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check it

guest posting at heather's today…..

an oldie but goodie. 

melody - stopping by from Heather’s and just have to send KUDOS this looks like so much fun!

Jenny - I have let my kids do this inside, but just letting them get it on their hands. This is a MUCH better idea!! We will definately be doing this sometime this summer! Thanks!!

kristine - super cute! hooray for guest posting. i love BLN so it’s fun to see you there! xo

Gemma - Really love this idea! Def gonna do this this summer hols with my young siblings!!
Gemma X

Kait - That’s one of my favorite posts of yours. I keep meaning to do it with my girls but maybe today is the day!

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sunday pics

we went to craig's family reunion in the afternoon
and then some of the family came to our house for dinner and hanging out.
it's always fun having everyone over.
and noisy.

but i like it.
a lot.
here are some pictures of the afternoon…..

it was a really nice day.

california cousins and kansas cousins….together again.
i am loving "grown up" cousins.

would you like to know who won the $75 gift certificate?  
900 comments was AWESOME!!! chose number 708:

                 To Kill a Mockingbird


Maggie - I got excited for half a second. Then I realized “To Kill a Mockingbird” is not my favorite movie. 🙂 But I’m glad another Maggie won!

Robyn - your a very brave momma with the trampoline into the pool!!!!
so fun!

crystal b - Oh you lucky girl…. photo shoot with Blue Lily? You are going to love her. And, just so you know … she’s a master at Photo Shop (in case you … ahem, break out or something.)
Seriously, send me your address. I so owe you a necklace. Do you know how many referrals you sent to my shop!! Lots!! Thanks again.

Kat - Looks like great fun.
How nice to get together with family 🙂
Lauren is looking so grown up!
Congrats to the winner, enjoy!

kasey - i need a trampoline.

No.17 CherryTreeLane - I really want to jump from a trampoline into a pool. My entire pregnant body, jiggling in the air, as I leap into the air….

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Craig looked like Superman flying into the pool!

Ruth - both my parents are only children so i have no cousins… i’ve never known what i’m missing but this looks so much fun! and hello… you have some hot genes between you all!

a-m - It looks like you all had a fantabulous time! I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to trampoline into the pool though, I must be getting old…
Thanks for the gorgeous pictures!
a-m x

ann - That little dog looks just like mine! Is it a Silky Terrier?

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Looks like a really good time. Wish it would get hot enough for us to do things like that…boo hiss!!!

Julie - Family reunions are great! I’m in need of one ~ I miss my cousins!! Looks like you guys are having a great summer! 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Oh these pictures just about sent me over the deep end. I’ve been wanting to have a large backyard pool, for-evah!!! So this past Sunday I improvised. I’ll be posting about it tomorrow. I think you might get a kick out of it. A mama’s got to do what a mama’s got to do! Thanks for always sharing wonderful family photos!

Diana - I loved the antics and fun shared with my cousins when we were little… but I think it’s WAY MORE COOL now we’re all adults! Yep =)

Sandy (Your Life, Organized - Congrats to the winner!!
Looks like so much fun!! It has been too cold here for outside pool play!
Check out our early customer specials!

shelly - That trampoline into the pool looks like!

Kimberlee J. - It makes me miss my adult cousins. I have such love, and such sweet memories.

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - I rarely comment (unless there’s a giveaway, because I’m shameless ha), but I just wanted you to know that I love your blog and I especially love the pictures you share of your family. I grew up with strong family values and am so close with my family, though now I live in St. Louis while most of them are still in Chicago (did get my sis to move here..yes!). Anyways, no real point to this comment except to say I appreciate your blog, your pictures, your honesty, and your family 🙂 Have a great day!

Jocelyn Stott - Your blog is defining summer with pictures. I love it.

Heather - we pull up my son’s slide/fort thing so he can slide into the pool and he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever. if he saw these pics i think it would blow his mind!
love the that the elusive teenager made a few smiling appearances. she is so lovely!!

AshleyAnn - 900 comments…can you even picture how many small villages in Africa that is!
I want to meet Lauren. I want to photograph Lauren.

Musings Of A Gem - Well done Maggie! Very lucky..i’m one jealous girl lol
Looks like you had a fab family reunion : )
Gemma X

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lots to say….

ok….have you had your coffee?
i have lots to tell you about today.

when you made you coffee did you forget to put the pot in your machine and all the coffee went
all over your counter and floor while you stood a foot away from it with your back turned?
and did you think…."Man the coffee pot is loud today!?"
 but still not turn and LOOK at your coffee pot?
i did.

i have three things…so you have to stay for all three…THEN you may click around.
got it?
three things before you leave. 

numero uno.
today i am jeannett's featured blogger at Life ReArranged.

you will need to go over there and read what i wrote about.

i am raising money for a cause that i care about.
and i hope that you will too.

i love jeanette's blog.  
i know you will too.
she said all this nice stuff about me.  *blush blush*

but don't leave yet…. 


erin from the vintage pearl sent me the best gift for mr. craig for father's day.
it is just perfect.
it is not too big but not too small.
i hope that he will feel loved when he sees it.

erin's shop is such a fun place!
this one is my favorite….
             it is pretty…perfect font…round and round…simple…beautiful….i love this one.
   i wonder if i would choose my family or put a bibles verse or quote or song lyrics in those circles?
       or maybe even movie lines??  that is my style.

and this bracelet is funky.  
i think i need it.  
but not with my kids names….
maybe with "Mrs. Duerksen" 

i like the cross.
i like the bumpiness and "not perfect-ness" of this one….it has character.


then…i am flipping through Martha Stewart Living and see this picture above!

good for you erin!



remember when i had her make me "meg & craig" and said i felt like will ferrell in elf….

 "i'm in love! i'm in love and i don't care who knows it!"

i wear that necklace all the time. 

and i think it IS because i just love that guy so much…i want to wear it.

i am wearing it right now…for reals.

but don't leave quite yet.
i still have more to tell you about.


erin from the vintage pearl
asked me to giveaway a
$75 gift certificate to one of you.

you could get your own necklace to feel like buddy the elf.
or anything else in her awesomely beautiful shop.

leave a comment here today telling me your favorite movie of all time.

her jewlery makes really good gifts.
every mama would like something with her kids' names.

Use the code whatever15 to get a 15% discount on your purchases in her shop!

so do you know your three things:

1. leave a comment to win a $75 gift certificate.

2. go shop at erin's

3. go to Life ReArranged.………and donate with a cheerful heart.    



Lindsay - Father of the Bride or maybe The Holiday. thanks for giving away stuff!

katy - Steel Magnolias is my favorite movie…..or the Parent Trap (the original one). Love her jewelry!!

Sarah - the Princess Bride fo sho

Katie - Hi! Over from Life.Rearranged! 🙂 Love your blog and love your heart!
The Little Princess is my all time favorite movie. I love the friendship and imagination that shines through in the movie. If you haven’t seen it, you MUST!
Take care 🙂

Annie - Gone With the Wind

Jessy - I Absolutely love Pride and Prejudice. I watch it over and over!

Jane - My fav is Love Actually…I’m a romantic at heart!
Visited The Vintage Pearl and I’ve got a list!!!

Heather Young - So hard to choose but old fav is Pretty Woman, current fav is the Notebook hands down! Oh and P.S. I Love You. Thanks for doing this giveaway! I love reading your blog each day!

cheekymonkey - Boy, I love elf. Raiders of the Lost Ark goes on the list for Indiana Jones, and Shawshank Redemption for making me teary.

Rachel - I love the movie Crash. Def my fav…I love when people’s stories intersect and twist together.

Kellie - This is a movie not many people have seen it’s STEALING HOME – it’s an old one, Jodie Foster and Mark Harmon are in it – it’s WONDERFUL – a tear jerker!!!!

Erica - Anne of Green Gables. When I watch it, I am in PEI with her.

tara hawks - Oh, so many…but I will choose “Love Actually”

Julie - possibly…. the princess bride?

Lexie - “Annie” and “The Princess Bride”–couldn’t pick between–both are AWESOME

Jill - I have a few…. but love Dead Poets Society best of all. Oh and To Kill A Mockingbird. And Pulp Fiction.

Paige Schloss - Like Water for Chocolate is one of my most favorite movies of all times!!!

Christy - I love Armageddon. I think it has a little of everything in it for anybody to watch. It has romance, action, drama, and comedy all wrapped up in one movie. Awesome!

kim - I kinda have lots of favorites! The Princess Bride is an old school favorite along with Teen Witch! I also love Serendipity. Napoleon Dynamite is still up there too…I think I’ll have a dang quesadilla for lunch!

Kirsten P - My favorite movie is Return To Me. Intense grief and sadness, sweet joy and happiness – I love it.

Jill - It is hard to say for certain because I love several but probably When Harry Met Sally… I think Billy Crystal is one of the most hysterical people ever and he played this role to perfection.

Gevay - It’s so trite, but I love the most recent Pride and Prejudice. I can watch it over and over.

Michelle from 6 in the city - Favorite movie of all time. Out of Africa. Loved it 20 something years ago and still love it today!

Leah - I would say my all time favorite would be national velvet. I love all the necklaces. thanks for the chance.

anne - Meet Joe Black – it’s eye candy !

Anne Finnigan - Muriels Wedding ! Hysterical !

Ellen - I love A Christmas Story! We watch it throughout the year and it never gets old!

Wendy - Wow, Meg!! Over 800 responses! That’s great!! I’ll add my own in hopes that maybe I could win. 🙂 I can’t think of just one, Elf is a huge family favorite, we quote it non stop and for just me, I love Pride and Prejudice. The scene when Mr. Darcy is walking through the misty morning toward Elizabeth to confess his love to her….. gives me goosebumps.

Barb - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid! I can watch it over and over and over and . . . My family things I’m nuts!

Jennifer - Gone with the wind. Love it 🙂

Heather - I love Erin’s jewelry. She’s so creative!

Melissa - My all-time favorite is Annie. My daughter loves it too…it brings back such great memories.

Kara Tait - My Favorite movie would have to be He’s Just Not That Into You. I know it’s a newer movie but I love it!!!!

Lacy Brauner - Dirty Dancing. Since i was 4 i can cry at the same exact time in the movie. It was my ‘Finding Nemo’…’Toy Story’ so to speak…My mom could put it on, and she had 2 hours of quiet. Not sure why a 4 year old should watch movies like that, but I loved it..and still do.

jeny - my all time fav … sleeping beauty – no matter who or what your prince(ss) is out there.
runner up … love acutally

Laura - The Sound of Music! Love that one!

donna - my favorite movie of all time is “You’ve Got Mail” – love Meg Ryan ~ love her book shop and mostly love her apartment in the movie!!! I could see her wearing a necklace from the vintage pearl in that movie.

Meredith - Clue – used to every line memorized. So funny!

Sara - I love that necklace! I think I would get one with my kids names on it. My favorite movie would have to be You’ve Got Mail. I have no idea why but I love love that movie!

Janet - Gosh, there’s a lot of great movies in the comments I had forgot about! I’d have to say my favorite is Grease. (Oh, Danny! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win.
Janet – WI

Lauren - I love your blog 🙂 I can’t decide between Casablanca and The Dish, I love them both so much!!

Allison - “Moonstruck”…My sister and I know the dialogue by heart:)

Leyla - My favorite movie, without a doubt, is “Gone with the Wind”!

Jennifer - Seriously? Over 800 comments? Oh my goodness… if I win, I am going to be soooooo excited because it will be like a small miracle!!! Okay, my favorite movie is Father of the Bride with Steve Martin. Love it!

Trish - There’s lots that I love……Sweet Home Alabama, Can’t buy me Love, The Incredibles, Dirty Dancing…..
but favorite of all time? Fireproof.
It saved my marriage. Truly.
Well, actually God saved my marriage, but that is the tool that He used and for that I am forever grateful.
I LOVE that keychain….gonna go order one now, and if I win the gift certificate then I’m getting a necklace just like yours. Well, not JUST like yours, mine will say Dave and Trish!!

Shannon - Favourite movie??? Oh, that’s hard! I’ll say Persuasion. At least, today that’s the one. 🙂
Thank you so much for a chance at a perfect prize!!!

Shaun - Too many good ones to pick a fave…how bout: for laughs: the hangover, for tears: Marley and Me, for smiles: babies

Diana P - Love, Actually. <3

Lauren - Favourite movie would have to be the The Notebook!
And this jewellery is just amazing!

Jennifer - Favorite movie….Mary Poppins. Or Pretty Woman. LOL!

Kylie - Pride and Prejudice…LOVE Mr. Darcy!

Mary Beth - A Little Romance.
And I just loved GREASE, too.
And Ferris Bueller.
OH, and Dirty Dancing.
Star Wars was pretty darn good, too.
Love. Movies.
Love that necklace!

Lisa Richardson - fiddler on the roof. i hope i win.

Catriona - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. My husband and I have an annual rewatch of all 3 films every winter. Visually, it is absolutely stunning and I love all the manly heroics!! Of course there are other favourites, but in terms of the impression these films made on me the first time I saw them and how much I look forward to watching them again, this is probably It.

Lisa T - I love the movie 27 Dresses…the Benny and the Jets part cracks me up every time!

Kimberley B - Gone With the Wind. An epic! (PS I saw that you like Canadian House and Home. It is good, but I also really love Style at Home – another Canadian design mag. Yes, I am Canadian!)

Erin - So hard to pick just one…If I had to choose it would be the Wizard of Oz

Sue Linse - Field of Dreams…miss you Megan.

rhonda - I love Hoosiers. I know technically it’s a guy movie, but I love it. :0) Love your blog too.

Mary Beth - How’s about sea biscuit?. The redemptive theme is amazing

jodi - I would have to say Princess Bride… Never gets old!

Tina - Dead Poets Society–I LOVE that movie!

Amber - I love My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I have my eye on a necklace from the Vintage Pearl. Once baby girl arrives in July I plan on getting an updated necklace with both my kids’ names. I’d be happy to win this giveaway! 🙂

tinycandi - When a Man Loves a Woman!!
I really love any Andy Garcia movie…Bruce Willis comes in a close second.

Dawn Eshnaur - My favorite movie of all time is The Sound of Music!!

Liz - I grew up as a missionary kid, so I missed all the 80’s/90’s movies. I am workin’ on catching back up…and for now, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is my fave. Love it.

Alaina Bennett - oh, just when I think i have a favorite, I think of something else, but I guess I will narrow it down to Sandlot! It’s a movie even my kids can and will watch with me, and they love it just as much.

Katie - About Last Night…It is the cheesiest 80’s movie ever, but I love it!!

Liz - Depends on the time in my life. When I was little, it was Charlotte’s Web. In high school, it was 10 Things I Hate About You. In college, a toss up between Shag (a great coming of age film) and My Best Friends Wedding. Now I love Dan In Real Life , hoping it will prepare me for dealing with teenagers with some measure of grace. Ha.

Alice Nakles - I love movies so much, this is very hard to pick. Maybe Beetlejuice or What about Bob, I love them both so much.
Thanks for other give away.

kristine - i don’t think my comment posted???
my fave movie is CLUE!
i’ll check again later to see if it’s really up there somewhere else so i don’t repeat myself any further… 🙁

Rachel - Its so hard to choose just one…I’d have to say Almost Famous…when Tangerine plays at the end when the bus is driving off into the sunset…love it!!! Rock stars have kidnapped my son!

kristine - O.M.G. meg (megan!) i’m number 827 for leaving a comment! my fave is the movie CLUE!!!!!! 🙂 have you ever seen it?!
and i think getting movie lines around the necklace is a smashing idea! i think you would need more circles though!
AND i did buy a christmas present from erin last year thanks to you! i know others try to imitate but she does the best work i think! 🙂

Heather K. - We love “The Princess Bride” in our house. Every once in a while my husband will say, “as you wish” when I ask him to do something. It always makes me smile because I know it means “I love you”.

Tierknee2000 - Braveheart or any old musical!

Rachel - Oh man, favorite movie? Sooo hard to narrow it down. I think I’d pick BBC’s North & South. Swoon, swoon!

Sarah - My favorite movie ever? This is tough! But I’d have to say all three Lord of the Rings : )

Lyndee - I love Leap Year! It’s so sweet and funny 🙂

Naomi - LOVE those necklaces! Also LOVE the movie Singing in the Rain…old school for me! My daughter loves it too.

Wendy - Jackie Brown! I love it and could watch it over and over.

Jennifer - My husband says “Raiders of the Lost Ark” because he would really love one of the those amazing key chains!

Laura - no contest: Almost Famous. L-O-V-E it! The bus ride when they’re singing Elton John’s Tiny Dancer is my favorite. Love the music too, the soundtrack rocks 🙂

Kat - Ooh ooh, pick me, pick me, lol.
Since reading about the Vintage Pearl on here I have shown DH and told him I want a necklace from there with his and the kids names on it for my 40th. I am getting in early as its still two years away 😉
Not sure what the exchange rate is though as we are in Australia.
Hm, favourite film. Oh thats such a hard question Meg.
So many, but I think The Shawshank Redemption is a great movie.

Alma Barrera - Dirty Dancing, just want to make me dance!

Tiffany - The Holiday.
It’s my default movie. Watch it when I’m in the mood for a good laugh, cry, when I am sad, happy. It’s great 🙂

Laura Mann - Hi Meg! My family’s all time favorite movie is (I know it sounds CRAZY) chitty chitty bang bang. It’s the most purest heartfelt message ever. My 2.5 year old does one of the dance numbers (ole bamboo) that would break your heart. And it’s so precious that they call the dad Bert because they can’t quite grasp his move from Mary Poppins. My husband and I haven’t seen “real” movies for awhile because of the kiddos so this is our favorite family movie. And I thought Annie would like it if she hasn’t already seen it!
Steve,Laura,Kate, and Drew

lorena - I LOVE Cinema Paradiso! 🙂

Shelley C - WIT but be prepared to CrY!

paula - my all time favorite movie is grease…love love that movie 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - The Man in the Moon. Reese Witherspoon, circa training bra.

Laura - Empire Records! I can’t tell you how many times I watched this my freshman year of college and I still watch it any time I need a pick me up. - I enjoy the love story in Last of the Mohicans but it’s also kind of sad. My other favorite is Steel Magnolias. Thanks!

Emily S - I love Little Women.

Barbara Backes - Girl’s Just Want to Have Fun!! 😉

Melissa Mae - My favorite movie is “Moulin Rouge”. I love how loud and bright and fantastical it is! Ewan McGregor isn’t hard on the eyes OR ears, either 🙂

Kat - my favorite movie of all time is Fried Green Tomatoes. 🙂 I think you rock, Meg.

got2havefaith - Favorite movie of all time? I have to pick just one? I always stop if I am flipping through channel when I come across that 80s classic “Pretty in Pink”. I can’t help it!

Laura Van Buren - So many good ones mentioned already! I have to say either Goonies or Adventures in Babysitting….from my early teen years!!
And I too have had the same incident with the coffee maker…not the best of my mornings!

robyn - do I really have to pick just one movie?! i really enjoyed the blind side and the proposal!

Angie - Hi Meg, I’ve just been introduced to your blog and I’m enjoying it so much! Favorite movie is American President…love Annette Bening.

Brandi M - My favorite all time movie would be “Gone With The Wind.” Sigh….southern beauty, charm, resilience. LOVE the book too!!
I so would love to get a necklace with all of my kid’s names on it–I love The Vintage Pearl!!

j.j. - The Princess Bride, for sure!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - Favorite movie of all time!!?? This is seriously a question I can NEVER answer! I heart movies – so much so that I can’t just pick ONE – one that I’ve enjoyed lately is Dan in Real life – just a feel good flick!
Great give-away!

Brooke - Although my husband teases me about watching Jane Austen flicks all the time, I have to say my all time favorite is Wayne’s World…what’s not to love!

Jennifer - How beautiful!
My favourite movie is A Walk on the Moon. Great Movie, Great Music. What more could you ask for.

Suzanne Green - Wow…favorite movie…right now it is probably Waterboy w/ Adam Sandler. Makes me laugh everytime I see it! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

JESSICA - I love The Wizard of Oz. So many different lessons in that movie 🙂

Robyn - Oh that is a tough one, Pride & prejudice or A lot like Love…..
could watch either every weekend!
Cute cute stuff.

Jen Adkins - I can’t pick just one…
P.S. I Love You (although I heard that the book is better than the movie, and I really did try and read it, but couldn’t get into it. Really.) and Old School. Will Ferrell and Luke Wilson…both in one movie.
I need one of those necklaces. Need.

Anne - One of my favorites? Singles – so many hilarious, quotable lines and an awesome soundtrack.

Erica - favorites are so difficult for me.
“Fried Green Tomatoes”
I’ll go with that!
hope I win!

Joy Fisher - “Clue: The Movie” (the original), hands down. And nobody will watch it with me anymore because I CANNOT stop repeating every line verbatim. But, you know, I love it. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs, every cook will tell you that. But look what happened to the cook! (in the kitchen, with the dagger.)

Anita - My favorite movie is also my favorite book…Pride and Prejudice. I am obsessed with the A & E version but the Keira Knightly version is great too!

Jermaine Dillon - I LOVE her jewelry too, so fun! Now that I can’t get Elf off my brain, that is definitely one of my most watched movies, around Christmas or otherwise!

Monica Williams - A Christmas Story is my all time favorite!

MGF - Say anything

Denise - “When Harry Met Sally”…everytime I’m flipping channels and see it, I have to stop and watch it!

Nicole - I always, always, ALWAYS go back to Dead Poets’ Society. Love.

jodi - lots of favorites, but the one i quote the most is you’ve got mail. “thank your” hilarious!
jodi in pa

Christy B - I love all different types of movies but the one that holds a spot in my soul is Auntie Mame w/Rosalind Russel – reminds me to not let life’s challenges to keep you down… something I’m hoping that I’m passing along to my children!

blu - Hi Meg- My fav movie of all time is “The Lost Boys”; you see I was a huge vampire fan before all of the Twilight extravaganza!! RIP Corey Haim 🙂

Anne K - The Little Mermaid! I could watch it over and over, but it is even better now that I can watch it with my niece!

Stephanie Janes - Love your site, and vintage pearl…
Well Its hard to pick a favorite, but the movie I quote all the time is either Emperors new groove, monty Python, Princess Bride or Young Frankenstien, depending who I happen to be with…. I know I have lots of Favorites.

Michelle - My favorite movie ever… the (original) Parent Trap with Haley Mills. I so wanted to be a separated twin that found their long lost mirror image at sleepaway camp when I was a little girl. It never gets old, even at thirty four.

michelle - I have trouble picking favorites…. E.T. or You’ve Gone Mail are right up there!

Rebecca - Oh, favorite movie is The Big Chill!
Love Erin’s designs!
Thanks for the great give-away!

Courtney McIlwain - I love love Sixteen Candles.

Erin Kirby - my faaaaaaaaaaavorite movie would have to be my best friends wedding. i know like every line!

Jess - I love the Vintage Pearl and my favorite movie EVER is Steel Magnolias!

Cameron Paneiko - all time fave: Steel Magnolias. love it, love it, love it.

carly winborne - only one movie? i can’t.
you’ve got mail
father of the bride
when harry met sally
i think i could pretty much quote most of these movies. and my husband makes so much fun of me for that very reason.
PS: my little LOVED the photos from the painted castle craft. we’ll be doing that this summer for sure!!

Angela - I’m a sucker for romance so I’d have to say An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.

Callie - Oh, I would L.O.V.E. to have one of her beautiful creations!!!! Such creative talent there! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Kathy - I love so many movies it’s hard to choose, but I’d have to say The Philadelphia Story with Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, and Jimmy Stewart. Perfection!

Shelly Primm - My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias. My friends call me “weezer”! 🙂

jennifer - I try not to pick favorites . . . but in the moment I could say Napoleon Dynamite.

jill - my favorite movie? big

Mandi - My favorite movie is The Holiday–it is the movie I watch with my 2 best friends when we are able to get together…one lives in Japan, the other about 3 hours away. It does happen often, but it is worth every second!
In the movie, it mentions 3 of the characters being the three amigo–what we call ourselves.
Total love.

amy jupin - this is so hard. just one? blech!
you’ve got mail
pride and prejudice (keira knightly only)
the sound of music
stealing home
it’s a wonderful life
so, so many!

Lisa Watson - Sound of Music. Love Julia Andrews! Love your blog too. HOpe I win!!!!!

Tiffany - When Harry Meet Sally…..classic!
Love your blog and the Vintage Pearl stuff is so beautiful.

mollie b. - Pearl Harbor…the new one. Love it.

Monika Wright - You’ve Got Mail is the best. To me.

kristi borden - Steel Magnolias!!!!!! I remember seeing it for the first time with my mom, and grandmother, I still cry every time I see it, It still will show up on Lifetime Network:)

Karey - P.S. I Love you. So so so sweet 🙂

Karen - One of my favorite movies of all times is Baby Boom. Love Diane Keaton. Great movie!!

alise - I love The Notebook………thanks for the chance to win!!!!

jillMN - seriously sweet stuff. wow. as to my favorite movie…oof. i can hardly pick one. actually i am not a huge movie buff. i prefer shows. i can hardly sit thru one movie but i can watch 3 or 4 shows in a row. yes, weird, i know. probably dirty dancing or my life in ruins or what a girl wants. they all make me smile. 🙂

Kylie - My all-time favorite movie is You’ve Got Mail. It is such a pretty movie…..her apartment in the city….her beautiful children’s book store. Oh, how I wish that book store existed! I think I could spend hours in there. Oh…and even Meg Ryan’s name….Kathleen Kelly…how cute is that?

seb - Fav movie…Remember the Titans!

Elizabeth Taylor - Thanks for the chance to win some amazing jewelry! My favorite movie is North By Northwest!

Crystal - Steel Magnolias…all time favorite!

Cindy Ashmore - The very best movie is “Overboard”. Great, great movie!!

Annie - My favorite movie is 27 Dresses. LOVE it!

Lana - I have lots!! But, Steel Magnolias for sure 🙂

Lin - Love it! Beautiful jewelry. I hope I win. Favorite movie – Coal Miner’s Daughter. It’s the only reason I still eat bologna (if you’ve seen it, you’ll understand).

Rachel - Great post. I’ve never done that with the coffee pot, but my department head at school has done it a few times. Coffee everywhere. We can’t help but laugh at him… and then help clean up.
Okay, back on topic. My favourite movie is the Sound of Music. I love to sing along, dorky as that may sound. It has good family memories for me too and those are in limited stock.
Love the jewelry. I would love to have a necklace with mine and my husband’s names on it. But then my OnlyChild might feel left out, so maybe we’d put her name on it too. 🙂

Misty C - how about Footloose…today it’s Footloose!!
and i love the necklaces and hope to have one very soon!

Katie - Fiddler on the Roof. The music is beautiful and the story is compelling.

Lindsay - Girls Just Want to Have Fun… all.time.favorite. Why?! It was “the stars” before they were stars (Helen Hunt, Sarah Jessica Parker, Shannen Dougherty) in a movie about one of my favorite things- dancing. Silly, girly, and all about dance.

Tonya - If I want to bawl I go for Hope Floats.

megan c. - Oh, to choose a favorite movie! I have so many favorites, but I will say that “Dirty Dancing” is a favorite and “Away We Go”…so heart-breakingly beautiful! Thanks so much!!!

Mindy Wise - Love Love Love Baby Boom. My husband makes fun of me for it.

Laura Weiskopff - My favorite movie is the Notebook. I hope my husband and I have the same connection they did. The way they loved each other through everything.

Stephanie - I love Casino Royale! Daniel Craig is so cute!

Jennifer - My favorite movie is “Indiana Jones – Raiders of the lost ark”. I love this movie and never get tired of it! Every Mother’s Day I have my kids watch it with me – it’s sorta become a ritual. Harrison Ford is so “Hot” in those movies!!!!

kristiina - I can always watch the Bourne Identity trilogy….good times 🙂

Cathy Yoder - Tommy Boy by far is my favorite movie!! So many good quotes. I just watched last week and it still makes me laugh!

Meg G - Pride & Prejudice. (And Elf at Christmas.)

Danielle - The new Pride and Prejudice. I’ve only watched it fifty gazillion times. Actually, that sounds like a nice Monday evening activity as the husband is at work tonight.

Dawn - Right now I am loving It’s Complicated….watched it twice this weekend but all time favorite is How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days.

Megan McCulloch - my favorite movie of all time is remember the titans. i think it has a great story that people need to be reminded of.

Jenni Carlisle - Les Miserables because I LOVE the play, and studied theater in high school and college! And theeeennnn, I love gushy Chick Flick’s…Dirty Dancing most…I may never admit that to my daughter, so mum’s the word. PS Don’t put baby in the corner!

Molly - Almost Famous! Love Love Love that movie. I wish I could be Penny Lane! 🙂

Amy Harle - Well, it’s a tie between Notting Hill and Mean Girls. I will watch either one anytime 🙂

Tamra - how do I pick just one? The Three Musketeers (with chris o’donnell) and While you Were Sleeping because I watched them all the time with my mom, The Princess Bride because we watched it over and over and over as teenagers, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off because I watched them with my sisters and Firefly because my hubby and I had watched the tv series together and then the movie.

Tracy S. - I’m a dork — “The Money Pit” with Tom Hanks.

Kristin - Love The Notebook – over and over again.

Cindy/ clickhappy - nod to What about Bob but my fav is a small movie called Unstrung heros. awesome. Love the keyring for dads.

Stina - I LOVE her shop! I have one picked out for when we have our next kiddo.
FAvorite movie? That is a toughie! I, too, love Elf. Didn’t the first time and fell in love with it the second time. I cry at the end, too, which is crazy since we don’t even do Santa in our house. lol.
Okay, I’ll just go with Pride & Prejudice. Any version because, lets face it, they all remind me of the book and I looooove the book!

Patty - Love Shawshank Redemption!

Heather - Wow, favorite movie is so hard!! I have always loved “Fried Green Tomatoes”, since I was a kid…
…but my CURRENT favorite movie is “The Hangover”!!!!! I sing the “what do tigers dream of?” song just about every day. And the Phil Collins song, with Mike Tyson air drumming. Of course. A dear friend just gave it to me for my birthday last week, so now I can watch it whenever I want!

Cindy - Favorite movie…Grease!!!
Lovely stuff…hope I win!!!:)
Enjoy the night

Laura - Wow, Megan! Over 700 comments already! I plan to skim through all of them looking for movies to add to the queue. How do you choose only one? One of my favorites is “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

Rachel - Favorite movie of all time is…. The Karate Kid!! 🙂

anna - Hi Meg!
my fave is the family stone – ohh the tears at christmas and just makes you love your family

Nicole Barker - You’ve Got Mail of course. I met my husband of 9 years online so it holds a special place in my heart. Plus Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are fabulous actors.

Megan Kohlman - Saved!

NieleMichelle - Two words…THE GOONIES.

erin - Favorite movie – Forest Gump!

Christina - watching kids movies has become the only movies I am ever able to watch so with that said probably…..Finding Nemo or Cars.

maria - Favorite movie – IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE! I love that movie!!

Katie - Favorite – hmmmmm. The proposal has my vote – love a sappy love story!

Lora - WOW….. 703 comments. Do I have a chance?? Anyway… I love Hope Floats. That jewelry is so so cute!!

anne c - MARY POPPINS! “Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!” 🙂

Christy Henderson - Love Erins shop! I love the bracelet with the flower. I visited her blog and left her a comment.

Twighla - I change favorite movies every couple of years, but Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium is awesome and helps me remember to love the little things in life!

angie - so glad that i’ve found your blog… so full of good ideas and the “realness” of life…. and hmmm… favorite movie… i LOVE say anything….

CAROL B - sweet home alabama…my most fav ever!!

Lisa M - My favourite movie is Mr. Holland’s Opus! Love it so much! It is such a wonderful movie about caring teachers.

Brandi - i loooooove now and then!

Carla - Favorite movie…Drop Dead Fred. Funny, silly, a little dark and totally 80’s!

Beth - I love Somewhere In Time!!!!

Caitlin Baker - I think my favorite movie has got to be “Love Actually”.

Katie Hammerschmidt - I shouldn’t admit this….BUT….
We love “Dumb and Dumber” around my house.
It’s a considered a classic, right?

nicky - picking just one favorite is so tough! i’d say little women w/winona ryder and christian bale (swoon!). don’t worry, my hubby is okay with my bale crush 🙂

Christy Henderson - whoa awesome giveaway! My favorite movie is Urban Cowboy !
dorkie I know., Something about a cowboy love story gets my everytime.

Deidre Walker - My favorite movie of all time is Annie…love the music and the take-away of how a child should be admired, loved and revered by whomever they call “mom” or “dad”.

Rachael B - My favorite movie of all time is The Illusionist! My mom gave it to me as a gift for valentine’s day two years ago and it has been my favorite ever since!

Shelley Paden - Hands down for my little family is FIREPROOF with Kirk Cameron. We were very reluctant to go see it as we were having a rough patch in our 16 year marriage due to financial stressess. But…I felt like God was calling us to be brave and go. So..I got a sitter for our boy, made reservations at Jack In the Box (insert laughter)and when he came home from work I surprised him with our first date night in 18 months. That night changed our marriage forever. The movie simply convicted both of us and that night we asked God to make our marriage like it was in the early days where we worked at showing each other daily how much we loved each other. I can truly tell you that today I feel like I have a CRUSH on my man…he and I both make serving one another instaed of expecting or complaining about what we feel dissapointed in each other about…the stuff that when you really look at it is quite stupid, selfish and temporal.Ig we were to win the gift certificate, I would have a piece that says FIREPROOF as a daily reminder of how much I adore my husband and that we went through the fire and made it through to the other side with God’s help and cutie patootie Kirk Cameron too….God Bless!!!

Cris Marsh - The DaVinci Code would be my favorite, but Elf and Christmas Vacation would be close second and third.

Amanda Larkins - My favorite movie is Seven. I love horror/suspense movies and Brad Pitt doesn’t hurt either! Love your blog!

Stefanie - National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, of course 🙂

Laura Phelps - THE FAMILY MAN

Alison - Something’s Gotta Give! Excellent movie!

misty - This is a hard one… But I would have to say my favourite movie of all time is Amelie.

Dawn Randall - Lot’s of favorites! The Sound of Music, Rear Window, LA Confidential are the best! Love your blog!

Lisa K - Really? Just one favorite movie?? I have always loved Steel Magnolias. But I also love Moulin Rouge. And now that I’ve finally seen Antwone Fisher – oh my. What about The Patriot – that’s a great one!! Meet the Parents? Date Night? Pretty Woman? Dirty Dancing? Footloose? I’ve always thought you were so nice, Megan. But now I’m not so sure. How can I pick just one?
I know I’ll feel the same way about choosing something in Erin’s shop.

Lauren - Donnie Darko! It’s a little out there but I can watch it over and over again and learn something new every time. Plus Jake Gyllenhaal is pretty adorable:)
I love the vintage pearl! I gave my nephew one of their adorable personalized baby spoons for his baptism and the whole family swooned. Such a great keepsake.

Margo - I would have to say Days of Thunder – I came from a racing family and I have seen it a gazillion times, but then there is also the move Six Pack an old Kenny Rogers racing movie that my cousins and watched a gazillion times with our favorite uncle!

Lisa - The Notebook. It makes me cry every time I watch it!

Sarah - Wow! Only one favorite?…..hmmm I think it has to be Pretty in Pink, you know, the 80’s movie with molly ringwald! I LOVED all of her 80’s movies, but I just loved pretty in pink and how she made her dress…..Ahhh….those were the best!

Lisa - The Matrix. I have no idea why, I don’t like any other movie of that style, but the smartness of the plot draws me in.

jami - I’ve done that with the coffee machine more than once, and I’m sure I’ll do it in the future. Multi-tasking is not always a good thing.
Favorite movie…hard to say, but “In America” is definitely in my top five. Just love that sweet little family. And everything sounds better with an Irish accent.

Martina - hey Michelle B.! I love “What about Bob” as well! I love byby steps lol But actually this movie is much better with czech dubbling. Very very good 🙂

Rebecca Hall - love your blog. i’m a true southern girl, so my favorite movie of all time is “gone with the wind”

Jessica - Favorite movie to quote: Office Space
Favorite “I need a big cry” movie: Steel Magnolias
Favorite action movie: The Matrix
Favorite movie of all time: I’m embarrassed to admit it but Bridget Jone’s Diary….

Secret Mom Thoughts - My favorite movie is Good Will Hunting.

Jill - My favorite movie is Sleepless in Seattle. I always thought they should do a sequel. You just can’t top Hanks & Ryan!

Martina - French kiss (1995)

Annie Myers - For me,it has to be Truly, Madly, Deeply. Directed by Anthony Minghellaand starring Juliet Stevenson. Love it.

Four Flights - Forrest Gump. It gets me EVERY time!

Beth - Ummmm, my favorite movie is “Crimes of the Heart” with Diane Keaton, Jessica Lange, and Sissy Spacek. It’s dark humor at it’s best. I have it (in VHS LOL) if you want to borrow it.

Jody M - Hands down best movie ever …”Gone With the Wind”

Amy D - love the jewelry! favorite movie…pride and prejudice

natalie - im always so bad at this game bc i have so many…but i have to say a front runner is dirty dancing 🙂

Charli - I feel really embarrassed about this, but I love Fever Pitch. It just gets me every time!

katie - Disney movie flash

Kari - It’s a Wonderful Life–perfection!

FeFe - My favorite movie is “She’s All That”. And WOW! Those necklaces are awesome!

Shann - Handsdown…best movie…..You’ve Got Mail. Love Love Love it! 🙂

emily - i can’t decide, i have wayyy too many.
i love breakfast at tiffany’s.
i love up.
i can say every line & sing every song in rent.
& i love the boondock saints. & fight club.
weird mix, i know, but i can’t pick just one!

Amy - The ‘Burbs with Tom Hank…Freakin’ classic, man!

Jamie - It’s so hard to pick just one! How about Three Amigos. That’s my favorite today. It will probably change tomorrow. 🙂

Bonnie - Notting Hill and Bridget Jones Diary!

Julie - Oh man… I was coming here to tell you about some rainbow paper plates I saw at Target that I think you must have for your rainbow cake and here you are giving away a $75 cert to Vintage Pearl. Who’s the luck one now? I was shopping there just yesterday thinking… I really wish I could buy that for my mom for her birthday. 15% off will help me do that. YAY!!
Okay, so favorite movie… there are so many that I LOVE. It is hard to narrow it down to that ONE movie that is BETTER than the rest. I am going to say Tommy Boy. It has never failed to make me laugh AND it is a movie I can sit down and watch with my hubby. There aren’t many movies that we will both sit down and watch over and over… together. 🙂 Tommy Boy is one of those. So is Uncle Buck. I’d say it comes in a at a close 2nd.

Karen - love this post today- love reading how much you love your hubby- inspires me to keep loving mine even more than I already do! My favorite movie of all time is Anne of Green Gables- I don’t care if that seems lame- it’s one of the only movies I can still see over and over again and not get bored. I think it just brings back a lot of good childhood memories for me. Hoping I win as I adore Erin’s stuff and would love to proudly wear my kiddos names!

Michelle - My favorite movie is Good Will Hunting… do you like them apples? =)

Kim K. - The Proposal. Love that movie! (I can also watch Napoleon Dynamite over and over 🙂

MaryAZ - “The Quiet Man” W/ John Wayne….I don’t usually like his movies, but this one is set in Ireland & I watch it every St. Patrick’s Day. It makes me laugh & cry & want to travel over there to learn some family history!

Jennifer - Princess Bride! Never gets old.

Alex - Sense and Sensibility, directed by Ang Lee.

pambuller - Return to Me. 🙂

Emily - Fave movie is Little Women…old school with Elizabeth Taylor

Trena McNulty - A Walk to Remember…I don’t think I will ever be able to watch it without crying my eyes out!

Sara W - Can’t Buy Me Love – I think my sisters and I have watched it about a bajillion times.

patti - one of my all-time favorite movies is Breakfast at Tiffany’s – i just get lost in that movie.

katie - school of rock!

elz - Tough one, I don’t have one favorite, I have a list- The Princess Bride, The Mummy, Sweet Home Alabama, Pride & Prejudice, Legally Blonde, The Proposal, The Notebook, The Sound of Music, and White Christmas. If any of those movies are on tv, I have to watch the entire movie and will quote it back word.for.word.

Brooke Whitis - 637 comments? WHOA! You are a rockstar!!! 🙂 My favorite movie…that it SUPER tough. At Christmas? ELF. During the year? Dumb and Dumber? Anchorman? I really like a good laugh!

Lori - Father of the Bride. Love George Banks!

meredith - i have lots of favorites! but my top are sweet home alabama and field of dreams. 🙂

shannon stinson - i am new to reading your blog…and btw, i love your home! sent over from “pleated poppy”!
one of my fave’s is “when harry met sally”! i have many that i love…but for today, we will say that one!

Kirsten - How to choose just one?!?!? and how would I choose how to spend a gift certificate if I won!??!? Love Actually. Or Aliens. Or Elf. No…just about every movie everyone has listed here. Except for Raising Arizona. Holly Hunter is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Lauren - I hate to pick a typical girl movie, but Pride & Prejudice will probably always be my favorite–the music, the scenery, Mr. Darcy….mm, so good! I’ve long lost track of how many times I’ve seen it 🙂
This jewelry is absolutely lovely!

EliAsh - Grumpy Old Men for belly laughs galore! I am going to put the kids to bed early tonight so we can have a Monday movie night.

Arielle - So hard to choose, but probably Father of the Bride. As the daughter of a single father, it makes me laugh AND cry hysterically…so many emotions rolled into one plot! I love the scene at the dining room table where he’s picturing Annie in pigtails saying, “Dad, I met a man in Rome, and he’s wonderful, and brilliant, and we’re getting married.”

Simies - I love The Vintage Pearl! And my favourite film is an old one – Dirty Dancing!

Kelly - Goodness. My favorite movie OF ALL TIME?! That’s tough. I love movies. My most recent fav was “After the Wedding” with Mads Mikkelson. Twists, turns and generosity at its greatest.

Amy - Dang, I forgot to say my favorite movie….it’s The Big Lebowski.
But, I gotta say, Tommy Boy is one I know by heart.

Amy - First I just have to say that I just did that with my coffee pot THIS MORNING..while wearing MY vintage pearl bitty blossoms necklace…oh wow.
I love your dad’s day gift. I would love to get something for my hubs. Although it won’t make it for dad’s day…he’ll get the idea.
Thank you for the opportunity.

martha beltran - fried green tomatoes … excelent !

Kelly - Dirty Dancing is my favorite movie.

Suzette - Spanglish….I love that movie so much. I have yet to find anyone else who agrees, but for some reason that movie speaks to me. I am gonna go watch it right now!


Krys - Oh I have several, but I love Pride & Prejudice (Colin Firth version) b/c hubby asks for it more than I do and it’s one of the only one movies I’ll watch more than once.
Love the Vintage Pearl jewelry and thank you!!

Cara L - i love my best friends wedding! - Ohhh…my favorite movie is The Labyrinth….or Aliens. Kind of different ends of the spectrum, eh? 🙂

Alicia - To Kill A Mockingbird

Jennifer - Power of One!

Kelli - It has to be Wayne’s World! I think I have the whole movie memorized! Pathetic huh?!?

Tara - I watched Sixteen Candles too many times to count….so I’d say it’s my favorite VINTAGE movie since we’re trying to win something from Vintage Pearl….

Jessi - “The Cutting Edge” (the original) is my all time favorite movie with “Just Married” following closely behind.
BTW, LOVE Mr. Craig’s Father’s Day gift! I will definitely have to remember that when we’re done adding to the family. 😉

Laurel - My favorite movie is Return to Me – cheesy, but I love it!

Iowagirl - So many to choose from … I love Hope Floats as my backup to throw in, so will say that today. 🙂

jamie - i have a few favorite movies. but the one i watched most recently was {message in a bottle}. and there is {you’ve got mail}{under the tuscan sun}….

myrnie - How do I choose? Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Pride and Prejudice (both.) Spirited Away. Hello Dolly. But if I had to pick one….Firth/Ehle’s Pride and Prejudice 🙂

Andrea B. - I LOVE Facing the Giants sooo uplifting for my kids.. LOVE IT!

deb - National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation…my husband and I are both orginally from KS so we love when the crazy KS family shows up. We watch that movie every Christmas and laugh like it’s the first time.

Jen - My favorite is White Christmas because we watch it every December and it never gets old!

Beth Wells - Elf is a good one! My current favorite movie is 500 Days of Summer. 🙂

Maggie - To Kill a Mockingbird

Jordan - I’d have to say The Sound of Music. I was five the first time I saw it, and I’ve loved it ever since. I even went on the Sound of Music tour in Salzburg!

Lois Victoria - All time favorite movie? Almost Famous. No contest, I love it. The “Penny Lane” scene is my favorite!

Ayca - My favorite movie is “Love Actually” and I watch it every Valetine’s Day!!!

Kate B - The Notebook is wonderful. Makes me cry every time!

Amy - Definitely going with Sound of Music or anything with Audrey Hepburn!

Angela Carter - A favorite movie of all time is like picking your favorite ice cream…nearly impossible.
So, I say on the spot my fav is “Where the Heart Is” where the baby is born inside Wal.Mart.
I love, love, love your blog and that meg&craig necklace is adorable!

sara's art house - My favorite movie is the notebook. HOPE I win! 🙂 Love your “Meg & Craig” necklace- how cute that you rhyme 🙂

Courtney - Breakfast at Tiffany’s…oh love love love it!!!

Kelly Pate - Steel Magnolias….Amazing!

Kathy T - Sixteen Candles. I’ve seen it so many times I can recite most of the lines. A close second place goes to the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice (with Colin Firth). Haven’t seen it quite as many times, but that’s cuz it’s 5 hours long. But soooooooooooo romantic!

Janae D - Without a doubt… While You Were Sleeping. Sigh….

Kate - Oh goodness, that is a really really hard question, because I love watching movies! I guess Tootsie is one of my all time favorites – I never tire of watching it, and it still makes me giggle..every time.

kari Kim - Say Anything! John Cusack with the radio blaring Peter Gabriel, what could be better?

kari Kim - Say Anything! John Cusack with the radio blaring Peter Gabriel, what could be better?

Mary Beth - The Breakfast Club

Sarah K - Best movie of all time…Dirty Dancing. I can watch that movie over and over! Love it.

Lindsay - Pride and Prejudice is my fav! 😀

Elizabeth - Sleepless in Seattle. . . the only movie I can watch time and time again!

Wendy B - Definitely The Wizard of Oz!! 🙂

Patricia - Fav movie of all time? My Big Fat Greek Wedding. LOVE it!! 🙂

Angela Miller - Ever? Of all time? Hmmm….Heathers!!!!

Daniela - don’t laugh – dirty dancing 🙂

Amy - My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption. Never lose hope.

Amy C de M - My favorite movie is The Graduate! Completely flawless!

Beth H - My Favorite Movie is Overboard… we watch it on rainy camping days!!

Kristin M - My favorite is “The Sound of Music” – corny I know but I love to watch it!

Kacey - Probably “Love Actually”. Or “Dirty Dancing”. Or “Top Gun”. I give up – I can’t pick. 🙂

stacey - Persuation – not the newer version.

Sally Mangham - I love French Kiss!

Rachel - Shawshank Redemption or Steel Magnolias depending on my mood. I CANNOT choose between the two! 🙂

Laura - favorite movie of all times-sweet home alabama-love everything about it. thanks for this great giveaway!!!

Beth - love the key chain. Fav movie…beautiful girls.

Sheena Richmond - It’s a total chick flick…and I’ve seen it a kzillion times, but YOU’VE GOT MAIL is a fav for sure. Meg Ryan is just so cute!

Beth - The Lost Boys–edited version. Whenever I see it, I feel like I’m 13 all over again! I LOVE your blog and read it almost everyday. You inspire me to make every day special with my children. We are on year #2 of the summer list. Thanks for all that you do!

Jessica - The Notebook!! LOVE it!!

Meredith - Pretty Woman or Steel Magnolias…hard to say which is my most favorite! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Tami - Mary Poppins!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - “Sweet Nibblets!” 570 comments already?
I think ‘our’ Meg is now the next PW!!!
Favorite movie? TOMBSTONE- my Superman of a husband took me to see it on our first real date. And it’s why our 2nd son is named Wyatt.

N. - My favourite movie would have to be The Matrix. I know, I know, it’s corny as all get out, but the action scenes are pretty thrilling. 😀

Quinn - My favourite movie has to be Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Shannon - I love Steel Magnolias. Can watch it a hundred times and not get tired of it.

bopha - Happy Gilmore!!! I went to my happy place during labor and it literally made me crack up laughing.

Betsey - Love the Vintage Pearl! And, I love The Sound of Music…favorite movie ever…

Staci - OH man that is hard 🙂 But I must go with “You’ve Got Mail”. Have to watch it every.single.time. I see it when I am channel surfing 😉 Thanks for the opportunity Meg 🙂 And now, I’m gonna go check out the other people….our internet JUST came back on….we’ve had flooding ALLLLL day here in OK 🙂 Need a boat 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Sound of Music

Carrie - My favorite movie is “You’ve Got Mail”. I looove it! Fall, New York City, books, cute apartments – what’s not to love?!?

Jessica - Top Gun? It is a corny answer, but so many memories go with it and I have a weakness for hot guys.

Terri - My favorite is the new Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly. The scenery is beautiful and my daughter and I love to watch it on a rainy day.

carmela hershey - Too many “favorites” but LOVE the Father of the Bride…great giveaway!!!

Sophie - Hmmmm… My favourite movie of all time probably has to be ’10 Things I Hate About You’. I got a thing for Heath Ledger and in my opinion, this movie was him at his best (:

Hollie - So many to choose from but Hitch is mine and my husbands favorite movie together!

Kirsten Dehmlow - Oh – it is hard to pick my favorite movie – but I think it has to be Anne of Green Gables. I always wanted to live on Prince Edward Island.

Liz Friesen - I love the movie Up. I know it’s for kids, but it sure spoke to me on an adult level about treasuring my marriage.

Mae Cee - My favorite movie is most definitely Little Miss. Sunshine 🙂 I love it. Just like I love this blog. <3

Becky - favorite movie = The Burbs!

Amanda - Stand By Me. Classic. Also 5 dollars at Target right now. 🙂

Jennifer O'Steen - My favorite movie of all time is Girl Interrupted. It features so many amazing actresses and their roles are amazing. I am a psychology major, so that movie is amazing to me!

Irene - My fav is the Sound of Music – think I have seen it about 200 times! I swear it is my guide to life…

Karen - My newest favorite is Mama Mia cause it is just fun and I am old and can relate to the music!
Meg, I am a relative “newbie” to your blog and am so enjoying reading it as well on catching up with all your old posts. Keep up the excellent work!

linda lou - It will be “Sex in the City” as a woman we all come and can live thru these ladies at one time or another(:): happy or sad at times but that’s life…………Blessings,

Logan - I loved “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe”. Why that movie, above all others, is my favorite, I don’t know, but it is the one that sticks out in my mind. And I’ve only ever seen it twice, but still it is my favorite!!

K'Ann Dorris - I would have to say Dirty Dancing! Without a doubt!

Sarah T - The Sound of Music or Bounce. I can’t pick just one 🙂

Lora - Hmmm…favorite movie would have to be Life Is Beautiful. Use to show it to my students (high school) and cry, every class, every time. Love your blog and covet the Vintage Pearl items.

Deanna Hunt - The Blindside is my all time favorite movie. May just watch it again this week! =)

MomBE - Can’t Buy Me love, the early McDreamy days!!!! I always wanted to be Cindy Mancenni!

Thea - WOW! First, I must say over 500 comments! WHEW! Next,your love for your hubby is simply adorable. God Bless you both! My favorite movie as of late has been: “Return to Me”…with David Duchovny and Minnie Driver. I watch it while I scrapbook! LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Vintage Pearl!

Linda Johnston - OK it is a hard choice but I love classic movies so I think I have to go with It’s a wonderful Life or Singing in the Rain.

Beth W. from Dirty Laundry - The necklaces are gorgeous, I am heading there next. My favorite movie of all time? “When Harry Met Sally”!

Julie - I bought a necklace from her when you had your africa ads up!! 🙂 love it. I would LOVE another one and I think I found the gift for my absolutely impossible father in law! 🙂 My favorite movie of all time is the NOTEBOOK!!

Nikki - Erm….I would say ‘One Special Night’ with Julie Andrews.x

Amy - Princess Bride 🙂

Maggie - my favorite movie is ‘all the real girls’. paul schneider and zooey deschanel? lovely.

rachel p - Oh boy … I can’t pick just one. But the first one that comes to mind is Finding Neverland. I love the story of peter pan, and this movie was such a cool twist 🙂

Susan - I love Return to Me.

Christy - My favorite movie is anything that isn’t animated since that’s mostly what I’ve seen in the last 15 yrs!

Dayna - My favorite movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Or Amelie. I can’t choose one!

Aimee - My favorite movie is Pretty Woman!!!!

Liliana - I am “love-nut” I love the idea of being in love & any story behind it. So, natuarally for me….I just love the movie “The Notebook”!!

Katie - I love Waking Ned Devine. Or The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain. Or The Spanish Prisoner. Those pretty much tell you the last time I actually had a moment to enjoy a movie!

sherry - Catch and Release…not many liked it, but for some reason, I loved it. I LOVE vintage pearl. Love it.

tracy - Hi Meg. I think my favourite movie is Forest Gump. I believe that life is like a box of chocolates!!!

Jamie - My favorite movie is Napoleon Dynamite – I watch it with my daughter all the time – she has it memorized!!!

jessica - hands down- The Parent Trap…old school Haley Mills style!

Alyssa Barnes - Definitely the American President…I can recite every word!

Lisa - Rain Man! Love this jewelry!!

Joanne Beaulieu - I love The Goodbye Girl

jenn - Um…BANDITS. Yep. Hands down. Especially the singing/kitchen cooking scene.

Julie - My favorite movie of all time has go to be Pretty Woman… Love that movie!!

Sara M - the original Star Wars

sarah/book bounf bindery - star wars. my boys will sit and watch that one with me! 🙂

Beth - we are movie monsters. we devour them before lunch on rainy summer days and snowy nights. too many to choose, but here are a few of my favs:
1. Elf…it is one of the only PG movies that I can watch w/my kids. They can quote just about the whole movie.
2. White Christmas…which I always watch on the day of the 1st snow fall of the season.
3. anything w/John Cusack, Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer…the list could go on.

Pam Bray - One of my favorites would be “Man In Black” but there are so many. I love Erin’s work and will definitely visit her shop. Thanks!

Leigh Ann - The Wedding Singer!

Kasey - My favorite movie of all time is Rudy. I’m not a sports person at all, but that movie makes me cry every single time I watch it.

Erika - “Once”! It’s the best. See it if you haven’t.

Melissa Connor - Say Anything! Love that movie.

katie - “Oh honey, laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.” Steel Magnolias is my hands-down favorite. - Return to Oz or White Oleander.
Devil’s Rejects is my favorite gorefest.

Liz - My all time favorite movie is Braveheart. It doesn’t matter what mood I’m in, if I’m flipping channels and I come across it, I have to watch it.

Amber Ferrier - I have sooo many fav’s so I guess I’ll go with the one I’ve watched the most times. The Goonies, love, love, love that movie.

Meaghan - Family Man with Nicholas Cage is my favorite movie ever.
(And I have to say ELF is way up there on my list, too!)

Carrie - My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias. Me and my best girl friends use to play “Truvies beauty shop” with fake southern accents and all. Too cute!

Lorie Yoder - My favorite movie of all time. Probably Elf or Rat Race. They both make me laugh so hard I could pee my pants. Funny movies do it for this family!

melissa - Grease-hands down! Love your blog Meg!

Erin - What About Bob? — It’s a silly one but can’t help but love it!

Cindy - Oh lots of movie favorites, but the one I keep coming back to is “While You Were Sleeping”

Tracy Fisher - by the way… please excuse my spelling errors (due to not enough coffee in my for our last week of school)… I meant to say “guy” and I typed “buy” in my last comment. Either way… you must watch The Gift with your husband and children!

Becky - Pride and Prejudice!

Rebekah W. - Favorite movie of all time would be Gone With the Wind.

Tracy Fisher - Favorite movie is About Last Night… when Demi Moore’s friend meets her at the spa and feels so left out because she has a new boyfriend. You just “get it” when you see that scene. And a close second is called The Gift… about a buy that has to earn his inherritance and ends up learning about life in the meantime… a must rent! And by the way, I love the jewelry!!!!!

Shelly DeBoer - Oh my… so many movie favorites… if I go way way back to my junior high days I loved American Anthemn with Mitch Gaylord… whatever happened to him anyway?
Elf will always be my Christmas favorite… love the scene where he lists candy and syrups etc. as the major food groups… I can sure relate to that!

Pam Bray - One of my favorite movies would be “Man In Black” but there are so many. I love Erin’s work and will definitely visit her shop. Thanks!

mel - i have several favorites, but one of mine, hubby’s and siblings’ fave is napoleon dynamite! love it! we quote it all the time. *lucky.* 😀

Sara Taylor - Best movie of all time… hum… I’d have to go with Gone with the Wind. The dresses! The sass! The scenery!

Jeanelle - Pride and Prejudice (the Keira Knightley version.) I could watch that movie every single day (and have for two week periods, in fact.) It’s my total happy place movie.

Sandy (Your Life, Organized - Ok this is a very hard one for me! I have 3 favs!! 16 Candles, Ever After and Never Been Kissed!
I do have to tell you that we have the coffee maker that does one cup at a time and more than once I have stated it and walked away with no cup under it! Only to find that my coffee was all over!!! Not one time but three or four times LOL!!
Check out our early customer specials!

Marcie C. - Favorite movie = You’ve Got Mail. I love Meg Ryan’s quirky personality in it!
Love the keychain idea for Father’s Day!!!

Tiffany - Forrest Gump, hands down. I just love the message of the movie and how it makes you go through the whole range of emotions. It never get old to me. But “Blind Side” is a close second, for the same reasons!

Stephanie - The original “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory”…

Georgia - I Love Moulin Rouge, so romantic plus i can sing along to it!!

Dana@Bungalow'56 - One of my favourite movies was with Will Ferrell but I’ve forgotten the name. He is living the life of a character in a book that is not yet finished. Do you remember the name? Anyway, it was a really good movie.

erin - favorite movie of all time? that’s a really hard one. i can tell you that my favorite movie of late is talladega nights. i think that’s only because of my four month old, who (much like ricky bobby) has no idea what to do with her hands!


Erin M - When Harry met Sally…my favorite movie and such a classic. I love when the couples talk about meeting each other on the couch. My favorite quote is “I knew…like you know about a good melon” in reference to knowing you are going to get married to someone. I just love that…b/c it is so true…

Regina - Hands down….Pretty Woman. Thanks to both of you for offering such a fab giveaway!

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five - Meg … your posts always make me smile. And chuckle.
I just picked up Steel Magnolias at Target for $5 and I was so excited. Nothing like a good tearjerker. So I guess that’s my latest favorite. Though I do love Buddy the Elf at Christmastime.
Hope you’re having a great day! We’re starting our weekly crafting this week now that school’s almost out. The kids want to make Eric Carle-inspired books. So we’ll be making some fun paper for that on Thursday. Here’s hoping “The Very Lonely Lobster” turns out well. Yep. We live in Maine.

Angie - I love the movie Shag.

Jana - I love 16 Candles. It makes me think of my teenage years. And I still love Jake Ryan for loving the dorky girl. Pick me, oh random selector…I never win anything!

Michelle Whitlow - oh how I just love all of those!!! I really think I need to head over there and get something 😉
Hmmm….favorite movie of all time. That’s a hard one!! Love A Christmas Story, Sixteen Candles, The Ugly Truth, Pulp Fiction… oh yeah, I’m all over the place with the movies I like!

Kelly - Julie & Julia. or The Thomas Crown Affair.

Jess - As of two weeks ago, I have a NEW favorite movie…Letters to Juliet.

jennibell - I have one of those beautiful necklaces. . .and would love another one!!! My favorite movie, hands’ down, When Harry Met Sally.

Shelly - Coal Miner’s Daughter

Stephanie - My favorite movie is “It’s A Wonderful Life.” So many lessons in this movie. AND a happy ending.

Wendy - I’m crazy about You’ve Got Mail. Oh, and Erin’s jewelry. I would LOVE a necklace with my name and hubby’s. Sigh ✿◕‿◕✿

Steffi - my favourite, favourite movie is Almost Famous. Just love it!

Rebecca - i watch the movie somethings gotta give whenever its on…i even have the dvd and the photos of the house saved in my favorites file…somethin about that film is stuck with me…

Tonya @ More Than Enough - My people quote movies all.the.time! Some of our favorite quotables are Elf, Nacho Libre and Napolean Dynamite….I’m totally laughing thinking about my 6yr old quoting movies in character! My favorite movie is probably Beaches or Steel Magnolias.
I love the key chain for Craig….he’ll love it for sure!

Kristin - LOVE LOVE LOVE the movie Grease (although I think it may be tied with Dirty Dancing) (and also La Bamba)….hmm….maybe I don’t really have a favorite!

JJ - I just did a post about my favorite Before Netflix movies–ya know, the VHS kind 🙂
My favorite of ALL time—wow thats tough. Bridget Jones Diary 🙂

Michelle - I have a ton of favorite movies….If I had to pick one…. I’d say The Notebook.

Michele T - My favorite movie of all time…that’s a toughie because there are so many. It’s probably Sixteen Candles. I can watch that movie over and over and never get tired of it. It is just as funny now as it was when I was 13. 🙂 John Hughes was brilliant!

Ana - Last of the Mohicans- it was the movie my husband and I watched on our first date..

Amy - tough one . . . there are so many.
billy madison.
love actually.
shawshank redemption.
i quote way more than i should!

danelle - I’m not one to remember lines from movies. My memory isn’t that good. MY favorite movie of all time is Grease.
John Travolta is so dreamy in that movie. It gets me everytime! I love the music and dancing. Ahhhh….love that movie.

Jen - My favorite movie that I can watch over and over again is “You’ve Got Mail”…sigh…. Just writing this makes me want to watch it right now.

Stacia - One Fine Day! 🙂

Nicole - Anything Jane Austen! – Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park… 🙂

Lisa - You’ve Got Mail! I have every line memorized!

Taryn - Shawshank Redemption is one of my favs. Can’t wait to see you soon!

Davendee - Oh my gosh-favorite of all time…has to be “Hoosiers”!!! I still remember being in the theatre and the entire theatre cheering and clapping!!! Still gives me an adrenaline rush 🙂 I sent you a message on Facebook…don’t think I’m a stalker LOL!!

Kelley - great post over on Life Rearranged!
favorite movie –> English Patient

Rebecca - Princess Bride!!

Julie H. - Definitely Nacho Libre! I can watch it over and over and it always makes me laugh out loud! It is also the most quoted movie at our house!

Kelsey - My fave movie would definetly be Dan in Real Life…so good!!!

Dana - The best movie of all time is Playing By Heart. it has Angelina Jolie, Ryan Phillipe, Sean Connery, Gillian Anderson, Dennis Quaid, Madeline Stowe, Gena Rowland, Anthony Edwards, Ellen Burstyn, Jay Mohr. Really Good Movie!

tara pollard pakosta - wow, those necklaces are gorgeous!
I esp. LOVe the imperfect cross one!!!
my favorite movie of all time? hmmm that’s a hard one, but since I watch it almost every year, I would have to say, It’s a Wonderful Life. THe message is simply beautiful, even if your life isn’t perfect, it’s still wonderfuL!
have a GREAT day!

katey - My favorite movie is the Count of Monte Cristo. The best movie to watch with my hubby and teenage boys. Plenty of action for them and a love story for me. Love the movie!

Susan - Sweet Home Alabama. I love that movie.

Missy - That’s a tough one but I’m gonna go with Under The Tuscan Sun.

Jeremie Shaffer - The Notebook! Love love love it!!!
Reminds me of my honey and I!

amy - my favorite movie is Cheaper by the Dozen. 7 kids and I can totally relate to a lot in that movie and I think it is funny! (love steve martin and bonnie hunt too) thanks for the chance to win!

Rachel J - Fried Green Tomatoes- to Wanda!

Adrienne S - Labyrnth. The one with David Bowie! I am now getting my children hooked on it. They walk around the house singing “Dance, Magic Dance.”

Jenny Wells - First I have to say I was cracking up about the coffee pot. I have done that too many times. I am so paranoid about doing it now that I check like 3 times every morning. What a MESS!! My fav movie is Sleepless in Seattle!

Emily Zimmerman - My favorite movie…Pride and Prejudice…the newer one. Oh I love it so!! I actually watched the movie first and than read the book. Loved the book too! Oh Mr. Darcy! Just talking about it here makes me want to watch it again. Love, love love it!

Stefanie - I love The Notebook and Elf. I can’t pick between the two. I love the part where Elf is in the bathroom singing with Zooey. What month are we in? June? I still have my X-Mas music in my cd player…nice and relaxing on traffic Mondays!!!

Amanda - Sliding Doors with Gwenyth Paltrow. Love it! I love all the movies in the comments so far, but this was one I noticed hadn’t been mentioned yet.

Leah in FL - Favorite movie of all times is “Braveheart”. I love the Scottish scenery, music, etc., but mostly I love the story of true love’s devotion and standing up for what is right, no matter what.

Jessica - My favorite movie of all time has been the same movie since I was in first grade and that is Sixteen Candles! I love that movie – its so great!

Robyn - of all time? pretty woman or mary poppins. boring. but never gets old! i love when my little guy says “mommy can we watch ‘mary poppets’?”

Jill - My favorite movie is Bend it Like Beckham. Today is my birthday- I hope I win!

Diana - “Gone With The WInd”… we all have a little bit of Scarlett in us. 😉

Liz - Ooh, this is hard. Favourite movie? The Commitments. Well, thats my favourite today.

Lisa - Lars and the Real Girl
And I’ll be driving past Newton today, so I’ll shout hello when I drive by!

stacie jameson - I would have to say Pretty in Pink. I still want that pink vw even if i have five kids.

Bee Vollmuth - When Harry Met Sally
Because it’s how my husband and I turned out–best friends sure that nothing more would come of it and 4 years later…we’re married–not as long as Harry and Sally but hey–it was long enough for me!

Lori - One of my favorite movies is While You Were Sleeping. But Elf is near the top of the list!

Julia Sarver - Under the Tuscan Sun! love it!

Danielle - I love Top Gun! I have seen it a million and on times.

Carolynn - So hard to choose….You’ve Got Mail!….I so wanted to be Meg Ryan and own that cute children’s book store and live in that cute apartment…and meet Tom Hanks! The best I tell ya!

Jill - Favorite movie of all time is a tough one, but if I HAD to pick, I would pick The Holiday. I blubber like a baby every time!

Gillian - My favorite movie is Shall We Dance. When Richard Gere comes up the escalator in his tux with that rose for his wife, it makes me cry almost every time! So sweet!!

Manda - Favorites are hard for me because I like so many and I’m terribly indecisive. But I love The Princess Bride. A classic for me!

Anna Marie - Ooh that is a hard one! “Elf” ranks up there really high; definitely in my top five. I also really like “Ever After” and “Gladiator” (the one with Russell). I watched “Almost Famous” last night with my husband (because you said I should) 😉

meg - oh man this is so much harder than i thought! but i love, love, love anne of green gables! watched it as a little girl with my sisters growing up and i still love it at 25!

Susy M. - It is hard to narrow it down to one but I think “The Devil Wears Prada” has to be up there.

Michelle Myers - Gonna go ol’ skool & say Gone With The Wind….tooo classic to leave out! 🙂

Tessa - My favorite movie of all time is Grease. I saw it when I was 4 years old and countless times after that. I still remember my mom taking me to see it and dropping off my baby sister at her friend’s house. Luckily all of the profanity went over my head and I was just mesmerized by Sandy and Danny. I have so many other favorite movies – but Grease is my ALL-TIME favorite!

Sarah - Center Stage – It is a movie about a girl who gets into the NY ballet academy. If I could go back in time, I’d be a dancer. Oh, and I really like the move Kissing A Fool. Cute, cute, cute!

Amy Lynne - My favorite of all time is Steel Magnolias. I love those hard headed southern women!

charity palmer - CENTER STAGE–I never get tired of watching that dance movie 🙂

kirk osborne - Raising Arizona
Funniest movie ever
karen o

Kelly - You’ve Got Mail. I’ve even been to most of the “sights” from the movie in NYC. yep, dork. 🙂 Also, Anne of Green Gables

Phebe Roberts - Gladiator

Ashli - She’s Having a Baby!!! Can’t beat it.

Cassie - i don’t know my favorite movie of all time…but i love movies that make me laugh. silly movies. tommy boy type movies. and the most recent one i’ve seen lately that made me laugh til i wet my pants was Hangover.
sorry…i loved it. 🙂
now PICK ME! 🙂

Amanda - In Her Shoes and Legally Blonde…

Suzanne - Favorite movie of all time is Julie & Julia.
To me it is the perfect mix of all things French, cool modern couple in NYC, cooking, eating and LOVE.

passiontype - Wizard of OZ!

Amanda - In Her Shoes and Legally Blonde…

Charisa - There’s so many, it’s hard to choose just one! Arthur with Dudley Moore.

Denise - One of my favorites is “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days” such a cute movie!! I love the Vintage Pearl so unique!

Katie - My favorite is CLUE! Every summer when we visited our friend’s lake cabin my dad would put this movie on at night…the more stormy it was outside, the better!

mary beth - Wow! Thanks for the giveaway…I think I chose It’s a Wonderful Life..I never tire of that one!

Sandy - Pretty Woman because I love Julia Roberts AND Richard Gere – and they are SO good together in that movie!

linda - hard to narrow it down…one of my faves is groundhog day.

Sarah - If I had to pick just one…Love Actually. Such sweet love stories. But since I can’t pick just one…Amelie, Braveheart, Most of the James Bond movies…:)
Funny about your coffee. Such a need, hence the missing pot. Good times!

Kristy - Shawshank Redemption….such a moving story about the importance of friendship and hope. “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”

Cutzi - I always forget my favorite movies. Isn’t that funny. But my favorite in recent years is Juno. I have three adopted children and quirky little Juno reminds me so much of “our” birth mothers. Love them.

Kara - Fav movie of all time–Pretty WOman..such a classic!

mandy friend - Anne Of Green GAbles!!!!! I just don’t get how that is not everyone in the wholw die world’s favorite…

Angie Mathis - A Christmas Story and Out of Africa!

Janice P - Enchanted April…loved the book and the movie!

Connie - All time favorite Movie…Sweet Home Alabama

Carol J - Favorite is “Sleepless in Seattle” – love Meg Ryan.

elisabeth (bovagoods) - favorite movie of all time??? good will hunting.

Tracy - Period pieces are probably my favorite, any Jane Austen movie, “An Ideal Husband” is great, “Waking Ned Divine”- hilarious!, “Return to Me”- bawl my eyes out every time….”Dan in Real Life” is another favorite, if you haven’t seen it yet, you should!

Tammy EL - Favorite movie…simple…Officer and A Gentleman

Kim W, - My favorite movie of all time is Forest Gump. Love it and Vintage Pearl.

Susan - My all time fave is “When Harry Met Sally.” New York, Meg, Billy, LOVE.

Sarah - My favorite movie of all time is Pretty Woman! Love it!!

Meredith - Drop Dead Gorgeous is pretty much my all time favorite movie. Not extremely well know, so if you haven’t seen it – watch it. Hilarious.

Sarah - So I’m pretty much obsessed with almost any movie made in the 1930s, but right my two all time, always-in-the-mood-to-watch movies are The Family Man with Nicholas Cage and, just added to that list, Leap Year. (It has the best ending EVER.)

sam - The Sound of Music – it was my favorite as a little girl and, at 45, I still love it.

Amy B. - So many great movies listed here already! My favorite is The English Patient. Love the romance.

Katie - I’m a sap. My favorite movie is Ever After. I would LOVE to win and buy one of these pretty necklaces!!!

Julie James - favorite movie .. for real … hard to pick a favorite … the one I can still watch over & over again is You’ve Got Mail.

meghan - A League of Their Own! and I love love love the Vintage Pearl!!

Bailey - Forrest Gump is a true favorite!

Sarah - Youv’e Got Mail…Meg Ryan is adorable…her apartment/style ALL adorable…she and Tom are just the cutest…can watch it over and over on VHS!! 🙂

Courtney Degnan - i love vintage pearl! my favorite movie is love actually. i know it’s my fave because i can watch it over and over again. :o) ohhhh what one could do with a $75 gift certificate!!! eekk!

Shanna - I think my favorite of all time is (as cheesy as it sounds) Sleepless in Seattle, Or You’ve Got Mail, but really the same thing, am I right?>!~

Kari - Holy Moly! I love the Vintage Pearl! My favorite movie of all times is The Sound of Music. When I was little I watched it so often that I had the whole movie memorized. I am happy to say that I am no longer watching it a couple of times a week and have weaned myself off of it. 🙂

Lia - Ohh I love lots of movies but one of my favorites is probably Toy Story! I just love that movie and can watch it over and over. 🙂

Anne Marie - Aladdin! I saw it 7 times in the theater as a kid and remember the excitement of getting to see a movie for free with snacks because my babysitter had a theater connection.(:

Lori C - I am a lurker (how lame is that?). I am delurking because:
#1 you told me to comment.
#2 that is the COOLEST jewelry I have ever seen and
#3 You HAVE TO watch my favorite movie. It is hysterical, if you like fake documentaries. (And really, who wouldn’t?)
My fav movie is “A Mighty Wind”. It is a fake documentary about folk music. For reals. My stomach hurts from laughing whenever I watch it. The same guy who writes Modern Family wrote it/stars in it. (Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy)
Okay. You’re probably not reading this anyway. Unless I WIN!!! Then, maybe everyone will read this and think I am crazy. But it will be WORTH IT (you know, for the jewelry).

candace - tough choice….You’ve Got Mail or Mary Poppins

Theresa - The Notebook is my favorite movie.

Callie - Favorite movie…..Steel Magnolias has always been a favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna - I have a lot of favorites but probably my all time would be You’ve Got Mail. I can watch that movie anytime of the day!

Lynette - My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice – the long 5 hour version made in 1995. Must watch it at least 3 times a year!

Marisol Avila - Steel Magnolias!! I just cry every time! 🙂

Rachel Van Horn - Beaches…good memories of watching it with my favorite gal pal.

Venus Sanders - Sweet Home Alabama. Love it!!

Courtney - wow!i can’t believe how many comments you have!!! dangerous minds is the movie that pops to mind right now. it made me want to be a teacher. and my dad bought it for me. and i just love it.

Lisa - One of my favorite movies is The Count of Monte Cristo.

Roxane - Les Miserable

Queen Bee - Steel Magnolias… or The Royal Tennenbaums…. Or Overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, oh how I love that movie. It’s the best!

Kim - My favorite movie is…..any movie that I am able to go on a date to with my husband..I have two little ones..I can’t remember the last movie we saw together!;)

Jill - Best movie ever? Steel Magnolias . . . funny, sad – love it!

Karen - Oh I LOVE the wedding crashers. could quote it all day! And I love the vintage pearl. Great gift for Craig!!

Ashley - I too LOVE the Vintage Pearl! She is awesome! I cannot pick a favorite….it’s too hard, I love them all! Fingers crossed I win!!!:)

Molly - I loooove The Shining… any scary movies are so much fun!

Audrey - Favorite Movie is Beaches!! I cry every time I see it. My husband all says why are you crying you already know what happens.

lesleyvw - I’m a big Christmas movie nerd, but mostly modern-day ones, like “The Holiday” and “The Family Stone.” Anything with Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, or made by John Hughes. Love love love! Thanks for the chance to win!

Laurie Star - Favorite movie of all time: “While You Were Sleeping.” I watch it over and over especially near Christmas.
I love your blog! I am going to make that cheesecake now that your friend makes! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! 🙂

Ali Richardson - My favorite movie of all time. Hmmm. It would have to be a tie. Dirty Dancing & North Shore. 2 very different movies I know, but they both are dear to my heart.

Meg - What great jewelry! My favorite movie..Christmas Vacation..hands down!

BeckyB - Today… I love Up the best.

Amy Coose - My fave movie of all time is “The Family Man”. Thanks for the chance to win!

jill tracy - Wow–Erin from The Vintage Pearl rocks!!! What an amazing giveaway! My girls are really into the original Lassie movie and we have watched it over and over and you just never get tired of it. I mean, I could choose many more….but that is our current fav.

Faith - Oh, easy! The Princess Bride! It’s got everything! “Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles…” : ) One of my favorite quotes, “Drop. Your. Sword.” <3 it!!!!!!

Vicki Ramirez - I love that jewlery, and especially the cross, rugged and simple!
Favorite movie…Dirty Dancing LOL Nobody puts Baby in the corner!

Janet Rhyne - National Lampoons Vacation-still makes me laugh!! Top Gun is right up there too-love my 80’s movies. They don’t make them like they use to!!

Peggy in TN - Father of the Bride with Steve Martin (both 1 and 2) are my all time, can watch over and over, favorites. ~Peggy in TN

keely - I might have to say Dan in Real Life. I LOVE it!

Julie Briggs - Favorite is the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. Love it love it love it!!!

Jessica - My favorite movie is Serendipity. 🙂

Nicole Q. - Now I want to go shopping!!! So many movies . . . Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and Grease are def. on the top of my all time fav list!!

Laura - Wow! I would love to win this!
My favorite movie is First Knight.

niki - Elf! Elf is my all time favorite movie. I quote it often.
Btw, is it really really weird that the other night I had a dream we met. You looked just like you do in your blog. =)

Sandra K - Hard to pick one movie, here goes:
To laugh and relive my past: Sixteen Candles
To feel inspired: The Shawshank Redemption
To sing and dance: Grease

Arrica - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers!
I love that movie. Our family can relate. We are a family of 8.

Karyn - I don’t know if a TV miniseries qualifies as a movie, but (and I’m a wee bit ashamed to admit it), The Thornbirds is my fave of all time. I BAWL like a baby every time I see it. *sigh* Father Ralph!!! 🙂

Ani W - The Sound of Music is my all time favorite. Love it!

Donna - “Meet me in St. Louis” gotta love Judy Garland!

Linnea - Ok Ok I know “cliche'” but it is “The Notebook”… makes me all warm and fuzzy inside and makes me remember that true love will always conquer!

Juli - Oh, ME please!! My favorite movie ever is: “Fried Green Tomatoes”.

Tracy Bergey - Oh I have to say The Princess Bride. Althoug, I feel somewhat unfaithful to Mr. Darby in saying that. (CBC versions with Clinf Firth, OF COURSE)

Kimberlee J. - I’m still hooked on You’ve Got Mail.
“Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flower?”

Emily@remodelingthislife - My fave movie of all time is Shawshank Redemption

Lindsay - My fave is Love Actually! I watch it all year round! Makes me heart feel all fuzzy inside!

Olivia Moris - So generous! My favorite movie is Gladiator with Russell Crowe. There is something sexy as can be about this movie, along with dazzling scenery, a great story, Russell Crowe, and amazing action sequences. Did I mention it also has Russell Crowe?
Fantastic give-away: it is my hope that it will be my first EVER give-away win. Fingers crossed!

Mitzi O. - Seriously?! 1 favorite movie?? Impossible! The first movie that popped in my head, in front of the other 372, is White Christmas. I watch it every year as I wrap presents.

Marie - My favorite movie is The Notebook.

Michele Renee - Oh, I am kicking myself for not looking and ordering something like that for Father’s Day.
My fave is The Wizard of Oz. Can watch it as a kid and adult and get different things out of it. And not just sayin that cuz you live in Kansas!

Renae Willey - I <3 Vintage Pearl! My favorite movie of all time is Grumpier Old Men.

Lindsay - Favorite movie – Love Actually!

Cass M - Anne of Green Gables will always be my lifetime favorite …
When Anne says to Gil … “I’m so desperately sorry ….” sigh. I weep for the beauty and anguish of it all.

Karla - Awesome! My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice. And Casablanca. And Chocolat. Too many good ones! 🙂

Traci - Ok…Meg…remember Monty Python and the Holy Grail from Mr. Knoll’s class? Well, it’s my “new/old” favorite again… found it organizing some of my rubbermaid tubs and giggled thinking back to the fun days we had back then. LOVE the jewelry…can’t find things like that here.

Catherine Hicks - I love love love Sixteen Candles!!!

Jenny - That is so hard…I love so many movies! I guess I would have to say Steel Magnolias though. I can watch that movie over and over….and still bawl like a baby each time. =)

Kathleen - My favorite movie is Four Weddings and a Funeral… British comedy!

Gretchen - I’d have to say my favorite movie of all time is Dirty Dancing. I can watch that movie over and over and still not get tired of it. I think that’s how Julie and Julia may become for me, too, but for now it’s Dirty Dancing.

Betsy - Favorite movie of all time… Oceans 11. 🙂 LOVE all the actors.

Amanda F - My all-time favorite movie? That’s a toughie, b/c there’s quite a few faves, but one that I loved as a child, and still do love is “Rear Window” with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly.

Linda R. - Steel Magnolias! Makes me cry every time (and there have been many times). Glad to see that I’m not the only one who loves it!

Amy - There are a lot I love, but I have to say JAWS.

Christy - I love Erin’s shop (& blog)! I would love to win.
My favorite movie still makes me laugh is The Princess Bride.

Elizabeth - I’d love to win the gift certificate. My favorite movie of all time is Wim Wenders’ “Wings of Desire.”

Sunny Haynes - I love, love Sweet Home Alabama! Reese is great and the soundtrack is to die for!

Ashley - I have always admired Vintage Peal jewelry!! My favorite movie of all time is Father of the Bride. Kinda cheesy, but so quote worthy and good wholesome humor!

Katy - National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation!
BTW, what an awesome giveaway! Love her jewelry!

Kari - Sweet Home Alabama or maybe Tombstone, it’s a toss up.

Dawn - My all-time favorite movie is You’ve Got Mail. I love Meg Ryan!

Trish - hmmmmm…. A movie that always makes me feel good and just plain happy would be.. Dirty Dancing!

Jennifer - This is tough, as there are so many great movies………however I can watch practical magic over and over again. I die for the old Victorian house overlooking the ocean *sigh*.

Sarah - Family Classic: National Lampoon’s Vacation

Kit - My favorite movie is Braveheart. Or Elf. Or maybe Fletch.

Jeannine - Really hard to pick just one, but I think my favorite or all time has to be Arsenic and Old Lace.
I’ll never forget the first time I watched it with my grandparents =)

Aubyn - I love the musical Newsies. It’s a classic.

Tere - ….hmmm, my favorite movie….of late, I watched The Breakfast Club over the weekend. Classic.

Dianne - I have done that with the coffee pot before!
My favourite movie is the first Harry Potter – it was so magical and appealed to the little kid in me!

Alison - My favourite movie is Amelie, it’s so quirky and magical.

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - It’s so hard to pick one. The one I watch over and over is “When Harry Met Sally”, but I also love all the 80’s John Hughes movies.

Sarah H. - OH I HOPE I WIN!! I’m going to have to go with Calamity Jane (I love old Doris Day movies!)

Danielle H. - I love the Vintage Pearl. I go to her website with the intent of purchasing a necklace and get overwhelmed because I can’t pick just one. I have yet to order one! I have so many favorite movies but I have to say I LOVE Pretty Woman! Just a feel good, happy, romantic, mushy kinda movie!

angela - my favourite movie is edward scissorhands. it is so beautiful and touching. and so odd. it is all around wonderful!

stephanie - My favorite movie is Star Wars. Always has been. I can’t help it. : )
I would love to get one of her necklaces with my children’s names on it! They are beautiful!

colleen - I know another dad that would love a key ring! My favorite movie would have to be Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Classic John Candy and Steve Martin.

Meredith Salmon - My favorite movie is “Say Anything” I watched it so many times in college that we broke the tape twice. I now have it on DVD. The part where Lloyd holds the radio up outside her window and plays “In your eyes” by Peter Gabriel is the best. My husband and I used that as our wedding song and it is timeless. I still hear it on the station I listen to everyday at work and it is pop radio. “She broke up with me and gave me a pen”. “You must chill. You must chill.” “I am looking for a dare to be great situation.” Love it!!!!

Julie - You’ve Got Mail is the best!!

Monica - Love Actually. Makes me laugh, cry, smile, and shout in a two-hour window!

Jennifer Cole - My favorite movie of all time is Pure Country. A little hokey, I know – but I love that she falls in love with him without knowing who he really is – AND she stands up for her values (when she thinks he is married) and KICKS his cowboy rear off the ranch!

Emily - The Blindside. I hate watching movies more than once, but I watch it at least once a week…and I cry EVERY TIME!

ElizSeg - My favorite movie is Upside of Anger. I love it because of the message it has about perception, holding on to anger, & how toxic,misguided,and non-productive it can be.

amy j. - I can’t pick just one. Too many that I love: Sweet Home Alabama, Family Man, Miracle, Remember the Titans, The Notebook, Message in a Bottle, You’ve Got Mail… I could go on and on.

Jill - My favorite is Romancing the Stone. I could watch it every day! Thank you for the great giveaway!

Jennifer R - Steel magnolias is my all time fav being a southern girl and all lol.

Penny - It is hard to have one favorite. I will go with Grease.

Mandy - Ever After!

Malissa - Favorite movie is Sense and Sensibility. I love the scenery, I could watch it over and over:)

Laura in LA - I watch You’ve Got Mail every single time I see it on. What a great giveaway!!

simple ginger - hmmm..really really tough for me to pick a favorite, but I’m going to go with Cinderella Man…love the sports stories!

Alyssa - I do not know the exact line but I can tell you the scence. It is from Wedding Crashers and Vince’s character just had the worst night ever. ..If you saw the movie the quote is not as Horrific as it sounds……
Jeremy Grey: I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.
John Beckwith: Soft mattress?
Jeremy Grey: Yeah, it could have been the soft mattress. Or the midnight rape. Or the nude gay art show that took place in my room. One of those probably added to the lack of sleep.

Cjnation98 - I love the movie The Other Sister! Diane Keaton and Juliette Lewis, perfect feel good movie.

Lisa - Probably Pretty Woman…seen it many times and still love it.

Emily - Fools Rush In…all time favorite movie! I even named my first daughter Isabel because I LOVE it so much! =)

Heather - fave movie is you’ve got mail. i could watch it 2150 times, which i probably already have, and never get tired of it.

maribeth - one movie . . . just one. the one i saw most recently-the holiday. i caught the last half on tv. i love that movie. it just makes me smile.

Alisha Gibb - Oh, how I LOVE this jewelry. My fave movie is a toss up between two, “Raising Arizona” and “Oh Brother Where Art Thou”.

Jamie - I have so many favorite quotes from so many movies. I like the dry humor ones.
And how awesome to want to wear your name with your husband’s for the whole world to see! I think I might need one of those, now…

Leslie P. - Hmm, hard question! My favorite movie I think is Far and Away with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, because we watched it the night my husband (boyfriend at the time) and I had our first kiss.

Stephanie Carroll - SCHOOL. OF. ROCK!!!! - Back to the Future!!! 😛

Kirsten - I love anything with Audrey Hepburn but my My Fair Lady and How To Steal a Million are my tops ones with her.

Kristin - The best movie EVER is What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Johnny Depp at his BEST.

marci - i love movies too much to pick a fave…i’d have to have a different one for every mood and time of year.
but….i’ll say stepmom or you’ve got mail.

merlin - Top Gun
It brings back memories, makes me feel young and hopeful, and it is a reminder there is no “perfect”: life is about risk.

Nicole - My favorite movie is “The Notebook”. LOVE! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Charla - Favorite movie…..The Notebook. I will watch that movie EVERY time it is on TV!

Denissa - My fav. movie ever is The Wedding Singer..I don’t even know how many times I’ve seen it and crack up EVERYTIME!! 🙂

Tanya H - LOVE your jewelry!
My go-to movies when my husband is gone are Phantom of the Opera, Pirates I II and III, Sense & Sensibility and Becoming Jane. ….that’s the best I can do to narrow it down! 🙂

Amy Cygan - Forrest Gump. I just adore Tom Hanks and that movie has so many great quotes.
Amy C.

anna. - So generous! Gone with the Wind. Scarlet’s me. Smart and stupid; strong and weak. Love love.

Emily - Ooh- I love that jewelry! My favorite movie of all time is West Side Story.

Sonya - I LOVE Steel Magolias…and cry every single time! 🙂

Maria Quackenbush - Lately i really like The Blind Side, but all time fave has to be The Goonies.

Jeannette - I have many favorites but Pretty Woman and P.S. I love you I have watched a million times and LOVE them. I still cry everytime I watch P.S. I Love You!!! I am a sucker for a romance………..I love the Vintage Pearl and this would be just great to add to my collection. Thanks for the giveaway :o)

Carrie - “You’ve Got Mail” or “While You Were Sleeping”….it’s a toss up! New favorite has to be “The Blind Side”.
Love that you share cool stuff with us…especially since I don’t know where to find all the cool stuff you do! Give Waffle a scratch behind the ears and tell him a belated “Happy Birthday” from his brother Ollie!

Jennifer - My favorite movie, hands down, is Annie. 🙂

Suzanne D - Christmas Vacation…so sad, but true!

Shanalea Atchison - I feel like I never get to see movies anymore, but one that I love to watch no matter what time a year is White Christmas.

Jaime Melcher - Grease is the word!

Julie Weaver - My favorite movie of all time is “The Wizard of Oz” It is timeless, a wonderful story, and it always makes me feel good. My kids were dorothy and the tin man for halloween this year, and I’m wondering how many years they could be different characters for Halloween.
I love it so much!

Karry - Best movie of all time has to be Steel Magnolias. You laugh until you cry and cry until you laugh in that movie.

Michelle S. - Dances with Wolves, go ahead and laugh, everyone else does too, but I love that movie.

Emily - Love the Vintage Pearl! My all-time fave movie? It would have to be Baby Boom with Diane Keaton- love that!!!

Kate - The Story of Us. My husband and I saw this on our first movie date.We were very smug and confident that we would never have a moment in our married lives like they do, the one where Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfieffer are in bed with both sets of their parents. (Oh, that sounds wierd. Hope you’ve seen the movie.) Anyway, their parents are arguing and they’re arguing and it just seemed so impossible. Hah! Some times we watch it on our anniversary and giggle a bit at how naive we were almost 10 years ago. 🙂

Blaire - A League of Their Own! I love that movie…laugh and cry every time!
“There is no crying in baseball!”
I just had to go and order a bracelet from Erin’s site…I could not help myself.

Heather K - Planes, Trains and Automobiles! Sure, not an Academy Award Winner….but, it makes me laugh so hard that my face hurts. We watch it every Thanksgiving!

Nicole - My favorite movie would have to be, Miracle on 34th St. I love both versions, but especially the new one, I loved how even the “bad guys” wore “I Believe” pins! Watching that movie always makes me excited for the Christmas season!

Sara Cameli - Ok…so my fave movie of all time…this is hard – I think it would have to be “A Room With A View” because I love Italy…and this movie reminds me of my very best friends…

Leah - Great idea, the baby necklaces are everywhere, but it would be nice to have one for my love too.
White Christmas. I cry every.time.

Victoria Vicary - Favorite movie is Rushmore. Love your blog!

Kelli - Oh I love so many movies… I think my favorite is Grease!

kathy - Remeber the Titans

Julie - Sound of Music….love it so much!!!!

nichole - i have sooo many favorite movies, but i think i could call this one my absolute favorite. it gets me every.single.time.! it’s The Notebook! 🙂
p.s. i just found your blog through life rearranged and i’m now hooked! i LOVED your story! how awesome is God?!

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - Favorite movie is Waiting For Guffman. It never gets old, no matter how many times I watch it!

traci in virginia - I love movies so I will tell you ONE of my favorites is Sense and Sensibility. But, yesterday I got sucked into Castaway which I also love and a few days before that was Driving Miss Daisy…and so on!!! 🙂
Love the jewelry, love your blog! Have a great day!

Brooke - My favorite movie is Love Actually. So funny, sweet, festive. Love it!

Jen - Oh-how do I choose just one? But Sound of Music and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Cold Mountain would definitely be in my top 5.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the jewelry! And love your blog too!

miss lynn - this is hard.
i will
it’s a wonderful life.
it is.
happy day to you!

KelleyW - i think my favorite would be Somethings Gotta Give. I love it and get lost in the scenery.

Gina Boswell - I think my favorite might be “signs” with Mel Gibson.

jill - My favorite movie of all time is probably Bottlerocket…or Sense and Sensibility.

Melissa - Pick me, pick me! 🙂
Favorite movie: The Sound of Music

Jenanne - Love Actually. Actually love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Simply Sara - Adventures in Babysitting.
I know, I know.
But I LOVED it as a kid and know all the words to it 😉

Katharina Feist - it takes two!

Bobbie (Clumsy Crafter) - I love Elf but my favorite and it is the most quoted movie in our house.. but my favorite is probably … Steel Magnolias although I can’t watch it anymore since I married a diabetic.. it hits too close to home.

jaz - mmm last of the mohicans… will always be my favorite I think, so beautiful, so epic, so historical, so passionate… love that movie 🙂

lala - Pride and Prejudice

Amy - Princess Bride. Hands down the best film EVER!!!!!!!

Amber - Braveheart. Love the soundtrack too.

Katie M. - Amelie…love the love in this movie 🙂

Jess - Your post over at Life Rearranged was great Megan. I loved hearing about your trip again. My favorite movie has always been Father of the Bride. Love it!

rosemarie - i have lots but the christmas story always makes me smile…

Lynette - My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing. I could watch it a million times!!!

Stefanie Shultz - I do LOVE me some Elf, too! But, off the top of my head I always say, Christmas Vacation! It’s a classic!

Jill B. - I will never tire of The Sound of Music. Love her shop. Your blog is so happy! Thanks for sharing.

becky - so inappropriate now that i’m a mommy – but old school is definitely one i could watch over and over.

Kelsey - The Sandlot!

Julie - This is tough! Hmm….Breakfast Club…seen it a zillion times, and made me realize how crazy H.S. is….

Michelle - I can’t choose a fav movie. . . maybe if we narrowed down categories. . .BUT even then. I just like movies too much to choose. 🙂

Meredith - I love Elf. We watch it all year long!

amanda fuentes - I’d be hard pressed to pick ONE favorite movie. I’ll go with The Notebook right now, although Gone with the Wind is a favorite. Or of course Home Alone….Grease? I told you I couldn’t pick one!

jody - An Affair to Remember…
Cary Grant – be still my heart. :))

Ali - The Big Lebowski

Bronwyn - I love the movie P.S. I Love You. It’s so cute!

Maria - so many favorites…but one I love to watch over and over lately…Pride and Prejudice (the Kiera version, although I like the BBC one too).
off to go click away now…

Melissa - This is my first comment ever, but I read your blog everyday! It’s so hard to pick a favorite movie, but I’ve always loved Shakespeare in Love.

Kait - Before kids I liked serious movies like The Shawshank Redemption. But now that I’m a mom, I watch too many kids movies to have any serious favorites so I’m going to have to say Madagascar 2. My kids watch it at least twice a week and I still laugh the whole time.

Jessica - I love your blog – read it everyday. We love movie quotes around here. Don’t laugh – my favorite movie is You’ve Got Mail. So quotable! “A hot dog is singing. You need quiet while a hot dog is singing?” hahaha

Ashlee Archibald - my favorite movie of all time is where the heart is. I dont know why, but the accents, the cheesy, and how silly it is gets me everytime. I read the book every summer too. I could always go for some Little Mermaid too. That’s a childhood favorite 🙂 🙂

the inadvertent farmer - Princess Bride…as you wish!
Who doesn’t want to be a princess called ‘Buttercup’!

Kari - Dirty Dancing!!! Classic.

amy d - my favorite movie of all time is “say anything” where he holds the boom box over his head playing my fav song of all time “in your eyes”

Casey - Mary Poppins! I have always loved that movie.

Kristin - my favorite movie is Barefoot in the Park – Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. it is so great!

Terri - My favorite move is Greece, I still haven’t managed to get bored with it and I have seen it a lot!!!

Annie - Oh, I love reading other people’s favorites! I’ll go ahead and list three (is that breaking the rules?): You’ve Got Mail, Dan in Real Life, and Stranger Than Fiction. They’re the movies I just never get tired of watching!

Ashley - My shallow answer is Clueless…then my slightly deeper answer is Little Women…the one with Claire Danes and Wynonna Ryder. Yeah…I really want to win!!!!

Stephanie - It’s always hard to pick one favorite, but Elf is way up there for me!

Megan - I love The Family Stone! Ever since our mom passed in 2002 we watch it every christmas and still sit there sobbing! I love your necklace of you and your husband’s names, so cute!

amy s - oh brother where art thou
a family favorite.
we are odd.
i know.

Debra - My favourite movie of all time is When Harry Met Sally.

erin j - Tommy Boy…it was my absolute favorite in high school and it’s still my most quotable today.

Kelly O. - my favouritest movie ever is wedding planner!

Mrs. Cronkright - Awesome giveaway, and just in time for the birth of our first baby… hopefully she’ll be on time, arriving this weekend on father’s day (we will see).
It’s always hard to pick a favorite movie, especially when you love so many different kinds! But one thing I do know, my favorite chick flick of all time has got to be The Sweetest Thing. Too funny!

Laura - Hope Floats. Love it.

Leah S. - GREASE! And Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. And pretty much anything Denzel does…and the majority of those really awesome sports moments movies like Remember the Titans and Rudy. 🙂
And I do so enjoy The Vintage Pearl! I’ve had SO many compliments on the necklace I ordered from her!
Oh, and we LOVE our pictures!! It’s already hard to believe my baby was that small…

Tess S. - my hubble and i celebrated our 5 year anniversary a few nights ago and we went out without the kids last night. i’m feeling very “buddy” today.

Melissa S - Steel Magnolias

denise - The Princess Bride is the greatest movie of all time…..”Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die.”
Also, I was wondering where you got your photos printed, I know you showed it a while back and I can not find where it is. Please and thank you.

Julie Cox - What an exciting give away! My favorite movie of all time is relatively new… but I could watch it every night. “Julie and Julia”. I love the food. My other go to movie is “The Station Agent”.

Karina - I love movies, I can’t think of just one favourite, but I will say I love Groundhog Day.

Shiloh Walter - I love Jim Carrey’s movie- Fun with Dick and Jane. It makes me laugh every time~ Shiloh

Shelly - The picture of your necklace is my super duper favorite from your site! Love LOVE Love Buddy the Elf 🙂 but, my all time fav movie has to be Breakfast at Tiffany’s!

Miranda - my favorite movie is the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. i remember watching it when i was little at my aunt’s house and she would make me peanut butter & Nutella sandwiches! lost her in 2000 to breast cancer but always feel close to her when i watch the movie 🙂

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - i love so many movies….one of my favorites is The Count of Mounte Cristo. and i love the vintage pearl!!!

Kate - My favorite movie of all time…Gone with the Wind. I used to watch it with my grandma all the time and then when I got older and moved to a different state, when it was on TV we’d and make a “date” to watch it together – even if we couldn’t be next to each other. I still think of her when I watch it.

sarah - Amelie is my favorite movie ever.

Mandy - Dirty Dancing – Who doesn’t love a little Patrick Swayze!

april - Ok…your posting of the elf clip made me and my sons laugh so much….while I was drinking my coffee…lols ….my favorite movie would be Nacho Libre!!! Love it!!!!

Janine - I think my favorite movie has to be the Mel Brooks classic “Young Frankenstein” with Gene Wilder in it. It always cracks me up. Thank you Meg, and The Vintage Pearl for this giveaway!

lauren - you’ve got mail. my favorite of all time.

teresa - favorite movie: Sweet Home Alabama.
“You have a baby…in a bar.” I don’t know why that strikes me as being so funny. I think it’s because the scene reminds me of my small Texas hometown.

Anna Cook - My all time favorite movie is Say Anything!

stephanie - all time favorite would have to be the classic Wizard of Oz !!

Amber - French Kiss, of course.

dianereeves - I love the Vintage Pearl!
I really love About a Boy!

Lisa - Lots of favs – too hard to choose! Grease, Father of the Bride (the original not the horrible ‘sequel), Steel Magnolias – but also love Planes, Trains and Automobiles, The Great Outdoors and Uncle Buck!

Lori - My favorite movie is Love Actually.

Jennifer - Goonies!!!! Love, love, love it!

Amanda - Favorite movie? If I have to name JUST one, I’ll go with Return to Me – I cry every time!

amalisa - Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version) 6 hours of loveliness!

Lora - The Holiday. I really love anything with Cameron Diaz

Michelle - The Princess Bride!

Ryanne - Favorite movie, Raising Arizona. Lots of great one liners. Thanks for the giveaway, a fun start to Monday.

Tami Veer - Anchorman! My husband and I quote it all the time!

Stacy - What a great give away. One of my many favorites is Father of the Bride. The music, the house, the actors, just everything about the movie I adore! I love to see movies about families that truly love each other.

Sue - Sound of Music

Brittany - oooh, lots of good ones listed. Can I say 2 favorites? “You’ve Got Mail” and “Emma” 2 favorites ever!

Jamie - My family and I LOVE “Elf”! We quote it all of the time! Whenever a smaller member of the family is mad we (lovingly) call them “an angry elf”! I have wanted a necklace with my kids names on it from the vintage pearl for a long, long time. I love everything she makes. Just beautiful!

Amy Bounds - My favorite movie of all time Pretty Woman. Really enjoying your blog.

Tricia - Such a tough decision. I think I’m gonna have to say “Dirty Dancing” though. I do love it above all others. 😉
Thanks so much for the opportunity. Sorry about your coffee incident. 🙁

Michelle - Hard to pick a favorite, but this one is definitely up there:
‘At that moment, I knew. I knew the way you know about a good melon’ from When Harry Met Sally
Reminds me of my husband 🙂

Jacqui - my fav movies would be sweet home alabama and hope floats! soppy but lovely and josh from sweet home alabama is eye candy to boot!!

shannan - Favoritey movie of all time…HOOSIERS! love the every bit of it! thanks for the chance to win

Amanda C. - I love The Green Mile! Such a touching story. Oh and Shawshank Redemption.
Love all of Erin’s creations. That necklace you wear is so sweet! I would definitely pick that for me and my honey. 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway Erin!

Donna - A Christmas Story! I pretty much have it memorized. Our first family road trip is going to be to see the original house!

Taryn Smith - I love The Vintage Pearl and go there all the time! Wishing….. My all time favorite movie is Planes, Trains, and Automobiles! It makes me laugh everytime I see it, especially the woman at the car rental counter. Gooble, gooble.

Robyn Farmer - Swiss Family Robinson is my favorite movie. I fell in love with it as a child when I adored making forts and tree houses as if they were the most magnificent homes created. I love it as an adult as I still have that passion to make a home anywhere you are with whatever you have available to use.

Teisha - I would have to say Bed Of Roses…I think went I retire I will deliver flowers…weather for a good occations or not so good…flowers always put a smile on a persons face 🙂

stevie - my favortie movie of all time is Sixteen Candles…love it

Jaslyn - It’s a toss up for me….Fried Green Tomatoes or Say Anything!

Kate - You’ve Got Mail…sometimes love finds you in the most unexpected ways…. 🙂 BEAUTIFUL work Erin! I would be honored to wear your jewelry! Thank you for offering this!

Molly Pearce - My fave movie is The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood! Its so my grannys life and I love it!!
~Molly P

Jill - Princess Bride – Hands DOWN!
“No more rhymes and I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?”
“ROUS’s, I don’t think they exist.”

Melissa Shepard - Little Women, I could watch it over and over.

Melanie Christensen - Hmm I have too many favorites to pick just one–I do love Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and the Notebook, but as the mother of 5 boys we watch sports movies a lot. My favorites are ‘Miracle’ and ‘Remember the Titans’
Vintage Pearl jewelry is BEAUTIFUL and unique! I love it and love your blog!

Karen H. - Love your blog – love your photos – I read everyday! My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption!

Sallie Draper - “The Princess Bride”!!! Never get tired of it, and it’s a chick flick my husband and three sons love just as much! Hard to find!

Julie in GA - “Steel Magnolias.” My girlfriend and I have that one memorized…she was over this weekend and we watched it again. I’ll bet I’ve seen it at least a hundred times.

Benay - Love, love, love “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. I saw it during my first year of living in Brazil when I was in the middle of yucky culture shock. It made me laugh out loud and I was happy! Love that movie…

Luna - I Love “Princess Bride” because it reminds me of my mom whom I miss dearly everyday! I think I might go watch it right now.

Amanda Kay - Favorite movie of all time…sheesh that is a hard one.
I love “Never Been Kissed”. I could watch it every day and not get tired of it.
What’s your favorite movie?

shannon - My favorite movie of all time is Almost Famous! I love the music and how different the life is 🙂

Beth Curtis - that question is too hard! I love so many but today I would say “Sixteen Candles”. Although Jake is probably a good 20 years older than me he is still really HOT! BTW I would LOVE to win!

Andrea Fisher - Everything from The Vintage Pearl is absolutely beautiful. My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing. I know its kind of cheesy but when I’m flipping around on TV if its on I have to watch it.

Amy - Hi, Meg! It’s Amy from the PW signing in OKC 🙂 Love your blog! My favorite movie of ALL time is Steel Magnolias . . . love it, love it, love it!!!!

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - It’s hard to say… I love musicals. Probably Grease, or The Sound of Music. 🙂

denise cochran - American Beauty

Desiree' - The Wedding Singer! I LOVE that movie!!

Kimberly - You’ve Got Mail!!! If it’s on TV, I HAVE to watch it. I really should seek help.

Julie - My favorite movies are My Girl and The Devil Wears Prada

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love that necklace with you and your honey’s name on it. I WANT one and I love that funky bracelet. Oh I hope I win!!! My favorite movie of all time…I have several. I love movies. But I guess if I had to name one…The Holiday. I love a good happy ending.

Michelle - Love Vintage Pearl! Too many faves, but I’ll go with “Anchorman” this morning. Have a great week Meg!

Drea - I puffy <3 both Father of the Bride movies, especially the second one!

pam - Because I don’t remember 5 minutes ago I will go generic with cheesy Christmas movies…..OOOOOO, The Blind Side was pretty sweet…hmmm, probably have others but nothing I can think of now. We’ve had similar coffee pot problems…darn things…they aren’t happy when you leave the filter basket out…the filter somehow doesn’t seem to hold it’s shape on it’s own and coffee decorates the counter and floor.

Tiffany - Sound of Music!

Lauren - My favorite movie of all time is Home Alone 2!

Val - I have lots of favorite movies… So just one of them is The Notebook.

Amy - Hmmm…Return to Me or Pretty in Pink. Can’t decide. Love them both! 🙂

Kristi - I would have to say Ferris Buellers Day off – but especially the edited one.
i think I could quote 80% of it- it has been too long- to quote it all. I need to watch it again!

Teresa - My favorite movie is It Happened One Night. Clark Gable at his best.

Heather M. - How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days….so funny! Love it!!

Lisa from Paint in My Hair - Of all time? I’m not sure. But one I can watch over and over is Can’t Buy Me Love. I know, cheesy.

Karen - Beaches!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie

Julie - I LOVE Erin’s stuff!
Favorite movie? I’ve got a few, but I always love watching Pride and Prejudice – pretty much any version 🙂

Janet Dreher - I love Miracle on 34th Street. I love to watch it in the Fall. It always gets me ready for the Christmas season.

stacey B - I can’t help it but Little Women has my heart:) !

Helen C - So hard to choose one favorite, but I could watch Rear Window over and over again – actually any Jimmy Stewart movie.

Kasey Laughlin - My favorite movie is The Notebook! It’s so hard to choose though! 🙂

Denise - Hi there! My favorite movie is To Kill a Mockingbird. Thanks for writing an awesome blog I read it every day!

Becky - hmmm… I have lots of favorites. Today I’ll go with The Proposal – makes me laugh every time!

Jen Joy - I’m suprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet, but my favorite movie of all time is Say Anything. I remember watching it for the very first time, convinced that there was nothing more romantic in the whole wide world than a man who was willing to stand with a boom box over his head in the pouring rain just to prove his love. (And I still have a little crush on John Cusack, truth be told.)

Deb - I like Dirty Dancing and Forrest Gump

Michelle B. - Very tough…very tough. But, I love to laugh and “What About Bob” has to be one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen…and therefore, my fav!

Stacy - Love all of her jewelry! My husband bought me a necklace with my boys’ names on it, and I LURVE it!! I would love more pieces from her though. My favortie movie is probably Steel Magnolias! I can watch that over and over.

Casey Wrenn - My favorite movie is “footloose” Ive loved it since I was little. I fell in love with Kevin Bacon because of this movie. My husband shared the same last name “ren” as Kevin bacons character in this movie although spelled differently, everyone says I married him because of this movie!
Best Quote:::::
“Hey MacCormick! When this hat flies in the air, you better have your butt in gear.”

elizabet h - Pride & prejudice – w/ Kiera Knightly – I cry each and everytime – although Steel Magnolias is a close 2nd!

Jen - Hmm, tough call. I gotta go with Braveheart or Labyrinth.

Mrs. Dunbar - Favorite Cry Movie: Steel Magnolias
Favorite Laugh Movie: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Favorite “This Movie Rocks”: Top Gun
Sorry, I couldn’t decide.

Meredith - I love the Vintage Pearl. I received a wonderful necklace for Mothers Day this year made by them. My favorite movie of all time is the Princess Bride. My husband and I love it so much that we used several quotes at our wedding.

Kelsey - I am a big fan of Pretty Woman.

Elena - My favorite Movie is…Grease!

Janelle - Well I actually just got an e-mail that my father’s day key chain is on it’s way…I ordered it a few weeks ago! I put my husband’s name in the middle and then my name as well as our four kids all around.
My all time favorite movie is Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. My husband thinks this is a very lame choice of a favorite movie but it is just so darn cute and makes me laugh every time. It makes me remember that it is the simple things in life that are important 🙂

Mallory - It is sooo hard to pick only one favorite — but it would have to be The Holiday — just makes me melt… Love the gift for Craig!

Amy - I have SO many favorite movies….but my current is P.S. I Love You. I bawl every.single.time. 😉

Andrea - Patch Adams

Allison S. - There are so many that I love…Chocolat is definitely up there on the list. I tend to watch it whenever I need a lift…little French town, beautiful colors, mouthwatering chocolate & Johnny Depp. That’s difficult to beat, don’t you think?

summer - Gone with the Wind…so cliche I know, but I am just so in love with that movie, or A Street Car Named Desire. hmmm, maybe it’s my love affair with the south (moving to Alabama may not be so bad). Love your love necklace 🙂

Sheila P. - The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore is a favorite – it’s cheesy and sweet at the same time. I laughed, I cried. 🙂

mary - oh i have ordered from erin before i love her stuff!
i have two favorite movies of all time
total opposite spectrums too
the sound of music …and ….jaws
i’m a gemini i am allowed hahaha

sarah - What a nice giveaway 🙂
My favorite movie has always been Bed of Roses.

Bec - I usually give one from each genre because there is just no way I could ever pick just one. But if I really have to, it comes down to The Sound of Music. I can sing every word to every song and it always manages to make me smile. I love Julie Andrews!

Sara - Pretty Woman. Vintage Pearl would totally make me feel like a PRETTY WOMAN! 🙂

jenna - Anything with Jennifer Garner or James McAvoy…
Penelope is in top 5.

Tracy - my favorite movie is anything with Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly! for a more modern movie I love the Wedding Singer.
thanks for the great giveaway, Meg 🙂
have a happy day-

ellen - Wow! That’s so generous and I love the necklace you have. My favorite movie is Pretty in Pink. When I was in high school I dreamt of having a pink Carmen Ghia just like Andy drove.

Amanda Jo - I am completely in love with Kiera Knightly’s version of Pride and Prejudice!!!! What a great giveaway – thanks for hosting it!

Casey - Wizard of Oz. Good Will Hunting. What About Bob. Raising Arizona. I have so many!

Teri - Love the Vintage Pearl gorgeous!
My fav movie is Love Actually

Tia Reynolds - There are so many good ones above, ditto on Sandra Bullock and the Princess Bride. Best ever? Fireproof. If you haven’t seen it go and rent it now!

Cathy - My favorite movie is Tootsie. Love love love it!

Lisa Hartz - Hi Meg! My favorite is “A Walk in the Clouds”. I was flipping through channels last night and it was just starting. Even though it was bedtime, I had to stay up and watch it again. Love it!

Melissa - Steel Magnolias!!

LobotoME - best movie….the hangover for sure! posting the hangover probably doesn’t win me that beautiful cross/faith necklace, does it!?! 😉

Colleen - Beautiful jewlery… my favorite movie – Terms of Endearment. I named my daughter Emma after that movie. “Fanf*@kingtastic!”

kelly - Best movie EVER? Hmmmmmmm…
The Other Sister. Love it. Quote it. Can’t get enough of it!

Jenn Shock - If I have to pick just one….I’d say Office Space. LOVE that movie.

Megan - My favorite movie is The Sound of Music. I love it!

kimberly - favorite movie of all time – for years it was the 1995 bbc “pride and prejudice” but it’s possible it changed once “finding neverland” came out in 2004. but it’s still between those 2.

Tiffany - Christmas Vacation…or The Hangover…or Pretty Woman…I obviously have lots of favorites!

Aimee - I love the Vintage Pearl. I went there and bought a necklace after you first posted your meg and craig necklace. Actually I had my husband buy it for me for our anniversary. I got it with my name and my husband’s name on it. Its really hard to pick my favorite movie of all time because I love so many movies. Two of my top favs are Dirty Dancing and So I Married an Ax Murderer.

Elizabeth McDonald - My favorite movie of all time is…..Untamed Heart….I love to watch it with my kids…I think it is incredibly meaningful and beautiful! And I love Erin’s stuff! And of course, your blog!

Tammy - favorite movie- Serendipity … or Throw Mama from the Train. both so different. for different moods!

Meghan - Favorite movie right now…Anchorman! Could watch it over and over.

adrianne - Wow – that’s actually really hard to answer.
But ONE of my favorite movies is Moonstruck.
(And I had to send this to you – have you seen this? I saw it on the martha stewart homepage and clicked on it, looking to see your name… …in my mind, the credit goes to you 🙂 )

Mindy W - One movie? Not fair. Casablanca. Really.
But because I can’t really choose- The Quiet Man.

Andrea - Dirty Dancing…. Nobody puts Baby in the corner 🙂

Diana - I’ve totally done that with the coffee!
I don’t have one favorite, but I really like What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.

katherine - My favorite is The Blind Side…love it! Love the jewelry even more 🙂 BTW, your blog is one of my most favorite and I have recommended it to all my friends too….blessings, kathy

Amy James - I have to say Steel Magnolias is my favorite. For years it was Valley Girl but now that I am in my 40’s I think Steel Magnolias is more appropriate. 🙂

Diane Pierce - It’s hard to pick because there are so many great movies. But the remake of Father of the Bride. Love it!

Amy Lockhart - I love the movie Elf, such great comedy, but my all time favorite would be… Pretty Woman. LOVE that movie, love the lines that came out of it, “WOOOWOOOWOOWOO!” and yes I just did the one arm motion when I tried to spell that out. (good thing no one was watching!)

stephanie - The Holiday!!!

Angie - Tommy Boy!

Julie - I have to go with Dirty Dancing!!! One of the all time best movies ever! 🙂

Jill R. - You’ve got mail – love it!

Laura - My all-time favorite is Breakfast Club. It has such great quotable lines. Princess Bride, Elf, Home for the Holidays and Meet Me in St. Louis round out the top five, but Breakfast Club is #1.

sarajane - the princess bride. great movie!

Annette - Great gobs of goodness…hope I win this one!!! My favorite movie is “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”…I am a total sucker for the Old West, good tunes and happy endings.

Janel - The Sound of Music! How do you solve a problem like Maria? I really don’t think she’s a problem at all because I love her!

Beth Ann - Anne of Green Gables or Swiss Family Robinson or Sound of Music are classic favorites. Humor favorites – The Hangover.

Kristin - Rudy. (Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!)

Sharla - Wow, I love all of that jewlery. One of my favorite movies is Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow. It’s probably a strange choice, but I love her (and her hair) in it.

Amy Griffin - My fav-o-rite movie is Dirty Dancing! So cheesy I Know!!!

jenn groves - Top Gun! back when Val Kilmer use to be hot and the shirtless volleyball scene never gets old :o)
my husband flys for the Navy, and at our wedding my bridesmaids sang him the Righteous Brothers song (you’ve lost that love and feeling). Good Times!

amy - It’s an old one… Baby Boom with Diane Keaton. I love the keychain.

Lara - My favorite is Steel Magnolias. “Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion”. SO many great lines in that movie. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! I adore The Vintage Pearl. Have a great week. 🙂

Jennifer Brown - I love the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Always have, always will 🙂 I am a big fan of Elf though too!

Terri - I have so many favorites but one of them is Under the Tuscan Sun. Just a clean, enjoyable movie that gives me warm fuzzies. I read the Vintage Pearl blog all the time and pick out my favorite pieces from her selection. Someday, I will be selfish and buy myself a something.

ann - I know many people think it’s dumb but I never laughed so hard at “Napolean Dynamite”…. The thought of Uncle Rico and feeding Tina still makes me chuckle.

Kara Kristin - The Burbs with Tom Hanks, we watch it over and over!

Christine Ishmael - My all time favorite movie that we all quote constantly even though the movie is way old and noone else “gets” what were laughing/talking about is “So I Married An Axe Murdurer”…just saying it in my head makes me giggle thinking about Mike Meyers wee Scottish accent! “I juice everything” and “the colonel puts an addictive chemical in his chicken, I crave for it nightly” is another favorite quote! I’d love to get that key chain for my hubby…will it fit all six children’s names on it? Thanks for the chance to win!

Ashley - It’s hard to choose just one, but I love the movie Big Fish!

Linn - Sleepless in Seattle! I am from Seattle and married to a military man. When I was living overseas and he was deployed, I would watch this movie over and over missing home and missing my best friend!

shelly - I’ve done that with my coffee pot too!
My favorite movie is Life is Beautiful–who knew you could laugh and cry so hard at the same time!?

Stephanie - The Breakfast Club!

Joy Cronauer - The Wizard of OZ!

Lisa - My favorite is Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock, come to think of it, I love any movie with her in it! 🙂

Stephanie - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!! The original, just magical!! Awesome giveaway, thanks so much!!

Betsy - Hard choice for favorite, especially with just one cup of caffeine in my system. But, speaking of Elf, we personally believe in Buddy’s food groups, “Candy, maple syrup, …..”

Lori McDonough - My fave would definitely be It’s a Wonderful Life. Everything about it is perfection. The best part is that my family has a tradition of watching it together…TOGETHER {with 2 teenagers that is a magical feat!}every Christmas Eve. Secretly i hope they will continue this tradition with their families someday!

tammy - I love the movie Funny Farm with Chevy Chase!!!!

Jules - Um, hard to say, ’cause I have lots…”Dan in Real Life” was excellent!!

Amy Mumaw - I love the movie BIG with Tom Hanks. I also love all of the Vintage Pearls jewelry!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
My favourite movie is Love romantic and such a christmassy film : )
Gemma X

Tracy - I have lots of favorites, but one I like to watch over and over again is Sweet Home Alabama!!!

Erica - I love, love Steel Magnolias! My favorite!

Melanie - I love The Vintage Pearl! Thank you for the opportunity to win. My favorite movie is “Sweet Home Alabama”.

marnie scott - Annie…best all time movie, and i’m glad that my kids think so too!

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quick shout out

heather is having a week of guest bloggers and giveaways starting on monday.

actually….she is having a giveaway NOW to gear up…for the other giveaways!

i will blogging for her next week.

julie and ashley will be there too.

many others….i wish it was a party in real life that i was going to…that would ROCK.

there is talk of ice cream recipes, crafts, activities and lots of good prizes.

so go check her out today and all next week too.

 and….on a totally different subject.
my photo shoot today involved rain and driving through this:
IMG_4160 IMG_4159
 it was awesome.

i had a nice quiet drive through rolling kansas farmland…in the rain.

i love that.

country music on…no cell phone coverage…wheat fields and wildflowers everywhere you look. 

i love kansas.

i really really do. 

candace - we drove across a creek like that last night in Belize – in a 15 passenger van. funny you would have similar depiction on here today! so, did they have to come back to get you after you took that picture? cute shoes.

kristen - LOVE the yellow shoes

AshleyAnn - That truck is making me happy…well the combo of the water, truck and field…love it.

Kimberlee J. - Cheesecake long gone.

mkpoggie - You know, when I first found your blog, it was through another blogger at a time when I just happened to be feeling homesick. It was the day when you first posted the photos of the sunflower field and when I clicked and that filled my computer screen, I just burst into tears. I check in daily now and even though we’re from different parts of the state (I’m a KC girl), there’s a specific vibe that you can only experience in Kansas, and you capture it PERFECTLY. Your blog always feels like a hug to this Kansan, stuck way out here in the desert. So: Thanks!!

Musings Of A Gem - Hi Meg,
Just to let you know I’ve used your Blueberry Buckle recipe in my blog. I hope this is ok with you. I’ve linked to your blog in the post!
I love your shoes!
Gemma X

Ashley Crenshaw - I love the ‘middle-of-the-earth’ Kansas/great/quiet/at-home vibe you get. Miss those times…
{Above me Dana… Are you in Alberta? That’s where my dad is.. I used to spend the summers there.. Crazy how alike it is in another country, eh?}

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Just by looking at your pictures I would swear you were in Northern Canada. After a rain and all that tall grass all i could think was holy moly, I hope she had bug repellant.

Heather - thank you for posting about next week! i am so stinkin’ excited about it all i can hardly stand it!
those photos remind me how much we need to get out of the city and into the country for a bit of mellow time. crazy cute shoes!

Nancy - I am right there with you on the Kansas countryside. So quiet and just beautiful… I am excited about being a guest blogger with you during Heather’s week of fun. It is going to be grand! 🙂

Lisa - I love your shoes. I had the same one in pale pink, wore them until they died, now I want some more. so good.

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craft thursday #3

the kids were very excited to do this project.  
annie requested we wait until she got home from her friend's home to start craft thursday.
we did.
and we gained another friend for craft thursday.
today's project was from Deep Space Sparkle
another fabulous blog FULL of great art for children.

they drew castles.
first with pencil then sharpie.
then painted with watercolor.

they were very detailed.
talby said "i think this is the best picture i have ever made…i am going to hang it in my room!"

sean kept saying "mine is made out of brimstone!"
i don't know if that is a real thing….or just from stories?

a rainbow castle!
pure dreaminess.
and of course she said "i am going to give it to ms. kristin!"

did you notice i don't require shirts for craft thursday?

annie's castle with drawbridge.  
the most colorful castle ever to be made…i am sure of it.
(oh…i drew her sun and hills for her because she asked me to)

sean's castle.
he worked so long on the drawing…the shade moved off the table and he was getting hot.
he had a friend over and was ready to swim…so he didn't quite finish.
but i like his red dragon sneaking in the right side.

talby's castle…sitting in the sunny snowcapped mountains…with a speedboat in her moat.

i loved this craft.
i wished i had made one too.
but the table was full.

happy weekend everyone.
i'll be back on monday!

mel - I meant craft thursday! lol

mel - Ok so your are the most amazing talented coolest mom EVAH! I am so going to start Craft Tuesday! Your kids are so talented…cant wait to start!

Tonya - You inspire me to be a better mom. I’m going to implement a craft day into our week. How fun! And with friends? Even more fun!!

amber - those castles are awesome! way better than I could ever do

amy d - hahaha… i love talby’s motorboat!

Staci Danford - What wonderful fun… and memories they will cherish much longer than we will know.. My “big” kids are always telling me things that they loved and they remember them with such detail.. so many times I have not one single clue about what they are saying…but I sorta feel like I wasn’t a heel of a mother. haha Your kids will treasure so much these summer days full of art and a loving MOM.

Tanya H - Perfect! Thank you!!! I am looking for ideas! 🙂

jasmine bailey-barfuss - Look at these gorgeous creations! So beautiful, so individual! Must do this also 🙂 Call me the big copycat ha ha… Now we just need the rain to flipping stop here! What is this Utah weather at the moment, gal!

Melanie - I am enjoying Craft Thursday. It looks like so much fun. Have a good weekend.

Alicia Butler - Thanks for sharing the blog address. This is the lady (Pam’s friend that called you this week.)
Any other blog addresses?

Thea - AWESOME craft! We will be doing this tomorrow…”craft Saturday!!”…LOL

Heather - i love seeing how each one turns out so different even though they start with the same theme. really fun!

Julie - Those are WONDERFUL! All castles have their own personality; these certainly do too. 😉

MomBE - do you see the skull in annies painting?

Cindy Albert - I saw the animal crackers in the first picture and was waiting for them to come into play…I kept thinking “will they paint them, glue them? Really, jungle animals in a castle scene?” Cute craft.

Jocelyn Stott - Those are FANTASTIC paintings! I love them. Great photos as well and I loved the animal crackers in that picture – it took me right back to childhood.

Leah - I love that website! I have a craft that you might like. It’s an easy and less messy was to do tye dye shirts! We did it at homework club with the kids and they LOVED it!

Christy - These are fantastic! You definitely have some budding little artist in your house, love it! Love how Annie’s castle has a “face” to it, not sure if that was intentioanl, but I love it.

Juli - Any craft that features a giant jar of animal cookies on the table has got to be fun!

the wild raspberry - you would be an awesome homeschool mom!!

Amber - maybe you have posted this elsewhere…but are you buying special watercolors? the color your kids are getting out of them are amazing. granted i generally buy the cheaper watercolors…but my kids pictures always look watered down. (maybe cause they’re 2 & 4 and haven’t mastered water colors yet!)

Patty - Your kids did a great job with their castles! It looked as though they really enjoyed the process, sticking with it and adding all those special details. Well done!

Gemma - I love it! I love water colours! I love rainbow castles! I love your blog 😀
Gemma X

tara pollard pakosta - I just saw this craft in an art book I bought, I think that’s where I saw it anyway LOL!
GREAT artists! WE are doing Art every Thursday this summer too, thanks for the motivation!!!!!!!!!!
took pix to put up too and have to do that today!

Staci - Seriously….those are some SUPER drawings!!!!!! Frameable FOR SURE!!!!!! Awesome! I can’t draw worth a hoot….so I am super impressed by the imaginations of your kids 😉

angela conklin - I want to come to craft Thursday! You do really fun things with your kids. I hope when they are mad at you, they remember these days! - oh, i forgot how much i love watercolors!!

Beth - I love that and I love Deep Space Sparkle too!! She has such good ideas. That is very cool that you are committed to doing art with your kids each week! That is one of the last things I told my classes the last week of school — have a good summer, DO ART, go to the art museum in Wichita(it’s free on Saturdays!!!)and also the Carriage Factory gallery in Newton. You rock.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Those are great. I’m off to check out that site:)

Kathi - I am loving your Craft Thursdays! Wish I had thought of this when DD was younger. She was quite the little artist and I could have challenged her more. Alas, now she’s a teen and I get, “art, Mom? really?” along with rolled eyes, a huffy puff, and a quick exit. I dream of the phone call in a few years begging for help!

Tara - love this…gonna copy cat you again and make my kids do it!

Sophie - Such a cute craft and all the kids did so well! (:
Though I expect it’d be just as fun for us adults as it was for them!

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"CANNING BALL!" that is what she always shouts as she jumps in.

i took my kids shopping for patio furniture.  
it was not fun.
but the escalators always are.

my new favorite magazine is Canadian House and Home….i wish the subscription wasn't $57!!!

i got stuck in a storm the other day while driving.     
i had to pull over.  
there were 6 other cars pulled over too….
i was talking to myself saying "don't cry.  it is ok. there will not be a tornado…you won't have to find cover for you and all your children alone….you won't."  

and thankfully i was fine.  
new shirt.
i let her pick some clothes out for herself and she said "i never knew shopping could be so fun?!"

my cousin Sam, uncle Roy and my grandmother came over on tuesday.
sam and roy live in australia.
we don't see them often.
craig took the men to golf and 8 holes in they were caught in a downpour of rain.
soaking wet.
and so we all dinner together instead.  
in dry clothes.

grocery shopping.
lauren bought my old camera from me.
she loves photography.

annie said "i was pretending my foot was bleeding"  

my mini-me.

he is a thirsty dog. 

and that is the end of my randomness.
have a nice thursday evening.
it's 4:00….still time for a craft.  

Lisa Murphy - So glad that you love Canadian House & Home magazine! (Love that rainbow cake, too!) Thanks for the shout out. Not sure if you’ve tried the digital edition for $25? Here’s the web address, subscribe on left.
Many thanks, Lisa Murphy

Tanya H - So, I pulled up your blog to show my kids the castle paintings so they could try something like it. My daughter that is Annie’s age in school (if not for real) saw Annie doing her cannon ball… “Do I know that girl?” No, she lives far away from us. “Well I should know her. I think I like her.” 🙂

alison - What an amazing cake and I love the picture of the dog drinking from the birdbath!

Jen H. - You’re probably better off just buying each issue of Canadian House & Home as you see them on the newsstand?? Not sure what the price-per-issue is in the US though.
I agree it is an awesome magazine. I am biased though, as I used to work there. I now write for them, though not as often as I used to. If you see articles written by Jennifer*Hughes, that is me. 🙂 You’ll find me much more in older issues though.
Love your blog! 🙂

crystal - I can’t remember how I discovered your blog, but your rainbow cake was how I got here in the first place. I wrote a note to myself about it to remember to make it for my daughters birthday (which I did). I didn’t add as much color to mine (I was afraid it would affect the taste), so it was much lighter, but there were so many oooh’s and ahhh’s when the cake was cut. I had a LOT of fun making it (It was also a barbie dress cake, so it was extra fun!). I think I want to make rainbow cakes all the time now, they’re so beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration. I’ve been keeping up with your blog, and love your photographs and all your color!!!!!

Amy - Yours yells “canning ball”… 4 year old little boy yells “candy bar”!!! It’s funny how they interpret things!! 😉

RLG - Canadian H&H is my favorite, too! It’s soo good. Very expensive indeed. xoxo

Jane - love the insight into random events in your week. but even more I love that you have australian relatives – I’m an aussie too!!
It’s been lovely to see your family enjoying the summer as we shiver through a cold winter…

tara pollard pakosta - love love LOVE your reaL everyday LIfe photos!
so love them!

tasha roe - get out! that’s my favorite magazine too!! my sister lives outside of toronto so when we visited her at christmas i scoured for old issues. only found one though. it was awesome. my mom is heading up there today and will be getting one for me. i’ll have her grab one for you too!

Adrienne S - Where were you looking at patio furniture? I am looking for a small table like the one your kids were sitting at.

Barb - Ditto the comments about the camera…and the patio furniture. Share!

Julie - I so want to make that rainbow cake but one of the kiddos is allergic to food dye. Wondering if there is a special food coloring you use to make this?
Great randomness!

Sophie - Such wonderful pictures (:
I love the every day shots the most.
It’s great to see Lauren around, especailly with a camera. (:
And Talby looks SO much like you, I never realised!
Such a sweet girl!

Kat - Love the random shots.
Talby does look very much like you!
Where abouts in Australia do your cousin and uncle live?
We are in Tasmania, Australia.

Denissa - I love random! The rainbow cake was DELISH!!! Except I’m a dork and layered it wrong, which my ever so kind 8yo said “Duh, mom the purple goes on the bottom.”
Whatever still was pretty and yummy! 🙂

Deputy's Wife - I am making that cake this summer!!!

Katie F - WOW! I have never noticed how much Talby looks like you til those side by side pics. Precious! You should print those for her. One day she will absolutely treasure photos of her with her mom. 🙂

Rach - $57??? Are you kidding me? It’s a magazine!!! WOW!
I can’t wait to take pics of me and my daughter like the ones you have on this post. So sweet and so precious!

aimee - you have a darling mini-me! and i think you’ve sold me on that bistro table – i’m going to look for one tomorrow!

Tara - you don’t take yourself too seriously. I think that’s the thing I like about you the most. not sure why this is my comment…but it’s what came to my mind when I read this post.

Sharla - I too, love the randomness. Will have to check out that mag, haven’t heard of it.. . . .

Nicole Q. - I love the randomness.

Leigh - Sam is CUTE!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You and your mini-me sooo cute. I have one of those too:) And every time I see that cake I vow to make one…someday:) Love the random posts Meg.

Amy D. - SO cute! I love all the family shots. 🙂 My daughter always yells “Tannenbaum” when she jumps in.

Lori - Adorable! I looovvveeee the pup pic. But then again, I loved the foot pictured, laughed at the possible tornado picture, and smiled at the mom/daughter pictures. 🙂

Leslie P. - I just got teary looking at your photos of you and your mini-me being so beautiful! The tears welling up also had to do with the fact that I’m listening to the song “In These Arms” by the Swell Season at the same time. Try it. Look at those pictures of you two and listen to this at the same time(open in a different window). You’ll weep, I have a feeling, because you’re a mom and I am too. 😉

Heather - my son saw the last photo and said…see our dog’s not the only one that drinks where he’s not supposed to! (ours drinks out of the pool only. we can’t get him to drink out of a bowl to save his life!)

Alda - I subscribe to Canadian House and Home and would love to pass it along to you when done from my home in Canada. If you can think of the most economical way to do it, I would be happy to do it. I love the idea of recycling and sharing.

Heather - where were you shopping for patio furniture? that’s a good deal!!! 🙂
love the pics!!!

Lori - Thanks for sharing your summer Meg! My kids are still. in. school! Til the 18th. Except for the senior, she graduates the 15th. We can’t wait to get started!

Keri - I think summer is all about randomness.
Especially fun randomness. 🙂

Penny - Yes, you do have a mini-me (you). Ha! I love the randomness of the pictures. {{Waffle!}} I wish he could come and have a play date with our Goldendoodle. They would have so much fun!

Chris - So funny – I have a dog that looks like a gray version of Waffle. He’s always drinking out of the birdbath!

Krista - Love your random pictures. I think my favorite is the one with the kids sitting at the patio table in the store acting like they owned the place!
Also, I have been using your rainbow cake recipe but adapted it for cupcakes. For my daughter’s birthday at school, she took rainbow/tie dye cupcake cones– they were a big hit!

Lisa - Love those freckled faces! 🙂

kelli - waffle! lol. thanks for sharing. all smiles here 🙂

Anna Marie - I agree about the camera. Do tell. 😉 - whoa…your ‘mini-me’ is right about Talby. I’ve seen many pictures of each of you throughout your blog, but don’t remember seeing you side by side. the resemblence is remarkable.

Cami - The famous rainbow cake 🙂 It was a hit with my family!!!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - If you have a new camera, don’t you know you ‘have’ to share with all of us about it???

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Pam’s Cheesecake

i have this friend Pam.
she took me to africa with her….we text everyday…she makes so much good food it’s unreal.
she made this cheesecake for a party at my house.
i can’t even describe it.

words can’t describe how i feel about this cheesecake.
created it.
she worked with ingredients from scratch…for years…and CREATED it.
i mean seriously…who does that?

PAM does.
and she agreed to let me blog it.
with pictures.
you are such lucky readers!

here goes…

you need these goodies.
4 packages of cream cheese.
i told you it was good.
put fudge stripe cookies in a big ziploc bag.
and smash them up.

add melted butter and sugar to the cookies in the bag.

and smoosh it all into a spring form pan.

microwave the cream cheese 1 – 2 minutes.
then blend it in your mixer.

with all the other ingredients too.

is that not the prettiest thing you have ever seen?!

you bake it for 45 – 50 minutes at 350.
take it out of your oven (try not to cry about the perfection you about to enjoy…)
leave it in the pan.
let it cool.
then put it in the refrigerator or freezer….you could even leave it overnight.

but that is crazy talk…who would wait a whole day to eat this?!

then pam taught me how to make homemade whipped cream.

it is so easy.

you put whipping cream in a mixing bowl…and mix it.
that is it.
why didn’t i know that?!


pam, the way you cook and bake is an art form.
you are awesome.
i love this cheesecake.

Please leave pam some love on her blog today.
she deserves it.

love you pam!



Sally - Quick question – what size pan do you use? 8″? 9″?
Also, what size sour cream – 8oz or 16oz – this picture you posted looks like 16oz but the recipe says a small tub.
Thank you SO Much!

qasb - sorry but can u give me the exact measurements? ounces?

Katie - What are the specific ingredient amounts or is this not meant to be a shared recipe? I’m confused?

Melia - I am curious as to the measurements of all the ingredients, and what exactly is needed. It looks so delicious, but I want to make sure I have everything correct!

ginny - what size springform pan? i have a box with 3 of them in it. please and thank you!!!

Ola - I’m sorry but could you list the ingredients somewhere, I am not from the States so I might need to substitute some and I also don’t know the amount 🙂 Thanks! This looks delicious and I want to try it for our anniversary.

TonyaElise - Question for your friend Pam: I LOVE this cheesecake! But every time I make it, it cracks when it cools. I was wondering if hers cracked too, or if she knew a secret to keep it from cracking down the middle. Crack or no crack, still the BEST cheesecake EVER! Thank so much for sharing the recipe!

Amanda - Found this from Joy’s Hope, and I am upset that I have no reason to make cheesecake in the near future!

Jessica - Okay, Meg (and Pam), I made this two weeks ago and my husband and friends think I am amazing now that I know how to make cheesecake. THIS cheesecake. Even my MIL was impressed. It was so easy. I am so glad my first cheesecake was this one.
I will be laminating the recipe (actually have to print a new one b/c one of our friends read it and wrote on it, “YES!!! Make for C.J.” Ha ha. Or maybe I’ll just leave it as is. Thanks to both of you for sharing and making me look good. 🙂

teresa - i made it for father’s day…it was yummy beautiful!

Alaina - Meg~ When you say a small sour cream, do you mean the regular 16 oz size (can’t see the size in the pic), or the 8 oz? I’m in the middle of making this recipe and am a little confused. Hope to hear soon. It looks so divine! Thanks for sharing.

Em @ Bunch of Scrap - Back to report that I made the cheesecake, it sat overnight… I about died not being able to eat it right away but we FINALLY got to try it last nigt…. OMG you are right! The BEST ever! My hubby wants it as his birthday cake now! Thank you Pam for perfecting this over the YEARS… wow, YUMMY!

Michelle Whitlow - I made this recipes. SO YUM!!! And my daughter is in love with it 🙂

got2havefaith - fudge striped cookies as the crust…she is a GENIUS!

Cassie - it’s baking in the over RIGHT NOW. 🙂
so excited! i’m bringing it to a b-day party tomorrow.
love you.
love pam.
and i love this cheesecake, too. 🙂

Elise - Between you and Julie, y’all are trying to make us all fat{er, in my case}. That looks so good…Seriously gonna have to try this!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Holy yowza.
ps – Matt Seracen made me cry last night.

Julie - wants.

amy d - YUM!!! hoping this will be served at a upcoming block party!
(hint, hint 🙂

amy jupin - oh holy hell.
this looks good.
i will be making this soon!

kristine - oh and btw you mentioned that you text everyday, and wasn’t getting a phone with texting on your bday list of things to do?!??! hooray for you!

kristine - what i love about pam is that she **let her hair down** to frost it (or whatever a topping on cheesecake is called). she’s adorable and her blog is hilarious and beautifully filled with baked goods. thanks for sharing and btw she got a lot of hits via you. nice props 🙂

Tracy Fisher - OMG (yes, I got that from my 13 yr. old)… I can’t wait to make this. Yum! By the way, do you know what I made up for my texting friends? LGTFAGOWAG (…it means Let’s Get Together For A Glass Of Wine And Giggles). Don’t tell my 13 yr. old!
p.s. you should write a cookbook! I’d buy it in a heart beat 🙂

The Lady of the House - Nummy Num! Num! Thanks Pam! & Meg 🙂

{beth} - this looks AMAZING! …and I am not even a cheesecake person.

ann - You should really be arrested for posting that. That looks deadly good!

emily b - Umm, I need some of that right now… but I need to pack and do laundry… baking a cheesecake probably won’t be a part of trip preparations… I’m in a quandry!
Oh, flash of brilliance! I WILL make it when we get home, and that will be my happy thought as we make the somewhat depressing drive home from the mountains next week.
Thank you for sharing!

Logan - Oh dear mercy……That is beautiful and it is those Fudge Stripe cookies that caught my eye first!!! My grandmother is the only person I have ever known that bought Fudge Stripe cookies and it was such a treat to have them at her house. I am going to make this as soon as I buy a spring form pan. Amazing!!!

Karina - I could just about swim in freshly whipped cream. I add a little icing sugar and vanilla. Do be careful not to over-whip it, or you’ll end up with butter. (Yummy butter, but still no longer whipped cream.)
Someone mentioned having cheesecake as their wedding cake. My husband is lucky I didn’t marry a cheesecake – I love it almost that much.
Do I take it your ban on sugar is over? LOL.

Jocelyn Stott - Making…this…soon. YUM! And yes, homemade whipped cream is the only way to go.

Courtney Walsh - I confess I only recently made homemade whipped cream too! I used whipping cream, sugar and vanilla for mine. it is ridiculous. This looks amazing!! Wish it was gluten free! lol 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - cannot wait to try this out!
what a GREAT friend!

Tam - fudge stripe cookies for a crust-genius! I can’t wait to try it, thanks for sharing the recipe.

Sandy - You had me at the fudge stripe cookies!
I think I’ll make this and surprise everyone at my nephew’s graduation party on Sunday. Yum.

`Kelly - Oh my word. That just made me day.

Amy Aspiras - Looks SO light and fluffy….and that crust…genius! Thanks for sharing.

shelly - Thanks for sharing, looks delish!

Staci - Oh mannnnn….this is going to be the death of me 🙂 Fudge-striped cookies….cheesecake….TOGETHER….yup, I’m dead 🙁 Thanks for sharing 🙂 Gonna go show Pam some love now 🙂

Sharla - Thanks for sharing!

Janine - Sounds like a good recipe for New York style cheesecake. I will have to try this one. My dad and my friend make an amazing cheesecake like this, and while not checking the measurements this is pretty much their recipes. I love the cookie crust idea instead of regular old graham crackers. Did she bake it in a water bath? Oh and here’s a tip – try vanilla extract and lemon zest for a different flavor. OMG so yummy. You can also just let the cream cheese come to room temp instead of microwaving it but maybe the microwaving makes it smoother. I’ll have to try that. Thanks for a new variation on an old classic!

Tess S. - this looks so good. soooo good!
extra tip for whipped cream… add a little sugar and vanilla extract. YUM!

Carrie - SO glad you learned the art of homemade whipped cream. It is so so good. I hope my friends don’t read this today – they think it is amazing that I make homemade whipped cream. Now they will know how easy it is. 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - What are you doing to me Meg and Pam?? I want cheesecake so bad now it hurts!!!

Micah - Oh my goodness. I can’t WAIT to try this!!! I love how you used fat free sour cream – to counter act all the other fat? Ha!

Kimberlee J. - I was trying to figure out what to make for family coming to town this weekend—I think this it!

Shana - i love you too pam!

Casey - I don’t care for cheesecake normally, but this looks divine! Might just have to add it to my list.

Lisa - mmm now this does look good. Im wondering… 4 blocks of cream cheese equates to how many grams? We cant buy it in blocks over here, its tubs all the way.

pam - We made your Restaurant Margaritas and we just about died they were so amazing. Your taste buds hit it dead on with the Margaritas….we’ll try this and see. :o)

Amy Lynne - Ya, well, I think I’ll be making this today! We LOVE cheesecake. In fact we had cheesecake for our wedding cake!

Jill - Oh boy, I’m reading this and it’s 7:30 in the morning, and I really want to make it RIGHT NOW!

Michelle - Amazing. Truly amazing. We live in Australia. Think Pam would mind whipping (pun fully intended!) one up and sending it to us? Oh yes, it might not travel well in the post 🙂 Seriously, it looks divine. Thanks for sharing.

Jeannette - This looks so yummy, ever at 6:45 in the morning!!! Is there really a timeframe on when you can eat dessert, I think not :o)
thanks Pam for letting Meg share this with everyone, now I am off to Wally World to buy the ingredients. Hmmmm maybe I better wait until my 4 year old gets up.

Gemma - OMG Megan I can’t believe you didn’t know how to make whipping cream…you’re S0 FUNNY!
Cheese cake looks yummy btw : )
Gemma X

Julie - I LOVE cheesecake. It is my favorite dessert. If this is the BEST cheesecake EVER in the history of cheesecake, then I HAVE to try it! Thanks Pam and Meg for sharing!!

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