this photo shoot was HOT.
the hottest one i did all year.
we were all dripping with sweat….and the girls were thirsty.
dad saved the day with sonic.
how cute are sisters with glasses?!
and blond ringlets?
dad saved the day with sonic. yesterday felt a bit nutty. the number of times i cried: 3 (not SAD crying….compassion/empathy tears) ********edited: i was just walking through my living room i noticed my picture… LOVE LOVE LOVE all the numbers. what fun photos & wonderful perspective. AWESOME. 🙂 where do you get all of your funky photos…of clocks or cupcakes & stuff? I am working on a a cool blog about ME and I want some great pix but it would take me weeks to get out and take them all. are you using stock photos from somewhere, preferably FREE, lol! number of hours I may play virtual paper dolls on the Boden site…endless 🙂
What a fun way to remember to count your blessings! Thank you for the reminder to count it all joy!
I do drool over Boden catalog. But I am neither Tall nor Leggy so I never order from it. And none of the models have big chests. hee hee. Ugh… I hate shopping for bras of any type , I don’t know why women want big boobs b/c i hate my DD’s!!! Love your blog! You are one busy lady, hopefully tomorrow will be more relaxing!!
Woooah! My head is spinnnnnnning………please sit down Meg:-) Sports Bras are some tricky ***t! I felt the same about the boden catalog, looked and dreamed while the kids were in the bath 🙂 This was so fun! You made me laugh out loud a few times. I so wish we lived closer!!
It all adds up to a grand time doesn’t it? Kim
You crack me up!!! I’m so happy you sold everything in your shop. You go girl! I just love that you are so down to earth. I really hope we met someday.
You are BUSY! I had never heard of Boden. I went to the site and had fun dressing the online model in my fantasy outfits. It gave me a lift, but I can’t justify even one scarf from there since I’d have to order it to be shipped from the UK. Good inspiration, though! WOW, you accomplished a lot!! Sorry about your sweater. 🙁 Love the pictures and I had to LOL at the pile of laundry! Seems to me that you have 10 other great hands there that could be helping you fold them instead of jumping on them! hee hee hee. :o)
just so you know- I saw those fun printed napkins from the paper hat under your ads for africa, and just ordered some for shaye’s 8th birthday. 🙂 Boden has buy 3 get 1 for a dollar. Still expensive but such nice stuff. (not that I’ve bought much from there) Wow, that’s looks and sounds way too much like my life! Only my mountain of laundry never seems to get smaller…I like the idea of counting the things we do throughout the day though, makes you see where the time goes.
what a fun post! I am soooooo tired just reading this! Go get yourself another latte!!! 🙂
Wow, I’m exhausted from just reading that. Go take a nap lady!! That’s funny. I want everything in the new boden catalog too. They are tempting me with their free shipping and returns!!! I love you Meg!!!!!! not one train?…that’s got to be a record, especially going to the post office!
I absolutely LOVE this post. Thank you, thank you for making my life (that I thought was nuts) seem normal! I don’t know what part I like more: the writing skills you have or your inspired photography!
Walmart has some of the best sports bras in my opinion:) That’s fun and crazy to see! I hear you on the Spring Boden catalog – every time I get it, my family hears me say “When I win the lottery . . . ” LOVE that stuff – I try to duplicate/make some of it. well….that was a good weekend. i am sending in for my visa in the morning. i was running/walking on the treadmill this morning and everything felt like it's soooo heavy. in hopes to drive more traffic to your blog and etsy shop. Hope it helps w/ funds for your Africa trip, but more likely you’ll be the one helping whoever is reading, like you do for me! Can’t wait for my print 🙂 It’s soooo cool. Thanks for keeping me sane everyday! xoxo, Lisa Meg, you’re awesome! I just checked out your Whatever Shop and had to buy the typewriter print. I also featured it on my blogI am LOVING your blog! So freakin’ cute! :^D my 4 year old, Autumn Grace, and i were checking out your pictures this morning. she loves to look with me. anyways, she had a little something to say here and there… like things we have that are similar. when we got the the picture of your son she said “well i dont know who he is, but he’s REALLY cracking my out”… that means cracking me up around here ;). thanks for all your beautiful pictures, you totally inspire me!!! hoping one day to have a good camera and take beautiful pics like you 🙂
I love all the pictures. I wish I had your creative eye.
Love, Love the sock monkey tee! Monkey with a bow? Too cute!! my favorite picture was the one of your daughter and her ‘baby’sweetly sleeping under her blanket:)
Your laundry pile is about as big as mine. I just can’t keep up with it & I only have 2 kids. I can’t imagine how out of control it would be if I had 5 kids! did you make Annie’s sock monkey shirt? LOVE it! My Kate would LOVE that! You should list those in your shop!
Great photos, Lauren looks so grown up., That awesome that your shop sold out Congrats, hope you get the $ you need towards your trip! ooh and love the fabric shot
what great photos, i could relate to the pile of laundry 🙂 and a few others. we have a basketball player too! have a great week! susan Just add it to your umpteen awards! The bowl of fruit loops look really good at 1 am. BTW I just awarded you the Sunshine Blog Award. You can check it out at
Okay, now I have to go get chalk paint and paint a wall. I love that!! I love your random photos. Now THAT is real life! Some of them are just plain ART. And your kids are adorable.
Looking at pictures of your kids makes me want to drop out of college and have a BABY!… but then I realize I only have one semester left and though babies are SO cute… the responsible thing is to just wait a few months… ah! You’re kiddo’s are cute though… that was the main thought. 😉
Love the posts where you just ramble and show random pics. Feels like I’m a fly on your wall:) Those were great! That one with your oldest and your sweet dog…just beautiful. She should go into modeling…gasp:o
Your photos are great!! Your mountain of laundry made me laugh out loud. I’ve been right there. {grin} Love all the pics! Skin goggles! Baaaaaahahahahah! Love the pics. We live in Kansas now…so question: Why do they say Rock Chalk Jayhawk? Thanks, Heather R. Love that pic with the tucked-in stuffed animal in the foreground and Annie in the background. Precious!
love this post…we could be friends in real life. Favorite pic….Annie in the background coloring and her little kitty cat (?) all tucked in nice and cozy 🙂 HOW sweet is that?????
Thankyou thankyou for showing your laundry. I have a huge mountain in my house. Yours looks prettier somehow. I have a dream of someday having every bit of wash put away every sock matched, every bin empty. A crazy dream, maybe unatainable but it gets me through the day! Laundry totally multipies doesn’t it!!! Lope the pics… those all the fun colors you always have going in your house. Annie is adorable… love how she tucks in Micha… my girls do that too 🙂
i love the glimpses you give of your life…’s so real! Seeing a little “ROCK CHALK” helps too! 😉 lauren is absolutely gorgeous. & i love hearing the tidbits of annie’s conversation. ha, sounds and looks familiar – i think i washed 7 laods of laundry this weekend and i am avoiding folding the last three loads cause i am worn out. i checked out the shop on saturday afternoon and it was almost gone even by then – how awesome that it sold out! i went to honduras last year all by myself – left the kiddos and husband at home – and it was so amazing. crazy hard and life changing. i pray that your africa prep continues to go smoothly. I love that you shared a pic of your laundry pile!! Mine looks the same way after a day of washing!
I could look at pictures of your kids all day long! (Is that creepy? I don’t mean for it to be!) The picture of your oldest daughter is beautiful – the one with the dog. Look at those eye lashes! All of your kids are just adorable. Loved this post! Thanks for sharing a bit of your lovely & colorful life!!
Love your pictures!! Where is sweet Talby at? I love Annie’s tie-dyed dress…very cute. If I ever have a daughter I will make her a tie-dye dress 🙂 Thanks for giving us a snapshot of your weekend – I love the chalkboard wall! what a precious family!!
Um, those red and white curtains??? Did you make them? I am in love. How about posting some of those lovelies in your shop? 🙂 If you bought them, please tell me where they are from. I love your blog
OK. i finally got everything entered into etsy. to get to my shop you can click on the button on the top left here that says thank you for all the concern for annie. the yellow fever shot was fine.
Thanks for being on point and on tagret!
You are so talented. Glad I came across your blog tonight. Fun reading! It is amazing how many things we can swallow, digest, and poop out! Once my daughter swallowed a shiny, confetti heart and yep pooped it out! My other daughter tried to swallow a plastic wrapper and that one I rescued – very scary. The next child swallowed one of those tiny foam animals that is supposed to get wet and grow….ya that one freaked me out! The doctor said stomach acid would take care of it. And my fourth one…well nothing yet….
Happy belated b day. Is that why you didn’t want me for Lauren’s bday weekend? Afraid I would steal the show with my awesome karoake skills? Have you found the battery yet? Good times! Can’t wait to get my gumball picture! She is beautiful! Looks like she had a wonderful day! Congrats on getting the shop open- SO exciting!!!
She looks gorgeous and very happy with her gift in the shot of her on the chair!! And my 15 yo noticed those products at ON but is too interested in turning 16 this summer to care. Just found your blog and I love it! My son is turning 15 next month too..he’s my oldest. He also wants a pie…no cake??? What?? Happy Birthday Lauren…I love your house Meg!! Meg I just wanted to tell you that you look like you have lost weight! I think the no sugar thing is working for you. It’s funny because I’m doing the same thing, and I’m making the kids eat healthier too. Sugar is okay for special times but our Country has turned everyday into a special time to eat sugar and it’s too much. I’m bummed I missed the pillows and the photos of the paints. I’ll have to keep checkin’ your cute store filled with fun stuff! What a fun place! Happy b-day, Lauren. Happy Birthday Lauren…..she is getting more mature looking. My son will be 16 in May and I am like you….where did the time go? Happy birthday to your beautiful girl, congrats on the shop and i’m so glad to hear that Annie is doing well! She is gorg happy bday to her! Congratulations on your shop – super cute things!! I love your blog – gives me a lift and inspires. Keep it up.
Hope her birthday was wonderful! I want her hair (insert Tina Fey’s longing, dazed look here) 🙂 Happy Birthday to Lauren – gosh she is beautiful! And I remember a call to the doctor’s after my little one swallowed an extra-large sequin. I had visions of it slicing her intestines open…but everything came out okay 😛
She is so pretty!!! Happy Bday to Lauren. She is beautiful! And her hair is awesome. Do you think she would do a tutorial on how to get those curls? I can.not believe you have a 15 year old! Holy cow. And she’s gorgeous! 🙂 Really beautiful. Love the picture of Lauren & the dog. If you look quick at the pup, it looks like there are eyebrows giving you a stern look! So cute! OMG you are killing me with your shop. Gorgeous stuff. Love your blog too.
oh so bummed I missed out on pillows, and I’ve been diligently checking every day. Happy Birthday, Lauren! Looks like another fun family celebration! you do know that I used to work at a modeling agency, and that if I still did, I would come to your home and steal Lauren…what a gorgeous girl, inside and out! What a beautiful girl. Love the picture of her and Waffle. Love that first balloon shot! And I can never get over Lauren’s beauty. And…one more thing…what was it? Oh! I can’t believe Old Navy is 15! (I just tried to capitalize “15”. Guess numbers can’t be shouted??) Anyway, that makes me feel oldish! I LOVE Lauren’s hair! She is so pretty! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing Lauren’s birthday with us. She’s so beautiful and I LOVE the picture of her holding her new guitar. Such a natural. Had the best time in your Etsy shop today. Big hug to you, xoxo Congrats on the Etsy shop… Can’t wait to check it out! I <3 etsy!!! What a fun birthday! Happy Day, The Lady Etsy purchase complete! Cannot wait to get my goofy Annie photo! 🙂 Etsy purchase made …. my contribution to your trip 🙂 lauren is gorgeous! and her smile looked genuine! 🙂
Beautiful fun pics! Looks like a great party. Happy Birthday, Lauren! I’m glad Annie is okay. I love banana creme pie…yum! It looks like you guys had a great time celebrating. Cheers. ~Heather R.
I need to go to ON for my 15 yr old 🙂
You must be so proud of her. She’s grown into a beautiful young lady! happy, happy birthday lauren. what a beautiful girl!!!! the photo of her and waffle is stunning.
Lauren is only 15? WOW! She is so pretty and looks 18…I know you don’t want to hear that mom!!
She is a gorgeous girl! Very rare to get a teenager to smile I’m sure 🙂 What a great gift. Sooo glad you didn’t have to make any more naughty calls. happy, happy, happy Lauren….. i’m glad you had a good day and didn’t need to make any “extra” phone calls. happy birthday lauren! meg, she is beautiful and it looks like the whole family enjoyed the birthday celebration!
annie swallowed a round cell battery yesterday like for a watch…. i called the dr. and got voice mail. then i called back 20 min. later and they said "call poison control". so i get out the phone book and i feel nervous because i have to call poison control. i call the number in the phone book….ring ring ring…. are you kidding me?! i try again. yep….more sex. then i call the number under it. a woman answers "hello?" i said "uhhh….is this poison control?" "no…their number is close to ours…its' 5376 not 5476 or is it? is it 0000 or 8000? try that. don't give up." click. what the what?! so now i have started to cry. i call 911. i said "my daughter swallowed a battery. she's fine. my dr. said to call poison control but i can't because it is not poison control, it's a sex line. "yes….1800 332 6633….do you need an ambulance?" "not that i know of…thank you." i call the number she gave me. dead line. no dial tone. then i hang up and try again. "beep beep beep…we're sorry this number is not availble in your calling area" WHAT?! i call the dr. back and tell the poor recptionist all my problems. finally they let me talk to a nurse. and she says "just watch and make sure she passes it."
and that sums up my day. and early release from school. and the furnace is being repaired. and i have to drive an hour to get a yellow fever shot.
i am trying to keep it together…and get sleep…and exercise…and not eat every sweet thing in my kitchen. then i listened to one of frances chan's sermons to pull me out of my pity party. Hilarious!! The sex line, not her swallowing the battery! Awww, sweet crazy life.
oh no, it sounds like you had a nutty day! if it makes you feel better, the national line number is a porn number for me too — from a 310, 424, 949 and 202 area code. yes, we have too many cell phones in our house with two people. in our defense, one is a land line, one is shutting down at the end of the month and one is for work. hang in there! i think a rainbow cake might be in order!!!! Oh, my! What a crazy and stressful day! But now that you’ve put 800-FREE-SEX on your blog, you’re probably going to get some wild spammers! Oh, no! 🙂
hahaha! oh, the life of a mommy is never boring! Frustrating. Glad she is ok. I am glad she’s okay! We had a Vick’s vapor rub eating incident last year and our poison control made us go and sit in the ER for 4 hours. It’s so scary! Please take her to the ER and get an x-ray done!!! I keep checking back to see if you decided to follow up on the suggestions here to have x-rays or go to ER. A leaking battery can be very dangerous. Please keep us posted. Ugh! I thought I was having a rough day, but yours…yours takes the cake. (Oops! Sorry to bring up cake.) Hope everything smooths out soon. Hang in there! Oh Meg! Don’t worry about the shop and hang in there girl! I loved the person’s comment about Satan attacking when we do something for God’s glory. What good perspective. Kelly I am so sorry about your day, every Mom has em. Please let us know how Annie is doing, she is such a cute kid. My daughter and I can’t wait to see what she wears next. Such and individual sense of style. We went to Target and I bought myself some Annie socks. When I held them up my daughter knew exactly who I meant when I said “Annie Socks!”
Well, at least you know how to get through to the sex line when you need it. Have fun waiting for the battery…
I don’t know anything about swallowing batteries, so I hope what the nurse told you is correct. What a horrible day. I hope everything gets better! You and your family are in my prayers!
Happy Birthday Lauren. Poor Annie… hope you find the battery. Hope today goes better… good luck with the Yellow Fever shot ouch! i am a Pediatric ER/ICU nurse. I work in one of the largest Childrens hospitals in the country. Been there 25 yrs. You need to get an xray. It has to be confirmed that it has passed through to the stomach. It sometimes gets stuck in the esophagus and then she can end up needing surgery. (A Scope to retrieve it) My son swallowed a dime and they xrayed immed for that. Dont want to scare you but you never know how much experience the person on the other end of the phone line has.
Oh my goodness. That is a lot of stress to deal with for sure! Try not to put too much pressure on yourself, the shop will eventually get opened, even if it doesn’t happen until sometime next week, that is OK!!! You’ll still sell all your wonderful things and keep your sanity in tact too. Have a great weekend, I hope you can relax a bit and enjoy it. 🙂
I would take her to the hospital. I just read a story on CNN, I think last week where a little boy died from the same thing. The acid leaked into him. SO sad. I don’t mean to scare you, but better safe than sorry! Oh my goodness. My prayers are with you and your little one! I can’t believe they told you to wait for it to pass. I’ve heard it can be VERY dangerous to swollow those kind of batteries. Please, Meg get another opinion, or take her to the ER. wow. I’ve heard about close numbers and how that can be annoying, but that’s downright dangerous! I hope it passes quickly so you all can put it behind you. scary! Holy Crow! What a wild ride. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger” right? My son had a similar incident, but it was a dime that he swallowed. I did the doctor call and the ER. The doc in the ER handed me a “toilet hat” and a bundle of tongue depressors and said I had to wait for it to pass. Thanks a lot kid. Why me? Deep breaths, this to shall pass. I hate the swallowing thing. There was one week when I felt like I called poison control 3 times. Enjoy Lauren’s birthday!
DO NOT wait for it to pass. My nephew put one up his nose and the acid leaked and he had damage and had to have surgeries. It can be Highly dangerous if the batteries leak
How is that watching for the passing of the battery going? Motherhood is so glamorous isn’t it? sounds like a very bad dream where you are trying to make a call and just can’t!!
you poor thing! but, thank you for making me laugh this morning… at your expense. xoxo I hope your daughter is OK. Kids do crazy things, don’t they! Hope life settles down for you soon.
I work in a pediatricians office and the phone # for POISON CONTROL is 1-800-222-1222 for future referrence. Hope you will not need it though.
Ohhhh MEG 🙁 I’m sooo sorry for the craziness…just what you needed when you are trying sooo hard to give up sugar 🙁 All those things don’t help one bit!!! You’ll be in my prayers today!!!!! And, of course, I hope Sweet Little Annie is okay 🙂 i hope your day is better today! i would have cried as well.
Oh no! When Skye opened a bottle of children’s tylenol and popped a few (???not sure how many)I got poison control right away. So sorry it was such a hassel for you….that is an awful mommy moment!! Gotta love those kind of days, huh? When I was a kid, and my sister was a baby, she swallowed a a small gold locket that had her picture in it. It was mine. I remember my parents waiting for it to pass. Every time I see it in my jewelry box, I can’t stand to touch it. Blech. Glad Annie’s ok! Breathe in … breathe out … repeat. 🙂
Poor Meg, and t 1AM too. Put on your list…Get some sleep!
Oh my you poor thing.. Write this down..or put it in your cell phone.. 1-800-222-1222 this is the number we use.. Oh no! Hope all is ok.
Wow. That is intense. Just when I think I have crazy days… Is Annie ok? when it looks like this outside… it's time to go slitching.
Oakland accident lawyer and inquired on his benefits with his case. Then this Oakland auto accident lawyer helped her all the way through the whole process, and now she got her husband’s benefits. Looks like you guys had so much fun with that sledding thing huh? Even the kids would just want to join you for a ride! I can still remember when I was still living with my parents, my friends and I would go sledding during the winter season. But it just stopped when our neighbor had been into a tragic accident. His wife called up the
I had to laugh so hard at this post! We call this Skeetching… I don’t know where the name came from either… lol its funny to see that other people do crazy stuff like this! Your pics are so funny! Thanks for the sharing…I sure wish we had that snow and cold weather down our way…in South Texas it has been in the 70’s lately! 🙁 Looks like fun! Hope your bruise doesn’t hurt too much. Can’t wait to see your shop! Lauren so looks like Natalie Portman in that pic – so prety and so happy! Can you please give us some kind of “warning” before you open so we can be sure to be ready? Cuz I know it is all going to go fast. Would appreciate it! Thanks!!! We call it hookey-bobbing! : ) oh my, I cant stop laughing. Thanks for sharing. my husband and his brothers did this sort of thing when they were young. looks like lots of fun. Looks like FUN! Obviously it is “sledding” with a “hitch” to make “slitching”. 🙂 We do this in my parents back pasture, pulled by a tractor going very slowly. I totally hear you with your frozen rear end, my thighs had to clear the path last winter! ..of course, both my kids were on wtih me… making it an extra wide load… LOL Looks fun but police in our area of eastern Virginia stopped tons of people from doing this recently. It made the local news because of how dangerous it is and how many people get seriously hurt! I’m glad you all were safe! makes good copy,(great pics) but yikes! do you really want to encourage this? it’s like a loaded gun. eventually, somebody gets hurt. think role model . . . It looks quite fun but it also looks quite dangerous. But hey we all do crazy things. The kids look like they are having a blast. I thought slitching = sledding while attached to the hitch. Looks like lots of fun!! I can’t wait for you shop to open – hurry up, wouldya?!! xo I’m sorry to be the downer, but my nephew died (died. As in dead. Horrible) in an accident involving exactly this activity. Slid under the car wheels as the car was sliding too, etc… I know it’s fun, but really, really…just don’t do it. Please. oh that totally sounds like stuff we do here! Love it! That’s how we sled here in NC!!! We got th 4 wqheelers out and id it that way. Is the first we have had snow in forever. We do have “traditional hill” that has been sledded for generations!!! I had never gotten to sled there before till this weekend. Was great! They used to take barrels there and make fires , but that didn’t happen … but we did make smores with neighbors before heading to the hill 🙂
Your family makes everything look like so much fun. You seem to be the greatest mom out there. I really hope that I can be as creative and fun a mother as you are when I get to become one.
That looks so dangerous yet SO FUN!! Will you adopt me? We rarely ever get snow, so when it snowed last weekend, we were in need of sled. Since we don’t have a sled, we used random objects that we found around the house: the turkey pan, a cardboard box, trashcan lid, etc. Hey- you gotta do what you gotta do!!!! hahahaha awwww tired annie
I just looked at the pictures again, and my youngest has the same sweater and the same purple, chewed up, Gerber sippie cup. It sure does feel like a small world sometimes.
We use to do this all the time when I was little! But here in Idaho we call it Hookey Bobbing, (not sure why though! ) But its SO much fun! Wow, that looks about as safe as kneeboarding in a creek being pulled by a 4-wheeler! My son came home with some lovely sand burns!! I love it!LOL !! My sister and I are 12 yrs. apart and when I was home from college(many, many moons ago) my parents were out of town and I taught her “stair sledding!” We took a large cardboard box, flattened it and sledded down the stairs to our basement!!! WE HAD A BLAST!!!
We totally did this with my church youth group when I was a kid…some incredible memories with that. we could totally be friends. 🙂 I love it! We did that as kids in Idaho. Your post brought back memories; Thanks! Unless Lauren has a new bo, am I seeing some neighbourly set-up jobs with a cutie? Hahahhaha, looked like a really fun night 🙂 Lauren IS smiling!!! I take it he is the boyfriend. How does Mama feel about that? That looks like too much fun!!! And yummo hotchoc with whipped cream!!!!!
We called it skeetching (sp?) and used the tow rope for water skiing. Have you tried ice blocking??? Fun in the summer. Find a hill, buy blocks of ice, sit on them (sometimes on a small towel) and then slide down the hill. REALLY FUN after the sprinklers have been on or after a light rain. Hahah! How fun! That’s what we used to do when we went to Tahoe for New Year’s…brings back memories! We use intertubes and pull them with 4 wheelers! It’s so much fun and such good memories for the kids! looks like fun. we do that behind the john deere gator or 4 wheeler. i was hoping annie was crying cuz she was terrified to go next. is that a boyfriend with lauren? just wondering. That’s so fun! Just the other night I was staying up late and from my living room I could hear these girls just laughing their heads off. We don’t exactly live in a ‘partying’ neighborhood so I looked out the window – saw nothing. It kept going on. I decided to go upstairs and go to bed. I happened to look out the upstairs window and caught them! — Were you in our neighborhood the other night??? 🙂 You guys are crazy…crazy fun in a good way:)
Now that looks like my kind of fun. We’re off to Galena in a few weeks for a ski night. HOW FUN!!! totally not safe, but totally something we would do too…well that is if we got enough snow for it 🙁 That looks like a BLAST..except for the whole bruise and all. The hot cocoa looks pretty yummy too! Can’t wait to see what you are working on for your shop. Looks like fun!! Can you call me when your shop opens? Ha
Oh my gosh! I do this with my kiddos too. I don’t call it slitching though. Good word at any rate. Maybe it’s a cross between sledding and hitching a ride. What a fun time. i remember doing the same thing as a kid. so much fun! i know i’m not the first to notice, but you’re going to have to address the cute boy with lauren and her big smile!!! so excited for your shop. i’ve been saving up! Meagan, I absolutely love your blog! Slitching looks so fun and the hot chocolate looks even better.
Lauren is smiling??!?!? who is the dude behind Lauren?? we used to do this too! one year my dad got an old car hood from a junk yard and then he pulled us behind the four wheelers and the tractor! terrifying…but fun.
Looks like fun!! What a great post! We used to do this when we were little. If there wasn’t anyone available to drive a truck, my big brother would pull us with his 3-wheeler. Looks like you all had a great time! ~Lanie
so fun! love the photos! Looks like fun! The sad look in Annie’s eyes in the first shot is heartbreaking! 🙂 Is that Lauren’s boyfriend?! She looks so happy!
My husband used to do this when he was younger with his brothers…except they’d just hitch on passing motorists who had no clue! Looks like you had a blast! Sooooo cool!!!! Great pics!!! And man….once again, I just love your sweet Annie 🙂
that is so cool!! seems really fun. sorry about the bruise though!!! i think i thought i was Wonder Woman. do you see all those snazzy ADS for AFRICA?
which means it's Roberta who wrote: congratulations roberta. :) but if i could just find a gold headband…red boots…star covered leotard…
Oh I have a Wonder Woman costume you can borrow…complete with Star panty leotard. Can’t wait to see what’s in the shop…you have been a busy bee…. I can’t wait to see what’s going to be in the shop! I feel like everything will sell so quickly though! I want those pillows!!! Heyyyyyyy…where’s the link to your scrapbooking? I’m more than ready for some inspiration tonight. Hi Meg. Congrats on your trip – mission work is exciting! If you are still taking advertisements I’d love to help you get to Africa! You go girRRRrRl! More power to you! Can’t wait for your etsy shop to open! I am ready to shop! Im newish to your blog so I have not seen your pretty things in your etsy shop until recently. I will keep checking back.
You might be able to find wonder woman underoos on ebay… Not than any grown woman could fit in underoos…(But I sure loved mine as a kid.) I just found your blog and it’s a keeper. I’m in shock and awe over your home, ideas and just plain cuteness. I see plenty of great ideas that I will be shamelessly stealing from you. Please remember…..”Imitation is the best form of flatery”. Is that how that saying goes???? Oh well, you know what I mean I LOVE reading your blog…so inspiring. Will you be able to blog while in Africa, or will your kids be taking over your crafting/blogging affairs (he he, the thought!)? can’t wait. i am wanting another pillow or 2!! Is it just me? But I’m thinking nothing would be easy in a gold headband, red boots, and star covered leotard. Maybe it’s just me… Oh my lands alive, those pillows will be to die for! What budget?! I need me one of those pillows! Thanks to you and Courtney for the wonderful giveaway! I’m thrilled and can’t wait to receive the books! oh meg, i love how you so honestly admit you’re not wonder woman. I walk around thinking I can be if I try hard enough and then it is so hard to admit (usually amidst tears) that I am not when I get to the end of my rope. Looking forward to seeing the shop when it opens. Kelly
i can’t wait to check out some of those links! happy 🙂 to see your happy 🙂 things list still on!
Meg, I think you ARE Wonder Woman!! I get overwhelmed cleaning up after just 1 child!! I just recently discovered your blog through the Homie Awards (congrats!) and I now check in everyday. Your home, family, photos and blog are just beautiful. I’ve been stalking your Etsy shop all day too! Can’t wait to get my hands on a pillow and a shirt for my daughter! Since we have snow day #2 tomorrow (11″ cripples us here in Richmond, VA) I’ll be checking out all your awesome sponsors. May God continue to bless you and your family! girl…you could totally rock a leotard. I’m swooning over those pillows! I’ll be stalking your store waiting for it to open! 🙂
Wow, I am very impressed with the number of ads you got. Good for you!
the ads look awesome!! i scrolled down through them all and they are beautiful! i plan to come back and look through all the links when i have a few more minutes. you are AFRICA BOUND!!! 🙂 So excited to see all those ads!! All that support! God is faithful! Makes me so happy!
love love LOVE the pillows. . . i want them all but my hubby said only one. can’t wait for your shop to open! Hmmmm… I don’t know. I see a resemblance between you and Wonder Woman. :o)
Congrats on your ads Meg. Truly inspiring! I just love your cheerful spirit at making cooking when you are doing a no sugar thing. You rock girlie!!
One of the girls at a youth camp I used to volunteer at MADE HER OWN WONDER WOMAN SWIMSUIT. Complete with headband and those bullet-repelling wristlets. No kidding. It was awesome. I have a super suit for you, but it is size 5T.
I think gold boots probably cure a world of ills 🙂 how funny! i used to love watching that show. somedays i feel like wonder woman others not so much. hope those cookies help 🙂 Cookies definitely cheer people up:) And cheering others up is always a surefire way to cheer myself up in a heartbeat! People on the Internet can wait – your grumpy kids need you and those cookies so much more;) Wow! I just spent time wandering through everyone’s shops. I’m not only excited to help you with your mission trip, I’m honored to be amoung such amazing artists! What talent!
I cannot wait for you to open your Etsy shop. I want a polka dot pillow so badly! 🙂 meg this spoke to me in my bible study [“frazzled female”]this morning, and i wanted to share. “when i am involved in a a task that causes me to be irritated, “praise focus” becomes a delightful challenge. i often paraphrase colossians 3:17 to myself. the verse reads ‘and whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.’ challenge yourself b/c you can be really creative with this one. like saying Lord, i praise You for my family who made this mess at mealtime and for a physical body that can still clean!! as you focus on the Lord and scripture instead of the “event”, you are empowered to glorify Him in everything you do!!” blesssings to you today!! the ads look great…go get’em wonder woman!! That picture of all your pillows makes me VERY happy. Holy Moly!!! I can’t believe that huge list of sponsors, it’s awesome! I have had your Etsy site on my computer all day long, I keep hitting the refresh button to see if it is stocked yet… it’s like waiting for Christmas to arrive. I can’t wait for it to open. I just know it’s going to be amazing. I just hope I am home when it does so I don’t miss out on anything!!! Good luck with everything. Thanks for the update! I have been checking on the hour since I woke up this morning, haha! Looking forward to it opening Ummmm….don’t think you can get away with it so easy….you are WONDER WOMAN, who’s running a little late. We’ll still be here when you are ready. No worries. And the ads are a great distraction….oh, so pretty! Now, off to say some prayers to the Random Number Generator Gods. Oh my goodness. So many sponsors on the side! I can’t wait to spend some time looking at all of them! sorry Meg – but YOU ARE wonder woman!!! i wish i had 1/4 of your energy! I am waiting for the doors of the shop to open!! |
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Rebecca - Man these pics make me soooo ready for Summer! 🙂 I did a post yesterday about you on my blog & wanted to tell you. 🙂
Katie4Life - Love pictures of kiddos…what precious moments. Is it summer yet?
Nan - You are so talented! Glad I stumbled over here! :^D
Tonya - Beautiful pictures… And I ADORE children in glasses. Anyone, really, but especially kids!
robin bird - oh YES you r a photographer!! these are wonderful, happy, creative and well done meg! love to you 🙂
lucy - ADORABLE!! Makes me want spring! I also have girls, 3 and then 15 yrs. later I adopted 3 girls….so 6 girls and so much fun!! ( and drama!)
Traci - winter and snow make it hard to get outside and shoot. i have been lucky to have a couple of families who like the snow. come on spring.
Sandy - 3rd picture = A+dorable!!
Jodi - All of these are amazing! I love how cute those girls are in their glasses!
Melanie - I love the glasses. So cute!
jack - Gorgeous photos!
Viktoria - Oh wow, awesome photos! Girls are just to cute! Love them all!
No.17 CherryTreeLane - We are having pictures taken of our family this Saturday and I am going to get my little darlin’ a huge SONIC! 🙂
pambuller - you are an awesome photographer!! how can you forget??? 🙂 must be africa.
Rebecca Waldron - These girls are too cute and your photography makes me want to go frolic in a field.
stef - they are all three SOOO adorable! The glasses, the sun dresses, the curls. Wow.
You did a great job!
Lorraine lewis - beautiful photographs- you have a beautiful family- love your blog- so colorful.
Messy@Bungalow'56 - And you manage to take these photo shoots with your Rebel XTi? No fancy schmancy lens or anything? I have the same camera and am loving it. But figured one would need something better to do photo sessions?
I would love to call myself a photographer, I just entered my first picture in a PW photo contest and it was chosen, but still feel like I have so much to learn. Have you ever written a post about how you became a photographer. That is a story I would love to read.
Kimberly - Beautiful!!!! Dreams of summer are now dancing in my head.
purejoy - mmm to be outside again. they are scrumptious!!! i can hear the giggling. thanks so much for a breath of summer.
tinycandi - I love the photos! What a great session!
I’m definitely missing the heat right now…though I’m sure when it gets that hot I’ll be complaining about it too. 😉
Tiffany Morris - Cute photos! I’m ready for the warm weather so I can go out and take pics of the girls!!!!
Sarah @ For the Love of Naps - Adorable…makes me yearn for summer days…
jennifer - Oh, those are so adorable. Having a little girl with glasses, I’m a little partial to their cuteness.
The Bookworm - Beautiful photos!
Amy - spectacular sunny compelling photos! so glad I stopped by.
Pamela duMont - I think you’re hysterical! And I LOVE your house and your photography…I’ve never had Sonic before! (I live in the N.East)…it looks like a giant blue slushie from Target!
Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Ahhhh, that makes me long for warmer weather!
Cori - Love the haircuts, glasses and the cute summer outfits. Love the pictures of a hot summer day as we get set to go back to school, after 2 snow days.
Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh those hot days… I sure do miss them. Even the sticky sweaty ones. The green just looks so beautiful. Looks like a fun family:)
linda@LimeintheCoconut - Um….WE didn’t forget you were a photographer, hun…Your talent is everywhere! Gorgeous sweaty, clammy kidlets!
elisa hernandez - Sweet pictures….black and white is so timeless isn’t it?
Love your blog and your sense of humor…you make me laugh. Have a blessed day.
Jessica Reed - These are fantastic. What cute kids!
jeanne - So sweet…the black and white is my favorite.
Laura Phelps - thank you
Lori - Brilliant shots. And your subjects are adorable. Everyone looks so relaxed in your photos!
Sharla - Love the last 2! Makes me CRAVE hot sun!!
sarah - I too love the lying in the grass picture. What a precious moment.
And those adorable haircuts on those girls. My goodness, too precious.
Immyyas - LOVE those! The 2nd one to the end… where they are laying in the grass laughing… priceless!!!