if you are waiting on your pictures from me….

sarah jane
i have not forgotten you.
but i am very slow.
thank you for being patient….i am trying to adjust to this new role as a working woman
while still working 24-7 at home. (the laundry alone is enough to make me cry)
seriously while i am typing this annie is having a HUGE meltdown tantrum downstairs.
like lose your mind kind of screaming….
and i have no idea why.
so don't worry.
your pictures will be done soon.
i can tell you this…you will all be happy.
i have looked at all of your photos and every one of you will love your shots….yes!
i appreciate you.
AND i did not succeed on my 2 rooms a day plan.
i did clean the boys' room…for 6 hours.
i mean….come on!
that is just wrong.
that's our cat emily.
she is a sneaky quiet kitty that no one sees….and she HATES waffle with a passion.
i also cleaned out the laundry room…packed for a trip…washed all the clothes…and got a lot done.
but not 2 rooms a day.
i STINK at goal setting.
AND that same new kids on the block song was on this morning??
the first time was cool but twice in one week…20 years later….too much.
AND i was 7 months pregnant with talby when 9/11 happened.
i had just dropped lauren at school, scott at preschool and sean at a sitters.
i listened to the radio as i drove from the sitters to the lab to have a blood test done.
i was in a little bit of shock.
i had no clue what was going on.
i went into this little lab and a woman sat behind her desk listening to a tiny radio
and i could barely hear it.
it was the two of us alone in this building listening to people yelling and screaming
"the second tower just fell" etc.
tears ran down in my face…big and pregnant in my bright pink shirt…in the corner chair.
i called craig and asked if he was ok…what do i do…please come home.
it was such a helpless feeling.
a tragedy.
i took my kids out of school and sat home worrying myself sick.
crying all day…sure that chicago would be the next hit.
and today….i am getting on a plane.
on 9/11.
my boys were bald…and i loved that.
this guy was a sweetie. he's had his picture with this horse every month since he was born. i love when people bring something special along. we found a puddle and i was so happy his mom said it was ok to get wet. SO HAPPY! that is real life. kids love puddles….so why not get that shot?! i wasn't the only one who was happy. oh my. that belly is just too much. i can barely stand the cuteness. there is his beautiful mama. she just moved here & i am looking forward to getting to know her better this year… and squeeze on her baby. and there he goes. he's done with me. that's the usual routine. alisha thank you for a fun morning. see you at church…i'm so happy you moved here! kerry is too. So adorable. I love his picture playing in the puddle. Cute! ^_^
Your pictures are awesome, and I would love for you to take some shots of my little one. Alas, we live very far away from you. If you ever happen to pay the state of Tennessee a visit, let me know. π
Oh God…you are your baby pictures. Seriously, you are killing me. Those cheeks! That bald head! Those overalls! oh and we were living in chicago on 9/11 also. my husband worked in the hancock and they were evacuated. i was teaching and was supposed to comfort a classroom of kids when i didn’t even really know what was going on. it was so sad and so chaotic.
http://lloydmountain.blogspot.com and I’m hoping that you can help me spread the word? I would really appreciate it. smiles, Joni Hi Meg. I know I’ve been missing for a while reading your blog, but I have a favor to ask you. I know your readership is really high, and I remember all that you were able to accomplish in helping with Cora’s playground. It was a story that touched my heart and I felt honored to have contributed in my small way. My favor is this, I have a friend who needs a bone marrow transplant and needs to get as many people as she can to register on the marrow.org site to get swabbed. It’s a numbers game for her, so the more the better her chances are for a match. I just posted her story on my site:Great pics! I love the first puddle one! You have such a great eye and your pictures really show it! The chubby feet… aaaah!! heaven! Everytime you post portraits, I grieve again the fact we live many states apart. I need you to do pictures of my kiddos. Wow – he’s a keeper. That belly…oh that belly. Why are babies so perfect???!!!?!
I love bald babies too…these pictures are so fantastic. I mean really, just gorgeous.
darling pictures. i love the blue background..really pops. and i squealed a little when i saw the puddles…too much fun! i love the b&w puddle one. & the last one. sooo cute. I love these pictures!! (I’ve been following your blog for a while, and I love it too!) The puddle ones are SOOOOO cute! Love those puddle shots! omg the picture of him with his little tongue out is too precious!!! just adorable!!!!!! Seriously they don’t make um cuter! Look at those darling little baby toes! So cute! you have such an amazing talent, capturing the best moments! he is a cutie pie for sure! oh he is so CUTE! i love the pics of him playing in the puddle! cute lil belly! i just love baby chub! Ok, I’ve had my “cute baby fix” for the day! He is adorable, a real butterbean! Adorable! I’m partial to bald babies my self and I have a friend who actually told me that if her baby was born hairy she would have to shave it!
Great, great GREAT photos! Love his belly and his cuteness!
What wonderful pictures. Once again, you have really captured the moment. The puddle shot is my favorite. Those little feet are just yummy! I am way past wanting a baby, but I did get a twinge. Keep taking those wonderful shots! oh meg, how could you? stop it already! this little guy is absolutly bringing my baby fever back! my little guy was a baldy too. awww i miss those days so so much. So very very cute! ooh, I love that belly! Your pictures are amazing! I love that last shot, so adorable! oh these are just perfect!! that puddle shot and the last one… you are so talented. and what a beautiful family!
Awwww that first puddle picture is my fav. He is super cute!
major cuteness!!!! love the last, with his overhauls all rolled up! 1. i have been listening to Pandora all week with the station i typed in of the Jackson 5. it is making our morning chaos a little fun…..we're groovin'. 2. this was on the radio this morning on the way to school.
i was belting it out and dancing too….oh oh oh ohohoh! it was 20 years ago that i went to their concert in Kansas City with steffany. they wore rainbow colored sequined blazers. 3. i bet you didn't know i am really good at naming movies from another room…by sound not sight. i will be doing something in the kitchen and craig calls to me "name that movie" it's just like name that tune…. i am a name-that-movie expert. (self appointed expert of a game that i made up) 4. my 15th anniversary was last week…..and i forgot! but craig didn't. 5. i made coffee on sunday about 2 minutes after i got out of bed. i forgot to put the pot in the machine. the whole pot of coffee ended up on the counter and floor. niiiiiiiiiice. 6. i have a attack plan for cleaning my house over the next 8 days that i will be home. 2 rooms a day…deep cleaning….UGH. but it must be done. i started with the craft room so i would feel like i could breathe. and today is the boys' room. MAJOR mess. they "clean" it on saturdays but i am going to CLEAN it. with The New Kids on in the background. 7. wild sunflowers are everywhere…. I used to suffer BIG TIME with this crap! I have been cotleemlpy delivered from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, ocd and much more for over 5 years now. No it’s not a, you gotta pay something nonsense. I want to tell as many people as I can because I am cotleemlpy healed of it all without having to a pay cent! Check out my channel or go to my site: fuentesevangelism . com. You will not be disappointed! I used to suffer BIG TIME with this crap! I have been comtlepely delivered from anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, ocd and much more for over 5 years now. No it’s not a, you gotta pay something nonsense. I want to tell as many people as I can because I am comtlepely healed of it all without having to a pay cent! Check out my channel or go to my site: fuentesevangelism . com. You will not be disappointed! Sensitization , Bewilderment and Fear. This person is treppad in the anxiety state due to extreme sensitization, both physical and mental ( you can see his nerves are edge all the time). This sensitization is kept alive by belwiderment ( he does not know why he feels like this and wants to be his old self agian if only he knew how) and the most powerful emotion FEAR. Unknowinlgy he adds FEAR to FEAR. He needs to PASS THROUGH the fear the right way and not avoid or quiten it. DR Weekes talby’s shirt is awesome!
Love the new look too cute!
I have done the coffee thing, danced to NKOB, but I can’t name people or movies to save my life. I need the “mom translator” from Saturday Night Live. Thanks for the flashback. :)~Heather Richter I started playing the video and my two year old got up and started dancing all around! So cute to see my kid jam out the music of “my day”. lol!
Oh good grief – I have never even thought of your coffee project, what a nightmare… but I never remember our anniversary or the poor man’s birthday!!! The luck of the draw I guess… I could remember his birthday and forget his lunch!!! Love the picture! And I like your idea for the cleaning. Made the rainbow cake this weekend for my daughter’s 18th bday, it turned out great, she loved it! i love pandora…it also makes my daily activities a little bit more groovin’.
I totally play the ‘name that movie’ game with my husband, he tries to stump me all the time and gets mad when I get it. I can even name movies I’ve never seen, as long a I have seen the trailer at some point. Great list, I love your blog. I too love your blog…and the coffee pot one cracks me up. That is so something I would (and probably will) do. π I was a Jordan gal π LOL – awesome song – it is cracking me up! 7th grade I think? π I love your blog!!! It’s one of the first things I read in the morning and it always makes me smile π
meg… you are happiness! i too was at the nkotb concert in kc 20 years ago. although i’d rather not put the number of how many years ago that was. wow!! still love them to this day. Hey Meg…love your new kids video…I never got to go to their concert “back in the day”, but my friends and I went when the came to KC last November…it was a BLAST! A bunch of 30-something women screaming for these guys!!! What a memory!
I totally play “name-that-movie” too! The smallest little snippet is all I need- Glad there’s someone out there who shares my “gift” π Oh I could really get some deep cleaning done with NKOTB in the background! man, if you can deep clean your whole house in 8 days, then i must really have a lot of stuff….i gave myself until halloween! bonjour! I was pretty into Jon…I liked the shy guys. Love Love Love New Kids, I too went to their concert in Kansas City (that is where I live) what a blast from the past. They were on the The Today show a few years ago and I was singing the songs in front of my girls and they thought I was so weird. I tried explaining that I loved New Kids like they love Jonas Bros.
my husband loooves pandora radio it’s pretty neat!! GREAT photo of Talby! Fun list! Kelly
i know i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but a little new kids along for the ride never hurt. i love that idea!!
new kids!! yay! i am glad someone else likes them and remembers them from when they 1st started! sometimes i feel so old! love the sunflowers! wish we had them growing like that here in Tulsa! #5 is HEART BREAKING. I actually cried a bit for you. Love the 2 rooms a day!…think that might motivate me!
NKOTB. Yes. I also adore ‘name that movie.’ I think in high school I quoted so many movies that I rarely spoke original thoughts. I cried at their concert. Seriously. I did. Not sure why. I think it’s what I thought I should do.
Donnie was and still is my favorite! Only I didnβt get to go to their concert until this year and man was it fun!
NKOTB FOREVER!!! Donnie still makes me light headed! Oh, I was so in love with Joey. Now I feel old. now that we live in kansas again… i get to see my childhood friends more often. we didn't have that for 10 years and i am grateful for it now. (the double spacing of this post is making me NUTS!!! why does it do this?!) dana and i were cheerleaders together. oh the glory days…. back when i had no problem wearing a skirt so short i couldn't even sit on it. i wonder if i can find an old picture from back then….when i was skinny. another time. we've moved 4 times since those days so who knows where that would be by now. anyway….i took pictures of her daughters this summer. at her parent's farm. it was a photographer's dream location. they are such pretty girls. i love freckles. and red heads. and turquoise blue eyes. it's weird that we both have kids as tall as we are. how are we that old? when did this happen? it was fun dana. let's get together soon. i'll see YOU at the craft fair…at least we don't have to sell pork sandwiches at a cheer fundraiser anymore. how about a cheer for old times sake? Let's STOMP and CLAP and MAKE A LOT OF NOISE to show that we're BEHIND OUR BOYS! GOOOOOOOO HHS! {{{{{spirit fingers}}}} …….that is embarrassing isn't it? Marce – I love the photos from France!!! How biuutefal! As I viewed them I had the voice of Edith Piaf & La Vie en Rose singing in my head! jajajaja No but seriously, they are biuutefal! I want to see allll of them! When can i see them?? I want to pick some so I can frame in my apt.Congrats!! IT IS hard to look at the Capitol in Washington, DC, without a frisson of excitement THAT’S ALLY?! No way.
Once again, great pictures! And the cheer at the end cracked me up. WOW. those are awesome. π Oh my those eyes are stunning! Beautiful portraits, as usual! It was fun to hear about your fun memories of cheering. My daughter just made the squad and this will be our family’s first time making some fun cheer memories – I’m looking forward to it π Great pics. Love those freckles. You are so funny. Loved your cheer at the end;) i love your reading-guest room. it is so bright and happy. you are very talented. i don’t know if i have commented before, of course i came across your blog from someone else. and i think if i remember you have 5 kids, and anyone who has 5 kids like me is a friend of mine. love your blog!!
Oh the cheerleading days π The skirts were short, yes…but NOW….sheesh….it is like HALF of the bloomers (do they still call them that??) show!!! I am proud to say…I can still fit into my cheerleading uniform!!! Hey, it’s reeeeeally tight, but still, I can do it!!! SO CHECK ME OUT….clap clap π I love it that you are still close with those friends! Her girls are beautiful! GREAT pics….oF COURSE!!!!!! Great post and great pictures. Beautiful girls π Another amazing photo shoot! What beautiful girls (all three of them)! amazing photos! TFS. Those girls are both beautiful. The redheaded, freckled one reminds me of a girl on the cover of a Lois Lenski children’s book — I can’t remember which one, though! Thanks, as always, for sharing your sensibility with us! These pictures are so sweet. I wish I had my good friends close, they are so important to me too!
Good grief, you’re good. Have a great day! Your pics are amazing! π Megan, those photos brought tears to my eyes, and I don’t even know these people! So beautiful and touching. You are a great photographer. Yay redhead love! (I’m a redhead, sorry, just love it when people compliment us not insult us). The pictures are gorgeous, as usual. I love the location, and the girls are really beautiful. It’s nice to meet up with old friends, isn’t it?
Loving the freckles, you framed all of those shots beautifully!
I love that you added spirit fingers to the end! π amazing photos! love that eye color…want that eye color! Gorgeous girls, & gorgeous pics! Love the one with the lollipop. What beautiful girls. Once again you did a fabulous job! Those girls are gorgeous!! great pictures such beautiful girls! Great pics. This post makes me miss my cheerleader days. Good times. And it makes me feel better that I’m not the only one who can still remember the cheers! btw — love the last picture! You just dated yourself –I think that cheer has been retired!! Happy Labor Day — are you cooking out or is mom? lol
**i am posting this again because this post gets so much spam for awful gross stuff. i re-named it and took a couple words out….deleted the old post…we'll see if this helps. please don't feel like you need to read it if you read it last year. :) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10 months ago we began working on this room. removinging the vintage blue rose wallpaper. (it just wasn't workin' for me) removing the matching drapes. painting the walls and trim. replacing the very ugly brass/wicker wobbly ceiling fan with a nice new fixture. and now….it's done. this is the kids' toys room and also the guest room. we (try to) read books together in this bed every night. it's so cozy all piled in there. this room has five windows on one wall. it has a huge tree right outside where you can watch squirrels and birds right in front of you. and once while up in the night feeding a baby i saw a big fat raccoon. i knocked on the window and he just looked at me – yuck. the point is…the view is pretty. it gets all the afternoon sun. behind the map is a pocket door that goes into my bedroom so it's always closed. i found this red trunk at the flea market years ago. it smelled awful and the inside was covered with swastikas. now it holds costumes and dress up clothes. (ahh…much better) the map is an old school map that my mother-in-law gave me. it's one of my favorite things. a big comfy bed calls for great big super-sized pillows! and i made the polka dot lampshade too. it is very basic and imperfect but that's OK. that door goes to the back stairway, lauren's room and a bathroom. these chairs were trash picked in illinois. they have seen better days but i still like them. the rug came with our house. it used in the craft room. it has holes but it's the perfect color in here. the little blue cabinet was from salvation army. the READ letters came from hobby lobby…they were gold leafed before i spray painted them. i heart spray paint. some of our favorite books. children's books are so colorful and happy. my dad has had this where the wild things are print since i was kid. all the toys and books are inside the closet. it's a mess in there. there are toys and a tv in the armoire also. i made the duvet and ruffle on the curtains out of sheet sets from target. my mom makes duvets too. you just sew two flat sheets together leaving one end open for button hole closure. or ribbon instead of buttons….much easier. feels good to check so much off the list. now….who is coming to visit? sex shop δονηΟΞ΅Ο products and secivres, Contrary to common belief, online sex shops are not pornographic in nature as numerous would assume. 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You saved me a lot of hsalse just now. IT IS hard to look at the Capitol in Washington, DC, without a frisson of excitement i so love the happy colours, the room is goreous! π
Oh what a fun room. Made me smile. I just found your blog, and I love it! So good to find someone who loves the Lord when randomly clicking on a cute picture of a bedroom. I love, love, love this room!! All the colors together are so cheerful and wonderful. I’m in love with this room! I’d marry it if I could! I love it so much it’s going to show up on my blog next week (linking back to your lovely blog of course) so I have the precious lovely pics stored there. You’re creativity is delightful, as usual! Thanks for the repost… I am new to your blog so it was new to me! I love the eclectic and vintage feel of your home and this room is yummy! I think you have an eye for EVERYTHING! LOVE LOVE LOVE your photography. It all makes me smile!
I love this room. :0) Where did you find the embroidered pillows on the bed? I absolutely love everything about thing room. I sew duvet covers too – so easy and fun! (and easy to sew matching pillow slips, quite addictive actually…) Don’t you love decorating the kids’ rooms best – you can go wild with colour and it’s never too much. I’m also inspired to frame dust jackets, thank you for that one…And thank you, spammers, for re-inspiring so many of us!! Oh, and visit? I agree with another commenter; I’m moving in!!!
I’m glad you re-posted this! I am in my office/guest room right now, getting ready for my in-laws to come. I rearrange this room just about every time we have a guest. 10 months ago I saw this post and loved it, I have been trying to recreate the same “feeling” here(with different colors). I’m getting closer, thanks for the refresher and inspiration! Oh my gosh! Thanks so much for re-posting this. I’ve fell upon your blog from…somewhere…and haven’t been reading long, so I never saw this before. I love it! I *so* want to save every picture to my Inspiration folder! What a great room. I mean, if you had to get rid of the blue flowered wall paper with matching curtains (who ever thought that was a good idea???)… This is such an inspiring room. If only I had an unfinished room… Awww….I *love* it!! I hadn’t seen this one before, so thanks for reposting it! π oh, love love love. it should be inside the covers of a glossy magazine. very cute. I think I know – your husband leaked something to mine – blog friends from California for a special dedication? Do I win a prize? This room is SOOOO adorable! I LOVE it! I love this! I wished I had a creative spark. I’m just not good at looking at things at a flea market or garage sale and knowing that I could do something with them. This is great and very inspiring.
love your room…and your blog! quick question…i absolutely love the color on the blue dresser/nightstand next to the bed. do you know what color it is? am looking to paint a desk for my son and would love to know. wait im confused why did you re-post?! anyhoo it’s still just as adorable!! Loved it the first time, love it the second time. Why am I not brave enough to try a duvet cover? WOW! That was a year ago – I guess I didn’t realize how long I’ve been reading your blog…must be close to two years now??? Anyway, loved the room then and love the room now. Sorry you have to put up with spammers. Creeps. I absolutely love this room. It is me all the way. Love your pillows and bedding. It just looks so happy and the colors mesh so perfectly. What a wonderful space for your family to read, laugh and play together. Thanks for sharing:) I love this room and your blog- thanks for the repost! Meg, I could move into your house and not change a thing. So cozy. Meg, I wish you would come to my house and decorate it. Your style make me feel all cozy!! Seeing this room on Oodeeoh was what brought me to your blog, and I’m so glad I came! I’ve been saving the dust jackets from my daughter’s books ever since to I can frame them eventually. LOVE that idea! Thanks for posting this again. π Meg! Awesome room. I love the crewel pillow. YOu are soo good with colors. an inspiration for sure. i wish I had the space that you have.
OMG I love that room.The colors, the furniture, everything! You have an amazing eye for decorating. I love the people house on the dresser blocking the pocket door. I had one growing up loved the door bell. Great job! Not visiting – MOVING IN! Ill be there soon. I love and adore this room. I want it for my own! I’m glad you reposted this! I am coming to stay at your house. Even tho my parents live in your town. Think they’d be offended?? π Loved it the first time round and still loving it! I would love to come and visit it looks like a great place to put my feet up and read a bazillion stories!!! What an incredible room. so pretty and cozy. This was the original post that got me hooked on your blog. Fantastic. It’s been so fun following your adventures and photos. I love the way you decorate. The colours are bright, cheerful, and they blend so well. Inspired.
I so Heart that room . It is awesome. I love all the bright colors. I need to be more brave with color in my house. Great Job!! So cheery and bright! I love it! And don’t you just love “Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon”?! She is just too cute (and her little grandma too). π Duvet question. Do you use the next size larger to sew together? I have a queen comforter that I’d like to cover. Do I use 2 queen sheets or 2 kings?
Love this room! Come do my whole house! π Wow awesome,,,can you come redo are room meaning the girls room it needs a make over and I have no idea where to start that room is awesome, Lisa I loved it the first time so it was fun to read again. Absolutely gorgeous!! LOVE IT!! delish… I am in love with the colors in this room! 1 problem, I would never leave. Yes, me too, this was the reason a friend(another Meg) sent me to your blog- thanks for posting this fabulous room- again, What a happy room! Me! Me! I want to come visit. I love this room — all the color and the sunshine. You’ve done such a beautiful job…
Oh and I have to say… the wallpaper with the matching drapes cracks me up – I mean, really, what were people thinking?!? I guess if you REALLY REALLY REALLY love those flowers and want to feel like you’ve been swallowed by a giant flower-bellied monster, it’s a good idea. YAY!! It’s my favorite room in your house (I’m sorry if it’s creepy that I have a favorite room in your house)… in fact, I sewed a crib bumper out of that green sheet set and, in a little over a week, when we hopefully find out whether the bean in my belly is boy or girl flavored, I’m going to ask you to help me figure out how to decorate the nursery. Seriously π Love it! Love it! Love it! Come decorate my house please! It made me happy the first time and again today:) umm I AM. Oh I love this room! I am so happy you posted it again. I so want your little blue dresser! if you ever want to get rid of it let me know. : ) And all the little details soooo great! Thanks for sharing. I don’t even know you, but I want to come visit! What an AWESOME room! My kid’s nursery deco is all children’s book art… so that caught my eye right away! LOVE it! Your room looks like it should be in a catalog or magazine. I love everything about it!! Thanks for re-posting this one. This was the first post of yours that I ever read. I think I found you through Bower Power blog…she posted about your reading room. I had just started reading a couple blogs, and when I saw this post, I was blown away! And I have enjoyed it here ever since. π
What a beautiful room so glad you posted it again. I love your blog. I *love* your toy/guest room! It’s so inviting! I bet it’s hard to get your guest to leave! lol…Thanks for sharing. Glad you reposted … what a fun and cozy room! Would you mind sharing what your wall color is … I want to repaint my bedroom and I think that’s exactly the color I’ve had in mind but can’t quite pick out when I stare at all those paint chips! What a wonderful cozy room you created! I love it. Goodness gracious. I feel in love with this post last year and tried it in our gameroom… it is still SO inspiring and amazing. i didn’t read this last year, so this is the first time and cant help but wonder what words or why you were getting icky stuff. i love how you can make a room look perfect out of all kinds of stuff i would never imagine go together. very nice i love it, i to also have a one huge room just for the little people, it makes it kinda nice to keep all the mess contaded for the most part I have fell in love with this room before, but I love that I got to read it all again! There is so much inspiration there for people who like to do things themselves, and the colors are phenomenal. Love it even more now!
gorgeous redo! everything is bright and colorful and fun! i love it π Love it!! You are just so creative! We were oohing and aahing over your make-over and then my daughter asked when we could come and visit.:) Then I read your last sentence and just HAD to leave a comment.:) Lori It’s so colorful and happy! I want to move in! Awesome before and after!! *oops, meant HOUSE! π can’t type today! *oops, meant HOUSE! π can’t type today! What a beautiful has you have. Love the idea of getting all cozy in that bed, reading to the kids. What a beautiful has you have. Love the idea of getting all cozy in that bed, reading to the kids. annie asked me if we could make cupcakes. what i wanted to say was "no honey mommy is blogging." but instead i said "yes!" a friend of mind told me to try saying YES more often with my kids and see how it goes. hmmmm…turns out it makes them happy. i am not sure what i think about that yet…HA. we decided to make Pinkalicious cupcakes! (after i finished blogging) because the only cake mix we had was strawberry. but it was perfect because it's currently annie's favorite book. do you have it? it's a cute book. perfect for girls who love pink…or cupcakes….or throwing tantrums. they were very tasty. i had four…over the course of two days…not all at once. do you feel like your automatic response is no when your kids ask for something? i do. so i am working on it… my first thought is usually "No…i am too tired/busy/crabby/lazy/blogging…" but if i try hard to think first before i give my auto pilot answer…. can we make cookies? well….yes, as soon as these dishes are done we sure can. can we read 4 books? yes…if you can sit still we can read four. can you drop me off at the gym? will you be able to walk home…then YES. i don't know….it's hard to break a habit. at least this time there were cupcakes to eat. Grandpa Campbell – I was totally ameazd at how great your pics were of Little LUKE’s Event. So many favorites! And when I look back on the Party, I was cannot get over how you were able to shoot from so many great angles and perspectives without impeding on any of the activity.So professional . Great Job! Jonathan I keep a supply of homdamee cupcake wrappers with my baking supplies because I like to make cupcakes. I have done these manually and with my Cricut machine. I think this is also and excellent idea for inexpensive Christmas gifts especially using the cupcake box. The recipient can put them in their bathroom for their next party. I might add a slip of paper (like in fortune cookies) to let the guest know this is for them for keeps just in case they use the bathroom more than once.Boy was Oprah wrong for not calling you. Truly her loss. Everyone’s cupcakes loekod so good. Unfortunately I can’t do any baking until our ant problem is taken care of. I have the ingredients so hopefully I can make them soon. You are so incredibly tetlnead! Your fondant bow is FABULOUS. YOu should be very proud of yourself! I can’t believe it was your first one—I’d never have known. You’re an expert!
We had a Pinkalicious party in January – just because. It wasn’t a birthday, we just thought, “wouldn’t it be fun?”. We kept it pretty low key (read: easy for Mom!). We had a great time!! Your cupcakes are definitely prettier, though! π
we love pinkalicious! just the other day my 5 year old told my 3 year old…”ya get what ya get and ya don’t get upset!” any cupcakes left?! http://thebradsmithbunch.blogspot.com thanks! amy I am linking your post to mine…you’ve inspired me.We made the pinkalicious cupcakes too!! What fun! Have you tried the purplelicious? (I haven’t been brave enough to, just yet) Thanks for all your beautiful posts and great ideas! I usually say “suuuurrreee” & then hope he forgets. See, not much better. π This morning it was purple cupcakes, which we haven’t made yet, yesterday it was a new lego set, which he will forget about until he sees the commercial again. Those are lovely cupcakes! Makes me almost want to give up on my “no white sugar” pledge! I agree with the saying no. As I think about it I probably do say no a lot- no wonder my two three year olds say it back to me so much! Thanks for a thought-provoking idea–saying yes. I’ll try it!
They look adorable AND delicious! I love all things girly π YES – 3 letters with so much meaning. YUM. I can almost taste the sugar sweetness. I remember hearing james dobson saying that we need to say more “yes’s” to our kids than “no’s”. There are definite times for a firm “no” though. What did you put on top of those cupcakes? pure yummness. what a great idea! I already say yes a lot, find myself exhausted most of the time too, but it’s worth it. I bought Pinkalicious for my niece last year, I loved reading it to her π I have a strawberry cake mix on hand too (on sale at Target ), those cupcakes look good, and pink is my favorite color. I am trying the rainbow cake this weekend for my daughter’s 18th birthday, wish me luck! Love your blog:) Those cupcakes look divine!!!
i almost always say no, but i too have been trying to say yes more, it is hard
We love pinkalicious here, too! Even the boys get a kick out if it. I’ve been trying YES more often, too…and it works! xxoo My almost 3 year old’s favorite book is Pinkalicious too!!!! and I have been planning on making Pinkalicious cupcakes for over a week now, haven’t gotten around to it yet…..maybe you’ll inspire me! I am gonna try the yes thing….I do try to do that, but maybe I’ll work harder on it. and also, I’ve stalked your blog for a few months now…finally popping in, i LOVE to read here! One of my favorite things is to pop on her and see a new post! You are a wonderful mom and I wish I had half your creativity! You inspire me to do fun things with my kids too. Keep it up, you have lots of fans!!!
I’m really impressed you only had four…I would’ve had four…just licking the batter…and four once they were actually MADE π I’m gonna give the “yes” thing a try π Have an awesome COLLEGE FOOTBALL WEEKEND π YIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
My baby adores this book. Saying yes today led to a kitchen floor covered with water and happily…I loved it. π I can totally relate to the “auto pilot answer”. I’ll try to say “yes” more often and see if my kids are any happier. The cupcakes look yummy and I’ll have to check out Pinkalicious next time I’m at the book store. π Wonderful pics as always. We have that book too. There is pretty much nothing food wise that I love better than cupcakes. Those were gorgeous. Thanks for the pictures. I saved one to make as a screen saver:) That’s probably not a good idea…cravings will do me in. Have a great long weekend Meg.
p.s. Have you seen the movie Yes Man! π
We (my daughter and I) LOVE Pinkalicious, and Purplicious, and just bought Goldilicous! And I need to start practicing saying yes more often. The cupcakes look delicious. π A good reminder of something I need to work on. I do good for a while then I turn back into the “No Mommy”. And a great idea! We are having a sleepover tonight and I think the girls would love them.
so sweet!
Yes! I really, really have to fight saying “just a minute” pretty much anytime my kids want anything. It must be very frustrating for them, and I hate that it could make them think they’re less important than EVERYTHING. So I have a rule – I try not to say it at all on weekends.
These look sooo cute and sooo delicious!!!!
Yum! I really needed that pep talk, I’m working on the yes thing. Oh… that gives me a great homeschool idea for next week! We will read and make those cupcakes. She will love that! π Thanks for the inspiration! Your cupcakes are LOVELY!! I think pink cupcakes can just about cure anything. Yours look fab! my kids love that book! how sweet for Annie. you have the healthiest approach on life and kids, man. i wish i could hang out with you…more often, ever, whatever! lol cheers, girlie! xoxo this was a really sweet reminder… no pun intended. π I love your blog… now I’ve got to go find some pink cupcakes, they look so good! mmmmm. i’d say yes to everything if there was a pink payoff in the end!! so precious and of course, the colors. . . amazing. thanks for the eyecandy! My kids love that book! The cupcakes look yummy!
they look amazing!!! and so cute that they’re just like the ones in the book. (and that they’re in the garden. on a cake stand. sigh! perfection.) It’s my daughter’s favorite book – we are going to have a pinkalicious themed birthday party for her! Yeah, I guess I say “no” way more than I mean to. However, I rarely say no to baking! It’s my other therapy.
Somebody told me the say yes thing waaay back when, when my oldest was little. MAN is it hard! But I try. Some days go better than others. But if they were asking to make cupcakes, I could SO get on board with that one!
Thank you for this simple lesson. I’m going to try it today. Wish me luck.
good for you mom! this is so hard for me and i need to work on it too, for sure. the cupcakes are soooo pretty!
Mine response is usually No! I’ll have to try to Yes response not as effective with teens! They already milk us for everything…..omg oops sorry that was negative! Maybe if I can have one or two of your cup cakes all will be good. My daughter loves that book too! She made pink cupcakes with her mom-mom yesterday. It made her super happy! i love pink and cupcakes and tantrums and children’s books i might should be concerned that i’m 28 and love those things, but i’m not and now i want that book and a cupcake…which might bring on a tantrum…….. YES… and YUM!!!
i had a very kind email from stephanie last week. she was sweet and full of compliments. i clicked over to her link and saw her making salsa. YUMMY. i told her to send me some….and she did! i was kidding. but she did it anyway and it was such a treat for us. we don't make our own salsa here so when we get the good stuff we are so happy. THANK YOU stephanie. it was so much fun to get salsa in the mail! then my order from uberstitch arrived. i am LOVING the name UBERSTITCH. you must say it with a swedish accent…like farfegnugen. look at her packaging?! the fabric is folded up so nicely and wrapped in a pattern. with a map tag. love. love. love it. she had the fabric i have been searching for everywhere. school days handwriting. it brings me pure joy. it could be the best fabric EVER. and the zebra fabric? it's made by sis boom….another awesome site. that jennifer paganelli is so talented. with this fabric i am making pillows for the kitchen sitting area with blacks and whites. the zebra print is going to recover a chair seat. and more fabric came but this was from anna maria horner. i just got the scraps. that girl has some SUPER fabulous fabrics. i would like to just sit in her studio and stare at it…for days. her branding is gorgeous. polka dots on floral on another floral and swirly writing…be still my heart. and this package came from patricia (an artist) from pve design. another talented woman. we are surrounded by them here in blogland….YAY!…you are fueling my creative fires everyday. it was a care package from one mom to another. she sent 3 pretty dresses to my girls that her daughter had outgrown and a stack of magazine articles on party themes to craft ideas to advice on parenting. i felt like a very blessed woman. you blog readers are so kind to me. i love every comment you leave. i appreciate every thoughtful word you say. i smile every time you say i made your day. thank you for letting me share my love of color here everyday…it's like free therapy!! IT IS hard to look at the Capitol in Washington, DC, without a frisson of excitement oh…sorry. π I think the accent you’re after is german, we swedes has nothing to do with ΓΌber. π
Oh you are the best miss Meg!!!I must get you on my blog roll…love whenever you pop in!!
love love love that handwriting fabric. I also really love your blog!
I adore that school hand writing fabric – its too die for you are so awesome, I love reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your love of color! Could write a lot but will simply say I love to read your blog daily!!!!!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… YOU GET THE BEST FABRIC EVER!!! Awesome!!! Speaking of mail, did you get my email where I shared a link where another blogger made your rainbow cake for her son’s 2nd birthday? I got so hungry!! π What a visually appealing post! Pretty, pretty! Two things to share: #1. I was just–not 2 seconds ago–on the Anna Maria Horner site looking at those scrap bags before I clicked over here(insert Twilight Zone music here). #2. I love the IDEA of that school handwriting fabric, but seeing it instantly took me back to 2nd grade and my mean old teacher who constantly criticized my handwriting. Hmm. We must have the same “thing” about handwriting/lined paper, because that is to DIE for!!! I’ll have to get myself some. Wow – you had a great mail day!
Hi Cutie, love your enthusiasm about packaging. I hear ya. Whenever I see awesome packaging it makes me soooo happy too! I am at school late for parents night, happy to have something fun to check on before the mayhem begins… Hooray that I don’t have to GOOGLE for great sites, I just check your site and *poof* I instantly have several others to add to my favourites and browse through over tea. Meg, hon, LOVE your posts. You rock my blogging world. π Thank you Meg. You give so much joy from your blog. I just love when I see there is a new post!! Your photography is amazing! I am glad you have had a great mail week. Oh, your blog is like happy therapy for ME! I love to look at your beautiful pictures – and the bursts of color everywhere. Love it all! (I’m guilty of being a very occasional commenter – so sorry!) Thank YOU for bringing color and happiness into each of my days! oh such a happy post!!! that handwriting fabric is the cutest !!!!
Man!! You win!! You DID have a great mail week!!!! Guess I’ll be checking all these lovely ladies out!!!! Thanks Meg! You bring UBER JOY to BlogLand =)
Awww! I love how kind people can be (even people you only know online). This world really is a beautiful place if you take the time to notice it. I’m loving the fabrics and the dresses! Too cute! I can just imagine Talby and Annie in them. The hot sauce looks great too! Everyone’s been blogging about salsa and other tomato-related things lately.
you need to stop posting the cute things you get…because I am one of those people who hear about something and buy it….so far I bought that cute purse that you blogged about a few months ago….and today i ordered a necklace from vintage pearl……..thank goodness i don’t sew.
Love Happy mail! I rarely get any mail here, it’s so expensive to mail even a card so other than bills I get zip! Love pve blog she is so talented. Can’t wait to see what you do with your new fabrics. Happy Thursday! |
Joanna Peck (Jodi) - I should have been pregnant with my 3rd…..but he had been taken by C section on Aug 22nd. (he was due on Oct 19th) he weighed 2# 6oz at birth. I was HYSTERICAL that morning. We were in a different city…in a different home…so we could stay at the hospital everyday to be with him. My 6 year old was in a school–that she was not familiar with. I had a 2 year old that I had to take up to the hospital with me everyday–I could hardly walk those 1st few days, You are not supposed to drive-HAH! I had a preemie–I must hold him, talk to him, sing to him. I was driving by the 4th day alone. My husband was on 3rd shift then– so he slept during the day. All of this to tell you I was HORMONAL and HYSTERICAL! I was pacing back and forth saying– I need to get my baby, I need to get my baby! I too was in a suburb of Chicago, thinking it was next! My husband had to shake me and tell me– you can’t take him out of the hospital– He will die, you can’t take him. The fear was overwhelming. It felt to me like I was choking. I will never, ever forget that day. So sad for our country! On a completely different note….No idea there was a cat in your house. We have one that looks just like her named “Tiggy”
pve - This morning -my husband asked me to find out the time of the movie show and then tonight when he asked what time the movie was and I said I had not done it….I simply saluted. He could whip anyone into shape or shame…lol
Enjoy your time away getting further behind….he he.
Audrey - Ahhh, I could have written this post…keeping up with house/kids/work is tough! Kid rooms take longer to clean than they should! And I too was 8 months pregnant on that morning. I cried listening to re-broadcasts from 9-11 today, and remembered so many things I will never forget.
Jaime @ Simply Arizona - The room looks good! π Although I noticed no “in the closet” shots! lol… Sorry, maybe I am the only one who throws everything in the closet? lol…
Cute cat!
Jaime @ Simply Arizona - The room looks good! π Although I noticed no “in the closet” shots! lol… Sorry, maybe I am the only one who throws everything in the closet? lol…
Cute cat!
Sarah W. - 6 hours! You deserve some kind of fantastic treat, i’m sure!
I did not do one single room this week. I picked up a few things here and there… but as for my deep clean one room a day…. NEVER happened. I’m not good at goal setting either.
Being a mommy and working gets in the way of cleaning sometimes, and seriously there’s a million other better things to distract from cleaning.
I remember this day 8 years ago so well.
Overwhelmed. Upset. Angry. Scared.
I cried. Waited for my daddy to get home. And attacked him with the
biggest hug ever when he came in the door. (he had just been in new york and washington dc. just days before)
Be safe on your trip. And have lots of fun.
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I spent the day with my New Yorker friend today. Every Sept. 11th she wakes up and has a hard morning cry. We can’t really understand the fear and grief that gripped the people of that city. It’s still so hard to fathom.
Michelle - I get goosebumps when I think about that morning. It still brings back that same helpless feeling, every time. We saw the very best and the very worst in people that day.
pam - laundry should be a four letter word. π
Ashley Ann - Man that long list of people to get pictures too…I KNOW that feeling…and all the late nights that come with it. Hang in there, I can’t wait to see all the amazing pictures you have stored away for future blog posts! Congrats on a quickly growing business…stay true to you in the midst of it!
Amber - love the cat pictures. :o) and today i have wasted 1/2 of the day sitting in bed taking naps and surfing the web. o_O don’t feel so bad.
Elisa - Be kind to yourself about the work.
I too struggle, and threaten to quit almost every day.
robyn Beckley Vining - i was in chicago, too. i know.
robyn Beckley Vining - i was in chicago, too. i know.
Amy B - Not waiting on pics – darn it – GA is too far away, but you go girl! You’ll get it all done and it will be fabulous!!! Thanks for reminding us all that we aren’t in this mom thing alone.
Sarah - Boys rooms take twice as long…you know, the Legos, the moldy hidden apple cores, the empty crinkled Dorito bags, the dirty shirts hidden in the closets…
I totally procrastinate on THAT room.
Miranda - 6 Hours to clean your boys’ room…bless you. I love that other people type blogs while their kids are screaming…I’m always trying to gauge the urgency of a cry while I type ONE MORE SENTENCE.
Karina - I’ll never forget 9/11 either. Even though I’m up in Canada, all flights were grounded that day and we had house guests who could not fly back to the UK. I was off work and just sat in front of the TV all day. Then I attended a huge memorial on Parliament Hill and cried with thousands of others. It is hard to believe it has been 8 years.
I, too, would like to know: where are you going?
Laura Phelps - 9/11….ya know, I had JUST flown from NYC back to LA on 9/9 that year. I sat and stared at the luggage tag on my bag as the towers fell. And I had nearly stayed in NY longer, alone with Jack, pregnant with Belle. Had I stayed, I doubt I would have ever gotten on a plane with my babies alone back to LA. My father and brother work in NYC. I lived in the West Village before moving here. Jack and I played at Battery park nearly daily. He would sit in the jogging stroller and we would roller blade down..with the towers as our destination. I am glad you posted about it…we need to remember.
and on a lighter note…your Emily looks just like our Delilah.
Have a safe trip…to…where?????
Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Safe travels to you!!!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Fun boy room! And I liked hearing you 9/11 story. Such a defining and terrifying moment for all of us. I’m sure we all remember exactly what we were doing at that moment.
Also – Where the heck are you going? You just sorta threw that one out there, right at the end.
carissa... brown eyed fox - i was pregnant too! what a scary… “what is happening to our world” day!
i TOTALLY understand the plane thing… i have a pit in my stomach EVERY time i board a plane… BUT… get on that plane… HE is with you… HE will get you through! i pray for peace for you! safe travels!
there is NO way i could get two rooms done in a day either… we have WAY to many distractions! at our own pace… it eventually gets done! π
Sharla - The sad thing is I think I could spend 6 hours cleaning EVERY room of my house right now. I hope to get at least one knocked out this weekend.
Can’t wait to see the pictures – you have been BUSY girl!
Have a great weekend.
Heather @ Cookie Mondays - so chloe and talby are the same age, cause chloe was two weeks old! i was nursing her while watching it unfold on tv. it was my 19th birthday.
safe trip π
Sarah @ In A Dream - I thought you had mentioned a cat at some point – it’s good to see her! Very pretty! My cat had to stay outside once we got our Scottie because of a lot of “spraying” or basically peeing all over everything.
It’s quite amazing how this country has changed since 2001. I miss all the flags and the national pride. I was in the seventh grade when it happened and didn’t even know what the World Trade Center was. Boy, did my world change!
Kathy - Safe travels!!
jennifer - Here’s to laundry, doing the best we can on the housework, and to living in a still free country 8 years later…
Have a wonderful getaway wherever you’re going. Hope it’s just you and Craig. π
Lori Danelle - I’m great at Goal-Setting.
Just horrible at Goal-Following-Thru.
have fun on you trip!!
Joel Rodell - I didn’t make the list!
Jill J - I too had no idea there was a cat in the house! How funny.
I was 4 months pregnant with my son (my first) on 9/11. I remember watching it all on t.v. and balling my eyes out thinking, “what have I done bringing this child into the world at a time like this?!” What a scary feeling that day was. I can’t imagine living in a country where war is constantly raging.
On a lighter note, have a good weekend! I hope it’s productive… and relaxing. That can happen, right?
Julia - that sounds like a good kind of behind – can’t wait to see the pics
Jo - I did not know you had a cat, maybe that’s because she hides! π love the boys’ room, good job!
CK - I was pregnant with my first child on 9/11. I cried, too. I was so worried about the world that we were bringing her into. A few years ago, we visited the site of the 2 towers. There is this wind that blows through and the presence of so many lost… It literally gave me goosebumps. My heart still aches for all of those that lost loved ones that day. May God continue to comfort them.
mom - I felt the same way when I flew to France 3 years ago today! Who would book a flight on 9-11? We would!!Ha.
Can’t wait to get the kiddos for the weekend.
Stephanie - Hard to believve it’s been 8 years since the tragedy of 9/11.
I didn’t know you had a kitty! She’s so cute. I love how you just walk in a room and there they are randomly curled up asleep on a peice of furniture or under the dining table. I’m a kitty person in case you didn’t pick up on that!
Maria Masurat - Travel safe today – know that you’ll be in my prayers.
adrienneK - omg you need to go look at my “happy” laundry post!!!!
a cat?! i had no clue you had a cat?!?
oh my look at all the KU stuff my husband is from kansas and his dad and step mom and other family still live there,so we have a ton of jay hawks kiddie gear for the girls!!