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sunny evening

we finally got a break in the heat.
it rained this afternoon while i got a wonderful nap.
which was promptly interrupted by three kids jumping on me.
oh… was soooooo funny…..not.

anyway….the heat has lifted.
the windows are open.
the cicadas are singing really loudly.
i am letting my kids watch a movie till way past bedtime…..Kit Kittredge.
(the boys are so starved for tv they are even watching it!)
it is a good night.


these girls…..have been fighting every day all summer.
talby wants to be left alone and annie wants to be with talby 24/7 ….that is the main reason for the fighting.
so this short little break for an hour outside was really nice.
they were quoting movie lines and giggling like crazy.

this week i am going to jam whatever else i can into our days.
we still have about ten things on the summer list.
ten things in three days?
oh my.
the winner of crazy love ? selected this girl.…come and see if it's you.

Alina - My kids have been fighting all summer also….lil brother wants to be with big sis all day and she wants to be alone sometimes.

erica - Meg,
I love your blog and am glad I happened upon it (amazingly thru searching for the rainbow cake recipe…) these pictures are so great of your girls! I just read this article last week and thought you might like it– it sure made ME appreciate my sisters even more!

Heather R. - Sweet pics. 🙂 I grew up with a brother. I wonder sometimes what the sister bond is like.

Melissa - makes me want another girl so mckinley can have a sister…then again, i’m super tired. maybe *i* can be her bff?.!? LOL

Janelle - Love these pictures! Reminds me so much of my childhood, except my sister wouldn’t play with me. She was 7 years older. My two girls are 2 years apart – my sister didn’t fight with me either. But man, two years apart is rough, they fight non-stop!I’m always thrilled when I get photos of them smiling and playing together.

Jennifer - Umm. Thanks a LOT for the meatball recipe. Best meatballs ever. My thighs and buns on the other hand. They do not thank you.

Karen - I am so jealous that you’re still staying up late and enjoying summer! We’ve been back in school a week already!

Stephanie@Geezees - LOVE these pictures of your girls, they are soo cute!!

`Kelly - Those are pictures they will cherish when they’re all growed up. They’re so cute! Talby is for sure going to be another total knock-out like her big sister!

Anna - Tell me – where did you get Annie’s bathing suit? My 3-year-old would LOVE it.

Jacqui - wow its amazing to me how much annie has grown just since i’ve started reading this blog but this summer your photos of her …. she is a big little girl now 🙂

beth - Love those pictures of Annie and Talby…they are so full of life…Your Annie and my Lexi sound so alike…just so full of energy. Yikes a lot to do in three days. We don’t go to school till next week.
Congrats to the winner of your book. I just wished I liked to read but I don’t I do most my reading online on blogs…

Cate O'Malley - so many adorable pictures, full of personality! My kids are the same way – my daughter wants to be with her 8-year-old brother non-stop. He’s not having it. My sister is 8 years younger so I totally get it. I should probably apologize to her for tormenting her during our childhood.

Angela - This post made me happy and sad. Happy for you and sad for me. lol
I have no sisters and no daughters! Two brothers and three sons. I need some estrogen in my life!!!!

jodi @ back40life - is it not unbelievable that summer is over??? we’re in SC and school starts back here this week…mind boggling! enjoy your last week!

Jessi H. - Your girls are beautiful 🙂 Also, facebook keeps suggesting that I add your husband under “People you may know”….I laugh everytime he pops up. I don’t know you or your husband. Anyway, your blog is wonderful. I come here every day, excited to steal ideas for ways to make fun memories with my kids. Your blog makes me happy 🙂

Lisa - Adorable pictures! We watched KK at our house yesterday too. Or “Kit Witwidge” as my little one calls it.

Melanie - Such cute pictures:) I would say that you have a full 3 days to get that list finished:) Good luck with that! LOL

deb meyers - shhhhhh….even my 16yo son will sit through Kit Kittredge b/c of Joan Cusack : )
Talby and Annie, so cute. It’s been fun watching Talby’s front teeth come in!

Kimberlee J. - Love these…bottle this for the week. 🙂

Michelle - Australia - I hope that when Annie and Talby are older, they look back at that gorgeous series of pics from the post today and say ‘Remember when?’ and ‘Wasn’t that Summer just the best?’ You are creating beautiful memories for your children. What more could a Mother want?

citymouse - I am so thankful for days when my kids get along. That in itself is a blessing!

tara - i was just thinking how wonderful it would be to have a sister or for my girl to have a sister and how loving those two looked and then read your comment! reality check.
but they are beautiful girls and lucky to have each other.
enjoy your last summer days.
what i wouldn’t do for a nap…interrupted or not.

Tracy - Such cute photos of your girls. My baby sister and I fought a lot growing up but are now closer than sisters – she is my very best friend in the world. I’m sure your girls will be the same way when they are older. Wow, only 3 days until school starts back? I wish ours was – we don’t go back until September 2nd. I’m ready for the Fall and our “normal” routine of school, etc., however my kids aren’t – LOL Congrats to the winner of the book – I am going to find it now. Have a great day, Meg and thanks again for sharing – I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you and your beautiful family have been up to. Big hugs! :o)

Rhonda - Loved these photos. Reminded me of being a young girl during the summer. Not a care in the world. All children should feel happy, safe and loved. It’s obvious yours feel that way. Good job, Mom.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, Annie and Talby are getting so beautiful! 🙂 So glad you got a sorta nap today… 🙂

candice boatright - I have three boys and the oldest two have been fighting too…but happiness will glimmer through, won’t it? Love that. Unrelated–wanted to let you know that remembering your fun-filled dive on the slip-n-slide gave me the guts to do a cannonball at the pool today. My 6 year old was thrilled. Thanks, Meg.

The Lady of the House - Your girls are stinkin’ CUTE! Ha! As I was reading the first part I was totally wondering, hmm…. wonder how her summer list is going – crazy, huh? Anyhow, LOVE naps during a rainstorm.
Happy Week, The Lady of the House

Deputy's Wife - That is a great photo set! The fighting is happening with our two youngest also. Every single day this summer. The other day, my oldest son threatened to duct tape my mouth shut if I said “Can we all get along here for a moment, please?” Evidently I have said that a lot this summer.

AshleyAnn - Those make me sad my girl doesn’t have a sister…maybe one day.

Chaos-Jamie - Funny! as I scanned through the photos, I kept thinking, “I’ve got to get Abby a sister!” And then to read the final paragraph. Mayyyyyyybe not. 😉

Holly - those girls are adorable! Mine have been fighting all summer also! As far as Crazy Love goes I read it a while ago and loved it!

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it’s saturday.

i loved crazy love.
this book can wreck you.
in a good way.
rip apart what you thought you knew….thought you felt…..what you want or thought you wanted. 

God's love is incredible. 

i have another copy of crazy love to giveaway.

kate sent it to me her extra copy to give to one of you…she is so sweet.

leave a comment today and i will pick a winner sunday night.

i still have some questions to answer.
i promise.

Serra - Love your blog and would love to read this book!

carly - enter me pllllease :] id love to read this!

jen - i know many who have read this. i need to be one of them to read it too 🙂

Lorie Greer - Our church is going to read this book together starting next month. I’m looking forward to it.

Jamie J - I so want to read this book!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - hmm, if I don’t win it, then I’m off to the library this week for it. 🙂

casey - everyone always needs a little help on their walk with god… I wanna read this so bad!

Summer - ooh, sounds like a great book 🙂 would love to win.

Laura - 😉

katie - i’d like to read this?

Meredith - Need some good reading right now. I am feeling some crazy love for my hubby. Spent some quality alone time together recently that was well needed and will again this weekend. Addicted to your blog and share with everyone. I refer to you as Meg to family and they think you are my close friend. It is funny.

Emily - I have been wanting that book! Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

jaz - Gee I would love to win an uplifting book to read!

rosemarie - i woul love to win this book and love your blog

Dawn Zaffron - you’ve gotten my attention…i hope i win it!

Monica - I’m in the mood to be “wrecked”

jess - count me in!

Rachael B - there is nothing better than getting wrecked for the ordinary by jesus. even at 16, I am madly in love. I would love that book to keep growing!

Amanda - Crazy love is all I’ve ever known… gotta read this one!

Melanie - I’m an avid reader…and a huge fan of your blog (just sayin’, lol)…I would love a chance to win this book!

Chris H - sounds like my kind of book- add my name to your list, please! I’ve got you on my google-reader… loving stopping in here.

Ady M - Our family could use some crazy love. Hope to win!

Laurie Schmotzer - I would love to read this book! It seems to keep coming back to me. Hope I win! Love your blog!

emily - i have been wanting to read this so bad ever since you started talking about it!!!

ashley - I’d love to know how this book turns out!

Dina Marie - It must be quite interesting to read this book. Of course I’d love to read this book!

Martina - It’s actually Sunday so maybe I’m too late but I’ve been wanting to read this book. 🙂

Lisa Roth - Heard that this was a great book…would love to read it!

Micah - I’ve heard it is great! Maybe I’ll be picked to read this copy.

cassie o - i almost bought it yesterday because you’ve mentioned so much about it … i guess this is just another hint that i need to go get a copy!!

Lyna - I’ve been seeing and hearing a ton about this book. I so need some crazy love, like right now!

Karen - I so want to read this book! Francis Chan’s videos are awesome, so I can only imagine that the book is better (the book is ALWAYS better!).

Adrienne - Oooo — heard such great things! 🙂 I would love to read it too!

Christy Henderson - I’d love,love,love a copy of the Crazy love book..

Lindsay - I’ve been wanting to read this book for a long time.

Kristine G. - Oohh sounds good…would love to win a copy!

Kevyn - I would looooove to have this book!

Michelle - Never heard of this book — would love to read it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Meaghan - You have really sparked my interest in this book!

Meredith - I would love to read this book!! Right now God is working in my life to show me just how much He loves me and this book would be perfect!!

Rebecca - Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa B - I love reading your blog. I would love to read this book:)

Amy - looks like a good read! Thanks for the sweet give away!!

Janelle - I could really use a “win” right now…as well as an uplifting book!

Meghan B - I’ve been wanting to get my eyes on a copy of this one!

Bri - Ooooh, been wanting to read this!! Everyone says it will rock your world!

tasha roe - that’s been on my to-do list for books.
i promis i’ll give it a good home. 🙂

Robin - LOVE to read…and would LOVE to read this book!! Pick Me, Pick Me!!!!

Melissa - I LOVE your blog and have been wanting to read this book!

Lindsey - I would love to read this book. Ever since my son was born I feel a need to be closer to God. I would love this!

Jeni - Oh I have been wanting to read this for sooo long now! Thanks for the opportunity!

Jemm - Woohoo maybe i’ll win this time! 😉

Karen H. - Oh Wow!!! I was looking at this book at B&N!!! I thought I would try to find it at the library! Thank you for the chance to win!

Dianne - oh i’d love to read this one! thanks for the opportunity.

Cat - I’m so in!

Jess Mead - I am actually reading it now. I agree! It is so challenging!!

amy bell - just heard how wonderful this book is to read….would love to win it!

Julie - I would love to be challenged through crazy love.

Amy Lynne - That would be pretty neat to win!

angie - Pick me, Pick me, Pick me!! you will be no different in the next 5 years than the friends you hang with and the books you read. Love this quote, not mine.

Yolanda - Looks great!

Cindy - Count me in!!
Crossing fingers.
Enjoy the day

Rebecc - I keep hearing that I need to read this book! Since I haven’t taken the time to get to the library and check it out, maybe I will win your copy. Then all I will need to take is a trip to the mailbox!!! What a time saver!

Tasha - would love to read it!

Lisa - Phew so many comments already… I was at the bookshop a few weeks ago and was looking for this book, except my baby brain wouldnt allow me to remember the title so I went home empty handed. You have just jogged my memory.

Kristin Joy - well, i’d never just go out & buy it so i guess if it is meant to be, it will happen 🙂

jilly - have had this on my “to read list”, for a while now!

Angela - Would love to read this book…hope I win. 🙂

shiela - I would love to check it out!

Stacia - I heard this was great. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

jamie bitting - I love a good read!!

Heidi Hentze - Hi Megan,
I want to thank you for keeping us all inspired and remembering to wear our happy hats, despite the challenges we live through. I am hoping to read the book you mention, if not through your draw, then through purchasing it somewhere. Thanks Megan.

Susan Pipich - so happy to have recently discovered your blog. what a delight! would love to red this book…pleast throw my name in the hat!

Carrie K - its killing me not to have this book whenever you talk about it!! if i dont win this time im going to just give in and BUY it 🙂

danelle - pick me! pick me!

Kate - Everything today has gone wrong…I really need this book 🙂 Thank you so much for offering this giveaway!!

Heather R. - Okay…I’m curious about the “Crazy Love”…

Alma - What other kind of LOVE is there! Send it my way 🙂

robyn - i’ve heard some great stuff about this book!

Annie - I’ve been looking for another book to read. I hope I win so I can make this one it!

Mary-Beth - I am a new stay at home mom to my first baby and we have a newly adjusted budget to match! I would love to win this book!

Laura - I have this book & read it twice. Francis Chan is just a gifted Pastor, went to Cornerstone where he use to Pastor just a great person.Imagine he has now given up his home in the suburbs (nice area too) , stepped down as Pastor of his church and now he & his family will now be starting a church in the poorest section of downtown L.A. He doesn’t just write books he follows Jesus!

Dana Banana - Sounds like a GREAT read! See you tomorrow!

Meg - would love to read this book! recently finished “a maze of grace” by trish ryan and highly recommend it, too!

Tracy - Would love a copy! Thank you so much!!

jamie - i would enjoy a copy of {crazy love} thankyousoverymuch

Colleen - i cannot wait to read this book. what a great giveaway!

alamama - everytime you mention this book, you intrigue me. thank you for the chance to win it.

Kelley - Ooooh, pick me! Pick me! 🙂

Ashley - I would love to win that book! It’s been on my wish list for awhile!!

Margaret - I have been wanting to read this book.

Tia Ploutz - I’ve picked up this book several times in Barnes & Nobles because it piqued my interest. It sounds like just the kind of book I’d enjoy reading. I love books about community & God’s love. It’s always refreshing to gain a new perspective.

Becky - I would love to win this book! I have heard so much about it!

Sharla - I’m almost done with Eat, Pray, Love and would love to read this one next :)/

Erica Haude - i’ve been meaning to pick up a copy and just haven’t yet. this would be PERFECT! Thank you!

Allyssa W. - Oh Meg, I would L-O-V-E to have this book!! I actually just added it to a list of books “to buy” so that I can have some good reading material as I sit at the salon. I am a hair stylist and I like to read in between clients, not just magazines but good stuff that I can better myself with and to help strengthen my walk with The Lord.
I enjoy reading your blog, it always makes me SMILE!
God Bless!

Teri - Would love to read this book!

katie - i want one i want one!! interested to learn more about francis chan…

Mindy - I don’t read because I have 4 kids (5 years and under, triplets included). But this looks like something I need. My dad died unexpectedly in April at 67. My life hasn’t been the same since. I need something to get my on some kind of track … maybe this book would?

Aileen L - I’m on bedrest with baby #3 for another 6 weeks and am in desperate need of a good read!

Michele - Francis Chan looks like the real deal…which means I’m interested in hearing his thoughts on how to live a life that’s not lukewarm. Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura Hit - I haven’t heard of this book – but it seems to come highly recommended on your blog and in comments!!

Donna - I’m thinking this may be the guidance I need right now.

Adrienne S - I have been loving your Thursday Craft Projects! Thanks for the ideas.

deb - Hello fellow Jayhawk fan! Would love a copy of this book!!

Jenna B - I was just on Amazon looking for some new reads, and took a break to read your blog. I think this is just what I’m looking for!
Any chance you can throw in a pillow? I’m just kidding…kind of.. 🙂

Dawn Eshnaur - I would LOVE to win this book! I need to be reminded of God’s great love for me!

Lorie - I love to read and I love God, so I would love to read this book!

elizabeth - i cant wait to read it and pass it on..

Janet - Count me as one who has never heard of this book. I’ll be putting it on my must-read list because you said so!! 🙂
Janet – WI

Elisabeth - Oooh, I’ve been wanting to read this for a long time. I’d love to win! P.S. I’ve never commented before, but love your blog, your photos, and your honesty. Thanks!

Dellie - i like the sound of this book = sounds perfect

mindi jo - If you pick me, I will be passing it on. It was one of the most life changing books I’ve read (apart from the Bible, of course.) Francis Chan is an amazing vessel of God’s word and God’s love to all. Definitely rocks your core! Would love to see a post on your thougts. I read it last summer and blogged about it a few times. Great, great book to pass on!

KelleyW - I’d love to read this!

Maria - I would love to win! I was just having a conversation about reading a good Christian book today with my sister in law…pick me!!! LOL!

Sara Morris - would love to give it a whirl!!

Jen Christians - I think I need some Crazy Love! I have tried to get it at the library and always miss out!

Jules - I need this book! I need a push! Pick me please!!

Amy Mumaw - I am interested in reading this. Hope I win!

robin - would love to win, and get wrecked in a way I didn’t think possible. 🙂 Thanks for the chance.

christine gottschalk - i love to read..i just finished my latest book at 3:00am last night…………………..

citymouse - God’s love IS incredible! It’d be awesome to win!

Leah in FL - Would love to read this book…. :o)

Ellen - I’ve not commented on your blog yet, but I figured this would be a great time to start!! I’d love love this book. It seems like God keeps putting it in my path lately!

wendy b. - Thank you for this amazing chance to win this book. I have heard of it, but haven’t had an opportunity to read it! I am a new Christian and sometimes feel I so don’t understand why if He loves me why I would have to endure some of the things in my life! (sorry to be so heavy)
And BTW — I LOVE your blog. I love that you are real. It makes me smile!

Kirsten P - My kids heard the author, Francis Chan, at a youth conference and really liked him. I’d love to read Crazy Love by him.

Stefanie - I bought a copy, began reading it, LOVED it, but then ran across a person in need who needed it much more than I did and gave my only copy away. Even if I don’t win this one, I’ll go buy a new one off Amazon 🙂

susan bahula - would love this book!

Jamie - hoping to win, my soul needs renovations!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I love that you will be picking the winner so soon. I’m impatient, and if I don’t win, I can try to find it elsewhere.
Thanks for thinking of us!

Laura - Buying this book has been on my to-do list for quite a while. If I win it I could cross it off!

rebecca - I’d love to read that book! I’ve been wanting to for a while. I’m number 46 at the library to get it.

Wendy - I think about this book a lot since you’ve posted about it. It’s been on hold at the library forever! Would love to own it.
Wendy╰⊰⊹✿ ✿⊹⊱╮

Anna Marie - Yes! I want to read this! Thanks for the giveaway Kate and Meg.

Donna - I’m so interested in this book after hearing you talk about it so much!. Thanks

Michelle - I have been wanting to read this!

Karey - Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

yvonne - I’ve been really, really, really wanting you read this book! I try to save money by not purchasing books and by reading all my sister’s leftovers instead (smile! Don’t you just love younger sisters?). But now she has a Nook and I don’t so I’m out of luck :(. I would love to win a copy!

Meg B. - i would love to read this book and then pass it on to my daughter.

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. 🙂 I looked this book up, and it sounds interesting, especially if it will “wreck you in a good way.”

Amanda - It’s on my list of books that I want to read. I’d love it if you picked me!

Becky - I’d love to read it 😉

Jill - I love the book Crazy Love. I read it but gave my copy to a friend. I am glad I passed it on to enrich someone else’s life… but I miss it!! I hope I win! 😉 Thanks Meg!

Lindsay - Putting on my list…again. Wonder if the library carries it?!

Meg - Would love to win this!

rebecca frame - …i would love to have my name added…have been curious about that read…

Carrie - Would love this book!

Marie - One of my best friends couldn’t recommend this book enough! It’s at the top of my reading list, but my library doesn’t have it. I’d love to win!

kathy Eller - Im ridiculous about reading “poplular” books. I dont want to just ebcasue everyone else is. How silly is that? winning a copy of this book may be just the nudge I need:)

Tracy - Sounds like a book I could use about now – I hope I win the free copy! :o)

Teri H. - I would love to read this book! Thank you for the chance to win!

LibraryGirl62 - would love to win…been in a little “faith crisis” lately…

Staci - I reeeeeally want to start reading again…and this would be PERFECT!!!! I hope I win!! But if I don’t I’ll still be happy for whomever does 😉 Thanks Megan!

Amanda Fuentes - Perfect timing with the kids heading back to school next week, maybe I’ll find some time to read!

maria - It really is a “hard” read in a really good way! I hope I win so I can give a copy to my friend – I don’t want to part with my copy so I can reread it again and again….

Linda R. - I’ve been eyeing this book, as I’ve heard so much about it. I would love to win a copy!

Laura - Pick me! Pick me! 🙂

Betsy - I have been hearing about this book and think it could be great for me to read. Maybe your post is a sign that I need to do this soon.

sara's art house - I need to read this book!

Whitney - Sounds like a wonderful book! Thanks!

Nancy from the Chicago 'burbs - I was just going to see if anyone on Facebook had a copy I could borrow.

Heather Young - I would love to win this!! My church is having a women’s retreat in Oct. based on this book and I would love to read it before I go!!

marci - i would love to read a good book! especially if its written to inspire.

Janelle - Heard it was amazing!! would love to read it!!

sam - i would love to read this book, i hope i win!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I haven’t even heard of this book. I hope I win!

Katie P - I would love to read this book!

Julie Briggs - would love to read this!

natalie - would LOVE this!

Courtney - I think our small group is going to use this book as the basis for our next study – I’d love a copy!

Sherbez - Hi there… reading your blog from NZ. You are such an interesting & inspirational person! Would love to read this book!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Perfect timing! We just decided to read this book in our Bible study and I haven’t bought my copy yet. I can’t wait to read it, I’ve heard it gets rave reviews.

jen smith - i haven’t heard of this book yet? where have i been? love to give it a read.

Malissa - I hope I win. I have been wanting to read this.

LeAnne Cotton - hope I win

sandy toe - Never heard about this book!
sandy toe

julie f. - i’ve heard so much about this book– it’s on my (imaginary) list of books i want to read… and if i owned that would be much more likely to happen 😉

Donna - I would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win.

Debbie - Enjoy your book recommendations. Would LOVE to read this!

Denissa - I would LOVE to read this book!
Thanks 🙂

josephine - I love this book too. I am re-reading it now. I want to win so I can give it to my friend!

Andrea from O-H-I-O - I will try this book after I finish what I am reading now – Total Money Makeover. Thank you for suggesting “For Women Only”! Read it, loved it, learned a lot from it and have recommended it!

Karen - I checked this book out from the library and fell in love with it! It’s on my list of things to buy so I would love to have a copy of my own!!! Thanks for telling us about it!!!

Jeannette - This is on my list of “must read” because of you so this would be great to win it from you :o)

Cris Marsh - I would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win.

deb meyers - the cover art alone …

Shelly Primm - i hope i get a chance to win this book even if i don’t win! thanks

Wendy - I love the concept of this book and can’t wait to read it!
I’ve just started my very own blog with the basis begin about daily challenges and continued faith in God.
Love your blog, too.
Keep the faith!

Julie in GA - Thanks for the chance to win this book!

Kasey - I’d love to read it!

JessicaLynn - I LOVE this book. I just started re-reading it this week. I’ve had the chance to listen to him speak multiple times, AMAZING!

Tracy B. - Definitely a book that I would love to read! Hope I win:)

Tracy Sharlette - I have heard so many wonderful things about this book!! I really feel like I need it right now!! 🙂

Nichole - I need to read this!!! Sounds amazing!!!

Suzanne D - I have been wanting to read this… I have heard wonderful things about it!

Charis - i have heard great comments about this book! can’t wait to read it…

Charity - This book sounds really incredible, thanks!

Kathi - DD read this book as a challenge at one of our church high school events. She’s stashed it somewhere that I can’t find. Would love to win this copy, so that I may read it as well!

Brianna - Hoping to read this book! My sister is really seeking to know God right now in a personal way and picked this book up on her own and is now re-reading it! Yay!

CAROL B - i’ve been wanting to READ this book!! Hope i WIN!! 🙂

Brittany - I would love to win this book! I think Francis Chan is amazing!

stacie - you inspire me to want to read this. i hope i win!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - I’d love to read it!
Just curious, has anyone else mentioned having trouble getting your blog to load since you changed it? It could be the laptop I’m using, but it keeps freezing up or taking a really long time to load now. ???

Mallory - Someone else has recommended this book as well — Thanks for the opportunity to win it —

Tanya - I’m number 63 on this hold list at the library for this book! Put my name in for the giveaway please!

Angie - This book has been on my to-read list for quite awhile. I love reading your blog. Your pictures are wonderful and I can relate to your mom stuff, having a teenager and a younger child.

Janie Fox - I am reading it now. Loving it!

jody - Ooh, I love when you write a Saturday post (I have a dull life! ha!) No, this book looks wonderful. Thanks for offering a freebie!

Dawn - Sounds like a really great book. I love reading your blog each day.

Mary Ferrara - Thanks so much for offering this as a giveaway! I am excited to read it and I would be so excited to win! Love your blog by the way. It is such a great source of inspiration and color!

Jill - My husband just started a new weekly Bible study with 20 guys; 2 year commitment! I am looking to start something for myself…maybe it’s this!

FeFe - I’ve heard so much about this book!

Kristin - Would love to read it!

Tami - I would love to win this. I can’t wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.

Becky O'Hearn - Just finished a book and could really use some crazy love!

Katie - I’d love to win! I can’t wait to read it!

purejoy - i have heard so much about this book. i am going to be in a bible study this fall and i think we’re thinking of doing this book. so if i win, WOW!! but if not, i’ll more than likely pick up a copy myself.
thanks for the endorsement!

shelby - I would love to win this book. It looks super interesting!

Kimberlee J. - If I win, I’d give this copy to our library. Loved this book!

sarah - This book looks very interesting. Sort of plucking at strings that have recently discovered.

Gevay - I definitely need to read this book whether I win it from you or get it myself!

Jennifer - I would love to win this book, been wanting to read it for a while.

Alexandra Horn - Love Francis Chan.
He spoke quite often at my undergrad university.
Having a copy of this would be such a joy!

angie - i would love to read this book!!!!! thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂

Ashley - sounds like it was a great book! I would love to read it!

Kara Tait - I would be crazy happy if I got a copy!!

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic - I still want to read it!

Carla - I’d love to give it a read.

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - ooh count me in! thanks!

anna - i have wanted to read this for awhile – would love a copy!

Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - I’d love the opportunity to read this. I just finished “Calm My Anxious Heart” for the hundredth time . . . might be time for a new read. Thanks!

Annette - Throw my name in the hat! would love to read it, on my list of books to buy eventually!

Sarah - I’ve been hoping to read this book for a very long time!

Tracy Fisher - If I don’t win this, I am going to buy it. It scares me, but excites me about the future. Thanks for all of your fun blogs.
Tracy (
ps… I’d love to paint for you some day!!!

Gekakel - Can I join?

adrienne - sounds like a book i must read…thanks for the chance to win!!

kristine - Would love to read it since I am on maternity leave!

Jacquelyn - Ahhh, just the title makes me CrAZy with anticipation. I just recently became a stay at home mom to my 2 boys (left the corporate world) and I find myself loving them more and more everyday. I just know there will be those days ahead – and I want to stay focused and continue this rollercoaster of my life – bringing me closer to our Savior and the joy He has in store for me. Thanks for the opportunity!

lala - Lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

tara pollard pakosta - OH I want to win it!!!
but hope the right person wins!!

Rebecca - Just thinking the other day it’s time to read a book as I haven’t read one in forever. Would love to read one that you have recommended 🙂

Amber Perona - Great giveaway!

Sheena Richmond - I went out to buy this book because your recommended it and agree it is truly life changing…if you allow it to be.
I’d love to win another one to share with a friend!

erin - I’d love a chance to win! Thank you!

Nichole Richardson - I have yet to read this book….I think I need to!

jenny - i’d love this book!!!!

Anna Schaufler - Just got back from an incredible mission trip to Kenya…could use some crazy love…LOVE your blog.

miss r - I’ve finished up all my books this summer and would love to read this one. I tried to find this at my library, but couldn’t. (We don’t have the greatest selection of Christian books there..sad.) Thanks for the giveaway!

Lauren - I’m in need of a good wreck in my life! Love your blog – we could totally be BFFs in real life! 🙂

shelly - Oh I would love to read that book! I need to be wrecked!

Kasey Laughlin - Hopefully I’ll win….I definitely want to read it! 🙂 Happy Weekend!

jodi @ back40life - I started listening to the audio book a few weeks ago and then got sidetracked…must get started back!

Julie - *hoping to win*

Jen - I have listened to this on audio book but would LOVE to own a copy!! Happy Weekend!

Laura - That looks like a great book! Thanks for the opportunity!

Melanie - Can’t wait to read this book:) Happy Saturday.

Karen - I would love to read this book- it’s on my list of books to get next!

Rachel - You’ve mentioned this before and it looks/sounds interesting. I could use a new attitude; does the book come with instructions? 😉

Kristin M - This book looks very intriguing! If I don’t win it I think I am going to have to buy it!

virginia - sounds like a great book

Lori - Looking for a meaningful book to read!

Val - Looks like a good read! =)

Kirsten - Every time you write something about this book, I think, “oh! I need to read that!” But I still haven’t done it! 🙁

stephanie - Enter me please … this might be the way to get me to read it as I am scared to buy it. : )

april - I soooo want to read this book…hope i win….

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working on…..











i am a busy girl.

and lovin' every minute of it!! 

the whyte house - i went to middle school with the second couple! hahaha.

crystal b - I adore every single one of these!!! May the force be with you …. using your talents for good.

Jamie Schrader - Awesome pictures! I have been taking a few pictures…mainly for my family and am loving playing around with photography. I was curious if you use an editing program and if you do which one? I love your blog and all the pictures you take, so creative!!

Kelly - oh that levi is such a cutie! kelly

purejoy - oh lawwww. they’re all so adorable. and to think i even recognized one… wow on that!!
the last one had me wondering…
pink or blue in there?

Karen Lehmann - omgosh and I was worried about two little shoots to edit…you are one busy lady…i hope i am like you when i grow up, heehee
the one of The Macs with their little Levi IS the most precious thing EVER…very nice job.

Sheila - Kansas sure has some beautiful people!!!

Vera - Love all of these, but the picture of Levi is one of my favorites that you’ve ever taken – you can just see mommy and daddy love oozing out of that one!! <3

adrienne - from your happy things… love the rock monsters best!! kiddo book review very cool (:

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - They are adorable. Great job Meg!

Beth - I was going to comment here and say which was my favorite, but then I kept scrolling down and was loving ALL of them! 🙂

Holly - great photos Meg as always!

Sarah @ Clover Lane - Awesome as usual! You do families SO well…which is HARD!
Love your new look. - I love the kids faces in the last picture!

Juli - I love the capture of interraction.
The 1st photo, how the baby girl captivtes everyone. Isn’t that just the truth? Our whole family just can’t get enough of our baby girl (even at 2 yrs old!)
The little chunker of a baby on the bench…he looks JUST like his Dad! As we say here in the South, he is the spit right out of his mouth!
The last photo-the little boys’ expressions while Mom & Dad are lovey dovey. Love it! My son is always telling us to knock off the gushy love stuff!
All beautiful families & all beautiful kids!

Julie - Cute, cute, cute families. Gorgeous pics. I am going to eat Levi up!!! How much are you dying to see your pics???? Seriously!!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my heavens! Look at all those baby toes! Love it, love it!

Jennifer De Los Santos - Kate saw the picture of herself and said “Der’s pwetty Kate”. So sweet. Thanks! Can’t wait to see them all!

citymouse - These are awesome. Makes me want family photos even more than ever.

Carrie K - oh Meg!! these are gorgeous!! so real and happy and just beautiful…the personalities just jump off the page!! Levi is my sentimental favorite…but i love the one of the girls watching their parents kiss…such a cute shot 🙂

Phoenix_Rising - Oh how precious! I love the moments you capture. Priceless.

amy jupin - meg, seriously, all the pics are gorgeous.
mr. levi, adorable.
and that last one, is hilarious. those boys made my day.

jen - The fourth one of the baby on the bench is hilARious and adorable. And I love the last one too. Wish you were in PA!

Lora - So much cuteness!!

Jodi - These pictures are beautiful Meg!

tasha roe - beautiful families!
those macs sure make adorable kiddos!
love your pictures as always!!

Jennifer Brown - I love reading your blog, and often check it daily! Today I was surprised to see my cousins on here and their cute little boys (last picture). You take great pictures meg!

Dina - Such beautiful families! That last one …. LOL!!! LOVE IT!

AshleyAnn - Woah girl…you’ve been BUSY…you and your computer are doing a lot of bonding these days! Enjoy a coffee and chocolate break in the midst of all that photo goodness (if you are allowing yourself to have sweets)

Laura Phelps - SO GREAT! THAT FLOWER on that baby’s head! OH MY! I could eat her up!
I love when you feel good and busy and productive and creative….

Dana Banana - Seeing these makes me SO excited for our photo shoot with you on Sunday! Now if I could only figure out what we should wear…..

Wendy - Such sweetness and love. What a wonderful gift you have to be able to capture that! 🙂

Kimberlee J. - I love all the little boys in plaid. You HAVE been busy.
Have you been shooting this week in the heat?

pam - Glory…I love the little man in the plaid shirt….look at that face and the last picture…priceless. You do a great job capturing joy.

Gemma - Lovely photos : )
Gemma x

Sophie - what adorable beautiful gorgeous family portraits! I love the one with the bubba with the flower bigger than her head! So many beautiful moments!

Jocelyn Stott - Wonderful photos! It is inspiring to see so much happiness!

Amber - Beautiful pictures! I too, love the ones of Cora’s family. Little Levi is so cute! 🙂

Elizabeth - I almost burst into tears when I scrolled down through all those beautiful photos and saw Baby Cora’s mama, daddy and their new little boy.

jenjen - So cute! I want a baby…

myrnie - All those babies…how can you stand it?! I’m PREGNANT, and they’re killing me. Great shooting!

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craft thursday #7

hey look…'s actually thursday when i posted craft thursday!

stepping stones was on the summer list.

i could make this stuff every day….well at least for a week.

there are cheaper ways to make these….but i didn't want to mess up…or risk them not turning out.
so i went with the tried and true KIT.
we bought 3 boxes at hobby lobby.
and the plastic molds too.

i made each one sepreately.
very easy….1 cup of water and the bag of cement.

till it looks like this.
you can add more water if it seems too thick.

pour it in the mold and smooth it out.
i used the paint stick and then i shook it side to side and THEN i patted it down with my hands.

then i let them go crazy with beads, glass bubbles, tiles, broken dishes and our junk collection.

what i love about mosaics is that you can practically use ANYTHING.

talby's stone.

annie's stone.
sean's stone.

this project is messy and takes prep.
but i loved it.

my mirror was one of my favorite projects i ever made.
i need to make more stuff like that.

there is not enough time to make all that i want to make!!! 

11 Simple Projects to Make Your Backyard More Fun - […] DIY Stepping Stone Step this way.This backyard craft from Whatever… involves a bit of prepwork but is still totally entertaining. It’s a great way to use up […]

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crystal b - These are stunning! I hope you make a path to a magic spot in your yard — like that gazebo I spied in one of your pictures.

Lucylu ~ - Hey Meg,
did you use my pebbles i gave you when i last saw you?
just Wondering, Lucy

Melanie - Looks like a fun craft:)

Courtney Walsh - love this, Meg!!! 🙂 Such a great project!

Phoenix_Rising - I thought Annie’s was my favorite but now I’m intrigued by Sean’s. I love Talby’s name on hers. Great work by the kiddos!

kristine - annie’s hair is so blonde!!

Jenn - I LOVE ANNIE’s STONE. I love how it isn’t organized and she fills every space with something fun. Your kids are so creative!

sara's art house - Love, love, love this! I need to do this with my kids! - Great idea! They really turned out very nicely. Are the broken dishes old things from your house or do you go looking for cool colors/designs?

crystal - Meg, I love your blog. Of all the blogs I subscribe to, this is the one I check everyday! I always love your beautiful photos, and love seeing into a window of your lives! These garden stones are 10 times better than anything you can buy in a store! I love that it’s an activity any age can do!
P.S. – tell Emily, who posted a comment earlier than me, that my blog has great ideas for younger kids:

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - now, that’s craft-tastic! 😉

miss r - They remind me of I Spy! Very fun.

Krista - We made these this summer and I thought of you (silly, I know, but when I craft you come to mind). The kits make it really easy. I love that you keep all of the broken dishes and other stuff that would normally get thrown out, so you can recycle them. I wish I could remember to do that. - so cute! i’ve been wanting to make some of these forever!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - So fun and so fab!

Kelly - What kind of birds did you use on the mirror Meg? That is really cool!
I love the use of the necklace in the stepping stone. I am going to start a junk box right now!

jennifer - Those are SO cool!

Linda Juul - Thanks for the great post! I have been wanting to make these again b/c the ones I made last summer were not so hot 🙁 I think your instructions will be wonderful.

ruthi - love your blog and the creative inspiration you share!

Heather - These are so great! I made two when my two oldest were still tiny and did their feet and hands. Still one of my favorite things. What wonderful keepsakes!
I just love Annie’s face when she does crafts- she looks so serious and focused!! Precious.

Heather R. - They turned out AWESOME!!! I want to make these :).

Nicole Q. - Love these. My mom has done one with each of her grandkids at age 2 of their hand prints.

Emily - i love all of the fun crafts you do! They all look so fun but my daughter is only 2 and they all seem so far away! Any fun craft ideas for younger kids?

Kelly - I think it’s so wonderful how you do crafts with your children!

Jessie - Looks like they had a blast!…now I’m wondering what the rest of your kids middle names are 😉

shelly@familyblt - So fun–I love all the things your kiddos chose to use–so unique!

julia - it’s so neat how, when doing an art project, each child’s personality shows through. your son’s looks like a guy tile for sure!

katy - those are so much fun to do, just remind people to not actually “step” on them…….they’ll break…we have one that has not broken and we’ve made at least 5 of them. 🙁
yours look sweet!!!

Tammy - fun project! we did it last week for our Craft Tuesday! Great minds must think alike!!

adrienne - fun mom… very fun mom!!! they are all wonderful!

kristin - okay. i want to do this.
i LOVE it.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh you have me wanting to craft. That’s not a good thing. I need to clean…not craft. Lovin’ this project.

amandadod - Those look great! I have that same kit sitting in my garage waiting to be done … I may have to pull it out today 🙂

Holly - very cool!

Laura Phelps - fabulous!!! The kids and I made NIck a stepping stone for Fathers made the whole trip from LA to CT without breaking, we put it outside, and the next day, Luke broke it. ugh
Now, you need to stop crafting and fill out our application for The Amazing Race!!!!!!

AshleyAnn - You make me wish I had done a craft each week with the kids…looks like yours had a great time. Love the mirror!

Debra - We plan on making some when we move back Stateside. Love ’em!

Julie - Those are so cool! And yes, your mirror is great!! I can see why it would be a favorite!

lorel - very nice!

Lisa - Wow these are awesome! really really great. A must do for our family. xxx

mother★lode - these are fantastic! stepping stones are on my forever growing list of projects to make, you’ve moved them closer to the top with your inspiring renditions! well done!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - They are all great!
So inspiring!!!

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waffle and me bored in the car.

the ride home from my parents seemed extra long.

it could be the sheer exhaustion felt by all of us from the day before spent at WORLDS OF FUN.
in the 105 degree heat.
i was having flashbacks of africa….all the walking around….sweating everywhere….in flip flops.

it could be that our AC is almost dead in our (stupid dumb) truck so it had to be BLASTING.
i don't like to listen to that for very long.

it could be that we had to stop at 2 redboxes because our dvd was scratched at the1st one.
and when we are not driving fast (or waiting at a red box) the AC doesn't work at all.

it could be the illusion of slow driving because of highway construction on our "faster" route.

but whatever it was….waffle and i were bored.
so i took pictures of him.
because he was two inches from my face panting his dog breath all over me.

i think he likes attention.
serious waffle.

"don't make me sing"

blue steel waffle.

happy waffle.

trying-not-to-make-eye-contact waffle.  

this one is my favorite.
i took all of these pictures by holding out my arm in front of me and waffle.

i gave him a flea bath tonight.
he was very unhappy with me.

Erwin Calverley - Looks like both you guys had a lot of fun in the car, huh? Waffle is a very cute dog. He’s like my beagle Lou. He loves to keep me company in my long road trips.

Nicole - My dog Fifi is also kind of dramatic when I take photos of her. And I kind of love her for that! <3 Going on a road trip with your family and your pets is such a great thing. Just always pay attention to your dog so he won't get stressed out while you're on the road.

Oliver Ganns - Obviously, you love your dog so much! Look at his pictures; they are all SUPER CLOSE-UP! =D It’s nice when you have a car. You can go wherever you want and have some quality bonding time with your family, and with your pets!

Maesie - I think that the second one from the top, he is making an Annie face.

Nike Air Max 2009 - I have to share your sentiments about sewing. I really want to
be able to sew, but so far the only things that come out good
are things that are square, ie: pillows, or quilts or linings
for purses. I tried a top…yeah not so much.

Melanie - My dog need a bath too:) Cute photos.

Deb - I love Waffle and it made me want to touch him thur the montior! 🙂

Meredith - Poor Waffle. He can’t help it if he’s ridiculously good looking.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Ok – you made me spit at my monitor – “don’t make me sing” – Hi.larious.

julia - when you’re stopped in your car put your left foot on the brake (or put the car in neutral) and give it some gas. it helps.

MommaH - Hilarious. I love your dog, and I’ve never met him in real. I would love to have a Waffle of my own. But the cat would no doubt protest. She doesn’t even like other people here!

Lia - He is one of my fav dog. When i convince my fiance we have to get a dog as soon as we are married I am going to get one that looks like Waffle.

Rebecca - This one really cracked me up. I loved how you put the captions in there for each picture, especially the eye contact one. Our dog used to do that too. So funny! Thanks for the laughs.

Staci - I just love that dog 🙂 And your sweet family too of course 🙂 - ohhhhhhh … I love Waffle!!!!! so freaking cute!

Linda Johnson - Bless his precious heart, so glad you took him on the family outing, your family is all he has you know.
#1 Waffle fan

Gemma - Hi Niki,
Thanks for the reply! Wow that sounds great..I wish they had that here in the UK.
Thanks again : )
Gemma x

heather - Blue Steel Waffle! Too funny!!!!!! Love it!

amy jupin - i swear i smell dog breath. yuck.
i can’t believe you posted about making rock pets/monsters. we are doing that this weekend!

Ruth - blue steel waffle!! brilliant. sorry about the dog breath, that’s pretty gross.

Liz Woodard - Okay, Waffle is a cutie, but 2 hours of his panting in your face??? yeck. that is why we have a portable dog kennel for the back of the minivan. Our dog (JT, black lab mix) loves to go for rides and hops right into the kennel when we open the back. Just thinking about how you endured his invasion of your space both there AND back gives me the heebie-jeebies! lol

Amanda - A Waffle post is just what I needed today 🙂 He is so cute!!! I think the only time I comment is when you post about Waffle. I read all the time and love your blog. Thank you 🙂

jaz - I love the nose shot!
Gee he looks like a happy and contented dog! Loves his family doesn’t he 🙂

Katie - I love Waffle. Your pictures of him make me smile. : )

Kelley - now I have tears from laughing over the Don’t Make Me Sing comment. that video clip was awesome and I love the reference being tied to a Waffle pic!

Christine Ishmael - It’s funny, cause after you read the “coming home” post…you scroll down just a bit and see your happy “going to grandma’s” post…what a difference a few days makes! Keep cool!

Kari - It could be your fan clutch on your AC. I had the exact thing happen and they replaced the fan clutch and now the AC works great!

Lynette - Blue steel…..hehehe! Great pictures!

Kit - I think I just smelled his dog breath…

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I actually laughed out loud. The one that is so close that it’s blurry cracked me up. You bored to tears taking pics of your panting dog…tongue inches from your face….just too funny. Thanks for that…I needed to laugh:) Oh and the don’t make me sing! HA:) I want Waffle. He is just so stinkin’ cute.

betsy - “But they’re making me sing, so I have to!” 🙂 Thanks for the laugh this morning!
LOVING Waffle’s end-of-summer cut … I had to trim Minnie up a bit because it’s SO hot & was taking forever for her to cool back down when we came inside.
Minnie sits on my lap when I drive. Try that for doggie breath in the car! 😉

Courtney - Ok, I’ve been a silent follower for a while now. Why did I choose to make my 1st comment on a Waffle post? Because he’s damn cute & you made me laugh hysterically with the comments.
Keep doin’ what you’re doin’. Good stuff!

Tonya @ More Than Enough - OMG…the “don’t make me sing” comment totally made me snort! I think you need to now try for a “don’t make me dance” waffle shot! 😉

Morgan - You said Worlds of fun so you must go to Kansas City every once in awhile….if you do, have you heard of Good Ju JU? If you havn’t, you NEED to go. It is on the first weekend (fri, sat & sun) of every month. Check it out online. I live in Boston, but my sister lives in Kansas City, and I went this past weekend… and drooled the whole time! And, I thought of you and many other bloggers that I think would have a ball in there! So much fun, and would be so worth the trip to KC (even with the boring drive)! Good Ju Ju. Check it out!

linda - i am just so glad that we were lucky not to have the odor that you endured with the cutiepie in your face. my dog’s breath makes me GAG it is so foul!! i literally burst out laughing with your “don’t make me sing” comment. too funny!!! i so look forward to your posts!! thank you!!!

Karen Lehmann - oh the flea bath! I think one Boxer “Han Solo” who might live here, needs said “flea bath”! He’s spending night itching – And keeping me awake!

Laura Phelps - I love Waffle more than I love my husband.

Wendy - “Don’t make me sing”…. bahhhaahaa!! Too funny! Love Waffle! 🙂

joycee - The pack, it’s all about being with the pack! No need to know where you are going, you’re just included! Humans could learn from these simple pleasures that dogs have!

Cate O'Malley - haha, too funny, and too cute!

Jaime @ Mamarazzi - again?! is it weird to have a dog-crush on that cutie-pie?!
if you ever get tired of him…
send him to arizona… i’ll gladly take him.
very cute pics.

Kelly - I love the Waffle shots! I hope he was at your parents when you were at the amusement park. You may not think so now, but it was a great idea to take him with you! My mom won’t let me bring my dog when I visit. Can you believe that?

Kimberlee J. - Talia is going to LUV these pics of Waffle—a little less intimidating than the big guy himself. 🙂

Holly - ok the ac in our truck only works on high or low up front and I cant stand it when it is on high so I turn it up in the back and keeo it on low in the front. It usually cools off pretty quickly. Glad I am not the only one that gets annoyed by loud ac!

Niki - Gemma, redbox is a nifty invention! They are little movie kiosks that are all over the US (mainly in Walmarts, outside McDonalds, Wallgreens or gas stations). You rent movies using your credit card and you are charged $1.00 a day per movie (up to 25 days, after 25 days it is yours if you haven’t returned it). You can return it to any redbox location anywhere (so it is great while you are traveling).
Meg, you are a braver woman than I! I hate being hot. There is no way I would do amusement park asphalt when it is over 100 degrees! What a woman you are!

Gemma - BTW what is a redbox?

Gemma - So cute! My dog does the “trying not to make eye-contact” face too…weird.
Gemma x

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checkin’ off the summer list.

on our way to my parents, we stopped at the waterfall we love….it was on the summer list.
waffle was with us.
and this is how close he was to me the entire two hour drive.
dog breath….. gr-oss.

kansas is so beautiful.
i know i tell you that all the time….but i think it all the time.
i say it over and over.
my kids just look out the window and say “huh?”

the kids were way ahead…so excited….it had been 2 years since we’d been here.

that dog was L-O-V-I-N-G this place.
(oh and did you notice his freshly shaven (bald) body?  he’s so much happier without his abominable snowman suit)

as i took this picture she had just said to craig “I LOVE this place!”

waffle wanted to be up with the kids really bad.
he couldn’t quite make it…..too slippery.

all the duerksen kids in one shot.

after all the play and all the kids in wet stinky pond water clothes….we headed to the car.
it was a smelly ride the rest of the way.
next time we will remember to put the kids in swim suits.

i was showing my parents these pictures and my dad said
“that’s like the picture of you and me with the crawdad”
and he went and found this photo.
    (i’ll give it back dad…next week)

Scan 102210001
not sure.
i am trying to tell by my hairstyle
 and what my school picture hairstyle was that year?

AND i went through the archives and found the last time we were here. 


crystal b - Oh I envy where you live — funny that I would say that being a So. Cal girl, huh. This place looks so magical. I loved the picture with you and your dad — you look so much like your daughters!!!

Dionna - Does look like a great spot! 🙂

Courtney Walsh - So my husband was reading my blog the other day and he clicked on my sidebar “Blogs I love to read” and landed at yours. When he read this post, he IM’d me and told me how cool it was that you posted this with the photo of you and your dad at the end. I haven’t been online much with our move, but now that I’ve read it I see why he felt the need to comment on it! What a cool thing to have.
Oh, and being from IL originally, I understand what you’re saying about beautiful Kansas. I LOVE the cornfields. The green. The flat. I’ve always found soo much beauty there! 🙂

Stacy Christy - Meg, thanks for the wonderful pics. Where in KS is the waterfall? I’m in Wichita and would love to visit this with my boys. Thanks!

Darcie L. - Wow! We were just in Kansas last weekend. Never been before, and we saw the same drive you did. Relaxing, and 2 hours of corn and crops on either side. So quiet! Of course, we didn’t have kids in our car at the time. 🙂

Rach - You do realize how much Talby looks like you right? 😉

Tara Schaubert - p.s. i’m just figuring out this typepad stuff, but i’m the taralee up there, too. =]

Candy - Meg, just curious as to where that might be, we live in Topeka, but are always looking for cool things to do in Kansas. My kids would love that waterfall!

Bron @ Baby Space - ‘Gorgeous’ that’s meant to say!

Bron @ Baby Space - I have just discovered you and ‘whatever’ and I am DELIGHTED! This is a delightful blog. Not just in the sense that you take goregous pictures but your blog is almost like a pictorial on ‘how to be a family’. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, I like it!

Toni :O) - You have such a beautiful family and your blog is absolutely one of my favorites to check in on.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, how fun! You are so cute with your daddy!

Lorilee - Wow, I wish that was near my house!

Jess Mead - Looks like so much fun!!

Nicole Q. - Made me think of all our favorite spots in Utah!

julia - You have great adventures.
It’s too bad none of your kids look like you. hahaha.

never making it as mother of the year.... - you are such a good mother. I don’t haVe a list….but if i did…going to a waterfall would be on it.
errr…actually…hawaii should count as a waterfall.
hawaii should count as the whole freakin list if you ask me.

Tara Balu - i just noticed you have a lot of fans named tara… =]

se7en - That is so cool to have a photo of way back when!!! Love it!!!

Taylor-Ann - Kansas is very pretty. I come from southern California with no green rolling hills. 🙂 I love driving in the midwest because teh sates are all so beautiful. If we could transplant the lush green grass and the CA beaches I would be in heaven.

taralee - hey! i saw this and thought of you. thanks for your color inspiration!
how in the world did you find the waterfall? i might have missed that explanation…
tara lee

Holly - how fun! I am a little jealous that your kids are still enjoying summer break!

Juli - This brings back such memories! I grew up outside Wichita, Kansas, and we always used to play in the local creek and catch “crawdaddies.” Unsupervised. *Sigh.* Those were simpler times.

jaz - What a great memory you found there!! haha most of our pictures from childhood are butt shots – peoples bottoms as they’re bent over to give thankyou kisses at christmas time or birthdays haha classic Bailey photography there! That picture of you and your dad is absolutely beautiful and priceless!
PS Your husband has an evil twin in Australia, I swear it! They could be brothers!! Every time I see a pic of him I think how much he looks like my friend kevin! (who isn’t really evil, quite the opposite – he’s a bishop as church at the moment, so yeah, he’s pretty much the polar opposite of evil haha)
Anyways, Look at me dribbling on and on!

Tonya - We had a creek running through our backyard when I was growing up. Crawdad hunting with neighbor kids and sibs is a cherished childhood memory! I love Kansas too — think it and say it all the time. So far, my kids think it’s pretty great. But they’re still young and not yet “bored”.

tara pollard pakosta - I LOVE that pic of you and your dad!
sooooooooooo sweet!!!!! I think that your baby girl
looks like you as a child!
Your children are all BEautifuL!

Alisha Mancinas - Did Lauren look a lot like the younger girls when she was little?

Sheryl - It’s amazing how much your kids have changed! A beautiful place….

AshleyAnn - Your dad looks really fun…and pretty thoughtful to have remembered that picture with his daughter….

Kristi - Awww.. great pics! I can tell from them that Kansas IS pretty!

Natalie (The Sweets Life) - You have SUCH a beautiful family–and I know it’s not just your photo magic that makes it look that way! Count your blessings, I know you do 🙂

Shelly - I am assuming this is the Chase Co. Lake. How fun! I live in Chase County and never think to go there. I think we will make a trip out there this weekend.

Hettie - I just love your blog 🙂

kristine - could your kids have more beautiful eyes?! big brown beautiful!
waffle looks like a totally different dog!
love your childhood pic. that’s awesome!

Lisa H - I would LOVE to go to the waterfall. Most of my family still live in and around Wichita and Newton (homestead) and we go back every couple of years for family reunions. Didn’t even know waterfalls existed in flat Kansas 😉 But seriously, from the geology it looks like eastern/northeastern Kansas? – Lisa

Jaime @ Mamarazzi - What a beautiful place…
Kansas is so pretty!
Love the picture of you and your dad!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh those are great. I love seeing Kansas through your eyes. I’ve driven through it many many times on our way from Illinois (where we grew up) to Colorado (to visit Honey’s sis). I’ve never once thought it beautiful. It was always just in the way. But when you post on it, it IS beautiful. So thank you for changing my view. I can’t believe how much your little girls look like you when you were their age. It’s just uncanny!

Niki - LOVE the group photo of all the kids! You even managed to get them all looking happy! What a fun experience!!
I’m totally in love with Kansas, too! There is room to breathe here! I find myself feeling claustrophobic if I’m somewhere that I can’t see for miles!

pam - Ahhh, Kansas. I forget I don’t live there anymore. I LOVE driving through the Flint Hills to get to my parents home. That’s a great waterfall. Every one of our road trips involves heart rocks for me and looking for waterfalls if we’re in a new state. Fun times….

Beth Ann - You are right, Kansas is beautiful. Where exactly is that waterfall? I would love to go check it out.

Lorel - I guess dad and I think alike – I immediately thought of that picture too! I love Kansas – thanks for sharing the beauty so people don’t think it is a flat, treeless, fly-over place. Wish we could have seen you this weekend.

laura - that picture of you and your dad is awesome!

Willy - Love the picture of all your kids!

jack - Oh I love the photo of you and your dad!
You still look really like your ten year old self!

chasity - what a good time….
that’s what you do with no tv.
and i bet they weren’t even fussing with each other at the waterfall.
that’s a magical place.
and holy moly~ your girls look just like you when you were little.

tara - i rocked the same hairstyle.
i was about 10 years old and watched CHiPS…
so I think 1983 is right on.
great post:)

Lisa - Wow Kansas is so beautiful. As are your children, Waffle and the waterfall. What a fantastic day.

Sophie - Looks like such a pretty place!
I love the picture of the five of them together… You’ve got some cute kids!
You look SO pleased in the first photo, Waffle being so close (loving his hair cut by the way)
And I’m pretty sure I’d like to move to Kansas this second please (:

Tasha Griffin - One of my very favorite pictures ever of my dad is of him holding a crawdad by a waterfall, making a goofy face while my sister and I stood nearby! Just switch the people, and it could seriously be the same picture!
That waterfall looks like a great place to visit…it looks like you guys had lots of fun!
: ) Tasha

emily - So fun. It looks gorgeous and summery and fresh {unlike the day we had here in seattle}. Your oldest daughter is so beautiful – will you tell her that for me? Maybe she’s having one of those days and needs to know that some 31 year old thinks she’s pretty. Random, I know, but thanks.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
I can remember that post a few years back. It still looks just as fun. Haha I can feel for Waffle not being able to reach where the kids were!
Btw you looked adorable when you were young!
Gemma x

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my yard smells like menthol.


so….to be honest….it wasn't as fun as last year.

they weren't as surprised about it.
they wanted to fight right away…
last year they didn't throw it until after they had played in it.

and i was a little bit in my crazy mom mode screaming "don't get it in your eyes!!!" 
"don't throw it in faces!!!"
"BE NICE!!!"

they won't remember any of that….i think.
they will remember just being covered in shaving cream and running all over the yard together.

i hope. 

Juicy Couture On Sale - Now that Tommy has extracted as much money as he can from Hollywood liberals and Wall Street, he’ll try to ‘run to the right’ – but he shouldn’t delude himself into thinking that his track record won’t follow him.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - You’re fun 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - So much fun!!

Katie4Life - Your brave!

Beth - OOps, part of my comment is missing. It’s supposed to say INSERT EVIL LAUGHTER HERE, before it says No, not really evil.!!!

Beth - We did the funnest thing in my water media class with shaving cream — put a blob of it on some aluminum foil, drip liquid water colors on it and then swirl them around with a toothpick or skewer. Then lay paper on top of it and press down, wipe off the shaving cream and it is cool marbleized colors. Very cool results! Looks like your kids had a great time!! (By the way, I want to visit with you about an idea I had , no not really evil — just self serving 🙂 Can we talk sometime???

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I wouldn’t a call it crazy mode at all. The whole time I was looking at the pictures I was making sure I didn’t see any near their eyes.

Molly - This is AWESOME!! We do this in the bath tub, all year long, but outside? All OVER?? I’d never dreamed…
BTW, I wonder about that too, all the time … which part they’ll remember. Not ours to choose, so tough that!

Meg - really? could you be any cooler of a mom? I made your meatballs this weekend…they didn’t even look like yours. LOL. I tried.
You inspire me to be a better momma!

Melanie - Of course they will only remember the good stuff that we did and not the bad:)

Jeannette - We did this just last week and the kids LOVED it!!!! I was that mommy too yelling not to get it in their eyes and to be nice, as soon as they were done they wanted to do it all over again :o)

Jennifer - that absolutely rocks! great memories…

michele fry - Love your blog, been following for awhile!! We just did this last week, only we added the slip-n-slide and I let them paint with finger paint too. My two girls and 3 nephews thought I had lost my mind….so fun and so worth it!!!

Laura - We just did this with the cousins last week – thanks to you. 🙂 The BEST $3 spent this summer! It could have lasted all day long if it wasn’t for this miserable Kansas HEAT! You’re such a great Mom! <3

Tara - i so need to copy this and be the coolest mom on the street.
i can be such a dud when it comes to messes.
i’m doing it. this week. yay. i talked myself into while posting a comment.
another great idea from Meg….

Selina - They had fun! That’s the main thing. 😉

Pam - thanks to you..this is also on our summer list. we haven’t crossed it off yet…maybe tomorrow. scared. 🙂

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - good times;)

kristine - they’re so kind to leave waffle out of it!
still looks like they had fun!

Sophie - I’d really quite like to try this. So what if I’m 17 and there are no younger kids in my house… It looks fun!

Kristi - They sure look like they had fun! My daughter went to a pool party at the start of summer and they all brought a can and had a big fight at the end. And it smelled there too!

Marisa - Awesome. My kids would love this. But yes…whipped cream or shaving cream? Hmm. The cheaper can wins!

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - so fun. reminds me of when kate gosselin let her kids paint themselves in chocolate pudding. what great memories for your kids. <3.

shelly@familyblt - Love the pics! Looks like sooooo much fun! Sososo!

j - At Halloween a street near us does a shaving cream war – it gets over everything -cars, houses, people – just teenagers participate. Thankfully, my kids haven’t shown an interest yet.

Krista - I know this is an “oldie but a goodie” at your house! I like the suggestion in one of the earlier posts about wearing goggles, sounds like a good idea!

Jenny - Thanks for the reminder! I saw this before on your blog & thought I needed to do it with my kids. Now I can get it in before school starts! =) Have a fun last week of summer! (assuming they go back next week….)

Jaime @ Mamarazzi - lol…
Meg… It took a while for your blog to load for me today, and the whole time I was like “menthol?”…
I imagined a gang of kids hanging around your trampoline smoking cigarettes…
by the time that image left my mind, the page loaded..
Nifty idea… Looks like they had a blast.
Mine are in school today… Prolly not having near as much fun!

Talysa - Two words. Cool. Whip. Oh wait, that would be MY idea of a fun (yummy) day. 🙂

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - I’ve done this at camp before. 🙂 Lots of fun, and I’m sure they’ll remember things aside from crazy mom-mode. 🙂

Shar - I can’t believe the timing of this. I am going next week to help take care of my grandsons while my daughter has surgery and I am planning to do this with them. I was thinking about using swim goggles to keep the soap out of their eyes because I know there will be tears if the little one gets shave cream in his eyes. I am also thinking about doing the “slip and slide” from your vaca. Thanks!

Sally Mangham - At the beginning of the summer we tried the shaving cream and they loved it except my son had it in his eyes which brought the fun to an abrupt end. However, we decided to have a whip cream fight/fun instead and that went much better. It went in their mouths instead of their eyes 🙂

Holly - Love it! We let the kids at Kristens party “decorate” her like a cake with shaving cream and silly string. It turned into more of a shaving cream fight which I am sure the parents loved!

Jessica Kujawa - hi meg! i’ve been a follower for quite a while! looks like you guys are having a fun summer. i am adding this to my “fun list” for summer. the kids will love it! and i’m sure i will spend the entire time screaming the same things!

tara pollard pakosta - how FUN!!!!

Georgia - I was just thinking ‘oooh i wouldnt want to get that in my eyes…’ lol

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