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gettin’ crafty outside

its so much easier to let the kids be messy….outside.
the pressure is off…spills are ok…hardly any clean up involved.
i envisioned this activity to be with my five children outside in the sunshine having a family time.
one kid went to a friends, one kid was too cool, one kid was doing who-knows-what and
two other children were at our house to play.
so i dyed eggs with talby and annie and their friends.
it was just as fun as what i had planned out….go with the flow…no big deal.

i have been a mother for 15 years and this was my first time to dye eggs with my kids by myself.

that is nuts.

and i had to google….how to hard boil eggs.

i am such a dork.

so i hard boiled 36 eggs…flawlessy i might add…because thanks to google…i am a pro now.

and filled cups with dye from the packs at the grocery store….

and made memories with my kids…and their two friends.

loving the bright colors.
i could have a really good time by myself doing this!  

i was dipping my egg in the pink
and talby's friend looked at me funny and i said "what?"
she said "your egg is my drink."
yes…i put my egg in her pink lemonade.


this one was a happy accident.  
they called it the spider web egg.

talby is probably saying "can you believe my mom stuck her egg in your drink?!"

and i forgot to say "don't get your fingers in the dye" so now my girls will 
have red and green hands for easter day.

and i am getting really wild and making deviled eggs for easter lunch!

look out world…meg knows how to hard boil things now.
who knows what i might do next!

chris - mom of five for almost 29 years, and NEVER did it! before you have me beheaded, i always had a sweet neighbor (sans kids) who loved to do it! bliss! i babysit a darling little korean girl who grew up loving to gut the pumpkins at halloween~kept her busy and me happy for many years! i thought all of these photos were wonderful, but the one that really cracked me up was where you could see the dog looking longingly out the screen door!

Courtney Walsh - oh my gosh. i forgot to dye eggs this year!! how did that happen??? these look perfect! i love the really bright ones! 🙂

JustMommer - Hint for next year, for younger kids, slip the boiled egg inside a wisk and they can hold the handle and dip into the dye.

Julie - I could come steal that daisy bowl.
I make my mom dye eggs with the kids.
I can’t do it. Just can’t.
You are rad.
The end.

Holly - Oh Meg, you crack me up!! I love reading your post 🙂 And dying the eggs outside…. totally brilliant!! Why didn’t I think of that?!

Michele Renee - OK, I must be weird because I have made egg salad about a thousand million times since I was a teenager.

johnnie - I have to pull out my Red/White checkered Betty Crocker cookbook to look up the directions each time too!
I always loose half the eggs while boiling due to cracking open. Im at a 2:1 ratio on survivors!

kristine - i had to google how to hardboil too! i remember watching a rachael ray show when she was joking with a guest about, “oh but i’m sure you can at least hard boil an egg!” and i was thinking how glad i was that i wasn’t the guest b/c i would have had to say “actually….” and i thought for sure she would just give the two step directions but she didn’t!
the lcd screen on my camera broke last week! boo! fortunately i bought the accidental warranty so i don’t have to pay BUT they kept it for three weeks! so no easter pics. i KNEW you’d have great ones of eggs on here! i love all the colors!

adrianne - I love your daisy bowl.
(I also love the picture with Waffle in the house looking out at all the fun…forlorn…)

brooke - don’t feel so bad…the first time i tried to hard boil eggs for my daughter i boiled all the water and then carefully dropped the cold eggs into the boiling water…went back to check 5 minutes later and had a pot full of shells and boiled egg guts…ha!
but as we speak i am googling a recipe for egg salad as i have way too many hard boiled eggs for a party of three!!
having a seven year old too i laughed out loud at your putting your egg in talby’s friend’s drink and then snickering about it…love these little mishaps as it will be what is remembered the most about that day…

Susie - My favorite picture is the one with Waffle in the door in the background!

susan - it’s fun to let the kids make a mess! we love doing our eggs too! hope you had a beautiful Easter!

Jessie Westfall - Found your blog through my friend Jody and I must tell you that I too had to google hard boiling my first time. I LOVE dying eggs and I even buy the clearanced out dye so we can do it anytime we want. It makes for great colorful healthy snacks for the kids. Glad it all went well for you.

Tiffany Feger - you make a regular thing look so inviting! i took pics of my kids outside too, but not like that.

amanda fuentes - Ha ha, I recently had to google how to hard boil eggs too! We did our eggs last night – out of a dozen only 8 made it after dropping and cracking while boiling!

tami reed - Happy Easter looks like you guys are having a great time! My kids decorated eggs too lol.

Kirsten - Ah!!! Love Waffle peeking out the door – gosh, that looks so perfect…we were inside, with pouring rain and 30mph winds howling. Pink lemonade, to boot…like a picture postcard. With dyed fingers 🙂

Willy Van Os - Happy Easter!

bobbie - I did it by myself with my two girls and our baby tonight. I was so nervous but it went great! I gave the baby a lollipop (ha!) to keep her happy in her high chair and the girls and I just went to work. It was the cleanest and funnest egg dye I’ve ever done. I used gel food dye colors mixed with vinegar and water and we got the best colors! Even better than pink lemonade! 🙂

Christy - Too funny, because here I sit at nearly 9pm to google how long to cook the eggs. Hoping to dye with my munchkin tomorrow b/f our family comes for dinner. 🙂 Looks like you created everlatsing memories & lots of eggs! Happy Esater!

Christina - The lemonade story is priceless.
About hard boiling eggs…first of all, a couple of days ago my oldest wanted hard boiled eggs so I put the water on to boil, it came to a boil, and then I remembered you are supposed to put it all in together and bring to a boil. I cracked one egg putting it in, from the heat, and the other I think cooked in three seconds.
Then yesterday I made some new, the right way, and when they were done I changed the hot water for cold and set them on the stove to cool. I was going to put them in the fridge for another time. Way to plan ahead! I left the house with the kids for six hours, and came back to find them still sitting on the stove. Nice.
You are still the coolest mom around.

julia - I used to have to have things a certain way…then I had my third…I’m learning to go with the flow too.

karen - Oh Waffle…i bet you would have loved to be out there and make a mess out of it all!!

kathy b - One year, as a preschool director, I hard boiled over 300 eggs. I learned the hard way that the same rules don’t apply for cooking eggs at that volume. They dyed just fine but one child dropped an egg out of his basket on the way out the door and we discovered they were not cooked but still runny.We had to quickly put a warning sign up for the rest of the parents,” eggs are not to be eaten, just decorative”. Everyone has an egg story.
Kathy b

Amy - I have been hard boiling eggs for years and just when I think they are perfect I crack them open and they are either raw or the shell won’t come off! (not to make you paranoid or anything) I put my eggs on to boil today, began talking college choices with my daughter and burned them. They look alright but I’m sure they aren’t inside! ah well, the dogs will have a happy easter!

Tanya H - confession: I have been a mother for nearly 8 years and this is the first time I have dyed eggs with my kids by myself. I had to call my mom to find out how to hard-boil eggs. Fabulous. 😀

Sharley McMullen - Next year try dyeing brown eggs, Our Western magazine called Sunset showed a picture, so my grandchildren and I tried it the eggs come out a deep rich jewel tones, do have to leave them in the dye a bit longer. Glad you learned to boil eggs!!
I assume you brought them to a boil, cover and turn off and let sit for 14mins and then submerge in an ice bath till cold?

Laurie, from Maryland - I’ve got a few cool kids of my own (20, 17, and 11), who frequently don’t feel like doing what I’ve planned. I try to enjoy whoever shows up, without being mad at those who don’t. Not always easy. I’ve noticed that when my oldest is home from college, she seems more eager to do things with the family, though. I guess there’s hope!

Kate - Hi! Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment!
If you have a mom egg dyeing party – I am so there!

`Kelly - Congratulations on learning to hard boil eggs! 🙂
I have two handy egg decorating tips that I learned this year and just have to share. Tip #1 – If you use a whisk to hold your egg instead of a spoon or those little dipper things that come in the box, hands stay clean and eggs are less likely to break. It does mess up your whisk a little but I decided I’m going to stock up on good wire whisks from thrift stores this year and stick them with our Easter stuff to use next year. It worked wonderfully. Tip #2 – use mason jars instead of cups. It just looks really cool 🙂

linda lou - meg you should of called i would of decorated eggs with you girls! (: they are beautiful…
happy easter to you and your family.

Diana - p.s. LOVE Waffle looking out the door… TOO cute! LOL!

Diana - no way! really?!?! i never woulda guessed you hadn’t done this. but remember, you do so much OTHER stuff with them. and now you have done THIS, and had so much FUN, right? {get out your craft stuff… glitter, bits of fabric, buttons, ribbon, all those neat things, and let them fancy their eggs up… regular glue works, or tacky glue, or your hot glue gun thingy… my grandkids LOVE doing that}
gonna google the deviled eggs recipe, too? {i have a good one if you need it… i make deviled eggs all the time… you let me know, i can send it tonight when we get back from family bbq}

meaghan - i totally googled it too…

anna. - I’m a stalker and former super-mean-to-my-mom teenager. I sure hope that kid isn’t being too hard on you. I could just kick myself when I look back at my nasty attitude. Too cool is something we all regret. Wishing you love and kindness for your holiday weekend.

amy j. - I did the same thing. Thank goodness for Google.

a-m - We’re just about to do the same thing now! We’re going to try rolling the eggs in a mixture of olive oil and food colouring after their first dunking this year. If it works I’ll post the results, if not well I’ll try and show willing!
a-m x

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - You are not the only egg Googler out there…I had to do the same thing yesterday. 🙂
Poor Waffle looked like he wanted in on the action. He would look cute dyed a nice shade of Easter egg pink. 🙂

Lori - Am I the only one that noticed Waffle in the background of the one picture? I bet he was wishing he could join in the fun! 🙂 Too cute!

Michelle B. - Toooo funny about putting your egg in her lemonade! That really makes me laugh! Your egg pictures turned out fantastic!

Julie - I can’t stop laughing (out loud, mind you) about the pink lemonade… and then the picture of the afterwards. Oh, HOW FUNNY! And that’s not good, considering I had the stomach flu two days ago and my ribs HURT. But I laugh anyways, because that is soooo funny! I can totally see myself doing that.
And eggs… I only boil them once a year–for Easter. So I have to google it EVERY year. At least you are considering yourself a pro now!
PS: I am making baked french toast for brunch tomorrow. CAN’T WAIT. My husband is so excited (so am I). It’s been too long. I am going to try to tweak it a bit, since my youngest son is allergic to eggs. Apparently you can make french toast with bananas instead of eggs. Who knew! I googled that, too. Sounds yummy enough, but man, I am going to miss the real thing. My youngest is 3 now, so he’s at an age where we can’t just always serve him something “special”–he’s starting to feel really left out.

Christine - I have been reading your blog for a few months now and just love it so much! Thanks for sharing your beautiful images and thoughts. It is funny as I was dying eggs yesterday with my boys I thought about you because of the rainbow of bright colors – I thought: I bet she LOVES this! So I had to laugh when you said it was your first time to do it with the kids. LOVE that you put the egg in the lemonade. LOL Funny how things don’t turn out like how we have them in our heads, but they always turn out, don’t they?

jeanne - All I have are brown eggs…how do you think they will turn out:-) I love that you dipped your egg in her drink…so me.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I can’t believe you’d never hard boiled an egg! You are so funny. Those were great pics. We do ours tonight. It’s one of my fav things to do. I did it every year growing up and it’s just one of my best memories. Happy Easter to ya Meg:)

Tanya - In her lemonade! Ah that is TOO funny! Happy Easter!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - C is 5 and has never dyed eggs before. It always gets away from me. But this year, I took the plan one step further and bought the dye tablets and an extra dozen eggs! Except…tomorrow is the Big Day and the eggs are still white.
Also – are you Meg or Megan? I feel so strange not knowing for sure. I definitely want to say the right name in my head when I talk to myself about you.
(Kinda creepy, I know.)

Dianne - Looks like you had a lovely time 😉

holly - i have to look up how to hard boil eggs EVERY single time I make them! 🙂 I love the picture of the dog looking out the window at you & the kids dying eggs. so sweet.
my mom is here visiting for a few days…. we had a great time catching up yesterday. She confided to me that she accidentally put desitin on her toothbrush (thinking it was toothpaste) & put it in her mouth. HYSTERICAL. I almost peed in my pants I was laughing so hard.
have a happy Easter!

Susan - Love the eggs but I am most impressed with your hard boiling skills! I am 50 and I have been hard boiling eggs for 40 of those years and I have never had a perfect batch…EVER! I am off to google this right now. Have a happy Easter!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I woke up this morning wondering whether we were going to empty the eggs or boil them. Mine always crack. So now I know I can google it and the decision is made. Thanks. Wish it were warm enough here to do it outside. Still snow in the backyard. The Easter Bunny always has such a hard time of it.

callie grayson - awesome!!!
The smile on Talby’s face is the greatest!! Your kids will remember all the fun you do with them.
Let us know how the deviled eggs tun out!!

gina - oh yeah we dyed 7 packs of eggs yesterday and we all have colored hands. 🙂 Have a VERY happy Easter!!

candace - Fun stuff I miss dying eggs – we did it almost every year growing up. And in the south you learn to hard boil eggs as a youngster – I think that deviled eggs are the admission ticket to potlucks.
Have a happy Easter!

kristi rediske - Love all the Easter egg decorating pictures-I did that with my kids for years-they are grown now and I miss it. I especially love the picture where the dog is in the doorway looking out-to cute. What a great family you have-God has blessed you!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - this is just funny stuff. love it.

shelly - I couldn’t hard boil eggs until last week either! How nuts! We just never needed them…if we did my mom always made them.
It looks like everyone had a blast 🙂 the dyed fingers should be faded by Sunday…when my oldest was little, he had to sing at church with crazy egg dye fingers-Lovely-mother of the year for sure!

Kirsten - my family will only eat eggs if they are scrambled, so i have to google how to hard-boil eggs every easter, too. so you’re not the only dork! and every year, my mom cracks a few and i do not. i’m so glad i learned how to boil eggs from google and not my mom.
looks like a blast! i love it that you dipped one in the lemonade. that is awesome! (and something i would totally do).

Jill - So cute! That looks like a lot of fun for the kids that were there. 🙂

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i am so weak.

it was finally more than i could take.
they were calling me from the easter candy isle for a month and i finally gave in.
i am weak.

i bought the smallest bag.
but i ate the whole thing….over three days.

robin eggs are my fav.

and now they are gone and that is out of the way.
i am out to door to exercise.  

see ya.

Courtney Walsh - I’m not sure why I decided it would be a good idea to try and go on a sugar fast the day after Easter. I am weak too…and the kids’ robin eggs and cadbury mini eggs are calling my name from behind the cupboard door in the kitchen!!

Michelle Whitlow - I loooove Robin eggs. They’re my fave, too!! Every time one of my kids gets one, they say “it’s your favorite mommy!” That and Cadbury eggs….

Tara Caspar - Omi… I LOVE the Robin eggs. They are my favorite of all Easter candy! I get the “mini” ones so I can have one yummy bite, and they last longer. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. 🙂 It’s Easter, enjoy!

Kristi - Mine are the Cadbury Mini Eggs. I bought a bag for my daughter’s Easter basket, but it’s ok because the only other candy I got for her were Peeps, and I HATE those. Did you know they actually have a cookbook out for Peeps???

Kathryn Goertzen - I did the SAME thing . . . smallest bag possible . . . malted milk eggs . . . ate the whole bag . . . before I got home!! (I do live several miles out in the country)

Leigh - Robin eggs are the best!!! Now I’m really craving them…

Melanie - I am trying to cut back on sugar but it is hard. I haven’t had a coke in about a week but it is calling me tonight and I am giving in:(
Happy Easter.

Heather - Oh, how this post made me laugh!
Way too close to home 🙂

Trish - i did the same thing with peanut butter m&m’s the kids will never know they were suppose to be in there basket! ugh

meaghan - WEAK?!?! SERIOUSLY!?!? you went WEEKS w/o sweets! i can’t make it a day! you go girl…eat that chocolate!

Tara - the Reese’s peanut butter eggs have been the death of me this year.

Thea - I love those robin eggs too! They are such a weakness…let’s face it…any chocolate is a weakness for me! Enjoy your day! God bless and Happy Easter!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Let’s see… I had a piece of pizza, a chocolate shake and a blueberry pancake today. So I think a little bag of candy isn’t too bad:) Walk it off girl!

Lisa - I can’t even tell you how many peanut butter eggs I had this week. It would gross you out!

sara's art house - OK- I admit- I totally copied you and went and wrote some verses on my chalkboard wall in colored chalk just like you. And then I posted a close-up pic of my jellybeans and I come here and see your cute bowl of robin’s eggs….great minds think alike 🙂
We are devouring our jelly bellies.

Sharla - Jolly Rancher jelly beans. Enough said 🙂

Dianne - You’re better than me…I just bought two bags each of reeses eggs and mini eggs…I’m SO weak!

tasha roe - those are my favorite too!! i cant buy them though….those and cadburry eggs. sigh. i am a sucker for seasonal/holiday candy – candy corn, conversation hearts, robin eggs. i know myself too well…i would have eaten that tiny bag in one sitting. you did good!

Dana Banana - ME TOO!! Robin Eggs are the bomb! (have only eaten part of a bag….so far)

Karina - LOL, I’m eating peanut butter chipits as I read this – too lazy even to eat the chocolate you’re supposed to eat, I go straight for the ingredients in the pantry! You are so not alone in this. And no, my pants from last summer do not fit. I must also get out and exercise – good for you for actually doing it, not just talking about it.

Laura - OMG Meg! I LOVE robin eggs too!
I bought them yesterday afternoon and ate 2/3 of the bag. The remaining eggs are calling me from the desk drawer, where I hid them from the rest of the family! I’m trying to ignore them! I might have to give in though… just to get it over with!
I’m SO glad I’m not the only one!

Tonya - oh they’re my fave too! i didn’t buy any this year….mainly b/c i never saw them! 😉

merlin - I can’t believe the timing of this post.
Just last night I had to explain to my husband and teenager how chocolate can talk, it speaks to me, serenading me into poor choices. It must. I don’t understand it, but I hear it through the cupboard door and the wall….”I’m here, all sweet deliciousness, just for you, I am here for you, melting sugary goodness, all for you”
I have a battle, arguing with the chocolate “no, not for me, you are for a specific purpose” and yet that chocolate sweet talks its way into my mouth. And then I am left wondering what happened, how did the empty wrapper get there, because I certainly had no intention of eating chocolate that was meant for somebody else. Yes, I told them sitting there looking at me incredulously, while I tried to explain the empty wrapper, “I have decided the devil lives in chocolate, that is how he disguises himself and I am so, so very weak.” “OK Mom, the devil’s in the chocolate” replies my teen, not sounding convinced.

Tegan and Tage - Easter candy is pure evil. EVIL!
And delicious.

Kelly - My mom bought Easter candy for us when she was here THREE weeks ago but wanted us to save it till Easter for an Easter basket since we wouldn’t be together. I had to hide that bag I tell you and I am sooo looking forward to it on Sunday!! 🙂 Kelly

Jessica Reed - I have the same problem… I love the cream filled Cadberry eggs. hmm…yumm… Thankfully they are TOO sweet… it takes me the whole week to finish off the pack of three. 🙂

Jennifer - My favorite is Dove Truffle Eggs. I went to 3 stores before I found them. *THAT* is weak. 🙁

Jill - They are my favorite, too! It’s just once a year, enjoy them. Though if you like malted milk balls, try to find Cadbury’s Maltesers one day. They’re English, and are absolutely fantastic.

Annie - At least you’re excercising! I keep telling my butt I need to do something, but alas – no working out for me. Instead I bought dark chocolate truffles 🙁

Ariel - I too ate the whole bag…in 24 hrs. You are stronger that I am when it comes to those little eggs….thank goodness they are gone now!

Christy - Chicks & bunnies for me, only Brach’s brand (like circus peanuts). I must eat them every Easter oh & Reese’s PB eggs, chilled. I can’t help it.

Mary - They have an Easter isle (as in island) at your store? How wonderful!

Lori - I am the same way with candy corn at Halloween. I have to buy a bag and eat it until I feel sick, then I am done! Otherwise, I spread it out and end up eating way more. At least, that’s my justification. Happy Easter!

Jennifer - I have a terrible problem with the Reece’s Peanut Butter Eggs!!!

Lorilee - I adore Robin’s Eggs too! I have bought several bags. Luckly, I usually just eat 4 or 5 every few days.

Paige - Mine are the Cadbury mini eggs…..just walk away. If I buy a bag, they are gone! Immediately!

Nicolle W. - my favorite too! One of the reasons I always look forward to Easter….

Esther Harper - oh my dear, I can totally relate but mine is marshmallow peeps…lol

Lee Ann - You are so NOT alone!

Amy - oh I know how you feel. I am glad the big Cadbury creme eggs only come in singles (don’t tell me about the smaller pack, i know). I love, love , love those things!

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clean craft room…again

it was closing in on me.
it had to be cleaned.
a little rearranging…letting in some more sunshine…sweeping…tossing…reorganizing.
the yellow cart became shelves…the top of the lockers were put to good use…a chandelier was hung.
the chandelier used to be in our bedroom but when we made the new closet walls
we forgot to make a place for it.
so it's been in a box for a year…thank goodness it's not anymore.

look….clean counters!  

the window to the right was blocked so i scooted the lockers down and let the sun shine in!

IMG_6770  IMG_6790
i finally hung the hooks on my door.
i was waiting till i painted the trim and the door with real paint instead of just primer. 
then i thought "who the heck cares….it's MY craft room!" so i hung them up.
IF i ever get that door painted i will just take the hooks off.

i hung my little red shelf that i have had stuck in a box since moving from illinois.
it's the perfect shelf to hold the chalk. 
and bottle caps from africa.
and suckers for kids who come in my room to draw on the walls. 


IMG_6787  IMG_6774

happy stacks of fabric ready to be made into pillows.  

best place ever.

                                                                             here's little craig in kindergarten… 70's sweetness.
that bulletin board has special art from the girls.
in the drawing made in red marker….that large woman with no legs next to the skinny man…that's ME.

it's such a happy space.
makes me want to breathe big deep sighs of loveliness. 
i want to be in here all day long.

but that big crazy family of mine expect so much of me…meals, laundry, groceries, car rides, sports!!!
when is a girl supposed to get crafty?!


i find time.
i just wish there was more time in the day.
last night i thought "i'm so tired but i am ticked that i have to sleep…i'd rather just go go go"
but my bed is so comfy that i quickly fell asleep
(and had totally bizarre dreams by the way….
in my dream someone said to me "you are not white trash!  you are so far from it!"  
i woke up and thought "what the what?!")

well anyway…if you need me…i'll be in the craft room.

Egor - next year, i hope you add september’s (indian lakes) to the list. they have a bleu cehsee-stuffed burger that is excellent. btw, i do hope to ping you once the weather gets nice to check out the stump smoker.~ carpetbagger

Louie Cunningham - Ooh, your craft room is looking good! Keeping things clean and organized can be a little hard, but when you see results like that, you can’t help but work hard to make sure that things are kept in such a state. Well, invest in ways to store some of that stuff later on to prevent an accumulation of clutter!

carpet cleaning lakewood wa - Cleaning up our closets means cleaning the clutter and all stuff that are scattered. This is a routine that we have to maintain in order for us to be able to have the cleanliness that we deserve. hanks a lot for sharing your points of view with us. Keep up the good work

Rachel Ridd - You literally have the best craft room that I have ever seen. Please share where all of the inspiration came from. Is it things that you have been collecting over time? It looks like a room of things that you love.

Morning T - WOWEE…I am in awe of your craft room, it’s absolutely incredible!
Love your blog and your Easter egg adventures were too cute…adding you to my blog roll so I can keep up with you.
Happy Easter to you and your sweet family Meg!!

kelly - Love the room…so fun and filled with bits and pieces and it made me want to jump in there and get crafty. I can so relate, I have been trying to clean my bead table for a month, thanks for the incentive!

Carolyn Ruth - I can’t even tell you how jealous I am of your craft room! I LOVE it! Even when it’s messy, I wish it were mine. Although that’s actually true of your whole house…I have looked at the pics of your house many times. 🙂

Vera - I have to admit – I covet your craft room. I LOVE it! It’s about the size of my living room, and my craft room is a table and a dresser in our dining room ha! But just looking at your pictures was the inspiration I needed to finish sewing my kids’ Easter outfits.

Magchunk - I love how colorful and just packed to the gills your craft room is! It is bursting with creativity. After this post I just want to color, sew, stamp, cut, and glue!

Traci - i just love your craft room. all the treasures and vintage goodies. all the light. and most of all, all the love!!

Melanie - That room makes me smile as I know that it does you too! Happy Easter.

Kellie Dugan - Love the room Meg! It looks just like your pillows. So fun and vintage looking. I am glad you enjoyed your trip and I have enjoyed your pictures. Will be back tomorrow! Thanks for the daily inspiration.

Ann at the Handley Bungalow - Hi Meg! Being the 84th to comment, I doubt you’ll see this but I just had to say how much I LOVE your craft space and every wonderful, perky thing in it! The pictures of it alone are uplifting. You are such a creative gal and I know you inspire many, including me for sure! Hope you have a wonderful Easter! XO Ann

sara's art house - Oh my goodness! Your chalkboard wall is gorgeous- I am so going to erase all my white words and add colored chalk!!!! Love it. Love the verse.

Rachel - The bird with a french fry poster is awesome! My daughter and I have a spot where we park and throw fries to pigeons; they land all over the car and we laugh until our bellies hurt. Weird dream! Speaking of weird dreams, my daughter woke up the other day and said, “Mommy, I dreamed you were feeding me washcloths for breakfast and I didn’t want them but you said don’t waste the food you made.” Wonder what that says about me? 😉

DreamGirlLisa - I sooooo LOVE your craft room! I need to make mine more colorful like yours, although is just a mini version, it could be a lot more inspiring. I’ll keep looking at your pictures and maybe I’ll get to it…when I have time. I totally get the not wanting to waste time sleeping 🙂

kristine - looks fantastic (once again)! good for you!

TheBookworm - Lovely room!
Oh how I wish I could get you to decorate for me. Or at least make me a few things…pillows, blankets, etc!

kathy b - If my spare space could look pretty instead of just junky I would indulge myself an area for crafting. You manage to impart that prettyness to your area.
It makes me chuckle to recognize some familiar pieces of chenile. At my house they just kept getting moved around without ever being made into anything. They just made me feel guilty. I hope they don’t create any guilt in you!
Kathy b

Jennifer - Meg, Where do you buy your pom pom trim?

Lori - I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your craft room. Love the happy colors, love the detail 🙂 - I want to live in that craft room:)

christine - AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah Ann - If this is really your craft room, I am SO jealous!
And I love your blog 🙂 Now following!

gina - i want to spend all day long in there too!!

Sarah W. - Long time lurker…first time commenter!
I love love love your crafting room! It’s so adorably cute and I love the chalkboard wall. Seriously, like krystall said, could you come and do my house! I love it! 🙂

krystall - Can you come to Texas and make my house feel as fun and warm as yours? I bet when people walk into your home they feel the LOVE, I do from here.
Good job! I’m inspired to make our home more fun for my kiddos.

Julie - Great job! Yours is so colorful and fun. I just redid mine…you can see it at

Jenn - yummy!!!!

rhonda - Meg, Great photos. So artistic. You have inspired me to finish up my craft room/office. LOL at your dream. I had a wierd dream where I was looking for a date for the prom……until I remembered, “oh wait, I’m married” where did that come from. have a great day.

Kate - Ok. That’s it. I am getting in my car and driving over… AZ isn’t too far, right? LOL. Have a great day!

Gemma - Wow I LOVE your craft room…everything just looks so shabby chic and pretty! Wish I could come around and play : )
If you get the chance I would love it if you guys took a peek at my blog…
Gemma X

Sami Melton - it is amazing how happy pom poms make me 🙂

Bec - I’m pretty sure we have the same cutting board 😉 And I was having weird dreams until a wild pack of dogs decided to wake us up at 1:30 am and scare the bejeeze out of us.

Karina - I agree with what purejoy said. Simply lovely.

jen - I absolutely love it! It IS so happy! Love the stuff you added – so very cute!

Rebekah - Someday. Someday I will have a craft space like this. I love it!

Gwyn Rosser - Fun, Fun, Fun !!! I just love all the happy in your craft room — all the color is so inspiring.
Gotta run — I’m all inspired to clean my own craft room. 🙂
Gwyn Rosser @ The Pink Tractor

Amber P - You have my dream craft room! I love it! Love your dream! 🙂

Cate O'Malley - such a happy space – love it! and love the stack of fabric ready for pillows – ’cause i need your pillows!

Annie - I simply adore this room – it’s fabulous! I’m also cracking up over your dream – priceless 🙂

traci - Pretty darn sure your craft room is THE BEST i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV IT!!!!!!!!!

Staci - Wowweeee 🙂 Great job!!! That room makes ME happy….and it’s not even mine….annnnd I can’t even sew 🙂 Simply FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! Have a blessed Holy Thursday 🙂

Tara - awesomeness. pure awesomeness.

ruthi - that was fun!

Kristi - Beautiful and inspiring room! I often get discouraged that I have to go to sleep. There’s just so much I want to do. I guess that’s why kids don’t like to sleep. 🙂

Tara - I love EVERYTHING about your craft room…
love, love, love

Lanny Stanard - I feel so much better… Sure would love to come and play! give waffle a hug for me 🙂

corrie - heavenly!!!!!!!!!! what a lovely space to create in! I always find cleaning the craft room is so hard to find time for because it’s time I could be sewing, quilting or doing something creative! you’ve done a lovely job!
happy to swap spaces anytime:)

Meredith - A pocketful of sunshine, Meg. It’s so important to have a happy place to “escape” to far from the maddening crowd.

LouBoo - Hello Megan. Your craft room is just de-lovely. I would want to play in there all night too. But sleep is important so, even with the strange dreams, it was probably the best choice 😉 LB x

Kyleigh - Lions and tigers and bears OH MY! I love it. I want one… it’s so happy! Enjoy!

linda lou - meggie it’s me again when i say i’d take the chandelier off your hands i mean i’d buy it$$
within reason unless its got true meaning in your life (: my aunt gave me her’s out of her new build home over 20yrs ago and it has hung in two different diningrooms so if i move from here it goes with me and i hope its not the nursing home ): lindalou

Maria - ok, 3 things:
1. Can I move into your craft room?
2. ‘what the what?’…lol, this is a new saying in our home after ds4 repeated after hearing it…his version was hilarious
3. did I mention I love your craft room? sigh. those red lockers!

Jenna - Are you selling these upcoming pillows on etsy?? I want a pillow so badly 🙂

Diana - what did you toss?? what?! i want it!
ahhhh, sunshine, mmmmmmmmm!

linda lou - meggie i’ll take the chandiler (sp) off your hands?? i cleaned today w/my daughter in law and you need sunglasses it so clean….
linda lou

amanda fuentes - I have 3 of the little red/white polka dot boxes I spyed on top of a pile in one of the pics.. 50% off Vday clearance! I love them! I NEED one of those red/white polka dot bags hanging on your still needs to be painted door.. 🙂 Red and white polka dots are my favorite!

peta - oh I heart heart heart your special crafting space. such carefully placed INTERESTING and unique pieces. Mine is so bland and looks like it stepped out of a flat-packed store (because it has). I am inspired to go thrifting and paint some chalkboard paint on something!
thanks for sharing. i could look at pictures of the corners of your home all day long.
Happy Easter!

Sally Mangham - Love the hooks on the door. I also LOVE the littl red shelf. Too cute!

amy jupin - LE SIGH!
you’re killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i look at these pics and i see so many of the same things i have. are we total twinkies or what?

Lynn - Oh I love love love your space! How fantastic! Where did you get the print that says “Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry”? I love that!

candace - what a fun space!

Tere - I’m in love…..

Emily - I agree! You are SO far from white trash!
(I’ve been having odd dreams myself)
You have inspired me to put more love (and color!) into my little craft area. I love your red shelf. And the chalkboard. And the cherry tea towel hanging on your cabinet. (Reminds me of mine, Seems we all love lots about your lovely little room!
And if I lived anywhere near you, I would love to come and sit in your craft room with you while you sew and we could talk and I would have a lollypop. (:

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Best place Evah. I still adore that white/green chippy cabinet with the pink felt flower thingys. And your verse. And your “I am here to serve with JOY”. Oh, and your dream. From one crazy dreamer to another – good one. 🙂

Trasie - UUUMMM If I promise to pick up after myself can I come and live in your craft room?

sharron - a happy happy place.. i loved my visit.

Kelly - lovely! Thanks for showing us. I have the exact same thoughts about having to sleep but unfortunately I’m not sleeping well these days at 8 1/2 months pregnant. 🙁 Kelly

Shara - I wanna live in your craft room! I’ll help you make pillows!

jen - I was thinking to myself, I wish that I had a craft room like Meg’s. The funny thing is that I could have one–not a beautiful light-filled one (it’s in the basement) but I could MAKE IT NICE if I ever made the time to paint the drywall, to hang stuff up, to out in some storage and a couple of tables…IT’S UP TO ME. And I am inspired by your room.

nella paper studio - this looks like the perfect place to create something bright and fun! Love the chandelier.

Rebecca Reynolds - As much as I love to sleep, I too, wish I didn’t need to. It just takes up so much time! 🙂

susan wilson - Fun seeing the Snap on Tools holder in your pictures. You purchased that at my garage sale a couple of years ago. I orginally bought it at Round Top in Texas.

Valley - Oh *sigh….
You make me dreamy!!
Looking forward to getting my hands on some of your pillows….always a day late….lol and usually a dollar short…it’s that stay at home mom thing! Hehehe
Happy Easter!!

patti - so lovely. i’m watching the clock waiting, just waiting for the play room to become my craft room. my kids are only 5 and 2 1/2 – i think i’m going to be watching the clock for a very, very long time. but it’ll be worth the wait when i get there! 🙂 have a wonderful weekend and easter!!

Marie - I want your craft room;) It’s lovely. And you literally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD! I feel ya…I have so many things to sew and paint! When my hubby came home from work today and asked what we were having for dinner, I cheerfully replied, “leftovers”! (Cause, ya know, microwave=more time to craft!) He’s not as enthusiastic about that as I am…? Time to go all out and plug in the crock pot! 🙂

purejoy - dude. i would never leave. i’d leave to go menus by the phone and tell my family to order carry out. i’d put in a cot. and a coffee maker. and a portapotty. seriously. never leave. i’d order in a basin of water and take sponge baths and open up windows when the stank of me got too bad. geesh. what a perfect room. it made me want to go thrifting. ohmyword. i was in heaven for just a second.

Sarah@Clover Lane - ooooooh…house pics….you know how i feel about looking at your house. i’ll take any glimpse i can get.

Jill - Cleaning a craft room is so fun. I love the rediscovery of goodness, the promise of crafts to come. Thank you so much for sharing your space.

Amy Lynne - I cannot wait to have a craft room again! Yours is just beautiful and so cheery! Love it!

AshleyAnn - So it is breaking a Ten Commandment to covet your neighbors wife….is it still breaking a commandment if you are coveting your online friend’s craft room? Just curious.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Your creative space is so fun and colorful. I LOVE THAT CARD…a bird with a french fry. It just cracks me up:)

JustMommer - i know it’s a sin, but I covet your craft room!

Julie - this looks like such a fun place!!! thanks for sharing!

sandy toe - It is a very happy place!
Sandy toe

lifeologia - Great room. So inspirational. I want one just like it 😉
– your new fan from

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - Oh, it is just lovely!

Rachel - What a great room! Now, can you spare some time to come and help me clean my space?

J.B. Kinrich - Yum! Makes me want to come play in your craft room!

kelly - Love your chalkboard wall… especially the verse written on it. 🙂 That’s EXACTLY where we’re living right now. 🙂 Everything looks lovely.

Dick in Ohio - The black wooden Snap-On Tools box caught my eye. I was a Snap-on Tools distributor some twenty years ago. Still buy them and use them everyday at my business. Best mechanic’s tools you can get. Really enjoy your blog. Proud of you for going to Haiti, enjoyed the pictures.

ashley - Oh Meg! Everything is just so lovely and happy. I want this room, actually I want your whole house. Or maybe just a sprinkle of whatever happy dust you use.

Jackie - Now you’ve got me longing for a craft room. Everything is so bright and cheery in there, and love the red lockers. Jackie

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when scott arrived in our home 11.5 years ago…the noise level changed.
he cried and cried.
then when he could talk…he never stopped.
and all of that is fine with me.
i am a talker…so it's nice to have someone to talk with me.  

one day when he was almost 5, i decided to write down all the questions he asked me.
i did it everyday for two weeks.
i kept a notebook in my purse.
because he asked questions non-stop all day long.
such strange questions.

i found the list of questions yesterday while cleaning.
it's long….but soooo funny.


(oh…also…he was deep into an EAGLES phase…he loved bald eagles!)

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does that sound like any 5 year old you know?

sweet little scotty…7 years ago already!
how has it been so long?  

Hyacinthe - Kaya kamaal likha hai irhsad shaib is k liye meri taraf se mubarkbaad qubool kijiye aur isi tarah ki jankari dete rahiye Allah aap ko shifaye kamil ata farmaye

Rosham - great work! im in complete awe to see this dosinmien of yours n that too so well-etched n honest to the core. Today,i feel proud being an avid n dedicated listener of the songs which are written by someone who has such in-depth knowledge of our literature. you’ve made me a very proud person today!THANKS for doing this.

Nilcilene - Sir, aapne jo likha vo kaafi accha laga Mujhe bhi kahin ek pada hua sheir yaad aaya, kisne likha yeh toh Yaad nahin par alfaz kuch iss tarah ke hain sirf andaze bayan he har baat badal deita harnwiaa duniya mein koi baat, kabhi nayi baat nahin hoti .sir aapke anusaan , sab geetkaar faiz sahab ki chaya mein nahin dhoop mein hain aur dhoop ke tukdon ko apne geeton mein piro kar garmahat ka anand le rahe hain Shabdon ka hamesha ki tarah accha prayog, main aapke jaisa toh nahin likh sakta par aapka likha hua pad toh sakta hun aur jo accha lagey aapki taarif bhi kar sakta hun .Aaapne accha likha isiliye mujhe accha laga, sir aise he accha achha likhte rahiye aur hamein accha accha lagate rahiye all the best

Shelly - Please could you clarify plans for litocoan and operation of the Nursery/Pre-School at the Lytham site for next year.It has been mentioned that it would be brought into the current Junior school building. Will this be in a secure part of the building with controlled access, and will there be secure, private outdoor play provision ?Are there also plans to amend the current policy regarding utilisation of Early Years Vouchers ? Currently at KEQMS these are only applicable for the hours 1-4pm Mon-Fri, which is not particularly helpful for those not looking for daily schooling at that age.

abercrombie españa - Acabo de encontrarme a mí mismo diciendo, yo no sé … Y el más joven les pide tan rápido que apenas llega a la primera pregunta responderé. Me alegra saber que no soy el único ser interrogado por aquí!

Katrina - Ok…So I;ve been reading your blog for 2 days now, and am totally hooked! I love the colors, I love your photography…but most of all I love your stories about your kids! I have 3 kids, 14, 13, 11…. And the 13 and 11 year old are Big question askers…Makes my head hurt! LOL! Now that they’re getting older the questions are getting harder, and somedays I just find myself saying, I dunno…And the youngest asks them so quick you barely get to anwser the first question. Glad to know I’m not the only one being questioned around here!!
OH….and btw! The kids are quietly painting castles today! Thanks for the idea!!

seleta - I’m trying to think of a word that’s beyond adorable…because that’s what this is!!! - I lurk your blog ALL THE TIME, and I wanted to just say that this list (as well as most of your blog, really) has pretty much decided for me that when I have kids, I’m going to stay at home with them. I can’t imagine anyone else answering their questions about life, or forming their memories.

Michelle - Too funny! Thanks for the laugh! I’m going to try this one day.

Diana - wowwwwwwwwwww… i thought it was just my grandkids. LOL! ♥

Sophie - Hillarious! Wow, he really had a fascination with creatures, speed, size and height eh?!

Suzanne - great idea, that was time well spent! So funny!

Jenni - My favorites: “Does Jesus have a skeleton?” and “Why are you ignoring me?”
LOL! How awesome that you wrote them all down.

Jennifer - That is SO cute! What a great idea to write them down to remember. Why are you ignoring me? Too funny!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That is hilarious! I always wished I would have taken the time to do something like that. Too cute.

Elisa - It sounds like a 6 year old I know. And I am so guilty of tuning him out- good for you for writing it all down. Whew!

Kit - hahahahahaha!
That was so awesome! I have three boys so we’ve had our share of questions. But seeing them all in one list was so funny!
Great idea, I’m glad you wrote those down!
LOVE your blog, Megan!

Tanya Self - Ours was the same way. Where does God go on vacation? Who is in charge when God is on vacation? He also tends to pair up fighting partners. “If Superman and Batman fought the Incrediable Hulk and Spiderman……”

Tanya H - Oh my word you have the BEST ideas! 🙂 How smart to copy this all down! I love it!
My daughter is almost 5 and is SUCH a chatter box. She too wants to know about pirates and if things are “still real”. 🙂 so funny!

Vera - That is the sweetest, funniest thing I have read in a long time! How awesome that you wrote all those down. And seriously, there were some good questions in there. I’m not sure how I would have answered some of them ha! My 5 year old asked me if pigs have belly buttons, and I had to look it up. My 5 year old also says that God “picks you up and carries you to Heaven” when you die – I LOVE that. How neat that Scott said the same thing.

Christina - That is just plain awesome. So great that you have that! Did you attempt to answer them all at the time! That is a fun and good idea to write all the questions down. I bet at the end of the two weeks you couldn’t believe how many there were!

Talia - I am seriously nearly hyperventialiting reading this list! I’m not sure I’d be able to cope!!
I think it’s so sweet to write all those questions down though- such a good memory!
P.S I don’t know the answer to WAY TO MANY of those questions! I will need my iPhone on hand, and google at the ready when I have a kid!

Nichole - I love the question of “Are bad guys real?”, since we’ve been studying in philosophy that people who do bad things are less ‘real’ and people who do good things are more ‘real’ (and God is the ultimate reality, because he is the ultimate good).

traci in virginia - Oh my goodness…you are soooo good to have written that down! How priceless!

Staci - WOW!!!!! my little guy just turned five and all he seems to want to do is build legos and sing Dancing Queen 🙂 Your Scott is going to do BIG things!!!!!!! I love this list…aren’t you sooo glad you kept a log….mainly to remind yourself you CAN endure through a lot of things 😉

Robyn - im doing this.
hilarious! my son is 4 but this could be his list of questions- happy to see he’s not the only boy doing good guy bad guy… it gets him in to a bit of trouble 😉
a sub teacher said to me recently- “he’s so inquisitive, i love him! he just wants to keep learning”… i thought, wow, that is such a wonderful way to think of his ‘annoying’ non STOP questions and narration all day long! because i don’t know about your son, but my 4 year old often HAS the answer to his question. right or wrong… and usually not in agreement with me!!!!

Heather - Oh my gosh – my husband and I just laughed so hard!! My favorite is “Why are you ignoring me??” Digby is going to be the same way….

Lori - That was extremely entertaining! Loved it! Glad you shared 🙂

Courtney Walsh - I love that!!! hilarious!!!! What a cutie. I LOVE five year old boys! 🙂 (Mine is six and he still jabbers on and on… I kinda love it too.) 🙂

suzka - I love it. We’re right there with stuff like this, too, and I also scribble down their questions and comments. Here’s one I think you might enjoy: on Monday night, the kids and I were talking about Easter. Our six-year-old daughter asked why Jesus was in the tomb for three (versus one, or two, etc.) days. Our eight-year-old son immediately piped up with (and I quote): “there was probably a lot of paperwork involved with resurrection”.
I’m glad just two evenings later that I captured that on the spot. (Where did he get that?) Certainly these records will be priceless as the years unwind.
(Long-time reader, first-time commenter – I think.)

elma - This is such a wonderful post I love it. I think I will write things down from my 7 year old. Our daughter who is 24 when she was a little she would allways stare at the graveyard when we would go to the store and I asked her what she was looking at and she said that she was looking for people who who flying up to heaven but never could see it. I will never forget. Kids are sooo precious.

adrienne - a great laugh for me… over and over! hilarity :)))

Jennifer - I don’t normally comment on your posts but I do read your blog regularly. I did however want to comment on this one. My daughter just turned 3 months old already, and its bittersweet. I cant wait till she grows up to see how successful she’ll be in life, but I want her to stay small forever. I think it was wonderful and a great idea to write down everything. Thank you for sharing your life with us all and your family memories.

Kacey - I love it! Those questions are the best.

Michelle - I was so that child. . . I asked a lot of ‘what if’ questions. . . I remember my mom grounding me from asking ‘what if’ for one day. Love that you wrote them all down.

Sarah@Clover Lane - Now I want to see all your answers? 🙂
I have a noise level changer too…my 4th. Cried and cried and then talks and talks…same pattern!

cynthia - our “why’s” have turned in to “did you know…” and still they are non stop!

Kate - Precious!!! I need to do that notebook thing! Nate is six and cracking me up EVERY day.

jimena - How cute!!
I have a 4.5 year old that talks every minute of every day, and I love it! A year ago he asked “daddy, who is bigger and stronger,you or hulk?
On the other hand, my 10 year old only opens his mouth to say hi.

Juli - You’re a good Momma to write those all down. I think I would’ve been hollering, “I DON’T KNOW!!!” by the time we got to the 4th question. whew. My kids seem to ask a lot of questions too and I find myself only half listening/half answering or chastising them for “interrupting my thinking”! I am ashamed to call myself a homeschooling Mom! LOL!

purejoy - ohmystars! how cute is that? i hope he’s still inquisitive. and not only would it be exhausting to hear all of those questions, but writing them all down must have been really, really tiring!

Julie - Very sweet. How nice that you wrote down all those questions! I have two boys, so I can relate to some of those questions ~ real boy questions, and things my girls would never think of!

Tegan and Tage - So funny! I love it. I think every Friday you should post some of your answers to those. 🙂

Melanie - My son is fixing to turn 16 yrs. old and I forgot how much kids talk. Those were cute but I would have gone crazy answering all of them:) Maybe that is why I only have 1 kid:)

merlin - That brought back sweet memories.
The eldest was five, I was close to delivery date with #2 baby and the questions were relentless and ran the gamut just like your list. All my body and mind longed to do was find a quiet, dark cave somewhere alone and wait out the last days….no, the questions needed answers, they are all important, they never ended.
Thankfully labor came and I had a few silent hours to myself. And one of the blessings of the new baby was that somehow the quantity and complexity of the questions seemed to ebb…or maybe I was just better able to attend to answering them again. Funny, funny, sweet memory.

natalie - ahhhhhh im dying. that is hilarious!!!

Alaina - HILARIOUS! Also so endearing! How I wish I would have kept more information like that on my children. Sigh. BTW- I’m still asking some of those questions!

jess - oh my goodness!!!! i can soooooo relate!!! although you are WWWAAAAYYYYYY more patient then i am!!! by 9:30 this morning i was already going bonkers by my 3 year old’s questions!! i need to start writing them down so that i can get a laugh out of it in a few years….so funny!

Shelley Camba - Meg, I read two of these lists to my class of 7th graders. We laughed HARD! Thanks for sharing the questions!

tara - I have something similar….wish I’d written every.single.thing. down….it does go so fast…
I think I need a nap now after reading all those questions.

Ruth - That was so sweet. love, Love, LOVE the stage of questions!

Sara - This is GREAT!
I especially liked the Mustang Horse question, since they eat my grass occasionally!

Big E - I was able to not laugh out loud until I reached the “penis” part. What’s even funnier is that I just asked Pam the same question last week. (BTW, I’m glad that girls don’t have penis’s)

Keli - This is hilarious! My nearly 3 year old is just beginning to ask a lot of questions and I love the idea of writing down some of the questions, to be able to look back and see what her little mind was thinking.
My favorite, at the end-why are you ignoring me?
Thanks for posting-it was a nice treat:)

Robyn Farmer - Why didn’t you post the answer to all of those questions??? Wow!!! I better do my research before my little one starts to talk.

Tonya - LOL!!! My son recently turned 6 and has been talking non-stop since he was about 20 months old! He talked super well at such an early age and hasn’t stopped yet. I love that you’ve written his questions down! What great memories you’re creating!

tam - Oh this brings back some good memories. My oldest son went through a similar stage when he was 3. I wish I would have written down some of his questions. thanks for sharing.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - this is so cute! what a good idea.

kathy eller - It is sooo cool that you wrote thsoe down!! WOW

Georgia - HAHA that reminds me of when my brother was 5, and i was 12… i was like Mum!! tell him to shut up please, i cant cant take any more…
He always asked me, – Georgia…. ‘yes’ can a boxer lift a house… ‘No louix’ …. Georgia … ‘Yes’ can a Boxer lift a car .. ‘No Louix..’ Georgia … why cant they lift a house…
Soooooo Annoying, but really funny now to look back on!! haha

Courtney - That’s so cute! My daughter just turned 5 and I should do something similar for her, but with her, she makes STATEMENTS because, well, I guess she has all the answers 🙂

Heather - my son is just like this. I had to answer about 27 questions just while i was reading this! love it 🙂

Kirsten - That is hysterical, and priceless! My daughter is the same…and she always expects a response…my mindless mommy “umm hmmmm’s” just don’t cut it. Haa! how did you answer some of those????

J.B. Kinrich - Hysterical! Reminds me of my son at that age. He talked nonstop and asked so many questions I used to beg him to stop, just for five minutes. Now he’s 17 and I wish he’d talk more!

Rebekah - My favorite: “Why do I have to do all the work around here???” Ha ha! I should do this. Ginny’s list would be very heavily weighted on the “Can you read me a book?” side. Cute post. 🙂

Annie - This is hilarious! I have a 4 year old who could be his match!!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I miss those days! My youngest is 7 going on 40 :o)

amanda fuentes - Cute! I keep records like that of my oldest 2, too. (The baby thankfully does not talk yet!). I have a recurring post on my blog called Conversations with Olivia, she is 4 and really has so doosies! 🙂

Tara @ the cinnamon post - love this…so much like my son…thanks Meg for a morning smile:)

shelly - I’m laughing And feeling really ashamed…how great that you thought of writing it all down!!! I find myself getting completely exasperated by my sons’ constant questions! I’m going to have to try and write them down instead 🙂

meaghan - oh. my. goodness!!!!

Krista - I don’t know how you answered all of those questions, or maybe you had “selective” hearing, like I sometimes do! My favorites were – why does Dad look old, why does your skin look old? Oh to be 5 years old!

Lori - HILARIOUS!!! He sounds like a HOOT. So very cute.
I’m wondering if he still talks incessantly…I have a 5-year old boy who is my talker and just wondering if that’s going to last. 🙂

Trish - wow!!! that is so funny 🙂

kristine - omg that’s hilarious! did you answer all those questions? or did he just keep asking new ones that you didn’t have to? i would have to have spent a lot of time on google! that’s so awesome that you wrote them all down.

Audrey - Last fall during wheat harvest my 8 year old wanted to know if my arms got tired when I was young using that big knife to harvest wheat when we lived on a farm. How old does he think that I am???? I have an 8, 6, 4, and almost 2 year old. Most days I love the conversation! Glad to know that mine aren’t the only inquisitive ones!

Julie - Holy Cow! That is alot of questions!!!

Nicole Q. - I love that, I recently read somewhere what the crazy number of questions an average preschooler asks is, wish I could find that. I just remember thinking, “no wonder my brain is fried at the end of a day.” My favorite question Scott asked was, “Does God have a penis?” hilarious

candace - That list is exhausting but adorable. The best were “Why is it my birthday?” “Can a wasp kill a dog?” “Do you think squirrels are sneakier than cheetahs?” the one about sharks he answered himself and the ones about age. Ha!

Marie - That’s adorable! And what a good idea to write this all down! I always think I’ll remember those little gems, but as days turn into years, some of those sweet little memories fade. I may do this for my toddler at some point.

Karina - I have a five-year-old boy now and I can relate to this list! I also have a four-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl – our house is buzzing with similar questions. I am loving their incessant curiosity now – I know it will get damped down or stuffed down later, which is sad. Although it must also be more peaceful, LOL!

brooke - haha! i love it!! this is such an awesome memory to look back on and it reminds me so much of my meghan! sometimes i can barely get a word in just to answer!!
my favorite is “why does dad look so old”! as i recently was asked what it was like when i was little and everything was in black and white!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oh dear. Scott is Calvin. I need to start keeping this list. What a fun thing to look back on! My favorite was “Why don’t libraries have trophies?”

feather - this is such a man list! constantly trying to understand who’s the biggest and strongest creature out there…and then how could that big, strong creature be killed? my boy is five now, and i recognize many of the same kinds of questions! i love that you wrote them all down.

christy - Oh my too funny, you have to save that for his scrapbook.
I love the question when will Nana have a baby !!! that cracks me up

Jane - I’m exhausted just reading the list! So cute!

Erin @ Cultivating Home - My brain hurt trying to imagine all my possible answers to his questions! My son’s only three, so I guess I have one or two years to prepare. How truly wonderful to have such a curious boy!

Sheila - Bless your heart Meg! You must have been exhausted every day when he was 5! How sweet!

Cate O'Malley - I can totally relate. My son is 7 now, but I remember reading a statistic when he was 5 that said kids that age ask upwards of 500 questions a day. Having lived through that, I’m fairly certain it’s true.

Kim - I am laughing b/c my daughter recently phased into the “ask a million questions and talk incessantly” stage. I can’t even read all of Scott’s cute questions right now b/c my brain is so full of little girl chatter! I love your idea of writing it down ~ funny memories!

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loving this….

i have a new bag!
and it is just perfect for me.
it's made by elisalou.
my favorite. 

it's big enough for all the junk i need to carry around…but not too big.


this bag is called the boho bag.
she's also got smaller bags.
or medium bags.
pouches for your phone or iPods.
laptop sleeves.
Kindle carriers.
gaming pouches.
camera strap covers.
and even fabric for sale.

her bags are very well made…you are going to love them.
you get to pick your bag style and you get to pick your fabric.
it's made just for you.

i love that!

and…i love her blog too.  
i read it everyday.

now have fun shopping.

Diana - the chair! i want the chair! i mean, you really can’t carry it with your bag… can you? LOL! ♥

Amy Walker - I have been wanting to order a bag since you posted a while back about a bag you had from her:) I actually did order a camera sleeve for a friend of mine and she loves it!

Nina - love it!

Kelly - I wonder if one of her bags would work well for a diaper bag?! Kelly

Melanie - I love Elisalou’s bags. I have a big one in some cute pink fabric and it carries everything.

Leah - oh, cute! Im into bags too, its a sicknes!! I love the colors in this one, and isnt it funny that we notice the chair too, lol!! xoxo LA

merlin - Beautiful bag, but are you kidding me….your bag is that organized! And it stays that way???
If you answer yes, I will have to get one, and call it the miracle bag, because for my purse/bag to be that organized it would be a miracle. Where are the receipts, and wrappers, crunched up kleenexes and the general mayhem that I spy in my bag if I find the courage to look in it?

ashley - Oh, wow. That bag is drool-worthy!!

Staci - Oh so cute 🙂 Headed over there right now 😉 I can’t resist a new bag 😉

Andrea - I love the bag. The fabric is awesome. I just made my daughter a dress out of the same fabric. Check it out:

angela - Thank you for this site! LOVE her bags!

Danielle @ Transforming Home - I LOVE my Elisalou bag. Very well made and sturdy, and super duper cute. I am going to ask for a second one for my birthday next month.

Julie - LOVE this bag! Off to shop! 🙂

Christy - ooh I love that bag!! I follow her blog too!

LouBoo - Love the bag – reminds me of Orla Kiely bags. Its delightful and yes looks good from every angle, with or without pink chair in support. LB

Megan - Love it! How great for spring! The colors are fantastic! Thats the size I need. Big enough but not too big!

Elisa - Thanks Meg- you are soooo sweet. I need that chair for my photos!
Love you!

Lanny Stanard - Do you have to carry the chair with you too! HEE HEE… I love it 🙂 Happy monday Megan.

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nice and normal….

reading in my favorite spot.
that couch is the exact length of me…my feet touch the other end…i can nap perfectly here.
(from World Market…4 years ago)

assist annie in making cupcakes.
i told her several times how much i loved her outfit choice for the day…happy happy happy.

a little painting while the cupcakes bake.
(this painting is for you ms. kristin…as well as every other piece of art she ever makes at home! 🙂 

and a little painting by mama…

frosting and sprinkles….joy!

confession:  i ate one BIG bite of annie's….and i licked the frosting spatula.   

quality time with Mr. Mac. 
we are glued at the hip.
nearly inseparable.
sad when we can't be together…miss him when we are apart…total bff's
it's pretty true. 

we had music cranked up in the kitchen while we played.
i saw annie's head bobbing to the music while she painted.
this was our playlist for the afternoon:

 1. One Day Like This…………….Elbow
 2. 1234……………..Feist
 3. So Nice So Smart………..Kimya Dawson
 4. Be OK……..Ingrid Michaelson
 5. Dream……….Priscilla Ahn
 6. Grand Theft Autumn…..String Quartet Trib. to Fall Out Boy
 7. Far Far……………Yael Naim
 8. i Know i'll go Crazy …………U2
 9. Clocks……………Coldplay
10. Stronger………..Delirious
11. Dancing Queen……………ABBA
12. Let's Groove………….Earth, wind and fire
13. Please Don't Leave Me…………Pink
14. You are the Best thing…..Ray LaMontagne
15. If I Needed You……….Christina Kulukundis
16. The Underdog………..Spoon
17. Something Good This Way comes……jakob dylan
18. Use Somebody…………Kings Of Leon
19. All These things that i've done………the Killers
20. click click click click…………bishop allen
21. silver lining…………rilo kiley
22. sunny sunday………….Leona Naess
it's friday!!!
that is enough to make me smile.
fridays mean i get more time with craiggers.
i just can't get enough of him.


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Rach - Oh I so agree with the Friday comment. I love our daughter, but on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I don’t mind getting up early with my husband and daughter because that is just that much more time with the both of them.

AshleyAnn - The top picture makes me laugh….only because I imagine you setting the camera on a table on self-timer, then running to jump on the couch with the book and look all relaxed and rested. That’s how I’d have to take it…
Fun post!

Sarah @ Clover Lane - I love the way Annie dresses.
And the way she sprinkles cupcakes.
Sort of the same?
All out with everything she’s got.

Kate - I LOVE Elbow… Thank you for posting your playlist! Lots of new songs to listen to!!

thea - Meg… your pics! The one of you sock ,boots,etc…LOVE!! But please I want to see the WHOLE outfit!!! It looks so adorable!!!!!

candace - oh, i am reading forgotten God now. hoping to finish this week on spring break. wow!
normal is nice. love the boots and socks!

Jaimie - you’re so cute.

katy - Nice and Normal is SOOOOOOO lovely! I hear ya on the couch, I have one that is perfect for me as well. Have a great weekend with your family and I’ll do the same.

Nancy - All of the colors just make me happy. So fun. So chill. cupcakes do wonders, don’t they?

Chalk Inscriptions - I just want to tell you what a great eye you have for making the normal look spectacular! Always enjoy your pictures! And I really love that couch – it looks way comfortable! On my blog I have this fun art site: Deep Space Sparkles…maybe you know it…if not, go check it out. It’s lots of fun!

Katie Holeman - I am reading that book right now! It is great, I am so enjoying it.

Kacey - What a perfect “normal” day. Cupcakes, happy music, books, and creating!
🙂 Kacey

kelly@the blue muse - You just made me SO hungry for cupcakes….

Christina - Wonderful capture of your day. It looked sooo happy.
I love how Annie covers her entire paper. I keep thinking she’s a lot like you in many ways. 🙂

Kristin S - I think I have those boots! And never once have I thought of wearing them with a denim skirt and striped knee socks. I’m totally inspired. Love it!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - OK. I have got to get me some boots, knee socks and….well my skirt would have to be down to my cankles, I mean ankles. I need to start fighting the forties frumps. Thanks for a little kick in the pants. Have a great weekend. Hey, and at least you are working at the no sugar thing, I’m just reading about others doing it. I suppose therein lies the correlation to the cankles : )

Staci Danford - With a day like that….your weekend has got to be fabulous… Loved the boots and the socks best of all… CUTE and fun… can’t beat that combo.

Leigh - Great playlist!

Heather - LOVE your playlist!! Hope you enjoy your Craig time. 🙂

Staci - Okay….TOTALLLLLY just went back of the play list…how did I MISS Dancing Queen??????? Okay, now I know they (Jake and Annie) are soul mates 😉 heeee heeeee 🙂

Staci - I’m lovin’ those socks of yours!!! And I have been fighting the sugar craving HARD this week!!!! I wanted to LICK my computer screen when I saw your cupcakes 😉 And wow! You look so philosophical laying there reading…I only read magazines ;( I’m trying though….and might I recommend a little ABBA on your playlist….I can sooooo hear Annie singing Dancing Queen 🙂 It’s my Jake’s FAVORITE. When he gets home from pre-k….he asks to watch “that movie about the dancing queen!!!” Happy weekending with your sweet family 🙂

Melanie - I feel the same way about my hubby. After 19 yrs. together I still greet him at the door every evening and dip his supper for him.
Have a great weekend.

Natalie - Love your playlist! Some of my favorite songs made it 🙂
And I agree: her outfit is so bright and Springy!
P.S. Be sure to enter my first GIVEAWAY!

Sarah - Love the playlist.

courtney - I never comment (even though I should!), but your taste in music is awesome. 🙂

sherry - What a great day. Great playlist as well:)…Thanks for being my favorite.

sarah - Be Ok, is one of my favorites! Love your playlist.
And all your pretty photos. Especially the cupcakes, because cupcakes make me ridiculously happy!

Jennifer Brown - I am in love with your playlist!

Marie - Nice socks Mrs. M.

megan - so, can i just come and hang out at your house for the day?
thanks for cheering me up!

Laura - Meg, you are SERIOUSLY the COOLEST! I LOVE your blog! You make ordinary days/moments so fun and memorable for your kids – I wanna be like YOU! I’m adding some of your tunes to my playlist. Your post has turned my BLEK morning into HAPPINESS! Have a FABULOUS weekend!

Betsy - I’m sure the iTunes division of Apple will be sending you a thank you card soon. I just spent a small fortune on songs thanks to your wonderful suggestions!
A happy Friday, indeed! Hoping this sunny kind of Kansas Spring day decides to stick around for a long time!

Anne - I am reading that book right now and LOVE it! Francis Chan is amazing. Also – thanks for the playlist – I am going to have to check some of those out.

Gemma - Sounds like a fun day. HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE :D. Hope you all have a great weekend…
Gemma X - I love that playlist! Very similar to a mix CD I made for friend. This was a great blog to read for a little cheer after looking at the local news. Thanks for all the vivacious pictures! =)

Cate O'Malley - Sounds like the perfect end to an awesome week … cupcakes, color, music and family!

Tara - thanks for making ME smile too Meg…
it’s been a rough week so this was a
great post…
craiggers is a lucky man! enjoy (him) your weekend!!!

susan - sounds like a good day to me! i too look forward to our weekends together 🙂 take care, susan

angela - I love how you make ordinary things look fabulous! Happy Friday to you too!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I dig your socks. And Calvin asked “Who’s that?” so I finally got to tell him all about Annie and how she doesn’t mix up all of her watercolors into a big puddle of brown. 😉

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - Pretty pics as always. Judging by that playlist, you must have been an XRT fan when you lived in Chicago!
Happy Friday!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Sweet pics Meg. Love your funky socks. Have a great weekend.

Carrie K - will you be my mom?? youre the coolest!!
love the first pic and the last pic…and cupcakes of course 🙂
have a fantastic friday…

Jeanne - Enjoy your day with your boyfriend:-)

paige - i need to get francis chan’s new book…thanks for that reminder
love that doggy of yours
will go check out some of your tunes
rockin’ boots my dear
oh yes,i have been swamped lately & feeling way behind in my own little world but near the top of my list of ‘must get dones’ is to read up about your trip….you inspire me miss meg xo

kimberly - i think that’s a great book! i’m still in the process of reading crazy love.
and i agree with the above comment – waffle makes me want YOUR dog 🙂

Megan - Happy Friday is RIGHT!! I want to see YOUR painting and your boots rock!

Megan - That is so funny…my husband is Craig and my entire family calls him Craiggers.
Have a great weekend!

Courtney Walsh - Fridays are definitely the best! I am already loving it! Love Annie’s outfit too…and those cupcakes look REALLY good. 🙂
Waffle makes me want a dog.

Trasie - I am so glad it is Friday too! Happy Day to you and many many blessings!

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my favorite.        

she was beautiful and relaxed.  
HER HAIR was absolutely to-die-for! 
great hair.

best wishes in college….have a blast chelsea!

princess lasertron - this is my favorite photoshoot you’ve done–I think it must show a lot about her personality. such a beautiful young woman!

emily - she has taylor swift hair. i’m jealous.
these are beautiful:)

Staci - She’s beautiful 🙂 Ohhhh the days when we had the time to spend hours on our hair 🙂 Her’s is TO.DIE.FOR beautiful 🙂

purejoy - great photos. great hair. what a doll!

Kelly - oh those curls! Kelly

nahl - She’s so pretty!
Btw, I’m in LOVE with your house!

Lorilee - Lovely photos of a lovely subject. I WANT that hair! It would be perfect with my Renaissance costumes!

pve - And where were you when I was a senior? You could have photographed me!
I have a photo of me hugging a tree! A true senior moment.

Ashley B. - Awesome pics, Meg! Do you have any idea where she got that off-the-shoulder shirt? I absolutely love it, I’ve never seen one like that before. Thanks for sharing your talents with us 🙂

amy bell - after seeing these pictures….i want to be a senior again. *sigh*

Sarah @ Clover Lane - These are SO good! Your best yet, which is saying a whole heck of a lot since your pics are awesome all the time.
Hair envy for sure. What I would do for some body and bounce…(and natural color and waves and …..on and on and on…)

Kari - It is just me or do seniors these days look so much more grown up? I think I looked like a baby in my senior pictures. She is gorgeous and you did an excellent job capturing that!

Jaimie - love the one in her cheerleading/dance uniform. love it! i wish i had curls so badly..

Mindy Harris - the 3rd one is my FAVE!

Katie - Her hair IS gorgeous!!! My little girl has a head full of curly hair and I hope it ends up looking like this as she gets older.

angela - She is beautiful…and you are correct, she has GREAT hair!

adrienne - love the 6th shot of the black and white close up… cool

Shannon - It’s CHELSEA!!! I love her!! 😉 You did such a great job on these…and her hair IS beautiful…EVERYDAY!

Kristin - Great photo shoot!!!

Beth Ann - Love her hair! What fun photos.

jeanne - Hello….I think I need that hair!!!! Great photos!!

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