you rock.
thank you so much for the surprise package.
i cried.
***edited…julia donated some bags for me to sell to go towards the africa trip…out of the blue.
it was a lovely and beautiful gift.
and i don't know julia miller. *********
you rock. thank you so much for the surprise package. i have probably 25 family sessions i haven't shown here but levi jumps to the top.
the print of his name was a baby gift for jess and joel for levi's room. those baby rolls…cruel punishment to a mommy like me with no babies at home. Awesome pictures! I just love him in the locker basket…genius! I am so happy for them! Such a beautiful baby! Your photos captured his essence perfectly. I love the quilt that his grandma made for him, too. Such precious memories. What kind of camera do you use? oh, he’s beautiful! Love the picture of him all swaddled in green
Meg you did such a spectacular job taking photos of precious Levi…I can’t wait to meet him myself! Since we can’t meet him yet, it touched my heart to see your pictures! thanks meg 🙂
i LOVE that his grandma made a blanket for him out of the ‘cora dress’ scraps. what a wonderful idea … and it turned out BEAUTIFULLY! i got chills when i read that … that is so so special. 🙂 darling.
What a doll! Love the photos! He is so beautiful and I just can’t help but cry every time I see this sweet boy or read his mama’s blog. Lucky you! You’re pics are beautiful! what a beautiful, beautiful little boy. but to send me to the story of his sister … ?? oh gosh. i sobbed. for half an hour last night i cried big, fat, ugly cries for them. that beautiful little girl, that chubby leg sticking out of the sink, and knowing that right at that moment her little body was being eaten by the monster. you caused me to go into an instantaneous grief for them, following right into fervent prayer. so, thanks a lot. and, thank you. and, god bless that sweet family. The picture of little Levi’s feet . . . sigh!!! 🙂
I love the ones with the quilt! Beautiful and so special, too.
absolutely darling! what a precious little gift for his family. i love the idea behind his sweet quilt and it’s so pretty and colorful. HAPPY!!! great job meg Such a beautiful baby! You did a wonderful job! The baby swaddled ~ PRECIOUS!! Only problem with seeing this beautiful baby and these beautiful pictures ~ makes me want another baby!!! Please don’t do that to me!!!! 🙂
We LOVE the pictures Megan. They are FABULOUS like always! Thanks so much for taking them for us. Let me know when you want to do more. :o) Hope you got lots of sewing done yesterday. absolutely beautiful. i am so happy for them. oh wow. he is so sweet. and you are one gifted photographer, meggie. i love these pictures! great advice, chatting with others doing the same thing as you, and a place to throw around business ideas. (i’m in there as just trishia, though don’t get as much time as i’d like to chat in there) beautiful! are you a member of the flickr group Natural Light Child Photography? if not- you should be!I seriously could not wait to see your session(s) with Levi. You captured Cora’s sweet spirit so beautifully and the images of her reached across these miles and made me feel like I had known her myself. The pictures of Levi are just as amazing. What a precious little man. Thanks for sharing them 🙂
thanks for sharing those. i am so tickled for them and so touched that you got to take levi’s photograph. love em’!! … scraps from Cora dresses …. that makes my heart so happy.:-) What a special gift to that loved little guy. I love this post, Meg. Amazing job! Gorgeous baby, gorgeous quilt, gorgeous photos, and gorgeous glowing parents. They so deserve this joy. It makes my heart heavy, in a good way. 🙂
I don’t even know them and I cried! (it was the quilt!) Precious babies like that make my womb say “come on Just ONE more!”….as I’m typing this our boys are playing sooo loud upstairs that I think they might fall through! *sigh* beautiful pictures! tootsie shot so precious. OH THE CUTENESS!!! just SWEET. just beautiful. so happy for their family! He is so cute – and love the blanket so much!!!
He is so beautiful! God sent him to a beautiful loving couple. Cora’s scrap quilt is a lovely idea! So precious! I love looking at your photography, especially tyhe wee little ones! What a beautiful quilt & what a great idea! that quilt, what an amazingly touching and meaningful idea. and beautiful too!
Hope you got a few snuggles in with that sweet baby boy. Love the swaddled pic, like a little football! Oh he is toooo precious 🙂 I’m so happy for them! And that last picture where he is all swaddled up….be still my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful pictures, and what a precious baby! Loving not only the baby, but the quilt as well! What a wonderful gift for him to have! Beautiful family, beautiful photos…you’ve truly captured the essence of a sweet baby boy. I couldn’t be happier for this family and the quilts….what an amazing treasure he will always, always have…..I want to EAT his feet! I have soooo been looking forward to seeing these pictures and was hoping you would post some soon! So cute! Love the quilt…so special. That one of him bundled in the green blankie is just precious. What a sweet little punkin. Beautiful pictures. Beautiful quilt with the sweetest meaning behind it. All babies are miracles but this baby will help heal a broken heart…I have one of those too. Kim what great pictures…and such a blessing to them too!
He is amazing…a true miracle. What a blessing to such a special family. The one of his little feet is precious and the quilt- love it. What an amazing thing to think to do with the leftovers of the Cora dresses. Wow.
what a squishy little blessing he is! oh my word, that soft squishy back!! i can’t take it!! Beautiful pics Meg and beautiful baby! I’m a sucker for that little downy spot at the nape of their necks……ahhh sweet baby love. 🙂 He is so beautiful…love his little feet! He is so beautiful! Oh! and the quilt, and the pics of him cuddling up with that super soft blanky in the old metal locker basket?! I’m in love! Beautiful! Meg, these photos are amazing! The toes, oh the toes!!!
He’s GORGEOUS and you did such a wonderful job of capturing his sweetness! I’m so happy for the mom and dad and the quilt is gorgeous and such a sweet treasure to have. :o) you lucky duck! great job girl! so so precious. What a blessing to have such beautiful photos from your talented eye!
Those last two pictures were priceless! Love them! Those are beautiful. What a special gift. That quilt will be cherished forever. you drfinitely ca[tured him beautifully. Although, you had a wonderful subject to photograph. They are a very special family. Thanks for sharing. what a precious little blessing. your pics just make him look so yummy!
———————————————————————————————————————— i want to see this movie.…craig doesn't. SHOCKING. I spent several months giving flu shots and I promise you, they’ve seen much crazier. (: A man once fainted AND lost his pants at the same time!
you make me smile…all the time. with everything on your mind it’s no wonder you had a few tears- you just needed a release. And going to Africa is huge and I’m sure overwhelming- no matter the intentions. oh meg, normal is sooooo overrated! What a pretty picture of you. 🙂 This post just made me smile from beginning to end. It is like I was sitting in your kitchen drinking a cup of your new yummy coffee:-) I think I should take a road trip to Kansas this summer…maybe take a side trip to see you on my way to my parent’s home in Illinois:-) Oh, I am so sorry for stopping you and making you talk at church! I had no idea that was the mess you were dealing with! If it helps, you guys didn’t smell, at all!! I love this random post where every thought that’s pouring through your mind gets recorded. Isn’t this just typical of the mind of a mom. So good to have one place to just get it all down : )!! When we were moving from Florida to Kentucky back in November, we were rear ended while sitting at a light. I had to fly back to Florida to meet the movers so the next day I went to the ER to make sure that I was okay. (just to have documentation if anything happened later) Anyway, I was tired, hungry, and sick of waiting at the ER (4 hrs. and counting) and when they put me back in the room, I started crying and crying and I couldn’t stop. I completely had a meltdown. It was 3 months worth of stress coming out of me. I was still crying when the doctor came in and I told him that I was okay blah, blah, blah. I was glad my poor husband was in Kentucky and not with me. I felt like a basket case. Don’t feel bad for crying. We all do it and we all feel bad for doing it. I felt like a new woman after crying for 45mins. LOL. your blog is super. so excited to find you. and so sorry about the cinnamon rolls!
The cinnamon rolls…my husband did the same thing a couple of weeks ago! What is the deal with that anyway? But poop on the dress – that may have just made my day 😉
I think this is my first time commenting. Love you, love your blog, love random posts! Your story about Annie reminded me of the time my younger sister threw up on me during church when she was little. I was like 17 and happily got to leave early too. OMG – We almost had a fire in our dishwasher last night, too! I have really skinny veins so I about pass out every time I have to have blood drawn so I know the feeling- I think we all just know it isn’t fun to get shots and then when it makes us feel gross, it gets overwhelming.
I like you.
Can’t wait to hear about the buttons. Love your blog format and will use it as a yardstick for my own. A very happy visitor, who will come back with her cup of coffee more often than I should. As we stood on the altar at our church during our son’s Christening (he had been fully emmersed, so he was naked, and wrapped lightly in a white towel), he proceeded to poop and saturate the white towel while the priest held him. I was mortified. Gives new meaning to the phrase “holy sh*t”. 🙂 I just blogged last week about hating the laundry, too:on new year’s day, we nearly had a fire in our dishwasher— there was a turkey bone that ended up in there! boy, did the kitchen smell naaaaasty. love your blog, so cheerful and sweet.
Yeah…the poop thing…at church…gross. What a good Mom you are tho! Also, I know your going to be nervous and scared about the missions trip. But really…you will have an amazing time! I just went on my first missions trip in November…I was scared. Scared of non-flushing toilets, baskets next to the toilet where you put your USED toilet paper, bucket showers, being on a contruction missions trip when I know nothing about construction, and Im a girl, having to eat beans and eggs every morning, and lots of other things. But…it was so fun and I didnt want to come home. So not like me! I cant wait to go back. God really does know what he is doing! Not that this will change anything for you…but maybe it will comfort you for a second!
I hate laundry too. We have a house of 8 and I can’t miss a day. You and I are on the same page about scrapbooking. I took an entire year off because of family crisis and now I don’t know how to jump back into it. I think it’s wonderful that you are going to Africa, and I wish you the best up there. You will come back so blessed. Have a great day.
Your Waffle story was funny! One time my lab Levi ate 11 assorted doughnuts that we thought were out of his reach. The really funny part was one was a cherry filled type and apparently he didn’t like the cherry and squished it out on the kitchen floor and ate the rest of the doughnut. Only bad thing was we were driving from Oklahoma to Houston the next day and just north of Ft. Worth he yakked all over. He is still infamous to my nephews as the doughnut eating machine!
Loved your post today. How cool was that U2 concert!!! The poop/church incident made me laugh sorry… only because it has happened to me a few times too. : )
Meg…did you get the link I sent you this morning on the button tutorial? I am still having some email issues— not just yours. But I don’t see where that one was returned. Thanks!
Thanks for the pretty blog links! I want to see that movie too….my husband saw the preview and said “wow, there are a lot of people in that movie!” I took it as maybe he’d be interested in going with me! 🙂 hahah….I found this link from Little Miss Crafy Pants via Crap I’ve Made….it’s actually the best tutorial I’ve found, hope it helps!
Oh my! Cracking up about Waffle. I know it wasn’t fun at the time but whew.. that reminds me of my parents Pug. They had left a hardee’s cinnamon raisin biscuit on the table for my brother when he woke up. It was in the little box it comes in and a brown paper bag. Needless to say my brother happened to be walking down the stairs as the dog had gotten on top of the kitchen table. And and ate Everything the cardboard box the paper bag and the cinnamon biscuit of course. We almost had a fire in our dishwasher once as well. A wooden spoon fell out of the rack on to the coil. I could smell wood burning and I thought the house was on fire. I was about to call 911 when I discovered the problem. Yes, it smelled awful! BAHAHAHA!! Oh Waffle! bad dog! Reminds me of my Wembley!
Naughty puppy…even the best dogs have bad days. Mine ate a whole pizza off the counter once…it happens. I wish you luck with your laundry! I am in the same boat. Its a love hate relationship. 😉 I think getting distracted sometimes when completely overwhelmed is a good thing. I’m glad you wrote it out for us other mommies. Deep breath… you’ll get through it!
Thanks for sharing all of this – I love to see what you like and know that these kinds of things happen to every (good)mom.
Nice post! Lots of interesting turns and laughs!
I can’t wait to see the Valentine’s movie. And SO glad my hubby wants to see it, too. For the last few years, he said work and life are so intense, he just enjoys kicking back and watching “happily-ever-after” kinds of movies (with the occasional action movie thrown in). Yea for me!!
jason totally passed out on shot number two. out cold. for like 3 minutes. then he woke up and was certain the HE WAS GOING TO DIE. drama. so much drama. I had to drive him home and it took two weeks to get the courage to go back for the last shots. he wasn’t scared about going to uganda. he was scared about the stupid shots. that is reason #1 that men don’t have babies.
Sorry, I have to admit to laughing out loud about Waffle…those cinnamon rolls must have smelled so good, whats a dog to do, haha! you’re so funny… i love reading your procrastination blog while i am procrastinating on my to-do list!
Oh man!!! That movie looks great! Lots of great people too!!! You could just drive down to OK or I could just drive up to KS and see it on Valentine’s Day…while our men watch some hoops 🙂 I’m sorry Annie had an accident on you…and that Waffle ate those wonderful cinnamon rolls….I’m also sorry that I don’t know how to help make a button for ads….COMPUTER STUPID I AM 🙁 I can’t even download pics from our new camera to the computer…..see, now do you feel better 🙂 Have a Happy Tuesday!!!!!
ok, i want to see that movie too, but my husband is like your husband. i’ll drive down and we’ll see it together. wouldn’t that be fun. i’ll bring kasey with me. someday!! good luck getting that laundry done. i have piles ready to go. thing is, karlie does her own laundry and there is a load in the washer from yesterday. drives me nuts. oh well.
I would love to see that movie too! And there’s NO WAY I’ll be getting my hubby to go with me either! if you told me you wanted advertising space… let me know if you did not hear from me. thanks. I sent an email but did not hear back…I would love to advertise for 2 months. I have a blog designer creating a cute button for me. Please email me and let me know if it’s not too late. thanks!! 🙂 I did get your email.. thanks… it will take me a couple of days to put something together but I’ll get it to you asap! Thanks Meg and God bless!
I didn’t get a chance to comment on your original post so I’ll comment here. I think your trip sounds stretching but also very exciting. I will be praying for you as you prepare to go. it took me a year and half to get it done…not the actual work but just DOING it. talby's dresser was from a thrift shop when lauren was a baby. *painting made by talby 2 years ago. *heart duvet covers from ikea. *name print from penny people. *tutu from the thrift shop. :) *polka dot sheets from walmart. *deer print mounted on blue & orange paper from k.bartinski.
Where did you get your blackout material? Is it cotton type fabric or is it like vinyl/rubbery stuff? I really need your help on this one…please 😀 I went to Target and bought those sheets. Then I came home from college and my mom had bought them for my bed at home. Guess she knows me. (: LOVE LOVE LOVE it! This makes me want to have a girl just to decorate her room!!! For awhile, I’ve been collecting pictures that inspire me. Sometimes it’s just pictures that I like, but usually it’s pictures of things I want to try – decorating ideas etc. Reading your blog over the last few months, I realized at least three of my inspiraion photos are from your blog. Reading this post, I recognized a picture I found months ago is of your daughter’s room. This pink color is so sweet. I love the flower garland, now I have to steal your tent idea for my daughter’s room. She would love it. Thanks for blogging. I really enjoy reading it. Good Luck on the Africa trip.
LOVE it! And I love all of the bright and happy colors and things that fill their room. 🙂 What a beautiful room they have!! Absolutely precious! That is the most sugar-coated room I’ve ever seen… It’s better than the one from “The Holiday!”
It looks great! I loveeeee pink! 🙂
I love that – I want one for my room!! Well, maybe for my craft/office…LOL!!
What color is the pink in their room? My little girl just asked tonight to have pink walls in her new bedroom when we move. 🙂 That is totally amazing. Mostly because you did it, and what love you have shown them! So precious. I love everything about that room! I long to give my kids that kind of fun space, but don’t know where to start. It’s a good thing you’re not nearby, because I would have to make you help me! 🙂 What a beautiful “pw-incess” bed! Thanks for posting this. I want to make one for my daughter using mosquito netting when she outgrows her baby bed. It will be a win-win. She’ll think it’s so princess-y and fun, and I’ll know she’s protected from malaria (we live in Asia). Meg, YOU are beautiful and inspirational 🙂 awh, its just perfect. because of you i watched the holiday. now, one of my most favorite movies for sure. love their room. i eyes stopped when i saw how dreamy the window was. yep, just the window was all i needed. the tent is awesome. love it, and everything else in the room too. just a great girlie space :O) This is AMAZING. That scene from the Holiday is one of my favorites ever- what a dream com true! Great work! Beautiful! Just what a little girls bedroom should be! SO beautiful. Did you make the green butterfly? It’s amazing! aWesoMe!!!! xo
the tent is so very magical!! what lucky girls you have = ) The dark pink velvety color in the inside back really makes this tent. It’s so rich and royal looking. What a wonderful place for make-believe, day-dreaming and play-time! ALL that pink, so pretty! This post made me smile. Awesome as always, Meg! You are one talented lady my friend! Big hugs! :o) Looks like the “pink of perfection” to me. Seriously. So, so, SO adorable. This is definitely going in my inspiration file. 🙂 it turned out great. this has been on my list for a while too now that chloe & camden share a bed and are OBSESSED with tents. I love the butterfly too. Your windows are so big. What a great home. I love this. Love that the room is pink, pink, pink. And I know that my little sassy sue would live in that tent. For days on end.
Great job – perfect little girls room! I love the tent. Very pretty room! Where can you get the gerbera daisies? Thanks! I LOVE it! Such a great mom! What a fabulous room! I want to move in myself. I love the butterfly picture, I am sure you made it yourself. I’d love to make one for my daughter’s room, any tips. Thanks Kim So cute! I love it! that is THE perfect little girls room. i want one!!! Perfect!!
Cute that your girlies share a bed, they must love each other so much. I wish my daughters got along so well! Love your blog for inspiration! CUTE CUTE CUTE! it reminds me of The Holiday….what a special place to hang out and be a princess. It’s not as grand as what you had in mind? It’s grander than anything I’ve ever had in MY mind! It’s look beautiful…and totally YOU! I love all of that pink – it is completely Pinkalicious! 🙂 Beautiful Meg! This is a picture of pink perfection. Imagine the memories that this room will hold for your beautiful girls when they’re older….a room to nurture their imaginations and their dreams…Meredy xo. Love ALL the pink! The room looks fabulous and I love how you made the tent! I never would have guessed it was made with hula hoops. I might just have to make one in my son’s room, no pink for him though. 😉 A redo is scheduled for his room soon, I’m sooooo excited! Thanks for sharing Meg! You know it would be cute as a circus tent or camo fabric for boys. Sorry, I’ve only got boys and just kept thinking about this tent! lol Love it. I wanted to do something like this for Katie. I was planning to re-do her room with her, before she got sick. It’s wonderful to see your version of the hula-hoop canopy, making your girls happy. Thank you for sharing. I would have LOVED this when I was a little girl. And this makes me want to make something like this for my little girl. Well done.
what a fun room!! 🙂
I love it! What lucky little girls!
love it! that was one of my favorite scenes in the movie, and i got a screenshot of the tent to remember to make it for my daughter when she’s out of the crib. too adorable! really cute…i know my girls would love one! Great job. What lucky girls! I’m going to have to try this for the little princesses in my life. I so love your blog and all the ideas. What a beautiful room!! I have goven you an award over at my blog 🙂 Fantastic job on the tent! I think it’s time for you to come and decorate my home now…. 🙂 To die for CUTE!!!!! Looooovvvvveee it! You did a great job on the tent! I’ve been trying to figure out for years(ever since I saw that movie) how to replicate it. Great idea with the hula hoops! I just found a neat blog a few days ago that has tons of pics of cool movie houses and I found great pictures of that Holiday tent (shots outside and inside)- so I couldn’t believe it when I saw your post today! My husband just walked into the room and said, “GAH, that’s pink!” twice! I think your girls’ room is beautiful, and eclectic, and perfect! We too have the bed on the floor. It makes rolling off and jumping off much safer! I just bought those polka dot sheets about a week ago. Love them. They are all the colors of Kates room. I’m going to buy another set next weeks to make curtains with! It is perfect!!! I want to move in with you please!!! lucky, lucky girls!! It’s so dreamy Meg, this is SO dreamy, to say the least. I can see how any and all little girls would feel like princesses in there. Absolutely beautiful! I love it! A pink bedroom was my dream until I was, oh I don’t know, 21. Then I decided to be more mature and like purple. 😉
oh~so~sweet! i want one too…. Oh Meg I loved that part of the movie. It was just magical. What a fun room. I think it’s sweet they share a room and super fun that the floor is on the bed. I don’t let my girls jump on their beds because they would break the old bed frames for sure. But if it doesn’t have one…problem solved. The pink is perfect:) Oh man, I CANNOT show these pics to my daughter… I’ll never hear the end of it! 🙂 SO. VERY. PRETTY!!!!!!!!!! very cute! Adorable and very pr-wincessy!
i love the pink tent! what fun for your girls… cute ideas. It’s awesome ~ and it makes perfect sense! And it’s perfect for a princess! Is there really such a thing as too much pink?? Oh man!!!! IIIIIII want one!!!! No girls for me 🙁 Wonder if I could get my boys to go for it??? hee hee 🙂 Yet another super great thing from the Rockstar Blogger herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, I know, this would be a perfect place to run and hide when you feel like alllll eyes are on you!!!! But then, you’d probably have to run Talby and Annie out of it…and that wouldn’t be so good 🙁 Oh geesh am I rambling…gotta go cook up some pizza rolls for dinner 🙂 Mom of the Year….RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!! OMG. Is it sad that I want to be your BFF and I’ve never met you? that is WONDERFUL!
So dreamy, Meg! This is definitely one of those great ideas that I’ll file away to refer back to when I have a daughter. love it, love it, love it! So cute! How great for your two girls. Doesn’t it make your heart happy to hear Talby say that she feels like a princess? How sweet. Great job. I am so glad that I am not the only mother out there that has used white bed sheets as curtains! Love the tent, Meg! I love it!!! I LOVE the tent from The Holiday too! Your tent is “seriously cool” as well!!! How fun! I would have loved to have something like this as a kid. What a good mom 🙂
my 5 and 6 year old girls (who share a room)are enviously checking out all the pictures. =) Awesome room THAT IS SO FUN!!!!! You are one talented lady! ADORABLE! That is so so cute. SO CUTE! I can’t imagine how heavy that tent is! I LOVE the butterfly painting above Annie’s dresser. It looks like a collage of materials – really cool. You are a decorating goddess. 🙂 I love that they share a bed and it has that fabulous tent hanging over it. It is alot of pink, but in a really, really good way!! I love the pink!!! It is so girly & adorable. My girls would love every inch of that room!!!
Love the tent. I think the one in The Holiday had Christmas lights? makes PERFECT sense…I am so doing this for my 3 year old…she will FLIP!!! looks great! my daughter was sitting on my lap looking at the pics with me and she said, “i want to go there. i want to play with that little girl. i’ll take my toys and play with her toys too.” (since there were no pics of A or T she had to assuuuuume a little girl lived there!) and good thing natalie is two or i’m sure she’d be begging me to do her room like that! great job! you’re hired if you want to come to KC to do it 🙂 I absolutely love it!!! Love it! I tucked away a few ideas for Tatum’s room. She has the heart sheets from ikea too, hers are the white ones!! You are so talented and I love how you mix so many things that just scream LIFE!! It came out so pretty! I bet they do love it, what little girl wouldn’t? What size is that duvet cover from Ikea? I looked at it on the site, but it didn’t show what size it was. It’s really cute. I love it so much!!! My daughter saw it and said, “MOMMY, BUY IT, BUY IT!!!” awesome job that is too cute. you never cease to amaze me! I love it!! Bet my little boy wouldn’t… hm. Maybe in blue? without the flowers? so i wanna be a pwincess too! So darling and fun at the same time! Having girls I completely understand about the “pink” thing! Meg! This is ADORABLE! Talby and Annie are very lucky girls! All princesses deserve a room like theirs! yes. i have never been on a trip like this. but another way i could raise funds is by selling ad space here on the blog. for the months of february and march i will be offering ad space on the right sidebar. it could be for your etsy shop….your business…or just a link to your blog?
Wow! You’re braver that me. But what an amazing experience. My God be with you on this trip.
I live in IN and read your blog everyday. My husband is a missionary kid from Congo and we spent 9 weeks there in 1995. I graduated from Asbury College in 1993 and the guys that started Word Made Flesh were at Asbury with me. What a small world! Africa is going to change your life for the better! goosebumps…how awesome!
How exciting! I spent a semester during college in Ghana and I think it is safe to say your world will never be the same. I’ve always wanted to go back, but you know what the price of a plane ticket is! Brush up on your French…you will be helping so many. Godspeed. God Bless. I am SOOOO looking forward to some of your photos being up for sale! How exciting- I will be watching your etsy shop! Totally ROCKS- we were in the process of adopting a beautiful 2 yr old orphan when they shut the country down for adoptions. So sad and frustrating. Please blow a kiss in the air for my baby Kaday that we never got a hold/be her parents! If you go again- please post info as I would LOVE to join you!!! I will be praying for you and your trip! -Jenn I love how you use your blog for God’s good. You could have easily put ads on your blog pages ago for personal gain. You are inspiring!! God bless.
Congratulations! That is so fantastic – we’ll be sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way! Oh girl I am so proud of you. That is a hearts desire of mine to some day do a missions trip. You will come back changed forever. I’ll support you however I can. Just need to think about it…do I want to buy something or advertise something:) Oh Meg!!! I can hear the excitement in your voice…or rather, in your post 🙂 Such an extraordinary trip for such an extraordinary person!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!! So proud of you for saying Yes to God. That is often the hardest part (for me, at least). Will definitely be praying for you!! Awesome! You are going to LOVE it. Talk about a humbling and incredible experience! Your life will forever be changed! SL needs all the help they can get and God will protect you every step of the way! If you have any questions, ask away 🙂 How amazing! I just started reading your blog and I love it. I actually went to Sierra Leone for 2 weeks in 06 and then 2 months in 07 working with Children of the Nations:Oh Meg, I am so happy for you. You are going to be great!
How fun! And what a blessing you will be! We have a friend that works for Word Made Flesh in India…such an awesome ministry that we are proud to support!! This will be a completely life changing experience for you. I’ve led teams of American volunteers to do humanitarian work for times. You will see tragedy, but also a people who are so happy. Probably the best lesson I learned from the people is that happiness is not based on circumstances, but it has everything to do with our relationship with God. Best of luck to you!
meg that is really awesome. you will love it. and you will love the way helping makes you feel i am sure! Hello! i just sent you an email about advertising… Thanks so much, I love supporting this cause! Congrats – you’ll love it. I grew up as a missionary kid in Colombia, South America. I also went to Germany on a mission trip in high school. Mr Chiots and I have organized and led several short term trips to different locations, including some overseas. I can’t wait to hear about your experiences during the trip. Good luck raising funds (that’s always the hardest part). How exciting! I have never taken a trip like that before either. You will definately be in my prayers!
amazing. you are amazing! and you never fail to impress me. All I can say is…WOW!!!! That is huge. I am so proud of you even though you haven’t gone yet!!!!!!
Wow, I am so excited for you! And looking forward to contributing to your trip fund once your Etsy store opens again. I have enjoyed my “Cora” pair of pillows so much. And the third pillow, which I loved but couldn’t find a place just right for it, I am donating to a child with cancer, in memory of my daughter’s best friend that died from neuroblastoma (what Cora had, I think). It’s the pretty pink and bright green pillow with the tutu material around the edge. I know they will love it! Please keep us updated on this actual and spiritual journey. I will be praying for you.
Good for you, that is so brave and you will be forever changed. Such an amazing thing! I’m so glad for you – I had a friend who went to Africa last spring and had a wonderful experience. Bless you!! What an amazing journey God is allowing you to go on! I would love to contribute and donate for ad space. I’ll email you soon. Good luck, I’ll be praying for you. 🙂
Congratulations! Been following your Blog and Beautiful Work for a long while. I would Love to purchase Ad Space too. Ill send you a email. What a Wonderful and Exciting time for you. Have a Great Weekend, Jamie Just emailed you for the ad space. This is a really good thing that you are doing! How amazing. When I think about going abroad for missions I get a pit in my stomach. You are very strong and you will grow SO much from this! God bless you on your trip and I can’t wait to shop your etsy shop!! bless you in this decision. It is so very frightening some times, but a concrete and clear calling, to be sure. take care. I wish I had extra money to send your way, but know I am sending prayers and hope for less fear as the time is closer. Take care. Overseas missions are THE BEST!!! Prepare for your world to be rocked forever!!!! I would love to support you and buy an ad!! Just let me know what you need from me. 🙂 – its set to post in the morning. wanted you to know i referenced you and your blog there. thanks for the inspiration! meg, thank you for this! it makes my heart smile and reminds me why i do what i do. i created a post on my tumblr about it (OMG, I love this!!! thank you for sharing it! Too cute! I linked your post on my blog (hope you don’t mind! Take a looksee). My 7 yr. old daughter LOVED this! She is our little artist and it won’t surprise me if she has her own version of this over the weekend. I adored this! thanks for sharing. I love this video. I played it at the beginning of the school year for my AP Art class. It was an inspiration for them. It just makes me happy. And it sticks in my head. Love it! I love this!!!I wish I were in my craft room for the next five ours. I have a box of unfinished projects that needs to be completed and some birthday presents to make. Never ends. I just wish I were not at a desk at work right now and doing my own crafts. Have fun!!!! Thanks for sharing this video – I loved it and it made me think of my sister! I sent it to her and she loved it :). Question for you – where can I find your Etsy shop? what a great video! So amazingly incredible, I love this song! 😀 love this ssssooo much!!! thanks for sharing!!! Love it! ♥ I’m sending the link to my daughter. This is totally her thing!!! That is inspiring, made me feel like I could possibly make something arty, and it would look good. It is a magical clip.
Perfect thing to see today. Thank you. It’s true sometimes you just need a little inspiration. That was a fun little video. The only problem is now I want to make art, but I have stuff to do. I need to finish some applications and do a bunch of writing. Maybe I’ll have to make some time later today for art. I had found this video last year- love it!
absolutely loved this! So great!! Thanks for sharing!! so CUTE! I sent it to my daughter – who is an ART student in California – enjoy your CREATIVE day!! LOVE. incredible. and i LOVE the song! i just got an idea a 1/2 hour ago & i’m desperate to start. 🙂 this was just what i needed before i turned on my space heaters & got to work in my dungeon of a basement turned art studio. and i WISH i could listen to this song on repeat. best of luck to you meg in your creative 5 hours! |
Pals - How stupid of me.I meant to comment and I commented today on your very first post.. Silly me..
Here’s what I wrote
I am a recent follower of your blog and one weekend I read all your blogs from start to finish.I love love the fact that you are so creative and yet so unassuming and humble.Your site is awesome and your beautiful house… mmmhmmm,I wish I could trade mine for yours..:-).
Anyway keep up the good work and hope you continue with this forever.
Stephanie - What a sweet thing for her to do! 🙂
julia - I’m glad you got the package…I can’t wait to hear about your trip to Africa.
Jana - I love that the web reminds us that it’s a small world and we’re all connected. But to your question, I have never scrapbooked. I am scared of it. I have a Fine Arts Degree (if I could find the box somewhere, pull it out and dust it off). How could I be intimidated by a little ole pieces of paper with pictures? Sadly, I am. If I won the books (which look fantastic) maybe I could face my fears. Pick me!
Staci - I can’t even remember how long it’s been 🙁 At least 2 years 🙁 We were at Pine Cove in Texas and got iced in….got a little more done than I thought I would 🙂 But haven’t done a stinkin’ page since 🙁 My poor little Jake (who will be FIVE)… started !!!!!! So, please pick me!!! maybe that will give me some gumption to get goin’ again 🙂 Thanks for the chance!!!!
Meredith Salmon - Meg, when is your trip. It would be nice to help you get there by donating items to your shop for your trip.
tara pollard pakosta - awwwww what a SWEET persoN!
A pocket full of posies... - There are SO many precious people! and I do believe most of them blog! (or read blogs!) 🙂
Dawn - I cannot wait for your shop to open!
Messy@Bungalow'56 - I just wanted to thank you for the Random Post a few days back, with your memory of the U2 concert. In that post you mentioned your daughter did not have her own cell phone. I showed it to my 14 year old, to prove to her she is in fact not the only teen on the face of the earth without a cell phone attached intravenously. Much appreciated. PS: She’s a really good kid.
julie - blog friends are real friends.
yay for happy surprises.
Kelly - That’s fantastic! Good job Julia Miller!
Kate - That is AWESOME!!! I can’t wait for your shop to open 🙂
Melanie - I love blog friends.
I am so happy that they have been blessed with sweet Levi. So much heartache but they have made it through and have a lot to look forward to.
Vera - How cool! I am diligently checking your shop for pillows!! Also, baby Levi is so precious – great job on the pictures!
Heather F - So sweet of her!!!
Lisa - how kind…
Immyyas - That is awesome! Random acts of kindness are the best!
Georgia - What was is she sent?! Tell us!!! lol
Diana - Awwww, how sweet…. but….
What? WHAT?!?!?! You can’t do that to us!!
What did she send?!?!
julie - blog friends are the best!