!! I also used your icing and everyone LOVVVVVEEDD it! You are awesome!! Meg, LOVE your site and this cake. Going to try to talk Kate out of the “Barbie” cake for her birthday next month and make (or try to make) a rainbow cake!! Hope to talk to you soon. Have fun in California.
Great cake!! Okay, you convinced me, I will make this cake for the neighborhood kids and have it waiting on a card tale on the last day of school (June 3). I will be a big hit, and I will give all the kudos to you. When you are mentioning with distain that you are “that kind of mom”, try to take a minute to remember that you are also “this kind of mom”.
I didn’t know that trick! Keep it coming 🙂
Love the cake…it makes you SMILE! I talked to you at church today and we would love for you to take pics of our family. Just let me know works best…Thanks! I love this idea; I do not think I could execute it with the grace you have shown. Please send me a bit of your talent…this is a darlng blog. i have seen this cake all over the blogsphere and i so desperately want to make it! My son gets out of school/graduates kindergarten on the 5th so I think i’ll make it for him then, soo fun!!! great! my 4 year old just walked by as i was drooling over this cake……she has birthday on her mind..” thats the cake I WANT” great…can i send you a plane ticket in July…you might need a break by then! and there is no way i can pull that off! thanks for the inspiration! That cake is fantastic!!! I LOVE IT! that is THE cutest cake EVER!!!! i can’t wait to try it! Good Lord Meg! Mother of the Year award! Love it. Will do it on June 4th!
totally delightful! hope you don’t mind, but I’ve shared this post with my readers!! yummy!!! My friend sent me a link to your page. I’m so impressed with the cake! My sister wants me to make her one for her birthday!
you are amazing!
You just ROCK. I never knew what a bad Mom I was until I started following your blog. Thanks! LOL! I have never seen a cake like that before. How clever! And it looks yummy. You are such a sweet mom! That cake is AWESOME! My daughter’s birthday party is next weekend, and I am soooo making that cake for her! You are such an inspiration! JOY! What a cool idea! Such a nice mom! We’ll have to try this for our last day of school. Thanks for the inspiration! ok i am so not the cook/baker but that is the coolest, cutest cake ever! the colors are so bright. i love it!!!!! I have never in my life seen that, or seen such a fun cake. It totally kicks the confetti cake’s, um, bum. You are one rockin’ mom. I love that cake. I want to make it too. And I am soooooo happy school is out. I’m sorry it makes you sad because it makes me jump up and down with happiness 🙂 Although I know my kids will make me crazy in no time!
Yum…I want a piece of your happy rainbow cake! Wow, that looks ssssooooo yummy and fun for summer! You have me wanting cake now! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful cake. I am going to make one for my kids. They will love it! I was planning a little surprise for them for the last day of school and this will go perfect with it. I am going to decorate the house with banners and give them a basket with books, craft items, a couple of new movies and little toys to keep them busy during the summer. the name of the movie is A Christmas Story….you’ll shoot your eye out 🙂 love the cake..i am soo doing that soon…the girls will love it… I love it and I agree with you, Im not thrilled either… I think a cake is in order here too. Love your ideas and Annie’s outfits and so much more! I’ve been meaning to make one of these FOREVER, but haven’t found a good excuse to yet. I’m making a promise to myself here and now, the next baby shower cake I have to make (shouldn’t be too long, our Sunday School class has been having baby’s like rabbits for the past two years, and I think I’ve made at least half the cakes for the showers).
You are going to win awards for that cake, girl!! Totally Awesome!!
Oh my goodness!!!!! that is SO stinkin’ ca-ute!!! I’m singing “somewhere over the rainbow” now…must go make cake! 🙂
Oh, my daughter is sooo jealous! That cake is awesome and such a great way to celebrate the end of school. Yeah for summer!
Aaahh…love it! You know why didn’t I think of that? I made it last month but I only used 2 pans and just layered the colors in there. It came out all hippie-looking and my husband made fun of me. (But later he told me it was cool!) I will have to try it this way next time. Aaahh…love it! You know why didn’t I think of that? I made it last month but I only used 2 pans and just layered the colors in there. It came out all hippie-looking and my husband made fun of me. (But later he told me it was cool!) I will have to try it this way next time. It makes it all worth it when you hear your child say something like that:) Glad that Sean liked it and wanted to share it. Meg, something is crazy with the RSS feed. Every time you update your blog I go to it from the feed and it locks my computer up. I have to actually turn the computer off. Has anyone else had this problem? It only does it with your blog. I don’t know what the deal is.
That is stinking brilliant! Love it. I love the whimsical ways that you live your life – thanks for being so generous and sharing your ideas with all of us. I think I will make that cake the night my daughter has her graduation ceremony – I will do blue and gold – her school colors. thanks for the idea. That is the coolest cake I’ve ever seen! I’m so making that for my son’s next birthday. Awesome! Awesome you are the nicest mom, I bet their tongues looked pretty scary!
Do you have a cape and tights, SuperMom? That really is a cool cake… I think I might just have to try that one. And not getting worms is an added benefit.
That is an awesome cake. You rock. Ok, I made a “similar” rainbow cake last night and you’ve put me to shame – it looks like I stacked caked on top of each other instead of one big cake. What’s the secret of connecting the cakes – having them be flat? Because I didn’t cut mine flat before I stacked. 🙁
omg you are so awesome!!! that cake is GORGEOUS!! i wanna make one!!! holy cow. that is awesome. not only does cake solve the worlds problems, but it makes you look like the worlds most awesomest mom! yeah! whatever it takes right? it’s so totally awesome.
i was going to do this next week (end of school for us…i know) with cupcakes. like someone has alreagy mentioned the cake looks a little ambitious for me, but one day! happy summertime=] love this!!
THAT is the BEST cake ever!! So going to give it a try this summer!!! And I was thinking even the dirty dishes would make me happy, they’re so colorful… then I scrolled down and read the same thought. 🙂 Enjoy the weekend! Oh I wish you were my mom!! I’m gonna have to give that a try someday. you are a wonderful, really wONDERfully rEAL mom!!! it’ll be okay 🙂 Despite the fact that if I actually make this cake I need not eat it but simply apply it directly to my thighs, I think I might still try it!! Brilliant idea!!!!
ohmygoodness… that is amazing… and so happy! i need to try that sometime!! thanks for sharing 🙂
this is so beautiful. i love it. i want to make one with just shades of orange and pink and yellow. thanks for sharing! your kids are lucky 🙂
What a GREAT idea! I love it!! You are such a thoughtful mommy. AWESOME! Love it. Knew that movie quote. You are fabulous. 🙂 that is an AWESOME cake. How did you get the layers to stay so straight? I might only do looks kinda
It’s on my list for this week now . . . looks happy!! My kids actually have school through next week so I’ve got a LONG list of things to do before the change hits! I didn’t know about the “first layer of frosting and then sticking it in the fridger thing” so that tip was just for me! THanks! We quote from A Christmas Story all year long. A classic! Love the rainbow cake, but way more than I would attempt. I’ll take your word for it that it was easy-but-time-consuming. My kids are teenagers and I still have some dread of the summer break (our last day of school isn’t until June 12th, but then we don’t go back to school until after Labor Day). I don’t have to entertain my kids much anymore, BUT the summer means too little alone time for me.(And isn’t it all about me?..kidding!)
love it! what a sweet mum you are – happy summer!
OMG… I am making this NOW… I am going to Dillons NOW… BYE… Oh wait, I can’t just GO… I have four kids to gather up and get in the car now, and the baby is napping, and I NEED a lot of things at Dillons and i don’t have a list ready or coupons, and now that the kiddos are home I have to buy one billion times more groceries… Plus two of the kids are still in PJs… So MAYBE I will make it tomorrow, MAYBE???…And when I do, I will definately give you the credit… MAYBE??? 😀 fun, fun, fun!!! i’ll have to do the same in a couple of weeks!!! Why does this not surprise me?! You are amazing and I want to be your child (preferably the youngest so I can stay home and play with you while the big kids go to school)!! That looks so good!!! Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to control myself and I’d eat the whole thing before the kids got home…wait, what a good idea! I’ll make one for ME…a stress-reducing, end-of-school, summer vacation, (sniff, sniff…will I make it?) rainbow of emotions CAKE! That cake is awesome! No kiddos for me to try it out on… If I get brave enough it would still be great for a “just because” reason! I Looove “A Christmas Story!” “Fra-gee-lay…must be Italian.” By the way, I think it’s perfectly okay to be sad that the school year is over… ). It was such a huge hit and Charlie loved helping me mix the colors the day before!!
Lollipoplin - You are SO GOOD behind the camera!! 🙂
julie - absolutely beautiful!! I want some!! 🙂
Bethany - Aww….this TOTALLY transported me back to Kansas! Oh how I miss it! My parents have two peony bushes out front and this instantly reminded me of them!! They attract lots of ants, but they sure are pretty!! Thanks for the memory…I needed that today!
Sarah - Thanks for sharing these photos. I love peonies but can’t get them to grow in my yard. It makes me very sad and it also makes me want to ask “is this house peony friendly” before we buy our next one.
Carrie K - stunning…
let me know if you find that nail polish… 🙂
pve - So perty!
Pink lips….moi!
Jennifer - i live for these colors..
dawn - Peonies, purple lilacs, and sweet peas — my top 3 flowers. 🙂
My friend REALLY wanted peonies in her wedding bouquet. And while they were in everyone’s yard (all over Minneapolis/St.Paul) they were SUPER DUPER expensive from the florist! We debated doing a little pruning around town — but she finally went with tulips instead. They were beautiful too — but they weren’t peonies!!! I think of her every time I see them.
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Lovely! Those pictures were terrific. I could almost smell them they were so close.
Jessica - Peonies have to be one of the top 3 of my favorite flowers. I love them so much and they smell amazing! I was in PA last week visiting my family and cut a large bouquet out of my cousin’s yard to enjoy while I was there. I live in south Louisiana and don’t get to grow these beauties 🙁 Thanks for the beautiful pics!
Ann - I can’t wait for mine to bloom! What beautiful pictures! I saw the comment about you in Country Living…I will anxiously await my copy in the mail! Will you autograph mine? -smile-
CherryTreeLane - The pictures are gorgeous!
I say go for a wall in pink! (says the girl that painted her living room Orange)….
the tulip lady - YOU….young lady are in Country Living…just got my copy in the mail today. And the cute as a button little Miss Annie. Rock on sister friend!!!
Andrea from Orlando - So beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I wish they would grow in Florida.
NewlyWoodwards - You are really adding to my obsession over peonies. I’ve been going gaga over them around here.
Marie - One word. GORGEOUS!
Hannah - Woah girl! Why were you up at 4 am?!
Those peonies are gorgeous though!! Beautiful pictures!
Jenn N - My absolute favourite flower. It took me six years but I finally have one bush that looks like it will bloom in the next few days. So happy about that!
By the way, beautiful pictures.
Cissi - Lovely flowers!
missanne - they’re so lovely.
i love how intricate they are.
so many layers
such a gorgeous color!
leigh ann - Love the peonies! I also posted some that I started from my Grandma’s garden years ago. I love tham because they remind me of her. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Aubrey - I have got to go to the nursery and buy come peony plants already. You have me converted. And I really hope that my zinnia seeds I still have yet to plant will grow in time–you’ve got me converted with those too. I just wish our growing season was a little longer…
Laura - I needed something pretty to look at this morning. thanks!
Patti - peonies are my favorite flower. i hate that they are only around for such a short period of the year. but i love them just the same. i hate to say it, but it would be hard for me to resist snipping a few of these! 🙂 thanks for making my day with these beauties!
Lanny Stanard - My Peonies are almost bloomed and I can’t wait… Hope your having fun on your vac…
Lanny 🙂
Kathy - So beautiful I love them.
ElizabethE - Good Lord — those are some gorgeous photos. I love that long scroll of pink. I love peonies!
Dina - First off, what are you doing up at 4am posting pics of peonies???? Secondly, I’m in Wichita and our’s have already bloomed and gone. – definately a flower I wish would bloom all summer long:-) Beautiful pictures:-)
juliann - Megan – i love peonies too; my favorite, favorite. too bad the bloom doesn’t last too long!!!!!!!!
Elisa - I have been cutting all of mine and bringing them inside so I can smell them all day. Love!
Lori Danelle - Love peonies!!! I’ve been planning on adding some to my yard for years now, but can’t decide where to put them.
Also, the year before I got married, my bedroom walls were that color of pink! I LOVED IT!! It was incredible. That particular shade wasn’t too girly, it was much too bold to be considered “girly.” If I remember right, even my now husband liked it, but I would never make him sleep in a pink room!! I would love to have a room that color again. . .Luckily, I have 2 girls!!
Trina McNeilly - I love peonies too.. I’ve never had them. I bug my husband for them everyday, Mr. Landscaper. I think I shall have to send him this post. Hope Cali is great!
Casey - Gorgeous flowers!
Julia - Peony Pink sounds like a nail color
Chasity - deep breath….ahhhhhh. they smell soooo good.
Darby - I love Peonies… unfortunately we can’t grow them down here… too darn hot!
brooke - wow gorgeous…these have been my favorite flower for some time now and i recently purchased seeds from an etsy dealer promising they are fast, tall, and full growing so we shall see!! if they look anything like your neighbors i will be overjoyed!
Ashley Ann - Wow…I would be tempted to go under the cover of night and make a bouquet for myself…surely with that many blooms they’d never notice. Beautiful.
Joni - Gorgeous photos…in fact, it’s pretty hard NOT to take an excellent photo of a peony! Mine are set to burst open any day now! LOVE IT!
Joanie @ The Bright Side - What beautiful photos! Our peonies haven’t bloomed yet. I can’t wait after seeing your pictures!
Anna@Boogers,Bibs,Books&Bubbles - I LOVE peonies! Definitely my favorite flower, as well. There is a peony farm about an hour from here and I want to go there so bad. I was so bummed when I found out that they weren’t in season for my wedding bouquet. I love how full and plump they are. Beautiful pictures!!!
Anna@Boogers,Bibs,Books&Bubbles - I LOVE peonies! Definitely my favorite flower, as well. There is a peony farm about an hour from here and I want to go there so bad. I was so bummed when I found out that they weren’t in season for my wedding bouquet. I love how full and plump they are. Beautiful pictures!!!
Wendy - So pretty! I wish my Peonies looked like that. I’ve got a “bush” that’s about 2 years old and has yet to get bigger than a foot and a half tall. Yeah, I’m the world’s worst gardener.