happy birthday talbyloo.
eight years seemed to have flown by….just like that!
my big 9 pound baby is growing up so quick.
love you sweet girl.

for three years we have been doing this in november…. please enjoy this huge amount of photos of leaf jumpers… bummer. And no one ended up in the emergency room? If my kid were there it would have ended in broken bones! My son thought those were really cool, too!! Pure and simple joy. LOVE it. That looks like so much fun, woot! All I could think is, what if someone lands on a stick or something. I’m a party pooper! This looks so fun. The ‘mom’ side of me wants to say it looks scary, but the ‘wild’ side of me says that it’s so perfect for kids to let loose and have fun!!! Glad to see you are living the fall life to the fullest!! Fabulous photos!!! So much fun! Those are some great memories and some great pictures! They are so fun! =)
Mind if we come over next November to join in the fun? 🙂 Now that is a good time!! I would totally freak out if I saw my son do that. But thats because I’m a city girl. We don’t have huge piles of leaves like that in Brooklyn! Great shots! Hilarious! I kinda wish we had a trampoline now! lol 🙂 I can’t believe you didn’t get in on the jumpin’ FUN! Love the pics. o gosh! that makes my heart race! looks fun, but scary 🙂 Oh wow – how FUN! I love all of your action shots and Craig cracks me up! :o)
Hahahaha! Those are THE BEST PHOTOS! They just exude happiness! TOTALLY scared to see those kids flipping into the leaves! Cracks me up that you are ‘fraid of heights but not that! Seems we all have our things…Happy Fall! Very fun! Kelly
Wow..that looks like super fun.. you must be super chill because I would be afraid of someone getting hurt…….but then again that must be one big cushy pile of leaves.. I want to jump in them. Looks like fun! AWESOME!!! What a fun time! I love it!
I wonder if I can do that with my laundry mountain? Love, love, love your business cards. Any chance of a book…PW style? You know, just in your spare time…Meredith xo.
Love it! Did YOU jump??!
Awesome! From what I remember, playing in the leaves was always the fun part – all the raking and bagging afterward, not so much. that is seriously alot of leaves!!! i want a trampoline!! love craig’s pic!
That looks awesome!!! Those are such cool photos!!! Love the flip – cute. That looks like SO much fun!!!! Oh wow…that’s a lot of leaves! Those flip ones were making me nervous! Once again…awesome pictures!! Ahhhh. I love this! Shoot, I live in Socal and have no leaves! Craig may be a leaf ‘piler’ but I don’t believe he is a leaf ‘jumper’. I want a picture to PROVE IT! How fun is that? Totally made me smile! 🙂 Ah you are such a great mom. Hope your kids appreciate the trampoline. I’m kind of a stick in the mud with that one:) Looks like a ball!! Craig is a hoot! too funny!! the one of your craig cracks me up!! I agree, my stomach hurt a little bit thinking of the landing your son was going to feel. No pain?! That trampolins always makes me wish we had one! awesome pics. looks like a blast. craig looks like air jordan! I think you have some gymnasts on your hands! Wow… next year we need a picture of you jumping on the tramp 🙂 some of those hurt my stomach imagining the landing!!! the one of craig is a classic 🙂 xo
Looks like alot of fun but you oldest son is freaking me out with the flips….please land okay no broken necks!! Oooh so much fun!!! I love that even Craig joined in! Did you happen to join in on the fun? The fun doesn’t have to be over. You could load up the trampoline, grab the rake and come to our house. I’m fairly certain we could make a pile of leaves five times higher. Which would mean five times the fun, right? Oh, and then the fun would be doubled by my kids joining in. Which would be ten times the fun. Have I convinced you yet? That’s AWESOME! my girls would love that. too bad we don’t have any leaves..can we borrow some? once again…wishing I was your neighbor. that looks like so much fun! almost makes me miss raking leaves. pine needles are not fun.
OK so maybe I am the “square” commenter here, but I give you a lot of credit for bravery! Some of those pics made me nervous! I am not the least bit athletic and would have no faith that I wouldn’t break my neck, but it sure looks like your kids were filled with bliss and abandon. Lovely! that’s awesome! i love that craig got on there too. Your son in the orange is an athelete!(sp?)..he needs to do male cheerleading or gymnastics!or a college yell leader! love love love the pics. i also agree with the Starnes fam…Im in Houston and leaves dont fall like that here! can we say, j-e-a-loussss!? Our love affair with leaves blossomed this year when we moved to the Midwest. No leaves like this in Colorado or Texas, our two previous homes. They are delightful!
wow! that looks like F U N! You should make Craig take a pic of you jumping into the leaves next year!! OMGosh…. How cute. But I am amazed that no one was hurt in the making of that photo shoot!! 🙂 Looks like fun! i made some business cards…
************************************************************************************************ if you are going to Silver Bella you had better tell me. and i really can't wait to show you all my photos when i get back. Those are adorable love them, you are the most creative person I’ve ever seen! great business cards . . . so fun and funky!!! You are my hero! I can’t wait to see you. I am nervous too…I always am. i LOVE the cards. I’m going to Silver Bella for the 2nd time and it’s greatness! You’re going to have a fabulous time. Everyone is awesome and super nice.
Hey, thought of you when I saw these on amazon. :o)
Hey Miss Meg! I’ll be there. Take a deep breath. It will all come together. I promise.
AMAZING!! The cards are wonderful! Have fun, can’t wait to see pictures.
are you selling, buying, or both? sounds like a blast! Love the cards, especially the locker basket with the fabric and the crayon one next to it. So jealous you’re going to Silver Bella! Still need my happy pillows, whenever you’re ready! 🙂 I LOVE your cards!
Love the business cards!! Have a great trip. I have no idea what Silver Bella is but hope you have a wonderful time! Oh those are stunning – I love the look of Moo!!!
Gorgeous! That is one business card I would keep for a LONG time on my fridge! 🙂 Lovely business cards! I’m jealous!
I LOVE the one with the boots!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cards. My favs are the licorice and the crayons. LOVE the business cards! You provided Pinik with some great advertising…..I just headed over there and spent an hour I didn’t have playing with pictures! Maybe I’ll have to make some business cards. I always claim my profession to be “Estate Manager for Harding Family Estates.” Hahahaha! love them. my favorites are the first two – licorice and shoes. have a great time at silver bella and I look forward to reading the chronicles of the sights, sounds and smells of your time there. Those business cards are rad lady! the cards are so cheerful and fun. they look great! Hey, I’m going to be there! And I think we have lots of the same classes! Can’t wait to meet you! (and get one of your cards!) Love the business cards. What a great idea on using picnik.
those cards are awesome i want one!!wait have you thought about selling your prints?! i mean seriously everyone looooves your photography !! i would so put the crayon or cupcake print in my house!! ps thanks for the moo link i am in the process of making business cards as well 🙂
I love the cards and your new “whatever” image in your sidebar. I love that verse!! You definitely have the coolest and funkiest cards around! You have my wheels spinning! the cards turned out great! one thing off of your list. i love moo!!! good luck getting everything done! 🙂 They are so beautiful! Have fun this weekend! Most excellent cards, girl. And I’m just hating you a little for going to Silver Bella. I’ll have to live vicariously. And might I add…it’s a “win/win” situation for you and them 🙂 love them. i get mine printed at moo too!!! i am so jealous. have a wonderful time!! Omaha is only 2 hours from me…I want to go just to meet you, Megan! beautiful and perfect! i love them! I want a business card just to have. Always so pretty and colorful. Just makes me smile! 🙂 I love them all—the red boot one is sooooo you. My favorite! are you in the show? that is so fun… love the cards! Those cards are perfect! Have a good time at Girl Fest ’09! it's a hard message. i saw this on jody's blog a week or so ago. Thanks Meg. I needed that again. I love hugging the beam. Time to stand up and at least try walking on it.
Wow! This is so powerful. I’ve sent to all of my friends. Thank you for sharing.
thank you . . . just what i needed to hear! Oh man, do I so I.D. with that!!! I want to LIVE OUT LOUD FOR GOD! Amen! awesome. Thanks Megan for this post! Francis Chan is a DYNAMIC pastor-teacher. Two of our sons and family have been or are currently attending his church. Not only is he a dynamic speaker but he is a HOLY man of God who lives his life as we all should. Not on a pedestal, mind you, but real, out and out for the Lord. His teachings on Sunday morning are just like in this video. Amazing! It’s a real treat to hear him when I visit CA! What a powerful message. Thank you for reminding me to stand up. Wow, that was really hard to hear. You know, I’m in college right now and that was exactly how I was picturing my life… “I’m going to either home school my kids or send them to a private school which I will be teaching at so I can keep an eye on them.” – I say things like this a lot. Thank you, Meg, for sharing this with us, because I think we all need to hear this from time to time. It’s so true. I need to do some thinking. 🙂 Thanks 🙂 That was really powerful. I shared it with a friend. One word…WOW! Thanks for sharing this with us! 🙂 Francis Chan has to be one of my favorites… he spoke at Hume Lake Christian Camp in Hume, CA my Senior year of high school… was great then, is still great now!! Oh Meg I’ve seen this before, but it still makes me tear up…because I’m that person holding on for dear life…afraid of falling. Thanks for that reminder to let God use me to the fullest! I know I want that with all my heart. Great post! Helps you put things in perspective! I’m LDS, more commonly known as a Mormon, and this is why I absolutely love my church. We live our lives standing on the balance beam all of the time. Our church is completely run by pure volunteerism, none of our clergy is paid, we just do it for our love of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. If you are living life just grasping onto the beam, stand up, it’s great!
This is great. I really needed this today. Thank you! I might repost this on my blog later. Good Stuff! Thanks so much for sharing that Megan! Have you read Crazy Love? That’s even more good stuff! The truth really does hurt a lot of the time, but it’s so important that we keep listening. Praise the Lord we have a mighty, trustworthy God, and with Him on our side, we have nothing to fear! this is really great! megan do you have a link to all the etsy stuff on your home page?? i’ve been trying to send people over to it. thank God I am a gymnast. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBhqrtMqrv8 Brew a pot of coffee and get a cozy chair and some tissues… The week after I was in Kansas I went to Francis Chan’s church and had my entire foundation rocked. I am still processing it. I want God to make me uncomfortable. I want to be scared. Want to get really messed up? Want God to break your heart? I dare you to watch this:Juliann had an information table for Honduras on Sunday. Is this your year? i really needed that today. thank you so much for sharing. Wow. I’ll be thinking on that today too…..thanks for posting it. Wow. Powerful and so very relevant. thank you for sharing. God has really been challenging me with how i’m going to choose to live my life moving forward & this just gave me a huge nudge. Fantastic. I want to LIVE! Thank you. thank you for this. I needed to hear it, bc it is not much fun on the balance beam. Thanks for posting this. It’s a great challenge for me in my every day life.
Saw this on her blog, too. Love it. What an amazing example she is. I cried. Thanks for sharing. this really goes with the sermon we had yesterday. it seems like everywhere i look, even on your blog, God is telling me just what to do… I just need to stop being scared. I just need to say, OK GOD, I HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR. Your post today just made up my mind on something very important. thank-you. i hope it didn't seem like i was complaining in the previous post… it is easy! it used up all the batter and it worked doing it that way. frosting recipe is in the sidebar…and so is the rainbow cake. :) OMG this is so beautiful and thx for the ide, i will make my gayfriend some rainbow cupcakes on his b day! love from sweden! These are the most beautiful and fun cupcakes I have ever seen! I can’t wait to make them sometime. Thank you for the recipe 🙂 It doesn’t matter is the rainbow is on a poem, a cake , a draw in the wall, in our hair , in the sky or in any other place is always beautiful to see all those colors.
my favorite liners! we have pink, but i want every color!
wow….sorry about the double posting! My pc is going all kinds of crazy lately.. 🙁 I also doubt I was the one you saw….lol..
LOL I made rainbow cupcakes for my birthday on the 2nd (but doubt I’m the one you saw.lol…)! 😀
LOL I made rainbow cupcakes for my birthday on the 2nd! 😀
AWESOME! Ooh, the rainbow cupcakes are awesome! Now I have to decide which to make for my son’s birthday at the end of the month: rainbow cake (my original plan, thanks to you!) or rainbow cupcakes. they look sooo good im going to make them for my niece and nephew thanks …and my 4 yr old saw the cupcakes and asked if I was making them for MY birthday because today is my birthday..and I told her, I just might have too;] You are awesome and I look at your blog every day or ever other day when I have time. i dont look at it like complaining, your venting to a world of blog friends…just like you would to your close friends you could touch, over a cup of coffee or…a glass of wine. I dont think you should ever feel like you have to explain yourself. your human and YOUR A MOTHER OF FIVE(did i mention how awesome you were?)..so go on girl! Go girl. You are my inspiration. Im a young mother of two and feel like im drowning half of the time! Vent if you need to vent! I do!!
I’ve always wondered what a rainbow would taste like! Thanks for sharing ! They look almost to nice to eat!
Saw you added the My Life Rocks shirt on your sidebar. I bought it a couple of months ago! Every time I wear it someone gives me a dirty look as if to say, “Who is she to wear a shirt claiming her life rocks?” I have gotten the strangest responses from people in public for it…odd. I love it though. I have a pic of me in it with all the kids, I should post that sometime!
I love your blog. Really, I do. You’re real. I feel overwhelmed often — and I only have one kid (but two high maintenance dogs, if that counts!)
yippee! i KNEW you would post how you did those!!! thanks!
I want to make some. I can’t wait! Seriously, rainbows have always been my favorite thing. I LOVE those. And, didn’t seem like complaining. We all know what days like that are like! Full of lots of feeling and emotion! I am soo making this yum! Too fun! You weren’t complaining! You are one of the most positive, upbeat people I know and I love coming to your blog each day! These cupcakes are fabulous! I’m going to make them for both my son’s birthdays in December! Can’t wait and neither can they! GUSH!!! i sooooo wanna make some!!! I am so excited — finally going to try your chicken enchilada recipe tonight! I have been drooling over it for months 🙂 these are freakin’ awesome. I can’t get over it.
oh no you didn’t. WHY are you doing this to me??? I just got rid of the Halloween candy! 🙂
love the cupcakes! i’m saving the idea for st. patricks day. 🙂 and the polk-a-dot wrappers are way cute – have you seen these kinds of wrappers?? so cool!!
Meg – 1 question, isn’t it just as easy to make the cake mix from scratch? …not being cheeky, it just surprised me is all. I love them still though.. Also… what lens do you use? Ooop! that’s 2 questions isn’t it? I’m really craving a 50mm f1.8 (or something) and wondered what was your favourite lens.
i think they turned out pretty perfect. wish i could eat one. they look so yummy and i love frosting with sprinkles! I am loving your Phil 4:8 on the right – so very cute!!! And promise I will never ever go to the effort of making these cupcakes!!! Have a great week!!! you are just SO COOL. just so you know. we all think it. i’ve been thinking it for a while. it was time i told you! 🙂 Crazy! I just came over here to find your recipe for the rainbow cake you made a while back. Today is my daugher’s 3rd brithday and I wanted to make her something special. Thanks for sharing. Those cupcake are adorable! megan- i made these (idea from one of your earlier post) for my daughter’s b-day and she loved them… so did her friends! i also froze the left over icing (from your recipe). Yum!! thanks for sharing 🙂 btw, because you are a mom, you are entitled to feel like a tired mommy every once in awhile! hugs! woke up…made coffee…made talby's sack lunch…started a load of laundry. NIIIIIIIICE. played barbies…. at 10:30 i took a shower…
You should absolutely submit a picture of your rainbow cupcakes here:
i love this post.
I love following your blog! I am a first time mother of a six week old baby boy. I get the coffee thing:) Thanks for sharing and being so honest…it’s inspiring. Good lordy, I love your honesty! And can relate to LOTS!! You rawk! whew…wore me out just reading that! haha…cupcakes look great
sounds exhausting but lovely at the same time! your post last week totally inspired me – i went to wilton.com and bought everything i needed to make a rainbow cake – i can’t wait!
LOVE this post!!! no idea why 😉 love that talby let her lil sis play with her at her slumber party…so sweet Hee. I soo remember those days like they were yesterday. Dayum. They WERE yesterday. Sleep deprivation is worse than drugs. Just sayin’.
Hi Meg!I’ve been reading your blog for about a year I’d say!You really inspire me with your use of color right in the middle of so much white!(which is me)I am starting to use more color and I’m loving it!I don’t know why I haven’t posted before:)My husband and I were at the U2 concert in Norman,I coulda met ya!Darn,next time!haha I’m not a blogger or what I’d call super creative,but I’d like to be more!I really enjoy your blog! LOL poor Meg – I’m exhausted just from reading all about your day! Hope today is a better day for you! Love the cute picture of Waffle with his head propped up on the back of the couch! :o) Hugs, Trac~ ;O) look at me checking your blog again this week! Happy Birthday to both your girls. Tell them I remember when they came out of your tummy. I got my birthday package. Thanks, I was a little jealous when I read about you going to her book signing and wishing that I had one too. Now I do! Funny how when you write it all down like that it seems like more work than a pro athlete. and it probably is. Go Meg! You deserve a Mamma-Licious tee shirt.
Wow. And I thought I had a long day! What a good mama 🙂 Aaahhh a day in the life – lovely post!!! Love the cakes – very pretty and I just love a peep at your regular life!!! Poor Annie its tough being the shortest, I know from experience!!! I have a dog puller. Well, kinda. I started practicing a technique I found on the net, and it basically goes like this. The dog pulls, you stop and stay stopped for as long as it takes him to look around, stop pulling and wonder what is up – kind of like you are a tree. If he continues to pull start walking the other way a bit then stop and go back the way you wanted to. I hope I’m explaining that right. Basically I think of it as ‘the tree technique’, as in you can’t pull if you are attached to a tree. Eventually (and for me and my American Staffordshire dog of extreme power, within 2 days, I was able to go for an actual real walk. Stunned wasn’t the word for it. I hope this works for you! whew, that is motherhood right there. oh sleepovers. they are exhausting.
Sounds like a wonderful day. ;0) Oh, the joys of the Sleepover…Creating beautiful memories and experiences for your kids can be exhausting can’t it? Hope you get a sleep-in sometime this weekend 🙂 Meredith xo. adore the cupcakes…adore the photo of Waffle….adore your honesty. Thanks for your blog. It is my fav.
I have to say sleepovers are NOT my favorite thing at all. We had one last night but just with one kiddo. They are still screaming in the bedroom as I type. Those cupcakes are awesome . . how did you make them?
oh yes the sleep over…the JOY..of no Sleep for mom..such a loverly time… LOL… gotta love Girls… 🙂 Sleep overs are the WORST!! I had them for my daughter but she was always cranky the next day…and so was I. I was glad she outgrew them and went on to other things. I love the picture of all the little animals lined up. Such a sweet, simple statement. Could post how to make the cupcakes? I love them they look yummie!! Your -a good mom!!! I have not started the sleep over yet….I recall having those sleep overs when I was a girl. Sounds like QUITE the day. But I will admit, it sounds fun and makes me want more kids! Meg, how did you make the rainbow cupcakes? Same idea as the cake just separate the batter?? Or is there any special tip. My son turns one next week and I can’t wait to make them!! Sounds like heaven to me…miss those days home w/ the little ones. the cupcakes are adorable, and you’re a great mom, they’ll appreciate you someday for sure 🙂 I miss the giggling little girls at sleepovers, I miss mountains of sprinkles (everything is better with a sprinkle on top), but I like that laundry is only a hill. You make wonderful memories for your babies, unfortunately they’ll only appreciate them when they’re older. But you can tuck these moments in your heart now. 🙂 Busy, full day. Love that the little girls spent their sleep over in play and baking. Such sweet, simple fun. Enjoy your Saturday! Its well deserved.
It’s a wonderful life! I love it!
do you remember this mama? jenae has opened an etsy shop. annie got the birdie skirt and loves it. we did a little five year old photo shoot in it and i have to show you.
jenae's shop is called winneyandbea. some more of her beautiful goodies…
a reversible dress?!! go over to visit winneyandbea….buy something cute for your kids… Just too adorable wish it was in pink lol Oh man, love those pictures! I’m a sucker for brown eyes. 🙂 your daughter has the most fun fashion sense ever! i love your photos of her! now, i’ll go check out your friend’s shop because it looks and sounds great! thanks for sharing 🙂
That stuff is cute, but your girl is sooo cute! Wow! Do you take her picture much? 🙂 is it even legal to be that cute?
Oh so cute…the skirt AND Annie!! Great photos of Annie..with her hand under her chin by the pumpkins…truly gorgeous! Definitely will have to check out that Etsy shop…thanks for the heads up! Have a fabulous weekend! :O) I am SO wishing I had a 5 year old girl! Do you think I could bribe 12 & 14 year old boys to wear something from winnieandbea? Meg, Annie is so beautiful! What a pretty smile 🙂 Love, love, love. The picture of Annie with her head tilted? She looks just like Claire. So beautiful. Great stuff at winneyandbea. Got myself two skirts for my two favorite girls. xoxo Annie is just so cute! She looks like she had so much fun doing the photo shoot. This inspires me to get my shop open. Cutest clothes ever! Annie is so adorable and photos amazing! Annie is so cute! What a perfect model. And she looks grown already. Loved your post about her birthday!
CUTE Stuff! Wish I could buy it all!! I love the caterpillar jacket!! I am so excited to go check it out! Annie is too cute! love the whole ensemble! and the ladybug. 🙂 kelly Oh, Annie! She’s about the sweetest little lady ever!
I have been using that birdie material in my new office. I love it as a skirt!
That is one fab skirt. The birds are perfection. Which is cuter, Annie or that skirt? Um, Annie! Love her little skirt. That picture of the lady bug in her hand…precious:) ADORABLE!!!! so cute and I love the way you put together her clothes combinations. Very eclectically (is that a word?) adorable. Those pictures of Annie are just ADORABLE! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the skirt along with the other clothes in her shop – unfortunately, I no longer have small kids or small nieces and nephews, etc. to get them for. :o(((
That skirt is cute but that Annie is cuter 🙂 Could that pouty picture be any more precious? Love the skirt! She is talented! Wish I had a little girl to order some stuff for!
Oh that Annie of your’s!!! I could just eat her up 🙂 Just too sweet for words 🙂 LOVE that skirt!!! i adore annie. she is just so dang cute! that skirt is equally as precious. thanks for the link to her etsy store. i think natalie needs a wiener dog shirt! |
tami reed - Awh Happy Birthday to the bookie!
Beth - What a sweet girl! I hope she had a great day!
susie whyte - lots of cake being eaten at your house these days!! happy birthday, talby!!
okay, let me just say a HUGE thanks to you….
i won the PW book on no. 17 cherry tree lane’s giveaway!! yay!!!!!! thanks for the side bar heads up! 🙂
se7en - Oh wonderful happy eight – What a fun year is coming your way!!!
Kristine - she’s darling! great cake! you have been celebrating a lot of birthdays lately… i guess that’s what happens with big families!
Kelly - wowie! yum that looks good! love the owl tray too. Happy birthday Talby!!! Pretty girl and pretty plate with the roses. Kelly
Sarah@Clover Lane - What is the deal with your cakes??? I am not even a huge cake fan, but everytime you post a picture of a cake you made I get massive cake cravings.
Happy Birthday Talby!
Julie - Talby is such a cool kid! I hope she had a great birthday!
DreamGirlLisa - Aww, how sweet, the times flies, doesn’t it? So sad our babies have to grow up. My “baby” is 14 now, doesn’t seem possible! I will be making rainbow cupcakes for her soccer party this weekend…the girls should get a “kick”out of them:)
pve - You really must have a book, showing other Mom’s how to celebrate life!
your cool friend Cheryl - Happy bday to your little girl!
ps. I love that birdie tray! 😉
Stephanie Carroll - Happy Birthday, Talby!
Meg, wondering if you ever go to these sorts of things
emily - happy birthday talby!
i have the same antique china with the sweet pink flowers!!! i need to take them out of the cabinet more often!
Kate - Happy Birthday! That’s it… I’m pulling out my cute plates and using them. No more waiting!
Cate O'Malley - Happy Birthday, Talby! That cake and ice cream looks perfect for the celebration – yum!
Sophie - Happy birthday Talby1
Such a sweetheart (:
amy - happy bday talby.
btw-if i was crazy enough to have another child (maybe someday–see i’m crazy enough to not say never. and apparently i can’t complete one thought before running into another one!), i would so name my baby girl talby.
it’s such a precious sweet name.
have fun at silver bella. that’s some seriously crazy crafty stuff over there. 🙂
Tracy - Happy Birthday Talby! Cute picture of you and the cake! Hope you have/had a great birthday sweetie! :o)
pam - happy birthday talby!!! 🙂
Staci - Happy Birthday Talby!!!!!!!! Hope she had a great day!!!! We have an 8th birthday coming up next May….wow, does the time just fly by 🙁
Jess - Happy Birthday to Talby! The cake looks fantastic!
jennifer - What a fun cake! Bet she loved it!
Happy Birthday Talby!!!
sarah - Happy Birthday, Talby!
Cindy Ashmore - Happy Birthday Talby!
julie - Eight is great! Happy birthday Talby!
Gratsia - Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
Shari Barnes - Oh… I want some cake NOW!! Might have to bake one today!
Kristy Ledford - That’s it…I’m making my son’s Bday cake. You’ve inspired me with your cute, scrumptious looking cakes and cupcakes.
Happy Birthday Talby!
Emily - love that owl tray? where ever did you make that delicious purchase?
also, i am a new reader to the site and i am in lust with your house. IT’S GORGEOUS! (i just broke the no capital letters rule. boo me!)
angela - That cake and ice cream wants me.It is calling my name. Your sweet girl is precious!!! Happy Birthday Talby!
erin j - You always make the cutest cakes. Love it!!
misty - talby & annie have birthdays so close together! That’s how it was for my sister and I. I was in late august and she was early sept. I loved that because we got to celebrate our b-days, have halloween- then the holidays~ there was always a celebration it seemed.
I love the cake~ It looks so good, especially with the ice cream! I love how you even piped on the pink frosting! its making me hungry!
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh Happy Birthday to your 8 year old! It does go so fast. Love the scrumptious cake and ice cream. Makes me want some soooo bad:)
missye - It really does fly by quick!
Happy Birthday Talby!
And you have totally inspired me to start making my children’s birthday cakes again!
adrienneK - look at that cake!!!happy birthday talby!!!so sweet!!!
danyele - that is awesomeness…strawberry and chocolate and cake! sweet!
TRACI - Great cake, she’s a cutie and YES, the years FLY by!!!!!!!!!!
Starnes Fam - Happy Birthday! Love her name…..don’t think I’ve told you that.
Looks like another great cake!