this family was bunches of fun for me…they have five kids too.

but they get to live on a farm.
lucky. (said in my best napoleon dynamite voice)
it was beautiful and calm and peaceful out there…other than the five kids.
but i have five kids so i don't even hear that sound any more.
the only boy, james.
the lone ranger.
he tried to avoid the camera but was hanging on my legs the whole time…which i loved.
baby teeth!!!
they make me happy.
i think every family needs this picture.
they are so fun to take.
and this is my favorite.
the chaos around them…the laughing…i know what this is like…this is like my house!
(you have to click on it to see the details)
thanks amy.
it was so much fun…even when we saw the dead snake. :)
i don't always have it….really i don't. but this day i stopped and debated but threw it in my purse last second.
and look what i found just driving along.
i am 5'7" so i thought i would show you how tall these flowers are…
i was wearing a shirt…i promise.
and i did get my hair cut and colored since you've seen me last.
but stop looking at me…LOOK AT THOSE 6 FOOT TALL FLOWERS!!
so awesome.
i wanted to cut them down and sneak away with armfuls of sunflowers.
can't you imagine me wearing a big poofy skirt running through a corn field
with loads of sunflowers in my arms?
*********************************************************************************************************************** i am off to the post office to ship every Etsy order i got…except amy jupin's.
i still need to make your gumball tee.
then i will ship yours too.
happy monday.
I have a friend (Sundrenched Moments) that sent me this blog of yours last year because she knew I love, love, love sunflowers. I go to it often to get a sunflower fix. Earlier this months I had the opportunity to go to Topeka for work and I asked where I could see some sunflowers. I was told to go west to Junction City and I should see some. I didn’t see any! I want to see a field where you see sunflowers that go on forever. If I have the opportunity next year to go back can you suggest to me where I can see a field of them?~donna
I absolutely love your photos, you are so talented~!! Your blog and photography is delightful!
Such happy, cheery pictures! Makes me totally want to visit Kansas! beautiful!!!! i love sunflowers. LOVE LOVE LOVE the sunflower pics… so glad you took your camera! BEAUTIFUL Sunflower pictures and LOVE your new haircut/color – makes you look like a STAR with your shades on! :O) So beautiful! We were recently driving through central CA and there were fields of sunflowers . . . on the way down, they weren’t quite in bloom and the way back, completely blown:( These are wonderful pics. Makes me happy on an early Tues morning to see them!!! good ole kansas…
OMG Amazing! I love where you live! Great photos!
Hi Meg. I happened upon your blog through a friend’s blog (Definitely, Maybe). I love to read yours and look at your amazing photography, and I just wanted to let you know. Your pictures are so beautiful. I am a mom of two and newly interested in photography. Not professionally, (I am a hairdreser in So. Ca), but I love taking pics of my kids. I can’t stop. Just wanted to say hello. amazing! sunflowers are in my top 5 fav flower -they are always just so full of hope and brightness!! can’t be sad with sunflowers around. amazing pics!! I love the closed ones. And the open ones. 🙂
I think sunflowers are my favorite flower. I decorated my room as a teenager in them. I think I went overboard though 🙂 I would love to photograph a field of sunflowers one day. They are just so happy! I am suprised there aren’t little bugs in your close up pics! And those are p-r-e-t-t-y! You are visually stimulating! hehehe This post made me happy! Gorgeous!! Gotta love sunflowers. I would have paid to see you running through the field carrying 6 ft tall sunflowers…that would have been so funny:) The sunflowers are awesome! I planted some {Late of course} and can’t wait for the m to bloom! 🙂 Your new haircut looks great!!! 🙂 What a beautiful surprise!
Beautiful! So…you need to take your camera with you EVERYWHERE!
So glad you had your camera with you. Thanks for posting these happiest of flowers. Hair is looking fab! Meredith xo.
now that’s a field to play in! Oh wow! Amazing! Great pics and they made me smile! Thanks! I love when I see cool stuff and actually have my camera with me. Great shots.
Awesome! Are those on 24th street? I found a sunflower field there a few years ago and got some good pictures, but definitely not as good as these! Kansas is lovely. i don’t know if i have ever seen a field of sunflowers. that is pretty cool. i tried to grow some this year… yeah… not so good. I remember you had some in your backyard in dp right? Very cool pics. Man oh man do I love those pictures!!!! And I love your new hair too!!! Beautiful photos and Oh yay my pillow is coming! 🙂 Awesome, incredible pictures!! Love the hair cut, so cute
amazingly beautiful!!! love all your KS images…i’m in ne ks. The pictures are breathtaking. Really. And your hair style looks so cute! Thanks for sharing some more great photos.
beautiful sunflowers. you. crack. me. up. your hair is totally cute. i’ve been ready for a new do for the past year and can’t get myself to just do it already. wow those are awesome! beautiful pics 🙂 Love the sunflowers! So pretty! And your hair – very cute! beautiful!! I adore sunflowers!! Love the sunflowers!!!!! They are amazing!! LOVE the hair! Sunflowers are very pretty, too. Can you tell us more about your camera??? xoxo We have them popping up everywhere, too, and I cannot stop taking pics of them! Yours look completely illuminated from within. Lovely!
before i even read the lines, i thought “ooooo, mama had herself a clip and colah!” very cute. and the flowers (and photography) are insane. TOTALLY cute hairdo!!! You look adorable, although you did before the new do too!
I love sunflowers. I keep planting them but the chipmunks keep eating them.
i promised talby a photo shoot…with her pettiskirt and pigtails. i picked a field that was full of queen anne's lace and wildflowers.
then it rained and rained all week.
one evening when it was clear we took off..20 minutes past when i was hoping.
we stopped for balloons….another part of the promise.
the woman at the floral counter was……..S.L.O.W.
we first asked for 10 balloons but settled on 6 because she was soooooo SLOW.
then we went to the car and two popped…because she'd over filled them.
but we were losing light so we left with 4.
we drove the 10 minutes to the perfect field….
and it had been mowed down.
we drove on to find another but could not find wildflowers
so we settled for corn and the sunset.
then another balloon popped.
and yet….the pictures are still lovely.
(click on this one.)
sweet annie was there too…of course.
i want to skip in a field with a poofy skirt too.
i really do.
these girls are my everyday.
i love them.
i love being their mom.
i love our everydays.
especially the days that we end up in field with (only) 3 balloons at sunset.
Hi, Meg! I just love your pictures of the sunflowers at my “ole home” in Peabody! Wished we’d had those sunflowers when I was growing up, as they would have totally enriched my life, although I loved the wheat and still have some in our home in Manhattan Beach, Ca. Love the pictures of your absolutely darling children! They are the cutest, hanging out in the sunflowers! Thanks for stopping by. Carolyn called me yesterday to tell me about your blog and Becky is here visiting us now and we are loving and chatting about your exquisitely beautiful pictures!! Enjoy!!
The skirts are adorable – I was also wondering if you made annie’s and if so what pattern was it (we are big time into skirts at my house)
I just love looking at your blog. You take such pretty photographs! Your girls are very beautiful! The one with Annie looking up at Talby, it actually made me cry right now! I think they are perfect in there own imperfect way, and the story is even better, what beautiful girls and loving sister you have.
How heartwarmingly perfect, even though it wasn’t what you planned! Precious! these are great! I wish I wasn’t all the way in Oklahoma! Oh Meg these are perfect! Now that is a perfect Mommy day in my book! Noticed the teen wasn’t there? I would have to rent a few kids to do that my teen would die of embarrassment ….I mean what if some one saw her! Great photos! Your girls are so adorable.
those are sweet pictures. and sweet girls. you’re such a cool mom. apparently i’ve been such a bad one–much worse than usual–my daughter asked my husband if i could move away. I wish you could photograph my girl. 🙂 Like so many others, I love Talby looking up at the balloons and Annie looking up at her. The skirts rock! Gorgeous! Love the one of Talby looking up at the balloons and Annie looking up at Talby – stunning as always! GUSH!!!!! so sweet!!!
Oh, I LOVE them. The little chair is the coolest idea. I love Annie’s skirt. Did you make it? I love the picture where Annie is looking up at Talby like, “She is so cool.” So beautiful! Great job, Meg 🙂 So perfect! I love these pictures!!! You are such an incredible Mommy and inspiration to us all. I wish I knew you in real life. For now, I’ll settle for knowing you in “reel” life. (I have been on vacation for two and a half weeks and yours is the first blog I checked because it is my absolute favorite!!!) Awesome pictures. The one of Annie looking at Talby is heartbreakingly sweet. Wish I could take pictures like you. xoxo
These brought the most incredible amount of joy to me today! Gorgeous shots and gorgeous girls. You are a sweet mama! Your girls are too adorable. Love the pics, especially the one of the two of them on the chair together. 🙂 Great pictures – LOVE the light through the balloons on the first one and #6 is just priceless!! great pics, i just love your blog LOVE
What precious photos! I love them. Also love the junk idea in your last post and last year’s junk man! Great ideas. These are gorgeous! I love the close up of her with the balloons and grinning. I love the one of Annie looking up at her, and I really, really love the one of her running alongside the road! I feel like I was there! Great job! these pictures are great! i love the way the sun shines through the balloons. your girls are beautiful 🙂 and you have some great photos to remember your day by – balloons aplenty or not so many :O) My oh my! You are so good. Do you ever get tired of hearing that? I love the time of day…you caught it just right.
beautiful meg! and so sweet…! sigh… so sweet. i love the photos of the girls together. you can just feel the love.
These pictures are so beautiful… whst lovely ladies! -e These are great – and I enjoyed the story behind the pictures 🙂 you have two adorable girls! Beautiful!!! Love the one of Annie in the chair looking up at her big sis. This photo shoot took perserverance. Sometimes our best plans have to be altered and we have to just go with the ebb and flow of it all. End result – fabulous! Love em!! I want to move so you can take Maddie’s pictures and so she can play with your girls! 🙂 These are awesome. Totally captures a little girls dreams. I Love them. Every girl should own a pink tutu I think. =) amazing! I love the one of Talby sitting in the chair and looking up at the balloons. I also love the one of Annie sitting in the chair and looking up at Talby. GREAT photos. Kelly You’r family is so blessed to have all your wonderful photos to look back on. You’r a great photographer, makes me want to live in Kansas. Oh look at those girls and that skirt is too darling!!! Love your everyday! so cute…i love the one of annie looking up at her big sis…priceless. your girls are precious! they are so lucky to have each other…and for you to capture it…perfect!
Talby looks so much like you. And I think the sunlight looks perfect. <3 Awww! Such beautiful pictures, and such bneautiful girls. (: I want to wear a big poofey skirt as well! What amazing shots – you have such a gift (I think I say that every time I comment!!) My favorites are the 2nd and last…and of course the ones with Annie! Adorable!
🙂 this made me happy. after several hours of all my children within 10 feet of me today i shouted at my kids "YOU HAVE CABIN FEVER!"
to which annie asked "we're sick?!"
i kicked them all outside.
i had had enough.
they played for awhile…enough to give me a slight teensy break and then i was ready to make crafts.
i brought out the box of junk we've been saving for a year.
literally junk.
things i would find on the floor and if i remembered…i would stick it in the junk box.
soon the junk sculpture became a city.
talby made a sign and gave it a name.
junkywood…not hollywood.
details…details…what do you see?
this is all talby's creation with me in control of the glue.
sean ditched us and went out on his own.
he wanted his own time with the glue gun really.
do you know how much kids love glue guns?! they do!
it's low temp and i was trying to guide him. totally worth the risk i think.
he made his own "world's largest _______" museum.
largest joke (on the popsicle stick)
largest brain (made from the packaging of a watch and pink pom poms…i love it!)
largest feather (as big as the sky scraper next to it.)
good stuff.
talby filled her bottle with goodies before capping it with a marble.
Abby Reed…do you recognize those red marbles? :)
a little free advertising peter.
the bald footless disney princess (thanks waffle) could swing around the strings to the buildings.
such a fun project.
you definitely have the supplies right there at your house.
go for it.
we got the idea from ms. kristin of course.
business-y things:
thank you for all the goodies you bought from the shop yesterday.
the postman and i are nearly best friends by now.
i love all you bloggy shoppers (and bloggy readers non-shoppers too)
AND my next few weeks have opened up a bit for photos.
if you were thinking of having some pictures taken…how about now?
we have a lot of fun.
email me for details at cdduerksen @ yahoo . com.
you are a rockin momma. your kids have definitely been graced with your creativity and imagination! so much fun. looks like a great home to be spending long summer days at. I think you should do prints of some of the amazing photos you take in your etsy shop! I’d buy some for sure! I live in Hollywood, and dare I say…it IS a bit junky! that is such a neat idea. love junkywood!
What an awesome idea!! You are a rockstar
I think you are one of the coolest moms ever.
Great idea! So creative and green. I will file it away and start my junk collection ASAP. As always, thanks for the inspiration Meg. i missed out on the etsy treasures! =0( I am so disappointed!!! do you do custom orders?
Hi! I just found your blog (I know, I’m so late)…i love it! Your photos are fun and I love the pillows & shirts you make. Thank you for sharing! Oh and I wish you were local ( I live in Long Island, NY)! you could take photos of my baby!
Love it–great idea! I wish we lived close I would have you do our pics in a heartbeat!! Love your Junkywood idea. You have so many of those;) i love the “worlds largest ______” museum. soooo creative!!! and i totally noticed the business card & thought “free advertising for someone!” before i even saw what you wrote. 🙂 ha cool cool cool. thanks for sharing. Oh how fun! My kids (I should say Luke) love to collect things to make 3-D sculptures out of…. He will love looking at these pics and will, I am sure, be inspired! Hahaha, this made me laugh because it’s just the kind of things my brothers and I did as kids. Love it!!!
way cool kids! way cool buildings!!! GREAT project. There is so much goodness going on here: creativity, recycling and innovation.
I love this idea! I would totally have to hide it from my husband though, I can just see him coming home and trying to pry something off saying, “I might need this!” 🙂 You just keep giving me awesome ideas for my kids! And the junk we could use up! 🙂 Thank you for sharing once again!
Simply great…I totally love this idea and will store it away for a year or so until at least 2 of mine are ready for it. Super fun…
oh, i love it. i need to do this. my favorite is the bottle filled and capped.
Oh this makes me remember all the fun times I had with my girls when they were little. My oldest had a group of friends 3-5 grades and they formed the Sunshine Club. I let them meet at our house on Monday’s after school. They did things like this. We ordered sweatshirts with their names embroidered on them and put everyone’s hand prints on the back. They had so much fun! I would make snacks and we would do a craft. We took field trips and had camping trips. It was much like Girl Scouts but we didn’t have to sell those darn cookies. Those were some wonderful times. Thanks for making me remember that! You have some lucky kids!
well…i finally got my Etsy Shop full again. it's open!
let's go shopping.
email me if you have any questions at cdduerksen @ yahoo .com
without the spaces of course.
I want that red pillow SO bad!! We’re taking our Monterey Peninsula vacation this month AND have all the expenses of attending my brother’s wedding there, so my pillow budget right now is… zero. Hope you have some items left (or new ones) next month!!! i wish i read my comments before i posted them so they made sense. so i would totally loveeee (& order) a peace sign shirt if they were happen to be in a big girl size 😉 Looks like you are going to be doing a lot of shipping 🙂 So cool! Any pictures of the Cora Paige playground? How’s that progressing? Oh my gosh! I so wish I had little girls to dress up! I love the number tees; adorable! great…another place where i can spend lots of time oogling the products on etsy and buying them and then getting in trouble from hubs! jk…yeah!!!
the gum ball tee is adorable. very creative! My husband will hate you for that. I just bought a pillow from ya! Adorbale! I think London needs a gumball shirt yay! yipee! whoo hoo! hooray! you rock!…truly. Wow, you’re SO SO SO talented. I was surprised you only had one page of stuff, until I realized you’ve already sold 7!! Go Meg!
just took a look…. all cute, way cute stuff! i always love those whimsical flowers. polka dot rainbow, A-dorable!
omg omg OMG the bubblegum shirt is awesome …too bad i deleted my pay pal account 🙁 Meg, I just love all of your stuff. You have an eye for color and pattern. Just coming to your blog every morning makes the day seem that much brighter. 🙂 Beautiful stuff lady! I love all the bags, well because I love bags and those are very creative!! 🙂 LOVE your stuff!!! beautiful stuff! you are so talented! wow i want EVERYTHING!! if only I had a money tree in my backyard ha ha
sean has grown up much too much this year. he had another birthday.
i miss my happy chunky baby that would giggle non-stop.
he had a party with 3 friends and 3 of his siblings.
he had it all planned out and helped prepare everything.
sean is meticulous and a thinker/planner.
175 water balloons.
rainbow cupcakes.
water guns and launchers.
the lego center.
pizza, hawaiian punch and watermelon.
the bonzai falls…thanks again russ and jen.
annie shouted something like "this is AWESOME!!" or "YAHOO i LoVe tHIS!" every single time.
jumping from the trampoline into the pool.
a water balloon fight.
and opening presents.
sean said to me in the middle of the craziness…"this is the best party of my whole life!"
just what i wanted to hear.
on his actual birthday we kept him happy too.
donut breakfast.
a movie.
when we got there i found out it was 3D so it cost more…i said "you are so lucky it's your birthday mr."
he picked what we had for dinner…and ate with a glass plate.
ice cream cake from dairy queen…his choice…he always wants to be different.
opened presents after cake.
(two of things i gave him… out of four…he already had. UGH! everything looks the same to me!)
can't really believe it.
his hugs bring me a feeling that i don't have with anyone else.
love that kid.
feel free to e-mail me back if you’d like.
Hi. My name is Becky. My mom is Carolyn. She has been so excited about the people stopping by to see her sunflowers. She made me type your link in and look up the pictures…I haven’t made it out to see them yet…but they are gorgeous. She just thought it was the best that you came by that day. She is telling everyone about it. Stop by again the next time you are that way. You should check her garden out at the house too. She has a lovely garden. take care. Becky
Can I copy that exact party for my birthday next month? Is 31 too old for water balloons and Legos? 🙂
LOVE this post. Our oldest is turning five in a few weeks, so of course, I’m planning and rethinking everything. I suddenly realized looking at your pictures and reading the captions, the ONLY thing I should be planning are things that bring him pure joy and happiness. Thanks for the wake-up call. xoxo Dang you! Now I want cupcakes and cinnabons. 🙂 That LOOKS like the best birthday party ever. I envy people with middle of the summer birthdays who get to have fun outdoor parties. End of Feb birthdays would only be fun in Hawaii. I beter work on moving there. I think it’s reason enough. What a nice big brother for letting his little sisters hang out too. Umm, is he available to plan my next Birthday Party?? 🙂
Ahhh! Naughty Nine – I hope he has a fun year!!! The photos make me yearn for summer… yearn!!! What great party plans! Everything just looks like so much fun. I’m wanting one of those rainbow cupcakes right now. 🙂
Looks like a wonderful 9th birthday. Happy birthday to your guy.
so cute, so fun, you are the best mom. Love it, love it all.
so……are you going to share the rainbow cupcake recipe on your sidebar?? 🙂 I have a little boy with a birthday on the 14th. He turned 3. Can I make him stay that age forever? They grow up too fast! It looks like you had a wonderful birthday party for Sean! Its fun to see what type of parties I might have coming to me in the future 🙂 Oh my gosh, the picture of all the kids with their waterguns–PRICELESS! That’ll be a favorite of all of theirs for years to come. I have one like that with my brother, sister, and the neighbor kids all lined up on a couch. I just love that photograph. Good job with the party! I have a quick question…Did you put all six colors of the colored cake batter in each cupcake and if so how much of each? I have made the cake but never thought of doing cupcakes and I like the idea of cupcakes. how did you frost your cupcakes and make them look so pretty?? did you pipe the frosting?? super post! love all the pictures, so colorful!! what a lucky boy! I love all of your pictures, they’re so inspiring!! I can’t wait until my little girl is old enough to help me plan her birthday parties =) that’s so sweet. Perfect. Summer. Birthday. He sounds like such a great kid and it’s even better when they appreciate everything so much like that. My oldest turns 7 in two weeks – where the heck does the time go?!
Summer birthdays are so much fun! Great pictures! We just had a birthday party for my 12 yr old daughter. We did treasure hunt and camp out. I wanted to follow the teams around the neighborhood on the treasure hunt with my camera but it was just me, so …
how fun! he looks so much like Craig in that last pic. You are such a fun mom! (Or you look like you are!) What a great party without breaking the bank! The pictures are GREAT! i can’t imagine my life without my little boy! at first i couldn’t imagine what i was going to do with one… now i just feel so lucky to have both a boy and a girl! great party and i love the lego station! I love the LEGO center! What a party!!!! I’m just curious…I LOVE the lego center idea….but with all the other fun water activities…I’m just guessing the legos got overlooked a little??? I love it that Sean helped with all the planning 🙂 He’s a cutie!! And sounds like a keeper 🙂 What a great photo diary of your family! I feel the same way about my family and can’t believe how fast time flies! oh, sweet sean. happy birthday again. adorable. those rainbow cupcakes look like so much fun! my oldest is named sean and he is also a very meticulous thinker/organizer (at 2!). looks like a super fun day!!
I love ice cream cake too and it was always what I picked growing up! 🙂 The ideas for a birthday are great too! Thank you for sharing your son’s special day! Made me smile! Oh by the way, I did a shout out on you today! I really do enjoy your blog! Looking at these pictures was quite a treat. I love the “goofball” picture. I am a third grade teacher and this age group is so fun! Thanks for sharing your family with us…they are beautiful! What a fun party! And…it looked like the gift he was opening was Mancala. 🙂 Our kiddos have loved that game for years and were just playing it again yesterday! What a sweet message to end the post with. Love to see a pic of you, too! Happy Birthday to Sean! Looks like an awesome time. My oldest turns 12 next week. And she’s already entered the grrr stage. The goofball photo was my favorite! That definitely looked like tons of fun and you did good obviously. The lego center was very cool. I love this blog…it’s definitely one of the coolest ones I frequent (stalk in a good way!) daily! What did he pick for his birthday dinner? Love this post!! What a beautiful day for you all!! The cupcakes were really nice and I love the lego center:) Don’t our babies grow up waaaay to fast??? Have a wonderful day.
Hi, my name is Cara and I started reading your blog about a week ago (had to go back and read everyone!) – I enjoy it so much!! I’ve got a little boy (2) and a girl (6) and live in Kommetjie (it’s a little village close to Cape Town, South Africa). I really enjoy your creativity – I love to make stuff but always have an excuse why not to make something – normally the kids is my excuse!! Our 3 week winter holidays is ending on Monday and then I’m going to start making stuff. Thanks for the inspiration.
What a lucky boy – lots of brownie points for Mum & Dad! That lego centre is a fantastic idea. What a happy, happy day for your precious boy (and for you too). Well done Mumma. Meredith xo. Looks like a perfect day!! (And is it just me, or does he look just like your hubby??) happy birthday — what a cutie, and the day seemed like a blast! OH, so happy! What a great birthday! Great job making memories!! i love the lego center! nice touch 🙂 it was time to cool off.
this was a great way to beat the heat.
the funniest part of these pictures was just as we got our changed into our swimsuits….
another family showed up.
a very large man and his two children.
his kids would NOT keep their clothes on…
and the MAN was walking through all the sprinklers…IN HIS CLOTHES!
fully dressed in pants, shirt and even his socks!
so in every photo i had to walk around making sure the big soaking wet man wasn't in my shot…
or his naked kids.
not quite as pretty now is it?
how refreshing…. Hi Meg awhile ago you told me what photo site you used to change your pictures sizes, etc. Since then I had a computer crash and lost everything. Can you remind me of the site you use? thanks I love splash parks! The last one where your son is reaching the bucket makes me a little sad (and excited). It seems like it will be forever before any of my boys would be able to reach one of those buckets, but I know that day will be here before I know it. Your kids seem so fun… So FUN! What neat pictures of water!
these are great. we went to the water park just like this the other day, and my boys wouldn’t even get close. they are so silly! love your sunflowers at the top! gorgeous!
Well…I’da loved to at least see the man in his clothes…and I flashed back to my visit to Garden City, Kansas…long about 1976???or so…they claimed to have the largest outdoor cement pool, lol. How ironic that here in the Northwest we’re wearing sweatshirts and drinking hot tea. nice visual…thanks! your pictures would have done just fine. So, I have an email ready to send you, but for the life of me I can’t find a way to contact you other than leaving a comment. 🙁 It’s funny and everything. What do I doooo?! :0/ Great photos. Too funny about the wet man and the naked kids.
Love the pics and I am IN LOVE WITH YOUR NEW HEADER! cool sunflowers. I’m wondering if any of the kids that were naked were boys?if they were that’s freaky grosssssss!
We are here in CA. My husband and I just spent the weekend driving from Santa Barbara to Monterey. We went to Solvang, a Danish village that was so cool. Even your wonderful photographs could not capture the beauty of this drive. It is breathtaking! I can look at your photos and see all the places where you were. We are going to go down to Santa Monica tonight. We are staying in Oxnard. Was the cold weather just crazy. jackets in July is not normal for Alabama. But, it sure is nice for a little while. THAT IS SO WEIRD! I LOVE the new header! I was so right about your skills and those sunflowers in Kansas!!! They are so happy and refreshing to look at! Good job! 😉 I bought my son the same floral swim trunks this year…!!! Yea for WM!
LOVE THE NEW HEADER!!!!! 🙂 Awesome picture! be thankful the man was not naked. It could always be worse! looks like fun! and i love your sunflowers! Now I’m curious… socks but no shoes?
That looks like an AWESOME park!! I can’t believe there weren’t more people there on such a hot day! Maybe the large wet man and his naked kids scared everyone away! My mental picture is not pretty and it would probably deter me from staying 😉 Thanks for sharing! Oh, that is so funny. Yes, I would love to see a picture of the man in his clothes. How old were the kids? I hope they were somewhat small. Otherwise that is just weird! Was the man chasing the kids or just cooling off in his clothes? You must show us at least one! I too want to know is this in Newton, Hesston, Halstead….please tell. Looks like so much fun! I’d love to take my kids it would be a fun alternative to the pool. Also are you planning to make more pillows? I found your blog after you closed your etsy shop and am still drooling over the cute things you made.
haha…that is fantastic! your pics ARE still pretty though 🙂 What fun pictures!! At least the man kept his clothes on otherwise your kids would have beem ruined for life:) It’s official, I’ve decided I want to live where you do. I love the shots you take of your town, I love that you get to walk to do things (like go get ice cream or anything else for that matter), and I LOVE the small town homeyness of it all! I never thought I would really miss living in a small town, but the more I read your blog and see the awesome pictures you post of where you live, the more I want to move there! my daughter has that polka dot suit – wouldn’t it be fun to have pictures of kids in the same clothes from all over the country?
HAHAHA, oh yeah – post it – we wanna see …. 🙂 Come on Meg… I know you got ’em in at least one picture… please show us! It hasn’t been such nice weather around here (cloudy + rain) . But we tried the shaving cream fun today. My boys LOVED it! Thanks for the idea! Is this in Hesston? I bet the poor people living across the street enjoyed THAT show. At least the man kept his clothes ON. 😉 |
Sarah - That hay bale pic is to die for…
Such great pictures!
Melanie - Your photographs make me smile. 🙂
And you’re so incredibly talented…
pve - they just need to make some more kids.
jeez, gorgeous family.
do you attract them to you….?
danyele - lovely fam…love the head circle shot. and dead snakes are def better than live ones! great shots meg!
traci - what a beautiful family. they are going to love the shots of them. great job meg. the last one is my favorite too.
Sheryl - Love these pictures!
(But I stopped at 3 kids.)
elizabeth - You really are such an incredible photographer — ever think about coming out to Los Angeles? Do you ever photograph families that have a child with special needs?
Jessie - All are beautiful. You are so talented. I especially loved the last two–the final one choked me up–a full house in love. Love your blog.
Amy at The Red Chair Blog - These photos are fantastic. Love the 2nd to last one of the faces in a circle.
jody - Oh, I thought the same thing (as Laura)!!!
What a beautiful family and such good chaos!
I just had my 4th…and I am nearly 40…plus I nurse for a long time…which would put me at say 41 or 42 if we did #5…oh, and people are already asking my husband if he’s our kid’s grandpa! Yikes!!! But still, just when I thought we were “done”…those thoughts have been haunting me!
Exciting, not knowing what God has in store…it’s always good to be open to possibility I suppose!
I do just love this blog, Meg…and so excited about my little pillow purchase!
andrea - great job, i love the last two, i wish someone would take some pics of us like that
casey - I LOVE the black and white picture of the family laying down. Very artistic and timeless! Great eye on all of these. They are precious!
Allikayes Mama - I love that last one!!! I am coming to KS so you can take our pics! I think it would only be like 4 hours?! Not bad!! :0)
Dina - love the freckles!!! and those baby teeth…so sweet!
nice family pics!
Kathy - great family picts! I love the last two really special.
Sharla - I love the family pic of them from above
Renee - Gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing. I came from a family of six, and never thought I’d have a family of my own (5). The chaos. Oh, the chaos. Someday it won’t be there and I’m sure I’ll miss it like crazy. I, too, have noticed people around us expanding their brood beyond the “nuclear” 2.5 kids. Safety in numbers, I guess! LOL xoxo
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I LOVE the last 2 pictures. You are sooooo good. I love how you actually capture the hearts of your subjects.
Heather - Wow, what a treasury of photographs! The last picture brought tears to my eyes, it was just perfect and I don;t even know these people! They look so very, very happy and I am happy for them.
Sandy Toes - what cute kids!
Love that last picture so VERY much!
sandy toe
Tess - ^^ love that comment up there from laura phelps! five sounds pretty great to me! :o)
we have 2, my little one took his first step yesterday… baby fever is in high gear!
beautiful photo’s megan, absolutely gorgeous!
misty - i live in oklahoma… are you a long way from Tulsa? I LOVE your photos… someone should tell Oprah about you- the mom that does it all…
Rebekah - At least the snake was dead! I love the last picture.
Jocelyn Stott - Beautiful photos and beautiful family.
Laura Phelps - Chaos? Where? Isn’t this what everybody’s day looks like???
I met a mom at the pediatrician yesterday…she had 6 kids.
And suddenly, my 4 seemed like not enough.
But then I remembered.
Remembered how CRAZY the 4th baby made me. Truly insane. Have lost my mind.
And then this morning I see THIS.
Beautiful children.
FIVE of them.
And I am thinking those scary thoughts…
“Five IS a great number…”