i'm going to take ballet lessons.

and i'm going to have a baby with brown skin.
AND i am going to have a unicorn bike.
AND i am going to have a really big BIG diamond.
and i am going to drive a camper….NOT a blue van.
i am going to live in SHApan. (japan)
we will eat waffles.
AND my house will be made of chocolate…and we can eat the walls.
(words shouted to me in my lawn chair while she jumped on the trampoline.)
he was one week old. he had perfect skin.
he was wide awake and calm as could be.
i loved his sweet red hair.
that wrinkle in his foot? that is just pure yumminess!
we saw those eyes a lot!
he's a keeper.
thank you for letting me get my baby fix jeremy and libby.
although…i think it made my baby fever worse.
How precious!! You take such amazing pictures. So cute! Gotta love the name (MY Brody is 5 months old…AND has red hair!) – Ahhh babies! Stop taking such cute baby photos…It makes me want more kids. But seriously, great job on the photos.
Enough! I already have six children and I’m trying really, really hard to be satisfied with that. I’m barely out of my maternity bra! I swear I could smell newborn baby smell while I was looking at those photos. You really need to put a warning at the top of these posts:) Meredith xo. Great pics…as usual. My Lord. I need another baby. Such a little punkin…..great pics! The one looking down on him from his head is really impactful. oh, those feet! beautiful baby and beautiful pictures! Mine are 15 and 16~and I still miss the baby days! I could remind you what 9 months pregnant feels like and that might help the baby fever a bit…unless you are ONE OF THOSE women who adore pregnancy. Then we can’t relate 🙂
I need to get pregnant!
So cute! Only time having rolls is cute…not so cute at 40 something!! Have a great week! What a precious. precious little boy! Love those little baby wrinkles. Seems like a million years ago when my little boy was so little. Sigh. what a doll! i love that he has his paci in some of the shots! too precious! now if you could only add that wonderful “baby” smell to your blog!!! Oh what a doll!!! susie in texas oh my! I want another…. JUST PRECIOUS, Meg – great job as usual and that baby is so cute you just want to eat him up! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Trac~ ;o) craig wears a suit everyday to work.
this is something i think our kids will remember about him.
and this scene every few weeks…
clean wet shirts drying in our room.
waiting to be ironed.
they will remember wrestling after work…
bike rides…
games in the yard…
playing basketball…
family night…
swimming together…
family meals…
eating ice cream.
craig is a good dad.
he is present. he is loving. he is concerned. he is involved.
the kids will remember that too.
my dad was a good dad too.
he was just here for lunch.
thanks for staying dad.
things i remember about you dad…blue shirt and khaki pants A LOT.
a tray of colognes on your dresser.
wearing your head phones in your cushy chair in the library room.
the pocket door to the library room.
putting on records…and that sound that the needle makes when it first bounces onto the record.
your big speakers hanging in the living room that mom hated.
your office at the star journal.
the way you bend over and lean in and cover your eye when you take pictures.
buying shoes when we would come to wichita because most places didn't carry your size.
driving to fredonia in the little orange pick-up truck to have the newspaper printed after kindergarten.
counting oil wells on the way.
the smell of the printer.
getting a popsicle or treat at the grocery store sometimes while we waited.
listening to "hey babe you wanna boogie?".
drinking diet pepsi without the lid or a straw and always requesting extra ice.
i could go on and on.
i love you dad…hope you like your book.
and i love you too craig.
Very sweet, it sounds like you truly are blessed with an amazing family. such a sweet post! except about the ironing. i “get” to iron too 🙂 Lovely post. I don’t iron anything, so kudos to you! Luckily my husband doesn’t wear a suit to work (his workplace is more casual), or he’d be one rumpled Dad! Your memories of your own dad are simply, poetically stated. I should do that for my Dad; it expresses how you feel in a very understated way, yet it brings tears too. Thank you! Hi, you’re pictures are so pretty. We have the same camera and I can’t seem to get mine to look as colorful as yours. Any tips? enjoyed the California trip. Enjoyed this tribute to two great men in your life. Enjoyed just about everything…as usual :). Stop ironing by the way…you’re making the rest of us look bad! Great post! I iron my husband’s shirts too. I actually like doing it. We only send his suits to the dry cleaners. That made me cry, but in a good way! I love your blog, thanks for taking the time!
dry cleaner?
Lovely. “he is present. he is loving. he is concerned. he is involved.” What a blessing!
those are great shirt pictures. That reminds me of my dad too. 🙂 Kelly
I love the tribute to your dad. It makes me what to write things that I fondly remember. That takes a little bit of effort! what a super fun fathers day tribute…love it!
I feel you on the shirts thing. I’m not as on top of it as I used to be… and I never feel more foiled than when I hang them wet and then they dry completely and I have to start all over. Do you start all over when that happens? I do, but maybe I shouldn’t? Perhaps there’s a trick I’m not aware of?
I’m so sorry, but this comment has nothing to do with this post. However, I wanted to let you know that I made the rainbow cake from your post awhile ago. I made it twice actually, in the same week. I had to make a trial cake to make sure it would turn out. I think it was the best birthday cake I have ever made! When our guests saw what was inside after the first piece was cut, they went nuts! Thanks for being such an inspiration!! 🙂 what a great post…totally made me think of my own dad and what I remember about him. Thank you for that – it’s been a while. What a great post… and a great house (sorry, been snooping around your blog today, and just had to tell you how much I love your house!). What a great post… and a great house (sorry, been snooping around your blog today, and just had to tell you how much I love your house!). so sweet… and i have to say too, i am mighty impressed that all your shirt hangers match!! http://web.me.com/idealwife/Ideal_wife/My_Life_as_a_Redhead/Entries/2009/4/1_“Free_Time”.html You crack me up! Check out a similar scene at our house, hanging on the mantle in the living room.Love that post. Reminds me of my honey. We have shirts drying everywhere too, until he irons them on Sunday nights. Great photos capturing an everyday memory. You’re so awesome. you are so blessed megan. god bless you and your family. great, great tributes. hey…someone nominated me for an eye candy award. over at socialluxe.
it sounds kind of cool…something to do with BlogHer and Chicago.
two things i like.
so click on the button and go vote for me…if you think i am eye candy.
not ME but my blog.
or don't.
AND the Macs are up for Most Inspiring Blog. so while you are there….vote for them too!
you can vote everyday.
but i don't really expect you to.
and why do they do that? isn't one vote enough?
so if you feel like going there day after day…go for it.
if not…i completely understand.
and i get it if you don't want to vote at all.
it's OKAY.
we can still be friends.
i promise.
Just voted for you! I stumbled on ‘Salt & Chocolate’ which is darn beautiful too but then I saw that you can only vote once a day per category & decided to come back tomorrow for it. You’re doing so well. Congrats! I TOTALLY voted for you. Love your blog!
Voted for both of you, HAPPILY! Wish you both the best. you totally deserve some eye candy awards! love your shots…and life pics! I voted — because you rock. 🙂 The Macs too, of course. I’ll try and vote daily — because that’s just the kind of girl I am. you deserve the eye-candy award, hands down! hey megan, i was going to say that you might want to mention that people can vote more than once. they just can’t vote twice in the same day. 🙂 i voted! the competition’s not that stiff from what i saw! yours is def the best! Gotta vote for such a famous Blog Mom!!! Wow, that’s so neat! Congrats on the nomination! I voted for you too! I LOVE your blog! It makes me happy to read it. 🙂 I love, love, love to come see your blog, it’s so colorful and happy. Congratulations on the nomination! Voted! Hope you win 🙂 Done and done! Good luck!
Congrats!! That is great! You definately have wonderful eye candy! It maaaaaay have possibly been me. But I can’t say for sure. So glad they approved the nomination! Done! Boy, those Most Inspiring blogs were hard to choose from!! I’m excited about checking out all the other blogs on there that I’ve never heard of… wonder if I’ll be doing that instead of cleaning during naptime now… hmmm… A well-deserved nomination for both you and the Macs. I voted!!!! i promise this is the last california set. you guys are troopers.
you have made it through…you deserve a starbucks.
after the hike through the trees and climbing through the goonies cave…
we went to a waterfall.
lauren said "i'm tired i am staying in the car."
we said "fine."
got out of the car not expecting too much.
then about 15 steps later….
we see this.
and this is only the bottom half of it.
i went back to get lauren.
it was a sight that had to be seen.
more climbing…
we call her "california grace"
hey look! we are all in the same frame!
very cool.
after the falls we drove back to reedley.
tonya's parents watched all the kids for us to go out for dinner without kids.
how awesome is that?! a date on vacation?!
we left the next morning to head back to LA.
the kids were sad to say goodbye.
we were sad too.
we went to hollywood.
not nearly as cool as they make it look in the movies….
julio iglesias is as interesting as anyone else.
we went to the beach again for the rest of the day.
then dinner…
our first time at in-n-out burger.
talby had her first hamburger…she was finally brave enough…she liked it.
annie wouldn't do it or lauren either.
they are missing out…but they will have to figure that out on their own.
then starbucks…
and swimming at the hotel…one room again. :)
we were up at 5 AM for our flight home.
more UNO.
it was a great trip.
a tiring trip.
it was a trip we will never forget.
Love all the California pics and stories.
You saw Hollywood, the Redwoods, the coast, etc. etc….but so glad you didn’t miss the true California landmark of In-n-Out!! It doesn’t disappoint! 🙂 I have loved all of your California posts, almost feels like I was there. Thank you for taking us “with” you. I didn’t have many family vacations growing up and it’s fun seeing all the memories you are making with your children. I’ve always wanted a BIG family and your family makes me want it even more. I think it’s the only child in me 🙂 I love how lauren is totally voguing in that picture. That is a really great family photo of your whole clan…I imagine Lauren gets a bit annoyed at times when people confuse you for her sister! I have LOVED everyone of your California posts! (actually I love all your posts in generally, but anyway…) I miss CA so much and the places you went, Reedley, In & Out, Sequoia, the beach!, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and L.A., they are HOME to me. Thank you for giving me the little trips down memory lane, while enjoying getting to enjoy your family’s photos & memories. 🙂 Has anyone ever told you you look like Yasmine Bleeth? I am so sorry that your fabulous fabulous California holiday is over. A couple of years ago we were traveling in the UK and friends booked us into a self-catering park called California Park… They thought we would much prefer (five kids at the time) a self-catering than a hotel room… Well we nearly died it never got more than 4 degrees Celsius (40 degrees Fahrenheit) in the middle of summer… The prefab shack we were in was so freezing and damp, when you walked across the carpets the water squelched into your socks – euch! We had to get up every two hours and feed the heater 50p coins ( worse than an infant) just to survive!!! For us Capetonians from sunny South Africa it was a rude awakening to dying of exposure!!! Frankly your California looks nothing but divine and a place we would love to visit. California Park, UK , we will gladly miss!!! Thanks for sharing your holiday with us it was just lovely. waterfall is amazing! Meg, what a great vacation and you captured it with awesome pictures (eye candy, yes!). I am partial to the “where’s the teenager” pics because I have two of my own so I chuckle. Voted for the eye candy nom. Your pictures of your home are thoroughly drooled over! LOVE In-N-Out! We’re trying to hit as many as we can while we’re here in California this week. I had one protein style and it was still delicious. 🙂 Fab photos as always Megan. oh my word that waterfall is beautiful! and hollywood IS not as glamorous as everyone thinks- it’s dirty and crowded! haha and your in & out pics made me want some- yummy! do your kids not eat burgers??? Thanks for sharing your vacation with us! I have loved your pictures! Looks like a great vacation
OH, I can’t wait! Your trip report has made me even more excited for ours. We are treking cross country for Walley World. I cannot wait. Good for you for all you did….it was one to remember!
1st in n out?! no way! 🙂
I loved seeing your trip . . .I didn’t tire of it one bit, and looked forward to the next installment. I’m sorry it’s over! But I’ll take a starbucks anyway 🙂
we loaded up two cars and tried to get out of town. a drug store…
a gas station…
a starbucks…
back into starbucks for a bathroom….
then a fruit stand and THEN we were out.
we drove up moms in one car…dads in the other.
more time to chat.
walking through a tree.
being up in these amazing mountains was beautiful and so very quiet.
until annie had a meltdown.
it smelled like christmas.
this was a great place for the kids to run and jump and climb.
do you want to play one of my favorite games?
it's been awhile since we've played….
we loaded up again and drove on to a spot for lunch.
this time only the dad's drove.
i am sure annie is telling him what to do…she is good at that.
we fed everyone by the water.
craig got to eat his fresh nectarines.
tonya brought rice krispie treats.
we had 2 coolers.
i looked around while we ate and felt like a REAL mom.
i was trying to soak in all in…be in the moment.
so happy to be able to be there with tonya.
we've known each other 20 years…and look how far we've come.
8.5 kids later vacationing half a country apart.
i love her.
then we headed up to the cave….had our own personal tour.
it was very dark in there…hence the blurry photo.
all i could think of was Goonies.
i kept saying in a whisper voice "chester copperpot"
only craig got it. :)
after being there i decide i don't need to ever do that again.
my mind kept racing thinking…what if we got stuck in here?
what if the lights go out?
i realize i am sounding more and more crazy each california post…..
i am not.
at least i don't think i am.
(but do most crazy people really think they are crazy? hmmm )
Love the last photo especially – too sweet! I have very fond memories of visiting there when I was a little girl. What a great trip down that lane. Wonderful pics! beautiful, i just love your blog
I think once would be enough for me too…. I wouldn’t have been able to keep my mind from wondering about what little (OR BIG) creatures might eat my family and make the 5 o’clock news 🙁 YIKES! Love Annie’s meltdown pic 🙂 Bless her little bones 🙂
Beautiful pictures! I just love Annie – I think I would give her whatever in the whole wide world she might want, seeing her curled up and crying on that bench (since she’s not MY child ha ha!) She just SO CUTE!
Is that an iguana in the sequoia? Take a look at the second picture in this post. At the top of the tree everone is walking into, there is a perfectly detailed and fossilized-looking iguana perched up there. It even has its leg hanging down the side in perfect iguana style!
Meg, I love it! If you’re crazy, I’m crazy too! 🙂 Love all the pictures… you’re making me want to go to CA tomorrow! Oh wow… seriously… wow. Thanks for sharing. We love state parks and practically lived at them in Colorado. Will explore more of KS and MO once the weather cools off. A state park pass is money well spent in this family. Quick walks, long nature hunts, easy picnics…..being outside and enjoying some good old fashioned family fun. So many people are missing that these days! I knew the tress were big but I didn’t know they were THAT big!! WOW!! very cool! The coolest is vacationing with friends. LOVE THAT!!
Wow what an amazing place. You’ve taken some fantastic pictures. I’d love to go there…..may I will someday!! 😀
beautiful pictures! wow! i love the sequoias! there’s nothing like them is there???
jenn wanted a few new pics for a father's day gift.
london was as cute as always.
her sweet little hat is from Kissable Kreations.
and the little dress was talby and annie's…ahhhhh.
i miss having a baby in the house.
it's so fun to watch my little neighbor grow.
i love to take her picture.
i am so glad to hear russ liked them…happy father's day…early.
sharleymcm@verzion.net. I’m Don Beverlin’s cousin. My girls and I love following your blog since we’ve been “introduced”. I LOVE peonies – can’t grow them in So Cal – wish I had a chance to “host” you when you visited if you come to LA again send an e-mail to
That first picture is A-MAZING! Gorgeous Photos! I love how colorful and happy they are…great papa day gift!
Oh my…what a sweetie pie. Gorgeous pics as usual. Love the one where she is smelling the flower:) These are BEAUTIFUL! Well done! London is such a pretty name as well! love that name! cute pics.
those are really sweet! You take such amazing photos! London is a doll! I love her dresses! Peonies are my favorite flowers and seeing her in them is just breathtaking! London is adorable love love love the hat!! Aw man, I saw that title and thought you were coming to London!! Still… amazing photos as ever. Loooove the flowers 🙂 Beautiful..that is going to make one happy daddy on Sunday. Your interview (previous post) was great… With that title I thought you were coming to London for a minute and I would use it as a great excuse to hop on a train:) Great pictures! And I love your out-and-about pictures. How do you always have your camera with you? What cute camera case do you use? Just wondering, as I often see shots and wish I had my camera. A-dorable!!! Really cute photos. I am sure her daddy loved them! Have a great day MEGAN!!! 😉 A-dorable!!! Really cute photos. I am sure her daddy loved them! Have a great day MEGAN!!! 😉 Won’t it be fun to have another neighbor baby to take pictures of???? 🙂 |
eryn - Oh.My.Word. I love this post! I haven’t read your blog in a looong time, but you’ve refreshed my longing for more Meg.
I am partial to babies with brown skin (we are adopting one from Ethiopia)…and she had many great ideas!
Amy at The Red Chair Blog - This made my day!
princesslasertron - I love your little girl to death.
I think she will be quite a stylish young lady with her unicorn bike in Japan.
Tara - Adorable!! 🙂
Alyssa - such a doll baby!!
pve - I wonder if I was like that as a child, making threats and designing a perfect life.
Joanna - Oh I absolutely can’t wait to hear my girls telling me things like that! You are so wonderful to listen. All things are possible and she knows that!
Cathie - :o)
love it!
sara - sounds good to me & my kiddos!
Beth - precious 🙂
Melissa - Lovely shots – It makes me want to lie down in the grass and dream about all the possibilities of life. 🙂
Kathy - Too cute! I want a house made from chocolate too!
melissa - hi,
can i know what kind of lens do you use to take these photos? they are very pretty and well positioned. i love reading blog with those attached photos you have taken.
Wendy - Oh great. Now I want a house made out of chocolate, too…
Aubrey - She’s so funny. And cute. How do you remember all the stuff she says? When my kids say things, I can’t remember them 5 minutes later, I just remember they said something funny. Even when I try to write it down right away, it seems like I’m not remembering correctly. It’s like a curse. My poor children will have nothing to looks back on. 🙂
adrienneK - omg SO cute!!!
elizabeth - the camera (at least yours) is that child’s FRIEND. Those are fantastic shots — and her comments are priceless. My own son wants to be a mailman because he can wear shorts (we live in California), drive a really cool truck and he’s a good sorter.
meaghan easterhaus - that is fabulous! i mean, to have that captured is awesome! xoxo
Sarah - So sweet! To be this free again, makes me think back to some of my fun day dreams!
Jennie - that all sounds good to me!
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - How cool that you can show her this someday…priceless!
emily - oh my goodness . . . this is absolutely the cutest ever!
anna - The second picture is the very essence of summer dreaming. I love it love it.
maribeth - it all sounds perfect! and, that second picture must be printed. big. to remind you of these dreams, and how precious she is. so, precious.
Dana M. - Love the bit about a BIG diamond!! Smart girl! Need to get Annie and Kate together. It would be a hoot!
Amber - Annie is too precious for words! Love these photos…she is so darn cute.
Carrie - To be four again, life was so easy then. My dad still tells everyone that I asked for a Century 21 sign for my birthday when I was little. That was when they hung on those thick yellow posts.
I am totally hanging out with Annie if we can eat the chocolate walls in her house.
AshleyR - Seriously SOOO funny!!!
I love that age! Don’t you wish they were four forever?!?!?
purejoy - ummmm yes. eyecandy for sure.
because i want to nibble on your daughter. she looks delicious (as in sooooo sweet)
is that weird??
oh, and that baby yesterday??
gobble gobble.
Jen - LUV it, may ALL her dreams come true!
lorel - brown-skinned babies are pretty nice, and a chocolate house would also be kinda fun.
Rebekah - Priceless! How she will thank you many years from now for writing down her boundless dreams. 🙂
erica - i love her spirit. and the fact that she wants a baby with brown skin. my husband said the same thing, but since i can’t give him one we’ll probably adopt (in all seriousness). she is a sweetie!
Lanny Stanard - That Annie…
Hannah - She’s absolutely precious!
You have beautiful kids!
sassafrasanne - i heart her.
i wanna go to shapan too!
Staci - I LOVE it!!!!! I hope she gets it all! LOVE the pic where she’s looking up…oh my goodness sooo cute 🙂
katherine - Adorable. Love the pictures… what a sweet sweet little girl you have!
Kelly O. - ooooh I LOVE IT!
andrea liese - she can do anything
callie grayson - she is just so adorable!! I love how kids think and what they say!!!
Katy - love love love reading your blog… a little new to it. and I love the things kids think and say… perfect!
Shannan - Precious. Capital P. Her strike-a-pose shot is priceless and I’m loving her desire for a brown-skinned babe.
Lori - So precious. I can always count on your blog to make me smile!
Abby - Dar-ling! So glad that you have these moments recorded. I Love your blog, it is like my oasis that I retreat to during naptime.
traci - I love this entry with AAAAAALLLLLLLL my heart!!!!! Might be my fav 🙂
brooke - enough to bring tears to the eyes of this mama who’s missin her girls!
Trasie Bressler - So adorable!
Trina - That’s great!
sharmilla - That second photo is beyond precious… as are her adorably stated hopes for the future!
Jackie - Thanks for sharing parts of your life. I just found your blog and have enjoyed it tremendously. You are incredibly creative and gifted. I love seeing the talents of others. We have a bigger family also. Five kids surround me. It’s a joy, riveting and sometime pure insanity and I love every moment. Thanks again.
emily :] - i love any post about annie. they always, always, always make me smile.
Traci - absolutely precious!!! your sweet little one makes me want another little girl.
mom - I absolutely love the second photo. Great job – and Annie is just so sweet.
Dina - oh my – that made me smile!!! thanks for sharing!
Marjorie - So sweet, I love the way children think!
Anna Marie - To be a child again! Such innocent ways of viewing our world. Love it!
Lisa K in FL - i LOVE this.
Patti - i just love the way a 4 year old thinks!
gina entz - So sweet. I always wanted a baby with brown skin too!
Shannon - Megan, those pictures (especially the first two) are so very, very precious!
Keri - That is too sweet.
(And smart girl regarding that diamond.)
Amy Walker - Too funny, I bet she keeps you hopping! Do you have days when you feel like your kids talking totally fills your brain? I know that may sound mean I don’t mean for it to, just keeping it real!
Jen@ourdailybigtop - That is so sweet. I love the photos – they fit her words so well. PS: I know where you can get a really big diamond (Michaels or any craft store). I know b/c my little girl asked for one for Christmas.
Trish - a unicorn is my 3 year olds fav animal too 🙂 she loves them!
CherryTreeLane - tell her that I also want a unicorn bike.
Alyssa - Love it!!!!
I cannot wait to see her chocolate house and her camper van and her brown baby and unicorn bike!! Please promise to be still blogging in 20 plus years.
Jen - PURE preciousness.