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i love ohdeedoh.

i decided to post this because…i have heard more than one woman say “i have never made lasagna.” cook the noodles according to the box. in a 9×13 pan put a spoonful of sauce on the bottom of the pan to keep anything from sticking. then a layer of sauce….and then a layer of cheese mixture. and repeat those layers again. yum yum yum. and this is a great dish to bring to new mom or friends that need a night off from cooking dinner. ************************************************************************************************
My family love this recipe and we make it on a regular basis! Love Julie and Julia!!!! What a fabulous idea! nothing like homemade lasagna! I’m making my moms recipe on Sunday. YUM! As for sugar…oh my, you and I are in the same boat. Oh, how I love sugar. I am also on a “no sugar” kick and I lost 5 pounds. Totally worth it. Looks delish! Have you ever put it jn the crockpot? No need to cook noodles or check on it I have never heard of making lasagna with Cottage Cheese. Around these parts we make it with Ricotta Cheese. I’ll have to try it with the Cottage Cheese. Julie & Julia is awesome! This looks yummy. And to offer you some encouragement, I gave up all refined sugar several months ago. I lost 45 pounds and feel better than I ever have. Eventually my taste buds did adjust and sugar really doesn’t taste that good any more (and I LOVED sugar!) and other flavors suddenly taste amazing. Keep at it! there is a way easier way to make it right on the stove top too! I can’t remember , but I think it was a Kraft recipe YUMMY! your pix are GREAT! tara I made your lasagna last night and my husband LOVED it! Finally, I can get him off of the frozen kind. (Blah at frozen lasagna.) Thanks Meg! Meg, I have made the french toast many times. My family loves it. I even blogged about it and I told everyone that I got it from you. It is delish. i’ve never tried cottage cheese so i will try yours next time i make “ba-zanya” (my little daughter calls that way!)
looks yummy. i just made my first homemade lasagna last year. found a recipe to make the day before and you don’t even have to cook the noodles. it is so good and my family asks for it all the time now. what took me so long? I *just* watched julie and julia YESTERDAY and I don’t know if I’m just hormonal or WHAT but I cried through the whole thing. I am so moved by two women paving their own paths and living their best lives.
Yummy, too bad I live in a place that doesn’t eat beef (India), but I could substitute, just wouldn’t taste nearly as good! Your daughter Lauren would do fine here though 😀 Don’t boil the noodles, and that’s one less pot to clean! 🙂 I add a little extra sauce and 15-20 minutes to the cooking time, and it’s so good. on youtube. I might have posted it in your comments section before, but I do think you’ll love it (it’s about ART, not sugar). Ummm, I can’t see my first comment, which I really left. Anyway, my second comment, minus my first comment, sounds a bit schizophrenic. My first comment (which I can’t find) said you should watch this videoOh, well, ok, you didn’t say “sugar, sugar I love you” but what you did say made me think of that song/video anyway 🙂 That’s just the way my mind works I guess. I still think you’ll love it. Love you Megan, but not sure about the jarred sauce and cottage cheese(I love it, but not in lasagna, I use ricotta). I do love to cook though, so making the sauce from scratch is all part of it for me, but also why I don’t make lasagna too often. I loved Julie & Julia too, definitely one of my new favorites too. Yummy!!! Yes, that movie is a must see. FYI, I have your plates! 🙂 can not wait for lasagne…I am nine months pregnant and the idea of that much acid in my tummy makes me green, but oh my once my little is here; bring it on! Your blog is awesome! Congrats on the HOMIE too! I have never attempted Lasagna but I’ll definitely put it on my list of things to do. And, yes, I did see Julie and Julia-loved it! you are always SO practical. so practical. and i watched the movie twice last weekend … LOVE IT!!! Great Job! I did see the movie and yes one of my all time favorites! i am such a lover of lasagne. however, my kids don’t eat mixed foot. mixed food…you know, chili, soups, casseroles, lasagne. i will never understand them. Thanks for the inspiration! I haven’t made a lasagna in years but we’re having it tonight!!! I made mine with whole wheat pasta and added wheat germ & pureed carrots to my sauce. Gotta do whatever I can to sneak healthy stuff into my guys! ok, so I have to admit I am a little grossed out by the cottage cheese thing. I have never heard of using cottage cheese, and I never liked it. I always use Ricotta cheese and I spice the cheese up with herbs. I guess all that matters is that your family loves it. And you can easily make a small tray (use a mini loaf pan) for Lauren without meat. Thanks for the quick yummy recipe! Found you via Seleta’s site. If it makes you feel any better, or gives you some hope, I was a true sugar addict. Seriously, seriously addicted. I gave it up last January 1st. I honestly thought I was going to die from with drawals. It got better each week.I did still eat fruit etc. ( no pineapple). I lost 40 pounds, and have never felt better! 🙂 I can honestly say, I don’t even miss the sugar! Giving up sugar was the absolute BEST thing I ever did! I don’t even like the taste of it anymore~Good luck Meg! hilarious my easy lasagna recipe is almost identical! i always use cottage cheese in place of ricotta and i always use prego sauce with mine too. i usually double and freeze one. Agreed that lasagna is so easy to make that I usually make 2 at a time (one for now and one to freeze). I prefer veggie lasagna (mmm, spinach) to meat, but both are good. And I stopped cooking my noddles first and most of the time they are just find. Maybe just a tad not soft enough, but it saves time. Nothing wrong with generic, it’s all pretty much the same in the end – just less pretty packaging. Are you trying to make me fat, Meg? Cause all of your recipes make me eat like I haven’t had a meal in a week! This from the woman who has given up sugar! LOL For me, lasagna will always be one of those meals that tastes better when somebody else makes it, know what I mean? But I’m still going to try your recipe (cause I always do). xoxoxoxo Looks delicious! And easy to make too! Tell Lauren to make a separate batch with Morningstar Crumbles. I’m a lifelong veggie and I love the stuff. I’ve made lasagna with it for friends and they didn’t even realize that they weren’t eating meat. It works great for Tacos too. We love it too! I never cook my noodles and i don’t even purchase the “no-boil” kind. Just layer them in there. My cheesy layer is cream cheese and sour cream too…light of course! 🙂
Please, PLEase, PLEASE!!! Don’t even boil the noodles!! Layer everything with noodles uncooked, Bake at 350 covered with foil for 30 minutes, and uncover and bake another 15 – 25 minutes. That simple!! Don’t need special pasta either, it all works! Saved you some water, and the hassle of ripping and tearing the cooked noodles Lasagne is wonderful, I agree. I almost always use the oven ready noodles which is nice and my own spaghetti sauce. Whenever we have spaghetti I always make a huge pot of sauce and throw the leftovers in the freezer, that way we have another round of spaghetti or sauce for lasagne ready for a quick meal!
I also never attempted lasagna because I thought it was hard to make. Yours looks simple and yummy!
Looks yummy! My best friend, who is admittedly not a chef, makes her own version of lasagna called “la-la-la-lori!”
Lasagna is so easy, I agree – and I don’t even cook the noodles first – just use the hard noodles in the recipe and they come out perfect every time! Thanks for posting! I’m even making lasagna without cooking the noodles first! It is so nice to get rid of one step in the process!
I’ve never made lasagna before either. My sisters always tell me how easy & quick it is but never have said “Hey, here is the recipe give it a try!” I enjoy cooking & make tons of things way more complicated than this… I do believe I will have to give this a try. Looks Yummy!!! I just watched Julie and Julia for the second time last night. I adore it! It makes me want to wear pearls and buy butter.
I saw Julie & Julia last week… so good! Are you a Glee fan? Did you notice Sue? Just wondering, I love Glee 🙂 I love making a lasagna – mainly because my husband is under the impression that it is super hard to make and I must be a goddess for knowing how to do it. So stop going around telling everyone it is easy!!!
I know so many people who say they don’t make lasagna too! I have no idea why because it’s my stand-by when I can’t think of anything else to make. It’s easy, filling & everyone loves it! Like some others said, I use the no-cook noodles but I do soak them a few minutes in hot water (just in a 9×13 pan) so they have a head start. So much simpler!
Have you ever tried NOT boiling your noodles? Works great and it saves you a step! Love your Annie! I make my lasagna the exact same way! I’ve been bugging my hubby to order Julie & Julia from netflix for me, I can’t wait to watch it.
Man! I love your Annie – she’s a doll! What she calls lasagna is hilarious! Looks really good and thanks for sharing your way of doing it! Always fun to see how other people do things… Julie & Julia was totally marvelous! Why the cottage cheese and not ricotta? I’ve never heard of using cottage. This made me laugh out loud! I just made out my menu for the week and I’m making your crescent chicken, baked french toast (for breakfast for dinner), my own ‘no boil noodles’ lasagna, AND cream puff dessert. Ahhhhhh, do you hate me? I will take extra bites for you, my dear. 😉
I make it all the time…but still even LOVE seeing it be made! Yum! Now I wanna make it for dinner!
I think i’ll pick up some stuff to make lasagna today. This week is a quiet week kid activity wise but next week looks a bit crazy on the old calender. Wouldn’t it be great to pop this into the oven one night. You are an inspiration to me Meg with your Sugar thing. I need to kick my habit and soon! Ummm. I love lasagna. When I was growing up my grandma’s would make it all the time for me. My mom said it was “too much work”. So naturally, I was intimidated by it. Then one day I psyched myself up for “all the work” and made me some lasagna. Ha! Too much work? I actually found it to be one of the easiest, quickest and most delicious meals to prepare. Unfortunately, there are a few cheese haters in my family who won’t eat it, but there are a few more of us who just love it and I make it often. I boil up some penne noodles and throw some sauce on top for the cheese haters on lasagna night. Tonight I am making my families favorite meal – Calzones – now that is a bit of work. I will post it on my blog later tonight. Sometimes I use spiral noodles if I dont have any lasagna noodles. Also I like to add in cream cheese and sour cream in between my layers. I just get a spoonful and use my finger to kinda plop in down in between the layers…yum!
I’ve been a full time, stay at home mom of 3 boys, 18, 14, and 7 for the last 15 yrs and pasta is a huge staple in our house, mostly because it’s so filling. My recipe is the same as yours, except for the onion, my husband and boys won’t eat it, so I add onion powder. We watched Julie and Julia a couple of weeks ago and loved it but I don’t aspire to cook such grand things. lol YUMM-MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I agree, it really isn’t that terribly hard to make 🙂 Your’s looks super yummy! (I will have to say…I’m with Lauren, I don’t LOVE beef so much…but I will eat it in ma-zan-ya!) Oh Annie…how I love ya 🙂
I love lasagne. It’s not hard to make but I do make a huge mess in the kitchen when I make it. The great thing about it is that you can make it and freeze it for another day. I can make one pan for my carnivores and one for the veggievores.
Mmmm. That looks delicious!!
Oh Yum! I am so making that this weekend!
I make lasagna in the crock pot. SO easy and the house smells like heaven all day! I have never had ground beef in lasagna. I use Italian sausage. Also just the bag Italian cheese, no cottage cheese but it does look very good with the cheese mixture! Oh and mushrooms I love all of your recipes they are so easy 🙂 Ok. I’ll add the lasagne to my list. I won’t tell you what i have made… but I always love it and it is multicolored and has a few layers. I received Julie and Julia in my stocking at Christmas and I LOVE that movie. It is so cute, and a much have for anyone who loves to cook! 🙂 We love lasagna at our house too! Homemade is way better than frozen any day!!! My daughters call it “De-san-ya” which makes me laugh and think of designer lasagna. I did see Julie and Julia and now I am reading the book…I think this may be a rare instance when the movie is better than the book! sounds easy., I have been contemplating about trying Pioneer Womans Recipe. Thanks!! Looks yummy. I’m joining you on the sugar thing. (sigh) That is my exact recipe for lasagna! Way too easy, don’t know why people think it is so hard to make. I am doing without most sugar here, so I feel your pain. Jonathan watched Julie and Julia with me the other day, even he liked it. Take care! Aaaah…just saw Julie & Julia last night! I LOVED IT!! I wrote a post this morning about how I hate to cook. I envy you, I wish I found cooking simple or fun. Your lasagna looks yummy. 10:00 AM monday january 18.
and we get a break from the ridiculous amounts of dog hair all over everything. he has a special blankie. if anyone touches it he goes crazy…a nice kind of crazy. the santa hat re-appeared so lauren put it on waffle. i am sure he smiles…he looks so happy all the time. My girls and I scrolled through the pictures of Waffle and we all started laughing at Waffle in the santa hat…! We started with little giggles and ended up with belly laughs…the girls call him “Waffle Claus”! Thanks for sharing!
Oh wow, I thought the before was the after! My dog (which is part goldendoodle) needs a haircut but her afters always look like your befores. ha! And she smiles all the time, too~they are such happy dogs! I love this dog! Too cute…I want one! Does he bark at strangers?
your dog waffle is EXACTLY like my goldendoodle tucker!! we have chewed up pieces of blanket all over our house and our dogs look sooo very much alike! we LOVE LOVE our dog! I always thought the “doodles” didn’t shed…apparently they do huh? Looks like a different doggie. What a cutie… Wow Waffle looks like a totally and completely different baby with his hair cut like that! He’s so beautiful and I think you’re right – he looks happy all of the time, so he must be smiling! :o) His blanket looks like what my dogs used to do to their blankets when we had dogs too. HA! Thanks for sharing and the lasagna recipe looks delicious! I will have to try it – I’m one of those who’ve never made it either as I thought it was too hard and too time consuming – thanks for showing me otherwise! :o)
adorable! he looks so happy 🙂 I have a golden and their joyful facial expressions are priceless. my son looks like Waffle when it’s time for his cut…he acts like waffle, too : ) What a handsome guy! I have a Golden, so I def see the traits in Waffle (when his hair is cut)!
Love the “new do” for Waffle! He’s so handsome! Waffle looks adorable!!! I love his haircut! He looks so much like a lab after those pictures! That guy {waffle} is so cool! He is such a cute dog! I love his name and all the pictures you post of him. Your blog always puts a smile on my face. Thank you 🙂 Wow, it’s crazy how different he looks! How cute! My daughter is trying to convince my husband that we need a “Waffle”. Bah! so funny….my neighbor has a labra-doodle and when Cody gets a haircut she says he gets very self-concious 🙂 – and I treat him differently, I think. Our other neighbor has a little Yorkie…and when Ellie gets a trim I like her more…why is that??!?!?! Short of Shaggy there is just something about a dog! Kim
I know this is on the wrong post but I just wanted to do what I can to help. I’ve been kind of feeling insecure/anxiety etc. too, and I was asking a health professional what I could be eating that would help and she said protein. Make sure you get enough protein in your diet and it will definetely help. I hope it helps you! And I hope you start to feel better. Your dog looks way cute too! I love Waffle! What a cute/great doggie. I like him better fluffier – but I totally relate to the huge fluff balls of fur flying around the house! I love his new haircut!
What a sweet baby. I love that dog. LOVE. And I hope you are feeling better. I too have had a bad week or so. Funk. Time for Spring. What a great dog! He looks like a sweetie. Makes me miss my pups. Maybe we’ll get another one some day. Of course he’s smiling….he lives in your wonderful house with your beautiful family…I’d be smiling and happy too! God bless you cause I love seeing Waffle…he makes me smile. We can’t wait to give a dog a forever home sometime this Spring. Waffle is amazing…hair or no hair..and very photogenic (and tolerant). However, your husbands calf muscles were the star of the picture 😉 I have always been a “small dog person”, but I must say that Waffle has me changing my opinion. He is just TOO CUTE!
Amazing what a difference a haircut makes, though I love the old version too. Love the Santa hat pic – too cute! i love waffle photos. he is so darn cute both furry and clipped.
HI-I’m new to your blog, but L-O-V-E, love it!About the insecurity thing…you are normal, after all, aren’t we only human? Seems as if school is always where I have felt that way also. If we are strong in our faith, and rely on our GOD…what do we have to be insecure about? BLESSINGS! Hi, my name is Cara. I’ve been reading your block for the last year and just love it – can’t wait in the morning to see if there is something new!! I live in South Africa in a small “village” called Kommetjie (at the sea) close to Cape Town. It’s always amazing for me to think how far we are apart but can still see what’s going on different peoples lives! It’s so interesting to see how different our school terms, way of living etc is but there is also so many things that is similar! Cara xxx
What an awesome before and after! I can’t imagine how much more comfortable he is. =) Wow, its like a completely different dog! Looks gorgeous!! We over here in Cali LOVE the short do. So sleek!! Waffle is adorable…and your husband has very nice legs. I’m just sayin 😉 Waffle, you are too cute! And you have the best new year’s slim down plan I’ve seen. 🙂
What a cutie!! He looks like such a happy guy!! That dog is just adorable…with fur or not. He does look like he’s smiling. My sweet Fergie always looks like she’s scowling. Poor thing:)
He looks like a completely different dog!
I love waffle’s new do. Is he all like “Hey, look at my new look” or is he more like “dude, what happened to the built-in insulation”?
how could anyone not love waffle?! he makes me want a dog. Seriously. He’s so cute!! Both ways. 🙂 I am far too horrible a domestic engineer to handle cleaning up dog hair, but if I ever get brave, I want a Waffle of my own. lol Oh my, lol. He’s a totally different dog! Cute too! What a sweet baby! What a happy cute pooch!!! When I had my lab I would shave him just like that… I LOVED the few weeks of less shedding. Plus they look so put together & “derssed up”. He looks so cute after his haircut! And I love the pic with the santa hat.
Love that he is wrapped in his blankie! Also makes me smile to see photos of Waffle!
i can’t look at any picture of waffle without getting the giggles. but that 2nd one down of his new ‘do takes the cake. and his holy blankie???? PRESH!
he’s sooo cute 🙂 Still love your blog, love the pics of Waffle (LURVE that name!)…I live voraciously thru you….I can’t handle BIG dogs, but want one. Got 2 little ones. Waffle looks COOL!
I heart waffle. I love the picture of him wearing the santa hat! He DOES look like a very happy and well loved doggie! I had to laugh because when i saw the title “new do” i was expecting you . . . wondered what you did, and then Waffle flashed up on the screen, i laughed! He looks like a totally different dog! That must be the happiest looking dog I’ve ever seen!
He looks years yonger with out all that hair! What a nice looking dog! Awww! Isn’t it funny how when they get their hair cut they look like puppies again? Waffle! Love ’em. Even though Im not an animal lover that dog is too cute lol I bet Waffle is so happy with his new found handsomeness. Great pictures! xoxo This post reminds me that I need to make an appointment for our goldendoodle to get shaved! My husband tried to do it himself… 🙂 Now her hair is totally patchy
What a fine pooch… I would love to imagine what his voice would be like if he could actually talk in human voice. My dog would sound like Will Ferrel in Old School. Frank the Tank. I wonder what Waffle would be like??? By the way, I made my daughter a rainbow cake for her bday. She loved it and the party guests “oohed and aahhed” when the cake was cut. Thanks for giving my party that wow factor! 🙂
I love waffle!! He just looks so hugable. I drool over your house every time I see pictures. It reminds me of everything I love… family, fun, laughter, old, new, comfy, and cozy all wrapped up in one! It’s like you get two dogs for the price of one 🙂 He is super cute! He looks so good! Looks like 2 different dogs…what a cute boy!! So cute! I wish I looked that good after a haircut!!
Man oh man is he a cutie 🙂 ALMOST makes me wish I had one….minus the hair 🙂 (We had a yellow lab for 12 years…I STILL find “Baxter hair” occasionally 🙂 And this might be inappropriate to say…but I have to… your Craig has some seriously great calves on him 🙂 hee hee You have the cutest dog! He looks so friendly too. Wow. Really the same dog! So cute! He’s a good model! My dog would have been eating my camera during some of those! I soooo love the “do” and his name is wonderfully…delicious!! LOL! Glad you talked with Craig. 🙂 I’m with Jeanne, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Waffle’s long hair too. Of course, we don’t have to clean it up every day. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the pictures. I’m seeing Waffle’s santa hat picture in a sort of collage for next year’s Christmas card.
OOO Waffle i am in love with you! Aww, waffle looks like a completely different pooch. Still adorable though! Cute! And I just noticed the globes above your cabinets. Love that! talk about insecuritys around parents at school! My daughter goes to a private school and we live out of district so I have to bus her. she has CP so she uses a walker… so already I know we are “different” I am nervous, about ready to puke and I pull into the parking lot on the first day of school and I back right into another mini van… oh yeah. Thankfully I held it together and didn’t burst into tears the second I looked this woman in the face. But I definitely wanted to crawl into my shell and never return again! Are you SERIOUS that is the same dog???? Crazy cuteness!!!! I actually LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the long hair:-) craig says it's so silly but it is what it is.
I just read this post and smiled. I feel the same way around the other Moms at school. Today I felt completely justified in that when one of them told me that I am snotty about food. I thought to myself ‘um, you enjoy what I make for appetizers at our pool in the summer… I know because I saw you snarf it down.’ It’s no wonder I feel that way. The truth is they are just as insecure and that’s why they behave the way they do, aloof and sort of arrogant… at least that’s what I’ve decided to believe. Oh my gosh I am the same way! I have to be super social and outgoing in my career but once I get around other moms from school or sports or whatever I totally freeze up. How do we break this??? I guess just get over ourselves and say hello? Maybe we should try it. I am going to make your lasagna by the way. Yum! Me too! Hate that. Glad to see I am not alone.Thanks for sharing!
Posting a little late, but thought I’d share anyway. I am always insecure around other parents. I am terrible at small talk, uneasy in social situations. I never feel as accomplished as the other parents. I completely relate. I’m just surprised someone as talented as you would feel that way too. everyone has insecurites and men don’t worry about anything. definetly not alone
No, not alone, but having read your blog for some time now I’m not sure why you would ever be insecure. You’re so talented. I can’t imagine anyone like you being insecure. Ever. 🙂 I tend to avoid most situations (like parties and such) because I am so uncomfortable “mingling”. I never feel like I fit in or blend in, but instead I feel like I stand out. I know how you feel. Keep your head up and remember-you can do all things through Christ- he will give you the strength to face uncomfortable situations. Be yourself, because who you are is a lovely, talented, wonderful woman and mother! xoxo good gravy, you are talking about me!!! i so feel for you. I especially have issues about walking into the school for an event. knowing others feel the same way is definitely a comfort. I struggle too, Meg! Going into church every week is even hard. I’m really overweight, so I think people are staring at me in horror. 🙁 Chin up, girl! xox It’s so funny that you would say you feel insecure…from reading about you I think “that girl really has her act together. I want to be like her when I grow up (even though I’m older than you!)”
I’m new to your blog, but I’ve been reading in your archives and I just want to say that I love your blog! I love your house, your pictures, your crafts, everything! You’ve really been inspiring me. I just wanted to encourage you. Oh, and my good friend told me about your blog and she loves you too. She adores the way your house is decorated (me too). I’ve dealt with social anxiety all my life. {Go figure, considering some of the jobs and positions I’ve held in the past!} Someone close to me has it so bad they must take medication to get through each day. Doctors will tell you everyone has it to some degree. You are not alone, sweetie. And remember that God is always right there with you! {hugz} I feel like that sometimes too especially if I am really dressed up going to an event. I always feel like everyone is starring at me.
My mom always told me, “you wouldn’t worry so much about what other people thought of if you realized how little they actually did.” It’s true, of course, but that doesn’t really help when you’re caught up in the throes of insecurity. Just remember that it’s serving a purpose in your life. Teaching you compassion for others and helping you to be a better mom. It’s just a part of the journey, something we all share!
This has nothing to do with insecurity. But, I would really love it if you would do a post about how things are going without sugar. Do you feel better? Is it still a real struggle? I really need to make some changes. I would love to know that it gets easier and that you feel better. But, I want the truth! : ) Came over from aefilkins blog! Love it. I am now following you and can’t wait to come back and read more. Blessings!
why do we feel this way? especially when we read things like this and realize that there are SO many others that do the same. but we still do it. heart races. face gets red. want to crawl under a table. I’m with ya.
I have this feeling all the time. Maybe we should start to think about all of the others that are probably feeling the same way as we do when we are in that situation. When are you the most confident though? I am a teacher and I always feel confident infront of my students because I know I am the expert at what I am trying to teach them in the room. I think that our society today makes us feel insecure, due to the competition factor that is hovering over us everyday, Everyone always wants to be better than everyone else. it looks like you have lots of these already, but here’s another book suggestion: “When people are big and God is small” by Ed Welch. So, so good.
meg i am looking at you…but only because i am looking up to you…i had a miserable summer being someone i am not and never wanted to be…but coming back to your blog and it honestly helped me to refocus on what is important in life and for that i say thank you lady! You are certainly not alone. I have a hard time understanding why we feel uncomfortable around other parents who are supposed to be our “friends”, we are all in the same boat here. . .but it is normally those people who make us the most insecure. Go figure. . . . Um, yeah, you are surely not alone. 🙂 HEY….Guess what????? People ARE looking at you when you walk into a room….only because you are a ROCKSTAR BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, they are just jealous 🙂 You just hold that pretty head high girl!!! (I can say this bc I am THE LEAST CONFIDENT PERSON EVER!!!! hee heee) I really do think you are a ROCKSTAR!!!!!!! Girl! Beth Moore’s new book comes out Feb. 2 called So Long Insecurity! Get your copy; I know God will do great things with that book for BOTH of us definitely not alone…. not alone at all. love this picture! You’re right, you obviously aren’t alone! I’m the same way and I wish I wasn’t. My oldest just started kindergarten this year and so we’ve been newly exposed to a lot of new situations like what you spoke of. I always slightly dread them. I know personally that I have to somehow get over it though otherwise it’s going to be a long 12 years! 🙂 Have you ever read Beautiful Girlhood? I think you would love the book. It was written around the turn of the century, and has been reprinted. There is a chapter in it on being self-conscious, and not only does it totally describe how I was feeling, it brought me out of myself and helped me realize I’m not as important as I think I am! Highly recommended, and know, you are not alone. Nope. Not alone. no…you’re not alone 🙂 I have the exact same issues. And to look at you,I would never have thought you had these issues too. I am loving the comments this has generated! You certainly are not alone. I like many of the tips readers have passed along. Mine is something along the lines of Seinfeld’s, “Serenity now” (although hopefully with better results than George’s dad had, LOL!). But yeah, it is pretty intense around other school parents, I wonder why that is? After all, we are all in the same boat. It sure helps to remember they are all feeling the same way too. And I agree with Mary Beth: give a little smile to someone, it alleviates those feelings enormously. That’s not a fun feeling. I’m the same way, plus sometimes I get really sweaty hands and pits! That doesn’t help – on top of feeling insecure, I look it too. Haha! While it’s hard, I’ve been learning to think “oh, well” because I know the people who really count like and love me anyway. 🙂
cool!! i do too! especially at school events..ugh. =) Oh I have that to:) Allways have had it. Never felt good about myself. I thought once I got older it would go away but it hasn’t. Seven of my eight kids don’t have it but I see it in my seven year old. You’re definitely not alone! …but maybe the people who you feel are looking at you are actually people who read your blog. I ran into you and in Walmart by the soap a couple of weeks ago and almost started talking to you…until I thought – “SHE DOESN’T KNOW ME!” You probably wondered why that crazy woman kept looking at you! Actually – I was looking at you daughter’s outfit…my 6 year old would have loved it! I love your blog! Definitely not alone! I feel like insecure is my middle name so much of the time.
I hear you and totally relate.
You are so not alone. I have spent much of my life trying to blend in with the wallpaper. And then? My feelings get hurt if I don’t get noticed or I get forgotten…both of which happen frequently. How messed up is that?
I just told a friend the other day that “confident” people still can be in a room FULL of people and feel LONELY!!! When the twins were little I really started to feel insecure when we’d go to basketball games or other big events. I HATED walking in!! Beth Moore is coming out with a book on insecurity real soon! I’m sure we’ll all be challenged by it.
no dear you are not…however i was delivered of this, by the Lord….pray for him to take it away from you, and he will You are not alone at all….
I feel the same way too!! I’m insecure even in front of life long friends. I had to make a toast in front of people that I knew my whole life and was a wreck. How crazy is that???? Funny you should post this. My friends daughter just turned 13 and naturally, she is embarrassed to be seen with her mom because she is “dorky.” Now, her mom is a totally rocker chick. Unbelievably cool. But, every woman can probably remember how paralyzing self conscious it is to be 13. While I have grown so much more confident since 13, there is still a little bit of that 13 year old in me. The first 5 minutes of a party for example. The day of/after a new haircut. If we all have an “inner child,” I think I also have an “inner teenager.”
I feel the same way a lot of times in fact the worst thing in the world for me would have to be public speaking! definitely not alone. we all wonder what others are thinking. I am so glad to see other feel the same way I do !! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Each person has something…I think we can take comfort for sure in knowing the love of the Lord and our families, and then in knowing that we are all a lot more like one another than we probably think. No, you are not alone. I will be attending a Beth Moore Conference in Woodstock GA in April on this very subject. I am looking forward to learning much. Jackie how can everyone be looking at you when they’re staring at my big nose? You are not alone. Have you ever read the book “The Highly Sensitive Person”? A good read. This post makes me love you even more Meg! I often feel the same way and it drives me crazy. I’m almost 40 and I don’t want to feel this way! When my daughter asks for my opinion on something, I often say, “what do you think? what you think is important!”. I want her to be confident and self-assured. People who seem to really embrace that “I don’t care what others think” attitude inspire me. But so do women who are honest, real, talented, role-model mothers who are willing to share their silly little voices! YOU ROCK! Nope, not alone. Perhaps not necessarily insecurity but you might be a bit of an introvert. Read the book “The Introvert Advantage” even you end up not being an introvert it will really help understand anyone in your life that is. If you are you’ll be incredible liberated realizing it and not feel guilty for not being as outgoing, engaging, talkative, comfortable in social situation as you feel like you should be. I feel the same way so many times! I was going to say it helps to remember we’re all in this together but I realized I would be quoting High School Musical and that’s just crazy!( It may mean I need to get my anxious self out more!) I struggle with this constantly. You are so NOT alone and it is a terrible feeling. I think all of us at times feels that way. You really have no reason…you’re beautiful, you’re a great mom, and I think you’re probably lots of fun. Nope, you’re not alone. We’re probably all just busy thinking about ourselves and our own failures; thinking that everyone else has it all together. For what it’s worth – I don’t have it all together! 🙂 Your not alone in that at all. Thank you for sharing, because I tend to think I’m all alone in being insecure, too.
You are just Darling and no need to feel insecure.Hold your head high and just be you.It’s a Good thing.Be Happy! You are so not alone. We all have those issues to some extent or another. Meg, no you are not alone. I think that is why I enjoy visiting your blog….you are so open and giving and I know I am not alone……I love your dog. He makes me smile. Me, too. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m not still in eighth grade with rose-tinted glasses, braces and curling iron wings in my hair. I have to remember that I’m forty-six, have given birth to three children and am raising those three children, one of whom has a severe disability. I mean, really — what does it take to not feel insecure? Add me to that growing list as well – I hate to walk into a crowded room and feel as if people are staring at me – even though I know they’re not – LOL Tell Craig you are NOT alone in that category – must be a woman think! HA! You are totally not alone, I get social anxiety in a lot of instances… it’s no fun at all! p.s. your pictures are A-mazing!
You are not alone. Granted, I have never met you in person, but if who you are in person is who you are in your blog (and I think you are…) you are a beautifully and wonderfully made child of God who brings joy and happiness to others. I look forward to reading your posts because you are so real. Thank you for being a happy spot in MY life! Not alone at all!!!It’s funny, though, I am very insecure and always look at all the women around me and think I’m the only one feeling that way…and that’s not true at all – I think we all feel that way (at least at one time or other). Join the club girl!
I feel that way too sometimes. It used to be worse when I was younger, but I really don’t like being in front of people. I feel like they are all looking at me, and of course they’re not. It’s just hard to act normal, I get very self conscious and don’t know what to do with my hands or where to look. Good thing I’m not famous. I don’t know how they deal with that aspect of it!!
I know you feel insecure and it’s a wretched place to be, but I agree with your husband. I think you’re so great! It’s a nice thing to hear from you as I am an insecure mother of five, too. oh me too. attention and compliments make me even more anxious! silly right? I think there are a lot of women who feel this way! Story of my life. OMG! You just described me! nope you’re not alone. not at all. I am the same exact way. I am twenty years old, but I don’t see myself growing out of it for a long time. It’s so annoying because I know it’s not rational but it’s hard not to. If you find a way to get over it, please share, because I’m sure many woman are suffering from it.
Just know that you are not alone. I can’t say that I have any problems with other people in social settings. I am a very outgoing, out spoken, person. I always like meeting new people. I am such a people watcher I am probably making other people self-conscious!
me too, me too. It’s so bad that if I’m in a store I’ll run to the section with mirrors or look at myself in the glass of the freezer section cause I just know people are staring cause I have something on my face or my hair is sticking straight up… sigh Maybe it’s less insecurity and more social anxiety. 😀 I totally get that, feel like that too. I wonder what it feels like to NOT feel that way??? i am so self-conscious that project 365 is turning into a real test for me. even though my camera is really small, being the dork taking pictures when everyone else is just going about their business… well, i feel pretty silly. i have taken a fair amount of photos of random crap in the house as a result. i’m trying!! Definitely not alone in that! I wonder, does it ever go away?
Nope, definitely not alone in that. I feel that way every single day. It makes it very hard to go out often You are so not alone in that! It consumes me at times. I think I have inproved ‘a little bit’ but have so far to go. Thanks for your honesty. Looks like you and I aren’t alone. I feel the same way. The worst is when I have to say something, and it never sounds as good once I say it, as it does in my head! Thanks for your honesty. Oh my, you are singing my song!
I have the opposite problem, I believe that no one sees me, that I am invisible. Equally not true, but a huge struggle for me to remember that people do in fact see me. And, sadly my belief reflects as rudeness, when the truth is that my heart is so sad thinking I can’t be seen.
i’m always inspired by your honesty! i think everyone is insecure… my insecurities make me feel trapped so often… i am in the process of writing a book about finding my identity b/c i believe that is why i and many others suffer from insecurity… we don’t know (or maybe it is that we don’t like) who God created us to be. anyhow… i’m on the journey to break free from my insecurities! Me too, there’s that niggling little voice that says you’re not good enough. Stupid little voice!
Oh yes, I feel insecure. The worst is if I have to be in front of church when there are men present. Shudder! You are so NOT alone. I am the same way but then I remember that saying “you wouldn’t care so much what others think of you unless you realized how little they do”, or something like that. But still, it’s there. Same here, all my life. I’ve learned what helps me is to learn more about how God sees me and focus on that. You are beautiful, fun, and great at what you do but what really matters is between you and God. Me too! I feel the exact same way in all the same situations. You are NOT alone. We all have something that we are insecure about. SO not alone in that. I feel insecure all the time. Especially meeting new people. When I was in Southern California for our Project 320 weekend I felt totally insecure. I feel like I can be fun and “talk big” over the internet, but real life is a different story! I feel insecure at school things too…I always feel like all the other parents know each other and we are the outsiders. Even though it’s not true!
You’re not alone of course….but you are beautiful, talented and a wonderful mother.
***bird painting made by the fabulous jeanne oliver at "a bushel and a peck" ********
**************and i am really wishing i could eat a cupcake right. this. minute.**************************
your pictures speak when words don’t! love them. you are awesome meg! i’ve been traveling and am just now catching up on your blog and all you’ve been up to! congrats on the “homies” win thing, love, LOVE your kitchen remodel, no sugar!!! ugh. i too am an addict :(. you never cease to inspire me. that is soooo good. I’m going to print it and put it in my journal. Thank you!
So glad you shared that part from the book today! It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear from the Lord! Again, thanks for sharing!
The book sounds amazing..bad cover and all:-) It has been a tough week around here. My friend and neighbor tried for three years to get pregnant. The babies (yes twins) were making her so sick that they had to be taken at 28 weeks so she would live. She almost died three times after their birth. The girls had been fragile but stable. The littlest (2pounds) died on Wednesday. She was three weeks old and I have had such a hard time because of their sadness and I was so sure…so sure that she would live. It is hard to trust that God does all for our good sometimes. Sorry for the book..I really needed this today. Just recently found your blog and am loving it – you inspire me to see and use more COLOR in my life. Thanks for sharing that snippet from the book you are reading. For me, living in the gray is an unstable and unfulfilling place to be. God wants more for us – the abundant life. Thx for the reminder 🙂 great book…lent mine to my SIL…need to get it back..or order a new one…fav quote…later on in the book…”faithfully following the Shepherd…on step at a time?” And a prayer for every day…”if my Children sin against you Lord…may they get caught!” And pictures say 1,000 words….so you technically said 14,000 words based on how many photos you posted today. mmmmmmm..froot loops! I love the pictures and I too have cut out the sugar in my diet as well. I know it is so hard to do but I know it will be so worth it. Thanks for the passage – it was so nice to read! Have a great weekend! Big hugs! xoxoxo I am always inspired by your great, colorful photos. Today you have inspired me on a different level. Thanks for sharing. This post was timely for me to read, I posted today about my ongoing effort to calm my anxious heart. and mind. and the pictures made me smile. as usual. 🙂 which is why i have a post publishing on Sunday about you. thank you.
are any of these photos a part of your etsy updates? i’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll add to it!
Thank you for posting this! You have no idea how we needed to read those words today! I think you say a lot with your pictures!! I do love the quote you gave and will have to check out that book (though now I’m scared about the cover). There is nothing I love more than a jar of Crayola markers.
did you get the bird canvas from bushel and a peck? looks like her stuff. 🙂 love the photos and i will have to add the book to the list! I am a faithful follower of your blog….you don’t know me and you will probably never know me….but I just had to comment today. Today has been a life changing day in my life as I found out today we will be having our 6th child in 7 years. I am so excited and SHOCKED at the same time and I have to TRUST that God KNOWS what He is doing in my family and our lives. I think I am going to have to get this book! With a husband that is in the middle of loosing his job right now and not getting a regular paycheck, I am a bit anxious in ALL aspects of my life. I can now only trust that God has a plan for us much bigger and better than what I can imagine! Thanks for your wise words and always making me smile. You are an inspiration and I wish I were just bit more like you! You just seem to have it all together! Me…Not so much:) Thank you for that. My husband and I have no other choice but to trust the Lord right now. I am pregnant with our first, and the doctors saw cysts in her brain. THey could be nothing, which all signs are pointing to that, or they could be fatal. All i can allow myself to dwell on right now, is that I trust the Lord and i have faith in His purposes. Thank you for that little piece from the book. I have read it over and over and will continue to do so. Blessings!
Meg, That message is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it! How do Fruit Loops manage to stay in your house???? Those would be gone in a SECOND around here. You crack me up. The cover of that book does look like a feminine product ad now that you mention it. One of my favourite reads, even though I wouldn’t call myself anxious either. Coincidentally, we’re doing the no-sugar thing also. My daughter’s on a special diet for her epilepsy, so we’re doing it as a family. Oh my giddy aunt. It’s tough going, but I’m assured that after two weeks, the cravings will subside. Protein shakes with frozen berries are our saving grace. Hope you have a great weekend. Meredith xo. When you have nothing to say, your pictures are awesome. I am a color lover and the white blanket of snow here currently is just making those colors pop right out. Maybe I’ll get out my BIG box of crayons 🙂 funny…about the title and the feminine product ad cover.=) what a great read, though! and is that beautiful bird plaque made by jeanne oliver?=) thanks for sharing! Love your thoughts on the cover of the book. You keep me laughing, Meg! That is a great book! Thank you for sharing that today! Happy weekend!
Wow I might have to get that book. Loving the socks, supper cute! We read this book in my bible study last session…it was life changing for me! I LOVED it. I WAS an anxious person but now I trust that He will always take care of me and I dont need to be anxious or worry. God doesn’t like it when we worry b/c he feels like we aren’t trusting him!!
I fought the urge to have a diet coke at lunch today and I am so glad I did now. I really dont know if I could fight off a cupcake! Hope you have a good weekend Meg!
That’s a great book! I have recommended it to so many friends. I think I need to read it again… I hear ya. You helped inspire me to go the no-sugar route. I hate it, but I’ve been meaning to do it for some time now. There is never a good time. So, yesterday, I made myself do it. Literally NO sugar. NO bread. Basically nothing that tastes good. It sucks. How about you? Are you eating NO sugar, or just the obvious stuff. Good luck. You can do it! then saying yes to making a cake isn't the best idea. while it cooked she got out all the things she wanted to put on the cake. i think they must have done it at sunday school or preschool…because we haven't ever done that.
I love her cake, great job! WOW that is such a sugary cake– hehe! It does look yummy though- Annie did a great job 🙂 it’s like a gingerbread house…on a cake! so cute! great job for saying YES! AND for resisting the sugar. you are doing better than me! Jesus certainly would love it…and Annie is so very adorable! Yea for Annie! Great job! Kelly
I don’t have kids of my own, but you’ve inspiring me to let my students be creative with more than just paper, scissors, and glue. Oh my gosh – Annie is so totally adorable and you are the very best mommy ever! I wish was I was more willing to allow my kiddos to be free to create. I’m going to get with God on that one. This is so awesome! We love singing happy birthday to Jesus too! Great post! That is awesome. So wonderful that you caught it all on camera! What a sweet day. Thanks for sharing. Still giggling about the Charlotte comment. 🙂 You need a like button for things like this. Super cool of you and her! She is so cute and you are a great mom. Very good for you about the sugar! That last photo is perfection. What a beautiful blessing God has given you.
i absolutely love your blog, so i nominated it for an award (over on my blog)
I’m actually crying. How precious is that face?! And what a cake! She didn’t hold anything back, did she? 🙂 LOVE!! That girl ROCKS! Plus, it looks like she’s helping you out by getting all the sugar out of the house! LOVE this!
I understand the whole sugar thing…but for me I’ve gone vegan and must leave the room when the cheese is out! Yes, happy birthday Jesus, He would love it…sugar and all! Kim
Love, love. love it. This year we started our own tradition and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and ate cake for breakfast before we read some children’s books about the true meaning of Christmas and then we enjoyed our stockings and presents. Our eight month old simply played along, but our three year old truly enjoyed celebrating Jesus’ birthday…who can say no to blowing out candles and eating cake when you’re three. I also wanted to thank you for your link to Rachel’s beautiful speech. I immediately linked my friends and family to her speech via our family blog and have scheduled it for viewing at our women’s bible study this week. I am so excited to watch it for the second time and absorb everything she has to share all over again. I like you have her voice in my mind and keep saying “I am here to serve with joy” over and over again. God bless you Meg.
Annie is so cute…cake was lovely…and I wish I had your will power…cutting back on all things bad for me…slowly but surely! Good Luck! What a sweet girl!! Love her fun cake, and singing to Jesus! That is truly the cutest thing ever! Annie is just about the cutest girl I have ever seen! And what a wonderfully creative cake…..I love it. We love to make cakes at our house, too. I need to learn to be a bit more hands-off, and I think I can do it after reading your post. I just can’t stand the sound of sprinkles crunching under my feet for the rest of the day 🙂 I love your blog!!! We sing happy birthday to Jesus every Christmas morning at breakfast. This year we sang 4 times in a row. It’s fun! I love Annie’s cake, and Jesus would love it too! :o)
Loved the Rachel link. There should have been a kleenex alert before viewing. Great message. Great job staying away from the cake (& one finger lick is NOT a big deal)! I am new to commenting but definitely not new to reading. My sister in law is the one that made that cool scrapbook paper wall that you featured on your sidebar. Anyway, LOVE your blog! Oh yeah, and I made your crescent chicken yesterday and it turned out GREAT (and you’re right….no leftovers). I am a “mac n cheese” out of the box kind of gal so it was nice to find something so tasty that was super easy to make. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’! Laura’s comment is funny…”Jesus gave up sugar too”! Did she eat this cake after she made it? It looks way too sweet to actually eat!
Love this post! She is an absolute doll. Seeing kids be imaginative & creative is the best! Good for you on the only licking your finger once… impressive!!! WOW!! She did an amazing job. I love your reference to that Sex in the City scene, so funny!!! I feel ya. I’m doing a no sugar thing too. I would have done the same thing. You are one strong chick to even stand that close to the cake, just the smell would do me in:) i absolutely love this…what an awesome memory for her…
hi meg! quick and silly question for you. i think it was on your blog {in the sidebar} that you linked to this colorful canvas someone did that listed out their family goals. i can’t find that link in my bookmarks. do you know what i am talking about and if so, could you pass along the link to me again? thanks SO much!! Too sweet. 🙂 There is nothing like the precious heart of a child. Thank you for sharing! HOW AWESOME IS ANNIE!!!???? Well, we allll know that answer 🙂 Sweet Sweet Annie!!! I’m serious, I’ve said it before….my littlest guy will turn 5 in March….please let Annie marry him!!!! And then, I, too can have a Happy Birthday Jesus Cake made by Annie 🙂 (But we would make her go to OU football games!!! 😮 How cute! The way you are with your kids is so inspiring to new momma’s like me! The Charolette scene (and what followed) was great!! And the cake looks yummy! So sweet! You’ve inspired me to go on a sugar detox….I was getting so out of control. I haven’t had any in four days. Really, I can’t believe how much better I already feel. I do have to say, that is some real self control on your part! So sweet!
I showed this photo to my 4.5 year old. She said she wants to be Annie’s friend so she can make cakes with her. seriously? she is such a cute girl! that is one precious little girl. and one awesome mama. i love that you let her do it all. how special for her. and rewarding. and you didn’t go back for a second lick? impressive
Beautiful! And the Charlotte comment had me cracking up – I’m pregnant and did that with raw cookie dough the other day – and I thought about the SAME exact thing!
Her bangs/haircut just kills me. She’s so freaking cute. And your sugar boycott is inspirational, although right now, I’m cutting sugar vicariously…
That is darling! So cute! I would eat it up though, good self control! Oh my goodness!!! You are the front runner for mom of the year! Not only did you agree to bake a cake while doing no sugar, but you let her frost and decorate it too!!! I really need to loosen up and just let the kids create! Love how loaded the cake was! Reminds me of our Christmas cookies with and inch of frosting and twice as high in sprinkles! (Serious kudos for only taking a lick…I thought letting the kids get schwan’s ice cream cones was hard!) I never had the nerve to let my children do something like that in the kitchen. You are such a great mom to do that. Sorry I missed out on such things.
How cute! Better than I could do!!
Great post, Meg. I love to see Annie in all her glory. I thought of you yesterday while we made sugar cookies and let the kids go to town with cutters and sprinkles. Steve and I were both silently cursing the dough that wouldn’t cooperate. I said, “We’re making happy memories for them, remember?” He just laughed at me. It was good. It was a “Meg moment.” Cheers! xoxo
That is the sweetest thing! And wow, is she creative! What a perfect kid cake. absolutely precious! well done annie! Gorgeous cake! Of course, once she added all that candy, I wouldn’t have been able to eat it. Well, okay, but just the bottom two layers. 😉 Annie – the cake is beautiful! Great job!!! HOW PRECIOUS and SO SWEET! She is such a cutie pie! P.S. I, too, am trying to give up the sugar habit – it is like crack to me! HA! Good luck and keep up the good work – you can do it my friend! Big hugs! :o)
Gorgeous cake Annie! I could never give up sugar I’m just too weak! She’s precious! I love how kids come up with this stuff all on their own without any prompting from us. That’s awesome and it did make Jesus happy 🙂 Don’t you know that, that cake made her Father smile!!!!! How precious she is to you and Him! Thanks for sharing! these pictures are ridiculously cute. i need to squeeze that kid. I’ve done the “spit out” thing when I’ve been on sugar fasts in the past, too. It’s rather comical! Loved the photos, and the commentary. So sweet.
It is a beautiful cake! As for the sugar thing I am the same way with caffiene right now. Funny thing is that I have given up a lot of sugar by giving up the caffiene. I am starting to think I may survive it also,lol!
Go Annie! Good for you, I don’t think I would have been so strong to avoid sugar this long! You are inspiring 🙂 Jesus would love the cake! That is so sweet! OH MAN! That’s unreal. I really really love it. 🙂 She did such a great job just like her momma would do. Both are so creative! it was so nice to hear that you all agreed the afters were better than the befores 3 months…november – january. we moved the refrigerator into the living room…set up a folding table also with throw away utensils how did you decide what you wanted? yes. i designed it all. i like to draw so i gave my detailed drawings to the cabinet guy brad and our contractor bernie and said " do it like this". can we move in? is that a real chalkboard or just chalkboard paint? what kind of dog is that? waffle is a golden doodle…half poodle/half golden retreiver. and he needs a haircut. what made you decide to put in the wall of windows?
yes. best gift ever. where did you get your roman shades? how do you keep the white cabinets so clean? do you help people with decorating dilemmas?
love it! thanks so much for all the info. hope you don’t mind, but i’m going to have to steal an idea form you: the globes! my husband and i were looking at the pics of your house and he mentioned how similar our kitchens were (very!). but i have the big space above the cabinets that i never know what to do with. you solved my dilemma! now i’m off to find a bunch of large globes… it’s all so lovely….and with a good dose of humor too. you rock!
LOVED seeing all the pics!! One question ~ no kitchen table?? I’m assuming you always eat at the island and opted for no table so you had more room?? I want to see bathroom addition pics!
What did you color on your pictures with on your bathroom Under the stairs to get the colors so bright?? Thanks. Thank you for the honest answer about the white cabinets. I painted mine white in this old house renovation I am in and I am, wonderingif I was CRAZY. I had RED cabinets in my lat house…chocolate smears see to constantly need wiping. Am I the only family member who sees this? I LOVE the kitchen. I had no budget for new cabinets- so I painted them. I am having a giveaway so come visit! Sigh…. I love your new kitchen/lounge. I want to move in.
oops, one more thing I forgot, I LOVE to cook, when can I move in? ha ha 🙂 Love that you answered all those questions! But, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the notion of a poodle and a golden retriever ( may fav kind of dog) mating!!!!!! lol! FYI I decided to cover my pantry door with chalkboard paint after seeing pictures of your kitchen last year… but like all of my projects, it was a whim decision with no real planning, made a Hobby Lobby one afternoon, so instead of going out and buying REAL chalkboard paint, I bought the spray paint kind at Hobby Lobby. Then, because I’m just not very smart, I just taped off the edges of the pantry door, laid down some tarp, and sprayed away. Apparently you’re not supposed to do that inside, and I almost died. I also coated our entire kitchen in a fine layer of chalkboard paint. And the soles of my feet were black for days. It all turned out fine in the end, it looks good and I survived, but if anyone else wants to do this – take the door off the hinges and take the door OUTSIDE. Thanks for sharing your photos of your kitchen remodel! We start ours Monday. I can’t believe I am actually saying that!!! Wahoo!!! I am so nervous and excited!!!
I have commented a lot to you…..but I must tell you ONCE AGAIN how much I love your blog. I click on it everytime I get on the computer to see if you updated……I can’t stand waiting for your next post. Every hour wouldn’t be often enough for me! Anyhow – have you ever considered writing a book? Just about life with lots of pictures…that would be great.
Well your house looks great! I have had so much fun with ours…well I guess I continue to have fun with it as it wont be done for a while. I love your use of color through out your house! Very lovely! I do love a good rug though,lol
I have a litter of Goldendoodles due on Feb 4th. They will be ready for homes by Easter. Check out our web-site!
where did you live in IL?
I am watching HGTV “Most bang for your buck” and they are doing great rooms (kitchens with living area). Your area kicks the other threes butt 🙂 you could’ve won hands down- 🙂 Thanks for sharing your photos Love, love, just LLLLOVE your home photos!…esp. your Waffle-super darling! My 4 yr. old would love to have one. But for now, all I could handle is a betta…she named her “Daisy”.
Meg, I loved this post and your last! Your kitchen is SO bright and cheery! I saw this blog and it made me think of you with its bright and cheery colors and photos! You’ll have to check it out if you haven’t already!
I love it all! I’m having my honey check it out…for future reference:) I could’ve said what Karina said. We’re still in the process of finding just the right home for us, (a lot based on your home) but loving the one we’re in for now. My hubby said we can go ahead and start on the kitchen in Feb! Your house is amazing and I love love love your blog! meg-I love your blog! Your photography is amazing and inspiring! I told my girls today that we need to use our cameras more. I have all these empty frames from Ikea sitting around that I need pictures for. One of my goals this year is to start putting pictures up our stairway wall. I love your bathroom remodel….can you tell me the paint color you used in the master bath…..Thanks Thank you for sharing about your kitchen. I am a little bit in love with it. 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you do with the attic!
wow I just looked through all the photos of your gorgeous home, and I have to say in all the blogs and magazines I peruse, never have I found anything that is so my style – rustic, bright, happy, vintage, strategically cluttered. I think your guest room is my favorite. And I’m with you on the rugs! Everyone is always asking me why I have so few, and I just say “because I don’t want to cover up my gorgeous floors!” Anyway I’m hooked on your site girl, and that remodel…you must have the patience of a saint. One question for you: what did you use for your under-the cabinet lighting? I would love to have some. Thanks!
I love your blog!!! It is awesome that you took the time to answer all those questions!! When I am having a bad day I can always look forward to you putting a smile on my face! Thank you
nice legs.
Thanks for all the answers. You answered ones I was afraid to ask. I am currently working on getting my kitchen to be more “me”. The statement “you want to be happy in your home…” is what I am trying to figure out right now. I’ve spent waaaaay too much time worrying about what other people would like. I’ll be hitting up the thrift stores this weekend! ok, i must object to your decorating advice answer…if it weren’t for you i would of never, ever had the ummm…GUTS to paint our woodwork white in the bedroom, nor would my craig had ever gone for it unless he had seen first hand how much brighter it could make a room. to be honest neighbor i thought you were CRAZY for painting over all that beautiful woodwork in your house, but i get it now…when i look at magazines i am always drawn to the rooms with white trim, so much brighter…so i guess what i am trying to say is… I TOOK YOUR ADVICE!!! :)lol!
I would give you globes if I had any 🙂 . . .was at Legacy Antiques in Wichita yesterday though and several booths had some. . . not bad prices either! why do i feel like i missed out on a fun party yesterday?!? 🙂 i guess i was baking away, too…just in a much uglier kitchen!
Thanks for taking the time to answer questions!! I’m in the process of moving now and will likely do a kitchen remodel in our next house. Now I know who to ask if I need help. 🙂 |
DreamGirlLisa - That was so cool! I was excited you said you are working on a tent like the one from “The Holiday”, that is one of my favorite parts of the movie, when they show them lying in it. Sooo cute, can’t wait to see yours!
Sarah @ Clover Lane - I just adore your house. I can’t look at enough photos of it.
Tasha roe - Very cool!! I love apartment therapy!! I saw you bathroom in there and still so thankful I didn’t paint mine peacok blue after reading your review!! It’s the little things! :).
Karina - I love just saying “ohdeedoh.”
Congratulations on being featured, you have my absolute favourite house and blog.
Melanie - Great job! Congrats!
adrienne - wonderful! great parenting tip 🙂
amy jupin - i saw that yesterday afternoon!
what a pleasant surprise!
and of course the etsy shop…and africa too??!! how have you kept that one quiet?
i’m freaking out excited for you!!!! 🙂
princess lasertron - I love that article!
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh that’s great Meg. You definitely deserve all these accolades. Your home is beautiful and I think I’m your biggest blog stalker. No one has to sell me. Congratulations girl:)
Kimberlee J. - Sweet.
Julie - I’m excited to hear more about your mission and can’t wait to see what you’ll sell in your Etsy shop!
Kristine - woohoo sister! you rock, meg!
i will totally support your mission trip! how exciting! let me know when the fund-raising begins! is that what your books are for? how is the reading coming along?
pambuller - ah Meg. I am so glad the blog world is founding out how awesome you are! That is a cool interview!
Kate - Great article! I love it! Congratulations again!!
kelli - you are a supa star megan! …and that is some great advice that i will tuck close to my heart.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - How did I miss this Sierra Leone thing? My sister was/is a missionary in Sierra Leone, Zambia and Malawi! That is awesome!! OK..back to reading your interview…
julia - You’re a Super Star!
se7en - Oh that is just totally stunning!!! Our couch was on Apartment Therapy today – how weird and wonderful is that!!!
candace - Sierra Leone?!?!?! I am SO excited for you and this opportunity! Are you going to help build wells?
If it is anything like Ghana, it will be amazing!
Christy - Lovely article! That last little bit made we weepy.
Jess - yay! i love your style!!!
Debra - Great interview! Congrats!
No.17CherryTreeLane - you are a VIP!!!
Lori - Can’t wait to see pictures from West Africa! Great interview. Your playroom always draws me right in. It’s so colorful and cheerful!
Heather @ Cookie Mondays - how fun!
Jill - Great interview! Still think you are awesome!
Angela - That’s a fabulous article! I love you entire house! It’s so original!
Cori - You walk the walk!!
Ruth - Sierra Leone! That’s awesome. West Africa is beyond beautiful… prepare to fall in love! 🙂
Julie Wriston - That’s great Meg! Nice interview!!
Deanna from dedeetsyshop - So cool! Love the house!
Krista - Awesome! What a great article!