this is why i wanted to come to california.

i am serious.
i wanted to have my kids searching through the tide pools discovering things we don't have in kansas.
it was as good as i had hoped.
at lover's point they climbed and climbed as fast as they could trying to keep up with each other.
this did not make me nervous…who knows why.
but it didn't.
then i encouraged them to slow down and look.
see what they could find.
OH! it was good stuff.
hermit crabs…hundreds of them.
like what you'd buy at pet store but in real life!
i have spent my entire life…33 years…thinking starfish were squishy.
they aren't.
they aren't even bendy.
they are hard and scratchy and don't move at all in your hand.
isn't that something?
can you believe it? :)
woo-hoo! she is smiling.
california brings it out in you.
we went out searching two different times.
the second time our family, peggy, matt and peter came along…and their wolf dog Oden.
we were hoping to watch some surfing but there were no big waves that day.
annie found a sand castle…and quickly raided it of all it's shell decorations.
she thought the ocean was stinky.
he's up to his knee in this one.
each of the kids were searching on their own and then they would shout "look at this!"
and everyone would come running.
when i took this i said "there's nana's new screen saver!" :)
i could have stayed here all day.
that sand was the softest i've ever felt.
but we were headed out.
(perhaps you don't want to the 2nd largest ball of twine, only four short hours away…name that movie)
we said goodbye to monterey….and the family…and oden the wolf dog.
hannah montana UNO…they must have played 50 games over the week.
(i'm loving that they are choosing to play UNO instead of watch movies on the dvd players in their laps.)
craig has talked about wanting to go the the monterey bay aquarium forEVER.
we finally made it there.
happy girl. ok…the aquarium…fabulous!
you have to go.
it's clean and colorful and educational and HUGE.
it goes on and on.
and ocean views everywhere. it was such a cool place.
a tidal wave wall….lots of squealing laughter here.
jelly fish were my favorite.
what weird things they are.
lunch break.
big enough meatball?
and a time-out.
big spaz-os.
This looks SO cool! We didn’t go here but my husband and I did go on a whale watch from Monterey on our honeymoon in Oct. and it was so, so cool!!! Did you by any chance go to the playground in Monterey? I thought it was really neat. Kelly
So I have been reading your blog for quite a while now and I was so excited to read that you were coming to Cali. Maybe I’d have a Meg sighting 🙂 Then you were back home and sharing pictures of places I’m not all that close to. Bummer 🙁 But then you posted these pictures of Monterey… I connected with those. In fact, I am pretty sure Annie is sitting in the exact same spot I sat almost a year ago on the balcony of Louie Linguini’s when a bird landed on my HEAD! No joke. It’s was crazy wild and a little unnerving. Such a beautiful place though. Monterey. My honey and I went for our first “parents weekend away.” 🙂 Now I want to take my three boys there to visit the tide pools. How did we miss those?!
Hummm, isn’t it great how moms can ALWAYS find a “time-out” spot no matter where you are…I LOVE it! My favorite place on God’s green earth is the Oregon coast…love the dramatic coast line, Newport Aquariume, cool sand, kites, and giant trees. I could use some of that right now.
Great pics, Meg! What’s a vacation without at least ONE time out! HA! so much fun!!! and the jelly fish remind me of finding nemo! I am enjoying your vacation pics. Thanks for sharing. I love Monterey. I went there once. We just happened to be there when the Japanese Light Festival was going on. At dusk everyone was along the coast with little paper lanterns all light up. It was magical. The aquarium was awesome too. Love it time out wall on vacation!!! Great pictures!
i love the monterey aquarium! you crack me up (time out)! Hi. My name is Sara. I blog stalk you. I love your sight. Your kids are adorable and your house is amazing. Anyway, I used to live in Monterey and the aquarium was a favorite activity for my family. Isn’t it amazing? I’m glad you enjoyed!!!
That is so funny. My sister is moving from So Cal to oregon and she and my neice stopped at the MB aquarium yesterday!! I LOVE looking at your pictures of your family’s California trip. Andy and I went to Carmel and San Fransisco on our honeymoon (almost 2 years ago) and the pictures bring back many special memories. We also went to the aquarium and thought that it was good birth control 🙂 LOTS of rowdy kids there, but beautiful fish and scenery. I thought it was strange that they served fish in their cafe, but whatever!
Super beautiful pictures,,, aquariums are amazing. But I think you are right about Monterey(have not seen, but heard). By-passed it on our coastal trip… /?? what were we thinking??? Just have to go back! We stayed in Monterey last summer… more Cali the summer before that… I had convinced myself I was okay not going to Cali this year… thanks A LOT for these wonderful pics reminding me of how fun it is!!! 🙂 Jellyfish are weird but SO beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
I love how just when you think you’ve seen every color on earth, you catch a glimpse of the world under water and realize that you’ve only just begun. I desperately want to see those colors for myself!!!!
we live about 3 hours from monterey. just went to the aquarium last year. our kids loved it too. it’s one of my favorite places to go. funny…that’s the same restaurant we ate at too. looks like you had an awesome time. love all the pictures, as usual. we left santa barbara and headed towards Monterey in our rental car. what an amazing drive.
we saw cars and people all around at one stop so we stopped too.
it was an elephant seal "preserve"
they come there every year to molt so it's all fenced off and preserved.
there were signs and pictures of elephant seals…and the seals.
they were just laying there…supposedly they lay there for a month!
but the squirrels were cool.
yeah…i guess they could've had rabies but they were too cute to worry.
just as i was getting in the car to leave i snapped this pic…then he touched my toe!
we drove on and found Big Sur.
notice at the tippy top of that "hill" is a forest.
that gives you a clue of how HUGE this mountain cliff is.
but again…like the pier…i was going nuts with the kids on the edge.
i mean look at the size of the path and the size of that space in the railing.
what the heck?
that is an annie-sized space.
makes me NUTS!
i even yelled at them this time.
why do they have to lean ON the railing? just look with your eyes…from the other side of the path!
i could just picture annie falling off the cliff and plunging to the water.
and that is scary.
really scary.
but that's my issue.
(better fencing….breathing now)
i am far back from this craziness…standing on rocks on a cliff? this is bonkers.
even though it was high….it was so pretty.
the water was turquoise!
i just kept thinking how amazing it is that God made so many many different ways to enjoy nature.
this was definitely awesome.
we followed the trail around the back and ended up in a stream.
perfect climbing to get the traveling jitters out.
king of the hill.
look…i made it into a picture! ha.
i always do that when i take pictures…close the other eye…i look goofy.
wildflowers are everywhere.
every color. all over the place.
we walked the beach in Carmel.
kelp and shells.
and bandaids on knees.
we found a big crab that we thought was dead.
but then it wasn't quite…
so they were trying to push him back to the water to rescue him.
but he was pretty much dead.
after carmel we showed up at craig's aunt peggy's house in pacific grove.
just in time for a big yummy dinner.
so yummy.
how kind of anyone to let us stay in their home…we are quite a rowdy bunch.
also, how stinky were those Elephant Seals?! eewwwwww! what fun! I just did this drive with my dad and college-aged sisters. It was so awesome! We drove from San Fran down to Monterey on our honeymoon just this year and it was so fantastic. EXCEPT for the part where we saw a man with NO pants, no undies, no nothing except his long sleeved windbreaker! on the beach!!! It was wild and somewhat unnerving. Kelly I love your pix. I live in Northern CA and I think that whole area that you were (Carmel/Monterey) is some of CA’s most beautiful spots. We were JUST at the Aquarium during spring break. I love how they have so much for little kids there. My kids loved Tula the sea Otter and the Sea Horse exhibit.
i loved big sur when i went before my kids were born. i so want to take them there’s one of the most beautiful places i’ve ever seen. Ok, the squirrel pictures are giving me the heebie jeebies. For some reason, the squirrels here have gotten a little too brave lately (read: too close!) as well – what happened to them being skittish little creatures? Blech. Love Annie’s pulled up knee socks – too cute! Love big sur! Great pictures!
It’s beautiful!! i have the same “issue’s” it drives the whole family crazy, they say we should just live in a bubble and mommy would be happy…it would be less stressfull
looks like you guys had fun!! Are those ORANGE poppies I see? LOVE poppies!!! They’re in bloom in the highways here. Almost made my husband wreck this weekend as we passed some. I gave a huge gasp as we came upon them and he wasn’t quite sure what I was gasping over!
I have that SAME issue. I have never been afraid of heights, but as soon as my kids were born… different story. Anything above solid ground- deathly terrified. I have bad, bad visions of plummitting children. kids high up over looking railings send me over the edge. My son hangs onto the balcony at mass every SUnday and I always picture the worst happening. But that squirrel?????? THAT scares me more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing pictures. Makes me want to visit my brother in so. cal. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Oh my gosh!!! What amazing pictures. The ones by the cliff, just breathtaking. I love the vacation I’m on. I feel like I’m there…thank you!
Aaaw, that was cool to see your family there – my mom and brother live in Big Sur/Carmel and I went to 3rd grade through high school there. I love seeing that area through your beautiful pictures! I can’t believe those squirrels… so crazy! Looks like it was a fun trip!
What gorgeous pictures!! I love Monterey! Probably the best vacation I ever took. And now our family that lives there has moved to KS so there goes that! Have you read Steinbeck’s books? If not, you must! Especially East of Eden. And Cannery Row. And Travels With Charley. 🙂 Lovely…..we will be there in a few weeks and I can’t wait! Can I just say – it warmed my heart to see Talby with her big toe stuck straight in the air (photo where you talked about Annie plunging off the cliff). I have done this my whole life and have no idea why. I thought I was the only one… I’m lovin’ all your vacation pictures. I do have to give Miss Annie a shout out. I opened my July issue of Country Living magazine and there she was on page 12. Congrats Annie! What an incredible trip. Your kids will never forget it! meg, those photos are just awesome. makes me want to hop on an airplane to california right now. what a great trip you had.
I want to hang with those seals. They know how to get a good nap on! I have never been to that part of So. Cal your pictures are amazing. Looks like the whole fam had a great time. I have such fear of heights I think I’d be freaking at Big Sur. I have an aunt and uncle that live in Carmel. Could you imagine getting to live there? I love all the pictures! Looks like ya’ll had such a fun time! I hope you got to go to the aquarium in Monterey:) gorgeous! those squirrel pics are killing me! ha ha This is so exciting because my husband and I are going to Oxnard, CA next month. If you didn’t see it, it is on the coast about 55 minutes north of LA. We have done all the LA stuff years ago, so I want to find some new places to see. I want to ride down the Big Sur scenic road and just explore. I am leaving my kids with grandparents, they would love to go, but they cost too much:) First things first, please send Oprah these photos and have her pick out the MOM….you look like a kid,,,and what a great trip! I have fence issues, like that too, a the top of huge cliffs…eeeek~ Love all the beautiful pictures….we live in SoCl and our favorite place to visit is Monterey and we stay in a quint little hotel in Pacific Grove. Lovely. I told my husbnd that is where we will retire. 🙂 this was our first stop. you can't really tell from here but it's really high.
and i was losing my mind with them climbing and leaning.
i actually at one point yelled "i can't take it!!!" and walked away!
craig just laughed at my fear of heights.
my heart was pounding!
they went up on the ferris wheel…i did not.
doesn't sound fun to me.
for me or for them (me: sit down! stop leaning! sit down! don't do that! sit down!…pass out.)
i loved the color out there.
everything should be painted like this.
after the pier we walked the beach.
it was cold so we didn't get out their swimsuits.
they still went in.
oh well.
we stayed completely dry.
we showered off and they put on their jammies in the public beach bathrooms
and we headed for the hotel 2 hours away.
another very exciting event…a hotel!
we shared one room.
lauren was thrilled.
it was not a problem at all because it was late and we all fell asleep the second we laid down.
everyone had a bed but annie.
everywhere we went she got to have "special beds" (cushions with blankets on the floor)
and she loved it.
craig even let me get ready in peace the next morning.
he took all the kids to the continental breakfast by himself.
because he's awesome.
on our way out of the hotel….
annie has a card obsession.
i told her "you can have as many as you want"
she was stoked.
great shots meg!
teen smiling….yeah! hubby smiling…yeah! beach, rides,hotels…sounds like a great vacation! you guys make it look so easy! -jess Oh no! Now i FEEL BAD! HUG IS *OBSESSED* BIG TIME WITH THESE (woops, sorry about caps) free cards & brochures too & I spent our recent trip trying to limit him to only 1 or 2 at a time. Shall take your lead next time 🙂
love all the pics! i’ve been wondering for some time now…how do you take such great pics indoors w/o a flash?
Great pics! Love the one with your little girl in the water with the amusement park backdrop! Looks like the you and your family were having a great summer holiday, I love going to the seaside…. Can’t wait for to part 3…. 😀 …..THANKS meg 🙂 I hope you read your comments. I didnt see a place to send you a personal email or I would have. I might have to check again. ANYHOW……..My parents live in Leavenworth,KS and are getting ready to celebrate their 45th Wedding Anniversary!! My sister and I were chatting about what really special thing we could do for their Anniversary and thought LETS DO A FAMIY PICTURE. One hasnt been done in waaaaay too long. I wasnt sure how far you were from LV. KS? We both agreed no more stuffy studio pics. Soooo, let me know if you know? Here is my emailFantastic pics! I agree with your other fans — the blue wall and the pic with the ferris wheel in the background our stunning. Way to go mom and dad — you make taking 5 kids on a cross-country vacation look easy. Loved all the pics . . . especially the ones with the blue wall! I laughed out loud at Annie picking up fliers! My twins go crazy at these things!! Free fun!! Meg, I couldn’t find a link to email you, but wanted to let you know I raved about your photos in my post this morning 🙂 the pictures are great meg. i love all the ones of the kids in the water. beautiful. lauren looks so cute. love her outfit and bag!!! can’t wait to see more. ps. i am not afraid of heights, but i probably would have freaked out at them climbing in the rails too. sometimes i am a nervous nelly.
Well hey, you were just down the street from me. I should have come and sad hello. 🙂 Sounds like you guys had a great time. I am glad Cali treated you so well. You take fantastic photos! Loved the blue painted wall background. Also, your daughter in the water with the ferris wheel in the background. Great memories! love your photos … you were in our backyard! =) btw, is there a tutorial for annie’s dress? i’ve seen it on a few other blogs and want to make my neices some.
You know…I live in Texas currently and have met people who have never left the state (granted, it is a VERY big state and takes a whole day just to drive yourself OUT of it) so way to go taking the whole fam on an adventure like this one! Hi, Meg. You don’t know me but I stalk your blog! Went to Santa Monica Pier last December — loved it! This has nothing to do with the post though. Just opened my July Country Living and there was a pic of Annie and I thought, wow, that look’s like the daughter on the Whatever blog. Then I read the info and it WAS her and was written by you. What a small world. Couldn’t find an email address for you on your blog so thought I would comment! I’m sure you already know about this but you hadn’t blogged about it! I love Lauren’s scarf! So cute! Good Old Santa Monica Pier! Did you go down the boardwalk a few miles to Venice Beach? That is always a kids dream. Wonderful People watching down there too. Beautiful shots.
Hmmmm. A dislike of heights and airplane smell. A love of photography, kids, blogging. We must be cut from the same cloth. Your boys in the group shot- totally crack me up! Oh I’ve been to Santa Monica many times, but never made time for the Pier. What in the world am I thinking? That looked like so much fun. That blue wall was the absolute perfect backdrop. Can’t wait to see more. Do you ever get tired of hearing how much we love your pictures? Great pictures! I was just in Santa Monica (and all over California) last week on a road trip. My friend and I spent a great evening at the pier and your pictures made me happy, remembering the fun we had. Love the one with the kids against the wall, and the one of Annie with the ferris wheel in the background. I hear you about too many pictures. I got nearly 850 on our cruise in January, and over 200 from my daughter’s first birthday. It’s a fine line between not wanting to miss anything and getting just the *right* shot. i love your pictures! they are so bright & beautiful! you make me miss home as i am a cali girl born & raised now living in the south (go figure!). i love santa monica and the pier. looks like you guys had a blast, can’t wait to see what else you did on your trip 🙂
I love your pictures, your family is darling!
I was totally the kid on the “special beds”. Except my family never called them that. It was more like, “Mandi, you’re on the floor in the middle.” Punks. 🙂 I am scared of heights too! Definitely would have been freaking out a bit and definitely would not have road the Ferris Wheel. ferris wheel pic is my all time fave. i can smell the salt and fish. i want to go.
I hear ya about the ferris wheel!!! I hate heights! I can do any roller coaster before I’ll even consider a ferris wheel. I HATE THEM!!!! I know it’s irrational, but you just learn you’re limits!
Santa Monica pier is the MOST AMAZING place I have ever been. I am glad you enjoyed it as much as I did! You are the coolest mom. These makes me miss the ocean so much! I just love the pics! Especially of all of the kids against that awesome blue wall…….def, frame worthy!! haha it wasn't bad at all. ![]() everyone had their own carry-on rolling suitcase and back pack.
they were in charge of their own…which they loved!
i took your suggestions and loaded each of their bags with surprises.
they were told not to look until we got on the plane.
in each bag i included candy, granola bars and gum,
a new activity/coloring book, a notebook with a pen, crayons or markers,
and everyone got one special thing….a book or a cheap movie, UNO or a calculator.
it was so fun for them. (and me too)
we got the back row of the plane.
it was loud so they could be loud.
the people in front of us didn't speak english….so they couldn't complain. :)
we had one window for all of us.
but that was fine…it was ALL exciting.
sean: "i could LIVE on this plane!"
and "this is the flight on my life!"
who knew a sprite would make such a great iPod holder.
every seat was full.
and i will admit…i hate the smell of airplanes.
the notebooks were a hit.
talby and sean even wrote a comic book together…Puke-ah man and the Poisioned Banana.
is that the cutest thing?
lauren was in lots of my pictures but she deleted almost all of them that had her in it.
silly girl.
she listened to her iPod and watched a movie on her iPod…pretty much 99% of the week…24/7.
spotting taxis (loudly), riding the shuttle bus, going through security, getting a rental car…
so thrilling when it's your FIRST time.
we made it without losing anyone, losing any bags, no tantrums or throwing up.
Great pictures Meg, as always! Oh Lauren, I love her. I can totally relate, unfortunately. Just a phase. Just a phase. Say it with me. Just a phase… Great shots as always…….might be too personal a question but just curious what your husband does for a living? We have the same ipod and holder. Great idea with the soda can. I’ll remember that for the next time we fly. I hate the way airplanes smell too. whenever I take pics of surly teenagers (rarely) I tell the parent (within hearing distance of the teenager) something like – this is great, now you’ll have their grumpy looks recorded for FOREVER. I’ve got to know; who was pulling your carry-on bag when you were shooting the airport shots? 😀 Does anyone ever get irate and tell you to move when your setting up shots in places like a busy airport? I’ve started leaving my camera at home when we go out because I’m always holding the family back when I start fiddling with camera settings and repacking the camera after I’m done shooting. Plus I seem to piss off a lot of people who want me to get out of the way when I block sidewalks and walkways. Yesterday I went to my daughters last day of school party. I have no memory of it and never interacted with anyone because I was too busy taking pictures. You must have a secret I haven’t discovered on getting photos on the road. Maybe I should just get a little point and shoot… yay for quality time as a family… and traveling no less! 🙂
Not only do you have great posts but terrific photos. Looks like fun and I hope to have that experience next year when we take our 10 year old son (11 by that time) and six year old daughter to Disney World in Florida from Michigan! Can’t wait to read more! I hate the smell of planes too! And airports and hospitals!
ah! i love this! we will be traveling in july (first time on a plane for my whee babies) i am a mess, not knowing what to pack etc, BT backyardigans on the ipod looks pretty promising!;) cant wait for more!! Oh, fun! What great memories!!!! Love all the pictures…even of Lauren!:)
I noticed that you guys didn’t fly hubby’s airline….. it’s ok. I forgive you. lol. Glad you had a great time. We opt for the back of the plane when we travel too. Closer to the bathrooms and you don’t feel the need to rush into the isle to get out first….. you already know you’ll be last, so what’s the hurry. 🙂 We take a trip to Maine every year and my youngest daughter’s favorites are mini golf and a local ice cream shop (and of course the plane ride).
Your a pro traveller! Rarely does travelling with that many go so smooth.
Ha, ha, I checked under “my camera”-no info there! Well, I’d love to know what your favorite photo gear is. I’m sure you have more professional stuff than I might be able to acquire, but knowing what is worth getting is fun. I really admire your skills.
What fun it looks like you had! Can’t wait to hear and see more!!! I think Annie’s answer from your last post sums it up….about her loving the candy from the gas station….when we took the boys to DisneyWorld a couple of years ago….Connor said his favorite part was the swimming pool at the hotel 🙂 Glad you are all back safe and sound! I hate the smell of airplanes too 🙂 Yea you made it! Traveling is so much fun with kids but so much fun. Did you get lots of looks in the airport? We always do. I know people see us and think “please don’t let them be on our plane.” Glad you had a good time! Love Annie’s quote!!! Reminds me of when Jas and I got back from Hawaii and our son asked if Hawaii had a gift shop? Puke-ah man…totally genius, my boys would love reading that comic strip! how fun. I have 6 kids and we traveled a lot….we lived in England for 3 years and we did our best to see Europe ………it was a lot of work and I got used to a lot of nasty looks from fellow passengers….but those were the best memories!!! I have so many funny stories, maybe I should blog about them!!! I am glad you are back – love reading your posts. one week in california…it was great. and wow we are exhausted.
dragging five kids around wears us out.
but it was a super time.
i have 708 pictures to share.
don't you wish i had slides? ha!
no…i promise i won't force you through 700 photos.
my favorite quote of the whole trip:
craig: annie what was your favorite thing about California?
annie: the candy at the gas station.
i will leave you with this one for today.
absolutely hilarious. you are such a great photographer! I wish I could of met up with you one day…but my schedule was busy and I knew you would of been. we have a squirrel that lives in our tree but we have to be careful they have rabies. I love that picture! he looks like he is doing the jumping jacks.. omg. all your pictures are great and worthy of print, but that one has GOT to be published somewhere! hilarious!!! that is a priceless photo. glad you had a great time. can’t wait to see your photos!!
My daughter will croak when she sees the squirrel photo. She really wants one as a pet. She grabbed my purse one day when we were out, and tried to coax a squirrel to hop into my purse! Can’t wait to share my mom’s copy of CL and see Annie. I literally just got my Country Living magazine in the mail, opened it up and said, “That’s Annie!” How cool is that?! Great job Meg!
OMG All I’m thinking is ouch rabbies shot!Welcome back!
That picture AND the quote are PRICELESS! LOVE ’em both! Can I please ask where you were in the squirrel photos? Was it at the SL Marina in the SF Bay Area??? Looks wayyyy to familiar! Saw your info and picture in Country Living – so cute! Well done! How come the Country Living magazines aren’t in Lawrence yet? Mine hasn’t come in the mail and none of the stores have them either! Glad you’re back safe and sound and you didn’t lose anyone!
love the quote and the picture!! Glad you’re home. Ha ha ha that is hilarious! Rules were meant to be broken, esp. when the little guy is hungry!
I have been following your blog for a little time now. I absolutely LOVE this picture! How perfect! Good timing and great eye! Great picture Meg!
oh that picture is priceless! welcome back!
wow!! that is insane! just the whole situation including the fact that you got that picture.
Absolutely fantastic! ha! how funny! your children are like dr.doolittle or something-they have such a way with animals! amazing! lmbo What is that thing? A prairie dog? A jacked up squirrel? Regardless, that photo is fantastic! Can’t wait to hear more about The Trip. could this have possibly been a crazy monterey squirrel? they’re out of control there! BRILLIANT! You have to enter that photo in some sort of contest. You MUST! It’s wonderful and has put a huge smile on my face tonight…made me laugh out loud. Glad to hear you guys had a great time. And leave it to Annie to provide the best quote. I think she should write a book. I am still going around saying…Worm, meet worm. Worm, meet worm. hilarious!!! look at his cute little fingers begging for marshmallows! i love it! That picture is hilarious! I can’t wait to see the rest! Glad you had a wonderful time!!!
oh my word, how great is that! enter it into a contest – quick! Welcome back – we missed ya
Thanks Meg….I think I just peed my pants! That is the gosh darned cutest thing I have ever seen! Cute! I saw the photo of your daughter in Country Living. : )
HA HA!!!!! Love it!
i am loving all these kids' names. so creative.
he IS major.
he was a little drooley but that's how it goes.
i had two drooley boys myself.
if that pacifier wasn't in their mouth…their shirts were soaked.
she is jaclyne.
(i never asked how to spell her name…sorry if it's wrong jamie)
could she be any cuter?
such a pretty family.
i told jamie "i hope they didn't mow at annie's t-ball field…i want to play in the clover."
and we got lucky.
tall grass….yay!
love this one!!!
i have many favorites….but this one….it could be the top.
and so good too…darling actually.
two more…
thanks jamie and ryan.
i heard we may do this again….can't wait.
things i learned this photo shoot:
1. bug spray
2. deodorant (for me)
3. smiles don't always have to be big to see happiness…
talby saw these and said of ryan "his eyes look friendly"….i almost cried.
These are great photos, Megan! Of course, I’m biased because they are my family. I’d be hard pressed to pick my favorite. I love the one of Jacklyn with the pink rose – so glad you captured her “nose crinkle” which we love so much. I really like the one of Major in the clover, too. I wondered if you’d post one of him with his fingers in his nose, LOL. I think my favorite is the one of Jacklyn holding the flowers and looking back at her little brother. And Talby is right – Ryan is friendly – he’s just doesn’t smile when posing for pictures!
Awesome photos!! You are so talented. I have two questions to ask you. If you get a chance could you e-mail me, so I can send you an contact you e-mail. Thank you so so much!! Happy Wednesday! I saw your entry in this month’s Country Living! I recognized Annie first… congrats!! these rock. I have been so busy, I haven’t had a chance to visit yor delightful blog in a while. I totally missed out. Your amazing. What a great family session. Those are adorable pictures. What a cute boy name. I have to think up ANOTHER one. And I had so many girl names in my head. Great pics! Want to have you do photos of the girls when you get back. Give me a call so we can set it up!! Can’t wait!!! love those kiddos smiles!!! they are precious…and clover! good one!
Great job capturing the heart of the family. Yep you can see a sort of smile in his eyes;) They are so addorable.They make me want to be that young again.
Hey, it’s me, Stalky Stalkerson again. I, too noticed Annie in Country LIving. GO you! These pictures are beautiful, and I hope you are having wonderful trip in California even though our weather has been a little bit funky. I remember a while back you posted about a tent for your girls that you wanted to make, I found a really great one on some creative womans blog it is so cute here is the link I hope this helps. I love your blog so very much it makes me smile and my daughter loves the frog on the header she always asks to see it. RIBBIT! linkI just opened my issue of Country Living and recognized Annie instantly! So cool!!
so sweet! something about kids in grass just makes a LOVELY picture!!! I LOVE creative names and getting away from normal, go with the flow names…major, now kids will pay attention to that kid and Im certain those kids pay attention to their dad..lolol you are so right, what a beautiful family.
What a beautiful family that is. Oh my!
i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove these! i too wish you could come to richmond, va! i’d do anything to have you photograph my family for an hour or so!!! and proud. I would definitely say his eyes say “this is my family and i am proud to have them”
Awesome photos, what a cute family! I love the names to. You really captured them. Whenever you post these photos you’ve taken I wish so much that I lived near you and could have you work with us. Your photos are so unique, and really show the hearts of your subjects. If you are ever in Richmond, VA (heck, just in Virginia!) I hope you’ll consider it! 🙂 |
Shannon - Okay, I just figured it out! Lauren looks like NATALIE PORTMAN!!! It’s been driving me nuts trying to figure out who it is she looks like…a movie star…hhhmmm! WHAM! It hit me! It’s Natalie Portman. Do you see it? I know I sound like a weirdo, but I swear I’m not! HA! Glad you finally got a vacation – it looks like ya’ll had a really great time.
Kelly - I seriously love the sparkly blue fingernails in the photos and Lauren is truly stunning. Kelly
Jen - THose tide pools are AMAZING! I’ve never seen starfish except at an aquarium and there were, I think, sea anemones in the one picture too. So cool! It’s the best when your kids can spend hours (or at least minutes!) looking around for things instead of staring at a screen, isn’t it?
juliann - Megan – I LOVE tidepools! I lived in San Diego very briefly and they actually have a real tide pool “park” with a park ranger explaining all the creatures in the pools – I was blown away by that. That is on my list of “must do with the kids”!!
Cate O'Malley - Love the starfish pictures. Well, ok, love all of them, as usual. 🙂
Steph - I love all of your pics. Your kids are so beautiful. It is absolutely beautiful there! We are going to California in a few weeks and I’m so excited, and even more so now. 🙂
Victoria - What gorgeous pictures!!! I really enjoyed looking at them all.
Love the starfish especially!
Emily - Hi! I found your blog via Like Merchant Ships. I just moved away from San Luis Obispo (I’m sure you drove through there) last year and moved to… Kansas! We’re in the middle of building a hangar/house right now in SE Kansas. Beautiful photos; I miss California so much!
deb meyers - The starfish are amazing! Can’t you just see a chocolate donut made to look like one?
LOVE this post and the joy on your family’s faces.
Come east, we have tidepools too, but not as diverse.
Katie - UMM MEG! What about I was flipping through my new Country Living tonight and had to turn back a few pages because I realized: Waaaait a minute, I know that face. ANNIE! Then had to explain to my best friend that I recognized the cutie pie from a blog I stumbled upon months ago and love reading. haha.
Love the vacation pics. 🙂
kristine - i love talby leaning over the cliff in the background of that one shot. Lauren’s picture just screams VICTORY and how lucky to get the next two of her with more smiles! we did this vacay in reverse order… we were married in palm desert and for our honeymoon drove up to san fran and then worked our way back down the coast making these same stops. gorgeous drive. stayed our last night in santa monica. bringing back good memories!
CherryTreeLane - I think this has got to be one of my favorite posts you have ever done. The pictures make it. I just love the excitment on your daughters face (the little one) and the pics of the starfishs’ are great.
Lisa K in FL - Wow! I have so much to say about these pictures!! I love them all. What is the purple stuff dripping down the rocks in the first pic? And oh my goodness, how cool were the tidal pools?! That is so neat to find all that stuff! And my favorite one is the last – it’s priceless and tells a whole story by itself. Thank you so much for sharing these – they are great!
Beth - LOVE these photos!!!! Make me want to take my family there! And California has never been on my radar for places to take a family trip 🙂 Too many places on my list already.
Laura - Oh my, I’m in heaven just enjoying the picts. Thanks for sharing- really- So glad the Kansas family got to head to the coast!
Penny - What wonderful memories you have helped create for you family. Thanks for sharing the GREAT photo’s with your readers!!
Ruth - that beach looks incredible! starfish totally freak me out so good on your kids being way braver than me and holding them. and lauren is beautiful – totally jealous!!
Kelly - It looks like you guys had such a great time in CA! The teenager was even smiling – solid proof! 🙂
We love searching tide pools. We’re lucky enough to go to the Oregon coast at least once a year (the inlaws are there and we’re in Idaho. A much shorter drive then from Kansas.:)) and we always spends HOURS climbing & searching.
A pocket full of posies... - AMAZING!!! the photos tell the story…a great time was had by all!!- I wanna go now! 🙂
Many Blessings!
Kathy - I love love love your photos! I just told my husband I want to go to Monteray CA, never been north of Newport Beach. My favorite picture is your oldest and youngst together classic picture.
Sandy - Looks like everyone had a great time. Hooray! Lauren is beautiful and I’m happy she was happy (I have my own 15 y/o so I can relate). You’ve just got to start setting your camera on a timer and getting in the photo yourself…totally miss you in the group shot. 🙁
Can I go with you next time?
Lorilee - I LOVE the photo of Annie sleeping! Way back in the days of film, my mom and I scoured our photo albums and had reprints made of “sleeping” photos. We then made collages in big frames. Kinda weird!
Laura - beautiful photos. I remember being Lauren’s age. I didn’t like to smile either!
Every once in a while hand your camera over to someone else and snap a shot of YOU with the kids…I need to do it as well. We have thousands of great family pictures. And I am in none of them!
Patti - i’m dying right now…not only did you go to the same restaurant we ate at in monterey, but the photos of annie with the stuffed animal…that’s the same little otter stuffed animal that my 4 year old, anya chose at the aquarium too. so crazy!! but i digress. lovely photos as always (do i say the same thing all the time? sorry about that.) looks like the entire family had a blast on the vacation! thanks for sharing with all of us!
Maria - I *heart* tide pools! Great pictures! I would love to visit Monterey some day!
Courtney - I so went to that beach last year!
Heather Mattos - I’m sad we didn’t bump into each other 🙁 What a fun trip!
Nina - love the pics! looks like so much fun……and your teenager….she is just so beautiful. Looks like she was having fun with everyone. I know you must have really enjoyed this vacation
Starnes Fam - Oh, dear. I must answer that question….Vacation! Check my header for further proof of our unhealthy obsession with the Griswolds. We aim high. And, we’re seeing the world’s largest ball of twine this summer on our way back from Walley World!
On another note…..this is what it’s all about…..finding nature in it’s natural setting. Seems simple, doesn’t it? Many parents don’t seek it out, though. You’re doing your family a world of good by encouraging such!
Marie - Oh my…those starfish are awesome! I need to visit this place. I live in CA – how is it I’ve never been there? Enjoy the rest of your visit!
adrienne - fun adventure and makes me want to hold a starfish!!! love the last pic… thanks for sharing.
Alyssa - Looks like such great family fun!!! As always I so enjoy your blog.
Sharla - Beautiful. We are taking our two little boys to Portland next month and this is what I dream of for one of our day trips.