Masthead header

dear diary,

this post is going to ramble on and on…with many links.
you have been warned.

i am feeling quite talkative today.
let's start with this:
1. Francesca's

it's my new favorite store.
they had THE BEST jewelry.
my friend kim took me there after she read about it on PW.
i loved it.

2. i saw that there is a 50% off gift certificates sale at MyPublisher now through mother's day.
that is a great deal!
i think i will buy myself some gift certificates.  :)

3.  i received a book in the mail yesterday.
it was sent to me from the publisher…

by request of maxwell gillingham-ryan.

i love it.
it is kind of like a super beautiful stylish ikea catalog.
is that insulting?
i hope not.
the point is small spaces….kind of like ikea.
the book is full of unique artsy rooms.
i am thrilled to own it.
it comes out May 11.  

4. we are moving right along on the dining room.  
the wallpaper is all gone and we will begin painting today.

5. i am a guest blogger today.
and because i am a total ding dong…it's the same post.
i was asked to do it by two people on the same day.
and somewhere over the course of the week i made them into the same person.
(melissa and erin ARE very similar names….right?)
so i only wrote one post.
they are both great sites….very different sites.
but both have the same post today.  
my fault.
but go read them anyway!

320 * Sycamore and today's mama

Kimberlee J. - Maybe I should’ve purchased that watch…

Leigh - I am a HUGE Francesca’s fan! I don’t go very often because dangerous things happen with my wallet.

Courtney Walsh - Oooh, the dining room will be so fun! Can’t wait to see it when you’re done! 🙂

Bringing Pretty Back - Just pourd my coffee and I am sitting here sipping and reading your blog while the family is sleeping… heavenly way to start my day.

Musings Of A Gem - Hope you had a nice mothers day : ) I read 302 sycamore too 😀 Great blog!
Gemma X

Christina - You are so funny…I call myself a ding dong, too. Like the old-school cakes. Soft and spongy on the outside, full of fluff on the inside. haha That refers to me, not you. 🙂 I think you are awesome. I think Ding Dongs are pretty cool too. haha
Why am I leaving this comment, I’m not sure. I hope it is not offensive.
And your dining room project is totally amazing…when you are done with that, feel free to come here, fix up our house and take pictures of my kids. 🙂

DreamGirlLisa - I can’t wait to see the finished dining room!! Nice post(s) about mothers, you inspire as always, thanks!!

meaghan - ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh nnnnnnnooooooooooo! you added word verification!!! 😉

meaghan - you. are. awesome.

nichole shinners - Ok, please tell me what color that is on your walls.. it is incredible!

Melanie - I am heading over to Melissa’s right now!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Awesome guest post! Great words. Thank you, Meg and Happy Mother’s Day!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I am always so pleased to find a new post. I wish you all the best this Mother’s Day Weekend. I was thinking about your pillows today, and your photography, and your lovely writing voice. You have been given many talents. Thank you for sharing them with us. I for one am very appreciative.

sarah - I went and read the post.
It’s perfect. So perfect that it is in fact ok that it’s posted for two separate blogs.
You put into words everything I feel that I can’t express as well as you.
Happy early Mother’s Day Megan!

julia - I made a book on MyPublisher and love them…well, not the price but the quality is amazing.

Leigh - meg, that was beautiful!

Julie - As a renter, Apartment Therapy has been a great place for me to visit! I love it! and I love that now there’s a book!

Kevyn - Hi Meg…I just stumbled upon your site this week. First off- I love your blog and all it entails…your home is so dreamy and you display a very realistic- yet FUN looking family. I have a question. Do you take custom orders for pillows…?
I am also a photographer and love what I do. Thanks for sharing your talents with the world.

Lori - I went to find Francesca’s after reading PW too. Loved it!
And great Mother’s Day post…yes, good enough to be in two places at one time! 🙂 Have a good day on Sunday!

Liz - Your guest blog post is AMAZING! Thank you! I really needed something like that! Happy Mother’s Day!

Jill - Thanks for the guest blogs. It couldn’t have come at a better time. I needed some mama inspiration to keep me going with these two boys of mine! Thank you.
On another note, we made your stuffed shells the other night and loved them. Keep sharing recipes that you use to feed that big family of yours. I’m going to need them with another boy on the way!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That is quite an honor! Now I’m off to check out all your links. Happy Mother’s day Meg:)

melissa*320 sycamore - I wish your guest post had been on 100 blogs today, because it’s something every mom needs to hear. Thank you again, Meg! Good luck with the dining room~can’t wait to see. Happy Mother’s Day~

Rachel / cREaTe - love that you merged 2 people [hilarious]. 🙂 but loved your mother’s day guest-post EVEN MORE. made me cry. so well written, so many WONDERFUL points. and the photos speak volumes to the lives your children are leading [as always]. such an awesome post – glad it can be found in TWO places in the internet world. 😉

Shar - The guest posts were so awesome. I got tears in my eyes just from the emotion. Enjoy those kids because it goes by way too fast. Now, I am a grandmother and it is going by way too fast. Happy Mother’s Day to someone who appears to be a #1 Mom!

Michelle - Can’t wait to see the dinning room. I showed my hubby the pic of the pipe from your post earlier this week. . . he told me this morning he woke up in a cold sweat last night dreaming about finding the same pipe in our house. ha! Totally different subject. . . but every time I see the commercials for the McGruger movie I think of you. . . . wonder if it will be as funny?

Queen Bee - Oh Meg, THANK YOU for the MyPublisher link!!! I get emails from them but delete them after a half glance. I use them to make a coffee table book every year of my daughter’s life. I wait until they have a BOGO or a B1Get-One-1/2-Off sale, and give a copy to my mom for Christmas. Combine those sales with this gift certificate savings and I’m in savings heaven!! Thank you!!!!!! I LOVE MyPublisher!

mel - I love Apartment Therapy, that book looks neat!
And, your chandelier is gorgeous!

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the little girlies

so happy it's spring.

12 days of school left.
ready for ice cream cones.
bare feet
mornings on the porch
lightening bugs
iced coffee
sun tans
sleeping in

bring it. 


kristine - can’t wait for your summer to-do list too! i feel like you just did last year’s! time flies! 🙂 and that’s what marks my anniversary of reading you! i’m on year three! woohoo!

Janine - 12 days??? We have more than 6 weeks left! End of June! When do they start school?
Your girls are beautiful

Anessa - I love those flowers. My parents had bushes like those outside there house. We would play barbies around those trees and use those little flowers as bouquets. Now I always call them barbie bouquets. I always thought it would be fun to have a flower girl throw tons of those little flowers at a wedding.

CarrieBeth James - sounds perfectly heavenly!

Kirsten - Augghh we still have 30 days. At least the sun is shining today. Finally. It actually snowed here (outside Seattle) on Wednesday. What a colorful little girl Annie is 🙂 And I love that Talby horn shot!

Sophie - Such wonderful little girlies (:
And I think that Talby is starting to resemble Lauren a lot (:

Marie de Paris - ici , il manqueme soleil et la chaleur surtout !

Audrey - Only 8 days for us!!!!! Love Annie’s style!

Erin @ Cultivating Home - You Annie has the most fun style. I hope she never loses that!
and may I add boat rides to the list? I am so looking forward to evening cruises and dips in the lake!

Tara - sweet…
love annie’s ensemble.

Joni Lane - lightning bugs, seriously? i have never seen a real life lightning bug. sounds fantastic. i wanna hang out on your porch, watch the lightning bugs, and i’ll pack the coffee with me from cali. deal?

Mary Beth - I’m ready to see your summer list of “things to do”!

candace - 13 days for us! And you know this teacher is in final countdown mode for SURE!

Vera - I have mixed feelings. I’m SO excited about having the kids home and all the fun travels we have planned this summer, and a huge YES to iced coffee!! But when the big kids get out of school at the end of this month is when I have to stop working from home and go back to the office, which means leaving my little baby at home, and THAT I’m sad about.

karryann pallitto - Hello- Cute pic’s – im all about icecream- best thing about summer- Ice cream truck… Cute Blog-
Loving it.

chasity - beautiful spirea.
great chocolate chin.

Melanie - Boy, your kids get out of school early! I will be ready for summertime too:) Great photos.

Jacqui - wow ….. can’t even imagine that when its still only 2 degrees here!!!

Amber - I love how happy your girls look here! A perfect little piece of innocent America, it made me smile!

Amy - Where did you find Annie’s darling Ring Pop tee? My 5-year old would {heart} it! Cute, cute!

Trish - Tried you Peanut Butter Pie tonight with Pioneer Woman’s crust! OH.MY.WORD!!!
We loved it and I cannot believe how flaky that crust is! Your pie has the perfect mix of everything not making it too peanut buttery! LOVE.
Thanks for the recipe 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Talby is getting TALL. So cute. I’ll have a chocolate chip cookie dough cone from Braums, please.

Betsy - WOW! You guys get out a week before us. My students come until the 28th and teachers come back for one slow day AFTER Memorial Day. Ugh!
Happy (almost) Summer to your family!

elizabeth highsmith - “i’ll have what she’s having!”

Molly - Ah cute! These pics make me so excited to watch my girls grow up, they are 6 months and 2 years.

katie - we still have a little over a mnth of school left thanks to all the blizzards this year!!

Lisa - 12 days???? My kids don’t get out until June 24th. Uggghh… I wish it were only 12 days!

Jennifer - 13 1/2 for us. Also, can’t wait! And your little one just captures the joy of childhood in these pictures-all smiles, no inhibitions. Joyful! Love it!

sara's art house - Cute girlies! 🙂

callie grayson - oh yes!

Maria - cannot wait!

Meaghan - I’ve been reading your blog a looooong time 🙂 I remember this post last yer saying you were ready for bbq’s and watermelon 🙂

Liz - Sign me up! This is going to be an especially wonderful summer since my oldest starts Kindergarten in the fall (and yes, it’s KILLING me!). So I’m determined to make it awesome for all of us.

Laura Phelps - 12 days????????????????????? That is IT???? Please never ever let me send my kids to your school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have about 4 weeks.
And I am ready for summer
but scared
because it involves packing up my life
and a new home
but change is good, right?
ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!
got a bit worked up there….

Staci - Oh man 🙂 Meeee toooo!!!! So looking forward to not packing lunches and going through backpacks for notes 😉 ahhhhh Summer 🙂 (Except here in OK…the wind is REEDICULOUS right now!!! And tomorrow….gonna be like 67 🙁 sooo, with the wind, it will feel like Winter again! But I’m not complaining, right!!!!??? Nope, not at all!!!!)

Melissa Morrill - Dear Meg,
Could you please let MOther Nature know that she missed Utah?
Spring would be awesome anytime now 🙂
But your pictures are awesome.
As are you.

Ashley - I love those pictures! The flower bush there are the kind that are in my grandma’s yard. And we actually had the flower girl at our wedding 7 years ago, throw little clusters of them down the aisle…because they are such a big memory for me! What kind are they??

AshleyAnn - that my friend is a great list of things to look forward to!

Michelle - Me too! Add days lounging at my dad’s pool, summer thunderstorms, and barbeque dinners.

Mother Runner - iced coffee.
gotta go.

Sarah@Clover Lane - Oh, me too.
NO homework, schedules, waking up early, rushing, rushing, rushing.
Just to the pool.

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finally here….


my favorite flower.
my favorite colors.
my favorite part of my garden.
here for two short weeks of the whole year.

Lia - Wow beautiful. You should totally create some magic and find a way to preserve those for my wedding in April. YUM! Loveeee.

Nadia - Those are so very, very beautiful! Peonies are my favorite as well. Stunning photos as always, one of the reasons why I adore coming here. Happy Mother’s Day to you!

holly lesue - GORGEOUS!!!

Mindy - You are right! These are my favorite flower, as well. I need to get some more. You are so lucky, flowers bloom sooner in Kansas than in Iowa!

Sharley McMullen - I love where I live except Spring – SoCal doesn’t do “spring flowers” I have tried too many “adapted” for local climate, peonies, tulips lilacs they don’t work!! So beautiful smell some for me
Sharley (Jessica’s Calif cousin)

Emily - I am green with envy! We can’t grow peonies here. I can Almost smell them…Thanks for sharing!

jessibee08 - i love these pics!!! Are you going to put them for sell in your shop???? 🙂 I would definitely need one of each! They are gorgeous and make me LOVE this time of year even more!
Let me know if you are going to sell them so I can get my hand on some before they are gone:)

Amy - I just try not to look at all the ants! We had peonies at our house growing up and all I can think of is the ants that seemed to be always crawling all over them, though lucky for you you don’t seem to have that same problem 🙂

lifeologia - I love peonies too. I had them in my wedding bouquet. You’re lucky mine won’t bloom until next month probably. But I think I can smell them from your shots 😉

julia - I love your flower pics…when I went home to La. I went crazy taking pics of all of the flowers.

Jen CD - I feel like I can smell them through your pictures…

Mary - Mine too. Here in Oklahoma, they’ve been in bloom for about a week. So last night I cut a HUGE bouquet of them to put on the table as they fade away. I wish some scientist could genetically mutate them so that they would bloom all summer long.

Karla Schaitberger - Love, love—your photos! What process did you use on the 1st photo of the blog, I want that look in some of my photos.

Laura Phelps - have to agree…GREAT flower, and it makes us appreciate it so much because it is here for such a short sweet time. We should treat everyday like we do the peony!!!

Joni Lane - i remember when i first started following your blog, you did a post on your peonies. at that point i had never seen one before (to my knowledge)….literally about a week later, i received some in the mail from my aunt. they are UNBELIEVABLE. i love that they are all balled up, and as soon as i put them in water, they opened before my eyes. i felt like i was watching one of those nature shows where they do time lapse photography. thank you for always sharing your little joys. i don’t always comment, but i always stop by. you are such a breath of fresh air.
thanks meg.

Tam - I love peonies too. My plants dont even have buds yet 🙁 Enjoy yours while they are blooming. Thanks for sharing!

Bee Vollmuth - They’re my favorite too! I’m fighting every urge to go cut the ones blooming on campus (at U of I) to bring them home for myself 😛

Arrica - brings back such sweet memories. summer time at grandma’s. my birthday…playing in the water hose while trying not to get stung by the busy bees. and the sweet smell; oh, i loved the fragrance they share. my grandmother grew these all over the side of the family house. thank you for sharing.

Heather - so pretty!

chasity - …favorite smell….
your peonies are stunning.
have you ever put the buds in the fridge?
then you can enjoy them well into the summer.
just take them out and put them in a vase.
it really works!

leslie - these are my favorite too!! just such a beautiful flower. i have tried and tried to grow them here in the south and have one bloom in 7 years ;(….just too hot

alamama - Haha! I await our peonies too. Ours are almost all done. Ours are the exact same colors as yours! Question for you…how did you train for your run? I have tried running and got to a 10min mile and that was that. Also, will you ever sell your colorful pillows on etsy? LOVE them!
Thanks! - Can’t wait to see this years pictures of London in the Peonies. They are such beautiful flowers and that little girl in them makes for great pictures and fun.

Ruth@GraceLaced - PEONIES are the BEST. Gorgeous!

Erin @ Cultivating Home - You’re pictures are dreamy and the flowers stunning. I certainly wish I had some of these beauties in my yard.

Lanny Stanard - I’m still waiting for mine to bloom, your’s are way ahead of mine… thanks for the picture’s ! Hugs to you 🙂

Janie Fox - Ditto x 6! One of my faves, especially in hot pink!

Bec - LOVE IT! I just recently discovered my new favorite flower and it was a tree so it really won’t last long. I used it for my YouCapture this week on my blog.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh wow ~ Great pictures!

DreamGirlLisa - Beautiful, love Peonies…wish I could grow them here in Cali, too hot though.

AshleyAnn - Mine came out today too! We cut one and sent it to Corbett’s teacher, I cut two for the coffee table and I photographed the rest! Why do ants like them so much too? Let’s go to barn sales on peonies farms.

Karen - Gorgeous photos of one of my favorite flowers. I have subscribed to your blog for almost a year and it is one of my favorites (I’m a fellow Kansan!). Thanks for sharing yourself; you are inspiring to me.

Lafleche - I love peonies too. I didn’t know you could grow them at home… I’ll have to look into that. I love your blog!

Molly - Beautiful!

Juli Jones - i have one of mine in a vase on my table right now and have to take a big wiff everytime i sit down. my fave too for sure! also, i really like your processing on those pics:)

kathy b - A walk in my garden here in California today and I noticed that my one peony is in bloom. I thought of you remembering it is your favorite flower. I think here my blooms last almost 10 days if it stays cool.
Kathy b

Jenny - I LOVE peonies!! They remind me of my Grandma. She had lots and lots of peony bushes in her yard. =)

Trish - I love this flower too! So pretty 🙂

mandi - oh…beautiful. we don’t grow peonies here…major flower envy!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I second all of that…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Sooo pretty! Enjoy every minute of the next 2 weeks:)

Melody - Isn’t it ridiculous that peonies are one of the most beautiful flowers…they’re in all the wedding magazines…when you ask for them, you find out you can’t have them because they aren’t around anymore…sad, sad, sad! Glad you get to enjoy them in person, if only for a short while. Thanks for sharing with us!

Lora - *flower envy*

sarah - I LOVE these flowers. I really want to plant these in my backyard when we get to ‘redoing’ that part of the house… but it’s really sad they don’t bloom for very long.
They’re so pretty, enjoy them!!

Nina - my fav too along with hydrangeas! My pink peonies are blooming now and my white ones are getting ready to open!!

Suzanne Gallagher - I love my garden when my peonies are blooming – Your pictures captured yours beautifully!

Melissa Gruber - oh, i don’t have any peonies and i wish i did…they are my favorite flower as well…I LOVE the pink ones!!!

Emily - I don’t have any peonies, but my Mom does. They are my favorite flower. The smell is bliss. I’m sure she won’t miss the few I have adorning my coffee table. SHHHH…don’t tell her.

Pippa - Love them too – I peonies in my wedding bouqet! - It’s almost time for them here as well! I can’t wait, your pictures make me want some NOW:)

Lori - I feel the same way, Meg! My peonies are just starting to bloom. I cut a few today and they smell heavenly!

beth - those are my favorite too! Beautiful pics!

Krista - Enjoy them while they last, they are so beautiful! Mine are still not ready, they’re still tight little buds. I am keeping an eye on them, last year they bloomed and I didn’t realize it until a few days into it and they were all drooped over onto the ground. Not good!!

Musings Of A Gem - Hi meg,
Just read a similar post to this one in your Archives! It’s a shame they don’t last very long. I hope you don’t get bad weather so they hang around for a bit more 😀
Gemma X

Lillian - This post is making me SO excited!!! Mine are all tight buds and I just KNOW they’re going to bloom soon and I just CANNOT wait!! The colors are so so very beautiful:)

Melanie - I am so happy that spring is here! The flowers are beautiful!

The Lady of the House - Don’t you just love them! They are so fluffy and full. Enjoy darling!

pam - they are so beautiful…still waiting for mine to pop open…I think I should add some new colors this year.

Jen - I love them too! Just saw a couple small buds on my bush this morning! Yeah!! Enjoy!

Laurie, from Maryland - Peonies are my favorite, too. They have the best smell and are so easy to arrange. Mine won’t be in for another week or two, though!

Amanda Jo - They are beautiful! So sad they only last for two weeks…

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old homes

craig just showed me this picture.
that is our drain pipe for the old bathroom upstairs.
wide open.
what the heck?
it's completely corroded away.
this "decorating" project just took on another level of work and money.

that is what old houses are.

in honor of our project….a clip from one of my favorite movies.

gotta get back to work….

Randolph Coleson - Over 200 years old? Wow. One can imagine the limitations of a home that old, but when you’ve good the skills and imagination as your back-ups, you can have a ton of fun in a home like that. Preserving the place, making improvements upon it, or keeping the house standing and alive are all cool projects to do…

Linda @ bushel and a pickle - I just know I must have taken picture. Our house is over 200 years old. Always an adventure but the coolness factor is worth it all. Our city boy (youngest son) who spent his late elementary – high school years growing up in a huge urban city finally agrees! Yeah!
We laugh till we cry every time we watch “The Money Pit”.
“Mr. Blandings Builds a House” is a great one too!

ann - Ahhh, old homes. The old plaster ceiling in one of my bedrooms cracked and FELL down. What a mess!!! At least no one was sleeping in the bed that it fell onto at the time. I don’t think that’s a dead bird…it’s a piece of dirty wood, isn’t it?

susie whyte - i am definitely not showing this to my husband. i want an old house so bad! 🙂 love, love, love the money pit. tom is hysterical in it!

Kelly - 🙂 I forgot about that movie!

Kristi - uh oh!! Looks like a reno is in order! I love that movie! Watch it EVERY time it’s on! 🙂

Annette - love that movie! that was on tv just a couple days after we bought our house, we joked it was us! Our house is 80 years old, love it! however projects are never as simple as they seem!

Gemma - btw looks like there might be a dead birdy on the right : ( X

Gemma - That movie looks hilarious! Sorry to here there is more work to be done than expected…atleast it won’t ever be as bad as that film! : )
Gemma X

Molly - Love that movie!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - One of my favorite quotes:
Water Fielding: Do you know how hard it is to find a really good carpenter? Besides, I think he’s got a brother who’s a plumber!
Anna Crowley: Really? A brother who’s a plumber?
Water Fielding: I think so.
Anna Crowley: Do you think I should sleep with him?
Water Fielding: Maybe just this once.

DreamGirlLisa - OMG, I can soooo relate! This is the movie I always refer to when I’m explaining what my house looked like when I first bought it!

Brooke Whitis - I live in a really beautiful money pit too. Really pretty on the outside….rodents on the inside of the walls….

melanie - when i first saw the photo, i thought “hey, how did she get a picture of our drain pipe?”
i have to show this to my husband!

Lisa - SERIOUSLY!! Our house is 103 this year and we have a joke that every “project” ends up taking twice as long and twice as much money as anticipated.

meaghan - blech. what a mess.

Sarah@Clover Lane - Makes me feel better after adding one more leaky faucet to our list of things we need to fix. Old house charms make it worth all the projects…right? RIGHT?

Juli - Oh honey, I feel for you. We live in a 1920’s “charmer” and I do adore it but not the indoor “swimming pool” that appears in our basement when we have a particularly rainy season or the odd smell that we haven’t been able to pinpoint yet, or the squeaky stairs or the…

Carrie Holler - Oh Megan, I feel for you. Same thing happened to us 1 month after we bought our 125 yr. old house. Only the way we found out is there was water running down the kitchen wall…

gena - Oh yeah…. old house living……I swear we could star in the Money Pit ! Ours is an 1850’s Victorian and nothing is ever a “quick fix” or a “cheap redo” !!!
Thanks for sharing !

Kristen - Is it sad that I’m more freaked out about the GIANT spider in that picture than the corroded pipe?! 🙂

purejoy - oh goodness. we have an old home, too. a few months ago we had a water feature in our basement. you know, not the intentional water feature. the kind that streams down the wall and pools on the carpet.
looks lovely with the black mold crawling up behind the couch.
in other words…
i feel your pain.
good luck on the renovations.

Michelle - We bought our OLD house last summer. . . and after a couple of months of pouring money in when we found our house’s ‘issues’ my hubby decided we should watch that movie– makes us feel better– at least our house isn’t THAT bad.

Bec - Ech! I think I’d tell my husband not to show me that stuff.

Janine - That house (the actual one used in the movie in Lattingtown, NY) went up for sale last year. I don’t know if anyone bought it but it was listed for 2.95 million! I love that movie.

Melanie - That is why my hubby won’t ever buy an old house even though I LOVE them:)
Hope you get it fixed and it doesn’t break the bank!

Blanca - Eek! The spider is all I can think of. Sorry you’re having to replace the corroded pipes. Your house is still the best!

Angela - Don’tcha love it?!?! NOT! I too live in an old house and we have replaced a ton of cast iron plumbling pipes. Its so gross and you can’t really show off your shiny new pipes to your friends.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love that movie! They both totally crack me up. Even a new house is a money pit. I’m thinking renting is the way to go. Can’t wait to see your project.

Shelly - We have a money pit too….but it’s all worth it in the end…right?

Jill - Oh yeah, we’re currently renovating a 100 year old house and have found lots of goodies like that too…some of ours have included electrical wiring too, scary! Good luck!

Christy - gotta love the money pit! My favorite part is when he gets stuck in the rug in the hole in the floor.

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - That is too familiar. I love our built-in-1946 house, but I am NOT in love with 60 yr old plumbing. Money pit, indeed.

jess - i can relate!!! our bathroom “weekend” project turned into a 3 month ordeal because of a pipe like that!!! but some crazy reason..i love our old house!!!

LouBoo - I am so with you – just said goodbye to a sewage tanker taking away thousands of gallons from our tank – for our very old house. We are not on mains drainage. Eekk…

Kacey - Ewww! Love that movie. But living that movie would be another story. Good luck!

Krista - Oh my gosh, it was bad enough that the pipe is corroded, then I read the comments about the spider–and I checked and there it is— gosh it’s huge!! Good luck, hopefully it doesn’t snowball into big problems and it will all work out OK!!

LeAnne Cotton - Did he kill the big spider?

Jessica - One Shiny Star - Is that a dead bird on the right? Meh. Good luck!

Staci - Great movie 😉 Good luck girlie 😉

Sara - That movie is awesome!
The pipe looks horrible, but much more frightening to me- the spider on the right…was your husband face to face with that horrible looking thing?!?!
Good Luck!

Stephanie Carroll - LOVE that movie, even though I was 2 when it came out…especially when he is stuck in the hole in the ceiling and says “The care bears are here!!”
Good luck with the piping issue. bleh.

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my friend turned 40.
that meant it was time for a road trip.
girls weekend.
beautiful hotel…shopping….laughing….talking for four days straight.
wine and martinis…desserts and coffee…amazing food.
the flea market…ikea…michigan ave.
and more coffee and more wine and more laughing.
make-overs…friend photo sessions…late night movie cuddled up in our cozy beds.

this was the view from our room…on michigan avenue.
that white round building is crate and barrel.  
four stories of it.
my favorite.
my favorite "room" at crate and barrel.

i love that picture pam.  :)
the flowers were gorgeous!!
and they were every where we looked.
our hotel was the middle building…we were just at the part where it angles in.

people 50 most beautiful was out and we were on the hunt for it the whole drive
but it was found at a news stand.
(we don't have news stands in kansas….exciting stuff for country girls)

pam and i got makeovers…and i bought "grown up" skin care since i am a grown up.
pam looked fabulous!
it's amazing how good we girls feel with new lipstick…isn't it?! 

M Burger…across from our hotel.
very yummy.
super nice staff.

these are two from MY photo session…in our room by the window.

it was fun.
we were each laughing so hard…it's HARD to get your picture taken.
i don't like it.
i have a new sympathy for all of you when i stick the camera in your face.

girl time.
it is neccessary for me to recharge…relax…feel renewed.
i come home and i feel like a new woman.
ready to be a good mom.
ready to be a good wife.
my cup is full.

we didn't even listen to music but maybe 30 minutes on our 20+ hours in the car.
just talking.
about dreams, hopes, concerns, fears and everything in between.
there was not one possible topic we did not discuss at great length.

oh…and we went running on lake shore drive!
so cool.

happy 4oth jana.

La Tempete - Looks like you had a great time! Gotta love Girls’ Weekends (they need capital letters, those words IMO) ;p

susie whyte - how fun! love the walgreens shot. that is so cute!

Jen - What a fun trip! Meg, you are beautiful, inside and out! 🙂

Kristi - You are BEAUTIFUL! And I love your hair!! I sooooo need a change! I’m a hot roller, big hair girl. I need to break away! Thanks for posting about your fun weekend, it looked divine! 🙂

Lucy - I was scrolling down the photos, and when I saw that first portrait of you I thought “wow… that woman is so beautiful.”
So jealous of that trip, too 🙂 Someday, someday. When we’re not all drowned in work. Ah, that would be lovely.

Rach - I love your outings. So fun! And ha ha ha… I just bought grown up moisturizer for the first time too and I am 37… eek.
Glad you ladies had so much fun.

Queen Bee - I am so envious. I envision girl’s trips like that in my future. They make life happier.
But I have to disagree on the Barefoot Moscato. I dislike Barefoot but love Moscato. Barefoot is too sweet… but then again, I was having it with a meal. As a stand alone, I’d probably like it and should try it again.
The second picture of you is beautiful. I adore it.

Meg - meg, what hotel did you stay at? i’m planning a long weekend get away in chicago with the hubs and that room looks gorgeous!

kristine - so fun. i miss chicago! and i love that you said your cup is full! how great for you and how inspiring to both make it happen AND recognize when it does! xo

Marie - Waouhhhhhhh , comment ne pas rêver des Etats unis avec un tel reportage photos!!!

Kellie Dugan - That is the hairstyle for you! Now, can you find mine? I need something that makes me look 10 yrs younger? Or is it the combonation of the hair and the running? Would walking on a treadmill work?:) I am so proud of you! You inspire me. I am glad you and your girls had a great trip. I so need one!!!!!! I can’t wait to get my “4” shirt. My baby is turning 4????? Where did the time go?

Molly - Oh this looks like so much fun. I can’t wait till I can escape for a weekend with friends like this! Its def necessary!

Beka - How wonderful!
I am SO going to do that 21 years from now with my best friend. That would be awesome:)

melissa - Chicago is SO MUCH FUN!!!
I love Chicago!
I love American Girl–even though my first daughter is only 1 year old!
I love Tiramasu!
I love Tulips!
I love wine!
I loved this post!!!!

Micah - I never thought turning 40 could be so fun!!! This looks like a blast! I turn 30 this year. I wonder if I could talk my girls into going with me 😀

Tracy - We just got back from a weekend away with our new “teenagers”… We took our daughters to this amazing resort in Washington state (Alderbrook Resort). We will be blogging about it later this week on (and my own personal blog After reading your story I am inspired to grab the older girls (us… 40’s) and get away… especially to a hotel with beds with crisp white linens and soft white towels and robes…. and a good burger joint next door! We should have just joined you guys!!! 🙂 Thanks for reminding me to make myself a priority once in awhile. Tracy (

tami reed - Im all for girl get a ways! Have one coming up next week!

Jana - It was the best.

Jennifer - Looks like you had perfect weather! What fun! And the pictures of you were gorgeous. 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - You look beautiful, happy and relaxed! What a great birthday (and Mother’s Day) gift!

Nina Diane - just sounds like so much fun. And Meg, you just look beautiful. I think I commented before on your new haircut but again, it looks fabulous!!

Julie - Looks like a lot of fun! The pics of you are great! You look recharged and beautiful!

virginia - meg you look so pretty!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh wow! I LOVE Chicago – where my BFF lived until just recently. Great city!
Your photos are amazing, beautiful!!!

Sharla - Looks like fun! And those tulips are amazing. . . .

jennifer - GOOD FOR YOU! You all look so cute – love, LOVE your hair!

Nicole Q. - I am so jealous . . . I’m in need of that exact trip!!! So glad you had a smashing good time!!!!!!

Kelly - ooh … what a great girl trip!

Meaghan - Great photos! You made me miss Chicago so much (used to live near there and go all the time). I love how they have flowers right in the middle of the big city! Glad you had a great time with your friends, they are so important.

Just Barb - Looks like so much fun. We were in Chicago two weeks ago, and I was so impressed with the flowers. You’re right: they were everywhere.

Elisa - you are beautiful

sharron - Your new hair looks so chic and you just look so fresh!!!
Love it!!!
The weekend also looked fabulous!!!
Yall will LOVE is the best and smells so good too!!!
Thanks for sharing the sights and food..tee hee of Chicago!!

kristin - oh, i’m happy for you guys. i don’t know what i would do without my yearly girl weekend full of all this goodness.
i recognize chicago and it looks so cozy.

ann - Wow looks like so much fun! I’ve never done anything like that. You are lucky to have such fun friends! Your pictures are awesome. Makes me feel like I came along! Your new “do” is so adorable. Thanks for sharing.

Gemma - Looks like you had an AMAZING time! A girly weekend sounds wonderful…the pictures of you are beautiful btw : )

Christina - What a great time! I just had a similar trip…and now the reality is sinking back in. I have a hard time adjusting back to regular life!
And you should NOT hate to have your picture taken…you are so beautiful!
I just started using grown up skin care products, too. haha I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m kind of upset that it’s working…that means I needed it. 🙂

AshleyAnn - Someday my feet will walk the streets of Chicago…looks like a perfect weekend. Great shot of you…

Jonelle - Megan, you are (still) so beautiful!!

peta - my word you packed some things in to that trip!! what a great time. girls weekends seem a distant memory – i should organise one!
origins skincare is delightful, and i love your photo session photos!

Melissa Gruber - what a fun trip and great pictures…it makes me miss chicago and my dear friend who lives there…hoping to make a visit this fall.

Carol S. - FABULOUS PHOTOS! I fondly recall MY (hometown) Chicago girls weekend 7 (gasp) years ago! We laughed so hard. It was in the fall and we all bought boots after we saw everyone downtown in stylish leather boots. Still have ’em. Deep sigh…you’re a happy looking bunch and so blessed to be able to getaway together. Enjoy!

Sara - Looks like a perfect girly weekend! I had one with my mom and sis a couple of weekends ago. So refreshing.
Chicago has the best flowers and landscaping, in my humble opinion. But I live here, so I’m partial! I love driving into work when the tulips are in bloom. Never get tired of it.
Next time you are in town, check out Block 37 (State and Randolph..across from Fields…err..Macys). Tons of great stuff (Anthro, L’Occitane, Zara, etc.) and very little traffic (yet). It’s like a little treasure.

Melanie - Sounds like you had a great trip. Beautiful pictures too.

Tasha - I was just in the city a week ago! Took some of the same pics as you…tulips and by the river…glad to see you enjoyed it!

Christy Henderson - Looks like a great trip! Love the pizza & moscato shot! Good times! And a great photo of you!

Jaimie - looks sooo fun! i LOVE chicago!

Kristi - that looks like so much fun!
and those pictures of you are great!
lucky you!

Jill J - This looks like SO MUCH FUN! I totally want to do this with my girlfriends.
And you look gorgeous!

DreamGirlLisa - That picture of you is so cute! What a fun weekend, I am so jealous, I need a weekend like that in a big way…right now I’d be happy for even an evening out w/ my two besties. I forgot to let you know I linked to your blog…it’s very positive, hope it’s ok 🙂

smileymom - Awww… this post made me cry! (In a good way… kind of….) You are so lucky to have such great girlfriends and to do things like that with them. I know you know that. I’ve always wanted girlfriends to do that kind of stuff with. And I LOVE your hair! And your pictures are fabulous. What a great time.

Laura Phelps - I knew it.
Should have had YOU plan my 40th.

Carla - Great pictures of you. LOVE your hair! Looks like a fun time with your friends. Good idea for my 40th (coming soon).

Ashley Chandler - What fun! I love Origins Cheeks and Balances; I bet you will too. And your eyes are amazing. I can see a bit of you in each of your children (some more than others).

Kimberlee J. - Loved every picture. I almost feel like I got to go along. Can’t wait to hear more stories from your time away.
Funny… I just read “other Jost’s” and realized who T was talking about. 🙂
LOVE the pics of you, too. So glad you did that b.c. I was getting ready to tell you that I was coming to your house to do a photo shoot of you!

Messy@Bungalow'56 - This made me want a girl’s weekend in the worst way. Two years ago i went to Vegas for shopping and more shopping, but your weekend looked a bit less glitzy and more relaxing.
thanks for sharing,
Can’t wait to see what you’re doing with the house.

Rebekah - LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!

Cassie - so fun!!! you girls r beautiful! 🙂

Naomi - That looks like the perfect break.
I was in Chicago in January of last year (which might not seem like much but I’m from Ireland!) so all my photos from my time are snow-filled and we’re all wrapped up in many layers!
Glad to got to recharge 🙂

Taryn - Ok, as i look at pics of you, Meg, (which i don’t get to see very often)i swear you have hardly aged since high school….beautiful! Side note…..i’m not much of a wine drinker, wish i was, just have never really loved the taste….until one evening at Olive Garden when we tried a Moscato…..i’m a true lover! This summer with the other Josts, let’s add that to the fun!:)

Emily@remodelingthislife - You look beautiful. I know it’s been a bit since you got the haircut, but I tend to get feeling like when someone gets so many comments they all blend in so why bother. But I guess I am bothering today. To tell you you look really lovely and looks like you had a great time.

Christy - What an awesome time! Looks & sounds like everyone enjoyed themselves.
Love the pics & the new do. Super cute.

Trish O - I was in Chicago on a Girls Weekend last weekend too. how funny.

Staci - I’m so jealous 🙂 I need a Girl’s Weekend very sooon!!! My hubby has been gone since last Thursday…gets home tonight…and I will be a super happy girl 🙂 It’s always so good to get away and JUST TALK GIRL TALK!!!!! Especially when the getaway is in Chicago 🙂 I’m glad you are rejuvenated! That pic of you is just beautiful 😉

Sarah@Clover Lane - You look SO good in those pictures!
I love all the pics…especially the food ones…those of course are my favorites.

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - glad you had a wonderful trip. although i live just outside chicago and it always feels like a vacation when i make that 1/2 drive!

katy - Looks like fun and I want to let you know that I love your new haircut! I know you called it a mom-cut, but I think it makes you look younger! 🙂

shelly - Looks like a blast—love the new do!!! I think we stayed at the same hotel last fall when we had a girl’s weekend! Love the flowers–crate and barrel is awesome (did you go into CB2?)

Julie - oh my word, i love this!!! and…tiramisu??? my favorite. what a great weekend.

Dana Banana - Looks like so much fun! The pics of you are adorable.

jeanne - Sounds like an amazing weekend!!!

sarah - Looks like so much fun!!
And those two pictures of you are beautiful.
You are definitely rockin that HOT mama hair! 🙂

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - Best city in the world! 🙂
Which flea market did you go to??

Nancy M - Moscato is my favorite wine, so sweet and yummy ♥

Courtney Walsh - awww, so fun!! 🙂 Love it! Every time I read about one of your girls’ weekends I get so jealous and intend to plan one for myself…but I never do! Maybe this time I will follow through! 🙂
Great pics!!

Bec - I haven’t been able to go to Chicago for years now that I live a little farther away- I miss it! My mom and I used to go in once a year for make overs just so we’d have an excuse to buy new make up!

Amanda - no way is Jana 40!!! Hmmm, so 2011 is the year for turning 30 (for some of us) – maybe we should take a Chicago trip! Looks like TONS of fun!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You and your sassy new cut…lookin’ spiffy:) Love all the pics. The one of all of you on the surveilance video cracked me up!

alyssa - what a fun thing to do. I love Chicago.

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out of the office…..

i have been out of town.

so…if you ordered a pillow…it's still sitting here beside me.
i am STILL waiting on my packaging supplies i ordered a week before i sold them to you.
i am sorry.

if you are awaiting an email about your photo shoot….which is  every single one of you…
i will get to that soon.

craig is off this week and we are removing wall paper and painting the dining/game room.

i will post pictures very soon of my super awesome weekend.
but i have to go buy more drop cloths….


Melanie - Can’t wait to see your room that you are taking down the wallpaper.

Lindsay - I’m interested in ordering a few pillows, but I don’t see them in your Etsy store? How do I order? Thanks!

Michelle - Love room makeovers! Can’t wait to see the pics. Have a productive week with Craig!

purejoy - wow. you have a busy week ahead of you! hope you have fun, and can’t wait to see pix!

Julie - Looking forward to seeing the dining/game room when you finish it!

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oh my.

going through old pics on the computer….

this is a classic.

Wendy - hhahaha! Love it! Can’t wait to meet her.

Kelly - we have pics of my son like this that we made into a mouse pad.

Kellie Dugan - Awesome picture! Remember this one for her senior annual. Can you guess who this is??? hehehe!

Molly - I love this, shes so comical.

candace - so cute.

Lanny Stanard - that’s our Annie!!! what a cutie…

amy jupin - josh looked over my shoulder at annie’s picture and said, “she’s diggin for gold!” 🙂

Tara - what talent your kids have!

Julie - Classic, YES! Love those big brown eyes!

april - my boys do that to!!!! lols

Dina - LOVE it!… this is a ‘Senior Year Montage (sp?)’ if I ever saw one!

DreamGirlLisa - LOL! She’s still adorable!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Fridge worthy;)

Staci - Oh Annie 🙂 Have I told you I just love her!!!!

Darlene - Double duty. She’s multi tasking already!

RLG - I think Annie and my Claire are cosmic twins. 🙂

Gemma - Heehee so cute! All your pictures are so colourful : )
btw I sent you an e-mail a while back..I don’t know if you got it?
Gemma X

Megan - Classic. Can’t wait for a post oh say 13 years from now when she is getting ready for prom!

angela - Wedding rehearsal video pic for sure!

Lorilee - Annie is even adorable when she’s crying!

Savannah - Too skinkin cute!

Kimberlee J. - Hysterical. And I love that her name is in the background! She’s going to love this when she’s older. 🙂

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