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baked french toast

you will love this.

i made it for bible study and they went ga-ga over it.
i made it for my family this weekend and craig said "THIS is blog-worthy"

so you need to make it too.

melt 1 stick of butter then add in 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 t. cinnamon and stir together.
pour into a 9×13 pan covering the bottom.

then layer slices of bread on the sugar mixture with the crusts removed.
(it would probably just as good with the crusts on….)
i used 15 pieces of bread.
fill in the holes with smaller pieces.

in a mixing bowl whisk together 2 cups of milk and 6 eggs.
pour over the bread.
that's it.
put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
when it looks baked and golden, pull it out and drizzle syrup over the top.
put it back in the oven under the broiler until brown and bubbly.

NOTE: this step takes very little time.
i set my timer for two minutes and let it ding twice. (i was putting on my make-up…..)
i opened my oven to a huge cloud of smoke and set off my fire alarm.
i had to pick off the burnt parts before i could take it to bible study.
so be careful with the broiler step.


this one is kind of burnt too…but it'd too good to matter.
when you serve it, flip it over so the sugar on the bottom (heaven….)
is on the top.
oh my.

definitely blog worthy.

it would be a very good easter treat.
with a big cup of coffee…
i am drooling.

(recipe is in the sidebar…..with lots of other easy to make duerksen favorites)
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friday night family night

we started having "family night" about 7 years ago.

a speaker at my MOPS group said it was good to be intentional about your family time.
so we chose fridays.
and we have stuck to it…99% of the time.

we say Friday Night Family Night.
(lauren is no longer on board with this idea….shocker…we try to be flexible)
craig usually brings home pizza or we go out to eat somewhere together.
we watch movies, go to ball games, play games, the park, have a campfire….whatever we feel like.

this week we went bowling.


craig's office had a few teams fundraising for Big Brother Big Sisters 
so the bowling was free!
annie could bowl 15 times straight and it was all good.


since the bowling was free…we bought lots of tokens for the arcade.
that's why our kids like to go bowling anyway.



sean raked in the most tickets at 242. 
it was definitely money well spent….

and then a stop for ice cream on our way home.  

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i have a confession to make.

i've got super bowl fever.  (elaine on seinfeld)

we partied like rock stars.
or at least we we ATE like rock stars.
mid-westerners know what to bring to a super bowl party.
and i am so irritated i didn't get a good picture of just the food!
but here is shot with NOTES.


click on it if the words are too small.
it was ALL very yummy.
everyone brought such good stuff.


annie fell asleep about 30 minutes before the party.
and slept right there in the middle of everything….surround sound blaring
over 50 people around her….
out cold.
she slept until half time!
she must have really needed a nap.  








we covered the dining room table with paper and set out the playdoh
and markers, crayons, stickers and pipe cleaners.
it was a big hit.


sean won this game….he was very proud of himself.


the barbies were out in full force.

later i found sean and beth….the only ones upstairs quietly watching sponge bob.
that is so like sean.
crazy party going on…people everywhere….sean somewhere quiet away from it all.



waffle got to come out of the kennel when their were about 10 people still here.
he went NUTS.
goofy dog.

i think i saw 3 commercials and i watched the last minute of the game.

we had over 30 kids here and no fights or trips to the ER.
that was cool.

and no left overs.
gotta love that.
although…some of those hot wings would be really good right now.

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craft night….and brunch


i hosted my second annual craft night with girlfriends.
click HERE to see last year's craft night.


we made a martha stewart craft….who else?
it was easy, inexpensive and cute.
the perfect craft.


i was also having a brunch here the next morning with my bible study group.
(i scheduled it all together so i only needed it clean once)

i left out all the supplies for this craft to give us something to do while we chatted.

then we woke up to a bunch of snow!
so we canceled the brunch.
but then slowly everyone showed up to the canceled brunch.
no one had gotten the message!
it was so funny….and spontaneous and fun.
i had dirty dishes in the sink.
i hadn't prepared any of the food i was going to (they each brought food though)
we made and drank 2 full pots of coffee and had a blast.
it was hours and hours of complete relaxed girl time.


between 2 craft sessions i made my family's initials and a few extras.
easy craft to do in front of the tv too.

go check it out on martha's site….HERE.
you DO want the 20 gauge wire and the bigger seed beads.
all can be found at a craft store in the jewelry isle (or maybe even wal-mart?)
it takes a bit of practice to get the letters just right but i know you can do it.  


one week till christmas!

UPS don't fail me now.
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colorful monday


i am trying to get the craft room cleaned to get some counter space cleared.
i was going through my boxes of craft supplies from my great aunt.
it's mostly organized by color and everything is in old pill bottles….i love that.


my new favorite pandora station is Adele.  (just type in Adele…after you register)

fun music and mostly all clean…..groovin' while i am blogging or cooking.

my new jammie pants from target (of course) are making me happy today.


they match my lampshade and curtains on the armoire in the playroom.
don't you try to match your furniture?


are you feeling christmas pressure already like me?
are you talking about black friday at your house?
did you start your christmas shopping?  
wal-mart started playing christmas music on november 1st.   24 hours a day till january.
our local pop station already switched to all christmas music.
it's all just so weird to me.  
how much time do we really need to shop for gifts?
how much can one person buy?!



i am still going to acknowledge november.
and all it has to offer…turkeys and leaves and crisp cool days.
just trying not to rush through the year you know?
we should make our thankful chain again.


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we are party animals.

the first annual FALL block party.

perfect weather…good food…way fun.
i enjoy so much how we all combine ideas and work together to make it a great day for everybody.
there was bobbing for apples. these kids had no fear!




amy is the queen of face painting with so much detail but we should have done it after apple bobbing!




since it was after halloween we had a DOG costume contest instead of people.
(it's too much work to costume up after the 31st…in my opinion)

Contestant #1 – MARLEY as a skeleton.  (she's waffle's sister…can you see the resemblance?)


Contestant #2 – EMMIE as a hula dancer. her curly tail held her grass skirt & she wiggled non-stop.

Contestant #3 – ?????? as a priate. (not pictured)

Contestant #4 – MILEY as a Chiefs cheerleader.


Contestant #5 – WAFFLE as Clifford….who was the worst behaved dog in the contest. ugh!

we had a little runway in front of the judges.
Waffle was the big winner!  
he won a bag of chewy treats…thanks amy.  
poor baby was so humiliated all painted up.  he just pouted in his kennel all embarrassed.
it was spray hair color the washes out (he's still pink…but don't tell him that)


next activity – Pumpkin Launching.

we used a water balloon launcher to catapult mini pumpkins down the block.

this was my personal favorite activity of the day…i tried it and loved it.



Alexandra's went the farthest of all.  
we came close to hitting a car and a roof but mostly just knocked branches off the dead tree.
i love this one of everyone watching or taking pictures (click on it…)



the big kids tried to catch them in baskets and buckets at the other end of the block…it was HARD!
craig had an interesting technique for distance….


they would just FLY down the street.   can you see craig's pumpkin in top of the right picture?


and of course there was lots of yummy food!  
each family made a different soup in a crock pot – seriously…it was so good!
and do you see…there is a pumpkin spice cake there…jenn made it.  Mmmmm.  
(and that HAS to be one of MY children's plates at the bottom with all the healthy stuff…HA!)

our last activity was pumpkin bowling.

it was dark so all my pictures look like this.  but you can get the idea of why the kids loved it!
after this it lead into a "Smash-all-the-pumpkins-you-see" Game.
i mean really…what are you going to do with a rotten jack-o-lantern anyway? 
might as well have fun before you throw it out.

we had 2 fire pits going and everyone just hung out talking getting warm the rest of the night.
so cozy and comfy…lots of hot cocoa and hot spiked cider.
i am so grateful for our block.  such a fun group of friends.

there is a house (actually 2 houses)for sale on our block – anyone interested? 
Come on! just look at all the fun we have!
move to our block – but only if you are fun and like to party like rock stars.
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there were bunches of questions about the play room and i love that!

1. Is that an original Fisher Price doll house from your childhood?


it IS an original but it wasn't mine.  
my mother-in-law got it for lauren at an auction.
we tried to get the bag of people too but we were outbid.  
and now that i realize they are choking hazards i am glad about that.
when i see it i always think of the church nursery when i was little.  
and i love that doorbell still.

2.  When can i visit?
you girls are funny.  if i had a B&B, i'd have booked the year with just blog readers.
but seriously…imagine how UN-relaxing it is visiting here.
the kids wake up at the crack of dawn and our bathrooms have no locks….
just ask my grandma.  
sean walked in on her.  
and didn't leave.

3.  Did you paint the blue cabinet?   
It came this way from Salvation Army all chipped up the way i like it.  
It also had 80's spaceman contact paper over the top.  
There are still handwritten labels taped to the front "undershorts  pants  socks."



4.  Is the pinwheel fabric a pillow?
This was a baby blanket (crib size) that i found at the antique store….$6.
the front was the pinwheel quilt print and then someone (a grandma, no doubt) stitched those nubby ball 
things through the white backing which is why the back is red polka dot. 
i cringed as i did it but i cut in in half and flipped one side then sewed it together again.  
it took 3 bags of stuffing to fill it!

5.  What color paint are the walls?

Behr Antique White.
All 7 of us were in Home Depot and craig and i were stressed.
he showed me some whites…i pointed to one and he said "are we good?"
that was the extent of that decision. 


6.  How do you make your duvets…a little more detail please?

On a queen bed you would use queen flat sheets or king if you wanted it really big.
i am pretty sure these were full/queen…so kinda small for me but i didn't realize till i was finished.
here's how i did it… the very unprofessional way –
pin your sheets together wrong sides out.
sew the 2 sides and bottom together but leave the top (the finished edge of the sheets) open.
then mark where you want your button holes and use the button hole setting on your machine.
sew button holes on both sides if you are using ribbon 
or sew one side button holes and sew buttons to the other side.
instead of sewing on buttons i strung some ribbon through and called it done.

7. Can i hear more about the curtains?

there are five windows in this room…which means 10 curtain panels.
i bought 6 yards of good ($$) fabric and 10 flat twin sized sheets (the cheap wal-mart brand $3 each).
i took the top of the sheet and folded it under 7 inches.
then pinned on an 18 inch panel of the good fabric.  
i sewed a zig zag stitch over the top of the panel which also made the sleeve for the curtain rod.
the edges are sewn down but the top and bottom of the panel are left with frayed edges.
they were just touching the floor but barely…
so i cut one fitted green sheet into ten 6 inch strips.
i folded a ruffle and pined it on and sewed on top.
very basic messy zig zag stitch.
so now they drape a bit more.
it took awhile because i don't like measuring things and having to have straight lines.

8.  i like that polka dot lampshade!

ok…that's not a question but i said i would show how i did it.
it was a gold lamp with a gi-nomous shade.  i bought it for $7 at our antique store…it was ugly!
but it had good bones.  
and i put in my stroller and made annie walk home.  i looked like a bag lady for sure!

IMG_7879 IMG_7888
i stripped the shade of it's nasty smoke smelled OLD fabric.
i laid the shade on the fabric and cut a few inches bigger and ironed it flat.
after pinning it around the shade i took it off and sewed the seam to make it a tube shape.
i pulled out my trusty glue gun.  working very slowly in small amounts i hot glued the top all the way around.
then pulled it tight and hot glued the bottom.
i trimmed off the extra fabric with pinking shears and glued own any loose spots. 
it didn't look finished to me so i tied the brown wide ribbon around it.  it's just tied on.
IMG_7891 IMG_7896

9. Did you paint that bed?


this was in the backyard when we moved into our IL. house.
it was black and rusty.  
a friend of ours welded it two sections smaller for us and we used it as our headboard. 
then we moved here and it went to the basement for over 3 years.
it has a new life…in a new color…in a new state!
spray paint is the best invention.  i love instant gratification.
it's bolted to the california bed frame.

10.  Where do you find the time to be crafty?

i just have to make stuff.  i see things in magazines, stores, blogs, books and think "i have to try that!"
and then i forget what it was.
just kidding…i keep notebooks of ideas all over the place.
so i "find" time by choosing to make things over cleaning the house or folding laundry 
or getting things done that i should have or by staying up way too late.
it's so much more gratifying to sew a cute pillow than to load the dish washer!
they will still be there when i finish the pillow.


thanks for asking me. i don't claim to be an expert on any of this…just having fun making stuff!
hope you are still awake.
this was loooooong.
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