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 i told you last month that my mom makes AMAZING margaritas.
i am here for a visit and asked her if i could blog it.
of course she said yes.

you need:
frozen limeade, tequila, triple sec and a beer. (any brands are fine for any of these i am sure)

pour the limeade into the blender…

use the empty limeade can as your measuring cup.
fill it 2/3 full of tequila
then 1/3 full of the triple sec

pour it in the blender too.

fill your blender with ice.
lots of ice.

then blend it.
it will be slushy yumminess.

after that is done THEN you add one bottle of beer.

DO NOT USE THE BLENDER after the beer is poured in.
you will have margaritas all over the place.

(i may have done that once in my kitchen but no one can prove it so i am not admitting to anything….)

i won’t tell you how many i had.

Or how many pitchers we made…. 

mom made a big dinner for everyone.
we call it “polynesian chicken”…you start with rice and then you continue down the line of food
adding what you like to your plate.
i choose rice, chicken, sauce (cream of chicken soup), cheese, pineapples, chow mein noodles & coconut.
but everyone always a different meal at the table.
it’s good.
(the strawberries/bananas/yogurt/cottage cheese are side dishes…not part of the polynesian chicken)
we ate on the patio in the perfect summer weather.
a still summer night.
my sister and her girls came for the night too.
it was so nice to spend some time together.
we got the kids to bed and my mom, dad and my sister and i talked into the night.
a really nice evening.



you have to try my mom’s margaritas.
they are just yummy.
they do not taste like a margarita mix…it tastes like a restaurant margarita…a mexican restaurant!




you can make these on the rocks instead of frozen.
just make it in a pitcher and add 1/2 a can of water to it.
then serve it over ice.

it is really good that way too! 

ICEAGE - These are great! Never thought of beer as a component of margarita mix. Big fan of Blue Moon anyway, so this was perfect. Thanks…

POOPSICLE - Yea, its called LIMEADE!!! LOL

Bailey C - Ladies Night In tomorrow and margaritas are on the menu. I remembered this post and although I still have yet to try them myself, we will all be experiencing them together…can’t wait!!

Sokiram - 6e2I guess I was living under a rock for so long that I came to know about this rucuks just now. Any email from Dunn Timothy goes straight to my trash for obvious reasons but nothing derogatory. I understand why the members of this sorority and its supporters are not happy with this media disclosure but all it does is the exposition of the suspension and contains none of the details, however grave, that led to this situation. What I don’t understand is why are the same people taking a jab at the writer’s writing skills. Are you trying to make a point? The report is a simple explanation of the recent probation and nothing else. It’s not suppose to be filled with satire and metaphors to lure the readers. I think if the editors had done the latter, there would be an even bigger fire.Sororities girls are not saints, let’s get that clear. Such matters should be known to the rest of the campus because when they come knock my door to save that poor girl in Africa, I wanna know whether they are worth the trust. Rather than using these social cause as a veil, sororities have to really feel for these cause. Being a member of a sorority is not just a stepping stone for your future career or for your sense of security.Girls drink, do wild stuffs and there is nothing to be ashamed of. You are allowed be humans. Just own up to it. PS: I like all the attention that Concordy is getting. Can’t we have it more often? Does anyone even read the Sports Section?, other than the one who wrote it and the one about whom it is written? No offense to the writer and the players. I just think it’s too long and veryyyyyyy boring ..

Rattikarn - Ohhh this sounds so yummy! I might just have to go buy these inreedignts and have one tonight! Heck, why wait, maybe I’ll have one this morning! Thanks for the recipe Meg!

Tammy - We had these last night at a party. They were the BEST! Thanks!!

Bridget Gladman - Love this receipe! We made 5, YES 5 pitchers of it one weekend. UMMM GOOOD! Thanks for sharing.

Jill - So I am usually the cook, I am always the DJ but I am never the bartender. That is my husband’s job. But last night this recipe gave me the courage to give it a whirl and OH.MY.GOODNESS. Success on my first try. 🙂

Meredith - I’d missed reading your blog for a week or so and was catching up and saw this. I got my boyfriend to sit down and read over it (we love margaritas) and he said that in Mexico, if you wanted a very similar drink, you’d need to order a michelada! In Mexico, they have both drinks, the difference being a michelada has lime and beer (and sometimes spices)!

Marisa - We made these today for our post-ballet-recital bash. (For the grown-ups, anyway.) They were yummy! Thanks (to you and your mom) for sharing!

Courtney - Okay, I had a party last night and tried out these margaritas. They were awesome! The beer cut a bit of the “twang” out and tamed the super sweetness. No more margarita mixes for me…I’m sold!!!

lifeologia - Your mom is AWESOME. How cool that you both can enjoy some margarita’s – my mom’s not that cool 😉

matt - I’m always trying random stuff in our margaritas so thanks for posting your mom’s recipe. It looks wonderful. I personally think one key to a good margarita is to make it reeeely cold. My only beef is the salt. The salt never comes out right. It’s always chunky and not pretty like a string of aciduous pearls. So if you have tips on the salt rim I’m all ears. Oh, and I see someone posted about adding sugar and salt. great idea heather! I’ll try it.

our life in a click - I always make mine with limeade also but sometimes leave out the triple sec. I never heard of adding a beer. Must try this sometime. Looks like a fun night!
I like doing half sugar/half salt for the rim.

Meg - Drank these last night from jelly jars, on the patio, with some of my favorite “church mommies.” they were delish! thanks for sharing.

linda lou - i’ll be over for a margarita when i’m in the neighborhood next time do i need to call ahead of time? (:



kat - Oh my yummy yum yum! I can’t wait to try that Margarita recipe, I wonder how it would taste with a Bud Light Lime? Sounds delish. I love Blue Moon, that sounds like the perfect choice. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Looks like me and the hubs will have to test it. Can’t wait.

Jessica - WE have that too but we call it Hawaiian Haystacks. Always a hit! That reminds me, we haven’t had that in a while!

Julie - YUMMO!

Queen Bee - I hate margaritas. I want to like them, I truly do. I try and try but alas, me no likie tequila. I think I might try to make these substituting in some other various alcohol that I do like….. um, maybe a strawberry flavored wussy liquor. I’m such a GIRLIE GIRL when it comes to alcohol.
I tell you what though — You and Your Mom Kick Ass. Plain and simple.

Jessica - Oohhh Im definitely going to make this tonight! Nothing beats the Florida heat like a good margarita! Thank your mom for sharing this recipe!

Tam - a beer! Brilliant addition. I can’t wait to try them!

Stina - We are in Wyoming and call that rice dish a Hawaiian Haystack. Funny thing. My husband is born and raised in HI and not only never heard of them his whole life…but was absolutely horrified that we would put cream of chicken and fruit, or anything close to either, on rice. lol.
I wonder if it’s just called that because of the fruit? All my in-laws were appalled when he told them. Darn haoles! 🙂

Kelley - I made these margaritas last night and they ROCKED! I know I will not make them any other way from here on out. Thanks for sharing this deliciousness!

Selina - Yum! I wish I could find limeade here in Australia. 🙁

Jamie - Made these today for our Memorial Day celebration and they were a huge hit. We even already had Blue Moon in the fridge! Of course Midwesterners know how to make the best Ritas! Thanks for the post.

sarah - One of my friends asked recently if I knew about a margarita that added a beer in the mix. I told her about the ones your mom made us that night when we were there… they’re were delish.
We have plans to make them for one of our next ‘sisterhood’ gatherings 🙂
The food looks so yummy!

Christina-fivewalkers - Yum! And it sounds like a perfect evening. I am going to see my parents very soon (my dad is retiring after 36 years pastoring one church) and I am sooo excited. So are the kids. 🙂 Thanks for adding to my anticipation. But, they don’t drink, so I’ll have to do the margaritas with someone else. 🙂

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - We call then Hawaiian haystacks too, and they are ever popular and church gatherings! Yummm. Looks like a good start to the summer!

kristine - i love that your mom drinks margaritas!
your mom is gorgeous!
and has beautiful hands too!
btw the pic of your sister reminded me that i copied one of your “things to do” and added “vacay with my sister” to mine. i hope you get to do yours too!
happy holiday weekend! xo

Rachel / cREaTe - funny funny – just read Ann Marie’s comment & yes – the recipe i use is technically called “knock ya nakeds”. 🙂 small world … wonder what its origin is!

Rachel / cREaTe - very similar to the margarita recipe i use … except add a can of sprite & instead of 1/3 can full of triple sec – just make it all tequila. oh & no ice. but maybe that’s why they’re super strong. maybe some ice would help. 🙂 ha ha ha LOOKS LIKE FUN!

tara pollard pakosta - they sound delicious!!!
I just saw a recipe on the barefoot contessa
show and it was for pineapple margaritas, they sounded
yummy too (it was triple sec, tequila, ice, pineapple juice and the juice from limes)
I want to try this one!
sounds like a delightful evening!!!

mandy - i would love to know how your mom makes the chicken for the pol chicken??? i had this at a friends house one time, but have never been able to make it the same…thanks friend!

chasity - wondering if there is a good non-alcoholic version.
it’s against my religion to drink alcohol…something to think about.

Staci - Sooooo making these TO-DAY!!!!! Just got back from a week at Disney…I need to triple the batch I think 🙂 I’ve missed your blog 🙂

Ann Marie - I have a very similar recipe for these! They are called ‘Knock you naked margaritas’. We always have them on the rocks but instead of adding water we add a can of 7up

Robyn - how did you get such an amazing photo of the lanterns. i can not for the life of me get nighttime photos.

Trish - yummers… gonna have to wait awhile since i’m 30 weeks pregnant and planning to nurse til he is one! oh well, I will just live through you 😉

Tanya - Sounds and looks like a great meal and evening!

Krista - YUMMMMMMM, I am soooo thirsty right now (at 12:15 in the afternoon) for one of those. Interesting recipe, I am writing it down now so I can try it when I have company!

Melanie - Yummy! I am going to have to try this! I don’t drink but I love maragrits!

Patty - Beer in a margarita? Gotta try this!

Holly - I a definately going to try these! What a fun night!

Sara Cameli - This makes me miss you all so much! Love the photos of your Mom and Lorel! 🙂 Wish I lived closer…boo hoo. Not that I need Margaritas to love you all! ha ha.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Margaritas are the only alcohol drinks that I think actually tastes good. I’ll have to try it sometime. Looks like you had a fun time. That polynesian chicken buffet looked interesting too.

jennifer - Ooooh! Those will definitely be made at some point this weekend!
Funny story about that beer… About a year ago, the county that we live in decided that our street name needed to change because there was another street about a mile away with a very similar name. We live on a small cul-de-sac with only three houses, so they sent us each a letter and told us to come up with a new street name. We thought we were moving at the time, so didn’t put our suggestions in and another neighbor could care less, so my next door neighbor submitted her choice and we now live on Blue Moon Ct. Named after the beer! I love my neighbor, she’s the best! And she’s going to LOVE your mom’s margarita recipe.
Thanks for sharing!

~Stefanie - I had been waiting for you to post this recipe since you mentioned your mom made the BEST margaritas! Would have never thought to add a beer, we will be trying these out tonight! Thanks Meg’s mom 🙂

susan - wish I was there!! love your pics..can you post some from further away so we can see the whole atmosphere?? xoxo

Jo @ To a Pretty LIfe - My mom used to make chicken and ricelike that and I’ve been wanting to make it. I just have to go get the groceries for it. You’ve given me more ideas for toppings, thanks!

Kari - Sounds yummy! My mom is diabetic and we make the On the Border light margaritas – you can buy the mix at Target. There is only about 40 calories in one I think (not counting the tequila).
I can’t wait to make your rainbow cupcakes this week for the last day of school. Just did a Chicago Cubs groom’s cake this weekend – love to bake!

Lisa - You go Mom!

Casey - Need to try the margaritas with beer……on my list!
And, I love the idea for dinner. Well done!

tami reed - Thats looks yummy!!!

adrienne - just wrote it down! … will be great on memorial day while floating in the pool!

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic - Those look good! I’ve never had a margarita before. I turn 21 on Thursday – I’ll have to add these to my list of things to try! Thanks for sharing!

Kimberlee J. - Hello summer margaritas. I love you.

Jeanne - This is my favorite recipe too ! Your mom is one wise woman:-)

Rachel - YUM!! This is my recipe, too, minus the beer! We call them “Rachel’s Famous Margaritas” (I make all my friends call them that. It’s not like I have a big head or anything.) Now I’ll HAVE to try the beer in it!! And my fav beer too!! LUH-HUV Blue Moon.
Thanks for sharing! Great pics!

Jennifer - Yum! I love margaritas and am definitely going to try your mom’s version 🙂

Gemma - It all looks lovely!! The lanterns look so pretty too 😀
I’ve never treid a margarita but will remember this one if I ever make one : )
Gemma @ Musings of a gem X

Lynda - *waving*..HI MUM!!!!:)…Sounds like a great day/evening/night…..even without the margaritas;).
Hmm…maybe I’m gonna make some tequilla sunrises tonight….has nothing to do with your margaritas…maybe only the tequilla….;)…I’m not a drinker so don’t know how a margarita is gonna “work it’s magic”;)
Maybe someday!!:D

Lori - We are going to try this! Margaritas are my favorite but we never make them because they DO NOT taste like they are from a restaurant! Too boozy- ugh. I’ll drink one, with salt of course, and think of you and your Mom! Please thank her for sharing! Yippee!!! Lori

Kathy - A beer I would never have thought! Looks like a great evening!

Elise - We call polynesian chicken “hawaiian haystacks” and I love love love them.
Any suggestions to make your mom’s delightful margaritas virgin?

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craft thursday #1

rule #1 of craft thursday (from here on out) for mama….

be in a good mood when we start.

it doesn't work well to start a craft with kids if i am not mentally ready.  
but we pushed through my mood and we did it.

hopefully they will want to make crafts with me again someday…..

i chose a painting project from Pink and Green Mama's site.
she taught it to first graders….Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flower paintings. 

first we looked at pictures of her paintings to notice the details.
then i gave a pencil to draw their flower having the petals touch all four sides of the paper.
then a sharpie to go over the pencil.

then watercolor paint.
the petals different from the middle and different from the background.

i lost sean at the very start when i said "i want you to draw a flower"
he said no.

he drew a cactus, didn't like how it turned out…threw it away and went to swim in the pool.
oh well.

the girls finished.
they loved it.
both so proud of their work.
i felt more relaxed than i did all day
 when i was painting mine.

annie's rainbow flower.

talby's sunflower.
my purple cone flower.

so that is it.
craft thursday.
one down….ten more to go!!!

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Sharon - Excellent!! I have got to do this! I have a degree in fine art and yet avoid it at all costs when it comes to my kids. I haven’t painted or done anything serious since before I had kids. ugh. surely I could do this project. Thanks for posting it. good to meet you, hopped over from A Familiar Path.

jasmine bailey-barfuss - Frame those babies – they are gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS!!
(PS I forgot to tell you that I have read the five love languages – good book, lots of food for thought…)

Michele - These are so beautiful! Thanks for the great idea. We made these and they turned out great. (I even made one!) I bought watercolor paper from Michael’s.

Christina-fivewalkers - So so great! I love how you can give the same instructions and get such different results. Very cool!!

tara pollard pakosta - yay! these are GORGEOUS!
totally doing these with my girls!!
LOVE THEM! you need to frame these!

peta - great colours! you must have great waterpaints that keep nice and bright. can you recommend a brand? I went searching and couldn’t find any worth buying …..
great inspiration! my daughter will love this project.

Melanie - You are such a good mom. You are really raising crafty children. Talby and Annie are always willing to do something fun. Hope you have a great summer.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh wow! I love it. I have been a huge fan of her art for years (since High School… that was just a few years ago, right?!).
What a great way to teach the kdis about art! I love it.

Allison - I just wanted to say thanks for posting the how to cut a pineapple tutorial a while back… I read it then, and today I am having a tropical dinner party and bought a whole pineapple rather than pre-cut pineapple since I knew I could come back to your blog and find out how to cut it. And great craft project, by the way! Hope you frame those.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Those are really great. You have some budding artists in your home. My girls have been begging me to paint. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and listen. Time to pull out their craft table:) Have a great weekend Meg.

josephine - Always, always, always be in a good mood yourself before starting a craft project with kids…no doubt. These are beautiful! Makes me think, but I doubt I have the atience for it…

Sandy - I love Sean’s reaction…made me chuckle. Talby’s definately deserves a frame and a prominent spot on the wall! Or sold on your Etsy shop. You can tell her I said so. 🙂

Beth - Love it! I’m going to the O’Keeffe museum next week. Love Georgia. I blogged about her recently on my art teacher blog. And I’ll be doing a similar project with 4th grade next year so Sean will get another chance .

Alison Williams - I am new to your blog, and it’s terrific! I’m rurally impressed with how those pics turned out. I try in vain so far with my 2.5 year old boy, maybe when he’s a little older, but alas, he is a very boysey boy, all cars, trains, and the like. Of course delightful in it’s own way, I do enjoy being a human racetrack :-). Anyway, many thanks for this blog, it’s great!

sarah - So pretty!
I love each flower painting 🙂

Julie - Those are beautiful!!!!I struggle with doing creative stuff with my kids (b/c it test my patience) so I signed them up for an art class and had them taught by someone else this year. What I found was that the teacher’s patience was tested as well (she was still an excellent teacher and they learned!) I was glad to know it wasn’t just me. 🙂

Jennifer - I so love your honesty, Meg! I am putting together crafts for my four babes this summer and to be honest I really am worried that they are going to careless about any effort that goes into planning. Thanks for the reminder that it is not about that…its about love and your kids knowing that they are worth the effort regardless of how they feel about it! You are a virtual best friend who I know, knows exactly how I feel sometimes! I pray for you, Meg!!! Loves!

dianereeves - the paintings are so pretty and summery. I am looking forward to seeing next weeks craft.

Kat - Meg, I have a request.
With 4 young children, I look at your blog and get a bit disheartened about how to find time to decorate my house on limited funds and time, or just have time to do any more than just live each day doing the practicalities.
I would love to hear about the realities of day to day life when your kids were younger please.
Could you maybe take us back in time to when your kids were closer to the ages of mine so I can have a reality check please? 😉 (My kids are just turned 8, 51/2, 31/2 and 18 months.)
If you have time, that would be great! 🙂

Kelly - Those are BEAUTIFUL!!! Kelly

Kat - Just beautiful!
You have inspired me.
I helped my 8 year old Daughter and her friend make snow flake fairies yesterday (with lots of glitter!) while my other three were out or occupied.
They had so much fun.
Now we can try the flowers next.
You are such a great Mum Meg 🙂

traci in virginia - Those are really awesome!! Great work! You are a good Mom! Maybe the ideas will rub off…..hmmm.

Suz Reaney - Wow…those are just wonderful!
We are pretty new…stop by sometime! (We aren’t all about our jewelry…really!)

Robyn - im very impressed!

Sarah Keith - great idea! Gonna check out that website.

Tracy Fisher - So cute. It got me thinking of my own summer with my kids. Keep the fun ideas coming!
– Tracy (

Krista - All 3 are gorgeous! Great idea!

katherinemarie - ohhhh these are beyond deligthful!!! These rich vibrant colors are just begging to be displayed. Maybe at the end of the summer you could put on an ART show with all these beauties!? AND I see your kiddos take after YOU– crazy artistic! 🙂

Taryn - So i think i could do this….if you get the chance, email me and let me know if you used posterboard (i’m assuming you did, but being the FARTHEST thing from an artist, i could be wrong). My girls would be ALL OVER THIS! I will think of you if we ever pull it off (and i will think of you many other times even if we don’t:) ) Love ya!

Cindy - These are absolutely gorgeous!
We will be painting these this summer for sure!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Enjoy the day!

kristine - you could probably throw those on etsy and add to the college fund! 🙂

kristine - stunning! you will have a gorgeous gallery by summer’s end!

Courtney - I love all the colors, I would totally frame them and hang them in my house. The sunflower seems particularly amazing to me.

Kristi - Wow! Those are great. I was planning a still life session for myself and my 11 year old girlie, but I think I like this flower idea better!

melissa - cool idea. i think i am going to bust out water color paints today for the girls!

kathy eller - SUCH a great idea!! I love Georgia O’Keefe…I am totally unartisitic (its pretty sad) I have many mnay empty walls right now…BUT I have 5 children who ARE artistic…hmmm…..You have inspired me!!

Nicole Q. - They all turned out so beautiful!

Julie K. - Soooooo pretty!!!! I’m thinking about doing another art camp this summer … might put this one in the idea pile!

Dina - absolutely beautiful!!! I would so frame these and display them! Gorgeous!


Nancy - I love this…. when we start our summer vacation in 3 weeks, I will be doing this one with my girls. Thanks for the idea.

citymouse - Very cool! These would make an incredible collection to display.

Tam - I love this craft-the flowers are so colorful and beautiful!

Lynda - LOL…..NO!!!….:D……the paintings are lovely!!!! really nice work girls!!!!

AshleyAnn - Those are beautiful. I look forward to when my boys can draw flowers like that. However, they probably would prefer to draw a cactus or Lego man. That is a seriously cool craft, I might do it by myself. In fact, I think I will.

Shelly - You always come up with the prettiest crafts! (maybe it’s because we have all boys, but everything cool ends up brown or something in a war with something else!)

Jaime Melcher - Thanks for sharing! Today was our last day of school & I’m excited about the fact that you’re a week ahead of us & we can borrow your ideas for Craft Thursdays at our house…
The flower paintings are fabulous, I love those bright colors! 🙂 Did you just use normal paper or was it extra thick? Have a super Memorial Day weekend! ~Jaime

amy d - …i want to come over on craft thursday! pretty, pretty colors!

leslie - sweet. talby’s is my fav.! but all of them look super-flowery! 😉

Petie - You are really inspiring me! Just finished a “summer plan” for us. You’re brave to do crafts…I have to be in just the right mood 😉 Have a great weekend.

Heather - that is so cool! i love the way the all turned out, but talby’s sunflower is really awesome! i love the color combo. it feels really summery.

Laura Wilder - These are great – are you going to frame them? I can’t wait until I have little ones old enough to create and I can have a house full of art! 🙂

Jenn Thomas - how pretty they turned out!I love the colors. Can I send London down next week 🙂

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friendship photo shoot

i took pictures the other night of a group of ten girlfriends.
they were really fun.
this a bible study group…they have spent a lot of time praying together 
and for each other so a prayer circle picture was needed.

the gal in the front…green shirt…owns a purse shop.
don't they all have the cutest bags?!

they wanted to to have group photos to remember their time together.
one of them is moving away….what a great gift!

thanks for a fun night shannon! 

one more just for fun…. 

Caseystucky - WOW! Meg you did a FABULOUS job with these pics! You totally captured our spirit!!! These pictures are priceless to us! Just looking at these makes me cry! THANK YOU!!!!! Can’t wait to see the rest…

Lisa Currie-Gurney - WHAT A FABULOUS IDEA !!!

Heather K. - FABULOUS photos! There is some serious joy on those faces!

M.O.T.B - These are sooooo fun! Great photos!

Nicole Q. - Great pictures! Gotta ask, where is that purse shop- is it in your area? I loved their bags! I may have to stop and shop next time at my moms.

Amy W - I LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos and CAN NOT wait to see the rest. These are going to help me so much in my move. I can look at my girls everyday and remember ALL of our GREAT times.. Thank you Meg for capturing the spirit of us girls! I love them so!!

carin - this post was so bomb diggety.
I miss these friendships.
I cut all my hair off yesterday.
Not that you even knew it was long, but it was.
but I saw your picture and
couldn’t get to the salon quick enough.
they were booked.
so I went to bo-rics.
I was that desperate.
they kind of jacked it up.
but I love it.
thanks to my (still) blog friend, meg,
I have cool hair again.
and might even return to the blogosphere.

Kat - Maybe I can add my name this time. Am so not up with this whole blog thing *blush* - Meg, I too am a lurker and LOVE your blog!
I find your creativity, photography, house and family inspiring.
I love the colour and fun (and realness) you add to everyday life.
Great pics of a close group.

Sarah - Thanks so much, Meg! Can’t wait to see the rest of the shots. For those inquiring, the store is SassyBags in McPherson. It is such a beautiful, fun store and I’m not just saying that cause she’s my friend 🙂

A pocket full of posies... - LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! this!!!! How fun! What a treasured memory!!! When I moved from Hutch. my Bible study group made a book of letters and well wishes for me…it’s something I will always treasure!!!

AshleyAnn - That is a crazy cool idea…if only I had 10 friends 😉

Kelly - so fun! what a great idea! Kelly

tara - so, i just found your blog today…aaand i’ve decided that i want to be you when i grow up. i hope that doesn’t make you feel old, ’cause that’s totally not what i meant. what i meant was that in a few years, i’d love it if my life looked very much like yours. especially the rainbow color part!
i’m newly married (three months today!), graduated from college a year ago, currently working for the same school, but hoping to have my own business someday…in crafts, definitely.

Amy E. - We had so much fun during the shoot! The pictures look great and we can’t wait to see the rest. You captured just how special our friendship is. Thanks, Meg!

Denissa - How fun! They are all great photos 🙂

Julie - I love the friendship, the history, the sassy colors, the hair accessories, the purses! What a fun day and what great memories you captured of these amazing ladies.
I am desperate, absolutely desperate for that aqua ruffled top. Please steal it from her and send it my way. Kaythanksbye!

a-m - A really lovely idea, and very gorgeous photos! You did a great job!

Melissa Gruber - what a great idea! love the pictures and the handbags…does she sell them on line? oh, they are so cute!

AmyB - These are so cute! What a great idea!

Amanda - Meg, your photography is awesome! Those head shots were so great!!! good for you! They must love the pics.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, good for them! How awesome! Meg, you do such a great job!

Laura Phelps - OK
So you have got unto June 26th to get over to LA and do a group shot of me and my friends before I move! Although I have to say…my group would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay smaller….like, as in only two or three people smaller!
I had no idea you could have so many good friends outside of being in a sorority!
what a blessed group of gals
and lucky to have YOU to capture the beauty of it

Angela - Wow – what a cool thing to do! I have been reading your blog for a while and I just want to thank you for sharing so many great ideas.

ann - What a bunch of pretty women! You all belong in a fashion magazine.

Jennifer - Love the colors! I love all of the pearl bracelets too!

Gemma - SO lovely!! These girls are so lucky to have a group of friends : )
Gemma X

Lynda - ooooooooooooow what beautifull girls!!!!! The fun gets to you!!!!!! really lovely!!!!

mel - Okay, how cute is this photo shoot! That is so fun! They are going to love these pictures!

Lori - I am such a lurker, but let me tell you- I think you are fabulous! I love your words, your faith, your pictures and adore your family.:) Thanks for sharing your life with us! Lori

pam - i was fine until you said, “one of them is moving away…”
your photos rock. what a true gift.

Rachel / cREaTe - that is SO NEAT. 🙂 i think the one with the pavement in focus is a sweet perspective as they seem like a selfless group of friends. that’s what i “see” anyway. 🙂 such a great idea to celebrate such friendships! you did a great job capturing it all.

charlene @ lanfranchi family - Love it! It makes me want to start my own bible study! ha

Danielle - Love the the shoot and the colors! Do you happen to have a link or info on the purse shop?

Amanda - oh my goodness – how much fun is that!?!?! Those girls are all gorgeous! You do such a great job.

Jodi - I love these friendship photos, you did an amazing job capturing the spirit of this group!

kat - How fun! What a special way to remember such a special day!

the inadvertent farmer - That is awesome…seriously cool way to forever keep friends close! Great job…Kim

jennifer - Oh my gosh… that is one of my all time favorite photo shoots that you’ve done! And, what a great idea for them to do it! They look so cute in their colorful colors! LOVE!

Melanie - Great photos! I never live in a place long enough to have lasting friendships like yours. It looks like a fun group.

Ilene Joyce - oh, how fun!!! i love the colors.
i have been following your blog for quite sometime now and am continually inspired by your photos…and the love you have for your family! thanks so much. 🙂

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ok…today is better than the past two have been.
i feel relieved by that.
the pool is filling up.
the rain is gone.
the boys' nerf guns have been confiscated.
i think we are going to make it.

i received a shirt in the mail….and i love it.

you can get them here at DOTS.
it is so soft and light.
i really really like it.
and i want to make cupcakes when i wear it.
i thought this one was cute too.

the porch is my favorite spot in the summer.
yesterday i set up memory on the bench/coffee table.
it took the entire top…and was hard to remember with such a long line of cards.

guess which set of matches is mine?  
i told you it was hard for me.

some questions were asked about the summer list yesterday…i will clarify.
*WORLDS OF FUN is an amusement park with roller coasters in kansas city.
*PEPPERNUTS are little spice cookies…we love to eat them but i have never made them.
 here is a website about them.  
 they are a mennonite thing…craig has mennonite
 roots and so does our hometown.
*a BLOCK PARTY is a street party with our neighborhood (our block).
*the FROGGIE POOL is our public pool…it has a frog shaped slide.
*DEMO DERBY is the mud pit where cars crash into each other…that we pay money to watch!

we bought journals yesterday and the three youngest were so pumped about it.
they filled up the front already with stories and stickers.  
very sweet.

Michelle Richmond - I love checking your blog every day. You show the good with the bad and always make me feel inspired to be a good mom. I wanted to post here to let you know you are looking fit and trim. You go girl!!! Michelle from Canada.


chasity - i love the quilt that is on your front porch.

Andie - Love the shirt. But your hair is GORGEOUS!

molls - De-lurking to say Hi! from another Kansas girl (great grandparents lived in Walton) who LOVES peppernuts. I’m the only one in our family who still attempts to make them. I don’t even have the recipe that got me hooked – I like the tiny, dense version. But, I have found some good recipes out there that approximate the flavor, at least. I will say that it is always more tedious than I remember – so many tiny cookies! Make the dough and freeze half for later …

Kat - Love your list Meg which has inspired us to do our own here as two weeks of hols are starting in Tasmania, Australia. (about to start winter though, not a lovely long summer.)
I too have had a few of “those” days with my kids, so I can totally relate!
Enjoy your summer with your lovely family 🙂

paige - wish i could rock that funky short do like yours…i LOVE it!

Heather R. - Love the shirt! Love summer! You inspired us to make a poster this year. Skydiving is on it…yeah, not sure about that one. Where is the Demo Derby? We are in Leavenworth and got our Worlds of Fun passes :)! Have a great summer.

Molly Pearce - Your hair cut is rocking and so is the shirt! Now go make some cupcakes for your babies 🙂
~Molly P

myrnie - Love the oilcloth on your little table- I have the same print, in a turquoise background, on my kitchen table. LOVE IT- everything wipes right off, even crayons and pens 🙂

kristine - talby’s hair is adorable!

Charity - I grew up in Mennonite country, too, and LOVE peppernuts. I have this great little book, titled simply, Peppernuts, full of recipes. It’s amazing how many variations there are. Yum. We always make them around the end of November, so they’re ready and tasy for Christmas.

Anna Marie - We go to Worlds of Fun too :o) Do you ride all of those rides?

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - please send peppernuts 🙂

Jessica - My family makes peppernuts, too (but only at Christmas)! I love them so much, but I had no idea that other people even knew what they were. Haha. However, we make the German version of them.

Jessie Miller Sterling - Just wanted you to know I already made the teacher soaps. LOVE them! I once attempted my own blog, but yours is sooo much better, so I just read it instead! 😉 And if I get a cupcake shirt will I look as hot as you?? Hope so, you look awesome!

Jaime Melcher - Love your hair in that first picture! Super cute! …and the shirt says it all. 🙂

CAROL B - i’m a mennonite and have NEVER heard of peppernuts…interesting, i’m gonna check that out!

Megan Kohlman - Just in case you need the recipe for perfect peppernuts… Seriously. I’m not biased because my grandmas make them or anything.

dani - You look great! and I want your hair 😉

Melanie Shanks - I have followed your blog for a looong time – checking in nearly every day. I have to tell you – you look great! Your new ‘do is oh-so chic.

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} - Hello! I read your blog all the time, but I’m not sure I’ve ever commented. Sorry. Anyway, I see glimpses of your house/porch and keep thinking that my SIL and BIL lived down the block from you for awhile. They rented a house while they were building. If, in fact, you do live in the house I think you do – love, love, love it!

Courtney Walsh - i cannot describe how happy I will be not to have to search for uniforms and make lunches anymore for a few months!! ack! Bring on summer!

kari - I can’t wait to make our summer list – thanks for sharing! What a great idea!!!!

Kirsten - I gotta tell you – I’m getting my hair cut and wish I was brave enough to get such a cute sassy look –

Lori Danelle - I’m having trouble with peppernuts in the summer. To me, peppernuts ARE Christmas!! 🙂 However, I’ll still share our family recipe for them with you.
We make our first batch right at Thanksgiving time and keep turning them out until Christmas Day. I started bringing them into work and have everyone near me totally addicted to the strange little cookie with the stranger name that they never knew existed. My Grandma still sends me an ice cream bucket full every year as well!

Misty, Southern Belle Mama - Love the shirt!! Glad you led me to check out the site…I just bought the “Cupcake Queen” shirt. I can’t wait to get it in the mail! 🙂

Charlene - Now, I want a cupcake too!

Chris Harms - enjoying your blog. I make peppernuts (pfeffernusse) at Christmas time by the icecream-pailful. Some people roll them out, I use a piping bag and squeeze them onto the pan… not as uniform, but faster by far. Good luck with them! I’m going to attempt a summer list. Saskatchewan may not sport the biggest or fanciest theme parks or zoo’s, but I’m sure we can find a few ways to spice up the summer. Thanks for the ideas!

Cathy - Now I feel like I need to go find a recipe for peppernuts. My mom’s family are from Canada and have Mennonite roots.

Dana Banana - Love the list. Let’s demo derby together….and find a day to bring the kids to the pool here.

Kara Tait - Meg, I love your blog. You look fantastic. Your face is so skinny!

Kristi - I love the idea of a journal! Adding that one to the list that we came up with last night. My daughter is 11 and starts Middle School next year. I’m grateful to have this summer to bond with her before she moves further down the road to adulthood. One of the most exciting things we’re doing is Book Club. We’re still trying to decide on a book though. She wants Twilight and I don’t. ha ha

amy d - haha…it always amazes me what people have never heard of.
love the shirt!

Petie - Love that t-shirt! Your summer list has inspired…looks like it’s gonna be a fun one 😉

Lynda - what a great shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it……wish I could buy one of those here in the Netherlands!

benson - YOU look amazing and are rockin’ the shirt!!

Julie - I LOVE your porch! My kids do too ~ they want one! Looks like a GREAT place to hang out!

lifeologia - You look great in that first photo 😉
Memory games are great fun – it’s so cute to see kid’s faces so concentrated.
I did a little link love on my blog today with your site:

jeny - when i grow up i want to be you (OKAY like,you) you are amazing (and beautiful), talented, and are blessed with a large curious family. i wish to be able to spend time with my babies. – that’s all i got, sorry so weird.

AshleyAnn - You are looking oh so sassy in that first photo. When we play Memory I always win. Granted my competition is ages 4 & 6. Bummer when they start beating me.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - What a wonderful idea: summer journaling for the young and old. The memory game is a favourite here but we’ve forgotten about it recently. Isn’t it amazing how the younger ones always win? The cupcake tee is a perfect gift for my best bud a half world away. Thank you for sharing it.

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the summer list

here is our 2010 list.

you can see 2009 and 2008 also.
it helps for our summer to be a little more intentional.  
gives us new things to try…
activities to look forward to….
it's fun!

*36 hours of reading is through the public library 
(which means i will have to settle our bill to show my face in there again….ugh)

*Cooking Kids is a night where the kids are in charge of the entire meal for the family…individually.
we put each childs day on the calendar already.  
it should be interesting…i will only supervise or help when asked.

*Craft Thursdays is my promise to be organized enough to have a different craft ready every thursday.
i have a pretty big list of what i want to do.
i will share them all…but you knew that didn't you?

and i was right about monday.
it wasn't good.
highs are so often followed by lows.
i hate that.

who is going to come over here and tell these kids how to behave…because i am tired of doing it.
and they don't listen to me anyway.

i am trying my best to use my quiet inside calm voice.
i am sure i have one…it is just hard to find it. 

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Judy Beal - I’ve had summer lists all of my life…as a kid…as a mom…now as a Grams…but yours is the most colorful and inspiring one I’ve ever seen. Thanks!

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Shelby - Are you going to do a winter/christmas bucket list on your chalkboard?

Elizabeth - Love this list! I esp love the Craft Thursdays and Cook Kids. And of course the dedication to the library!!! Your kids are lucky; this will be a great summer!

Amy - I am looking forward to making this with my kiddos. I linked to it as part of my Summer Fun Days series 🙂

Jenny @ DIY Newlyweds - This is so cute! You’ve totally inspired me and I’ve made my own list: Thanks for the great idea!

christine - Just wanted to tell you THANKS! for the awesome summer list idea. I made one with my eldest daughter and I am totally loving our list. You never fail to inspire me! Blessings on your day!

Laura - Well maybe I am a little ate but…. I have ust started following you for about a month and I must say I am kind of smitten with you & your blog. I made my own Grandma list today and wrote about it on my blog of course giving you the credit for the idea. Thanks for all of your inspiring words & ideas

Aimee @ In THIS Life - Thank you so, so much for this idea! I read about it at A Soft Place, and my boys and I just had to do one of our own!

Su@The Intentional Home - found your blog from link on Just A Girl. I can’t wait to get some time to look around… love the castle craft idea!! I am so doing that with the kids in the neighborhood!! And looking forward to reading what you have to say about crazy love (just finished reading that book).
Just wanted to let you know that I linked to this summer schedule post. Here is the post I did:
I am longing for a summer rhythm so thanks for the inspiration!!

Stacey - Hi Meg! I found you through Kimba at ASPTL and love this idea for the Summer List. So I put it here on my “Best of…” from around blog world!
You can find it here:

Christen Hopkins - I’ve been doing this for years with my kids too 🙂 It’s great for making summer intentional – something we added this year is playdate Thursdays, where each of my kids gets to invite a friend from school (not a neighborhood friend – cause they’re here every other day!) over in the afternoon. I had to laugh at your library comment – me too!! My record fine is over $20 – Just tryin to support my local library ; )

jeanne - We just finished ours:-)

stacey - Totally hijacking this idea! My girls will love it!

Adventures in Dressmaking - Nice! What a cute list!
On my list is go berry picking at U-pick places. Yummmmmmm!

Semi-Slacker Mom - I LOVE this idea & I’m totally stealing it! This will be a fabulous way to cut down on the “I’m bored”. Thanks for sharing!

dydanas - Thank you for this inspiration! I made one with my family this summer!

Beth - We made a summer list too, thanks for the inspiration. I posted a picture of ours on facebook.

Suzanne Gallagher - What a fantastic idea……My family plans to make our own over the week-end – love your blog!!!!

Courtney - Love, Love, Love this idea! I will have to create a fun list for my family and post it! We are taking our children to the 7 wonders of Kansas this year 🙂

Corinne - Love love love your summer list idea. 🙂 I just may need to make one for my own fam.

Tonya - What a great idea – I need to do that and I don’t even have kids! BTW – it’s technically called Willis Tower now (instead of Sears Tower). I hate it when they rename stuff like that – it will always be Sears Tower to me too.

Jennifer - Love the idea of a summer list! I will have to do this with my kids.

Melanie - I love your summer list. Since Caden is my only child and he is 16 so our list is flying to Atlanta to stay with friends, he’s going to Texas to visit his cousins, and as a family we are going to San Francisco, Yosemite, & Lake Tahoe. No list made but a lot of fun is going to happen:) Enjoy your summer.

Toni :O) - You are an amazing mother who totally inspires me…I needed this lift since I lost my job on Tuesday. School is out for my kids in about two weeks and I want to make this summer as special as I can, especially if I won’t be able to find another job right away. I think your kids are so lucky to have you. I know, you’re lucky to have them but seriously, you have such a gift, thank you for sharing it with all of us. It helped to brighten my spirits when they have literally been really down in the dumps!

tinycandi - We “stole” this idea last year from you and the girls LOVED it. We just did it again the other day for this summer’s list. The girls are so excited…thank you for the awesome idea!

Jaime - I love your summer lists! I think last year I started reading your blog during the summer and didn’t see your cool idea until you guys had checked a lot of things off! This year I am doing this with my 3 kiddos-they aren’t done with school until 6/18 though. 🙁 Love the idea of making it more intentional and also please please please post your craft ideas! I am craft challenged but my kids LOVE them!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - This is SO great! I’m inspired! I’m a new visitor to your sweet spot here. I’ve enjoyed poking around! 🙂

tasha roe - you always have the best ideas!! i cant wait to do this for my kiddos.

Rachel - Oh my gosh we just did this a couple of weeks ago! Ours are still rough drafts stuck to the fridge, but I told my kids it was their “beach pail list” (instead of bucket list, and since we live near the beach….ok, maybe not so clever, but “whatever”)Anyhoo, yours is so cute! I’m definitely hoping it keeps me on task, embracing these fleeting moments with my kids…my kids put on theirs “a penny a page”…which was my summer reading plan one year. Now they read too fast and two kids in particular would have me broke by the end of summer!

CK - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your summer list! We did it last summer, too. Our kiddos loved it. What a great memory and motivator! We are already brainstorming for this summer:) Have a great summer!

Tam - I did a summer list last year (thanks for the fantabulous idea!) We plan to do another one this weekend. Our kids still have one more month of school 🙁

Robyn - im so inspired! going to get my list started! thanks for sharing.
and im relieved to hear im not the only one trying REALLY hard to use my calm voice. really really hard. is it the pre-summer excitement that has the kids acting wild?!?! i hope this passes sooner than later!

Trina McNeilly - I love this idea.. i think i might try a {mini} version since mine are still pretty mini. But we need some intentional planned fun {since i’m not feeling my funnest lately}. And I’m glad I’m not the only one trying to find my inside quiet voice most days. Hope your Wednesday is just right!
xoxo trina

linda@LimeintheCoconut - I wanna be in YOUR family…..{whiiiiiine}

jess - i look forward to seeing your summer list every year!!!! its here!!! my kids are in school till june17th but we will be starting this tradition!!! great list!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Great ideas! I’ll come over. Or you should come to Scottsdale. And drop the kids off. And you and C could go out. Seriously. Anytime!

tami reed - Sounds fun and not that costly

Dianne Avery - Sigh….I could have written those last two sentences too. It’s so tough right now. Sorry, but it makes me feel better that you feel it too. 🙂
I love the idea of the summer list. We might have to make one of our own here.

Ann Marie - I currently live in Denver but most of my family and grandparents live in Chase Co. I was so hapy to see the waterfall on your summer list. My family and I will be there the 4th of June. . . Who knows, maybe we will see you there!

Jenny - exactly the same reason i keep putting off taking my girls to the library…the inevitable fine lingering for 2 years 🙂
i think i am just going to have them get their own cards and start over?

DreamGirlLisa - Megan, you are such an inspiration, I wish I lived close to you and could join you for some of your summer fun!

chasity - great list….
i think i’ll just make it easy on myself and use yours. ha.
i’ll have to google the chase county waterfall though.
i was hoping badly to get to go to chicago for our birthdays~
which are all in june. they have wanted to go to the sears tower since they were 3 and 5. isn’t that funny?!

Jesse @ Good Girl Gone Glad - This is such a great idea! Might just have to borrow it.

Laura Van Buren - Love this idea! I think I will plan to do something like this for our family next week, when my kiddos are out of school!

candace - Just like the reader above, I “found” you through your list post on Melissa’s Inspired Room. It was instant blog love!
Can’t wait to see your wonderful summer!

Charity - Hang in there – those frustrating, discouraging days don’t last! I find it helpful to do something nice for myself – read, take a bath, lock myself away for a bit…
I love your list this year! I “found” you last year, and we made our own list for 2009. The kids have already started planning what we’re going to put on this year’s list!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Bring on the crafts, Crafty Mama! I always get fantastic ideas from you…like this list, for example.

Erin - Glad to see I am not the only one who has to settle a bill at the public library. LOL

Lori - Oh, I forgot to ask…what are peppernuts?

Lori - Your summer list is wonderful as always. It makes me long for summer. My daughter’s high school graduation isn’t for 3 more weeks! And her brother has to go for three days after that! At least we can start summer living vicariously through you. And as usual, thanks for the comments that keep it real. We all go through the rough patches where the ideal summer we had in mind doesn’t resemble what is really happening. Overall though, a bad summer day is better than a bad winter day, right? 🙂

Totally Shrewd - Okay, I so love this. Living intentionally is so important. Your list is awesome; I’m going to make one for our family. My little girl is only 7 months old but there are so many things I want so introduce her to in her First Summer! 🙂

Sarah@Clover Lane - Settled my library debt today! 🙂 Not as bad as I thought.

michelle from 6 in the city - I love, love, love you summer list. What a great thing to create and display!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Great idea. So going to copy this with my girlies. I like the idea of intentional living. Goals are sooo good. Thank you Meg! Hope your day gets higher:)

Courtney Walsh - My friend does this too! I’ve never seen it before, but I’m going to have to try it this year. 🙂 Looks fun!!

christine - Oh, the peppernuts on the list cracks me up – that must be a Kansas thing. (although in our family, peppernuts are strickly a Christmas activity.) I LOVE your summer list idea! As we are about 4 weeks away from summer break here in oregon, i am starting to get anxious about keeping my 4 and 6yo occupied. I think I’m going to do this too! thank you!

Chauncey - Meg,
Your summer list is amazing! It has totally inspired me to make one for our family this summer too. The summer goes by so fast and I’m always left with a sinking feeling that we didn’t get to do everything I wanted to do. But, making a list will really help us to have some ideas and actually do them! I am so excited to display our big list of ideas and show them to my hubby. Thanks for the great ideas and for being real about motherhood. I am always inspired after reading your blog each day.

laura - i started “craft thursdays” as a new year resolution and it has been SO. MUCH. FUN. can’t wait to see your projects. thanks for your blog…..

Georgia - Sounds fun… few questions though. (im from the UK, so dont understand some of them)
what is a block party?
what is a froggie pool?
What is worlds of fun?
Thanks 🙂

stacie jameson - I know my library bill right now is $100.00. 14 books 1 month late.

Sandy - oops, of course I meant when I was still 43…. It’s hard to keep track of how old I am… or was… or will be… whatever!

Sandy - You’re so good with your lists. I’m still working on MAKING my 45 things to do before I’m 45 list. I started the list when I was still 44 and I’m already 3 months into being 44. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get back to that and get serious. You’re an inspiration.
The kids will calm down…all excitement for summer right now. 🙂

amy jupin - we’re doing our list on friday. i just might try adding a cooking kids night or two. that would make for some good blog material! 🙂

Amber - I LOVE your summer lists. This summer I have a 3 year old & love taking time to be intentional with her…so we’re making a list tomorrow. She’ll love it! Can’t wait to try it out:). You’re so cool….hehe

Lora - … think i’ll make a summer list too :O)
Can’t wait to see your summer pics and read your summer thoughts.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I’m not sure if you are able to read all of your comments any more. But I just wanted to tell you that after an extended long weekend away from blog writing and reading, I had a chance today to catch up. I am always touched by who you are and how your words resonate with me, and obviously hundreds if not thousands of others. (the bathing suit comment for instance) There is something about your voice when sharing your days that is special. I have not found it in another blog yet. And I just wanted to thank you for taking the time.

Molly Pearce - Can you adopt me for the summer so I can hang with y’all? Just kidding! This list looks like a blast!!! Have a fun and happy summer!!
~Molly P

Julie Cox - How fun to make peppernuts during the summer and not just at Christmas time!!!

Melissa - I love your summer list! I do some of those same things, or did as a child. Maybe I need an adult summer list!

Secret Mom Thoughts - I made a summer list last year too. My daughter has been asking to make another one. Love Crafty Thursdays. I may try that too.

Sarah - Wow! Love your list, I am determined to make one for this summer! And I have to admit that I am currently on the Most Wanted Library list also! TOO funny!

Nicole Q. - Our lists are looking similar!! I can’t decide if I should display mine yet . . . . i’m worried my youngest ones will think we are going to do 10 things in a day! Exhaustion. Love the Cooking Kids Night and the Craft Thursdays!!!!

Gemma - Love your summmer list!!
Gemma X

Sarah - So, when you find your quiet inside voice, can you point a sister in the right direction? Thanks. 🙂

Lisa - Hope you get that free throw line painted this summer! 🙂

Chris - Your comment about the library made me laugh. I just settled my bill – a whopping $55 fine – and I only have one child at home!! I’m sure the librarians just love me!

Kimberlee J. - We’re making a list of our own!

jen smith - love your list. there are some great ideas that i may have to borrow. i’m with you on the library. it’s been years(yes with an S) since we’ve been back cause i forgot to return a video and we now have a huge fine. what kind of mother am i?

Lindsay Bay - wow, I love this summer list idea. this will be my first summer break and I think aside from the traveling we will do, this will really help fill the time. now, time for me to get planning!

jamie - hahahaha. gafaw. sudden burst of outloud laughter. you so are my best friend. i knew this when you said you had to settle your money owed at the library to show your face. i always say it’s for a good cause. so embarassing, seriously. please please please post how much your grand total is. i will confess, the highest has been $20 for me. i am much better now. $6 is the high now only on occassion.

Jeannette - I love the list, we started one about a week ago and we are still adding to it so by the official first day of summer we will have an official list. This will be my first year staying home with the kids over the summer and I am so excited. I know there are going to be challenges everyday because mine are 4 and 13 and love to get on each others nerves (and mine too) on a daily basis. If you find someone that can work some magic on the behaving and listening could you send them my way too. I am curious, what is a making peppernuts?? Love your blog, thanks for the inspiration…………Have a great summer!!!

Katie - I love the idea of having a list to keep you on track! My little one is only 2, so no need for a list just yet, but I’m definitely bookmarking this idea for the future.

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - Love your list. My favorite is the Sears Tower. Thank you for not calling it the Willis Tower, ick. Love your blog, thanks for being real!

j - I love your list – it has inspired me to do one too.
Mondays are always bad so I decided years ago that Mondays would be cleaning day. Like, the day couldn’t get any worse, might as well clean.

Laura - Love it! I’ve been waiting to see your list. Now, I need to get myself to DG to buy some posterboard and make one for my family. Thanks for keeping it real. We love you for it!

Amber - My family made a list last year after I saw yours online. We loved it and are gearing up to make our summer list this weekend. Thanks for a great idea!

stodd - Oh, and things are the same in the this house. We are going to try to start the Family Meeting thing similar to what they do on I decided that everything… watching TV, going to Sonic, playing with friends is a privilege and if they want that, they need to meet Dad and I’d expectations… which are our family rules that I copied from Lindsey Cheney. We’ll see if I actually stick with this!

stodd - Oh, thank goodness, there are others who have heavy fines at the library. I cringe to think what would happen if I used my card… major fines on that. So, I used my hubby’s and racked it up too. Hopefully one of my three girls have a card we can use! 😉

Charlene - I ALWAYS owe the library money too….So glad I’m not the only one. Last time I had to pay $15 (hanging head in shame), I’m not even sure how it got to be so high.
My summer to do list includes stuff that I need to take care of, maybe I should try doing one your way. It looks way more fun than mine does!

Queen Bee - You are my “Favorite Mom In The World (Other Than My Own)”. You are so real. I love your honesty. It’s refreshing. I love your goals and ideals you teach your kids.
I’m gonna work on a Summer 2010 list with my own little one (same as Annie…. going to kindergarten in the fall).

Lane - What a great idea! When my son grows up, I’m definitely stealing this idea!

Betsy - I love that you encourage your children to cook and learn how to do so. I wish my mother had done that for me. There is a lot of “Shake and Bake” in my house. I cant wait till my children and I can learn to cook together!

Leigh - Hi Meg! Love your list. I need to do that just for focus. Summer goes so quick. I did not think I was going to survive Monday in my house. 4 teenagers at home. I need to get a plan! Thanks for your inspiration. Leigh

AshleyAnn - We made our Meg inspired summer list yesterday on the chalkboard wall…the boys didn’t quite get that it isn’t stuff we do nearly everyday, but oh well. We marked off half the way in one day – too add more or not? I’m impressed by the weekly craft, I’ll just copy yours the following week then I don’t have to think of any!

shelly - I absolutley adore you! (Is that too stalker-ish?!?…sorry ;)). When I was a young mom of 3 tiny boys, I felt like a total failure…nothing was how I thought it should be. Thank you for being real—you have a beautiful life with amazing kids (its not always sunshine and rainbows and you’re brave enough to show it!–way to go momma!)
I love your summer lists! I’ve got a brand new chalkboard drying just for this purpose! I’m hoping it will give our summer more memories and less fighting 🙂
Our library shoots you an email 2 days before the books are due…LIFESAVER! And we have a book basket—no library books upstairs and when you’re done reading, you put it back in the basket (I hated the infamous “lost” book run 5 min before I planned on leaving for the library!)

Laura Phelps - my Monday ended so badly…that I didn’t even have it in me to blog about it.
poor Nick came home to me cooking dinner crying…
these kids can really break you down…
here is to more of those beautiful Sundays…

kari - I LOVE reading your blog and love your list. My kids aren’t out until June 2 so I have a few more days with just one child at home.
You should come to the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo sometime – it’s one of the top in the nation I think! I need help with my kids behaving too – it’s seems like lately all they do is argue and not listen and all I do is yell 🙁

Sally - Love it! My littlest one just turned 2 which means we can do A LOT more this summer than last. Thanks for always sharing your fun creative ideas! Maybe another posting you could have everyone share one of their favorite summer things they did. I love to get new ideas. Thanks.
p.s. i looked at 2008 & 2009 and i love how 2010 is so COLORFUL!!!!!

Candy - LOVE this and have been wanting to copy you since I first saw it summer 08. I already have my poster board ready and am determined to make my kids a fun summer list soon! Hope you do share your craft ideas! 🙂 Thanks!!! 🙂

Heather K. - Oh I love the summer list. I may just have to create one of my own with the family this weekend.

christine - What a great idea! I agree with the above posters- thanks for keeping it REAL! and just the fact that you made a list like this tells me you MUST be an awesome mom!

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - I love your eye-catching (and fun!) summer list. We always make a summertime wish list too. It helps to keep us focused and ready for adventure. It also helps us to not waste valuable time wondering “What are we going to do today?” Can’t wait to sit down and plan/dream…
And I too appreciate that you share the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s refreshing and heartening to know that we’re all muddling through the rough patches while delighting in the joyful moments and memories too. As a wife/mom, some days are awesome while others are just about surviving. Thanks for keeping it real.
Happy Summertime!

Kelley - I LOVE your list for summer and am going to start on our own tonight once the kids are home from school (this is their last week!).
Have you heard of Love & Logic? There are lots of CD’s and books found on Amazon, but Jim Fay’s CD about the Energy Drain has truly been a life saver for me in restoring my voice and sanity with non-listening kids. Truly the best seven bucks I ever spent on a CD.

Tara - this is on my list to do THIS week…I’ll give you a shout out for it!

patti - i’m totally doing the list this year. i feel like my kids are old enough to help make the list and it will help me stay true to my promises with them.
oh, and i’ve been doing this lately “what would michelle duggar do” – when my kids start acting like total banshees and don’t listen to a word i say, i just start talking like her and they totally laugh. it lightens the air.

nora - Maybe change the meaning of “cooking kids?” Would that help them get in line a bit? 🙂
I have a list for the summer but it’s got things like “clear out garage” and “re-caulk bathtub” booooring! You’ve inspired me to make a fun list for activities to enjoy with my baby this summer. Thanks!

Jill - Thank you for sharing ALWAYS. You share the good, you share the bad. It makes the rest of us feel better to know there are other moms in the world that go through the same ups and downs. I am excited to see what you and your family get up to this summer! 🙂

Trish - Love your summer to do list! YOU are my inspiration to be a more intentional mommy! Yes and we all have to find our inside voices every now and again! 🙂

Jessie Miller Sterling - I have to know what your Chase Co. Waterfall is. It sounds super fun, and I see it’s been on there for 3 years, it must be FUN! Oh, and I LOVE your Happy Things list. It’s my favorite.

kristine - great list as always! it will be a fun summer. sorry about yesterday. was it a full moon? i was ready to get back in bed not long after i got up when i could already tell what kind of day it was going to be 🙂 thank God He gave us a new one today!

aimee - oh my gosh, did you take a field trip to my brain? haha… this reflects so many of my days, right down to settling the library bill. FABULOUS list!! the sunflower field is on ours, too – we go to one just north of lawrence to pick sunflowers and take pictures in september!

Jenny - I love your list! I stole your idea last summer, it was fun to check things off all summer! We are planning on making our new list this week. Thanks for the idea!!

Amy - I’m 31 and when I grow up I want to be like you! You are super cool! I love your blog and I agree with a previous comment your blog is one of the only ones that I find to be real ,and don’t put on a front. I love that about you and your blog! I have a 4 year old and last night I lost my inside voice and after he went to bed “a little bit mad at me” I felt so guilty, but after reading your blog, I knew I wasn’t alone and that we all have our rough moments with our kids. In your own words “Thank you for that!” I’m hoping my low last night is followed by a high tonight. I love your blog and you are a inspiration to me!

Cindy - Love your list…we did one last year…but it was no where near as cute and colorful!! Loving your rainbow cake too…but I think we’ll stick with our “ice-cream for dinner on the first/last day of summer” tradition…MUCH less work for me…boy did that sound lazy!!:)
Enjoy the day
By the way…new here and LOVE your blog!

Bec - I’m a substitute teacher. While I don’t have any kids of my own (yet) I know the frustration of having kids not listen to a word you say. Granted I get paid to be sassed and have kids treat me like dirt, but not fun all the same! I have a really easy homeade french fry recipe- you cut a potato (russet or baking) into 8 equal wedges, brush with a little bit of oil and season how you like (we use steak seasoning from penzeys) and cook in the oven at 450 for 45 minutes. Flip about halfway through and you’re done!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - oh peppernuts…that’s such a kansas thing! my mother in law gave me a peppernut maker for christmas one year. i’ve never used it….it seems like a lot of work for one little tiny cookie. but i bet my kids would love to use that doo-hicky. we’ve done our summer list too…so fun!

Marcie - Can I just say how much I LOVE your blog?! You are inspiring me to be a better mom! There is a summer list and rainbow cake in this family’s future:)

sara's art house - Thank you, thank you, thank you for this list- this is inspiration for me. We are getting to that place of needing to make some summer plans. I have to be careful when I come visit you because I end up wanting to copy every single thing you do 🙂

Vera - Can I come be one of your kids this summer?

Cori - I love your list. I am going to try one for us this year. I want to do the library thing but I have the same issue as you. I am a wanted woman. Plus when we go there they just wants DVD’s to rent and you know they cost the big bucks when they get lost! We have bookcases (with books in them) all through our house so I do try and get them reading. Happy summer. In New York, where I live , the kids don’t get out till June 25th. It is so hard to get them in to do homework on these beautiful days!

Lillian - LOVE:) I copied you last summer and this summer and it’s been so great to have a fun list. Checking things off of a list in by far one of the greatest satisfactions in life:)

sarah - We had a really good weekend followed by rough monday also.
Crazy big tantrums. But I only have one. so I can’t imagine your house on a rough monday.
I LOVE the list.
I hope to start some of our own in the summers to come. 🙂

jody - Megan – thanks for being honest & not coming off as the Mom who always keeps so cool & enjoys every s.i.n.g.l.e. minute with her kids and admits there are rough times…your blog is one of the few I’ve found that is REAL about being a Mama – the good, the divine, & the bad (& ugly!!)
I’m making our summer list tonight with my boys – thanks for the nudge!

angela - Love your lists! Look so forward to seeing them every year. And I love how colorful they are. Plus, I am a check list kind of girl!

Jessica - One Shiny Star - Looks like a summer full of fun!

Kari - I love your lists and the fact that you guys actually follow them! That’s a recipe for a great summer! So sorry to hear about your Monday; I feel like lows are always followed by highs 🙂

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beautiful sunday

everything here is green.
we had storms last week and it left everything happily watered.
i love to be outside in the green and the sun…especially at dusk.

my weekend was full of goodness.
old friends coming to visit, graduation parties, rainbow cake, vacation starting, funny movies…
good times.

i am writing this late in the night sunday because i don't want to forget it.
i loved today.
and tomorrow may not be as good.
or maybe it will?
either way…i want to remember this day.

nothing special happened.
just a really nice day.

lauren and craig played catch.
scott was shooting baskets.
lauren picked out a swimsuit that i could agree to…that is a big deal.
annie seemed extra happy today.

my views in the hammock…with craiggers.
we talked a lot today…he and i.
i love talking/planning/dreaming/laughing with him.
he took me out for a date on saturday…for reals.
it was just what i wanted to do.
and just who i wanted to be with.

the kids jumped on the trampoline while the sprinklers ran.
and there was no fighting…miracle.
also earlier in the day annie and talby played a long time in their room together and i could hear 
them giggling like crazy.
THAT is "good day" stuff!
(they jump off the rock wall to the trampoline…im fine with it.
don't comment on what a bad mom i am please…or share your trampoline horror stories…not today ok?)

oh how i love this dog.
it feels silly to me the amount of love that i feel towards an animal…but there is no denying it.

craig picked up pizza for dinner.
ice creams cones before bed…in swim suits.
the kids went to sleep without a fight.

then craig, lauren and i watched the 2 hour season finale of LOST.
i wish it wasn't over.
i think it was brilliant television.
i will miss it.
that is an understatement.

craig tried to talk with me afterwards about the shows version of heaven…
i said it was too hard to talk about without crying.
not crying about the show (which i totally did) but crying thinking of what heaven will be like.
i was thinking about all the people who will be there that i know
and who are waiting to welcome me.  
it is a lovely thought.

today i thoroughly enjoyed being with my family.
it probably helped that we got away the night before for grown up time…to recharge.
we are better parents after we have been away.  
everyone is like that right?

so that is what i wanted to remember.
good stuff today.

monday is summer here.
we will make the summer list….after we sleep in and i drink at least three cups of coffee.

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Carley - been following the blog for a good while now! sweet sweet post today, love reading you!

Tiffany - Lovely~except for one thing….that trampoline looks SO close to the porch…little heads….
SORRY to be a party pooper…I’m just a Mama who tries to be proactive.

DreamGirlLisa - Your weekend sounds like heaven on earth 🙂 I can’t wait to have my oldest home from college and have my little family home for summer!16 more days and counting….

Melissa Gruber - Love the pictures…and how green it is. Makes me want to go plant more flowers in my yard today.
So happy you had a date with the hubby.
Enjoy summer!

michelle - i just love the way your express yourself Meg. what a beautiful day you had.
thank you for linking to my camera strap & ribbon holder and being my sweet friend who reads my blog. 🙂
hope your tomorrow is as blessed as your today was.

Vicki - I loved lost. I was slightly disappointed by the spoiler as well however… I was unable to watch the finale live due to church conflicts, and was really looking forward to watching it without a spoiler today. No hard feelings though, just a misunderstanding. Great post, lovely photos.

Mary Beth - I cried at the end of the finale too, because I was starting to think it WAS heaven. But everyone else was SO HAPPY. Nobody was sad about being dead. They were just waiting for Jack.
And I think about who is waiting for me in heaven.
The book, The Lovely Bones (didnt see the movie) was also a little about heaven, and I THINK a line in there was that YOUR heaven was what you wanted it to be.
I’m crying now.
And, please know that you will have more of these good days. Having OLDER children is the BEST. Better than 2 year old nap time.

kristine - hooray on such a happy day! i always love your honesty and vulnerability in the day to day so i’m glad you shared a day of such bliss. and you’re positive anyway so it’s not such a surprise but you deserve a day that you can genuinely say was great. (consider this your mother’s day!) 🙂 happy summer!

candace - what a wonderful post! have a happy summer 🙂

JJ - i love this post. this is life at it’s best. the good stuff.

Kelly - such a great idea to be intentional about capturing the ordinary good day! Kelly

Jaime Melcher - I love days like that! Our summer starts this Saturday… it seems like it’s taking forever!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Beautiful pics Meg. So glad you got a real date with your honey.
I’ve never watched Lost. I might get the whole series and start from the beginning. I was lost when I tried to watch it a few times.
As always…loved your post. A beautiful Sunday indeed:)

Leigh - I am with you Meg! the lost person who whined on the lost ending? Hello!! It was obvious that she was going to talk about her feelings on it.
So you should have stopped reading. No brainer. The end was so much more upsetting that I thought it would be!!

Sandra K - That was an amazing post Meg…and just what I needed to read today, so thank you for that. I love your blog.
Blessings and hugs.

Laura Phelps - a family, still together, loving and laughing and enjoying each other
that IS good stuff
and not as easy to come by as it sounds
and now summer is here…hmm..
was Sunday the calm before the storm?????!
even so…we need storms sometimes, right?
that is what makes everything so GREEN!!

Karen - loved this post…made me reflective and hopeful and made me want to cherish my time even more with my kiddos and my hubby. We celebrated my little guy’s 3rd bday on Saturday with rainbow cupcakes- it seriously made his entire birthday- he’s still talking about it. Thanks for the inspiration! Your blog is awesome and the first thing I want to read after I get the kiddos down for a nap- your honesty and hopefulness always encourages me and I walk away wanting to be a better mom. Hope you have a great start of your summer!

MEG DUERKSEN - dear LOST commenter….
you could have stopped reading at the words LOST finale
lighten up would ya?
if you are going to write an angry comment at least leave a REAL email address…
that is lame.

Julie - Thank you for sharing this. It sounds like a lovely day – the most wonderful kind of ordinary that makes a beautiful life.

Michelle Whitlow - Your day sounds lovely. It’s funny that I’m reading this and you’re talking about heaven and what it’ll be like. My brother just passed away suddenly at 29 last week. And I, of course, have been thinking a lot about heaven. A lot. Thanks for sharing this post. It made me smile 🙂

Lost - Thank you for the Lost spoiler. For those of us who have yet to watch, I was unaware that they died, which is implied by your comment about heaven. Please refrain from any more spoilers and make note before next time. Or better yet, don’t post any spoilers at all.

The lady of the House - What a fun weekend – a weekend full of nothing with the people that mean everything. and thanks… I’m drooling! Betweent he icecream and the rainbow cake… totally drooling!
Happy Day, The lady

Carrie Anderson - Loving this post. It may sound weird, but I actually felt good, like I was part of it, just reading the post.
It was great to hear a sweet bit about Lauren. The teen phase is tough on everyone, so even the little moments are worth documenting and cherishing.
This post is one of my favorites. Like you said, nothing particularly special about it, it was just a feel good kind of post. And I needed a feel good post today.
PS – Making your rainbow cake for my niece birthday party this weekend. She is so excited!

Chris - I understand what you mean about how much you love your dog. We have a dog that looks just like Waffle only he’s gray. He’s poodle and sheep dog. He has the best, most loving, personality. And we can’t help loving him back!

Karina - I’m glad you had a great day. It is all about home and family, if you ask me. And extra nice when there is no fighting and lots of ice cream!!!
I watched the first season or two of Lost and loved it. Then we moved across the country and gave up TV. With 3 small children, we think they don’t need it right now. I could download episodes of favourite shows, but I don’t really have time to watch them, so I have been reading lots and lots and lots of books instead (they are more portable and quieter than TV).
However, I loved that show, and I can’t even imagine how it turned out (where I left off, it was pretty far from heaven, I must say!). Heaven, huh? I’m not sure what to think of that since I don’t believe in heaven. I like the love part, though. I’ll have to google it to find out what it was all about.
Have many more wonderful days, now that summer is here, and make sure they are sprinkled with more dates with “Craiggers.” 🙂

Rachel - You’re such a real person, Meg. I love that. You’re not a bad mom for letting your kids be kids, either. Remember when we ‘grownups’ were kids and we stayed out all day without cell phones and without having to check in. Just us and our friends on bikes in the neighbourhood. Now, that loss is worth crying over.
So glad you had a wonderful, ordinary day.
Summer here doesn’t begin until July. For real. It was so cold here yesterday that the flowers I bought are sitting in the porch because I can’t plant them outside yet without worrying about frost.

Amy Mumaw - I too had a great weekend with the family. I am excited to see this post because I feel the same way and tomorrow may not be as great. CHERISH THESE MOMENTS .My summer begins June 10th . In Ohio school goes that long!
Enjoy the time with your kids, it flies by!!!!

Meredith Salmon - Thanks for sharing your day. It made me realize that I need to do more of those type of days and get my husband to do them too. We both have a hard time doing nothing, but it is so worth it. Thanks for making my day happy!!!

Maria - The first thing I thought was, “yay! She got to have Mother’s day!”. Sounds like such the perfect day, and good for you for writing about it before it was gone.

tara pollard pakosta - what a beautiful post!
My brother has 4 kids and he lets them jump off
the roof onto their trampoline! crazy! but boy they love it. nobody has been hurt yet and it’s been years>!
love your weekend love post, how awesome!

Janine - So it sounds like yesterday was your real Mother’s Day 🙂

Elisa - I am so jealous that your summer has started. I am counting down the days.

Sara - This seriously looks like a killer day!! Enjoy your summer!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Pitch perfect. My kind of post. My kind of life. I love that you loved your day. Definitely worth documenting! Couldn’t agree more about getting out with the Honey…and talking and planning…Couldn’t agree more about the pizza and ice cream.
You’re one cool lady. But you probably already knew that?

Amanda C. - This sounds like a great Mother’s Day, just a little late! <3

Sarah - What a wonderful day. Isn’t it amazing how mundane days can be the best ones we have? So sweet.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - OH Meg. That is beautiful.
I agree. Some alone time with daddy does a mommy good.
I went for a walk Sunday morning because of you. Your stretching picture completely inspired me.
I will be praying that today is special, too.

Katherine @ Grass Stains - “SPRINKLED.” Sorry.

Katherine @ Grass Stains - We loved the LOST finale and weren’t bothered that so many questions were left unanswered. The “reunions” sprinked throughout were beautiful, and I think overall it was nicely done.
And I think there is bound to be rainbow cake in Heaven.

mandy friend - those are the days that remind us huh?? The ones that speak to your spirit and remind us how good God is (as if we should ever forget). Please share your funny movies…always on a look out for good ones;)

Amanda - awesome post – SO glad you had this day. I got goosebumps and almost tears just reading the details of your wonderful day.

Nicole Q. - What a sweet sweet day and I loved how you needed to write it BEFORE the next day came. The “next day” has a way of changing our view of the great day before it!! I’m with you on the recharging with your man, makes family time all the better!!
WE were so sad to have missed you guys at the party … sniff sniff… i knew Tatum would have loved to run around with Annie. Even Lynette said she thought those girls would hit it off big time. We were at the parties for my cousins just way to long before making it to Josh’s. We spent time with them Sunday too which was really nice. They are like family and we miss them so so much. Didn’t you love all the charm of rita’s backyard?? So glad you had a great weekend, hope this first official week of no school is a good one. I’m working at recharging today after the weekend so we can jump into a good week too.

Jennifer - We’re a week behind you in terms of vacation. My weekend was frantic getting the girls to and from recitals and rehearsals. So reading your blog made me take a deep breath and relax. 🙂 Also, love your flowers and dog.

Beth Ann - Happy Mothers Day 2 weeks later!!!! It sounds like your family operates on their own calendar, not one dictated by hallmark 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Yes, I think everyone is a better parent when they have a little time away. You’d get stale at ANY job if you never had time away from the office! Those precious, happy times as a couple help to get you through the tougher times. Refueling is necessary! SO glad that you got to do it – and to enjoy your weekend with your family.

Lora - I loved reading about your wonderful day… that hammock sounds pretty great! I will miss LOST too. I was so glad they had a good ending.

Kimberlee J. - Loved the post. Date night equals happiness. 🙂

Courtney Walsh - I had to skip the part about LOST. I’m only on season 5. I don’t want to know anything because right now I seriously don’t know anything. I mean, even about what’s going on in season 5. lol
Sounds like a heavenly day!! 🙂

Liz - Sounds like a perfect day to me! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thanks to you, we will also be making a summer list for the second year in a row. I’m really thrilled about the lazy summer days ahead,… especially since my oldest starts Kindergarten in the fall and the thought of it instantly makes me do the ugly cry.

Tammy - truly a perfect day! Hope today is a great one, and if it’s not, just think back to yesterday.

Robyn - a day without fighting? a miracle! recently i said i feel like living with a four year old is like having an abusive relationship… me being the victim!
happy summer… hope you share your summer list for some inspiration!

Angie - I am seriously in love with your dog. A picture of him on your blog makes. my. day. Please give him a little scratchy scratch for me.

`Kelly - A whole bunch of little things that by themselves would be nothing but put together make for a wonderful weekend. I love those kind.
Two more things. A – I think it’s cool you let your kids jump off the wall.
B. – Lost. I’m so not sure what I think about that ending. I think it’s hard to make what I believe mesh with what I saw. Does that make sense? I loved the whole 4.5 hour hoopla up until the last 15ish minutes. I’m just not sure I liked that ending.

sarah - What a beautiful post.
I’m so glad you had a great date with Craig and a wonderful Sunday at home with your family!

Jill - You are the best! It’s great that you document the good days and just enjoy them for what they are – an ordinary day. I hope Monday, today, is a great day – unexpectantly (is that a word?) great.

Heather - Inspiring and beautiful! The pictures and reflections. My children are still quite young and too often I rush through the weekend trying to complete the to-do list so we can be ready for the next week. So much more pleasurable to take long walks, share a meal with friends and take pictures! This year, we’re making a list, too. Thanks for the wonderful idea 🙂

Cate O'Malley - sounds like an awesome weekend. some times, they are good times, just because. nothing definable, just because. love that.

Sara Cameli - Nice post…and we also had a date Saturday pm. All good.

Sarah - Beautiful Day and lovely post!

Donna - I love how on the trampoline picture you can see the basketball in the background about to go into the hoop. Perfect timing!

Zeroed-in - My fondest memories are of days like this as a kid.

Trasie - Can I please just move into your world? I just want one weekend where I can just watch the world go by at a slow pace and enjoy my husband. Please tell me it’s easier when your kids get older!

Melanie - Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and an even better Sunday. Hope that your week is just as good.

Heather R. - Love the good days 🙂 I’m glad you had a good weekend.

Eileen - I think your day sounds like perfection! (And I’m glad you liked the finale of Lost. It made me cry so hard — thinking of getting to see my late mother again. And I love any show that thinks that LOVE is an important, life-altering concept.)

LeAnne Cotton - Sounds like a day that your children will also remember as the “good ole days!” My daughter and I came up with our summer list (inspired by seeing yours last year) and it was pretty long. I am very excited to be intentional with our summer this year. 🙂 I enjoy your blog – it is fun to read and so pretty.

pam - This was nice…astounding how the Lost ending made us all hold our breaths, hoping for the ending we wanted…love won

Tara - date nights really do make us better parents.
the flowers in your pictures are amazing pics.
my kids use to jump off our back deck onto the trampoline.
🙂 happy monday!

Janie Fox - That was a great Sunday. I love days where we all just enjoy each other. My kids had a trampoline and used to jump off their playhouse roof onto it. At that point I was just glad they were playing, not fighting or whining! Those summer days can be a challenge when kids are not getting along together! Have a great Monday! It’s 90 here this week… grandkids and I will be hitting the sprinkler and popsicles!

tara - such a great day…
bookmark it…
to remember what happens after a date night.
Just saying to Kevin yesterday that we need one…
Fabulous pictures. Love annie and the ice cream cone.
I hope today is just as sweet.

j - I love perfectly normal days. We did the beach and pool in one day…walmart in between (that wasn’t the best part of the day)
I love your flower pictures. yum.

jennibell - What a beautiful day! Thanks for sharing it. Summer starts here tomorrow, but my kids don’t “get” sleeping in 🙂 Wishing you all the best this season has to bring you!!

Jennifer - I love this post. Reminds me a lot of my day. Nothing special…but a whole bunch of simple little things that made it great. One…at lunch, ( a picnic on the porch) my husband kept passing me the food he knew I couldn’t reach. OK…this just sounds CRAZY now that I have typed it out….but I actually noticed it, and made me happy. Love your post. Love your pictures. Love your blog. That’s all. 🙂

Georgia - Sounds like the perfect Sunday!!! 🙂
I havent watched the Lost finally yet, its recorded, as in the UK it was on at 5am!!! noooo way was i getting up that early! lol

Julie - Ahhh, so good! My kind of day. We don’t have many of those good days anymore ~ moments, yes, days, not so much anymore.
I love thinking about heaven too ~

Vera - What a sweet post. It made me happy!
Your Lost finale story reminded me of when Friends ended – it was the end of my first year of law school and I watched it with some of my law school friends and I cried and cried and cried… everyone thought I was crazy, because I was crying over a show, but I was really crying over that year being over and all these great friendships changing (which I knew they would, and they did).
Happy Summer!!!

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the will power it is taking….

to not eat this for breakfast is almost more than i can take!!!

Michelle - Hi Meg,
Just wanted you to know that “Canada’s National Newspaper” is reporting that rainbow food is the new trend! You’re so cool! lol!

France - oops, maybe it was just 5 colours, and not 7! I’ll have to see if my dad still has pics!! 🙂 love your blog, it’s soothing.

France - Oh Gosh! I made a cake like that for my brother and sister’s birthday (their 10th I seem to remember, they are in their 40s now!)… baked 7 cakes, cut them each in two, one had a cake with the rainbow one way, the other had the rainbow the other way (boy/girl twin)… what great memories this brought back…

pambuller - yummmmmmm. did you eat it? i would have. 🙂

Melissa - Please tell me where you get the gel food coloring. Please.

Jules - That is almost too pretty to eat! Love it…but it looks hard to make, no?

Martina - I love your blog Meg. This cake is sooo cute!

Amy - I’m sitting next to a pan of brownies…I hear ya! 🙂

krystall - I’d gladly eat it all up!!!!!!!!!!!

Gemma - Soo pretty and yummy 🙂 I couldn’t resist eating it for breakfast lol
Gemma X

Molly - YUM! That looks delicious!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’m gonna have to make one of those someday. You can do it Meg!!!

lovethosecupcakes - Oh well, in that case, I’ll have to eat it.

tami reed - Thats looks so colorful and delightful! lol

jaz - but, but, it’s so pretty!!

Christy - That is too fun and cheerful…I love it! I think I found next season’s color palette for

Suzanne - cake and coffee for breakfast is my favorite, I figure you then have all day to burn it off, so it is practically calorie free 🙂

MommaH - Well, WHY did the fam leave ONE piece? Just to torture Mom some more, or what?

sandy toe - My kids saw this and want a piece-
sandy toe

angela - This one looks even better than the one you showed before. I think you have perfected it nicely! I hope you DID eat it for breakfast! - I LOVE your rainbow cake- I’ve made it myself once before but it didn’t turn out as awesome and fluffy lookin as yours… maybe it was the cake mix I used.
Anyway… the icing looks SOOOOO good. If you can resist you are a better woman than I am! Ha!

Morg - jusssst eat it!!!!

Mrs. - What happened? No purple?

Tricia - Eggs. flour. excessive food coloring. honey, that IS breakfast! 😉

LibraryGirl62 - Do it~Do it~Do it~ 🙂

DreamGirlLisa - I don’t know how you’re doing it! lol, I can taste it now w/ a cup of coffee….yummo!

Janie Fox - Looks great! Remember how much running it takes to burn off that cake and how bad sugar can make you feel. Ha I’d probably cave! 😉

nora - one of the perks of being a grown-up is cake for breakfast! just enjoy it quietly in a secret area so the kids don’t know – like the bathroom or something. 🙂
it looks great!

Bec - I made cake for a birthday party a couple weeks ago and the leftovers were my breakfast for a good 3 days. Totally worth it.

Staci - Oh man….wouldn’t be able to have it 🙁 I’d just eat it 🙂

leslie - ohhhhhh…girl….why you gotta post this?! lol dang. it. great shot though. 🙂

Jeannine - Uh.. YUM!
I probably wouldn’t be able to resist =)

Jennifer - Oh girl…I don’t know how you are doing it! You have greater will-power than me…

Courtney Walsh - It’s 11:30 here and I have just decided the gluten free strawberry rhubarb crisp with homemade whipped cream will be the perfect breakfast/lunch. if I eat it for two meals, it doesn’t count, right?
That cake is so cute! 🙂


Tara - please tell me that you have eaten a piece by now.

Tess S. - it’s nearly noon. that’s considered lunch time in my book.

Susan - We love the cake too! My cousin and I made it last July for my daughter’s birthday. Ha! We didn’t do it right because we did only 2 full layers per mix and ended up with such a tall cake…Hysterical! But yummy…I have an awesome buttercream frosting that I have posted along with a photo of said cake!

Marisa@make happy - It looks great! But I could definitely not eat it for breakfast. I made a rainbow cake for my daughter’s birthday recently, and each tiny piece was almost more sugar than I could stand. So much frosting! (Mine also had marshmallow fondant on top…)

A pocket full of posies... - Oh my!!! I would NEVER be able to refrain! 🙂

Elise - Your rainbow cakes are just so darn fun! I would want to eat it for breakfast too.

Julie - Well, if you can resist you really DO have will power! I could not resist!

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