Masthead header

i can’t believe i did it!

guess what i did this morning?!
i ran a 5K.

i really can't believe i wrote that sentence.
but i really did it.

(i was adjusting my headphones)
shana is our coach/motivator/hero because she is a real runner.
she didn't run with us today because tomorrow she is running a half marathon…
that is only a measly 10 miles more than me.

it was jana's goal to run the whole thing in 40 minutes.
i decided to sign up too because i wanted to support her.
(and i wanted to lose weight.)
pam was going to run it too but her husband got stuck with the volcano stuff so she needed to be home.
we missed you pam!
stupid volcano.

jana ran the whole thing!
she ROCKED it!  she was 34 minutes.

at the mile 2 marker i thought it was the mile 3 marker.
so when he said "MILE 2" i let my mind get the best of me and said "UGH…forget it!!"
and i started walking for about a minute.
then i saw jess and amanda and their smiles were all i needed.
i started running again.
i finished at 35 something.
shana grabbed my hand and finished the end with me and of course….i started crying.
because that is what my body does when it's tired. (or happy or excited or nervous or confronted or or or)

i wish i would've run the whole thing.
next time. 

i prayed "God…show me what my body can do" over and over. 
and "thank you for this healthy body"  and "open my lungs and let me breathe!!"
i am proud of myself.
and grateful.

it felt good. 

Christina - What a huge deal! Congratulations! I have been away, but am catching up…I missed a lot! I might have to check out that book. I agree with your winner, Matt Damon is a pretty good choice! πŸ™‚

Art Cant Hurt - run, meg, run!
you earned that awesome feeling of accomplishment! yeah!!!

Corinne - Congratulations! πŸ™‚

Lauren - Wow, your blog is always a source of inspiration to me.

Julie - way to go!!

purejoy - holy COW (not that i actually believe in holy cows) i am so proud of you!! i really want to run a 5k even though running and my name in the same sentence makes me gag just a little (okay, a lot!!)
so proud of you!!
adore your shirt.
have one just like it! πŸ™‚

kristine - CONGRATS!!!!

Trish - on my bucket list… even though i loathe running. i just want to prove to myself that i can do anything through Christ who strengthens me πŸ™‚
good job

Nicole - I check your blog about everyday but I never leave any comments (shy?) when you had the giveaways I thought perfect chance since there will be so many posts! I broke out of my shell and now I am here to say Congratulations! That must feel amazing! I have been thinking about doing a 5k, and with your inspiration maybe I will! Oh! and I found a pillow at Homegoods with “Whatever” on it while I was shopping the other day, it reminded me of you! (I took a picture even… if you ever wanna see! LOL)

miss r - That is awesome! Congrats on completing it. πŸ™‚

Stephanie Carroll - Get it girl! It’s amazing what God can do with us if we let him. My first 5k in December was in 22 degree weather. Glad to see yours was a better experience πŸ™‚

Kristin - So proud of you!

amy jupin - two things: 1) WOOT!!, 2) WOW!
that’s all i got.

Mary - I really want to train up and run a 5K. You’ve given me even more inspiration. And you’re right, God can help; he wants my body to be in good physical shape.

Sarah - Good job, Meg! I’m doing a 5K this weekend and planning on running the Prairie Fire half-marathon on 10-10-10. You should do it. I’m a little anxious about the training for that one but it should be good. Keep running. Keeping our bodies healthy is one of the best things we can do for our families.

Lynn - I read your blog but rarely comment…just wanted to say CONGRATS! I know how that feels! I ran my first ever 5k last October and just did my first half marathon on Saturday!!!! It’s amazing what your body can do! I couldn’t even run a full mile last summer, and I just ran 13.1. Running has shown me that I can do so much more than I ever thought possible. Congrats to you! Well, done!!
P.S. Running really is the best weight loss exercise… keep at it and you’ll definitely see results!

Georgia - Well done meg!!! Looks like it was a hot day too …. πŸ™‚

Pat - Outstanding! Congratulations ~ way to go!

Cate O'Malley - Awesome job, Meg! I did my first 5K last weekend, but, um, I didn’t run. Truly awesome job!

Tara - very proud of you…you’ll be addicted to it in no time.

Dick - Congratulations! I’m so proud of you for trying let alone finishing. Way to go

Dianne Avery - Congratulations!! I’m proud of you! I’m to chicken to even try one. πŸ™‚

Valley + Madigan - You flippin’ ROCK!!! I can’t even imagine!! I was running 5 miles a day hoping to run w/ my brother who’s amazing and does the Marine run….but I got pregnent and all you moms know something happenes to our bodies after babies…my size 4 turned into a whopping 16 and I stink!!
You make me proud Megster!!!

tara pollard pakosta - GREAT!
that is so awesome!
I haven’t ran in an actual race in 12 years!
I really should! I miss it!
The most I have ever done was 4.5 miles!
I want to be able to do 6 miles, that’s my goal!
but first I have to build back up to 1/2 mile!
oh, but before that i have to get my body adjusted
at the chiropracter cause my hip hurts really bad!
that is so awesome you did this! YOU GO GIRL!

jen - awesome!! i hope i can say the same someday πŸ™‚

Jen Christians - Was that Emma Creek? I wanted to do it so bad. All the girlies from my kiddo’s cross country team were there. (one of them who is 11 or 12 took fourth overall! Ran it in 21something.) But Leah had a gymnastics meet in Salina. Bummer. Now I REALLY wish I would have done it. I am so proud of you. An amazing accomplishment. I love your prayers too. I will have to remember that at my next race.

Meaghan - Awesome! You are so inspiring. I need to exercise!!

AshleyAnn - Congrats! I hate running. If I were in track & field I’d be a pole vaulter.

Amy Harris - Congratulations! I ran my first one this spring and I never thought I could do it. It’s such a great feeling to finish. Praise God for strong bodies, minds and hearts. Blessings! πŸ™‚

kbonikowsky - Ugh , I hate running. Way to go!!

Andrea - That’s awesome! I’ve been thinking of signing up for a 5K. I will be walking, though because I’m quite out of shape!

Suzanne Gallagher - Way to go, Meg! I’m getting emotional writing this to you-I hear how proud you are of yourself through your words, sometimes we loose this in ourselves through our everyday life. Great Job!!!!

Courtney Walsh - so proud of you, meg. i have been thinking about doing this too this summer, though I am the farthest thing from a runner (especially with my back issues!) but my body is healthy and strong and there’s no reason i shouldn’t!!
πŸ™‚ go you!! you should be so proud!!

Kathi - Great job, you are truly an inspiration. Which seems kind of weird to say because I’ve never met you, but I feel like I have. We have so many of the same interests, I know we would be best of friends if we could.

Amy C. - Sometimes I am struck by how much I have in common with you. I am running my first 5K in two weeks. My husband just ran his first marathon yesterday, so it seems a little wimpy by comparison. I’ve been training for 10 weeks, and this week I have run the entire 5k a couple of times. As a girl who still has 50 lbs to lose, I am truly amazed that I can do this. When I started training I could barely run 1/8th of a mile. Isn’t God good? When I am out running and pushing my body to it’s limits, I always make a point to thank God for giving me the ability to do it. I think running and being a Christian have something in common…they are both quite humbling. Congratulations on your accomplishment!

Niki - WONDERFUL! Meg, great job! You inspire me…I need to get back to it!

Amy Lynne - That is awesome! Congrats on pushing through!

Amy Coose - This is too cool! Congrats!

linda@LimeintheCoconut - LOOK at what your amazing did!! You should be proud…I have a sneaking suspicion that this is just the beginning!

LouBoo - Similar to other comments – I did get abit teary reading this; there is something about this sort of achievement that does that! Well done – I run, but not in races yet, I just like the feel of it, but I think its a great great thing when people take it up. Its the London Marathon today so I am sure I will also shed a tear watching that as it gets sooo emotional when you hear all the stories behind why people run. Lovely. x

Jenn - Great job Meg! I don’t think I could run the whole thing either… you will get it next time! What a great accomplishment πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - I wish I ran a marathon today. Instead, I turned 40.
good job Meg

Kellie Dugan - I am so proud of you!!! Keep going and never stop.

DreamGirlLisa - That is so awesome, congrats! You should be incredibly proud of yourself πŸ™‚

Julie Weaver - I don’t know you, but I teared up reading this. Way to go.

Sharla - Congrats girl! It is on my list for 2010 as well. You look great!!

Nicole Q. - I’m SOOO proud of you!!! It’s on my goal list too!!! To me it’s like a marathon!! HA! Good job!

Karen Gerstenberger - Congratulations! “The journey of a thousand miles…” and all of that good, philosophical stuff to you! I’m so happy for you.

heather - That is so awesome!!! Way to go!!!
btw— your hair is A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E!!!
Proud of you!

michelle - WOW!! you’re awesome Meg! so proud of you. this could be just the beginning πŸ™‚
and yes, i love your new “do” too!

Misty Ray - Congratulations!!!! Loving the new hair, so cute!

Courtney - awesome! i love the *sound* i hear in your words…of doing something you didn’t think you could do before!

Liz - Congratulations, Meg! What an awesome accomplishment! You are such an inspiration.

Amanda - I asked about you at the end- “did anyone see Megan come across?” – not that you wouldn’t actually finish, but I wondered if you had finished it out running after we saw you? It was fun running into you. Dave saw you and said “yep, she came in not long after you and Jess” I was proud of you! I was proud of us too. The longest I had run in practice was 2.25 so I didn’t think there was any way I could run the entire 3.1. But we made it – together! I haven’t run in over 10 years. It’s the first 5k I’ve ever done. I think we may do the River Run on May 8 – 2 miles – wanna do it with us?

Melanie - Good for you!

jody - ongrats!!! i am a runner and triathlete…and mom of 4. i find that for me running is not only a way to stay fit and not have to diet, but it’s spiritual thing. the rhythmic striking of my feet on the pavement, being outside, working hard, reflecting, feeling the endorphins and gratitude! Keep it up! I’ve found that with lots of core work and some strenth training, I’m able to run faster than I did in my twenties. Once you get comfy running 3-4 miles, you’ll be able to work up to an hour of running, and wow, there is nothing better than crossing that threshold.
ok, can you tell i love to run? oh, and i always dedicate the hard miles to someone i love or needs prayers. that keeps me from stopping. xxoo

kristin - oh, this is the first year in several that i didn’t do this run. good for you. good for you!

Ruth H. - Way to go! I really hate running, but I LOVE running in races. There is something so exhilarating about being in a race. And something so rewarding about saying, “When I ran my last 5K….” People get impressed. So, good for you!

Cutzi Jobes - Yay! Great job!
I’m running my first 5k in a couple weeks – so this was good inspiration for me!

Carol S. - Very cool! I just did my first one a month ago (and honestly, haven’t run since!) I’m 47 and a ran the whole thing at a slow jog…pretty slow…and jogged the whole thing in about 42 minutes (one of the slower of my age group, but hey, I did it). Was suprised the couple months did nothing to lose any weight, though I think I was eating more and justifying it. This last month am focused on calorie counting and getting out walking or bike riding and have lost some poundage. Great job and you were really fast in my book!!

Grace - Hey! Great job! I just went off sugar this past week . . . let’s see how long that lasts! I’ve walked a 5k a few times in the past few weeks, but it would be great to run it sometime!
Btw, I love your shirt “water.” …pretty much sums it up. πŸ˜€

Elizabeth - Way to go! You’re an inspiration — first sugar and now running a 5K. I’m not sure I can be inspired that much, though…

Katy - Congratulations!!! I ran a 5K today for my daughter’s PTO fundraiser as well. It sure does feel good to be able to accomplish something like that! Way to go!!

Jeannette - That is so awesome!!!! Good for you :o)

Heather - That was absolutely fabulous. Good for you! Really really. And yes, totally inspirational – as you often are to me. Thanks!

Jennifer - That is awesome! I did a 4K 2 years ago, but I walked fast/jogged. You rock!

Alysa - That is a HUGE acccomplishment. SO proud of you, too! way to go. that’s a big deal. love it.

kathy eller - Very very cool! YAY!!!

Lisa - OH MY GOODNESS! I’m so impressed. Way to go. All I’ve done on this Saturday is some garage saling and cleaning. You’re the woman!

Kimberlee J. - CONGRATULATIONS! I am so proud of you!

Laura Lee - I’m tired just thinking about it! congrats!

Marie - Congratulations! That’s awesome and inspiring!

Melissa - WOW! That is AWESOME! Such an inspiration too. The other day I was thinking “maybe I could run a 5k one day”.. which was quickly followed by, “don’t be stupid!” Now, I’m starting to think, “maybe…” again! Thanks!!

Lacy Brauner - go girl. that rocks. you rock!

Lori - Way to go Meg!!! Congrats. And your hair still looked good! The sign of a good cut…

Lisa - Good on you girl! I get that you are annoyed you stopped, but dont let it subtract from the fact that today, you got up and you accomplished something you set your mind to. Running 5k is no small feat. You are amazing! Congrats!!!

mary elizabeth - WOW!!!! I am so impressed! I hope to one day be able to write that sentence myself!!! πŸ™‚ Way to go!!!

Diana - PROUD OF YOU, MEG! Good for you! β™₯

Kelly - Great wonderful fantastic job! And seriously, why do you looks so cute after running for 35 minutes?!? I always look a fright!

Jenny Pocknall - That is fantastic. Well done.

julia - Congratulations! I had some crazy idea about running a marathon before I turned 40 (this week). I didn’t do it. It’s like 26.2 miles, you know.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - So inspiring! Love the hair.

jennifer - Congratulations! That is so, so awesome! Love your shirt, too. πŸ™‚

Donna - Whooooo-hooooooooooo! Rock on!

Julie - Congrats! That is soo great!

Megan - Congrats to you, I’m giving you a pat on the back, pat, pat, pat! Awesome!

Heather - fantastic!! i think you rock!! enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Kate - Oh MEG!!! I am so happy for you!
Congratulations!!! Wow!!!

Jaimie - way to go! how inspirational!

Rachel - Congratulations! That is truly a wonderful accomplishment. Now go and enjoy the rest of your weekend as you bask in your success and rejoice in the strength of a healthy body. WAY TO GO, MEG!

amy d - way to go…that’s awesome!

Heather - Congrats!! It feels so good to cross that line, right? I can’t wait to start running again!

Jonelle Ensign - Congratulations!! It feels so good to finish something like that, doesn’t it?! Next weekend I will be doing a 160 mile bike ride to support a friend of mine that has MS. I will be chanting the same prayer you did – “PLEASE show me what my body can do!”

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winner 5

the winner for the book about the crazy minds of men:

Matt Damon for sure!! But I wouldn't turn George away…. πŸ™‚

send me an email krista with your address.  

i want to issue a little word of warning about For Women Only.
it has some very hard truths that i doubt most of us want to know about men.
i am serious.
it helped me so much BUT it first made me very angry.
and every other woman i know who read it felt the same way.
so i would advise you to pray before you read it.
and then…soak it in….suck it up….and work on being the wife you were called to be!
you can do it!


Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Yikes. But I know I need to read it. Thanks for the advice.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Congrats to Krista! πŸ™‚
Meg- I picked up a copy of For Women Only today. And while I was at the bookstore, I also found For Parents Only by the same authors! So ready to start reading them! Thanks for the push in the right direction!

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giveaway #5

didn't you love katie's work?
she has so much talent.
she said she is working on a painting of kansas…i can't wait.

the winner for giveaway 4 is number 338:

My husband brought home a bicycle for me out of the blue πŸ™‚ Then he spent his whole Sunday fixing it up and refurbishing it for me.

Posted by: Stephanie Carroll | April 22, 2010 at 02:30 PM  

this is perfectly perfect randomness.
stephanie carroll.
she sent me a jar of salsa once…just to be kind.
and bought an ad for africa….just to be kind.
and now she won.

send me you address stephanie.  :)

now for last prize.
i was undecided all week about what to give on friday.
but this book kept coming back to mind.

this book made me think so much differently about my husband.
it was fascinating.
i learned all kinds of things that i just plain had no idea about.
it made me a better wife.
big time.

now when you read that it looks corny.
i agree.
but it isn't….it's helpful and very insightful into men's minds.  

i think i changed a LOT after reading this book.
my thoughts about my husband changed, my expectations changed, my way of discussion,
my actions and initiatives changed after reading this.
i thought it was frustrating, irritating, interesting and sweet all at once.
there is a study guide to go with it also if you wanted to journal as you read.

i also bought 'for men only' and made him asked him nicely to read it to learn about me.
craig would look over at me and say "you're weird"  every night while reading.
which was kind because while i read my book i would look at him and
 "what is the matter with you?!"
and he would look confused and say "what?"
and i answered "MEN!  WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
he politely said "honey…you can't be angry with me for being a man. i didn't make myself this way"
and he was right.
they are wired they way they are for a reason.

honestly there was a lot in this book that made me MAD.
you will know what i mean when you read it.
i was so mad.
at all men.
every one of them.

you can read the first few pages here.  

you can order it here.
i hope you do.

i gave my copy away.
i bought this copy yesterday for one of you.
and i am wondering if i should buy it again for myself.

i wished i had read it earlier in my marriage.
i almost gave it as a wedding gift last year but i chickened out.
i received Marriage books at my wedding but i never read them because…to quote Miranda
"yeah it's all so hot 3 days in!"
i didn't need marriage and respect books when we were newlyweds.
but at 10 years…i could see some need for improvement by me.

and this book really helped me.

since we are talking about men…..
leave a comment to win this book today telling me
in your opinion…the most handsome celebrity man right now.
i wouldn't doubt if 500 of you say George Clooney because he could easily be everyone's answer.

and then…go order this book.

Julie - Tied between Joel McHale because he is so funny and Jamie Oliver because he is cooking hotness. My husband may or may not have a man crush on him as well.

Cath W - Syed from ‘Lost’.
Or Daniel Craig.
I’ll take either.
Or both.
Not fussy, me.

Ashley B. - Johnny Depp, most definitely πŸ™‚

Cindy/ clickhappy - May be out of crushes.
John Corbet from Northern Exposure and Sex in the City is my favorite, but don’t see him around anymore and am not a big enough SITC fan to go to a movie about it.

Christina - Oh I’ve been wanting to read this- several speakers at MOPS have recommended it. In my younger years I would have said Brad Pitt, but now I think Ewan McGregor is pretty cute.

Tracy Sharlette - Patrick Dempsey, Vin Diesel, Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Lautner (I know a little young, but have you seen New Moon????) I could go on forever…. <3
Book sounds very very interesting!

Tera - Matthew McConaughey… sigh.

Lori - I want to be disgusted with men too!! The book sounds great. πŸ˜‰
Johnny Depp cleans up nice.

Katie - Book looks like something i definitely need to read! Matthew McConaughey.

June P - OMG. hot celebrity = Ryan Reynolds. he’s so vanilla that’s why he’s so cute! πŸ˜€

Cara Kapp - Would love to win this book, I love my husband but somedays I just don’t understand him (he thinks he understands me so well :-)) Josh Groban!!!!

melissa mae - John Krasinski. He is so endearing, charming and funny. And funny is #1 in my book!

Morgan - Oh honey, you don’t even want me to start with my “Hottest Celebs” list! Currently at the top though is Curtis Stone…..mmmm…..yup! For sure. But Jude Law holds a hair in second. Haha!! As I am only 17 though, I am patiently still awaiting for God to send “him”…….future husband i mean, not Jude Law or Curtis. Although, i’d be perfectly fine if he sent either one of them……and now i’m babbling……zipping up!
Happy picking!!
(heehee…… ooooh, *sigh*….I’ve made a total fool of myself…….)

shelly - Looks like a cool book! Matthew McCoughnehay (Sp?) is sooo ca-ute!

Diana - Sean Connery… then AND now!

Christian Kay - David Beckham πŸ™‚ I am very interested in this book…

Angela - ewan macgregor. delish.
and if i don’t win this book…i may very well purchase it. i have been married nearly 4 years now and could do with a little humbling and a big lesson. i intend to be married to this man for the entirety of my life and could stand to learn how to be a better wife.

Rebecca - I recently watched Singin’ in the Rain, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how DREAMY Gene Kelly looked. I know, it is an oldie, but I have YET to see another actor tap dance and look MANLY at the same time. And just to let you know, the first name that popped into my head when I read the question was George Clooney. Haha–then I read what you said and laughed. I am getting married this summer, and would LOVE to read this book.

Shiloh in KS - McDreamy…..Patrick Dempsey

Lori Sprayberry - I am crushing hard on Jack (Matthew Fox) from Lost.

Brandi M - I would have to say Matthew McConaughey–I love the voice!

Laura Phelps - Robert Downey jr.
and I know I wont win, so I am just going to order this book now. Honestly. I am at a place right now that is crying for this book. Thanks.ANd have a beautiful weekend.

Elizabeth holder - Russell crowe
hands down
oh that accent!!

Andria - For me, Tom Selleck (old enough to be my dad), Sam Elliot (again old enought to be my dad). For today, Clive Owen is tops and Gerard Butler. I am sucker for Brits/Scots. Oh and who can forget the ever hot no matter what his age, Sean Connery

Courtney - i like Paul Bettany

Catherine - Ryan Gosling….=))) love the Notebook! Thanks for the book suggestion! Here’s to hoping I win!

Rachel J - Someone said Taye Diggs already- but he is the first that came to my mind too.

Caterina G. - Mr. Matthew McConahotty for sure! He is just BEAUTIFUL…and you can’t really say that for most men. (Even my husband would agree…oh my, if he only knew I just shared that!)

Melissa V. - Oh Matthew McConaughey all the way. He is gorgeous.

Becky - hmm – tough one. there have been some cute male celebs out there, but i don’t know their names. But, I’d have to say that Legends of the Fall version of Brad Pitt will have to be my answer πŸ™‚

maribeth - lately, i have been digging on sawyer from lost. real name . . . hmmm, no idea, but he’s hot.

stephanie - kellen lutz! or ian somerhalder….

Tara - patrick. dempsey.

Cris - Hello….George Clooney. Is there really any other choice?

Tara - We like all the same books. seriously. I already have the book, but I’d love to give a copy to a friend if I win.

Marisol Avila - Harrison Ford! πŸ™‚

Bernice - Chace Crawford. Yum! I would love to read that book to help figure out my husband! haha

Alisha Wallace - I like em’ a little darker than most listed on here so far, lol…I’m gonna go with Denzel Washington, I think he is so hot for being ‘a little older.’ I would LOVE to have this book, maybe I would be able to “get” my husband at times when I have no idea what he is thinking!

Rebecca - Jason Bateman…he has been my long time favorite!!

Linda G - I have to go with Devils goaltender Martin Brodeur. Cute and oh, can he move!

annalea @ our hartbeat - matt damon – he had me since good will hunting and sealed the deal with jason bourne.

Lia - My fiance totally does it for me….but if you really want a celebrity i’ll say Matthew Mcconaughey like everyone else. That book looks awesome! I wanna read it before I get married.

Karen - Something sexy about a sweaty Roger Federer!!

Olivia - I think Zachary Levi, that plays Chuck, on the tv show Chuck is cute…but I like my guys nerdy and his character is super nerdy. I am married to a nerd and I think he is ridiculously good looking!

erin j - Jake Gyllenhaal…most definitely.

Lindsay - Jon Stewart. Brains, humor, style. (And in person too! I saw a taping of the Daily Show and he really was handsome in person.)

Stephanie - Yes, I totally agree I have to say George Clooney. Handsome!

Karey - What a touch decision…I have always had a thing for Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt but more recently Channing Tatum and Taylor Lautner have caught my eye. Looks like a great book. I totally am going to read it!

AJ - Any Englishmen really, but especially Rufus Sewell

Megan McCulloch - Hmm, either David Beckham or James Tupper. :]

LeAnne Cotton - Ryan Gosling from The Notebook. That book looks very interesting.

Melody - I want to say Taylor Kitsch from Friday Night Lights, but he’s a bit young, perhaps not quite “man” status yet, so I will go with the leading man on the same show: Kyle Chandler…it’s not just that’s he’s good looking, it’s also the accent and his quiet least, his character’s demeanor.

amanda fuentes - Patrick Dempsey – McDreamy!

Jen - If it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right….the very young Robert Pattinson. rrrrrrrowwwllll…

Kimberlee J. - Tim Gunn…:)

Rachael B - Jake Gyllenhaal has always been one of my favorites!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - I say Taye Diggs from Rent, Private Practice, etc. I don’t know what it is about him but he seems so sweet, caring, and man can he sing! I love his wife, Idina Menzel (from Wicked and Rent) as well as their baby! He seems like he’d be such a good dad, but who knows with celebrities!
This book looks like an amazing read!

Amber - Matthew McConaughey I think, hard to choose….

kristiina - I’m a kyle chandler fan, too πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

donna - Ryan Reynolds, from The Proposal….he is a cutie! This book looks fun.

Sarah J - you’ve completely sold me on the book. i may have to get it on amazon if fate doesn’t smile upon me. i’m hoping it does.
adam brody. those curls.

tara hawks - Jude Law…or Pierce Brosnin. I like the mysterious type.

Mary Beth - My answer to the handsom-est celebrity has been the same for 38 years.
Also…I so agree with you about Men and Marriage. Dr. Laura says it so right in her book about men.
ALSO, showers are WASTED on brides. The time when you need a shower is TEN YEARS IN! That’s when you need new stuff.

Barbara Backes - I think that Bradley Cooper is super amazingly hot! But no man compare’s so my man:)

Whitney - I hate to say this, but I am still in mourning over Heath Ledger. He was so handsome, and boy, that accent. I think we lost a great talent with him!
However, I love Matthew McConaughey. He’s adorable and I love that charming little accent… although the girls around me say it annoys them… how dare they!
Also, I can’t remember his name, but he was on Rachael Ray the other day and is in the new Jennifer Lopez movie, he also has a charming Irish accent. Wow, I certainly have a thing for accents judging by my picks!
Anyway, Meg, I love your blog! We are getting married next summer and I certainly need to work on myself so that we have a solid relationship! This sounds like a book I must check out… him too- us women, we are complicated! Thanks!

Milena - orlando bloom… when I feel young… and johny depp… when I do not feel so yount

Melanie - Colby Donaldson on Survivor. He was easy on the eyes 10 yrs. ago when he was on the first time and he is even easier on the eyes this time. YUM!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - My dream hottie is my husband… seriously! The celebrities just can’t compare!
Gonna have to get a copy of this book! “Created to be His Help Meet” really stepped on my toes, and I have no doubt that this one will, too!
Thanks for sharing!!!

Corinne - I’m officially intrigued. I read the “few pages” in no time flat, and was sad there was no more to read!

Keshet - Hmmm, love Josh Lucas!

lifeologia - I watch this show called Breaking Bad – I know it’s Bad A** – but there is this kid Jesse that is so HOT – his name is Aaron Paul. He plays on Big Love too apparently (I had to look that up ;D) lol

lifeologia - OK – I love the show Breaking Bad – I know it’s Bad A** – but this kid Jesse is the hottest young kid – his name is Aaron Paul. (He apparently is on Big Love too ) I had to look that up πŸ˜‰ lol

Sara - Hmmm…I would have to say Vince Vaughn in a wierd kind of way…too many to chose from. The handsome ‘non celebrity’…TOTALLY my HUSBAND! πŸ™‚

Jules - Hmm…guess I’m not so original! HA! I will have to say George Clooney…and (i can have two, right?) Jude Law (in Cold Mountain and The Holiday…)

FeFe - Simon Baker….*swoon*

Amanda - Hands down – Rob Lowe.

kerry - Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.

Tanya B - I’m all about James Franco …. smoky hot!!

Kate B - I’d have to say Jake Gyllenhaal. He’s pretty darn cute!

Tracy - OH! Hands down….Hugh Jackman! And yes…my husband knows all about my love for my Hugh. lol

Routhie - John Cusack. Hands down.

Amanda Kay - Whoops I meant to say Christian Bale…haha

adrienne - keith urban all the way!!! i love love love beth moore and for some reason was surprised to see her name on that book.

Amanda Kay - From the age of 12-17 I really liked Val Kilmer, until I realized he was the same age as me dad…TOO WEIRD. Now I think Mr. Christopher Nolan is pretty adorable. *sigh

Tracy - Oh goodness there are a lot of good loking actors out there! Some of my faves not only attractive but awesome actors!! Hugh Jackman and Ryan gosling are my favorite right now.

Stacy - George is definitely up there. But right now, Ryan Reynolds takes the top spot. Funny and HOT?! Get out!

Alyssa Barnett - This book sounds GREAT.
My top three celebrity men are Paul Rudd, Vince Vaughn and Bradley Cooper.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Tara - Channing Tatum for me!! I LOVE a man that can dance…my hubby can’t…but I love him too:) I couldn’t think of a better time for me to read a book like this…

Emily Brauch - Gerard Butler. YUM!

Abby - Our cell group is thinking of reading this. I would say Dave Matthews!

Lisa - Im actually loving Eric Dane from Greys Anatomy. Yummo.
I will be checking out this book. I wonder if it is in Australia?

Brianna - I’ve been swooning over Justin Timberlake since middle school!

cheryl rodda - Gerard Bulter does it for me… his is handsome, manly, great bod…and don’t forget that Irish accent…yummy!!!

cassie o - i’ve been wanting to read this since i saw it on
now … hottest celebrity – gerard butler, seriously, have you seen the bounty hunter?!

evan - oh gosh. well nobody really can compare to my Michael… but as long as i have to choose someone… it would be the guy that plays Mr Shuster on Glee. idk his name, but he is a cutie!!!

Caitlin Baker - I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while now, so I hope I win, but if not, I might just have to finally buy it! For some reason the only actor I can think of that I find really attractive is Ashton Kutcher! I’ve always liked him.

Brittany - Hey just wanted to let you know I awarded you the Sunshine Award on my blog today!! Come and pick it up and show it off on your blog, ha! πŸ˜‰
And of course, feel free to pass it on to other amazing, positive blogs!

Jenn S - Gerard Butler or Mike Rowe (from Dirty Jobs)…ooh baby! Swoon πŸ™‚

Klucas - I’d say Patrick Dempsey or Matthew McConaughey!

Amanda - I want this book – I missed all the other girls reading it together last summer and they all said it was so good. Hands down – Matthew McCaughnhay and Josh Lucas – and I think my husband is basically a great mix of the 2 – it’s okay if you don’t think that – so I’m pretty much the luckiest girl ever!

Leslie - McSteamy. Don’t know his real name. I have heard great things about this book. I need to read it!

emily - matthew mcconaughey . . . his southern draw gets me everytime!!!!

Liv Hochhausler - I’ve loved Christian Bale since “Newsies.” “The Machinist” and his crazy rant turned me off, but the Batman movies and Terminator brought me ’round again.

Amber P - Gerard Butler! I can’t resist the Scottish accent!

Laura - Ryan Reynolds . .
I had heard about this book YEARS ago & JUST YESTERDAY was trying to remember the name or author to get my hands on it again. I lent mine to girlfriends and haven’t seen it since.
Proof once again that God cares about the small stuff! Thank you!

se7en - Oh I love this book and every time I buy it I have given it away. I inhaled this book it was so good and got the audio of the men’ s book because I knew my man would never read it, but he would listen to it when he was stuck in traffic!!! Celebrity man, Celebrity man, Celebrity man, Oh good grief my mind is blank…. ummmm I am going to enter anyway!!! I can’t think of a single celebrity male right now – just thank heavens the kids are in bed that the dishes need doing and I must write a post…

Stephanie - Matthew McConaughey…. hottest. hands down!

Laura - I have to go with Tom Hanks! I know, probably no the first name that comes to mind – but, sexy to me is more than just the outside – but the inside too!!!

Michelle - Jon Hamm — but only because my husband is not famous πŸ˜‰

Jermaine D. - I am intrigued by this book! My celebrity crush is Tom Hanks.

Carly - Have also been meaning to read this book, just like Crazy Love. You are inspiring me to start a “to read” list! Jon Hamm is pretty amazing on Mad Men, but not as cute in real life. I think it’s the hair and costume πŸ™‚

Jamie - Sounds like a very interesting book!
Matt Damon. He has a great smile!
Thanks for a fun week of giveaways!

Trish - Not much of a star watcher, but I like the older man πŸ™‚ George Clooney!

Beth Ann - Matt Damon. But Mr Scheuster is creeping up there…

Shannon - I”m not a big TV/movie watcher so I don’t know who half the people are that have been mentioned. But I have to go with Tim McGraw, mmmmm. He just gets better with age. Thanks for the book suggestion!

Tere - call me corny, but the only celebrity I’m in tune to lately is Bob from Biggest Loser. I want to marry him πŸ™‚

Lauren - Gerard Butler is my dream man lately. I love everything about him! His accent doesn’t hurt either. Or his pretty eyes. Or his muscles, tan, manliness about him. I could go on and on!

susie - tiger woods!….kidding…ha! hmm….my dh is the star of my life, but if i had to pick someone else…ryan gosling.

Liz - I’d love anything that tells me how to better understand my husband.
And to answer your question: definitely Clive Owen ~ sigh!

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Harry Connick Jr. also.

Britney - matthew fox or clive owen for SURE!

Sandy - Richard Gere in Pretty Woman – so suave and sophisticated. Oh how I love him!!

Mindy Harris - I picked a Man-Boy–Taylor Lautner.
I know, I’m awful. He’s a MINOR!
This book looks amazing. Beth Moore rocks my world, and makes me think.

jessica C. - I just love John Cusack (I think I’ve been in love with his character from Say Anything since I was 15).

Jessica - Call me crazy but Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond in Lost!).
By the way, you should know we raised 2244 Euro with our walk and donated it to Water 4 Christmas!

Laura Mann - Dave Matthews…aahhhh!

Sara - Jake from The Bachelor and now Dancing with the Stars!!

Laura - This book looks great, Meg!
Call me old fashion, but after almost 14 years my hubby is my one and only! No celeb could treat me as good as he does!

Heather - Matthew McConaughey is one of many I find nice to look at, but it takes more than just looks. I would most definitely pick my husband hands down, but thankfully he is NOT a celebrity:)

Kathi - Gerard Butler.

Toni :O) - I have to say Patrick Swayze (rest in peace dear sweet man!) and Tom Cruise. I know many people will say ICK about Tom but as a teenager and seeing Top Gun and Dirty Dancing, those two did me in, head over heels did me in! I’m sure I could use this book…after almost 17 years of marriage, most likely wouldn’t hurt! Thanks for the chance to win!

Erin - Eric Banta…the book looks great!

Jennifer - Josh Lucas in Sweet Home Alabama. He makes me melt πŸ™‚

Jennifer O'Steen - My favorite was, and always will be, Heath Ledger (RIP). He was so gorgeous, talented, and he had that AMAZING australian accent. 10 Things I Hate About You will always make me giddy πŸ™‚

Sandra K - Hmm…I think Ben Affleck or Matt Damon…funny, they’re best friends!
Sandra K

Jacqui - Easily Ryan Kwanten from True Blood and the movie Flicka

Jennifer Frazee-Whitcomb - oh…I could really use this book. For me it’s a toss between Robert Pattinson and Patrick Dempsey!

Jeannine - Gerard Butler!
Although Josh Holloway is a close second.
I think I’m going to go out and get this book.
You rock Meg!

Joni Lane - does it totally make me a cougar if i say jacob from twilight? cuz that’s my real answer. but my stand-by-your-celebrity-man will always be matthew mcconaughey. the end.

Tonya Brown - Trace Adkins
i have been married for 24 yrs and could really use this book
i am trying so hard to make it work out with the 2 of us.
thanks for the chance to win.

A Cupcake For Moose - Ryan Reynolds for sure! Will have to check this book out. Loved Wild at Heart. This looks good/helpful, too.
-Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose

amy - NY Yankees player Derek Jeter = Love!

Chelsea - I would love to have that book! And Josh Hartnett is my answer πŸ™‚

Miranda - for sure…Ryan Reynolds!! Such a cutie, and funny!! πŸ™‚

Stephanie Carroll - WHAT!!!
When I commented, I literally sighed and said out loud, “I never win any of these things”.
I love that you bucked up and went to Africa to serve our gracious God. Good girl. I’m ready to help support your next trip!

laura r - Matt Damon πŸ™‚ There’s something so honest about his face πŸ˜‰

Amy C. - Matthew McConaughey’s southern drawl gets me every time.

jody - Patrick Dempsey.
Oo la la.

BriBedell - Russell Crowe – Gladiator style. He is in the new Robin Hood movie and is looking FINE!

Jessica Reed - Hugh Laurie.
I’m in love with Dr. House.

Kelly - want this book!
Pierce Brosnan has always been my kind of guy.

Amber - I have to read this book. I would say the hottest celeb these days would be Tim Daly from Private Practice.

Jaimie - oh no. ben affleck is my love. forever will be devoted to him being the hottest celebrity.

Roberta - Cant even think of his real name but Sawyer on Lost! Definitely drool over him when Lost is on. The book seems like an awesome read. I think ill be buying it if I don’t win. Thanks for the chance!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - George always makes me swoon, but I also have a secret crush on Michael C. Hall (from Dexter). Maybe it’s the auburn hair?

sarajane - i must say val kilmer….about 10 years ago. πŸ™‚

Molly - Tom Welling. Tall, dark, and handsome.

Jen - I gotta go with Matthew McConaughey…he plays the bongos naked, nuf said! Seriously though, I’ve been married 8 yrs and I think this book sounds great and I would buy the other one for my hubby to read! Thanks for mentioning this book.

Mindy - Brad Paisley … not just his looks but his song writing is awesome and I “think” he seems like a great guy.

Shelly - I have loved Matthew Fox forever. But I also have a little crush on Evan Lysacek at the moment. He is so polite, well-spoken and a class-act–not to mention handsome!

MelissaK - Pierce Brosnan— yum!

Kari - I’ve always been a sucker for a clean cut Brad Pitt! Thanks for a chance to win this book; even if I don’t win, you better believe I will be reading it!

miss r - Dermot Mulroney (My Best Friend’s Wedding)!
I can’t wait to buy these books for my fiance and I. We’ve been together for 8 years.

Dawn Zaffron - Danieal Caig…pant, pant.

Lisa - I have to say George is handsome, but Johnny Depp has the bad-boy good looks…

jimena - I want the book! and it has to be my tv affair:
Patrick Dempsey!

Emily - I am loving Matthew Morrison from Glee right now!

Kim W - I just found your blog yesterday – LOVE it!
Channing Tatum!

tasha roe - this is a tough question because i have a crush on Will Ferrell. LOL Is he what you consider “handsome” ??? he makes me laugh and i like that. πŸ˜€
if will doesn’t make the cut i would have to go with Albert Pujols.

Jenn Thomas - Keith Urban – I would love having a man like that to sing to me every day, especially in bed.

Julie in GA - Thanks for the awesome giveaway op! Would have to say I really like Hugh Jackman, but would settle for Mr. Clooney, maybe? : )

Sarah - I’m going to have to go with Leonardo DiCaprio. I think age is definitely making him a finer looking man. Nice.

Connie - I would like Vin diesel to be my pool boy…but…Patrick Dempsey is pretty hot too, and he’s from Maine like me:0)

Natalie - Vin Diesel!!

Ashley - I’ve got to go with David Beckham. And I need that book! My hubby would be greatly appreciated! :0)

Jessica - Hugh Jackman! I love that he acts in movies and on the stage.

Laura in LA - I must check out this book! Paul Walker, hands down.

Jill - I may from time to time refer to David Bromstad (Color Splash on HGTV) as my boyfriend. And, my husband doesn’t even have a problem with that!

Suzanne Gallagher - Tim McGraw…Nuf said!

Andrea - Rob Pattinson. LOOOOVVEEEE!

Marie - Matthew Bomer of White Collar, although I think it’s actually the character of Neal Caffrey that I find irresistible. He’s kinda a bad boy…but a good man. And oh…those eyes;)

Kelsey I - Justen Bieber! He’s like 10 years younger than me.. but who’s counting?? He is so adorable!

Melanie - A cross between Matthew McMcConaughey and Gerard Butler. Of course I can’t say anything bad about George Clooney.

Andee - I love Matthew McConaughey the way he looks, the way he talks, absolutely gorgeous!

tess s. - Gerard Butler. swooooooooooooon.

Nichole - I’m shocked to see that Liam Neeson hadn’t made the cut in the comments yet. He played in a StarWars AND Batman movie, that makes everything all the better! Then again, I also like Anthony Hopkins, so that might say something about me. πŸ™‚

tinycandi - I’m actually going to have to go with Andy Garcia. There is just something about that man that I love. And…he kinda reminds me of my boyfriend. πŸ˜‰
And this book sounds awesome!

Holly - oh, megan, I don’t like other guys! Um, I have always liked something about Harry Connick, Jr.

Julie - taye diggs-he is beautiful!

Lisa - I’m excited about this book. Even if I don’t win it, I’ll order it! Patrick Dempsey.

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Hmmm….I’d have to say, I’m quite happy to watch Pierce Brosnan, its a throw back to my crush on him in that PI show in the eighties. I’ve forgotten the name. Plus the new 007 guy, and perhaps the male lead in Big Fat Greek Wedding. Sorry, not so good with names, just faces and bums haha.

charlene @ lanfranchi family - George Clooney is obvious…how about Clive Owen?

Karli @ Rocky Bella - Gerard Butler ALL the way. Ohh how he makes me swoon.

Tara @ the cinnamon post - kyle chandler from Friday Night Lights…because he looks like my hubby and I LOVE the way he looks at his tv wife…

mandy friend - well I think my hubby is the hottest guy alive but… Michael Vartan and James Marsden!

Malissa - I’ll go with Matthew Fox(Jack) on Lost. I think it is b/c I love the show waaay too much.
This book looks great!

Camille - Have to go with Brad Pitt!

*Alex* - Oh man that’s so hard to pick just one! I love Gerard Butler, Eric Dane, Patrick Depmsey, Josh Lucas, Johnny Depp, THERE ARE TOO MANY! I will tell you this though the more talented they are the more handsome I find them πŸ˜€

merlin - I wanted to say something nice about my hubby….instead you want me to choose George Clooney.
And, it has to be George, because he appears mature, sensitive and low-key, and he is pretty decent to look at.
But, I’m still going to tell you that my city slicker husband swept me off my feet when he first arrived wearing cowboy boots, now that’s sexy: cowboy boots and the attitude that goes with them πŸ™‚

Lisa - I used to not get the hype about Brad Pitt, but the older he’s gotten the more handsome he’s become to me. So I’ll go with him!

Kara Tait - I would have to say Vince Vaughn and Jude Law! But neither of them can come even close to my husband Jason. He is a celebrity in my eyes!

Colleen - mmm. jake gyllenhaal. just too cute.

Jennifer - I’ve ALWAYS loved Robert Downey Jr. too. Ever since Weird Science back in the 80s! Also a long time Johnny Depp fan, though I wish he would put some meat back on!

jeana - Gotta say Matthew McConaughey is a cutie. They say he lives here in my small city in TX, I wouldn’t mind running into him one day!
Would love to read this book!

Melissa - Robert Redford. He is *slightly older* but I love love him in everything. SWOON πŸ™‚

Staci - Always looking for ways to be a better wife πŸ™‚ Have heard great things about this book….so if I don’t win it…now I must put it on my list to buy πŸ™‚ And hmmmm, best looking guy….I know I’m outdated….but I still love the looks of Patrick Dempsey πŸ™‚ But just have NOT been able to get into Grey’s this last season πŸ™ Oh well! Thanks again Meg!!!

angela - Richard Gere!!!!!

kelli - i have heard amazing things about this book. maybe this one will be mine! πŸ™‚ i am not a LOST fan but i have been crushing on matthew fox since party of 5. hottie!!

Lacy Brauner - Brad Pitt. Hes my dads age and hes got a smokin’ hot wife, and too many children..but I <3 Brad. I do. I dont care how old he is, and how beautiful the world thinks his wife is, he has my heart.(justin, my hubby agrees, that if Brad ever gave me my chance, Justin would step aside.)

Marcie C. - John Krasinski (aka Jim from The Office)…I think he “gets” me LOL πŸ™‚
I’ve been married 10 years (together 18 years) to my high school sweetheart. I’m still learning about him. This book sounds intriguing.

Lori - Patrick Dempsey!! Matthew McConaughey!!

Donna - Matthew Fox hands down, no question about it.

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - I’m 1.5 years into marriage and feel like this book would be wonderful to read!! If I don’t win, I need to get elsewhere!
As for celebs..hmm…I can’t think of anyone right now…what is wrong with me?!?

Sarah - Lee Pace from Pushing Daisies. (so charming ^_^)

rhonda - I’ve always be attracted to older men…my husband is 10 years older than me. Having said that, Richard Gere. Love him.

Annette - Well, since my husband is not a celebrity, i wont say him, but he is the best in my book, but i would say i like Pierce Bronson and i have always thought Patrick Swayze was awesome!

Meaghan - Matt Damon…especially in the Bourne movies.
Now I’m blushing!

Emily - I could use this book right now! I don’t know who I think is the most handsome celebrity is….

Lisa - I second Vince Vaughn! πŸ™‚ I’d love to read this book and I’m certain my husband would like me to as well! Thanks for the chance Meg!

teresa - I may have missed the giveaway but looks like a GREAT book…
Be sure and stop by and read about a miracle in our family….

Courtney - Gerard Butler is working for me lately. Thanks for considering me…

Courtney Walsh - Ok, don’t enter me because I have these books but wanted to second that they are wonderful!!! We loved them! And have the study guides too. πŸ™‚
…and I’m secretly in love with Robert Downey Jr.

Carly - Matthew McConaughey for me πŸ™‚ Zachary Levi (Chuck) also has a strange hold on me πŸ™‚

LeighAnn - I’m a sports girl…. Tim Tebow is a hunk!

Kim - Hands down … John Cusack. That scene in “say anything” gets me every time.

Jen - I love me some Clive Owen. I’m a sucker for a British accent.

k(is)sing - Channing Tatum, Vin Diesel, LL Cool J… Are you sensing a pattern!?! LOL πŸ˜‰

lelu - I love Jude Law. Clooney’s never done it for me. The book sounds great. We’ve been together 15 years and still sometimes I just don’t get him. I’m sure he feels the same. Ha!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Hugh Jackman has been my favorite FOREVER!! Not only for his good looks but managing to keep his marriage together amongst all the divorces amongst celebrities.

robin - Ryan Gosling for sure! He’s had me ever since the Notebook. πŸ™‚

Jen - Shaffer Chimere Smith–sexy and he can sing! Now that’s enough to melt a girl.

Elise - Chris Pine πŸ™‚ The boy’s a stud!

Jennifer - Most my not know who he is but to me its the lead singer of HIM, Ville Valo, hes passionate about music, life, and most of all the ups and downs of love and relationships and expresses it well through their music. : )

Lena - Christian Kane

amy d - well i’ve been crush’in on rob lowe ever since st. elmos fire…one of my favorite movies!

Jessica - I hope I win! πŸ™‚
Jon Hamm aka. Don Draper from Mad Men

Porche - I going to be completely different and say Idris Elba (he was Stringer Bell in The Wire). He is tall, dark, chocolaty goodness and he has an English accent. Love. Him.

April Brown - I like big, tall, manly men so I have to go with Vin Diesel, Russell Crowe and/or Gerard Butler.
Crowe and Butler have the added bonus(es) of having awesome accents. πŸ™‚
But…Crowe is kind of a bad boy (in a bad way) so I will go with Butler.
Okay, so now, can I have him? Can that be MY giveaway?? πŸ™‚

Tegan and Tage - I’m not ashamed to say, we’re 3 years in, and I am definitely going to order that book. Like now. So if I win, I’ll happily pass it on to a friend (or five).
As for handsome celebrity??? Vince Vaugh. I know, totally not the norm, but it’s all about personality for me– or in his case, the way he talks. So, so sexy…

Becky - Hm, Johnny Depp, Matthew McConeghy. the list goes on and on! πŸ™‚

Katie - Channing Tatum!Whoa!

virginia - jude law and yeah, george clooney!

Charla Liedahl - Oh yes, Matt Damon. Who can not adore Mr. Bourne?

Alicia - Matthew McConaughey…don’t care what the movie is, will go to see him!

kari Kim - Always Richard Gear! From An Officer and a Gentleman to Nights in Rodanthe. He is sexy, secure, spiritual, and graceful…

kari Kim - Always Richard Gear! From An Officer and a Gentleman to Nights in Rodanthe. He is sexy, secure, spiritual, and graceful…

Jenn - I would have to say any guy who plays Mr. Darcy. πŸ™‚ I would love to win!

Kasey Laughlin - I’m loving Ryan Gosling (I have ever since The Notebook) and Matthew McConaghey is another top choice too! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jaslyn - Gerard Butler and Bradley Cooper

Valley + Madigan - Ummmmm Robert Downey Jr??? I know I know he is so bad but….I love it!!! When he says in Sherlock Holmes “could you remove that” referring to the pillow…I blushed!! LOL You’ll know what I am talking about if you saw it!! did anyone else blush?? Come on admit it!! Anyway, if I don’t win this is a must buy for me….I love Beth Moore!!
Thanks for a fun week!!

Leah - I would have to say Gabriel Aubry. He’s not really a huge celebrity but i think having a child with Halle Berry and being a model counts for something.

Marley - I’m seconding Gerard Butler!

Krista - Matt Damon for sure!! But I wouldn’t turn George away…. πŸ™‚

Anne - Ryan Reynolds. He’s been my fav for a while πŸ™‚

april - Bradley Cooper is fantastic!!!! Love The Hangover!!!! LOL

Nicole - Oh man I was really going to say George Clooney! I’m only in my early twenties, so right now I would not like to be dating George Clooney, however when I am older George Clooney is more then welcome to come and visit! For someone a little younger I love(ed) Smith (Jason Lewis) from Sex and the City!

Liz with Four - definitely Bono from U2

amy Mumaw - Brad Cooper is amazingly hot

Kim - Matt Damon…with is Boston accent. Love it!

Sheila P. - The Pioneer Woman’s Marlboro Man.

Jennifer DeLosSantos - Johnny Depp. There’s something rugged about Vince Vaughn. Keanu Reeves. Oh My, do I have to pick just one???

Emily S - Gerard Butler with a scruffy face

Dina Marie - Chris Potter! I am not sure if anybody is aware of who he is. He’s a Canadian actor. He surely looks great even he is turning age 50 this August! : )

Kate - Ryan Reynolds… definately!
George is a cutie patootie too!

Meredith Salmon - I still love Brad Pitt. Oceans movies he is just adorable.

Nicole - Mmmmm… Ryan Reynolds! He’s got the looks, the body, and that wonderful snarky sense of humor!! Total package!!

Kate Bowell - Simon. Baker. Love. him.

kristine - eric dane! i was traveling the last couple days and couldn’t enter your other giveaways -boo! how much did you raise for water? great idea!

Sally - It has to be George!!! Always Mr Clooney….sorry to be so predictable.

kbonikowsky - Don’t enter me in the contest. read it already and gave it away. I give them out at bridal showers. GREAT BOOK! And yes, it made me disgusted too.
Paul Bettany

Shelly - Something about George just doesn’t do it for me…I know I’m crazy, right? So I gotta go with Rob Pattinson…I know, I know…I’m a cougar! πŸ™‚

jamie - kevin costner perhaps

Tia Reynolds - Alton Brown! Ok, he’s not “A list” but I love the smile and sense of humor and oh yeah… he can COOK!

Erica - Hmmm… my husband and I went to see Date Night and they made a big deal about Mark Wahlberg but I don’t see what all the hype is about. πŸ™‚ I’m a George Clooney girl myself.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - i really want to win…..and….Jude Law. then end.

Anna Marie - Oh goodness…Richard Gear has always been very handsome to me but he is WAY older than me. This is only based on looks here…nothing else. Ha! He makes getting old look good. I love his wrinkles around his eyes when he smiles. My husband has that too and only a certain laugh brings them out. I love those wrinkles!

Rebecca Kriner - Hmmmmm…..I love Matthew McConaughey, but George Clooney is good too!

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giveaway #4

the winner for the water4christmas goodies is:

Just donated $10. I have been following your blog since January. You are so inspiring! I prayed for you and your group on the Africa trip. Thanks for doing this!

send me an email Tess with your address please.  
and thank you for your prayers in africa. 
today's giveaway.
i am so happy about it.
it is from the wheatfield.

a few weeks ago i bought this print.    
i love this.
it makes me want to paint paintings.
it makes me want to BE KIND TO OTHERS.
i contacted the artist katie and asked her if she'd like to giveaway one of these prints to a reader.
she said YES!  
i was so glad.

it is such a happy print….colorful and bright.
it looks perfect by the gumballs.  
katie has a beauitful shop.
i also want this.
and this.
and this.
h….and maybe this one too.

i love her style.

to win a print of BE KIND TO OTHERS leave a comment telling me 
something kind someone did for you recently.

Jen Christians - i saw these on Jessica’s blog awhile ago. They are beautiful. A nice thing that happened recently was my sister was in town from Colorado, and she came by with an iced coffee after I told her how I spilled mine in the garage! It was REALLY nice of her.

Betsy - Love the painting. πŸ™‚
Something someone did for me…
Today my boss called me at home this morning, she gave me the day off. πŸ™‚ It was a great suprise and definatly needed!!!

Queen Bee - I am in the midst of a separation, impending divorce. I don’t want a divorce. No one ever wants a divorce.
My family, friends and even strangers have come out full force, showing me the love of God. My best friend has driven 2 hours in the middle of the night to come stay with me because I couldn’t stop crying last summer. My mother will come to my apartment to kill bugs for me when I flip out and cannot handle them. Friends of friends, practically strangers, email me with messages of support and prayer. A girl I went to high school with found out I was in need of a washer and dryer and gave her old set to me for free, even delivering them to me.
Those are the big things. There are small ones too. The stranger in my work building who holds the door and smiles at me or wishes me a good day. The kind person who let me out in traffic last night.
Have you seen the commercial for Liberty Mutual? It makes me cry still. There is a beautiful light song in the background with female vocals. They show a man stopping to pick up a dropped toy from a child in a stroller. Another man takes notice of this, and does something nice for the next person, like holding the elevator. Someone else sees this and keeps a man in a coffee shop from knocking his coffee off the table by accident. Someone else notices this and….. I just love that commercial. If we all only noticed the small kindnesses in life and passed them along to others…

Katrina - I think the kindest thing anyone has done for me lately is to call and ask how I’m doing with sincere concern. I’m going through a tough time medically and it really makes my day when people like my brother (who really isn’t a phone person) or random friends call just to see how I am.

Melissa Lynch - Three men from my church replaced the floor in a community residential care facility that I volunteer at.Wonderful Christian Men!!For me!!

Tiffany C. - My husband and I are adopting and I have seen again and again the kindness of our friends/church family who are partnering with us financially.

Tracy - A friend of mine knows how much I love new plants and brought some into work for me to re-plant at my house. She also decided to bring me lunch too…I have some wonderful friends who are very kind!!
This print is so happy!! πŸ™‚

kim - Oh, I love the colors and saying in that picture! It’s perfect for my 20 month olds “big girl” room! My husband does kind things for me everyday. Last night after we had gotten in bed I remember the Target bags I left in the car (that he had to take early to work the next morning), and I needed the applesauce I bought for the next day, and he went outside and got it for me. He wasn’t sure if he would remember in the morning, so after being settled in bed ready to fall asleep he got himself up and got it. Not a huge thing, but so kind.

Jess - I was at a funeral and someone I didnt even know waited for me to get out of the car bc they didnt want me to haft to walk alone. She must of seen me upset at the chapel. The human spirit is amazing.

Karen - My husband fixes me breakfast almost every day. He doesn’t have to get up as early as I do but he still gets up and does this for me. He is AWESOME!

Andria - My husband designed and ordered a custom door for our pantry. It’s inset with frosted glass and says pantry. It was a complete surprise. So Sweet. The print is so cute.

Teresa - My mommy has been pampering me after having all four wisdom teeth extracted. I love her! I’ve been on a smoothie and ice cream diet until my jaw heals.

Monica - So pretty!
Something nice: My MIL watched my daughter last night so that my husband & I could go on our FIRST date since she was born 14 months ago. (Long overdue, I know!)

Lisa Hartz - Love the print!
My mom and called yesterday and asked us to come to her house for supper last night so I wouldn’t have to cook supper! So sweet!

pam - my oldest daughter caught me crying and pushed the hair out of my face saying ‘mom, it’s going to be ok…whatever it is, it’s going to be ok’. she’s a treasure.

Shairee - My husband recently stayed up 2 hours late just to listen to me talk talk talk talk….

Laura - my sweet mother-in-law is always so kind to my children & will always babysit, no matter how last minute the request is!

Michelle - LOVE these prints! We’re pregnant with our first and in the process of moving 14 hours away … My best girlfriends are still throwing me a shower! So thoughtful, so kind. My darling husband is the best and shows me such kindness daily. Cheers!

Kathy - My father paid for a pottery class so that I could go with him, just to spend time with him after many years apart.

Susan - Praying for me is the kindest thing anyone can ever do for me.

christine - yesterday was a very busy afternoon
from 3:00 to 5:30 every minute was accounted for and then i was heading out fot the evening to do some card making.
when i got home that night
my son had cleaned and straightened up the entire kitchen!
it was so wonderful to come home to that
since i left in such a whirlwind
nothing like coming home to a clean kitchen
that was the nicest thing someone did for me yesterday
although;my husband did buy me a new running jacket that is water repellant since i’m running a race this weekend in a potential downpour!
i am blessed!
have a great day meg!

Shaun - My favorite author/friend flew from FL to CT to present @ my school! She spread her kindness throughout our school community!! check out her site/books…beatuiful….

Joni Lane - My mama is the kinda mama I strive to be like. Recently, she took an entire day to help me plant new roses, lavendar, and ground cover. she weeded areas that stressed me out (because of our snake problem) and came back up the following day to make sure i had watered the newbies. she takes care of my children almost daily so that my husband and i can work at our coffee shop. she does nice things ALL the time for me. She’s a great example. she epitomizes “being kind to others”

shelly - Those pics are super! My mom watched my girls for an **extra** long time so I could pack boxes for our move.

Lisa - I find that people are kind all the time. But one recent kind event was tather timely. I was a bridesmaid and my dress was going to cost me $210. When I went to pay for it and old friend had already paid and refused to take my money. I really needed that gift. We were fairly stretched at the time. KINDNESS mixed with hearing from God = AWESOME!

TJ Dickerson - My dear sweet sister just watched my kids for 8 days while my husband and I celebrated our 10th anniversary in Hawaii. Which is big, but even bigger, is that I had told my other sister I would watch her daughter over the weekend- the same weekend we ended up in Hawaii. So my dear sweet sister watched both of our kids. She lives about 35 mins from my kids school and drove them back and forth every day. But even more importantly, my kids were HAPPY and SAFE every day we were gone.

Micheala - A group of young people from our church called to see what they could do for me for 5 hrs. So today all 4 of them came over and deep cleaned my house just to be kind.

*Alex* - What a great giveaway! My boyfriend recently drew me a bath after a stressful day-it was perfect! Bubbles, bath oil, candles, a good book, hot water, and some quiet time for me to wind down while he made dinner. Isn’t he the BEST?! Love him!

Amber - My sweet little boy looked up at me this mornings with a big smile and said “love you”. It made my day!

Alison Richardson - I desperately needed to get white envelopes for my son’s b-day party invitations. I was super late in getting the invitations done, and I was running out of time. I ran to Staples to buy the envelopes, when to my dismay, they were closed. I stood at the locked doors peeking in to see if I could spot anyone. Luckily, one of the workers saw me and came to the door. I begged and pleaded and HE LET ME IN!! Woohoo! I thought for sure he would turn me away. Thank you staples man!! My invitations got out just in time (if I only would have remembered to put the DATE on the invitations, that would have been awesome!…no, seriously. I forgot to put the date of the party on the invitations. I know. I know.)

Angela - I would love to display this print in our home. My three year old daughter needs one that says “BE KIND TO YOUR SISTER”.
I am blessed to feel kindness all around me. Just today a friend cleaned my house so I could spend more time with my darling daughters.

Mel - Today we had a sudden onset of spring showers while I was walking to meet my friend on campus. Luckily I had an umbrella so I promptly opened it up and headed on my way. My poor friend did not have an umbrella, so I decided to share it with him. We walked together to his class, him holding the umbrella over us as we walked. When we finally got to his class he was soaking wet! My sweet friend had carried the umbrella and sacrificed his dryness, unbeknownest to me, in order to keep me dry. He’s a really swell guy.

Dena - Love the print!
A colleague recently sent me flowers that said “Breathe!” after a state inspection. She also said she wished she could have done more to help. I was shocked because she helped me in every possible way to get ready. It was such a nice surprise!

Brittany - I’m going to grad school in Kansas in 5 weeks and my sweet dad took my car into the shop to give it a good look over and he bought me 4 new tires so I’ll be in safe in Kansas. Daddy’s are the best.

Kimberley - My two year old got into a plant in our TV room yesterday and spread the soil all over the floor. My four year old walked in shortly afterward, and without a word, went and got the dustpan and broom and some paper towels and cleaned it up. I was pretty pleased with her for taking such initiative and for saving me from another clean-up job.

Aileen Bohn - I love this print and I heart your blog. My husband has been in India for the past 3 weeks and counting. I have to small children and have been dealing with a lot in my life lately. All of my neighbors have helped tremendously- mowed my lawn, brought in meals, taken my children for playdates, and giving me time to exercise. I could never repay them for the service they have done for me. The world isin’t such a bad place!!!!

AshleyAnn - Can one have too many Katie Daisy prints…I think not!
After a little tiff with my hubby he came home and brought peonies, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries for me to plant…it was a good ‘peace offering’!

Crystal Swoverland - We are adopting from Ethiopia and just last week decided to take our other children with us to pick up our son! It will be a stretch financially but well worth it, we believe. Anyway, we got a card in the mail a few days ago that had a check in it for $250.00, the note said it was to help with the kid’s airline tickets. My husband’s Aunt and Uncle are everyday people and it really has to be a stretch for them to send this amount! We are truly blessed!!!

Emily - My boss stood up for me…. not the first time… and probably not the last time either, but it was something that was greatly appreciated….

Heather - I love the color on this print, too!
Recently my neighbor shared a whole bunch of her perennials with me out of her garden. It has made my front flower bed so springy and I smile and think of her everytime I see them. It was so kind and i feel so grateful.

Alice - How wonderful is that picture.
umm last week, I had to miss class because my uncle went into the hospital, everything ok, just gave us a scare, so I miss a test a school. In my college, teachers usually don’t care, you would just give you a finaling grade. I explained my story to my teacher anyways and she had a kind heart and let me take my test and I past it!!! That one good teacher.

Becky - it happened just this evening…
we are vacationing in southern utah with our two young daughters and my parents. early this evening my parents told us to go biking (in moab, where the biking is famous) while they fed the girls dinner. it was a great opportunity to have a few moments alone πŸ™‚

Kara - My grandma had a shirt ordered and sent me – just because she knew I was stressed and she thought I would like it – and she sent presents for my little boys to open when my little guy turned a year old.. it is that kindness that warms my heart and when you stop to think about one kind thing that has happened to you – it is amazing how so many thing come to mind and can make your day so much better.

Elizabeth - I have a daughter with a severe disability who is fifteen years old. I had a birthday party for her recently and invited my good friends to celebrate her life. I should add, although I hate to, that our family is under a bit of financial distress, enough that I haven’t had as much help as I need. My six best girlfriends gave me a tidy sum of money and a card that said: Life is beautiful…especially when you have a shitload of cash. The money went toward extra caregiving for my daughter and made me cry, even though I’m not a crier.

Luce - Last weekend my boyfriend and I spent all of saturday cleaning out his parents garage. We took everything out cleaned and re-organized the whole garage, at times people thought we were having a garage sale. 8 hours later it was perfect. The look on my boyfriends moms face was priceless. She was so excited to acutally have a garage.

Misty Ray - It’s all about the little things, and my mother gave me two cans of my favorite shave gel, just because she loves me!

Catherine - my husband kindly drove the whole way on our trip today, letting me sleep and just relax… so nice!
LOVE this print, thanks for sharing it!!

Whitni - I love it! Its such a nice message and it matches my papasan chair pillow perfectly!
Today I forgot my wallet at home so one of my coworkers bought my lunch for me, even though shes leaving tonight to go out of state to live and there is no way i could pay her back. It was such a nice thing, it was like HER going away present to ME! Ha!

beth - I love this print…I need it for my classroom! I am constantly asking my students…”was that kind?”

Lisa - We have had a heck of a week this week. My mom was diagnosed with cancer. My husbands grandma will not survive the weekend… stomach bugs… the works. I got the stomach bug today (our anniversary) and my hubby took the day off work to care of our four Littles. What a sweet, sweet man. I love him so much.

Rachael B - My mom has been saying that phrase to me my entire life! It is so fitting right now because the kind thing someone has done for me most recently was my mom taking the time to do my laundry for me while I was studying for midterms!
Thank you for your lighthearted, sanguine posts everyday!

Janine - My boyfriend often does kind things for me without hesitation. Recently, when my brand new papasan frame wouldn’t fit in my car, he drove 20 minutes to where I was so he could strap the frame to the roof of his car using nothing but a knife and old bed sheets. That’s love!

Kimberly - This is one of my favorite etsy shops! My husband is so sweet. He washed, folded and put away our laundry. And he made me dinner! He’s a keeper!

megan c. - I love this print! My went to visit my dear friend in Seattle and she had a cookie from her favorite bakery and her favorite lollipop waiting for me when I arrived!

Rebecca - A wonderful friend made my family a casserole dinner and a loaf of pumpkin bread. So yummy and so nice!

Mandy - a dear friend of mine reminded me today of the importance of serving with JOY not out of obligation. She spoke truth

Lori - My mom is in town and she did my dishes for me tonight. Love that. Very kind, that mom πŸ™‚

Rebekah Brummel - The children at my children’s school raised hundreds of dollars worth of school supplies so that I can deliver them to orphans in Ethiopia when I go pick up my son. Wooden puzzles, baby dolls, stencils, wooden families, and piles and piles of more. . . . .

Ali B - A sweet fellow mama from my daughter’s school saved the day and covered my volunteer shift in a pinch. Without me even needing to ask, she sensed I was overwhelmed and rode in on her amazing white horse to kindly save the day.
It’s the littlest things that make the biggest difference in your day.
Beautiful print!!! Love it!

Sarah - What an adorable print… It’d be a fine addition to my craft room.
Something kind someone did for me was actually for us! The day before my husband was to begin chemotherapy, my mom in law watched the kids for a date night. We went to the movies then dinner and had such fun spending time together. The next day too she was at our house bright and early to watch the kids again so I could sit beside my husband while he underwent his first treatment which took 5 hours. She is a true blessing in our lives.

Noelle - Craig’s latest saying to the boys is, “Philadelphia!” – brotherly love, you know. Would put my sign right by the gumballs in our family room as well…and teach our little one to read it immediately!
Kindnesses…literally hundreds of them have come our way in the form of beautiful cards, emails, pies(!), lawns being mowed, etc. in the last 3 weeks since my dad died. We have been so blessed by God’s hands and feet on this earth. Also LOVE that we have your pictures of our clan with Dad right in the middle….thank you.

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Beautiful print!!!
My hubby, after being out of town for work the past 2 days/nights, brought pizza home for dinner! Oh how I love him!

kari - I made an ice mandala for a friend who’s cat passed away.

becki - my friend took me to dinner last nite!

Beth Wells - Love these prints! My husband just cleaned the entire kitchen…SO KIND! I love him so much! πŸ™‚

Beth - My husband and I had gone out of town for the day, and for the long ride home that night, we decided to stop at Starbucks. We had been doing the Dave Ramsey thing for a while, so it was a splurge for us. We ordered,pulled up to the window, and were told that the car in front of us just wanted to do something nice and had paid for our order! We thought it was such a kind gesture!

Nichole - This afternoon my 9 year old son was playing basketball in the driveway with a few neighborhood kids. One of the kids tried to pass the ball but missed and almost took me out instead. My son says “Dude you almost killed my Mom. Don’t EVER do that again!” I wouldn’t say the ball almost killed me but it was kind of him to want protect his Mama! : ) Definitely made me smile!

Stephanie - That print would be lovely in my classroom! I love the colors and message.
A parent of one of my students brought in a huge bag of homemade chocolate chip cookies for me and my coworkers today. It was a fantastic end of the week treat and so kind of her!

Suzanne - a friend from work and I were at Panera and as we left I mentioned how cute their little packages of valentines day cookies were…next time I went in to work there they were siting on my desk!

Anna - a friend at church gave me a huge bouquet of blossoms that made my house smell lovely – which cheered this grouchy, pregnant mom!

pallie - After my husband was away for the weekend and I have worked two weeks straight, he brought home a nice bottle of wine so that we could relax together. Love him!
and love that print! love. love. love.

amy jupin - what an interesting twist…i think the last person to do something kind for me was ms. anna poo. i found a little love letter from her left on my nightstand to surprise me after work. i stood there with a big smile on my face as i read the note and checked out the cute artwork (a giraffe). it was very sweet.

Alicia - My parents took my 3 year old on an adventure for the day so that I could have some time to catch up on everything I’m behind on!

Nicole Q. - I just got back from getting a one hour massage . . . a gift from my husband! That was kind!!!

miss r - On Wednesday, a local church brought homemade lunches for all the teachers at my school. They even attached sweet little notes and red gingham bows. It was so thoughtful!
I have to share what they did last year, too. They made us lunch at the church, and they served us on real dishes and tablecloths! It was really special. We rarely get to enjoy such a fancy lunch during the school year.

ashley - My best bloggy BFF sent me earrings for absolutely no reason!

Routhie - What beautiful pictures!
I was reminded by a friend how powerful my actions were and that I make more of a difference than I think. I love having friends that encourage and empower. Makes me want to get out there and do as much as I can.

candace - Last week another teacher took my class for a while so that I could regain composure. I had just been yelled at by a parent and she counseled me through it. She is a wonderful mentor and such a sweet spirit.

dawn - Love those!!!
My family has had a rough few weeks. The phrase “when it rains, it typhoons” has been so appropriate. The most random things have made me feel better in this frustrating time. Everything from the nice person that stops to let my daughter and I cross the street — to the friend that sends the perfect email at just the right time. I’m grateful for it all!

karen - Had a bad a day at work (this Monday) and my 2 1/2 year old wiped my tears away with toilet paper and played a game with me (I see you…I don’t see you…. there you arrrre!!) to get me feeling “not sicky”. LOVE.

Katrina - I have the most wonderful church family ever. My husband has been out of work since Oct. of last year. We are making it by the grace of God and never complain or ask for help. I recieved a call last month from a church friend. She told me that someone just called her and asked her to call us and tell us to go look on our front steps. I opened the door to find a weeks worth (plus staples of flour, oil etc.) of groceries sitting there. We still don’t know who did it, and that is just the way the Lord wants it. I will be so happy to pay it forward when our finances improve. God is so good!

Aljolynn - Darling! My friend and next door neighbor came to visit with me last Friday when I was feeling lonely. 99.99999% of the time I’m very fine with being a single parent but somedays I just wish I had someone to share my days with. So she spent some time with me and my little Mancub. It was heartwarming to know that I have such a gracious friend.

krystall - My hubby knew I’d been having a very bad week…PMS, kid issues, money issues, family issues and friend issues. If it could wrong this was the week it did. Today I was on my 5th load of laundry, cleaning toilets and trying to entertain a 3 year old when my phone buzzed. it was my hubby ” Love ya, I hope your day gets better”. Now my hubby is so not that mushy and for him to think of me and my day during his busy work day it made me stop and cry. I am so blessed to have him.

pambuller - i have this really cool friend who is a professional photographer and sent me the best birthday present ever. she had a coffee table-like album made for me of a trip we took together and surprised me with it. i cried. she has a heart of gold. and filled my heart with love just when i needed it.

Erin Kirby - My husband rubbed my back. That was VERY kind. I didn’t even have to ask. AND being pregnant with our first baby, I have aches and pains all over. It was very kind, I love him. And I would LOVE to put this in the nursery!

juliann brenner - I’ve seen her store and love her things!! So, I’ll enter, even though its a long shot…. We visited my parents last weekend and my mom washed ALL my laundry and my kids’ laundry too – hubby was away….

Cara L - i love this! my parents did something very kind for me today…our plumbing bill was accidentally sent to their house and they paid half of it for us! thanks mom and dad!

Andrea - A few weeks ago we won a fire pit at my son’s elementary school’s silent auction. When we went to put it together there were several parts missing. I managed to find and contact the family who donated it. All I wanted to know was where they got it so I could exchange it. They absolutey went above and beyond. They got another one and put it together and delivered it to my home. It was so much more than I had wanted or expected. It absolutely made my day. My week in fact.

Lauren Rodgers - I love this print. We talk to our almost 3 year old daily about using “kind hands” especially with his little brother, so would love to hang this one!! Anyway,my sweet friend who has her hands full with a large brood invited us for dinner knowing my husband was out of town for several days, and it was just really nice to be with them and have someone who has a very “full plate” reach out to us.

Charla Liedahl - Prayed for me, as I was having an especially hard day with my 3 year old son (he’s autistic.)

Ashley Chandler - Our family’s beloved dog passed away this morning. We are heartbroken. My friend came over this afternoon for a visit and brought dinner (really yummy comfort food including delicious homemade cookies) so that I would have one less thing to think about today. REALLY kind.

Dianna - My sweet husband made me dinner. Love him.

Julie - my mother in law recently moved in with my family due to health issues and on one crazy busy loud morning with cranky kids running everywhere, she looked at me and said in the most sincere kind way, you have created a wonderful family….this was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!!!!!!!

Gina - Love this painting!!! My mom has been going grocery shopping with my lately…this is SOOO kind and helpful because I have three kids three and under. I’m so blessed to have her in my life!

Kristina - Someone told me thank you. I know this is not a huge thing but, sometimes a thank you makes all the difference!

Anne K - My mom is SO great. My hubby and I have been getting ready to sell our house and are looking for a new one. My mom has given up so SO so much of her time to help us and she is constantly coming up with new ideas to help sell our house faster. She is too kind. She has also dedicated countless hours to help us look for a new house. I tease her that she is my personal assistant but truly I do not know what I would do without all her help. She is so great! I love you mom!

Linda Sousa - I bought the same print…love it! It would be great to give one as a gift.
Something kind: My parents are forever doing kind things for me, but the other day Dad helped me powerwash an old set of benches and table so I could repaint them.

Rebecca - i love this!! my sister is always helping me out with my kids so that i can get a little time to refresh…that’s the kindest gift for this mama
cheers to a lovely thursday!β™₯

amy - I had to have a “procedure” at the hospital a few days ago. All of the OR staff was wonderful, but one preop nurse stood out. It was freezing in preop and the nurse kept on bringing me warm blankets and tucking me in…numerous times. It was very comforting. A small gesture, but I found it very touching.

Ashley - My mom helped me finish up something this afternoon, just minutes before I needed to run out the door with it. Thanks Mom!

Tracy Lee - My mother-in-law is helping us out with our move across the country by being present when they load our “house” onto the moving truck. I am 900 miles away, and she is saving us so much time and money (not to mention stress!) by being there to be sure everything is being taken care of. I am so grateful!

Teresa Johnson - Our friends and family are throwing us an adoption fundraiser dinner to help us raise money for our adoption. It just melted my heart when they told me πŸ™‚

Debra - My daughter surprised me with a birthday supper.
I really would love to give that print to one of my blogging buddies as she just did her living room in those very colours!

Alexis - my brother comforted me, and hugged me when I was crying and missing my mom.

Audrey J. - Love your blog and house!! Recently I bought a bed from craigslist. While talking to the lady I let her know that my husband would be picking it up. When my husband went to pick it up, he got to talking with them and they let him have the bed. They told my husband they were thankful for his sacrifice, his commitment, and that was their way of saying thank you. My husband is a Marine and at the time was going to be deployed to Afghanistan.

Jane - oooh I love it!
on tuesday my computer hard drive died, completely. I have lost photos from my best friend’s wedding a month ago, and another friend’s wedding in sydney a couple of weeks ago as well as my niece’s 1st birthday – enough of a sob story – anyway, my friend picked up my computer from me and arranged for a replacement hard drive, installed it and returned it in two days! amazing cos I have two assignments due in the next three weeks and the usual turn around for computers is a couple of weeks!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oooh, I like this.
A few days ago I heard Calvin fiddling around in the bathroom after he went potty. He came out a few minutes later with a big smile and said, “Mommy, I tidied up the bathroom for you!” Sure enough, he had folded the little towel into a square and straightened up the soap dispenser and the tissue box. And bonus – he used the word “tidied”.

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Holy comments Batman?! I looked up the etsy shop to find the print you have here, and wasn’t able to find it. Am I blind?

Bethany - My momma came over to my house yesterday to watch the kids (something she does every Wednesday for free so I can do outreach ministry)… my house was a total disaster. She did the dishes, washed my handwash-only dress that was sitting in the sink, cleaned my bathroom, vacuumed and swept! I feel so blessed to have such a kind momma!

Jill J. - The other day my friend came by and took me to the yarn shop. Then she took me to Sonic and bought me a drink. πŸ™‚ It was such a simple thing, but it was so thoughtful.

Mandi - Love the print!!
Every weekend when I come home from college, my mom does my laundry–totally not necessary, but I really appreciate it…gives me more time to spend with family and friends.

Emily - My girlfriend watched my 3 year old so I could craft ALL DAY LONG! Now that’s a true friend!

Teri - a friend gave me her old computer because mine got a nasty virus and she knew how bad i needed one and couldn’t afford to buy one. God blesses me everyday with his amazing love and answered and (unanswered) prayers!~

Michelle - Love this! My mom just treated me to a facial today. . .it was amazing.

Angela - I had a baby in January, and had enough sick/vacation time to take 3 weeks of paid leave, and anything on top of that would have been unpaid. My boss went around without my knowing and got a bunch of people to donate bits of their own vacation time to me and as a result I ended up with 6 weeks of paid leave. The people I work with are so incredibly kind hearted!

Emma - My uncle left me a random message on my phone telling me how proud he was of me and how much he loved me. I burst into tears when I heard it.

Meredith - I enjoy reading your blog and find it to be uplifting and inspiring!
My husband has been out of work for a couple of months and we have had to cut WAY back on our spending. Most of it hasn’t been that bad except when it has to do with our children. We just started attending a church that our entire family enjoys and every summer they put on this spectacular camp for the children. My sister who attends the same church has talked about this adventure week for years and has always wanted my 8 year old daughter to go and feel God’s love there. We were so excited that this was going to be the year that she gets to go. But, unfortunately with our finances having to be extremely tight we were unable to afford it.
Out of the blue, my sister and brother-in-law, came over and gave us the registration form for Abbey, my daughter, that said she was successfully registered for Adventure Week: Buccaneer Bay. They so thoughtfully paid for Abbey to go.
Family is such a blessing and for them to share their finances with us in this way was extremely generous and thoughtful! That is only one of many ways that family and friends have showed us the love of God through this hard time. God is truly amazing. He always provides!

Melissa V. - My friend at work took my students for the last hour of the day so I could go and watch a special program of my kids at work. Very nice of her to have 20 extra students.

Dineen - Love this. I think I’ll order a few for myself today. Or maybe that will be the kind thing someone will do for me today and buy me one!

Vickie S - a good friend stopped by this morning with a hug and to share a book with me that she had read. It’s so nice when someone surprises you with a visit for no reason at all!

Sarah Mahan - I was at Subway earlier this week. I had to get five sandwiches plus drinks. I had my two daughters with me. My one year old refused to let me put her down so I could fill the drinks. A young lady came over and helped me fill my drinks AND she helped me to my car!!!!:)

Suzanne D - My hubby took our girls to soccer practice tonight so I didn’t have to sit outside for an hour in the pollen-infested air. He knows how much I like to breathe πŸ™‚

Amanda Kay - My sweet husband did the rest of the laundry while I was at work. He often does so many kind things for me and our family.
Love is KIND!

Margo - That print is beautiful! I ran into my sister at the gas station yesterday over lunch and she gave me some of the chocolate she had just purchased at the store – just cuz she loves me!

Donna - My MIL and FIL called and asked to take the kids for the day. Really, is there anything nicer than a little time to yourself?

Nicole Milkie - i LOVE that print..i might just have to buy it if i dont win it. I am pregnant with our first child and my husband has been so great. I don’t do well in the morning if i get up too early, so instea of making me get up at 6, to take him to work (because, you see, we only have one car right now) he lets me sleep in, then comes and gets me from home, i then drive him back to work and drive myself to work around 11-ish. He doesnt complain that he has to take his lunch early and drive the whole time, he lets me sleep. It has been this way since January, and i still can’t believe we are doing this crazy routine. So that is my kindness story!!

Ruth - i love her prints! yesterday was my friend’s last day at work… there were three of us who often ate lunch together. so on his last day, he made the two of us a ‘voucher’ with some cash stuck on it, to have lunch at our favourite pub another day. how sweet is that? and it was HIS leaving party!

Olive - A seasoned professional in my field told my supervisor that I was doing a wonderful job in front of the entire treatment team.

Kate B - I absolutely adore that print! What a wonderful message, too.
As for kindness…my husband not only fixed dinner last night, but cleaned up the dishes and kitchen afterward. Such a sweetie!

laura arens - my hubs is the most selfless person Every day– today he took the kids for an hour out of the house so i could clean and start dinner. love him, and love this print!!

Bec - I’m the kind of person who likes to do for others so it is often hard for me to let others do for me. My mother in law recently cooked us a steak dinner since that is rarely in newlywed’s budget. My husband has recently started trying to learn how to do laundry! That is very nice!

Leslie - Oh wow, so neat! I want you to know that I ended up going out and buying the Crazy/Love book the next day after you posted it! And I’ve already read it….SO GOOD!
I’ve been following your blog for awhile now and just love it…it’s inspirational both spiritually and creatively and I love that.
My husband just continues to do nice things for me. I can’t think of one thing because there are just so many. He’s a very thoughtful and sweet, sweet man and I love him so much!

Sarah W - I love it!!
Last week when I last minute decided to go with David on his business trip, David’s friend kindly watched our dogs, came by twice a day to check on them and he doesn’t even live near us.

kendyl sisk - I was telling a parent at the preschool my son attends about a test he had to have run at the hospital. I told her how much it cost to have the procedure done and that at the time we had no insurance. I was really just making small talk, but lo and behold, she came back to the preschool a few hours later with an envelope of cash to put towards the bill. I was overwhelmed with her kindness. It’s something she said she felt like the Lord was nudging her to do and that she didn’t want me to tell anyone. You rarely find people these days with that kind of a humble heart. I will never forget her kindness and I told her so too;O)

Mary Beth - I feel so good just reading everyone’s acts of kindness! Sometimes it feels like there isn’t any more kindness out there! My hubby took the morning off this week to help me chop down some tall grasses down at the church, loaded them on his trailer and hauled them off for me. He’s sweet like that!

Trish - made us dinner. i’m pregnant with some on and off again bed rest! so dinner was perfect!

Katie - Very fun looking gift! Would look wonderful in my kitchen…I’ve had so many wonderful people do kind things for me lately – hard to pick just one.
I just had someone bring me an ice-cold can of diet coke – can’t top that!

Sarah - My WONDERFUL office mate knew I was stressed about moving to a new school and needing all these resources copied and organized. She took all the copies, got them organized, labeled, and even packed themf for as a sweet surprise this week! Nothing like great people to work with! They make everything better!

Betsy - Love the print!
Just a few hours ago, my lovely colleagues helped me. We’re in the middle of this wonderful Kansas Spring thunderstorm. My class of 4th graders was in the middle of a test on the computers in the lab. BOOM! There goes the power! There goes 26 computer tests.
Once the lights came back on, 3 of my wonderful colleagues & friends helped to get every last one of the tests set up & running again. πŸ™‚

Jennifer O'Steen - I lost my dog recently.. it was around 3 am. all of my friends came together and searched the town for me. unfortunately we never found her, but i had so many people that i rarely talk to help me look for her for a few weeks. i was so thankful to have people that really cared for me.

kristen - That print is adorable!
My sweet friend surprised me with dinner and it was such a nice treat!

Bre Ann - Brought me a milk shake while I was pregnant-sick at home with a crazy two and a half year old boy. Milk shakes were the only thing that I could keep down.

Katherine - My friend, Megan, made a pan of PW cinnamon rolls and overnight-ed them to me… From KS to CA!

jenn - Easy! We just hosted a huge baby shower for friends. I made two “to do” lists. The “has to be done” and the “In a dream world we’d get this done” lists. My husband is in the middle of an outtage at work. He’s been leaving home at 4:45am and getting back around 7pm. Every night for a few weeks prior to the shower, he would come home, help me get the kids to bed, and then tackle a little more on one of the two to do lists. Miraculously, his off days fell the day of and the day prior to the shower. He worked tirelessly both days and checked off almost every single thing on both lists. At 5:15pm the day of the shower – an hour before guests would arrive, I found him out front, touching up trim paint on a column. His kindness to me – his laying down his life for mine – was/is a BEAUTIFUL blessing to me. I felt incredibly, deeply loved by him! He is kind.

Tracy - My friend dropped off something today at my house. I commented on her cute green purse. AND SHE JUST GAVE IT TO ME!!! Who does that? She actually emptied it out in her car and handed it over. I told her no… and she insisted…. I love her! I will blog about it tomorrow on my new blog.
By the way, I loved the painting you showcased.

katie - i LOVE that!!!
something kind someone did for me would be; my mother knows i am really craving bbq sausage right now so every wednesday…without me haivng to ask she goes to the butcher and picks up fresh ones for dinner. It may not seem like a lot but i find it very thoughtful!

Sara Levine - This print is beautiful…I’d love to put it in my yoga room! The other day one of my students sent me a note telling me how much he appreciated my classes during such a stressful time in his week. I get such a reward from giving myself up to others but it was so nice to have someone acknowledge my work and thank me for it.

Debra - My friend Emily made me chili for my birthday. This was the first time she has ever cooked for me. And it was good. And she made dessert! And she makes me laugh. And I didn’t have to clean up. She would laugh that I even put this on here, but I really loved her birthday dinner.
I love the, “you are my sunshine print.” My husband and I would sing it randomly to each other when we were dating. Plus the giraffes on it are so random. And blue.

Tiffany - I was having a bad day, a super bad day and my husband brought me home a KING size Butterfinger and my favorite drink, ruby red grapefruit. They don’t sound that great together, but it was such a wonderful thought and greatly needed!
I love my husband!

Niki - My husband told me I look lovely…don’t you just love that word. Lovely. I think it is special because it isn’t over used.
Also, our family showed us kindness by helping us in a million different ways as we moved to a new house this month. Very kind of them!

Ashley - Just this afternoon I was waiting in a long line to check out at Target. I only had one item so the man in front of me (who had a basket full) allowed me to check out in front of him. Simple and kind, but made my afternoon.

Erika - Love the color and the design! Sure would love to win it!

Katrina - I could list so many kind things people have done for me lately. Most important by far though, my parents have taken us in and let us live with them since my husband lost his job 8 months ago. They haven’t complained once about having all of us here (and supporting us!) and have even told us they don’t want us to leave. I love them dearly. πŸ™‚

Elizabeth B - Recently I received a Thank You note from a school thanking me for speaking at Career Day. They told me I inspired them and I was stylish. I was floored, it made my day. Firstly because I only qualify to be stylish 10% of the time and because I was thrilled that little ole me inspired them.
It warms my heart

hannah jetter - Looks like fabulous nursery inspiration for my first baby =)

Jessica - My sweet Irish setter, Copper, is a very loving boy, but he’s also not the brightest. He forgets where his food comes from and occasionally likes to discover a new way to break out of the yard. He climbed a fence the other day (we’re guessing) and was gone. I was at work and got a call that this man had found him several streets over. The man offered to watch him all day for us so we wouldn’t have to rush home from work to get him. He did so very happily, and so he tells us, Copper made himself right at home, lounging on this stranger’s couch, playing with the dogs who lived there and their toys, etc. I thanked him profusely and gave him a gift card to In-n-Out to say thanks!

Ramona - That is beautiful, I love the details in it. And colors. And frame.
I have a wonderful mother-in-law who does thoughtful and kind things for me like recently having dinner (Ham and scalloped potatoes) ready for me when I walked in the door from work. Also, a friend who lent me his Canon 5d Mark II- said “Hang on to it, play with it, you’ll love it” It meant so much that he trusted me with this incredible camera. I am surrounded by very kind people.
Love your blog!!

Kelli - That is so pretty!
I was able to go over to my friend’s house to watch her 5 month old and her 3 year old for a few hours so that she could grocery shop on her own! How wonderful that a few hours could help her so much πŸ™‚

MOW - Today a friend borrowed my car and she filled it up with gas before giving it back to me. She didn’t need to, but it was very kind for her to go out of her way to stop at the gas station! Very thoughtful!

celine - darling, i have had my eye on one of these prints for a long time now:)
something kind…a random guy at walmart helped push my 2nd cart of groceries to that car after seeing i had toddler and a newborn in the other. and he said, “you are so blessed” he was right, i am!

Lindsay - I was really sick a week ago and my neighbor just showed up at my house, got my kids ready for school and then took them so I wouldn’t have to drive. On her way back, she picked me up some soup and medicine. Then, she also picked my kids up from school. It was awesom. She is my ANGEL!

Jill - i know that as soon as my husband gets home from a long day of teaching fourth graders he will tell me to take a break from our boys that i stay home with. what a guy! πŸ™‚

Jalayne Culbertson - I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and have a 2 year old birthday party at my house this weekend…my sister is being kind enough to take a day off work and drive up a day early to help me clean my house. I couldn’t have asked for something kinder!

rosemarie - my kids offered to make my husband and me dinner.

Megan - My neighbor came over today and helped me work in my flower beds and get everything for spring ready! So kind!

erin j - My husband tended our two kids through a very hectic potluck dinner so I could sit with other women and have an attentive, adult conversation. He’s such a stud!

LibraryGirl62 - I work at an elemntary school and I LOVE my kids! Theya re forever making me smile with “Ms Ashley you look beautiful” or “Ms Ashley, I love you”. They are so Kind-what happens in middle school????

Heather Richter - I love her prints!!!
My friend in Germany sent me a care package with all our favorite German treats. :)~Heather R.

Megan Kohlman - I don’t normally comment on give-away things. But here goes. (This will be long because I’m copying an e-mail.)
I am a teacher (second year) and recently found out that my position is being cut due to budget woes. This morning I came to work to find an e-mail from one of last year’s parents. It read:
Hello Megan –
My family and I have heard news today that your contract will not be renewed for the next school year. We are deeply disappointed to lose a talented, dedicated teacher like yourself. My son has enjoyed your class and I regret that my daughters will not be able to experience language arts with you in the future. He was crushed to hear that you wouldn’t be back next year, when he knows many tenured teachers are not as capable as you are.
I pray that you will land safely in a new position quickly and you’ll be better off in the long run. My husband has experienced a few layoffs and we know the pain and anxiety that go along with changes like these. We have always landed on our feet and I’m sure you will too.
Please know that you are appreciated, valued and that you will be missed at ACMS. All my best to you!
I think this more than qualifies as something nice. (Plus, that would be a perfect print for my classroom, when I find another job for next year!)

patti - my friend just offered (out of nowhere) to watch the kids for me on friday night so the hubs and i can go out on a date! now, that’s kindness!!!

Lauren - I am a nurse. A patient gave me a thank you card earlier this week and it was THE SWEETEST thing for her to think of thanking me. That doesn’t always happen…it made my week!
(And I’ve been admiring these prints for a long time!)

Brianna - my dear co-worker, hannah, took me out for an emergency tire-change during a teacher workday at school. i had an 8 hour trip to pennsylvania planned for that night so was really in a panic. she calmed me down, called sam’s club for prices, drove me there, and even used her membership so that i could have them in an hour and be on my way. she took time out of her workday (that she needed desperately as she prepares for maternity leave) to help me out. isn’t she so great?!

jennifer - Love these, so I couldn’t not enter…
The other day, my twelve year old SON gave me a hug and kiss and told me he loved me! Made my week!

Emily - An old friend sent an email just asking if I was smiling today…since yesterday had been a rough day. It’s the little things that matter!
ps…I love your blog. It’s so inspiring!!!

Stefanie - My 5 yr. old daughter offered me the last grape, and then told me she loves me more than Cinnamon Toast Crunch…that’s major! πŸ™‚

Rae - I just recently started reading your blog and I’m a huge fan! and I love the painting! So for the kindness…for the third year in a row I’m planning on a summer missions trip to Slovakia to teach english and love on the people. I did not ask for any money and I’ve had several people give hundreds of dollars just for me to go on this trip. It’s been a huge blessing and a reminder of how the Lord will always provide.

Sunny - wow….this is really colorful and amazing photos of gumballs. You are an amazing photographer I must say. You have the eye for it actually. You can get more colorful gumballs from carousel gumball. They have a nice collection of gumball machines and gumballs of numerous colors.

Christina - It’s a beautiful print! My husband was so kind to me the other day as he watched our two year old and cleaned the house for me while I went thrift store shopping. I so needed that break!

Lorie Yoder - My husband graciously took my daughter to her church meeting last night because I had book club at our house. He usually teases me about book club and how ridiculous it is, but he didn’t comment at all, and didn’t say a word about driving to church. He even took the kids out for supper!

kat - My daughters tell me I am the “bestest cooker ever!” It makes my heart melt when they verbalize how much they appreciate my cooking.

Jennifer DeLosSantos - We had to take Kate on an emergency trip to the doctor and our car was at work with Jude. Our neighbor saved the day by running over and helping me hook up an old car seat in my mom’s car. This is the same neighbor that recently gave us his 36 inch TV when ours went out. Amazing.

megan - My baby sister sent me an email telling me how much she looks up to me, loves me and how someday she thinks I’ll make a really great mom. Considering she’s just 18 and we still regularly have silly spats, it meant a lot!

Chris - My 4-year old told me I was a good singer.

Emily - I love that print! Something kind…knowing that we are strapped for cash after buying a new house, my in-laws sent us a beautiful rug from their home in the mail a couple of weeks ago.

Dawn Zaffron - My mom and dad came to help me with the first few weeks of my newborn baby’s life. I did not do one load of laundry for the whole 2 weeks they were here. My parents pretty much rock.

Nicole - thanks for the eye candy! My neighbor brought us over dinner last week – bless her!

kimberly - recently I helped someone at work print their daughter’s graduation invitations. In return she gave me a bag of Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms, something she had overheard me say that I like. Completely unexpected, and so kind!

Stephanie - My mother picked my boys up from school because I didn’t want them to experience the heartbreak from seeing the school country fair that we could not attend due to financial difficulties.
The fair started at 3:30pm and I could not pick them up till I got off work at 5:00pm which would have meant the fair would have been in full swing and my children heartbroken when told we couldn’t go.
Thanks mom.

Jennifer Meysenburg - Just yesterday I was in line at a drive thru Starbucks and when it was my turn to pay the barista said that the person in the car before me had paid for my drink as well as drinks for my 4 kids. WOW! That is a random act of kindness that I will always remember and it has challenged me to do more acts of kindness!

AmyB - My friend just gave me seven free tickets to a baseball game at the Round Rock Dell Diamond! I’m going tonight with six of my friends! Hooray!
PS. I love your blog! πŸ™‚

Rachel - I have had morning sickness for the past 9 weeks (and counting). My mom came over and cleaned my house – DEEP cleaned the bathroom and kitchen… a most wonderful gift of kindness! I love my mom!

Nicole@OnTheRun - My BFF (yes, I still have one in my 30’s) just drove through a tornado warning to rescue me when I locked the keys in my car at Walgreens. She knows I am a total idiot and still came. Love. Her.

Heather Young - I have recently been ill, and was in the hospital and my husband is just the kindest man in the whole world. He stayed by my side 4 days and nights, made sure I was always comfortable and was just so supportive. His kindness is never taken for granted, and I know I am truly blessed. I LOVE this print!!

kristin - my husband sent me a text this am, that said thank you. i texted him back and said for what? he said for being the love of my life. THAT was kind….

Lindsey - My grandfather took me out to lunch at Cracker Barrel today. We had a grand time.

Dianne Avery - People have been amazingly kind to me lately. I’m so blessed. But the biggest one to stand out lately actually happened to my son. We just moved and he’s been having a hard time adjusting to the new school and having no friends. I told one of the “popular” kids moms of his struggles and she had a long talk with her son and he literally took my son under his wing to make him more comfortable at school. He invites him to sit with him at lunch, play on the play yard, play dates……I’m tearing up thinking about it. It’s been so hard watching my baby struggle with all the changes and this one little boy guided by his mom has made an amazing change in my sons life.

Rebekah - I wrote “BE KIND” on the little chalkboard over my kitchen sink this week. Because I need to be reminded in capital letters. πŸ™‚
A childhood friend with whom I had completely lost contact recently found me on Facebook, read my blog and sent me the sweetest message saying that she still had letters we exchanged over 20 years ago when I moved away, what warm memories she still had of me, and how my blog had blessed and inspired her. She’s now a busy wife and mom of 3 boys, working on a cattle ranch, but the fact that she took the time to tell me that I was still special to her touched me so much.

Nichole - I love that print! Such a great way to display such a precious reminder!
I have to say that I am constantly blessed with all the wonderful things my 2 bigger girls help me do with the house & with my 2 younger kiddos! Some days it is hard to keep my head above the water & especially my oldest, who is only 8 is always willing to make school lunches, pick up toys, fold laundry, pretty much anything she can to help out mom! I feel blessed to have such a sweet little helpers!!

rachel - Love those bright colors!
I recieved the sweetest act of kindness today. I teach 3rd grade and on Thursdays we have grade-level meetings. These meetings take place of our Thursday planning periods, so I can’t go to the copy machine, check my box, (go to the bathroom), etc. A parent of one of my children was doing work for the PTO and stopped by my room. She offered to read a couple of picture books to the class while I ran to the copy machine, got a coke, (and went to the bathroom). It was 15 minutes, and it was awesome!

Jermaine D. - I love this print! I have a friend who is always great about giving real compliments.

sarah - Oh, my goodness I love her stuff. “Not all who wander are lost” was a title of a paper I wrote in college. It’s so me!
Funny you speak of something kind – yesterday I ran in to check out a thrift store I was next to. I was really pushing my 1 year old so close to nap. I found awesome cheap glasses and was standing in line at the one check out to pay. He was quickly turning into a hot, sleepy, cranky mess. The woman in front of me said “You need to go ahead of me”. Bless her. She only had one little porcelain elephant, she didn’t have to do that. I thanked her profusely and took her up on her offer. 4 cool new wine glasses, one sleepy boy and a very touched mom left that store and had an awesome day because of her.

tasha roe - a good friend upgraded her sewing machine and gave me her edger foot & gathering foot. i know it sounds silly but she could have very easily sold it with the machine. instead, she thought i might like them. every time i use them i think of her! she’s so thoughtful!
ps – can you come and decorate my house?!! i’ll pay you with sugary treats and coffee. πŸ˜€

Tere - I’m in a meeting and was just delivered a box of See’s chocolates. Pretty cool and kind (well, not to my hips).
But when I think of kind, I think of my mother who is the most giving and kind woman I know. She gets my 4 year old on the bus nearly every day and picks up my middle school kids in the afternoon. Yesterday, all my laundry was done. She’s so kind and a keeper.

lulusparkles - what a fun reminder!
girl your decorating style is SO effortless & cool~
i dig it.

Casey - What a lovely piece of art. I would adore it!
For me……and I do consider this for me…..but in a roundabout way. My sister has Scleroderma and I’ve spent a lot of time with her in Dallas recently (we live in KC) helping her after a long hospital stay and several complications derived from her disease. I recently asked my readers if they’d like to help since I read from time to time that they’re interested. I’ve had a huge response. Friends I’ve never met in person or even spoken to on the phone have stepped in to help. They’ve made meals and delivered them……they’ve sent gift cards so that Caroline and her boyfriend can purchase meals easily instead of having to cook……they’ve arranged for a caterer to create and deep freeze tons of food to stock her freezer.
I know they are doing it for my sister, but I also believe it’s for me……because they know more than anything I’d like to be there full time preparing these meals myself. I am so touched by their generosity. I can imagine you feel the same way with the response to your Africa ads.

Summer - My girlfriend watched my two kids so my busy husband and I could have a date. It was just what I needed and she knew it!

Melissa Shepard - My aunt bought me a plan ticket to go visit my sister and her family who are serving as missionaries in north africa.

rebekah wright - A friend called and asked if she could keep my children so I could go get a pedicure…just because. How kind!!! I am very blessed by your blog.

Jenn McQuate - Oh, I tried to win this on “under the sycamore” and if I don’t win it this time then hopefully my husband will get it for mothers day!!!! (of course now I will also need a cute gumball machine)!!!
My mom had a heart attack a year ago. We live in a city called Castle Rock and yes there is a trail on our Castle Rock. My mom has set it as a personal goal to hike that rock with the kids and I as a way of celebrating life after her attack. So we did just that, yesterday. It was beautiful weather and the kids (just 2 and 4 years) were great!!!! We made it to the top and rejoiced and praised our God!!!!!!!!!! Just about 10 minutes into the decent my mother stepped on a rock with some loose gravel and slipped. She looked up in pain and said I heard something pop. There I was at the top of this rock with my kids and my mom with a broken arm (confirmed after 4 hours at the er). And then a nice man came to pass us on the pass and saw my 4 year old crying (scared for nana) and I was taking of my jacket to create a splint for her arm. He was so nice he helped us get mom up and helped me get mom and the kids all the way to the bottom of the rock. I couldn’t have done it with out him. I thought he must have been on his way down already but after we loaded up in the car he went back up the rock to finish his hike!!!! Long I know but SO INCREDIBLY KIND!!!!!!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - I love it!
The nicest thing that sticks out in my mind was when I was having a bad day so my roommate came home from work with a strawberry milkshake in her hand. She had texted my boyfriend to see what flavor I would like the most and then he texted her back later to make sure she had already given it to me by the time he wanted to ask me about it. They both were so sweet – it made my day!

Allison M - oh fun! (and i love every print in her shop!) My boyfriend went on a men’s camping trip last Friday and stopped by my house to bring me a boquet of tulips before he left..just because.

Alisha Gibb - My girlfriends and I are taking a road trip this weekend to go to a book signing. The mother of one of the girls wanted to make our trip special so she got a LIMO to take us down there and back! We are such simple gals and all moms who really need a day way. This is such a treat and we will all be forever greatful!

Melissa - I LOVE THIS PRINT. And I think I need it at my desk as a constant reminder. πŸ™‚
In the last week my husband has shown me great grace while I’ve been under a lot of pressure at work. He has been sensitive, patient, and encouraging. I am so blessed to have him!

`Kelly - Oh so many things to list! My middle boy cut me a beautiful bouquet of tulips from our backyard, a friend sent me a Starbucks GC as an unexpected thank you, my sister watched my kiddos while I went to the dentist, just today I got a love letter in the mail from my husband because he knows Thursdays are hard for us….this list could really go on forever. God is so good.

Marie - That’s so cool! My Hubby made me my nrg tea this morning. It’s a natural energy drink we have every morning. (Although I love coffee, I can’t drink it because it makes me sick. Sniff, sniff.) Anyway, he had it waiting for me when I got out of the shower…it’s the little things that make me smile every day πŸ™‚

Meaghan - I thought about buying this sign when you linked it in the sidebar, but now maybe I can win it. πŸ™‚
My hubby did all the dishes and cleaned up my messy kitchen yesterday while he was “working from home” so I could still get out of the house for my moms’ group meeting while the baby was sick. He is always pretty kind to me.

Stephanie Carroll - My husband brought home a bicycle for me out of the blue πŸ™‚ Then he spent his whole Sunday fixing it up and refurbishing it for me.

Sally Mangham - I know that you said to comment on something lately…well, two years ago I was pregnant with my second and last child and the dr. put me on bed rest because I was having contractions at 24 weeks. Yikes! It was overwhelming to think of sitting in my bed for months, but I did it! My mom and family lived 2000 miles away and she was still works full time so she offered to hire a cleaning lady for me on a weekly basis. It was a blessing and the kindest thing someone could have done. My hubby and friends took care of my 4 year old daughter and me for four months. It was worth the whole experience to end of with a percious little man named Oliver! Happy Thoughts to you too! Sally

Ashley - I have that print and some of her other as favorites on my etsy page!!! I would love to win one!!!
Someone did something nice for me…by just texting me some verses I needed to hear! :0)

Jen Joy - That print is A-dorable! *squee*
Last weekend, I was invited by my counsins to a mini-convention for paint-your-own-pottery shop owners despite the fact that I am not one. They had organized the event and thought I’d really enjoy it. I got to spend an amazing couple of days with artistic free spirits, stay up way too late with giggles and girl talk, AND had the chance to paint tons of pottery FOR FREE! Beyond kind for them to include lil’ ol’ me! πŸ˜€

Crystal - my husband did the dishes last night and pulled dandelions in the yard!

elizabeth - my friends had a birthday breeakfast for me today since its my bday!!

Amanda - She has beautiful items!
Something kind . . . my husband brought me my favorite coffee home the other morning without being asked or hinted at!

Erin - Friend offered to get Moe’s for me yesterday while my oldest son had a fever. It’s the little things πŸ™‚

Lori Heathcote - I love, love this print! It is so cheery and uplifting! Something someone did nice for me was just last evening when a friend sat and listened to me and gave me lots of wonderful advice from years and years of wisdom and insight of an older mother. Meg, I love your blog, your beautiful family and home!

Christy - Last week we had a truckload of gravel delivered to our house. Since our driveway is strange and twisty they couldn’t get the truck up to the garage. I was in the middle of shoveling a ton (literally) of gravel (to save my husband a trip to the chiropractor) when our minister/good friend drove by. He got out of his truck and proceeded to shovel gravel for an hour (while in his dress clothes). Talk about an unexpected kindness.

Nicole - What a great picture! I am a substitute teacher (soon to be teacher hopefully!!) and this is my mantra!
Something nice done for me lately was from my boyfriend, he knew I wasn’t feeling so good earlier this week due to a mean cold so without me asking he surprised me with a bagel and a green tea! It was so unexpected and made my day! πŸ™‚

stacie - my neighbor came over and stayed with my sleeping baby so that i could pick up my preschoolers without having to ruin the baby’s nap! it was so very kind!!

Sally - I love all of her prints.
I’m 35 weeks pregnant and as I was pushing my very full cart out of BJ’s – a very kind young man offered to help, he pushed it all the way to the car and unloaded too!! How kind.

Christian@Modobject at Home - My friend Joy called and invited my four year old to come play with her little boy. A quiet, restful morning was exactly what I needed after being up most of the night with our newborn.

Keshet - My husband has been dealing with all this graduation paperwork for me–it’s long and tedious, but he does it out of love:)

Jacqui - A man at Canadian Tire held a gate open so i could push the buggy through it this morning. that was kind!

julia - ooh…I can’t wait to go to her shop….something kind…hmmm…my friend just sent me a crock pot!

Sarah - My 8 month old thinks she needs to start her mornings at 4 a.m. My husband has been taking turns with me getting up, but one morning I decided to go grocery shopping instead of sitting on the living room floor wishing I was asleep. So when I rolled into Walmart, the one other shopper in the store, an older gentleman, saw me and brought over a cart for me to use. A simple gesture but it was a very kind thing to do at 4:30 in the morning.

Kirsten - I am so in love with her stuff. Happy sigh…
The other day my son’s teacher gave me a hug on a rough day. It was something small, but oh-so-needed!

Whitney - I just had surgery and lots of family and friends sent me cards and brought me lots of yummy food.
P.S. Love the painting!!!

Amy Mierzejewski - i’m clueless about gardening so a friend stopped over with a whole bunch of seeds and plants and helped me start my very first vegetable garden! it really cheered me up on a particularly gloomy day!

corie - Hi Meg, Thanks for this! And for inspiring me each and every day. So, my dear friend was so kind to me when we visited her across the country over the weekend. She said that I am such a good mom, so inspiring and good with my kids, that since she stopped living in the same city as me she’s had to start reading parenting books; I’m not around to inspire her any more! Isn’t that the sweetest thing? She really meant it, as funny as it sounds. What a blessing to hear, because as I’m sure you know, we mommies are always wondering how we are doing, and often assuming the worst.

Sarah Swartzentruber - The other day my car had broke down, and I couldn’t get ahold of any family members so I called my friend up and she came to my rescue! I feel so blessed to have such kind friends and family!!
Love the picture!!

Jill R. - My husband has been working around the clock lately, and his boss sent me a note and a gift card thanking me for my support during this time. So unexpected and so kind!

Chelsea - I love the poster! Something someone did for me recently that was very nice was to take me on a trip to palm springs!

Mindy Harris - I am about to “pop” with baby number 2, so lots of people have been doing nice things for us. perhaps the nicest thing is that my girlfriends have helped with my son on playdates so I could just sit and be a blob.
wonderful print.

stephanie Janes - that is the cutest thing. so bright and perfect little message.
I work at a science camp for kids, and we had someone under the weather, and I agreed to cover from him the next day and as the day went on I found I was having crazy tummy problems. SO I needed someone to cover for me. This coworker totalled agreeed to pull a double shift for me. It was the sweetest thing, He had no problem, usually people complain about it. but he had no problem,

Bree - What a wonderful giveaway. The colors in her art are so great they can brighten up anyones day.
Something kind…i’m pregnant and have been having awful morning sickness. One night i was telling my husband about how much i wanted to do to the house before the baby got here. He normally listens to me and says “ok” and then lets it go till i eventually do it myself. Well the biggest job on the list was repainting all the trim white in the back 1/2 of the house. One day i came home from work to find him painting the trim and I didnt even ask him to. Now i know that alot of husbands would do that anyways and mine does help me out around the house alot but i dont know anyone that hates painting as much as he does..and he did it for me. It was one of the sweetest things he has ever done..and he didnt complain not once.

4JJM - My husband went in late to work (so he could take the kids to school) so I could go to church this morning and have coffee with the girls. My husband does kind things for me everyday, he inspires me to be kind to others.

jody - Yesterday I was outside with my four boys & a neighbor walked over with a looks like brand new tricycle….it was his granddaughter’s & he wondered if my boys would use it. They were THRILLED. I gave the kind neighbor some banana bread we had just made (food always works for me!) as a thank you. I thought it was very kind of him.

grace garland - thanks for introducing us to her stuff……love it. my fav. is “sweet bird”.
i live in atlanta, ga and had to go through the toll booth today. when i got to the cashier to pay my toll she said that the person in front of me paid mine. love the kindness of strangers.

stacey hansen - the wheatfield prints are AMAZING! i would love this print! who doesn’t need a little reminder everyday to be kind.
something kind, my husband has arranged a date night for us on saturday! awesome. i think it’s our first one since our 3rd was born 14 months ago! he even did it all on his own!!

Lou - Alex my sister she made mashed potatoes for me!
P.S I hope i win!
P.P.S i’m turning 9 April 27th!

amalisa - Lovely prints! If I’m not the winner, I’ll be buying one of my own.
Last kind thing: my roommate saved me the last piece of cake for dessert last night. Yum!

jessica - my neighbor & I were out for a late dinner after going to hear William P. Young (author of The Shack) speak at her church. We were in awe by his story, inspired,…eyes opened WAY WIDE…we are forever touched…while we are eating a complete stranger approaches us & tells us she thinks we are beautiful people…she’s says she’s been watching us interact and she sees a true, caring, blessed friendship. It felt SOOOO great. I am now going to make a BIG effort to recognize the “little” things that are actually BIG things in other people.

Sandra K - When I asked my son what makes him happy, he said, “Being in this family.” Oh, my heart was so full…I think that was pretty kind.

A pocket full of posies... - A sweet friend showed-up unexpectantly at my Dr.’s appt.- just to hold my hand and “be” there! It was one of the greatest gifts I have ever been given!
What a delightful print!

Tara - Very pretty print! Just this last weekend my sister came over to my house to watch my two girls for FREE so my hubby and I could go on a date. It was amazing and much needed:) Nothing is better than family!

Laura Phelps - total stranger sent me the limited edition kitchen aid mixer as an “investment in my future”.
Better than the actual gift (which IS amazing) was the fact that out there, there is someone who believes in me.

Nicolle W. - I LOVE that print so much. If I don’t win I will order one. If I win, I might just order one as a gift.
My mother in law kept my crazy, wild, active and wonderful 2 year old last weekend so my husband and I could go camping. This was the longest I have been away from him since he was born. It was so kind of her because he is precious, but hard to keep up with! πŸ™‚

Amy - That is JUST the print to hang on the blank wall I’ve been staring at. Matches perfectly. Out of the blue this week my hubby brought me flowers and finished his little honey-do list without any “nagging” on my part, as usual. It was so unexpected and lovely. I heart him.

Melanie - My blog friend Nancy from Loves to Create (.com) made me a 50th wedding anniversary card for my parents. (for me to give to them) I was so happy when I received it in the mail. It is beautiful. I am going to blog about it after I give it to my parents. She would not let me pay her so I am sending her an ITunes giftcard. It’s amazing what friends you make in the blog world:)
I love the print by the way. So happy!

Beth Ann - I am blessed to have small acts of kindness all around me – a smile, a wave, a door holder etc. This morning at Home Depot one of the workers was kind to my young toddlers – which is refreshing. Many times with a 3 & 2 yr old you get nasty stares…..

jenn groves - i am a lucky girl surrounded by lots of kind friends and an especially kind husband! I am having a craft night for some girlfriends tonight. yesterday my husband went to lowes and bought the wood for our craft and cut and sanded each piece for me! he is such a kind and helpful husband and father!
we are making this;

Nathalie - Love this give away… My neighbor was kind enought to come over with his bobcat and help us take down trees and spread dirt for our new lawn… even after along day of work.

Angela - I’ve been sick with the cough and cold that won’t go away. No fun. Today, my daughter took the baby, closed my bedroom door and went and made pancakes for her brothers. AND she made me banana pancakes (my favorite). She is a sweet girl! I love the Wheatfield by the way. Her stuff is awesome!

Talia - something kind someone did for you recently:
I received a response from a student (I work at a College) to an email I had sent regarding a job opportunity stating that I “was a blessing”. I smiled all day long. So sweet and thoughtful.

kari - I love reading your blog . . . you are so inspiring!
I just got a nice email on Facebook this morning reminding me of all the things I can be thankful for – she was giving me the “good news” I had asked for after a string of bad news. Within the last two weeks I have had a friend with a miscarriage, a neighbor die, a relative diagnosed with lung cancer and another friend’s mother die of lung cancer.
And actually, the woman who wrote me this email is the one who lost her mother! So how nice is that!!! She reminded me how lucky I am that my husband is getting closer to God and that I am blessed with talents and beautiful, healthy children. It was very touching.

rachel p - Ugh, I was having a rotten day. And my son (in the middle of one of his year-and-a-half-old temper tantrums) looked at me, put both his chubby baby hands on either side of my face, and gave me a big ole smooch! It was the sweetest, kindest thing EVER <3 πŸ™‚

Jaslyn - my husband and I are trying to have a baby. I am on clomid and it makes you ummm….lets just say…not yourself…he is sweet to me anyway and brings me all the popsicles I want.

Caroline - I am a new mom and a new home owner. My husband and I just relocated and my mom has gone above and beyond to help us get settled. She takes care of our sweet baby boy when we need a break. She has been helping me decorate and set up house. And yesterday, she bought me some beautiful new plants for our back porch. I am so blessed to have her love and support!

Malissa - My inlaws took my 2 yr old for the afternoon so I could have some time to myself. Heavenly!
Thanks for all the fun giveaways! Love your blog:)

adrienne - taking dinner to a friend tonight. she just had a baby girl πŸ™‚
really nice giveaway, a great reminder too! thanks for the chance to win!

Natalie - My parents brought me back a shirt from their trip to Texas. Nothing major, but it was nice!

Jaime - After having a totally crummy day I came home from work to find a clean kitchen, a vase of flowers and a sweet husband. He knew just what I needed!!!

susan - A classmate of mine emailed me at random to tell me she was thinking of me and she hoped I Was happy all day πŸ™‚

June - My dear hubby did all the chores last night…just because.

Amnah - That’s adorable.
Every time I bake, I package up the sweets in small pink bakery boxes and deliver them to my friends and family living near by. Everyone always looks forward to my little pink boxes.

Jessica - So beautiful!
My husband is always doing nice things for me. This morning he unloaded the dishwasher and killed two spiders! πŸ™‚

Victoria - Gorgeous print! I love them all.
My husband gave me a back rub last night although he was tired himself. πŸ™‚

Tegan and Tage - Gorgeous, gorgeous print. You know, my Starbucks barista complimented my two different colored eyes last week, then gave me a complimentary drink because he said he, “Took too much of my time chatting with me about them”! It was such a refreshing change from the, “You lost a contact” comments I usually get. πŸ™‚ Those kind words made my whole Friday (more than the free drink.)

sara jane - my husband put the kids to bed so a friend and I could run off for late night tacos!

Kelly O. - I love that print!
recently I was ill and a friend arrived, gatorade in hand, and stole away my son for the day so I could rest.

Julie - A new friend offered to babysit my children while my husband and I went on a date-and she did! It was so refreshing!

Courtney McIlwain - My husband has been working so much lately that he hasn’t ben able to keep up with his yard work. So this morning I cut the grass for him.

amanda fuentes - My 4 1/2 yr. old fed her baby sister her breakfast this morning so I could sweep the kitchen floor. πŸ™‚

Amanda - Today, my principal (I’m a teacher.) let me leave early because I wasn’t feeling well. She didn’t make me use any of my sick days, either. She told to have a free day and go home to rest! It’s so nice to have a nice boss!

meaghan - my hubby watched the 3 boys while i got my hair did. thank you jon…it makes you even sexier. bahahahaha!!

Jessica/littlepumpkingrace - Love that print!!! The message AND the artwork!
My mother and my mother in law watch our two little munchkins 3x/week in our home so that I can to to work at a local nonprofit organization serving abused children. I can’t think of anything kinder than their selfless devotion to spending time with our children week after week.

Kate - At very short notice, my inlaws took my 2 children for me(no questions asked) so that I could drive 2 hours and help care for my very sick baby nephew. This meant my inlaws getting up early, (so I could drop the kids off at there house and get an early start)helping my children get ready for school, drive them to 2 different schools and pick up my preschooler and give him lunch and entertain him for the afternoon. I at least had peace of mind so that I could help my brother and sister in law. We are so lucky we have a small but very supportive family!! πŸ™‚

Janine - I have been going through some stuff lately and my friend picked me up for lunch yesterday. She gave me a much needed break and she just listened. Sometimes just having someone listen to you is a gift of kindness that we take for granted.

A Cupcake For Moose - Lovely giveaway!
Recently, I said “no” to a request of my time, which is so hard for me to do. Instead, I took that time to enjoy my family and the blessings around us. It was refreshing!
-Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose

Lacy Brauner - I just got home from Target and bought myself 3 dresses and a new pair of sandals. Ive been really stressed out and have been really low. Ive lost all self confidence after huge weight gain after my delivering my son,(who is 19 months old, and Im still a cow..), so these dresses were a little pick me up. I feel cute and the prints and colors are awesome, very summer. Now I just need a pedicure and Ill be ready for some rays!!

Colleen Jobe - My best friend arranged a WHOLE MONTH of meals for me and my family after my hysterectomy! It’s been a wonderful blessing.

Brenna - Whoops, FOR me. My sister-in-law unloaded my dishwasher and folded my laundry all week long! Now THAT is kindness! My laundry/dish fairy!

Brenna - My sister-in-law was visiting and was admiring a decorating book I got from way back. A “vintage” Martha Stewart book. So, when she wasn’t looking I slipped it into her suitcase to be surprised by when she gets home. Hee. Fun!

Meredith Salmon - I love this print. I am going to check out the site and see if I can find some great Christmas presents for this year.
My 6yr old and I argued last night ( I am not even sure what about). He disappeared and when he came back he was holding a stapled note that said that “he was sorri and promisd not to do it again, I am sereus, that he is just a kid” He also drew a picture of me and him together. It was too cute and made my day. It worked because I can’t remember what we even fought about.
Hope you have a great day!!!
I hope you have a great day.

Lisa - Oh my goodness! I love this! My aunt bought a new car and she is giving our family her old car. This is a huge kindness!

amy d - “someone” brought me margaritas and spent 3 days patiently waiting for their hair to turn blond. πŸ™‚

Sarah - About a month ago, I texted my two best guy friends at two in the morning, because I couldn’t stop crying. They brought a big box of tissues, even made me tea, and sat with me from two till five am, even though they had exams the next day.

Shelly - Last week I was helping my dad paint his house…the entire inside..and got behind on laundry and chores at incredibly awesome hubster did all my laundry! Can you believe it of course it’s back with a vengence but for a day it was all done courtesy on one precious hubby! Love em! - a friend of mine ‘facebooked’ a very kind and unexpected message about me to some of my other friends the other day!

Angie - My husband, out of the blue, has been doing the laundry for me as he works from home. He has even folded and put it away! I love that guy!

Tonya - my mom gave up a trip and drove 6 hours to be with me and take care of my children while I was sick!

Kim - I love all of those prints- too cute!
This morning while I was playing with my kids I (clumsily) backed into the wall- it hurt! Before I could say anything (I’m sure I made a very gracious face) both of my kids (2 1/2 and 1 1/2) were covering me in kisses asking me if I was okay and if they could make it better….to see their little hearts in action made me teary-eyed!

Becki - A friend stood by my side when everyone else walked away. LOVE your blog,it makes me happy!
Becki S

Allie - i love those prints! last night, my friend edited my 16 page research paper for me!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love the bright colors, picking just one would be hard.
I’m sorry I missed helping yesterday with water for your goal for Water4Christmas…not on here as much these days.
Something nice…an older lady tipped me on one of my newspaper routes and told me to spend it on myself because I was working so hard with the kiddos in tow. It meant a lot to me because I sure was having one crappy day!
Hope you are having an awesome day!

Tara @ the cinnamon post - after a horrible day at work and with a pounding headache i came home and my little boy told me to lay on the couch and he rubbed my temples and told me i was beautiful

Katie - I’ve had this piece bookmarked for a while. Love it!!
Recently (and often actually) my mom watches my little girl. My husband and I are trying to get our house ready to sell, so her willingness to do this on what’s become a regular basis is tremendously helpful!

Jennifer - My mom and dad both took me in to help take care of me and their granddaughter while I finished my degree which I will be graduating with in the fall.

Jessica Reed - My husband cleaned the house, then he cleaned out and organized the fridge, and made crystal light, and organized the tupperware.
He’s too good to me.

Mitzi - I’m so glad you showed us this painting (and her site)…. I LOVE it! I am amazingly blessed with kind people in my life! I just had a baby, 7 wks old today. While I was on maternity leave my Sunday School class brought us food – kind blessing. I had friends and family stop by to visit and call daily to check on us – kind blessing. And when I returned to work (sad face) my wonderful boss had fresh flowers on my desk; not to mention she is extremely patient as I’m still adjusting to getting out of the house with 2 little ones and rarely on time!

Suzette - love love love it….the kind thing is….a sweet lady at church said she would pray for me.

Dawn Neale - I have been suffering with Post-Partum depression since the birth of my 15 month old daughter. I have one friend in particular who goes out of her way to be kind to me. She just phoned and it bringing coffee for the two of us. She just expressed she is struggling too. We will spend the morning being kind by listening and encouraging each other. I thank God for the great friends he has place in my life.
p.s. I love the print and your blog, it brightens my day.

melissa - my hubs sent me tulips and chocolate for our anniversary…all the way from afghanistan!!!!

Molly - My mother allowed me, my husband, and our two children to move back in with her so that we could be in our home state with family and so my husband can start his business. We appreciate it greatly!

Sarah Little - My grandfather recently passed away and we were very close. A coworker wrote me a sympathy note with the usual condolences and then wrote paragraphs complimenting me and telling me what I meant to her. It was so kind, I am saving it to show my daughter someday that you never really know the impact you have on others until you tell them. It was the ultimate kindness and reaffirmed for me the importance of telling others how important they are in my life. It also reminded me that I have a pretty nice life because of the people I share it with, even if I had just lost my favorite person of all. Love your blog, it is my taste of Kansas while I reside in Washington, DC. Thanks

Kimberly - Wow, I am having a hard time thinking of something nice someone did for me. I love doing things for others and I try and think of ways to make others feel special all the time. But to think of something someone did for me… that is a change for me. I guess I would say I came home yesterday and my hubby had mopped the kitchen floor, it was nasty there is no other way to describe it. We were having family over and I was going to do it when I got home from work. I got to relax and enjoy sometime with my daughter. Thank you, I really need to appreciate what others do for me more. I do say thank you but I need to personally appreciate it.

Taryn Smith - Meg – first i wanted to tell you I donated $40 for clean Water. (didn’t make it yesterday) I recently moved to a new state and visited churches to find the right one for me. Wanda who is probably in her 80’s (I’m 53)took me under her wing, introduced me to everyone, invited me to everything. Just what Jesus asks us to do. I love your blog! Taryn

tom burke - My friend Rebecca, who is always sweet assisted me with a project at work. Without her, I would be LOST!!!!

traci - A friend recently stood up for me when someone had their facts wrong and was being very critical of me. She could have easily have just been supportive of me to only me but she made a statement in a group of people when I wasn’t around and told the man who was bashing me he needed to carefully wear his title as a minister. I feel more proud everyday to call her my friend!!!

Leah - My sister served as my fashion adviser on Monday…helped me find a dress for a wedding Im going to next month!

Kelsey I - My roommate cooked me dinner last night! So sweet!

Anne-Marie - I would LOVE to have this print in our house! I’ve tried to teach my girls that lesson since they were very little and I think it was learned.
Came home from a long day/night at work and my youngest rubbed my feet for me while we watched a movie.

Whitney Benson - My hubby notices when I clean the house, and tells me how good it looks. How many hubbies do that?

Ruth H. - My sister came from out of town for a visit, and took care of the kids one night so that my husband and I could go out.

ellen - This is more of an everyday kindness: no matter what I look like or what kind of mood I’m in when he gets home, my husband is so good to tell me that he loves my beauty and my heart. Usually I am a mess both in appearance and in attitude by that time of the day. It truly turns my day around when he encourages me.

sherry - My hubs randomly put flowers in the car after a particularly stressful day. He’s the best.

Tara - Tara from sent me a couple of her handmade flowers just because she’s nice.
no strings attached..just cause she’s generous and nice.
it’s contagious…makes me want to do the same thing for someone…

meghan - This is BEAUTIFUL, I love it!
Just yesterday one of my classmates told me she has been praying for me. I’m in Medical School and getting ready to take my boards, it was just so touching that she prayed for me during this challenging time.

jessica C. - The other day my 9 yr old son (Sean) asked me in the morning what I was planning to cook for dinner that day. I didn’t think anything about it, assuming that he just wanted to know what he was in for. When I got home, he had set the table, pulled out all the ingredients and opened all the cans, all by himself. When I asked him why he was being so helpful he told me that he’d heard me talking about what a stressful day I was going to have at work and he wanted to “take some stress away” from me…

Abbey - Tricia made my family dinner on a day when my heart was heavy as I awaited news from my dad at MD Anderson Hospital about his treatment plan for his relapse of Leukemia.

Melissa S - My son’s annual eye appointment was this week. Although we didnt stay to pick out new frames that day, they gave him a new eye case because his is broken.

Danielle H. - I work at a law office and we do primarily family law. One of our clients brought me two chocolate chip cookies out of the blue one day when she had called and knew my day had been pretty crazy and busy. It was so unexpected and so thoughtful, especially since this particular client has been going through a terrible custody situation and her life has been in such turmoil. For her to think about ME while she was at the lowest of low in her life, made me all the more grateful for her kindness and made me want to be more thoughtful to others as well. Love, love, love all the Wheatfield prints! Want to add them to my daughter’s bathroom!

Lisa - I’ve been working a lot lately and having a hard time keeping up on the house cleaning. Well I came home from work feeling a little sorry for myself and found my wonderful husband cleaning our bedroom! It was a disaster, trust me! Laundry piled everywhere, my kids toys, blankets, books. You name it, it was probably on our floor! So this was a HUGE act of kindness on his part! He’s really stepped up to help with household chores which just makes him even more amazing!

Amanda - My parents have been keeping my puppy while I travel for work. It has saved me so much money, and I don’t have to worry about my baby being mistreated! I don’t know how I will be able to thank them properly.

susan - my Dad painted all my porch furniture! he’s the best πŸ™‚

Lori Danelle - My 3 year-old made me a birthday crown and a card. It was the first thing that she’s done specifically for someone! I never realized how much I’d love construction paper and stickers!!! It was so great to see how proud she was and how happy it made her to make some one else happy!!! I could’ve squeezed her until she popped!!

Amber - What a happy print! I love it. My neighbor let me use her oven to cook dinner awhile back when our oven broke. I was really bummed because I had made homemade lasagna but then had no way of cooking it. It’s so nice to have good neighbors.

Beth Ann - Love the print!
My parents had planned to come help me move, but when the sell of the house fell through just a few days prior, they still came up but instead helped me unpack! And my mom did some major Spring cleaning for me, while Dad took me to Sam’s to stock up on some house necessities — I won’t need to buy toilet paper or paper towels for a long, long time!

Gentry Tubbs - LOVE YOUR BLOG! I’m a college student and I read it everyday!! Your blog>homework!
Recently I was really stressed out with school. I am an electrical engineering student in Arkansas, so school takes a lot out of me. My best friend is so sweet and noticed that I needed a little ‘pick me up.’ She slid a sweet little inspirational card under my dorm room door saying that she was praying for me and she had faith that I could do this. So simple, yet it meant so much to me that she was concerned!
(Precious give-away!!)

Kacey - It’s so beautiful! Such talent.
Last week my sister-in-law (who lives across the street) offered to watch my two boys while I went to the grocery store. She has a 2.5 yr old and a 6 month-old, and was also watching a neighbor’s 3 year-old. She’s a saint.

Kristy - Meg-
I am mainly sending this message regarding your wedding pics post. I wanted to tell you how much I admired and respected your honesty regarding who you were then and how you have grown. I hate to think that people think I am the person I was back then.
I love looking at your blog and seeing your family–Can’t believe how old we are getting!
Please know that I find your strength and courage to post those raw emotions very inspiring.
I will tell you something a friend of mine did for my oldest daughter that was extremely kind–Avery had her tonsils out on Tuesday and has not been doing very well. One of my old co-workers and her husband came to the house yesterday unannounced and brought Avery balloons and an i-tunes gift card. This woman herself recently had stents placed in her heart for the second time to open blocked arteries. Her selflessness was so appreciated since we do not have our own family up here!
Thanks, Meg for being you:)

Amy - I love her paintings! Awesome!
Recently, two of my friends took great care of me while I was sick. So kind. Bought me Gatorade, popsicles and a thermometer. So wonderful to have such kind and loving friends.

Sarah - This print is amazing. I don’t think I’ve seen a print so happy!
Something beyond nice happened to me recently: This past Sunday was my birthday and I wasn’t planning on doing much. Most of my best friends were away in Europe, I just had a bad break-up with my boyfriend the week before, and my family was all over the place doing their own things. Not expecting much (it wasn’t a special birthday–turned 23 woo) my friend Christina surprised me with one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had! She invited a friend of hers that she knew I liked, took us out to a mexican restaurant, took me out dancing, then surprised me with a basket of gifts that included a knitting kit and crossword puzzles galore (two things that are going to be great now that I’m single) and also a framed picture of us. I’ve never in my whole life had someone go out this much for my birthday. I truly feel fortunate to have someone this special and kind in my life!

Alysa - I saw this dad at the park, totally engaged with his two daughters – just so precious. i happened to have my camera along, so i approached him and just said, can i take a few pictures of you and your girls. so often there are a million pictures of the kids and few of the parents with the children … and so, he said yes and i did … i edited them and emailed them to him and he loved them. and sent them to his family in Poland – so cool that they were able to be proud of their son, being a loving, great daddy. So it was fun to take the time to take the pics and then edit them so that he could enjoy them!

Jessica F - Love the print! My daughter just made pancakes all by herself for me. They were yummy too!

april - My friend told me last week she wanted to plan a dinner for my birthday which is like 3 weeks away….out of nowhere….it doesnt seem like a lot but NO ONE has ever done that for me…and with two kids it will save me a lot of time and made me feel super loved!!! <3

Rachel Ridd - Someone was very kind and offered me a job! {two days ago}

Cat Sasser - My husband. He opened the car door for me…and continues to everyday. πŸ™‚ We have only been married for 4 1/2 months but everyone acts like once you get married you’ll stop doing those sweet little things you did before- to show that person you care. He hasn’t and I know he will continue. πŸ™‚

Amanda - oh I absolutely adore her etsy shop!! I’m pretty sure I have just about everything favorited in it πŸ™‚
My mom was recently in the hospital. She’s only 46 and had a heart attack and had to have a stent put in. I’m the oldest of her 4 children and also the only adult, so things have been pretty crazy for me lately trying to help out with whatever she and my dad and brothers need. The other night, after an extremely long day, I passed out early and woke up to find that my own neglected house had been totally cleaned, the dishes done, and the laundry folded. My husband and kids are so suppportive and amazing, what can I say πŸ™‚

Annette - I was having a rough mommy day (you know…whining, back-talking, and not doing what needed to be done…..and that was just ME!…the trickle-down to the kids wasn’t pretty). Anyway, we got back into our car after running errands and my sister and her kids had seen our car and left us a “We love you” note in bright, happy crayon colors…totally turned my attitude (and the day) around…love my sis!

keely - We have family coming into town this weekend and a cousin is staying with us. I knew that today I had to be in full-on-cleaning mode to get this place guest-ready. My sweet husband deep cleaned the guest bathroom last night AFTER he bathed both boys. Yup. He’s a keeper.

monique - ohh here is to hoping!!! in being kind, i helped one of the kids that i treat clean his nose and teach him yes mam…does that count? ave a wonderful day!

Karen Giddings - Love the print! I would love to win! Kind thing . . . you know, what first comes to my mind is my 8 year old son giving me a kiss on the cheek just because. I love stuff like that. πŸ˜€

Amanda - I love the Wheatfield…I recently bought a print from her after following Ashley’s blog. Something kind: yesterday our little dachshund, Phoebe, apparently escaped from our yard. Our next door neighbor chased her down the street, caught her and carried her back to our house. It was not an easy task…I should take her some Starbucks.

Jamie - My husband picked up dinner last night. A newborn and a 14 month old aren’t easy to care for in the evenings!

Michelle Whitlow - Those are just beautiful!!! Such color. I would *love* one of those πŸ™‚
Something kind…when I was walking out of my kids’ school yesterday the lady in front of me thought she let the door slam on me (which she didn’t because I was further back than she thought) and she turned around to say sorry. Seems silly but it seems that more and more people these days forget (or choose not to be) polite. It’s refreshing when you see just the opposite! Have a great day πŸ™‚

Jenn - Offered their washing machine for the day since mine has been broken for a week πŸ™‚

Diana G - My 8-year old son told me I was prettier than Lady GaGa. Not sure if that’s being kind or not – but I’ll take it!

Jenn - Ummmmmm……lets see- I cant think of anything recently, but the kindess thing someone has done for me was when my son was on chemo, a woman who had cancer herself dropped off 2 loaves of bread. She knew I was a young mother dealing with something terrible, and did what she could. I find comfort in knowing my son is in Heaven with her!! She was a sweet woman!!

Amber P - Ooh, i love this!
My coworker brought me a piece of lemon cake. It was delicious!

Shawna - My mom took my little girl for night and the next day so I did not have to find a babysitter. My mom is GREAT! Oh and Megan gave me a cake necklace. Thanks!

Mindy - Doing random act of kindness is on my 40 things to do before I turn 40. On Sunday I made the Pioneer Woman’s breakfast burritoes but it made a million and my little ones are too picky so my hubby took the rest down the street to the crew who were roofing a house. We didn’t know them or who lives in the house that they were working on. They were taking a break and said “sure, they’d love a snack.”

meredith - LOVE this print!
our boss is off today, but she stopped by and brought us donuts for being such hard workers πŸ™‚

Becca Fort - I just bought 3 of Katie Daisy’s things! I have them framed and ready to put in my newly re-done “craft” room. Its a room that was in need of TLC off of our garage and when my mother-in-law let me borrow her Bernina sewing machine to learn how to be crafty, I decided that room would be perfect for all my lovely junk. So obviously a 4th print would be PERFECT in my room. With that being said, I will have to say that my hubby always does nice things for me…..most recently a TRUE SURPRISE 30th birthday party with all my family and friends there. Not to mention he pulled the carpet out of the craft room and painted the concrete floors while I was gone for work (I’m a gymnastics coach and am gone most weekends this time of year for competitions). So, needless to say, he’s great and I’m lucky.

Kate - Oh how beautiful!
I love getting mail and my friend suprised me with a care package of magazines, ribbons and scrapbook paper!

Art Cant Hurt - my little brother just moved to colorado from indiana….like A WEEK AGO…and even in the midst of his moving chaos he called me (knowing it would be a particularly rough day for me) to make sure i was ok.
it made this big sis so proud of the man he’s become!

Bethany - I had a baby a few months ago and my church provided dinner for my family for almost 2 months! What a blessing!

Staci - There are two ladies at our church that have been teaching my almost 8 yr old religious education classes and getting him ready for his FIRST COMMUNION!!!! We just go to a public school and not a Catholic school, so this has just been incredibly invaluable to us!!!!! His big day is at this Saturday’s 5:00 Mass!!!! Sooooo exciting! I’m making him your rainbow cake! He’s going to be super excited when he cuts into it!!!!! Thanks for this opportunity Meg!!!!!

Kara Tait - I had a girl from my small group leave me a balloon and card on my door knob yesterday because I have been dealing with some depression and anxiety. That’s a good friend to have…..

Suzanne Gallagher - This just happened this morning. I had just left the gym after doing a great workout and decided to treat myself to a nice cup of coffee. I entered the Starbucks and stood in line behind a Mom with a newborn and a toddler. This poor woman really had her hands full anyways, when it was my turn at the register, I realized that my kids had taken all my bills out of my wallet this morning for school so, this amazing Mom stops what she is doing with her children and not only buys my coffee but with a beautiful smile at that. I told her that I would be thinking of her for a long time. And she confirmed to me that there are alot of kind people still around!

Joanna Peck - Wow! Such a lovely print! Would love it in my home. Yesterday, My hubby brought me home 2 dozen yellow roses with a touch of pink. I keep looking at them and loving him for them, and loving HIM for giving me my hubby almost 16 years ago! Your blog is awesome and inspiring!

Elizabeth McDonald - My kids did the dishes…without being told!!!! And then they asked if there was anything else that needed to be done around the house! I love them!

Erica - Love the beautiful, happy print!
At Chuck E Cheese the other day, my daughter shared her tokens with me so that I could play skee ball. Her kindness just about brought tears to my eyes.

Laura - The painting is beautiful.
My sister has been very kind to me lately. I’m taking a literature class, and she has helped me understand my work, and has put a lot of time and effort into helping me succeed.

Jana - I have a super fantastic friend who offered to plant flowers for me to brighten my birthday! πŸ™‚ Because I work ALL the time but I still want a happy, pretty porch to come home to. And she gets that. Thanks Friend.

Mother Runner - I love her stuff…even if it’s a bit girly.
Recently my friends all stepped up and helped out when my step-dad was in an accident…bringing food, coffee, quarters, tooth-brushes, etc.
My friends are the world’s best. wink, wink

kim - So many kind things lately … a favorite was a note from a friend of my mother. She wrote me following my grandfather’s funeral to say that she thought what I shared about my grandfather (a few life lessons) during the service was not only a great honor to him, but evidenced in my own life. That was certainly a great kindness.

Sarah - I love that print. Perfect for a playroom – decoration and a helpful reminder! Love it!
My husband cleaned out the fridge for me. It was mad stinky (whoops) and I just couldn’t take it. What a sweetheart.

Dawn - Being Kind daily is one of my favorite things to do. My kindness for today is taking care of my almost 1 year old nephew for a week while his mama and daddy go to a wedding in another country…he is a doll!

BriBedell - My girlfriend gave me a giftcard to my favorite store in the mall! Love that girl πŸ™‚

Karla - I LOVE this shop! My kids have been taking turns being sick this week, so two of my neighbors have been taking turns picking up and dropping off the healthy ones to school. It’s been such a help!

Courtney - WOW, I love that. Well, my hubby is a church planter and a year ago we moved to the urban core of Kansas City, Missouri to start a church. We had a really hard time finding a bank to accept our offer on houses because we had an FHA loan, all the houses we were bidding on were foreclosures, and flippers were coming in with a cash offer (quick, simple, no paperwork) and we were getting turned down. We ended up with three kids in a tiny two-bedroom rental, asking God to help us get a house where our dining room table would fit. It has been a hard year, but I’m also so grateful for lessons in contentment, growing close (literally) with my kids and husband and more.
So a friend of a friend who doesn’t even KNOW us, but believes in what we’re doing, and flips houses for a living, put in a cash offer on the house we wanted, got it, is fixing it up for us and is making a small fraction of the profit he would on a normal deal he puts together, because he’s selling it to us so cheap. I keep thinking, “This guy doesn’t even know us! Why would he help?” I know it is not for our sake, but to serve God, but seriously… talk about kindness!
This would be a great reminder in our new house of the kindness of God and others! We move in about a month. πŸ™‚

Marisol Avila - The nurses at the NICU took extra special care of my baby boy…they were always so sweet and encouraging and loved on him when I couldn’t be there with him. They are now all his honorary “aunties.” It was great to have people that love their job taking extra special care of my bebe! πŸ™‚

Liz - This is a lovely print! Well, just last Saturday I went to a 14 hour crop that my husband encouraged me to sign up for so that I could just hang with the girls. He not only kept our 2 and 4 year old all day, but I came home to a “semi” clean house. He’s such a keeper!

julie - i just celebrated my 30th birthday, we had to travel all day that day…when we got home, my mother had put flowers in a vase on my mantel and balloons attached to our garden flag…it was so happy!

Wendy B - I love it!!!
A few days ago I was feeling a little down so my husband surprised me with flowers when he got home from work. It instantly brightened my day! πŸ™‚

Leigh - Gorgeous! I love that print — and you can’t beat the message. As for a kind act someone did for me (our family) lately was when our neighbor (Monica, age 12) loaned us her unused hamster cage because our two hamsters were starting to tear each to shreds. She came over out of the blue and said she thought we might need this. What a relief — I was about to head out to Petsmart at 6:00 on a Sunday evening and wasn’t sure I’d be able to come up with a plan b in case they weren’t open. It’s the little things. My little girl and I were so relived.

Jamie - I love the print! Just last night my husband and I were out to frozen yogurt and our total came to a little more money than we had with us. So the KIND cashier offered to cover the difference. We were touched:)

Terri - My friends coming over to cheer me up when I have had a bad day… without even asking, just them knowing.

Lindsey - I have had an enormous amount of kindness shown to me lately! I have had three baby showers in the last four weeks thrown for my husband and I in preparation of our first baby! The kindness of our friends and family is so overwhelming and humbling!

FeFe - A couple of weeks ago I had a very busy day. We’re fairly new to the area and I haven’t made too many friends yet. We’re 11 hours from family. I had chatted with a mom from my daughter’s skating class the week before so, she knew amid the hustle and bustle that we were getting ready to leave for Spring Break. The morning of the crazy day she called and offered to help me out. I had actually got it worked out with my husband to be home and help but I cried when I hung up the phone. That was the first time someone has offered to help me – the first act of personal kindness since we moved here almost 2 years ago. ~ I guess I’ve made a friend after all!

Toni :O) - Awesome! I love the Bless This House one too. My coworker who I’m very close with just gave me an awesome smelling candle-a scent that she loves and now I do too. She’s so sweet and I’m blessed to have her friendship. Oh, and I also received a lovely vase of tulips (my FAV!) yesterday for Admin. Professional’s Day! :O)

Kelsey - I went scrapbooking at a local scrapbook store a few weeks ago for their late night crop. When I got there I was handed a $50 gift certificate to use that night. My husband had stopped in that morning to buy the gift certificate as a surprise.
All of the other ladies who were scrapbooking were jealous. I felt like I had the best husband in the world.

Andria Koehler - My sister and brother in law sent me some really beautiful roses for Valentine’s Day just to let me know how much they love and appreciate me. It was really sweet and totally unexpected!

Tanya B - I received a card (not an email!) from a friend saying that she was thinking of me and hoping that I was having a good week. It made my day!

Julie Weaver - My husband is out of work (work toward his teaching certificate) and our little family has been living with my parents since December. It has not been easy. My husband is very quiet, and tends to leave the room when either of my parents enter it. Two weeks ago I had an aunt come and visit. My quiet (kinda grumpy) husband made breakfast for all of us. Just because. It’s such a small thing, but it was soooo sweet.

Megan - I love that print. LOVE it. Last night my husband made delicious potato chowder for dinner. I don’t love making supper, so this was a nice break.
P.S. I feel really bad about not entering your last giveaway….we are just on a SUPER tight budget right now…..I still feel bad though.

Amy - My husband packed me a cucumber and rye sandwich this morning for lunch! I don’t know if i am more excited to eat it or to think about him thoughtfully making it for me.

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - On Monday, my husband folded & put away laundry, put away groceries, and then massaged the knots in my shoulders…and he’s making dinner tonight. Love him! πŸ™‚

sarah - my husband and I are getting ready (“shopping”) to buy our first home…we’re so excited…we have practically nothing to fill a house and when we were at church, a couple offered us their furniture from their home that they were selling. WOW…what a treat! We now have a bed for guests when they arrive :)…now to just find a house!

Anna Marie - I had a garage sale this past Saturday and a 15 year old neighborhood boy came and offered to help us take the tables down and pack stuff up. How nice was that?!? You don’t hear of that very much from the younger generation.

Charity Palmer - I have such a sweet husband. He packs my lunch for school every day (I am a teacher). It’s a wonderful, kind thing he does for me to take a little bit of the load off πŸ˜‰

Jenn S - My old boss is my surrogate/fairy-god mother. She has always looked after me like I was a sister, especially since my mother passed away. We were out at dinner and I told her that I had found a used jogging stroller on craigslist and would have loved to have bought it, but we were short on cash lately. She pulled out her wallet and handed me cash and told me to go get the next one I could find. My hubby can’t justify spending the money, but she understands my desire to get fit again and wanted to help. I love her so much.

Terri - That is so beautiful!!
I am lucky to have so much kindness around me! Recently I have lost 42lbs (and still going down!!) and I have had lots of wonderful and encouraging comments on how good I look and how well I am doing. It has meant so much to me during my struggles to lose weight and I so appreciate this not so small act of kindness πŸ™‚

Brandi Hendrix - A week or two ago I was really sick, running a fever, etc. My boyfriend held my hair back as I was getting sick all night long, took the day off of work the next day to take care of me, made me soup and watched chick movies with me, and took my dog on a log walk, even though he’s not the dog-walking type. πŸ™‚ He’s a keeper.

aprilmwalker - oh i just LOVE her stuff & absoultely LOVE this print! recently my parent’s were kind enough to give me the camera of my dreams, the Canon 5D Mark II, for me to pursue my dream of becoming a professional photographer! if that’s not major love & kindness, i’m not sure what is. happy thursday!

sarah bendel - A few nights ago my husband got up with the baby and let me sleep. It was blissful! First real night of sleep in well over a month now.

meghan - we just moved to a tiny little town. we finally have some space and room to breath outside of the city. our new neighbors bought us raspberry and blueberry bushes for our first home garden.

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - I love my pic of those gumballs!
My husband was on a business trip for several days last week, so my next door neighbor dropped by with sushi and a bottle of wine so I could have some adult conversation. It was great!

Emily - My mom cleaned my fridge and microwave, now that is kind, because they were gross. Love the sign, great reminder!

Annie - This print is great!
Our book club just finished reading the book “29 Gifts.” The author gave a gift every day for 29 days and challenged her readers to do the same. A few members of our book club decided to try our hand at 29 days of giving and had a blast! As part of her 29 days, a friend gave me a tub of icing. I realize this doesn’t sound like much, but I can never find the rainbow chip funfetti icing (you know, the one with the little circls of flavor?). I talk about that stuff like it’s incredible… mainly because it is. Anyway, she had found it at Walmart, and picked it up, “just because.”
Aren’t those gifts always the best? She’s inspired me to give more gifts, “just because.”

Jenn - My kindness was bestowed to me just yesterday. I was flying from Washington Dulles to Ottawa Int. with my 2 kids, they are 19 mos. and 3 and while they are awesome kids I had 100 million pounds of carry on with me. I’m talking big purse, laptop bag, and giant diaper bag stuffed to the gills. I had gate checked my double stroller so when we landed I could easily get to the baggage claim. Well when my stroller came off the plane (with all the other gate checked items) it was on the highest of high platforms and there I am with all my stuff and kids who have just spent the last 5 hours doing nothing. Well this man came right over to me, dressed in a REALLY expensive 3 pc suit ~ fancy laptop bag, nice shoes and everything and just grabbed down my stoller and set it up for me without any prompting! I was so thankful to this man, what a nice thing to do for a mom traveling with little ones. It made my day!

Annette - such a cute print! Our neighbor was nice enought to give us a trailer to use behind our lawn mower, we were going to buy it, but he said we could just have it! how nice was that?

J. - Love that print so much. A dear friend recently made me ANOTHER whole batch of homemade granola after I accidentally spilled the entire first batch into my purse. Sweet!

Jill - I really hope I win this one, it’s so pretty!
Something kind: My friend left a voicemail for me this morning telling me that if I ever needed to talk to someone, she is there for me.

kari Kim - My parents drove 10 hours to spend the weekend with me and my three children. My husband is in the military and away most of the time and they thought I needed a break. I was able to see a movie with a friend and sleep in. Ah, the joy of simple things…..

kari Kim - My parents drove 10 hours to spend the weekend with me and my three children. My husband is in the military and away most of the time and they thought I needed a break. I was able to see a movie with a friend and sleep in. Ah, the joy of simple things…..

Connie - My daughter left a note on my pillow that said” Dear Mom, thank you for all the stuff you did and yummy the A-cafe(American Girl Cafe)It was the best Birthday ever.
It’s so nice when your children appreciate the efforts we mom’s put into their birthdays…or everyday for that matter!!
Also, my dad has been taking my children’s bureau drawers, one at a time and re-finishing the fronts for me…I bought new drawer pulls to replace the broken ones and he thought they needed more than new pulls…I am truely blessed…Love the print!!

mrjasperson - funny that this is the question for the day….my friend Jen just called to check on me…knowing I was a stay-at-home mom for the first time with a preemie in my lap! She just called to make sure I was okay. She always makes me smile.

Diana - I’m fairly new to your blog, but am really enjoying it. I found out about it from my daughter, the lovely Keri at Forever Folding Laundry. I always trust her taste. Anyway, I have so many things to consider, but the thing that stands out the most in the last week or so, was the two day trip I took last week to Shasta, CA with two researchers from our unit. They wanted me to see first hand the results of field research we’ve all worked so hard on for the last five years. I’m retiring soon, so they took two days out of their very busy schedules to give a wonderful tour, history lesson, educational experience, and the time to get to know them a little better. I loved it.

carmela hershey - LOVE it…hubby braved walmart to pick up diapers for me…yea!! and then stopped at my amish neighbors to pick up a lilac bush they were selling..Love him!

virginia - my husband surprised me with a giant pack of new crayons and chocolate for no reason.:0)

Ayelet - I had an insanely busy day the other day and my husband offered to do the weekly grocery shopping on the way home. I emailed him the list and he did it all πŸ™‚ He even brought me a bottle of wine. Love him!

Stephanie - I love that print!
A friend just passed along some jars to me, for canning applesauce in the fall.

Amanda Jo - Recently my husband has been surprising me with treats that he picks up for me on his way home from work. They are nothing fancy but he’s always so thoughtful! For example, he knows how much I love Diet Sunkist and that it’s hard to find in our area. Well, he found a gas station not far from where he works that carries it and brought home two 20 oz bottles for me!!

Corinne - One of my co-workers came in one day with lunch for the whole group, picnic style. It was so adorable, and fun, and brought us together during the chaos of the day.

Tracy - Love that print!!!
My sister-in-law is throwing me a baby shower for our third child….very unexpected but very grateful considering we got rid of everything last year.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - oh I really want to win this!!!
last night my husband (who doesn’t cook anything besides pancakes and grilled cheese) made 4 dozen cookies that I had to bring somewhere today so that I could go out with girlfriends last night. πŸ™‚

dori - i wanted to attend a women’s retreat for the day, but my husband couldn’t stay home with our daughter due to a work event, so a friend (more like an acquaintance) offered to babysit my daughter all day and refused to take anything from me as a thank you! and she’s got her own kids to keep an eye on. all so i could have a day to reboot my brain. i certainly owe her the same sometime soon!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - My husband made supper. He often does, and I appreciate it every single time.

Robyn Farmer - A friend of mine surprised me with chick-fil-a for dinner on a night my husband was out of town. Because chick-fil-a is my favorite and the closest one is an hour away this was a very sweet surprise.

Rachel - I don’t need grand gestures; it’s the small things that count. This morning one of my students brought me hot chocolate. I usually don’t drink hot chocolate, but it was such a sweet thought that I gulped it down. And it was so good!

Jennifer - My friend listened to me cry on the phone the other night and told me they were praying for me. The nice thing is the next night they were the one crying and I was able to say I’d pray for them.

robin - I had the opportunity to go to lunch with my aunt, who I haven’t seen in over 4 years. She has leukemia and hasn’t been doing well. At lunch, she said to me, “tell me about your kids. How are they different, the same, what are their greatest personality traits, tell me *all* about them.” And then she gave me the floor to really talk about them. And she listened to every word, letting me know how important my children are.

becca - I decided not to have a baby shower with this pregnancy but we still put a registry together just incase anyone wanted to help us out. And I was so blessed when friends & family did just that! πŸ™‚

shannan - I have such wonderful supportive parents and just the other day my mom tore up the loan paper work that i owed her and said it was paid…what a relief!

Courtney Walsh - Something kind. Hm. I have to go with my mom, who comes up to my house and watches my toddler so I can go to the bookstore and write. The kindness continues because she always folds at least three loads of laundry. If she knew how much this helped me, well, maybe I should tell her… πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - I fell asleep early last night. When I woke up this morning our disaster of a kitchen and living room were spotless thanks to my husband!

Alisa - I just love this print and all of her stuff. What talent she has! When I was sick last week my friends stepped in graciously and took care of my duties at church without even being asked. Very kind in my opinion!

robyn - we have had some family and friends help my husband and i out financially, even though i know that money is tight for them too! what a gift and incredible act of kindness!

emily - oh my goodness . . . that is absolutely gorgeous!!! love it!!!!!
my 6 yr old daughter gave me a picture she colored at school yesterday that said i am the best mommy in the whole wide world! totally melted my heart!!!

katie - My brother made a special trip over to my house with some flowers for my yard that he had dug up from his yard just because he knew I would like them.

Ariel - My trash cans are magically brought up from the street and up my driveway almost every trash day…and I still don’t know who is responsible for this random act of kindness. I truly believe that the small things matter most.

Dee Stephens - The person in front of me at Starbucks bought my coffee for me!

Alissa - Three things I can think of: a friend of mine sent me a card to tell me how much she looked up to me, my mom gave me a pendant that says “13.1” to keep me inspired for the 1/2 marathon I’m training for, and my 16 year old picked a bouquet of flowers for me last night. How could I be any luckier??

Christy - I love this!! I receive kindness from people so often. I am truly blessed. What comes to mind from recently is my MIL made dinner for my family on Tuesday just because she knows it is a difficult night with the kids having gymnastics and Girl Scouts and she just wanted to help out! Love that!!

Rankin - My husband unloaded the dishwasher and took out the trash.
Love the colors used in this art!

LeighAnn - My husband surprised me with dinner all ready on the table when I got home from a long day. I’m so blessed!

Carly - I love this print! So cool. Just the other day my friend gave me a giftcard and freshly baked cookies for watching her son for a couple of hours. Not expected, but so nice!

rebecca - My son, without asking, got down on his hands and knees and scrubbed the kitchen floor for me!!! God is good!

Sharla - My parents came up and took me out to lunch – just ME (no husband and kids) and I felt like a kid again (while enjoying some great food).

Leslie @ {Tiny Wings} - Oh, lovely! I discovered Katie’s shop last week, and have been coveting that print!! (You’re right, it does look perfect with the gumballs!! I think I’d display it the same way!!)
Something kind done to me: After my FIL passed away recently, one of my best friends brought over a HUGE bag of “Family Time” gifts for me, my hubs, and my kids. It had a game for game night, water bottles for when we geocache, brownie mix for when we bake together, etc. I couldn’t believe her generosity and thoughtfulness!

jeana - I love this! Something kind someone has done for me recently was my friend kept all three of our boys while we went on a date, she gave of a card that said what great friends we were and inside was $40 to go for our date. Made my day!

purejoy - my SIL knows when i go talk to my christian counselor and invests her precious time with me to talk about it afterwards. she has a generous heart.
btw, i linkded to your blog today at my blog and would cover your prayers for a couple mentioned there.

Brittney - Oh I love it! So bright and happy!

mary b - Oh my goodness, I love it! I am continuously and amazingly blessed by my family and friends. Kindness comes in all forms. Just the other day, my mother bought be tulips and creamer (because I love it so), while yesterday a friend gave me a barely used car seat for free. I am so incredibly blessed-
thanks for the chance to win a great print!!

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giveaway #3

i got all teary eyed reading about your favorite birthday cakes.
i hope my kids have at least one memory like these.
how could they not after making a darth vader cake, KU Jayhawks cake, a rainbow cake,
winnie the pooh and at least 25 others?!! 
surely ONE will stick in their memory for life.  

the winner of the necklace is number 71…shawna.

Barbie Cake, I think I had it several times while in elementary school I liked it so much.

send me an email shawna with your address.


so today's treat is all about water.
you had to know i would do SOMEthing with africa this week didn't you?
i ordered some goodies from Water4Christmas for you. 
Water4Christmas is a fundraising group that partners with charity:water.
all of the money they raise goes to charity:water ….
but by giving through Water4Christmas the money goes directly to getting clean water in Liberia.
does that make sense?
(if not…read this)

so to enter today's giveaway i am asking for money.
for kids just like these.
i want these children to have clean water.
i know that you do too.


                           Liberia, 2009 from Water for Christmas on Vimeo.

there were 300 commenters for a rainbow cake necklace.
let's see…. if 300 people could give at least $5 today for clean water in Liberia.
that would be $1500 today.
(i am a math whiz…i know…it's a gift)

so that is the small goal.

but you can of course exceed my expectations and we can raise more.
to build a well for a village we would need to raise $5000
that would mean 300 of you would need to give $16.67 today.
(i admit….i used a calculator for that one)

hmmm….that is a trip through the mcdonald's drive through.
that is 2 movie tickets.
that is a fraction of my target purchases.

it's minimal to those of us with clean

if 300 of you give that today we could put another well in liberia. 
water for 250+ people.
that would be amazing.

i KNOW there are WAY more than 300 people reading this.
like way way way more.
this goal can be met…today.
let's do it.

leave a comment if you donated today.

ps….these shirts are so soft and lovely.
i would like 10 more.
they are awesome shirts! 
grab one today.   

Lindsay - Done. Thanks!

Christy Burgess - $20 from me!

ElΓ­n -
Thought you would like this πŸ™‚
Grettings from Iceland.

Andrea @ The Train To Crazy - I didn’t just donate, but I already donate monthly and I think this is AWESOME what you are doing!! Keep on going!!

Andrea @ The Train To Crazy - I didn’t just donate, but I already donate monthly and I think this is AWESOME what you are doing!! Keep on going!!

Connie - I hope I’m not too late…I donated!!

Shairee - Wow that felt good! Thanks for the opportunity! $20

Jodi - I just donated. I might be a day late but I do feel great about donating on Earth Day! I also FB this to all my peeps! Thanks of the reminder of what’s really important.

Jill - I will donate $20 tomorrow, on Earth Day!

Margo - I donated – thanks for the opportunity!

pambuller - we’re in. πŸ™‚

Katie - I’ve been faithfully reading your blog for a while and have good intentions of getting a donation off to water4christmas for quite some time, but just haven’t gotten it done. Thanks for the extra incentive! We take so much for granted!

tasha roe - this is totally unrelated to water4christmas, but i had to share
on martha stewart today she featured a rainbow cake. i know she stole the idea from you! i know the truth! πŸ˜€

Angela - I just donated.
I loved sharing your photos from your trip to Africa with my boys. It helped make it real to them that there are kids who don’t even have clean water.

Jessica - I donated $20. Thanks for doing this.

Shelly Primm - I just made a $20 donation. What a great idea!

Rachel - I donated $5. Thanks for prompting me to spend a small fraction of my money for a great cause.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Just donated!
Showed the site to my boys, too!
Looks like we’ll be making a jar tomorrow for them to start saving their money to donate!
Even if I don’t win, the mere opportunity to teach my children this valuable lesson is prize enough!

MommaH - I have donated today, and I did at Christmas too. That water is AWFUL.

Meaghan - I just donated.
Your trip to Africa, all the pictures, people, and stories were a complete inspiration. I loved your revelation about how God was there, even in the despair. Thanks for sharing!

Meghan B - I just donated. This past Christmas I was able to send $200 to Living Water international by selling handmade felt water drop ornaments to family and friends. I am so blessed to live in a place where I don’t have to think twice about washing my paint brushes and screens- or if I’m going to have clean water for even more necessary reasons. This has inspired me to put more ornaments for water in my Etsy shop. Thanks Meg!

Tina - just donated $20! I became a faithful reader of your blog a few months ago, and consistently feel inspired and encouraged by your stories…thank you!

Laura - A check is in the mail!
I wish I could go and personally give fresh water to all of those beautiful little children.
My heart breaks for them!
I can’t even imagine if my children didn’t have clean water to drink.
Water (and electricity) is something I thank God for every day.
We are so blessed to live in such a “rich” country.
And at times it is oh so very humbling…
Thank you for the opportunity to give to a great cause that is making a difference in the lives of those that are less fortunate.
I don’t have many followers on my blog and don’t know how many people actually read it, but I’m going to post Charity:Water to encourage others to give.
It’s the least I can do!

Diana - $20… because I wouldn’t be able to stand it if it were my grandchildren not getting clean water. β™₯

Kate B - Just made a donation. Thanks for the opportunity!

Tess - Just donated $10. I have been following your blog since January. You are so inspiring! I prayed for you and your group on the Africa trip. Thanks for doing this!

Taryn - Just donated…..involved our daughters. Walked them through the blog, not only continuing our conversation with them about the needs in this world, but also showing them what can happen when everyone does their part. They went running to their allowance jars!:) Blessed by the opportunity!

Kimberlee J. - BEST GIVEAWAY YET! I just donated. Also the best money I spent today!

Abbey - $20! Thanks Megan!

Lisa - $10. Love this. We donated to Water for Christmas and Living Water International at Christmas and it was life-changing for our family. You can read about it here:

bethany - just donated $10! i don’t really do giveaways, but all of your writing about the situation over there has really touched me. i am a mother of one and pregnant with my second. i am getting laid off 2 days after my due date…and reading about these people in need has made me so grateful for what i have. thanks so much for doing this πŸ™‚ good luck. i hope you meet your goal!

Tammy - Great reminder of those who are in such need. We take such a simple thing like clean water for granted way too often. I donated. Thanks for raising awareness.

Jolene - Thanks Meg…donated $20.00…let’s help them get CLEAN WATER…We wouldn’t want our children drinking dirty water. Bless you and your blog!

melissa - what a great idea to raise some money AND awareness!!!
i donated.

kim york - Donated.20.00..follow you through the Macs…LOVE ready your blog..not so much on entering the give aways but water for babies, kids…who wouldn’t give even just a little πŸ˜‰
Kim York

jennifer - I’m not much for entering giveaways, but you got me with the water. It always gets me… It’s a great cause and thank you for giving us the opportunity to donate. Easiest thing I’ve done so far today!

jeana - $20 given, thanks Meg!

Jessica - I just donated. I love reading your blog, and I love seeing your faith. God has rained down blessings on me, why should I not give everything I have to love on and help others? That’s something I’ve been struggling with. Thanks for the inspiration and kick in the butt. πŸ™‚

Alissa - Five bucks given!

Mandy - $10! Thanks for the encouragement to give when we have been given SO much, it’s the least we can do for the “least of these.”

Amber - I donated $5, Wonderful idea Meg!

Amanda Kay - $50 donated – thank you tax return! Love this idea meg!

Kate - Great idea, Meg πŸ™‚ Donated all set.

Maureen - Just made a donation, what a positive thing you made happen today.

Anne - I love this idea! I just donated πŸ™‚

Kara - Done! In the mail (still freaked about giving info online πŸ™‚ Thanks for the inspiration!

Molly - $5!

Nicole H - What a great idea! I think everyone deserves clean water, I just donated $5! I wish I could have given more, but I am young and not so well off yet, but one day I will be able to donate more! Can’t wait to hear the total, good luck!

Porche - I just donated. Thanks for the opportunity!

Kim - $16.67 Done!! How wonderful of an idea.

Dianne - I donated $20 (that’s $20.42 Canadian – I used paypal’s calculator ;)). Wow great idea for a fundraiser and using paypal is so easy!

Tara - my husband is a campus pastor at UCF in Orlando…we…together with our students have been raising money this year for a well…we’re almost at the $5000 mark!
WAY TO GO…what a wonderful and worthy cause!
donating $10 to the cause!!!

Abby - $10 donated. Clean water is so important and something we take for granted. I love that the internet has helped us all become more aware and made donating so easy!

Laura - This is wonderful!!! I donated!!!

Jenn S - $5 Donated!

Brittney - I donated $20. What an awesome idea! Can’t wait to hear the total!

Lisa - $20.00 donated πŸ™‚

Jessica - I have not donated *yet*. Tomorrow is Earth Day, and my class and I are arranging not only an Earth Day Assembly, but a fundraising walk. I shared this with them, and we will donate the money once we raised it tomorrow.

Christy - This is such a terrific idea! I just donated, couldn’t have been simpler! Thank you!!

Nicole Q. - $20 – how awesome to be able to accomplish this in a day! I’ll think about those children every time I sip water today.

joanie - 5 dollars. that was easy. thanks for inspiration meg.

Lee Ann - Absolutely I’ll help! I’ve been one of your “300” for so long and I’m passionate about clean water around the world!

virginia - 20$ :0)

Donna - I did it!

amy jupin - $16.67.
i hope everyone else does too.
thanks for the friendly reminder to do the right thing. - just donated. thank you for allowing the opportunity.

Barb Cassidy - I donated $40 today! Thanks for the push to do the right thing Meg!

Leslie B. - Just wrote out a check and will mail today! Thank you for sharing your life, and for inspiring us to help!

Anna Marie - I just donated $5…great idea Megan!

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giveaway #2

before i show you the treat for today…
the winner of the CrAZy LoVe book was number 473.

Mint chocolate chip cheese cake! Sinful! Must have coffee and be enjoyed slowly!

congratulations Audrey.
send me an email with your address and i will get this to you soon!

i won KIM'S jockey shopping spree!
$100 of free underwear.
that is very exciting.  
thank you kim.  
i love today's creative blog.  
it's true.

today's givewawy.
a blog reader sent me a link to her etsy…i'm sorry that i can't recall who sent it though.
and i knew immediately i had to have one.
because…come on! 
this was made for me.

a rainbow cake necklace!!

it is the cutest little cake!


look at all of her creations!
i think they are so cute.
a s'mores ring?
a sub sandwich necklace?!
i really love the lucky charm bracelet!

she has a cute little etsy shop.
and a blog too.
and she was kind enough to send me a second rainbow cake necklace to give to one of you.
how cool is she?!

talby thought it was THE COOLEST necklace in the world.
so if you don't think you'd wear it you can give it to your favorite little girl in your life.

do you remember a favorite birthday cake?
mine was when i was 8 or 9.
it was the shape of a roller skate and it had cake donuts as the wheels.
it rocked.
thank you mom for getting that cake.
it has always been my favorite!

leave a comment today telling me….
your most memorable birthday cake you ever had. 

Stefanie - My mom always made my cakes, it would have to be the incredibly awesome Holly Hobbie cake…old school!!

Jennifer DeLosSantos - On my 12th birthday, I had a giant sleepover. We had cheeseburgers, followed by a round cake decorated as a cheeseburger. It had cheese, lettuce, ketchup, mustard, everything! - Most memorable cake? The one my mom and little sister made for my 13th birthday party. Horse head shaped, freehand cut, and decorated beautifully with gumdrop flowers in her mane.

Sheryl - Mine was a SMURF cake! I had (I think my 8th) birthday at Skatetown USA! How 80’s is that??!! I also remember getting a set of the markers that smell. πŸ˜‰

icitea - a dairy queen frozen strawberry cheesecake ! It took foreve to finish, but it was the best cake I ever had!

Naomi Williams - My mom would always make something yummy…it wasn’t always fancy, but it always had flair and tasted great and was made to share with a lot of friends I got to have over.
I remember she once made a “cake” by arranging twinkies in the shape of my age, but I don’t remember how I old I was that year…maybe there’s a picture floating around somewhere…I should find out!

Kathi - When I was 27 and pregnant with my second child my husband had a surprise birthday party for me and had a cake decorated with a cartoon like pregnant woman on it to announce the event to our families.

Nikki in Austin - For my 8th or 9th birthday, I picked out a cake that looked like a giant chunk of swiss cheese with plastic mice popping through the holes. Although, the actual cake didn’t have the cute little mice like in the picture at the baker, they turned out to be vicious plastic RATS. Gross. I was strange.

Laura - Aw, I love that necklace! My mom made a lamb for my Nursery Rhymes 5th birthday. It was for Mary Had A Little Lamb. She went all out and did so many of the nursery rhymes for my party, but everything was handmade. We had so much fun. That was the most memorable birthday, and the cake was made with love.

Jenny - I can’t remember a favorite cake, but my mom always made a two layer cake of whatever flavor and icing we wanted. I usually chose chocolate cake with chocolate frosting….yeah, I know, not too imaginative. =)

Tara - I wish I could remember the birthday cakes from growing up, but there isn’t really a one that stands out. I’ve had more fun making them for my kids… and my favorite one is the RAINBOW CAKE I made for my daughter’s “Wizard of Oz” themed party… coming full circle to that necklace. OMG.. it’s stunning.. and an ever present reminder of the fun of all that creative time! (I’ve since had twins, and now we live off of Costco cakes that I’ve decorated the top of… ). I’d LOVE to win it!!

Heather - For some reason I don’t remember my birthday cakes, except one year. I decided I wanted pie instead of cake, so Mom made a homemade pie. I loved it, but missed having real cake. So, I never chose pie again!

Katie - Definitely a barbie doll cake(s). I think I had two one year – one made by my Grandma and another from an aunt!

Christy Burgess - My favorite birthday cake as a kid had to be the Barbie cake. You know the one, the one where it is a doll head and torso and cake for her dress. I was obsessed with Barbie as a child. My oldest daughter had a similar Barbie cake for her 5th birthday. Luckily, this one came with a full size Barbie. She loved it. Today, strawberry cake with cream cheese icing is my favorite!

Jill - Well, I don’t remember any particular cake but…i do remember a rockin’ layered jello-y thing that looked a lot like that necklace. It was the seventies you know! ;D

kristin - okay, i might just go buy one of those….or a sub sandwich one…but i can also tell you the most memorable cake was a puppy my mom made me…maybe it was most memorable because we never got sugar as a kid and this was REAL SUGAR!!!
: )

Sophie - How cool is that necklace!!!
My most memorable cake was when I was 7 I think. My mum made me a gingerbread house cake and covered the tray it sat on with green jelly grass. Surrounding the grass were pink and white sugar mice with string tails which she had painstakingly made… Given that this was in the early 80s in Pakistan, it was a pretty stirling effort by mum!! Its also the only cake I actually remember so it was obviously a big hit!!

elizabeth - we would have just cake in a 9×13 pan with some homemade frosting on it. Usually wasnt even taken out of the pan and put on a platter or anything. It was so good. Never fancy but always made with love. Tomorrow is my bday so maybe I will make one for our family

Lauren - My very first birthday cake was a bear. Nothing’s been able to top it yet!

Rachel - O.k this is so sad but I never had these really great birthday cakes for myself. I was raised by my single dad and when he made a cake, it was just the cake. Not any cutesy decorations. Not even any frosting. Isn’t that too bad? He is a great dad though and that’s just how I grew up, with no frosting, a plain ol’ cake.
Now I do things differently with my kiddos. It was pretty fun when I made a fairy cake for my 5 year old and while cutting into it I asked her “do you know what happens when there’s a fairy on a cake?” (of course she didn’t) “It turns into a rainbow!” And of course the cake was a rainbow! Soooo fun!!!
I’d love to win!

Rebecca - I remember my mom making a Barbie birthday cake when i was little. The cake was her dress and she made it really fancy with icing. Another favorite birthday cake was a DELICIOUS chocolate cake with white chocolate cream cheese icing that a friend of mine surprised me with my senior year of high school. We had a choir concert on my birthday, and during our warm up she snuck up behind me with the cake while the whole choir started singing happy birthday! So sweet!

Molly - Cupcakes!!!

Ashlie - My aunt went to church with a lady that was a professional baker and always got her to make my birthday cakes. I had several neat ones but my two most favorite and memorable ones were a cake in the shape of Alf and another in the shape of a ’57 Chevy, turquoise! I was going through a vintage car phase for some reason. πŸ™‚ I love that necklace, too sweet!!

Felicia - I had a Snoopy Carvel ice cream cake for my 3rd or 4th birthday and I still remember that cake. And I still love Carvel ice cream cakes!

Amber - My grandma made me a money cake, where there were hidden coins in the cake. I am assuming the coins were washed, and we were old enough that it wasn’t a choking hazard…

Jocelyn - My 6th birthday… A Scooby Doo cake. I LOVED Scooby Doo!!

jeanne - That cake necklace is CRAZY…so perfectly you!!! I love the Crazy Love book. I am still working through it. Some of the answers to your questions were killing me and the wedding photos were so sweet. When I was growing up everyone had cake in the basement of the church. Do you think we can talk our children into that and save tons of money??

kristine - dude that necklace is AWESOME! so perfect for you! i don’t remember this cake because it was my second birthday but i LOVE the pictures. it was strawberry shortcake (the character) and looks so fun and delicious! i don’t think i could ever decorate like my mom!

Carol J - Favorite Birthday Cake was an Angel Food Cake with Glazed Frosting and those hard, candied Happy Birthday letters and Candle holder decorations that were popular back in the 50’s.

Beth - Oops, and my favorite b-day cake was . . . well it’s not a cake, but my mom made those little airplane treats for me to take to school on my birthday when I was in kindergarten, with a rubberband and life savers? That was awesome. My favorite cake for my own kids was the purple crayon cake I made for our oldest’s first birthday . . because Harold and the Purple Crayon is my favorite book. Ask your kids what Mrs. Burns’ favorite color is. I’ll bet they can tell you!!!

Beth - I would seriously love this. I do polymer clay. If I don’t win, could I please look at yours? I’d love to see it more up close and personal πŸ™‚

Emily - I never had a most memorable cake in the decorating side, but it was a homemade cinnamon cake to die for…

Melanie - I was about 8 and totally into horses. My mom made a sheet cake and iced a horse on it. It was awesome. You rock mom!

jenn groves - I think it was my 8th birthday. My grandparents, from Germany, were visiting. My Omi Anne made a black forest german chocolate cake from scratch to celebrate my big day (which happens to fall on the day after Christmas). Everyone ranted and raved about this “wonderful” cake, except for me! European cakes and pastries typically aren’t super sweet like they are here in the states; but the super sweet is what I love! hello i was 8, bring on the white cake and butter cream frosting!!! my mom still talks about that cake to this day. About how hard Omi Anne worked on the cake, all day and how I wouldn’t even eat a piece of it! Did I mention that I am an only child ;o) (BTW, I am much more appreciative in my ‘old’ age)

Lori - One year my mom made me a present cake-complete with fruit roll ups as the ribbon πŸ™‚

Haydee - My favorite birthday cake was one that was made by 7 yr daughter. Don’t worry , I helped to put it in the oven.

Heather R. - That IS the perfect necklace for you! I remember my 4th birthday cake being my favorite…Raggedy Ann cake. I got to sit on the table and hold it up to the camera. I think the flashbulb was a cube that spun around(how funny is THAT!). πŸ™‚ ~Heather R.

Jenna Baum - Mine was a DQ ice cream cake! Yummy! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Michelle Whitlow - that necklace is ADORABLE!!! I don’t really have a memorable cake but my most memorable birthday was at Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor. Not sure if they were all over or not, I was living in MI at the time. I don’t remember much about the party other than I had fun. Kids didn’t have big birthday parties every year back then (or at least I didn’t) so it was very memorable!

Ashley Chandler - Mine has got to be the bear cake from my 9th or 10th Birthday. My mom had paid a friend to make it and was keeping it in the garage because it was a surprise. When she finally went to bring it in she dropped it top down on the garage floor. It had only been covered with foil so it was ruined. She felt so bad that I wasn’t even upset and tried to make her laugh about the whole thing. I think we ended up with a grocery store cake. My mom always worked so hard to make our special days special so the time when it didn’t work as planned is unforgettable.
I made the rainbow cake a couple of months ago for my daughter’s 4th Birthday. She and I would probably fight over who got to wear the necklace each day!

Mary Beth - I was born in 1952 and the only cake I remember was a chocolate roll with ice cream rolled up in it…I don’t even know if it was homemade! I had a party and one of the little friends got scared and her mama had to come get her and take her home. Other than that, it was a good 5th birthday! Basically any cake with ice cream involved is my favorite! That little necklace is adorable! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Robyn Farmer - My mom made cupcakes for me to bring to school and she made them the night before. I brought them to school the next morning and when the whole class bit into the cupcakes there were ants inside all of them. I was humiliated!!! We lived in the country and I guess they got in there overnight without leaving a trail. That following weekend my mom made a huge barbie house cake and my devastation was redeemed.

lauralee - My mom’s famous sour cream cake is what her 7 children all request for anyone’s birthday still.
I love the rainbow one as an art teacher, I must have one!!
take care.

Emma - My 17th Birthday Cake. It was an Alice in Wonderland theme so we made a Mad Hatter cake. It was four layers, each with a different flavor. One was vanilla, another was chocolate, strawberry, and fun-fetti. We cut it so that it tilted. Each layer also had a different color icing. Then we decorated it with trim and edible glitter.

sarah - I remember almost all of my birthday cakes b/c, frankly, cake is one of my most favorite things in the whooooooole wide world. However, my most memorable cake was also my first flourless chocolate cake. My family and I were celebrating my 11th birthday on vacation in Quebec, so the cake was dessert after an amazing French meal. The entire restaurant sang to me in English but most of the people there had fantastic French accents! It was wonderful.

Amanda Kay - Second Birthday. My mom made me a mickey mouse cake. His ears where two round cake not to mention the actual face of mickey…it was huge and awesome!

Shawnette - Love that necklace! My favorite was a rainbow brite cake from the bakery.

Meg - First of all…I think you are such an awesome lady! Plus…we have the same name so that makes me feel SO much cooler. My favorite birthday cake was for my 5th birthday. It was just an ordinary rectangle bakery cake that my mom bought and had my name written on…pretty standard. We went to the park that year for a big family picnic on my birthday and while we were all swimming in the river, a seagull landed on my cake and left little bird footprints. My mom was so worried that I was going to be so upset by it but i remember thinking that it was so funny that i had a seagull land on my cake. By far my favorite! I think my mom might even have a picture somewhere.

Tonya - an icecream cake made by my 4 year old son and my husband. sooooo sweet.

Lauren - My most memorable cake was a “teal velvet” cake that my mom made….I love red velvet cake and I love teal, so it was the perfect combo πŸ™‚
This is the cutest necklace in the world!

Angie - I had a Dukes of Hazard Birthday Cake when I turned 5. I loved it!

Summer - I have to win this!!!!!!! I made this very Birthday cake for my daughter’s 8th birthday last month!!!!!! Awww, how sweet.

Melissa V. - Not sure what birthday, but my mom made me a Holly Hobbie cake. It was awesome.

Rachel - The year I turned 14 (in February) my parents let me get my ears pierced for Christmas. My birthday rolled around at just the time I could take out my start studs. So then I had an EARRING birthday and everyone brought me only earrings for presents. I had an ice cream cake and my dad decorated it with a picture of my face with earrings on my ears. It was a great birthday!

Jen - I think my most memorable cakes are the ones I’ve had since we were married. I am not a huge cake lover so my sweet husband always gets me a HUGE Hershey bar and puts one candle in it. I LOVE it. And I LOVE the necklace!

Lauren Byrne - My fav cake was the rainbow cake I just made for my daughter’s 3rd bday party. She LOVES rainbows and you provided me the perfect cake. People still can’t stop talking about it!
And it actually turned out like yours! You can see it here.
Thanks for the awesome inspiration. (I’m a friend of Jess’s). =)

Erin Kirby - hi meg!
thanks for the giveaway!
my favorite birthday cake was the first one i could remember, my third birthday cake. german chocolate cake with coconut pecan icing. mmmmm.
i want some now.
i guess pregnancy hormones will do that to ya!

seb - My favorite cake was my Big Bird cake made by the cake lady at our church. I thought it was so fancy!

Kelly O. - it’s not really the cake that I remember so much as my mom would wrap quarters in saran wrap and insert them in the sides of the cake before icing…
everyone that came to my birthdays knew to eat carefully πŸ™‚
and they’d go home with $$!
it was win win–have your cake and $$ too!

Elise - Shaped like a turtle. πŸ™‚ The shell was rounded and everything. It was so awesome! Even better? It was for my sweet 16. So girly, right?

Christina - That rainbow cake is too fantastic!
My favorite cake was always a chocolate pound cake that a woman at our church made for me every year because she knew that I loved it. It was sooo good. I don’t think I let anyone else eat it after the birthday party. haha

Jennalee - It wasn’t my cake that was most memorable but the cake I made for my dad when I was in high school. It was an 8 layer confetti cake. You could say I definitely hadn’t mastered baking yet because I got too excited to wait for it all to cool before I layered it. After it was assembled, it all slid off the board and ALL over the counter! Everybody loved it though just for that reason!

merlin - It was a cake my mother made for my brother, He might have been 9 or 10, it was a chocolate-mocha multi-layer cake. I knew she loved him best because of this cake. And I am so glad he had this divine cake, he didn’t celebrate very many birthdays after that.

olivia - My 10th bithday cake…..I made it

Sarah - Normally, my mother (having 4 daughters) was the one to make the birthday cakes, plan parties with sleep overs, trips to Chucky Cheese etc. One year, for my 11th birthday my mom was working evenings at the hospital & my dad was given the task of baking AND decorating my birthday cake. It wasn’t anything fantastic, – it came out of a box – a randow bit better crocker cake, with vanilla icing and DINOSAUR sprinkles, but it was my dad who made it, which now when I look back on it, makes it my most favourite birthday cake experience!

Christina - I was probably turning 8 or 9 and my mom made one of those barbie cakes. She bought a giant glass measuring cups to make the skirt and let me pick out the barbie for the top part. I thought it was the greatest thing ever. And of course it was 100% pink.

Margo - Hands down has to be the Barbie doll cake my aunt made me when I turned 10! I still have the Barbie that she used and that was 25 years ago!

Jamie - Sharing my birthday with my sister her birthday was two days before mine and every year we shared it together. Even though she was 10 yrs older than me, we always had a blast because we were together!

Rachael B - That necklace is so cute! It reminds me of the cake I made…
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My favorite birthday cake was actually my 15th birthday because I had 15 cheesecakes! (I also had a very large party..)

miss r - My mom always made awesome birthday cakes for my brothers and I, but my absolute favorite was a Strawberry Shortcake shaped/decorated cake. LOVED it!

ashley - Sadly I don’t have a memorable cake but I have seen pics of my first b-day cake and it was a rocking horse. Looks pretty cool in Polaroids.

erin stivender - care bear cake from pizza hut…it was a hot party spot among my friends and i loved that cake (on my birthday and others)…care bears right in the middle of all that chocolate icing…pizza hut, please bring it back!

Jacqui - chocolate coffee cake that my nana baked me when i was younger much younger!!

Beth - My birthday is the day after Valentine’s Day and for years my mom would buy me discounted heart-shaped ice cream cakes from Carvel.

Kimberlee J. - My mom always purchased my cakes. I think Cookie Monster with a real chocolate chip cookie in his mouth was my most memorable.

Jennifer O'Steen - my most memorable birthday cake was when i was in middle school. my mom surprised me with a peace frog cake and i was the coolest kid around (for a week, ha!) it was just what i wanted for my 12th birthday.

Jill - My favorite cake was a bunny rabbit cake made by carving two 8 inch cakes into a face and ears, covered with coconut, with licorice whiskers and jelly bean decorations!

tara hawks - made in a bowl, then turned upside down to look like a princess dress…with a barbie stuck in the middle, so she was wearing the dress!! awesome!

el - that is the CUTEST necklace! I would give it to my Mom if I won it, she loved the rainbow cake I made for her birthday. Crazy you are asking about favorite cakes because I was just talking about mine. Not sure what birthday maybe 12 but it was an ice cream cake and it was adorned with waffle cones filled with frosting; frosting cones! best cake ever, the frosting cones were my favorite part. I always tell my mom how grateful I am for that awesome cake I will never forget!

Tammy - My birthday cakes weren’t cut & shaped into items, but I had my pick of what I wanted. So sometimes I had angel food cake with strawberries, or choc cake & choc frosting, or even pineapple upside down cake….yummy! They were all fantastic!
Thanks for offering such a cute giveaway!

Valerie - i would soooo keep that necklace for myself. and if i won, i would actually finally attempt to make the real thing! πŸ™‚
my favorite b-day cake might have to be the old-fashioned chocolate sheet cake. the type all the church ladies know how to rock. yum, yum!

Bri - I won a birthday cake from a grocery store when I was 7…. It was a giant Barney cake and I adored it. I was so proud!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Oh my goodness! This has got to be the best giveaway I’ve ever seen – what an amazing shop!
Okay, so the cake I would choose isn’t a birthday cake, but it sure felt like my birthday when I ate it! My boyfriend went to Le Cordon Bleu Culinary school for an Associate’s Degree as a Pastry Chef. In his cake class, they had to create a cake based on some kind of theme. He picked a dream theme and made a layered cake (white cake and devil’s food every other layer) and made a homemade chocolate mocha filling to join the layers. He used a white buttercream frosting on the outside, topped it with chocolate shavings, and then baked some almond macaroons that he stuck to the side. It looked like fluffy clouds with chocolate on top! It was the best cake I have ever had! I hope that counts!

Amber - Mine was a giant big giant cookie dough coldstone cake. =)

Trena - I can’t remember how old I was…probably 10, because I remember where we lived and we lived there when I was in Grade 4. I ALWAYS wanted a cake with money in it but my mom always said NO!…but one year she actually put money in…wrapped in waxed paper…quarters and dimes! I thought it was THE coolest!! She thought it was THE dumbest because all the money went to the bottom!

Zoe - I love this necklace!
My favorite birthday cakes were the cupcakes baked in ice cream cones that I used to bring to school when I was little.

Juli - When I turned seven, my mother made me a birthday cake with my Madame Alexander doll carefully inserted into the middle of it. The cake was a half-sphere in shape, so it made the doll look like she was wearing a very full hoop skirt. Mom completed the illusion by piping intricate frosting designs on the cake and forming a frosting “bodice” for the doll, who wore a bonnet to complete the Southern Belle look. Fabulous!

Julie - My great aunt used to have a bakery and one year she made me the Barbie Cake. Unfortunately, this was before Barbie cakes were made with Barbies and much to my dismay, it was just the top half of a doll. I was very bummed about that part. But to have a Bakery Cake was really super cool!! No homemade cake that year! YAY!

Rachel - For my seventh birthday my parents surprised me with a weekend away and me and my little brother got to stay in our own hotel room with a themed cowboy room. The hotel gave me a huge white sponge cake for my birthday with ‘Happy Birthday Rachel’ in fancy letters, it was so cool. The next day back at school I took the rest of the cake in for my class to share. Unfortunately every single one of us got food poisoning from it and I have vivid memories of projectile-vomiting down a school corridor. How embarrassing! Rachel

Aimee - Mine was a minnie mouse and mickey mouse cake.. Just all the memories that go along with that cake made it my favorite..

Ashlee - Every year my mom would make us a bright Kelly green alligator cake! It was 4 ft long and I guess she made it for some theme one of us had but from then on we begged for it every year. It had red licorice and candy corn for teeth…so cute! My mom even made it for my sis in college and met her half way for her to get it. I’ve got to make that now! Can’t believe I haven’t yet for my kids. That makes me smile thinking how thoughtful she was for us. I am blessed!

Amy B. - In eighth grade, three friends threw me a surprise party and went all out to make a hamburger-shaped cake. I thought that was the coolest! Good memories!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenn - I think I remember the first cake that I had just to myself. I am a twin, and my older brother’s birthday is the day after mine, so growing up, I always had a shared cake with them. It was nice when I got married, and finally got a cake that had just my name on it from my husband. It was sweet!!!

Micah - Mine was when I was 11. It was my first double layer round cake from the bakery – with lots and lots of roses on top. I thought it looked like a mini wedding cake πŸ™‚

Kat - For some reason everytime we talk about birthday cakes I can remember mum making me a Cookie Monster cake. The funny thing is I then made her a cookie monster cake for her 50th birthday.

adrienne - all of my b-day cakes were homemade and not decorated (believe me when i say that i was never disappointed… they were ALWAYS yummy!) but… at easter, mom would pick up a pink or yellow coconut decorated bunny cake with sugar candy ears and face. it was always my favorite and right around the corner from my b-day πŸ˜‰

asibtroy - My favorite cake had to be my son’s first birthday cake! My husband wanted to do spongebob so I talked them into pirates and we had a big themed party and my mother made Spongebob’s pineapple under the sea house (a spice cake) just for the little man and then a big combo sheet cake ocean (yellow cake) with an upside down Christmas tree cake(chocolate) as the pirate ship!
It looked amazing, and b/c my mom made it – tasted even better than it looked!

Amber - For as long as I remember I have LOVED antique jewelry. So for my 10th birthday my Auntie Diane made me a cake shaped like a girl. She was wearing a pink and yellow dress made of frosting of course and around her neck was my grandmothers antique pink pearl necklace GASP!! and I got to keep it!

Heather - What?! A rainbow cake necklace? That is great. My favorite cake was the rainbow cake I made for my boyfriends birthday. It was a huge disaster because the recipe was something strange, but the colors were so much fun to take pictures of. Otherwise Im a carrot cake type girl.

June P - my favorite birthday cake was a chocolate fudge cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles – for my 22nd birthday. πŸ˜€ adult enough to appreciate the chocolate, and young enough to not worry about the poundage.
thanks for the opportunity to win!

Kate - A beautiful bunny cake with coconut on top to look fluffy and decorated with jelly beans and licorice for the nose, eyes and mouth. All made from 2 round homemade yellow cakes. moist, fluffy, delicious and made with LOVE! Thanks Mom! πŸ™‚

linnie - My most memorable birthday cake was when I was 3 or 4 and my mum made me a kitty cake. For my daughters 3rd birthday I made her the same cake but modernised the icing colours a bit.

Kate B - Instead of a birthday cake, I’d always ask my Mom to make meringues, which we would top with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. Yum!

shelly - I think my fav cake was a strawberry shortcake one when I had an awesome pool party in first grade–so maybe it was the party, but the cake was tasty too πŸ™‚
Love that necklace!

Keli Cook - I was in the 4th grade and absolutely obsessed with unicorns and rainbows. It was just a sheet cake, but the unicorn and rainbow made it a masterpiece in my nine-year-old mind!

amy - As a grown up, my mom always makes me german chocolate cake…but my farvorite cake was the one my boys made me this year. They are 4 and 7 y/o and they made a halloween cake for me (my bday is in december). It was absolutely adorable.

Jessie - My most memorable cake was a Strawberry Shortcake cake my grandma made for my 3rd birthday! It was perfect!

Valley + Madiga - We never had birthday cakes growing up! When I met my now ex husband (all sounds pathetic…LOL) his mom would make him a special cake on his birthday it was called a wacky cake….hmmmm I wonder being an ex mother in law and all if I could get that from her!!
So wacky cake it is!!!
Boy I may have to try that rainbow cake everyone is talking about!!
That charm would look nice on my neck!!!

Beth - Yikes! I gotta have that necklace for my daughter! However I can’t remember anything particular about my birthday cakes. I always had one!

kat - My mother-in-law bakes the best chocolate cake ever!!! It is a family tradition now and we all request her chocolate cake for every birthday. After every little bite I breathe a sigh of delight. It’s heavenly.

Elizabeth - My grandmother always made chocolate cake with chocolate icing, we are a house full of chocoholics! One year she made the chocolate on chocolate and decorated the whole thing with MandM’s. It was a birthday cake this girl will never forget!
Years later, still a chocoholic, I had told this story to a friend and she surprised me with chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing topped with MandM’s! So thoughtful and SWEET!

emily - it wasn’t my cake, but my little brother had a full blown castle cake for his birthday one year… a few years later he wanted it again but when mom tried to make it again, it just fell apart. he took one look at it & said “its okay mom, this one is the castle ruins!”

Dianne - For my 9th birthday my Mom made me a Holly Hobbie cake. I was so excited to share it with my friends. Now I try to make home-made cakes for my boys. The best was a pirate ship with plastic pirates on deck!

Art Cant Hurt - i’ve heard the story of my 2nd birthday cake so many times that it’s my favorite – even though i don’t remember it!
my grandmother made a cake in a pan shaped like a clown face & iced it using bright blue icing for the body & bright yellow icing for the hair and they say i enjoyed A LOT of it.
the next day my babysitter called my mother at work frantic with worry – apparently my AHEM….’output’ for that day was bright turquoise and she was afraid something was wrong with me! haha!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - I had several “lamb” cakes growing up b/c I collected lambs. They were my fave!
Adorable cake necklace!!! Her esty shop is adorable!

Bethany - My birthday is in June and so most of the time my cakes seemed to be topped with strawberries growing up. Very seasonal. Because they all seemed to be slight variations of one another, none really stands out… until a couple of years ago. My sister made me a bundt cake. I was secretly disappointed at first because a bundt cake without frosting sounded dreadfully dry. (I’ve never been a fan.) And then I tasted it… it was so moist, so chocolaty, and so full of liquor. What a wonderful surprise!

jilly - hmmmm, i guess my favorite was one of those barbie cakes where there is a real doll in the middle and the cake is her dress.

Emily - It’s sad, but I can’t remember any of my birthday cakes. Sad. Hope I win this one though!

Hannah - I was more of a pie girl growing up and my grandma always made me rhubarb crisp. It was delicious!

Megan McCulloch - My birthday is always around Thanksgiving, and one year when I was about 10 it was on Thanksgiving, so for dessert we had a GORGEOUS pumpkin shaped cake. It was beautiful and totally went with the food. :]

Suzette - My mom makes me a carrot cake every year for my birthday. I am now 43 years old and she still makes one e-v-e-r-y year! We now live 6 hours apart and she still manages to get me a homemade carrot cake to this day!

Maria Quackenbush - My Mom made me a unicorn cake when i was six. I loved that cake. by the way. i made your rainbow cake for my three year old on her birthday and she has been talking about it for 6 months…. it is so cute. This necklace would be so perfect for her!!!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - As a child, it was the kitty cat cake my mom made for my 5th (I think?) birthday.
Now, as an adult, it’s the messy frosted cakes with 14 lbs. of sprinkles that my kids make me. πŸ™‚

Cathy - I honestly don’t remember any of my birthday cakes. It’s horrible. I do remember the cake I made for my nephew a few years ago. R2D2. It was a masterpiece. And that necklace is a masterpiece as well. Love it.

jessica - My husband and kids made me cake…boxed funfetti with rainbow chip frosting…simple & yummy…however…while Dad “quickly” ran the garbage out, the kids “quickly” pushed chairs to the counter and sunk there hands in & licked and picked at the yumminess…it was quite the work of art!

Melanie - I use to love ice cream cakes. Is that boring?

LeighAnn - My favorite birthday cake was in 7th grade…. It had a beanie baby seal on it with an igloo made out of sugar cubes.

Tracy - I have a picture of my favorite cake – my 10th bithday just a regular chocolate cake with homemade frosting with a big #10 on the top that my mom made. Why was it my favorite…I was always very chunky and that year I lost a lot of weight and was really proud of myself (and my belts were huge!!) πŸ™‚

April Harris - Raggedy Ann…she was covered with colored coconut.

Rosemary Gustin - The only birthday cake that was significant enough to remember were these really bright, colorful cupcakes that had clown heads on them. Looking back now, I think those seem pretty disturbing! LOL!
My favorite cake ever was our wedding cake. We did tiers of cupcakes for our wedding guests. Half of the cupcakes were white cake, and half were chocolate. The frosting colors were super bright. We had hot pink, bright blue, bright yellow, bright green. It was such a fun thing to do. Plus we got married at the zoo, so it wasn’t exactly what you’d call a traditional wedding!
I’d love to win that adorable little necklace! And if I won, I’d have to hope I could hang onto it after my little girl saw it! πŸ™‚

Donna - Meg, I used to call my older sister “gaga” (her name is Cindy, don’t ask me how I came up with gaga!). She’d finally had enough of it, so when I was 4, my dad told me that he’d buy me anything if I’d stop calling her that. We happened to be walking down the street, and I must have seen this cake in the window. It was a birthday cake, and I told my dad that’s what I wanted. Long story short….I stopped calling my sister gaga and my dad bought me the cake!

Missy - Oooh, it had to be the pink princess castle with the ice cream cones for where the princess was kept from the dragon. I loved that cake!

Katie Gonzalez - most memorable cake… the one from my first birthday. my parents had not let me have sweets before then, but decided it was time to let me try some for my birthday. apparently, i took my finger and tasted the icing, my eyes lit up and then i stuck my head right into the cake! my parents never expected that! very memorable indeed πŸ™‚

Lynette - My favorite cake was my 16th birthday cake. My mom made a 2 layer round cake, frosted it, and then found tons of different kinds of candy and put them all over the cake for my “sweet 16”. We got to eat the left over candy for weeks after my birthday.

Georgia - My favourite cake was the one my great aunt made, it was a green bed, with 3 piglets sleeping in it, was so funny. I loved it, my aunt was amazing at making cakes πŸ™‚

Megan - My favorite was for my 16th birthday… my aunt made a rich and creamy vanilla with vanilla frosting, decorated very elegantly, and topped with reall yellow and purple flowers!

meaghan - when i was 3 my mom hand piped a holly hobby cake. i’ve always loved the pics of it πŸ˜‰

Bobbie (Clumsy Crafter) - My mom made cupcakes in ice cream cones and decorated the tops to look like ice cream. She was cool before cupcakes were cool.

Michelle - it was a cookie cake. . . I had always wanted one so badly when I was little and would see them at the cookie store at the mall. My mom finally got me one for my 12th birthday. . . so much icing. . it was awesome. It’s making my mouth water 15 years later. . .

Mandi - My favorite birthday cake I get every year–a simple cookie cake from Great American Cookie Company. And my birthday is 2 weeks away, so I will be getting one soon!!

LibraryGirl62 - 6th grade-1973-Cincinnati Reds Cake with a Pete Rose Bobble Head! Yeah~I am girl~so what! Go BIG RED MACHINE!!! (and wouldn’t I love to have that bobble head back!)

Sara - I don’t remember it, but the pictures of my carrot cake for my 1st birthday always make me smile.

Tiffany - I really don’t have a favorite cake, but I do remember having a homemade cake every year up until around my 15th birthday. It was a source of embarrassment to me, because I thought it meant we were so poor that we couldn’t afford a store bought cake, which in my mind were so much superior to ones made at home. After that first purchased cake, my stepmom told me she had been making my cakes because to her, since they took more effort and she thought they tasted better, it was a way of expressing love. She told me that she would’ve happily bought a cake every year if she’d known! Funny how something as simple as baking a cake instead of buying one can mean something so different to two people!

Anja - I hope my favorite birthday cake will be the one I will make for my grandma and grandpa’s 80th birthdays in three weeks. I have been planning and trying things out for weeks (and settled for chocolate and rasberry) and I am determined to make it the best birthday cake in our family ever. I have tough competition, though since my grandma usually makes the greatest cakes!

Ashley - My 26th birthday – my mom got me a cake that said “Happy Birthday, Ashley and Laura”
My name is Ashley Laura…but we pretended I had a twin named Laura that wasn’t there…we had lots of laughs!

pambuller - my favorite would be the cake my girl alex made for me the night we got home from africa. i can hardly remember it because i was so tired but they took pictures! and then we ate it all so she made another the next day so i could REMEMBER the taste. πŸ™‚

kelli - that is absolutely adorable! so so cute. and, how random is it that this cake was on martha stewart today! i thought – oh my goodness, she is going to have megan on to show how to make it! – but… it was some other chick that said she thought of it (hmmm…). i totally saw it here first though. πŸ™‚

beth buller - my momma made a horse birthday cake with a licorice bridle, frosting mane, frosting eyes and lifesavers to connect the bridle.
it was pretty but i wasn’t hungry that night and i never ate any of it.

Lu Buller - my mommas gonna make my favorite on TUESDAY.
cotton candy cupcakes.

april - last year my husband bought me a hello kitty cake…it was great!!!!

alex buller - meg’s famous rainbow cake for my 12th birthday! i made it myself.

Tanya B - Such a cute necklace! My favorite cake was my 8th birthday — a purple Unicorn. Can you guess it was the 80’s? πŸ™‚

Nicole - What an adorable necklace – I would LOVE to wear it!!
My most favorite and memorable cake – I can’t remember exactly how old I was, maybe 4 or 5 or 6, my Mom made me one of those Barbie Doll cakes where the skirt is the cake part and an actual Barbie doll sticks up from the middle – it was gorgeous, all pink and frosting-y πŸ™‚ What a dream cake for a little girl!

Michele Raven - I still remember watching my mom frost what was to be my most favorite birthday cake ever. It was similiar to your rainbow one except it was all chocolate cake layers with different colored frosting. I thought it was the neatest cake ever!

Ericka - I know you said Birthday Cake but mine is my wedding cake! I always wanted to get married on the beach but that meant that my great grandma and grandpa wouldn’t be able to as one was in her late 80’s and the other was very ill. So I had the beach brought to me with a cake full of shells it was awesome!

Jodi - Ha! That’s easy. I do not like chocolate (I know, I know…I am not normal). Anyhow, my favorite memory (and it’s not a good one) is when my mom accidentally came home with chocolate cake for my birthday. I was devastated, probably because I was a bit of a drama queen. I will never forget that. My feelings were so hurt. LOL. Good thing I am over it! Such a cute necklace, my 3 y.o. will LOVE it. Great giveaway!

Jenn s - My mom was an amateur cake decorator and she had me doing back flips for my 8th birthday when she made me a Darth Vader birthday cake. I was a huge tom-boy, so I had a lot of boys at my birthday party and they were so jealous of my awesome birthday cake. Of course it was all chocolate, which made it even sweeter πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - Awesome necklace! Lilac colored frosting with Easter M & M’s all over it! Birthday is always around Easter!

julie - my mom always made the best banana pudding and she usually put candles in it as my birthday “cake”…we still do it every year!

Julie - I celebrated my 18th Birthday on a cruise to the Bahamas and the night of my Birthday they served Baked Alaska cakes to each table. It was a wonderful Birthday!

Keshet - An Ariel cake when I was a little girl. I just loved it! This shop is so so cute!

Christy - Cute Necklace! My daughter turned 1 last year and I got a giant cupcake cake made it was awesome. Now I have to top that this year.
I also remember when I was little I had the round cake with the barbie in the middle and the cake part was her dress. I think every girl probably had one. I thought that was cool

karol - When I was 4 my mom made me the yummiest cake with M&M’s on it. she put an M&M #4 on the top. Just loved it.
Oh, and as an adult she always made me an angel food cake with the best lemon glaze. Miss those.

Melissa Morrill - When I turned 19 my mom took me to Europe for my birthday and on the actual day she gave me a piece of cheesecake with a candle in it. We ate it at the base of one of Europes most famous castle Neswanstein.

Corinne - My CUTEST birthday cake, didn’t hit me till I was 30. My best friend arranged for a tooo pretty chocolate cake with hit pink icing, ribbons and flowers. It was as pretty as a wedding cake, and just for me. I don’t think it will be topped.

Mitzi - I LOVE a good cake! πŸ™‚ Yellow cake with chocolate icing is ALWAYS a winner…. and cupcakes, even better! I’ve had a Tweety Bird cake, and my sister and I shared a Cookie Monster cake when we were younger (our birthday are a week apart).

Rachel J - My mom always made a box cake in an old 9×13 metal pan with canned frosting. We got to pick the flavors & color of gel icing. But the memorable part were those gross candy decorations that came in a themed pack. They were just sugar and hard as rocks. But I still remember them- and it would be 8 years old Strawberry Shortcake that sticks out to me.
I think they might still sell them- but I have not made it a tradition for my family.
In all fairness- my mom was a bread/roll kind of baker.

Kit - I don’t remember a favorite birthday cake, but I do remember my 7th birthday as being special, with a party and dress up games and fancy lunch out on the porch. Only in Arizona can you count on being able to have an outdoor lunch in November!
LOVE the rainbow cake necklace…I made that cake for my son’s 7th birthday last summer, thanks to you!

Brittany - I can’t explain it, but my best birthday cake ever wasn’t even really a “cake.” My amazing mom poured cake batter into ice cream cones (you know, the kind w/the flat bottom for soft serve) and baked them. She then iced them to look like ice cream! They were amazing!!

Suzanne D - My aunt made me a Holly Hobbie cake. It looked just like Holly Hobbie down to the dress. She was amazing with cakes!

kathy b - There it is… your rainbow cake…..on the Martha Stewart Show today. Oh my gosh!
My favorite cake was a doll cake my mom made one year. I real doll with a huge frosting skirt!

Dawn - A checkerboard cake that my grandma made me! Loved seeing that pattern when she cut into it!
The rainbow cake has become a favorite at our house on many occasions!
Thanks for the great giveaway! πŸ™‚

Wendy - By far my favorite birthday cake, was one I made myself when I was 6. It was from my Easy Bake Over and I covered it with sprinkles!!!

Nicole Q. - I’ve always remembered a Holly Hobby shaped cake that I had when I was probably preschool age. I went through a Baskin Robbins Ice cream cake stage too. Oh that sounds good right now!

Becky - Mine was a castle. And to my mom it was a total flop. It was held together with toothpicks and who knows what else. And the pictures of it are REALLY sad and VERY funny.
But at the time, I was probably 7, it was the best looking cake ever! I hope my mom knew how much I loved that cake! πŸ™‚

Meredith - When I was in first grade my mother took me and a friend to see a shadow play of Charlotte’s Web. She also had a friend make me a Charlotte’s Web birthday cake it was amazing and I can still remember how special I felt!

Stephanie Armstrong - I would have to say my favorite cake was holly hobbie i was 8-9, i LOVED holly hobbie πŸ™‚

virginia - wow! that is a sweet necklace! i would wear it on happy days. my most memorable b-day cake would have to be the 101 dalmatians cake that my mom made me for my 6th birthday. my big b-day surprise was going to the movie theater to watch that movie too!

Julie - I never cared for cake, but I always had banana splits on my birthday with whatever toppings I wanted!

Stephanie Carroll - I had a troll cake with troll dolls all over it- crossing a bridge and stuff. I think I still have the trolls 15 years later

Alysa - A Holly Hobby Cake … complete with a Holly Hobby party. my mom was the BEST!

Denissa - That is adorable!! My fav cake was probably when I was 22 and had a suprise party w/ a delish fancy chocolate cake.

jen smith - i love the ocean. for my eighteenth birthday my parents got me a huge cake that was an underwater scene. i loved it!

michelle - when I was a little girl, Strawberry Shortcake, complete with a necklace for me!!

Andrea - That necklace rocks! And I actually just made a rainbow cake for my son’s 6th birthday.
My most memorable cake was this AMAZING Strawberry Shortcake cake. Like the character Strawberry Shortcake..not the cake strawberry shortcake. It was strawberry cake, with fresh strawberries inside and white icing…and just strawberry yumminess!

Kathrina - When I was 26, my husband came home from work and baked me a cake for my birthday. Nothing special, just a mix cake — he didn’t even use any frosting. But he did put the candles into the cake while the cake was still warm. When we ate it, there 26 big blobs of melted wax inside the cake. He hasn’t baked a cake since!

Amy Mumaw - I cant’s say that I ever had a cake that wasn’t a square. BORING!! Maybe when I am 40!

Summer - My parent always did a impressive job making memorable birthday cakes. My top would have to be the ‘Strawberry Shortcake’ cake when I was about.

rhonda - LOVE that rainbow cake necklace!
My favorite birthday cake was my New Kids on the Block cake! my mom recreated the logo on a sheet cake and even cut their pictures out of magazines and iced those onto the cake! I got concert tickets that day!

Val - I don’t remember any special b day cake of my own, but… the coolest cake I made for one of my kids was……………. a rainbow cake! My youngest son’s last birthday (his 6th) I made him your rainbow cake. He loved it, and so did everyone else!

Ellen - Every year, for all my life, my mom has made me a yellow cake with chocolate icing – my favorite – only because it’s tradition now. BUT, guess what I made HER for her birthday yesterday??? A beautiful rainbow cake! She was ecstatic. I NEED this necklace πŸ™‚

Michelle - My most memorable birthday cake was from the first year my husband and I were dating. He tried to make me an angel food cake with strawberries….and it turned out pretty bad. πŸ™‚ I was impressed anyway.

Terri - I love that necklace! My favorite birthday cake is a tie between my 5th strawberry shortcake cake and my sweet 16 12 tiered doll cake. Both very different and both very memorable!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I remember a cake that my mom had hid money in. It was sooo exciting to eat. Luckily no on choked (the coins were wrapped in saran wrap)

Jess - New Kids on the block Cake!!! So funny I know!

Jessica Reed - Funny you should ask, my most favorite birthday cake was a rainbow birthday cake. I had a wizard of Oz themed party, and the cake looked just like that necklace. πŸ™‚

Routhie - As a child, for about 8 years running, my family would meet at the same restaurant for my birthday. It was in a warehouse and their cake was plain white with white frosting. When it came to you, the middle was still very cold, but not frozen. So simple, but so good because they made you stand on a chair, holding your cake, while the entire restaurant sang to you. I loved it. To this day, I like being sang to on my birthday.

Ashley - the year i turned 14, my mom was 9 months preggers. my littlest brother was born ten days after my birthday. i didn’t get a party or anything fancy(obviously:), so my wonderful friend Mattie threw me a surprise party. she lined little flower pots with foil, put ice cream in them, stuck a candy stick in it, and a cupcake on top. they looked like little flowers, so cute!! and so sweet!

Courtney McIlwain - I have to say it was actually a cake I made for my daughter’s first birthday. It was a cute litle giraffe

sherry - Third grade–my Lovely Ladylocks cake. It’s actually rather creepy now…a girl with critters in her hair. πŸ™‚
Fav now? red velvet or angel food…a bit of a contrast I know

Julie - My grandmother always made my birthday cake, yellow cake with lemon frosting still my absolutely favorite!!

Sarah@Clover Lane - Geez oh Petes! My mom just made a cake! Just a cake! Sometimes she put jelly beans in the frosting if she had some laying around. Sometimes she just let us pick the color of the frosting. Sometimes she said, “Would you like angel food cake, or just plain cake?” Sometimes she didn’t even ask! No fancy stuff…we had very simple birthdays growing up…and they were the BEST ever. I love her for giving me the LOVE of simple things. Like just plain CAKE!

adrianne - My sister’s friend made me an R2D2 cake. He used an R2D2 cake pan, but the piping on it was amazing. (And the cake was strawberry – yum.) And I may or may not have been turning 24 at the time.
(But I’d really like the ‘teen wolf’ cupcake cake one year – it makes me laugh…even if it wasn’t intended to be funny (or to be teen wolf).

Cara Kapp - Can’t really remember the best one – but the one that still stuck in my head is the plastic doll in the middle of the cake full of pink icing πŸ™‚ with those silver balls all over and “yellow” hair. My mom wasn’t really a “Baker”!!

amy s - my mom rocked at making birthday cakes… totally professional… and my favorite cake was ANIMAL from the muppet show… i so dig that guy.

lisa - Not a cake. Last year my boyfriend made me an apple pie. I will never forget the shock and joy I felt when I opened the door after work to see him with an apron on, rolling out dough!

Alice - my 9th birthday cake. a bunny cake.a huge cake. my mom made it for me. How awesome is that.

Natalie - We never had fancy cakes for our birthdays. Just sheet cakes but we always got to pick the flavor. I’ll never forget my last birthday though because even though I’m 25, my mom made me a red velvet cake just like I wanted and then as she was eating hers, dropped it on my white carpet. That stain will never let me forget!

Lisa - My most memorable cake had to be my Sweet 16 cake. My mom had a red Camaro with a t-top at the time which I was dying to drive as a newly licensed 16 year old. The cake was that of a brunette-headed Barbie baked into a red Camaro cake.
Love it to this day! πŸ˜‰

Kara - Ugh, I actually can’t remember any birthday cakes – but mom had 5 kids so I’ll cut her some slack!!!! Love the necklace – will be making the cake with my 3 year old πŸ™‚

pam - When I was little my grandfather who I only knew for 8 years baked my birthday cake…it had the most peculiar aqua (kind of) frosting…turned out it was made from from pancakes, layered with frosting and then FROZEN!!!! I still remember that and I don’t have many memories from child hood.

sara jane - i must say. I LOVE CAKE. so pretty much every birthday and every reason for cake is my favorite πŸ™‚

Amanda - I don’t know if I could pick just one favorite birthday cake. Every year my mom would make me a homemade cake (because store bought ones are just lame) in any shape that I wanted and each and every year I would think of more outlandish things to try and stump her. The castle cake she made me for my 16th was pretty amazing, complete with turrets, flags, and pink icing πŸ™‚

Milena - My most memorable birthday cake was for my 7th birthday. My mum made a cake looking like a house. It was hollow in the middle (like those one makes for Christmas). It was covered with cream and enormous amounts of small chocolates, candy, gummy bears and so on. Inside (after all the kids stripped the house totally – I have a picture where all off us have cream up to our elbows) there was a chocolate cake!!! Amazing! And so much fun!

chasity - my favorite cake was either snow white and the seven dwarfs or a crocodile cake….both made by my dear mom.
she could make the ordinary days special and the special days spectacular!

Laura Dyson - My favorite birthday cake is a cake that I didn’t like as a little girl. I come from a big family, so when my birthday rolled around my mom got me a cake that she thought I really liked. I was 13 and my mom bought me a carrot cake! You know 13 year old girls — at the time I was so disppointed. But now I look back on it and laugh everytime. I will never forget that day and now I am a mother and completely understand how you can make mistakes πŸ™‚ And with age I have grown to LOVE carrot cake.

Kristina - The cake I remember the most was an icecream cake I had at my slumber party when I was 11. It was the first time I ever had icecream in a cake….exciting stuff =)

Molly Pearce - When I was little my daddy would take me to pick out my cake each year! One year he surprised me with a mermaid cake! The icing was blue and green to look like the sea and it had little mermaids all over it. After my party was over I took all the mermaids out and washed them to play with them. Sadly they got lost when my daddy moved about 10 years ago. But I still remember his face when he brought me the cake with candles and saw how excited I was. Wish I was still 10 again with no cares in the world!
~Molly P

mrjasperson - My grandma made me a doll cake where the skirt of the doll was the cake and then the barbie was stuck in it…so cute and I still remember it and exactly where I was in her kitchen when I saw it for the first time. Such a fun memory…

Tiffany - The cake I remember most was for my 10th birthday. It had elephants on it and said Happy Double Digit Day!
I was so proud to finally be in the double digits.

Regina - My 10th birthday…it was the only party I ever had as a kid…the cake had clowns on it…remember those clowns with a body made of piped frosting and a clown head pick? I honestly think I still have those clown picks! Thanks for hosting such awesome give-aways!

Ruth H. - THAT is an awesome necklace. So perfect for you!
My most memorable birthday cake wasn’t a cake. It was a pie. My mom bakes the best pies, so sometimes we requested pies for our birthdays. My husband was aware of this quirky tradition. Before my 30th birthday, he had a friend who baked teach him how to make pie. He made 6 pies, and threw a big surprise party for me with all of our friends. It was so fun to eat the yummy peach pie my husband made for me!

Nathalie - All mine were special becaues they were homemade by my mom… never store bought…

BriBedell - It was my seventh birthday (in April usually around Easter) and my mom made me two Bunny Rabbit Cakes! They were awesome they had licorice whiskers and jelly bean eyes! My birthday party was at a roller staking rink! All my little friends thought my mom was the coolest..well she still is πŸ™‚ LOL

Laura Phelps - As a cake decorator, is might be hard to believe but I DON’T HAVE A MEMORABLE CAKE!!! EVER. Is that sad???? My sister made me a winnie the pooh cake…and I remember it only because it is the only picture I have of myself with a cake. Maybe this 40th birthday…someone will finally get me a cake, because I refuse to make my own!!!!!!! (and if I could choose…either the triple berry cake from Sweet Lady Jane, or the vanilla cake with pink frosting from SUsie cakes…)
fyi…making a rainbow SHEETcake today…for a candyland party…should be interesting!)

katie - When I was 6, I had an Angel Food cake with blueberries in it with blue icing. I always had angel food cake and blueberries were my favorite and, well, the icing HAD to be blue to match. There was a lot of blue and everyone found themselves dyed blue after eating the cake. It was hilarious and wonderful as a 6 year old. That has always been my favorite birthday cake.

Kristi - My most memorable birthday cake of mine was my strawberry shortcake cake…but my most memorable cake of my daughters was the rainbow cake i made her for her fifth birthday! It looks just like the necklace…with a little extra flowers on top! It was her fancy nancy cake!

Christy - My favorite b-day was #30. My DH & my sister threw my a surprise party, well they tried. πŸ™‚ I found out about it, but it was still a blast. Lots of friends celebrating at a local pub & I didn’t find out till a week later I was pregnant with my son, after many years of waiting. Best b-day EVER!

Shawna - Barbie Cake, I think I had it several times while in elementary school I liked it so much.

Tracy - Are you going to share the recipe for the mint chocolate chip cheesecake????
My mom always made me cakes with money baked inside. I don’t think parents were as aware of choking hazzards as we are today :). She cleaned it at my dad’s dental office and mixed it into the batter. I miss that!

Meredith - My favorite birthday cake made for me was a three tiered cake my mom made me when I was probably 10 or 11. I was not a girly-girl but loved the idea of a fancy cake for my birthday. My favorite birthday cake I’ve made was your rainbow cake for my son’s first birthday last summer!

Amanda C. - My favorite birthday cake was when I was turning 14, I believe. It was in the heat of my NSYNC love and my mom got a cake that had their faces on it! You know, when photos are superimposed on cakes? That’s what it was. I remember asking for Justin’s face. Best cake ever. πŸ™‚

Amy Harle - My favorite was my first birthday cake – the Barbie cake – doll stuck in the middle of a cake dress πŸ™‚ I made one for my 2nd dd’s first birthday, too πŸ™‚

amy d - ha ha ha…my favorite birthday cake was also a roller skate, with the cake donuts as wheels!!! i begged for that cake because cake donuts were (are) my favorite. mine was the “jogger” type roller skate…blue and yellow. next in line would have to be the bert & ernie cake though, because my mom cursed the whole way through it πŸ™‚

Kate - my sweet mom used to make me these ice cream cone cupcakes (the cupcake was inside the ice cream cone). They were yummy and SO cute!

emily - my 4th birthday . . . a strawberry shortcake cake!!!

Terri A. - My pink panther cake for my 6th birthday.

Lori - My Gram baked me a train birthday cake for my third birthday. She had baked one for my dad too when he was little. I just found the pics the other day when I was going through some of his old pictures.

Sophie - My most memorable birthday cake was probably for my 7th birthday. There was this cake that I’d always see in the supermarket. It had pink icing and was covered in necklaces, rings and pretty little jewels for all the people that ate it. It was little girl’s princess cake. I wanted it so badly. But when my birthday rolled around, my parents said they couldn’t afford it because it was so expensive, so my dad, sweet as he is, made me one almost exactly the same.
I’ll never forget it. Mine wasn’t just almost the same.
It was better (:

`Kelly - I love that necklace! I’ve made that cake so many times for different parties! I just made it two weekends ago for my niece’s Over The Rainbow party!
My favorite cake…I don’t remember any specifically. I do remember my sister getting one that looked like a cheeseburger. It was very cool!

Lee Ann - It’s a toss up. When I was little my mom made a cute Easter bunny. But this year my hubby made me a chocolate (gluten free) cake all my himself! He’d never even made a cake.
That necklace is soooooo cute!

Beth K. - My mom made all of my cakes until high school. Being an October birthday I had a lot of Halloween theme cakes – witches, etc. I had a pac man cake, Care Bear cake, a little house cake (my made this three times for us girls – crazy!), but I would have to say my favorite was a double layer cake with the best frosting on it. It had Charms suckers around it with their sticks wrapped in green paper and mint leaves at the bottom so it looked like flowers all around the cake.

Bec - I sent you the link because I found her etsy shop through epicute and it screamed Meg.
My favorite bday cake is Black Magic cake which I make my mom make every year. Delicious.

Rebecca - that reminds me of the plastic charm bracelets and necklaces my sister and i used to wear and collect…how i wish i still had those for my little girl…favorite cake memory is actually for my son’s 5th birthday…it was a red and white circus tent and weighed so much that i could barely carry it in the house!! good times!!

Tara - instead of making a “themed” cake, my mom has always made us our favorite cake..she still does this and I’m turning 37 in June!
Mine is a homemade strawberry cake with fresh, homemade strawberry cream cheese icing. yummy!!!

Blanca - I wish I had one. Don’t ever remember ever having a cake for my birthday. Maybe that is why I make sure my kids never go without a cake on their birthdays. I take that back my niece bought me a mini cake about 2 or 3 years ago for my birthday.

Jami - For me every cake growing up was memorable! My Mom made all of my cakes and they were awesome, Ernie and Bert, Tweety bird, a cabage patch doll and Strawberry short cake to name a few. But the best cake of all was My ALF cake. You know the old TV show about the furry alien named Alf who comes to live with a family and was always trying to eat thier cat? Well my Mom hand made the cake like usual (which makes it 10 times more special) and I had an Alf party to match πŸ™‚ Oh and on the cake my Mom wrote “Yo, Willie it’s Jami Sweeney’s 8th birthday!” That was for sure my most memorable cake πŸ™‚

amy jupin - shut up! you have your own jewelry line now??!!
this is so lame. my best birthday cake was a marble cake when i was maybe 8 or 9. i had never seen anyone make a cake like that before and i loved chocolate & vanilla swirl so it was perfect. i know, i’m so easily pleased.

Tiffany - Good Morning! My fifth birthday cake was a wonder woman cake. It was so great and looked even better because I was wearing wonder woman underoos (to match the cake) HA!

Chris - Hummingbird cake – so delicious.

Staci - Sadly, I don’t remember a favorite cake πŸ™ I know, now I’m sad! But I would’ve loved one of those Barbie ones πŸ˜‰ I can remember getting a Lee Majors 10 million dollar (or however many dollar he was) Man Barbie doll!! He was soooo cool! It’s all I wanted…maybe they got that instead of the cake? Oh well! Thanks again for the giveaway!

Molly - For my 12th birthday my mom made me this HUGE alligator cake. It was 3 feet long! It had this amazing bright green icing, red string licorice for the lips, candy corn for the teeth and different color and sizes of gummy candy for the eyes and toes. It was amazing! I LOVE to bake so many years later I decided I would try to make it. It took 4 hours to make and decorate this cake. I was so thankful that my mom took that much time to make me a cake so amazing!

Kendra - Ha! I was really into collecting trolls when I was probably 6 or 7 years old. So my mom made me a troll cake. But of course they were the little cute ones. With fun hair. Not scary=)

crush. - mine wasn’t birthday cake but a first communion one – three tiers covered in pink and white frosting roses – I felt like a princess. πŸ™‚

Donna - I have no idea how old I was, but my mom made me a clown cake with the clown head made out of plasic on a stick that you stuck in the cake and then the body was made out of frosting.

Jennifer - My dad used to be a cake decorator and one year he made me an awesome barbie cake, I was really young okay? lol Hopefully one day he’ll be able to make me my wedding cake.

Marisol Avila - Such adorable stuff.
My favorite cake was my Strawberry Shortcake Cake. πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - my mom always let us request the kind of birthday cake we wanted. i chose chocolate pudding poke cake several years in a row. the cold pudding…yum!

kathryn - the kiddos i am a nanny for (and their mom) made me a 3D teddy bear cake a couple years ago. it was so cute and they were so very proud to show it to me. πŸ™‚
i LOVE the rainbow cake! i found your post about it way back in august and saved it for this st. patrick’s day to make with the kids. i iced it before they could see the inside and they decorated it. turned out so cute! and there were many amazed exclamations when we cut into it! πŸ™‚ thanks for the idea!
(the cake)
(my kids with the cake)

Tracy - I always had a professional cake since my aunt made cakes…they were all wondeful and very pretty. But, one that sticks out was one my mom actually made for my friend party and it was a popcorn cake. It was so good!!! Now I make it for my kids…not for their birthdays but just because….and they love it!!!

Stephanie - A Barbie cake! Hands down, it was the best! A cake that somehow my mom got to be really tall and come down, like a barbie’s big fluffy dress, and then stuck a barbie in the middle of it… it was sooooo COOL!

Joni Lane - the best birthday cake was for my 16th surprise birthday party. my best friend made me a giant chocolate chip cookie and decorated it as a pizza. it was amazing…and DELICIOUS!

Sue K. - OK so my mom is very granola, you know…natural and organic and stuff (she was way way way ahead of her time). So my birthday cakes were usually like a honey cake or banana bread type things. (if she was feeling extra sinful she would sprinkle **some** powdered sugar on it). So for my 10th birthday (the double digit one) I BEGGED her for a real birthday cake with frosting on it and please please please make it “normal”. Guess what…she did! She made me a chocolate (not carob) cake and put vanilla frosting on it and around the side edges she put a ring of those orange slices that are gumdropish. It was so beautiful to me!

Sheila - A three tiered white cake with coconut flavored icing and tons of coconut! Probably sounds gross to some, either you are a coconut lover or you are not. I definitely am!

Jen - My most memorable birthday cake was probably the Strawberry Shortcake one my mom made for my 6th birthday. She painstakingly used a star tip to dot on every inch of frosting. It was awesome.

Anna Marie - It was a train with a load of sugar gum drops as cargo. It was so detailed! My great aunt made it.
How fun would her necklaces and earrings be to wear if you owned a little bakery?!? So stinkin’ cute!

megan - the most memorable birthday cake i have ever had was THIS year…we spent my birthday in Buenos Aires. The cake was a brownie with a layer of dulce de leche and then a meringue topping. it was NOTHING in have ever had before….and probably will never have it again.

Ariel - Once I was deemed “old enough” (my sweet 16) I received a Mocha Cake (only reserved for adults!) from the BEST bakery in town, The Village Baking Company! I felt like such a grown-up, such a woman eating my Mocha cake and knowing I would soon be going out for a drive with my Mom!

kbonikowsky - Five-years-old birthday was one of those Barbie cakes with the doll sticking out of the top of the hoop skirt that was the cake. To this day, I love those cakes!! What an adorable giveaway, thanks!

Lisa - I don’t know if this cake was the most memorable or just the only one that I remember πŸ™‚
On my 8th birthday, which occurred on August 8th, and was my lucky birthday, I had a strawberry cake with strawberry icing that had little, dark pink flecks in it. I can almost
still taste it.

Dana Banana - Didn’t do a lot of cakes for my Birthday. Not that I didn’t have a cake, just nothing special. And my birthday is over Christmas, so always had lots of other treats. Usually request an Angel Food cake with strawberries.

Kristen - My most memorable birthday cake was the first one my MIL made for me. Chocolate with vanilla frosting…my favorite, and so thoughtful of her πŸ™‚

Mary - All we could afford growing up was the candy toppings that went on top of cakes. They still make them and they’re still just as nasty tasting today as they were then. But as a child from a home that only got desserts on special occassions, those candy treats were heavenly. So my only memory of birthday cakes was that when it was My birthday, I got to choose with candy piece i wanted to eat. Then all the others had to be shared with sisters and friends.

Megan - We always had ice cream cakes. I LOVE THEM to this day.

dori - for my 12th birthday, i was supposed to get a “new kids on the block” cake. but my dad didnt look at it before leaving the bakery, brought it home, and opened it up in front of all my friends (boys too…my first boy-girl party!) and it said “happy birthday raymond” not dori! everyone had a good laugh before my dad got back in the car and drive it straight back to the bakery.
you said memorable, not favorite! - never had a cake, never had a birthday party; but if I would have, i would have wanted it to be a cake just like the necklace. that would have been amazing. i must do that for my daughter. what an awesome memory for her.

Tammy - A cake from Baskin Robbins- shaped like Snoopy. It was supposed to have cake and ice cream. They did all chocolate fudge ice cream for the entire thing. Every girl at the party got sick from it and we had to take turns in the bathroom. I must have been 10 or 11.

angela - I had a Brown Stone Front Cake every year on my birthday….with the caramel icing. Oh MY!!!

amanda fuentes - Love the necklace, so original!
The only cake that stands out in my mind was the Angel Food topped with fresh strawberries. I am not a fan of frosting or icing so Angel Food was always my favorite.

Katie - A multi-tiered confetti cake!

Jessie Miller Sterling - I don’t remember one in particular, but I do remember going to Dairy Queen to pick out the ice cream cake I wanted. I always picked those. And I still LOVE them!

Brittney - My most memorable was not necessarily the best!
The best was the grasshopper (choc cake, mint buttercream) I had from a new local bakery last year.
But the most memorable was when I was about 12 and my mom surprised me with one of those photo cakes with a picture of my little brother and me on it. I was so mortified that he was on there, but I don’t think I ever told my mom that! As long as it tasted good it wasn’t soo bad!

Mother Runner - My favorite was my grandpa’s 60th birthday cake that was just a huge pair of naked BOOBS!
I know it wasn’t my cake – but by far the most memorable.
Plus I like to type the word ‘BOOBS’.
If you randomly draw my number – feel free to choose someone else instead.

Ayelet - my mom worked as a pastry chef for most of my childhood and for my 16th birthday she made me something that looked like it was out of a wedding magazine! it was white chocolate with strawberry swiss meringue filling and white chocolate frosting. sugar and gum paste flowers all over it…it was amazing! and it tasted sooo good too! it was perfect for the girly sweet 16 party I had πŸ™‚

Jennifer Frazee-Whitcomb - My favorite was a New Kids on the Block cake when I was 12. It had Jon’s face on it!!!!!! I know I know….
My daughter would LOVE LOVE LOVE that necklace! We made your rainbow cake for her birthday last year and she wants the same this year! Yahoo!

Ana - My most memorable birthday cake was prepared for my 8th birthday by my godmother, who was a professional baker. (I think that’s the only thing she ever did for me because I just never saw the woman!). Anyway, this cake had three tiers and on top sat a doll. Actually, the upper body of the doll was embedded in the cake to give the illusion that the cake was her dress, get it? Too bad nobody took a picture (we didn’t own a camera…), but it must have been memorable because I still remember that cake after 30 years!

Lisa - I don’t remember any special cake, just that I always had to share one with my sister who’s birthday is a few days after mine πŸ™ So this could be my “special” cake! πŸ™‚

Holly - That is just too cute! I never had a store bought cake, mine were always just ones my mom made and put swoopy swirls of frosting on them. I have made all my five kids cakes. Does that count. My favorite was a horse head and I used licorice for the reins.

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - Martha’s showing the rainbow cake on her show today. The pic of it on facebook this morning looked exactly like that little necklace!
My fave bday cake was Rainbow Brite. I was born in the 80’s baby!!!!!

miss lynn - total barbie cake.
the barbie was
stuck in the
middle and the
cake was a
beautiful gown.
i LOVED that

Jill - We rarely did cake. We usually had cream puffs! Yum!

Shairee - When I turned 36 my in laws came to visit on my birthday (a 4 hr drive)! and my mother in law plopped a store brand yellow cake mix, store brand jello box, and store bought frosting on my counter. THEY WERE ALL PAST THE DATE OF SELL BY at lease 5 YEARS!!!! When I pointed them out to my husband and said please don’t let her make that…he called a friend of ours & got her recipe for a white cake with raspberry frosting. THEN HE MADE IT! (I think he’s cooked once in our 16 years of marriage). It was fabulous, tasty, and beautiful!

Megan - I always just had a sheet cake with icing on it….nothing too exciting. One year though, my mom placed coins in the cake before baking. A nice surprise….so that’s probably my favorite.

Elizabeth McDonald - My favorite cake was a monkey cake…my mom spent all day making it…and while she was picking up my grandmother…the dog ATE it..he was sick for a week!

Laura - Definitely – it was the Barbie Cake! You know – the kind where the dress is the cake and the doll is at the top!!!!!

Marley - Very cute necklace! My favorite birthday cake was one my mom made for me when I was 7 years old. It was a Barbie cake. My mom made a normal bundt cake but put a Barbie doll in the middle and made the cake part look like it was her dress! Very cool

Christy - My 7th birthday cake was a clown cake to go along with my clown themed birthday party…I remember it because it was my last birthday before we moved back to FL after my parent’s divorce and my grandmother, who is NOT a baker, baked it for me. That is one cute necklace and I have one cute little girl who would LOVE it!!

Lacy Brauner - wow. om the first comment!! woohoo! hmmm…my favorit birthday cake?
my dad made me cupcakes for school one year. It was so sweet. My mom worked nights and things were rocky growin’ up, so dad did it:] he didnt want to wait between batches for the cupcake pan, so…..he put liners all along a cake pan. they were flat and misshaped, but I had cupcakes for everyone for my birthday. He knew my heart wouldve been broken if i didnt have them, so he tried!

Diana G - My brother “baked” me an Easy Bake Oven birthday cake for my 7th birthday. He was so proud! He even stuck some candles in it!

Karla - Hands down, it was a carousel. I still remember everything about it, I loved it!

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giveaway #1

my week of giveaways has arrived.  
i know you were on pins and needles waiting.  HA HA HA HA!!
i have a few things that i have found that i wanted to share.
some of my favorite things….for you

item number one.
this book is unreal.
if you read if with an open heart you will be changed.

i need to read it again.
i want it burned into me. 

this is a new book.
i ordered it for you.
he has a website to go with it to help you with questions you may have.
you can listen to his sermons here.
(when i have been walk/running outside and not with the elderly…i listen to this and i feel like i am with a friend and not alone….super helpful.) 

here is a page from it….

this book is fabulous.
if you have already read it you can give it to someone.
or donate it to your church library.
or the PUBLIC library!
or save it for a stocking stuffer?
i could go on and on….

leave a comment on this post telling me…..
your favorite dessert. 
i am craving sugar big time and i will live vicariously through all of you.

brianna - Hands down any day… fresh strawberries, whip cream, and angel food cake… its been my birthday staple since i was 1 and its my go to comfort dessert…

Karen - My favorite dessert, super simple too, an angel food cake with a twist. You freeze the angel food cake, then slice it into layers. You put different flavors of sherbet inbetween the layers (lime, orange, cherry..whatever) then you cover the entire cake with Cool Whip then refreeze. Super light and yummy. Perfect for warm summer days.

Michelle - My favorite dessert is my mom’s red velvet cake with a double batch of cream cheese frosting. She passed away in 2008 due to breast cancer but her kind spirit lives on in so many lives she touched!

Christy Burgess - I love banana pudding! Yum!

Laura - I couldn’t even begin to choose one favorite dessert. There are so many that are perfect for different seasons and celebrations.

laura - key. lime. pie.

Gina - Fabulous book! I’d love to be able to give it to my church library. My favorite dessert…homemade ice cream!!!!

Heather - I’d have to say my favorite dessert is cheesecake. I especially love a raspberry cheesecake which I have a recipe for and haven’t made for so long. Yum!

Queen Bee - I think God had you specifically make this post today, and had me specifically read that. I’m going through another of what I’d classify as the lowest points of my life. Reading that excerpt will help in me regaining my focus… and coming out of this horrible darkness.
My favorite dessert is anything ooey, gooey chocolate. In simplest terms, a hot fudge brownie sundae. Dairy Queen has an amazing version.

Barbara - Thanks for the great give-a-way. I’ve heard nothing but great things about this book. My favorite dessert? I have to pick ONE?! Okay then…chocolate cheesecake, homemade with layers of different chocolate and a chocolate ganache icing. Barbara in AR

Adrienne S - CREME BRULEE! I love the warm crunchy topping the best!

Meaghan - Tiramisu. It’s something I don’t get often…but the coffee, the chocolate…mmmmmm. I want to make Pioneer Woman’s recipe so we can have it at home. I just finally found lady fingers!

Audrey - Mint chocolate chip cheese cake! Sinful! Must have coffee and be enjoyed slowly!

Erica - That book would be awesome…. my favorite dessert… chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk…. Love, love your blog!

Marie - Just one? I love chocolate cake with chocolate-peanut butter icing. I also love cheesecake…and carrot cake…
I’ve been wanting to read this book. A friend of mine says it’s amazing.

Teresa - I am new to Christianity, this book would REALLY help me out, I’m dying to get my hands on some really good books to help my faith and knowledge grow. I hope I win πŸ™‚
My favorite dessert has got to be the Blondie from Applebee’s! That delicious vanilla ice cream melting all over that warn brownie and that sauce they pour all over it… ahhh my mouth is drooling!

Olivia - I would read that book while eating ice cream. My current favorite is chocolate chip cookie dough.

kristine - ooey gooey brownies! no nuts!

Holly - Pumpkin Cheesecake.
Banana Pudding.
Cupcakes – vanilla frosting with yellow cake.
Creme Brulee.
Sweet Cream ice cream from coldstone.
Need I go on??

Wendy - I’ve been wanting to read Crazy Love! How fun. My fave (just one?) dessert is coconut cornflake cookies. Seriously, heavenly.
In large bowl, cream:
1 cup shortening
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teasp. vanilla
In small bowl, mix:
2 cups flour
1 teasp. baking soda
1/2 teasp. baking powder
Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture and mix thoroughly.
Fold in:
2 cups flake coconut
2 cups cornflakes
Drop by teaspoon onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350Β° for 10 minutes.

Toni - Brownie and mint chip ice cream sundae. Seriously. I want some right now. I have heard a lot about this book. Hope you pick me!

Vera - Oh man, I’m right there with you on the no sugar diet. Actually in large part BECAUSE of you. But anyway, my favorite dessert – bread pudding.

Alice - pumpkin pie. I know simple but I love pumpkin. Really I would eat anything with pumpkin in it.

Anna - My favorite is brownies, but I like you am a sugar free girl and I make an almost as good sugar free brownie. Chocolate is good in any form! I love your blog and look forward to checking in with you every day!

Erin - Not Yo’ Mama’s Banana Pudding (Paula Deen) = Me Likie!

Danelle Young - Cherry cheesecake. The box mix kind not homemade kind. Isn’t that odd? I don’t really like the homemade cheesecake. The book looks good!!

Christina - It may seem boring, but it’s chocolate cake, with ganache (dark chocolate). Mmmm.
That bit about being obsessed really got to me…I struggle with OCD and my obsessions are with the wrong things. What if I were as obsessed with the Lord as I am with the little things that become enormous in my world? While true joy doesn’t depend on circumstances or environment, a person with OCD lives like that. It’s such a dichotomy! That was a good word to share, Meg.
I don’t know if you will be able to read this, but thank you.

Maureen - Crazy Love is on my book wish list. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it. My favorite desert would be Grilled Stickies a la mode from Eat n Park. Yummy.

Katie - My favorite dessert is Blueberry Dump Cake – both for the taste and because it’s super easy to cake. You just layer blueberry pie filling, crushed pineapple (drained), yellow cake mix, and chopped nuts (optional), in a 9×13. No mixing allowed! Then slice two sticks of butter into pats and lay out on top of the nuts. Bake for 45min at 350. Serve warm or chilled. Yummmm…

Misty Ray - A gigantic bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream works well for me!

Melissa S - anything chocolate!

Sara - I have heard amazing things about this book. To be honest, I’m a little nervous to read it, because I know it will challenge me! But I think I NEED to read it.
Anyway, my favorite dessert is probably creme brulee.

Jenn - Mmm, favorite dessert… Gosh this is hard for me since I pretty much love ALL sweets. But probably I would have to say tirimisu. Coffee + cream + cake = YUM. Now if only I had the motivation to learn how to make it myself, I could eat it more often!

Lisa Brandow - Would love the book!
My favorite dessert is Buttermilk Pound Cake passed down from my Granny. I add strawberries and fresh whip cream for a wonderful strawberry shortcake!!

Jeremie Shaffer - Strawberry Shortcake!!!!

Amanda - oh yeah, and by the way I WAS a school teacher and I really do know how to spell dessert.

Kathi - Oreo dessert, love it!

Amanda - I have never ever eaten a single desert in my entire life -that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Oh wait, that means I should weigh much less than I do – huh? Oh well. I had this book IN MY HANDS at Barnes and Noble on Sat. night and then set it down to get something else. I thought of you the minute I spotted it. So anyway – I NEED it.

melissa mae - Dessert is my favorite food. My favorite is a tie between right out of the oven chocolate chip cookies and milk or homemade peach cobbler (with EXTRA crumbly topping) and melting ice cream!

lesley - Oh, so many desserts, so little time! I’m a seasonal dessert-eater…a must-have in the fall is Culver’s Pumpkin Spice Shake. Delish! But now, during the spring, definitely Strawberry Shortcake. I’d take the doll, too, but at my age, the dessert would better satisfy me! πŸ™‚

Amy B. - My favorite dessert is carrot cake with that delicious cream cheese frosting. Yum! Thank you for the giveaway!

Melanie - I could never pick a favorite, but I just pulled a scratch huckleberry cheesecake out of the oven. How ’bout that??? Thanks for the giveaway. I have been wanting to read this book.

Jessica - Cheesecake for sure.

Rachel J - Molten chocolate cakes- hot from the oven with vanilla ice cream.
We are getting ready to start this study in our life group!!

Beth - My favorite dessert? No question about it my Maw Maw’s Mississippi Mud brownies–delicious!!!!

Kelli - I’m pregnant, so I literally could say, “All of them!” But for now, I’ll tell you ice cream because I want to eat it all. the. time.

Melissa C - Favorite??? So hard to pick. Any real, homemade chocolate cheesecake is sounding pretty awesome right now. LOVE your blog…thanks for doing a giveaway!

Hannah T. - My mom’s Strawberry Pie. Yummm

Cynthia Cottle - Warm out if the oven cookies with a cold glass of milk is something I can never say no to.

Tami Hiebert - Meg, I read your blog almost every day but have never commented. You did a photo shoot for my sister last fall; however, I first found your blog through Jess’s blog while she updated on Cora. Anyway, I love seeing your great pictures and appreciate you being so real in your writing. I love all desserts but a favorite here at our house is called Tiffany Torte. We don’t know why it is named that but it has vanilla wafers, butter, vanilla pudding, cream cheese, fresh strawberries and whipped topping. Even if I don’t win your book I do hope to read it soon! Thanks for sharing with all of us!

bobbie - I hold no bias against any deserts. They are all my favorites and they all deserve my love.

Tracy - pretty much anything with chocolate in it!! hmm now i am craving..there is a little bit of chocolate bunny left over from easter calling my name!!

Gina Baynes - I’m not really a dessert kinda girl but I’m a sucker for the Hostess Cupcakes with the curliques on the top!

robin - brownies a la mode

April Harris - Coconut Creme Pie…without a doubt !!

lorena - Chocolate Molten Lava Cake. Yum! πŸ™‚

Jane - I guess my favorite dessert is ice cream. Can’t say I have an “unfavorite” dessert tho! Thanks for such a thoughtful giveaway.

Lindsey - Best dessert EVER was a keylime cheesecake at a great little restaurant in Georgetown. So good that the next time hubby and I visited DC I emailed ahead with the dates we were going and asked if they would have it on the menu! They didn’t πŸ™ Crazy thing is, I don’t even like cheesecake-That’s how good it was!

Shannon C - Pineapple upside down cake. I really can hurt myself.

Shannon - Banana cream pie! Hands down. LOVE.IT.
I think I’m going to have to get this book if I don’t win it! LOL

Liv Hochhausler - Coconut cupcakes with coconut/cream cheese frosting and a fresh strawberry on top…OR, grilled pineapple with home-made coconut ice-cream.

rachael umstead - lava cake with vanilla ice cream and a raspberry reduction sauce

Michelle Whitlow - My favorite dessert, although pretty basic, is a good chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting. I’ve been trying to be good. But it’s hard! Oooh, I also love a good cannoli. I mean, a GOOD one, like from an Italian bakery. Mmmmm….

Lori - Chocolate Chip Cookies. Plain and simple.

Melissa V. - My favorite dessert is chocolate of any kind. I especially love chocolate lava cake from Chilis. - Mmmmmm! This all sounds so great! I think that mine is either Cookie Dough Brownies and or Fresh Out of the oven homemade oreos! They are amazing melt in your mouth desserts! I Think I am going to go make them now! My mouth is watering! =)
Good Luck choosing!!!

Mrs. Dunbar - Chocolate fudge sundae?
There goes my six pack… (abs, that is.)

ashley - Looks like a great book!
I like a homemade german chocolate cake with homemade vanilla ice cream.
Now, I’m craving it.

Tracy Sharlette - MMMMMMMM….warm brownies with walnuts and chocolate frosting πŸ™‚
I can’t wait to read this book..I hope it will make me understand things a bit more!
Hope you had a wonderful day πŸ™‚

Julie - Specifically I crave donuts! Always. Isn’t that weird? I would eat bakery donuts all day everyday if I could.

Jen - LOVE Francis Chan. We have some friends in CA who attend his church. Can you imagine?
I love my very own eclair cake! Yum-O

mpulley - brown sugar pie

Sharla - chocolate cheesecake!

Kendall - Brownies.

Bernice - I say you can’t go wrong with a good tiramisu!

Alexis - one of my favorites is vanilla ice cream with fritos or pretzels. the salty and the sweet are just a great combination and it reminds me of my best friend/mom who recently passed away. she loved fritos and ice cream. weird combination, I know….but who is one to judge another’s food likes and dislikes?

anna - mmmmmm gosh chocolate big time maybe lindor truffles MMMM

Cindy - My diet is so limited due to an food intollerance or two that I will just say graham crackers and rasberry sorbet since they are two of the things I can eat that are a bit sweet.

Melanie - Warm chocolate chip cookies! YUM!

kristenb - meg-
ANY dessert for me – since i crave sugar 24/7
but one great choice for me is turtle cheescake with a great cup of coffee (AND with some great company).
although i can enjoy dessert alone, don’t get me wrong.

Angie - strawberry cake with cream cheese icing! yum!

JAMIE - I can not pick one! Anything chocolate!!

Jane - definately sticky date puddding with caramel sauce – we’re headed toward winter here in Australia so it’s almost pudding season!
I absolutely love it warm from the oven with the sauce dripping over it and a little icecream to balance the warmth!
have a lovely time living through our sweet indulgences!

Jen Christians - Growing up, my parents owned a Dairy Queen! I was in love with hot fudge brownie delight! (It showed) I now am reminded of that delightful dessert everytime I eat Better than “anything” cake… It does have other names too…
By the way I went to my publice library to look for this book, and of course there was no such book.
I hope I win!

robyn - ice cream definitely!

Zoe - pumpkin pie – good for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and dessert too of course). ‘Cause, hey, pumpkin is a vegetable, right?

Shelly Primm - Chocolate Heath Bar Cake – Easy Peasy
1 package German chocolate cake mix
1 jar (14 1/2 oz.) caramel ice cream topping
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
1 container (12 oz.) frozen whipped topping, thawed
6 Heath Bars
Cook the cake as directed on the box in a 13 x 9 inch cake pan. Remove from the oven and poke holes in the top.
Pour the caramel topping over the warm cake and spread, being sure it goes into the holes.
Pour the sweetened condensed milk over the cake so it also goes in the holes.
Refrigerate to cool completely.
Spread the whipped topping on top. Break up the Heath Bars (Hint: do it with a hammer in a plastic food storage bag) and sprinkle on top of the whipped topping.

julia - I’d love to win this book….um fave dessert….cookies…oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, sugar cookies with icing…

Tracy - What a great book. I can’t wait to read it! I tend to turn to “The Simiple Abundance Journal of Gratitude”… I can go back to the day my son first smiled at me… 9 years ago…Love it.
As far as desserts… This is my kids favorite recipe…
Cheerio M&M cookies = 3 Tblsp. butter, 6 c. mini marshmallows – Microwave about 3 minutes or until puffy – stir in 1/2 c. Jif creamy peanut butter – add 5 c. Cheerios – stir – gently fold in 1 c. m&m’s – press into 9×13” greased pan. Yummylicious!!!

Monica Williams - Red Velvet Cake oh my!

Karey French - Chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream and chocolate sauce on top. YUM πŸ™‚

april - chocolate cake with lots of frosting….and not the whipped frosting….but the thick sugary frosting…..hmmmm…lol

Crystal Swoverland - Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream…the whole pint please! hahaha

Dana Banana - Raspberry Rhubarb pie…..with ice cream of course!

Laura Kinsley - My favorite dessert hands down is Olive Garden’s SECRET dessert (it’s not even on the menu!) I’ve heard it called a few names at various Olive Garden locations . . . “Michelangelo Cake”, “Bona Festa Cake”, “Happy Birthday Cake” . . the list goes on & on.
It’s very cheap ($7 for an ENTIRE cake!) and one of the best desserts I’ve ever had.
It’s a chocolate cake with a creamy, mystery frosting. It might be a cream cheese variation . . or buttercream? Whatever it is – it’s delicious. To top the whole thing off – the entire cake it coated with chocolate shavings. Anyone else drooling?
I’m typically not a huge fan of chocolate cake – but this one is a perfect exception!

Kate B - Sounds like a great read! Please count me in. Oh, and cupcakes are my absolute favorite!

Routhie - Baklava with mint tea.

Katie - Almost anything with cream cheese – one favorite is a recipe with a layered dessert with a shortbread crust, cream cheese layer, chocolate pudding, then whip cream and chocolate shavings. Yummy!
Excited about the week of give-a-ways! What fun!

Deanna - Ha! This is an easy one! My Grandmas Pistachio Cheesecake. I don’t even like pistachio that much, but this cheesecake is as close to dessert perfection as you can get!! I love it!

Rebecca - …a newly discovered dessert called warm butter cake with chunks of strawberries dancing around the crisp scoop of chocolate drizzled vanilla bean ice cream that sits on top…did i mention the homemade house whipped cream…yeah…its that good…and i have had this book on my “to read list” for some time now

Becca Fort - Fake Cake….its the easiest and the best. Layer ice cream sandwiches, cool whip and a topping of your choice and people will think you are PHENOMENAL in the kitchen. At some point, you must spill the beans though. :/

hannah j - Cinnamon rolls. Or cake. I love cake so much. . .
Good giveaway; I really have been wanting to read this!

Julie - I love dessert! My sentimental favorite is blueberry pie from the Mackinaw Bakery in Michigan. The crust is sprinkled generously with sugar before it’s baked. It’s best served warm with vanilla bean ice cream.

angela - A *Hot Now* Krispy Kreme doughnut!

Rachel - Oh wow – 380 comments so far. I might as well throw my hat in the ring (so to speak) too.
My favourite dessert… what DON’T I like? That would be an easier question. But I am partial to brownies as long as they don’t have nuts. Don’t like walnuts. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, maybe some caramel sauce. Heaven.

CK - My mom’s texas sheetcake. Oh yummy!

Jessica K. - Cherry Cheesecake:). I love cheesecake!

Kristina - Chocolate dipped strawberries….yum!

Kelly - Most definitely chocolate strata pie, made by my Mom.


Teri - cheesecake, any kind, any flavor.

Karen - Coconut cream pie

Caitlin - Ummm…how do I choose. I guess I will go with cheesecake with a brownie sundae in second.

Margo - Mint Chocolate Chip Brownies made with a German chocolate cake mix – super yummy!

Sandra K - Creme brulee with fresh berries!

amy jupin - hmmm, last week i had a cannoli with almonds and dark chocolate. that was pretty darn good. and i can never ever pass up tiramisu. or maybe raspberry creme cupcakes which have become sorta my trademark dessert. omg. i am a sugar-aholic. must. stop. thinking. about. desserts……..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

merlin - Wow, pushing 400 comments!
I don’t want to pick one dessert, I LOVE dessert.
But, I am a rule follower, so: lemon bars.
Next time, let us list our top 10, please.

Tanya Self - My favorite dessert is tiramisu. I eat it 3 times a year. My birthday,(and yippee, it’s later this month!) husbands birthday and our anniversary!
Usually we are gathered around a table with really good friends and great coffee!

Deb Bounds - My grandmother’s apple pie or chocolate cake. I am learning to make them as she did, sans recipe. I should have done it sooner. Her alzheimer’s has robbed her of her memory for the shortcuts and helpful hints that never made the recipe. Heck, they have robbed her of her memory of me. When I want to think of her, and evidently when I want to cry, because that is what I do when I make these, I bake apples; cored with butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and raisins stuffed in the space where the core was. I eat them, tears run down my cheeks and I thank God that I had her for as long as I did, I thank Him for her gentility and grace. I ask for His grace as I selfishly hurt that I dont register to her any longer. I am comforted by Him and the thought that she isnt aware that she isn’t aware. Very gloomy thoughts for my 36th birthday and such a sunshin-ey day.

sarah harper - chocolate meringue pie. pie. πŸ™‚

Charla Liedahl - Ooooh, two of my favorite things…books and desserts! Lemon bars are my very fave…with a big glass of milk, thank you very much!

Heather K. - I love Peach Tart frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries, mmmmm yummy!

Sarah - I love just about any dessert and it shows! But my fav is warm, fresh from the oven chocoalte chip cookies with a scoopof vanilla ice cream melting on top! Sounds so good right now!!

Rachael B - My brother just read this book before going to discipleship school! I would love my own copy (:
My favorite desert is my sister’s homemade raspberry swirl cheesecake with a scoop of my mom’s homemade vanilla ice cream. How I love to surround myself with family joys!

Vickie S - I love Lemon Ice Box pie, a childhood favorite.

Jane - anything CHOCOLATE!

Jess - Scotcheroos. : )

Griswold Fun - A hot brownie with vanilla ice cream all covered in fudge sauce!

Emily Dostie - Warm Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream… I think I will go bake some now:)

Staley Mc - I have been wanting to read this book for a while now! My favorite desert right now is Paula Deen’s chocolate/peanut butter gooey cake, it’s delish!!

Liz W. - OMGosh, either peanut butter pie or cocoa cloud pie….mmm…and I’d like the recipe for that Sopaipilla Cheesecake,PLEASE???? Pretty Please Miss Laura!?!?? πŸ˜€ lol
*if this posts multiple times, I apologize….my pc is acting funny today… πŸ™ I think it has ‘a case of the mondays’ lol

kristen - Blue Bell Butter Crunch Ice Cream (it has Butterfingers in it!) with Homemade Hot Fudge Sauce.
Hot Fudge
1 stick butter
6 oz chocolate chips
1 can evaporated milk
2 cups powdered sugar
dab of vanilla
Melt butter and chocolate chips over medium heat. Add milk and sugar and boil for 6 minutes. Add vanilla at end. Delicious!

Kim - I was just telling my husband over the past few days how I wanted to find a book – and here it is! God is good! That passage certainly spoke to my heart…I am going to buy it tomorrow!
…and my favorite dessert is definitely brownie sundaes (but those apple bars that you gave the recipe to are a close second!:).

Liz W. - OMGosh, either peanutbutter pie or cocoa cloud pie….mmm…and I’d like the recipe for that Sopaipilla Cheesecake,PLEASE???? Pretty Please Miss Laura!?!?? πŸ˜€ lol

Alicia - Baklava…

jenn - My mom’s homemade meringue shells (esp. when they are a tiny bit chewy!) with a big scoop of Breyers mint chocolate ice cream and sliced strawberries…and a cup of coffee with real cream to go with it. Heaven on earth I tell you!

Amanda - I never met a dessert I didn’t like! Cupcakes, cake, pie, cookies, ice cream, cobbler, and on and on. If it is sweet, then I like it! πŸ™‚

Molly - Brownies! With real whipped cream on top!
….or cupcakes. Can someone really have only 1 fav dessert??

Shannon - Cheesecake. Had the Red Velvet Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory today for the first time. Wow, I may have to figure out how to make that. I’ve heard Frances Chan speak and he is wonderful. I’ve also heard great things about his book.

Valley + Madiga - EtAlOcOhC
Any way you spell it and no matter how it is served!!!
I love the snip-it of the book….It would be good for my sad soul!!

Leslie - WOW! I can’t wait to read that book! I’m going to somehow or another whether I win or not. πŸ™‚
My favorite dessert is brownies and vanilla ice cream! πŸ™‚

Amy - Oh my gosh …… I have to pick just one? Okay: homade turtle ice cream pie

Michele - Chocolate chip cheesecake with an Oreo crust–yum!!

Emily - Big Ginger cookies-a recipe I got from Martha Stewart years ago (like I know her or something) They’re like ginger snaps but soft and chewy.

jennifer - My favorite dessert ever has GOT to be the chocolate raspberry cake from P.F. Chang’s! It is, by far, the best dessert I’ve EVER had!
Thanks for the give-away – it sounds like a super duper good read!

Julie Briggs - Ice cream, any kind. there is NOTHING better

Monica - Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!
What an exciting giveaway…I will have to add this book to my Amazon wishlist if I don’t win. πŸ™‚

Erica Haude - I gave this book to a friend for her birthday but have yet to read if for myself! I hope I win πŸ™‚ and then I would get some german chocolate cake. with ice cream. homemade ice cream. with homemade chocolate sauce that hardens on top of the ice cream. grandma style πŸ™‚ yep. that’s my favorite!

Colleen Jobe - I can’t even decide because there are so many things I love about dessert. My mother always told me that “life is uncertain, so you’d better eat dessert first.” I’m a big fan of anything lemon-y…bring on the tang!

Bec - I actually posted the recipe to my favorite dessert on my blog today! They are my grandma’s homeade chocolate peanut bars! Pure deliciousness.

Christina - Cheese cake… any kind. πŸ™‚

FeFe - This is an easy one! My mom’s Coconut cake. It’s one of those refrigerated cakes that get better the longer they sit in the fridge. By day 4, it’s amazingly delicious!

Emily - The volcano of chocolatey goodness from Chili’s. My best friends and I would always bypass all the food there and just get this desert. What is not to love about a chocolate brownie volcano oozing with caramel, hot fudge and icecream?!?!

Laura Mann - Martha Stewart’s old fashioned apple pie. I mastered it during my first year of marriage and is my husband’s favorite…delicious!!!

Rebecca - Lemon poppyseed cake? Or rocky road ice cream? No wait, chocolate dipped strawberries! Yep, that’s it.

Jess - My fav is mississippi mud pie. Yum! Thanks meg I love your blog!

meghan - This book looks so great!!
My favorite dessert is Lemon poke cake….lemon cake on bottom, lemon pudding in the middle, topped with cool whip and refrigerate. So so yummy and great for summer!

jodi - Cheese Cake!!! Yum! Yum!

Brianna - what dessert isn’t my favorite?? seriously, I have a problem.
but if i have to narrow it down, i’d go with cheesecake… in any form. but not with fruity glaze.

natalie - oh honestly some sort of brownie-ice cream combo….or a cookie cake πŸ™‚

Heather F - Hot chocolate molten cake with a big scoop of vanilla bean ice cream!

se7en - I would love a sticky chocolate brownie right now – hmmmm…. but I will settle for blogging instead!!! Because of you I am off sugar… hmmm 85% chocolate is almost pure cocoa and so practically sugar free…

adrienne - chocolate sheath cake… with a pinch of cinnamon. mmmmmmm! thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

Missy - anything chocolate!

Stacia - Cheesecake! Love your blog!

tess s. - my husband is the executive chef at a local catering company in town. he makes this AMAZING berry napolean. fresh berries, fresh whipped cream piled on top of puff pastry. it’s amazing. seriously. and i crave it ALL the time.

jill jackson - it’s a toss up… carrot cake with cream cheese frosting or red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. ok, i’m seeing a pattern here. maybe it should just be cream cheese frosting!

Sarah T - Tres Leches Cake. I could honestly eat the whole thing by myself. But I don’t πŸ™‚

jill - pie and ice cream. any kind of pie with vanilla ice cream.

amy bell - regular plain old vanilla ice cream…the expensive kind. nothing better. πŸ™‚

Shannon - Banana pudding!

Sarah B - My favorite is my husbands homemade ice cream! It doesn’t matter what flavor he makes! It’s all good!

Val - Apple pie (homemade) a la mode. YUMMY!

Kara Tait - Oh my, I would love that book. I am a new Christian trying to pursuit more of God!
I love ll desserts, but I would have to say really anything made with puff pastry. I can go savory with that too!
I love your blog, Meg. You are truly an inspiration.

jessica - Easy question…hands down strawberry shortcake…made with fresh strawberries from the garden of course….warm buttery scones right from the oven and homemade whip cream…Lots & Lots of whip cream…like a mountain. πŸ˜‰

Kerrie - Mama Louanne’s Brickle Pie! (coffee ice cream, oreo crust, heath bar on top, drizzled with caramel) A local favorite!

Tammy - Looks like a great book!
An ice cream Drumstick. with chocolate in the bottom.

sara - favorite dessert…ummm key lime pie

Amber - Chocolate Cake from Maggiano’s.
They have a fancier name for it than that…but we had some this weekend while in St.Louis. Actually, it was carry-out – since who can eat in a nice restaurant w/ 3 children under the age of 4?? But it tasted absolutely heavenly from the hotel room (even with kids begging for bites)!

melissa~afamiliarpath - chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. homemade from a box.

Emily Clark - Vanilla bean creme brulee with fresh raspberries on top. Creme brulee is SO much easier to make than most people think. YUM πŸ™‚

Denissa - My fav is birthday cake & ice cream or even better yet is ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins πŸ™‚

Tonya - This book is super excellent! Great giveaway!!! Right now I’m craving Nestle Treasures w/ the gooey caramel inside. Not really a dessert, but I think these little treats are divine. I’m cutting desserts out too, so I’m trying to keep my fantasies bite-sized.

Anna - My favorite dessert (at the moment) is this Vanilla Mousse Cheesecake. I found the recipe on the Kraft website. This book looks so interesting. Thanks for sharing.

brooke - cannoli!!! oh my goodness my most favorite of favorite desserts…i would like some now!! love it!
okay i don’t want to win this giveaway because i bought this book after seeing it on your blog and while i haven’t read but just a few chapters i love it and it has already opened my eyes to some things that have bothered me in life…and i bought it to pass on to another who was having a fallen heart over a life struggle…i pray it did her well…can’t wait to read the rest!!

mandy friend - Oh I’ve been wanting this book for ages and never quite get around to buying it! Okay so dessert?… candy:turtles
cookis: oatmeal, hold the raisins
pie: apple with carmel nut topping
cake: cream filled
ice cream: mudslide, pistacio
what you expected me to pick one??!!!:)

Emily @ Little Home - I have yet to meet a dessert I don’t like… right now I want some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for the giveaways!

Jermaine D. - I have heard alot of good things about this book! I recently decided my favorite dessert is a tie between s’mores (on the fire or in the oven) and creme brule!

Liz - The book looks wonderful! I just added it to my Amazon wishlist, in the event I don’t win it.
My favorite dessert is without a doubt, creme brulee. YUM!

Stephanie - brownies with mint chocolate chip ice cream… to die for! Nothing tops it. πŸ™‚

Adrienne - Creme Brulee!

Julie - My all time favorite dessert is from the Philippines. It’s called “halo-halo”.

Kathy - I have heard great things about this book and I can not wiat to read it for myself. Next to reading, I love eating turtle cheesecake.

Library.Girl62 - My favorite dessert is more bread and butter~ OK, if it has to be sweet…Key Lime Pie πŸ™‚

jennifer wood - I left a couple of s’s out of my previous post, I’m a horrible speller, just keeping it real;)

Ashley - Really anything thats chocolatey and rich and gooey! MMM….molten lava cake matches that!!!

Ashley Pera - Southern Living Mocha Cappuccino Frosted Brownies…yummmmmm!
Just made some for Teacher Appreciation Week. I figured if I luuuv them the teachers will too! πŸ˜‰ Ashley from Tennessee

Angela - Nothing beats chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven – mmmmm.
And your blog is so fun – it makes me giggle quite often!

shelly - What a great book!
We’re on the no sugar thing too…so going down your list of comments was TORTURE! I want cake…lick the plate clean chocolate cake!!!

susie - fresh strawberries and cream…heaven…

jennifer wood - How about picking from one of these delicious sounding deserts and making one for Friday desert night, While loosing weight I always allow one cheat night otherwise I feel left out. God want’s us to enjoy desert one night per week:)everything in moderation is my motto!

sara's art house - Mmmmm I love so many desserts……….one favorite is your mint brownies.
Thanks for having the giveaway!!!!

kim - I have a real weakness for brownies; I love them!!!

Leah in FL - Homemade Banana Pudding …. Vanilla pudding from scratch, vanilla wafers and bananas …. can’t beat it! :o)

Kate - My favorite dessert = chocolate + chocolate… oh, plus more chocolate πŸ™‚

CAROL B - anything chocolately or plain cheesecake!!

Mary Ferrara - Very excited for the giveaway! I hope that I win. I would just love to read this book!
I love dessert. So much. Really, I could eat dessert after each meal. I would pick a bowl of really great ice cream though, like Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked. Yum!
Thanks for the giveaway, and the awesome blog. I am very inspired by you!

Sally - It has to be your Cream Puff desert…I take it everywhere we go and EVERYBODY loves it!!

{Gypsy Soul} - Let’s see, probably Dark Chocolate Bombe…honestly I don’t even remember where I had it but it was divine. A dense chocolate treat topped with fresh cream and raspberries (I’m thinking it was @ local Chez Fon Fon)

Katie - Death by Chocolate. Now, doesn’t that sound like a nice way to go?

Shelly - My all time favorite is my MIL’s white chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce..she is so inspiring and amazing in the kitchen!

Lori - I am easy to please. BROWNIES! Especially ones that are moist, but not too fudgey, and not too cakey. With a big glass of cold milk

Lanie - That book has me at that one page you have shown. Sounds really good!
LOVE Cherry Cheesecake! YUM!

kim - One of my favorites…Coconut Cake…and I recently blogged about it.
I also love most anything that involves chocolate!

Marah - Peanut Butter Bars are super delish!

Jen - Do people really have a favorite dessert…just ONE?! I’m a dessert freak. I love dessert…all kinds of dessert. ONE of my favorites is a dessert my great grandmother makes called Strawberries on a Cloud. It’s light and delicious! Thanks! Jen

Kathy - What a lovely gift. Dessert? Homemade peach cobbler.

Dena - chocolate cake and a glass of milk or Ritz crackers with peanut butter dipped in white chocolate!

Megan - Not Yo’ Mamma’s Banana Pudding made with Chessman Petridge Farm Cookies… Now I want some!

Natalie - Warm chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk!

Kellie Dugan - I would love to read this book!
Anything that has strawberries is so yummy!!!!

Leann - This is too hard. Maybe mint chocolate chip ice cream or milk chocolate fondue with lots of goodies to dip it in!

Alexandra Horn - Warm Walnut Brownies topped with Vanilla Ice Cream
p.s. I love Francis Chan. He would speak fairly frequently at my undergrad university in California. Now that I’m in Chicago, it would be wonderful to read a book from back home!

pam - Creme Brulee hands down!

Tiffany - I can always eat banana blueberry bread! I make the!
I have the book, it is amazing. I have someone special in mind that I would give it to if I win!

carly - would LOVE this book. i’ve heard many good things about it.
for dessert, my favorite it Paula Deen’s recipe for Bobby’s Caramel Cake. it’s just like my grandmother made and now it’s always a hit with my husband. i score many, many points when i choose to make that one!
loved your post on your wedding day/feelings. while i can’t directly relate, i appreciate your honesty and transparency. you are so much fun!!

Tiffany Belford - Chocolate pudding πŸ™‚
The book looks awesome, thanks!

Courtney McIlwain - I love Pioneer Woman’s apple dumplings with vanilla ice cream. They are to die for.

Wendy - Book sounds great!
Apple Crisp with melty vanilla bean ice cream, YUMMY!
Love your blog!

Laura Lee - my husband makes some awesome brownies with double chocolate fudge brownie mix, caramel and chunks of chocolate… warm with vanilla ice cream in a bowl…. they complete my life… seriously.

Cara L - i can always eat some chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard from dairy queen! even though, i can usually only finish half!

Katie Middlebrook - That book looks great! I have too many favorite desserts but today I would most like to eat strawberry cake covered with strawberry icing and mounds of fresh strawberries.

stacie - an espresso martini πŸ™‚

Stephanie - Do I have to pick just one? If so, it’s definitely cheesecake!!!!!!

Nicole - Better Then Sex Cake! (real name I swear!)
It’s pretty dang good!

Desiree' - Fresh Strawberry Pie…*sigh*…or maybe Choco-flan…*sigh*…or maybe brownies and ice cream…*sigh*…or maybe I can’t just choose one and I need them all! πŸ˜›

Rebecca - Chocolate Mousse!!

Holly - My favorite dessert…hmmm
I’ll have to go with hot fudge brownie sundae!

nors - I don’t have one. I like all desserts.

Micheala - I am pregnant with our 4th baby due in June and right now ANYTHING Reeses Pieces. There are three different bars plus the pieces. Pure goodness.One problem one leads to two which leads to three. Oh Well

Casey - Ooey gooey bars!!! They melt in your mouth… I gain 5 pounds while making them and see how much butter is in them but they are amazing!!! I’ll send you the recipe!

sarajane phillips - my mom’s fresh peach pie with a chocolate crust. WONDERFUL!

Sunny Haynes - My favorite dessert is huckleberry cheescake…I grew up spending the weekends during the summer going into the woods by my house and picking gallons of huckleberries so my mom could make this dessert all year around!

Amy - So, I’m pregnant with #2 and all I can think about for a sweet fix is Fruit Roll Ups. Yep, I’m 29 and I’m sure the checker at the grocery store thinks I’m buying them for my kid. πŸ™‚

Wendy - Strawberry cheesecake!
The book looks fantastic!

Shelley C - Chocolate Eclair Dessert

Amy - A hot fudge brownie sundae with whipped cream and a cherry makes me a happy girl! πŸ™‚

kelly - I’m trying in vain to resist the remnants of the strawberry rhubarb pie in my fridge right now. πŸ™‚ LOVE LOVE LOVE that pie. Looks like a good book. πŸ™‚

Amber - My favorite dessert is any brownie bite blizzard. I am a sucker for ice cream.

Ryanne - Favorite dessert depends on my mood. Right now, I am craving a three layer dessert. Also known as Sex in a Pan, the Robert Redford cake and other gratutious names.

Lillian - Fruit tarts!!

Trish - Wow, lots of comments…
I am not a reader, but have been wanting to read this book! Everything I see, hear or read of Francis, makes me want more!
My favorite dessert? Probably Hershey’s chocolate cake with their chocolate frosting! It’s all from scratch, but pretty easy to make and is super moist! Bonus… the longer it sits the more moist it gets, which I love with a big glass of milk πŸ™‚ Just had some yesterday for my daughter’s birthday! Her favorite too πŸ™‚

nicole m - would love the book!!! my favorite dessert right now is either cinnamon rolls or frozen yogurt…yumo

Kelley - Mississippi Mud Cake is my all-time favorite. My mom has made it for my birthday every year since I was little. There really isn’t anything else that compares or should be used as part of my birthday celebration.
I blogged about it once and used that as my link on this comment because the recipe should absolutely be shared and consumed without abandon by the masses. It’s that good. πŸ™‚

Diana - can you believe we don’t do dessert in our home… so i’d have to say that if we did, my choice would have to be plain vanilla frozen yogurt… i’ve had that before and love it πŸ™‚

Jenny - All of these comments made me hungry!! πŸ˜‰
I think that my favorite dessert would have to be some kind of cheesecake….but I’ll take anything with chocolate. :0)

Talia - Like you, I am trying to watch my sweets and trust me it is really hard for me. I’ve quite the sweet tooth. I love peach pie. Yum! And, coconut cream pie — my Mum makes the best ever.
Here’s hoping for a chance at your generous give-a-way! I’d just love to read the book. It is time.

Gina Boswell - HOw can anyone name just one favorite dessert? It is impossible. I love cheesecake. I love key lime pie oooooo I love blueberry pie with ice cream….I love banana pudding… I could go on and on but its just making my mouth water…

rosemarie - i have too many to mention..but an all time favorite chocolate chip cookies….

Katie - Ice Cream…with sprinkles on top. Hope I win. I’ve always wanted to read that book!

Linda B - I don’t know if it is my “favorite”, but right now (7 months preggers) I am seriously craving Reece’s PB cups!

Andria Koehler - Picking one favorite dessert is so hard when you’re a pastry chef. I love love love desserts. Most of my favorite desserts have chocolate in them somehow.

Jill - Oh man, I have to pick just one?!? How about two? I would pick NY cheesecake with berries on top, or strawberry shortcake, yum!
I’ve heard of this book but haven’t read it yet, thanks for the giveaway!

melissa - Love your blog! This is my first comment- Ihad to share my favorite splurge dessert recipe in the hopes of winning the book. Hubby and I are on a healthy eating kick right now and when we can’t take it anymore, I make Chocolate Silk Bread Pudding-it’s heavenly with a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Looks complicated but so worth it. Here’s the link to the recipe from the Wilderness Lodge in Disneyworld. I dream about this dessert. πŸ˜‰

amy smith - chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven

Gretchen Harbour - That’s hard. I will break for any desert, especially something with chocolate. My favorite in summer and spring is lemon pie. Never fail desert to pick me up anytime are good ol’ fashioned brownies. Love your blog!

Kimberlee J. - Cheesecake—any kind.

Ruthann - never met a dessert I didn’t like but right this minute I would have to say peach cobler made with fresh picked Georgia peaches!

Christine J. - Just one dessert?? Mine would be cupcakes with that really good and really bad for you icing. The sweetest kind. YUMMY!

Janel Sagert - My mom’s “chocolate ice cream desert” crushed nilla wafer bottom crust – followed by thick fudgy layer of goodness – then chocolate ice cream – then another layer of crushed nilla wafers. The textures and taste are a perfect match – dreamy πŸ™‚
I’ve been reading your blog now for a couple months and LOVE it πŸ™‚ This book looks fabulous and something that I need right now so thought I’d leave my first comment πŸ™‚
have a super day!

Laura - Sounds great!
Warm brownie right out of the oven with vanilla ice cream melting on top. Bliss!
Laura L

Kieu My Ton Nu - Homemade rice crispy treats are the best because you can add tons of butter, marshmallow and m&ms :))) I’, calling for a heart attack :))

tricia - My homemade apple pie can’t be beat.

Kara - Long time reader, first time poster (LOL) I wanted to share one of the best, quick deserts ever. It is the better than sex cake. 1 Box German Choc. Cake prepared according to directions; upon cooling poke several holes – the more the better – on the cake (I use the bottom of a wooden spoon. After cooling completely, pour a can of sweeten condensed milk over the entire cake; pour a jar of carmel ice cream topping over that. Prior to serving add a tub of Cool Whip to make it look pretty topped with heath bar toppings. DEE-LISH!

Jessica - probably an affogato (espresso over ice cream) and I was lucky enough to have one last night!!

Robin - My favorite dessert would have to be pie. Any kind will do, as long as it has a crust because, well, that is my favorite part!

Suzanne - Coconut Cream Pie! I rarely get it, so it is such a treat!

A Cupcake For Moose - This book looks amazing! Brownies with fresh strawberries on top. πŸ™‚

Corie - Cheesecake Baby! Thanks for brightening my days Meg!

Tegan and Tage - I’m going to have to add that book to my reading list… right after I finish “Bringing Up Boys” and “A Fish Out of Water”.
Favorite dessert? Anything involving citrus + cheesecake. Heather (Cookie Mondays) made vanilla bean cheesecake with blood oranges for my baby shower over a year ago and I swear I still dream about them.

Malissa - Homemade apple pie w/ a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combo of hot and cold. Love it.

Karen - I so want to read that book!
My favorite dessert is a toss-up between Strawberry Refrigerator Cake, and Red Velvet Cupcakes with (Wilton Recipe) buttercream frosting.

GB - Favorite Ice Cream creation:
Rasberry ice cream–kind soft, with eith white chocolate chips mixed in. Or if you can, dipped into an ice cream cone that has been dipped into white chocolate. Since I haven’t found an ice cream store with dipped flavor cones, the white chocolate chips works really well. So cool and refreshing!

sherry - My mom’s frozen fruit salad. delish.

Kelsey I - Ooooh I love me some cream cheese icing.. the cake is optional πŸ™‚

Jennifer Frazee-Whitcomb - The phyllo brownie from Yia Yia’s is THE BEST! I’m looking forward to this giveaway!!!

Tonya - do skittles count as dessert? if not, wedding cake is my favorite.

Meredith - I LOVE desserts! I run every day just so I don’t have to give them up. My favorite this week is peanut butter pie.

Lisa - Blondies with vanilla ice cream and warm maple glaze over the top! yummy! πŸ™‚

Sharla - Chocolate truffles (that melt in your mouth) . . . this book looks great.

Jaime - Chocolate chip cookies! Really I am a fan of anything chocolate!! πŸ™‚

AmyB - Ooh, my best friend was telling me about this book!
My favorite dessert is rocky road fudge…but I only eat it around Christmas time!

Whitney - My favorite desert is almond flavored petite fores (sp?) from my favorite bakery where I grew up. Don’t get them often anymore but when I do it is such a treat! I’ve been wanting to read this book. I’ve heard it is great!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Fresh peach or raspberry pie. Hold the a’la mode.

Emily - LOVE your blog…
book sounds interesting…
any homemade dessert recipe from my mom!

Ellen Williams - Blue Willow Bars hands down!!!!!! It’s kind of like a cross between blonde brownies and a cheesecake – YUMMMMM!!! I can definitely look back and see how my bottom got the size it did… and that it didn’t happen overnight πŸ™‚

courtney - Hummingbird cake, but I hardly ever make it because I would eat it. all.

Abby Munoz - Lemon Bars! Sweet, simple and perfect for summer. Your blog is my naptime treat to myself. It is like that verse from Psalm 11. “He who refreshes others will he himself be refreshed” (my paraphrase?). It always makes me smile. Thanks Meg.

Karen - My favorite dessert EVER is Red Velvet Cheesecake! YUM!!

Janae D - Ohhh… I just requested that book recently. I’m stoked to read it and heard about it on KLOVE. Favorite dessert….chocolate from Cocoa Dulce in Bradley Fair. Yummy!

kari Kim - Dulce de Leche (not sure if that is spelled right) ice cream with a warm brownie….

kari Kim - Dulce de Leche (not sure if that is spelled right) ice cream with a warm brownie….

Katie - My favorite dessert is any kind of moist warm cake without icing. Icing ruins everything.
I’ve been wanting to read this book! I hope I win!!

Cindy Albert - My favorite dessert is usually the last one I had. Last night we had ice cream sandwiches with black raspberry ice cream in them. Wow! Thanks for the chance at the book.

Annette - a dusty road sundae…oh YUM!!!

Mary Beth - This is seriously the hardest question you could have ever asked, but I think it has to be brownies…nothing else seems to satisfy like them…I mean nothing! this book sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us!

mominin - Chocolate Chip Cheesecake!

Angela Merrell - I Love chocolate, but I have to say my favorite is the dulce de leche cheesecake at the cheesecake factory. πŸ˜€ It is absolutely YUMMY!!!!!!

Anna Marie - Vanilla ice cream with chocolate cake (no frosting) all mixed together. Yum!!!

Stephanie Carroll - Banana Pudding!!

Nicole - Hi! I am somewhat new to your blog, but I have to tell you I think it’s really great! Your photography is so inspirational, and I LOVE that you LOVE color!
I was out at Homegoods the other day and they had a pillow that said Whatever on it, and I couldn’t help but think of you! I even snapped a picture, LOL.
This book looks great, and the excerpt that you included seems right on with todays society and life.
Oh! and my favorite dessert is… cinnamon buns! πŸ™‚

Christin - Raspberry and white chocolate chip cheesecake!

Janine - I don’t want the book but I must sympathize with your sugar cravings. I gave up sugar for health reasons nearly two weeks ago and it is so hard. Anyone who says it is easy is a crazy person! Hang in there. Sugar free jello and sugar free pudding are always good substitutes when the cravings get too hard.

Arrica - Ok, so my fav dessert is. . . anything with chocolate in it!
I know boring right! I am even satisfied with a dove square as my dessert. I just looove chocolate. (dark!)
I have never heard of this book. It looks like something I need about now. I am in a sort of dry area in my walk at them moment. Too busy doing for others to stop and fill up “my” cup.
Not good I know.
Thanks for the opp.
Arrica- NJ

Jill A. J. - I would read it while enjoying a slice of chocolate cake with mocha frosting and a chocolate glaze. Yummy!

Gretchen D. - Can I only pick one dessert? Oh, how I love my dessert. I admire your will power. I love chocolate ice cream, double stuffed oreos and Russell Stover’s strawberry filled eggs (just bought some on clearance!). Thank you for sharing this book with your readers.

cynthia - Green tea ice cream after a dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant. And then there is banana pudding…how’s that for a bowl of comfort?

Sarah - White chocolate raspberry squares. I would literally eat an entire pan if it was socially and medically acceptable. What a fun week you are going to have on your blog!!

Sam MillerGott - Looks like a good read.
My favorite dessert is…wait, I have to choose just one? Well, since I have to choose just one, today I would have to go with a chocolate shake.

Stephanie - I am also a ‘Key Lime Pie’ girl!!
I SO hope I win this book.

Cara Kapp - Would love to read this book. My favorite dessert is Creme Brulee. In Afrikaans we say for dessert “nagereg”! Can’t wait every morning to log on to read your blog!

jamie - probably a dessert i only make a christmas. it has raspberry jello mixed with cranberry jelly and the topping is cool whip, cream cheese, and sugar. it’s delicious.

Tara - red velvet cheesecake from cheesecake factory.

Julie - Cheese Cake!!!

amy - My favorite dessert that I make is sopapilla cheesecake…yum!! My all time favorite dessert is a triple berry pie from Wegman’s.

Messy@Bungalow'56 - My favourite dessert is my mom’s Christmas trifle, I could eat a whole punch bowl full. It literally is to die for.
I have not seen this book before. Very intrigued,

jenn groves - i never met a dessert i didn’t like! but if i had to narrow it down; right now strawberries are in season here in FL. so strawberry shortcake, with pound cake (not the round cakes from the grocery store)and homemade whipped cream! this dessert screams warm sunshine days to me :o)

Amy Mumaw - heath gooey bars by Paula Dean

Teresa Johnson - I would have to say my favorite dessert is an ice cream topped brownie πŸ™‚

Jenny Wenzel - Oh…would love this book…really want to read it! My fav dessert is just a big french silk pie…ymmmm!!!

June - Chocolate Whoopie Pie with fluffy white marshmallow frosting in between the two chocolaty goodness cakes. YUMMERS However, I’m on Atkins so none of that for me. πŸ™

Donna - My all-time favorite dessert is ice cream, but I’ve sworn it off for a while. So, now I eat chocolate cake and brownies πŸ™‚

Jessie Miller Sterling - Mmmmm. Cheesecake from Carnegie Deli in New York. I’ve only been to New York once, but somehow we ended up going back there everyday. Mmmmmm.

Staci - KEY LIME PIE!!!! (Paula Deen’s recipe to be precise) Don’t look it up….you’ll cave and make one….it’s the yummiest thing on this Earth!!!!!!!!!! I would just love this book πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win it Meg! Happy Monday!

Michele - Just plain ‘ol chocolate chip cookies.

Debi in Oregon - MMMM. Creme brulee, baby!

julie - bananas foster!!

April Brown - My favorite dessert to eat is cobbler (either apple or peach). Its the ultimate comfort food! πŸ™‚ My favorite to make is actually my daughter’s birthday cake. Each year I make whatever she wants and we usually do it together. Since she’s 14, I relish the time spent together. (Last year it was your rainbow cake, with a few tweaks).

Kelsey - Everyone is sharing their cheesecake ideas, so I must add mine. I love Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake. It is so easy to make and so good. Not good for you, but so good to eat.

Christy - Tiramisu for sure! YUM! Thanks for the giveaway!

leigh - darby’s banana cream cheese bars!

Emily - Cheesecake….yummm!!! I have been meaning to read this book…this has been a good reminder.

amanda fuentes - Pumpkin Pie no doubt about it! Nice and cold the day after Thanksgiving for BREAKFAST! The best!

Sharilyn - Looks like a great book. I’m a simple girl… my fave dessert is my sister-in-law’s homemade apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream.

Kim - Apple crumb pie. yum-o

Sarah Swartzentruber - Great Give Away, that I hope to win!! I love all deserts so I can’t pick my favorite. However one of my top choices would be Red Velvet cake! YUMMY:)

Charity Palmer - It’s a great book! And I could indulge in chocolate chip cookies ANY time. πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - I HAD THIS BOOK IN MY HANDS A FEW WEEKS AGO!!!!!! But unfortunately, no dollars in my wallet!!! If I don’t win it, I am getting it anyway!!!!
Dessert…this is hard…but..I make a very easy, very yummy, pumpkin pie CAKE….cakey bottom, pumpkin filling, toasted pecans and cake crumble on top…a whole lot of brown sugar, and butter. Frankly, everything a dessert ought to be.

Sophie - Peach Cobbler!
My mom’s is THE BEST!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Yay! What a great giveaway! I’ve been wanting to read this!
My favorite dessert would either be apple crisp or strawberry shortcake. For today, anyway! πŸ˜›

Shairee - CIRCUS PEANUTS! Once on my birthday a friend told me she wanted to get me some and looked in many stores…she couldn’t find them though because she had no idea WHAT they were – she finally told me they must be out of season. HAHA when I showed her what they look like (big orange marshmellows) she laughed out loud saying she had no idea someone would actually EAT those!! They’re still my favorite!

ally - Okay yeah, I just finished week 2 without sweets, so I can tell you all about it:
I love me an oreo mixer from Culvers or it’s cousin, the blizzard from the DQ.
whipped cream
warm soft squishy chocolate chip cookies
Half Baked Ben and Jerry’s
I gotta stop or the drool will short out my computer. :0)

Kristina - oh I’ve wanted to read this book for a long time! but it’s not at my library. thanks for this giveaway!
I think my favorite dessert is boston cream pie. or just ice cream. it depends on my mood.

Catherine - Lemon Meringue ice cream -Ben & Jerry’s… sadly it was a ltd edition, but it was good enough that I still would LOVE to have some and I haven’t had it since the summer of 2007. My hubs would take me to the doctor, we were expecting our son, and he took me to B&J’s once after an appointment. It was YUM-O!!!

Michelle Shoemaker - Picking one is difficult, but I would have to say blueberry cheesecake.

Alissa - Definitely hot fudge brownie sundaes!!

Amanda Kay - Right now…Cream Cheese Oreo Balls. My mother-in-law just left us some. Now they are heading back to Kansas and I’m sad and need a good book to read πŸ™

gina - Right now, I would say chocolate icecream. =D

Tracy - My favorite dessert is tiramisu with a hot cup of coffee!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Jessica Reed - My favorite dessert is Kaiserschmarrn, it’s an Austrian dessert. It’s a caramelized pan cake, with raisins and apple sauce. It’s pretty much the best thing I’ve ever eaten.

Lauren - My grandpa and I share a love for the same dessert–coconut cream pie. It’s best when we get to eat it together.
And….I’ve been wanting to read this book so bad πŸ™‚

Nikki - Has to be cheesecake with fresh cream NOT UHT.

Leah - The first thing that popped into my mind was the toasted coconut ice cream sunday we had a couple weeks ago. The caramel sauce and brownies were homemade and just so yummy!

Tara - I love Peanut Butter Pie…YUM!!!! I have really wanted to read this book and would LOVE to win it:)

Lyndsey - Banana cream pie! YUM!

rebecca - A simple favorite dessert in our house is dump cake…..take a thingy of fresh blueberries and a can of pinabpple (crushed) with the juice and dump in a 9X13 pan (you can add any fruit you want) dump a yellow cake mix on top and melt a stick of margarine and pour on top and bake according to box directions…Yum and easy!
Annie would LOVE making it!

Kasey Laughlin - I have heard great things about this book and can’t wait to read it! Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite dessert is peanut butter pie. Easy peasy…grab a premade graham cracker pie crust, mix ice cream and peanut butter together and fill in the pie crust. Set in freezer and eat! πŸ™‚ Happy Monday!

Kirsten - Megan – I saw you won Kim’s TCB prize – there’s good “karma” for you – you are a gem. And…brownies with ice cream and hot fudge sauce πŸ™‚

pambuller - i’m hungry. i want all of the above.
tis the season for homemade ice cream with grapenuts in it. Yum!

Andrea - jello poke cake!

Eric Tippin - Sticky Toffee Pudding (British, look it up!)

Lacy Brauner - raspberry cheese cake. hands down.

Tonya @ More Than Enough - Strawberry Shortcake….w/fresh strawberries, homemade shortcake and whipped cream. Now you’ve got me craving it! πŸ˜‰
I’ve heard great things about this book!

Summer - Eclair cake, cheese cake, tiramisu, carrot cake. I kind of have a dessert problem.

LeAnne Cotton - very simple…brownies hot out of the oven with vanilla ice cream and strawberries

Sarah - Red Vevet Cake

Dianne Avery - That’s easy! My homemade cherry cheese cake. Yum!!

Amber - Rhubarb crisp and that book would make my day.

Becky - Warm chocolate chip cookies!

Nan Carlson - Blueberry Banana Surprise for SURE ! When my boys were in school, the teachers would beg for it during Teacher Appreciation Week ! When the boys left elementary, the teachers were sad ! Thanks for your inspiration ! Your reflections make me want to do better !

crush. - devil food cake with homemade buttercream frosting. mmm. baking one wedsnesday for our mom’s birthday. πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - that book looks awesome. my favorite dessert is oreo dirt cake. yum…so cute in a terra cotta pot.

Jules - hmmmm….I would have to say that today, being a sunny springy day, I would have to go with Lemon Meringue (is that how you spell it?) pie! With coffee (duh). LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!!!! (and my library doesn’t have the book…I checked.) Pick me Pick me! πŸ˜€

Ashley - Oh boy, I’m pregnant so my favorite dessert is “one of each please.” But especially, ice cream…in a waffle cone, or creme brulee, or key lime pie, or….oh boy.

Karen R. - My favorite dessert is anything with fresh strawberries, no chocolate for me – crazy I know – I have never liked chocolate!

Nicole Q. - Angel Food Cake with TONS of strawberry with the sugary strawberry juice.
This book really affected me too . . . I’d love copy to give away!

Laura - A big L – O – V – E for today’s giveaway Meg! It looks like a great read!
A favorite dessert of mine is definitely Sopaipilla Cheesecake!
It’s baked – so the bottom layer of cheesecake is creamy and warm, the middle crescent roll layer is a flakey and the buttery, sugar and cinnamon mixture on top is crunchy!
It’s so simple, but so delish!
Have a sunshiny day!

Nichole Martinez - My favorite dessert is called the Napoleon – a flaky layered pastry separated with bavarian cream that is glazed with a white frosting and then drizzle with chocolate. Oh my gosh! So good!

LoriB - fresh peach crisp

jennifer delossantos - Any dessert involving chocolate is fine by me!! Seriously, anything with chocolate.

Heather - hot chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven. with a big glass of milk,

Katie Gonzalez - my sister in law is in chef school ,taking a cake-making class. recently, she made champagne cake with buttercream frosting and slices of fresh strawberries – the most amazing thing ever. seriously. it has champagne mixed right in with the batter. i LOVE it!
p.s. i was in a baby boutique this week casually discussing cakes for a baby shower, and the shop owner pulled up your blog to show us your rainbow cake from a while back. i was so excited (being a long time reader) that i knew right away who that cake belonged to! i think my sister-in-law is going to work on something similar for my shower, will have to email you a picture. it was so fun to make that connection with a total stranger over your lovely blog!!!

elizabeth - carrot cake with lots of cream cheese frosting. yum

Ruth - I love tiramisu. I have never made it so I don’t get to enjoy it very often. I think that’s why I love it so much.

Ericka - Sopapillas with warm honey and a little bit of sugar sprinkled on it! YUMMY!

Elena - Thanks! My favorite dessert is warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream.

Lindsey - My mother-in-law’s recipe, “The next best thing to Robert Redford” crazy name but delicious, chocolate pudding, cream cheese & whip cream yumminess!! So, so good! - Red Lobster’s Key Lime Pie, baby!

Suzanne Gallagher - That’s easy for me! A slice of good ole’ fashion Appple Pie with a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream on the side. Yummmmmy!!

Julie - Sounds like a great book! My fav dessert is chocolate anything!

traci - Keep hearing about this book. My fav. dessert by far is strawberry shortcake with homemade shortbread…YUUUUM!!!!

audrey - Ice cream in a waffle cone!

Amy De La Garza - My favorite dessert is Sopapilla Cheesecake, made with crescent rolls, packs of cream cheese, tons of butter, cinnamon/sugar and almonds. Amazing.

Mary - Cookies, cookies and more cookies. Any kind of cookie. Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, Potato Chip, White Chocolate Macadamia, Raisen, Craisen, or any combination of these. But, I rarely make cookies because I’m the only one in my house that loves them, and therefore I end up eating most of them. Same goes for my second favorite dessert; chocolate sheet cake. I make it for myself on my birthday and eat the whole thing without guilt.

Alison - Oh I forgot, you have to have vanilla icecream with the brownie cake.

Nancy - Tough decision… I would have to say anything with the word “cinnamon” in the title…it just rocks my world. It could be cinnamon crumb donuts, cinnamon scone, cinnamon cookies, cinnamon rolls, apple cinnamon crumb pie, snickerdoodle pie, cinnamon toast. Yes, I have issues.

Emily - I LOVE brownies with ice cream…yum!

Alison - My mom makes this wonderful brownie cake. It has been a favorite since I was little.

Meredith Salmon - 0I am addicted to the Bakerella Oh My Chocolate Chip Pie. It is so easy to make and everyone loves it. I use 1/2 semi sweet chips and 1/2 milk chocolate chips. Enjoy. Here is photo so you can see how good it is.

Lorelei Eurto - Oh it’s gotta be Black Cherry crumble. or any cherry crumble for that matter. its a good thing i dont have the recipe. i would make it more often than i should.
xox love your blog, Megan!

Cassandra McKinley - Red Velvet Cake Balls—red velvet cake mixed w/cream cheese frosting formed into nice, easy to pop in your mouth balls….but no eating until they are dipped in chocolate! yum-o!

Ashlee - This is so cheesy, but my favorite is the Cookie Monster at Cheddars. Giant chocolate chip cookie in a mini cast iron skillet with vanilla ice cream. We never go there but I dream about it from time to time!

Lisa - OOps forgot to say my favorite dessert…duh.
I love Root Beer Floats!

Dina Marie - Mud Pie is my favorite dessert!! Yummy especially with chocolate fudge!

Lisa - I have been meaning to get this book and read it…I have heard great things about it. Would love to win it!

Bre Ann - Molting Chocolate cake with raspberry sauce and vanilla ice cream OR blueberry crisp

Tricia - Ooh its a toss-up between apple pie with walnut streusel topping and tiramisu. How about both?! πŸ˜‰
Here’s my recipe for it too. Ya’ know. Just for vicarious pie-eating purposes.

Vicki - Wow! That first paragraph just put to words how I have felt recently about “feeling” God. I know it’s me who has “moved away” and I don’t know why or how. Wow! I’d love to read this!!
My favorite dessert is by far Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby Ice cream. I literally could eat it every day!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! πŸ™‚

Kari - I have been wanting to read this book for a loooong time! Great give away! Here lately, I’ve been really craving Girl Scout cookies! YUM!

Beth Wells - I’ve been wanting to read this! Wow…my favorite dessert would have to be ice cream…or cheesecake! Mmm! πŸ™‚

candace - i’ve been craving chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookies. there’s a short name for them, but it’s gross and not blog appropriate.
all desserts are my favorite.

sarah - oh sorry…fav. dessert is: death by chocolate!

sarah - I’ve gone through such a difficult year recently and God is doing so much healing through others and in me. This book sounds like a wonderful tool for God to work healing and bring us back to Him. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jacci - I have a seriously good cheesecake recipe from a friend. It’s my all time *favorite* cheesecake – stays in the over overnight and gets such a perfect consistency. If I win, I’ll share it with you πŸ™‚ Or, if I don’t win and you still want the recipe, I share it then, too!

Lauren - My favorite dessert is my grandmother’s chocolate eclair pie! Graham crackers, pudding and chocolate. What more could you ask for????

Carly - Chocolate Chip Cookies. And I’ve heard so much about this book and have wanted to read it!

Teresa - Homemade chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven.
My Bible Study is reading this book right now. But my mom asked me about it and I would like to give it to her. GREAT BOOK!

jeana - I love German Chocolate Chip Cookies! Yuuuummmm!
This book is fabulous, I lost my copy, or gave it to someone, but would love to read it again!

Michelle - peaches and cream cheese cake. . .it’s wonderful. I made it last night! This book is on my ‘to read’ list already πŸ™‚ Thanks for giving one away!

Chris - My favorite dessert is Bananas Foster. So yummy!

Lori - Banana cream pie cheesecake from the cheesecake factory. Divine!!!

Elizabeth - Two favorite desserts: yellow layer cake with chocolate ganache frosting; coffee ice-cream hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and nuts

alamama - java lava ice cream pie! worth EVERY calorie and fat gram!
Thanks for the chance!

rebecca - Ummm – brownies and vanilla bean ice cream. Simply good! I’ve been wanting to read this book!

J. - A big slice of New York Cheesecake with some fresh strawberry topping. Oh goodness. πŸ™‚

LeighAnn - My all time favorite dessert strawberry frozen salad πŸ™‚ Cream Cheese, sugar, cool whip, and strawberries!! Nothing better πŸ™‚

Jenna - Best of all time – cheesecake stuffed strawberries!! Core the strawberries, stuff with cheesecake filling, then seal with fruit dipping chocolate. AH – mazing.

Megan - Cheese cake or chocolate…cheesecake! Looks like a great read.

Deputy's Wife - My favorite dessert is yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Which is what my sister will make me tomorrow on my 40th birthday.
I read your excerpt of the book. I really would like to read this! Thank you for having the giveaway!

Abbey - Chocolate Cake!!!

Angie - Cookie Dough Egg Rolls with Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce….

Amanda - Pecan-Pumpkin Pie in the Fall/Winter…Homemade Strawberry Shortcake in the Spring/Summer…both topped with tons of Cool Whip!

Alisa - I have been wanting to read this book…I’ve heard nothing but great things about it.
I β™₯ anything chocolate or those apple bars you posted a while back, but chocolate Γ©clair cake would have to be right up there too.
You are clearly a glutton for punishment to want us to post these!

Diane - Without a doubt – vanilla ice cream over a brownie with chocolate syrup. Of course the brownie must be warmed a bit! πŸ™‚
Thanks for the giveaway!

carmela hershey - Anything Chocolate for sure…I have been wanting this book for awhile…hope I win!!!

Sandy - Looks like an amazing book. Even if I don’t win (which I hope I do!), I’m glad you made us aware of it.
Warm chocolate chip cookies and brownies with chocolate icing (not together…although that would be ok too) πŸ™‚

Barbie - That is a hard one but I think I will go with strawberry shortcake. Ok, now I want some. πŸ™‚

Christy - definatly cheesecake!!

Camille - Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Brownies. Totally a box that you add eggs, oil, and water – but better than any homemade brownie I’ve ever had. EVER.

Jemm - Ironically, or maybe not, ice cream. I can totally relate to that excerpt from the book πŸ˜‰ I see Chris Tomlin wrote the forward, I love his music.

Cathy - Strawberry cheesecake! I tried Rachael Rays banana cheesecake recipe yesterday and since then I’ve wanted strawberry cheesecake πŸ™‚

Rankin - Fresh out of the oven brownies with ice cream. yum!

Andrea - i have too many favorites. but today i would choose peach cobbler!

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - I’ve heard great reviews about Crazy Love. Mmmmmm, my favorite dessert from a restaurant is Creme Brulee. My favorite at home dessert is brownies.

Jill R. - That one passage may have actually changed my life. It was exactly what I needed to hear at exactly this moment. Thank you for sharing! And my favorite dessert is chocolate chip cookies!

amy s - just one favorite?
chocolate cheesecake, with a mocha.
(because i don’t think a beer and onion rings classify as dessert.)

Kristi - You must love torturing yourself! My fave is just the basic brownie, preferably a corner piece. This is my favorite recipe.. perfect brownies! - Sinful sunday!!! (From outback steakhouse) I’ve learned to make it at home! So dangerous! πŸ™‚

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - HA i absolutely cannot pick a favorite dessert…too many that I love πŸ™‚ But lately I’ve been all about good old fashioned ice cream!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - I think my all-time favorite goes back to my childhood.
There’s just nothing like an ice cream sandwich!

Brittney - I have heard so many great things about this book, and I need to read it! My favorite dessert I actually ate this weekend! It’s the chocolate raspberry cheesecake from this little shop here in Memphis. Thanks for the giveaway…so fun!

Tonya Brown - warm apple pie with ice cream yum yum…
thanks for the chance to win what looks like to be a great read.

Laura - Banana Cream Pie! so delicious…

shelly - I can’t pick just one dessert! Chocolate ice cream and cupcakes! Great giveaway!

Danielle H. - Wow that one page of the book really called out to me — my FAVORITE dessert is cheesecake in any flavor and with any topping!!!

Amy Mierzejewski - my fav dessert is Paradise Pie from Chili’s! It lives up to its name.

Laura - Mmm… Cheesecake!

allie - any kind of ice cream!

Tera - carrot cake with cream cheese icing… mmmm…

priscilla sibayan - TOLL HOUSE PIE! it’s a huge chocolate chip cookie with vanilla bean ice cream on top. it is magnificent and soooo easy to make! i also need to read this book again! it is wonderful!

Colleen - yummmmm. my favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake. homemade biscuits and squashed up strawberries. add as much extra sugar to sweeten or a natural dessert for you to enjoy too!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - this is a great giveaway….i’ve actually already read it and loved it. so i’m not entering the giveaway…just wanted to say, great choice!!

Jennifer - Unfortunately, all of them. But I’ll go with coconut pie. Nummy.

Marisol Avila - Ice cream…anything with chocolate, caramel and nuts! My favorite this week is Haagen Daz – Carmel cone πŸ™‚

Sarah Surface - Warm chocolate chip cookies!

Kirsten - Olive Garden’s white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. Mmmm…..

Jackie - Bread pudding with carmel sauce, but my 2nd favorite is just snickerdoodles (homemade) and a glass of milk…we have that WAY more than bread pudding!

emily b - right now it’s strawberry shortcake with biscuit-like shortcake, not the angel food cake version. I would like some right now, thank you.

Shawna - Carrot Cake

kbonikowsky - Looks like a great book!
KEY LIME PIE! (not bright green, very important)

Connie Faulkingham - Coconut Cheesecake from the cheesecake factory or if we can’t get there..Tuxedo Brownies from the Papmpered Chef Cookbook…Yummo!!

Alysa - Bakers Square French Silk Pie … oh yummy-to-the-tummy. And, I, too, love this book. Found it last summer and devoured it – have given it away to multiple friends because it is THAT good. I love the page you put on here. one of my favorites, too.

Sheryl - Carrot Cake Cheese Cake!! YUMMY!!!

Donna - Warm brownies with ice cream.

stacie jameson - I love the pioneer womans Angel sugar cookies. I think I’m going to make a batch right now.

Laura in LA - Wow, that book seems great. I would read it while eating a bowl of chocolate peanut butter ice cream!

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