my babies were all born over 7 pounds so holding a baby this small is a strange feeling.
my babies were all born over 7 pounds so holding a baby this small is a strange feeling. she was so fragile.
brooklynn was 12 days old and only five pounds.
she woke up!
newborns are so wobbly.
and her little milk mouth…it's heavenly…couldn't you just kiss your screen?!
can you tell i had a lot of fun taking these?
you'd never have guessed it was 100 degrees and i was literally dripping sweat down my face.
brooklynn didn't seem to mind at all.
thank you melissa, toby and grandma marilyn.
it was a pleasure.
************************************************************************************************************************* *************************************************************************************************************************
we were having a lot of rain… which makes for good puddles (or water in your basement…take your pick).
after a crazy saturday morning storm the girls decided it was time.
time to attack the neighbor's giant puddle.
their driveway always makes one.
i'm sorry…did i say attack? yeah they went running full speed out there
and then when they got to it they stopped…touched their feet softly in
and started acting like girls!
"it's cold….ewwww…it's dirty!…is that a bug?!!"
who are you?
oh please don't start being prissy…my sweet frog loving, worm catching, dirty girls. PLEASE!!!
we had a visitor.
he wasn't prissy at all.
(no prissy girls were injured during this puddle jumping adventure)
see? no splashing.
no jumping.
then a tantrum…how nice.
go ahead you girly girl who can't get wet and dirty…go inside and put on a dress…fine!
i'll always have waffle.
You go, Waffle!! Can’t wait to see what he does for summer 2010! ๐ Hi there, love the pictures!! What kind of dog do you have?? Hi, new to your blog, love your photographs! How funny that the girls became girls… ๐ Love the shot of the dog’s muddy paw! My dog and your dog could totally be best friends! I *love* Waffle!!!!! He is so adorable. I LOL everytime I see him doing something goofy. Great puddle pictures! I want Annie’s swimsuit. It’s so cute and so perfect. But I want one for my daughter and for me–does it come with an underwire, padded, you-know-what? ๐ please tell me they make annie’s swimsuit in big girl sizes, because i would buy twelve. we’ve been drowning here in CT as well. Maybe I’ll let loose and let my kids play in the puddles as well. It looks like fun. ๐ I just read at Blogluxe that if you win you’d go to Chicago. How cool! I’ve voted everyday. Love that picture of Waffle. I have been out of blog world for the past 2 weeks while trying to make some big decisions for our family. I just got caught up on your blog and almost cried when seeing your Kansas picturs. they are beautiful. We have decided to move to Nebraska for the next year and we’ll be out in the country! Jason’s family is all there. I’m trying to focus on all the positive and your pictures were what I needed. Thanks! You’re such a cool momma. I would be like NOOO don’t get dirty. You would be so much fun and a camera ready to get the best memories. Love it! how cute, adorable pictures. You deserve the award! ๐
what cute, cute girlies. i gotta have me a girl. i think i say that in every comment. Cute pictures, especially love the ones of Waffle! Annie’s swim suit is too cute, hope you’re having a good summer:) could annie’s bathing suit be any cuter? i submit that it cannot! adorable!
I just love the last picture of Waffle jumping. He is the coolest dog around! OMG so cute I love the pictures! Your girls are darling even jumping in dirty puddles. made me think of you and your rainbow cake (which really inspired me too — I’m going to try to make it). I’m going to try to copy this cake when I do a unit on Mondrian in school. Isn’t it cool? Meg, this comment is totally unrelated to this post, but . . .THIS postGreat photos. My favorite is the beginning of the tantrum. Cute, esp from my vantage point! Just went and voted…is anyone even close to you in votes?? Good luck!
i love reading your blog! you have such a style of humor :). that last shot is my favorite with the reflection of Waffle in the puddle – such fun! Oh how I wish we had a little of that rain!!! OK has been super hot this Summer! And did I say MUGGY too???? ICK! I love those girls of yours!!! And of COURSE Waffle too!!!!! I hope you win the contest! Should there really even BEEEEE one when you are nominated ๐ YOU are the best!!!!!
I voted for you today! I actually found your blog a couple months back and forgot to throw it into the favorites and I was so sad that I couldn’t find you again, I even “googled” waffle, the dog (does that sound creepy? i dont mean to be creepy) lol anyways, thanks for being so fresh and fun! ๐ Love it! I especially like the swimsuit and rain boots. How great is that?! ๐ Love the ones with Waffles especially! When my sister got married four years ago, it was a rainy day, but bearable. After the service, where my then-2-1/2-year-old son was ring bearer, we came out of the church, him in his white shorts, and dress shoes, looking all prim and proper and spied a puddle. He started to go towards it, and although my instinct would be to pull him back, I let him have at it. He had been so good during the service, what’s a little mud puddle on white shoes? ๐
i really can’t believe it.
Good morning! Vote in and recorded. Best wishes for a beautiful Monday! how cute! We had a puddle in our driveway – which my boys loved! But the water from the puddle seeped into our basement. So we mudjacked the driveway. No puddle for the boys. Dry basement for us. ๐ Great pictures! i guess this is my first set of just brothers. it was fun….boys are goofy.
it was a bit breezy…
flips flops on little kids is just plain CUTE.
i have a confession.
emily…dustin…i am sorry.
i took them to the parked train cars for pictures….AND THE POLICE CAME!!
and every time i look at these pictures i feel extreme guilt for possibly being unsafe.
i don't think we were…3 adults within arms length of these boys the entire time…nothing moving.
no trains coming.
really nothing to feel any concern at the time…other than the cops!
but still.
i have guilt.
i was trespassing!
but the pictures are cute…that helps ease my guilt a little.
cute shirts.
so again…i am sorry to take you on private property.
and i am sorry dustin if i teased you too much about your beard.
nice meeting you emily.
and your sweet boys.
Love these photos! Those cops had no imagination. so adorable. whoops. don’t the police in your town have any bigger criminals to chase. the photos are well worth the chewing out. Those are two of the cutest little boys I have ever seen. And this is coming from the mom of two boys herself. (OK, so they’re now 18 and almost-21 so they’re not so cute anymore, lol.) I am so glad you broke the law – these were worth it. I’m driving my 4 youngin’s up to Kansas so you can take their pictures. Ok? ๐ Megan – Your pictures are incredible! I have to get a hold of you – I want you to take my kids’ pictures. I don’t know how you do all that you do – you are superwoman for sure. adorable
i have TWO boys who would love for you to come and take their picture!!!!! oh..i think those pictures are wonderful. Love the pictures of the brothers they are so cute!! oh I have 2 boys and saw these pictures on your blog and just have to comment. They are SO adorable, and you captured the Brother looks SO well!! They are adorable boys. Great shots. Let the guilt go about the trains. They were safe. Oh those pictures are SO worth almost getting arrested. ;0) Great pictures Megan, what cute boys! Doesn’t look like they minded. Gorgeous! You are such a wonderful photographer – may I ask what type of lighting you used for the ones on the train tracks.. is it just natural light or a reflector or a flash? WOuld you mind mentioning it in another post? Congrats on the Eye Candy votes. You sure are! Those pics were worth getting busted for. Great job:) what one will do for a pic, they look great Brothers holding hands is so very sweet. My middle child is a train lover. He would have been thrilled! Cops or not. Ahhh…sweet brothers ๐ What cuties! BUT…boys….in flip flops…aren’t EVER as graceful as girls in flip flops!!! I sware, little girls can wear flip flops the minute they can walk…boys…it takes awhile to get it down!!! Or at least with mine, it did ๐ But I do love it…there’s almost nothin’ cuter…except leggins…on girls of course, not boys ๐ They’re all great, but I especially love the one with the little boy looking up at his big brother – awesome!
Meg, I am so sorry they came and gave you a hard time! Ugh! The pictures are great! I know the parents will love them forever!! I looooooove the train track pictures. You will cherish those always. What beautiful boys. Great pictures! Hmmm… I was talking my photographer friend the other day, and she was asking me about taking pictures on railroad tracks, because she had heard it’s illegal (and I’m a lawyer and supposedly should know about stuff like this). I had no idea, and like a dufus told her I was sure it was fine. Are the tracks owned by the railroad companies, that so it’s trespassing? Is that what they told you? Great pictures! Your blog has inspired me to start my own! it was worth it.
My 6 six year old just looked over my shoulder and said “Oh no!” about the train tracks… you’re really lucky! They could have arrested and/or fined you! Seriously! The railroad pictures are my favorite so I am not sorry for trespassing in the least. I love the pictures they are great! oh my gosh… these are perfect!! what cuties. These pictures are adorable!!! oh my goodnesss, so cute. GREAT PICTURES! You seemed to have really captured the fun aspects of brotherhood…love this session…even the trespassing ๐ Well…hopefully uou will get to take some pictures of another set of brothers soon!! We did set a date for this baby, Aug. 21. So, if you would be willing to take newborn pics of him soon after, I would love it! Those boys are too cute! I love how they seem to really like each other too, you know? All such adorable pictures. I am in love with the train track photos! I need to do a shoot like this with my boys…I have some tracks and parked train cars just right up the road. Hmmm…:-) I just went out there and voted for you.. it looks like you’re winning! Yea!! So cute! I don’t know if you are like my me, but it must have been a “little” exhilirating to do those photos while trespassing ( wink , wink)…seriously though, those boys are way cute!!! LOVE it! MY BOYS!!! (ok they aren’t really mine, but I’m their favorite aunt and they are at my house ALL the time) Great pics! My favorite is the one with them laughing. That is SO them! Megan, can’t wait until our photo session with my girls!!
i almost got up to dance…. that song is just so catchy. the grandpa with the suit jacket and hammer pants? HA HA HA HA and i hope those pants NEVER come back in style. Shut the door! That is so funny. We just went through some old high school pics at a girls night and one of my girlfriends was wearing a nice royal blue pair with a cute jacket with gold chains to match. Fabulous! Just stumbled across your blog from one blog to another to another and here I am. Love it!
So cool I would love to be somewhere when that happens! Can you imgine how long it took Granpa to learn those moves! Love it!
AWESOME. I totally had a pair. Electric blue with a big black design all over them. They ROCKEd. Funny you said that about the pants…I just saw a new story within the last month on Good Morning America or The Today Show or something like that about the pants making a comeback. It was funny! They really are showing up on runways – not that any of us acutally wear those clothes – but they interviewed MC Hammer about it and I guess the pants are really in stores. I’ll have to see if I can find the link. confession: i have been watching hammer time’s reality tv show that just aired…. love it……love the video!!!
Hilarious….wow…that hardly deserves words. that was stinkin funny. Just imagine!! That was great! Just found your blog today through Simple Mom. Love your pictures. I need a pot of coffee and the kids in bed to really sit down and enjoy your whole blog…hmmm? That sounds like a good idea for tonight. ๐ that is so funny, my first concert was mc hammer i was like 10
HILARIOUS!! Couldn’t keep my feet still! =) Oh Meg…. they have them at Target… I think they’re coming back, or trying to come back. Not for me though… never ever. I’ve seen that video and it’s HILARIOUS! That is freaky and too funny!!! Love the grandpa too!!! ha ha!! so funny! i used to work in retail and if people ran in my store dancing like this …well i’d join them!!! ๐
my hubs and i laughed so hard the first time we saw this. it never gets old. have you seen the sound of music at the train station? it’s classic. puts a smile on my face every time! here’s a link:
OH MY GOODNESS…that was hilarious!!!!!! I couldn’t keep my feet still!!! Love it!!! Those pants are quite somethin’!!! Can’t believe people once wore those and were stylin!!! yeah…we're in the middle of nowhere. yeah…we don't have oceans or mountains or starfish
yeah…we are full of rednecks.
yeah…we don't have any movie stars here.
BUT it is beautiful here.
June in Kansas is my favorite time of year.
on the radio in my car was "We're from the Country"
how fitting.
now…if i knew what anything about farming…that would be even cooler!
***************************************************************************************** totally random…i just walked by sean's room… he is in there playing legos alone…singing Joy to the World…as loud as he can. funny. Those pics could be from my family farm! I’m now a city girl in the East and I do miss the wide open spaces in SW Kansas! The best sunsets and the golden waves of grain are truly breathtaking! I live in Kansas! Born and raised. It gets boring sometimes but I have lots of green space around me, No horrible traffic, nice people that wave at you when you are driving even if they don’t know you, a house that I could never afford anywhere else, good schools and great neighbors. Wouldn’t live anywhere else. Just had to comment about this. I’ve lived in southern California my entire life,43 years. I’ve worked in the movie business and I know a lot of people. But here in so-cal. Everything is so contrived. People aren’t real and you HAVE to lock your doors and car. We have a lot of traffic, the cost of living is rediculous and its a real challenge to instill family values in your kids when everyone is so concerned about what they wear & drive. I’m sure some areas have a sense of community but I dont have it for my kids. I’m a very outgoing person and I find it really hard to make meaningful relationships. I would move to the heartland in a hot minute if I could. Oooh! I’m so happy I found your blog (via The Inspired Room’s Melissa)!! I was born and raised in Kansas and now live in Colorado. It’s so nice to be reminded of my roots and how much I still love it there. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. Seriously, Kansas is awesome!
Just moved here…you captured it perfect. Love the sunsets here. It looks so beautiful!
great photos. cuttin’ wheat – i love that time of year. we won’t be doing that until the mid to end of July. you need to be taking photos at the old farm. awesome.
You can make a picture of a truck look incredible ๐ I love that Sean was playing Legos…alone….and I LOVE that he was singing Joy to the World ๐ Gonna go vote! Thank you for the beautiful photos. I’ve lived in Iowa and miss is so much.
These are lovely. Starfish and oceans are great, but there is something to be said about wide open spaces! Kansas looks beautiful!
I’ve been living on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland almost all my life and I never thought I could move to a middle-of-the-country state where all the land is flat. I am surrounded by mountains, ocean, reservoirs, bays, cities, etc. I would feel trapped in those middle states. Lol. But you sure make it beautiful with those pics!! You captured the Midwest beautifully! I love living in the Midwest – don’t think I could ever leave! beautiful. hoping to see it in person some day! I love farms. I wish I grew up on one. There’s a little patch in the middle of my town that still grows corn. I get so excited to see it growing. I hope they never develop that land – it would be a horrible day for me! I LOVE Kansas too. I’m always telling Ryan how beautiful Kansas is. And he always tells me I’m preaching to the chior. Great pics! Yes, but you have summer thunderstorms that leave that sweet smell of wet grass when they are done; you have fire flies to run and catch in big glass jars with holes in the lid; you have clear skies not plagued with smog; and you have quiet summer suburb nights where you can leave the windows open and only hear the sounds of crickets. Kansas is a good place to live and your kids are your very own movie stars that you worship and adore. ๐ Nothing like the Midwest. I love it. GORGEOUS pictures!! yes…it is a lovely state! I enjoyed seeing all the combines “workin’ it” out in the field. I’ve never been in June–usually in late fall-winter. No oceans-No starfish—but what you have is a mean sunset across a wheatfield!
what you do mean no celebrities?! you have DOROTHY!! ๐ That’s funny, we both did similar posts today about our little neighboring states ๐ Lovely picures – Kansas tourist board should hire you, you’d soon have the tourists flocking there ๐ Kansas certainly looks beautiful, I’ll have to visit one day. Your blog got my vote! Your pictures are great! I love your “amber waves of grain” shot! Love Kansas, my parents met and married in Kansas, both my sisters were born there, my best friend in the world was born and raised there.
Never been to Kansas but your pictures are beautiful so Kansas must be too. You take seriously the most “lively” pictures! I love the one with the cows the best. You must be a photographer…i just came across your blog yesterday and can’t even remeber how…too much random time at work! But I had to ask what kind of camera you have. I know it’s mostly skill but your pictures jump off the page! they are amazing! i love them!!
Beautiful pictures! Would love to live in the country, but in the meantime, will happily live vicariously through your blog. ๐
your lucky, i am in CA and can’t wait to leave to a more simple life, i love the pics It looks so beautiful. I would move to the middle of nowhere anyday if I could! I spent my summers with my grandparents in Eureka so these pics bring back incredible summer memories. Also now craving the tastiness that is corn picked from the field then served with freshly caught fish. Meg – those cows look like they are posing for you! Absolutely beautiful. I actually drove from Oklahoma to Kansas City in the spring, and I marveled at how beautiful the fields were. It had been raining, so everything was grey and vivid green. Amazing…
LOVE the pictures and the song on the radio is one of my favs considering the fact that I actually am from the Country – Arkansas to be exact! HA! Have a great weekend, Meg! :o) makes me wish I was in Kansas, right now wearing no shoes and sporting overalls. oh my, it is beautiful! thanks for sharing!! Your photos are breathtaking. Love ’em. I was just stuck in a traffic jam on the 101 Freeway in Hollywood while I was taking my son to a playdate. Came home, opened this and started to cry! Man, would I rather be walking through a cornfield! These are all so great – although I see these things around me, they just seem prettier when someone else points them out. The Midwest is a lovely place to live and since I’m only in week 7, I’m still discovering all of it. Happy to be here! Beautiful pictures, as always. holy cow your corn is so tall compared to ours in Michigan! I voted for you yesterday… I’ll go vote again ๐
holy moly! you are killin the competition! you rock, meg(an)! BEAUTIFUL! The pictures of the wheat are just gorgeous!
y’know? i think kansas has some pretty sexy wheatfields. your pictures are lovely. eye candy! is that queen anne’s lace? if it is, i’m in love. even if it’s not. . . i’m still in love. Wow, I never thought anyone could make me miss Kansas…but I LOVE that 3rd pic! kate with her toothless grin…oh my that is adorable!
and a green eyed big brother owen who loved telling jokes.
both had beautiful eyes…and lashes.
their cousin caden was visiting so we added him some pics too.
he had those same sparkly eyes too…and sweet chubby wrists and ankles…i love that.
i really am enjoying being around all these kids.
it's a good break from my own…even its only an hour.
thanks kelli…they are super sweet kids!
happy birthday mama. ***************************************************************************** now…have you voted today? i am getting kind of excited about this.
it's signing up…just type in your name and your email so they can record your vote.
i would love if you went and voted today. ๐
there are 462 votes at this moment…how high can you blog lovers get it today.
thank you…thank you…thank you!
Voted!! =) Voted!! =) Just stopped by … your pictures are gorgeous! Wow! You have over 700 votes at this point. So awesome! I hope you win!!! I just voted!!!! You know, I typically don’t vote for things like this but in this case, I truly believe you do have the best “eye candy”. Looking at your bright, colorful pictures always makes me happy! ๐ why is it that we love our own but it takes seeing other kids to know how much we love our own. those kids make me miss those wee days, of round cheeks, biting toes, kissing boo boos and chasing fire-flies. your photos say it all. summer love. Fun! I’m off to vote. What do you get if you win?
Just voted! Hope you win ๐ please tell me that if you ever find yourself taking one of your kids to space camp here in AL, that you will swing by and take pics of my kids?! simply a must. cause i’ll cook you supper and make it worth the trip. i promise!! blogged about it today! it’s getting so fun! awe cuties! i voted yay!!
Thanks so much, Meg! They are all fantastic! toooooo precious!!! i love the skinned knee, the freckles…and the cutesie faces!
the 2009 version. being intentional with our days. or trying to be. no one can claim boredom when there is all of this poster board of ideas to choose from…or can they? they will anyway. it's really a fun project to do together. get your kids involved. ask what they really want to do. it's okay to write down silly ones that may not ever happen. who knows…last year "get a dog" was one of our never-gonna-happen things… and now we have waffle. i wonder what we'll check off today…. There are too many to do when summer days are coming, school is out and fun is in. Sometimes you just want to earn money with these extra time. I have MANY books on my summer adneirg list I had an especially busy spring, and I have a lot of catching up to do!In no particular order:DEAD LIKE YOU by Peter JamesTHE TWO DEATHS OF DANIEL HAYES by Marcus SakeyTHE LAST CHILD by John HartLEARNING TO SWIM by Sara J. HenryTHE HELP by Kathryn StockettAnd several young adults:ROT AND RUIN by Jonathan MaberryTHE DEAD-TOSSED WAVES by Carrie RyanACROSS THE UNIVERSE by Beth RevisUNWIND by Neal ShustermanRecent reads:SPIRAL by Paul McEuenBURIED SECRETS by Joseph FinderDIVERGENT by Veronica RothAnd of course, I’ll be bringing LOTS of new titles back from ThrillerFest! Can’t wait! I’m glad others have ticoned this trend!! I was riding my bike the other day and it seemed there was a chipmunk every 2 or 3 feet!! I’ve never seen so many!!! and a coworker mentioned seeing many the other day .Interesting! Wow.. Great list of the summer. I like planned and manage it. I like studying your posts. Stay up the good work! I shared the link to this post with the readers at Great post! has a similar topic. This is why i visit you site daily. Great read thanks. IncidentlyI just put mine up for this year, using yours for inspiration. Thanks!
What a great idea! I’m doing this for myself. ;o) What a clever idea! The kind where I go… now why didn’t I think of that? I am definitely going to do this with my kids. Thanks for the fantastic idea ๐ Just found you through Clover Lane and I thought “take waffles on walks” was pretty silly…until I read that your dog’s name is Waffles. Our cat’s name is Snack. Huzzah for weird pet names and fun summer lists! So cute! Gotta try this with mine. What a great idea… Even though the summer is winding down, I think we’ll make a “before the summer ends” list. Going to check out your link to the other list too. Thanks!
Meg ~ email me direct RE: Chase Co.
Meg ~ I see the Chase Co. waterfall made your list again this year. Have you gone yet? I still want you to do photos of my family at my childhood home in Chase Co. I have to be intentional…and make it happen. We’ll be in Chase Co. on Aug 30….any chance you’d be available too? We just did our own list and the kids loved it and are looking forward to checking stuff off…thanks for sharing. One thing that iยดd like to do this summer is fly a kite!! Gonna Start my list now! Thanks for the great idea! Here’s my list add-on for the summer: I hope to have at least one organic bee hive thriving in my lavendar garden:-)
This is a brilliant idea, life does seem much busier in the summer although the days are longer. I shall make a list many dreams that can come true in time. I love that you can use this list as a reference when you hear those little whiney voices. I’d really like to stop by on your homemade ice cream day. What a fun family!
I got here through the Inspired Room. Your list caught my eye because the minute I saw “Deanna Rose” on your list, I knew where you lived! Or at least close to it! I spent 7 happy years living in Olathe and spent a lot of time at Deanna Rose. Miss it like crazy! Thanks for tipping off a memory!
I bounced over here from Inspired Room. Love the summer list – I got to do that! Love your blog – very cute. Amazing pictures ๐
Oh, I forgot! When I was a kid (long before you) we would ride the Zambizi Zinger! It was the best!
Such a cute idea. What caught my eye first was “World’s of Fun”! You must live close to Kansas City. Then the clincher, Royals game! Definitely. This great idea makes me wish my girls were little again. Sort of. Very fabulous and fun idea. Hope your summer is great! Karen i LOVE this! my boyfriend and i make a summer to-do list also! it’s fun to write down all that you want to do or aim to do and then get to check them off when you do em! so fun. hope summer is treating you well!! My favorites are – Jump in puddles (which is so hard to do in LA), outdoor movie, and catch fireflies (again, hard to do out here where they do not exist). Can’t wait to see the posts that document the completion of your list. So much fun!! I LOVE your list!!! I really love lists in general but I love the way you write your list and the fun things that you include. You are an amazing woman Meg!
i just love your summer list. I remember it from last year and thought it was an awesome idea. you rock! I’ve been reading you for a while, never comment… admire the way you inspire me… and I’m going to get my old, delicious house one day;) I am so doing this this summer. love it. We made a list this year…I copycatted (probably not a word) yours from last year! My girls have been having lots of fun with it. Thanks for such super ideas! Did a list at the beginning of our summer (before Memorial Day), lost the list in the backyard somewhere discussing ideas, and am now happy to have made another list tonight that I’m going to post for safekeeping! Thanks for the much needed incentive to redo our list and refocus our summer. I’ve been a total copycat ever since I saw your list last year – we do a much better job of making time for the important (and of course fun!) things when we have them written down and visible. I did one for Christmas last year too, made into a countdown chain with something on each link. This summer I copied you (from reading other summer lists). One of our not-gonna-happens is “have Mom’s baby early”. It would be nice, but I don’t want to spend the summer in the NICU. Hopefully the rest of the list keeps ME on target. Great ideas as usual! Is it stupid to feel that this is so much harder with teenagers? I wistfully remember the cute things they wanted to do over the summer. Now it would probably include “see boyfriend as much as I can” (bleh) and “hang out with people other than mom and dad”. Sigh… I had a coffee can when the kids were little and we wrote out ideas of “things to do” on little slips of paper and put them in the can. When the kids said “I’m bored” I would have them draw from the can. They could do what was on the list. They were not allowed to say they were bored if they chose not to do that activity.
I do this every summer! Love it! Another idea is to put each “boredom buster” in a jar and draw one out each day. Each day you wait with great anticipation…What will we do today?
love this! Hi. I’m a new fan of your blog. On my blog today, I linked back to you. I used your summer list to illustrate the post (with a link on rollover). Hope that’s OK. Let me know if it’s not. Here’s the link:
What an awesome idea! The girls come home in about an hour…I think we’re going to copy this idea! I hope you don’t mind! It’s such a wonderful idea!
i’m totally copying your idea. hope you don’t mind. that’s a compliment, right? like on ni hao kailan – sing it with me… “when someone copies you, it just means that they really like it too!!” have a wonderful week! ๐
I’m such the type of person that loves to have my goals set out in front of me, and I like this idea. I do the mini notebook, but I don’t have it out in front of me! So creatively well done ๐ What, no fishing, no making of mud pies, no fort building, no skinny-dipping…shame on you. I’m so glad you did this because Waffle is my *favorite* blog dog! great idea! Really cute idea. Fun to see some stuff we do, too….I always think blogger friends are in another world….and then I see stuff I know! Brilliant! My kids are still in school. They go to year-round. But their “summer break” (6 weeks) starts Friday and my list of things to do is long. I already have a boredom busters list to hang up in the playroom. I think I need one of these too! what a fab idea. ๐ Such a good idea, I’m going to get cracking and organize a list on Saturday which is the first day of my holidays….. roll on weekend…. ๐
deanna rose…across the street from me. ๐ come visit. Love this idea – thanks for reminding me and the inspiration. If you guys DO make it to KC this summer, let me know if a photo session up here would be possible ๐ Love me a list!!! This is such a great idea. Is your goal to get them all checked off??? this is such an awesome idea!!! we are going to have to make a summer to do list too! What a GREAT idea. Thank you for sharing with all of us blog addicts :). That’s a great idea… I remember summers of things I watned to do but since they didn’t get wrote down they never happened! I love that you have Worlds of Fun… I miss that place! I know live right down the road from a Six Flags but nothing will ever compare to school and summer trips to Worlds of Fun, it was always the best!!
I love your lists! Were you able to finish most of the list you made last Fall when the kids went back to school? Love it! this is such a neat idea! i will have to get our girls together to make one ๐ we tried something like this once…we failed miserably. maybe this summer? we’ll see. I need to put “make the list” on my list. GReat idea, fabulous list…but where to start…xv
Fun! We’re doing something siimilar. All of our to-do items are folded up on tiny papers and will be randomly chosen from a hat each day.
love this idea! will work on ours this weekend! ๐ What an awesome idea! You might need another sheet of posterboard though!! That is a great idea. I need to make one for my husband. Thanks for the idea!
Great idea and list! My 15th year old would only have two things -SLEEP and SHOP! Well you know your teen probably has the same list! Have a great day! What a great idea, you are a super Mommie! We went to Deanna Rose a few months ago before it got so darn hot. Hope you guys had fun, we sure did! ๐ Can I be your kid? What a fun idea!!!!!
I have thought about your ’08 list so many times as Summer approached! I guess it’s not too late to make our own. Thanks for sharing. This is a great idea – I think we’ll try it this summer! |
Michelle/sumshay - Sweet, perfect, sleeping fairy in her garden…
(love the one with the chair in the garden of black-eyed susans)
Beautiful pictures as always!!
Rachel - Beautiful, amazing, adorable photos! This is my first time visiting you…what a fab blog! I will be back for sure! ๐
michelle allen - okay redo, i can’t decide, they’re all my favorites!
michelle allen - okay Meg, you are out doing yourself! your pics are out of this world! my fave is with her making the face. you must be so excited when you capture these precious moments.
Beth - yes please? ๐ great work!
melissa @ the inspired room - Oh, she is adorable! I don’t want another baby. Nope. I can just come here and get my baby fix. You do an amazing job, Meg!
Heidi Bohrer - I have been a “phantom” follower through The Macs blog. =) I absolutely love your photography. Do you have a pricelist that you could email me? Thanks so much!
katherine - Precious! I love the one in the garden with the green chair… divine! And her sweet little crying face… brings back memories. Great job!
Andrea - I love how you set up your photo shoots in such natural settings. The contrast between the old, scratched up chair and the new baby in the garden is wonderful.
PaiselyJade - Amazing photos… so sweet! But I must add… I don’t feel clucky!! (better not after 4!)
andrea liese - so sweet, almost gave me baby fever AGAIN. i vote everyday ๐
Sarah Beth - So beautiful!! How in the world did you get her to stay asleep?!?! Superb job as always!!
gina - oh. my. gosh. where do you find these cuties?!?? You should start being an agent.
I wish you lived closer, because I’d so love to see my girls through your lens.
Laura - my babies were small… I love it. She’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing…. ๐
Laura Phelps - you could have put her in a wine glass! so tiny! so sweet…and as usual, beautiful pictures.
Liz - Beautiful photos. My son was 4 lbs 8 oz when he was born. I can barely remember how little he was.
I can totally relate to the milk face though… My 3rd born is 9 days old. I am LOVING it. My kids call that face “milk drunk”… I want time to stand still for a while.
Leigh Ann - Oh she is so sweet. I want one, oh yea, I can’t bear children anymore….to old anyway! I’ll have to start bugging my son and DIL for a little grandbaby. They’ve been married almost a year, I guess I can bug them now. ๐
Kelly - Precious! Every single one!
Sharmilla - My husband will be mad at you. I feel a pang in my ovaries.
Talia - These are great! What an adorable baby!!
Lisa Liddell - How I wish you could have taken photos of my twins when they were newborns. These pictures are too cute.
Rachel @ Chicks & Chaps - oh you’d better stop it with these! you’re making me want another- darn you.
you’ve taken some really amazing photos, way to go you!
Rachel @ Chicks & Chaps - oh you’d better stop it with these! you’re making me want another- darn you.
you’ve taken some really amazing photos, way to go you!
maribeth - oh, that hair! and that tininess. it is so cute, as are all your “props.”
LibraryGirl62 - Those are amazing! You take the best pictures. You are so creative and I am so envious! I just tell myself, :It’s OK~God gave you the gift of Gab.”…but I want the gift of Photography!
Mary Elizabeth - You take some amazing pictures!!!! ๐ I love them!!!
Cate O'Malley - Oh those days where a kid stays exactly where you put them – miss them! Each picture is more gorgeous than the next, as always!
Kate - Beautiful! Love the chair! Reminds me of my Nanny.
Christian@Modobject at Home - The heat must have lulled the little darling to sleep.
Jess - Does that family need a babysitter? ‘Cause I’m free. ๐
Great pictures Megan! I think that besides being a mother, this is defiantly your calling.
Going to cast my vote now…
erica - oh my lands she’s so cute and so TINY! my 4 month old was twice that weight when i gave birth to him! hahaha i think if my next was 5lbs i’d have to be careful if i sneezed ๐
beautiful pictures! i love every one of them!!
Kelly O. - Love the last photo of her little butt!
Kimberlee J. - My favorite pics so far. I agree with Emily…it gives me the fever.
Joni - OHMYGOSH…so little and so PERFECT! You did a great job, as usual!
Kathy - You are kidding me that is the sweetest thing I have ever seen! I could just eat her up with kisses! Great photos!!
Erin - Cute cute cute! Love the one with the flowers in the foreground – beautiful!
Tracy - BEAUTIFUL!!!
pve - oh my word.
you make a 5 lb baby look sweeter than a 5lb bag of sugar.
Jill - Ok you have gone and done it. Now I want a new teeny tiny baby! Oh hubby…..
Tammy - Wow, beautiful pictures!
Jocelyn Stott - Awwwww…little one. Too sweet for words.
Vera - Oh goodness, I can just smell her in those close-ups – there is just nothing better than a newborn!
Heather @ Cookie Mondays - adorable baby, beautiful fabrics. can i please come hang out with you? just for one day?!
Toni :O) - Great photos! You are SO going to win the Best Eye Candy Blog…Oh my! Woot Woot!
Michelle - Oh my gosh. You are killing my resolve to quit at two.
The photos in the garden with the flowers and her on that old chair. Just amazingly beautiful. You have such a gift.
Marjorie - What beautiful keepsakes these photos are! You are great at what you do!
adrienneK - oh what a wittle cutie!! ok going to vote <3
Cathy - Those are so adorable! Just as good as Anne Geddes! (I love her!) Awies I can’t wait til my little man is here!
Nicole - beautiful baby and pictures!
I am doing my first newborn shoot today.
Have you any wisdom or tips you might share?
A pocket full of posies... - Oh how I miss those tiny baby days!!!!
Just voted!!! looks like you are doing great!!!
Jo Paulino - Look at you with your 1205 votes, I made it 1206 ๐ Way to go, seems like you are in the lead! What are you not in the lead for, competition is tough on that award! I feel ya with the 100 degrees, it’s been 104 lately. =\ drains all of my energy. I want to sleep all day like a pregnant lady.
traci - Your amazing. love the one on the chair out in the garden. She is precious!!!!!!
Emily@remodelingthislife - My uterus is twitching.
Michelle B - oh that makes me want another one. so sweet!