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the last week

this has been my last week with just annie and i home together…no siblings.
today is our last day.
and we are very busy with unrelated things.
oh well.

we went to the zoo yesterday….that counts towards good memories.

on monday we did some painting.
on a box in the driveway…because she wanted to.
she had plans to fill it with "gifts" and mail it to eliza.
i figured she would forget…..and she has.
but we did paint the whole box.

it was quiet and calm.

i could feel my heart swelling up in me…things are going to change.
she talked non stop while she painted.
i painted very slowly so she could do the majority of her project.
i tried to take in every second of it.
i was burning it into my soul…don't forget this moment…don't rush…don't leave…just sit and BE.


i ate cereal with milk…she ate cereal without.
i wore my slippers.

why do sweet baby toes have to grow up and go to kindergarten?
not fair.
today the school year ends.
as of monday our summer begins.
meals all day, kids all day, fighting all day, hanging out, making messes, inside/outside/inside/outside

but i think it's going to be a good summer.
i was dreading it last year.
for some reason….i am not this year.

i will let you know if i feel the same on monday night.

now…i need to start on my rainbow cake.   

alyssa - i wish i could have a piece of that cake!!!!

kristine - hmm favorite line:
why do sweet baby toes have to grow up and go to kindergarten?
not easy.

Mindi - I totally agree! Kindergarten sucks!! I just signed my son up for fall and seriously cried while filling the paper work out. It’s silly I know. they have to grow up, right?
The funny thing is this is not the first time or the last that I have been saddened by a major milestone.
It will get easier won’t it?

Amy R. - I am so with you on this one! My sweet and only girl starts kindergarten this year too! My heart is breaking. At least I will have another little one at home still, but my daughter and I are just kindred spirits.
Hope your summer is sweet and calm in it’s own way…

Molly - Aww this post made me tear up πŸ™‚

Corry - Thank you, Meg, for saying “what you say” Love you and your blog! You make all of us “Moms” who are trying to “do it all” relax and realize what is important- our FAMILIES, of course!!!!

Rachael Ensom - This is such a precious post:)

Lin - Why do sweet baby toes have to grow up, graduate kindergarten, and move on to first grade? My daughter will be six next week, and the week after is her last of kindergarten. Then she will be a “big school ager”. What am I going to do without my baby?! Sorry…my self-pity just got out of control for a second.

Courtney Walsh - I don’t know what I’m going to do when Sam goes to school. I am so glad he has a late birthday. It gives me an extra year with him. He makes my days so happy. I imagine your Annie does the same.
Hard to let them go…

A pocket full of posies... - Precious, sweet, priceless moment!! (and delightfully filled with color too!)
Happy Summer Break!

krystall - I wish I could make your rainbow cake, I tried and failed. Any hints????
I wish you were my BBF, I love your life and LOVE your house. You seem to have it all together I’m sure you don’t think so but reading your blog daily inspires me to be a more “in the moment” mommy.
“see” ya tomorrow,

Christina - Poignant.
Her toes are adorable. I love baby toes. My two-yr-old still has those sweet little beautiful feet. My seven-yr-old (son) had the prettiest baby feet ever…and now they are big boy feet! I still took a picture of them when he had them crossed under his bottom in the sand recently. They were still cute, after all. πŸ™‚ My oldest? Her feet are going to look like her dad’s! haha Long and thin.
You are such a good mama.

tara pollard pakosta - she’s so CUTE>
love that you just sat and watched her paint.
i did that and still do with my girls,
and I LOVE IT. it’s so neat, to just sit and
see what they create.
I LOVE your blog!

Mary P. - I’ve shed many tears w/ you this week. My 6 yr. old tender boy started kindergarten this year and it almost killed me, so your post about Annie and her preschool had me re-living last year. I also have a 4 yr. old who is finishing up her 1st year of preschool this week. The time we spend together at home I’m trying to be very “present” for. It’s been hard since I’m due w/ #3 in 2 weeks. I wish sometimes life could just stop so I could soak everything up.
I read something yesterday that really hit home w/ me and thought you might like as well. “the ordinary is just the extraordinary that’s happened over and over again.” Isn’t that true for us “at home” moms? I forget that WAY too often. May God grant us the grace of a normal day everyday.
FYI: I LOVE your blog.

AshleyAnn - Those are some sweet moments…for you and her.
You are a really great mom. A really great mom.

JJ - You are making me cry! Next week is my last week with my youngest- after 11 years of being home. My heart aches along with yours!
What a great memory you made with the painting project.

Tanya - Empty boxes should always be painted with love

Pamela duMont - Is that cookie crisp? Man you are a cool mom. My kids get cheerios. What is my problem? I would kill for a bowl of cookie crisp right now.

Kelly - yea for cookie crisp!

nora - wah, this is how i felt my last few days of maternity leave… if you find yourself too upset to eat your slice, feel free to send it to Jersey πŸ™‚

Melanie - I hope that you have a great summer. I will be thankful for the ONE child that I have:)
Have a good weekend.

Jaime Melcher - You’re so sweet! I just bought all the stuff to make rainbow cupcakes for my 3rd graders end of the school year party next Friday! Can’t wait! I hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!

Debbie S. - I feel your pain with the inside/outside/inside/outside and meals all day. I have to do MAJOR grocery shopping before summer kick-off Monday.

Julie - for whatever reason this blog made me cry. I have 4 more years until my last is in kindergarten….still to treasure the moments. Hope you have a great summer. look forward to reading about it! We have a whole month before our summer!

Elizabeth - I love your blog and how real you are, just beautiful. I found your blog because of your rainbow cake from last summer. I made it for my 5 year old’s birthday in Jan and have been reading your blog just about everyday since then. You have inspired me as a mom. Enjoy your summer with your children! -E

linda lou - sweet photos of annie and painting the box what a neat idea (: to mail. blessings.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I’m so glad you are not dreading spending the summer with the kids this year. I remember that last year and it saddened me to hear that. Sure, I have days that the kids get on my nerves too, but I pray to appreciate those days too, as crazy as that sounds; because I know people (one being my sister) that have had their children die and so I would rather have fighting then silence.
I just showed my son the photos of Annie painting the box, and guess what he wants to do!! I love all your (and your kids) creative ideas. It always gives us something new to try. πŸ™‚
Cheers to a great summer! πŸ™‚
P.S. Rainbow cake here I come, I have planned a Rainbow Brite birthday party for our daughter who just turned three. Just so I could make the SUPER COOL rainbow cake of yours. I will have to let you know how it goes!

Staci - We are not out until next Friday…but today is our last day because we are Disney bound!!! I have a ton of stuff to do before getting ready for this trip…and I am reading blogs πŸ™ I hope you have a terrific Summer !!!!!! Can’t wait to see it all in your fabulous pics πŸ™‚

Courtney - the rainbow cake! one of my favorite “things” i learned from you!


Nicole Q. - I’m with ya . . . all week I kept thinking this was IT with the twins!! Next year they have to grow up. SNIFF SNIFF! HOpe to see ya at the grad party tomorrow, we’ve got a couple parties to make it too, it will be a busy day.

Lisa - OH. I can’t take anymore. I do NOT heart kindergarten. Last day of preschool at our house and I’ve been on the verge of tears all day. Way to soak up sweet memories with Annie!

amy d - you forgot the best part….SLEEPING IN!!!!! …almost as good as rainbow cake!

Jennifer - You will soon have a new type of normal to enjoy. It will be fun-this one will come home from kindergarten, talking your ear off telling you every little thing that happened. My oldest is like this and I hope it NEVER changes! Our summer starts next Friday-for right now at least, I can’t wait! πŸ™‚

Sarah@Clover Lane - yes, repost the rainbow cake! and i am SO looking forward to summer this year too…and last year i wasn’t either. i can’t wait for it all…the good and the bad.

Jaime - I love your pictures of Annie… =D
Summer starts the following week for us. I am going to sit down with the kids this weekend and create our summer “to do” list – the one you made last summer with your sweeties!?! It was such a great idea!

Karen Gerstenberger - My heart is with yours – and you are so right to savor every moment that you are “awake” and noticing the blessing of just BEING. Just being, and being with the ones you love, in peace. There are many hard, sad, frustrating, annoying moments, too, and those beautiful ones are pure gifts. So glad that you took time to reflect and to share with us…now we are awake to those moments, too.

sarah - I’ve been struggling with Kenzie not being my ‘baby’ anymore. She changes everyday, and sometimes I feel like I can’t hold on to the moments tight enough.
I agree why do ‘baby feet’ have to grow up. tear.
I want some rainbow cake.

Katie - Can you post your recipe for the rainbow cake? I can’t find it anywhere. I love reading your blog (and looking at)and smile everytime I come to it. I also like to link to your happy things. I even thought of you this morning when I made a smoothie.

Janine - Wow. I must be reading your blog for a year now. I think I started around the time of the last rainbow cake. Enjoy your summer. “summer” doesn’t start around here till mid/end of June.

Kirsten - Oh the rainbow cake! Makes me smile…I must make one. We still have 4 weels of school, but my baby is in 4th grade. I know this: we have an option for all-day kindy, or 1/2 day, and 1/2 day is so much less popular (why???) because many mom’s can’t wait to “get rid of their kids”. Me? No way, I was selfish and wanted my girlie to come home at lunchtime everyday and to have her to myself for that bit of the afternoon before her brother came home. I savored that last year.

Anna Marie - That is what I was going to ask. Haha! Gonna make that infamous rainbow cake like last year? Gosh, it seems like that was just yesterday. Have a great weekend, Megan!

Rebekah - Is that Cookie Crisp? I love that stuff. I haven’t had it since I was a kid. My mom never bought it, but my grandmother did. πŸ™‚
On a more serious note, this post makes my heart ache a little. I have a couple of years left before Ginny starts school, but I can see that day coming and I know that once it gets here every thing will change. I should be soaking up every minute of this precious time alone with her. Already I’m amazed at much she can do without my help. And I’m going to stop thinking about it now, before I cry. :}

tami reed - Funny how mom and daughters relate. My daughter and I have alot of friction but i love her soo much. She is soo different from me. My son and I have a great relationship and he is so funny. He is the jokester in the family lol.

Sandy - Was that Cookie Crisp in Annie’s bowl?! That was my favorite when I was a kid! I could still eat it.
So sad Annie’s little toes are growing up and going to kindergarten in the fall. I bet she’s excited though. πŸ™‚

Nancy - The rainbow cake… I just love that! My five year old has cereal with out milk as well. Must be a getting ready for Kindergarten thing. Enjoy your day.

elma - I so heart your blog. Enjoy your last day together:) Summer starts for us on june 2. Now that Adrian is five I am going to try to do some fun day trips and take the littles to Chicago for a couple of days I hope I survive. Love all the pictures!! You are such a FABULOUS mom!!!!!

Queen Bee - Oh you about brought me to tears.
My darling Kiddo goes to kindergarten this fall as well, and I had the very same internal *moment* as you last night, as I watched her brush her teeth.
All by herself.
No help necessary in turning on the water, getting the cap off the toothpaste, no step stool needed. I just watched her, mesmerized, thinking, “Remember this. Take this in and commit it to memory. This will be gone in the blink of an eye and never return.”

Jimina Anderson - Why do you have to be so perfect? Darling box idea! I’ll keep it in mind.

Vicki - You have tapped into one of life’s greatest secretes…..when all else fails….when the ship is going down…when nothing makes sense anymore…BAKE!!! Have a happy day!

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after my pineapple cutting demonstration…i made a smoothie.
i almost always do.
and it’s nothing special.

frozen blueberries (even if they have ice crystals all over them…)
i use frozen because they are cheaper.
i will use fresh this summer…maybe.

orange juice.
blend it.
and that’s it.
no measurements…i just add and pour…if there is a bunch then i share with my kids or craig.
or not.
sometimes i add strawberries…sometimes not.

yum.Β Β 

sabeen - Wonderful!. This looks tasty. I like your idea. Your photo help is really best. This is good work. Thank you so much.

Laura - Would you mind sharing what kind of blender you have? I need a new blender and want one that will blend such things well.

Cortney - Dr.Sears has a great recipe you can google. I know you were just posting what you use not asking for suggestions. Oj has a lot of sugar and you wont miss it if you add a banana. You have to watch yogurt as well if you are watching sugar. Silken tofu is a great source of protein.

Rach - We love smoothies over here. Great way to get miss picky eater to get some good nutrition in her. Now if only I could make a spinach and broccoli shake taste good. πŸ™‚

April~Living The Sweet Life - Hi Meg so happy you found me through Country Living Magazine. This recipe looks wonderful. I am on a smoothie kick right now.

Courtney Walsh - you make it without milk? This is great news because I can’t have dairy! I’m going to try this! πŸ™‚

Molly - Yum! That looks delicious!

Gemma - Yummy! That colour looks amazing. You’ve inspired me to go and buy a pineapple today : )
If any of you get a chance please take a look at my blog…I want to make some new friends!
Gemma X

anne - you win the best freckles award.

Tanya - I need a blender

No.17 CherryTreeLane - I just bought a huge watermelon and have some banana’s and frozen berries. I wonder if that would work.

Melanie - I could drink that right now:)

linda lou - yummie for your tummie (:

Vicki - You know it’s spring/summer time when you can whip out the smoothies…there’s just something about drinking a smoothie in the winter that just isn’t nearly as satisfying as when it warms up outside. Cheers!

Staci - Met some friends just this morning to have a smoothie and chat πŸ™‚ I chose the chai tea one this morning…never had one before and it was super yummy πŸ™‚

tami reed - that looks yummy, my hubby makes the best smoothies too lol

Karina - Yum! I love making those for the kids, smoothies are so versatile, you can throw in bananas or not, yogurt or not, it’s really flexible. I thought everybody liked them until I had a friend and her daughter over; I made smoothies for the whole gang and our guests were the only ones who left their glasses barely touched. I thought, how ODD, and what a WASTE of smoothie!! I’ll save them for us next time; maybe guests could use a taster spoon like they do at an ice cream counter before I commit to pouring them a glass!!

beth - I second that…YUMO!

Maggie Rose - I use frozen stawberries too, and no ice. I usually add something creamy like a little yogurt or soymilk.
Looks so good right now! Our blender broke so no smoothies for me for a while πŸ™

Christy - Yumm! Makes me want to make a smoothie right now.
*LOL* @ Jill – I didn’t notice until you pointed it out, but I have those glasses too. They are indestructable!

kristine - i use frozen berries so i don’t have to use ice. then i just eat the fresh fruit when it’s in season πŸ™‚
great self-portrait. isn’t it nice to actually start being in the pictures?!

Staci Danford - YUM… Wow I love smoothies.. I am going to the store today and buying some fruit, getting my blender, and making me one.. LOVED it..

Jill J - Oops, I mean “they’re” not “there”

Jill J - OK… Does everyone on the planet have those drinking glasses? I don’t even go to Target to get replacements anymore, there always at Goodwill. πŸ™‚

The lady of the House - Yummy! Smoothies are delish aren’t they! Have a smashing day! The Lady

Trina McNeilly - Yummy yum yum. I need a blender bad. Can’t believe I’ve gotten by without one for so long..but now I need a smoothie.

Georgia - I like the look and the making of a smoothie, but i just cant drink them.. lol
Looks a lovely purple colour though!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I just have to say, I am still loving the new haircut. I take notice of it every time you share a picture. We put yogurt in our smoothies. The kids think they are drinking a milkshake.

Jodi - This looks like a yummy combo. I usually make a peanut butter banana with soymilk and ground flax in the morning. I want to try this though, it looks lighter for summer. I cracked my plastic blender though and patched it up with duct tape…classy right?

anna - yay! thanks for posting that! looks so good!

tara pollard pakosta - YUMMY! we all LOVE smoothies here!
We usually do strawberry/banana/apple/flax/spinach/juice!
I use frozen berries alot too>
delicious! I love your blog!

Pamela duMont - smoothies are a daily drink here…we add flax oil, protein powder and sprinkle some wheat germ in for good measure! I make mine with yogurt…and BTW..go see the movie BABIES. you’ll love it. I took my daughter on Mothers Day..

Lee Ann - we love smoothies too. Here’s my trick. I chop/freeze the bananas….especially if they’re getting to old to eat. Freeze them on a plate until frozen, then dump in a bag or container. This way you don’t have to use ice. We also love to add spinach…..even my kids!…..oh, and peanut butter for protein.

Amy - just wanted you to know that I went and bought a pineapple after your last post and will not buy canned again! My kids are enjoying a smoothie this morning too! (minus the bananas…ewww, mama doesn’t like them!)
you are too cute and thanks for just making me smile when I read your posts! Makes me feel that life is just as normal as it should be!

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - i wish i made smoothies… they always look so yummy… but seem like a pain to make!

Bec - You should throw in a little spinach- can’t taste it but it is good for you! (use the fresh kind, not the can πŸ˜‰ )

paige - we love those around here too…can get a little expensive making daily smoothies for 5 with fresh fruit, but yum yes!
trying to find some great protein to add to them…

Nancy - my girls are all over the “smoovies” as my youngest calls them. My oldest just whipped it up herself. I find that when she makes it, she eats it. Love that. Pineapple will be in our next one, now. A little bit of Hawaii. If I can’t get to Hawaii, I will pretend!

Dianne - YUM!!!! I have a pineapple at home that may be destined for a smoothie tonight πŸ™‚

Tam - delish! I wish I could make one right now! I need to get groceries πŸ™

Emily - I add 1/4 cup of egg whites to make mine a protein smoothie, and it’s tasteless!

Nicole Q. - wish we could sit and chat over a good smoothie today!

jess - yum! i am on a “green” smoothie kick…adding spinach to mine!

megan - thanks for posting that. i wondered if you put yogurt in it when i was reading your “pineapple post”. smoothies are such a great way to crank out your 5-a-day goal!!
have a great day!

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this looks like my kind of movie.

***i received a fun surprise in the mail this week.
i never really knew amy (the designer) because she is the much younger sister of my friend's husband.   
i remember she was a tiny little girl.  :) very petite.


she has an etsy shop filled with really cute custom stationary.
she made some for me.

IMG_1055it it was obvious to me that she knows me in real life.
they say Megan.
not Meg.

i love them amy….thank you so much!

****and another thing:


***did you see the movie Almost Famous?
it's old.
it's from 2000.
recently craig was talking to someone and they said they had never seen it.
we love that movie….it is so so good.
Philip Seymour Hoffman has a minor role and he is classic.
so…if you never saw Almost Famous…do it.

chicago friend Julie has been doing a self portrait project this year.
her rule is that there are no rules except she has to take the picture.
i want to copy her.
so i am.
here is my first self portrait in my project.
stretching at home after i ran 3 miles…alone…without stopping! 


***last because it's the best:
i have an opening for pictures on MAY 25.

email me if you want that spot. 
it's taken.  :)

Kim - check out jessie baylin – wife of the drummer from kings of leon. oh my goodness such an amazing talent!!

Courtney Walsh - the thing about Almost Famous that struck me was Kate Hudson. It was her first movie, before anyone knew who she was and there’s that scene where she realizes the rocker dude doesn’t love her and she is AMAZING in that scene. It is so raw and real and I don’t know if I’ll ever forget it!! Love it.
Like the self portrait. πŸ™‚

Molly - ooooh I want to see that movie so bad! And I love kings of leon…and Almost Famous!!

Kristi - Looovvvvvveee Almost Famous (we own it, lol) and LOVE smoothies! And you GO girl on your run πŸ™‚

Kate Bowell - We rock to the Kings of Leon in our mini-van. . . and we are seriously thankful that the words are just a tad bit hard to understand. We would have some serious explaining to do if they weren’t! You just can’t have that kind of talk coming from a kid! Love them!

tami reed - That movie looks so cute!

Darkchocolate Angel - Hello Meg,
After reading your blog from beginning to end (yes I read all the way back to your first post in Jan 07) I really have to write in to say you have an wonderful family and an even wonderful way of writing about them…there never was a dull post! πŸ™‚ I looove all your pics….I hope it dosent creep you if I said I would have taken some similar pictures of stuff if I had a camera (and all the skill you have too!) We have absolutely nothing in common….but I still love love love your blog! I just started one of mine (no dont go thr…i havent posted anything worthwhile at all yet…just 2 posts!) I just wish mine turns out at least half as good as yours!
whew!! that was a long comment (considering I have never commented on any blog ever!) hope to see more of your wonderful work πŸ™‚

Amanda - Dear Meg,
I’ve been following your blog for over a year now, and aside from your gorgeous home, excellent recipes, and stunning photos, I knew I liked you for a reason–like me, you love Kings of Leon!

danyelle - i can’t wait to see “babies”!
thanks for the sweet mention on your happy space. πŸ˜‰

nora - nice job on the run! tht babies trailer cracks me up!

Laura Phelps - I ran for 20 minutes yesterday and thought I was going to faint and throw up. Seriously sick. See? I knew physical activity was BAD
but you look good…

aimee - gorgeous stationery! and thanks for the “it’s true” link – i just howled at your caption! thanks for making me smile! xo

sandy toe - I want to see that movie “babies” but it is gone! It was in my area for one weekend…boo hoo!
sandy toe

Musings Of A Gem - Love the stationary! So cute : ) I love the way waffle is looking down on you also lol
Gemma X

Amy J. - Thanks, Meg! I’m glad you liked the stationery πŸ™‚ Yeah, I just remember you with Tonya- you were a cheerleader with her right?! Things have changed…and I’m not especially petite anymore!! πŸ™‚

elisabeth (bovagoods) - i ignored kings of leon for a while too. now i love them!!! wouldn’t that be an awesome concert to go to?

dianereeves - I need to see both of those movies-I have watched the Babies trailer multiple times, plus it has Sufjan as the track, I know I will LOVE it.
Thanks for linking my Kid’s Art Journal DIY!
I always love visiting your “Happy Things” list.

anna - Babies is the funniest movie, you will laugh your head off! – and then cry a bit too πŸ™‚

Stephanie - That’s my birthday!! =) Too bad I don’t live closer.

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I’m totally getting one of those arm band thingies for my ipod. It’s a must when running, isn’t it?

Jodi - I can totally relate to your Kings Of Leon thing, but for me it’s with Snow Patrol…I saw them open for U2 and was like “hello, where have you been all my life?”
I have recently been listening to KOL too though, “Revelry” is my new favorite. Love your blog as always! That’s so awesome that you did 3 miles!

kristine - saw babies on mother’s day! LOVED it! you will too – except you’ll want more babies for sure! super sweet.
LOVE your new cards! LOVE kings of leon. LOVE almost famous.
LOVE the self-portrait idea too but i’ll leave that to you guys. keep showing them! lastly, wish i could take your photo slot!

Staci - And allll Waffle wants to know is when you are going to play with him I bet πŸ™‚ That face….I know it well πŸ™‚ And now, I must go find Almost Famous!

Art Cant Hurt - i’ve been meaning to tell you that i love what you’ve done with your hair!
so cute – and perfect for a runner πŸ˜‰
take care!

Dee Stephens - love that stationary!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I will have to google Kings of Leon. I have no idea what the reference refers to? I will also have to check out Almost Famous. After reading today’s post I feel as though I’m living under a rock. Am I really that out of touch? Off to google…

Lauren - We discovered Kings of Leon last summer. OMG! LOVE them!

Lisa - Yeah. Kings of Leon. LOVE THEM!

Casey - Can’t wait to see that movie.
LOVE the sweet treat you got in the mail. Awesome.
Almost Famous is so good! I want to be a groupie. For Wham, of course, circa 1986.

Christa - I loved Babies! It was a great exploration of culture, in my opinion. Then again, I have my own baby, so I’m biased.
(What kind of opening for pictures??)

Julie K. - AWESOME! I can’t wait to see your self portraits!

sarah - Didn’t know Amy J was family… we’ve just become blogger friends πŸ™‚
I love her stationary!
Great first self portrait.
3 miles, great job!!

Tanya - I love Almost Famous. great movie! Oh and Kings of Leon.

Melanie - I love the Kings of Leon!

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how does this make you feel?

this is my dining room.
yes….that is original woodwork.

now what do you feel?
are you screaming at your screen?
are you applauding?
don't show your husband….he will most likely have a fit.

what IS the deal with MEN and unpainted wood?
why do they care so much?
why do they think it looks so good?

my man completes gets the white.
he likes it.
we have looked at hundreds of homes over the years and there is NO DOUBT that white is "US".
it's bright and happy and crisp.
it shows so much more detail in the woodwork when it IS white.

as of now the dining room is all primed.
mostly by craig…i did a little…he did 90%.
but i did the laundry mountain.
and fed the tribe.
and bought the groceries.
so we are even.     

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hey Meg,
WOW this has been a huge debate! I live in an 1860s home full of the original woodwork and Im dying to paint it but hubby has told me no. Id love to see an update of this post. Am I just missing it somewhere?

Kat - Agh! No, stop! The wood is/was beautiful! It looks vintage and not crappy 1980’s vintage. It sounds like you will be very happy with your white. And our spaces should always make us happy. But I’ll be crying a little for the natural woodwork.

Karen - Screech! That’s how it makes me feel. My hubby and I both LOVE wood and hate how the trends change over time, and before too long, SOMEONE has to undo it. But for you….it’s all good as long as I never have to strip it all again! πŸ˜‰

Heather - I love old houses…especially ones with all white painted trim! I got giddy for you. It will look fabulous.

Elizabeth - It makes me feel JEALOUSSSS!!!! I have SO MUCH WOOD TRIM in my house. Overwhelmed. Renting from my dad, scared to paint it, but if we buy it, I think I will…

katie - the same theory applies to painting brick and neutering dogs.

the inadvertent farmer - Ok,I know this is overreacting but that actually brought tears to my eyes. Quarter sawn oak? Do you know how rare that is to have in a house? Do you know how many windows I have had to strip and sand to get down to wood…and never wood as lovely as that.
I’m off to find a tissue…Kim

Kim - I forgot to say that all the doors in the house are oak as well. Truly just depressing how much oak there is in my house.

Kim - Jealous. I do not like the house we live in and one of the reasons is all the oak. The floors, the stairs, the woodwork, the fireplace, the cabinets, the countertops in the masterbath. Everywhere you look! Ugh. My husband loves it. When I ask to paint it his response is “It’s oak!” and I say “EXACTLY!” It makes it very hard to decorate the way I like. Nothing turns out. So, paint away and enjoy for the those of us who are not allowed to paint the wood.

ashley - I immediately laughed at the screen when I saw what you were doing. I was like, “Yeah, let’s hope the hubby doesn’t walk behind and see THIS one.” I wish we were “white paint” people, too.

Vera - Oh my gosh this cracks me up – if I suggest painting something wood (trim, paneling, furniture) he acts like I’m wanting to murder someone.

thepaper-rose - LOVE IT! We live in a house that is about 100 years old…..had beautiful woodwork and lots of it. Lots of built ins….about 5 years ago I decided to paint all of it… are right…..all of our male friends about had heart attacks…I have never, ever regretted it. It lightened everything…whenever I look at old pictures I cannot believe that I waited so long. It was very overwhelming when I started. I focused on one wall at a time instead of rooms…..only way I could do it! So, you go girl!!!


tasha roe - love painted wood! and it is so true with me and natural wood. i think its only for floors but that’s me. i got all excited when i saw that paint brush. hope the dining room is coming a long nicely!! cant wait to see photos.

Stephanie - Love the white. We have gallons and gallons of oil base white paint in our 100 year old house!

nope - i can tell most of the posters here are ladies…boooo! down with the white!
i felt like i had a little heart attack with that photo

Karina - I completely agree with you, white painted woodwork is better. I am not at all about the dark, gloomy wood, it does nothing to lift my spirits. I can’t wait to see your finished room!

Christa - We could have original wood window frames (they’re there under the paint), but they don’t work with anything in my house. If you have really traditional decor/archit./colors it’s great, but if your stuff is at all modern or cute, the bare wood looks pretty weird.

Cheryl - I know – my husband would freak out and so would my mother. And I think I would just a little – right before I painted it! Good job, I hope you enjoy it πŸ™‚

stljoie - We have all the original wood downstairs, including the kitchen which I love….upstairs we have walnut veneer doors with the frames painted white….That was original to the house and that’s the way I’ve kept it. An addition is completely painted in 3 shades of a very light green/aqua…like copper patina. Enjoy your adventure, I’m sure you will love it.

Jesse @ Good Girl Gone Glad - I LOVE the crisp clean look of white painted wood work! Can’t wait to see a bit more!

Staci Danford - Yes.. my husband would die.. BUT he fusses while I too paint all my woodwork white.. I just can hardly look at it any other color.. Can’t wait to see it finished..

kristi rediske - I live in a house that was built in 1900 and I have wanted to paint the woodwork so bad-but everyone thought it would be terrible to do that – BUT-if we stay in this house much longer it is getting painted! I just need to do it-I agree-it just brightens it up and makes it cheerier(is that a word?) anyway-thanks for the inspiration.

Jenn - ha ha! I did cringe! But only because I knew that if I even attempted something like that I would be banned from my own home. I think it will look gorgeous – I LOVE white trim πŸ™‚

Suzanne - Just because it’s wood, doesn’t mean it’s good.
Love painting wood. Hub hates it. I win.

jody - love it! white trim reflects natural light so much better. yes, the wood is lovely, like the original oak in our home…but I continue to paint it. so much brighter and happier.

jasonhuebner - This is wrong.

Allison - oh honey, the sight of white paint sliding over ANY color makes me feel soooo happy. I too am obsessed with white. For years my husband made fun of me. Now, he too totally gets that white makes a home feel cheerful..and a great backdrop to COLORS!!

Rachel / cREaTe - how do those photos make me feel? happy. that you don’t feel like a prisoner or a visitor in your own HOME. πŸ™‚ it’s not a museum, it’s your home & every square inch of your home should make you feel welcome there & be a reflection of you. so i’m extremely happy for you. don’t get me wrong – i love wood & original state, too … but not WHEN IT’S NOT WORKING FOR YOU. πŸ˜€ you’re not in the preservation business – you’re a mother & creative girl making your home a cheery, warm, inspiring place; a place where your 5 children can grow & want to be. and you do it SO WELL! can’t WAIT to see it.

Leigh - I confess: painted wood makes me cringe. But then, I’m a carpenter’s daughter.

DreamGirlLisa - I am applauding you πŸ™‚ I will always choose white over wood tone, I agree with you 100%! Can’t wait to see the finished room.

Amanda - I DEFINITELY prefer white over wood!

Cori - I wish seeing that picture would make me want to paint. I need to paint almost every inch of my house. Sadly, it just makes me want to see more pictures of your house!

Michelle - It freaked me out to see that. . . but now i kinda want to do it at my house! We live in an old home too and all the woodwork in the house except for the living room and dinning room was painted before we moved in and I love those rooms. . . but i don’t think this is a battle i will win with the mister. . . . i will just live through you!

kristine - i’m with you. i love wood. but i love love the white fresh, bright, crispness just like you said! i can’t wait to see what you do!!

jeanne - You are a brave girl. I like white too…but I would have a hard time actually painting over that beautiful wood. I will just buy your house when you have done all the work.

Jules - LOVE IT! My husband refuses to paint our banister (which is a cheesy golden colour). Bring it ooo-un! Woo!

Lindsay - while i also think that painted wood can bring out the best in SOME wood, when I saw that brush near those beautiful windows I gave a brief scream too! And I couldn’t show my husband- he feels the same. We can totally agree to paint certain woods, manufactured wood, etc., when it comes to original hardwood we can’t do it! Fortunately we live in a 60s house with NO character :), so we have been able to do what we please and not have to ‘ruin’ anything. Though I do ADORE your house so much anyway.

marlowe @ come home to roost - So wish I could convince my husband that this is the way to go!

Janie Fox - Love it! I did it and have never regretted it! Can’t wait to see the finished project.

Samantha - Paint it, paint it all I say! I love a room full of crisp white woodwork! and those leaded glass windows are gonna shine like nobody’s business when framed in white!

Musings Of A Gem - Heehee…i love the white..very bright!
Gemma X

Jennifer - I had no idea! Thought it was just my husband. There is dark wood molding around two sliding glass doors that he refuses to let me touch. IT’S WOOD! I did get him to paint some old doors in the basement white and the improvement is alarming-hasn’t changed his mind overall.

sixty fifth avenue - Yes!!! I love old houses with big juicy white trim! Nothing better! If we were friends, I would be there helping…so fun.

Nikki - You go girl! I love painted wood. But am scared myself to do it.

Heather - I love it!! I know what you mean about the paint-or-no-paint gender divide though. My husband is strangely okay with painting wood, but my dad is adamantly against it, even if it’s dark and grainy and terrible. πŸ™‚

Melissa - I am screaming no only becuase it is such gorgeous woodwork! But I realize its a personal prefrence. I am currently stripp away paint from my old house woodwork. Good luck

Lanny Stanard - I love it… paint it girl frieeeend !

Sandy - I love the white look too, but after scraping & sanding for days and days and days at our first house I don’t know if I could paint wood. And I’m a female. πŸ™‚

Whitney R - Will you bring that paint brush to my house? Please! I live in a 1930s home that had most of its trim painted when we moved in with crisp lovely white, but my Living Room my sweet hubbie won’t let me touch, “Sigh”
I can’t wait to see your results! Maybe it will help convincing my man!
Whitney R.

Trish - Love painted wood!!! Our house has all wood and I HATE it!!! I would paint it, but our doors are the cheapy kind that would look bad painted, so therefore that project would morph into getting all new doors, which I would love, but the wallet wouldn’t!

Alan Handley - You are making a huge mistake! Natural wood rocks! Painted wood screams fad! Turn back turn back now!!!!!

ann - I just painted my dining room table (which was ruined from water damage)and my husband is freaking out about that! I think the white will look great in your house with all the pretty colors you decorate with! Can’t wait to ooh and aaah at your dining room when you’re finished!

kat - Love it! We recently painted the kitchen cabinets and all the trimwork and doors downstairs, and it looks a million times better! We love it! Now, if we can just decide what to do with our playroom/library… it is ALL wood.

Brenna - Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, but whatever. πŸ™‚

rosemarie - i grew up in a home that was over 100 years old and yes the wood work and molding(trim) was painted. the wood work in the home was beautiful and painting the molding white or off white (tasteful) always made the house look elegant and current. not painting some old houses make them old and are right. paint makes molding cheery and new.

Kristi - oh- I love it! I so want to paint our kitchen cabinets, but my husband is so opposed to painting over the wood. I so want to do it! I think I am wearing him down, but not quite yet. can’t wait to see what it looks like!

Lisa - I’m going to have to go lay down now to lower my blood pressure πŸ˜‰ Actually the woodwork in our house is painted white (because it had already been painted when we bought it, we just freshened it up) and I really love it. You’re right, it looks clean and crisp. That said, if it hadn’t already been painted, I would NEVER have painted it. I have serious wood envy when I go to an old bungalow that has the original woodwork. My dad is a woodworker and I have just always loved natural finish. To each his own! Can’t wait to see pictures!

Tegan and Tage - Seriously! What IS it with men and unpainted wood? That is a constant battle in our house…

Tanya - can’t wait to see the finished result

Jessica from Stars and Clouds - Definitely have to agree with you, white is the way to go! And your house speaks volumes of your great taste!

Jessica - I think it depends on the house, you and Craig are the ones who live in that house, you two know the feel of the house and you two already have done a fabulous job with the kitchen. I believe you two will do a fabulous job painting the woodwork white.
Some houses have gorgeous woodwork that should stay brown, others you can get away with painting the woodwork white.
Have fun painting!

Michelle Whitlow - I agree with you, I don’t like wood trim. And by that I mean “wood colored” trim. I looove white trim!!

Micah - We’re all about white in our house too. Go for it! Brighter is ALWAYS better.

annalea @ our hartbeat - ha! just painted our woodwork white in our dining room last month. my husband and i are totally on the white is just us bandwagon as well. the living room is up this month. i will posting photos soon (but it is funny how i tense up a bit when i tell someone just waiting for them to scold me. . .)

grey umbrella - it makes my heart go pitter patter … i LOVE white and love when the grain shows through a little. that old/new look. can’t wait to see it all done!

citymouse - I’ve been trying to get my courage up to paint the natural beadboard and vanity in our upstairs bathroom. It isn’t original but probably the most recent renovation prior to us buying the house. I think it’ll look so much better white. Now I’m one step closer.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - LOVE!!! You will never regret it. I don’t get the whole “natural wood” allure. No one screams about painting a “natural wall”!

jason - nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Staci - Cannot WAIT to see the end product!!!! Love it that you are so sure and brave πŸ™‚ I need a little of that πŸ˜‰

katy - Funny that you posted this today, as that is what I did last night (primed our wood trim in the stairwell) and I plan on adding the coat of paint today while my daughter naps… and likely again when she goes to bed because I doubt I will finish it while she is napping.
I love the white trim, and my hubs likes it too, but he WILL NOT let me paint our kitchen cabinets white. I have let that battle go for now… but I shall resume the cause again at a later date. πŸ™‚

Sarah@Clover Lane - I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
I could never live in a house without white woodwork.
Can’t wait to see it.

Andrea from O-H-I-O - UGH! Am currently stripping paint off my kitchen woodwork that some old owner did not paint correctly!

Laura Phelps - I do that too.
The “we are even”
But most days, I think we are not even.
I think I win.
Or is it that I lose?
Can’t wait to see your dining room…to REALLY SEE IT..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
(Belle is excited to meet Waffle….)

suzanne pignato - Hey girl… love your blog just found it..via my sweet savannah ….i’m with you…. don’t understand why men get so upset over painting wood it’s like a club or something…i just wait til my hubby goes out of town and paint away…then he loves suzanne

Nina Diane - I can’t wait to see the finished room. Are you using high gloss or semi? I want to paint our wood but am afraid….

Susan - I love white…especially on old woodwork…it just seems to add space as well as dimension and I hate dark spaces. Our house had paneling in the entry and den and we had planned to paint but now we are removing it totally (it is cheap paneling not the pretty kind). We are not using white because we fell in love with an off white color called Manchester tan by Benjamin Moore…it seems to soothe me and we both agree on it so.

Annie - I’m a white trim girl all the way! Love the windows in your home! Gorgeous!

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - My husband embraces my love of white, high gloss paint, too. Maybe I brainwashed him.
Our house was built in the 40s and we did the same thing when we moved in…my mother in law is probably still crying over us “ruining” it. Too bad I don’t care!

julia - you are so right – it is a guy thing!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - You go girl!!! I’ve got beautiful wood cabinets in my new kitchen that I’m wanting to paint white (or possibly black on the lowers) and my parents are aghast at the thought of me painting these beautiful cabinets! πŸ˜‰
I love how white trim makes whatever wall color just pop! Can’t wait to see your finished room.

Mandy - I am giving you a standing ovation! πŸ™‚

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - love it. I can’t wait to see it all done! I just painted an antique wardrobe and i think I gave my mom a heart attack. But seriously, it’s just stuff!

jennifer - Love the white! Wouldn’t have my trim any other way…
And yeah for husbands that do the painting! Not that I have one, but mine’s a keeper anyway. πŸ™‚

heidi - This cracks me up. I sell real estate in Cottonwood Falls. Every time I show a house with painted woodwork people say, “oh I wish they hadn’t painted it” and I’m thinking, sure hope they don’t come to my house! I painted mine and it looks so sharp and tailored. LOVE IT. anyone who has a problem with it can pay your mortgage, otherwise they can just not worry about it!

Julie - White woodwork: my fave.
Painting woodwork white: not my fave.
It is going to be gorgeous!!!
The wood lovers can deal.
They can go hug trees and get over it.

Lori Danelle - I love wood. I have to. I’m my father’s daughter and he is a wood worker & built our entire house.
HOWEVER!! I don’t think the love of wood should morph into some insane reverence where it’s next to sacrilege to even think about painting wood.
I fully believe you have to do what’s right for each space. Sometimes that’s bare wood. Sometimes, that means painting your beautiful wood kitchen cabinets. If the room isn’t making you happy with bare wood, then pull out the paintbrush!!! πŸ™‚

Esther Harper - Sorry Meg…big no,no. This wood if you were to give a light sand and put some light sealer it would have looked amazing. Its kind of like discovering you have beautiful hardwood floors under a ragy carpet and re-carperting it. But again we are high end custom home builders and our customers pay us alot of $$$$ to get the look of natural wood. Enough said but if you like it go for it.

sarah - Excited to see the finished work.
I love the white.

Jen Joy - I’m totally applauding over here! πŸ˜€ Long live white painted trim!

Julie - I LOVE it. My hubby would be the same. I threaten to paint things and he just can’t “see” it. It’s definitely a man thing.

Ana - Meg, it makes me feel like “YAAAAAY!!!!” Seriously, every time I walk into a house with natural wood trim I always think “why aren’t these people painting all this WHITE??”. I think white with a nice contrasting wall color just looks so SHARP! Congratulations on such a wise decision. LOVE IT!

Tere - I cringe just a little, but do LOVE it.
Keep the pics coming, can’t wait for the finished project.
Also, have you redone the attic/upstairs.

Deputy's Wife - I am lucky. My house has a combination of white and stained woodwork. A good thing, because I love them both. Our downstairs is all stained original woodwork. The upstairs was painted when we moved in, so I repainted it all white.
While I do love the white trim (I think it is going to look fabulous) I don’t think I can bring myself to paint stained wood. I think it is because my dad restored antique furniture for a living. I would be afraid what he would do if he saw me paint wood!
Can’t wait to see it!

Jeannine - I’m sure your room will end up looking absolutely wonderful, but I totally cringed when the pictures loaded. Mind you, this is probably only because I spent tons of time stripping paint off of original woodwork when restoring my uncles house.

Tara @ the cinnamon post - ooohhh…i’m going to be doing the same thing soon in my living/dining room. bring it on. the only thing keeping me from painting all our trim is time and money!!

patti - i love white trim too. we have a room in our house that is still the original knotty pine wood paneling when we moved in, that room was floor to ceiling (literally on the ceiling) wood. the room connects with the kitchen via a counter and it was our dining room prior to kids. i used to call it the cigar lounge. once we had our first daughter, we painted, and painted and painted (took a lot to cover) – and now it’s a lovely airy playroom for my girls. several of our friends and family gasped when we said we were painting, but i love it and it looks like a beach cottage. here’s a link to the before/after

Ally - White is timeless. It’ll never go out. I fully intend to do this in our next house, which we will hopefully settle down in. I can’t bring myself to do all that work here, when we’ll be moving in a few years. Hope you share the results!

Rebecca - Ok, I first thought “OMG!!!” but then I wondered what kind of wood it is and maybe it darkens to the room up too much or maybe it has damage. I used to be a decorative painter and I had to paint a lot of woodwork. It often looked much better with the paint especially if they were cabinets from the 1980’s!

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - It scares me, but I know I would do the same thing!

Julie K. - I support painted woodwork! Sadly, hubby does not. So the kitchen cabinets remain wood, forever. I got the trim in the rest of the house though. πŸ™‚

Steph - I spent many summers stripping paint off… getting down to the “real” wood… and so I’m sorry, but I disagree! I was screaming at the computer screen, I couldn’t believe what was going on… I’m a “real wood” “keep it natural” kinda girl! So yes, painting over that fabulous wood… saddens me. πŸ™

Liz jensen - I always say “its still the original woodwork, even painted white”! It is going to look lovely I am sure!
Thanks for your post yesterday…I too am finishing out the last year of preschool before my 3rd heads off to the big school with her brothers. I loved our little preschool. My boys started going there when I was still pregnant with my daughter. I have however felt completely out of place this year trudging in with all the “younger” moms that have a 2 year old, 4 year old and a new baby in a carrier or are pregnant. I think its time, but sad none the less!
Have a great day!

You will NEVER be even.
You WIN!!!

Suzanne Gallagher - White is so fresh and clean. I have white beadboard in almost all my main floor rooms. I’m a believer in doing what makes you happy! Can’t wait to see the results!

Kristin - Oh I love the white! I have and will paint any wood trim white. πŸ˜‰

Melanie - I would not flinch while painting the wood. I think the white will look great!

Alyssa - Just wanted to send you some LOVE this morning….Love you Meg!!
I know I am a random stranger but I love your blog, your family, your wood being painted white…..
Love ya!

jennifer - Bring on the white! :o)

RLG - White is fresh and modern. In an older home –LOVE it!
Cannot wait to see the finished product. xoxo

Logan - I totally agree with your decision to paint the wood. I bought a home many years ago that had one bedroom that was solid pine paneling. It was SO dark and I really, really wanted to bleach it or paint it, but my dad, whose opinion I really respected, asked me not to. He kept reminding me how valuable that was and since it was the guest room where he and my mom stayed when they visted, he said “please don’t paint my room”. So I didn’t ever paint it. But I met the current owner of my old home a few months ago and she admitted to me that they painted the paneling since their daughter now lives in that room! LOL!! I didn’t have the heart to tell my dad.

chris - It makes me so excited , it will brighten up and liven up the room , so looking forward to seeing it ,
BTW my husband and got a real kick out of those picture Annie drew , they are technically good too and funny.

Angel/TaDa!Creations - I love this post!!! My husband would be groaning if he saw it, but I think deep down he understands how important white woodwork is, he just doesn’t want to know it ever started out as brown. It really makes any wall color so much more beautiful. I can’t wait to see your finished dining room. And I would say your workload was definitely evenly split. πŸ˜‰

Anna Marie - You are SOOOO very right! My husband would have a conniption fit if I even suggested painting wood trim white. But I adore it and love it. It makes the room so much prettier and happier. You RARELY see unpainted wood in PB magazines πŸ˜‰

Tess S. - LOOOOOOOVE the white. my husband would yell at you. how about painting wood cabinets white…. now that would make him FLIP out! ha!

jack - White is right!

Dianne - Go Go Go! Love the white!

jody - Meg…I’m dying!! I had a good laugh at your post. We just bought a ranch w dark trim & we’ve painted the house white now I want white trim EVERYWHERE!!
The battle continues between hub & I….of course, he wants to keep it dark! (or not do the work??…)
Convincing continues on….

elma - Oh I LOVE your home!! I can’t wait to seethis room done!!

Courtney Walsh - I would LOVE to have all white wood. I don’t paint it because it’s so much work. Will you do all your rooms this way (or are they already all white? I forget…)

AshleyAnn - Yeah for the white…cheery and bright.
No yeah for all the work it takes to get it so cheery and bright! Wouldn’t a magic painting wand be nice!

Lacy Brauner - the wood was good in the ’70’s!! haha! Fed the tribe? Love that, I call mine monkeys or crazy people..but tribe is so much more polite! haha I think men see the carpentry and think the wood in its original state is artistic or something..but that just wrong!

Elisa - * Crying *
But, that is just me! I always say do whatever YOU like when it comes to decorating!
As long as it’s not hot pink… πŸ˜‰

donna - I love it , not screaming at all but cheering you on. I also redid all the moulding in my house last year! Think it was the most maddening job of all. So time consuming but well worth it. I only wish that I could have replaced it all with new instead of paint but the money tree said No! <3 Donna

Tam - I LOVE white trim! My husband has finally decided he will just trust my instincts because he says it always turns out good πŸ˜‰ (’bout time!) I can’t wait to see the finished room!

dori - yes, everything white! cant wait to see the finish results!

Jenn - Go for it…wood is over rated πŸ™‚ I love white woodwork. Heck, I paint anything that stands still!

Nicole Q. - No doubt it will look awesome!!! I think you got the hard part of the job!!

erin - love it! white is such a clean look, so crisp. i’ve painted an entire house worth of trim and cabinets white and then our current house already had everything white. it is no small task, but one that is much worth the work! can’t wait to see the “after” shots!

Kasey - I love white trim and white wood. It makes the room brighter, crisp and ‘summery’.

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - my husband and i are in agreement with you. we’re looking for a new home now and everytime we step into a house, dan will say… i see a lot of white paint in my future!

Cassie - i will admit it, my heart stopped for a moment. i might have screamed “NOOOOOOO!!!!”, too.
i think it’s because i have stripped more woodwork in my life than i care to remember and it was awful.
but i am certain the white will look fabulous! πŸ™‚

The Countess of Nassau County - Go for it. We waited about three years to do it when we moved into our house and immediately realized we should have done it on day one.
Give Craig a hug, he’ll be fine.

Beth - white, white, white! makes everything feel clean & fresh. i painted over our solid oak cabinets 5 years ago,and was met with much disdain. even from women. they were meant to be white. god sent me a man who agrees. yipee! it will loook fantastic when it’s done!

rachel - Your VERY brave but I completely agree as I love white too. Can’t wait to see the final result, I know it will be fabulous πŸ˜€ XXX

Michelle - Ha! Dave and I argue about this and painting the fireplace bricks more than anything! Why is that such a guy thing?

Jill - Love the white! I can’t wait to see the finished product.

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the end of an era….

on friday annie finished her last day of preschool.
which also means that my 12 year run of being a preschool mom is also over.
5 of those years were at new creation preschool with ms. kristin.
i met her just weeks after moving to newton.
i called the school…she answered and told me "i hadn't told anyone yet but we just had an opening"
it was meant to be.
annie was a newborn in her carseat when we took sean in for his first day.
i am so thankful for this school.  for kristin.  for her graceful way of teaching my children.

so i cried it all out on friday…in my car….in the wendy's parking lot.
(and now again while i am typing this)

when i took this picture….it clicked that this was over.
i don't know why.
this picture.
i got all choked up, alone in annie's preschool room while they practiced their program upstairs.
check out kristin's rainbow skirt.

so there it is.
over forever.
annie is my last baby.
she grew up overnight.
and now i am a mom of school age children.
no babies.
that is really hard for me to come to grips with.
i know i have five kids….i know i am tired and worn out by them….i know that what i have is enough.
but i really cannot believe that the baby stage is over.
that i will never have another baby.
it makes me feel too grown up….old.
i don't really want to start dealing with only BIG kid issues…driving, talking back, grades, sex….


and then annie took off riding way down the street without waiting for me.
kind of like she did growing up.
she never even asked me.

i am sure that my new "freedom" will be great.
i will get so much done and that this is a new stage and it will be good.
this baby/preschool stage was my normal for the past 15 years.
now i am done.
it is very surreal.
i hope my kids still need me…
without sippy cups or potty training or floaties or shoe tying.

don't feel sorry for me.
my pity party is at max capacity already. 

np - We have the same exact things going on in our lives! My baby(of 5) is also heading to big boy school, in the fall. I enjoy reading your blog b/c you mother with such purpose and love…. thanks for the inspiration.

katherinemarie - I recognize that CLASSROOM as one of my favorite preschool rooms EVER!!! What an amazing preschool experience for your little Annie. I hope the memories of all that color-wonder-bliss-creativity will ease your mama’s heart as you say goodbye to such a wonderful school experience.

jaz - What a DELICIOUS classroom! Ooooh so gorgeous!! And what a beautiful girl you have there. You captured these memories so beautifully xox

Trina McNeilly - The colors are spectacular… love them… makes me happy …after a whole afternoon of talking back and big kid drama.. coming from a 1st GRADER.. whats up with that? I think baby crying is easier…. i might change my mind at 2am though. But time does go so fast. I’m sure that is a crazy feeling everyone done with pre-school.

Erin Leigh - This blog makes me so happy. The colors + the photos. I teach kinder + it’s good for me to read these comments to have a little empathy for my weepy moms on the first day of school. The ones who ask me what their child ate and hand me sunscreen to chase them around on the playground with. (i know this not you)My little guy is only 2, but i already feel weepy thinking about him growing so fast… my turn will come!

Kelly - such a good post for me to read. I’m just starting with the whole baby thing and right now not getting any sleep and am exhausted. reminds me to cherish. kelly

Maria - loved this post.
We just had our prek graduation last friday too…our last after being there for 8 years ( 4 boys worth).
Not quite sure I will know what to do with myself next school year with no one to tote back and forth to prek for once.
We will go from 4 schools to 2 schools next year (probably the only year that will happen) and that I am really looking forward to.
such sweet photos of your preschool too..hang in there…

krystall - now I’m crying too! I have thought those exact same thoughts and had those exact same feelings. I was crying over my boys getting married one day and leaving me, they were 3 & 2 at the time:)
I have one more little chick with me at home during the day and I think this post made me realize I need to apprecaite what I have instead of fretting about what’s to come,
thanks for the reminder to grasp each moment with them

Andria - Meg,
My youngest is finishing kindergarten. I am right there with you. I have found myself bursting into tears so many times while watching a show with a baby in it. I am a baby-preschool age mom, its my favorite time. My heart aches that I will not have another even though I am busy with my 3 boys. My husband tells me all the time we have enough on our plate but I still yearn for another. So I have been soaking every minute of kindergarten, every minute my youngest puts his hand in mine.

Courtney Walsh - Meg,
I still have a baby at home (well, he’s two) but this post still got me teary. And I don’t tear. I’m not a cry-er. It’s so hard in the midst of the “stop!” and “don’t do that!” to realize that when they are grown, they are grown… and we can’t stop it. I hate it. πŸ™ boo. I am going to go hug my hobbit now.
Annie’s preschool looks absolutely amazing.

Kate - Beautiful post. Mine is not in preschool yet, and I am actually dreading that transition…every stage is hard! If it helps at all, I am 39, and I still talk to my Momma every single day…I still need her. Momma’s are always needed!

ashley - Beautifully said. Gorgeous and fun classroom. What was in Annie’s book, if you don’t mind me asking?

Sophie - Such beautiful photos to capture beautiful memories.
And you still have your babies. Sure, they might not need you to help them read or tie their shoes, but I’m the youngest of three, and even though I’m seventeen, I’m still my mother’s baby (:

kristin - for one of the first times since friday that i’m crying. i’ve been in a weird place of grief over this ending…it is so so so so bittersweet. today it seems mostly bitter.
oh, i will miss your family. your support. your enthusiasm.
thank you for the pictures. again.

Brooke Whitis - I LOVED her preschool!! That place was such a blessing…such a creative, awesome teacher and a place that even had a BLOG!! She inspired me as a teacher πŸ™‚ I hope you enter the next stage with as much joy as you have the last! You are a wonderful mom πŸ™‚

Carol S. - Mine are 5th grade and sophomore, and I was just at your stage yesterday. But, I get lifted by friends with older kids (college, married, grandparents) who say there are JOYS in every stage! Truly, it will be there. So briefly mourn the loss of one stage, and then quickly throw yourself into finding the JOYS of the next. (That’s my plan)

Joni Lane - wow, what a beautiful preschool. how wonderful that it has filled you with so many wonderful memories.

jeanne - I cried just reading this. I think I cry a lot reading your posts.

Susan - Oh Meg, I am feeling your pain right now. I am going through similar growing pains – my baby (by nine years) and last child is STARTING preschool this summer (pre-preschool), and I am sooooo sad to say goodbye to the era of having my babies all to myself and home with me all day everyday. I find it so difficult to leave each stage behind, but, as you know, the new stages bring their own triumphs and joys.

DreamGirlLisa - I know how you feel, it’s so sad when they grow up, and THINK they don’t need you…but they always will πŸ™‚ You will love having that time alone once you get used to it, enjoy!

Nancy M - In a few years you can look forward to grandbabies. β™₯

Janet - My very wise momma once told me she thinks jr.hi/high school kids need their parents almost more than the younger ones. The tricky part, as you are well aware, is figuring out how to be there w/o “interfering.”
My ‘baby’ turned 21 yrs today.

Stina - Love that school. Love your pictures. So bright and cheerful. I was following both your blog and the preschool’s blog for at least a year before I spotted a picture of Annie there and realized that THAT was where she went. How awesome for your kids. I would LOVE to go to that preschool even now…at almost 30. lol. What a treat. And now on to the next chapter. Of course they will still need you. You still need your Mama, I’m sure. And, of course, we need you and your fun posts. πŸ™‚

candace - YOU should become a preschool teacher!!!!! The you could be around the fun littles all the time.

Kerry Wiebe - Sister don’t be sad!!! You can ALWAYS have things changed if you know what I mean!! I am living proof of that HA! HA!
And if not any time you need a baby fix PLEASE PLEASE Call and I will come a runnin’ πŸ™‚
Love You Girl!!!

elma - Oh I know how you feel I am going thru it this year. Adrian started kindergarten my baby my last one. I cried so hard when he went on his first day all the other mothers thought I was nuts. Our oldest is 24 and Adrian five where did the time go. Eight kids, 24 years gone in the blink of an eye. I to feel sooooo flippin old what do I do next?? It is sad.

Robyn - oh my goodness…. this preschool seems AMAZING! the colors and art and creativity! i wish our preschool, while its great and all, i wish they had this fun stuff! so nice of you to take all those pics too… the teachers must love them!

Karen - I wish you all the best with everything you plan to get done now. It didn’t work out that way for me! My hubby put me to work on the farm even more, and I never had time to breathe. Since then, my babies (all five of them) have grown in the blink of an eye, and I have one grandbaby. It’s not all that bad getting older either. In fact, it’s rather sweet. Enjoy the ride!

Betsy - Love to see the pictures of her classroom. I always wonder what people notice about my classroom.
Did you, by chance, make the triangle fabric “banner” for that classroom? It looks like you and I LOVE it! I’d love to buy one for my classroom ceiling since I have zero clue how to sew!
Etsy idea??? πŸ™‚

Kristin - I want to go to that preschool!

patti - my oldest daughter is 5 and she graduates from preschool at the end of the month. i can’t believe it. i cried when she when to preschool…i’m going to be a mess the first day of kindergarten!

the inadvertent farmer - I was not expecting tears when I read this but alas I sit here with the waterworks streaming…
I thought I was done…I was so sad.
Then when my youngest had just turned 13 along came our only girl…then her baby brother followed…making it 4 boys 1 girl in all total.
Now as I sit across from newly graduated from college 24 year old and my new potty trained 3 year old I just shake my head and wonder at it all!
Good luck with this new phase…Kim

sarah - oh my, this got to me… it’s hard watching our babies grow up.
my oldest starts preschool in august and it seems too early for it.
btw, your photos are really great. they really bring your posts to life.

Sandy - I can’t believe how much that little stinker (said very lovingly!) has grown up just in the two years I’ve been reading your blog.
They will forever need you.

Daisy Cottage - (((Meg))))
I promise you that they will need you even more as they get older. They will need you every single day.

Liz M - I would like to go to that preschool too. Total coolness. Could they have a day for Moms who want to re-connect with their “inner glue and paper collage?” Sounds like bliss.
PS I LOVE Annie’s happy outfits. And that picture of her sailing off down the street just makes me S M I L E.

kristine - i totally have tears in my eyes! i JUST registered natalie (my first baby) in preschool on friday. what different days we had from each other!
i love annie’s school. i hope natalie’s is just as much fun!

Nicole - I was flipping through these photos and thought, “that looks an awful lot like the Preschool Days blog I follow” and sure enough it is! I follow Kristin’s blog simply because she looks like an amazing teacher and her class looks so fun. You are so lucky to have had your children go through her room!!

Audrey - I’ve been feeling the same way…and my youngest is just 18 months old! We have four children and I know that this is our last one. Why does this baby need to be the one that wants to be so independent so early???!!! With every milestone he passes I think that it our last time for crawling, bottles, learning to walk…..! If I’m like this now – what am I going to be like when he goes to school????

Melissa Gruber - oh meg, this is the post i needed to read…thank you! as a mom of twin girls who will be 3 in 3 weeks…i just wish away some of the stages/phases they go through and are in. i need to remember i will never get them back…NEVER!!! so enjoy them…the good, the bad and the ugly and just love them to death.
enjoy your week!

Andrea McKnight - My baby boy “graduates” from preschool Thursday night. Sigh. The end of five wonderful years with Mrs. Storts – which started with my eldest daughter. I too will no longer be a preschooler mother.

citymouse - My guys are older than yours and we’ve passed this milestone already. Like all the milestones with your kids, it takes some getting used to but then you enjoy what comes next. On the complete other end of things, when my oldest turned 21 I felt so old (even though I had kids ranging all the way down to 12 at the time). I kept thinking how on earth could one of my babies be an honest-to-God grown up? But it happened. Now, I enjoy a very new dimension to our relationship that didn’t exist when he was a teenager and it’s nice. (He just turned 23.)

Jaimie - Aw no worries, they will always need you. On another note, you are so LUCKY to have found such a great school. Not all kids get the opportunity to go to a preschool like that, so you are very, very lucky!

Staci - I’m right there with you πŸ™ Only our kindergarten is only 1/2 day, so I still get another year to “feel” like he’s little πŸ™‚ You are right, it’s a new chapter…one I am sure you will fill up with new and beautifully creative things πŸ˜‰

Rach - I have no idea what that feeling is like yet but I am sure I will re-read this post when the time comes and my own tears will flow. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing.

Angela - So if I don’t ever send my baby to preschool, maybe she won’t ever grow up, right? Wishful thinking I know. My oldest two are 11 and 12 year old boys. I was just fine when they went from preschool to regular school. But for some reason the thought of even sending my baby girl (who’s only 1 1/2) off to preschool sends me running for the Puffs. Hang in there!

alyssa - Now you’re making me sad. I was already secretly freaking out that Ava is done on Wednesday. Each year is getting harder instead of easier!!!

Kacey - Awww…crying with you. Just think of all the good times ahead!

Lori - I absolutely get where you are. My kids are 14 and 18, but I remember bawling after the final program of my youngest’s 5th grade class (end of elem school for us). But I will say that you get used to having the older kids, and a little freedom. And you need that break to prepare for the older kid issues (yse, they will still need you!). But the older kids are way more interesting, if less cute. πŸ™‚

Dianne Avery - Ahhhh, this made me cry. This is my last babies last few weeks too. It’s true that they grow up so fast.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - 15 years is a long time! I’m still smack dab in the middle of the baby stage, but I know i’ll feel exactly the same way when it’s over. i hate change!
but i am a bit jealous of all the free time you’re gonna have come fall. πŸ˜‰

kari Kim - Oh the tears keep flowing… I have my youngest graduating preschool this week and my oldest entering middle school. I have been emotional for weeks and after reading your post I am even more touched. Thank you for sharing… now where are the tissues?

kari Kim - Oh the tears keep flowing… I have my youngest graduating preschool this week and my oldest entering middle school. I have been emotional for weeks and after reading your post I am even more touched. Thank you for sharing… now where are the tissues?

Tanya - Look at all that fun and color

sarah - Makes me cry…
I adore that picture of Annie and 3 of her friends. She looks so grown up.
These pictures are all so special. She’ll love looking at them when she’s older.
And your kids will still need you. Sometimes they won’t admit it, but they’ll need you.
For years and years to come, they’ll come to you for all sorts of things. I know I still need my mom.

Jennifer - I only have two, but my life and identity was so tied into being their mother, that when my first was ending preschool and getting ready for kindergarten, I fell apart. I stopped being able to sleep at night and had so much anxiety that they put me on medication for a while. Now THAT is lame. At some point I was able to pull myself out of it and enjoy all of the new stuff that was starting. I didn’t realize that the teachers would still need and welcome me to help out (even more, hello PTO!), and the unknown was just awful. I did much better when my “baby” started school in 07, mostly because she was SO ready and so mature. Now my oldest has only one year left of elementary school. My goal is to hold it together and just try to enjoy the ride! New fun and exciting things! But yes, saying goodbye to the baby/toddler times is really tough.

Tere - Sniff, sniff. I’m with you. Lilia’s (my #4) ends too. On to kindergarten in the fall. Bittersweet.
Thank you for sharing your pictures. So careful and fun. Take care.

Lisa - AAAAGH! I’m so relieved to read this post and know I’m normal!! This is my daughter’s last week of preschool and I have been SO SAD, crying every time I think about it. I am so not ready to be done with preschool. It is just the perfect stage. They have their away time, social time, some independence, but then come HOME and have the rest of the day with ME. Perfect. I’m not ready to be a “real” school mom either. Crying right along with you! Hang in there!!

Jen M in Texas - I know exactly how you feel because my little man’s last day of Preschool is on the 27th and it makes me so sad to think that I won’t ever go into the fun happy little school.
Here’s to new adventures as mom’s of school kids!!

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - no pity, only support. it’s hard for all of us. although we celebrated the various stages in our children’s lives, it’s never easy.

Dineen - I’ve never commented before but this post hit too close to home. I too am ending the preschool years this June. I know I will be a basket case, as I am EVERY June when the kids finish up a grade. I too love our preschool. I hand picked the school for our oldest son who is now 8. Where does the time go? I remember checking out the school when the kids were just 3 and 2 and I was pregnant with #3. Just crazy. I feel your pain. I don’t know how I am going to deal with these years ending either. Hang in there. I know deep down it will be just fine…right?

AshleyAnn - Killing me with this post. It is a good reminder because my sippy cup, diaper stages won’t be over for a while and quite frankly I get sick of diaper changes and sippy cups.
That preschool has to be the greatest anywhere…forget my kids, I want to go there.

Freckled Hen - This is a timely post. I have 5 kids, too. Just yesterday I cried because my youngest is now a boy. A real boy that talks (a lot) and has no more baby pudge, no more diapers. Having teenagers test my patience everyday and younger kids that just want to jump rope and ride bikes I feel less needed. My kids are growing and I suppose I have to as well. It’s so hard!
PS your pictures are very beautiful…I can feel the happy, colorful energy of the classroom.
PPS did I mention my youngest talks a lot? He spoke through this whole comment about a triangle shaped magnet and how his voice echoes in the lobby of Hobby Lobby.

Suzanne - okay being on the other side of things, my children are 32, 30, 28 and 26 and I have 5 grands 10, 10, 9, 8 and 4 months I can say that I remember those preschool days fondly, the teenage years with gratefulness they are OVER and now is the best of all, really. My children are my best friends now and I know everyone hears this all the time but grandkids really are the most amazing of all.
It is hardly over Meg, you have so much to look forward to on the other side πŸ™‚

amy - oh my dear meggie poo, i should not have read this this morning. i have pms like crazy and my hormones are all over the place. and looking at annie with mrs. kristin made me all teary and red-eyed. in august i will be saying goodbye to daycare and ben will be at an elementary school for most of the day. those lovely ladies at our daycare have been my most loyal friends for the past eight years and are already making me cry over saying goodbye in a few months. why is change so hard? when i was younger i remember being excited and thrilled by change. not now. now i’m just a silly ol’ puddle of emotion. let’s have some coffee and butterfinger cake and tell each other it’s going to be ok, ok?

Mary Beth - I LOVE having growed up kids! It is THE BEST.
When Megan finished pre-school, her teacher wouldn’t even LET parents there on the last day because it is too emotional. The teacher cried!
We STILL miss that teacher…..

Vera - Aaaw hugs to you!! This post made me want to get knocked up RIGHT NOW. Ha ha! I have a baby (btw I just posted about his nursery – that you helped me with!) and we decided we’re done having babies, but every time I think about “this is the last time…” I just can’t even stand it! But then I think, if I had 20 children, I would still feel sad when the youngest reached new milestones.
Congrats Annie on finishing preschool!!! <3

Laura Phelps - I have these moments frequently…the “I can’t believe it is OVER” moment..
when I think about finding a man to marry…check!
getting married…check!
having babies…check!
It is done.
But this is what I am believing right now…as we embark as a family with a HUGE NEW CHANGE…
We have no idea what is in store…but God has our plan..a new life…a new day…a new beginning..
and maybe…just maybe…it will be even better than the baby stage…
think of the possibilities….

Megan - What a sweet, sweet post! I love her preschool, it looks amazing! I also love her outfit! She reminds me of my daughter Claire who is in kindergarten. I let her wear whatever she wants and sometimes I’m not sure if I should but I am letting her be creative! I love your blog it is just so real!
I am having my 1st giveaway and would be thrilled if you stopped on over!

Casey - Oh honey… this made me cry. I get that way thinking about my kids too. How my “baby” will be 3 this year and we don’t know if we are having more so I am cherishing every little thing! Good luck with everything! Cheer up, be blessed and know that God is GOOD!

Melanie - I only have one child and he just turned 16 yrs. old. I think I am the only one that doesn’t like the baby stage. I loved from age 3 on up. I have enjoyed all of it since then. I didn’t mourn like you are about the baby thing. I am the odd ball out on this one, I know. Good luck with the new stage that you find yourself in. Hope you feel better:)
The pictures are great by the way!

Holly - Wow Meg! It’s only normal to be experiencing such strong feelings. It’s at the core of you! It’s who you are. You’re a mommy. And as a mommy, we invest so much into our children! I’m sure I’ll feel the same way when all of my boys are through that phase. Bitter sweet.

Elizabeth - Gorgeous photos, and I admit to perhaps never getting over the last days of our beloved preschool. It’s been five years! Those are special times indeed, especially when you love the school and the teachers.
Now, onward!

Sarah@Clover Lane - I’m 3 years away from that, but when it happens will you come and pick me up off the school parking lot where I will be laying face down sobbing my guts out?

kristin - Oh Meg,
Wait until you get here…
I am on the pity party train with ya!

Amanda - I really can’t imagine the place you are right now, and the emotions that go along. I can’t even bare the thought of mine going to preschool – my days at home with them will be ending in the next few years. This was a great post – I teared up thinking about you crying alone in your car. Ending a chapter after 12 years has got to be tough. Enjoy your summer with them!

jen smith - just wait til the first day of kindergarten.
i am not a cryer. never have been. but when my baby had her first day of kindergarten i cried the whole time she was gone. for the first three days. it was awful. but then i slowly started to realize the freedom of having school age children(after having small children at home for twelve years) and i got over it. now i enjoy them when they’re home and party while they’re gone. it’s fabulous!

`Kelly - Can I join your pity party? A couple weeks ago a friend was in town so a bunch of friends I don’t see often gathered at my house to play & catch-up. As they walked in with their carseat carriers and huge diaper bags and asked me if I had an extra bib or any rice cereal I realized I’M THE OLD MOM! My kids are the oldest and I’m done – DONE! – with all that stuff. Granted my youngest is still only 2 but I do have some in school and am gearing up to send another one off this fall. It’s weird to be out of that phase already. It went awfully fast although it didn’t feel like it at the time.
What a great place your kids got to go to preschool! So fun! I definitely saw some things in that room that I now want to replicate in our playroom. πŸ™‚

Tara - my baby is 3….she’s growing up without asking me also.
*long sigh*
praying for you today.

Krista - I love the preschool pictures, it looks like a wonderful school, such color and so many cool activities with the simplest items!! I am sure Annie will be anxious for K in the fall, it’s too bad they can’t be little forever!

Amanda - I had to comment today, and usually I don’t. What a beautiful post. You are such a great Mom. Your blog inspires me, and I look forward to reading it each week. Your children are beautiful, and so blessed to have you. My “baby” will be done with preschool in about three weeks, and I can’t believe the time has gone by so fast.

Nicole Q. - Your kids definetly had the BEST preschool EVER!!! Everytime I’m on Kristen’s site or anytime you posted about the preschool I was jealous for days!!! It’s the best learning environment I’ve ever seen for a preschooler!!! Enjoy the transition into the next stage of life!! I’m sure it will bring a new kind of GREATNESS!!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love that you share your feelings. I am sentimental too and think this way about everything. Gorgeous colorful pics. Makes me happy:) Time for a new chapter.

Jen Joy - I have been blessed with 4 incredible free-spirited souls and have these same sorts of thoughts just about every day. You are definitely not alone. I keep trying to remember, though, that they’ll always need me… but in different ways. These days, it’s more about “How do I get a girl to like me?” and “What classes should I take, Mom?” No worries. We’re still needed. πŸ™‚

Nancy - I am right there with you. My youngest is the same age as Annie. We have 4 more weeks of preschool then adios. It is the end of an era that is for sure. a lot of tears too. What a blessing for you to be at such an inspiring school.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - From a mom of three 7 to 14, I have to say the school age family is sooo much fun. Life just seems to get larger and richer, as everyone seems to be able to participate more as a unit. I have to say its been great! Enjoy the next ten years, because before we know the grandkids will be keeping us busy. Oops… maybe that wasn’t the best comment for the whole feeling old bit. Sorry.

Julie - My baby (youngest of five) turned five in March. I’m right there with you Meg! πŸ™

Sarah Mahan - Awww! We are just starting the preschool thing next year. I love this stage and also feel for you! Where did you get Annie’s dress??? Did you make it? Love it! Good luck in the years to come with all the big kid stuff;)

Melissa - πŸ™ I hear ya. Crying for you too…so many of those moments as a mom.

martina - Wonderful pictures, soooo sweet! I don’t want to pity you – but tell you that good times are ahead! I’ve got 2 sons, now 17 and 20 (OMG!) – and i must say, it’s wonderful to have big kids. So much fun to have more space and freedom for yourself (and your partner) again. To do different things with your kids – like a relaxed trip to town, going shopping or look at an exhibition and have dinner – the kind of things you did b4 you had kids. And part of you get’s to be a teenager again – which is fun too, You’ll see πŸ˜‰

Amy - I totally understand. I have an 8 yr old daughter and a 15 yr old son. I so miss the preschool age. But they do still need you. Even though my son acts like he’s got it all under control, he still comes to get his hug every night before bed and tells me, love you mom! I hope that he NEVER grows out of that! My daughter seems to be growing up overnight, she doesn’t want me to pick out her clothes anymore. I miss the cutesy stuff!! But I know she needs me too, today she has to read a story she wrote at the “Authors Tea” at school in front of all the parents. She asked if I could be sure and sit in the front row! It takes time to get used to new stages. I go every other week to church to babysit babies for the MOPS group. I love it, I get my fill of babies and can still sleep through the night!!
I turned 40 this year! I definately feel old!! But it’s so weird cuz I don’t quite feel like a grown up yet! Time flies, cherish every moment!

joy - I love reading your blog! I am sad with you! My two are only 1 and 2 yrs old so we are about to enter preschool but I can only imagine how fast it goes and that I will be at the exact same place you are one day!! Thanks for being so honest on your blog with all of your feelings. I especially loved the mother’s day post!! You’re awesome! Blessings! Joy

LouBoo - Hi – you have pretty much captured how I feel about my son growing up. He is 5 and is in ‘big school’now but reading your post brought it all coming back to me. Especially the bit about them growing up without asking! Over time though I have started seeing the good side of being out of the baby phase, afterall, babyhood is just one little bit of motherhood – a drop in the ocean infact if you think of the long haul! Louise x

Taryn - Love that the first comment was made by YOUR mom……comforting and beautiful! Thinking of you today. Love you!

mom - Beautifully said.

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found art.

i asked annie what these drawing were about….

"this is mommy getting the babies cut out of her tummy"

"she was so surprised that she had 3 babies in her tummy"

"she is holding her 3 babies and she is crying because she just loves them so much!"

but then there was this one….
i wasn't quite sure how to feel about THIS drawing. 

"that mom is telling him GO TO YOUR ROOM and he is crying IT WASNT MY FAULT"


kat - These are so hilarious!!!

Alaina - That is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! I about peed my pants laughing! Love the huge pointy finger!!!!

Liana - OMG. She is a better artist than me. Seriously. Love the hand on hip and pointing finger…and the angry eyebrows. Awesome! She is creative like her momma. Thanks for sharing.

Laura Phelps - FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t feel badly about the last one…when Jack was seven he had to draw a family portrait.
He drew the ENTIRE family, hanging by THREADS, from a TREE.

julia - the last one is my favorite…Jokingly, I asked my son {who’s bigger than me} a few months ago if he was scared of me. He said, “yeah, a little”

Courtney - Oh my GOSH πŸ™‚

susie whyte - the crying and the yelling mom’s are awesome. you have to frame these. πŸ™‚

Micah - No.Way. These are incredibly awesome. Don’t ever take these to a psychologist ;). Too funny.

candace - Annie’s drawing skills are quite advanced for a preschooler! She will likely be an advanced reader too!
The story is great. Are you making them into a book for her? πŸ™‚

Courtney Walsh - that made me laugh out loud.
how funny!!! I love the big pointer finger on the last picture. hahahhaa

Beth Ann - I am cracking up!!!!

amy jupin - i love the pic of the happy crying momma. happy and crying. definitely you.
but the angry momma…oh my. she looks like she needs a latte and one of pw’s cinnamon rolls!

sandy toe - Very cute…I think we would have the same pictures here.
sandy toe

Melanie - Very cute. Makes ya think doesn’t it?

Rebekah - Oh boy! So very funny. πŸ™‚

Cindy - No need to worry. She lives in a house with big brothers and sisters. Awesome art! The one of the mom crying with joy for her babies is so touching.

Krista - Love the angry face and pointed finger on the Mom!

Bernice - Haha those are so cute.. she is so talented!

Gemma - Heeheeheee…so cute!
Gemma X

Charlotta - Amazing detail and expression in these drawings!
I too have a very artistically talented child and love what comes out. Sometimes it is confrontational, and there is always a lot to learn.
Kids are so insightful aren’t they!
x Charlotta

Jeanne - Can’t stop laughing!!!

april - this is girlfriend just had triplets….lols

Julie - I agree others comments that Annie has real talent as an artist. She has captured expressions and body language in a unique way. None of my five children could have drawn that at five. That’s raw talent!

Jennifer - Your daughter is quite the artist! She is expressing herself-at least she has an outlet for that. All parents lose their temper at some point, you aren’t mean or bad for this. A parent has to discipline-at least the drawing isn’t of you beating her! πŸ™‚

Joni Lane - her perspective of the hand on the hip is HILARIOUS. love it.
thanks for sharing.

siew - OMG. Those are absolutely fabulous. I love the angry eyebrows on the last one. You don’t even need a translation with that one!

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - This is absolutely hilarious.
I was a serious artist during the sermons at church. I liked to draw pictures for the pastor and run to give them to him afterwards. Apparently around the age of 8 or so, we had my cat neutered and I guess this was a rather momentous event to my 8 year old brain because I drew a whole picture about the cat getting fixed with a description about why the cat had to be fixed (“Because it removes his hormones and he won’t be so wild with the other cats around the neighborhood”). When my pastor did our premarital counseling, he almost laughed til he cried. He had kept a lot of those drawings of mine, and then their house burned down and he lost them.
But he still remembered!

maribeth - i love listening to children tell about their art. it is so fascinating, so straight forward, so real. annie’s drawings are great, so detailed.

Julie - Annie is a great artist! Those faces are so expressive!

Nancy M - I love the mom’s hair, and the finger pointing toward the bedroom. Has Annie had lessons? I do not draw that well, and I’m 45.

Elizabeth - Those are adorable. And I’m so scared to imagine what my boys would draw me doing as I constantly holler at them to pick up, etc.

Jen - Love the illustrations… and translations…. Keep them for when she is a mom!

Amanda - Wow! She is an amazing artist.

AshleyAnn - That is simply awesome…all of them. Triplets…go for it…what is 3 more after 5?

patti - seriously, annie has some talent. my 5 year old doesn’t draw this well…at all. she’s good at flowers and bugs, but people…forget it.

Lisa - Were you concerned about the 3 babies in mummys tummy? Is she prophetic???? Haha funny muchly.

Routhie - Just another sign you are doing your job right. What a sweetie.

Staci - Seriously, those pics are super cute πŸ˜‰ SUPER CUTE!!!!!!!

Tara - we’ve had similar drawings at our house…not sure whether to laugh or cry when they show up. πŸ™‚

Amy J. - That’s awesome! Thanks for the laugh… although, I shouldn’t be laughing. I also learn so much about my daughter’s perspective on life from my her drawings!

Janie Fox - Really cute. Makes me wish I’d kept more of my kids art work.

Melissa - hahahaha!! Really… too cute!

Lisa - I particularly love the hand on the hip in the last one! Great job, Annie!

Danielle Townsend - That is SOOO funny!
Annie is a really great artist! (seriously)

Pati - Those are so adorable..! I also have to say that annie is a very good artist for her age!
Love your Blog

Christa - Ahaha, hilarious! I look forward to the day when my daughter presents me with a similar drawing since I know that I will definitely be the disciplinarian in the house.

Bec - ahahahaha! Too funny. I needed a good laugh after having a no good day yesterday.

olivia - so cute

miley d - that annie…that is hilarious!

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this could be the dumbest post ever…

or not.
as i was about to cut this pineapple i thought "i should blog this"
(my brain is wack)
but i just went with it.

i have had three different people ask me how to cut pineapple recently.
so now i will show you….not because i think i am awesome….
but because i bet there are a few of you that have never bought one
because you didn't know how to cut it.
or you cut it and the hard part is still on the bites.
or the brown peel part.

enjoy my dorkiness.

step one: buy a pineapple.

step two: cut the top and bottom off so the pineapple has an even and flat base.

step three: cut it into four equal parts from top to bottom.

step four: cut the middle from each quarter piece.

step five: i cut my four big pieces in half so it is easier to cut
(i don't like the idea of cutting my hand open….)

step six: cut down the middle of each piece to the peel but not through the peel.
step seven: then cut the opposite direction four times…to the peel but not through it.

step eight: slide your knife between the peel and the fruit all the way across.
you want to be far enough in from the peel to avoid getting the the brown parts of the peel
on your bite size pieces.

then…throw a bunch in the blender and make a smoothie. 

oh yum.

so there you go.
big dorky post that probably made you laugh….

but maybe…one person learned how to try something they never have.
and i have helped one person stop buying canned pineapple.

have a super fabulous friday!
i am going to go drink my smoothie now.  

Janine - Seriously – thank you. I remembered you did this and I just went to look it up to see how to cut the pineapple for my bbq today!

jodi - Meg, you’re the best! I LOVE your blog! I too have never cut a pineapple until today. I followed your direction and turned out perfect. Thanks for letting us into your world, and keep up the great blogging.

Tee - Hey the Pampered Chef pineapple peeler is a big seller! I think I’ve sold more of those than anything… I love mine!! I used to let the pineapples go bad waiting for my Chef Hubby to cut it for me, now 3 minutes and done πŸ™‚

Toni :O) - I buy TONS of fresh pineapple. There is always a tutuorial on the card attached to the pineapple too. The canned stuff is very acidic and will give heartburn to some…fresh is the way to go. Literally, I can cut up my pineapple in five minutes now. YUMMO!

Queen Bee - I never knew before and am GLAD to know now!!! I don’t like pineapple but my family does, so I can give them fresh pineapple now. THANK YOU!!

Danielle - I loveeeeeeeeeee fresh pineapple!! I am one of the people who didn’t know how to cut it, I am totally buying one this week at the grocery store!! Thanks for the how to! πŸ™‚

the inadvertent farmer - Dumb posts rock…and canned pineapple sucks! Kim

Kelly - The first time we bought a pineapple we watched a youtube video to learn how to cut it, so if you’re a dork, we’re dorks too. πŸ™‚ Kelly

Grammy Dianne - I have cut many, many pineapples, but your post was so helpful. Cutting the 4 big pieces into 8 small pieces, and the rest of the directions were a revelation. Thanks for doing the post even though you felt a little silly doing so. It was extremely helpful to me.

BeckyB - I love this post! The only thing I would add is to squeeze the peel over the cut fruit – the sweetest juices are found there! (taught to me by an old produce guy) Thanks!!

Regina - definitely not dorky! i love your blog and have never commented but it’s one i visit often! we love pineapple and the next time, i plan to cut it w/ your technique. i often feel like way to much papple goes to waste!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I cut mine very differently. Maybe we should start a pineapple cutting blogfrog community. Or a linky party for all those who want to post on how to cut pineapple. No apple cutting thingies allowed : )
Dana @ Bungalow’56

Lorilee - I avoided buying fresh pineapple for years because I had no idea how to cut them up! Canned pineapple gives me horrendous indigestion, fresh doesn’t , so I buy it frequently now.

nichole shinners - Thank you for the great post! I cheat and use a pineapple cutter thingie πŸ˜‰ So I loved your post on how to cut it with just a knife! Also thanks again for the green color info, we did our living room/ dinning room and we LOVE it. Best color EVER!! Yep, leave it to Meg to pick my colors, hahahaha!! Thanks again.

Molly - I LOVE pineapple and I just cut one today too!!! I do cut them differently though, but your way looks way more efficient. I will for sure try this way next time. Yay for pineapple! I am going to go have some now.

bobbie - I’ve been cutting in the really hard way for years! I never thought about doing it this way. Seriously, one of the best blog posts this week that I’ve read.

Sarah - So happy you posted about this. I was recently eating pineapple at a nice restaurant and the hard part was still there. Horrible!!! I am hoping the chef at this particular restaurant reads your blog πŸ™‚

Bailey - Someone may have already mentioned this, but Pampered Chef has a Pineapple Wedger that is a great $18 investment!

Tausha - by the looks of the amount of comments, I am not the only who benefited from the cutting pineapple lesson.
I THOUGHT that I knew how to cut one, but I was wrong. Your way is much, much better. Thanks Meg, you’re the best!!!

Suzanne - i do it that way and haven’t bought canned pineapple n years…no comparison.

Joanie - That’s wonderful Maria!! I love your tutorial and it wasn’t the dumbest thing ever. It’s just one wonderful women helping out many women. I learned something also. Thank you.

Pamela duMont - you are very funny! When you buy a pineapple people there are directions on the tag!!! It is more fun to read your blog about it though!

Suzanne Gallagher - So that’s how it’s done! Thanks, I know what I’m making over the weekend.

lifeologia - I was bummed that you didn’t post your smoothie recipe… there’s some material for your next post πŸ˜‰
PEOPLE PLEASE DON’T BUY A PINEPPLE PEELER – it’s just a money grabber – a good sharp knife will do the trick – as Meg just showed. (Meg I hope you did a video of it to post on YouTube πŸ˜‰
Happy Weekend.

Jen - Okay–now I want the smoothie recipe!!!
LOVE fresh pineapple. It’s worth every cent!!

melia - One more thing about pineapple cutting I’ve learned. 30-45 minutes before cutting, twist the top green stuff off and place it upside down. This helps evenly distribute all of the juice that has settled in the bottom…works like a charm πŸ™‚

Jen - In fact I did learn, I thought I needed one of those fancy pineapple cutter things, therefore never have bought FRESH pineapple, now I will, “cuz I love me some pineapple”!

Diana - That’s awesome! I definitely don’t buy produce that I don’t know how to pick out or how to cut! Now I can buy pineapples πŸ™‚

melissa - ok, so i *do* buy whole pineapple and cut it myself…however, i’ve never done it your way. funny that my son asked me the other day if it is ok to eat the brown stuff. “sure, why not!!”
now, i’ll have to try your way!!!

Krista - DITTO on all the other posts, it really looks yummy. You have inspired me to go and dig into the one that’s waiting for me in my kitchen! Please post your smoothie recipe– pineapple and blueberries? What else is in there?

Heather Mc - Thanks, Meg – I never knew how to properly cut up a pineapple. Now how do you tell if the pineapple is ripe? And your smoothie looked yummy. Would you share your favorite smoothie recipes? Thanks Again! :o)

bopha - okay, i thought i had a good way, but that’s much better.

Liza - Greetings from Aloha-land – Maui. Great demo! If you are going to have a tropical drink (aka mai tai), use the hard center core as a flavor stick. Cut them into long bits like squared off, filled-in straws. Unique and flavor full if you stir the drink with the stick. Also, it is the small little pit bits at the outer edge of the fruit as it turns into the rind which makes our lips burn and pucker. Happy spring!

Leigh @ Kesler Expressler - Thats a neat way to avoid getting the brown bits. I’ll have to try that next time. i’ve always just tried to kind of “peel” the outer parts off.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Girl, seriously this was helpful. I would not have cut it that way. So simple. Thanks for teaching me something new. I just love ya. Have an awesome weekend:)

Courtney Walsh - I will never forget the time my husband taught on the fruits of the spirit in kids’ church and every fruit was assigned an actual fruit. One of them was pineapple. I couldn’t believe how many kids had no idea what it was. lol
I LOVE fresh pineapple and have been known to sit down and eat an entire one by myself. I cut mine a tiny bit differently, but I”m trying your way next time!! Smoothie. Yum. Wonder if I could make a good smoothie without milk or dairy…hm…

Janine - Not dorky at all. Thanks! Much better than my way. However I am a weirdo who prefers canned pineapple to fresh. The fresh is too acidic for me and when I cut it up, it gives me a rash on my hands and arms. Like I said i’m a weirdo.

ashley - That’s SO much easier that how I do it. Thanks! [And it’s not dorky. Enjoy that smoothie.]

Julie - So not dorky Meg. Very helpful and I’m buying a pineapple this week to try your method. My daughter had pineapple last week and kept calling it inepapple! So I’m going to try and cut my own inepapple thanks to you!

julia - I’m struggling with step one.

Tara - I love it that you don’t take this blogging thing too seriously. trying to get there myself. πŸ™‚
just cut a pineapple last night…the whole thing was eaten between dinner and lunch today. the whole thing.
thank God it was only $2.98.
thanks for the cutting tips. I definitely buy them each week, but I sure haven’t been cutting them like you…I’ll try it next time.

Ally - man, I LOVE canned pineapple. One time in college the cafeteria had a carribean themed night and they used pineapples as decorations. Well, yours truly had the brilliant idea to smuggle one out under her coat and eat about half of it, until I realized that my lips were BURNING. I guess that was my punishment. I still like fresh pineapple, but I could eat a whole can without my mouth burning off. And that’s my story.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I am compelled, over and over again, to eat fresh pineapple in my pretty Target-bin bowl. It has become a nightly ritual.

monique - never have i ever bought a pineapple b/c of exactly that…not a clue as to how to do it!! so thank you bunches for enlightening me πŸ™‚

Amber Zimmerman - Hey! I learned something new today. πŸ™‚ I totally just sounded like Sid the Science kid.

Elise - I’ve been cutting pineapple wrong my whole life. Dorky, or not, this post made my day.

Kara - I love your dorkiness – I am very similar in the dorkiness department and I have learned to embrace it. I sent a new co-worker the other day that I was going to stop for a pop – but, not paying attention, said I was getting a poop. And instead of being mortified, I’m oh so proud!
I loved your pineapple demonstration – I usually go the easy route and buy it all cut up but that is expensive!

Laura - yep, i’m that one person who never learned how to cut a pineapple (i won’t even tell you how old i am!) thanks for the lesson – i’ll buy fresh from now on! now if my kids would just eat pineapple…

sarah - Love this.
I was just staring at a pineapple at Sprouts yesterday,
wondering if I bought it… how would I cut it up.
(hubby is on business.. he usually does the cutting, he’s the cook around here)
I didn’t buy one. But with this handy dandy ‘how to’, I think I’ll have to pick one up today.
I feel silly though, for not knowing how to cut a pineapple.

Nancy M - I have a tip that I just learned recently – when the leaves pull out *easily* from the top, it is ripe and ready to eat. Thanks for the cutting tips. You are more organized that I am, and I always leave little brown bits. β™₯

Sandy - thanks, you’re the best! I’m with anna…you stopped the tutorial too soon….what’s in the smoothie? looks yummy!!

anna - ok, now will you post your smoothie recipe? please?!!!

Lee Ann - it’s not dumb! I have people ask me all the time how to cut one. My mom was visiting last week and asked me to buy a pineapple. She’s NEVER bought one becasue she didn’t know how to get a good one, or how to cut it. Now she knows!

Laura Phelps - fabulous.
Next week, can you teach me how to core an apple?

Amy - Look at all the people you helped! πŸ™‚ Including ME! I’m bookmarking your post and putting pineapple on my grocery list right now. I’ve always been too afraid. THANKS MEG!

Staci - MMmmmmm πŸ™‚ And now, I must have a pineapple blueberry smoothie πŸ™‚ Happy Weekend πŸ˜‰

Aimee - Fantastic! Thanks for this. I remember watching my mom cut a pineapple once as a kid but she did it very differently and the pieces all had the brown part on them. You have inspired me to try this now. I am going to buy a pineapple this weekend!

Amanda - ok fine, I’m done buying canned pineapple.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - i seriously had no idea how to cut pineapple….so thanks. πŸ™‚

Kissy Lovestuff - i love your blog.

Erin @ Cultivating Home - I’d like to add to Naomi’s suggestion of planting the top half. You need to cut the top so it has at least 1-2 inches of pineapple meat still attached. I plant mine directly in a pot of soil, put it outside (to avoid fruit flies), and water it regularly. It will look like it’s not doing anything, but you have to resist the urge to pull it up and check. The roots take a while to form and are very delicate; you’ll pull it up, see that it does have roots growing but you will by then have killed the plant. In about 1-2 months (depending on how much sun it gets; it likes a lot), you’ll notice a new green sprig sprouting from the middle. I have gained three gorgeous pineapple plants this way.

Phebe Roberts - Hi Meg,
I’ve been following your blog for a while now and truly enjoy it. I’m a Malaysian married to an American living in the Midwest and busy with 4 kids. πŸ™‚ Just thought I’d chime in and let you know how we cut our pineapples. I was about to explain when I came across the blog of another fellow Malaysian with pics, Youtube and all. Hope you enjoy!

Alisha Gibb - I love it!

Ruby - Thank you! Great post!!!!!

Robyn - I’m a dork too, but one who has never cut a pineapple πŸ™‚ so I’m glad you let your dorkiness out today!

katy - I’ve never cut a pineapple before, so I really appreciate this post! Thank you for that! πŸ™‚

Janie Fox - I love a fresh pineapple and a big dork! πŸ™‚

alice - i mostly do it your way, but i’ve never seen the little sections cut at the end – then slide your knife under. that would definitely take care of the brown spot problem. so, dorky post appreciated :). thanks!

Tanya - I love learning πŸ™‚

adrienne - i buy it fresh already cut and peeled… bad, bad, bad i know b/c it so expensive. but your right, the canned stuff is soooo nasty! maybe ill peel my own next time πŸ™‚

Kelley - ThAnK yOu! I have never bought a fresh pineapple before because I didn’t know how to cut it. I just paid more and sighed as I bought the fresh cut from the grocery store. I am buying one this weekend! Thanks Meg!!

Naomi - Apparently if you keep the top part, dry it out and plant it in soil you can grow your own at home!

jeana - I’m another one of those!I have bought one before but chickened out and had my husband cut it…I ususally buy the fresh already cut up and the big proce tag. I will give this a shot, thanks!

Kelly O. - that was very helpful and not a wasted post

alyssa - I cut the skin off after I cut the top and bottom off. Just cut strips around until you’re done/ But that works too! Can’t say i’ve ever seen it done like that. So, I guess what I’m saying is, you didn’t help me, but you showed me something new! Have a great day.

Vera - I learned!! I do buy fresh pineapple, but I put my hands in grave danger and cut ugly chunks every time I cut mine up. Thanks for this awesome technique!

Susan - Not dorky at all! Thanks!

Staci Danford - Looks pretty darn good to me.. YUM… I just ate a Rolo for my breakfast.. YUCK

angela - Dorky? Maybe, but I love this post! I cut them all the time, so I know how. But, I remember when I DIDN’T know how…and I would have loved this post! keep being dorky!

leslie - you inspire me to be crafty and i’m not crafty…
and now you’ve inspired me to buy a pineapple so that’s what i shall do sometime today.
ooh, good question-person above me…how do you know if it’s ripe and yummy like the one you chose?

Zarah - It’s not dumb, I love fresh pineapple! (although I totally peel it differently than you… your way looks easier though. After trimming the top and bottom, I cut all the prickly stuff off the outside first using a serrated knife.)

Ann - Thanks!

Amy - So not the dumbest post ever! I try to tell people it is sooooooo worth it to buy a fresh pineapple over the nasty canned variety, but they inevitably whine about how to ‘get to the good stuff’ of the prickly fruit. Now I can send them this post and revel in the joy of gaining another ‘freshie’ convert. Thanks, Meg!

megan - what else do you put in your smoothie recipe? that looked fabulous!
ps…good job on the pineapple demo! thanks

Jenn Thomas - The smoothie looks yummy – I have a question – how do you pick out a good ripe pineapple?

Musings Of A Gem - I never knew so thanks for that πŸ˜€ Super healthy and sooo juicy with soo much flavour…who’d say no to pineapple?!
Anyway Thanks meg : ) If any of you get a chance check out my new post @
Gemma X

Ashley - Pampered Chef just came out with a pineapple corer/peeler – a bigger version of their apple corer! It is AWESOME!

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - thanks! that certainly helped me out. i never buy canned pineapple, but i do always buy the pre-cut fresh pineapple… not cheap! thanks again for the tutorial! it really did help. have a great weekend!

shelley - you helped me too!! i just bought one this week and was going to google how to cut a pineapple! wahhoo! πŸ™‚

Vicki - *waving*
I’m the one person!! I have never bought a whole pineapple because I didn’t know how to cut it. I don’t buy canned but pay for someone else to cut it!!
So you have helped one person today!! Thanks!!! πŸ™‚

Liana - I finally bought a whole pineapple last week after getting a delicious one in a fruit basket for Easter. It is so worth it and the kids gobble it up. Yum!

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