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no school

everyone was home on monday at our house.
we were so glad to get one extra home day because our weekend was FULL.

we ventured out all together for some fun.
about 3 blocks from the house craig pulled over & said "that's it!! we aren't going if you kids can't behave"
but everybody got it together and we left.

we dropped him off at the gym first.
then lauren at the mall.
then i took the four kids to barnes & noble.
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i got a starbucks and got to look through a few books too.  
we picked up craig after his workout and saw this truck in the parking lot.
it made me smile.

we went to my grandma's house to surprise her with a visit.
my kids always think they need to exercise on her ball, lift her weights, etc.
they get all sweaty.
so goofy.
my grandma just returned from a 5 week trip to australia.  
she is amazing.
i wish i would have taken HER picture.
instead i got annie doing arm exercises.
lauren was picked up from the mall.
then we went bowling.
it's always fun….but loud.
and i think with kids that bowling should be 6 frames instead of 10.
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a time out.

name that movie….

this dude was bowling with his grandchildren in the lane next to us.
we bothered him extremely.
then i touched his personal bowling ball….big mistake.
such a bummer to be around grumpy adults.
at least grumpy kids can change their behavior pretty quick.
i had to whisper to each of my kids to stay away from the grumpy grandpa.
annie was totally staring at him wide eyed.

it wasn't that big of a deal…craig didn't even notice….but it just makes it harder to enjoy your time
with your kids when someone is watching and sighing and scowling.


we ate pizza and drove home.
we just laid around the rest of the evening….chillin'.

the rest of this week is busy!
all good stuff.
but busy. 

that movie was pee wee big adventure.  :) 

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well….that was a good weekend.
thank you for buying out the shop.  :)
and now it's me and the postman together again.

what can i tell you about this weekend?

i missed this baby shower.  
i was sitting at home doing nothing in particular and completely forgot.
sometimes i am such a space cadet.  (most times?)

i watched the super bowl and we didn't host a party.
we never do that.

i forgot to sign up my kids for indoor soccer…so i have to pay a late fee.
space cadet….
i have so much laundry it's insane.
here is half the clean laundry….who is going to fold that?

i am sending in for my visa in the morning.
africa is getting closer and closer.
it's just unreal that i am going….amazingly awesome.

i was running/walking on the treadmill this morning and everything felt like it's soooo heavy.
cause it is.

hot coffee really is so good.

now…how about some pictures.
of nothing and everything.

breakfast on the go.

scott is #3.
these were from a few weeks ago.
he LOVES basketball.   
the other kids….don't like waiting and waiting at their siblings games.

on sunday i only had sean and annie for the afternoon.
we got groceries after church and i told them they could pick a meal in the freezer section.
"we CAN?!!  THIS is the BEST DAY EVER!!!"
talk about easy to please?           

annie and micah (her buddy) are talking in the other room and i just heard her say 
"micah…my mom signed me up to play soccer and i am going to!"
he said "i already play soccer and i have shin gaaarwds"
annie was so interested and asked "SKIN GOGGLES?!"

happy monday. 

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i decided to post this because…i have heard more than one woman say “i have never made lasagna.”


they said it’s “too hard”….or “you can buy it frozen”
too much work?
it’s really not…you can make it in 20 minutes…probably.

and this is nothing gourmet by any means but you don’t look to me for that anyway do you? 

to make it
my way (probably the same as the box says) you will need these ingredients.
as you can see i have no problem using generic brand foods.

boil a big pot of water for your noodles.
begin browning the ground beef.
i add salt and pepper and minced onion to the ground beef.

and while those two are going…combine your cheeses and egg in a mixing bowl.
sometimes i throw in some minced garlic too.
you could add parsley to the cheese mixture but my kids would pick at it and say “eeeewwww” so i don’t.

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cook the noodles according to the box.
and drain them in a collendar when they are tender.
i run them under cold water because they are so hot to work with if i don’t.

add your sauce to your browned ground beef. (after you’ve drained the grease out of your pan)

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in a 9×13 pan put a spoonful of sauce on the bottom of the pan to keep anything from sticking.
then begin layering…first 4 noodles.

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then a layer of sauce….and then a layer of cheese mixture.

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and repeat those layers again.
then cover the whole dish with shredded cheese.
and bake it at 350 for 30 – 40 minutes.

yum yum yum.
everyone loves this at our house!

i almost always make two when i make this.
one for the freezer and one for that night.

and this is a great dish to bring to new mom or friends that need a night off from cooking dinner.




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crescent chicken


this recipe has 5 ingredients.
that’s it.
it’s so easy….and i bet your kids will eat it.
and maybe you even have the ingredients in your cupboard right now.

you will need about 2 cups of cooked chopped up chicken (ingredient #1)
IMG_0004put the chicken into a mixing bowl
then add 1 cup of shredded cheese. (ingredient #2)
(sometimes i add some minced garlic into this)

ingredient #3 is a can (or two) of refrigertor cresent rolls.
not even the fancy kind.
we have seven mouths to feed remember?  you are free to use pillsbury…but these were on sale.
so i got them.
(and i used 2 cans to make a bigger amount)

open each triangle…
place about a 1/3 cup of the chicken/chesse mixture to the center of the triangle.


then you pull on the dough till it closes…kind of.  it doesn’t have to look pretty.
the dough is wrapped around your chicken and cheese.


this evening at our house it was silent.
it was kind of weird.
i had christmas music on pandora…talby was reading, annie and sean were painting, the older two were gone….it was oddly quiet for about an hour.  BLESSINGS.

ingredient #4 is cream of chicken soup…whatever brand you want.
this is what we had.


 mix it with 1 cup of milk with a whisk.

pour it over your chicken/dough bundles….
then bake it for about 30 minutes at 350.
you want it to be really done so the dough is all baked.

it’s really good.
i served it for dinner and literally 10 minutes later…


hope this helps make your dinner planning a bit easier this week.
and i hope you don’t like left overs…because you won’t have any.     


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silver bella

i am just going to show all my pics….this is going to be long.
maybe you need to take a bathroom break before you start?
or grab another cup of coffee?

here we go.
we drove to omaha on thursday….talked non-stop.
we followed the GPS to an empty field by the airport and it said "you have reached your destination"
the laughing was as funny as the GPS.
jana got our her pink phone and we followed that gps instead.

the first event at silver bella is a welcome dinner.
jana and i got out of our travel sweats and all dolled up….ready to face a room of strangers!
i hate that feeling.
so glad i had jana to help me feel brave.
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to put me at ease…megan was the first person we met in the door.
and she was talking to jo packham…editor of where women create.  
megan said a bunch of really nice things about me to jo and i was flattered…it felt kind of out-of-body.
i was so happy to meet megan in real life and give her a hug.
she's tiny…and i had on very high heels.  (can you say amazon?!)
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then i met jen.
she was so sweet…i wished we'd had some time to get to know each other.
but we had no classes together even.
another time jen.

and i met miss lynn.
she was delightful.

so we ate and got to know the women at our table.
then there was a craft sponsored by fiskars.
it was chaotic….but we received a bag of stamps…that was cool.

after the dinner & craft it's time for SWAPS.  
jana and i didn't take part in any swaps and we were very glad about that.
but i think we may be the only women who didn't….and that's ok with me.
(swaps are where you make one thing per person of whatever the swap theme you signed up for)
we went back to our room and talked some more.

friday morning we didn't have a class so we hit the antique store.
our first workshop was after lunch….with jennifer murphy.
it was much more fun than i was expecting!
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this snowman clip was really cute once you started…it was challenging too.
my hands hurt when it was over.
i have a new appreciation for jennifer's art. (she's in the pink apron)
and lisa was at SB by herself…lives in omaha and has 4 boys at home. (gray sweater…no blog)
we had many classes together, so many that she was probably sick of me.
hi lisa!

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funny story:
while working on our snowmen the ladies at our table start talking martha stewart.
and by talk i mean trash talk.
and i am one of them.
i love martha…but i also can't stand "martha"…does that make sense?
we all had our stories and after about 5 minutes the young beautiful girl quietly sitting by jana says 
"i was on her show this year."
so humble.  
so quiet.  
the table went nuts!  
she said we were all right about what we said but that she loves her too…she was gracious for the opportunity to be on the show.
martha is the queen you have to admit it.
i would bow down if she walked into the room.

this is amy powers.  i love her blog…i was thrilled to meet her. 

the second workshop was to make a rosary style necklace.
i thought we would be putting charms on a necklace…no…we made the whole necklace!
it took a full three hours.
i can't believe i really did it!  i
am pretty proud of it.


immediately after that was the FAMOUS silver bella vendor fair.
that means shopping.
jana and i are pretty good at shopping…
there was so much glitter and jewels it was a bit overwhelming.
the theme was aprons…so everyone was wearing one…in case you notice that.

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this is where i spent my money.
i was dying to see her work with my own eyes….it's amazing.
i loved meeting professor lasertron and lasermom.  :)
i could've just sat down and talked all night…if i wouldn't have missed all the shopping.

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after this was over we walked outside and ate at the twisted fork.
and i loved the decor.
very cool place.

the workshops were early on saturday…
i hate getting out of bed anytime and especially when i am on vacation.
but we made it.
we learned how to make a heart shaped box…i didn't finish…in 3 hours.
oh well. 
i think i will buy my boxes anyway…but it was interesting to learn how to do it.


we went to a luncheon from here to hear jo packham speak….she had about 7 minutes.
there must have been a time problem because before she even got into her speech
they said she was out of time.
it was sad.  she was so interesting and i REALLY wanted to hear her speak.
that was truly sad.
i bet she had taken a lot time to prepare her presentation too.
we could've learned something from her…
can you tell how bummed i was and still am?

but i met jeanne at that lunch.
that was worth the frustration of having no speaker.
she asked jana and i to come to dinner with her and her two new friends.
you know how to boost a woman's self esteem…..invite her out with you!


we went to two more workshops after the luncheon.
(i know…you are feeling tired of reading this right?  i warned you it was long)

workshop #4 was with charolette lyons.
a free spirited mobile of houses and trees.
loved it.
we had the entire time to just create with what was there…no instructions….ahhhhhhh.

then our last workshop was with jennifer again.
a little birdie in a box.
it fun and different than something i would try at home.
lisa was at our table again and princess lasertron and carmen.
we were all (all the silver bellas..not just our table) very tired by this time of the day….very.

mine is the brown one to the right.

we cleaned up and walked out from the workshop and all the silver bella stuff was gone and another
conference was all set up and a wedding reception was going on also.
that was kind of weird.
there was no goodbye or anything.

we walked to dinner with jeanne, sharon and kana
it was possibly the highlight of silver bella.
i think that was what i was looking for…connection.

it was such a good time…we laughed and we cried.
the table was all tenderhearted women that cry when there is something to say from your heart.
kana said "i hate that i cry all the time….i have a tender heart but it makes me MAD!"
so funny.

jana and i stayed up until after 2:00 finishing our mobiles and more talking.
bigger stuff…
she asked me about my dreams or what i really want.
i have no answer for that.
i haven't let my mind go there…that's scary.  
those late night talks can get deep!  

we slept in on sunday.
we packed up our car…took the wrong way many times to get to pottery barn and anthropolgie…
but it was worth it.
we made it home just as the kids were getting into bed.
loved that.
they missed me and i missed them.
and then cuddled up on the couch with mr. craig.
all was right in my dreamy artsy world….for that evening.  :)
gotta catch those moments when they happen.

silver bella was an experience.
it was cool.
i loved having a whole weekend with my friend.
i loved getting creative.
i loved meeting other bloggers…other creative women.
i loved the shopping.
i loved being away from my "mom" duties.
i loved eating out late and talking about stuff that is hidden in my soul.
i loved everything i got to do and see and the people i met.


i think silver bella is not for me.
i wanted something a little more personal..
and i don't why i thought silver bella would be that…at 200 women strong. 
i don't think that i knew i wanted something more personal until i got there and saw that it wasn't.
i think after having been to SB….silver bella doesn't fit me.
or i don't fit silver bella?

and that's O-K.

but it does for so many other women (and you may be one of them).
and that is awesome.
we are not all the same…we can all like different things…i am so glad for that.
and now i know.
and for that knowledge i wouldn't trade my weekend for anything.
it's the start of something big…a journey for me…i am on the edge of it….it's just beginning.

i know the kind of thing i may be looking for next time.
(if my husband ever lets me leave the house again)

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rainbow cupcakes

i hope it didn't seem like i was complaining in the previous post…
i wasn't.
it just seemed like a really full day…physically/emotionally/mentally.

many of you asked how i made the cupcakes.

it is easy!
but time consuming…halfway through i thought "why did i decide to do this?"
they are so pretty it is worth the time. 
i saw these made somewhere…and i can't recall who made them…so smile if it was you…you are smart!

i used white cake mix made according to the box.
(i was making these for school treats too so i used three boxes of cake mix…)
then split the batter into 6 bowls.
then added icing colors to each bowl seperately. 
you could buy them here….or walmart or hobby lobby or michaels.  
gel colors are different than the little droppers…much deeper and a more true color is achieved.
next i lined my cupcake pan with paper liners….(wishing i had these…)

i used my small scooper to add batter to each cup. 
i started with purple and did less than a scoop in each one…then i did the same with blue…then green
and so on.

it used up all the batter and it worked doing it that way.
i wasn't concerned about it being centered or perfect…just did it in order and figured it would work 
out to look like a rainbow or at least like tie dye.

they took 15 minutes in my oven.

frosting recipe is in the sidebar…and so is the rainbow cake.  :)

happy baking. 

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happiness is….

eating the rainbow.


to ease my guilt of how honestly UNhappy i was that it was the last day of school…
i made a cake to help them celebrate.
i had seen versions of the rainbow cake and decided "today's the day!" to make my own.

it's not too difficult.
but it does take some time.

i just used TWO white cake mixes.
following the instructions on the box.
then i divided it up into 6 bowls evenly which turned out to be 1.5 cups in each bowl.
i had all these Wilton Icing colors already…from all the other birthday cakes i have done in the past.
(find them at walmart, hobby lobby, micheals in the cake decorator isle but not the CAKE MIX isle)
also you could use the gel colors in the cake mix isle…i think it's the same thing.

the drop kind of food coloring will NOT work for these bright colors…your rainbow would be pastels.

and if you only have five eggs…you can call your neighbor for one more.
even if you JUST went to the store to buy the cake mix ten minutes before.

add a teaspoon of color into each bowl and stir.
it's so easy a four year old can do it.

i used 9" round cake pans.
make sure you grease them well with shortening or baking spray.
this is a crucial step in making fancy cakes that i think some skimp and then you are screwed stuck.

my cakes were done in 12 minutes.
flip them out on to cooling racks and let them sit till they are completely cool.

it is pure happiness to make.
even the dishes are happy.
just keep baking & don't think about the kids will be home for three whole months in two more hours…

i made the cool whip frosting i have shared before to frost this.
when you make a layer cake you have to cut your cakes to make them flat….but you knew that.
i don't have a picture though.
you take a big knife (or even a tool that is made just for flattening cakes) 
and you cut off the round part of the top of the cake that rises in the oven.
you can let your kids or husband eat that so they leave you alone while you frost the cake.
(you stay away from that turkey…you'll get worms!….name that movie)

then you layer it up…rainbow style.
spread frosting in between each layer.
then around the whole thing.
(do you know the trick about putting a skim layer of frosting first to seal in all the crumbs…
stick it in the refridgerator to harden…
then another coat after that of thick frosting?  yes, you did?  ok…sorry)

i didn't show the other kids so when we cut it they were so surprised.
the lighting makes my purple layer look weird.
but it was purple…i promise.

we had lots of other kids here playing and it was a hit.
i heard sean say "do you want some cake?  my mom made it for the end of school!"

cake can solve the world's problems.
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