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kari’s video

loving kari's slideshow she made….

i miss africa.

but what do i do with that?
where do i put all these feelings?
where do i fit in these two worlds?

just some emotions i have this morning…… 

Shannon - Tonight my kids were bickering. Over who got a bigger section of corn dog when I split it in half (after they already had a FULL meal). I was angry. I grabbed my computer. Had them gather around and told them not to talk. Just to look. I showed them the slide show and the pictures. I explained about the kids in the picture. Do you think they have corn dogs to fight over? Tears rolled down my 9 year olds face. She got it. At least for that moment. I will take that. Thank you!

carissa... brown eyed fox - meg!
a trip of a life time.
the soul good… deep down… never the same… kind.
i am in awe of the whole visit.
all the photographs you captured.
all the lives you touched.
and they will forever be changed.
SO happy yall are back.
with your families.
still praying of you.
♥ you!

Christine - Your trip must’ve been amazing and affected in your heart in so many ways…I know what you can do…! Make more pillows, I missed the whole thing because I found you too late…I’ll buy them, lots of them and you can go back to Africa! Come visit me at my blog,
My parents have been in the Philippinnes on a mission for almost 2 years..they want to bring home families, children, everyone…bless you for serving others!

Karina - Very moving. I would not have seen any of that if it weren’t for you and your blog. Please don’t think that being back home means you can’t affect change in others. Your photos and descriptions and emotions are a wonderful way to communicate the experience in ways that will touch a privileged person sitting in her pajamas at her computer in her comfortable western home. Thank you for sharing this.

jaz - Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Time to organize a return trip I think. Tell me if you do, because I would like to come.

Kait - I spent every summer during high school doing mission trips, mainly in Haiti but I did spend one summer in Brazil. It’s tough to come back. It’s tough to come back even when you know what to expect. It’s tough to adjust to the little things like how fast the cars on the highway are and all the options in the grocery store, much less the big things like reconciling a spoiled American life with your new global awareness about poverty. (incidentally, it’s really hard to fit in with teenagers when your “what I did this summer” is about orphans and HIV and theirs is about the beach and parties)
So what do you do? You do what you can. You donate as much money as you can, you speak honestly to your children about it so they realize that poverty and ugliness and joy CAN coexist, you go back if you can and send your children if you can and you raise money and you do everything you possibly can. Or you do nothing. You wait and mourn and sob yourself to sleep and wonder if there is any way to go back to life before all this and slowly, days become months and months become years and life sweeps in and you let go. You’ll never forget, it would be impossible. But the edges are dulled and you move on with your life.
My biggest regret, with everything that I saw and everything that I did, was that instead of making me more fearless and more compassionate it made me scared and bitter. I was more focused on trying to assimilate back in to an average teen and somehow lost sight of the person I had become in the face of the realities I had seen.
I’m praying for you.

jennifer wood - I’m crying because it is so beautiful! God is so present, we are his servants and he is so here.
You are a blessing.

Suzanne - I remember my daughter when she got home from her first mission trip to Haiti getting out of the car from the airport and the tears were streaming down her face, she kept saying Mom I didn’t want to leave them! We hugged for a long long time, my heart broke for her. She was forever changed after that trip.
God bless you Meg, you have a beautiful heart. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Learn from this.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Sorry you are so emotional right now. I think it’s a blessing in disguise. God is revealing a call He has on your life. Who knew something you were so fearful of would turn into such a blessing for you and those you met. I’m sure your future will hold many such trips. Blessed indeed!

Janine - You fit in right where you always did. At home. You have 5 children and a husband that depend on you. Yes it is a wonderful thing to be able to go on a mission trip and help those less fortunate and now knowing that the need is there you feel like how can you not continue to help them. But what you need to realize though, is that you didn’t need to travel half a world away to do this work. I can almost guarantee you that there is need right in your own backyard in Kansas. Focus on that – helping those who need help right in your area. They may not appear as dirt poor as those in Africa but we have starving children right here in the US. They may even be attending school right along side your children. We have families that are a blink of an eye away from being homeless. We have orphans, sick, poor. Help them. They need the help too, and by doing that you are still doing God’s work. As much as you would like to, you can’t save the whole world, but you can help in your own little patch of earth. If everyone did that the world would be a much better place. Use this energy and knowledge you have from your trip to better your own community. I wish you well. You have a big heart and will figure it all out.

Christy - check out Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren (Rick Warren’s wife) She talks a lot about the struggle to adjust to life back home after experiencing Africa.

Meredith - You fit squarely into both worlds, Meg. Your joy and generosity is reflected in both. You can’t physically be in two places at once, but your heart, your prayers and your focus can. You’re a woman don’t forget….we’re famous for multi-tasking. Meredy xo.
p.s. I posted Leeland’s clip of this song a few days ago and we’re planning on showing it at our women’s mission event in a couple of months. The words are a call to action aren’t they? You, Meg, are a woman of action:)

megan - thanks for posting that touching video. it help me pause my day’s activities and relish the wonderfully touching pictures.
you have done much to impact the lives of others…so keep moving in the same direction.
thanks again

sarah - Well of course, I started crying almost immediately… wish I could shut off the water works sometimes…
I can’t imagine coming home from a trip like that. I don’t think I’d know what to do with myself or my feelings either. I didn’t even go, and just from your pictures and words… I don’t know what to do with myself either. Just know that there’s more to give. More ways to love. More to share.
Use those journals, use your blog.. put your feelings and thoughts out there… no matter how jumbled or what they are.
Were the pictures of the children from an orphanage?
Those pictures of the children tugged at my heart…

patti - beyond your blog, have you been journaling at all? that might be a good outlet to get all these emotions out, and it will be a great piece of memorabilia of your trip to look back on later.
i can’t imagine what it must be like to try and get back to “normal” after going through that experience.

Laura Phelps - God knows where you should be
listen to Him
you will work it all out
until then
I believe you are meant to continue sharing your experience with as many people as you possibly can
God is working you in miraculous ways and I am so blessed to be touched by you and your experience

mary - meg,
i too am crying watching this…the tears started as the music began
you ladies did a great thing
your memories will stay with you forever
and change your life
we all go one our journey’s for our own reasons and come back with knowledge of so much more. and mostly being humbled and greatful for what we have.

Melissa - wow- I’m crying just watching this. What a beautiful expression of the love of Christ. I imagine it was a life altering experience. My heart is heavy for Africa too… I love what jeanne said above. Let it change your days…
Praying for you now, Meg.

Laurie - Meg,
I think your gift to the world is this blog. You’re an amazing communicator, through photography and words. At a time when everyone (in our country, anyway) has a camera, your photos stand alone. They speak to people. I haven’t left my home, but you’ve shown me what you experienced in Africa so effectively, that I’m having a hard time getting back to my life. I now want to do what I can to help. That’s your contribution.
Don’t question your existence here – it’s important. You were born into this world, just as those you met in Africa were born into theirs. You can do great things where you are. In this world, you’re the leader of your family – they need you. Who knows what great things your kids will grow up to do? (I always think of that Christmas song, “Mary did you know?” It moves me to tears every time.) But you also have a voice with this blog. So, I think it’s ok to regain your life here – just keep what you learned with you, and let it guide your future. I know that my future will be changed because of you.

pambuller - ugh! i’ve watched it over and over…so productive. 🙂
we should go back.
missing africa AND you…

Bec - Use what you learned to help others! It took one woman to get you to go on that trip. Be that woman to someone else. Sign up for the next trip and convince someone to go! Share the mission trip love 🙂

Jacqui - I still to this day think about the wonderful and amazing people that I met in Africa, their hardships, their souls, their trusting nature and amazing smiles. They taught me that its the little things that make you happy. There isn’t much (unfortunately) you can do about the way you feel only to let time pass and it will get easier to live each day. Take care 🙂

Dana Banana - Thank you for sharing this video with us. I can see why you have such mixed emotions and feelings after such a trip.

Kendall Smith - I understand, too. We went to Africa 5 1/2 years ago, and there still isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about that trip. It has changed us. I’m sure it’s changed you! We live differently, spend our money differently, and look at life differently because we went. It is hard to reconcile that view of life with what we see everyday.
Don’t you just want to go back????

jeanne - Breathe it in. It has already changed you…now change others right around you. Let it change your days, how you love, who you love, how you parent, how you give, how you tell others of Christ. There are needy and poor right around you! God is going to do BIG things through you…you have the heart for it. Love you!!!!

Sally Mangham - Gosh, everyone is giving you such great advice. I love to read the wisdom being shared with you. I have not been on a trip like this in my life; however, I was in the social work field for six years in the private sector and I have seen severe poverty before where the norm was roaches crawling all over everything and rats just hanging around. It was hard to come home at night to my clean nice things and wonder what in the world am I doing in this wasteful world. I have a weak stomach and I didn’t want to become ill in front of the children because I didn’t want them to feel embarrassed. All of that being said when opportunities in our life present itself we can choose different paths. Please be patient with yourself and allow yourself to just feel…I know it feels hard and lonely, but you can do it! Just sit with it and ask God for clarity as what you should do with this new found experience. It is overwhelming and please know that it’s alright and normal, but in order to get clarity (see the light if you will) you have to go through the darkness. I always think of it as a season of spring time in my life like a tulip bulb that has been in the dark part of the earth all alone just waiting patiently for the right time to shine is beauty upon us. Hang in there and treat yourself lovingly.
One of the things that would be nice for you to consider creating and share is a nurture basket. I did this years ago…so about 8 of us put our favorite things in this basket to share with everyone. So, if one of my girlfriend’s lost a family member or they were going through growing pains and needed some TLC we would pass them the basket. The only rule was you had to replenish it with something that you had. For example, if you used bubbles but you only hand chocolate then replace it with that. This was really nurturing and fun too! I would be great for you to share this with a core set of friends or the women you went to Africa with. Just a thought. Hugs, Sally

Staci - Seriously…I’m LOVIN’ the little boy in the green standing up with his arms crossed while he’s praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man! BEAUTIFUL!!!! Every.second. Peace be with them all 🙂

Trasie - Wow…..I can’t make the tears stop! I can’t even imagine how one must process all that you saw over there but God Bless you for all that you did while you were there and that you continue to do back at home. I know my eyes have been opened because of you!
Many Many blessings!

Lori Danelle - I imagine it must be tough! You could continue to live your life just as you did before you went. . .But you did go. So how do you now live your life in a way that reflects the world that you discovered on this trip.
Is there a group or organization that you can contribute to? Little Dresses for Africa? You mentioned things the boys needed to sew with — needles and stuff, and things you wanted to bring them when you go back. Is there a way to help them with those things while you’re home? Get other people involved? Use your blog as a platform? A percentage of your etsy sales go towards some Africa project?
I can’t imagine going through that experience, coming home and only see a change in the way I think about things. I would feel like I needed to do more than that. Guilty if it didn’t change my life more than that. (But I’ve never been on a trip like this, so I’m just speculating — and absolutely not judging!) There are so many organizations, charities and good agendas out there. We can’t each be passionate about all of them. But I think each of us should find one that we are passionate about and actively be involved in doing what we can. Myself included! I often inwardly chastise myself for not being active in something like this.
I pray that between you and God, you’ll resolve where you belong & how to deal with what you’ve experienced.

purejoy - i know what you mean. i have been to china three times and each time, coming home is so hard. like okay, God, i saw what you wanted me to see and experienced what you wanted me to experience, but now what do i do with that?
journaling is a good thing. and what you are doing here is good too. getting us out of our own little worlds to know there is more besides our easy (relatively) easy lives here in the US.
i wish i had an answer for you, because i’m still searching for that myself.
but i think God would be very happy to have you praying for this area! and the people.

crystal - it’s so hard to go on as usual after a missions trip. i found the best i could do is keep those i met in prayer and to change my life for the good because of some of the things i learned on the trip. when i went to romania, i came away from that trip deeply humbled…one of the many lessons i learned was to not save anything “for good”, enjoy the things you have with those you love everyday, share what you have and don’t hold onto anything for another day. the gypsies i met on that trip changed my life…i still think about them a lot. that probably makes no sense…but its the best advice i can offer…in other words…don’t go on unchanged by what you experienced. 🙂

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how about some photos….i have so many family sessions i haven't shared yet.

this is kate.
i had such a good time with baby kate.
K23 K5
baby kate was a very loved, very special girl.
and so happy.

thanks for a fun evening jenn and jude….especially the touching conversation in the parking lot.
i have thought about your so many times.   
give kate a big kiss from me.  

jennifer delossantos - We have been without a computer until now and I can’t believe I missed this! Thank you so much for the pictures of our Kate. We had a great time with you and look forward to doing it again. I can’t seem to get the email link to work (have to figure out this new computer!), but we would love to get info about having pictures taken again.

Courtney Walsh - sooo cute. I love her smile (and her name.) Kate has always been one of my favorite names. 🙂 You did a good job!!

Bec - I found this and it SCREAMED Meg! I believe there is a matching necklace as well 🙂

Mindy Harris - she’s squeezably cute!

Staci - Precious.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Those are so good Meg. You are amazing at seeing the big picture. Her parents in the background made my heart sing…just precious:)

Lanny Stanard - Eat her up YUM… what a doll 🙂 sure did miss you. thanks for all the posting while you were gone, that was fun…
big O hugs…

Amber Zimmerman - She is so precious! What lovely pics. . .mom and dad are sure to be proud! =)

Julie K. - She is so cute! All that thick hair – so adorable! thanks for the little hat plug! 🙂 xo

Jen Christians - Oh how special… Miracle baby Kate… I used to work with Jennifer… I prayed and prayed for a baby for this couple. What adorable pictures. Baby Kate is beautiful!

Annie - How adorable! Great photos!!

pam - GLORY she is beautiful!

4JJM - Wow – she is beyond cute!

Sandy - Kate looks familiar to me…have we seen pictures of her before?

Sharla - She looks so happy!

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much better today

Craig came home.
order was restored.
my heart was instantly happy.
i was able to pull my sleepy self from bed early this morning to get my workout in.
and it felt good.

the weather here is GORGEOUS today.
how easily i forget how much i love to have my windows open, hearing birds chirping or my kids playing.
it feels SO good.

annie and i walked downtown for fresh air.
of course i promised donuts.

and chocolate milk.

we went through the antique/flea market store and found a collection of square dancing dresses….

complete with bloomers!
now that i am home i am wishing i had bought them…
and this chrome cooler.


we headed back home….IMG_0246
a broken up parking lot becomes a jungle gym.

leaf imprints on the new sidewalk….cool.

time for a snack.

i am so happy to have the sunshine today!  

it will be gone tomorrow but i needed it today.

Blanca - So glad you are feeling better. A walk and fresh air is always a good thing. As for the weather I think it the same every where. Not sure what’s going on with mother nature but she’s been a busy bee.

Sara Miller - I have those exact pair of shoes but also have them in cream color ~ comfy.. I’m wearing the cream colored ones today:)

Sugar Mama - Love your site… i’ve been a lurker here for a bit. Is that a Daylight Donut wrapper I see in the donut pic??!! mmmmmmmm….. Daylight is the best. Funny that I de-lurk for a donut pic ;o)

Christina - So glad your hubby’s home. My husband brings order to our home as well. I fight it sometimes. Eek! The sun has made a difference here, too. And I hate to admit it, but I started exercising and I feel better. ha!
But now I want a doughnut! - PLEASE SEND SOME SUN! At least I was able to soak some up through the computer screen. How does five inches of snow sound? I blogged about my own first day of spring, but I’m afraid it was quite a bit different from yours. I am tryng to keep a stiff upper lip, but its starting to purse into a frown.
I especially liked the picture of Annie running down the sidewalk.

jenjen - It was like that yesterday here and then last night it snowed all night long. Today it was overcast and 37 degrees – boo!
I live for the sunny days 🙂

Staci Danford - There is just nothing in the world like a SUN shining day to perk you up and make you happy.. LOVED your photos.. Felt like I was running right behind you guys. Looked like a totally fun filled day.

Dana Banana - Last time I was in the flea market/antique store, I saw those square dancing outfits and REALLY considerded buying them too! Glad that today was a good day. Would love to see you sometime, just say the word.

Debby Graber - When we poured concrete around back, we purposefully scattered leaf prints on them. The concrete guys thought it was funny because they have had to re-do jobs because people were mad that leaves made prints on their new concrete.

sarah - So happy it was a better day!!
Great pictures.
I passed a Barn Sale sign on our trip this past weekend, and thought of our trip. And next time when it’s not freezing cold as we pass the sign, I’m going to go. Hopefully it will be as awesome as the one we all went to.

candace - Amen! Glad you got what you needed.

Cate O'Malley - you must have had our sun because our sky was devoid of it. rumor has it that it’s coming back tomorrow though!

purejoy - you make the simple extraordinary. love you! and glad you’re having a happy day!

H-Mama @ Family Team - It’s official. I want to go flea market shoppin’ with you. 😉

Tara - so glad he’s home.. so glad order has been restored….so glad you feel normal today. 🙂

Anna Marie - I am right there with you sister! Our weather is almost always identical. Every time you say something about the weather it pretty much matches how ours was that day. Guess that weather doesn’t differ much in a 200 mile radius.
Speaking of which…the other day my husband, daughter and I took a drive into Kansas. We just kept driving and driving. I had to ask my husband how far we were from Newton. Ha! He immediately knew that I was talking about “my favorite blog lady”. (We ended up at Lake Perry…SOOO pretty there. We should meet there for a photo shoot with you someday.)
Don’t be surprised if I knock on your door someday 😉 {And I am TOTALLY not creeping on you. I am not a stalker!}

Louie - Mmmmmm…. doughnuts sound good!

Suzanne - I used to work at Druber’s when I was in college at Bethel. I worked the 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. shift. LOVED my job and the people who own it. Glad you are better today!

Sheryl - Glad you are feeling better. What great pictures! Yep, beautiful here in Oregon, too. Just took a nice long walk. Enjoy!

Kate - Yeah Sunshine!!!!


Aurora - Very talented… LOVE your photos!!
Ok… so I know you’ve probably been asked this many times before. I’m so curious what camera are you using? And I loved all your Africa photos. What camera did you take on your trip? Do you have a “For everyday” camera and a “Special” camera for the family portraits that you shoot?

Katey - Hi Meg! I love your blog and check in quite often. Africa looked incredible. So glad that you had that opportunity – life changing for sure. Glad also that you are having a better day. Hubbies and sunshine will do that! Take care!

Hattie - Sounds like y’all had a great day!!! Yum doughnuts!!!

Susan - Love the chrome cooler for sure…the square dance dresses…not so much.

Lane - Glad things are better for you! Today’s pretty day also instantly lifted my spirits after being stuck inside with an infant!!! Also, I have SO enjoyed reading about your trip.

Melanie - As a Floridian being in the north for her first winter, I am with you….I NEED THE SUNSHINE too! It is shining here and I am so happy.

Lindsay Thomas - I love that picture of the shoes and leaf print!

Melissa Gruber - SO happy today is better. the sun is shining here too…which i love. it is going to be around all week, makes me in such a good mood. but, i wish i didn’t have so many not so fun things to deal with…having a parent pass away is no fun and it is a lot of work on the back end, but i am just taking it one day at a time.
happy you are better…enjoy the sun!

michelle from six in the city - Beautiful photos!

Kacey - Yay! So glad you’re feeling better. Sounds like you had a perfect morning.

Annie - Loved the blog today! I feel like it was written for me – I’m Annie, maiden name, Fox. Then in college I’d dress up in my grandma’s square dancing outfits for Halloween – even wearing the frilly bloomers – it was always hysterical to see all these sexy kittens & angels all over campus & in I’d walk as a square dancer – priceless 🙂 Glad the hubs is home – it always makes me happy too when my man is away!

Tara @ the cinnamon post - so HAPPY to hear about your HAPPY day…
I will live vicariously from my work desk as it now feels like November again here…cold and damp…
and wish for a great day like you had today!

Mindy Harris - We were outside for a couple of hours this morning. I’m ready to pitch a tent in the backyard and call it home. Who needs walls?

Erin - I was coming to proclaim my love for Drubers, but I see Lori and my sister beat me to it. Yum.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - SO glad order was restored…yay:) Beautiful pics, that is our weather today. Glorious sunshine, chirping birds…bliss!

angela - The NC weather is beautiful today too! So glad you feel better…I knew you would. Amazing what sunshine will do!!!!!!

kelli - thanks for the pictures of home 🙂 {i had the same thought as lori: drubers!!} i’m pretty sure God dropped all that snow on us 3 days ago to help us appreciate the sunshine a little more than we might if every day were this gorgeous.

shelly - Today is a banner day! I don’t know…there must be something in the air…its lovely!!! We got in a walk, I cleaned the kitchen, windows are open and I’m baking a cake for my mom’s b-day today! Hope the rest of your week keeps pace for today 🙂

chasity - i feel happy too….
just seeing your wonderful day.

teresa - Hi Meg!
Your pics are fabulous! So big and FUN and clear! I’ve popped over many times and I do adore how REAL you are! ;o)
I adore your 35 Things list!
Would love to CREATE one for myself!
Might you email me and let me know what program you used to create your list!
I would so love it if you would let me know!
Thanks a Bundle!
Loved your pics of Africa trip! xxooxx
Bainbridge Island, WA

Heather - i hear ya. it’s as gloomy gus day around here and i’m craving the sunshine.

Casey - It’s lovely here, too (Overland Park). I’m a cold weather girl, but even I am itching for spring. I’m ready to plant my flowers and live at the Farmer’s Market. It’s time!
Glad you’re having a good day.

tam - I’m glad you are feeling better, got out and enjoyed the sunshine. I know we all have days like your’s yesterday, I’m feeling icky today, it’s foggy, cold and drizzly rain here…ick. I’m hoping for sunny skies and a better mood, soon!

Courtney Walsh - loving the sunshine in Illinois too…although I am only witnessing it from the chair in my living room! bah. I’m glad you’re feeling better.
PS. I want Annie’s donut.

Lori Danelle - DRUBER’S!!!!!!!!! 🙂

Staci - Oh man!!! Me toooo!!! It is almost 70 degrees here!!!! I’m loving the green….even if they are just weeds 🙂 I’m soooo glad you are feeling better today!!!!!!!!! Looks like Annie is happy her mommy is home too 🙂

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crazy lady

i am going bonkers.
craig has been gone since thursday.
my kids were on spring break last week and i just couldn't make myself do anything with them.
we went to the zoo one day before craig went to the airport…it was exhausting.
my house is a disaster!
i just don't have the energy.
or will
to do anything about it.
i haven't worked out for a week….

and i have given in and eaten sugar!  

i feel like a big loser today.

but most likely it is from being alone….
staying up late watching blood diamond last night…
not talking to an adult for days and days…
missing africa….not knowing WHAT to feel about it…
my hormones…
my stupid headache…
the freak snow storm after 70 degree weather keeping all the kids inside on spring break….
being a mom to five kids who needed their routine of school and dad as much i did.

so….i have 3 hours till my man gets home.
and that is the start of everything getting better.
once we are together….i will feel normal again.


i sure hope so.
because who ever THIS woman is that is in my body today (and the last three days) is annoying.
she is so whiney.
i am ready for her to go away.
or at least clean something because this place is DIRTY!!

****update!  Craig is home and things are already better just having him HOME.
     he will now get my undivided attention!  **********   

Nina Diane - oh and check out my giveaway because right now…only 5 people have commented and it ends tomorrow so the odds are good to win!

Nina Diane - happy to hear he is home now…..all is good for you!

kris reid - hey meg-!
how weird that i feel like i know you from a far!
i love checking in on your blog- your beautiful home and your love of God and your truths- the little daily ones- and the blessings!
and i love that you got yourself to africa! i’ve been a few times and am going again this summer-
i have a new blog- mostly about living with and loving a child with special needs- and 2 other fabulous kids- and being a working mom- who totally gets falling to bits when your man is out of town! i hate when mike travels!
anyway- if you have the time or interest- check it out!
thanks for you faith- creativity and inspiration!!!
and i think this actually goes here not your email-sorry!

Kellie Dugan - Meg, sometimes I feel like you are writing in my dairy. Hubby was gone last week and I was about to go slap crazy. Then I was all excited for him to finally get home and I ended up with a migrain. The week has started and I still cant wait to spend some time with him. Dido on Jeni’s comment. Thanks for making me feel normal. (My house looks the same way. Shhhhhh!!!!!)

Holly - Oh Meg…. I feel your pain!! My husband is a fireman and gone for two days at a time. So needless to say, I’ve experienced my share of moments such as these! Hang in there, get some fresh air, and pour yourself a glass of wine 🙂 You ARE amazing!

Quirky Girl - Whew! I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Another reason to believe we are all in this together. (Please forgive the High School Musical reference!) :o)

jeni - THANK YOU!!! for making me feel normal!!! 🙂

Trina McNeilly - I am with you….it is super hard when dad is away…. i was there last week… got dirty and we ate lucky charms for dinner.. that is how it ends up! ha! Glad things are getting back to normal for you!
x Trina

Chalk Inscriptions - Hahaha – try homeschooling! Since we chose to do homeschool or maybe it chose us (economy made it too expensive to continue private school)…anyhow where was I? Well, let’s just say it is exhausting trying to keep the house immaculate. Sometimes I envy my friends who put their kids in school and have all day to make their houses pretty! So my weeks are a constant Spring Break! Always taking kids on field trips, house full of laundry – clean and unclean, motivation ebbs and flows….haven’t you ever seen a homeschool mom salivating at the mouth when she sees another adult?! She clings to them hoping to talk about something other than her kids, but in the end she just talks about her kids….good grief! It will make your hormones rage and your brain melt….Aren’t you glad Spring Break is only 7 days?! 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - glad he is home now and you can get to
feeling better!
I had a bad day yesterday and start of a bad day
today , but I am determined not to let it take root!

Debi - I just stumbled on your blog !! I love it!!! Im glad your hubbys home and you feel better! Hugs!

Courtney Walsh - I think when God seeps in the way he did in Africa, the “normal” feels so, well not normal… Having your eyes opened to the life you saw there had to bring so many different emotions. I am with the above posters…dont be too hard on yourself. Sometimes the hardest thing in the world is just to be still… I’m glad Craig made it home. I hate when my husband is gone for any reason. I don’t do well without him home!!

Elisa - Been there.
Hope you feel better soon!

Christina - Those days where we feel like losers suck so badly. People can tell you not to feel that way, because you aren’t, but I know that when I look around my house and see what I see, and then at myself and see what I see…it ain’t pretty. It ain’t winning material. Unless the prize is for…the biggest loser! ha! So…those days are real, and I hope that you indeed find your way back. I’m glad to see your update. You are a neat lady, Meg. Thanks for sharing your life with so many people.

brooke - Hi Meg! I love your blog by the way…. selfishly, its good to know that Im not the only one who has days like that! I only have 3 kids and I haven’t been to Africa! Maybe i should, then I might appreciate everything I have…,just a thought. Which I sort of why Im posting now, your blog and the beautiful pictures of the everyday family stuff show the beauty in everything, it helps me to see the beauty in my everyday, so thanks a bunch 🙂
Anyways, I hope things get back to normal for you asap!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Sweet sweet Meg… I just love your honesty girl. I hear ya about the hormones. I am PMSing in the worst way and …don’t tell anyone, but I totally fell off the wagon today, and had a piece of red velvet cake with some friends. It was so beyond good!!!
Everything just seems better when we have our man around. Glad order was restored…well kind of. Tomorrow’s a new day right;)

Janelle - Blood Diamond was life changing for me. I hope you didn’t watch it alone. My husband had to hold me through most of it. The senseless killings…it griped me for days and has changed the way I approach life. Which seems like what Africa has done for you as well. It’s a good change, just go with it….

Heather - Hang in there Meg and don’t be too hard on yourself. It takes time after such an amazing trip to reaclimate. Give yourself a break and don’t worry about the house. It’s just stuff and there are so many more important things. You. Have a sweet reunion with your hubby and get your equilibrium back.

Routhie - My husband travels too, but for weeks at a time a few times per year. I know *that* lady and she is awful. How is it we forget her? Initially, I get excited when my husband leaves. Time to clean [his things], special time alone with the kids, girl food (I only have girls), and co-sleeping with my girls. Then the reality that I am not a single mom kicks in. I need/miss him/resent him for having time away. It’s not fair and somehow he’s a hero upon returning home. But he’s my hero. 🙂

Emily - I think something must be in the US water supply…Seriously. Me and every other woman I know is in the same state of disarray. Here’s to hoping it passes soon.

amy d - maybe it’s time for a neighbor girls night out at abuelos!
i heard sangria swirls cure everything!!!!!!!!

Kate - Oh, bless your heart. If the above suggestion doesn’t work (which is AWESOME by the way!) Maybe watching the Kevin James dance scene in HITCH will get ya. It always cracks me up. Watch it until you can do it in the mirror. If that doesn’t work, we will have to send you to a spa. We can’t all have our favorite blogger MIA! 🙂

Meredith - Hang in there Meg….some days are diamonds some are stones. You need to go on a firm prescription of Romantic Comedies….not harrowing tales like Blood Diamond…and stay away from anything directed by Martin Scorsese for a couple of weeks. You might like to try watching the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth….fast forward to the bit where he jumps into the lake and then runs into Elizabeth Bennett. If you’re still not feeling any happier, rewind and watch again until you do 🙂 Hope you get your mojo back soon…be gentle with yourself. Meredy xo.

Annette - Don’t be to hard on yourself. I think it is very understandable for you to have these feelings. Thanks for sharing your Africa pictures, awesome. Hang in there, I’m right there with you. I have really no reason to be in a funk yet, my hubby hasn’t left yet for his business trip and I didn’t just return from Africa and I only have two busy kids. We will get through this!!!!!!!

Ann Marie - Pretty sure we have all been there before but I feel your pain!

Sally H. - You are singing my same song. I am not myself either, my barbies and jeans are scattered everywhere and I don’t have any energy either. This too shall pass. Right?

Julie - you make me feel normal! 🙂

chasity - that’s right….you will be all better.
either that or i can meet you at the kansas city zoo tomorrow with a plate full of cookies. 🙂

jeana - Hey I don’t know if you know this woman or her blog, but she just got back from Africa also and she is going through a little bit of the same stuff you are. Her experience and yours have been so inspiring to me. I hope this helps and will keep you in my prayers. Here is her blog:

Sara Cameli - big hugs girl, know that you are amazing.

sharron - my spring break with the kiddies was pretty much the same hubby away..messy house..did not do anything special and momma was sick with the flu…i started cleaning today and am trying to get my groove back…good luck with yours.
(( i have enjoyed your posts about africa..sure makes me appreciate the simple things in life))

Melanie - With 5 kids at home, that would make anyone whiney! Enjoy Craig and STOP being so hard on yourself.

Lori - My goodness, Meg. Cut yourself some slack! You just got back from a life-changing trip that was both physically and emotionally challenging. I know I would lose my mind right now if we got yet another snow. So sending prayers and hugs to you. Give yourself some time to get back in the swing of things. Rest up! Your natural go-getter self will be back.

Susan - It sounds like you’ve had too much on your plate and you just now some down time. Just take a deep breath and don’t beat yourself up.

RLG - Big hug, girlie. I would clean up your house for you if you were closer. But I have to warn you, my house is clean and I’m still irritable to beat the band. Summer vacation looms and I’m at a loss for the summer “plan.” Sigh. I’m happy that your man is returning soon. Hang in there. xoxo

Marie Canas - Hugs…..

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Oh the pictures, the beautiful pictures. I thank you for them. Some days I think I’m the only messy one, and I feel like the loser. You have no idea how healing this post is to those of us who are not type A’s. If it weren’t for my Martha Stewart Mother in law who may or may not read my blog I too would display beautiful pictures like these for all the world to see. All the world except the above mentioned you know who : ) I know… I have some work to do.

Kirsten Juenke - Ah sweet girl, be kind to yourself. You just need to assimilate. And wine and chocolate are good for those times. Bummer Craig had to leave – mine is leaving Thursday for 5 days of sun and golf with the guys in AZ and I’m dreading it. And I only have 2 kids!!! And I didn’t just get back from such an emotional, spiritual, physical trip! {{HUGS}}

Emily@remodelingthislife - this complete stranger is sending a virtual hug. if that doesn’t cheer you up, i don’t know what will.

Jen Joy - I feel ya. Just so you know. *providing lots of virtual hugs to get through the time until this feeling passes*

Rachel - I know just how you feel. Some experiences don’t leave you easily… if ever. It’s actually good that you were so affected by what you saw and experienced. Don’t beat yourself up about your lack of energy and motivation – you are recovering from an extremely emotional journey.
If it’s any consolation, we got a bit dump of snow here, too. Ugh!

lisa bender - You’re an awesome woman, Meg! God sees you and what you’re going through! Lean in hard on HIM… and He will sustain you! He made you and loves you and knows what you’re going through. He understands… more than you do 🙂 I’m praying for you! Things will get better soon!

Staci - Oh goodness 🙁 I’m sorry you are having a bad day 🙁 I hate it when my man is gone too….things are NEVER the same 🙁 He will make alllll things better! I’m just SURE of it!!! You’ve got to still be jetlagging too 🙁 Bless you!!!!! And I can TOTALLLLLY feel for the 70 degree weather….and then snow….that was how our Spring Break ended too 🙂 But today….I think Spring knows it’s really time to come out again!!! 65 here! CRAZEEEE weather!!! I’ll say an extra prayer today for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Kacey - I think we’ve all been there. Although, I can imagine it’s much more emotionally difficult right now after your trip. Hope you feel bright and cheery soon!

Tonya - Oh wasn’t Blood Diamond so good! My hubby and I just sat in silence after we watched it…..we didn’t know what to say. Talk about eye-opening!
Don’t get too down on yourself! You’ve just returned for a huge, life-changing experience and are still processing everything, I’m sure.
Chin up, little lady!

Anna Marie - Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22
Hang in there Megan. It is understandable that you are having a bad day/week. It will get better. I will continue to pray for you (we know that works, huh?).

Jodi - I can’t tell you how many times I have felt that way! I think you are just re-acclimating to life since Africa. It will get easier and more normal. You will continue to be an amazing woman and do amazingly creative and wonderful things. That’s what you do.

j - make an “L” with your hand and put it on your forehead. welcome to the club.
tomorrow will be a better day.

sarah - some days, it’s just like that for everyone I think. I know I do.
I hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon!!
I’m praying for you. 🙂

Melissa Gruber - I have more of those days then I want to these days…I don’t know what it is. The change in weather, the fact that I wish spring was here, I need a vacation or I just want someone else to come and take over for me…that would be nice.
It is so hard when the hubby is out of town…it is the worst, I think. Hang in there, it will get better.

Katie - I remember coming home from Africa, driving to Wal-Mart to pick something up for a friend with a new baby at home, and having a total melt down. I was overwhelmed by the stuff. The choices. The wealth. It was all too much. I didn’t want to spend $20 on baby junk from China, knowing $20 would have sent a child to school for a year in Africa. I sat in the parking lot and cried. Later that evening, a friend pointed out that maybe I was suffering from some culture shock. I think it’s totally normal to feel out of sorts for awhile after a life changing experience like that.
Eventually, I accepted that I live here, not Africa. And that feeling badly about all my blessings doesn’t send anybody to school. I practice gratitude for all that I have. I stay informed, write my politicians about US policies that affect ordinary Africans, give to worthy causes, and have become involved in fighting poverty right here in my own backyard.
I still get overwhelmed sometimes in big box stores, but I’ve come to think it’s a good thing!

ashley - Awwww! I feel exactly like that too. Here’s hoping we both get out of our funk.

Jenny Collier - I remember feeling the same way when I came back from Nepal. It’s the jet lag, I was fine the first week I got back, but the second week was killer, and I was in the middle of parent teacher conferences. I said ridiculous things, my house and classroom were a mess, and I was eating everything in site. The weirdest part was waking up thinking I was still in Nepal. You’ll be “normal” again soon, I promise. Until then, I’ll be praying for you. 🙂

Susan - We all feel that way somedays…weeks! It will pass and you will be your old self soon. Hang in there!

purejoy - awwww. i really feel for you. crappy weather and no man and kids on top of kids and repatriating from a 3rd world culture will send a sunny disposition into the dumpster. hope you get our of your funk in time to lay a sweet kiss on your man’s face.
and you’re not a loser. not by a long shot.
i mean you have a million barbies!! you’ve got treasures!!

Mickie Lara - No need for a “Big loser” title for you because it’s far from the truth! I’m convinced there are times when we are just going to feel like doing nothing, eating what we aren’t supposed to and not exercising. At least I hope that’s what it is… I only have one child but I broke my wrist back in early February (bad decision to put on roller skates for his field trip) and I am going on wk 6 of just not feeling myself because there is so much I can’t do. Just praying for warmer weather (freak show snow down here in okc too!) and a better me at some point this Spring. You’ve been through a lot so give yourself some room to feel blah and you’ll be back soon!

Helen Wall - Ah yes – the days of wanting to crawl into a hole and pull it in after me. Bet it’s hormones more than anything – that and kind of a come down from the excitement of Africa. This too shall pass – I promise. You have my prayers to get thru the next few days.

Jody - Hang in there Meg! All that you described sound perfectly normal to me considering all that you’ve had going on. This too shall pass. Sending lots of SHP to you (that’s my mantra to myself…strength, health and positivity)

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for you:


the end.



merlin - “the end” ???
I don’t think so!
Your trip entries have been thought provoking and I thank you for sharing your journey with us.

julie - Thank you for being bold. Brave. For letting God use you and stretch you way beyond what was comfortable. Thanks for being real, scared and heartbroken. Because in that place of vulnerability He is doing a great work in you. Most of all, thanks for taking us along on your journey.

Vera - Thank you for sharing your trip. And really for inspiring me constantly. But not for making me give up sugar, I’m still too grouchy about that to be thankful – I’ll get there.

Christina - You are helping us get to Africa. At least a little.

Liz - I am a HUGE fan of your blog and seriously delight in reading all your wonderful stories. The Africa trip posts have inspired me in ways you can’t even imagine. Thank you for posting all of them!
I do have one quick question, I know that you are so very busy, but do you ever scrapbook anymore? I’m a fellow scrapbooker and was just wondering.

Staci - We all love you so much Meg 🙂 I’m so glad you got to go and that you shared your experience so beautifully with us 😉 AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

Heather - i have my ‘whatever shop’ photo all framed up in my living room and every time i see it reminds me of how 8 white ladies followed their hearts to africa to make a difference.
awesome and inspiring! plus the print is really pretty. 🙂 thanks for sharing with us!!

Heather - Aww I’m sad the trip is over. I sure have loved seeing your trip via your photos.

Kate - thank YOU for going and sharing and photoing and being real! You are amazing!

amy jupin - you are awesome!
i loved each and every post. and read most of them with tears in my eyes and a very heavy heart.
much love and thanks–right back at ya.

Sarah - Thank you for posting about your trip! It really is inspiring to me

Amy Mumaw - You are an inspiration to us all. I wish that I could be that strong, giving, and courageous .
I am so glad you enjoyed it !
Amy Marinello Mumaw

meg duerksen - PRAYER COUNTS!!! thank you for praying!

Melissa Gruber - thank you for going and doing such a wonderful thing. and thanks for sharing your trip with us.
so happy you are home!
and i love the new picture of you on the left…so cute!

Diana - i could only afford to pray a lot and really really hard… i think God heard 🙂
thanks to YOU for sharing your trip with us, making us feel like we were there with you…. this has meant soooooooo much!
God is good, and He is in the world!

Ruth - thank YOU for sharing the trip with so much eloquence and grace. here’s to the return! (and stay a little longer in london next time!)

purejoy - awwww. thank you! for taking me with you! so glad you’re home.

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***during one flight a woman said to me "i don't know how you can sit like that…being so pregnant."

***pam takes medication on the plane and falls asleep (lucky girl…it doesn't work for me)
    more like she passes out.
    so when i would have to go to the bathroom i had to stradle her.  
    a man was behind me and looked at me funny….because it did look very questionable.
    i said "it's ok…i'm her friend."
    and i bounced on her lap for added effect!
    she never woke up once…and i climbed over her a lot.  HA HA HA

 ***we warned the woman sitting by the window in our row of three that pam would fall asleep.
    5 hours later when she needed the bathroom the woman said "i didn't think it would be so bad."

***i cannot sleep sitting up.  
    i think i have restless leg syndrome.  
    i am serious.
    on our flight home….after i stradled pam the third time….the entire plane was asleep but me.
    i went in one of the bathrooms and stretched…and stretched…then sprawled out as much as i could.
    and slept.
    i really did.
    i stayed in there for 45 minutes.  
    it was the only place i could stretch my legs….
    and when i came out i coated my hands with germ-x about 15 times.

***on BMI airlines they have a rule that the window shades must be open for landing.
    they insisted.
    "it's for safety"
    pam and i had a laugh attack and couldn't breathe or talk we were laughing so hard picturing
    the pilot coming back to row 19 to look out our window so he could land the plane safely.
    ….maybe you had to be there.

***the sierra leone airport was quite different than any i have been to.
    the air conditioning did not work.
    did i mention that africa is very HOT?
    the airport really is just three or four big rooms.
    our departing flight (the only flight) was a few hours late.  
    it was nearing midnight now…we'd been there sweating it out for several hours.
    i was fanning myself when suddenly i felt a cold breeze.
    only the second one since we'd arrived in africa.
    it was coming from the duty free shop right behind me!
    i decided i needed to do some shopping at midnight at the duty free shop in sierra leone.
    i walked in and i asked "do you have any chocolate?"
    i bought a big bag of twix bars, opened them and shared with the three workers in the shop.
    then i went and passed it around the 7 white ladies.
    five minutes passed and the duty free worker opened the door and said "come back in and cool off…"
    you don't have to ask me twice.
    i pulled pam in with me.
    and that is when we got to know Olec, Foodae and Emma.
    we showed them pictures of our families…discussed freetown and america….the ymca.
    pam asked if they sold music like we heard in the poda podas and they did!
    then at almost midnight i told them the secret that it was the last few minutes of pam's birthday.
    we took a picture to celebrate.

    and i bought her the poda poda CD…the perfect gift.
    happy birthday to pam.
    i was so happy to leave africa happy and laughing all the way to the plane.      

Aircraft Hanger Doors - I’ve been searching about Aircrafts and reading your blog, I found your post very helpful 🙂 . I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading.

princess lasertron - funny!
pregnant? rude! I think its funny how I am like 9 months pregnant and VERY FEW people ask me if I am. like they are afraid to be wrong.

Melanie - Really? A lady said that to you? Pregnant? That is SO rude!

melissa - HIL. AR. I. OUS.
I am laughing so hard right now!!!!!
and then i read your comments and the chick that had the flower lady rub her belly………oh my. too much!!!
thanks for the laugh today! i needed it!!!

Kelly - I can’t sleep on planes either. I thought I was the only person who couldn’t. Thank you for sharing your trip with all of us.

chasity - thanks for making me laugh this morning.
those were great little tidbits.

pambuller - you were the best travel buddy! that picture reminds me of my favorite part of my birthday. 🙂 thank you, meg, for making it special. you had a way of making good of everything. you were so calming. i’d go with you to africa any day!

Donna - I had a lady say, “You didn’t tell me you were pregnant!” Yeah, cuz I’m not. Grrrrrrrrr.
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures and stories!

angela - What a great post…so many emotions…PREGO???:)

Jen - I love reading your blog and am encourage by your honesty and journey as a woman of God. Thanks for sharing from your depths of all emotions from Africa. This post made me crack up. I thought of a commercial I saw and thought you would enjoy it. Blessings to you and thanks for sharing the real you.

Rebecca - This post made LOL…I mean REALLY LOL! 🙂 Glad you had a meaningful trip and made it home safely!!

Rachel / cREaTe - cracking UP at you & pam cracking UP over the pilot needing your window! 😀 that is so freakin’ funny! i fly all the time & have heard that about the shades … but never knew why {& my husband’s a pilot!}. so thanks to heather for the explanation {in her comment}! but envisioning the pilot stooping to peer out row #19 is priceless.
great stories!!! 😀

Sarah - What an amazing journey. Your words as well as pictures moved me. I cried while reading every post about your trip. Wow is all I can say, we all need to do more. Thank you.

Jennifer - wow!! I am so moved by your Africa! What you felt,what you saw what you experienced..The photos are amazing…

linda lou - meg after reading all the comments i could hardly contain myself (: (: for now i’m under my desk laughing….and my hubby is thinking oh she forgot her med’s again (: when i was pregnant w/amy d your neighbor to be clear on which amy i ask some gal when her baby was due because i thought everyone was pregnant at that time but believe me she looked more pregnant that me and she WASN’T ): talk about digging a hole and having a red face over that statement i NEVER assumed that again…but now i could look pregnant but its just menopause swelling (:
haha on the serious side love your pictures!!

Diana - i cannot write on here what i woulda said to the lady who made the preg comment. :p i have seen pics of you in here and you don’t even resemble that remark!
ugh, not having enough leg room! that would drive me nuts… i gotta have lotsa flip-over room when i sleep. LOL!
happy belated birthday, Pam!

Logan - I have loved reading your notes from your trip. And I definitely sympathize with the sleeping on the plane thing. I cannot do it, nor can I sit still for very long. I hate to fly for that reason.

Lisa - Imagining you guys laughing so hard about the window shades being up reminded me about a trip I took. Flying home from a mission trip to Guatemala a friend and I started talking about “what if planes drove on roads instead of flying” Then we thought about plane road racing. We were laughing hysterically. Of course no one else thought we were funny! I think its the fatigue and delirium kicking in! Thanks for sharing about your trip! Its been a long time since I did a mission trip. Haven’t wanted to leave my kids. God may be starting to tug on my heart that its time to get back in the game! 🙂

purejoy - your visit to africa became my visit to africa. i felt like i was right there beside you (except for the sweaty part). and is it NOT a wonder how amazing air conditioning is? and what a little treasure that God gave you… meeting new friends in the airport. He is so good.

Heather - I love that you’re sharing all this with us. I get so excited when I see you have a new post. I love your honesty.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Girl you crack me up so bad. I just love you! BTW you do NOT look pregnant. Delusional is what that person was!!! Probably from all the heat;) Have a great weekend.


adrienne - has ur happy things list been there lately? i know i have looked for it recently and thought maybe you had replaced it with your sponsors… regardless, it’s one of my favorite things about ur blog and i’m glad to see it!
also have enjoyed ur experience in africa.

Megan - OMG I’m still laughing. Its amazing what people say when they don’t even know you. I can’t sleep on a plane either. I think I have RLS too plus I’m too busy watching other people and making sure the plane is gonna land. Good stories, loved them!

4JJM - You never fail to make me laugh! What was up with the preggo comment? You don’t even resemble pregnant.

Courtney - You are too stinkin’ funny. The pregnancy comment – OH, just ignore it! Sounds like you had a great time – great post!! We can all just picture it. I love your new friends at the Duty Free!

Dina - GREAT post!!! Yeah, you had the pregnancy comment… well I had taken my 3 year old to the potty at Olive Garden and a lady asked me if she was my GRANDDAUGHTER!!!! ummmm… no, she’s my daughter — pretty sure the look on her face was my redemption:-)

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - O
I am DYING over here, reading about that pregnancy comment! That is TOO MUCH! One time my husband had flowers delivered to me on Valentine’s Day several years before our son was born. I was wearing an empire-waist dress, kinda before they were available everywhere. Anyway, I guess the flower delivery lady thought I was pregnant and actually reached in to the doorway and rubbed my belly.
Sorry lady. No bun in this oven!

Chalk Inscriptions - Did you ask when she was due? Of course not, you are too polite.
Well, I am glad that you had an experience of a lifetime to Africa. I am really dreading getting my shots for our Ethiopia trip! I am praying my husband only has to go pick up our child while I stay and manage our brood. He has had all his shots from a trip to Uganda. But if I go I know it will be wonderful!
But don’t you just wish you could speed up that plane trip? 🙂

heather - I’ve loved your posts about Africa! Enjoyed them all! We are adopting from Ethiopia, so we will be going in the near future (a year or so).
I’m a flight attendant, so please let me explain the window shades. I am compelled to take up for my peeps! ha! If there was a need for an emergency evacuation… flight attendants are to assess out of the windows to make sure there is no fire or obstruction outside (in which case they would not open that exit). If the window shades are closed, you can’t see and it is just one more step to to have to open that window shade when time is of the utmost importance. Thank you for allowing me to explain. 🙂

miss lynn - oh you make me
smile. question:
how did your
family survive?
any tips? my
lover is leaving
tomorrow for
haiti – 9 days.
i am
not so good
at single
thankful all
went well for
you girls.
God was glorified.
happy day.

jeanne - Get OUT about the pregnancy comment!!! She wasn’t talking about you…was she???? I would have been hanging out in the air conditioning too.

Big E - It’s OK Meg, she doesn’t wake up for me either.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - what great memories! thanks for sharing it all with us 🙂

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my favorite part.

we were able to help out at a church for kids in kroo bay.
it was only an hour long but it was LIFE CHANGING for me.
i heard in my head while watching all those kids sing and dance…
"God is HERE.  He is still good and still HERE…even in kroo bay.  HE is good even in this place."

that is embarassing.

it's just that…my mind is warped by the world.
my mind sees earthly wealth and thinks "good"
but when it sees poverty or slums it thinks "bad".
not good or bad PEOPLE but just a general thought…bad meaning sad, uncomfortable, wrong.

and that is wrong.
everyone knows that….i assume.
but i think it truly was my default.
without even realizing it.
i needed to look past the obvious…the dirt and the lack of "stuff"…to see what was there.

GOD was there.
200 children showed me.

when they see the staff from WMF walking through Kroo Bay the children know it's time to come.
they followed us down the hill to the doors…so excited.
this was the church before the kids came in while our group was getting instructions.
and outside…the kids were so excited to come in.

they file in…
impressive…they were so good.
they went over the bible story of the previous week….


and then there was worship music.


it was beautiful.
like deep deep down beautiful.
it makes me cry as i am typing just thinking of it.
i have never heard anything like it.


during the instructions for us before the kids came in we were told
"sometimes the kids get sleepy or fall asleep…if you see that just walk them around to help them"
and i thought "really? they fall asleep with all the other kids here?"

it was the sweetest…the mother in me was aching to hold them…as much for me as for them.
i was missing my own kids.

he's crying because of me.
he was afraid of my white skin.
it's good…because i wouldn't have wanted to put him down for the rest of the day if he'd have let me.

one of the pastors gave the lesson about what kind of man Jesus was.
he first acted demanding and rude…yelling at peter to get him food…water…clean his feet.
then asked the kids "isn't He King? isn't He Master?  then what does He act like?"
the kids were watching with intensity.

he then showed the Jesus we know in the bible.
loving and caring for his disciples…and then HE washed their feet.

i was totally crying at this point.

as a treat each child who is there gets a hard boiled egg to eat. 

even that was humbling.
would my children be satisfied with an egg?
would they even eat it?
i can promise you that every child there ate it and was very happy about it.
it was an honor to pass out eggs to these sweet children.

before each child left a grown up prayed with them.

IMG_4072  IMG_4076
IMG_4079  IMG_4075

this place was joyous.
this place was love.
this place was my favorite memory of my time in africa.
God is there.  

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Beka - Oh dear.
Oh my goodness.
So…I’m crying.
A lot.
Want to go someday.
What love He has!
What a post, dear. Thanks for sharing!

Dani - I want you to know this post touched my heart deep down!
EACH child was prayed for before they left! I know that people pray for my kids, but not before they walk out of Sunday school… not before they leave Bible class…. not before church services are over on Wednesday nights. These kids in Africa were prayed for specifically! I LOVE THAT!

Amanda - I’ve been a lurker of your blog for awhile now (lurker meaning that I don’t often comment, not that I’m cyber stalking ya!) and I’ve been following your Africa posts and I can’t even begin to tell you how much your stories and photos have touched me. Thank you for being so full of faith and taking that amazing journey and sharing it!
God is Good!

AmyB - What a beautiful post! Love these sweet babies! I want to hold them all!!!

nicole - thank you. thank you. thank you.

Juli - Your photos have altered my view of my world. I can’t seem to get the images of this past week’s blogs out of my mind.

Keri - This post reminds me of my trips to Honduras. It reminds me of their happiness in the things that we think are so trivial.
Your photos bring tears to my eyes. They know so little of the things that we take advantage of yet they are happy with a boiled egg.

Nan - Absolutely beautiful. (Oh, yes, the pictures too. But I am talking about your words.)
Thank you so much for sharing this. I needed this reminder tonight more than you know.
This post should win awards.

Jessica/littlepumpkingrace - Amazing. Thank you for this beautiful post…and for your giving heart.

pambuller - i’ve come back to this post time and time again. you captured the time in Kroo Bay so well. there was so much joy in that place and such awesome worship. thanks for recording the memories. awesome.

Darby - Meg, I’m just now catching up on some of your posts… this one touched me to my core. These children are beautiful, these children are PRECIOUS… what an impact you all made on their lives. Thank you for sharing these touching photographs!!!!

kristine - i keep re-reading this post. i love it. you could win (another) award on just this one. it’s moving. and the pictures…of those children…they are so beautiful! oh my. i really don’t know how you didn’t come home with (at least!) one. have i already said that?!
and that is so interesting about them falling asleep. it’s funny but awesome. maybe they are just in such peace when they’re there that it’s a tranquil time for them. so precious.

Tammy R - Thank you for sharing your story, and their story. Your pictures and commentary on your trip have really opened my eyes. Words can’t adequately describe the story those pictures tell.

Tammy Alfultis - These pictures of all of the children are so amazing – thank you so much for sharing them with us. The pics alone just make me want to reach out an hold them – I can only imagine what you felt being there. AMAZING and thanks again!

jennifer wood - He is an Awesome God, all Knowing, all Powerful, all Loving:)

Sandra K - Dear Meg,
What a beautiful, amazing post. The whole post was touching, but the tears started when I read the part about an adult praying with each child before they left…and then the photos. Wow. God was there and how amazing to see you doing His work, praying with those sweet children.
God bless,

Dianne - thank you for sharing this. that’s all i can say right now…thank you for sharing.

Jenni - Tears are literally dripping down my cheeks at the sight of so much beauty. Oh, the goodness of the Lord and the preciousness of those children. Lord bless them, and us, with more of You.

LM - Thank you for so thoughtfully and carefully sharing your experience in such a dignified way. Thank you for honoring the culture and people of Sierra Leone.

Jennifer Dawn - Amazing!

Sara Cameli - Hi Meg, this filled me with happiness, thank you for sharing everything…

Julie - I might have to come back to this post again and again. Every time I need perspective, humbling, and to see His love. His sweet, sweet children. How He loves us so.

Mindy Harris - precious beyond words. i want to be there. God is holy near and far. may He give us fresh perspective.

Tara - more tears. good tears.

mel - Tears are streaming down my face.
Those were some of the most beautiful pictures I have EVER seen. What an amazing post, thank you for sharing with us! God is good, all the time & everywhere. Thank you for that reminder!

Christina - That was an amazing post- I read it yesterday and couldn’t stop thinking about it. Those little sweet souls sound asleep. You “got” it. So many people go to Africa or another part of the developing world and their response is just “wow I have so much” or “those poor people” But you saw that in some ways these children have much, much more than we will in this lifetime- and you were able to communicate that to us. God is so great! It brings to mind so many scriptures- “God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God”…I could go on and on. Thank you so much for sharing your trip so beautifully and respectfully and with such grace. God bless!

Lori McDonough - Meg,
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing journey of faith with us. I am humbled reading it. I am better for it. These faces inspire me. You inspire me. So happy that you are home safe. You are blessed. God is good.

Sarah - What a beautiful post. This is what I think heaven will be like – everyone worshiping Jesus with abandon. We are so confined here in America – in our wealth and ignorance. Thank you for such a vivid reminder. I have loved all of the posts about your trip. Thank you for being faithful to our Lord.

Diana - to be like little children… oh what joy. total awesomeness. just looking at the photos of them singing, i can hear them through you. and then the prayers. and an egg to eat.

Jessie - This is absolutely beautiful. God is wonderful.

jenny - thank you for doing all you did here, and sharing it. what an incredible opportunity and experience. it has stirred awe and magnificence of the Lord. thanks again.

Lauren Rodgers - So precious and heart tugging. The tears are flowing. Thanks for sharing.

jack foster - Thank you Meg for sharing your photos, your experience, and your heart with us. Amazing and heart tugging. God bless you. I stopped over here from Becky at Farmgirl Paints

Tracy - Wow, how humbling for us all, Meg! I am crying as I just finished reading this and seeing those beautiful kid’s faces. And the egg? WOW is all I can say. Thank you SO much for sharing these beautiful and meaningful photos with us and the story of your trip. Much love to you, Meg! xoxoxo

peta - the tears came. thank you. so beautiful.

tasha roe - well…my eye makeup is all down my cheeks now.
this is so awesome! the love for the children and their love for God.
i pretty much lost it when i saw the picture of the little girl with unkept hair & dirty clothes eating the egg. still crying actually.
thanks for sharing how God is moving, touching, loving, and restoring everywhere!

Jodi - This post brought tears to my eyes, they are streaming down as I type. Amazing. Even through the pictures, you can feel God’s presence.

Heather - I am a woman of many words, but all I can say to that is “wow!”

Michelle Whitlow - Wow. That’s all I can say. Wow.

cynthia - oh those sweet babies! how awesome…i so want to go.

Small Burst - Aww. This brought tears to my eyes. How amazing those children are, so resilient. Bless you for all that you’re doing.

Julie K. - Weeping.
My favorite pictures from your trip.

Kate - Wow Meg. Great photos and stories. This is the first time I have felt compelled to leave a comment on a blog. First, I applaud you for the work you are doing and what a kind, spiritual, giving person you are. The world needs MANY more people like you. What a beautiful human being and fantastic role model you are. Second, thank you for sharing your stories in such vividness. I felt like I was there and wanted to hug each of those precious children. I want to tell them how proud I am of them for paying such good attention and tell them how special each and every one of them are. This was also the first time I really cried reading a post. I cried because I was proud of all of the volunteers there and how important their work is and to see the good it is doing. I cried for those children…out of sadness for the poverty but out of happiness for their enthusiasm and love for GOD. Your posts have been very humbling. We Americans often have too much stuff. I am not even talking about wealth, just too many material possessions we take for granted. Too many toys, multiple household things we could do without,etc… It is possible to live with so much less and realize that all we need is each other. God provides the rest. 🙂

Jo - My heartaches. My heart is just THUMPING because WE as Americans, are spoiled. We aren’t satisfied with ANYTHING! It takes so much for us to be “happy”. It’s so touching to know that these children are so happy an egg. ONE EGG, one! I understand it’s the way they grew up, but it’s touching. It’s touching to know some don’t have shoes, no clothes, haven’t showered but yet they are giving. I love how you have broke your days up through your posts. I wish I could go and see this, i’m sure it would totally change my life FOR GOOD!

Amy - Tears are in my eyes as I’m looking at these pictures and reading your story. The pictures of praying over the children is awesome. What a great work you guys did there and I know the children will be forever changed by meeting you all!

tara pollard pakosta - this made me cry.
so beautiful. so touching.
so amazing. so humbling. I
wish I could have been there.
thanks for sharing your pictures + words!

Krista - What beautiful children, so content with so little. We could all learn an important lesson. Thanks so much for sharing and a reality check!

Courtney - wow.
i don’t really have words.
this was my favorite post so far…
those kids are so so precious.
thanks for sharing them with us!

Katie - Thanks for sharing that. It brought tears to my eyes.

Jeanne - GORGEOUS…in every single way that matters! This was so truly beautiful! Thank you!

Cori - Thankyou Meg.

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - So beautiful. I don’t know what else to say.

Elizabeth - Thanks for the good cry! And so very perfect during Lent to be reminded of moments like these.

Heather - I can feel Him through your post! I can’t imagine how it felt to be there. Amazing!! Thank you for sharing your journey.

Emily - I don’t even have words to describe all the emotions that were running through me as I read your post and looked through the pictures.

Tegan and Tage - I should have known better than to read this post at work. The rest have been so moving, this was no exception. I can barely keep it together enough to post a comment! Thank you, thank you, thank you. God is using you in some very powerful ways Meg.

Kate - OH meg. I’m weeping. God is so good. God is so lovely. God is so good.

kristen b. - oh megan –
yep. i’m weeping with you. . . the children will get me every time. and i’m sure the praises of children will flood the gates of heaven some day! the Word says “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes” and yet my tears flow so easily for several reasons. one of them being when i am so touched, blessed and humbled by God’s prescence among those less fortunate than us. wow. your experience and pictures should be life changing for all of us — but how do we keep our focus where it needs to be? the material world so easily creeps in and gets me distracted!
and another thing. . .isn’t it simple and just complex too that God is here and there “inhabiting the praises of His people” ?
*i LOVE that picture of the lady praying with the little girl with the wild hair. LOVE IT!
kristen b.

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I’m not usually a teary person, but I welled up. Thanks for posting.

Annie - Another beautiful post! Everyday I’m coming to tears over these posts – everyday God is great – even when the living conditions are now. Thank you for sharing 🙂

Shelly - Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.

Kristy - i’m crying. what an amazing journey for you. thank you so much for sharing.

kbonikowsky - I’ve started to comment many times on all your Africa posts, but then stop, because I keep saying Thank you, thank you! And that gets old…
But, this post made me weep, and I don’t cry, except for missions. I’m completely taken with your journey and your faith and your humility. I know God is blessing you! When people do “missions” for the first time, they are usually struck by the same things: the wealth of the US, the lack of gratefulness in the US, the self-indulgence of the US, heh. (Hasn’t God blessed the US so much?! I love my country!) And they fall in love with God a little more, because they begin to get a glimpse of Jesus’ Father through the lens of “reality.” I can tell you got this too.
How will you do Kansas life different now because you know Africa?

Staci - Goosebumps and tears streaming down my face….can’t even explain how powerful this post was 🙂

Tonya - Oh Meg, I can’t begin to tell you how moved I’ve been this week by your posts about your trip! Thank you for opening your heart and sharing it all with us! I’m so humbled by your images and am praying how God would have me respond.
Thank you!

Robyn - you know. i think im a pretty good person. your story of your journey there… you… make me want to be an even better person.
thank you.

Kelsey I - This is is so touching and as you’ve been saying all along, humbling. I have tears running down my face & I’m so glad that I get to start my day seeing this. I won’t be so concerned with worldly things.. today. Thank you.

Trasie - I have tears streaming down my face that I can’t control at this very moment. What an amazing post you had today and I think this would have been my favorite part too. God is Good and thanks for reminding me today that He has every single one of us in the palm of His hand and that we are all His favorite.
Many Many Blessings!

amy j. - tears. Love the picture of Kari praying with the child.

Meredith - Those precious, precious babies. He knows every hair on their head. Thanks for sharing this Meg.

sara - wow! thank you for sharing such a special experience. just amazing.

Lindsay Thomas - Incredible. Amazing. God is great.

Megan - This really brought tears to my eyes! Those sweet faces and how just 1 egg makes them happy. I will have to share this with my children to get them thinking of how blessed they truly are and to be grateful. Thanks for sharing!

Amanda Jo - Our Lord is so amazing! What an amazing work He is doing in the lives of those people!! Your pictures were beautiful… your story was touching… Thank you for sharing it with us, but, even more so – thank you for sharing Christ with those little ones!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh Meg I am weeping. This post moved me so much. The looks on their face…anxious to hear God’s word and to worship. Priceless! The washing of the feet…so humbling. I am so glad you went. So glad you could come home and share this. It has blessed my heart so much. I feel like I am a different person. Thank you!!! I posted on you today. Check it out if you get a minute.

Deanna - Amazing…..what a great post! It is really making me think about how spolied we are here in America and how other people live EVERY day of their lives. Just amazing.

Tecla - There is NOTHING like church in Africa. There is a spirit there like no other. You will never forget it, and will probably find yourself longing to experience it again!! I have loved following your journey. I went to Mozambique a couple of years ago and am planning to be in Rwanda this summer. A man once told me that while visiting South Africa, he told someone that Americans were praying for them. The South African man replied, “And we pray for you Americans in your abundance, because it allows you to forget to rely on God.” So true.

Queen Bee - I’m speechless. I’m in tears. That was immensely powerful.

Christy - oh my Meg, you got my in tears!! what touching pictures..

shelly - Wow—I was barely ok…until I saw the pictures of the people praying over the children. Absolutely felt God’s hand in those precious pictures! Beautiful children, beautiful experience!

Maria in CT - Wow, the tears just keep coming. Thank you for sharing the beauty.

Sally Mangham - These babies are so sweet! I was reading your blog to my hubby this morning as we were discussing the boiled egg and our daughter’s response. Hmmm…would she eat it? That would be a negative. This brings up the continued dialogue of how to raise my american children to be grateful.
I am so glad that you are back home and I have missed the surprises that you share with us every day. Thank you! I always look forward to your post because they always bring such joy to my world. Thank you!

j - oh man.
A few years ago my family and I had the opportunity to have lunch with a missionary and his wife. The lived in Uganda but had been in Africa for years (they were in Rwanda when it was REALLY bad). They are amazing people. I took them around to some of my favorite places. One was a church in Palm Beach where I often take pictures. The man walked around the church and I’ll never forget what he said. He told me that it always amazed him what Americans thought they needed to worship God. He said that an African wouldn’t need this.
How would we live the other six days of the week if we went to a church like the one you went to every Sunday? Thanks so much for sharing these pictures. I’m sure it was a very personal experience and I really do appreciate you putting them “out there”.

Cate O'Malley - I can see why this was your favorite part. I’ve loved reliving bits and pieces of your trip with you, and this one was my favorite. Humbling indeed. No way would my oldest be satisfied with just a hard-boiled egg. It really makes you appreciate everything we have.

Lanny Stanard - Oh Megan… I love these picture’s they tell the story. I thank you for what you do… I love you for that! God Bless You my Friend 🙂

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - TEARS… again!
(and so nice to see you ‘in front of’ the camera!)

Sarah - wow that was such a beutiful post God bless the ministry team over there. Thank you so much for sharing and putting our lives in perspective.

sara's art house - Wow- amazing- makes me embarrassed for what we have….

Debra - Wonderful!

Kirsten - AWESOME. Totally, totally awesome. In the true, God-is-awesome sense of the word, not the “awesome, dude” sense. What a beautiful time. And the coolest part? That’s what heaven is going to be like, only better.
Thanks so much for sharing!

tess s. - moved me to tears. wow.

kathy b - It’s four AM. My cat woke me up, I couldn’t go back to sleep so here I am reading your blog….with the tears streaming down my face. The photo of all the children praying moved me.
I’m going to turn off this computer and go have a time with this great and loving God of ours and his word.
Kathy b

tara - definitely my FAVOURITE part…so beautiful…~Tara

Maria - just beautiful…I am in tears. - Aidan has the chicken pox right now. As we were walking down the street an elderly African man saw him and starting singing a tribal song, touched him on the head, smiled and walked off. It made me feel so good, just something about that man who clearly had far less “things” than us, but filled with so much than me. It’s odd, I thought your pictures from Africa would make me depressed in some way, guilty for what I have, but they don’t, they make feel good just like the man on the street made me feel. They are filled with a joy for life, thank you for sharing them in just the perfect way!

Cath W - It is good to be kind.
It is good to love.
But is it good to travel to distant lands, introducing your own beliefs and saying “this is the truth”? The Aboriginal people of Australia had their ‘Dreamtime’ stripped away and now mostly live a nightmare.
What of the African beliefs before white man introduced HIS idea of ‘God’?
I know you are doing your best within your own faith, but I feel sad and confused by your images.

Mary Beth - Awesome Meg..thank you for sharing your pictures and thoughts with us. Those precious faces and hearts full of love and gratitude. So very humbling and convicting! You will never be the same and hopefully neither will we.

Rebecca Smith - I just have to tell you that I as I read this in my Google reader, my heart is swelling to hug each of those kids. I get lost in each post as if I’m in Africa with you. Thank you for that. Thank you for being obedient to Jesus and going. Thank you for reminding me that life is more about crafting, and sewing, and home decorating. As I finished your post and scrolled to the next one titled “new desk accessories”, I couldn’t even read it. It seemed so pointless and meaningless to me now. I mean, a hard boiled egg… they stuck around for a hard boiled egg. And here I am trying to accessorize my desk.
puts things in perspective, huh?

Christina - I don’t even know what to say. How warped my thinking is…I sit in my nice house, feeling so sad that we have a roach problem (sorry if that is too much info…that is what I am dealing with these days. Gross.) while you have seen the God of the universe amidst poverty and in the eyes of children who barely have shoes.
Those cheeks! The sleeping, just laid out…that’s universal, isn’t it? So sweet. I bet their singing was just awesome. A group of children that come from a village in East Africa sang at our church recently. Most of the songs were nice songs that they sang in English, and they danced. But the last song was a tribal song, a worship song in their native language, and they were amazing. Really alive! It was by far my favorite…I would love to worship like that. Anyway, thank you for sharing these images and your journey, and the way God has shown himself to you.

Leah - Great job Meg! Such little punkins! Do you think they fall asleep because they are at peace there? That happens with some of our kids at our childrens ministry clubs. I could totally be reading into it…but thats what it reminded me of. They are so sweet!

Cara Kapp - I’m crying just reading this. I live in South Africa (Cape Town, Kommetjie). You are a very brave women to go there and help them. I love reading your blog and come here everyday to see if there is something new.

Wendy - amazing, touching post.

Betsy - SO amazing! Those sweet faces … watching, praying, smiling, sleeping. My favorite is the little one, asleep sitting up, because just a few pictures before, you see her dancing & singing! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

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