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andy & jenny

they are getting married today.
in mexico.
i am jealous.


andy is my good friend's little brother.
he was just young enough that i never really knew him.
but he was always handsome.
even when he was a little guy.
nothing has changed.

congratulations andy and jenny!
i hope your day is so beautiful in mexico.
i can't wait to see your pictures.

Georgia - Phoooooaaaarrrr hes a hotty!!! lol

Shannon - You are right Megan. He always was a really cute little kid, and has turned in to a handsome man.

Savannah - Cute couple! Beautiful pictures!


`Kelly - He kinda looks like Channing Tatum. They’re a cute couple & the pictures are fantastic!

jeanne - These are such gorgeous photos. What a beautiful couple.

Lisa - they look blissful.

Julie - Congrats to the beautiful couple! Great pictures!

Heather - that last picture is so full of love you can feel it. happy wedding day to them!!

Gemma - Lovely couple..they look great together! Congratulations to them both : )
If any of you get a chance take a look at my blog
Thank you!
Gemma X

Laura Lee - beautiful pics… but her green eyes are just amazing!

Michelle - What a beautiful couple! Congrats to them!

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rockin’ 1980

purple corduroy knickers.
purple knee socks.
pink turtleneck sweater.
david crosby?

oh man i loved the zip sled!
my grandpa harold drove the boat and i waved to everyone we passed.

my mom was the queen of the floating styrofoam lawn chairs.

my mom used to wash my hair in the kitchen sink.
did yours?

kristine - wow! talby looks just like you! i WANT that floating styrofoam chair!! yes, my mom washed my hair in sink…HATED IT!

tami reed - your kids look just like you lol

Nan - Oh my gosh. I totally had purple corduroy knickers!

Grammy Dianne - Just read the comment about curly perms and the kitchen sink. I’m really “old” and have tortuous memories of leaning over a kitchen sink and having all the really smelly stuff rinsed out of my hair. The kicker was, I hated curly hair and wanted two braids hanging down my back. My mother would have none of that. So guess the hair style my daughter wore for years, two braids. I almost fainted when she turned ten and wanted a permanent. Go figure! Loved this post, and the comments, the kitchen sink as part of Americana.

jennibell - I wash my kids’ hair in the kitchen sink — ha! And I would have been the Queen of the Floating Arm Chair too. . .all I have is the kids’ tube 🙂 And yep, had those knickers too. Except mine were turquoise. We must be about the same age.

Rach - OMG, those pics remind me of my own childhood and I kid you not, I had those very same knickers only mine were in green!! Ha!

jeanne - OK…you were adorable. Me…not so much and I don’t know if I would have the nerves to show those photos.

deb meyers - aw meg, you’re so cute!
Yep, on the sink-hairwashing thing. My mother gave me curly perms when I was a toddler, even. And that included sink trips.

candace - Wow, talby looks JUST like you. My mom washed my hair inthe sink too. I really loved it when she used that white rubber hose sprayer thingy!
This post is great!

Mindi - Your daughters look just like you!! So cute! My grandmother, Granis, used to put us in the kitchen sink to wash our hair and then sit us down with a fine tooth comb and comb thin strands, then curl them around her finger… I am amazed that a)she was patient enough to do this and b)we would sit still long enough for them to dry so that we would have curly hair!
Oh! And she used Joy dish soap instead of shampoo!!!!

Kim - wow, everyone’s already said it, but your two littles look SO much like you! what was it with the 80’s and washing hair in the sink!? we loved it, except my mom would use some vinegar to rinse, and we hated that.

Christina - Yes, the kitchen sink. Ah! I could never do that now. haha
Your girls look so much like you. 🙂

Lori - My mom washed her hair in the kitchen sink for as long as I can remember. Didn’t know it was so common!

Laura Zarrin - Yes she did! I haven’t thought of that in a long time. Great pics. I grew up in St. Louis. Your lake photos and the zip sled brought back great memories! Thanks.

JJ - As if you need another comment-but I had to reply. Yes! My mom did wash my hair in the kitchen sink- what was up with that? I’m thinking of Breck shampoo. I recenly found your blog- it’s a happy place!

Carol S. - Check out that album collection!! Big music fans, gotta love it. Uh huh, we did the “car wash” in the kitchen sink, that was my mom’s fun way of getting us to get our hair washed. Was just talking to her, and she still washes her hair daily in the kitchen sink on the days she doesn’t shower. Can not EVEN imagine a bottle of shampoo under my kitchen sink these days. Yes, strong resemblance to your girls. You look like you had a joyful childhood and a fun and happy mom. Enjoy!

Julie - This is beyond awesome. Also, I think I had the same purple knickers!!!

Staci Danford - OK.. I am totally cracking up.. YES YES YES my mom washed my hair in the kitchen sink.. haha What memories that brought back. I’d lay on the counter and lay my head back in the sink… So funny to think of it now…. but I think I’d kinda like her to try that again.. LOVE This post… And wow did I have some knickers too.. Thought they were literally the coolest things on the whole planet.

Meredith - I absolutely HAD to comment on this one!! Yes, my Mom washed my hair in the kitchen sink! I actually laid across the kitchen counter and hung my head back into the sink. She did this till I was too LONG for the countertop! Gosh, how old was I when she was still washing my hair like that?!?!

se7en - Oh What a cute post… Memory lane!!! Love it!!!

Tere - Yep, Talby looks like her mama. Such beautiful eyes!

mandi - haha! david crosby in the background is HILARIOUS! my husband and i were just talking about the styrofoam floating chairs. how we wished we could find some. : )
i was reading some of your older entries- the one on your wedding. your list of what you would want for another wedding made me think of the re-wedding my husband planned for us last summer. totally on his own. total surprise to me. we had quilts on hay, a big wavy grass field, family and friends, yummy food…too perfect. if you wanna peek you can looksy here:

LibraryGirl62 - I graduated high school in 1980…sigh…and I totally wish I could rock the Styrofoam lawn chair! All those new fangled foam things just don’t get it for me

patti - Wow…your girls really look like you as a kid – minus the purple corduroy, of course. Crazy how that works! 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - You know what is hilarious?! I had those exact same purple knicker pants LOL! and YES< my mom used to wash my hair in the kitchen sink til I was 14 because I was afraid of showers and it was easier to do in the sink than bend over the bath-tub! too FUNNY! tara

adrienne - my mom still washes her hair in the sink :)) i see a bit of talby and annie in your pictures!

Sandra K - Hi Meg,
My mom totally washed my hair in the kitchen sink and I loved it! So funny to think about that now. Thanks for a happy trip down memory lane!

Amy - Wow….brings back wonderful 80’s memories. Lauren looks just like your sister in the last pic!! Annie and Talby look just like you! Sink hair washing was bigtime in my family too. My mom fixed (TEASED) my grandmothers hair for years and always washed it in the kitchen sink, ha!

Marley - My mom always washed my hair in the sink! I asked her to do it until I was about 15

Stephanie Carroll - I;m 26 and I still ask my mom to wash my hair in the sink when I go home. That’s not weird, right?

Theresa - My girls love it when I wash their hair in the sink – your lake photos remind me of my parent’s house – thanks for sharing!

Jennifer - girlfriend…this is great! you made me smile with this post…brought back some of my own family, childhood memories from the ’80s!

Nina Diane - wow….I can really see Annie and Talby in you - Only when I had head lice:)

Suzanne Gallagher - Used to…sometimes I still do! Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do in a small amount of time .
Have a great weekend!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - love it. Talby & Annie look just like you!!

Tara - My hair was super long, I would lay on the counter and get it washed in the what great memories. I love your blog.

Dianne Avery - Me too! I completely forgot that my hair was washed in the kitchen!! So funny. Maybe we should start a new trend and bring it back. 🙂

Gemma - Very cute! We’ve been looking back at old photo’s recently. Isn’t it funny to look back and think…”what on earth am I wearing that for?!?!” Heehee!
Your girls definitely look like you : )
Gemma X

sarah - How cute!
The first one is my absolute favorite!!
Thanks for sharing 🙂

Ruth - I think I had that same outfit only in a dark green color with clogs! Loved it.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - My mom ALWAYS washed my hair in the sink… what was with that?
You look JUST like your girls – sooo cute!

emily - oh my goodness . . . i’m 99% sure i had the exact same knickers AND knee highs!!!!
my mom always washed my hair in the sink . . . what great memories!! i have washed my girls hair in the sink a couple times and they think it’s so silly!!

Heather - i need one of those floating lawn chairs right away. awesome!

Karen Gerstenberger - I loved these photos! We were BIG Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young fans. =)
My mom used to bathe all of me in the kitchen sink – and there are (blackmail) photos to prove it!
Have a great weekend.

Cate O'Malley - Love the styrofoam floating lawn chair. Talby could not possibly look more like you from those pictures. I, um, totally still wash my hair in the sink.

Laura - How old are you? LOL! I’m 35 and I have pictures that look EXACTLY like those. As a matter of fact, my mom took a before, during and after picture of me getting my hair washed in the sink and it cracks me up every time I see them. I go from looking scared, to crying to smiling with my beautifully dried and Farrah Fawcett-ed hair, LOL!

Sarah@Clover Lane - It is TOTALLY Talby! I really really thought it was!

Shann - Yup! My mom washed my hair in the kitchen sink all the time! How funny! Your daughters all look a bit like you! How sweet! 🙂

virginia - i saw a macgruber movie trailer last night…i thought of you

Cori - i keep thinking of jaws on your skiing picture. get outta the water…hahhahahah. these pics are so fun, and i love reading your blog.!

Jodi - Omg, I think I had those exact same purple knickers!

Jaimie - you look just like talby! or rather, she looks just like you as a kid.

michelle from six in the city - O my gosh! What a flash back for me!
I had a couple pair of knickers that my mother made me:-) And I used to love for her to wash my hair in the sink!

erica - WOW! talby looks just like you and annie favors you so much too! how fun! and do i see a rainbow bathing suit under that life jacket? looks live you’ve always had a love for it 😉

Martina - Bathroom sink. Love the 80’s pics! We had a floating lawn chair also!
(I still wash my hair in the kitchen sink every once in a while when I don’t have time/need for a full shower.

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - This is SO funny.
Yes, we had a floating lawn chair (loved that thing) and yes, my mom would scrub my hair in the kitchen sink. She believed hair wasn’t clean until it squeaked, literally. It wasn’t until I was, ohh, 20 that I realized that squeaky hair is sad, sad hair stripped of all its natural oils. Hahaha!
Weirdly enough, sometimes I like to wash my hair in the sink when I don’t have time for the full-on-hop-in-the-shower. Is that weird?

Lisa - Those pictures are GREAT! Yep, Dad washed my hair over the sink every day. 🙂

katy - Cool pics, I can definitely see your girls in your pics. Yes, I had many a hairwashing in the sink…what was up with that????

Julie - Very nostalgic! Your daughters do look just like you! I have one mini-me, a daughter, and one son looks like me. Very sweet post. I like the first photo of you ~ lots of personality!

Elizabeth - My mom and grandma still wash theirs in the sink. . . eeeeeewwwww!

Katie (Re:fresh Design Studio) - Wow, so fun to see that your girls look just like you!!
Yes, my mom always washed my hair in the kitchen sink or laundry room sink, haha!

Anna Marie - These pictures could easily pass for Talby (besides the completely outdated surroundings…ha!).

jennifer - I don’t know if she did for me… BUT she STILL washes HERS in the sink to this day! Ha! (I swear!)

Jessica - One Shiny Star - Your kiddos look just like you!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Brings back those 80’s memories. Oh boy. Funny how everything looks so familiar. I wasn’t quite as stylish as you though. Amazing how your girls look like you. I look like the nanny with mine. They are all their father.

Melanie - Love the pictures!

Kristy - I think I had knickers just like that. And I do remember my mom washing her hair and my hair in the kitchen sink, funny thing is I wouldn’t think of doing that now.

Christine J. - Your Talby looks JUST LIKE YOU! So, so cute!!!

Bec - Of course she did! Sometimes when I’m visiting home and I am in a rush, I still use the good ol’ kitchen sink for a quick wash.

4JJM - WOW! Your daughters look exactly like you…how cool!!!

Trish - Cute… you look a lot like Talby 🙂

Melissa Gruber - love the flashback pictures. my grandma use to wash my hair in the kitchen sink!

Brittney - you look JUST like your girls! It’s scary!

Sarah Mahan - my mom washed my hair in the sink too!

CarrieBeth James - yes!!! my mom did! i was just talking about this to some friends!
recently i was kind of sick, and had to wear a heart monitor, so i couldn’t shower for a day. my boyfriend came over to hang out with me and i asked if he would wash my hair in the sink since i couldn’t shower. he was so kind to do so, and it brought back great memories! and for some reason it was hilarious, we laughed and laughed and laughed!

Jill J. - I would totally wear that top outfit! FASHION! And like everyone else said… Holy cow that looks like Talby!

Morning T - Wow, these bring back memories. My mom and her friends STILL was their hair in the kitchen sink to this day. Too funny…

Molly - Oh and yes my mom used to wash our hair in the kitchen sink. And in that last picture it looks like it COULD BE Annie!!!

Molly - I love this! Great pics!

Staci - It’s Talby! No, wait, it’s Annie 🙂 Oh man, I see your girls in those pictures of you 🙂 Sweet sweet pics. Yes, my mom would wash our hair in the sink….and then on Saturday night…we would all watch Love Boat and she would put those pink styrofoam curlers in our hair….also used that pink “Zippity Doo” stuff???? How funny! I can still smell that stuff 🙂 Thanks Meg 🙂

Audrey - Oh my goodness…your youngest two girls look just like you! Adorable!!

alyssa - i agree, i see talby so much!

alyssa - love the pics!

A pocket full of posies... - Oh my goodness!!! yes! she did! (and she STILL washes hers in the sink!) Too cute!!! what a fun trip down memory lane!

Nancy - You bet my mom washed our hair in the sink. I think with Prell or Suave. My neck would kill me at the end too. I had a Grandpa Harold, too, by the way. Carefree days.. ahhh

Kelly - That first pic with the socks and the knickers — hilarious! ha!

Heather R. - I see Talby in these pics of you! I remember my Mom floating around the pool in the same styrofoam seat…LOL. What a giggle. Thanks for sharing! ~Heather R.

Katie - Yes! My mom always washed my hair in the kitchen sink. Probably until I was older than I need to admit!

Tara @ the cinnamon post - I had the knickers…and mine were dusty rose. And the t-straps. Standard.
Love these.

Christy Henderson - Cute pictures! The first picture looks just like Talby!

Rebecca Kriner - Meg- is it me or does Annie look JUST like you?

Suzanne D - Those are awesome pictures!! I had blue knickers just like your purple ones – and I loved them!! Thanks for sharing!

LouBoo - Love these – there is something about the photography, the light that makes it look like every pic from my childhood too! Such 80s children. And all those records behind you in the first shot – so before ipods!! They were rockin a turntable… L x

Angela B. - So fun! That first picture of you looks so much like Talby. I also rocked the purple corduroy knickers and I would wear them with purple and pink argyle knee-high socks. I thought I was so stylish! Thanks for the fun flashback.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I can’t believe how much you look like your girls, or I should say they look like you…wow!

Lori - Mom would wash my hair in the kitchen sink too. And the water was always too hot! Love these pictures. Amazing to see how much Talby and Annie look like these pictures!

Courtney Walsh - these are awesome! I love the floating lawn chair!!
We definitely did the sink-wash! Is it weird that I still remember things like, towels and sheets we had when I was little? So weird!

angela - First of all, YES, every Saturday night my hair was washed in the kitchen sink!
Second, your Talby looks JUST LIKE YOU !!

Liz - These pictures are priceless, and you are adorable. How fun! Thanks for sharing.

Jill - i would still wash my hair in the kitchen sink sometimes if only my toddler/preschool aged boys didn’t try to smack me in the butt when i do it! 🙂
you were (still are) ADORABLE!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Awwww what a cutie! I love looking back at pictures when I was a kid. So many good memories!

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lemurs, llamas and tantrums

we went to tangayika wildlife park.
i had no clue what this place was so i was impressed with what i say.
and the kids LOVED the lemur exhibit.

IMG_8422 you were not allowed to pet them but they can jump on you if you let them.
this was sean's not-so-subtle way of encouraging the lemur to climb onto his lap.

craig was wearing camoflauge….at least in the lemur exhibit.

the goats were noisy. 


yes…you are correct….you eyes are not deceiving you.
it was a FAMILY night.  all 7 duerksen's in attendance.
not all 7 were happy about it but we did it…and survived.

annie fell down towards the end of out time and never recovered.
she cried for a really long time.  
she finally yelled "UGH!!! why did i w'run in my flip flops?!"  so mad at herself.
and later when getting in the car to go home "i am not going to run in my flip flops ever again"
yeah right…..

jeanne - That last photo…sweet girl. So cute what she said.

Kellie Dugan - Oh, those tears! So sweet. I still have to remind myself not to do things at 38. We never learn. I hope she feels better.

Elisa - Poor Annie…flip flops are a big deal for little girls. You have a big family like mine…I beat you with 8 of us here. My older girls don’t usually like family time together and the zoo is totally out of the question. So glad you were able to spend it together. Have a blessed day.

Gemma - So cute! Running in flipflops is dangerous..the amount of times i’ve nearly had a fall. Looks like a great day out : ) Just to let you know I linked to you in my blog…hope this is ok!
Gemma X

Niki - This is like literally 3 minutes from my new house! I can’t wait to visit and take my 4 kids! I’m so excited to hear good things about it!

Rachael B - I am so surprised to see Lauren! she is so beautiful, glad to see her in some pictures 🙂 lol!

emily - lauren’s dress is ADORABLE. where did she get it?

julia - isn’t it funny how with your fist you’re all on top of them when they cry…by number 5 (3 for me) you take a picture of it! When mine cries I usually turn to whoever is next to me and say “doesn’t she look cute when she cries?”

Heather - How could you NOT pet the lemurs??? When they were so close?? How unfair. And oh the tears. Nobody cries quite so well as a little girl after a long day. I think if we could, we’d have a lot less problems in our lives. Just get it all out and then go play.

designHer Momma - looks like an awesome field trip! Yeah, running in flip flops is danger, danger, danger.

candace - Aww, you’ve built great memories! You seem so good at that – being intentional about good memories for your kids. Annie is sweet! Does she get more upset when you try to take her picture in that state or is she just accustomed to having a camera around? My neice HATES it when I take her picture.

haleigh - i’ve been reading your blog for a while and i love your spark and color. i found your annies preschool blog through yours. i am an elementary education major and i hope that i can create such a fun, learning environment that she has for her preschoolers when i get my own classroom. you’re very lucky to have someone care about annies education so early.

Tam - oh that looks like so much fun. I love Annie’s dress, I bought the same one for my niece. Annie crying breaks my heart-running in flip flops is definitely a bad combo 😉

lifeologia - We love lemurs! Ever since Madagascar my daughter who is only 2 1/2 loves them. I found a cereal for her called Leapin’ Lemurs from EnviroKidz (great organic cereal by the way) and we just love them – wish we could go to a Lemur exhibit too. Poor Annie – big hugs to her.

Georgia - Awww Annie looks so sad, Flip flops are definatly not for running in… Toe scrapes… Owwwwie!!! i can sympathise with her pain.

Vera - I was just going to pop in and pull up pictures of your kitchen to show my husband, but when I was scrolling down, sweet Annie’s tears made it impossible for me not to read and comment – that girl is the SWEETEST!! The lemur exhibit sounds awesome! My kids always want to go into the zoo exhibits, especially the monkeys, so they would love it.

sarah - How NEAT!!
i love that you can be that close the the lemurs.
Poor Annie 🙁

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Love these!
I’m sighing over not-all-7 wanting to go together. I’m totally dreading when my little one grows up and doesn’t want to spend time with us. I remember that age so well, when I was soooo embarrassed to be with my parents. I remember wanting the floor to swallow me whole one time at the movies because (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT) MY MOTHER WANTED TO BUY POPCORN. I know! Who on earth EVER buys popcorn at the movies?! ::rolling my eyes::
Hang in there. She will want to hang out with you again. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, precious!
Kiss sweet Annie’s knee for me!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Cute! All those lemurs remind me of Madagascar.
Darn flip-flops! Camden had a flip-flop related scraped knee this week too. Which really just means a new princess band-aid every hour.

Courtney Walsh - awww, poor Annie. That is such a cool place, though!! How awesome to be able to sit right in there with them!
I want a lemur. lol

Diana - we are wanting to go to tanganyika sometime soon. sounds like so much fun.
so sorry, annie… i have done that in my flip-flops, too… ouchie.

Tere - love the share

Dianne Avery - You got to pet Lemurs!! That is so cool. I’m going to go google right now and find a place near me to do that too.

Whitney - Megan, I love keeping up with the kids as they grow up. Talby is just “mini-you”! Love the striped shirt and lemur tails photo – hilarious!

Kendra - So fun! Our family has been wanting to go there too but haven’t made it yet! That is so cool to be in there with the lemurs! Thanks for showing us pictures of it!

Krista - How nice you got out will all of the kids– I can’t believe how big they are all getting. Thanks for sharing!!

Staci - Awwww 🙁 That picture captures it all!!! Poor Sweet Annie 🙂 What a great place though!!!!

Laura - This is unrelated to your post. I am hoping that you and your children will make your summer poster this year. And when you do, will you link to your last ones? It will be here before we know it! Thanks, Meg!

Lisa - Hey Meg, I love how close you could get to the Lemurs. Big hugs to you, it is hard when a child wants to distance themselves. Good on you for insisting on holding onto family values. They will be thankful for it one day. xxx

Kristi - How in the world did they resist petting those cute little boogers!

RLG - That picture (Annie’s tears) is priceless. I’m going to have to remember to try and get some of mine crying. LOL Thanks for sharing the good and the bad, Meg. It makes me feel so much more human (and every mom needs that). xoxo

LouBoo - The flipflops comment just made me laugh out loud – so much like my son! They learn but its oh-so-hard! Such a cute picture with the tears – heart-breaking x

Kelly - OMG! I can’t you were allowed to get so close to the lemurs! How cool!!!

angela - Hope ALL of you had fun…even though it’s not COOL to be with your family!

Sandy - Love them all, but I have to say Annie is so precious. What a doll! Wondering if she gets mad when you take pictures of her crying?

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shhh…don’t tell craig

waffle isn't allowed on the furniture….
when craig is home. 

i am supposed to kick him off too but this was way too cute.

he likes to watch clifford.  
and he is cuddly and warm to sit by.

i will keep your secret waffle.

Lynn - Our dog isn’t supposed to be on the sofa either but the first time my mom let him up and he cuddled up to her, put his head on her lap and gave a huge sigh, there was no going back.
I love the doggie sofa cuddles.

Suzanne Gallagher - What a face! Too Cute!

miley d - way to go waffle!!!!!!!!!!

Kellie Dugan - I love waffle! He can come sleep on my couch anyday. They are brand new too! I love his long wavy and curley hair. I bet this is good for the summer coming up or are you having trouble with all the pet hair on the floor too? We vacuum every other day.

linda lou - annie is such a angel sleeping and waffle too..(:

Lindsay - We started out not letting our dogs on the couch. We changed. We ran out of room for 2 large dogs and 2 people. Ended up buying a new couch to fit us all!

Amanda C. - Nothing made me happier as a little girl than laying on the couch with my puppy! Those are wonderful memories!

Barb Cassidy - Too cute! And I just love Annie’s outfit!

Kimberlee J. - Somehow, I’m guessing Craig knows…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love his name. Waffle…so sweet and fitting:)

Sandy - Love it! Please remind us where you got his collar.

Laura Phelps - I’m telling….

Tracy - LOL I LOVE this picture! He’s so adorable and it looks like he is protecting little miss Annie. :o) If it were up to me, my babies that we used to have would have SLEPT between me and the hubster but he wouldn’t hear of it – HA!

lifeologia - Soo cute. He looks so cuddly. Just wanted to drop a note that I’m doing my 1st GIVEAWAY on my blog. Hope you can come visit and enter. Everyone is invited 😉

Lanny Stanard - waffle got his summer doo… He can come on my couch any time 🙂 he’s so cute !

Erika at BluLabel Bungalow - first time here. i’m loving all the vivid colors and beautiful family photography. i can tell there’s lots of love in your home. so kind for you to share with us!

Melanie - He is so cute and looks like he loves to snuggle.

Jaime Melcher - So sweet! I loved Waffle so much from your blog that we got our own during Spring Break… Her name is Abbey & she is great with our girls!
Best dog, EVER!

Stephanie Carroll - I love that dog!

Jessica from Stars and Clouds - How adorable! Both of them! You are a lucky woman, Meg!

Christy - They are so cute! Little Annie is just the sweetest looking little cherub & Waffle! Sigh, I love him. I have two Labs (not doodles).

Amanda - Such cute pictures. Waffle is so adorable! They had puppies like him in our local pet shop – it took every bit of will power I had not buy one.

Staci - Secret is ever so safe with me 🙂 And you are right….that is just too precious!!! I miss a big dog around 🙁

april - i love that waffle loves clifford…..<3

elisa - love 🙂

kelly - That was too sweet to pass up! I love that second photo…

sarah - That is precious.

pam - how comfy cozy!!!

nichole shinners - look at that face.. he knows. Dogs are so funny, they know the mama gives in… just like our dogs know too 😉

Julie - Looks like a different dog when clipped! Very cute. I can see that Clifford would be a favorite!

Kate - Oh, cute!!!!

Courtney Walsh - that second picture is adorable. What a sweetie.

Dianne Avery - Ahhh, that’s to cute to break up! I would have allowed that too. 🙂

Michelle - so cute. . . we have the same rule at our house. . .except I am like craig 🙂 Jonathan lets them up all the time when I am not home.

Barbara - The two of them together is just too cute for words…I bet Dad secretly thinks so too!

emily - we have the same secret in our house!
there’s nothing cuter than a kiddo cuddling on the couch with their furry friend!!!!

Penny - Oh, Waffle, you are so sweet! We are guilty too. Our Golden and our Goldendoodle are lap dogs! They love to cuddle.
Amy–I breed doodles, they really are pups for at least 18 months. A good long walk(if possible) or a game of catch should get some of that energy out. Our 11 month old doodle is calming down more all the time. They just want to have fun, fun, fun! 🙂 I think it’s because they are so smart, they really like stimulation. Try working on tricks and fetch, it will wear the pup out. Our Golden settled down a lot once she reached about 20 months. (Sorry!)I wish you luck. Once you are over that puppy stage you really will have about the best dog out there! They are wonderful for families.

paige - love that waffle & his secret life too

Ashley - Ah! I have the same pics of my dog and girl! And your secret is safe with me – as long as no one tells my hubby!! How funny that there are all these comments about hubbys and the wives being the rule-breakers! hehe!

Tam - I have to laugh! The same thing happens in our house, but then I get mad at myself for letting Yankee get on the couches when i’m cleaning up dog hair! He’s a labradoodle-he’s not supposed to shed…but he does 🙁 I think he needs a hair cut like Waffle’s.

Nienke at Revel - Goodness me – so cute! I’m on the hunt for a new puppy and my #1 requirement is that it likes to cuddle 🙂

Barb - Oops. I think the jig might be up. (Unless Craig doesn’t read your blog; then you might be safe.)

Gemma - He is lovely! Love the name waffle 😀 Mine isn’t allowed on the furniture either…but he is lovely and soft!
If you guys get a chance please visit my blog
Gemma X

AmyB - Sooo cute!!
I don’t allow my dog on the furniture either but sometimes when I’m sick and laying on the couch…I’ll let him climb up and cuddle next to me… 🙂

Marie - So cute…and I suspect Waffle knows that;)
Ours aren’t allowed on the furniture, either, but somewhere along the way, they decided it is okay to get on the couch when we aren’t home. If I let my bedroom door open, my one dog sneaks in there and snuggles up on my bed. When I walk up the steps, she hears me coming, and I hear the “thump” of her quickly hopping off. So sneaky!

Amy Mierzejewski - Okay, I have two comments and one question about this post:
1. Waffle is adorable
2. We have the same “rules” when dad is out of the house at work.
3. I have a 6 month old goldendoodle (who looks just like waffle!) and he is still WAAAYYY hyper! Like, he would never just lounge around like that without attempting to wrestle, gnaw, or hump. How old is Waffle? When did he get to be so mellow? Give a girl some hope please…

Debby - Awwww…too cute!

Chris Kauffman - Awww , that’s so sweet, our pups always sit with us , but their breed is a “companion” dog , it would be cruel not to let them up they are just little , my buddies , did you know not all dogs notice or can see tv , it is a sign of greater intellegence , my one dog loves anything on tv with animals the other dog can not even see whats on ….

Darlene - Your secret is safe with me. I love cuddling with my 3 dogs. Anytime, anyplace.

Heather R. - So sweet. A cuddle and Clifford…can you blame him? 🙂

Emily - We have the exact opposite thing going on over here, I hate the dogs on the furniture. Not because they are not awesome to snuggle with, but because I’m the one who has to vacuum the couches and spray them with febreze when they make it smelly.

jack - I like his new haircut!

kelly - Roscoe’s not allowed on the furniture either… Yeah, right. Good thing that poodles and doodles are basically non-shedders, huh? 😉

krystall - Too cute, I would do the exact same thing!!!

Cate O'Malley - haha, our dog isn’t supposed to be on the couches either. when i walk by, and he is, he gets real still, like if he plays the statue game, i might not notice 110 lbs of massive dog beast on the couch. as if.

Jessica - One Shiny Star - It only get’s worse from there. I let my dog start sitting on the couch occasionally, and now she gets up there every time we’re gone. She’s even started standing on it so she can peak her head through the curtains and bark at people.
It’s a slippery trail my friend.

Angie - I. Heart. Waffle.

alyssa - he is just too cute!!!!

Jill - we have cats. they do what they like whether we want them to or not! 🙂

Mother Runner - same for jett.
my shadow.
1st commenter – it’s like i’m the coolest blog follower EVER!

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peanut butter pie {craig’s favorite}


craig’s birthday was last week.
on easter he asked for a peanut butter pie….ON easter day.
yeah no.
i was busy…making coconut cream pie for my sugar-deprived self.
but i remembered his request and made it for his birthday.

if you like peanut butter….you HAVE to make this.
everyone who tries it says something like “OHHHHH! YUUUUMMMM!” after their first bite.
first i made PW’s pie crust.
(i am wearing a quilted apron…made of all polyester pieces…from the thrift shop….i love it.)

roll it out.
this is a labor of love….it’s messy.

make it look pretty.
then bake it for 10 – 15 minutes.

mix peanut butter and powdered sugar together with a fork…

until it looks like this….
then put 3/4 of it at the bottom of your cooled pie crust.

my pie crust baking skills are very raw.
it hasn’t worked quite right yet…doesn’t keep it’s shape.
but i will just keep practicing.
it tastes fabulous though…and i don’t even like pie crust!

don’t laugh at my pie crust…i am trying here people!!
it’s not pillsbury and THAT is the important part of this story.

whisk the pudding mix with milk and pour on top of the peanut butter crumbles.
refrigerate it for a few minutes for it to set.


after it’s set, spread a container of whipped topping on top of the pudding.
(or you could make homemade whipped cream…if you are awesome)
sprinkle the remaining peanut butter crumbles on the whipped cream.
refrigerate until you are ready to serve.

this is so good.
i think it may be a midwest recipe.
it seems like it is….but maybe i am way off.
it makes me think of church potlucks or family renuions.
in a good way.




Randi - Made this last night, my husband loves it!

Chad - I have wanted to find this recipe for about 15 years. I had this pie a few times at church potlucks but the lady that made it refused to share the recipe. I do not see where you have it posted either. Can you help me find it?

Denise - Please post the link for the recipe because I can’t find it.

lisa - this is very close to the recipe my husband uses for his peanut butter pie recipe which he ‘borrowed’ from an amish bakery in ohio! it’s awesome!!! lucky you 🙂

sarah - i’m making this tomorrow for a baby shower i’m hosting. the guest of honor is going to LOVE this!
one question: when it’s cut into slices does it keep it’s shape? i want to pre cut the pie and have it on plates ready for serving. but i won’t do it if it’s not going to look beautiful.
any suggestions?

Kathy Young - Hi Meg, I’ve never posted before but I do follow and enjoy reading your blog. I read other poster’s tips for pie crust & agree that you can’t stretch pie dough much because it will shrink back. When you flute the edges, be sure to snag it over the edge of the pie dish a little with each pinch to give it something to “hold” on to while baking. Then either prick it well with a fork or weight it to prevent it from bubbling while pre-baking.
After that my best advice is to relax and go with however the finished crust turns out because something made at home with love beats store bought any time no matter what it looks like! 🙂

Michele - Made this yesterday. It was so yummy! TFS!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Yum!
And.. God heavens, you have pretty hands!

juliann brenner - Oh Megan, this looks so delicious……..I bet it would be tasty with mini-recees cups crumbled on top – PB and chocolate and pie crust, oh my.

Mansi - Hi Meg,
I have been following your blog since last 1.4 years.
You have been such an inspiration & the blog is full of colors & blessings.
No wonder, each of us dream to have an ideal house like yours.
I am from India & unlike you all, belong to a different segment of world where women are still bound by so many roles & responsibilities that most of us prefer to give up on our hobbies & craft skills.
I have recently thought of starting an inspiration blog that might help me to share some good practices of the west with the east.
Please feel free to visit my blog
It’s not as good as yours but I am trying 🙂
Please feel free to share some suggestions to make it better.

Karen - Oh man, don’t all guys LOVE peanut butter!?! I love your pie crust… it’s homemade! YUM. Thanks for the recipe!

Gemma - That looks great but unfortunately i’m allergic to Peanuts! If I wasn’t I would definately make it..
If any of you get a chance please take a peek at my blog
Gemma X

Elizabeth - Yum. I wish that I could have a piece right now! I was a pastry chef before I became a mother, and I have a couple of tips for you about pie crust if you’ll forgive my presumption:
1. Don’t overmix the dough — use cold butter and/or shortening, and you should see little bits of it scattered throughout
2. Blind bake your crust. After you lay it out in the pan, lay a sheet of tin foil over it and fill it with beans. Bake it that way and it won’t shrink down.

robin - OK, I didn’t put on any cute apron, but I made this pie tonight and it was DELISH. I even got inspired and went all out with a stouffers family lasagna and garlic bread beforehand. My family was SHOCKED and are being so nice to me. 🙂 Thanks for the wonderful recipe!

Tanya H - oh my YUM! Thank you!!!

Rebekah - That looks SO good! I wish I could make one. My daughter is allergic to peanuts and while we do keep a jar in the house for my husband and me to have sandwiches once in a while, I don’t cook with them because I’m afraid the fumes might cause her to have an allergy attack! Maybe one day when she’s not at home… 🙂

Melanie - I made PW’s cinnamon rolls this past week and there is an art to dough. Just keep practicing. You will get it.
I don’t eat anything peanut butter except plain old pb&j. The pie looks good though.

candace - oh, that sounds (and looks) goooood! can’t wait to try it, but i will be honest, it will probably be in a pillsbury pie shell. 🙂

kathleen - hi, love your blog…love the pie. I am going to have to try to make it. Have you ever tried the trick with foil and no pie weights… that’s what finally conquered my wonky pie crust… is where I found it.
I’ve always wondered if phrases like “easy as pie” and “pie crust promise, easily made easily broken” were sarcastic, because I found pie crust to be the most challenging thing I had ever tried… and I cook alll the time….

Meredith - I make the same recipe but with homemade pudding instead of the box kind. It is delicious. The funny thing is, whenever guests have it, everyone agrees it is such a southern recipe! (I’m in North Carolina.) I guess we all like to claim the really good recipes. 🙂

Alicia - I am sorry to be laughing out loud at your pie crust…only because I know from experience, sadly. Glad to hear about the weight things. You really crack me up–much love!

Kellie Dugan - I have never heard of this type of peanut butter pie recipe. I will have to try this. My hubby loves peanut butter anything.
I just purchased your “4” shirt from etsy. Thanks, I had not even thought of what my son would wear for his BD. Oh the things that slip our mind till the last minute.

Bec - I’m definitely going to give it a try with chocolate pudding! (I had mono for a month straight once and all I could eat was jello and vanilla pudding so they are on my dislike list now)

Lisa - Um Yummy, I was thinking that it would be so easy to substitute the peanut butter if you had nut allergies to something like chocolate spread. MMMMMMM

Amy - This is a great pie. Some have commented about using chocolate pudding. I make it both ways and it is great both ways. When you use chocolate pudding, you can also add chocolate shavings/sprinkles on top with the peanut butter crumbles. Also very good. Hmmmm, I think I need to go make a pie!!

merlin - That pie crust spells L-O-V-E, and that makes it perfect!

tess s. - i just made this recipe. i used a graham cracker crust because it’s what i had. i also mixed in cool whip with the pudding mixture and then added some on top too. i’m not sure how the graham cracker crust and the peanut butter crumble will hold up together but here’s hoping. thanks for the recipe!
my husband walked into the kitchen as i ws making the pie. “is that a peanut butter pie?” me: “yes” him: “really?!?!?” i think it’ll go over just fine.

Lee Ann - You just made my DAY!!! I was looking all weekend for a PB pie recipe that had the crumbles on top!!! My baby sitter (when I was a little girl) made one like this! I can’t wait to try it!!!
Tips for the pie crust. Put it in the freezer (after it’s in the pan) for a bit before you bake it. If it’s super cold, it won’t shrink as much. you can also buy “pie weights” at a kitchen store, and they keep it from bubbling up so much. Awesome start!!! I’m a pie crust snob 🙂

karin c - Pie crust is an interesting breed! I can’t see how you placed the rolled out dough in your pie plate, but remember that if you pull the dough up to cover the plate (stretching it to fit) that the pie dough will shrink back to the original size it was before you stretched it. That’s my guess on your shortened sides.
Pie weights or beans will keep the bottom from rising and being lopsided, they will keep the bottom flat.

Cami - Thanks for sharing 🙂 I have a son who honestly lives on peanut butter.

Jemm - That looks awesome! You can’t go wrong with homemade crust. I bet your hubby was very happy.

Tam - oh yum! that looks delicious. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the recipe, it’s a bit different from the PB pie we make. I can’t wait to try it!
Happy Belated Birthday Craig!

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - wow i am from the midwest and have never seen this before, ever! I’ve only made FROZEN pb pie, which is also delicious (and so so easy, recipe here if you want to try:
I’m curious to try this version now too, thanks!

Kimberlee J. - Can’t wait to try this!

ETruitt - My mother-in-law makes this every year for my husband on his birthday. They call it “Robert Redford Pie”. Maybe it was a favorite of his too??

tinycandi - That looks amazing! I’ve never actually made a pie before (aside from helping my grandma make pies since I was little…didn’t require a lot of work on my part)…but I may just have to try making this one!

Tanya - I am now starving

Courtney Walsh - I am a huge PB pie fan!! Would be fun to put some little mini Reeses’ on the top, just because, you know, I love those too!
About the crust…do you sort of wrap it around the edge of the pie plate? I am certainly no expert, but I do make a mean apple pie (seriously, it is A.MA.ZING.) and the recipe actually says to wrap it around the edge of the plate an it works like a charm! (Of course, you cover it with another layer of crust, so maybe that’s why it holds up so well.
Hm. At any rate, it’s worth a shot, no? I don’t really think it matters since this pie is gorgeous and looks super yummy! 🙂

Nancy - Alison will love this. She’s a huge peanut butter fan. As for pie crusts…I have a really easy and yummy recipe that you mix in the pie pan…no rolling out the dough. Doesn’t get any better than that!

RLG - Can’t wait to try it. BTW, I made the chicken enchiladas for my family when they came to visit. My mother actual said, “These are the best enchiladas I’ve ever had.” And she’s the cook in the family, not me. So thanks for making me look so good, Meg. Much love to you. xoxo

Bethany - I agree with Carrie, you need pie weights… Bed, Bath and Beyond usually carries them for about 5 bucks. They’re well worth the investment and they can be used over and over. Peanutbutter is one of my favorites, I’ll have to give this a try!

Lori - Yum! thanks for sharing!

Julie - I have a son who will LOVE this! Thanks for the recipe!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - This looks heavenly and probptly made it on the menu for when my bestest blogging friend comes to visit me in 2 weeks (we’ve never met in person). She loves peanut better! I can’t wait to swap stories over this one.

Tricia - Oh.My.Goodness. I am on this ridiculous reese’s pb cup thing lately and if you threw chocolate shavings on top of that pie, I would probably eat the whole thing!!
Thanks for sharing and happy belated, Craig.

Anna Marie - I had peanut butter pie for the first time a few months ago and I couldn’t believe I had never had it before! “Where have you been my whole life???” It was very similar to yours except for the crumb stuff which sounds like “icing on the cake”…I mean pie 😉

Grace - Wow. I think I need to stop reading blogs when I have to be on strange diets. I went off sugar last week and now I have to be on a clear-liquids-only diet.
It sure looks tasty! 😀 And I’m trying it as soon as I possibly can!

Tara - hummmmm??? who is my life is having a birthday??? I wanna make one!

Casey - I am making this TONIGHT! No… make that NOW! Yummy. Who doesn’t love peanut butter pie?? Thanks for sharing!

`Kelly - As “fate” would have it, today is my husband’s birthday. Too bad he doesn’t like peanut butter. Yeah, I know, it’s wrong but I don’t hold it against him. My birthday isn’t until November but good thing Mother’s Day is coming up! I’ll make it for myself then! 🙂 Thanks for sharing – yum!

Staci - My hubby would love this 🙂 We make a version of it….only it is peanut butter ICE CREAM pie 🙂 Heavy cream, vanilla ice cream, pb and then you freeze it!….oh man, I want some right now 🙂 “Pie, Pie, me oh my…I love pie!!!” Do you know what movie that’s from?

Heather - Okay, is it too early in the morning for all this goodness? I think I’ll have peanut butter pie for desert – after my cereal. Yum!

Jessica - One Shiny Star - What kind of pudding mix is this, vanilla? I wonder if it would be good with chocolate… ya know, kind of like a Reese’s cup?

Melody - Meg, my mom worked at Marie Calender’s in the 70’s here in California, and she said they had peanut butter pie there and it was “to die for.” She said their version was like a peanut butter type custard with meringue on top. YUM!

Mary Beth - I was just thinking about making a pie this weekend…you have me craving your peanut butter one for sure! thanks for sharing it with us!

Carrie - You need pie weights – or save money and use dry beans when you blind bake a pie crust.
After you have placed the crust in the pie plate, just prick the crust a couple of times with a fork, place some parchment paper on the crust, and then put the dry beans in on top. This will help keep it from shrinking.

Laura Phelps - next year I will hire you to make me a birthday pie
and I will come to your house to get it
and stay for a couple of weeks
and help with the kids
and bake with you
and go to thrift shops
and drink coffee
and to the commenter above, Jenn…you can make a chocolate cookie crust, or add chocolate chips, or drizzle a chocolate ganahche on top….

Jen - Yum! I have a certain 13 yo who would LOVE this. I may just have to figure out a way to add chocolate though–chocolate pudding instead? Chocolate pie crust? Chocolate whipped cream??? Thanks for sharing!

mom - Meg-
Just as a side note – the first time we ever had this recipe it came from your Grandmother Ranney. She had it somewhere and came home and made it for every family event for several years. The last time I made it for a family gathering she said, “This is wonderful. Where did you get the recipe?” I said, “From you!” She didn’t remember ever making it!
But it’s a keeper.

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random pictures from last week…

we had a lot of rain last week.

he doesn't look like this anymore…he's bald again.
i am so happy it's campfire season again!
they are inseparable.
we bought a new memory game (again) and annie is really good.
and i was very distracted.  

annie bites the lids….
talby lined these up in the jar in rainbow order.  
then she got mad when they got messed up…she is an organizer.

we took scott to see an all star game.
he asked me for pen and paper to get this guy's autograph.  i didn't have any but i had my camera.
it took scott about five minutes to work up the nerve to ask him for a photo with him.
it was so cute.

craig…who is this guy?

planted in pots.

two boys angry about getting haircuts….
a scene at dinner time taken by talby….

new behavior reward system we are working on…i am pretending i am a teacher.  :)
maybe i will have a pizza party when it's full.

all the pillows are gone from the shop.
they always go so fast.
thank you for that.

the tees i have in the shop are long sleeve.  
I know that it's spring and i should have short sleeve….but i didn't want to buy more tees before i sold 
the ones i already had.
so that is why.
i haven't lost my mind.

today i finished my photography schedule.
and i put it on my photography blog.
there is a button up top on the left to link to it and it looks like this:
i sent an email to everyone who asked to be on the spring schedule last night.
if you didn't get it…check your spam.
and of course it's possible that i missed someone.
if so…just click the button and find a date that would work for your family.

once the dates are full…that's it.
i can't do more than what is there.
there is just no time.
so once they are gone…there will be no more added.

ps… workout today was awesome.
i feel like a power house now that i am a "runner".  ha ha ha.
i ran and ran and ran.
no more 6 minutes for me.
bring on the 35!  

Lou - todays my birthday!!!!!!

anna. - Your cut is SO cute. Uber chic.

Dianne Avery - I’m so happy to see that I’m not the only one who’s daughter kick her butt at the memory game.

Vera - Oh no, I missed pillows! I’ve been stalking you to snag one for that nursery that was inspired by your guest/play/reading room. I love your random pictures!

Katie - I have a big fluffy dog (love the name Waffle BTW) and we shave her in the summer but were getting concerned when her hair began getting matted close to her skin. It turns out that if you shave them too much their hair doesn’t grow back correctly (or something like that). I just wanted to share.

regina - I am curious of your reward system w/the marbles. I am using stickers and my daughter is getting tired of stickers.
Love the hair by the way:)

julia - Dear Santa’s Little Helper,
I love all your pictures. I need to go around places in my world and take some pictures of things that make me happy. That’s what it seems like you do.
Your dog Waffle looks like he has loads of personality. Does he have a brother/sister/cousin in need of a good home?

tara - running is a DRUG. but a good one. you’re awesome.

Kacey - Yay on the running! You’re an inspiration.
I love peeking in on your happy and colorful life.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Oh my- I started the marble jar yesterday too! How funny! It’s really just for stubborn Chloe’s back-talk. I’m thinking more marbles will be coming OUT than going in for a while. And I did do it when I was a teacher also 🙂

a-m - I love looking at your photographs, they really brighten my day – thanks!
I hit the Gym again today (after four months away and lots of Christmas and Easter chocolate!), I only managed 10 minutes ‘running’ (more like trotting!) on the treadmill (I did do other things, just not much running!). Now you’ve said you’re aiming to do 35 minutes, I’m going to try and get there too. Admittedly, I’ve never ‘run’ for that long in my life ever, so it may take a while!
Thanks for the inspiration!
a-m x

Kelly Harper - o.k.. girl… stumbled onto your blog and inspired by your beautiful work. Your house, photos, sewing… you are SO talented! Just saw that you are from Wichita. I don’t know why but your name sounds so familiar to me? i, too, grew up in Wichita… went to McCollom Elem. school and then 1 year at hmmm… is it bad, that i totally CANNOT remember the name of the junior high! Moved to Seattle when i was in the 7th grade… didn’t know if you had also grown up in Wichita and we may have been schoolmates…
Totally not meaning for this to sound “stalkerish”!

Emily - fwiw…Clevin Hannah is the WSU player 🙂

Maria - Waffle looks so cuddly in that picture…can’t wait for more pillows to come…
and if you ever travel down South and have time to take some pictures…well, let’s just say we have lots of opportunities for you to try out some awesome food…

Barb - Your haircut is so stinkin’ cute! You’ll have to show us Waffle’s new ‘do, too. 😉

Mother Runner - I love you!
…and the boy’s name is Michael. hahahahahaahaha

Jennifer - Will you be selling more pillows soon? My 18 yr. old debated about staying home from school so she could buy one and I debated about staying home from work – Our conscious got the better of us….They are so pretty and we would love to buy one. I know you have a crazy schedule but please make more soon!!!! Have a great week!

kristine - you look GREAT! and i love that you cut their hair! so awesome!

Laura Phelps - that’s my haircut!
and I am growing it out.
but…I kept it for over a year, and loved loved loved it!!!
I think turning 40 has me thinking I need a new do….
easier than losing weight.
rock that new hair sister! You are beautiful.
and more pillows, please….I want Nick to buy me one for mothers day…..

Lisa - Your hair is so cute. All the photos are awesome, but I just kept thinking, “Dang. Such great hair.” Happy Monday.

sarah j - i think the trick to running is alternating between walking and running! make a promise to yourself that you’ll run for a certain amount of time, then allow yourself a little break…and then repeat. you’ll find you can go way father than you thought, simply because mentally you are not running for 35 minutes–you’re running for 4 or 5. little segments.
who knew running was really all mental?
you can DO IT!

Melanie - Nice pictures!
And good for you on the jogging. It hurts my knees. Must be my age….42! LOL!

Bec - I just got done taking a class all about behavior and it’s function and the usefulness of token (reward) systems so if you ever have any questions, let me know! 😉 Or I can lend you the book from my class haha.

chasity - yay for random photos!
love the one with annie and her bff….aren’t they adorable?!
and talby must be a kindred spirit~ love the way she thinks

Georgia - I have been checking your etsy all day (in Uk time, so i thought i would have a head start) and i missed the pillows!!! haha
typical – thats fate telling me to stop spending money

Tere - I’m glad you and Annie are wearing your Christmas shirts 🙂
My son bites the pens too, grrr.
Keep us posted on the reward system.
I missed the pillows too, I even rolled out of bed at 6am PDT to logon with my iPhone. Guess this west coast girl should have been up earlier. There’s always next time.

Jessica - One Shiny Star - I’m sad I missed the pillows, I guess I’ll have to be quicker next time. 🙁

Angela - Were ya’ll making S’mores with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? That sounds sooooo yummy. I think I need to go start a campfire right now and try that.:)

Staci - Listen to YOU….all powered up and confident!!! YAY YOU!!!!!! Can I borrow some?? I love your randomness 🙂 And I am sad your pillows are already sold out…but I called that didn’t I??!!! hee hee 🙂 Happy Monday !!!!!

angela - I love that you have on a santa shirt and your daughter had on a snowman shirt!!:) And I love that she bites the lids…I do too! Your blog is fabulous…even though I DID want one of those pillows.:(

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about 8:30 am.  :) 

Tammi - Great job on the 5k! I just ran my first one and my 4 yr old ran the 1 mile, it was lots of fun!!
BTW…love the cupcake prints that sold on your Etsy shop. Any way you will have more of those?

Sheila P. - AAAARRGGHH! I missed out on getting one of your pillows! …that does it – I may have to try to make one myself!
Congrats on rockin’ it in the 5K!

Kelly O. - ummm…excuse me–but where’d all the stuff go!! 🙂
I took a blog break for the weekend, just read this now, go to the shop and….nothing…. well not really nothing but…ummmm…pretty close!
Good for you Meg!

julia - are you on flickr?

katy - in LOVE with these, the colors and prints are fantastically happy! 🙂

mary elizabeth - OH ONE DAY!!!!! One day I will be fast enough to gwet one of those funky pillows for my new kitchen that was inspired by you!!!!! One day I will be quick enough!!

angela - Need to go check out your Etsy site!! Love the trim on these pillows!

Jessica from Stars and Clouds - Oh no, nothing there? Gone already? Not there yet? And you so need to make a sock monkey shirt in my size!! Custom Order?

Courtney Walsh - Do you have a pre-sale? lol I seriously went to Pier One thinking I was in the market for their adorable new brightly colored pillows and then I realized I can’t afford more than one. And forget about the curtains.
you know I will be too late to this party so if you ever want to open up a “Courtney only” shopping day, you just feel free to holler. lol

Pamela duMont - these are too cute…I need pillows for my porch furniture!

susan - Yay! I am soooo excited! I have been waiting for you to put more pillows in your shop!

Victoria - Beautiful pillows!!!
I just requested for women only through my library. can’t wait to get it and read it.
Congrats on running!

Christy - Yay! love your pillows Can’t wait

Julie K. - Kiana got a glimpse of your pillows and got all excited! “Oh mommy! Polkadots! I want one!” Ahhhh … I’m training my three year old well. I already made her one but she likes yours better. 🙂 Cute!

Summer - okay 😉 I’m officially a stalker… hehe … been on etsy waiting since Julie posted about your pillows quite a while back 🙂

Melanie - Very cute!

Georgia - Ooooh more stuff!!! yay

Gemma - Well done on the 5k..such an achievement! Looking forward to seeing your stuff on Etsy…Take a look at mine if you get a chance 🙂
Gemma X

Jessica from Stars and Clouds - First of all, well done on the 5K! What an achievement! 🙂 You *should* be proud of yourself!
The pillows look so nice. Need to check them out, whatever 8,30am your time is in Italy 🙂 Will check after school then!

susie whyte - just in time!!! i need pink and red pillows to tie in my daughters bedding w her headboard!!!

Kate - AAGH!!!!
Excited! So excited!

Amanda Counter - I hope I get there in time! You have been sold out the last couple of times…I am such a snail.

Cate O'Malley - I missed them last time, so really hoping there’s some left in the am!

Maria - super cute! i want.

olivia - I LOVE them they look so cute

Sophie - just gorgeous!

tami reed - Those are so pretty and colorful,Wow!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - I need more color in my life. I often think about the picture I see on your blog and in your home. I’m really re-thinking my whole decor.

Lanny Stanard - I have to work… they’ll all be gone 🙁

Anna Marie - Do you have an idea about what time you are going to open?

Emily - adorable pillows! what is your Etsy shop, I’d love to check it out!

Staci - With all the big commotion in our lives yesterday….I didn’t get to check your blog (GASP)!!! Soooo, I’m just reading about your post about running 5K!!! WAY.TO.GO!!! I’ve never done anything like that….you inspire me in all ways Meg 🙂

Tonya Riggs - I can’t wait! 🙂

Staci - Someone’s been a sewin’ 🙂 Soooo super cute! Bad thing is…if I don’t set my alarm for 4:00 a.m. to buy one….they’ll already be sold out when I get to them 🙁 heee heee Oh yea….and I made your rainbow cake for Connor’s First Communion yesterday….BIG hit….HUGE!!!!!!! Thank you!

Sandy - If I send you a picture of my (20 y/o) daughter’s bedroom can you make a pillow to coordinate? How much are they?

Heather - You’ve been so busy!

Tere - You tease, can’t wait!

chasity - cute pillows…
and great job on your 5K.
what a rush!

Jessica - One Shiny Star - Super cute! 😀

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