i never showed these pictures from annie's last day of preschool.

so much fun….
annie's preschool has been located in an assisted living facility.
they visited the "grandma & grandpas" often and knew many of their names.
(especially the ones who gave out candy)
many of residents were outside during this party time watching or helping hold the parachute.
the kids gave goodbye backrubs and hugs.
it's so sweet to watch.
next year the preschool will be back at the church..only a 2 block walk for us.
that will be pretty great also.
i printed this out for annie and she hung it on her bulletin board. :)
oh how we miss preschool.
my kids were saying they were bored. i told them to get their swimsuits on and finish their lunch.
“why?!” “what are we doing?!” ‘”where are we going?!” “it’s too cold to swim!”
i answered “just do it”
i sprayed it all over our patio table and called them outside.
they were in disbelief.
that they could play IN it…and get it on them.
i said “yes. use it all. go crazy”
they did.
then a fight broke out…like we knew it would.
i highly recommend this activity to you.
i ended up giving them all 9 cans i’d bought.
i said many many times “don’t get it in your eyes!”
i thought my kids would like it but they LOVED it.
they had
i hosed them down when they were finished.
turned on the sprinklers to clean the yard.
sprayed down the patio.
$11 well spent.
these girls were full of smiles. and they had amazingly beautiful eyes!
even the baby.
jody…i love your hair.
i meant to tell you and i didn't.
it's shiny and beautiful…i love it.
i love the cuddling on daddy's head.
so pretty.
they were sweet as sugar.
thank you for spending some time with me chad and jody.
Oh how exciting! I was just relaxing reading your blog and realized who this family was!!! I went to Bethel College with Chad and Jody and haven’t seen them since we graduated 9 years ago! Thanks for sharing your great pictures…what a beautiful family they have. I’ve recently just started reading your blog and I LOVE it. You crack me up. You are inspiration to all Moms to enjoy every second with their kids…and to let them be kids!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! THEY ARE GORGEOUS! I have always admired a gal who can match the moxie of a dress with polka dots, and bows. Oh they are too sweet as sugar! Great shots-
I have a “finalist” award to give you for the Social Luxe Lounge Blogluxe Awards. I can’t find your email, so please email me and I’ll shoot you one over! Congrats!! Look at those eyelashes! sooooooooooo cute! what an absolutely beautiful family!!
Beautiful family and photos. lovely family…wish you lived close to photo. mine! I read your porch re-do; very nice! It made me think again of your third floor area above Lauren’s room…what did you decide to do with that?? What a beautiful family! They are one of my favorite families! Great pictures, Meg. As always. And you’re right, she does have awesome hair. Hate that about her. 🙂 you can still eat it if you don't close your springform pan correctly
and you dump it into your oven.
it just won't look as pretty.
but it tastes just as yummy.
Made this tonight and it’s half gone in just a few short hours! LOVE, LOVE IT!! As Allie would say ” Mom, put that one on the favorite list!” I just went blueberry picking and need a venue for all these blueberries. Thanks for your timely post.
Okay…I’ve been baking this exact recipe for years (though we just use a 9″ square pan) and got it from my mom, who’s been baking it for years. We lived outside of Chicago in the 70’s and early 80’s…do you know which paper it was published in? Love your blog…
oh yummy!!! Must.buy.more.blueberries.
My mom used to make this all of the time when I was growing up! I think I need to introduce this family favorite to my family! Thanks for the reminder of a forgotten recipe! 🙂 Yummy!Low fat of coarse?
I took this to the Klaassen’s & Kleiber’s this weekend. It was yummy! yum. blueberry buckle is a family favorite! This looks so yummy! I can’t wait to try the recipe. This weekend I was looking back at old posts and admiring your aprons that you made at Christmas (maybe in Dec 07). Did you ever post a tutorial or the pattern for that? Or could you tell us what pattern you use to make your aprons?
It seems like baked blueberry treats recipes are everywhere today… it must be a sign! I think this weekend will involve several pints of blueberries and my oven!! mmmm… similar to what I made yesterday! Looks lovely.
make it easy for me…just send it to me! yum..need to try that sometime. but in the meantime I was just coming to your recipe section because I couldn’t remember what all was to go in the chicken enchiladas…which is what we’re having for dinner tonight! so good! Oh man…if it weren’t for the fact that I am on my “I need to fit into my wedding dress” diet, I would make this for sure. Looks delicious! ************************************************************************************************************************
Oh my gosh!! Our carnival pictures are similar on my latest post. Of course yours aren’t blurry and awkward. But hey that’s me, blurry and awkward. 😉 j/k I LOVE the picture of toes! positively polka dotted with envy over your all american fun! i am totally loving your pics!!! they make me want to go to the carnival!!! and i hate those spinning things. love it.
Do you know how old the boys were that you did the photoshoot of? They are adorable. I love the age difference. We have a two year old and are trying to figure out when we want to start TTC again!!! 🙂 Looks like so much fun! I love the painted toes 🙂 🙂 I just found you and I’m so HAPPY! Love the one of your son and his goggles – I imagine that’s what your hubby looked like at that age. Looks like an AMAZING holiday weekend. Hope you can recover from it all! 😉
all pictures, no words. fantastic. Awesome pictures! You are killing me with them, I really missed celebrating the 4th American style and your pictures are exactly my memories. 🙁 Maybe next year we will be home! And that was one weekend!!! Gotta love those dotty toes!
Oh what fun!!!! Alllll the pics are great…but man, I want some of those kabobs 🙂 YUMMY! Summer as it should be. Thank you for the beautiful photos! one more photo/blogging question…how do you put two pics next to each other? thanks again for all of your help. your blog is so inspiring! What fun! Looks like a blast! I’m new to your blog. Nice to “meet” you! Love the gorgeous photos! 🙂 looks like a wonderful time! I have those same black sparkle flip-flops!
An all American 4th of July…..can it get better?! Off to vote again! Lovely… it was a true 4th of July story, told just beautifully in pictures! Who did your toes? Was it done professionally? Super cute! Lovely… it was a true 4th of July story, told just beautifully in pictures! Who did your toes? Was it done professionally? Super cute!
These are great photos and they capture everything GREAT about summer! Thanks for sharing! great shots, the toes are my fav
Yea and Oh YUM! I love the polka dot toenail polish too. Kelly looks like a lot of fun was had by everyone! great photos – thanks for sharing them with us :O) Your pictures are so vibrant! Thanks for sharing you stories. I love how your pictures tell such an amazing story!! What fun! Such beautiful pictures! I would love for that pool too! I am jealous–can I be you yesterday? GREAT images!! Definitely captures a FUN day! I LOVE the kabobs… I want an invite next time! 😉 I just love your photography! Looks like everyone had a great time! Looks like so much fun! i love the fireworks in the street. and what i wouldnt do to be in that pool right now… *sigh* Looks like a very happy 4th. Love the toenail polish! i am CRANKY! be thankful you weren't here at our house yesterday.
everyone was smart and just kind of steered clear of mama…or learned quickly that they should.
i am hoping that today will be better.
we are walking for donuts and coffee.
we are stopping at the antiques store.
and we may have to go out and buy this mama some pretty shoes to cheer her up…sorry craig.
changing the subject…..how do you like my new porch room?
you can read more about it over at the inspired room….i'm her guest post today.
it tells you how i went from this mess…
to this…our new living room on the porch.
so far in this space there have been games played, drawings created, popsicles eaten, quiet coffee and
mom & dad talks in the dark…hiding from the kids.
warning: you will want to stay…melissa's site is beautiful.
it IS inspired.
OK! I am seriously in love with your blog! So fun. I just went through 8 new screens of old archives! Sorry dont mean to be a stalker! love it! love that you love to craft! love your house! love your photos! Fun fun! Thanks for the inspiration! I am in KC so I had to keep reading after seeing your list of fun things to do this summer. Then it was an investigation to find out where you were! I love the Make and Takes and there was a link to your blog on that. From there I went crazy! Thanks for making my corporate work day more exciting! Where would you suggest that I go to find out about blogging and how to get others to find my blog? I want your life right now! Your pictures are really that good~! Thanks and hope that I am not too obnoxious!
Still love it. And so jealous of the huge, wrap around porch. We don’t even have a back patio and in front, the 3 ft. walkway has to count as a porch. I think if we did have a porch, I’d never go inside all summer. Wow, that is seriously incredible! Love the greens and blues! This is amazing! I so want a big pretty porch like that! Your pictures are incredible! Wow, what an amazing space. I love love the porch swing! I wish I had a tenth of that beautiful space for a porch.
LOVE it! I so wish we could have stopped in the other day! We’ll have to make it happen on our next trip out! I’m sure you’ll love the porch space even more in the Fall!! Have you had one of your lime cranberry thingie’s from Sonic? What about a scrapbooking session? A bath? Hmm, maybe some Hershey’s chocolate kisses? From one cranky mum to another during school holidays….thinking of you…hang in there…. call all the kids godparents and ask them to pray harder. Meredith xo. Such inspiration. More front porch is horrid and we don’t use it either. What a shame, my kids always want to ride bikes on the sidewalk out front. I need to get to work and “redecorate” then I might enjoy being out there more. I don’t have as much space as you and I don’t have have as many “cool” things laying around but I could dig up a few and it might give me the excuse to go to the flea market too! Thanks for sharing and you have such a great touch for all things decorating and photography! love it! I have a similar front porch and it’s my favorite spot!!! Enjoy the beauty! love, love, llllllllaaa-LOVE your taste ‘n all! love your blue rocker, I have a chair with a similar shape I’ve been looking for a new color for. Love this room, maybe I could be inspired to clear off all the kid toys for our back patio…. I would give anything to have a beautiful porch like this!!! you did a great job! WOW! And … I totally have that bench’s twin AND the children’s chair’s twin IN MY BASEMENT. I have never thought of using it as a TABLE [with mini chairs that pull up to it]. And that’s ADORABLE that you covered it in oil cloth. LOVE IT.
i love your porch! nice work! i notice the chenille-ish fabric in several of your pillows (in this photo it is the aqua and white; in others it has been pink and white) … is this a fabric (and if so where did you buy it) or is it an old quilt? love love love and haven’t been able to find something similar.
I have just discovered your blog and I love it!!! Your house is amazing. I’d move to Kansas if I could have that house (decorated by you, of course). I can’t believe how you made it so wonderful with all those kids? Hope you had a good day! Did you find some cute shoes?? My teeth hurt just looking at all that yummy Crush. Mmmmm… grape soda reminds me of summers as a kid. Good call. Love the new porch. Need to do something homey like that to my back yard. Cheer up. Tomorrow is another day and if that doesn’t work, well then there is conveniently a holiday after that. 🙂 I was so busy being Cranky I forgot to compliment you on the porch. It looks lovely. I can picture games being played, quiet talks, and cups of coffee being enjoyed there. We don’t have a porch, but if I did, I would surely do all of those things there, too. 🙂 Hello Cranky. I am Cranky here, too. Unfortunately my kids DO NOT seem to know to steer clear or even get along with EACH OTHER. We’re about to make snow cones and head out to the backyard for some sidewalk coloring. Maybe I will relax in the lounge chair, too. One would think those things would make me happy, but as I type this my 4 year old is spilling water all over my freshly mopped wood floor while my two year old is dancing in it and then there is my 7 year old who is trying to fly. Perfect. My Cranky self is just not all that into it. YOWZA!!!!! That porch is INCREDIBLE!!!!! As if I would expect anything less from THE MEG DUERKSEN!!!!! I’m sorry you were cranky today…I’m hoping you have a better tomorrow 🙂 Just go sit out on that beautiful porch (with those new shoes, hopefully!) and say a prayer tomorrow is a better day 🙂 Love ya girl! oh and i voted!! 😉
Would you PLEASE come redo my porch! I have tried to make it as cozy as yours and it isn’t possible!!! You have an amazing God given talent! Would you bottle it and send it my way?
Love it and I’m feeling your pain. This heat is making this Momma cranky too. All I have to say is God Bless you for having a porch swing! Big porches arent that big of a deal here in WA but I come form a southern family and whenever I see a house that has a porch and no porch swing I just wanna yell! We hope to build a house next year and a large porch is number one of the list…right above indoor plumbing 😉 Im so glad your family is enjoying yours…your hard work paid off.
I would SO use this porch for an extension of my home!! I love it. I;m sure pretty soon you will wander what you did before you started using it! Love the color of the blue chairs and love the chalk board!! Great job! This is so cute and cheery! You may want to get one of those mesh picnic covers though…it looks like there’s a fly on your watermelon. 😉 Or is it a seed? Perfect! What a great spot for spending the summer! Another reason your house is AWESOME! I want those turqouise chairs!!!!!!!! And yes, you need to get yourself an ice cream maker. No salt required! You just hit ‘on’. If you need me to come demonstrate I will. Seriously. I do/did love it. the porch is great!! even greater is the bowl of watermelon and the bottles of crush (my FAVE) Love it, so cute!
Yet again, another fabulous make-over! I love it! Just curious… would you show us your garden(s)? Seeing this cheery color palette on the porch makes me think you must have some happy flowers growing outside, too! What a beautiful job you’ve done! I have a porch that looks very similar to your before photo and your transformation has given me the urge to get it done! 🙂 Meg, I have been hooked on your blog for some time now and I just have to tell you how great it is! I love the porch makeover. How did you find the time with all 5 kids home? I hope today is better than yesterday. I just wanted you to know that your blog is a bright spot in my day. Thank you! You are fabulous! Where did you get those bottles of Crush??
love porches! Thinking about adding some more fun to mine. Thanks for the ideas!
It’s great! I love outdoor rooms. I’m so glad you had the thought to do that – as I’m sure your kids are too!
perfectly cozy!!!! i love it!!!
Loved your post at the Inspired Room! The porch is just darling!! So much better! I need to do that over here! What a difference! The porch looks Fab.U.Lous! I love your style…you make me wish I could sew (a feeling that never entered my head until I started reading your blog). Enjoy! we have been spending days upon days just hanging out. enjoying summer.
i hope you are doing the same.
relax…slow down…play UNO…catch fireflies…hug your friends…eat ice cream cones….swing…
you'll be so happy you did.
What a lovely photo of Talby and Clara! Their suits match! Clara had such a great time playing! I love fireflies….I remember visiting my grandmother as a child in Indiana and collecting them in a jar. I’ve lived in CA my whole life and wish we had them here.
yay we caught freflies the other day 🙂
Thanks for the simple reminder! I’m a teacher and get to spend all summer with my kids, but sometimes I find myself trying to squeeze a little too much in. Now I’m looking forward to a relaxing Thursday and Friday. Still waiting for the fireflies to show up, though.
I totally agree! The best kinds of summers are spent slowing down, and just hanging out with those that we love! I really enjoy reading your blog… it’s great! Meg, your photos are just beautiful. I’m sitting here with freezing cold toes and nose on a Sydney winter morning, but feeling a radiating warmth from these photos. It just might be the warmest I feel all day – so thank you! Meredith xo. Those are the reasons why I love summer. You have the best pictures! once again–AMAZING pics. Good for you for relaxing. it’s what summer should be. It looks like some wonderful summer memories are being made. I am remembering times like these with my girls when they were young. You are a great mom! (Waffle needs a cameo!)
I’m such a fan of your blog! It truly is “eye candy” (I’ve been voting)! You have an amazing gift and I love that you share it with all of us!! Your home is beautiful and I love your color palate! What is the chocolate color you used in the master bedroom?? Thank you for sharing your real life! whoa real firefly’s – only seen them in the movies! Where I live all we have is midges and loads of them!!! I agree. Life is hectic enough…we can all use the excuse of summer to relax!!! Oh you guys hang out with such style! Your photographs as usual are totally stunning and bring warmth to our winter… ms4deboer@yahoo.com and give me some tips. I too would love to know if you sell your t-shirts and pillows. Again, you are so inspiring and your family and home are beautiful. God has blessed you with an amazing gift. Keep using it for His glory! Blessings! I love love love your blog. I am addicted. Life is beautiful and God is good and your blog confirms that. It is my little slice of happiness to check your blog each morning. I have 3 crazy little boys and love to document their life by blogging but I have blog jealousy. How does one go about to design or get a super cool blog like yours? I have used e-blogger which is free but I’m craving something else and would love to do bigger pics. If time allows could you email me @I been hanging out with my mum today in the UK sun, its the same temp as bahamas here!!!!! its SOOOO hot! i love the fire fly pics, we dont get them here which is a shame, as they are pretty cool!
We do not have fireflies in Colorado, but I have wonderful childhood memories of catching them in jars when we would visit cousins in Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska.
awesome awesome pics. not that that’s something NEW to this blog! 🙂 ha [total eye candy] we live in kansas city now after spending 8 years in florida & south texas. and we’re sooooooooo glad to be back in the land of the lightning bugs [that’s what we call them]. 🙂 by the way – i’m headed to deanna rose this afternoon with my kids! i saw that on your summer list! What great moments, and I love how you caught them all. I think my favorite is the one of your (I’m guessing) legs up. We all deserve that once in a while! Oh THANK YOU so much for pics of fire flies in jars. SIGH. Brings back memories.
This looks like the way summer should be. It makes me wish I were a kid again. And I LOVE the pink sparkly nail polish…I was totally rocking that back in the day as well. Hanging out is my favorite part of summer. I sure do miss fireflies or lightning bugs as we called them back in Tennessee. We haven’t seen any here in South Carolina. we’re doing the same thing! it’s much more fun to take it easy…enjoy the moments…summer flies by too quickly!
misty_tharp@yahoo.com and my blog is thechroniclesofmaymay.blogspot.com I am new at this and don’t even know if this comment is going to post- thanks! misty I don’t know how I found this blog, but I wanted to tell you that its so inspiring & I LOVE IT! I am starting my own blog and can’t wait to share it with all of my friends and family. Can you tell me how you edited your blog to say ‘older fun stuff’? I am not going to copy those words, but I would like to change mine up a bit. Hope your blog wins best eye candy, I have been voting! Also, do you sell the t-shirts and pillows that you make? my email is
Meg - This looks very familiar, our kiddos also attended this preschool. Ms. Kristin is a familar face at church. I linked to you from The Macs and check in often for the great photos and another family living life in Kansas.
Allison - Your daughter is the cutest, most precious little girl ever.
Secret Mom Thoughts - I am missing preschool too.
Sheryl - I mentioned before that I found Annie’s preschool blog by accident last month. I’m also a preschool teacher, and love her ideas! Her photos are beautiful, just like yours. She has a way of capturing each detail. I can see why you love her.
Stephanie - Hi Meg.
I just found your blog recently & I am LOVING it.
I wanted you to know that I included you in my “Fine Finds” for the week.
Thanks for sharing.
Stephanie @ A Fine House
niki - it looks like a fun and imaginitive preschool…i’m jealous. would love to know where annie’s teacher got her dinosaur t-shirt……love it.
love your blog, too. 🙂
Kelli - I LOVE the idea of combining an assisted living facility with a pre-school. What a blessing that must be in the lives of the older people and a great lesson in respect for the elderly in the kids. I live in CA and wonder if there is anything like that out here?!
Aubrey - My favorite is Annie’s mismatched socks–especially the rainbow one. And maybe I’m biased, but I think she’s the cutest kid in her class. She has such pretty eyes.
Lorilee - I love the idea of a preschool within or near an assisted living home. I WANT one of those parachute thingys! It looks like fun!
Carrie - how great I love the rainbow aprons
Penny - My girls preschool years were such wonderful times. Two are in college and one is in High School now. So it has been a while. Really cherish these tender years. They fly by so quickly. I love the beautiful pictures you post in your blog. I am a very visual person and this is one thing that draws me to your site. (and of course Waffle!!)
lorel - those kids kids are cute!
Sally - SO cool! I teach preschool so I examined the pictures for ideas! I love that the teacher is sitting on a table to read the story! I love that there are so many bright colors! I love the parachute (use mine often!)! SO cool!!! No wonder she misses it!
Lee Ann - We miss pre-school too. How cool that it was at an assisted-living place. A 2 block walk will be great too.
And I love that Annie and my girls have so many of the exact same clothes. We have both mis-matched socks (worn just the way she’s wearing them) and the “old” sparkly pink shoes. Too funny!
adrienneK - GUSH!!!! annies preschool teacher has a very cool blog as well!!!
i swear my in laws live in newton, if we ever move there (while the girls are still little) i would so want them to go to this school it seems so wonderful (and colorful)!!!!
erin j - I have been watching your blog for some time now and decided I should actually comment. I love your eye for color; it brightens my day. And a preschool in a nursing home is such a sweet idea; it looks like such a blessing to all involved.
Sandy - Preschoolers are so much fun!
Not to sound creepy (although it is), but last night I had another dream about hanging out with you and your family. You guys rock! Thanks for the fun times! (ha ha) 🙂 (This probably really creeps Lauren out!)
Starnes Fam - I love that the school was within the assisted living facility. We took our kids to trick-or-treat at one a few years ago. Such a gift for them…..to see, feel, hear young people. It warmed my heart to be able to share my joy with them and bring them back to their earlier years.
Love photos, as always.
kristin - oh!!!! i miss it too…especially seeing these.
can i use these? : )
Lillian - I am loving this post so much! My daughter starts Preschool in the fall and it made me so excited for her! Beautiful pictures – and her teachers look like so much fun! The grins in all of the pictures speak volumes:)
adrienne - i love where it was located! what a great idea and so wonderful for the elderly too. as a teacher, i’m loving that table thing she’s sitting on during storytime 🙂 very eye level for the kids!
Joanna - That looks like a FUN preschool!
Kathy - Great pictures, I bet Annie misses Pre-School too! Love the teachers bright color aprons!
Mary Beth - I saw MY Megan’s preschool teacher several years ago and I started crying. MY Megan is now 23 years old! I learned so much from her teacher and I remember so much about that year. sniff…sniff……..
emily :] - awww. preschool was the best.
PaiselyJade - What lovely photos… especially all the colour!!
Jocelyn Stott - Parachutes were the BEST. I miss preschool as well. Great photos.
Shauna Howington - I remember the big parachute thingy in school, it was so much fun. Beautiful pictures!