for a brief time…i was a youth sponsor for our high school youth group at our IL church.
i remember just a few things from that experience.
playing poor man’s lacrosse….
wearing my maternity overalls to youth group…
*why do i remember that? Β Β & Β why did i have so many pairs of maternity overalls?
crying during the lessons….
*i have ALWAYS been a cry-er.
cried through my entire wedding…cry at commercials…movies…EVERYTHING..i cry a little probably every day…but i am not sad…i am tenderhearted? Β gushy? Β over-emotional? hormonal?!!
AND JP’s mom’s apple bars.
i remember the night he brought them and i fell in love with them…my life changed forever.
i ate waaaaaay too many.
now i want to share this yumminess with YOU.
Relax…it has apples….so it’s healthy!
first you combine 4 C. flour, 1/2 t. salt and 2 C. sugar
second,Β cut in 3 sticks of butter.
butter = that’s dairy = healthy!
when it’s crumbly you are finished. (i use my hands for this step, works better than anything i’ve tried)

take half of your crumbly mixture and press it into a jelly roll pan.

peel and slice 5 granny smith apples….cover the pressed down crumb mixture with these apples.

combine 1/3 C. sugar and 1 t. cinnamon, sprinkle it over the apples.
crumble the remaining flour/sugar/butter mixture on top of the apples.
bake it at 350 degrees for 50 – 60 minutes…until it is crispy on the bottom.
after i put mine in the oven i looked out my kitchen window and saw the girls.
i love that view.
cooking or cleaning in my kitchen and watching the kids play at the same time…..{{{HAPPY SIGH}}}.
(this weekend was VERY cold suddenly…soccer/football games were torture.)

after it bakes, let it cool.
make a glaze with 1 C. powdered sugar, 1 t. vanilla, 1 T. water.
drizzle it over entire pan of bars.
cut into squares and ENJOY.Β
last night someone said “it’s like eating an apple pie with your hand.”
i agree.

you will love it.
and you won’t be able to stop nibbling at it all day.
i know this because i have been doing just that since breakfast.
and thank you hanna for sending these with JP to youth group 9 years ago. Β Β

angela - You do such a great job. Beautiful pictures!
Lisa - What a beautiful family. Great pictures!!
Diana - What a beautiful family! The love they have for each other reflects all over. And look at those gorgeous smiles! What a wonderful day it was for this, huh! Stunning as always, Meg! Nancy, your family shines!!
jennifer - Great pictures! Such a cute family. They look fun!
Pineapple Princess - Adorable pictures! I love your processing. It’s always a joy to stop by your blog. Gets me in a good mood! π
Lucy Buller - LOL! i liked the one that they kicked their feet up. π π
Laura Phelps - I hope you charged extra for walking through that water….
Kristine Robb - what a great variety of such wonderful pictures! fantastic job!
pve - They look like they need a tv show or be on tv selling something. I’d buy it, whatever they were selling…
Denise - I have the pleasure of meeting Nancy in November! Her family is absolutely beautiful.
Cindy Ashmore - Great pictures.
Mindy - They are about the cutest family ever! I love the one with them kicking the water and your fav photo is mine too. Good Job, you rock with your camera!
jennifer - How stinkin’ cute is that family?!
Love it!
Joel Rodell - So weird…I just met Nancy a few weeks ago at a trade show in Topeka. Tiny world.
Nancy - Thanks Meg! I can’t tell you how many wonderful compliments we’ve received on these photos. We enjoyed the day too.
Starnes Fam - There are a lot of good ones in there…..especially love the black and whites. Sisters are the best!