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family night

we have tried to keep friday nights as our "family night" for many years now.
the kids know it's family night and ask what we will be doing together.
lauren is old enough to not want to participate much anymore.
and scott is nearing that stage.
but they all still like pizza or ice cream….

this week we dropped lauren off at her softball practice and hit the sprinkler park.
it was a beautiful night for it.

a mama/towel break…

i know…it's so gross.

the love birds on the park bench saying all kinds of lovey-dovey things to each other.
(whatever your version of lovey-dovey things are you can insert them there and we'll pretend it's that…)  

i love the holding the nose move by annie.


and then there was this guy.
way too cool to be there…sat at a bench across the park…until everyone else left…
and his iPod lost power.
then he came over and sat by me.
and let me scratch his back.
but no smiles or kisses.
of course.


i took this and said "oh man craig…he looks just like you"
and he does.
he's a mini-me of craig.
even his feet!

we went for ice cream.
the discussion led to obama.
they really wanted to know some actual answers about government.
it was quite something. 

i had no answers…but craig had his opinions/answers.
i always just say "ask daddy what he thinks about that" when it comes to politics.

sean just burped really loud….hence the smile.

now let's all pretend that this evening ending like this.
ice cream and smiles.
everything all sunshine and rainbows…..ok?

not the reality of temper tantrums in the car….meltdowns from exhaustion…mom and dad both
yell too much…everyone lost computer privledges for saturday…NO TALKING till we get home…
"straight to bed when we get inside" and "don't  you give me that look"…etc. etc. etc.

yeah….let's pretend the top thing ok?


Christina - Love it. That’s how it always (doesn’t) go(es) down around here at the end. πŸ™‚
Recently I told my kids they all lost their screen time (Wii, computer, movies) for a week. A week! That punished me a lot more than it punished them. Ahhh!
I wanted to say I would totally hold my nose in a sprinkler. And I LOVE the picture of Craig holding Annie’s hand, and that he and Scott are both wearing red shirts. I love it.

Kara - We have three kids four and under and have instilled a family game night with them. Yeah, by the end the hub and I are wanting to pull our teeth and hair out. It’s reality–and makes everyone feel normal when they hear that other families experience the same thing!
Your pics are gorgeous, as always. And…it’s the effort and the time spent together that the kids will remember–plus you’ve got the pictures to prove that they had a good time! Ha! πŸ™‚

Charity - I so love your posts, Meg – I can’t tell you how many times a happy family time has ended in NO TALKING UNTIL WE GET HOME! :o)

nic - gorgeous post, especially the backlit photo of you and your little gal. (and thanks for keepin’ it real there at the end. ha!)

kristine - beautiful family. gorgeous night. and yeah, too bad it ended that way. but that’s why i like the nice pictures. you can just remember that part!

Jennifer - If there is no practice, is family night optional? We had family night growing up but it was mandatory. I always acted like I hated it, but secretly I kind of liked it and I loved complaining about it.
Great pictures! I love reading about your family and thanks for keeping it honest. πŸ™‚

ann - Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Meg you make me laugh. I’m so glad my family is as normal as yours. πŸ™‚

Tara - love the pictures of your family night….we do the same thing on Friday nights….
and ours usually ends

D Gustus - Wow I love your photography! I am just starting out learning all about it! I love the cool water shots you took at the park!! one of these days I will figure it out!! Keep out the awesome work, I just ran into your blog by sheer accident!!

linda lou - what great photos of the family looked like lots of fun and you and your husband…loves birds makes a great photo for the fireplace (:

Kat - Thank goodness its not just our family where days/nights end like that,or occur many times during the day!!
Oh Meg, I just adore how real and honest you are, thats one of the things I love most about your blog.
Love the colour in your pics, the sense of fun and the magical moments you capture in each shot.
I really love the one where Craig is walking holding Annie’s hand with Scott next to him and also the shots of Scott. Beautifully captured.
What a great tradition you have of family fun night. Great stuff. πŸ™‚

Shann - I loved the picture of the wide open mouth with braces and lots of teeth! Teeth are my thing. It was not gross in the least to me. πŸ™‚ And, the President is in my hometown tonight speaking at a high school graduation ceremony. Kind of cool for kids. πŸ™‚ And, I understand about the fighting and yelling and real life stuff you are talking about. I was told by a very smart woman that the kids will remember the fun stuff and forget the not so fun stuff. Oh how I am banking on that advice. πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful night Meg!

Bryony - “ask daddy what he thinks about that”? I don’t want to sound judgemental at all, but that seems like a pretty subservient think to say, as a wife and mother. Surely you have your own opinions? Shouldn’t you teach your children that men and women’s opinions are equally valid?
Hope I don’t come off sounding too judgemental or anything, I know you are a great mother πŸ™‚

jasmine bailey-barfuss - Beautiful! This world needs a sprinkler park on every block in every town! How fun!! Family nights are THE best idea. I grew up with a family night and even though we fought a lot, I have so many fond memories of togetherness.

Laura - what a great night! i love that you’re honest – thanks for that.
and the sprinkler park is the most amazing thing i’ve seen! i want one near us!

Ana - I just want to thank you for being real- for not hiding the ugly. πŸ™‚ So many bloggers and blogs just seem so perfect, and I can’t relate to that at all. And if I spend time comparing myself, I can get really bummed out. I really appreciate what a breath of fresh, real air your blog is. !Muchas Gracias!

Denissa - Great pictures, of course! πŸ™‚ My oldest son has the same trunks, the blue w/ the fish..
And I think pretty much everytime we go do something fun, it ends the same way…sigh

michelle - love how real you are.

Courtney Walsh - Aw, we do Friday Night Family Night too! Love it! πŸ™‚ There’s a sprinkler park just like this down the road from us! I will have to get back there!! πŸ™‚

sara's art house - Oh my word! I totally know what you mean……isn’t it especially rotten when you have done something nice for them and then they act awful?!?!? Great pictures, tho!

kristiina - Another thank you for keeping it real πŸ˜‰ Looove your posts because you show the ups and the downs…makes me feel normal!

Logan - Meg, this is a strange question, but what is the brand and color of your lipstick? I’m sure it won’t look the same on me (not nearly as good), but I love it! I’ve noticed it in several pictures and finally decided I ought to just ask you what it is!
Great pictures of your family fun.

Heather - I loved the photos – how you made the water stand still – even the drops on their way to the kids’ mouths, how cool.

Keri - There always has to be a meltdown after a fun time, right? I think kids must come pre-programmed that way. Love the photo story. πŸ™‚

Julie - Thanks for keeping it REAL!!!!!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Where did you get Talby’s swimsuit? Peace signs and lime green are Chloe’s whole world right now! - ahhh …. a perfect almost summer day. Love the shot with the water dropping from the bucket!

Staci - Your kids are full of life πŸ™‚ I see it in every picture you take πŸ™‚ So very happy πŸ™‚

Sandy - Do I remember Talby wearing the suit Annie has on? They sure are growing up!! Looks like loads of fun!

Heather R. - πŸ™‚ Makes me laugh with you…not at you.

Karen Gerstenberger - Just catching up here, and wanted to tell you (again) that I love your blog.

the wild raspberry - i like living in a dream world too….
speaking of dreams~
i had a dream that we were at the washburn campus with our kids doing all sorts of fun things….then you decided to have minor surgery. while you were under anasthesia, i gathered up the ingredients to make you cocoa pebble/rice crispy treats and made them in the biology lab.
isn’t that hilarious?! were does this stuff come from?
have a great day~
with no fussing or rolling eyes~

Heather K. - I love the pictures! Sounds like a typical “family night”, ours usually end the same way. Keepin’ it real!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - You caught me by surprise at the end. It made me laugh. So nice to know you are a real family and you aren’t some version of Mrs. Cunningham. Thats why I come back every day. I can relate!

Kimberly - Yep, our fun times almost always end that way too πŸ™ I love your photos and your writing and your honesty!

Sophie - Looks like such a fun time! Except for the last part. That can’t have been so fun.
And Scott really does look like Craig! Even their shirts are matching (:

Charlene - oh THANK YOU for not excluding the “reality” part about how it ended…it makes me feel normal!

Dineen - Oh Meg, I love how honest you are. My blog looks like all sunshine and roses too sometimes but I know the truth behind some of those pictures.

Melanie - Boy, have we all been there. Yelling etc. At least they had fun at the park and you took some great pictures.
I could help talk about Obama if you needed me too;-) I have plenty of opinions about that!
You wonder when does it happen that boys don’t want their mamas to hug them anymore? That has happened to me and makes me sad. Even at home when no one else is there, he stills doesn’t want me to hug up on him:( I guess that happens at 16 yrs. old.

Robyn - great photos! don’t you just love when you have a great day, night whatever… and then the meltdowns happen and you feel a smidge defeated!?!?!?!
at least it was fun while it lasted!

purejoy - water parks are so much fun and what i love about them is that all ages are engaged… not so much in a regular pool. so fun.
and ice cream. mmmmmm.
i’d wager that your family will remember the laughs and giggles more than the yelling and the loss of the computer. somehow, the sunshine always trumps the clouds.

Erin from Skoots and Cuddles - at one point every wonderful family outing goes sour. it is what it is… i guess. the kids won’t remember the crap…. so yay a great family adventure!

Julie - Sweet and Real ~ my kind of family night. Really sweet!! Don’t sweat the real stuff. The kids will remember how much fun they had, not that everyone had a meltdown afterward. πŸ™‚

Meredith - I’m so glad you share the ugly with the wonderful. Real families are so much more beautiful than ideal ones. πŸ™‚

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Thanks for the peek into your family. I’m sure we can all relate to the behind the scenes stuff you mentioned. They always go hand in hand…the lovely memories with the real life *crap;)

Juli - Precious, all of it precious. Even the meltdowns at the end.

nora - Sooo… someone is too cool for sprinkler park, but not ice cream, eh? I love ‘tweens. Thanks for sharing this night with us! - Great photos! My daughter used to have that same striped swimsuits. Miss that thing!

Nancy - Looks like a great evening. We have so many No Talking in the car days/nights. Thanks for always keeping it real, girl!

Blythe - Thanks for being so honest and real about what family night can sometimes end like. I can relate. However, good for us peeking into your life that you pictures tell a different story.

kat - I love those pictures. It looks like they all had a lovely time at the park. I can totally relate to the exhaustion meltdowns, they can go from fun to feral in 30 seconds or less.

Lisa - Bliss and tranquility, that is how i imagine your evening, ok. The rest, the reality, Im not buying it.
Cute photos

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excerpt from CrAzY LoVe:

when i read this a few months ago i knew i wanted to share it.
then i couldn't find this section again…..anywhere.
then yesterday i opened the book and there it was.
i knew i had to share it.

Someone I Can Be Real With

If you merely pretend that you enjoy God or love Him, He knows. 
You can’t fool Him; don’t even try.  Instead, tell Him how you feel. 
Tell Him that He isn’t the most important thing in this life to you,
and that you are sorry
for that.  Tell Him that you’ve been lukewarm,
that you’ve chosen _____________ over Him time and again. 
Tell Him that you want Him to change you, that you long to genuinely enjoy Him. 
Tell Him how you want to experience true satisfaction and pleasure and
joy in your relationship
with Him.  Tell Him you want to love Him more than
anything on this earth.  Tell Him you want to experience the kingdom of heaven so much so that
you’d willingly sell everything in order to get it.
Tell Him what you like about
Him, what you appreciate, what brings you joy.

Jesus, I need to give myself up.  I am not strong enough to love you and
walk with You on my own.  
I can’t do it, I need You. 
I need You deeply and desperately. I believe You are worth it, that You
are better than anything else I could have in this life.  I want You.  And when I don’t, I want to want You.  Be all in me.  Take all of me. 
Have Your way with me.

Crazy Love by Frances Chan 

jodi @ back40life - thanks so much for sharing this…extremely powerful!
it also reminded me that I have this book on audio…I started listening to it a few minutes ago.

crystal - My small group finished this book this winter. It changed all of our hearts!!!!

susie - awesome book! i’m going through this with my high school girls at church. wonderful!

KristenB - Just what I needed. People and other things that we put our trust in WILL let you down. He NEVER does…..

AlisonC - I loved Crazy Love. As soon as I finished it, I read it again. And now I want to read it again!
I just found your blog through The Pleated Poppy. Glad to have found you!

Jane - Wow I’m so excited I just went out and bought this book – want to read it now but it’s totally bedtime! Thanks so much Meg for your honesty in talking about your faith, this quote sounds like just the kind of encouragement that I need right now, I’m struggling quite a lot but excited about the possibilities!

Lora - Gotta get that book! thanks… i printed out 3… one for me, one for each teen daughter.

stacie - Thanks so much for posting this. I want to read this book all because of you. I probably need it too. I’m in the middle of A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller though. Very good one, by the way!! Gotta finish that before I move on. You inspire me. You’re so authentic and real and whole hearted. Thank you.

Liz - We’re reading this book in our small group. It’s really amazing!

Catherine Hicks - Wow! I just happened upon your blog….I truly needed this! Thanks for sharing.

Queen Bee - Wow. Breathtaking. Honest. It resonates with me because that is how I talk to God. No “formal language”. Just honesty pouring out, even when it’s to say how awful I’ve been or how much life sucks, or to thank Him for carrying me through it, cause it would be a LOT WORSE if He wasn’t shielding me (cause even when he shields me from the worst, I still feel the pain). What an amazing excerpt to post. Thank you!

Leslie P. - Thanks for sharing this! I’m on Chp. 3 of his second book, called Forgotten God (which refers to our neglect of the Holy Spirit) and it is super great. Such a quick read, too.

Anna Marie - I bought this book after you talked about it during your giveaway week. I haven’t read it all yet but I am so excited about it! Thank you!

Lori - Beautiful!

Suzanne - I have been watching Frances Chan on line because of reading this book, as he readies himself and his family to leave his church and go out and DO THE WORD. You introduced me to him, through your blog Meg and I thank you for that.
His sermons online at cornerstone church starting with the one entitled Surrender are a must see. How awesome to be able to watch someone being obedient to God’s word.

Denissa - Thanks for sharing…I think that my pastor mentioned that book before, I think I def. need that book right now..

Patricia - Great book ~ as is his newest book, Forgotten God. Extremely provoking. In a good way. Thanks for sharing!

shelly - Wow! That is good! I need to read this book!

Molly - We are starting to lead it as a small group… it should be awesome!

robin - love this!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That book, in conjunction with a few other recent rabbit trails and events, is changing us. I was way late in reading it…but I’m so glad I finally did.

Heather - Yes.

patti - Love this book!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Beautiful. There’s no foolin’ the creator. Love her honesty.

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - He IS worth it. that’s good stuff.

Musings Of A Gem - It’s always the way…you loose something and then you find it INSTANTLY later!
Gemma X

josephine - I love this book too. I want to reread it and I have NEVER read a book more that once!

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craft thursday #2

well…we were only at home about 1 hour on thursday.
so we had CRAFT FRIDAY.
it wasn't really a craft….more of a project.

i bought paint pods from ACE hardware. (real paint in little sizes)
and sponge brushes.  
and they painted the old picnic table.

i bought one brush for each color.
and threw them away after we were done.
no mixing colors and no washing brushes.

they did a good job.

when they were done i went around and cleaned up the drips and painted in some spots.
but for the most part it was all them.
and it was good.

the picnic table is really bright and ready for summer snack time.

Kimberly Au - cute idea. our kid table is already painted so i can’t do this one. but I did have my kindergartners make Georgia O’Keefe like watercolor paintings last week. they loved that project. and they turned out beautifully. can’t wait to see next week’s craft!

katherinemarie - Soooo FANTASTIC! That is MY kinda table— full of LOVE and full of color– PERFECTION!

Kelly - great job duerksen kids and mama! Kelly

marylea @ Pink and Green Mama - Love the mini pots of color and LOVE that you let your kids paint the table themselves!
So fun and colorful : )

Whatever DeeDee Wants - What a fun idea! I love all the colors! - i love picnic tables — esp. colorful ones!

Melanie - Very cute!

Martina - The last picture is so sweet πŸ™‚

Denissa - How fun! My kids would love to do something like that πŸ™‚ Your love of the rainbow is rubbing off on me πŸ™‚

kristine - love it! i love all the colors and that THEY did it!! way to recruit the kids to get stuff done! πŸ™‚

Tiffany Feger - Hey, I just asked my husband if we could paint our picnic tables too. I should show him your blog. Yours is perfect colors for you guys. I’ll have to let my husband pick the color (singular) for ours though I’m sure . . .

Sandy - They must think (hopefully they KNOW) you are the COOLEST mom!

Christina-fivewalkers - I love it! We don’t have a picnic table, but we have an old bench (picked up for free years ago)…sooo, this gives me an idea…

Pamela duMont - great idea!

Heather - Good job kids!! Food tastes so much better on a pretty table, don’t you know.

Kat - This rainbow table is so “You and yours.” Love it!
The kids would be really proud of their efforts.
Nice work guys πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - What a GREAT idea. I LOVE it!

Tracy Fisher - I love your picnic table. Have your kids paint their handprints and put them somewhere on the table so you can look back years later and see how they’ve grown. We did that for my mom… and I tear up every time I see those chubbly little hand prints (and one baby foot print). Thanks for sharing all of your crafts with us. I love them!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Well that just looks like fun. You are such a cool mom. I’d be in there helping just a little too much. Hard for me to stand back and just watch!

april - I love your blog…it makes me happy…..;)

kristenly - so fun! what a great idea for paint samples!

Lynda - look at them painting!!! they did a GREAT job!!!!! They can be proud!!!;)

michelle - beautiful and so much fun! you’re such a great momma!

kathy eller - that WAS realy smart. i ahve a chair that has been waiting to be painted for YEARS!!

lovethosecupcakes - All it needs now is one of your fab rainbow cakes on top!

shelly - Genius!

Gemma - It looks like one happy table : )
They did a really good job !
Gemma @ Musings of a Gem

simpledaisy - What a cute & fun idea:)

kat - I love it! What a fabulous idea! I bet they are really proud of themselves and they should be,they did a fantastic job!!!

Georgia - Wow happy Snacking table!

Tam - What a great idea, I didn’t realize they sold paint in that size πŸ™‚ It’s so colorful, the kids must be so proud!

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waffle the dirty dog.

waffle came home from his playdate with his sister (at our neighbors)
all covered in mud.
so craig told the kids (and sean's friend) to give waffle a bath.

they had never done it before so like a good mom would do….
i yelled at them all the ways they were doing it wrong.
and took pictures.

and yelled "don't get my camera wet!!" or "STOP spraying me!!"
they finally got him all sudsy and clean.
because of my awesome teaching.

i think it's safe to say…. 

he liked it.

and sean liked that he got to spray the dog's butt and not get in trouble for it.
because butts are funny.
it's like the number one top funny thing to boys….butts.

i don't get it. 

(i love the book harry the dirty dog….you should own it if you don't already!)  

Nike Shox Classic Sale - The grand Silicon Valley continues to be ‘ground zero’ for creative destruction, and complacent industries thousands of miles away could be toppled by someone working from their bedroom in Silicon Valley. on Friday. by joy 2-18.

S - I LOVE Waffle’s smile.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - What does the back of the “the hippies were right” shirt say?

j - good to know the butt thing is a boy thing…we joke that my son is going to major butt-ology in college.

Christina - Oh my goodness..what is it with butts and the giggler. I was going to say they are attached, but that was going to sound really gross. Anyway, it is a constant topic of conversation around here. Brilliant stuff.
Your description of this even made me laugh out loud. (I hate writing LOL. So I type it out. Does that make me old? I don’t know.)

Sheryl - lol. no seriously LOL! My husband asked why I was laughing and I told him but he didn’t get it. I love your posts!! You are like my friend that I never met. so funny that boys are all the same, butts and poopoo…
totally off subject…I thought of you when I saw this blog.
the pillow case dresses for the poor! I am getting ready to have a sewing lesson and hope to do this for the Philippines mission that I am involved in….

Stefanie Roth - I thought it was just MY boys that thought BUTTS were funny! Good to know we’re not alone πŸ™‚

Desiree' - yup…boys…butts, anything that comes out of a butt, and anything that covers a butt! my son thinks that putting underwear on your head is THE funniest thing EVER! πŸ™‚

Ali - That last picture almost made me wet my pants from laughing! So fun!

Anne Marie - All the girls I watch love “butt” jokes, I think it’s a phase for almost all kids to see the reaction from Mom and Dad. (:

Denissa - I LOVE the last picture!!! πŸ™‚ And yep my 3 boys are obsessed w/ butts…

Heather - that last picture is awesome.

Melissa - love the last photo.

Trish - Fun times… butts are funny to my girls. Just this morning they were singing about their doll dancing on it’s head with it’s butt in the air, and then laughing uncontrollably! Crazy kids.
Oh and I hope this wasn’t your craft for the week… I’ve been waiting to see what it is, trying to follow in your footsteps πŸ™‚

Kristy Ann - Sean’s shirt is CRACKING me up!!

Christine Ishmael - I love Harry the Dirty Dog…my mom used to read that to us!

Penny - {{{{{Waffle}}}}} Give him a big hug for me! I just love Waffle.

Suzette - love everything about this post…from you yelling at the kids and telling them not to get you wet to the whole boy/butt thing! With 2 boys here I can TOTALLY relate…oh, and i have a dirty labradoodle, so I get it, is what I’m sayin.

merlin - My most favorite kid’s book, good old Harry the Dirty Dog.
I don’t understand why it is so very appealing, maybe it’s that you can be naughty, get all dirty on a great adventure and still be loved and wanted after a good cleaning up.
Thanks for reminding me of that favorite childhood memory.

Tegan and Tage - The Hippes Were Right!!! Ahahaha! That is the best shirt ever!

Lori - Oh man, I was hoping my 4-year-old would outgrow the butt thing after kindergarten. Don’t tell me we have years more of this! - butts and poo poo. i don’t get it either! Well, that’s not totally true. I laugh as well! hee hee

Pamela duMont - butts and farts. and we own that book too. love it. btw…mentioned you and your awesome summer list on my blog. hope you don’t mind if we copy! my kids are dying to have a shaving cream fight and make the rainbow cake!

Sandy - Looks like Waffle enjoyed the butt spray as much or more than Sean! πŸ™‚

Mindy W - You are right on the money about butts and boys. Right on the money! And it’s innate. I mean, my husband doesn’t go around saying “butt” or imitating butt noises.

jeana - We own the Harry the Dirty Dog books too. It was one of my favorites when I was little. Oh and yeah, butts. We have 3 boys…..that’s all I’m sayin.

Tammi - That last pic made me laugh out loud! Looks like waffle and Sean are both laughing-too funny. Something else I have to look forward to with my 4 yr old son…laughing about butts! πŸ™‚

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh I love that picture of Waffle smiling really big while they spray his butt! How adorable is that?! I want your dog…is that coveting my neighbor? Pure sweetness:)

Staci - Such a good boy that Waffle just letting Sean spray is booty πŸ˜› My Connor just turned 8….and thinks that butts are funny too πŸ™ BOYS! I do love them though…boys, not butts πŸ™ Have a happy weekend πŸ™‚

katie - he is so cute!! i love how he is smiling in the last picture!

Melanie - I have a 16 yr. old and they can make the oddest noises with their body parts and think that it is so funny! It is not to a mom:)

nora - butt! i love washing the dog in the summer – just a hose and the backyard. the winter? forget it. black hair all over our bathroom – what a nightmare.

Angie - He’s smiling!!!!

Dina - OK, I’m not a boy, but the way you wrote this – I’m thinkin’ butt’s are pretty funny too! πŸ™‚ LOL!
I SOOOO needed to laugh this morning… thank you…

deb meyers - apparently waffle, being a boy, thinks butts are funny, too. I LOVE his expression in the last pic : )))
deb meyers

Mica - the funny thing is…it looks like he is laughing in the end…so stinkin cute..Mica/The Child’s Paper

Kimberlee J. - I love Sean’s t shirt. Does it say anything on the back?

kat - I love the last picture. Both Waffle’s and your son’ expressions are priceless. We have a stinky dog here that will probably be getting a bath outside this weekend too!

Sarah@Clover Lane - We own all the Harry the Dirty Dogs and they are my favorites!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - Okay, that last pictures is HIGH-LARIOUS!!! Such a boy! Also, that’s so how I teach my kids something too. ha! πŸ˜‰

Juli - Talby is absolutely gorgeous. If she ever questions that when she is a teen (I always did) show her this picture where she is leaning over scrubbing Waffle, eyes down & intent. Perfect little lips, long eyelashes, perfect little nose… Could she be any more beautiful?!
Am I the only commenter who wants to know why “The Hippies were Right”?
Our dog loves to be shot with the hose too but she is a spastic Boxer. We call her Hyper Piper! She just jumps around like a Mexican jumping bean trying to drink it!

Lisa - Any post with waffle in it is a good one. I have girls, so no real interest in butts here. But they would have loved washing the dog.

Gemma - My dog hates baths/showers…his face gets all sad and he tries to hide lol
Gemma X

Julie - Butts are funny around here too. Several years ago we went to Florence, Italy and saw the statue David, and my younger son and I took a stroll around the statue looking at it from all angles and of course he cracked up when we got around back looking straight up at David’s butt! I’m attempting to instill culture in them, but I don’t think it’s working.
Gotta love boys. πŸ˜‰

Laura Phelps - butts and poop. very funny to boys. but nothing compares to “stupid”, “so dumb” and “poopy head” or “poopy butt”….

Anya - I so don’t get the boys and butts thing either!!!

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miss madison.        

she wasn't interested in having any pictures taken.
she wanted to watch dora in the car.
i mean really….what child would chose photos over that?
and it was chilly and drizzling rain.
poor little madison.

could her eyes be any bigger or more beautiful?  
she is so cute and petite.

hope you like these jalayne.
they are in the mail to you today!

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mk - her eyelashes are almost as long as jakobs!

Christina - It looks like you captured her personality perfectly! She is adorable!

Linda Johnson - She is beautiful and so is her mother.

Erin Leigh - yum. love the expressions you captured.

adrienne - i love them all but especially the one of her blowing bubbles

Annie - she is super cute!

Melanie - She is a cutie!

jasmine bailey-barfuss - What an absolute little cutie xox

Claudia - those pics are soooo cute

Christy - So cute! The last one is my favorite!

Kimberlee J. - Love where she’s blowing bubbles. The next best thing to Dora and candy.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I just love that her biggest smile was in the pic where she’s loving on her mama!

purejoy - HUUUUUGE eyes!! so adorable. was she rockin a cora tshirt?? looks just like jess’s stuff.

Jodi - Oh I love her little grin! She is such a doll!

Tanya - She is so adorable

Rachel from A Cupcake For Moose - What a sweet little pumpkin! Love those looks you captured. Very nice!

Sophie - Such an adorable little girl!
And beautiful pictures as always, Meg (:

Kissy Lovestuff - i do not think she could possibly be any cuter!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - She is a doll baby. That last one in black and white with her eyes down…precious!

The Lady of the House - She is sure cute and looks a lot like her mama.

kat - She is precious. I love her little grin. Too cute!

M.O.T.B - Gorgeous photos, amazing really. This baby is just precious. She is so beautiful, she takes your breath away!

amy d - oh my heavens…how did you not want to squeeze her to death?! - what a doll. the one where she’s getting kisses from mama, and the one where she’s blowing bubbles just kill me.

Christian@Modobject at Home - What a darling little pixie! I love those eyes.

pam - Oh my word…what a gorgeous child…those eyes and she even has LONG eyelashes…beautiful…how fun that you get to capture beauty for people…some of us are just no good at that picture taking thing. πŸ™‚

Musings Of A Gem - So cute! Love her little grin : )
Gemma X

Sarah@Clover Lane - Those are the longest eyelashes I have ever seen on a human in my life.
A life with no mascara or eyelash curlers…what a future!
That last one Meg, is incredible!

Georgia - cuteness!

Michelle - Beautiful photos Meg! How did you resist taking her home with you?? She is so cute!

katie - she is soooooo stinkin’ cute!!!!

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farmers market

my mom, sister and i went to the farmers market in lawrence on saturday.
it"s always nice to go.
we brought maya and annie along.
annie was happy with a brownie about two minutes in….and happy to pet all the dogs.

good times.

i am feeling….
busy with life.
busy in my mind.
mostly all good things though.

we started swimming lessons today for the three youngest…went great!
i could watch them from the treadmill one level above the pool.
i loved that.

then the same three went to clay class.
and they were so happy about it.

my house is disaster.
my yard is a mess.
there is no food in the house.
the laundry is unending.
i think the AC just went out in my car.

all this adds up to my mind kind of shutting down.
the mess is too much.
the noise of my kids…is TOO MUCH.
would it be bad to smash my piano?  
probably so.
with so much to do i end up doing nothing.
eventually i get a burst of energy and things get moving…but for now…i live in chaos.
BUT yesterday was A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
bike ride to sonic.
hanging out.
grilled brats and ate corn on the cob.
kids swimming in the pool.
so good.
even better when the kids went to sleep (
the noise….i am tellin' ya…it's a-makin'-me crazy!)

so…my venting is over.
the end.

Karina - My darling husband took all three kids to the museum today so I could have some peace and quiet…and clean the house, LOL! So far? I’m sitting here reading blogs and listening to my favourite CD. I’ll get to the house soon…
Christine is right. Do you remember the emptiness of working before marriage, the deadening fluorescent lighting and padded cells of an office, the bleating phones, the bad coffee, the standing over a jammed Xerox machine…? And going home to an empty, quiet apartment to wash out your nylons for the next day…too tired to cook a meal, with only the TV for company?
Maybe you never did that, but I did for far too long and I wouldn’t go back for anything. I am married with three kids and home for good – someone called it “eternity leave” – and even on the craziest days it is THE BEST.
Love your life; all your readers sure do!!!

Christina-fivewalkers - I’m assuming grilled brats means sausages and not bad children. πŸ™‚
I can so relate to the mess/chaos all around. I can’t imagine having more kids (we have three)…the laundry, the toys, the fighting. The “I end up doing nothing” – yep, that’s me. πŸ™‚
But I love how you just keep on going. I guess that’s all we can do.

aimee - i hope you had a super time in lawrence! i hope our schedules can sync up next time you’re in town!

stephanie - Hi … I’m new to your blog and have enjoyed poking around and looking at all the colors that you have documented on your blog. So happy. (PS. We made your stuffed pasta shells the other night for dinner, too – two thumbs up! My 3 & 4 year old were eating the filling out of the bowl before I could get it in the shells). : )

Mallory - Meg — I found your blog through another and have to let you know you are an inspiration! I am struggling through college and looking at your posts I am getting a new outlook on taking time for my crafty self — Just wanted to say thank you!

karina - Glad to know I am not the only one who gets overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done yet I don’t do anything because I don’t know where to begin! At some point, I will get a burst of energy and get it all done (hoping that point is soon!). I just want to do all the fun summer things I have planned…heck, with dishes, laundry, remodeling, yardwork, and who needs to eat!!!

Christine Ishmael - Meg…I’m reading your post and started crying…(it could be PMS, maybe not) but I would trade you places in a heart beat…I’m sitting here at my work desk in an ugly office working 10 hour shifts and MISSING my kids and the chaos at home so desperately…I’m quitting my job and have one month to go til I’m home and walking to the gas station for diet coke & ice cream cones with the kids, going to the local pool and watching parades and BBQing and cleaning up messes and listening to my son play “Stairway to Heaven” prelude 5,000 x on his guitar (he’s teaching himself to play) and listening to the piano ALL day long and I’ll probably complain about the noise and the endless messes, but I’ll be HOME and hanging with my kids during this crazy summer! Your blog is my escape, I appreciate you so much, you’ll never know…! Enjoy the madness! I can’t wait for my turn! Love, Christine

krystall - I love how you keep it real!!!!!!!!!

tara pollard pakosta - I like how real and honest you are!
great post and I love your pix!
tara - We went to the farmer’s market this weekend. Once there, I realized there wasn’t a card in my camera. Oh well!
My three year old son Kai took his wallet and $5 from his piggy bank with the mission to buy whatever he wanted to buy.
His choices:
1. a orange tomato plant
2. a strawberry cupcake
3. kettle corn
Wise choices!

Kirsten - Oh how gorgeous – my daughter’s choir opened our farmer’s market a few weeks ago…and here in Seattle? Yeah…rain. Downpour. Monsoon. But I walked around, thinking I’d buy something. And our flower bouquets? $10.00.

elizabeth pilling - ear plugs. i’m not kidding. they take the edge off. really. get some.

casey - I love your blog! I love your creativity and you always make me laugh! I love lawerence as well. All the shops and the university are gorgeous! I go there every time I make it to Kansas…

Talia - I absolutely LOVE how you keep it so real! Summer living with kids home all day/night can be positively exhausting!
Thanks for sharing the margarita recipe. I can’t wait to make them this evening!

Melanie - I don’t know how you do the noise either. You poor girl. First week and the noise is to much. It might make for a long summer unless they stay outside all day long:)

Jessica - Please thank your mom for sharing her margarita recipe! DH and I made some last night–after the kids went to bed–YUM!!! We drank the whole pitcher ourselves πŸ˜‰

Wendy @ Living Creatively - Love love the pictures. Our Farmers’ Market is one of my favorite places, full of beauty and great smells.
I hear ya– great days mixed in with house chaos. Such is summer.

Angie - Thanks for being honest. Our Summer starts in 17 days when the kids get out of school. It is a love/hate relationship. I love to have them home but the noise does get to me at times. My sister threatened to get rid of my piano because every time I talk to her on the phone the kids feel the need to bang on it. πŸ™‚ I do have to say, in spite of the noise, I sure love my boys! Happy Summer!

Ashlee Archibald - I dont always get to my google reader everyday, but everyday I always manage to make it to your blog. Yours makes me the happiest. thanks meg πŸ™‚
PS. I feel embarrassed saying that a year ago, i read your blog and forgot to put it in my favorites. So one day I googled “Waffle the dog” cause how many dogs do you know named waffle? And it WORKED! πŸ™‚

Cindy - First day of summer here…let the noise begin!!
Planning on painting your flowers from last week!
Thanks for the inspiration!!
Enjoy the day!

Lori - I was led to your blog for the margarita recipe. so glad I followed! The photography is gorgeous and yes, I know just how you feel. My kids are a little older, so not too time consuming. Yet still I feel a little overwhelmed. Must just be that time of year. Isn’t it great when the clouds break and the sun comes out and suddenly the stress just melts away. πŸ™‚

bobbie - I love Farmer’s Markets but it’s so hot here. If I went to a Farmers Market outdoors right now my skin would melt off. It’s one of the many perks to living in Houston.

Kat - Oh I hear ya Meg!
I can relate to the noise in the hols and feeling so overwhelmed by the chaos that I end up too doing nothing. Sigh. It all seems a bit overwhelming sometimes.
Its good to enjoy the good times though, makes it all worth it.
Glad you have been enjoying family time with your Mum and Sister though – creating special memories.
Hope the chaos settle soon πŸ™‚

Heather - Boy-O can I relate. A messy house and shutting down. Noise that just won’t quit. Bless you for sharing this, but also keeping an eye to the good things. Thank you.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Noise makes me insane too. I can’t imagine with your big brood. I have a piano I’d like to smash sometimes too. Maybe we could do it together…like in the office when the rap music is playing and they carry that evil printer into the field and smash it into a million smitherens:)

Rachel / cREaTe - oh girl. thank you for writing / venting that. πŸ™‚ i thought it was just me who acted like when i turn to the right i don’t see piles of school projects from the past 9 months [all brought home on the last day on friday] & looking to the left that i don’t see piles of wet towels among other things. you hit the nail on the HEAD & i feel better just knowing i’m in good company. πŸ™‚

Kelly O. - i hear ya about the noise! they just talk and yell and fight and carry on.
when they’re having a good time they’re even louder!

RLG - I’m so sick of the yelling and fighting. It’s driving me insane. I get it. Bursts of productivity. I wish I had family right here to help me through this long, long summer. Sigh. Hang in there, Meg. You’re certainly not alone. much love, girlie. xoxo

Heather - wow. I’ve never seen peonies at a farmer’s market before. Buckets and buckets of those gorgeous flowers! I hope you got some to take home. πŸ™‚

purejoy - yummmm. brats and corn on the cob… mmmm.
i can relate to that sensory overload that makes me just want to hang out on the couch and watch the world go by…
sounds like you had a great day, tho!

Trish - oh my word… i am having a noise issue too. so can relate!

amy d - rosemarie and mandy friend both posted my question!!! “car bombs”…i didn’t know lawrence was “that” kind of town!! lol!

mandy friend - um, am I reading that photo right?? Does it say ‘car bombs’???LOLAnd I hear ya on the noise…

Rosemarie - OK – does that chalkboard list actually say “Car Bombs, $4”? Or am I just really clueless when it comes to flowers??? πŸ™‚

Tanya - I adore farmers markets

Sarah Mahan - This is totally off topic, but I just wanted to let you know…I made your peanut butter pie today and it was AWESOME!!! So, good in fact, that I shared the recipe on my blog. Okay so maybe this wasn’t too far off topic…compliments chear everyone up right??;)

Heather - you’re a stronger woman then i am. i would have pushed the piano into the street by now. i only have 2 at home in my house and by 4pm i’d like to walk around with ear plugs in. thank goodness for quiet time!

Cori - I have 4 and I feel your pain! I am trying to get them to do homework(or I was πŸ˜‰ and call the insurence co and not think about my wash that is so bad I may just go to the laundrymat. It’s all good, that is what I keep telling myself.

Julie - As a mother of five too, I can totally relate; esp. with the noise! My husband calls us “the loud family!”

kat - Hahahaha! I loved the “would it be bad to smash my piano?” line… awesome. If anything, that totally sums up the joys and anxieties of having all the kids at home all at once. That is one of the many things I love so much about you and your blog, you don’t just share the good stuff, you share reality. Thanks for being you!

Laura Phelps - good thing we will be visiting soon…my kids are SO PEACEFUL! HA!
and I totally relate..too much to do = getting nothing done
good days and bad days
highs and lows
productive and procrastinate
and if we are really blessed, a good bbq and swimming thrown in to mix it all up
somehow, we survive
and on good days, we do better than survive…we soar!

linda - my brain hurts from the noise…and i only have two kids. instead of a breast reduction surgery, i would love to get a hearing reduction surgery…or have a “remote” installed in my ear…so i could press mute, or lower the volume as needed. wouldn’t that be the best! i can dream…
love your blog!!!

Lisa - I am relating, my house is a mess, everywhere! And i am on the computer ignoring it all. Glad you are having fun with the kids, noise and all. Go the tread mill!

Musings Of A Gem - Meg you make me laugh..I feel like I can relate to you even though I don’t have kids.
I can only imagine the chaos!
Gemma X

Sophie - Gorgeous pictures (:
I’m in the UK and we don’t finish for summer until the end of July so my neighborhood’s still quite quiet (:

Jill J - I completely understand..; highs and lows. There is a reason that your blog is so big! You are EVERY WOMAN. Not Whitney Houston.

Anna Marie - Those peonies are gorgeous! Did you bring any home? I wish our farmer’s market had fresh cut flowers like that. BEAUTIFUL!

Stephanie - I feel the same way. When every room I enter I find a pile or something that needs to be done I just can’t seem to get ahead. I just give up and read a magazine!! A clean house is a sign of a misspent life!! (that’s a sign on my kitchen wall)

Lisa - Oh my. The noise. I can so relate. It’s enough to drive a poor mama out of her mind sometimes, isn’t it?

Bec - Ugh- I don’t even have kids and feel like I’m losing my mind the last few days. I spent the entire day in the kitchen in hopes of prepping most of our meals for the week and got 2 done and then I pooped out. Oh well!!!!!!!!!!!

Georgia - Grilled Brats? whats that in English… lol
Oh and check out the bling on grandmas finger!!!

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waffle the weirdo

he is a big goofball….
that needs some serious training.

but who has time for that?
not this mother of five.

he is playing at the neighbor's house with his sister right now. 

he is a dork. 

amber - He makes me laugh…
I have a dorky dog too. Lilly. I bet they’d be goofy friends…goofballs.

jasmine bailey-barfuss - I shall call him Mr. Handsome, for what a handsome dog he be!

Kelly - I LOVE Waffle the weirdo! I love his name. I like it when I find him running through one of your photos or lying around in the background.
I have a terribly infantile, naughty little greyhound named Rooster who is reeking havoc on my household. Ask my older, mellow greyhound Big.

Michelle Whitlow - Awww, he’s so cute πŸ™‚ What kind of dog is he?? BTW, I took your idea of doing the summer list. Posted it on my blog. My kids loooved the idea (I think they’re determined to get the entire list checked of in one week!!)

Angie - love Waffle!! We just got our own goldendoodle two weeks ago. Miss Libby is quirky and fun and pure entertainment. The kiddos already adore her!

Rachel - I’m beginning to think we have parallel lives…
first the margaritas….
now the dog…
Waffle is adorable.
Ours is Cupcake. Yellow lab. Nickname: Cup-idiot. (We do mean that affectionately.)
She needs serious training. Almost bowled over a poor old lady walking in front of our house yesterday. To her credit, she didn’t. Just sniffed her a little too intrusively.
Love that dog. Realized I’ve never blogged about her. How sad. Gonna have to rectify that…

Rebecca - i have to tell you…i love when you post photos of waffle…it’s almost like you can see his personality and smile in them…
…and his name….the coolest!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - I think its his name, and his big Ol’ black nose. I would consider a dog if I could find a waffle. I have always been in the no dog camp. What made you change your mind?

Rachel / cREaTe - I just scrolled up & down 4 or 5 times just to take him all in & giggle at his nerdy cuteness. He makes my heart go pitter-pat.

Phebe Roberts - Am lovin’ your signature happy dots collar on this adorabubble dog!

lauren - Waffle cracks me up! Seriously!
This just made my day!

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - I love Waffle. I really love his name. I just showed my two-year-old his picture and told him that his name was Waffle. Jude pointed to the screen and said, “Dat’s Wafful.”

Tam - I Love Waffle. We have a labradoodle, Yankee, I wonder what he’d look like with a hair cut, I know he’d be a lot cooler. I think I’ll make an appt for him!

Adoria Dobrikova - This dog is so amazing! (I swear i can see a smile in the second picture) I love every photo of him πŸ™‚ he is gorgeous. I guess it’s real fun to have him around…

Denissa - He is so dang cute!!! I would love to have a Goldendoodle next, but my hubby said NO more dogs after our spaz Lab πŸ™‚
Btw, I LOVE his name…so, so cute!
P.S. Is the recipe for the Rainbow cake listed somewhere?
Thanks! πŸ™‚

Audrey - I made your Mama’s margaritas tonight for DH and I. They were definitely YUM-O! I think I drank mine a little too fast though and got horrid heartburn afterwards. BOO. That won’t stop me though – I’ll be making them again soon for company.
Oh yeah, Waffle is a cutie!

Seleta - Love all of those angles! He couldn’t possibly be any worse than Pippi. She’s a mess. A big, stinky, mess…with a big heart. Waffle seems so much more dignified than her. πŸ™‚

miley d - nice photos waffle! i’m so over that camera thing…momma is always pointing that thing at me. you should demand treats, and lots of them!

Amanda - I love when you post about Waffle. He is so super CUTE!

Penny - Hi Waffle!! We have a big goofball Goldendoodle, Sophie, here at our house. Doodles are funny, entertaining dogs! Waffle looks like he is a lot of fun and full of personality! He must fit right in at your house.

Heidi Hentze - Hi Meg, I just happened upon your blog by chance and I enjoye your awesome photography. I gotta tell ya, I LOVE Waffles. His personality shines through in your pics and your stories of his antics. What a sweetaheart, wish I had a waffle; (lifestyle doesn’t permit right now) What a blessing he is:)

Melanie - He just sits right there while you take all those photo. He is a cutie!

donna - precious <3

ann - Your dog is adorable. I just want to give him a big hug! So glad you have a dog. They are good for your soul. I also want to try that last post with the margarita recipe. Wow does that look good!

Linda Johnson - He is not a dork, he is adorable, cherish him, you won’t always have him.
I really think he should be wearing tags too.
A big time animal lover and faithful reader of your wonderful blog.

Tanya B - Seeing a post about your dog (months and months ago) made me realize that we should be grooming our labradoodle. What a difference it has made! He still sheds like crazy, but he looks so much better overall.

Musings Of A Gem - HEEHEE soooo cute! I didn’t know dogs could be dorky but it made me laugh anyway πŸ˜€
Gemma X

Diana - he is so sweet… i would love to train him for ya…
but then… you might not get him back πŸ˜€

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I HEART Waffle! He is beyond adorable and sounds just as quirky as he looks.

Lanny Stanard - Awwww I needed me some waffle… I think he’s grand !

Holly - but oh so cute!

Lynn - He is soOooOOOOoooo cute! πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - “Are you big Waffle’s Megan?”

purejoy - he is the most adorable dork i’ve ever seen! i ♥ waffle!!

Staci - I’ll take that dork from you any day πŸ™‚ That face!!!!

Amanda C. - I love that he gets to play with his sister! Adorable.

Cindy - We drove by the other day – my niece from Washingington, DC was here and loves your blog like the rest of us. Anyway, we saw Waffle in the window!

sixty fifth avenue - I love him! If we were going to have a dog i think we would get a waffle too.

Lynda - HE IS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!

traci - I’m with Sarah, what an accomplishment for him to sit and have his photo taken over and over…WOW!!!!

Heather - i love his regal side view portrait. that dorky dog sure knows how to take a great photo!

sarah - I love him.
and at least he’ll sit still to have his photo taken, that’s more than I can say for my two silly dogs.

Jennifer - He is all kinds of cuteness, Meg! I love dorky dogs…we have one of our own! They are priceless aren’t they??!!

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