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Pam’s Cheesecake

i have this friend Pam.
she took me to africa with her….we text everyday…she makes so much good food it’s unreal.
she made this cheesecake for a party at my house.
i can’t even describe it.

words can’t describe how i feel about this cheesecake.
created it.
she worked with ingredients from scratch…for years…and CREATED it.
i mean seriously…who does that?

PAM does.
and she agreed to let me blog it.
with pictures.
you are such lucky readers!

here goes…

you need these goodies.
4 packages of cream cheese.
i told you it was good.
put fudge stripe cookies in a big ziploc bag.
and smash them up.

add melted butter and sugar to the cookies in the bag.

and smoosh it all into a spring form pan.

microwave the cream cheese 1 – 2 minutes.
then blend it in your mixer.

with all the other ingredients too.

is that not the prettiest thing you have ever seen?!

you bake it for 45 – 50 minutes at 350.
take it out of your oven (try not to cry about the perfection you about to enjoy…)
leave it in the pan.
let it cool.
then put it in the refrigerator or freezer….you could even leave it overnight.

but that is crazy talk…who would wait a whole day to eat this?!

then pam taught me how to make homemade whipped cream.

it is so easy.

you put whipping cream in a mixing bowl…and mix it.
that is it.
why didn’t i know that?!


pam, the way you cook and bake is an art form.
you are awesome.
i love this cheesecake.

Please leave pam some love on her blog today.
she deserves it.

love you pam!



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the last week

this has been my last week with just annie and i home together…no siblings.
today is our last day.
and we are very busy with unrelated things.
oh well.

we went to the zoo yesterday….that counts towards good memories.

on monday we did some painting.
on a box in the driveway…because she wanted to.
she had plans to fill it with "gifts" and mail it to eliza.
i figured she would forget…..and she has.
but we did paint the whole box.

it was quiet and calm.

i could feel my heart swelling up in me…things are going to change.
she talked non stop while she painted.
i painted very slowly so she could do the majority of her project.
i tried to take in every second of it.
i was burning it into my soul…don't forget this moment…don't rush…don't leave…just sit and BE.


i ate cereal with milk…she ate cereal without.
i wore my slippers.

why do sweet baby toes have to grow up and go to kindergarten?
not fair.
today the school year ends.
as of monday our summer begins.
meals all day, kids all day, fighting all day, hanging out, making messes, inside/outside/inside/outside

but i think it's going to be a good summer.
i was dreading it last year.
for some reason….i am not this year.

i will let you know if i feel the same on monday night.

now…i need to start on my rainbow cake.   

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feel good moment.

piano recital last night was adorable!

annie was all ready and set to do it but when her teacher called her name
she fell to the floor flat on her stomach in fear. (this is normal annie shy-ness)

i scooped her up and we whispered together and decided instead of first (which she'd chosen)

that she'd go last.

so it came to be her turn and she smiled but then buried her head in my lap.

i took her to the piano and she went limp…trying to slide off the bench.

she started to cry but didn't try to leave.
then she began to sob and shake but was trying to be quiet about it.
i was blocking her view of the parents there (there were only about 10)

i whispered "you can do it honey."

she looked up at me with huge scared eyes full of tears and shakily said "can you just play it?"

i whispered "i don't know your song sweet heart."

she sloooowly put her shaky hands on the piano and played her 13 note version on old mcdonald.

as soon as she hit the last note i shouted "WOO HOO!" and put my arms in the air.

the room exploded in applause.

it was so great.

the other three kids did fabulous also.
talby was visibly nervous but never said so…..which is new.
she told me later that night,
"i was REALLY nervous but i decided i am going to be mature now and not make a big deal."

miss jill is awesome.
i love how she interacts with my kids and that she comes to my house.
it is no fun dragging five kids all over town for lessons….or sitting and waiting on kids at lessons.
thank you jill! 

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my boy getting tickled for trying to be too cool in his picture.  :)
he is major ticklish.

he had a birthday weekend.
party on saturday….some gifts on sunday…then his actual birthday on monday.
he got basketball everything.
he loves to play.

he invited a bunch of boys to go bowling. 

here is something new to birthday parties in 2010.
cell phones.
we had never seen them at a birthday party for any of kids.
the times are a changin'…

scott still doesn't have one.
i just don't see why they need them?
but i am clearly in the minority….

then he was ambushed with silly string when we got home.
boys boys boys….crazy all the time.

happy birthday scott.

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giveaway #2

before i show you the treat for today…
the winner of the CrAZy LoVe book was number 473.

Mint chocolate chip cheese cake! Sinful! Must have coffee and be enjoyed slowly!

congratulations Audrey.
send me an email with your address and i will get this to you soon!

i won KIM'S jockey shopping spree!
$100 of free underwear.
that is very exciting.  
thank you kim.  
i love today's creative blog.  
it's true.

today's givewawy.
a blog reader sent me a link to her etsy…i'm sorry that i can't recall who sent it though.
and i knew immediately i had to have one.
because…come on! 
this was made for me.

a rainbow cake necklace!!

it is the cutest little cake!


look at all of her creations!
i think they are so cute.
a s'mores ring?
a sub sandwich necklace?!
i really love the lucky charm bracelet!

she has a cute little etsy shop.
and a blog too.
and she was kind enough to send me a second rainbow cake necklace to give to one of you.
how cool is she?!

talby thought it was THE COOLEST necklace in the world.
so if you don't think you'd wear it you can give it to your favorite little girl in your life.

do you remember a favorite birthday cake?
mine was when i was 8 or 9.
it was the shape of a roller skate and it had cake donuts as the wheels.
it rocked.
thank you mom for getting that cake.
it has always been my favorite!

leave a comment today telling me….
your most memorable birthday cake you ever had. 

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groundnut stew

we were invited to lunch at auntie sally's.
sally is from sierra leone and works for Word Made Flesh.
she was an inspirational woman to me…loved hearing her story.

she prepared a traditional meal of groundnut stew over rice.
it was made with chicken and barracuda.
i had never even thought about eating barracuda…we just don't have many in kansas.
oh and also i don't really like seafood.
but it was good….tasted like chicken.  :)

she was a super helper…washing and carrying and cleaning.
i think this was sally's niece…or grand niece.
a sweetheart.

IMG_3389  IMG_3385

that is part of the path that the boys carried the sewing machine up…

teresa and kari ready to eat. 

IMG_3407  IMG_3404

we were taking pictures with our phones while the big camera was being passed around.

(**AND we were able to text the whole trip.
it was so good to be able to be in contact with craig all week.
he even threw in some Magruber quotes.
i love him.)
IMG_3417  IMG_3415

we asked sally if these children could have our food we had left that we couldn't finish.
she put all our leftovers into a  bigger bowl and they were eating it with their hands.
they were so happy!
it was…..hard to watch….humbling.  
have you noticed a theme of humility on this trip?
it was obviously a lesson i needed to learn.
thankful to God for teaching me.
but i know i have so much farther to go….


we were each given more than we could possibly eat. 
she cooked for a long time in the hot sun for a group of women she had just met.
she was so generous.
thank you sally.

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we stayed in freetown during our visit to sierra leone.
it was bigger than i thought it would be.
it was busy night and day. 
we arrived at night & we each asked things like "why are there so many people out in the dark?!"

and then in the morning….there were lots and lots more people….everywhere!
the noise was something that is a definite adjustment.
kansas is pretty quiet most of the time.  

the group of people in the middle are selling goods…on the ground.
i can see white sheets or linens behind the car and suitcases.
there is a baby stroller holding a cooler for water? i am guessing.

this photo above was taken out our hallway window at the YMCA.
the building is a rehab center.
and people also live in this metal covered structure.

these are homes in Kroo Bay which is at the bottom of a hill…the lowest point.
i would guess that the bags at the top that are stacked and stacked…are trash.
this is looking back into kroo bay.

this a street in freetown.
barbed wire is around everything.
if not barbed wire then there would be a wall with broken bottles cemented into the top of the wall 
to keep people out.

these are almost all taxis lined up.

i think they use their roofs to have some extra space…to dry things in the sun that get wet…
i also see buckets in this picture.
with no running water they fill the buckets at a pump and use it back in their home for everything.
we saw so many children getting water.
my own kids probably wouldn't even bring me a drink if i asked them i bet.
and these children would be carrying big buckets a long way back to their home.

these are shops in the street.
they are everywhere.
shops and tables of food and "stuff" EVERYWHERE.
these are homes.
and a shop in the front.
on the table to the right in a big tray with small plastic bags w=filled with sugar.
i didn't ask what was in the big bowls.

a clothing shop?
someone asked specifically about this.
it's just a man selling clothes on the street.

this looks like trash to me on her roof but i see a ladder
so maybe i just don't recognize the value of what she is saving on her roof.
we are a pretty disposable nation here in america.
rarely see the need to save something…we just throw it away.

this photo just makes you stop.
what an amazing skill she has.
so many of the people here have this ability.
but she is carrying so much!

a fruit stand with fruit i don't even know what they are!
they don't sell it at wal-mart.
the pink disposable bags are full of coal i think…for them to cook at home with.

the yellow building is probably a "nice" apartment.
that does not mean running water.
or flushing toilets.
and i will guess again that the big bags are…..rice?
total guess.
the backpack on the roof??  no clue.
it's a

this is the good part of the river.
the worse part i did not get a photo of.
but it was the most unbelievable site i have ever witnessed.
more trash than water…big pigs snorting around in it…children playing…using the bathroom…

it was the most shocking site of the entire trip.
this photo is true.
we stood in the same spot but i didn't take a picture.

this is our group walking (standing out like crazy).
look at the man in the middle…8 baskets of coal on his head.

the rocks on the roof?
to hold it down…i assume.
these are questions i wish i would have asked.
there were so many questions.
and the paint cans?  well…i saw people selling them…and then i saw children sitting on them as toilets.
but i cannot say that it for sure what they are meant to be used for.
humble homes built with what they have or find…
children…babies…sitting in the dirt…
strong people able to balance their livelihood on their heads… 
and their babies on their backs.
more trash than there is space for…
pigs, goats, chickens, dogs and cats wandering where they please…
music and noise 24 hours a day…
bright colorful fruit that was hard to resist as you walked by…
sweating more than i ever have but no one notices because everyone else is just as hot…
people everywhere…walking and in cars or motorcycles or selling on the street…

being asked "ow di bodi?"  (how is your body?) many times everday.
"mi bodi fine" is the proper response (unless you are sick) 

just some thoughts i had while uploading these.

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